The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 24, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Baking Pbwder
produces cake and biscuit that are
rare, sweet, light, delicious and in
the highest degree healthful.
The Cleveland nanie and trade-,
mark are a safeguard against im
purity and imposition in baking
Made from purest,
most healthful ingredients
ri even Aun nAifiwr BownPR m Alum .is use, a cheaP substitute for cream of
CLEVELAND BAKING POWDER CO., tartar in making manv baking powders. It is u
NEW YORK. corrosive acid, condemned by physicians as
dangerous to health when taken with the food.
It Was Held from the Residence of
Charles Graf Exhibition Given by
the Junior Classes of the Scranton
Athletic Club Two Weddings
Solemnised in St. John's Church
Yesterday Afternoon Farewell
Party Tendered to Joseph G.
The remains of the late Charles
Fettig who died near Mountain lake
early Monday morning was laid at
rest from the residence of his brother-in-law.
Councilman Charles Graf, yes
terday morning-.
The body was brought from the
mountain home, to Mr. Graf's resi
dence, for the convenience of those
who desired to attend the obsequies
but could not make the journey to
the lake and back. Services were held
at the house by Rev. E. J. Schmidt,
I'll. D of the Church of Peace, who
paid a. fitting and eloquent tribute to
the deceased as a father, husband and
Christian citizen.
Interment wan afterwards made in
the Plttston Avenue cemetery, the
pall bearers being chosen from Alli
ance Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 540,
as follows: Charles Schrlg, William
Iielke, Charles Klicn and Henry
Juniors in Physical Exercises.
A really meritorious performance In
physical culture was given in Athletic
hall, by the junior classes, of the
Scranton Athletic club, last evening.
Their was boxing, wrestling', dumbell
end wand exercises, besides clever ex
hibitions of pyramid weight-lifting,
and parallel exercises and the work
of the young performers was heartily
applauded by a crowded house. The
classes that took part are composed of
young people whose ages run from C
years to youths of eighteen. Their
progress has been carefully couched by
Instructor Victor ?oth, during the
past winter, and he may well feel
proud of last night's exhibition. A
dance followed the regular programme,
and nil arrangements were carried out
by the following committee: Adolph
'Heusner, August F. Schneider, Fred
Klatt, Charles Heir, and Jucob Kaiser.
Wedded at St. Johns.
Two pretty weddings were solemniz
ed at St. John's church, on Fig street,
yesterday afternoon, when 'two well
known couples weie joined for life
by the Rev. E. J. Melley. The first
couple to approach the altar was Miss
Catharine Mulherln, and James Chris
ty, and they were made man and wife
at 4 o'clock. The bride, who was at
tended by Miss Nellie Christy, a sister
of the groom, wiis tastefully attired In
w.hlto and made a charming uppear
nnce, A wedding reception took place
afterwards at the home of the groom's
parents on Stone avenue, and after a
wedding repast, Mr. nnd Mrs. Christy,
left on an extended wedding tour.
Following them came Miss Lulu
McDonald, and William McAndrew,
and after they knelt at the ultnr,
Father Melley spoke the solemn words
that made the young people man and
wife. Mis Ann Conaboy, who acted as
bridesmaid, was, like the bride attired
in white. Supper was served at the
home of the bride's brother, Frank
McDonald, on Cedur avenue, Later a
reception for Mr, and Mrs, McAndrew,
was held at the rooms of St. Leo's
society In Hyde Park.
Tendered a Farewell,
Joseph Cl, Elden a well known resi
dent of this part of the city, who was
for many ycare employed at the
Lackawanna store, from lyhlch he re
fllgurd recently, to accept a position
With the Lackawanna Iron & Steel
company In Buffalo, was tendered a
farewell party, Tuesday evening.
After a short reception, refreshments
were served, and Mr, Elden was 'pre
sented with a costly silk hat. Those
present wore; Mr, and Mrs, Larry
Ityan, Mr, and Mrs. Michael Cunning
ham, Mrs, P. McCain), the- Misses Mary
Itellly, Annie Lowry, Mary Kilcullen,
ainl TesBle Hcttler,- Oscur Wilde,
Charles Taylor, Wlliarn and John
Owens, Ike Seldman, Peter Bacon,
John O'Kourke, Thomas F. Bcemcr,
and Frank P. McCall.
Boland Acted Promptly.
Patrolman Domlnick Boland had an
exciting time on Fig street yesterday,
and only for his promptness and brav
ery, there might have been a panic,
with serious consequences.
The peculiar actions of a dog attract
ed the attention of several residents
on Flgstreet, near Stone avenue, and
the patrolman was notified. In the
meantime, the dog, apparently mad,
terrorized the whole neighborhood. The
officer brought his revolver into play,
and after an exciting chase, cornered
the brute and killed him.
A Satisfactory Job.
Fickus & Partridge are being con
gratulated on having completed Sec
tion B of the Seventeenth district sew
er, which comprises the territory
bounded by Slocum street to Klrst
court, and from Cedar avenue to Koch
place. The contract called for the
completion of the work in ninety days,
the cost being $5,975.
As a matter of fact the cntiro sewer
system was completed in sixty days,
and so well satisfied was the engineer
corps, sent to inspect the work, that
it was accepted two days after its com
pletion. The drain pipe could be seen
through from one end of the system to
the other, and it was found entirely
unnecessary to use a light.
The above contractors have contracts
for several other sewers and will begin
work just as soon as some minor legal
points are unravelled.
A boy named Zegafuctz, who resides
in the rear of 526 Prospect avenue, fell
heavily while playing yesterday, and
sustained a fracture of the left fore
arm. The broken limb was set by Dr.
D. A. Webb.
Peter Scholz, the drayman, is seil
ously ill at his home, 718 Plttston ave
nue, with a complication of bronchitis,
quinsy and cold. He will not be out
for some time.
A special meeting of the Hickory
Street German Presbyterian church
congregation is called for tonight nt 8
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No
cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers.
Sunday school class No, 2 of the Hick
ory Street Presbyterian church Is pre
paring to hold an entertainment in the
Parish house, May 16.
A baby girl has arrived at the home
of Barber William Budenbach, on Ce
dar avenue.
Another largely attended meeting and
rehearsal of the Scranton Saengerrunde
was held in Schlmpft's hall last even
lntr. Dr. M. IT. Qulnn has moved- his offlce
to 725 Plttston avenue. "
General Grant commnndery, Knights
of Malta, will meet In regular session
at Hnrtman's hall tomorrow night.
Two Local Men Held Under $1,000
Bail Each.
The local United States revenue offi
cials have succeeded within the past
few days In bringing to law two men
who have for some time past been vio
lating the existing laws providing regu
lations for the sale of oleomargarine,
William Loltncr and Harry Welsber
ger, the two men arrested, are both
from this city, and were discovered sell
ing oleo above Carbondulo without a
license. The discovery wus made b
Deputy Collector of Internal Itevenuc
William D, Evans, who followed their
up and, secured from them a promise
to tuko out u license at once,
Instead of going to Cnrhondale to
take out a license they canto to this
city and their whereabouts remained
unknown for n few days, Collector T.
F. Penman Interested himself In the
caso, however, and his subordinate suc
ceeded in locutlng the men. Warrants
wero sworn out for their arrest uud
Letner was taken Into custody, Ho
waived a hearing and entered ball be
fore United States Commissioner Tay
lor in tho sum of $1,000. Weisberger
left the city when he learned that there
was a warrant out for him, but later
returned and entered ball in the sum
of 11,000 also,
jy7ny '"Mi i
Wall Street Review.
New York, April 2'!. Todiy's transits ot Mock
again lcjchcd uu aggic'.ilu ot over one million
Eiwics, nut tlic .imnulion ot the fprculitlnn f
tit cldnlly rlvtcrimatod trim tlic nearly 2,0tin,O.W
share business ot Mnndiy. 'Ilicic mw khui va in the licaliui;. todjy, but tiic undertone oi
tho muket was del idcill.v heavy all day and th'
advances in some portions ol the list wic In-iiiU-cit'iit
to clear up tlic tone. The weather newt
Irom tho western Biain regions wi- the cchimI
topic of discii-hioii. Prices were successfully
turned upnaiil-i in the opening dealings the
grain caniii.-i tdiaun? fully in the advance. In
the case nf Alt liiun tlir opening rie was Vi, but
half an hour liter when tndlns in the
grain markets Willi prices (strongly advancm;
thoie. stocks kjvc way. The novernment weather
map was sultlcient evidence that yeslerJuv's hp
ful cutinntc-. of Mifrlclciit rain to undo any
damage already done wire not well tomiut'd. 'Hi
strong ri-o in the com trinket also ludned 10
depress htoiks, notwithstanding the unlikelihood
of any accuiate knowledge ut this time of the
ihances of the coin trop. Hut the rvidente a.
hand from day to day of the far leaching cflcil of
last j ear's com idimtiscr- is so impressive, thai,
tlic speculative mind will evidently lie very fcu
hitive to tlic pro-pet t of the coming t'rop of that
staple. There wh :i renewal of ucent active de
mand for the Coaleis, the Headings again takin.
the lead on the supposition that the settlement
of the wages dispute is imminent. When, how
ever, it w.ih penciled lint the f.trcitgtli in thi
sictiun nf the market had little elicit in char
acter, checking tho diibblmg liquidation of west
ern stoiks, the movement in tho tojlers ceased.
KffoiU weic nude on behalt ot tho lare specu
lative lcadf is lo convey the implosion that the
sharp reaction in prices has been connived at and
furthered lv manipulation witli the puipo-c of
shaking oft weak spiculativo Colloivciit in prepar
ation for a icnevveil and Mmngvr upward move
ment. The market in tact Miov.-cd the slioiua.
tcihnie.ll position lc.-ulllng fiem the liquidation
of the weaker class nf lightly margined .iicoimts
The pressure to sell wa much le?; uigcnt and
the fall in price not o violent lull the selling
was much Its- persistent and the downward ten
dency no less constant. The provision to be male
for the great ttcun-hip rnciger, the coming nock
cinvcision by tho I'liiled Mates Steel toipora
tiou; the provision for the purihave of the Louis
ville and Nashville and the subscription to the
l'enn-j Ivania bond Issue lor !s0,iXo,fMO indiialc
sonic of the Jicavy leipiiiements upon the pres
tnt narrowed icsouiccs of the money niaiket.
An incident of the day was the sharp rally in
Sugar of l4 on tlie epi e-sions of corfldonee
fiom Washington that an ngieemcnt would bo
leached on the Cuban reciprocity bill, Tlic ttock
clo-eil with n net gain of :i'i. Am I'gamaled Cop
per, Tennessee Coal, the Cotton Oil and Virgi.ila
Carolina Chemical stock'. International Silver
preferred and a number of minor lallroad stock)
on the ground of their Rtrong strategic position
The Wisconsin Cenlnil Hiocks, the Toledo, St.
I.ouis anil Western stinks and, the Detroit South
cm stocks weic In this class. The imrlscl flrs'tl
beav.v. Total sales today. 1,2(W,KI0 shares'. Con
solidate Tobacco 1's weic stroii:; nnd active.
Otlicivvise the b'md maikat wis Irrej.-iilir. Total
sales, par laluc, t?l,7W,(0i, United States bonds
The follovviii't auotatiens mo furnixhed The
Tribune by Ilaight & Trcesc Co., 314-315 Mean
ouilding. W. V. kuii on, manager.
Open. High. Low. Clnje
Ami. Copper ft! fill6, VH w.v.
Am. Car I'mindiy IH '.':', 2'U 2''Vi
Anieiicaii Ice 17', 1714 Jiiis 1(1
Amcr, Locomotive at .uij s,-,i stfy
Am. Locomotive. I'r .... !'.4 !STm OS IS
Am. Smell, k Itef. Co., UTii 1154 ll7i I Hi
American Sugar !-.Mi 127 liiti JJI
Atthlson Wtti S0TA 7IU 70
Atchison, IV MIJ Wi. !'s IS
Halt. & Ohio 1W4 W4 10S lOi'l
lliooklyu It. T t)7'.i (7!i to.":. I!7!i
Canadian Pacific. UN's l'J3 121 W,
ClM". & Ohli il'i I7TJ 471$ 47U
Chicago & Alton H7'J .1.s 377; 3i
riiic, & t;. w ;.v; aVt av; ,ni
Chic, Mil. 4r St. I HW4 Vi 11.71 !'
Chic. It. f. & V 172 172 171 171
Col. Piiel & Iron 10ai KXI".J 10.V& ioil?i
Col. ti Southern XVi Wi 30 MP,
Delaware & Hud 1711 17.1' 1 1741 17.1
l'.rlo t' 40'A SOU tov,
Uric, 1st l'r 7i'.h 70i 70 7u',fe
i:ile, L'tl l'r S'liJ M's .MliJ MV,
lloclilng Valley Kl Si W 8.1 imi ll'.J W'i'.i lliH
Louis. & Xa.h I2'II,J 127Vi lilt 12W
Manhattan I.'lii 139'.i 1 ' 1 '.f
Metropolitan St. Uy..,.li1 lis 15,'i lVt
Mexican Central :M1 '.'sT-l Sv1; "ST!
Mo. Kan. k Te
Mo. Kuii, k Tex.. Pi ... Wl 5ii SlU S.'ivs
MUsouri Pacific 101 Id! H'i- li,)
V. V. Cential 117'4 l'.7Ti lWi I"i7
Norfolk & Wcttein .WO iV! .'riH f.ssj
Out. & West 3lsi 35 Sill 31".
Pdlla Mail I."; I2', IJ'i liU
Penna. It. It V.1M 1111 1.11 151
People's Oas lull-l 10V, mm imv
Heading il'rta (C!i m"i 'H1
Heading, 1st l'r v.1', OTi Ml, SiW
Heading, ?tl Pr 7111 73'.', 7I1 72"
ltepuhlic Steel ISi 1; lt VM
Itppubllo Steel, Pr .... "I'i 71'i "111 "HI
St, Iuls fc Kin i'laii,,. vak Ol'i ds'.i WW
Southern Paelllo MVi W.i I'S'i 6SH
Sutitlicm It. H ,. tiVtt 37',i 3fi'l r.?j
southern H. It., Pr .... raal ft PIV'j ftt
Teiin. (toal & lion il'-j 735i 7h'(i 7.W
Texas ft 1'ieltlo ,,, i! iiV, I HI 41V
Union Paelllo .....101 10IU HWvi 1ft
l'lilnn lMilnc. Pr ST3; M S7-i; S7"
U. S, Leather ViU 121 W 12W
IT. S. Leather, Pr S.W1 SUi Kfn R"
U. H. Steel ,,. (2 I2si 4111 41T'
If. S. Steel, IV HJl'i H!; Oisi paw
Wabash ,.,.... llss 2.1li I'I 8S
Wabash, I'r , IBs II1,; 1154 lt'.f
Total ales, 1,212,000 shares.
WHK.Vi Open. High, Low. CI
May ,,..,, , , 7fi 7fl?i TlU HW
July , 70! i 73 7i!',i li'.i
May fi fil'l 0251 01-V.
July , Ui'4 ooii ei'.i MTi
May l'a 4IH fi II f
July ,,, ,. 30 3J!i So 37t
Tbio signature is on every box ot the genulu.
Laxative Bromo'Ouinine Tahiti
remedy that I'liveu a tola In vnu iXn.r
Mv t. ..,,,.,.,, ,, 10.W) 10.7,1 lo.SS lA.'o
July ..i.., .......... 10.07 1U.V0 10.70 10.1O
May , n."7' P.?l C77 P.M
JulV ,,..1 0.S2 P.M 0.?2 0.01
May , MO n.S) O.tO P.M
Jul)' ,,..,..... t.'20 0,3? D.UU D.37
Open. High. Low.
May ,,,, o.i o.:o
Jury ..,, i.i,-, 0.17 n,n
AtlgUit 8.01 S.P3 S.0.1 8.01
Scrnntou Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawamn Dairy Co.. IV.
County SiuIiirs (link 1rut Co..
Kirsl National Hank (Caibond.ilc)...
Third Nallmnl Dank ..i
Dime !)cp".lt and Discount Hank...
Kronomy Light, II. & P. Co
First Itmk
Latka. Tiut fi SaTe Deposit Co,...
Clark V Snover Co., IV
Scranton KivIiirs II ink .............
Traders' National Hunk V...
Snanton Holt & Nut Co
People's' Hank ;
PcTantnn Parking Co
Scranton I'asenaer Hallway, llrt
MiirtRlRp, due 1020 .'
People's Street Hallway, thst mort
gage, due 1018
Pcople'ii Street Hallway, General
mortaK', due 1H21
Scranton Traction 0 per rent
Kconotny Light, llcut k Power Co..
Norlh'.Iers-cy & Pocono lee Co......
Consolidated Water Supply Co
tlhl. AfUI.
il ,..
Sill) . . .
W ...
12.1 ...
121 ...
111 ...
111 '...
US "...
Scranton Wholesale'Market.
(Corrected by II. O. Dale, 2" I.atkavvaiitn Ave.)
Uiilter Kreili creamery, Klc.j fresh dairy, 300.
Cheese J:tal3!4c
llujfs Nearby, 18c. i weslcin, K'.sC
l'eus Per bushel, tl.r.l.-".
Marrow llcans Per bnhcl, 2.3.1v2.l0.
Oiren Peai Per biishcK ?l.73.
Potatoes-Pcr bushel, ?I.0O. S
Onions Per bushel, $1.30.
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, Apiil 2S. Flour Market was held
fie. higher and generally paid in n small way;
winter straights, ?3.7.1i3.!i0; Minnesota patent,
$.t.00a 1.20. Wheat Spot strong; No. '2 red, S'HAc.
elevator; Xo. a red, tm'.Ac. f. o. b. afloat; No. I
northern Duluth, Slic. f. o. b. afloat; options cv
ceedingly ftromr all tlav with a big speiuliillvc
trade. The clcc was aldrilic net bight r; May
clo-ed Klc.! July, S.iMc; Sepleniber. S2T4ci De
cember, Slftc. Corn Spot btrong; No. 2, 7l:8i'.
elevator and 72'ic f. o. b. afloat; options fair
ly active and strong, closing strong at I1li2c.
net advance: May closed 70'4c.; July, TOlje-i
Sepleniber, Gfl?Jc. Oats Spot tirnier; No. 3, l'ic.:
Xt. 2 white, 5lc; Xo. 3 white, Me: Hack inUci!
western, &0a.1lc; track white. C'Ja.Kic; options,
active and stronger on crop news and tlic jump
in other nmkcK nutter Steady; creamery, 2JV4
ni'ViC.; do. factory, 22a2.1c; rmovated, -22i2f)c.;
imitation cre.uneiy, 2la'2i)i'.i Btatc diiry, 2l27c.
CJjeesc Finn; state full cream, s-mall early make,
fancy cnloicd and white, lJa4r.; full cream,
large fall make, fancy colored and white, 12i
12'lc. Kggs-Ea'iei; 'late and Pcnnjlv.inlj, 17a
17','jc.; western, l'alTUe.i southern, lOalO'.ic.
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, April 2-t. Ttull cnthmiasm was pin
mount in all pcculilivc pit.1, on tlic board of
trade today. The inmicncc was a well uevni.iptu
weather scare and shoils wire the surTeicr.
Trade was c.cited in gen-ral and luff was hel 1
to tightly that when the bull movem.'iit Rot into
swing prices advanced witli big juinp. Wheat
made gahia nf from 2r'to 2?4c. ; loin. 2'ic. to
2r2?Je., and ots, IVs to lc. May vvbsit
clo cd 2 lie up; JIiv corn, 2',so. higlici; and May
oats. l'JJc. advanced. Provisimis closed 13.il7',c
to 30c. hicher. C'.i'h quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm; Xo. 2 spring n Ileal, 7.i'a77c; Xo.
8. 70a7.Wc: No. 2 ivd. 8ic; Xo. 2 oils, tlHi
471c; Xo. 2 white. 4ria !&.-.; No. 3 white, 41'i
ntOc: Xo. 2 rve, SS'AaoOc. : filr to choice malt
ing. CSaffie,: Xo. 1 tlav wed. iflfi1.: No. 1 noith
western. 1 70: prim? tlinotby ecd. $0.00: m.s
pork K. 70il6.fO: laid. ?' S2'j il S.1 ; short ribi.
$0.1540 25; diy raited shoulders, 7')Aa7c.j shoit
clear sides, $O.70a0.8O; whiskey, $1.30.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Kat Buffalo, Apiil 2.?. Cattle Ilecelpts. lislil
steady; uals, receipts. 500 head; tops, $G.21lBR0
fair to good, $3.50an: rv-mmon to light, $4.5Ui3 21
Uogs Receipts, 5 000 lipid; slow-, lOil.le. lower
heavy quotable, $7.1.1i7.2.1: luixctl, $7a7.15: pi-'s
$ll.23a6.50: roughs, fi:70art.SO: staijs, 4.7.1t125
Sheep and Lamb-' Receipts l,flt(Xnieail; stions."
wool lamb), slow", clipped lambs, steady and in
gootl demand; lops, $7 2Ja7,33: fair to good, Sr7.i
7.11; culls and common, $.1.73aH.25: jearlinrs
1fl..V)aG.7.1:' sheep, tons mied, $tia1.25: fair to
good, $.1.SOa3.7fl: cult ami common, $3..Vli 7,1 :
top dipped lambs', fli .Wan (53: fair to good, i!.21i
(i 10: culls "and common, l..".0n.1.10; MiKliirs.
S.83iH11; top mixed sheip clipped. sLnOali1
flar to good, sl.7.1a5.23; culls and bmks, ?.Jal.50.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chi. ago. Apiil 2i. Cattlc-Hcceipts, 15.000
active and stiung In 10c. higher; good to prime
sticrs, ?a.Pi.i7.50: poor to medium. l.7.1iH..1il
stockers nnd feeders. $2"5iri.:'U; cow, $I.Miil;
heifers, $2.."Oi0.21: cinneis, 'rl.SO.rJ 30: bulls, S2 21
aj.10; calvts, a.L.IO; Tea fed steers, .1.2ji
11.21. Hog-- Hci eipis to lav, 20.0'I0: tomouovv
22,000; left over, (i.OuO: st".idy to 3c. lower: wlu'ri
and butchers, sd.00a7.01; good lo choice he.ivv, s7
a7.17Vi; loiuh heavy. SVI.75M.05; llalit, lIOi
li.7.1; bulk of salej, Ni 75j7. Sheep Hecclpts, 10,
000; sluing tn 10c. hiirher; good to choice v.'ftli
crs, fj.50.iil 21 ; western sheep. f?4.75iil.'!.'i: nilivi
lainliN. clipped, ?l.73Kj.lij; westein lambs, dipped,
Oil Market.
Oil City, Pa., April 23.-C'red!t balinct-, I'd:
certificates, no bid; shipments, 101,312 IniirN;
avciagc, 10',.f!l barrel?; urns, 110,110 bands; av
etage, 78,503 b.nrcK
D,, Ii. & W. Board for Today.
Tho following la the make-up of he
D., L and W. board tor today:
wi:i)Ni:si)AV. APltlf, 2J.
i:.ti is i:at 8 p. in., O. W. rtUgorald; 10 p.
in., llobokcn, J. C.'inley; 11 p. m., M. It. Mc
Lauc. 'IIR'KSDAV, AI'ltlL 21. F.ast 1.30 a. in., llobokcn. A, Mullen; I
J. 111., latei; 5 a. m., Iloboken, Iiliulleb; 10 a.
in., If. T. Staplei; 11 a. m., Ilobokin, Oilvei: 1
p. in., M. FJimtitj ; 2 p. in,, Iloboken, .1, W.
C.iiney; 3.30 p. in,, .1., .1. Mi.iray with C, W.
Dunn'- crew; o p. m., Iloboken, W, A. in
tholoruvv; u p. in,, Ilobokin, .1, A, Ilu-h.
S'limiults, Lie 0 a. in,, .1. Canigg; 10 a, m.,
Nichols; 2 p. ii'., Ilcnnlgaii; 8 p. in,, M. tioMen.
l'li.-heit n. ni., William Kilhy; ii a, in., Mid
uer; 7 a. in., I'iuiicrty; 8 a. in., Ilousei;- ,,
:n., Minan; 1 p. m., W. II. llaitholciucvv; 2 p.
ui., Xaumaii; 3.30 p. in., J, II, .M.iiteis; ,1 p.
in,, I'. Itaitlioloincvv; 7.30 p. m., Muiphy; ti p.
in,, Slinjt-r; II p. in., Lauipins'.
llelpern 1.30 a. m Mctlovein; 7 a. pi., Cilf
ney; 10 a, in., Secors 3.30 p. in,, Stanton,
L'Ktias West 8 ii, in., A. I). Kelt hum; 11 n,
in., O, Randolph; 1 p. lit. , M. Caimody; 11 p. m
T. Doudlcan.
6 Daysl
Oil Go.
Aetlvoworl; on proven oil land
In Ohio liai liruuiilit a lirgo In.
crPBiiu in all Droiluelloil within tlm
patt towwoek. Stock ruynupcr
cent, monthly on the InveJtineut.
It'.a nrnnnfittliviv wnrth Viiurinro.
ful cuuildcrattoii, ITe.cut pricu
I., i:. Pike k Co.. UK) lli'i.l V.
Tiu,t bld'g., Philadelphia. Optn
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping Center
1 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave.
Whether you are satisfied or not witli your present Corset you will find a visit to our corset sictlon
profitable during the
Demonstration and Free Fittings
Of, Her Majesty's Corset
And other products of the Princess of Wales Company. These corsets have earned a reputation that
is international. They have successfully outlived dozens of weakly imitators, and they have grown
better and better as the years have passed. The old styles continue in popular lavor while the new
stvles, which have been added, have proven an Innovation to thousands who desired HER MAJES
TY'S splendid wearing qualities without so much rigidity. The new GORED CORSET, the pew
GIRDLE and the cheaper Princess of Wales' Corset, have solved many problems und put within thf
reach of many the best made Corsets in the world.
We Are Delighted to Announce The Engagement of 1
Madame Menska, an Expert Corsetiere, for All of the Week,
Beginning Hond-tv. April 28th Hake Free to Consult Har.
Don't fail to ask for the latest
LTaorid p;
No. 841
Both of these goods are designed bv an expert, and are perfect
satisfaction than any other corset of the kind offered for sale.
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $550000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open, Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to S.30.
ix ots Minis
An inveBtment opportunity of ex
traordinary merit. It is the test
known mining property in the state
of Washington.
A Developed Workina: nine
Not a Prospective Proposition.
A limited amount of stock is now
being offered to raise money for im
provement in equipment and genei
al development of the property.
Awarded Bronze Hedal
At the Pan-American Exposition at
Buffalo last season.
Stock now selling at $ .DO a share.
The price will soon be advanced. Gat
in now-on the ground floor.
Write for full particulars,
1202 Crozler Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
Transcontinental Alaps
mailed "upon request to Institu
tions, Executors, Investors und
Spencer Trask & Co.,
27 & 21 Tine Street, New York
Is your luciimosuflli'Uiitv If mil, nnilyuu
two tin.Nlousto inrrviiKp It, ttritu mt, Mtalliii:
what union 't yon '' liiyt-st, h o ly $10, mill
1 w II willu yrm 11 linrrrwll"' V' l'r
y url Imviilohoiiotlilnacseufliitl ilvlmo't.
II1011IH, IUnowl run HiitifiiK.iyiMiriiiiiomiiljy
polntlni; out sot, ImeUmcnU, iiltlierto no-
ANDRI'.WI. IJUSII, Investment Uraker.
HanU References tprini(f,clJ, Mass
.MwnlieiH or Houston (Texas) Oil hloclc K.v
cliiuiRt) kolli-lt orders,
New Jersey Centrnl
In Etiect iN'ov. J", Wl.
Stations In .New Yor!:, (ogt ol Wbeity tret
mid soutli fury, N. It.
TMl!! Iciu scranton for !scw ek, 'hllail.
nlila, i:utru, Ikllilcluin, AUciiIuaii, Maiuli
Cliunl., Wlillu IUmii. AftliU'y antl WllUca-Ilaiie it
",LUj. in., 1 . in- anil t P. hi. snniuj, S.Ji) t. m.
QiuUcr City Knficrt leatu biuntoii at 7.UQ
a. in., thiouKit fcolM Vi'4lllml" lulu itli I'ullnun
Hulfct I'Jilor Cait, for riillailcli'liij. witli only
one cluiigo ot wi for lUlllnnHtf. Uualilnglou,
V. 0 anl all i tn.IlJt Mill outli ami c.t.
J'or Aa, I'ltlstoii .ni'l Hllkvi-Uanv, p. in.
ami I p. ni. siuiiiliy, S.10 p. o.
For Lous Itrjiicli, tKcau tiimc, ite., 7.S0 .
la. ami I p. Pi. , , ,
Tor Hea Jim.". Ubjiun iv HairUuur;, U At
'cnloun, at 7.'.i0 a. in. awl 1 . iu. tuajjy, ;.IQ
r. ui.
I'or PottNillo at 7.30 . in. ari'l I p. m.
for lutca Jiul tUlci apply to ajnu ii atatlox
W. Li. lIlLi;)!, Uncial Mjiusi-i,
production of the Princess of Wales
$ 1 .00 Per Pair
& Wallace
Jo Ui is "
Imr" '. l"" -V -7-" ""l"! Tj'"CTT1
! Plate Rack
For three' hours, from 9 to 12 o'clock Friday
J tnorninf, we will place 011 sale 250 of the above style x
H P ate Racks, in colden oak.
reacu, only one will ba sold
322 Lackawanna Ave.
Scranton's New Furniture and Carpet
'4 "4 "d a n a "''
Lehigh Valley Bailrond.
in i:tl:ct, Nov. 0, HOI,
Tialiu leivo biranton,
F- I'lillailclpliU an J Now Yoik via 1). & II.
(lilacii : WaiKoml jiMiiw), and U.SJ p in. bun.
dTo'v Whlfo lUi. Hj 'VV"1!? lF-?il
in tile coal legions, u II. II. " "-"S. 2.18
ind I.S7 P- " l''- t'011"'1115' u'ss "- "
'''KM Uethlclieni, Uaston. IlcaUliw. Ilarrl.lmre,
and pilnclpal IntriiiiedUtB .'Utloiu. vU I) kU
ii n rt Bi fi.wS a. in. i --IS, V.7 (lllnck l)ia-non.lKM'r-).
.! ".';, g U "
Vor" TuiiUumioi'k, Tottuiida, Klinlra. Ithaca,
r.mevi and iuIiicIm1 IntcniwUlatc itatlons, Ms
l L aiidV. . .. S.1U J, m. and a.M p. m.
i'or UfiiiVJ, i:odicst?r. Huftalo, N'las,-ara rails,
riiltaau and all lioinls ct. via D. k II, It. It,
;l iio.1 1. in.! l.f-'. MS (Ulack Iilainor.d i:.
i)Vm-)."7.IS. 1U.41, 11.10 p. 111. buiidajn, U, k II.
It It li.OJ, tS.27 p. in.
VuUnun parlor and rleeplni or I.ehlBli Valley
Parlor car on all iraini between tILek-lUria
Jnd M'W oiI., I'lilladolplila, HufTalo and tiupen.
!tOu!lNll:il.' Wll.milt, Con. Supt., CO Cortland
Filed, S.'W YulU.
CIIAUI.I i. I-Kl" fiv11, I'483, Ast" i0 Coitland
Aw'-NONIlMAciiKIl. Dtv. l'a. Ast., South
Dctliliiiiin, I'J.
Kor iliLi-ta and Tallin in rf.'.crvatlont apply to
city tiikct oli'.Li'. u) I'Klillo Sijuare, WllUvs'liartf,
New yovk, Ontario nnd Western,
In Uilcct TuoMlaj-, Sfpt. 17, J001,
l.cavo U'avo Anita
Tiatnj. Si union, Carlwndalc, CadoiU,
i'o , i 0.).i. in, ll.lua. in, l.ixip, m.
v i ,,, 0.11) (. in, Ar. Cailwudalo .u . in.
A0 'sOllTIl HOUND,
1,'avd Leave Arrlto
li-ilns. Cadoila. Larbondalc. Scranton.
Ko. 0 7 00.1. m. 7,10 a. in.
0- 2.11 p. in. 4 00 p. in. 4.19 p. nu
Lvavii Lcaio Arrlva
Trains. biuntill. CirLotuJalc, Cadosll,
Ko. 0 Wi. ni. W-tOp. in. 10 15 a. in.
v0 r ,,, f.lrtp. in. Ar. CarlionJalo 7.40ii. in.
leavo l.i'avo Ariivo
Tuliis. Cadvfcla. Cail'ondilc. Fruiton.
No (, , 7.00 a, in. 7.10 a. rn.
jsu.' jo 1.10 p. in. (ill p. in.
Tralni Nos. 1 on week ilaj . and U on .Suiidajs,
indl.i) main line lomicUlons for .Sew VorK illy,
iliddlctown, Walton, Korwkli, Oneida, Ujuigg
Slid all point vmt.
t'or further information rcntult llilst agents,
J. C. MlElthO.V, (i. T. A., N-w Yoik.
J. fc', UiO&ll, T. I'. A., tivraoton, fa.
Corset, the best value ever offered.
as to their lines and will give better '
m r
9 to 12 a. m. ;
in order to 'nialie tnem ;
to a person.
House x
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Uftect Nov. S, 1001.
Tr.iin3 leave Scranton for Now VorK At 1.40.
3.15, 0.U5, 7,50 and 10,05 a. m.i 12.45. 3.40, 3.SJ
ii, ni. For Now York and Philadelphia 7.50,
10.00 u. m., nnd 12.15 and S.23 B. in. For Tob
lianna At 0.10 p. in. For Buffalo 1,15, 6.22 and
0.00 a. in.; 1.55, b50 and 11. ai p. in. For iling.
Iiamton and iy stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10
p. in. For Os.veiro, fcvraiuse and Utlca 1,15 and
u.22 a. in,; 1.51 p. m. Oawcco, Syracuse ami
Utlca tialn at C.22 a, in, dally, except Sunday.
I'or Montrosu 0.00 a. ni. ; 1.10 and 6.60 p. nv
Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. in.
HlooimtjurK Division For Northurnbcrland, at
0.35 and 10,05 a. ill. J 1.55 and 0.10 p. in. I'oi
Plymouth, at 6.10 a. in.; 3.10 and 0.00 p. m
Sunday Twin For New Yoik, 1,10, 3.15, 6,01
snd 10.05 a. in.; 3,10, 3,38 p. in. For Huffalo
1.15 and n.22 a, m.; 1,55, b.50 and 11,35 p. rn.
For Hineliamton and way btatioiu 10.20 a. m,
HlDOiiisljure Dlilslon Lcavo Scranton, 10.03 a,
in. and 0,10 p, in.
Pennsylvania Ballroad.
Schcdulo in UQect June 2, 1901.
Tulns leave Sirantoni 0.35 a. m vvect day,
throuili M'rtlliule tiaiu from llkes-llarrc. Full,
man ImlTit parlor car and coaihcs to I'hiladcb
nlila. via I'oltivillo; stopi al piinclpal inteima
iliato btutio'js. .M--0 tonnccts lor ounbuiy, liar;
rlsbuiB, I'hll.idi'lpliia, llaltlinoie, Washlniiton ami
loi I'ilttlmis and the wtt.
0.33 a m., week daj., for fcunbury, IlarrUhiirjf,
Phllailelplila. lialtlmore, Waililnjttni and Pitts.
buur ami tho vveel
i n. in,, uecl; ilijs fSunilavs, 1.59 p. m.),
Miiilnny, llaiil'liuri.', Tldladelplila, lialtlmore,
Washington aim riuuuiS uuu mil- cii.
O'-'S p. m., vtcel; Java, tluousli vestibule trail
from Wllkrii-llairc. Pullman buffet parlor cat
and loaihc tu PhlUdeliihia via Pottsvllle, Stoi
at piimipal intcniudlalo station
4 27 p, in., week tlayj, fur Itazlcton, Sunbury.
liarriibiirc, Philadelphia and Pitttburir,
J. II. IlinClllNfcO.N. Oen. Mgr,
J, U. WOOD, Ucn. I'asj. Agt,
.". VV . ' " . ,..,..,... , .1.- . A.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
In Kffi'it Nmnnlicr 21. tMI,
Trains fur (,'atbondjle leave bcranion at C.2-1
S.00, S.53, 10.1U a. 111.! V.'.U0, I. a), 2.31, 3 5,
6,) U.J5. 7.57. 0.15, ll.'JO p. ;. ; 1.31 a. in.
I'or UuiiCaJjtc O.l'O, lO.lSa. in.; i.'H and O.'.'l
i, in.
Tor 0.n, 7.1". 8.11, D.SS. 10. 1!
a. in. J U0.I, 1.4.', 2.15, J.ii, 4.27, t.',:0, 7,4
10.41, U.i'l p. in.
For L. V, it. II, 1', u.aa a. m.j i.u
4J7 and p. ni.
l-'oi TiniHjlvaiila It. It. Points CIS, 0.33 a
in.; l.U. "-'' and 1.27 p. u,
I'or Alluiiy and all point nortliO'.20 a. in.
and '' 1. ni.
Tor CsiloiHlak b.W, tl..iJ a. in.f 2.31, S.J4
i.lrt and 11.17 i. in.
Vot lkn.-ltarrc-0.33 a. ui.J l.'.O). 1.63, 3.21
O.'Ji and 0.17 p. ni.
For Albany and points nortli 3.S3 p. m,
I'oi lluncdal'- S 50 a. m. and V.t1 p. m.
tt. I;. rilYOlt, D. l. A.. O'ciauton, l'a.
' A
rf . .