The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 24, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    -V. K
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The News of
Most Successful Social Bnterpiise of
the Season Held In the Burke Hall
Building Lost Night Superb Dec
orations and Musle Sth- the Spirits
of the Knight' Quests.
M'hlle compiii-Woni nuiy not ho In
pood tnstc, yet candor enlla for tlio
opinion that the tcecptlou of the Cnr
'lionclnlo council or tlio Knlsht of Co
lumbuK, In tlio ItuiUo building lust
nlirht. eclipsed tlio event of this ycuu's
oclnl season.
The cnteipiK' wiim pel hap the" iuoit
iiuccesqful ot the Uuiitinbunlten, and It
linpplly toullzed the unibltlnn ot the
KnlqhK Mho, with it heeoiulurr "Ilflt
ot pilcle. "might lt tllstliisttlili theui
telvo In till dliei'tlou.
-All of tlio elemont estictltlul to a
billllnnt "iiclal ufi'ulr vu-ie. linpplly
prcenl. TIipio was u dulice-ioom that
vvni latllunt nnd Rtoilou with decora
tions; theie wan Miipeib music, and
there vviih u splendid -iilliorliifr of fair
vvoiTiiinhood and lRorons nmnhood.
both uilcd by the iphit of enjoyment
that hould hac piicusloii of Hiieh nil
ticinhliiRu to make It un eventful oc
(tilon, one to bo lecalloil J.lli the
rjle.ianto-t tucnini le-t. Htirh as ln-t
night's .inol will be by ovei.voue who
Huti-ed In the hospitality and niealiH
of plc.istue piovldod )),v the Knights.
The lull was a gloiloun pletuie of
Unlit and color. The docoi.Ulon vvoio
the uinst soi rrenu.i of the .season, anil
ihey veio .ni.iiiRed with the utmost
Rood tinti'. This uimncrciiiciit vuis the
handlwniK- of Fuhinuiu, of Scinntou:
Wulc, Iho lloitst, of till city, and
Thomas ".. i'ourIiIIu. who assembled
the lie-Ill's that Hooded the loom with
the slo:y ulinost of the sun.
Uluo and white was the seheine of
rriliu inc. Piom eerv oiner of tlio
room thein wen- stie.imeis and dt.'P-ine-
tint made a uinopy of toloi. The
Ri-een ol fein, palms and the evei
Riien bilrfbteiu'd cm ry eoi tier and
nook of iho loom. The balcony was
shioi.clf-d in blue and whit", with U.iil
" Ins ot Rieen. The hl.iRo ..i an im
mense bank ol leins. which hid the
Atoni t oi chest! i. whose sweet melody
stlii'td the danoois as tlio moved
Ihrmiph the vailous niovements ot the
danre inimhei .
At the liont ot the hall was a splen
did poiliail of Washington, diaped
with handsome Ameiloan lag's. At
the rem, ovcilookliiR the uichestiii,
vvas a similar portialt ot Columbus,
likewise decoiniod. The lights weie
nrianged in clusteis and shed an efful
gence on the scene that completed the
beautitul pietuie ot light and color.
Prior to the dancing, theie was an
cnteitainiiiR pi ogi amine of musical
numbeis, the same that appealed in
The Tilbune ycsteida. CJi.ind .Knight
11. II. Kervvlu piesltled.
Heniy Nelson. Miner in No. 1, Buiied
Under Tall of Eock.
Heiuv Xelnn, a ininei, boaicling, on
Plkt stupt, was burled under a tall of
loot in No. J mine of the Deliw.ue
and Hudson company vc-tciduv. sustaining-
injuiics may lCMilt in Ills
Nflson and Fliineg.iii, hi companion,
weie loading 11 cat, when a massive
piece ot lock, weighing about four tuns,
became dislodged and It'll. Pinnegan
just got out of hui m' way, on account
of being cm the other side of the car,
but poor Nelson was caught and cpv
ei ed up to his head.
It was ,1 tr.lns task to iiiuoe the
biolteu nick that was laiilv clashing
Nelson's lite out, and when lie was
llnally fieed it was found that he was
almost in a d'ing condition. Ills it,il
oigtins woic teat lully compiesscd, and
bin body was maiked all over with con
tusions He was taken to his boai cl
ing house on Pike stieet, wheie a mu
geon was summoned. j,i(,t night Nel
son was in a ciltical condition.
Given by Walter Bentley Bnll at the
Congicgationnl Church.
The songs and ballads of the JSiltMi
Isles was the Inteiestlng .subject of the
ci.tuic-ircital that U'altei Uentlev
.Hall, of New Yoik, gave befoio a I. ilr
sl.eil nucleate at the t'ougiegational
c hui ih Inst evening.
. ill. Hall's lecltul is quite iiulciue, He
,Rles a silent talk about the clllfeient
contiip.i, their people nnd the ch.iiae-
leils'tie naiuiti ot their music'. His
iccllal abounds in the "good things"
of the old lolks songs 1I1.1I people loe.
Ills .singing 01 such wings ac "I.oeh
I.oinoncl, I'he l.o-t I'hoid," "All
' Thiougli the Night," and oilur selec
tions -how oil hi splendid olee to
1 the hst udMintage,
ill, Mill is sine to nehleu' Rieat
popllhtllty with these lecltals and wo
' liope lor his t et 111 11 at some luttiio
Mi. Bosencians Enjoyed.
., The elinlk lull; last night in Vatt'n
2 hull b; ilr. ibiseneians iui tlio
g ti cat,; antic I'mteri when ho was nn-
; lleslcles being an of ah
Changgd Ej39tl ind Put Out the Eire.
c "" ll
f, K;cjtt, utiudy blacksmiths soiiiL'thucs
5 dlnttver j.hut, utwIthMtumllug their
I dully, ,,ia,e else upd lemiyint' good
'Ji health, If their .food is not well selected
m tioublo will lullow, hut In somu caes
jj a eh 111130 of food, to thu light suit will
j ciulcklyielleve tho hiufeier, lor gener-
ally bucIj actho men hnvo lino constl.
C tutlpns apcl. can, wltli u little ehivugo of
3 dletn.e'ially rid ilieniHelvcs ot the ills-
2 Pnse,; ,
Jj I. K. Overdoif, Vllim, Penn., a blaek
X pmlUhfnysj "Two monthH ago 1 got
C down so bad with stomach tiouhlu that
$, I hail to quit iny bUHlncus. About ten
K o'clock each jnornlnu 1 wus!
w by burning) pains In the Htonuicii so
baddiwau unabloto woils.
l Our "iroqery man liiblHted upon my
j ehanglnjf breakfasts anil uslnt; Ornpe-
? Nuts' Breakfast Food instead fit thu or
dinary breakfast of meat, potatoes, etc.
t So I tried and at once began to mend,
I The new food agreed with my stomach
SsjrfoUy- and the pains all ceased. 1
3 kept gettlnff better and better every
S day and now I am ablo, to. follow my
btiBlneBs betterthan llwtci'd.ln'' years, 1
am a thpusand. tlme obliged to the
J makers of ftfftiietNiift foV-the gieat
bcnellts the food has given."
Mr. lloseiuran I n huiuorlsl and
kept the ciovwl In a happy mood till
evening. Sketches limdc einbiaced
poitinltrt, eitrlcattiie., laupcnpes and
comics pictures.
Tho followtiiR iiuitrlettc: Mm. II, .T.
Whnlcn, Mis Urate Wilcox and UomIo
Wiitklnn teiuteied In lino splilt "Tho
Suwano rtlver," while the nitlst
sketched the scne of tho song. In tho
closing number W. V. Kvnn sange the
"Bridge" whllo the aitlst sketched the
Mr. Itocneiaiiri will always be kind
ly welcomed to Carbondale.
Simple, But Pietty Marrlngo Cere
mony of Popular Young Couple at
Dltchburn Home.
Pietty evening nuptlalu that f 01 mod
the union of popular joung Carbondalo
people weie eolemnls'ed last nlglit at
the home ol thu bilde oil C'annnti sticet.
illss Jeniletto Dltchbuin and
.Main lee Ullffoid were the couple whoso
union was blest, atcouipalncd with tho
hc.ulfolt wlshe or n legjon of fi lends.
The eeiemonv took plate In tho
Dltchbuin home, hut on account of
Iho iceeiil death of tho bilde' rather,
Campbell Ultuhbuiii, theie wn no
tlahuiatlou ot the nuptial". The sei
vk'P, howevtr, wa heautlltil In It
simplicity, lev. Chailes K. I-ee, pas
tor ol tin? Flft 1'iesbjleilaii chuicli,
The pallor, the mciip of the nuptial
made a pietty setthiR foi the wedding,
with its decoiatlons of palms and
feins nnd Its llluniinatlons. The bay
window, which looked like the comer
or a ooiisei v.itoi, was allele the
bilde and gioom stood while they
plighted their im,
Tile only attendant was the Inhle'f!
sister, illss Agnes Ditehbuin. The
bilde and liei maid weie both most
becomingly gownec. Tlie bilde woie
an e.piilite Lienllou of white .silk and
can led bildal ioes. The bildesmald
was finite fhaimlng In light blue silk.
Tlie wedding m.uthes and the selec
tions dining the tleing ot tlie nupllal
knot weie plajed by ilKs Jinma
After the ceicniony came the lteep
tlon with Its waiin-lieaited lelkltu
tlons, nnd then the wedding supper
.ltli is accompany social enjoyment.
At 11 o'clock, ill. and ills. C'llffnid
let t oor the Dcl.1v.a1e A. Iludtou lor
New Yoik city, wlieie they will spend
p.ut ot theli honeyniooti They will
also islt Huston befoio letuining to
Cailionc.ale. wheie they will les-icle on
John sticet on their lettun. They
will be at home alter Mu 10.
ills. CUft'oid is one of C.nbiiiulale's
fair and ncconipllshed daughteis and
happily enjojs the simeie lilendship
ot a wide cltcle of li lends ill. Clif
01 cl is one ol the populir ouug men
elf the city and with his fair bilde
sliaios in nianv liiendships. Ho Is coal
lnspettor at the Ulack Dl iinonil col-
lieiy and clalnw the hlgliest lcgaid of
bis emploeis hy loason of his lidellty
and eflieleney.
Pike Stieet Besident Flees from Al
deiman Monison's Office and Es
capes Excitement on Main Street.
l?c wind Scolt, who boauled oil l'lke
stieet, is a spiintei liom wa back.
"A limner lioin liunnenllle" Is
what Aide ilonison sas he i-,
and tlie aldeiniau knows, lor be saw
a 1 emai kabl" display ot Scott's ability
in this dheetlon jesteiday atteinoon.
Scott was taken beioie the altli email
on the ch.uge ol lal-e pietenses pie
leued by D. Singer, from whom It was
alleged he pioeuiecl a suit ot clothes
on thu stieugth or bogus tepiesenta
tlons. Constuble Mai tin Caidpn ap
pielunded Scott estotday and took
him beioie tlie aldci 111.111 lu tho attei
noon. Scult look .1 s".it outside ol the
1 ailing, while the icinst.ible went in
seaicli ot Mi. Slngei to appeal". igainst
the aiLtised. The alc'eunan tinned
lioin the desk wheie he was busy with
some papci.-. and made a suggestion
about the chaigos against Stott. The
latter, when tlie .ildeimau llnlslud,
quietly aiose unci sneaked to the door.
He made a noise at the llneshold that
dlstoitoil the aldeiinan and caused him
to look. He shouted to .Scott to come
hack, the latter lepljlng that he was
only going outside. In an iiibtant, be
was oil' ana clow'n Highlit .ueniie like
the iluith wind.
In tlie meantime, Constable ('anion,
who had not ti .noised a half a block,
was appilsed of Stolt's and In
auothci instant he was pui suing the
Hoeing blid, who was wiping his feet
over night tnentio as If 11 demon was
behind him. At the alley below Ithor
stieet, Caiileu inado a tutn hoping to
hueicept Scott at tho Seventh avenuo
nosslng of the Uehiwaie .v.- Hudson.
Scott howevet, didn't take to tlie l.itl
load. but continued on up the hill and
had 1111 dillleulty In eluding Iho con
stable thiougli the niiineioua pu.izllng
lanes on the West side.
Though Scott made a lively dash, ho
was becoming winded and but lor the
tliouinstance that the constable tinn
ed Into tho ulley he would have over
taken his man,
P. S. Joslin, Caibondale's Oldest Cit
izen Obsetvea Anniveisary Today.
I, H. Joslin, tho veucrablo member
of tho pilnttug ciatt lu Noitheasleiu
I'enusvlvnnln, and Carhondalo'H oldest
lehidenl, will today tclebiutu an event-
tul day In his t.iieer, tne eigiuy-iiiiii
aunlveisaiy or his bhth.
A Rood deal suiionnds tho unnlvcr
hiiry of Mr. Joslin to suiely m.nk It us
an eventful day In his long, active and
useful life, ilr. Joslin, with ono ex
ception, Vv. lluir, of Oiovo stieet, Is
tho oldest cltlen lu f'aibondole. Though
Dr. Huir lb tow jeats Mr. Joslln's
rider, yet the latter can lightly claim
that he Is tho oldest itctlvo map lu the
city. Of all tho veneiabln men of Cui
hondale, he I the moat vlgoious and
active. IIo moves about each day, cje
votlnif a pint of Ida uetlvo bout. to
his vvotl; In tlie job olllce of tho P.ven
Ing Leader. Yesteulay, the evo of his
elRlity-llfth'blrthduyi was spent by Mr,
Josllu In making leady his little HpiiiiR
guulih and In tho etuly evening lie
mado a trip to the (.entrnl city, He
made ono or hi. niueh-appi eclated vIb
Its to Tho Ttibuna olllce, inountlug tho
stalls u tho Ilutko building with a
spiy btep that is lacking In many a
consldeiably younger poison,
Tho chief distinction lljat Mr. Joslin
enjqys In eonnpejton vylth his tinnlvcr
bary, and ono that he Is justly moud
of, I that he In the oldest Carbondale
lcsldcnt. Mr. Joslin came hero In 1832,
almost seventy years uro, and han lived
heio continuously with the exception
of a liutf dozen yeats. No man In tho
city Is so well potcd on tho hlstoiy
ot pioneer Carbondale, and no one hue
111010 Interesting leinlnlsceiiccs of ithe
Anthracite city, Theo leinlnlBccnces,
It need hardly be mentioned, huvo been
keenly enjoyed na they hnvo appeared
from time to time In the press of the
Today, then, will be an occasion of
happy felicitation for Mr. Joslin, and
till his townnnicn will hasten to offer
their congratulations to himself and
his beloved wire, with the heartfelt
wishes that they, both, will bo pie
scrved In good health during the full
evening of their yeais. The Tribune
heartily joins In tho felicitations ex
tended to air, Joslin.
A Blaze in Two Places In tho City
Theie weie two flies vestcidtiVi
though neither was of any consequence.
The Hi st call on tho companies wiib
f 1 0111 bo :;G, Hospital and Kallbrook
streets, the lite beliiR located In the
hotifc owned by Molllo Duffy, of Hos
pital street. Tho blnr.o was caused by
n bad Hue and wa extinguished be
foio any oonsldemblc dnmago lesultcd.
About 11.30 ycslcrdny forenoon, there
was n still alatm that brought tho Col
umbia and Mitchells to the rear or tho
Carbondale Machine coiupnny's ofllccs,
whcio theie was a henn of rubbish
binning that It was feared might do
damage If It ft to bum.
Kelleher, the Mute Pitcher, to Be
Given n Tiial by Manager Lawson.
A Fiiendly Talk with Honesdale.
Kelleher, the outh-paw twhlor, who
was to play with the local Ctescenta
this season, went to Soranton on Mon
day whote he was called by Manager
I-.iwson of the State league club.
Kelleher, who Is n mute, uehieved
considerable rame us a twirler while at
school In Philadelphia. He Is a. lesl
dont or Foiest City, lie has pitched In
Caibondale, and those who havo seen
his woik are confident that he will
catch on In Scranton.
Kelleher pltthed his Hist game for
Scianton on Tuesday, making a good
letoid for his (list appearance, shut
ting out the opposing team.
Kellehei makts the third man on the
Caibondale Ciestents who bus received
un orter this season tiom the Scianton
State league team. A lourth Ciescent
plover i now a member of the Montreal
team of the Eastern league. Kelleher,
I.oftus and Hmmott, wltli the Scian
ton team, and Monahan, with the
Monti culs, aie tho men who havo been
sought. This fact seems ot such 1m
poitanco to 11 that we Use again to re
ninik: AVheie aie the mighty plaeis
in Honesdale unci Aithbald that wn
lead about in tlie subtil ban coiiespond
ence of these two places?
In leTcnlng to Honesdale, wo aie le
niinded that wo ate just lecoveiing
finm a tpulble blow that we lecelved
Horn the Teas schoolmaster who
a rites things bisc ballistic torn Scran
ton evening dally. Twas a shame, Mr.
Man, learned in things pedagogic, to
lap us -o haul In the solar plexus. That
was ii cleadener, so it wa: but don't
; on think' yeiu'ie wasting ioin Miength?
Such real rul whacks at long range are
a teulble chain on one's vitality, and it
j 011 do any 11101 e spurlng like .that it
will be 0111 painful duty to loiwaid a.
Iloial piece lu deeoiale our casket.
Venn flnijli will ceitnlnly be death Horn
0x11.1111100, ir jou deliver any moie
sucli knockout blows as yon got lid ot
In voui daii.v half-column of last Satin -dav.
I'. S. We would have answered jou
befoie now, ilr. Honesdale Hind Hitter,
but it's only this day that we iccoveied
fi mil our humiliation of "rctliing to the
etieme lear and be heated." The reul
legiet we had in taking our back seat
was that we iriot a bunch or Honesdale
people, pilnclpally ball players, who
had vvoin holes In the seats, they had
been theie so long. In the meantime,
wo will wait with patience for the goods
that Honesdale say it has and knows
bow to deliver.
Sudden Waim Weather Blamed for
Vicious Attack of Two Canine?.
The sudden onset of tho exceedingly
hot weather 1 supposed to be lesponst
ble lor the vicious attacks made by two
dogs on as many pel sons the pas-t two
daj-s. Thi' victims of the suaillng and
biting animals aie two young men,
Punlel Peel, or AV.V0111I11R stieet, nnd
Chailes iloles, ol Dundnff stieet, Peel
was bitten on Tuesday, tho animal
snapping tit him while he was on an
eiiand In the business section of the
town. Tho cur spiang on hliu and
"B WBt& to Dr.
Pass for hi
The lady, from whose letter we quote,
got what she wrote for, and is a well
woman to-day as a result of following
Dr. Pierce's advice and using Dr. Pierce's
Pavorite Prescription, the medicine
which makes weak women strong and
sick women well, "Pavorite Prescrip
tion " establishes, regularity, dries weak
ening drains, heals inflammation and
ulceration ami cures female weakness,
Sick women, especially those suflering
from diseases of long itaudiug, arc in
vited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter,
fret. All correspondence i held as
strictly private and racredly confiden
tial. Address Dr, R. V. Pieicc, Buffalo,
N. Y.
"I can truthfully nay Hint Dr. P erce'i Favorite
PU"cripllou i a voudcrful mcclicluc and uc
tene. (lie praise given It." wrllen Mn. limiim
bpoouer, of l.aleviewr, Slonlcalm Co . Mich ,
liox :so, "i wan kict. lour momii, aim 111c ;
due prescribed hy Ihe doctor did 111c 110 good.
I Inally I wrote to Dr. Tierce for Ids advice. He
unsivercd hi n very Und Idler instructing rae
what to do. I followed hU advice and to-day
am a well woman, tlmuka to Dr. I'k-rcc."
Dr. Pierce's PJeataut Pellets should he
used with " Favorite Prvscriplion " when
ever a laxative is rcn.ulred.
I M ' " " k $ v
I '-, jm . MMiiMMKFJBJ I
I ''I
I Ladies ! I
I Do You Know I
I J This Trade Mark? I
I I If it isn't on your shoes, you're missing I
I A some comfort and a great deal of style. They I
I ifl are amous n a are cities- They will be I
I 1 Hfl amous nere when once known: $3.50 a I
I " fiMr a Pa'r' anc y tters t0 iye you attention. ' x I
I yii The " Ma"an " Shoe for Men' I
I o Samter Bros, I
I J Complete Outfitters. "" I
sank Its teeth deeply into his thigh.
The wound had-to be tioatcd by a
suicenn. t
lloyles is iiuisIiik .1 -eveiely soie
fincrer as tlio lesult ot liis cxpeiience
esteiday loienoon with a do-r, belong
Ins to (.'hauneey Bmlth, or Spiins
stieet. Jlojles was looking: after the
dlstilhutlon of theutiical dodgeis, and
in leaning 'over the fence to tlnovv one
in tlie Smith lesidence, the dog snapped
at him, catcliins his outstretched hand.
The teeth of tlie animal closed on one
of the llngeis on Mo.vle.s' light hand,
painfully lareiatinir the member. The
linger swelled to twice Its normal sIze,
soon after the wound was Inflicted, but
it was leduccd utter being cauterized.
Dining the day the unfortunate young
man was tounented with the pain of
the toin Ansel.
New Street Signs.
The lb st of the new Ilumiuuiu stieet
signs weie tacked up yesterday. They
aie attractively neat and were the sub
ject ot much favorable comment.
They aie a lefreshing depai tinent fiom
the signs that have been In vogue In
this city. James Povvderly, of Wyom
ing street, son of ex-Postmasten Povv
deily, Is agent for the signs, which
were m.inufaetuied by a Buffalo con
cern. City KiiBlneei' Kupp curled out with
expedition yesterday the woik of tack
ing up the signs nnd by nightfall
seventy stieet cornels, 340 signs, had
been plno.uded.
Well Known in Caibondale.
Wmrt was lecelved In this city yes
teiday of the death of John Lei eh,
piopiletor of Letch's hotel In South
Canaan; and Jacob Kike, who passed
awuy lit his home lu Cleino, Wuvno
county. Tho latter was the lather of
'Heniy Pike, of Cottage'' stieet, this
city, and had many acquaintances In
this city.
Tho funeral of Mr. Lot eh will take
pl.uo this afternoon at 2 o'clock'.
J3uiial will be In tho .South Canaan
The Pike will also take place
today, buiiul to take place In tho
Honei-dale cemetery.
Exit Stoim Soois.
Tho stouu dootb at the po.tolllco
made their adieu ye..tenl.i. Theie
was a feeling that they would linger
like the l.ibt lose of bumiuor, und one
may suggest that as it was stouu
doois by petition, so would It be "no
stouu dooih" by tho same piotess,
Opeiatlon Was Successful.
The operation for mastoid abscess ie
cently perfouued 011 Genovievo I-ovve,
of this place, by Dr. "W. AV. Pletcher,
of Carbondale, was successful, and tho
patient Is reroverlng.Vayne Inde
pendent. Meetings of Tonight.
George Jtandolph camp, Sous of Vet
eran1 Ihaneh 3'), U. M, . A.
Caiboiulato tanton, Putilaichs' Mili
tant, To Cure a Cold in One Say
Take Laxatlvo Ibomo Quinine Tablets.
All diugglsts lefund the money If It
falls to euie, 15. W, Qiove's slgnatme
Is on each box. 23c.
It I a mallfi n cunijiutulatloii io the inembrri
ol ilia Mcllicxlltt LiIcoul dirndl tlwt tlie
cluuyo ol iatoialu uetHtui Ilci. Jl. I). KulUr,
p. J), and Kov. Mi. I.jmiil, ot tho Court Street
IC'iuidi, K union, ai inmoumcil lu tlio irrcnt
nilnitlriljl unwliitnu'iiti, villi not tukc pUce,
and I)i. fuller will leinaln another jcar, at le.i-.t,
in Jcimwi. 'lids is tlm sceiilL ul .1 liurtln of llio
boaiil of tnisttcJ, luld on 1 ue-d ly Lvcnlutr, vio
picvallccl 1 pon Mi. I ulln to iiiniin, mid .11 Mi.
Iivniln w.14 rquilly sitired ,vltli lii piescnt
dulse, il li.iil the apio.d ut I'rcotiliripr l.Mci
W.uiKi. 'i lie new will he i weleonie .iiinouiicc
nicnl, not cud) Io the eoii'viee-itiou lint to tlio
people outnlc of the chinch, who uie loith to
M.C (lie doctoi ind Ids iliinilile wife Ii no
C. I'drfii Koei 1.111, who I1.14 been appiopilalc
ly de-cubed .is the huiiinut of the paint bin-h,
vvill deliver .1 IilIiuo in I iitciprNc lull Villi ly
evciiingr. Ills cvpiuenees ns initnoiiit on seui.d
111et10pol1l.u1 joinuiU Ins i;ieii lilni .1 leiniil.iblc
inistiiv in tlie H'.ilm of cancitine and tapid t .it -toon
woik, while the diollrnei und 01 ijili-cl com.
luentN Willi winch he ilHilniliatcs Iii-i t.tiluon-,
Inviinalily comnl-o his auUlencci Willi IuikIiIii.
'Hie inteitalnmenl U to bo given under tlie ,iu
piits of I lie l'list lliptisc chinclu .Uhnk-ion,
.ulults i3 ccnU; chili en, 13 cents,
Mi. II. 1). farcy hat ictuincd hoiue aflcr a
vMl to fllend lit Caillsle.
Mrs. J. 1'. lchoIoll, hon dlarold and el mliti 1
Glace, aie visiting tt Ihe homn ot the fonnei's
patents Mr. and Mi-.. (!. A. Kliliii, of Nwth
'tliomaa Duifee jncl Mls .Mevandci, ot Car
bondale, weie callerr, heie 'Cstcid.11.
Mr. and Ml;'. Joint (ilbbx, of Soitlh M1I11
tucr, weie bcianton vitloia jesteidiy.
Mij, IJio nenjamin and -Mrs. l.'dw ad Stiftoid,
of Vandlliip, woe jivalcnUy the bucIs of Mis,
T. K. (Iriiliths.
Joe Laughney lias accepted a inn with
Ihe Caibondale Steam lauinliv.
Mis. J, J: Millci wad 11 bu.mtou vlilm jt -tci-1U1.
'Hie liappoiiilnant of Itcv. (', II, lleuiy ns
pistol nt tlie Methodist )piiill diindi .11 the
W.voniini; tonleiiniu held at Wuuil.i, X ., is
u Konrco of (tiial delljiht In the iininheH of his
chuicli and ohmur itltn. Ilei, Ml, lleiuy and
family came lu this town one jeai ji;n and dm.
hi; that t into hive nude 11 luae clule of IilemU
who will be 1.1 id lo wiliuim' t lit in bilk foi mi
other term. II' t. Hunt his Id ltd hUeluiKi 1 1 1-1
nedilably and liU erlllOlll .11 e dtllijlitliil to hen.
Mi. and Ml. Until I'. laH cilebuled die
hfticlli of llali niauliK'i' at tle'li
home on Inliii Micit uicntb, 'Unit dillilun
pieentcil Hum vvllli a wdhlilliil pniee. II10 ot.
c.hIdii was 1 ml 111' mid was allendid l)
hon;, dmi;!iti.i .mil i.iinklilhliut. Dining Ihe
vi nliifr 11 iUIUIoii ic'pasl wis letu'd. 'Ilne
pieniit wile Ml nnd Mil. Dnhl 1' l)iK Ml
und Mis. 1). M, Pivls and fainllt; Ml. and Mm,
John 1', Davis and fanillj , Mi and Mis, Vnlhin.t
Cubanola cigars and common
cigars cost
the same s,t
Tone and fainilj ; Mr. and Mrs-. I-onte Iitinlinrdt
and l-iiiil.v, Mr. and Mrs. Gonicr V Dins And
A iiieelins of tlie 'la.vlor lit its base ball train
will be held tins evening, when rtoig-inmilion
will be elltctcd. All former lneinbtu and tliose
tle-iioiis of ti.viii' for a poition on the tenn ate
leqnested to be prist 11 1 at Hie nicctins.
'I lie Pvne mine siispencled operations je-terliy
at noon owlty to a biciKdown of the micliincry.
Noll, will be icsinned todi.v.
'Iho inlplnjcs of (lie (iiiemvood !fo-. 1 end 2
of the Deliwart ind Hudson LOinpiny will be paid
toniotiovv and on Siliinliv the l.d, ivvnnm com
panv will dlilrilinle enii inonthlj cunins ann.ig
llieir einplojes heie.
Tlie Taj lor Ol itolio Miclilv will hold a full
ichcai-al iliis cvcnlne at the Cilvmv tliuith
lirtpaialoiy to the p rfoiinamo of Juilai Mic
labctis on Moiuliy evening nevt. '1 ho loui wlo
ists and llmei'b ordioatri will be pieent. Kveiy
nienibii of the Oiutoilo society i inirentl.v ic
quested to be piisent at .s o'tloeU thaip
The riitcitaiiiniinl held at Ihe otitis Men'o
Clulstlan iiasociiiion reomi 1 lit evening was well
pilionied. 'Ihe piogianime lendeied wai well
enjoved lie all pieent,
'the Antlnicile (ileo elnb has postponed lis ic
hcaisd tnnin'lit until toiuouovv evening owing
to tlie full ulie ileal of Hie Oiatotio mkUI.v.
Mrs. (Jeoi'e l)ouc. of Tn.vloi tticet, left Tue-..
claj on a tvvu weeks' visit wltli lit 1 sitei. Mi.
Aichie btcttler, at St. Clair.
1 ukiwtiniii Valley council, Xo SI, Junior Oi.
dcr United American Jlreliaiiiis will meet lids
evening in regular tc-sion.
Ileiijiinln l.lewclljn, of piom stud, is lecov
erlng fiom hit recent lllucf,
Mw. John (i. Owen-, and diildieii, of 'la.vlor
stieet i-ltins: nJatlvfs In st. Ciali,
Mm Itoliinl Unbelts, of Ue-t Nl iiitun, vv is the.
BinM "I idalivej. in town veteuli.
ik his le-l
lie lot 11
yoa aboBt
Tlie f liuwliu pioriuinie will be niulcriil bj
Wahei lluillv II ill, Ihe I'llitune, tiom .New
Voik, at lilt boll,' licit d in Ihe l'lc-bvli lim
ciiuidi loinoriow iviiilu" '".nigs of I.ukIiiuI,
Tin' I,iii Llioid," "iiillhaiij "Hie J-antls O'Doc,"
l laj ; "lln- llailoll's llaiiklilir of Hiiulou,"
diveutli itutuiv; Miulilnar Alou,'," Miude .
Willie; "Hie I'ullv l leituie," SUlluj "C,iiv
i.,i... m 1 I,, "iHiiniJ of Lnuiton lleaue." oil
on,', -oii "I s till ind. "llonlir llallnl,"
l.tnv"ani "Lot h l.oi imitl," "Vnnli' l.tinln"; t-mt
of Walt, "Ml ' tin Wit." "Mm c(
llilleeh," "Ihe lle of Mhii." "llin Mieep I mlei
the 'now ', "iit. of lielind, "1 In Vibiittt,"
.11. .11,1,.,, l im, ,111111 11." "Olf to I'hiliiltlnlii 1."
I'loft-"! M W 1 111111111111.0 It hull
demo 011 Jlolavwno ii'H niovid to 1
not have the best
for your Five Cents?
the rear f icing Susquehanna street, A large new
building will be creeled where the old structure)
stood. '
About twenty members of tlie lcbekali j6dgfl
went lo fire it Bend last rvenintf. where" the.v
attended a session of tlie older.
llev. 11. I". Ilnnmoiid w in Kingston this wcelc
attciidtng the I.ick.iwinna Presbytery sessions
I'oi tho iii -1 tunc Mute Kit October the hired
cais weie 11111 on the 'lliroop line jcfitcrdiy. It)
U eipccted tint regnlir t np3 will be matb 111
a few iljj-
1'iank llvans Ins rcigned hi? poltlon at thu
Iiceoul office to accept a suuilir position at
A paily of voiuig people went to the wood!
jcstciday and gulliered lirgc liouqnctR ot ar
butn, vvli'ih 1 quite plentiful tins season.
.1. fi, Poll, Mipeiinlcndcnt at tlie Pclaware and
IIiidin inliiis at Olvphant, and Miss llanie.v, of
Cllftoul, weie united in marriage jesterday nt Ilia
homo of the Itcv. J. D. bvvcet, of Onconta, N, V,
Tlie bride intl groom returned hero last evening
nntl will take up their abo'd in Jlr. Bell's neatly
furnished homo on Main tdrrct. '
Maple Hell, of Auburn, N". N., is upending a
few- tla.n with liU parent., Mr. and Mm. William
Bell, of Xortli Jlsln street.
'Ihe cni)ilo.ves at tlie Menick Creek colliery
will bo paid Siturdav.
Messrs. i. V. Arnold, J. I). Peek and J. It.
Bell spent jeotcniiy in the vicinity of Thomp
son, lulling for trout,
'Ihe Woman's Christian Temperance union will
meet on Thurndiy afternoon at the home of Mm,
I'lauU Hojle, livery member Is invited to bo
ptcscut, .is there Is prchil business to be attend'
ed lo,
1 lent y lltitiimon", ji,, was badlv Injured at
Dolph's mine on Tiic-tlMy afternoon, In atlciiipt
injr In mag a mine en. Ileauiiiou was eauslit
liv tlie ear and sustained a teirlblo ga-li in Ills
hip. He was aln badly biulscd about the bod.v.
'Ihe (uncial of the late Milton Ta.vlor, ol Peek
vlllc, will be held from tho residence Frldaj at
J p. 111.
Allen'ii Toot l.'ase, a powder. It euies painful,
Hunting, nervous feet and iimroiviug nails ami
liisliintly take, tlie stiiia; out of toins and bunlo'is
It's the (.leatest coniloit discovery of the rgi
Allen's Vnot 1 a-o niakci tltilit or new hhois fetl
iav. It i a ecilaiii cum l r snt.itiii,- i.tlloui
ami hot. tlictl, aelilng left. Trj It toil ij. nM
In nil dnva:Uts ami "hoc stoics Don't atteit
.111 hiih.lltiili. IU n dl fci y in ol uuH. Tiial
piilai.i' I'lll. I . Addles, lleu . Ohihtcd, 1
llv, ,N. .
should you
4 ,
V '.
.' -
t. ltit-if T