The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 24, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    I t
Oil Stoves..
foilucc the tiiiloa,ilit tnit nl
cooking iluilii? hot 1'iminir
tiioiiltii. The Mlelien', ro"l
and dmi, the tueah perfectly
lirepaicd. Vuit ran resulalo the
heat lu Jml the decree needed.
Tutu n vjhe--llio llanio U ex
UnjuMicJ. 2 or .1 bullion
4 61 lO".
Prints Rr. ShearCn.
J19W Washington Ave Q
The Hardenbergh
School o!
Miisic and flrf
Offers exceptional advantages
to aspiring students desiring
strictly high-class instruction
in the study of Piano, Organ,
Theory and Harmony; Draw
ing, Painting and Designing.
Pupils may enter now. Carter
Building, Adams Avenue and
Linden street.
Spring Coats
for Children
Very latent elTert in Silk, Chciul anil
Diuiulrlrtlii, in nes 1 to 14 yells.
Wash Dresses for Girls
Wash Bloomer Suits for Boys
Wj-h llus-ian Wou,-ei fr b. 'Hie
New Sailor for boys. H.iby f.lrl ll.ils,
n.ib.v Hoy Hats.
US Washington Avenue.
Shoes Are All
Spring Styles at Popular Pricis
134 Washington Ave.
Green Trading Stamps.
Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming
and General Draying.
Now Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street.
New 'Phone 2057.
Beffer Latindry.
More Beatify
ami o tlo the work entirely by band, to
llicie is the leut poi-ible wear. All del
icate lace lanndeied by band.
30S310 1'enn Avenue.
Julin T. l'orlcr failed for lUuone j e,ki day.
Ii, .loeib O'Riien and son, Itobeit, lift je
tciday fur Ml, Clements, for n In let Mijuiim. .
W, II. I hnnberlaln, it llriukk, leprcscnliiu
tin; VniiiiiMii Car and I'mmdry company, eallid
cm l..ii kaw.inni lallioad olilcild ytsUntj).
Mi, and Mis, .1. Y. Vellte. ol IhU illv, ae.
(nmpanieil by linn, Willlani lliniy and Mi, mid
Mif. (. I,. MeMillin, of 1'illituii, aic nn.11.tlu3
Ilia week in Washington, Siiprilnlenildit T. 1!, Cl.ul.e, feupcrin
ti'iiiliuL ut t'.ii Sen Ice. M. II, t".i-ey nml other
nipeiii.ttudinls of the UcUawanni, un
in ;sov Yolk, attending the fpiinif meeting t,f
the AinciU.m Hallway iifweiatlon,
GELES. Via Pennsylvania Bnlliond, on Ac
count of Convention of Federation
of Women's Clubs,
on account of tho convention of Fed
iiatlon of Women's clubs', to lie held nt
Los Angeles, C11I.. Slay 1 to 8, tliu Penn
sylvania Riillmud company will sell
' special excuwlon tickets from all sta
tions on Its line, to I.os AnseleB and re
turn, lit reduced laics.
Tickets will I)" sold Irani Anril 19 to
till, lnrluslvo, and will bo good to return
until Juno 25, when properly validated.
For specific rates, routes, and condi
tions of tickets, apply to ticket ugonts.
New Way of Using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy,
Mr. Artliui' Chapman writing from
Duiban, Natal, South Africa, says: "As
a proof that Chamberlain's Cough Icom
r dy Is a cure suitable for old and young,
I pan you tho following; A ne-lghbuT or
mine had a child just over two months
old. It had u very bud cough uml tlio
'parents did nc' 'mow what to give it.
1 suggested th Mr they would get a
bottle of Chamb Vs Cuugl Uepiecly
and put some up, idunuuy teat the
baby was sucklm, .Would no doubt
cure the child. V, tlioy did and
brought about u (puck -ylh'f and cured
the baby," This remedy fe for sale by
ttl druggists,
They Were, at Work on tho Now
Alrshnft of the Storrick Creok Coal
Compnny, High Up on. the MoobIc
Mountain, When the Panther
Made His Appearance They Took
to the Trees, and, After Looking at
Them, the Panther Left Them in
Pence and Disappeared.
A panther gave AVallaco Uarber and
thieo other resents of Pockvlllo a
Hcafo ycstcrdiiy that they will not for
got for many u long day.
They wore empluycd at the new air
shaft of tho Sterrlclc Creek Coal com
pany, high up on the JIoohU; mountain,
wevi'riil mllcM from J'cckvlllo.
About 10 o'clock yesterday morning,
Barber fell that Homo danger threat
ened and, looking about, saw tho
vlulottrt eyes of a panther fastened upon
llai'bet' Ih an old-time hunter, and
ho rot'ognlsspd the danger and tho ani
mal Instantly, for the panther was only
a short distance away.
"To tho trees," ho shouted to his fel
low workmen, and Instantly there was
11 rush for the tall hemlocks, which
nature had kindly placed closo at hand.
And how these men did climb.
"It's quite a while slnco I shinned up
a tree before," said Barber last night,
"but I hadn't forgotten the knack. Tho
way wo did go up was a caution, I can
tell you. foon wo were perched on the
high limbs, and then we were seized by
tho horrible fear that his panthershlp
would como up after us. When we
went up we forgot for the moment that
the punther is pretty good on the
climb, too, and he was right close at
"This particular panther must have
had that tired feeling that spring In
duces for, 'after watching us and
crouching several times, as If prepar
ing to spring, he swished his tail and
jogged off toward tho Consumer's Pow
der company's plant. Wo didn't come
down right away. AVe let the panther
got a good start."
Theto was great excitement at Peck
vllel yesterday, when Information of
the presence of a. panther In tho vicin
ity was leceived, and Barber and his
companions were tho heroes of the
hour, when they returned and told the
story of their adventure.
Representatives of the Local Pres
bytery to the General Assembly.
, Yesterday the Lackawanna presby
tery, in session at Kingston, elected tho
following commissioners to the general
assembly, to be hold In New York city,
May 35 next:
Clergy Rev. AV. U. Funk, Rev.
diaries Lee, Rev. .T. P. Moffatt, Rev.
T. J. Lansing, D. D. Alternates, Rev.
P. IT. Wntklns, Rev. James McLeod, D.
D Rev. K. L. Kennedy, Rev. K. M.
Elders U. C. Hand, of Honesdale; 'A.
A. Keller, of Kingston; C. S. Craln, of
West Plttston; T. II. Atherton, of
Wllkes-liarre. Alternates, S. P. Chase,
of Great Rend; A. S. Blair, of Ulster;
AV. D. Bolles, of Silver Lake; J. S. Var
riek, of Susquehanna.
Norman Keller was examined at the
morning session and licensed to preach.
Rev. K. A. Loux was granted a com
mission to 1111 the pastorate at Ply
mouth -and arrangements made for bis
ordination, Tuesday, May 6, at 7.30 p.
in. The pastoral relations of ,Rev. L.
W. Church with the Great Bend Pres
byterian church were dissolved. Rev.
A. L. Benton, D. D., pastor of the
Montrose church, having reached tho
ago of 70 years, was retired and made
pastor emeritus of his church, at the
earnest request of his congregation.
Rev. J. V. Raynor was appointed mod
erator until the next session of the
At the afternoon session nn Interest
ing report was road by Rev. S. C.
Logan, D. D., on tho work among foreign-speaking
peoples, and Rev. W. II.
Swift, of Honesdale, presented a
thoughtful paper on "Synodlcal Home
Rev. E. C. Ray, D. D secretary of
the board of aid for colleges, addressed
the popular meeting In tho evening.
Tho sessions will close today.
Drop in Temperature Will Follow
Yesterday's Cyclone.
Meteorologically speaking, a cyclone
prevailed all of yesterday throughout
this rc;jIon. It was wanting In tho de
vastating properties which would caitho
It to rho to tho dignity of a tornado,
but It had attendant fentures which
would entitle it, ut least, to a safe
place in, the simoon category.
Fltlul, gyrating winds, surcharged
with dust, made life out-of-doors mis
erable in tho extreme and covered
everything in-doors, to which It had
access, with a coaling of grit that
would causa one to believe he was
living lu the vicinity of Sahara.
According; to Weatherman Clarke,
this whirling wind storm has come nil
the way from Kansas, and like all cy
clonic Htoims, Is preceded by a hot and
followed by a cold wave. In Michigan,
where the rotary storm was ex
perienced Tuesday, there- was snow
yesterday, and In tho rest of tho re
gion there was a drop In the tempera
ture lu forty-eight hours of from
20 to 20 degrees.
Mr, Clarko expects that by 8 o'clock
this morning tho temperaturo hero will
bo down to 40 degrees, Tuesday It was
In tho neighborhood of SO degrees.
Sextette Started Yesterday for State
Penal Institutions.
Six prUoneiB convicted of long-term
offenses at the latt session of criminal
court were yesteiduy taken by Sheriff
Schadt and Deputy Sheriff aaffney to
the penal Institutions to which court
consigned them,
Three went to the Eastern peniten
tiary, at Philadelphia. They weie
Domlnlck Volpe, sentenced to seven
years for attempted highway robbery
and discharging llreanus with Intent
to' kill; John Leone sentenced to four
years for participating with Volpe In
the attempted lobbery, und Edward
Iiigruhain, sentenced to three years for
boarding houso thelvlng.
Louis Ace, common gambler; qonicr
ifoliu. thief, und Edward Davltt, In
corrigible boy, wero taken to the
Huntington tcforiuatory,
Opens June
Call or Write
For Particulars.
D., L. & W. Company Will Build One
Under South Washington Ave
. nue if Councils Permit.
An effort will be made shortly to
secure the passage of an ordinance
by councils providing for the construc
tion by the Delaware, Lackawanna &
Western company of a subway under
Its tracks where the latter cross South
Washington avenue and deeding to
the company the surface now occupied
and used as a street.
In other words tho company wants
the space now occupied by the street
and would bo willing to spend be
tween $40,000 and $50,000 in the con
struction of a subway to secure this
use, the subway to be used, of course,
as a street.
The first plans for tho proposed sub
way are in the possession of Director
of Public Works Roche and provide for
a tunnel same S00 feet long beginning
just below the iron 'railroad bridge and
ending below tho car shops. Before
Director Roeho will approve the plans
the company must agree to have this
subway 50 feet Avlde. A width of 42
feet Is provided for In the plans now
In his possession but this is not deem
ed wide enough,
The company proposes to construct
this subway free of cost to the city and
It Is contended that It would be to tho
city's interests to accept the offer be
cause by so doing tho grade crossing
would be clone away with and the
steep grade met with on the other side
of tho tracks would be rendered more
easy for travel.
As soon as the plans meet with tho
approval of Director Rocho they will
be submitted to councils together with
the ordinance above mentioned.
Will Speak on "Abraham Lincoln" in
the High School.
Bishop Fowler's lecture at the high
school ou Abraham Lincoln will begin
promptly at 8 o'clock, tonight. The
coming of Bishop Fowler is an event
of more than ordinary Interest. He is
today not only one of the very few
great orators of the world but ho is
the only surviving link between the
splendid pulpit oratory of the past
Bishop Fowler has been In closer
touch with the mightiest minds of two
great periods in our nation's history
than any other man now living. A
striking illustration of this was
brought out last September. While
the bishop's home Is in Buffalo he
was in Minneapolis at the time of the
tragedy which appalled' the world
Hastening home after the announce
ment of the president's death, he was
met at his hotel In Chicago by a dele
gation of members from a certain
famous club in that city whose boast
has been that It has made and unmade
more presidents than any other similar
organization in the country and was
invited by them to give the funeral
oration which the city was planning
The bishop was stiuck with a singular
coincidence. Thirty-six yeais before
he had been approached by a commit
tee from the same celebrated club and
had been requested to give a similar
oration over the death of a man, dear
to him as his own life tho ft lend and
hero of his young manhood Abraham
Lincoln, whose assassination had
seemed to urres-t the sun of the uni
verse. It was a remarkable Incident In
this day of the swift passing of public
recognition of even the most tran
scendent abilities that a man could
thus hold his own through the vicis
situdes of time and bo still acknowl
edged as art orator whoso power had
not waned after the lapse of nearly
forty years but was considered to bo
ono best fitted to speak on a national
calamity to tho people of a great city
who had selected him out of all his
countrymen to voice their woe on the
occasion of a previous aillletlon.
The Finger Posts Making the Many
By-Pntlvs of Present Day Troubles
All Seem to Point the Same Way
Lack of Nerve Force.
Day by dy tho columns of this
paper bring now evidence from Scran
ton people of the great work being
done by Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve Pills.
Why they accomplish so much Is
easily explained they are prepared
with an eye single to restoring nerve
force. They accomplish this object,
which no other inedlcino in tlio world
has ever been able to do; that's why
hundreds of Scranton people offer their
Mr. Samuel Rogers, of No. 128 Hyde
Park avenue, Scranton, Pa says; "I
was In a run-down condition, head
aches, nervous and sleeping badly and
tho appetite poor, I was told of Dr.
A. W. Chase's Nervo Pllla nnd got a
box, As a result I sleep and eat well
(lgnntho nerovouBiiess and headaches
are gone and my general strength back
again. I am very much pleased with
them and glad to recommend them to
otheia. This I can do conscientiously."
Dr. A. W. Chasa'b Nervo Pills aro
sold at Me. a box at dealers, or Dr. A.
W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
See that portrait und signature of
A. W. Chase, M. D., are on every
package. For sale In Scranton at
Matthews' Bros,, 320 Lackawanna avenue.
19th, 1902.
Business Manager.
Body Found Lying Along the On
tario and Western Tracks
Late Last Night.
Trainmen switching cars on the On
tario and Western road near the Mt.
Pleasant wnshery, last night, about 10
o'clock, found the dead body of a wo
man lying alongside tho track.
Her head nnd side were badly bruised,
and tho Indications were that she had
been dragged some distance on tho
track. It Is supposed she was run
down by a train during tho early even
ing. She was about 50 years of age, with
hair tinged with gray. She wore a
cheap wrapper and sunbonnet. The
remains wore given In charge of Un
dertaker Barrett. Up to midnight they
were not identified. Coroner Sultry
will conduct an Inquest today.
Have Decided to Waive Claims to the
Common Council Chairman
ship and Clerkship.
Tho common council wrangle over
tho chairmanship and clerkship Is over
and there will be no excitement what
ever at tonight's meeting.
It was learned on absolutely relia
ble authority last night that the Demo
crats have given up their fight and
will submit gracefully tonight to the
inevitable. P. F. Calpln will not at
tempt to press his claims to tho chair
manship nnd Clerk Lynott acting on
his advice has also decided to relin
quish his fight for tho clerkship.
K. E. Robathan, tho rcguarly elected
Republican chairman will announce his
committee appointments at tonight's
Colonel Fitzsimmons Says It Could
Have Been Brought Here.
Colonel F. J. Fitzsimmons, who re
turned last night from the meeting of
the Democratic state committee held
in Harrisburg, slated to a Tribune
man that if any kind of an effort had
been made to secure the convention for
Scranton it could have been brought
heie Instead of to Erie.
"I had members from all parts of
state come to me on Tuesday night,"
said he, "and offer to vote for this
city if I put forward a claim for tho
convention but I was not able to do
this because I had no right to make
any promises on my own account. A
good sized delegation was present from
Erie but I believe that tho supporters
of that city could have been beaten
had wo had any kind of a committee
from this city with any kind of an
argument to offer. To my mind the
convention was just laying there ready
for us to pick up."
The colonel said that there are In
reality no full Hedged prospective
Democratic gubernatorial candidates
ill tho field as yet. A few names are
being mentioned. Attorney T. P., chairman of tho county com
mittee, abo attended the meeting.
Resident of Jones Street Mixed Up
in Trouble,
Two gentleman from .Tones Mreet,
North Scranton, named Barney Pltca
vlch and Harney Llncavlch, have been
having troublo of various kinds for
some time. Llncavlch caused Pltcti
vlch's urrest last week on it charge of
securing $10 from him by false pretense.
Pltcavlch was obliged to pay tho $10
and some $9,00 In costs.
This caused him to become much
enraged and ho swore out a w arrant
for Llncavieh's nrrest yesterday beforo
Alderman Ruddy charging him with
perjury. Ho swore that ho owed no
money whatever to Llncavlch and that
It was an outrage to compel him to pay
over tho $to.
Alderman Ruddy held Llncavlch un
der $300 ball, and also hold George Ursa
and George Walonls, who were arrest
ed later on tho sanio charge. Pltca
vlch claims that the latter two sworo
In Alderman Howo'b court that ho (Plt
cavlch) had louned Llncavlch $10.
Two Men Were Burned by an Explo
- slon of Gas.
A serious explosion occurred in tho
China vein of the Leggett's Creek mine
yesterday, lu which Jerry Arnold and
Mine Foremun Levy Emmanuel were
seriously burned,
The explosion occurred in tho morii
ing, whllo both men wero nt work fix
ing u portion of the roof, when tho
gas Issued from a fissuru In tho rock
and coming hi contact with a naked
lamp, un cxpldslon followed,
The roar of the explosion was heard
throughout tho mine and fcoon willing
hands wero on the scene to care for
the iujuied.
This was the first ttino that Jerry
Arnold had been In tho mine slnco tho
explosion of a week ago. It Is believed
Emmanuel Inhaled tho burning gas
and that ho buffers from Internal
burns. Both men were taken to their
homes. They wero reported last night
aa resting comfortably,
Thoy Took Three Straight from the
Colts Lnst Night on tho Hampo
Alloys South Side Team Managed
to Win a Game from the Arltng
tona Cambrians Wero Easy Meat
for tho Imperials and the Becker
Bowlers Walked Away with the
Central Team.
By winning three straight games last
night the Franklins take the leffd In
tho Scranton Bowling league with a
perfectly clean record, having lost no
games as yet. Their opponents lnst
night were tt new team, known us tho
Colts who tnko the place of the dis
banded Hnmpe-Creseent tenm. The
splendid work of Anderegg and the sure
and steady bowling of every member
of tho Franklin team was appreciated
by the largo crowd. The score:
I.oi liner lit i:;,-, i:u .iflo
UlUer r,0 1.-1 IN)--101
NomcII m i.y, is in
Alexander :(ri in n.y 1ST
I'l'k n; (.,) r,') 4,',3
TH Till Tit 2210
belllier 10.1 m ill
Hlnlicr loi) in", nil--C.'j
UaUt ml mi 1:14 4.U
Anderegg lOn V'.'i M0 ul.l
Weld 17.i 1.1S HI') Mi
wm ;i.! sts2130
llluli Andeiegg, 210.
Hlftli taeiJgc Andcregff, 1S1.
The Arllngtons lost one to the South
Side bowling team, which thus won its
first game for this series. Cyrus Evans
started out rather inausplciously, but
he wound up with tho high score for
both teams, 212. The score:
T. Kiefer 17ii us UK 439
H. Kiefer It! 121 Itr. .",79
.T. Hauek m ir.s l.:7 40S
C. Kiefer jmi 172 Mtt filT
StcWer lbl) l.S'l 14u DM
7SI SOS CSS 2277
south sine. 1.11 1111 212- 4ril
W. Zeisinaim IS! 1(11 120431
toll 121 H'l 127 40J
wWpf.ilil us 1,V, 201174
J. ZeiMil.tnn 122 137 14442)
luO 7.'.S SOI 2l')2
High seoie i;.n, 212.
lligb average ('. Kiefer, 172 l-:i.
The Cambrians managed to take one
game from the Imperials last night by
an exceedingly narrow margin, but
wero outclassed in the other two games.
The score:
Me en 131 i:i3 17.",- 4'!4
Mandring 113 12S ISO SS2
Keller 171 182 IDS Ml
1'ceUiH 123 178 1M l.'IC
Hopkins 11,7 15S 178 OftJ
7J2 7M S2.! 213.)
Bail? 171 131 1112- 427
Heniy 12", ISO 110 S'.IS
I-airil If, 130 200493
Kum 1I-: 1.17 V2S 4IS
I.lojd 1.1-1 110 1 3S 412
7.1'J 7.M 728-2197
llluli scute Laird, 200.
lligb aiei age Keller, 1S3 2-3.
The Becker team won three straight
from the Centrals on the Becker alleys.
Tho games were rather loosely played
throughout, and no good scores were
made. The score:
Itowland 1.12 Is", 1174(11
ltolbermel 117 l.V, 17 170
I.cwU 1.12 IBS 121421
Yoos 173 1.10 140445
Koons 177 l.V) 182 CIS
7M 70S 707-231 S
, CllXTIi.U.S.
Map-liall 321 110 va VM
l.itt 101 11,0 12.1 403
Wlniton lit 171413
O'Coniiell 1VI 110 132437
WedcniJ 137 103 170
750 727 7 12-22 S
Iligli coie Wedcnian, 187,
HiBb aveiage Koonf, 172 2 ".
The standing of tho several teams is
now as follows:
Won. I.ot. P. (J,
Franklins 0 0 1.000
Imperial .1 1 .Sin
AUingtoiH . .1 1 All
lleckcH 4 2 .1.07
Cenlul-i 2 I ,:m
South bide 1 n .107
('ambilaiis 1 ! .107
Colts 0 0 .000
Difference of Opinion About a Suit
of Clothes Makes Trouble.
It may be that a quarter sessions jury
will bo called upon at the next term of
court to decide whether a suit of clothes
purchased by Gulslppl Coloclcca from
tho Scotch Woolen Mills company was
ready made or cut expressly to fit his
This Is because Gulslppl yesterday
caused tho arrest of JnmeH Roche, man
ager of tho company's local store, on
tho charge of obtaining money under
fulso pretenses. Ho claims to havo paid
Rocho $10 for a suit of clothes which
Rocho guaranteed to bo custom made.
Coursen's Creamery 3
and 5 pound boxes, 30c
per pound.
Coursen's Gem Flour
is the moat reliable flour
$1,25 per sack.
Coursen's Breakfast
Java makes a delicious
cup of coffee, 20c per lb.
Fine Fat Mackerel,
10c; 3 for 25, No 1
Mackerel, 15c each,
E, G, Couisen.j
If Furred and Coated, the
Liver Needs Attention.
A Victory Over an Insidious Dis
ease After the Failures
or Physicians.
The liver Is the great housckeeucr
of our health. On its right nnd proper
uctlon depends our enjoyment of life.
One of tho commonest Indications of a
disordered nnd diseased liver Is a imply
tongue furred and coated. Such'n con
dition Is positive proof that tho liver is
not working well. Other symptoms tiro
ns follows: nauseous taste In th
mouth, pains under the shoulder blades
and In tho region or the kidneys. Elo
quently the mental symptoms of liver
troublo arc more dnncerous tlntti the
bodily Ills. Sufferers experience ment
al anguish, gloomy forebodings, lne'iui
choly, and a general feeling of disgust
with life.
When these bodily and mental
troubles nro experienced, your liver
tells you It needs Immediate helo. If
the proper medicine Is not used ut onto,
sickness and death follow.
Palne's Celery Compound Is the into
great specific for the cure of liver
troubles. It always acts gently und
effectively on the root of the evtla,
driving from the system accumulations
of morbid poisons that give rise to your
suffering. Soon every organ Is Infused
with new life, tho skin is fresh and
clear, and you enjoy perfect health.
Mr. Clyde F. Tucker, Savannah, Ohio,
with a desire of benefitinir men nnd
women who are suffering from any of
the varied forms of liver complaints,
writes as follows:
"I had been taking medicine tiiuKr
tho direction of three doctors but they
did not give me relief. The doctors said
my liver was In a very bad condition.
A friend recommended Palne's Celery
Compound to me, and I began to feel
better before I had taken half a bottle.
As T continued to me the Comnound,
I grew better until I became a well Iran.
I weighed only 100 pounds when I was
sick, now I weigh 14S pounds."
It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes
Simple. Durable. Economical.
Examination of the suit by experts, ho
says, resulted in tho discovery that It
was not tailor made and that It did
not fit him.
Manager Roche appeared beforo Mag
istrate Millar and entered ball in the
sum of $200 for his appearance at court.
E. J. Smith, of Dalton, Was Arrest
ed Yesterday.
E. J. Smith, of Dalton, was arrested
yesterday, at the Instance of C. W.
Morris, of Olcan, N. Y who charges
him with tho embezzlement of $131.04.
Morris Is a lumber dealer and claims
that he shipped Smith a load of lumber
last March which he (Smith) was to
dispose of for him. The lumber was
sold by Smith, ho says, for $134.0 i.whlch
sum was never remitted to him. Smith
appeared before Magistrate Millar, by
whom tho warrant for his arrest was
issued, and entered bail in the sum of
$500 for his appearance at court.
It gives me pleasure to say to you
that after what our family believes to
have been a fair trial of your "COFo"
we consider the same to be the best
substitute for coffee that we have ever
used. A real substitute for coffee hns
been sought for years by manufactur
ers who have placed their products
upon the market, but we have not yet
seen any other which seems to come
within the precincts of competition with
your own. Very truly yours,
CHAS. L. HAWLE1", Attorney,
Scranton, Pa,
Grand Opening of the Melvin,
421 Lackawanna avenue, this after
noon and evening. Music will be fur
nished by Bauer's band and freo lunch
served to all. You are cordially invit
ed. E. F. Melvin, proprietor.
There is no other Roofing
That is just as good as
Warren, Klirct co'.s
The Book tells you why
send for it. Warren Ehret Co,,
331 Washington Avenue.
You Can Save
30 per cent, on the dollar when
you purchase direct from the
Our lino of Umbrellas and
Parasols is large and complete,
and embraces all the latest pat
terns. Wo guarantee nil our
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.
313 Spruce Street.
Malnnpu Oil S Manlifarttipintf Combanv. f
141-149 Aleritlian Street,
We nro sole agents for
Liquid Colors,
House Paints
Carriage Paints ;
Unexcelled for durability,
i Bittenhender&GL I
J 126-128 Franklin Ave.
4"!' 'l' 'l
Birthday Pillows
Tin- latc'l 1'llbm- Tad I- the "llhlbday I'll
l"v." Tlicio aic luchc beautiful designs In till
line one for eacli month a niosl acceptable
blilliday gift.
Cramer-Wells Co.
130 Wyoming Ave.
You May
Not Know
That our Custom De
partment is one of the
strong features of our
Our clothingis made, t
trimmed and designed
by acknowledged art
ists. John D. Boyle,
416 Lackawanna Ave.
Mill & Grain Co
Providence Road,
and Hay
Snow White Floui
All grocers sell It.
Wo only wholesale it.
Branch at Olyphant, Pa.
ana burning:
new 'phone saai
' M
-v rv'9r