THE ONLY SCRANTON iy ,.'' tt RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OJfllE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. M TWO CENTS. y SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1902. TWO CENTS. RIOTERS ACTIVE INPATERSON The Gftu Devastated bu Fire and Flood Now Suffers from Vicious Mobs. STRIKING DYERS STORM THE MILLS Almost Without Warning the Dis orderly Element Moves Upon the Mills, and Much Damage Is Done Before the Rioters Are Checked by Police A Mill Owner Assaulted. Desperate Battle Between Strikers and Officers Police Hope to Con trol Lawbreakers Without Aid of the Troops. Sy Kxclusttp Wire Iiom T he A;yc!.itrd Piesi. Puterson. X. J., Anvil 23. Striking dye helpers today stormed the estab lishments that were still running, and by force compelled u complete suspen Blon of business in their trade. They engaged in ;i series of running lights with the police anil plant manngois, iiml in one of the severest clashes ex changed a volley of pistol shots with them. The indicals among the strikers were in command. Many persons on either .side were severely Injured dur ing the rioting, but none dangerously CO. It was believed for a lime that ll Would be necessary to ask the state for troops! to restore order and insure protection to life anil property, but the police expressed eontldenee In their ability to handle thr situation, and no request for outside aid was made. Ju go Dixon called the grand jury and charged them to Indict the persons guilty of rioting. The conservative element n 1110117 the strikers had in the meantime dis avowed the violence of their fellows, and urging a return to peaceful means to gain the end that was sought. A written demand upon the employ ers for pay was formulated, and a com mittee opened negotiations for its con sideration. Large numbers of the strikers were , 5n sullen spirit, and it was predicted tonight that any attempt on the purt of the employers to resume business without dealing with them would be desperately resisted. "When the strik ers completed their campaign against the plants "in operation the number ot men out was found to be nearly 4,000. Disorder "Unexpected. The disorder began early In the day nnd was unexpected. A meeting of Mrikers was held at S o'clock at Rue ger's Riverside hall, und two hundred men gathered at the place. The hall would not accommodate them nil, and the proceedings were slow because of the many nationalities represented. To simplify matters It was nnully de cided to have the men of each shop on strike nppolnt a committee of five to represent them. -The meeting was or derly and declared for peace, and the men were urged to keep nway from the shops. The meeting of commit tea pre pared and adopted the following de ar and: The liiIpcM i-hnll incite au cnu ,cr limn inl y hour-. Im1 constitute .me u,', vuik. Time .mil one-hall tor otoitime, loliuui-. .1 day. Ml mathh.e uu'U nnd sh.iUi- out, dynamite i'.iy men oml lio llif. -M cent .in limn. I'inbhcrs -'I unM an liunr and no miii1.iv Well.. Xo leaincii lo mi-he li . iluni sn 1 cm 4 an lionr. JCIsht men to i"i.'1o 11 tenli. an limn. TliN iclitdiilc rlull I1A11 tJUU lor tin.. nol fita Jtjif. .Ml himdi sluil ti'ii-lu (lie nilnuii'-, fur wade iiiK up befuic 12 and li u',, The old prices per hour wore as fol lows: Helpers Ki'i cents: machine men IS V cents; llnlshers if-' cents; learner lllfi cents. While the meeting was In progrtss a number of strikers stood ouihIUu the hull angrily discussing their griev ances. The rudleuls urged a raid upon the works still in operation and when their suggestion was approved headed a rush for the plant of Johnson Cow din & Co. The men at woik there were called out and the strikers niov ed on to the establishment of Jumcs Simpson & Co. The firm fearing trouble dismissed tlui men and closed its doors. Robert Cluedes' winks were visited next and after that the Ham ford mills, where the ilrst serious dis order occuired, suriutinded. The properly Is walled in but the strikers gained the yard before tlio gates wrie shut. Windows weie smashed, chem icals spilled and considerable damage done, The men at work In the plant quickly quitted their places, While one mob wuh closing the Jiauifoid mill another was surging Into the plant of the American Hllk Dyeing unit Finish ing company. Armed with dyo slicks nnd stones they charged through the plunt driving the men from their places, George Arnold, ono of the members of the firm diopped lusensl hie with a blow on the head from u dyo e tick, Whero Shooting Occurred. Almost fclmultuneously an attack was begun on tho works of Ihnll fleer ing and It was In tho light for posses sion of ft that the shooting occurred. Two policemen weto guarding the property and whim the mob euiuu rushing down on them they warned those In the van to keep away. Home one In the crowd discharged a revol ver and tho police quickly rettiriuW the flre, Half a dozen bhots were llrcd, and one striker, who cbcapod uniden tified wus 'phot In the leg. The inob stoned tho two policemen, and when one of the latter arrested ono""uf tho leaders, closed In uround lilm. The - officers swung their clubs nnd bent their way out of tho crowd A striker enguRod Mr. fleering but was beaten off. One of the patrolmen finally se cured it rifle nnd when he came out and faced tho crowd with It there was a great scattering. From Geering's, tho strikers hurried away toward tho property of Knlp t'cher and Mans, but that raid was checked by a squad of police. The latter formed across tho street, and, marching forward with night sticks drawn, forced the crowd back. Gerald Mlstell, a young striker, hurled a rock ut tho police and was placed under arrest. Tho crowd tried to rescue him und to the number of several hundred followed tho at resting ofllcers to the prison, hooting at them as they trailed along. An attempt was made to or ganic?, n second movement against Mr. Oeoring's works, but only n. few volun teers were found who were willing to tuko part in It. At noon, the men nt work for (jeering went out, and the place was closed up. At some of tho places raided, some of the strikers familiar with tho ma chinery turned the steam on at full force, and It was an effective weapon in driving the workmen out. The strikers met at Riverside again at 4 o'clock in the afternoon to receive reports of the several shop committees. Nearly every one of the latter reported thai their particular shop would agree lo the wage concessions demanded if all the other shops would. The conser vative leaders strongly advised tho strikers lo 'avoid violence and dis avowed the attacks made on the mill during th' morning. If the dyers strike Is prolonged, other branches of tho great silk industries which center in and around Patcrson will be affected. NATIONAL LEAGUE SCORES A POINT Lajoie, King of Second Basemen, Is Temporarily Restrained from Playing. By I'scluiho Wire from Tin: Aswclatcl Press. Philadelphia, April 23. Following up the decision of the Pennsylvania Su preme court against Napoleon Lajoie, of the Philadelphia American League Base Hall club, John I. Rogers, of the Philadelphia National League club, to day secured a temporary injunction, re straining the great second baseman from playing with any other organiza tion than thc Philadelphia National club. The injunction, which was granted In common pleas court No. !J. the same tribunal which dismissed the applica tion for an injunction last year, and which was reversed by the Supreme court on Monday, also restrains the local American League club from em ploying Lajoie. Colonel Rogers wanted to Include Pitchers Frazer and Bern hard, but counsel for the American League objected. The court remarked that when the case was argued origi nally, no testimony was heard on Fra zer nnd Bernhnid, and It was finally decided to limit tho Injunction to La joie. The case will come up again on Monday on a motion to dissolve the In junction. The court asked If there would be any difficulty in serving the injunction, and counsel for the American League replied, "Not at all"; that the moment the injunction should bo granted it would be telegraphed to Baltimore, where Lajoie was lo play today. Coun sel for tho American League asked that secui Ity be entered In the sum of $10, OflO before tho Injunction should issue, but the court fixed the amount at $2,."00. Colonel Rogers secured the necessary bond. St. Louis, April -3. Proceedings wero brought In the circuit court today by attorneys representing President Frank De Huns Robison, of the St. Louts Na tional League Base Ball club, to re strain Harper, Wallaeo nndHeldrlek from playing with the American League St. Louis team. The cuses against Harper and Wallace were brought up before Judge Talty and that of Heldrlck'befoie Judge Fisher, Judge Talty postponed the hearing of the cases of Harper and "Wullaeo until next Monday. Judge Fisher refused to Issue n temporary Injunction against Heldrlck, ordering him to appear in court tomorrow morning audi show cause why a restraining order should not be Issued. In his petition asking for an Injunc tion against the players, President Itohls'im states that Harper had signed In I'M to play with the St. Louis Na tional League club nt a salary of $2,500 a year, und that Wallace and Held rlck had each signed in 1U0O a two years' contract for $2,J0fi n year, Tho last two named had each been paid $t!0) bonus, which, tho petition stated, is still retained by them. Washington, April i;i. President Ben Sltlho of the, Philadelphia American league was here today to meet Presi dent Ban Johnson of the American league to consult with him as to the action lo be taken In the Lajoie In junction case, Mr. Khlbo declares that he will take tho case to the United States Supreme court If necessary, Ho left Philadelphia tonight with Mr, Johnson. Mr. Johnson said that they would fight tho Lajoie case to a llnlBh nnd U Natlonu'l league would get noth ing fioiu them except nt a heavy coat. Teller Leighton Sentenced. Ily Wlro Mom yK Adulated rthS. 1'ortlanrt. Me., Apill S3. Ciran-v lllo V, T.cllt- ton, chaqjccl uilh tlie cinbusli incut of 1,(111 tihllc ci'ltf!ih' teller of the National TiiJora bank of this illy, pleaded guilty befnia JwUo w,l,l. In ic I'liiied States circuit court today ami vat mmcih-cI to dx jejiV hard labor lu I lie state prUon. ALLEGED ELECTION FRAUDS. Resolution Denouncing Them Adopt ed by the Democratic State Edito rial Association. Py Etrltiiiltc Wire from The AicM'hilrd l'rri. llarrlibuiir, Apill 21.--ltrinliillon ilctionnt Intr election fruuiU in MibverMto of llepulilli.m liistlltillom itAil lirglnir oteiy hone-l elllrcti to Use lilt licit ofloili to fru'ti.tle, prtvenl ntnl punish mkIi tilmi's were iitloplril at .111 .I'l jotirneil meetlntr tod.iy of the Democratic St.tlo, lMllorln) awliillon. The resolution win ofteieil by ImIIh i'aii'lcn. ot f'lillnilelphl.i, Conner ih.iltniati nf Hi.1 Il.-inj-cratli' xluti" eonimltlt'i'. ulm tn.tile 11 n ndilicv. be fore the nioiclnlliiii 011 the neiil of innmnt Mill complete party owanlratlon In the Mile. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Will be Held at Brie on June 25 State Committee Selected " By f.irluslrc Wire from The Associated l'rc.. Harrlsburg. April 23. The annual meeting of the Democratic state com mittee wus held this afternoon in tho board of trade rooms to arrange for tho state convention for the nomination of candidates for governor, lieutenant gov ernor and secretary of Internal affairs. Representative William T. Creasy, of Columbia county, was re-elected state chairman by acclamation und tendered a vote of thanks for his party services during tho past year. Owing to the action ot the Dauphin county committee in electing state delegates and a county chairman In defiance of tho mandate of the state executive committee the county was de nied representation In tho committee, f'olonel William S. Thomas, of Hnrris burg, chairman of the local county committee, said that proceedings would probably be Instituted to compel the state committee to recognize him. The Blair county contest was adjusted by the seating of Mayor Hoyer. of Altoona. The following division chairmen, who constitute the state executive commit tee were elected: first T. Z. Minh.ut, riai.l.lin. Sec 01 il It. V.. CiesTOCll, Cimbili. Thin!- John It. Keen in, Wot ram eland. Kourlh Captain William ll.i."-cn, Venango. I'lCtlt-lMnlel .1. Piiwoll, I.IK. KKtli II. li. KpjKrr. I'nior. Setenth .lohn (I. Jlelleniy, Columbia. l'.lRhtli A. M. l'.dincr, Monroe. Ninth-Charles 1. lMnnclly, Philadelphia. It was decided to hold the state con vention at Erie on June 23. A. O. Crosby, representing the Erie chamber of commerce, asked that the conven tion be held in that city. Ho promis ed that if the convention w?is held at Erie the people of that city would furnish transportation to the delegates and pay the expenses of the gathering. Ex-Mayor Saltsman, of Erie, also spoke favoring the holding the con vention in that city. Harrlsburg was named by Mr. Dougherty of Cumber hind county. The vote on this question follows: Harrlsburg 32; Erie 42. Amedments were offered to the rules so as to provide for a uniform system of nominating candidates for Judge, senator and congressmen. The amend ments were adopted and the matter now goes to the state convention be fore it becomes a party rule. The lules were also amended so as to fix the basis of representation in the stale convention on the presidential vote Instead of tho vote for the state nominees at each preceding general election. The committee then adjourn ed. CLIN0NDALE IS WIPED OUT Eire in Barn of W. P. Brown Spreads Over the Entire Village Fire Compnny Saves Grist Mil. By i:Mlrie Wile (rum The AsolUimI Pre. Lockhaven, Pa., Am II 23. A Jlrel which started in the barn of W. F. Brown, piactlcally wiped out Clinton dale. Clinton county, a small town of 173 Inhabitants, situated midway be tween this city und Bellefonte, this evening. The following were totally destroy ed: The White .Milling company's store and pioperty, occupied by W. P, Brown, Evangelist church, school house, H. M. Snyder's residence; Hunt er's residence, Schilling's residence and other lesldent properties, Tho ware house of the YV. A. Whlto Milling com pany, together with numerous barns and outbuildings were destroyed. Tho grist mill of tho White Milling com pany nnd the residences of Dr. Huston and T, F. Ohl were on tire, but wero saved from total destruction by tho timely arrival of a fire company from Bellefonte. The loss Is estimated at from $.10,000 to $to,000; partially cover ed by Instil ancc. WILHELMINA'S CONDITION. Ily Um ltidvi! Wire from l!ic Acl.itrd 1'ic.s. The llasiic. April 31. It v.w hilil tonight at fafctle, lint tun xdilinut .1 iel.upi, ijiieon Wllhelnilnu'ii ont.1Uw.m10 tumid occupy .1 month or moil. Today Iih luajisty lionn lotishliiablc. of plrll ami intcn.t in btr ummuliir;i. DEATHS OF A DAY. Ily llultbltc Who Iiom The Associated 1'icj. Xtw.uK, X, J,, April 8j JWpli Kernel, r illicl hero today. Ho via-, born In Couiellcvillc, pa. He iJino to .Wivaik in JWI, When the, CltU tar biKan Mr. " Kccjh'vN with Colonel pit. tlanc, U I'lttsburi,-, oniaiili'U tlw SKth lYnu. 1. j I van la beaty aitlllery, lie cIkuoii rap. tain of Company '., and on Iho lecuinnienilatlon of I'lcjlcfenl Mncolu tta-i placed In rliaieo of fort lllhin Allen and otlur (ioIuI of liuiwiumv. Alter the war I'rci-hh'nt Cunt appointed him postmaster ut fonrcllsvillc, where he a bo tened two yea is a nut or. New V01K, April 23. liose 0.4oine, tthq U fad to lute been at ono lime the leadliii; ucttcM of a MotK loinpury at St. I.oui.-, dkil herp today. She befaino ln.ane during an IIIiicni of irattiliij and tttlciday while lp(iif nmoted to an ii.tlnnt ii.aclc a drpirate attempt to lomnilt ffiitldo by jumping Into the I'.akt rltcr fiont u'leiry btcatn.'r. blio m U'icucd but died today. ' ELKiN URGED TO BATTLE The nitorneu General Mau Make Open FiQht tor the fllle- Qhenu Deleaatcs. GRATIFYING NEWS FROM ALL SECTIONS Mr. Elkin More Confident Than Ever That He Can Win the Nom ination in the State Convention A Conference with Congressman Con nell Today Is Likely to Be Produc tive of Some Interesting Develop ments Arrangements Made to Visit Wilkes-Barrc. Special lo the Scranton Tribune. Harrlsburg, April 23, Attorney Gen eral Elkin has been strongly urged to day by representative men from Pitts burg to make an open fight for the delegates from Allegheny. The matter Is receiving serious consideration, and there Is no doubt that the attorney general has heard some gratifying, news from that end of tho state. To night ho is more confident than ever that he can win tho nomination In tho state convention. Among his callers today Have been Jack Whltehouso, of Schuylkill; Sol Bacharneh, of AVilkes-Barre, and sev eral leaders ot counties in the Juniata valley. The news they biing is most gratifying. The attorney general, who is 'to have his name submitted directly to the voters tit the Wllkes-Barre pri maries, Is arranging to visit there and may make one or two speeches. Accompanied by ox-Senator Mitchell, the attorney general will leave for Washington today lo confer with Con gressman Council. Tho result of this meeting is likely to bo productive of some Interesting developments. One of tho Klkin lieutenants made the predic tion today that the attorney general would have SO per cent, of the delegates in the sttite outside of Philadelphia. Tt is by no means settled that he may not get votes from Philadelphia. DESTRUCTION IN PATH OF THE FIRE FIEND Thirty-five Places of Business and Fifty Dwellings Destroyed Near Oil City Other Eires. By l.'xcliuitc Wire from The Associated Tres. Oil Cily, Fa.. April 23. Thirty-five places of business and fifty dwellings wero destroyed by fire at Marienvllle today. There was a high wind and no aderiunte the protection. The fire started In the dwelling house of Mrs. M. J. Smith, who was smoking meat. Tho B. B. and K. railroad station and telephone exchange were among the buildings destroyed. The loss is esti mated at $20,000, with about one-half that amount in Insurance. Kenton, O.. April 23. The Champion Iron Fence works burned today, entail ing a loss of from $223,000 to $230,000 and throwing 300 men out of work. The plant wus one of the largest of its kind in tho country and was the principal industry of this city. Atlantic City, X. J., April 23. Fire today all but wiped out the village or Flwood, J. J., about twenty miles from here. The flames were discovered in tho large saw-mill of AValter Boz nrth, and spread so rapidly that before aid arrived the postolllce, the mill and a score of buildings wero completely gone. The occupants saved little or nothing from tho burning building. Kgg Harbor and Hanunontown re sponded to culls for assistance, but ar rived too late to check tho progress of the llanies. The village Is a farming center. GALESWEEPS MILWAUKEE Much Pioperty Damaged Thomas Rodemnn Blown from Platform. 11 I.MhWtc Wile tiom'llo A-Mxlated lW?. Milwaukee. Wis,, April 23. Tho gale which swept this city last night dam nged tho Mllwatigee llullrotid shops to the extent of $2,."00. Thomas Itodemtin was blown from a platform In the 101 more coal yard and probably fatally Injured, , At Seymour, Wisconsin, tho storm blow flown the smoko stacks of tho electilo light plant which took fire. Lightning struck tho hum of Charles embedi, who was probably fatally burned. All his farm buildings weio burned. CAPT. CLABK DECLINES HONOR. Bear Admiral Watson to Represent Navy at Coronation. Ily l.'xehulii' Wire horn 'I he Avuclstrd l'iea, Washington, April 23. dipt. Charles IJ, Clark has declined tho appointment of special naval representative tlt tho coronation of King Kdward. nnd tho President hns named Hear Admiral Watson for tho mlsuloti, Hot Wave in Philadelphia. Ily F.M'Innlte Wlro front The Avwlatcd Prim. Philadelphia, April 23. The hot wave which auiu'il lieie ctcnliy-kllll ptetalls in till, ieo. lion. Tin' iimliiiiiiil trniptratmn w.w t.1 .ilficrvrf, and ut 8 o'doilv tonight diKi'i"! who trill tercel ut the ;overiimei.t tlitud uflUc. , Mr. McLeod Buried. ' lv '.cluliii WliofiomThe Akolitic Vitm. , nnflalo. X. V., April SI. "I lie luucml of Au-'il-bald A. Mcl.roil, torpid' pifl.-iit of He Phila delphia' and llvnllni; lailrnad, wa held it 1'oftH Liwii'uinclcrV tliU jfUnioon. ' " ALLEGED FIREBUGS ARRESTED. Huntingdon Authorities Move Upon tho Suspects, fly Wire from The Associated Picvs. lliinllncdon, li., April S.I. Cl.innc W.tllf, ion nf cvDhtrkt Attorney Wnlle, v.n nrr.-jlcd at Altoont bit lilidit anil bintitjlil licte today ihaitrcil with niHin. lie, tnircllirr with LsinilU Steel, mil. nf Klmil-t Steel, present member of Iho boaid of ni.ini2i.i of Iho lliintlnKilon reformatory, and llany Mlll'.'r, who were nrreitecl jeiierdty ncte placed tmler bonds of ft, DUO each today for their appearmcr' at ne,t month'ii tcim ot iiitirt to aimer eharttej of setting fire to n ntiinbef ot platen tliirlhK the. pat jcar, Tho brtontth .lutliorfttes arc pra paring to mote mtalii't nllicr kuirct. AGAINST THE BEEF TRUST Resolutions Introduced in the House by Richardson and McDermott. By I!ciu:ive Wire front The Asocliled Pre.-?. Washington, April 23. Ileprcsenta tives Klehurdsou of Tcnnessee today Introduced tlio following resolution: "Whcras, there has been recently an unusual Increase in the price of beef, lutiton, veal and pork, which la ab normal and duo hugely, If not alto gether, to trusts and other combina tions alleged' to be unlawful in their organization, therefore. v "Resolved, that the ways nnd means committee be Instructed to Investigate tho question of the recent increase In the price of those articles and deter mine the cause thereof, and If prac ticable offer some measure of legisla tion that will afford relief against tho evil complained of." Representative McDermott. of New Jeisey, today in'lroduced a bill abol ishing all duties upon meat and poul try imported from foreign countries. MORE "WATER CURE" EVIDENCE FURNISHED Two Lynn Men Send Senator Lodge a Statement of Instances of Tor ture Under Their Observation. By i:clusito Wire from The Associated Press. Lynn, Mass., April 23. Two men. William Labelle and Albert W. Bert rand, formerly privates In Company D. Twenty-sixth regiment, United States volunteers, sent to Senator Lodge a statement of Instances of the application of Hie "water euro'1 in the Philippines that came under their ob servation. Bertrand was clerk of Company D, and regimental clerk at headquarters while the regiment was stationed at Panay. Labelle says that while at Anllao 'three natives wero taken by Company D men into a Cath olic church and given tho "water cure." Ono of the natives refused' to tell where insurgent guns were secreted, and after he hud been given the "water cure" ho was blindfolded and one of the soldiers tired his gun near the man's head. The Instant the gun was fired another member of tho squad hit the native with, a stone, nnd he was told that he had been shot.' The native then told the United States soldiers where they could find the guns. Labelle gives the names of the otlleers and privates who participated lu administering the punishment. Labelle further says that in tho sum mer of 1900, while the United States forces were about three miles from Ks tancl. Company D captured three na tives and gave them the water cure. After the men had been filled with water, blood came from their eyes and ears. Bertrand bus furnished Senator Lodge with particulars of the alleged disap pearance and killing of Father Au gustine, a Catholic priest, at Bolo. Ho says It was reported that Father Au gustine knew where Insui gents' gold was burled. Men from Company D captured htm In December, 1900, and dressed him In a uniform of the Uni ted States artillery. He wan then tak en to Banato and kept in a well. 'Ho refused to tell where the gold was burled, and on the night of Dec. l, he was taken to a house formerly occu pied by the prcsldente of tho village. Upon his arrival there. Bertrand says, the water cure wus given him by the "water cure squad." The men suc ceeded In getting neaily all the water out of him, but he did not revive. The men became frightened and a surgeon wus sent for. Uhi services proved un successful and Bertrand says that tho priest died, Some of tho men wero sworn to se crecy nnd tho body was burled in a plot of land used by the troops as a base ball ground. Bertrand says that a non-conunlssloned officer was seen wllh tho priest's watch and chain, and when 11 commissioned otllcor learned this, they were turned over to him, Bertrand gives iho names of tlio men taking part, and also refers to revcrnl officers. t According to Labelle, when Company I) was out on a hike, while stationed at Duiigas, in July, WOO, the men wore or dered to burn everything and seo that no grown persons escaped. This, Labelle says, tho men proceed ed to do, Labelle and Bertrand say that while at Dungns tho toldlers canto to ti hut whero a nutlvo woman had Just given birth to a. child. Tho hus band was madn a prisoner and tho woman and children weio dragged from tho house and left on tho ground. Tho native shack wns then burned, but Labello and Bertrand do nol know what became of the woman and child, Pennsylvania PostmaBtevs. By Hxclibltc Wlro fioin The Associated l're. w",ulilnglrii, April 2.1. 'ho folbmlnir f.iiutli bus I'cnn It.inla poiliiiasli'm t.'cie appointed today; Autumn l.cius Wa.tnc .county, I.'. II, llcllmp; Ilirdtille, Allegheny count, S. M. Palnttr; Camhra, l.tucmo county, T, W. flnccl. Pension Granted. By Cv'liulfc Wlic from The Aisucbtrc! Trwt Wathlustoh,-' April 'J).rJamei II. Mi ('.'III, of Ibminuu', Itaa U'ui LTJMcd a' pension of ll. AN EARTHQUAKE AT GUATEMALA PRESIDENT REBUKES GENERAL FUNST0N The Officer Is Asked to Cease further Discussion of the Situation in the Philippines. I'y I'srludtc Wire from The Awchttnl Prc-w. Washington, April 23. By direction of President Roosevelt, Acting Secre tary ot War Sanger bus addressed tho folowlng letter to Gen. Frederick Fun stun: War Department, Washington, .April 22, IM2. Slit I am directed by the president to Instruct .ton that he vislies you to cc.ifo futlhcr public dibiijislon of the Hlttiitlon In tl.e I'ltlllpplneJ, nnd nl'o to expini hU reaict tint ton should ini'.o a senilor of tho I'nlted States the object of pub lic criticlbin or ilNcuvdou. Very le.ipecl fully, William Cary Sunter, Arlunpr S'ccrctiiry of Wnr. Ihlgatllrr Oncra Ficderlck 1'unstou, com mnadlnif department cjf Colondo, Pmer, Colo. At a banquet last Saturday night of tho Colorado Sons of the Kevolutlou, General Funston Is reported to have said of Senator Hoar: "I have only sympathy for tho senior senator from Massachusetts, who Is suffering from an over-heated con science." Probably what caused the Issue of this particular letter was an applica tion from General Funston for leave of absence, in order that he might at tend the hajiquet to be given In Boston by the Middlesex club. It was under stqod that "he was to deliver another address there, and as the president de precates tho discussion of public ques tions in this fashion by United States officials and ofllcers, this letter was sent. The request for leave of ab sence was refused. A copy of Mr. Sanger's letter was forwarded to Sena tor Hoar. Denver. Col., April 2.".. To a repre sentative of the Associated Press, Gen eral Funston said, with reference to tho statement from Washington that the president had directed him to cease further discussion of public questions, that he bad not as yet received any such order from Washington. Con tinuing, the general said that in the future his public utterances would be free from any reference to tho Philip pines, and intimating that his speeches as printed, were, as a rule, full of mis statement and very badly garbled. General Funston announced, last Sat urday that ho would not attend the Middlesex club bnnquet at Boston. He has accepted an Invitation to attend a banquet, to be given In his honor, In this city, on May 17, by the Colorado Volunteers' association. THE DAY IN CONGRESS. Mr. Eawlins Continues Speech in the Senate The House Considers Oleo Amendments. By i:tliisitc Wire from Tl.o I'ie-3. Washington. April 23. Mr. litiwlins, of UttUi, today continued his speech in tho senate opposing the Philippine tem porary government bill. He devoted the greater part of his speech to a dis cussion of the testimony presented to the Philippine committee relating to the administration of the "water cuie" among the natives; and to other forms of torture Inflicted on the Filipinos. Ho had not concluded his remarks when tho senate adjourned. During tho early pai t of the session the bill providing for a union railtuiy station In Washington wus under con sideration, but no action wns taken. Tho house today begun consideration of the senate amendments to tho oleo margarine bill. A special rule for this purpose was adopted by a. vote of 1,12 to 79. By the ruling ot tho chair, the question of further iimendinent of the senate propositions was confined with in very narrow limits. Slow progress was made. Tho opponents of tho meas ure, who sought to modify the seimto amendments lu various particulars, wero outvoted on every pioposltlon submitted, BASE BALL. American League. At lliltlmu.c 11,11.1.', Philadelphia 11 1 2 l 0 I 0 11 rt - s pi -J PjIiIiiiui.' till 1) 11 1 11 n 0 D 1 it 1 llillcili'h lltinluidt nnd i'mvci.j Milllnnlty and ttohliiiou and Hil'.'liU, I'li'plu ()'l.ouglill:i. At W.thInalon- 1MI.K. Wiolilniitiiii 11 2 3 0 2 0 el 11 H-- ? li lbv-ton 1 1 11 1111 1; 11 1 ;! j 1 lliltirlc Oclli nnd lliill; liliuvti and Wanri, I'mplic Mitfililan. At Si, famU 11.11. 1'. riitelund li 11 il 0 0 2 0 ll a 2 ri 3 S't, l.otiU n 0 S n 0 0 no .-, fi t ll.'tlclics- Monte und lleiuli; IMii.huu and Miv dui ami .Malont), ';nplrv 1 .miller'. Ai niliaifu- l.'.ll.i:, Dctiolt 0 n 0 0 I I 0 no- 2 .1 II ri.U-jip ...,.t no J I 5 :i (1 u U I I.UItU." Mlll,r mid Melinite; Callahan and Sullitaii, I lupins- Connolly, National League, At I'liblmii- iui.i:. fiiulmiul 10 0 ;! 0(1 0 0 1 -il 7 t I'liLbuiir 00 t nii .in-ti 11 :, llattrrits-lltthiir ntnl i'ntr.; I'hilllppl (ml O'Connor, t'lnplio-tautllllon. At l-hlladclihii- It.ll.i:. llruoUyu I Oil 11 no. -I 0 0- b 2 Philadelphia 0 I 2 0 31 0 1 - S 10 0 ll.itiuii'h-Mil'jim ami Alum; Ibcr ami Poolu. I'mpliL lltiiwn. At Keif YO'k- ll.ll.K. listen .,,...,,...,,.,.02 0000 2 0 0-1 (1 a .New Voile , 0 000 1013 5 7 2 .lliltcrlej-l'lttlnecr .ind Mown; Ikficc, 1 1 aits and Venter, Umpire O'Pay. Cliiciiiubt, I.oul-Xot scheduled. Other Games. ' At, Princeton Princeton, S; Lafayette, 0. At New lUvm New Haven, 6;"it'eivik, j; Two Gablearams Received bu Statt Department Tell ot Great Damage Done. GREAT DESTRUCTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Many Cities and Towns Almost En tirely Destroyed Losses Yet Un known Tho City of Quezattennnge in Ruins Two Hundred Known to Have Been Killed One American Lady a Victim. By i:flusltc Wire from The Athoci.itccl I'rciw. Washington, April 23. Two cable grains received at the state department today tell of the great damage wrought by tho recent earthquake in Guatemala which has been briefly dealt with in the press despatches. They are as fol lows: "Guatemala City.Aprll 2.'. This gov- ornment requests me to cable that on the night of the 18th instant an earth quake occurred, causing great destruc tion of life and property. Many cities and towns almost entirely destroyed. Losses yel unknown. Belief funds started. Soldiers ordered out to guard mint. Particulars next mall. (Signed) "Bailey. Consular Agent." "Guatemala, April 22. Consular Agent Quescaltenange reports earth quake ISth. Frightful catastrophe. En tire city In ruins. Consulate destroyed. Two hundred known killed; thought many more. Mm. Clara ,KI!dare, only American killed. Great damage through out republic. Guatemala City badly shaken. Xo lives lost. Shocks continue (Signed) "MeXnlly (Charge)."- THE BOARD OF PARDONS. A Rehearing Is Refused in the Case of Joseph Keller, of Scranton. Uy llxclnsiii' Wue ficm The Awociated Pren. Harrlsburg, April 23. Pardons were recommended by the board of pardons today for John Giant, of Harrlsburg, receiving stolen goods, and J. B. Ben nett, Pittsburg, forgery. The death I'Piitencc of Jacob Pesendorfer, of Philadelphia, was commuted lo life Im Pfisonment. Pardons were refused Michael Senl nmii, of Philadelphia, assault and bat tery; John H. Shearer, Berks, embez zlement: Annie Nee. Allegheny, receiv ing stolen soods: Itollls Bulmls's. first degree murder; Andrew Coras, second degree murder; John Stenkawsicz, An thony Stenkawelcv, Peter Stenkaweicz, Anthony Maehuliis, Mike Brozaskl, Joe Suchinsky, manslaughter, all of Schuyl kill: Sydney AViuv, Dauphin. Ilrst de gree murder: .fames .McCaffrey, Phila delphia, assault and battery, and Wil liam Buvih, JSHc county, Ilrst degiee murder. A lehenriiig was granted In the. wise of Tliomni H.ircur, of Schuylkill, riot, aud assault and buttery, and refused in the case of Jtweph Keller, of Lacka wanna, manslaughter. Tho cases of .Mis. Hosumond T.. Grig!;.", nf Lycoming, keeping u disor derly house; Mnttle Flllinan, Philadel phia, keeping a bawdy house, nnd Itoy Hvaus, Heaver, were held under ad visement. PENNSYLVANIA APPOINTMENTS. Ily i;.clniltr Wlic tpiin Hi Ai.Miii.ueif 1'iew. I'lilladelplili, Apill 2.I.- 'I lie binnl of dii'.'ot.ra of tin- IVmi-,iIt..iila l.lllif'. d today tonl'lincd tlm ioIIomIiik' appolnlimnU and pi.nnottoii'. to tala' i lb el May I: s, ('., ii.eiliilei.clM.t nf the ll-Mfonl dltkton, lo he Mip.ilnlcm'int ot the liter and lotv madn illtl'lnm, tlio ('. II. 11 lie, le.lKm'd, fli'in-KO II. Hull'. .i-Minl iiiu-iiieci of tho w iil; ilivUluii, pmmoti'd lo ilm oiihi! of niporln Undent ot the lledl'uld dltMili. W. II. h ('abb, (.iiperii.ti'liiU-at of I lie Kim. biny and Lew Mown onMon, lo b- .iipeilme'ri. rii n't ut the Middle clltMon, tlio HUm lircnrn, nppolnttcl lo ipwl.ll duth. I.. W. Allibone, ii (Inti ltdt lit of I Lo (ambili and (liuiflM ill i Moll, app'ilnticl In nuiceil Mr, MiC'aleb, .laha, ('. WII-..H, n il i.M.ilc atiiiit of tlm c. initially tor lblily jeaiv, will li placed in the prtnlon ll.t .Miy'l. He t II be mi reeded by II. W, Kirkib don, notv alMalil li'.d estate jifiiit, Steamship Arrivals. Ily i:iliilic Who fiom Tho Associated Pitw, Nuv Voik, Apill 2a. Arrived! firoer Kur fi'eit, Hitmen; Oceanic, Liverpool. Cleared: I.a Tonulnc, Havre, Sailed: St. Paul, Moiithuiip, Inn; eh'iiilnRton, Antwerp; Teutoulc, Mvupool, Siiiitlinnptuii Arrltcdt I'hlladclplila, New Ycr't. lliologni Aiilti'di Amsterdam, New York for Hotlerilai.i. .Vaplev-Arrivecl: 'lYte, New Vol'; lor Cfiicu, Pi.tmoutli Arrived; PduticltU'iil, New Voi V. for Cntibounr and llambunr (and piiMCiilull. Cherbourg Arrived: Kroiipriiu Wllhehn (fiom llreinen and Southampton), Now VoiK. l.ltc i pool .Sailed; Majestic, JJC.W Vork tja (luecnttotMi, v m YESTERDAY'S WEATHER, ' Local data for April 23, 1003: lllghiM tciii eraturo ,.,..,,, 82 drfren I.uuct tetnperatura ,.,,,.,.,,,,, 00 degtffj Itelalire Humidity; -r 8 a, ra, ,,.,,,.,,,.,,,.,., ,., 51 per tnr, b p. ill , , M per cent, I'ru-ipUalion, 21 liourj ended 8 p. nt., none, t -fTTfTfTf -f -f - WEATHER FORECAST, f ' - - Waihington, April 2.1. V'orcca t for - Tliorsday aud I'rioay: L'alcm IVnmjl. -4- -f tanl'i,' fair and much tookr Tliuridy; -f f I'lldJ.v lair; ficsh northwest wiiytj. . lf al m 3 J '4. .j... f. j.. i wfatoistiL..: Kt? tSJXW. 1. ," ' ly AJU&2St$U llVlisswW"! ' tt !&.- . ' .