The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 24, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
J. JiW'K'vC J59R 1H ! sv VM j LW" r ;, "- A 4 1.'4 1 THE SCRA3NT0JV TRIBUNE-THUJKSDA1', APRIL 24, 1902. 1 .171 Cooking with Gas I FREE LECTURES FOR FOUR DAVi'S, commenc ing April' 21st, every afternoon nt 3 o'clock MISS EMIbY MAR ION COLLING will continue her, lectures nnd demonstrations, on how well the Otis Range docs Its work, nt our STORti ROOM, No. 128 WASHINGTON AVUNUK. lhj Scrantin Gas & Water Co. Points AboutPAINT 1. Billlran.y. 2. Durability. ' 3. CoicrhiK Capacity. TUB COST U XOMIN'M. mid Immm bo emi.iii.-on Willi the SATISFACTION experienced and ltKsnr iilitaliied In iisltifr an article which contains those TIlllKi: KHSSKNTIAIi CilfAl.lTILS LUCAS' TINTED GLOSS PAINT u the i:i:cofiSi7.i:n stanpahi) in teady Ml.ed Paints. Atlantic White Lead and Fura Linseed Oil ... . make on "HVKRtiAKTLVG" paint ami when applied will. WliriTNti'fi HliFSIIF.S, beautiful and pcini.iiiint tlnl-li is al ways asnrcd. W110I.KS.IM: and iletall Agents. MATTHEWS BROS.' 320 Lackawanna Ave. Back to the Old Stand Wc have at last recovered from the effects of our recent fire, and are now back to the old stand but its a brand new store nevertheless, and the hand somest in town. During this week we will give, double trading stamps' with all purchases ot u.- W9&. Wall Paper, Pictures, Frames, Paints, etc Jacobs & Pasold 209 Washington. Avenue. Chairs Recaned Furniture upholstered and repaired. Send postal to 124S Providence Road. Old 'Phono, 109-S, Green Ridge. JAMES PAYNE ( Gty Notes. J MIXTINfi TO.NItillT. Thcif- will bo an impov. taut inocllns te.nis.hl at S o'clock of tho mem. beis of the (itliulic Women's club in the club Iiouc on Washington avenue. HlsTltllll'TlU) TODAY. The new k-ue of tlio 1'ocs.ot. Guide, rontaiiilnir the coinplcfe neiv schedule nf t lie Tiaction company ami tin- b.i-e ball schedule for 10U2, will be distributed today. W1T1IOIT A l.llillT. William Hut.-, was nr lostod lai-t niRlit on Adams airnue by I'atrohiiiii Huntington tor riding a bicycle without a lamp. He left bis wheel as security for his appearance in polite court tills morning. Dli:i FHOM ACfTi: MANIA. John Ilellam, oirrd 41 yens, of providence road, died from auilo manl.i at the Moes Taylor hospital on Tuesday night. Tlie deceased had been a patient at the institution for five weeks. ANOTHER SUSl'IXTLTI TASK. A suspected use of small-pox from the house adjoining tlio i.idgcu home on Meridian sheet was rcportvd to Jr. Houser vciteiday afternoon bv Dr. Walker. Che place was put under temporary quarantine ' tui an Investigation will bo made by I)r, Ilouscr thij morning. PEIMWIIY IS CUAHOKO. Lawrence Mendel yesterday caused the arrest of Helen Loiundoskic, of South Iriing avenue, on the charge ot pcij'iiy, 11c thai she (.wore falsely against lilin In a civil action before Aldemun lvcnie on f-atur-iliy night last. The woman waived a hcailn? and iniered ball befoio Maglstiatc Millar in the Him of MOO. hTHDV AXP UEIIIIAUSAb. The Catholic Choial iluli held u ttudy and ichcnrwil last night In tlio KtilBtlilbof Columbus club house. Thirty tcen members were pretext, The study was of ltolnl's "Inllamatus" and the veheauil w.h un the "Xoel" by llemmeirel and the "Alleluia" by MrndclnMlin. The iholr U to be Inereaicd to 100 voter In (lie near future and will give a ion. ten for chaiily, WANTED !. I'lIU I)AY.-Tcnly hliorcw nnplojcd by Contractor Webster, who has tint contrail for tearlntr down tlio blast furnace, went on Etrike yesterday at noon because their demand tor on luciciie jn wu?cs from vl.SS to H.oO p:r diy bad not been uranlcil, 'Iho men were iu. ployed with teveral olhcis In teailnu down (lis wall of tlio old rcscrtoir and allcao that nf lliclr leliow employe mo gtltlus $1,M, I). I, AND W. 1'AY 1)AYS.-Tia imployrs of the Ayoiidale, Auchiiiclox, UI.t, HalNtead, I'd. tebone nnd Wuodtvard will In, pahl todiy. To iiioiicav tho ciiipIoje of lu Diamond mines and witkhery, the Manvillc und Stoirs will bu palil. On Sattuday, the employe of Ihii fulloivins will be paid! Aichbald, llellcvue, Iklleuie waJiery, IlrUbln, Cjj-urj, Coidlnental, Uudve, IlJinrtoii, Hampton waiheiy, UohKn, Hyde I'Jik, Oxford, 0fonl wa.heiy I'yne, .Sloan ami Taylor will be rali tor the flr.t half of April. For sale cheap: llarrels of houst'h'd .Booilf, Including 1900 washei-, bookciiBe, parlor heater, kitchen tabletawn mow er, harness, chairs, portlers, etc Mrs. L. Smith. 14i!3 Wyoming t.venue. A GREAT SURPRISE !IuMu More for all tt!" " Kemp's Bjlam for tl'.e Thr'ot and luoijs, the preat JUarantced remedy. Would you believe that It is told on Us meritj mil anydruzgiit it ttuthsrlad by (he proprietor ol tblj wonderful remedy to give you a (ample bottle (reel It never falli to euro acute or chroulo icoughi. All druggUU sell Kemp's Balsaia. Price, He. tod We. IT HAS ONLY SJXPUPILS YET CLAIMING TO HAVE A SCHOOL DISTRICT. That Very Interesting Municipality, Old Forge Township, Is In Court Agntn In a Very Interesting Case. Attack on Common Councilman John McHalo's Naturalization Papers Discloses Some Readable Testimony Divorced After Being Deserted Thirty-two Years. An unusually huge number of cases of general Interest were, heard, yester day, by Judges Kdwnrds, Kelly und N'eweomb In argument court. One of them came from that un usually Interesting municipality, Old Forgo township, of which The Tribune has had occasion to write about sev eral time.. In 1S0V, when Old forge borough was carved out of Old Forge township, a I0i) acre tract ot laud owned by the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western company and populated by live families, was left to constitute Old Forgo township. The township recently went Into court to secme an apportionment of the funds In what was the Old Forge township school dis trict. Attorney K. A. Thayer, as ex aminer, found that the little town ship's ptff l.ita share of the school funds was $,000. Tho Old Forge bo rough school district and the Old Forge Tax Payers asoclatlon of which Wil liam Repp is the moving spirit, object ed to the examiner's (hidings and the exceptions caine up for a heaTing yes terday afternoon. II. M. Hannah, OT.iien & Martin and J. K. Watklns for the exceptants argued that the township school dis trict was not entitled to any share In the funds as It was a legal impossibil ity as a school district. There are only seven voters nnd six children of school age in the .whole municipality It was shown, and Its people are not main taining what would legally be con templated us the machinery of a school district. A school district, under the law, It was argued, is simply an agent of the state in tjie distribution of a charity. The township sends its six children to schools In adjoining muni cipalities at a total expense of $30 a year. To give it $3,000 uf the state's charity would be, it was considered a misappropriation. IT MAD12 NO DIFFERENCE. Major Everltt Warren,- replying for the township, which is owned by tho Delaware, Lackawanna & Western compnay. argued that it made no dif ference how great or how small was the number of people in the dlstrli't; the funds from which It was seeking its share and the only question for the court was as to whether or not tho examiner had made a. fair anil equit able appartionment, and this the other side did not contest. The township. he further contended had an existence fifty years ago has an existence to day and cannot be wiped off the map in the manner the exceptants are adopting. The attack on the naturalization papers of Common Councilman John McHale, of tho Eighteenth ward was aired at length, by George D. Taylor, representing AVUliam Rush, Mr. Mc Hnle's defeated opponent, and Joseph O'Hrlen, representing Mr. McHale. McHale was naturalized in this coun try In 1SS.". He swore be arrived In this country August. L'l, 1876. when he was under eighteen years of age. The complainants aver that he was over eighteen when he arrived hero and consequently that his n;iLurul:'.;itloii papers being hypothecated on fraud should be cancelled. Mr. McHale staled in his examina tion that he was born in Ireland In 1837, came to this country In 1876, re mained in Scranton two years, went to Pittsburg and stayed there until lS8i, he went to England and was married, returning to Scranton a month later, hla wife following him In ISSf. TESTIMONY INVALID. To discredit Mr. McHnle's story, Mr. Taylor quoted tho testimony of James Hums, a resident of the Eichtei'iith ward, who averred that he met Mcl-Inlo in 1SS3 and that McHale told him he had been In the country only two weeks. The meeting took place in or near a freight car on the Bloom division of tho Lackawanna, near the alley connecting Railroad avenue and Meridian street. It was at 12 o'clock at night, and Hums with two companions, one of them a woman, were having a jollification In tho car. McHale happened along, and In the course of a conversation with Burns said: "I am a greenhorn and have been In the country only a couple of weeks," 'Squire John P. Kelly, another wit ness whom Mr. Taylor quoted, averred tlmt he saw McHale for tho first time twenty-one yenrs ago. He looked then as if he was a "greenhorn," and peemed to be as old, as he Is now. McHale was selling books, tho 'squire testified, and when nsked on cross-examination bv Mr, O'Hrlen what book It was. the 'squire replied that to tho best of his memory It was "The Assassination of President Ilnyes," or something like that. On the cross-examination of McHale, Mr. Taylor brought out that ho was selling bookB when he was In Pitts burg, and that he spent several years canvassing the city and surrounding towns. The only surrounding town he could remember having canvassed was Cleveland, In reply to Mr. Taylor, Mr. O'Hrlen argued that the only witness who gave any testimony bearing directly on the case was Hums, und tho depositions would show, Mr. O'Hrlen said, that Hums was not worthy of belief, RULE DISCHARGED, In the ensit brought to compel P, V. Scuulon to show cause why one-half of tho. bill of costs for serving sibpoe- nns In the Lungstaff-Kelly election con TO THE CONTEST EDITOR ' SCRANTON TRIBUNE. i Sir: Please enroll my nutne as one of the contestants In The Trib une's Educational' Contest, and send mo equipment ami more detailed information concerning uie work as soon as Issued. NAML ,..... ,..,,; ,f ., ..,,, ,, I ADDRESS .,. MMMMMi (Cut tbU out and mall to "Contest Wttori Scrautou Tribune, Sainton, Yi.," at onto in order that you may be aman? the first to receive the printed matter and canvasser's out fit. See advertUemeat ou fourth page of this iisue.) test, should not be Bald to Dennis 3, Roche, court discharged tho rule for wnnt ot Jurisdiction, Arguments Were heard on seven de murrers to suits In assumpsit brought to collect paving assessments. The de murrers were based on tho decision of the Supreme court In tho SturgcF. case, In which It was held that a paving as set.stnent Is a tax nnd not, collectable by assumpsit. The City of Carhondalo was plaintiff In three of the cases, the defendants being A. Olllls, Thomas O'Oonnell and If. R. Jntlwln. The de fendants In the Scranton caseH are West Lackawanna avenue property holders, Roger McOownn, George Ivct low, John Wuench nnd II. A. Coyne. These nro cases in which the Hens wore Irregularly filed, am Hi which the city sought to recover In assumpsit un der. I he act of 18811. In the Sturges case tho Supreme court declared that the act of 18S9 does not give this authority. Attorneys T. P. Duffy and C. C'omegys represented the demurrers. Cltv So licitors Watson and Stunrt argued against them. Tho case of the commonwealth against Michael Kosh, In which the defense Is seeking a new trial on the ground that the only witness for the prosecution, Frank Jones, Is not veracious", was sub mitted on the depositions. The rule for u new trial In the case of the City of Scranton against Martin Flaherty was discharged. This Is the case In which tho plaintiff secured pay as police officer for the time he was under suspension and the period elaps ing between bis dismissal by the mayor and councils' concurrence In the dis missal. Other cases were dealt with as follows: nisi'o-fiTiox or cam:s. Aruueil Thomas II. C' .ijuliut Ch.iihs "tuailj nil.! I lill;p off mm-mit. In re: Divis ion of tlio borough nf Did Kortte Into .nd; iw icplloiM lo itiinmllonen' lepoil. In re: !n i-pilmr Idool: nnd Clifton tmvnihtpi; Oic-p-tbiiu to lipnit of vi.wct..-. In lo: (' of Itrowii Hollow tUMIplhc; exception,, to of July of view. Cuuiinonwialth aaln-t .bunts Kilk; rule lor leward for uppieliendliiir hoi.-o thief. l'.nn.yU.inl.i llrewlng loinp.iny aaaliift Peter 1,'ponlcz; exceptions to nlll.lnil Of ilcfcn-c. Hull" Absohitc Commonwealth ag-alnt Thomas llomi', .lului Smith, linger, Thomas Smith, William Hair, John Connolly, t.encruvi Spiath, IMn.'inI Ate ii ; iiiles to remit cost'. M. Kiictine ag.iiu.-t II. 1'iccdm.inj lulo to iitiath Ituto Pi-ch.irscd by Aireement f.Ymimoi'.wra'ih .iC.ilnt A mini Sitiion.ik; rub to mult f.i fcilure. Uulo Absolute by Agreement!:. Ib-bliiion's fens' agaiiTt Jacob Suvodtz; inceptions to . ali dad), of defense ami rule for judgment. Submitted Commonwealth again.-t Ml'..e Sod lock; vule to remit fo.foituic. In re: Ciimse of polling place; Third waul, Sei oml dldili-t, Dini morr. In re; Adept ion of William ('. 1'ishcr. Continued The Rochester Chciniial company W. II. Coon company, limited; nilo In lile amended Matenunt. (.Vnmioiiweallh air.iiii.t Michael CminliisrliHm; iitlc for it new Dial. Com monwealth .lKiiinsI Alex. I.oan; nile to remit foifriluip. Ct-mmonwciillh against John Malloy; lule to remit co-U (two t.ise-), Silem towti'hip ajMin-l. spring llruok trr.ui'hip; ruin on ovei sects of the poor lo pay costs and expen-es. Cotnni"ii wealth ;tg.tin-t I. S-idnian; rule lo remit to-l-'. Coin)immieallh. JiMiu-t Harry r.Mtii!.; rule to qn.iMi indictment (two t-,i.r). Mount liu lika Land and Coal eunp.itiy .iiMin-t James M. Muv l,iy; equity. The case of tho City of Scranton against Henry T. Koehlor and others rules to strike oft municipal lien will be argued this morning. Two Divorces Granted. Mrs. Phoebe M. Edwards was yester day granted n divoive from Oeorgo Edwards by Judge Ncwcomli on tho ground of desertion. They were mar ried in Mndlsnnville, March 2, 1S7. Foiirti-cn months later he left her, stat ing that he Intended to return to tho Sandwich islands where, he avered, he had a wife and two children. Mrs. Edwards has heard nothing from him in thirty-two years. Attorney D. I,. Fickiis rHpresenled the libellant. Judge Newcomb also granted a di vorce to Mrs. Sarah Peters who show ed that her husband, William Peters, dererted her in Peckville. Feb. 20, WOO, two years ofter their marriage. lie told her he was going away to never return. She has heard nothing from him since. Attorney C. 13. Oliver represented the libellant. Court discharged the rule for u de cree in divorce and dismissed the pe tition in the case of John Reese of North Scranton. against Ellen Reese, of Wales. He alleges she deserted him In Wales. The fact that they had never had a common domicile in this country left the local court without jurisdiction. Application for divorce was made by Emma L. Williams, wife of John F. Williams, of Scranton, formerly book keeper at the IIIlFhlo home. They were married June It, 1S93, at Har ford, Susquehanna county. She left him March 30, 1002 on account of cruel treatment. B. F. TInkham Is attorney for Mrs. Williams. Publication was directed In the di vorce case of Harriett Reed against Patrick Reed. The divorce cai-es of H. Satterwalte against Ada Satter walle and E. A. Ralsley against S. G. Ralsley, were yesterday submitted in argument court. The case of Celiu E. Tiffany was continued. Both Want the Money. Last week, John Dienkus was tried on the charge of larceny, When he was arested ?43 was. found on his person. This was taken possession of by Aldermun Myers und produced by hlin In court. Dienkus was acquitted and now his attorney, P. J. Loughran Is demand ing the return of the money. H. S, Al worth private counsel for the prosecu tion refused to give it up, Insisting tlmt despite tho acquittal he was dis posed to give the money to the man vlu claimed Dienkus robbed him. Court, yesterday made an order directing Mr. Alworth to turn the money over to Clerk of the Courts Daniels until such tluiu as It can be regularly determined who should have It for keeps. Orphans' Court, In tio orphans' court yesterday Judge A. A. Voshurg heard motjous and made various orders, lit the estate of Ellen E,, Teresa Lee and Rose I, Lee, minor children of Samuel Lees Michael Burke was appointed uuardiuu, MMt THE SURGEON'S KNIFE Mrs. lick Is Stevenson of Salt Iriiko VMy Tells How Opern (Ions For Ovoriun Troubles Mny He Avoided "heap Mus. PtNKitAM! I suffered rrith Inflammation of the ovaries nnd womb for over six yenrs,cudnrhig aches nnd pains which none can dream of hdt these who have hud the bamo expo- MRS. KCKIS BTEVrSSON. riencc. Hundreds of dollars went to the doctor and the. dritffglst. 1 was simply a walklufr medicine chest und a phys ical wreck. My ulster residing in Ohio wrote me tlmt she had been cured of womb trouble by using Lydin 12. Piiililinm's Vegetable Cora pound, and advi&ed mo to try it. I then discontinued all other medicines and pave vottr Vegetable Compound a thorough ' trial. Within four weeks nearly all pain had left me; I rarely had headaches, and my nerves were in a. much belter condition, and I wus cured in three months, and thisavoided a terrible surgical operation.'" Mns. Eckis Stevkxpon. 2.11) So. State St., Salt Lake City. Utah. JSOOO forfeit If above testimonial Is not genuine. Remember every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinklinni if there is anything about her symptoms she docs not understand. Mrs. Pinlciiaui's address is Iiyniij Mass. In the estate of Bridget Moran, Patrick Moran and Hugh Moran minor children of Ann Moran, Michael Maron was appointed guardian. In the estate of Carrie S. Barrlnger, a 'minor, Peter S. Hamlin was dis charged as guardian, his account hav ing been finally confirmed and the money paid to tho ward who bus al ready arrived at the age of .21 years. In the estate of Frederick Simon, deceased, hearing was continued until a subsequent, date to be agreed upon by the counsel, it being staled by S. B. Price, esq., representing tho re spondent, and C. C'omegys. esq., for the petitioner thai the matter was iu process of settlement. Marriage Licenses. Mhhacl Coljibar Dunmore. Annie SzemJu Dunmoro .fiKcph W. SelU Bcrantnu Peru riMhcr Scranton Joint Ciii Seriinlon ll.iny Seiimlon ONCe MORE IN TROUBLE. The Only Ike Seidman ifs Now Charged with. Doing a Colored Man Out of Five Dollars. Tho only and inimitable Ike Seidman is once more in trouble. The man who bus this time dared ,to disturb the peace of mind of this argus t.yod sleuth is Harvey Irving, a colored man. residing hi Raymond alley. Har vey is tho "st cad v car fare" of lln Ilndu Bowie, the buxom colored woman arrested last week for carving the face of Robert Mills. Mnliuda was held under bail by Al derman Ruddy on the charge of fe loniously wounding Mills. According to Irving's story, just us she was being committed to jail Ike appeared on the scene and drawing him Into a corner confided the Information that ho knew a man who was just dying to get a chance to go Mallnda's ball. He exulalned that there would be a 111 tie expense attached, of course, and suggested that So would cover It all. Irving claims that he gave Ike $5 and that the latter went out to get tho bondsman but failed to live up to bis contract. A warrant for his arrest on the charge of obtaining money under falre pretenses was Issued yesterday afternoon by Alderman Ruddy and he will be given u hearing this morning. SUING FOR DEAD DOG. Dumb Rabies Are Responsible for a Damage Suit. An Interesting hearing is promised for tomorrow night at Aldermun Knsson's olllce. The plaintiff is Drayman John Farrell and tho defendant, Dr. II. A. Paget, veterinarian. One week ago Tuesday, A. Battalllo brought a dog to Dr. Paget to have It examined, It being suspected tho ani mal was suffering from dumb rabies. Tho following day, Mr. Farrell, with n bill of sulo for tho dog, and accompan ied by Dr. Jacob Ilelmer, veterinarian, waited on Dr. Paget and demanded the dog. Dr. Paget refused to give It up. A few days later Dr. Paget killed tho dog, being satisfied it was allllcted with rabies. Mr. Farrell now sues for the value of tho dog. Dr. Paget will offer In evidence tesll many by Superintendent Allen of the bureau of health that he was ofllclally entrusted with tho care of suspected dogs, and also a certlllcato from Dr. Leonard Plersou, veterinarian of the state llvo stock board, corroborating his diagnosis, the carcass of the dead animal having been sent to him for Inspection. ' A BIG SEASON ASSURED, Lodore Will Do the Mecca for Ex cursionists the Coming' Season. All indications point to Lake Lodore as the most popular of all excursion re ports for the fast-approaching season, and to even surpass Its Immense busi ness of last year, The Individual ex cursionist prefers a luko resort, nnd tho scenic beauties qf Lodore Itself, Its far spreading grove, Incomparable dance pavilion, its merry-go-round, the de light of the children, Its well-equipped kitchens, clam oven, refreshment booths, Spalding ball grounds, naphtha launches, steamer, largo excursion boat and vurled other amusements render It a summer paradise, and at the same time the most protit-muklng resort for churches and societies, There are some splendid dates left, for the privilege of which please appply to W. L. Pryor. district passenger agent, Delaware and Hudson Railroad, Scranton, Pa, ALLOWANCE IS NOT CUT DOWN COMPENSATION FOR FEEDING PRISONERS. Court Decides That Sheriff Schndt Is Entitled to the Maximum of Twen- ty-flve Cents a Head Per Day Cost of Food Is Now so High, the Court Says, the Time Is Not Appropriate for Decreasing the Sheriff's Allow- anco Below That Which His Pre- decessors Received. Sheriff C. H. Schndt Is to continue to receive twcnty-ilvc cents a head Per day for feeding prlsonets. An order to that effect was handed down yesterday by Judge Newcomb. Tho count v conitntH'doiiers hnrl Ik en llxlng the compensation of the sheriff! for feeding prisoners, and at the begin ning of the present year they discussed a proposition of the county controller to decrease the amount. Thereupon, tho sheriff's attorneys, O'Hrlen & Murtln, j -7S proceeded to show that the county jj commissioners had no jurisdiction in I .m the matter: that it. rested entirely with' ' the judges and that at till events tlio 4 rate was none too hlsh. The attorneys for the commissioners , and county' controller. County Solicitor rjg H. L. Taylor and ex-Judge J. W. Car-' vj penter, did not contend against tltcj; claim that the commissioners had no fs power to fix the compensation, but bent their endeavors in an effort to show that 25 cents was loo much of tin allow ance. Tho court rules that If 25 cents was a fair amount before It surely is now, when all food supplies are unusually high. The order, written for the court by Judge Xewcomb, is as follows: Thin 'n an application by the Miorifr undnr the act of iicmtily of Aptil 11, lb,";, I'. 1,. :ill, Me llon -1, for an order fixing the amount to bo al lowed him for boaitling the prloii3is committed -o his custody. The act was pasted for all the counties of the stale, excepting Alleidietiy nnd Philadelphia. It has been tiipctacdod in several other counties by later lesNIallon; but i.i In foice In this county, Although e cannot find that any order agreeab.y to Its piovlslons liai been made heretofore. It wits concidcd at th; aigumcnt that the amount heretofore paid to the several sheriffs of this county been fixed by the counly commissioner.-', and that it has never been 1cm thin He Him of twenty-live cenU per day for cadi prKoner. 'Ihat is Iho maximum an.oant ulikli the couit may allow under the statute itfcrrel I". I'lidoubtcdly at the. time this act was passed, the expetr-e of boardintr prisoner uas con-'id-erably les than it is now. At that time the .sup ply and cost of pro;ions were not controlled by unnatural and artificial cuditions. Ih'o application has been pending' slnre the he (tinnine; of the year, ami in the meuitinio on (idct.ihle testimony has been taken on th" part of the sheriff, county cominissloneis and ion (roller. The e.d.lence as to tlis coin il cost of feeding the prisoners is oonfliilliiT. In view ef the lluMiie that has hetcloforc been paid to the din iff, as well as to his scleral prinlcve-Mirs In oltiee, and ot the advance In tlio priecn of all food staples within recent joai, arl espeehlly nllliin the current year, we latiuct sre any lalld reason for rcdurlin; Hie sltciilT'.s allowance at this time. Indeed, It is not easy just at thin limo lo see how tin pris iicrs In his nistody ."in be main tained in a propn stale rf imlrilioii al the nul mum piile allowed by the statute. It is therefore ordered that, tie di'-rliT of Ih's county be allowed for bii.tnUue; such iii-is-onei-. in shall lie contmiltod to his (UJtiKy, the Mini of tni'iity-flip ('.'.V') per day for each piivti'r. Thin order lo take clfcct fnmi tho brahmins of Ihi'i ycir. Ily the SHOWED UP IN GOOD FORM. Another Exhibition Game by tlis Local Players. The Scranton team got In another good practice game yesterday with the locals and' like the proceeding day shut them out without a run. Wlltso, the clever south paw pitched tho first hllf and Mcf.arry the whirlwind twlrler from. Easton pitched the last half. The locals secured but one safe hit during the game, a scratch single by Gal lagher In the eighth inning. Stelnburg gave a clever exhibition of backstop work, catching several dif ficult foul flies and hatted In fine form. Power tho ex-Southern League play er nnd Grlflln who played on the Read ing team a couple of years ago pitched for the locals and barring a little wlldne.-'s both did very good work against the leaguers. The score: SCllAXTOX. ii. ii. o. a. i:. (iorton, if t l ti u Itlahdy, If 0 1 2 O n NiekeH, rf :: 2 2 II 0 I'erils, .'ib :.. 3 l i :; (i Schmaltz, II 1X710 lioss, Ub 1 2 ) :! o Miliary, .s and p 1 o I :: (i Steinberg, p 12 7 2 0 Wilt-c, p, and us 0 I) 2 :: 0 Total, Ill 10 27 11 0 LOCALS. 1!. 11. O. A. K. CauMu, lb 0 0 12 I 0 Gallagher, 2b 0 1 2 :: ,1 Rainiy, o (10 7 2 ft Keller, if 0 0 i) n o I'o..ner, p. nnd If 0 0 2 II f (,'rlfhn, ir, aid p n it l in Harrington, a' 0 0 a o d Carton, :tb 0 I) :! 2 1 Delnur, si II II I I 0 Totals II I 27 111 1 .Scranton .". 0 (I :! a 0 1 n I iu Locals 0 11 0 (I O 0 U II- 0 Two-lwe bit Stcalnbcrg, Double play Wiltsc to !to.-s to Hohmaltz. U.ifcs en ball-lly I'osncr, bi by (iliflln, i. Stolen bares tiorton, Ilalney, Nickel,, iVrrl. Wild pitdu-(lriftlii, 2: 1'os. ner, 3, Time of tfaiiie Ll'l. I'lnplre Siltlvin. The Lackawanna, oi r-oiaiilon, ihallemfp the Pitttloii HrotboiN for Kitmilay, April fit, on hi lliother' grounds, .lames 1 rait;, captain. Dr, Ltndnburj', Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 Connell building, Hours: 11 a, m. tol p. in.; 7 to S.30 p. m, Dr, II. B. Ware, Specialist, eye, car, noso and throat, haw removed to Board of Trade building, second lloor front. 550500SOSKOSJt5M5:KXJ Best Imported S3 i ROSE BUSH ESi H GIVEN AWAY H Kriday and Saturday, 5 Mears & Hagen 0 fio-rif uicKiwinni Hvenuo. v Upholstering and Cushion Work Is done by us cheaper and better than any where' ;e"lsls in town. We refiulsh furniture also. Our cabinet maker will call on request to give estimates. Scranton Bedding Co., i F. A- KAISER, Manager. Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. j MMaMMaAM V3 . . i our wondeoiui Disp oy 1 nf Ufnrlhir Ufnoh Mo U IIUIIIIJ HUOI UIMIO King Cotton has no notion of relinquishing his sway, nnd never has a brighter gem adorned an imperial crown than the thought which placed these charming productions within the con llneg of King Cotton's realm. Every imaginable trick of the looms displayed here. They are "attention catchers." No woman passes them without stop ping and stroking them lovingly. Prices Range from 7c to 69c a Yard Take a second look at the fine Lawns in charming black nnd white and colored figures. Seven Cents the Yard FLEMISH LACE, SILK FANTASIE. DUCHESSE DIMITY, And a host of other new friends, as well as all the old friends. In fact, a very full assortment of all the varieties of fashionable Wash Goods, In the best of styles. 1 With the White This is a most important stock and its offerings equal any of the more showy stocks. The goods are of the very best and the quantity gives you something- to choose from; the best in the market at tho prices. All kinds of lace stripes and other stripes; a list without limit, including fine White Piques. Notice the yard-wide "P K's" at 25c a yard. Of course, we have White Goods from 12 l-2c the yard tip, as choice a lot as ever gladdened any thrifty woman's hen"- a ; Addenda ICC The heavier the harvest, the richer the gleaning, and here iS are the gleanings of all the cotton markets. Indeed, these are S "a sight for sore eyes." The prices also will be a surprise to you. 1 mcCxtve & Co. I J 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. N CONSERVATORY RECITAL. Forty-fourth to Be Given Tomorrow Evening in Guernsey Hall. The forty-fourth recital of the Scran ton Conservatory of Music, under tho direction of J. Alfred Pennington, will i be given tomorrow evening in Guernsey hull. The students will be assisted by Master David Perkins, soprano soloist, of Wilkes-Barre. Tho following is the programme: Lu'emhlei ('!.. (l'our Pianos-) Iilylle, Opus Hit, ."o. II C.iiilltt Ldilli Aihimson, (Juvjio Brandt, Charlotte Crois- dale, llittio Kills, Helen lllvln, Irene Cliem- beilln, Clam Unas, Nana, Price. Frark l.mbach (Snanton) Pnlki. C Major Webb -Maiy llyan (Scianlon) l!o,v 's Mony-tio-ltound fJade The Mill In the VaJIey Cien-chali Selection from Farltnn Fundamental Jlc.idei (Will ! played In any major key asked tor by the audience.) 1'otir Nalier, Lmll'y Wilcox, Marlha Itldinioml, lirace Umleiivnod. lialph liuld'tnlth ((iiecn itidge) 1'romrn.idq in Ane Wacln David Pciltlr. (Wllkes-Uane) Sons Selected Mr, Floyd Hunter (.lunijnl Joyeiix Moulin (The Lively Mill) tlitu Itomaliio llronson (Duninoro) rioirnee Kennedy (1'iiceburg) Joyful Llfo Iltedcnniiin Helen Hopewell (S(iJtiton) I'astorella, 1' Major. Opus 13 f.'rc?ii N'oiina Johns (Tayloi) Macula in K 1'L.t, Opus 101 llelns Dai Id Pcrkliu Sons Scledcd Miss Howena Heiiiunn (Pinhore, I'.i,)-- (ilocker.blunien. blue llelhi Motley Ml-s Mary I'lowir (iouldboio')-- (liililamlco. Opua 1U7, No. II (iodanl Miss Clara llio'vriug (HeiaiitmO ballade In A Flat Major, Opiii 17 Chopin L'uciivhlo Clan, t'l'our Pianos) - Overture to llomeo ami dullelte llellinl MU Hone, .Mis Hiuwnlntr, Ml l.Vilod;, Ml,s Kiaulcr, Mis Stone, M!m VoiU, MIm V.'jjjJW- Imisl, Mr, WlllJn-, CONDITION OF JOHN JERMYN. Yesterday Was Devoid of Auy Change One Way or the Other, The condition of John Jermyn con tinues to be critical though not hope less. Yesterday brought no change ono way or tho other, It Is hoped that when n change comes it will be for the better and that with the aid of his home climate, which agrcen with him best, he will surely regain his health. Poth 'Phonei wk SUISSE PLUMITIS, PALMETTO BATISTE, ORGANDIE ' CHAIN. Goods Behind a Mask. Some grocers will try to sell you a package made ,to imitate None swcii Mincemeat claiming it is "just as good" Ms not. Look at the box carefully see that it reads "None Such" and has the picture of the 'None Such" mince meat girl. Write us if your grocer re fuses to immedi ately supply you. Mcrrell'Soule Co. Syracuse, N. Y. fc Woman's Form Depends ou Nature and on her corset. Few forms arc naturally perfect, but any woman's form can be greatly improved by the right kind of corset the one particular model that corrects the little imperfections of her fig ure. C. B. a la Spiritc Corsets Are conceded to be tri umphs of artistic model ling. Without distort ing the figure they' ob tain the straight front effect demanded by fash ion. Furnished in thirty-six distinct shapes, they make it possible for any woman to obtain tho corset best suited to her own form. For one week, this celebrated line will be demonstrated for us by Mrs. Lewis, recently with Simpson, Crawford & Simpson, New York. Do not miss this opportun ity to receive valuable advice on the artistic im provement of your per sonal appearance, Meldrum Scott & Co, 126 Wyoming Ave, ., N-v 1