The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 23, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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-Vs -
Connolly & Wallace
5cranton'5 Shopping Center
1 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave.
k Whether you are satisfied or not with your present Corset you will find a visit to our corset section
.profitable during the
Demonstration and Free Fittings
Of Her Majesty's Corset
And other products of the Princess ol Wales Company. These corsets have earned a reputation that
is international. They have successfully outlived dozens of weakly mitators, and they have grown
better and better as the years have passed. The old styles continue in popular tavor while the new
stvles, which have been added, have proven an Innovation to thousands who desired HER MAJES
TY'S splendid wearing qualities without so much rigidity. The new GORED CORSET, the new
GIRDLE and the cheaper Princess of Wales' Corset, have solved many problems and put within the
reach of many the best made Corsets in the world.
We Are Delighted to Announce The Engagement of
Madame Menska, an Expert Corsetiere, for All of the Week,
, l.l.-IHI ' '' ' ' ! I I I ,, I, I , ! !!
Beginning Honday, April 28th Hake Free to Consult Her.
Don't fail to ask for the latest production of the Princess of Wales Corset, the best value ever offered-
No. 87, Empire Shaps C f A(j p p,:
No. 841, Long Gored..., P -vV rCr rrdlr
Both of these goods are designed by an expert, and are perfect as to their lines and will give better
satisfaction than any other corset of the kind offered for sale.
Connolly & Wallace.
FOREST CITY. lo tlic Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, April 22. One of our
blight Forest City boys or girls should
enter The Tribune's Educational Con
test. It Is a gloiious chance to win u
scholarship to one of the big education
al Institutions, and there is an excellent
Held In this vicinity. An early strait ii
a big advantage. Write for particulars
tind begin your canvass at once.
Oivlnn to the Wyoming confeience,
there was no preaching service in the
Methodist church Sunday. It was the
general desire of the community that
t IJev. ft. L. Clark be returned to For
est City, and the announcement of his
return in this morning's Tribune was
hailed with satisfaction.
Alderman J. P. Kelly and wife, of
Scranton, were Forest City visitors to
day. J. V. Conroy, of Scranton, called on
friends in town over Sunday.
Rev. David Spencer, of Scranton, will
lecture on the "Might of the Mites" in
the Baptist church tonight.
Rev. J. C. Ilogan, a former pastor of
the Methodist church, has become pas
tor of the Emanuel meeting house in
Haltlmore, a large edifice, seating 1,300.
The latter p.irt of the winter or early
fall will see a new Griner chinch in
Forest City. There are about fifty
families containing COO persons of this
nationality, and at present they are a
part of St. Agnes' Roman Catholic con-Bi-egation.
They have for some time
Jiad under consideration the formation
Df a sepal ate pailsli, and plans were
recently submitted to Bishop Iloban,
which met with his approval. A sub
scription paper was. cliculated, and in
very short time $."i,000 was pledged.
As soon as enough money is paid in a
lot In a central location will be selected,
.and building operations will be at once
The ever famous John I.. Sullivan will
be at the opera house with his vaude
ville company Wednesday night.
Sprcial lo the S-cianloti Tiil.iii'o.
FaetoryvillP, April 22. The ladles of
the Methodist church will servo a ten
cent supper lit the church Wednesday
ntternoon at li o'clock. New ofllcers will
be elected for the Aid society the same
nftcrnoon at 3 o'clock.
The funeral of Charles Turner, who
was killed by the cars near Tunklinu
nock, lust Thuisdny night, wns held in
the Uapllst chinch hist Sunday after
noon. Mrs. Elizabeth Tirulziiuin, of Scran
ton, Is spending a Tew days with fi lends
in town,
J, O, Glcser, of Scranton, was the
Burst of A. A, Hi own over Sunday,
Mrs, Elizabeth Armstrong returned
from a visit In Scranton Saturday even
ing. A very Interesting exhibition was
Kiven labt Saturday evening on the
square, In front of J,S. Read's stoie, by
the Independent Roofing and Paint
company, of Syracuse, N. Y lo show
tho fire-resisting qualities ot their roof
ing materials and house paint, A small
hoiiso of pine was built, loofed and
painted, and then covered with straw
mid bet on lire, and although tho house
was enveloped with flumes for some
time, it enmo out almost llko the
Hebrew children of old, unharmed.
Refoio tho fire, the company's) superin
tendent, T, A, Clould, guvo n- very in
teresting lecture on tho good qualities
of tho llrepioof materials, mul Im
pressed those who heard It that ho was
perfectly familiar with his subject mid
convinced them of tho value of tho
goods. The Keystone Lumber company
will hereafter hnndlu the uon-combust-Jble
roojlng nd house paints,
Tho six. principle Rnptlst meeting, In
charge of Rev, Caterer, of Dnltoti, will
be held this week at the homo of Mr,
and Mrs, John Connor, Filday ntter
noon at 2,30 o'clock,
Mrs. II, (', DuRols, of DuKun, Is
spending u few days with her rtuuiUiter,
Mis. W, t Wrlgley, .
pcltl lo the Bcrauton Trlbunt.
Tunkhannock, Apill 22. Rev. II. II.
Wilbur has been re-appolnled pastor of
thq Methodist Kplscvil church ut thr
place, by tho conference, Mr. Wilbur
la very popular here, snd all our people
j are pleased that he is to remain here
lor another year.
Tuesday was the first really warm
day of the season, and many straw hats
were visible on ourstieets.
The case of Celestia DeWitt vs. Perry
Billing's executors, bill in equity for
dower In lands of deceased husband in
possession of defendants, in which the
court below assigned dower to the
widow in the sum of $2,000, was leversed
by the Supieme court on Monday. The
point on which it Is understood to have
been reveiised is the negligence of the
plaintiff in not claiming her lights for
many yeais, and until other lights had
become vested.
The case of the commonwealth vs.
Willaid Durling, Samuel Dm ling and
Henry Brady was heard before 'Squire
W. S. Kuts on Tuesday morning. The
defendants were charged with breaking
into a car on the Lehigh Valley siding
and stealing therefiom a quantity of
merchandise of the value of $17 or $18.
After a hearing they were held to ball
in the sum of $200 each for their ap
peal ance at the June term of court.
Mis. Joseph Swang, of Sayre, was
calling on friends heie on Tuesday.
The Republican county convention
for the purpos-e of choosing a delegate
vto the slate convention and congres
sional eonfeiees, will be held at the
c'oui t hoiii-e next Monday at 2 o'clock
P. m.
Samuel II. Jenkins lias resigned ills
position ns feiiyman at the Piatt terry,
and has been succeeded by Charles
The Wjonilng house Is, being thor
oughly lenovated by the new propii
etor, John Lee, who Is Foon to go Into
Court adjourned on Tuesday until
Friday at 9 a. in.
Maurice Jennings, a traveling sales
man. Is very ill with scailet fever at
his home on Clay street,
Special to tlic Scuiilon Tiibuue.
'llioiii.-.on, April 2-'. )!, E, Clclalt li shipping
Ills luiilwuod lunilin tills week.
C C. Wllimrth U sending u iar load cf po
tatoes to Soiiintou today,
ltev, P. 11. Tuner loluincd from confciencc list
culling too caily to laiow about the appoint
limit .mil the piper tlili looming aie not
agiccd n to tluin, m we nil' nnrciMlii .is to
who will tcric tin; MctlioilUt Kplwjill cli'iuli
ns pistol' the finning jior,
Miii, V, I', Tallinan, who lm hid another with
ccr lenioieil fioin anltic I ho past week, is
impioini; nlct'l.i,
Iti'V. II, l llon.i ncdiplnl the pulpit o the
MethoilUt KptKtopril rhuiih Salionlh morning in
the nlwnre of the pitor ut tonfcicmc.
Miss lMjth Stoddard, of I,a1cpiev, Is vldltlng
Mrs, K. Jl. Cicwlrrut thla wrltlnif.
1'iofcsFor II. W I'easo and family, of Hall
stead, ilklted filcnds In town lat Saliirday,
Mi. and Mrs, Charles filover, nf Cailiondale,
illril their pirents, Mi, and Mit, Daniel Olovcr,
in llu toniishlp last Kalilulli.
l'lo.ul AMi'l, csij., of busquchanna, will tpeal
Can you lidd both
bi other?
- c -p
n r ' ' ir-i in mm i - )
for the Wi man's Christian Temperance union
net Ssihliath ciening ill tlic Tree UaptNt diiliih.
Mrs. J. L. Smith, of the .lefieiton house, islted
her sister In busquehamu, hst week. '
J. Ij. Witter, wlio has been l mining a lbery
here for two or three yeais, has ti ided liis faim
in the boioufrli for the I.uther Ifulibiiil faim,
two miles houtli of town, and is moling thereto
tliis week.
The funeral of V, O., of, was
laid tills mornii.g at t lip I'leslij tcilau cliun.Ii,
Aianl. He was nn old Mildicr mid Comiades
X. S. rosier, T. F. Howanl, 15. 1". Haines, and
Cicotpo Wallace acted as beams.
B. II. Li'Oli.iid, of, is loiding a car of
potatoes at this station today and a number of
Jackson ftrmeis aic heie.
'llioinpson will be repieented at the I'lolilbltion
county lomciitlnn at Montine nct 'i'uesihy,
Apul 29.
Pperlal to tlie Scianton Tiibuiie.
U.ill-Uiul, April 22. Joseph H.iIrgtuK was n
Susquehanna iitor on Satiinfny.
Mis. (iooigc Van l'leet left Sunday for a i Nit
with fiiinus in DufTalo.
.Mis Anna 'liciney, of Xoiwlih, is Mtlng her
p.licnlj in this plate.
Mis. .'. W. Crook i ipiite ill.
Tlie Hauslitcrs of l'oi ale lelicaiMiig
tiufe and tour times a week for a giaud entertain
incut, to lie gtieu in Hie near Tutiiie.
1'Kf. IS, W, re.i-.e and fuinily pint Salmduy
anil Willi fiienils in Jackson anil Tlioiui
s n.
Miss llciciuu King, of Uingliainton, is tpend
inn a fi uijs witlt her motiier.
Mi. Vlitlin is Linking -foi DmggM 'tiffaiiy.
Sedetaiy ltctdi'ii gaio an able dliome in tlie
MithodiL ii.mch Sunday nioiiiing, ill tlic absenie
of tlie .iloi, who ,n attinding iimfeience.
ila IlihKird, of lliughaintnn, was a i-ilm in
iimn Sunci.iy.
Mis. 1 ft m y Jones penl Tiiilay in Siuqiiehaiina.
Pell Siiiifiid, of Coitlanrt. riient 'iinihy with
fiiei.d-, in ton I .
Mi. Jlilen Hutching, of New Milford, spent
Sunday will, hei sh-lu .Mis. Kail Talmadge.
Ill tlie of lntoi WalkiiH, who was
rdling ,",ii apiointnniit in one of the .Swantim
''iiiulii.-. Hi Ilaptl-t pulpil in Ihi pl.ue w.-s
iilled l.j W. f Tinker.
Ml. Cori'C'tius Vanarsilale, who has been iit
in in Klnui.i, lias ri'tmued to her home in this
pi lie.
Ml. rnd Ml. Klmei- Tinglej" spent Sunday at
the Inline of A. M. linphj.
Miss I.i-iii llutleilield and Mks llajrien, of
.Now Milioiu, weie calling en filtniU in town
Ilii'ii" was no pleaching finlce in the l'relij--teilaii
dun cli Suuilaj, on .ictoiint of the ab-cnie
ot the pistol.
Miss Kiithdine Summeiloii was a illngliaiuton
iMtor on Moi.daj-.
!ie.! Kate Sinllli and Maggie Donahue, of
"nibh, .rc iisiting their pannth in thU place.
Klttio Dolaii and Kllen Kelly, of lliooi-ilale,
spent Satuiday at Peter Allcn'p.
Mis, SpeniiT, of Kiullcott, nent Sun
diy with paients in thH place,
Mh, M. i Tlngley and Mrs. McXamara .mil
diiiglunof Ifaifoul, fpent Satuiday and Sunday
i.illi tlicil fci-ler, Mi- Ciaco ilaidlng, of tills
I). V. (Ijidiii-r, of Montioe, was In town Mon
div on lius'nrx.
Mi's Mj'itie lleiijaniln has aiTeplid a position In
the County lleiald otlue.
The Oiieu lllilgu Woman's Christian Teuipei.
ame union will meet this afternoon ut ;i o'ibek,
in the Kiangelical rliuiih. The les-on will be In
chaign of Mis. J, S, Miller, ciangellstio nupeiln.
Undent. A cordial invitation is extended to nil,
The social committee of the (been ltilgc
Wheelmen's club have anniiged for a tag in)
ie-he endue to be giien to the members at tho
i lull bouse 'lhursdjy ciening of this week at
S.,'10 o'clock, l'rle will bo imauled and
will be i-eiu'ii. Ilio social fuiiitions of this or
ganisation luio gained a icputatlou for ccd-
their father and
Icnoc that will make those who received invlta.
tlons lo this affair feel tint Hie yare fortunate.
The musical recital by the piano pupils of Miss
Jessie. Wilbur given Init cicnlng was nil exceed
ingly enjojable affair. Tlie looms of Miss, Wil
bur's pleasant home were filled Willi Hie parents
and friends ot lier pupil, and the young pcifoim-n-s
had an ntleiiltia nildieuco throughout tlic in
lire programme, The ldajli.g of many of Ilia
pupils was ot merit ntul that of nil be
spoke the earclul training tiny bad
the hands of their teacher. Professor John T,
Walklni, who assisted MUs Wilbur, added much
to the pleaure of Hie turning by Ills local tclec
tlun, Tlie bultitlng fommlllee of Die bond of conlrot
United schools Xos, a7 nnd 2S Monday nflcrnoon
anil City Superintend! nl Howell ilstlcd them
jeslerdaj-. During the llslt of the committee
Monday the pupils of rclioot Xo. 2? wcio put
through tlic fire drill ami In one minute and
Iwelio Foconds the list jchohir bid left the build
ing, which Is as good n rccoid ns can be made
by any school In the c 1 1 y .
i m '
The grievances of the men fluking the new
nhaft for A. t). and '. M. Spencer have been
hitlsfaclnrlly adjusted tint! the men aic ngllu at
work. The fib lit Is to be sunk to n depth of 150
feet and It is thought tlie vtoik will be com
pleted within the next month. This will huge
ly liKirifp Hie output of this tlun and (uini'li
woik foi many moie men than haie heretofore
been einplojetl there,
Tlie (.erilces ocr the temalns of the lute fleorge
1', Williams wcie loniluetcd at his late home on
Itloom street ycstrnliy afternoon In the pros,
cnee of rt large number of his friends and neigh.
hois, Hcv. W, !'. (Ilhbnns, of Hie l're-bjleilsn
thurth, nfllclated. The llnril nllcilngs wele mi
melons and beautiful. The remains will today
be loniejed lo Cllfloiil, wheie inti'rlnnnt will bo
The m.iii friends of Hev. Cliarles II, Xewlng,
both In and out of Hie Methodist thurth, leul
Willi ploisuie Hie auiiouncemenl in Jesteidaj-'s
Irllniiio that he would icliirn foi nnollier jeir.
Hugh (Srav, of Hie West Side, lias aicepled a
position with the popul.ii oitlst, M. V.
Theatrical J
ACAMI'MY 'The L'unilcl't. Daughter." After
noon and night.
STA1I Painty Dudiess lluiliqiiei. Afttinoon
and night.
Academy of Music.
"'ihe Comlil's Daughter" was lepoated before
two large audiences at the Acadomy jester by
and toilaj's matinee and ciening performance will
close tho engagement.
W. it. Ogileu and Mi-s Piiillne Siiie aic tap fun nukeis, and glie the iieifonnance a go
iintl dali tint 1 icij icfieshii.g. Tlie sceueiy
and cflccts aie leij appinpihtc and the tlaii'ij
escape al the end of the fo'.ulh act of WiMiy
Willie bungs foillt a cmljiii tall.
"Devil's Auction" Tonight.
'Ihe Plill idelphii Kicuing Tclegiapli cais of
'ii. ill's Auction," which tomes to the I.jteiun
loiiipl.l: "Jhe 'Dcul's Auction,' uiiiler the man
ngenient of Ch iries II. Yale, was tlie ntliactioii
lit u'ght at the Audftoiium. To sly tliat the
plij has lost any of its old-lime populailly would
I e Uoin, nu injustice, if judgment tan lie
fioni the amount- of applause- rendeied, foi tlic : u
tlltnic was a nio-t enthushntic one. Many new
feature hale been added to Hie jilaj-, incluihug
in'i' an.l baud-tune costume-', and beautiful Mage
scttiujs. Tobj, a donkei-, atici'w.uiU tr.ui-fin nicil
Into a man, wis deildetlly f.cver, ids singing and
shaip -ajnms being i M'cuteil in an euteitainiug
Mainei. Miss Madge- ToiTenec a-.-umed the pait
nf L.iilo-, a poor -hephed, who, after a sting
glirg life, Incomes pcS-,e-heil nf the 'golden
bunch," and atiomplishes nianj' woudirful things
until it is stolen hj Ihe 1M1 One's imp, hut Ii.ip
pilj", posse-jion of it is legained Hirough Hie ef
foits i-f Tohj'. The ballets performed bj- a scene
of piettj' gills weie well receiied. On the whole,
tl.t! 'i)eH's Auction' of tills season can liudly be
-tat ,un now on ap for this eiening's pei
f.ili'i. of ilio "Deiil's Auction" at ihe l.j
ceuiu. '
"The Fatal Wedding;.''
'Ihe -cenie diets aIiomu in "The 1'atal Wid
ding," the altiadiou at the l.jveiini l'rulaj-night,
Satuiday matinee and night, aip fioin the tainous
-cenio studio of Hailej- Meiry, who is reeognieil
as 'he gip.itc-t scenic nr!ti-t of the da". Mi".
M'ny Hut ho has mccnled in -urpasdng
all i is picilou effoils in getting up Hie elfecta
foi thi-piuiluitioii, and a Hill gieat p'ifoiluaucc
can It- cieeted. 'I lie plot, which I one of Hie'-t nu wnttiu, deals with tint' but lie.ilt
felt inehieiit.
'Hie eloue go to uul.t- up one of He
stiougit p1aMl"imigliiahli-, .mil i-iuiiiumlcil by the
billing iiinpiiiyof plnei-, lieatied b Kd. Mri
il.iiu, shnuld pioie one of tho gieite-t jnoduc
Hon oi H kind eier wiinessul in this cily.
beau go ot, iie this nioinliij al !i o'lloek.
"The Outpost."
Cinmiali.l ilions and Ilalteilng conuuents on
"lie Oulio-l" aie pouring in b y Hie Hiou-inds.
Ihe wiie J. K. (1'iil-) Kiiinet and Lottie tilt
6011, in ciiini'ctlou with "Tlic Oulpn-1," lias
given the theater-going public till oui the conn
tiy fculhcient guuantee about tin- qualitliw of Hie
pliy and, while It beais nnny calling hltuatiuus,
it is lav fioni cheap beiL-atlou.
Of io less iiupi'itancp .no Hie olher members
of Hie company, who been picked fioni the
select li-c of Anii'llcin faioiites. All in all,
"Tlic Outpost," whli li will be seen at Hip Acad
emy of Miilc Hit' last throe nights of this week
Is a winner, owing to Its nipoilj ca-t, maniliient
secni'l, goigtous co-tunit and maiulous Mage
effects. Many new songs will lie intiodiieetl by
M'i lilicnn, thus blending the plaj with uiiilli
and l.aimoiiy. Matinee performances will he giicn
eaih thy,
A new play calltsl the "Chlldien of the King"
will sine to inlioducp Martin Ilanej, the Kng
1Kb aclor, to tills country next season, lie opens
In nv ork nr.t Octobei,
Tw!il nlie.ul Wllui" Is to be pioduied, ajs
niiiitu, In London this Hiring by an Ameilcan
company, including: John n. Mason, Arnold Daly,
Jane Oaker and Ada Dwjei,
1'tlvuiil J. Moigan will appear as Duld Rossi
in Hall fainc's "Tlie Kternal fit)" duilng tho
wily part of neit season as jnit of Viola Allen's
support In that play, I'ledeiick dp Helleillle ha3
been engaged to jil ly Damn Ronrlll. Mr, Moi.
gau will icsiimu his stanlug tour about the mid
dle of the sea-ou.
"The Old Cabin Iloinu" Is the title of a new
play oi Son Hum llfo wilttcu by II. (iiattan Don
pcliy, wliich has been puidiaud by Jacob I.llt
foi pioiliicllou nest season.
Sn far in eutopics are encouraging joung He
lms piny lake coasolation from the easa of L'd
win Iiio'tli. When ho made his first ipgiil.ii stage
appearanti', he was tlic diicst kind of a fillure.
In a Millng content at a clinuli fair in Hoston
ni vntl', Clara Lane, tho well-known opera flu.
gtr, was adjuilgisl Hie incut popular nctte.-.s ami
in won a hionih pre.scntcd by Sir Henry liilug
and llllen Tciiy,
Seven CnndidateH Pass,
liy I'.siluslic Mire from The A.iilalcd I'rc-s.
M likes llarre, April 2J. Of Ihlitciu applicants
frr Hie light lo bo candidates for liiluc iu-peitor
at (he next election, the board of examiner- to
il iv announced that but (.even had pacd.
A VTU will be na il
strong at
ours if you try.
"si mms. anel ours is so stroug; we
j "Tt gtiarnnteeacureorrefuucl
- mouey, and we send you
free trial bottle if you write for it.
BHII.OH'S costs S3 cents and will cure Con.
sumption, rueumonia, Uroucbltts and all
Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold
In a clay, and thus prevent serious results.
It lias beeu doing these thlugs for CO years,
S. C. Wklls U Co., LeKoy. N.Y.
ifavl'a rinvpDnnlTrnrrrislhA Ktnitmrh
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cent for Koch Extra Link
Tor Rent.
Toil ltll.NT tn n.illon, n furnUhed collage ol
.nine looms, near elation: fine location! good
ivater! house nearly new and all In good shape.
jnwrejH ijock nox 07, Dillon, ra,
I'OII 1 l!i:.NT-l'lglit ami twclie-room houses, llreen
Hltlge, steam heats lery reasonable, llolgale.
KOIl ItUNT-Rmall furnisheil liouso for rent.
iinre tic ir-,1 vine isireci.
SlOlli: ron tllIXT 02 West Lacleawanim aie
nue. Inquire Philip Sehiicll, 020 West I.icka-
wanna aienuc,
IJA11N FOll Ri:NT-12, April iTt, three box and
uiree single stalls and ian latK, '"',"
324 Madison avenua. Inquire hi 031 Mndlon ave.
FOll m:T-Store building for rent In WcUson
City. Pa,, Dulldlng B0 feet liy 24 -i "''
under all, nnd second slorv ran be arrangtd for
a family. All In good tepair icady for inc. Two
coal breakers and mines close by cmplolng oicr
a thousand people. An enterprising '!y,'t'1,ll,n,"
can Bct a l.irgu trade. Apply to tlll.ini
Illclunond, lllchmond Hill, 3125 N. Main auliue,
Scranton, Pa. '
Furnished Booms.
A NICi; front room'wlth nlroio at the Xah:
al'ii a nlcp loom for two oung nun. 41(1
Ailnms aienuc.
I'OIt HUNT One furnlslicd room, with improve
ments; also one on third floor, cheap. 027
Adams aienuc.
KURXISllI'D ItOOMS for rent, modern improve
ments; prliatc family; gentlemen preferred,
at 6"7 Adams aienue.
Ton HEXr l-Xirnished front room, with heat,
bath and gas; near court house; gentleman
preferred. Address Room, Hoi 209.
KOIl lli:N"T Ktirni-hed 100m; heat and b'th.
62S Linden street.
rURNISfini) ROOMS TOR RKNT. with beat, rai
'and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 6.19 Adams
For Sale.
ron PALI: Tliorough!'ed Cotker Sp-iiilel pup
pips. Hollil black aid solid blown In tolor.
II, M. Hone, 302 II. Hiiukir ftieet, Ihintncre.
101! HU.E-Lugo lefrlgeintor, in good condition.
Call at all Quint:,' aienue.
JL'bl' AnniTI), two car load of hoises, good
workers and dilieis, weight from 1,000 to 1,000;
seieial close) matt lied teams; can be -cell lit ;UI
Ila.iiuond court. V. M. Cobb.
CAni'irrS 50,000 lard, DriKsels, Ingiain?, Vel
lets, also Matting'. Oil Cloth; 10,000 pieees
linen tdiccts. tible cloths, blankets, counter
pines, napkins, etc., lion bed", spilngs,
mitlrPhses, thin., nbotit si tailouls at
pulilic auttioii. Kile begins Tuesday at 10 a. 111.
and 2 and 7 p. 111., at 210 Litkiwiti'n aienue,
next Scianton Slieet Riilio.ul waiting loom,
opposite l'enti aienue. I'liimiiings & Dm., Auo
tlonccis. I'OII SALH A lienuliful diimoud ring, one (.lint.
Mil! -ell for !-S3. Atldin-s 1'. O. Ilox ft!, City.
LfitJS foi hatching, Buff Leghorn pxcliisliclv
l'necoiled in sl?e and coloi. 7.'ie. per 1'!. O.
A, (i.irclnei, H23 Penn aienue, Scianton, Pa.
1'On SLi: -Hand silk doublets. Xciv. llamloi'd
Bios., Patcrson, X. .1.
Eeal Estate.
TOR SILi: ON Main aienue, neat Tiipn le-l-ilenip,
fcien lots at about Inlf inlue toi lavb.
Call on C. P. J 'tin in, Jt.i Mear building.
TOR SAf.U A desiialilc and well improved faint
situated two miles irum llonesdilc eonlaiiiing
SO 01 mole aires. Hood buildings, well wateteil,
a lteier failing i-piing, oichard and wood lot,
sugar bush .met nut gtoie. Mis. Jeremiah Oar
lett, llont.stlilp, Pa.
I'OII SALI' I'.niu 120 aerei; flock, good oicliiid;
building in good order; nine miles fiom Scran
ton, two miles trcni Moscow. Taun alone, or
faun unit Mot!:. Maiy Jenkins, Maple Lake, Lack
awatini count'. Pa.
I'OII, S UX r.legant sites foi homes in upper
(been Ilidge; elioiee nelgbboihood; ino I tie
(liable locality foi home in Laikawaun 1 count.
J. A. Manine, 17i() S'liiilei-on aicuuc.
1'AIIM I'OII SAI.n 54 acres, 7 miles fioin Scian
ton; also SO acte p'taliiie land foi sile 01
rtnt; all kcaled neat l'.bnhui'st. 1'. I!, liaulner,
Mo-tuw", Pa,
PAlilf rOH SALL Sit.i-two aeies, on. mile
fiom Lake Ariel; Iwelie acie's of llnihe't, lest
iniproicd; excellent spiing watif on lot; faim
ituattil on toad. lVr miliculur.s uddiem Will
iam 'licslai, Aiiel, Pa.
List of lelteis ic'iiuiiuiug uncalled for at His
Scianton po-tolllce, Lackawanna I'ounty. l'a..
Am II 2.1, 1002. Perrons callirg for these letteis
will jilea-e t-iy uilieitlsed, aid gile tlate of list.
' 1'V.ra II, Hippie, Ptwlmistei'.
AiuIicHs, Jli-s .Miry L. Muleaiage. Mieliail
lleikliclnier. Ulinle's Jl. iltuiiey, -His. .Mtny
Booth, J. H.tilow
Menonough, Willi 1111
Miller, William II.
M.uiko, .Mlilncl
t'oicoran, Martin, miner.
Miiiihen, Ml- Mngilet
Mnei, Mis. Piauk
Mitchell. II. '.
Nilis. Mrs. Kdwaul JI.
Xorth, Tenipb1
Xailn, William
Xonack, Hcotge
Buchanan, George J.
Jll-tilciiulllii, J.
Bum in, Ltoniid
Bill!, i:. II.
Hi Illicit, titile
Bender, M . K.
Burbaiik. Willi
ll.ll ni'.s, TIioiiijs L.
Blink, John
Iioit, W.
lleiipplt. .Misi Bi'inlep
O'Day, Michael
Colciiian. Mir 1'u'ih rickO'Donnell, Delli
C'oitllci'. William W. Oikley, l' J.
('oitoiim, Owen
Poilmore, Mr-, LII0
Culi'i, Mls I'lioibe
C'apinn, ltalph I).
Clark, Mephen
('.union, James
I'ollein, Mi.
( lain, l'luuk J,
( Ininid, J, ,. A.
I 'oilier, .lames
Clark, Panic I.
tlapp, Paltlck
Claik, lie'ihen
Caiden, llemy
l'gmiek, K,
Di'iiirk, John
Dean, Cliarles II,
Iloiiougli, I', r.
Delaiiev, Mr. James
Day. Mlthtel
DurTiy, Mai)
Dai Is, Thomas fi.
Duffy, 'llionia.
r.mbei, Maiirli'o
Kran-t, Mls Sarali
Kit lull dt, Willi 1111
Hllsllll in. Mi3 llOnl
1'hillips. I IJile
l'tatt. .lame 11.
Purs-ell, Mollis
Pcie, Hull (2)
Put), Mlm llemle
Peck, William
Peima. Cie.llt To.
Phillip--, John
Pendtrgu-t, Annie C.
Ptrry, Miss Bes-lc
l'hllllps, T. W.
Pauntll, llodetiil;
r-iiantnu Liiciy liable,
Pickett, II. II.
Palmer, Xelfon
l'uinpei, Anon
ltutli'ilge, Ueuigp
Iloinr, IMiv. A. (2)
slleed, Clat elite
lleddlng, Callierlnn
lice-e, Mix. Chailcs I!.
Ite.i nobis, (fin
llolllug, John
lli'ildliiir, Ji. J,
lto.wioliU, (ipoige
I'.li'ctiltt Llghling & lly,,lloopp), Jennie
Bnv 12(17.
nedilliiglon, Thomas
KodIiT, lilt hard
I'orbUr, Siliator
V'rlfitd & Co.
Kor-lcr, Annie L.
1'i.clicr. Wert
I'lelils, Mm. Ocorge
ruber, Harry
llp.inold .Voiclty Co,
Stott, lieotgc W,
Swartr, Walter
Sliields, Peter I".
Sibley, Saiah
Steinhauer. Philip J,
Slant c, John
li, i,i.i( e
choll, Joseph
l-'ilitilu. Sister M. (snc'Snarrow. Lewis
rial) Sloil. Mls .Miliel
Klbdier, Peter Smith, Slilnei" J.
Cordon, Min, Mary htem, .Mls Mabel
(Irady, Thomas Smith, Stanley
(.miner, Ml K, fsrlianlae, IC,
Hunch", Ml Till Sihnildt, V.
lljupt, Miii. Lillle Sprague, Mlas Maiv O,
llentlia, JIUs Mary package.
Hook, Margaret Turitev, Mis. Maty
Huleat, Mis Xeltlo Tool. Jacob
Highland. Mlsa A. Tlnklepai gh. Miss i:l.Ie
Heuiieiuiilh, William Thoiuion, Alfied
IIjh.ui. Willlaiii Touoioly. Lewis
Hoff, Mrs. Henry Taj lor, H.
Hull. IMwaul P, 'llicnias, Mi.-. J. 1).
Ilciidoitoii, Mlsx lalltb lhompion, l'lunk If,
Heimnlngs, (lie rim Tawmcud, Williiiu A,
llufl, Mi. Annlo TajWr, Mr. Jliry
.lime, 1'ianU Vaunan, Jauiea
Jones, Dllld II. Mngle, Mlihael
Jone, Mollis Van HeiiUm. John
Jone, Nellie Vull, Mia. Maty A.
Jonitf, Xathilllcl Wood, II11II1
Joulali, John Walker, Themis
.Ionic llu'l.iti J. Wilght, Mm, Allep
Kingbmy, Mia. -.'. II. Wrlgley, Mid. A. I--Kurlr,
filini linker I 0-W'llllaiii4,.lellicrt
Kiunedy, Mlu I.l'zlo Wnndill, Mbs l'loieiica
Kimble. Lhiiiulm Wluliek, Mm. Jeimlu
ii.ivl. Mis- Ileatilce U'lill.ikei. k'uil I'
Locher, Mrs. I'lurles 11. Wither. MUs Mattle
Lewis, Cicoigi) M, 1). Mm. Mull"
Lclllght, John
Langan, Miss Celli
Muny, Mts Paniile
Manzer, Cell
Mllbrandt. Bertha
Morgan, Mm. Jamw S.
Mtilherln, .Unua
MetltcH-r, J,
Wolfe, Mi-s llutli
Walter.piel, Anna
Young, Waller W.
Young, lllraui J,
Ziniila, Thomas
Vlubke, Arlhur
Want AdvertlBements Will Bo
Kecelvod nt Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALDF,nT BCIItltiTZ, corner Mulberry
atrett and Webilcr avenue,
OU8TAV PICllKL, 0J0 Adama avenue.
West Side
OEOnoi! W. JCNR1N3, 101 Soutu Mala
South Scranton
HIED h. TEnPPE, T29 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W, DAVIS, corner North Mai
avenue and Market atreeU
Green Ridge
CUAULUS P. JONES, 1557 Dickson
P. J. JOHNS, P20 Green nidge ctreet.
C. LORENZ, corner Washington ae
nue and Marlon afreet.
V. H. KNEPFEI,, 1017 Irving avenu
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED A porter at the Conway Hou-e.
CIVIL SlCltVICi: goicrnmcnt positions. d,S89
appointments made last car. Piobably 10,
000 this car. Only comiuon school education ic
qulied for examination. Catalogue of Infoimi
tion free. Columbian Correspondence Colb'ge,
Wa-hliiglon 1). C.
WANTi'D l'ii.t clas hoem.iker, for lepilr
work. 1). A. Davis, Lurcino aienue, West
WANTED Lady or gciitleui'm lo pell Captain
Brjant's llranil Amerlein llemedv 011 the
popular tlirea montlus plan in C.iibondnle. Ad
dress I!. W. Bryant, Oil rear Monioe aienue
WANTED Experienced grocery Hilcsinan com
manding tiade in Scianton and ileltillv. All
pommunic.itions tieated as strictly coilldential.
Addrc-s "Wholesale Orocer," Tribune office.
WANTED Painters; only good iticit need apply.
Call at Clinics Wagner's, .131 Adams aienue.
WANTED Two expel iciiccd ftenographers; ap
ply to International Salt Co., Council build
ing, Scranton, Pa.
Help Wanted Pomale.
WANTED An eipetienced tilnunpi. Apply at
once, (iibbons & (leary, 22 Woming tin nue.
WANTED (iirl for genet ll Iiou-eHotk. Apply
-717 Monieo a'ennc.
WANTED A lady steuogtaphei, seieial ex
perience, de-arcs position with iiieicautilc
house. State talaiy and particulais. E. W.,
Tribune. .
LADY CANVASSEH wanted to solicit subscrip
tions for The Tribune; good commission of'
fercd with a fair guarantee for fitst-closs worker.
Apply personally at Buaincsj Manager's office,
Scianton Tribute.
Agents Wanted.
ns-ociato edltois ot Cliiksllati lleralik Only book
endorsed by Talmage family. EuormoiM piotit
for ugents who act nuiekly. Outfit ten cents.
Wrllo inuiiedialely CLAUK & Cj., 222 s.
4m St, P.itta. , Pu Mention this Paptr.
Situations Wanted.
Sll'l'ATlOX WANTI'.D A man would like to get
woik spading gardens, guiding or taking
cine of lawns. 11U Llod stieet, top lloor.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper and fypewiiter,
experienced. AtldtcsJ Pcimanent Position,
taic of Ttibunc offue.
SITCATION WANTED P.y widow, would like
wiinliing ntul hoiiso cleaning by Ihe diy. Mrj.
Millet, 71J Schnell court.
Money to Loan.
straight loans or Building ami Loan. At
fioni i to 0 per cent. Call 011 N. V. Walker,
t;il-:i13 Council building.
Wanted To Kent.
WANTED llOOMS Por two adults, Hnee 01 four
100ms, furnished or unfurnished foi icry
light housekeeping, first Itooi picfcired. Addicts
M. 11., Tilbune office.
WANTED Furnished bouee or four or the rooms
1 for housekeeping. Address A, O, E., Tribune
Boarders Wanted,
PIUVATE FAMILY wishes lo have two nice men
to board, Uciinan or English, Call any time
after Thursday, All conieuienccs, t07 Uarrison
Wanted Booms and Board.
WANTED Two rcir.munlcullng rooms with board,
ptlvato family prefened, Tno ladles and a
gentleman St-ile full i.trtic uluis. Address C.
JL D., Tlihine office.
11IIEUMATISM All partlea that wish ran be
speedily anil permanently cured of all a.
1 idles of niicumatlsm by a vegetable compound.
Cures guaranteed. Inquire or uddiess J, li. Tay
lor, Scranton,
LOST A gold walcb anil fob either on Citibou
stieet 01 fiom Carbon stieel to Mnlbeiry cu
Penn. ITnder icturn to Ceorge .1, Ash, Times
oftlcc, Jtewaid.
LOST Steel beaded purse loiitalning small sum
ef money, on Lackawanna aienue, near M
onilng, I'lntlir please icturn pura to Tilbune
oiliic and kicp cuntentd.
LOST $21, between Peck Lumber Co,, East Mai.
ket stieet and Pi'esb terliin iliuich. Itewaid
if returned to oflice of Peck Limibtr Co.
r.STlIAYr.D A (kill; red I1UI1 setter, funale, Is
at the Elle fieiglil house, Washington aieime,
feeiautoii, Pa, Owner un bale the dog by lull
ing and pa lug ddiuanc. (ieoinv W. 'luincr.
West Scrouton Station.
Limn Abraliauuisoii, liista'i Hndau, Theru
llieiinaii, William VafT Bilker, Miss Pcai) Doure,
Mis. Emmu ltougherty, Miss llathel Eians, Thorn,
ns Eians, Owen Plnregon, William, I. (lin
er, Tracy'llagc, Heiiben lllnu, II. W. llulltl, Se
lena M, Jones. J, II. King, L- W. Kluililv, Powet
l.iplska (2), Kate Mellugh, Koiol Mattills, Will
lam Mlllti, William S, Miller. Kate K. 0'lloh;,
Stanley Itosto, Miss Kal(e Steinii' It), Jatol;
Suter, Mtcbujto Stauko, Murctnl StungLs, Ldwad
'i'oohey, Joseph Yarvla, Eudry Williams.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
Mora Tlui Pour Lines, 6 Cent lor Bach Blra Llii,
FIltST LEatSLATIVE DISTlllCr-Nollce Is here
by glirn (0 Ihe Kepubllcan oter of the
Hist Legislative District, that n primary elcc
Hen will bp held on S.iturday, April 2d, 1W2, be.
livcen lite hours of four nnd teven p. in,, lor tha
purpose, ol nominating a camlldato for the Leg
islature to represent Hie district and to elect two
delegates to the llepuhllcan State Convention to
bo held at llarrlsburg June 11, 1002.
Ihe convention to compute the .lole will ba
held on Tuesday, April 21), at 10 o'clock In -Co-optrallvo
Hall. Etch candiihlo must register,
with the district chairman, his full name and
posloffleo address, and pay his assessment fifteen
iljj.s before the election, or bis name will not ba
placed on the official ballot.
The district vigilance- committee, in the vari
ous precincts, will conduct the election, and thu
result will bo reported by the return Judge tn
tho district convention, which will be composed
of the return -Judge. A mitten notlco contain
ing their Instructions will bcmalled to the mem
bets of the various district ilgllanee committee,
GEO. W. JENKINS, Chairman.
Attest-W. W. SIMPSON, Secretary.
IHE ANNUAL meeting ot tho stockholders of
the Enterprise Coal Company will be held
nt their olllcc, 201 Council building, Scranton,
Pa., .Monday, May Slh, nt two o'clock p. m.
for the election of a board of directors and tho
transaction of such other business as may prop
erly come before It.
A. J, CONNELL, Secretary.
TO CHEDlTOltS Hyde Tark Bank: A distribu
tion or 10 per cent. In now being made liv
the undersigned at room 101 Bo.uil of TiaUo
Building. Call from 2 p. m. to n p. m.
S. D. MOTT. Assignee.
NOTICE Is hereby glieu that A. n. (lould k
.-ions, persons liming a lien, under tlic jaws
ot PinnsIiania, upon goods, ivates anil mer
chandise of the Deer Park Blowing Compan.i,
consisting of one two-horse dellicry wagon, nu
account of storage and labor bestowed on such
goods, the owners having failed, neglected and re
fused to pay the amount of Mich charges upci
said pioperty within sixty days alter deniintl
thereof matin person illy, will expose the said
liio-hoi-e ileliicry wagon lo sale, ut public Mic
tion, at noiildV Cairlage Works, No. 410-I'I
Linden street, illy of Scranton, Lackawanna
counli, PennsHnni.i, on the Itth day of May,
A. D. 190-2, at 10 o'clock a. m and sell llm
same or so much thereof as shnll be sufficient to
ilischaigp siid lien together with costs of sale
and atlieitising.
A. 11. CiOULD k SONS.
WILI.AI1D, WAllllEN k KNAPP, Solicitors.
Business Opportunity.
CAHPEIS 50,(100 ,iarits Brussels, lngialtv, Vel
vet', .ilso Mattings. Oil Cloth: 30,000 pieces
linen sheets, tible cloths, blankets, counter
panes, napkins, ele., lion beds, spring",
mattiesses. (hairs, about slc carloads al
public' auction. Sale begins Tuesday at 10 a. 111.
and 2 and 7 p. 111., nt 2'il) Lackawanna aveitic,
next Scrantcu Street llailroad waiting room,
opposite Penn aienue. Cuimnings & Bro., Auc
tioneers. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADEHS without; delay.
Write for our special market letter. Free on
application. S. M. Illbbard k Co., members N,
Y. Consolidated and Stock Sxchange, 41 and '16
Broadway, New York. Established ISM. Long
Distance' Phone 23SS Broad.
CAHPLTS 50,000 xaids Bnissels, Ingrains, Vel
lets, nlfo Mattings, Oil Cloth; 10,000 piece!
linen sheets, table clotlis. blankets, counter
panes napkins, etc., iron beds, uprlngs,
mattresses, chaiis, about siv cailoads ac
public auction. Sale begins Tuesday nt 10 a. in.
and 2 and 7 p. 111.. at 2.i0 Lackawinna aienue,
next Scianton Stieet ltallroad waiting room,
opposite Penn aienuc. Cunimings J: Bio., Auc
Certified Public Accountants
Building, and St. Paul Building, New York.
Estate Exchange Bldg.. 123 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce 6treet, Scranton.
and Couusclloia-at-Laiv. bOJ to 0U Connclt
Rooms 12, 14, 18 and 18 Burr Building.
tlated on real estate security. Mcars Building,
corner Washington avenue and Spruce street.
Commonwealth Building, Roomi
19, 20 and 31.
00J-WH, 0th floor, Mears building.
of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa,
Bank Building
211 Wyoming aienue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
ington avenue. ncsldencc, 1318 Mulberry.
Clironlo aisea-cs, lungs, heart, kidneys and
gcnito'Urlnary organs a specialty, Uours, I
to 4 p. m.
ington aienuc. Clironlo andncnou3 diseas.'l
a specialty. Consultalion free.
Hotels and Restaurants,
nue, Ratea reasonable. ' ' '
P. ZIEGLER, Proprlalof.
ten"cr depot, Conducted on tho Europeaa
P"n- VIOTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
'ress poolsi no idori ouly improicd putmu used.
A. It. Brigs, proprietor, Leave orders. 1190
North Hair, aienue. or Etcke's drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephone!.'
Vnmen, store 201 Washington avenue! grena
biuses, 1650 North Main avmuej alorn tela
plionc, 78i.
Wire Screens.
Scranlon, l'a., manuiacuiii'r m ,m o-,yvt.-.
also ladle wal.u. Louisa Shoemaker, 2U
Adama aieuuc. ,
iclopca, paper. .bags, .twine, Warehouse, ijiJ
Wasliiiigtcu atcnua, Scranton, Pa.
iu Scranton at the news standi of Rclsnua
Bros., 404 Spruce and Ki Linden: M. Noiton.
s?l Lackawtama aVcuuei . 8. Schutaer. 411
Doiuce itreet
ffe ., J-Jt.ttfrfaijfo'aa.iA-'iJ'" .-wl' 1