The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 23, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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PiiliHtiCd Wallr, I'.wcpl Siimlty, lv Tlie Trill
inc Publishing (Somptny, nt KHty Cent Ibnth,
NUVY S, tltCltAtlt), Editor.
0?T. llVXUKli, lluslncwi M.
New York Ofdcei "130 Navatl St
s. s. vni:a.xi.
Fole Affcnt for 1'orclRii Ailtcrllilnjf.
Kntcred st Hie IWnfllcc1 nt PiMtitmi, l'J,, nt
Second C)a.i MjII Matter.
When space will permit, Tho
Tribune Is always glad to print
short letters from Its friends bear
ing on current topics, but Its rule Is
that these must be signed, for pub
lication, by the writer's real name;
nnd tho condition precedent to ac
ceptance is that all contributions
shall be subject to editorial revision.
tiii: t--i.AT hatij rnu AovnitTi&ixn.
The following Inlilc nhov the mite Der Ini-li
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lor r.inl of tlinnU, rrnltilinii of ioinloliioi
nnd Kluif liir inntrilmlinm in the luluii- of ml
erUMns The Tilliunc nukes a iIijikc of fl cenls
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ItytM or riuklflnl Ailtcrlklng lunii'lifil on
KCIIANTON. APFUr, 23, 1802.
For Kovenuif of Pennsylvania, on the
issue- of mi open Held antl fair piny,
JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana,
subject to the will of the Keiiubllcnn
- Let the People Decide. -
niir townsman, Colonel Wat
res, that hi; inlomls to seek
a further test of popularity
with Attorney General Klkln In open
primaries yet to be held Is creditable to
Ills pluck and highly satisfactory to tho
"supporters of Mr. Elkln. It Is what
they have Invited. It Is-what they sin
cerely desire.
The demand of John P. Elkln and
those with him in his flKht for fair
piny is that the Republican masses in
Pennsylvania be permitted to exercise
their light to choose as the party nom
inee for governor that .Republican
whom a majority of them clearly favor.
The supporteis of Mr. Elkln believe
that the choice of the people would fall
upon their favorite. They base this be
lief upon the fact that In every coun
try where the issue has yet been fairly
raised, John P. Elkln has won decidedly.
In Bradford, Blair, Lebanon nnd two
districts of Luzerne the Issue lias been
drawn with unusual clearness and In
each of these counties the manifesta
tion of popular endorsement for the In
diana plow-boy has been one of the no
table features of modern politics; in a
number of other counties Elkln has
won virtually without opposition; and
only in the few counties -where dele
Kates have been chosen by manipulative
processes without reference to popular
opinion and hastily sealed up as "unin
structed" has he failed to sweep the
Hut the entry of Colonel Watios as an
active competitor by registration where
the popular vote can be elicited presents
n rallying point for those opposed to
Mr. Elkln's candidacy and should,
therefore, cnntiibute to political fair
ness. Should "Wat res by this means
win a majority in the state convention
he -will have no more loyal supporter
than John P. Klkln. Conversely, should
lie fail to prevail over Elkln, any
attempt by Senator Quay and his bri
gade of Federal odlee-holders to take
from Elkln by throttling pioce.sses the
fruits of fnlily won victory will be
made vivid before public scrutiny and
those responsible for It will have to ac
cept tho consequences.
In thin connection the following dis
patch from Pittsburg, printed In the
Philadelphia Public Ledger, hits curious
interest: "Close friends of Senator
Quay are authority for the statement
mat He lias decided to force the lighting
against Elkln at every point. As proof
of this fact, the Federal otllce-holding
crowd, headed by Revenue Collector
IJershey and United States Attorney
MeCarrell, has been ordered to fight
the election of Elkln delegates In
Dauphin. Quay has notified his Federal
appointees In oilier counties that they
must bring In autl-Elkin delegates.
Quay and his leaders have, It is under
stood, fully decided that Cameron is an
impossibility, and liave Indicated that
Congressman Joseph Sibley is their
I'holcu for governor. A dual object Is to
ho accomplished In taking Sibley, lie
Is enormously wealthy, and would go
Into the campaign with the earnest
suppori of Immense corporate Inlet ests,
and has the reputation of being thu
most apectauiil.u' campaigner."
The more tho merrier, piovlded only
that the people be permitted to de
cide. By their decision the Mends of
Jilkln aie willing to abide.
i -ST
The claim of the Elkln opponents that
tjielr men weia bought away fiom
AVivtivn In TaiKeriie Is humorous to those
acquainted witlf the facts.
Hay's Brilliant
CCOUDINC, to "Washington ad-
vices definite assurances have
, been received by our sUute de-
; , partment that under the new
treaty between Russia nnd China. Rus
sja agrees to lestore thu civil admin
istration of Manchuria without teserve
t the Chinese empire, to evacuate that
province completely within one year and
to- suriender all claim to exclusive
jajlway and' milling privileges, thus
aubscrlblner to'the American doctrine of
tlui)"opon door." Hack of this treaty
Ihu highly Interesting and at times,
drjniatlo story of diplomacy. Walter
Weilmnn thus tells It In a Jetter to the
Chicago Record-Herald:
It was Russia's peislstent pccuputlon
ofMnnchurla that threatened the peace
or the world; for Manchuria was tho
key" to the whole Chinese situation. As
long as Russia held that province in
the grip of U0,000 soldiers; as long as
Russia held not only mllltniy sway hut
administered tho-clvll government, the
lntegilty of the Chinese empire was
threnloneiti1 If ttusslli could thus seize
and hold Manchuria, Korea was not
safe from n nlmllar acquisition, nor
north China Itself. Hence the agree
ment of Russia to surrender the prov
ince ami withdraw her troops Ut taken
throughout the world as a sign of peace,
as an earnest that Muscovite ambition
to ovemtii the most or eastern Asia
and muster tho Chinese empire has at
last been abandoned, temporarily If not
"You should be very piotul of your
foreign olllce," said Count Cnsnliil, the
Russian ambassador to Washington, n
few days ago, speaking to an Ameri
can gentleman who called at the em
bassy. "Secretary Hay has done more
than any other living man to solve the
eastern problem. All tho powers have
now adopted his platform for the Integ
llty of the Chinese empire and the open
door." Praise from Count Casslnl Is
praise Indeed. Hut other diplomatists
echo It. They point out that It was
Secretary Hay who Injected Into tho
controversy over China's future the
moral Idea which has proved to be tho
key to the whole complicated problem.
This he did In October, 1899, when the
woi Id fhst learned that the principle of
the open door had been proclaimed by
the American government. That prin
ciple the United Stales has stuck to
through all the changes and complica
tions ot the ensuing year. Since then
China lins passed through the throes
of a revolution which for a time threat
ened the success of the Anierlcnn pol
icy. Now and then appearances Indi
cated that the cause was lost, and that
greed and spoliation would supplant
the doctrine of equal rights for the na
tions In the Chinese empire. Germany
has played a fast and loose game, and
France bus consistently supported Rus
sia. Great Britain seemed hopelessly
involved elsewhere. Japan was not big
enough to stem the tide alone. Ridi
cule was heaped upon the open door
programme. It was everywheie pre
dicted that In China's revolutionary
turmoil Russia would Hint the oppor
tunity not only to hold Manchuria, but
to advanee.step by step, to greater con
quests. But there Is .tremendous power In a
moral principle when it Is constantly
pushed to the front by an able states
man speaking' for a nation like the
United States. This is what Mr. Hay
did. He did it, not theatrically, not
with bluster, but with tact and caution,
and always with persistence. As It
was Russia's policy to creep with
stealthy force and a combination of sol
diery and railways over the coveted
territory, so it was Mr. Hay's policy to
ever hold that moral principle up as a
warning of "No thoroughfare." Step
by step he seemed pledges, insincere
and meaningless perhaps at first, but
serving as foundations to more valu
able promises to be secured later. Tims
he built up his fabric, securing the half
hearted co-operation of some powers,
the slnceie support ot others. But
every expression ot assent strengthened
the case. Every new pledge on Rus
sia's part, with whatever degree of good
faith given, made it the more difficult
to repudiate the undei lying principle.
Through the occupation of Peking by
the allied troops and the long negotia
tions which followed, the fate of China
and of the American policy tiembled
In the balance. But firmness on the
part of the United States government
and the support of Great Britain and
Japan found a way through that crisis:
Early In the present year a second
crisis was leached. Russia was seek
ing a firmer hold on Manchuria, indica
tive of a more aggressive policy as to
the whole problem. A new treaty with
China was under consideration, a treaty
which If concluded would place In Rus
sian hands absolute control of all rail
way, mining and commercial privileges
of the province. At this juncture Sec
retary Hay came forward with his
memorable note of Feb. 1. He defined
the altitude of the United States with
almost startling diplomatic frankness.
He declared that an agreement "where
by China gave any corporation or com
panya Russian device the exclusive
privilege of opening mines, establishing
railroads or in any other way Indus
trially developing Manchuria can hut
be viewed with the gravest concern by
the government of the United States,"
He added that such an agreement con
stituted a monopoly, "which is a dis
tinct breach of the stipulation of the
treaties between t'hlna and the foreign
powers." He called the attention of the
Russian government to the repeated
pledges which It had given, nnd closed
with an expression of the hope that tho
governments of China and Russia
would take such measures as would
"relievo the just and natural anxiety of
the I'nltPd States." Tills note produced
a piofound Impression throughout the
world. It was an application of the
principle of equal rights and equal op
portunity In a way so clear and unmis
takable ihaMi compelled attention.
Soon there followed a third crisis. Tho
United Stales had supplied thu prin
ciple, now Great Riltain and Japan con
cluded nn alliance which pledged to this
principle n support almost threatening
In Its aspect. In plain language, the
allies threatened war If Russia did not
give up her pretensions to Korea. Still
Russia did not yield. She turned to the
other powers to ascertain their atti
tude In case of hostilities. France, as
usual, was pliant. Germany was look
lug out for German Intetests and stood
ready to profit by any upheaval, to de
niand a pi lee for uny Inaction that
might bo requested of her. But what
would tho United States do? Would tho
United States take any part In the
Btruggle? AVould the A met lean govern
ment give material .aid to the allied
powers which stood for the Ametlcan
principle',' Almost every day Count
Casslnl, the astutu RusslanNnmbnbs.i
dor, wus at the state department. Tact
fully, with diiifomiitlc euphemisms, he
pressed his Inquiries. It Is quite prob
able that tho Issue of peaco or war
hung upon the answer, If the United
States was willing to declare Its Inten
tion to pursue tho traditional Ameri
can policy and avoid all entanglements
In tho other world Russia, would have
felt freo to pursue her way In tho far
East, even at tho ilsk of wur, With the
United Stutes binely out she could, with
her allies, France certainly and Ger
many probably, face tho untngonlstlo
alliance. '
Hut the answer ot the United States
was that it could give no pledges. Fol- J
lowing Its Usual policy, this government
must decline to cay what It would 'nr
would not do In a given emergency. Jt
would bc'guided by selMnterept. It
would Watch events with groat eager
ness. When rmergencles arose It would
meet them as In Its judgment seemed
best. Unable to reckon Upon tho prob
able coitise of tho United Stntes, Russia
felt constrained to adopt n conservative
course. She could not defy tlio world.
The new treaty With China, which
atnountn to a surrender on the part of
Russia, quickly followed. Thoie Is little
reason to doubt that, for the present at
least, pence In the far East has been
secured, and the United Stntes is en
titled to the credit of It,
Fantastic pictures of King Oscar, of
Sweden, that are now appearing in our
contemporaries, If correct, Indicate
that there Is excuse for tho recent up
rising ifgalnst him tit Stockholm.
pt'0011'.S and WAHOXS of nit Mndv, aIjd
Home; nnd llulldlnit ni at hirgilni.
1IOHSKS CMPI'IID nnd (lltOOSllll)
I..uluwanni Carriage Work'.
Tho supreme court decision In case
of the base ball players shows that a
man cannot be too careful in selling his
It Is a pleasure to note that the food
speculators will have some dlilllculty
In cornering the potato crop.
There nre also signs of spring upon
the fences devoted to the display ot
circus posteis.
Money Failed for Once.
Trnm the WII1ie-ll.itre Sewn,
'llicitf h mi nuoitlon, in our ictuun dearly
1kiuii1 on Sunday, that Allomry (irneial Mlklii
lud :i clear irajoilly of the xotet ca-t nt the
I'lfmmlr, lmt i tho ;,, f money nnd the In
I'lience of the iniponittnns and federal olilee
linhlm fiom the oiiKii'unuii down to the small-
iwt. u.lniln, the ntio-Qiny nnml weie nlile
to win over u mnnlicr of tho Klkin men beforu
Hie rumrntioii n-cemblcd. h must he ..itd, hou
evil', to Hie cu'ilntting ciedlt of the majority of
llu Klkln .A. okiUc. that tliey resisted nil at
InrpM In In Hie them and went inlo the comrif
lion with tiean liamk Their action U llm mnro
itedilahlj vl.ui tho fact taken into considera
tion they inc nearly all poor men. Mr. V.U
kin's Wck.ry, theiefote, Is a iklcnv for dein
Independent Testimony.
1'rom the SLranton Thins' llcport.
'(hue l no qiipilion lmt that IMkln secured a.
ln.iJo-.ity of the delegates at tho pilmaries but
v.lun it cure lo counting heads in the morning-,
it .n found that a muulier of men elected in
Tlkin delegate had been captiued by the enemy
c'uiiti;; the n'slit. foni; Palmer and other
oldiclioldeia weic my jttlvp in their efforts to
.ilil .ilitv, mid succeeded in winning oer to
their n'de a bout siv delegate.
What the Vanquished Say.
J'rom the S'cr.'.rtoii Truth. cho.-eu to the dl.likt contention In
I lie innicit or Colonel Wnlici were bought away
ncm 1 liu Willi cold cadi.
coiutra cross
Deilcra In
Plate Glass and Lumber
op all kinds.
Home Office, U03-2M Menrs liiiltdtng.
We are maturing thoiei eaeh month which
show a net gain to the inteator of about IX
F.m, .C01!...."'0 ,of,n money We nljo su
HIM, PAID STOCK $100.00 per share, Inter
est payable ecml-amuully.
At.nilfiT BAM., Sfcrctaiy.
rear fill Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer ol
wire Ccrcem of all klnde; fully prepared for
tho tpring season. Wo make all Ulnd ol
porch ncrecm, etc.
(! Ccnlraclor, ftitllder and Dealer In
Iliilldlng Stone, Oincntliic; of ccllais a spe
cialty. Telephone 'Jjni.
Office, .127 Washington avenue.
The scranton Vitripied Brick
Maker of Paving nrlck. etc. Jf. H. Dale,
General Sales Agent, Olfiec 321 Washington
nte. Works nt Nay Aug, l'a II. 1: W. V. lt.H.
During tho summer of 1902, in
struction In all the subjects required
Tor admission to the best colleges
ana scicntilic schools Will be given
at Cotult Cottages, a Summer
School of Secondary Instruction,
Cotult, Massachusetts, under the
direction of' Principal Charles ii.
Fish The courses of instruction
are lor the benefit of live classes of
1. Candidates who have received
conditions at the entrance examina
tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed
examinations until September.
3. Students in Secondary Schools,
who, by reason of illness or other
causes, have deficiencies to make up.
4. Students in Secondary Schools
who wish to anticipate studies nnd
savo time in the preparation for
5. Students in college who have
admission conditions which must be
removed before the beginning of the
next Scholastic Year.
For particulars address,
CHARLES E. FISH, Principal
School of the Lackawanna,
Scranton, Pa.
The Greatest of All
The Scranton Tribune will open on May 5 its third great
bducational Contest. 'Like the others, which proved so profit
able to the contestants during the past two years, this will be open
to young people, not only of Scranton. but throughout Lacka
wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. There
are oll'ered as Special Rewards to those who secure the largest
number of points,
Thirtythree Scholarships
in some of the leading educational institutions in the country.
The list is as follows :
3 Scholarships In Syracuse University, at $432 each
I acuoinrsnip m JSuclcnell
S 864
TTnlversltv 020
Scholarship In Tho University of Rochester 324
Do You Want
a Good Education?
I '11.111 the I.iiicitlvr Xctv Km.
It is loo soon to iionoui'.cp upon the outcome
of tin- lito Mhomc (.et on foot by Senator Quay,
with what intent he only wins to be a train, At
t!u same time, .theie is nothing lo pictent tho
I'cncul public fiom teaching conclusions cf its
oiMi, .U'd thai it appeals to bo doing in all parts
of the (oinmoiiTicalth. In tho first place, it is
teiy cihjenl that Senator-Qua.t".-, ln.uid'itc doc
i.ot inlet with Kcncul acteptance. So far fiom
tliiic heliijr. an aequle-niiie in his deciee, theie i.s
.1 teiy senci.ll disposition to Ignoip il. 'J hero is
Mich .1 thu;.' as "inbbinjr it in" tpo set ci ply.
I'ledees mo pledge-, etin in politic (Jratitude,
wc- inc at.-r.ic, K nut quite mi plentiful a tirtue In
lolitics ns I', mlsht he, but downright ingiali
liide butts the iiwukp wn-e of light and ju-tice.
It is ail ti-f tiling-, no ilohul, that aie lall.tintf
mi many men undei the banner of Attorney (len lllkin. If ho continues to move alone as
slioncly as iliulni; flip pa-t week, thcio may be
a bin ruipiiio in store for oniu people.
? J S'
Sprinjr and Summer 0fonls and Hoots that con
tent tho mind and comfort the feet.
Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00
Ladles' "Melba" Oxfords, $2.50.
Elegantly Rich
The new patterns we are
now showing are beautiful
specimens of the metal
worker's and designer's
skill they possess charac
ter nnd finish that nppeals
to the exacting purchaser.
The prices, too, are as at
tractive as the designs.
We invite inspection nnd
comparison. ",i
Have you seen tho new
patterns in the twin beds
we've something worth
seeing, whether you wish
to buy or not.
Many new and beautiful
patterns in odd Dressers
and pieces for the bed-loom.
L-ewis 8c ReiUy,
114-116 Wyoming Avenue.
a tliorl cnuie, nur an easy course,
nor it cheap coiiifc, but the best education
to be had. No other education is tvoith
upending time nnd money on. If you do,
write for a catalogue of
Easton, Pa.
which olfers llioioush pieparalion In the
Kngincerins and Chemical Professions as well
the regular College courses.
Kast Stroudshtirg, P.i.
The examinations foi admission to the Jliddlo
Year and Senior Year classes will be held .lune 10.
High school ei.iduntcs will be permitted to take
both examinations and enter the peiiior class
tthcip their work has covered the junior and mid
dle jeais couiso of th" nounal. This jear will
he the last oppoitunity given to do fo, ns thp
thice yeais' coui-e is in full force and all will
pome under tho tatc regulations of examination.
For full paiticuhiis addie-s at once.
Ci. 1 IllUt,n, A. At., Pilncipil.
T. J. Foster, President. Elmer H. Lawall, l'reaj,
R. J. Foster, Stanley P. Allen,
Vice President. Secretary.
1 Scholarshin in Washintrton School for Boys 1TOO
J Scholarship in Wllliamsport Dickinson Seminary . . . 750
1 Scholarship in Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory
School 750
J Scholarship in Newton Colleglato Institute 720
1 Scholarship in Keystone Academy 600
Scholarship in Brown College Preparatory School . . . 600
J Scholarship in the School of tho Lackawanna 400
ocnoinrship in Wilkes-Barre Institute o
1 Scholarship in Cotult Cottage (Summer School) 230
4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at
?125 each 500
4 Scholarships in Hardenbergh School of Music and Art 460
3 Scholarships in Scranton Business College at $100
each i 300
5 Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools, .
average value !j57 each 285
2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business College, at
S85 each 170
2 Scholarships in Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio 125
Eacli contestant failing to secure one of the scholarships as a
special reward will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she
secures for The Tribune during the contest.
Special Honor Prizes.
A new feature is to be added this year. Special honor prizes
will be given to those securing the largest number of points
each month. Just what the prizes will be are to be announced
later, but they will consist of valuable and useful presents, such as
watches, books, etc.
The best explanation of the plan of The Tribune's Educational
Contest will be found in the rules, which are here given:
1 Swarthmore
Swarthmore, Pa. Pro
vides, first of all, the broad cul
ture of the COURSE IN ARTS;
then there is the practical field
LITERATURES;for the physician there is special work in BIOLOGY;
for the lawyer or business man there is the course in ECONOMICS
AND SOCIAL SCIENCE; there is work in the field and training
in the shop for the CIVIL OR MECHANICAL ENGINEER, while 51
the laboratories open the doors to ELECTRICAL AND CHEMI-
CAL ENGINEERING. Joined with all this there is Intelligent
Physical Culture with all that the phrase implies, At Swarth-
more, too, there is that intimate contact of professor and stu-
dent, which is probably the greatest force in the development of ,
character and which Is possible only at a small college. Under $
Management of friends. Catalogues on application. &
5 WM, "W. BIRDSALL, President. g
I & Cornell
121 Washington Avenue.
V t ,.., r. . P. P. K K . . , l K VM K K K J ? . . . V. tt K ? , r. It
10 WAT
We are speaking of New
Spring Shoes now. The '
fashion has
the newest
that makers
newest that
dictated, and
and the best
have made.
Shoes for the millionaire and mechanic ; Shoes for mistress
maid ; Shoes for youth and age; Shoes for Indoor and out.
The tpccial rewards tvlll bo given to tho
person securing the largest number ot
Points ttill be credited to contestants se
curing: new sub'cribeis to Tlio Scrjiiton
Tribune iu follows:
One month's subscription $ .50 1
Three months' subscription... 1.23 :i
fei' mouths' subscription 2. SO l
One jcjr's substiiption COO 12
The contestant tvitlt the highest number
of points will be gltcn a choice from the
list of rewards; the contestant with
the scioik! highest number of points will
be gitcn a choice of the leiualnin; lc
ttartM, end so on through the list.
The contestant who secures the highest
number of points dining any calendar
month of the contest will receive n special
honor reward, tliii toward being entirely
independent ot the ultimate disposition ol
the scbolax.'liips.
Kacli contestant failing to secure a apo
dal reward will be given 10 per cent, ot all
money he or she turns in.
All subscriptions must be paid in advance.
Only new subscribers will bo counted.
RenctvaU by persons whose names arc al-
I ready on our subscription list will not be
credited. The Tribune will investigate, cacn
subscription nnd if four.d irregular in any
way reserves the right to reject it.
No transfers can be nude after rredlt
lias once been git en.
All subscriptions and the cash to pay for
them must bo handed In at The Tribune of
fice within the week in which they are so
cuicd, so that papers can be sent to the
subscribers at once.
Subset iptlons must ho written on blanks,
which can be secured at The Tribune office,
or ttill be sent by mail.
Those desiring to enter the Contest should send in their
names at once, and they will be the first to receive the book of
instructions and canvasser's outfit when the contest opens onMay 5.
All questions concerning the plan will be cheerfully answered.
Address all communications to 9
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.i
A new line of
Wrist Bags
Tu Seal, Walrus or Liz-
ard, with glain or Jeweled
clasps in Silver and Gold
! .nil .nil 1.11 4IA
- uuoU wuitu vn.iy iu jtiv.w
'Phone 2007. Old 'Phone 79.2.
Don't Strike !
Buy the
In fact, all foot-wants are here, and at prices that allow your purse
' to go away a third heavier than it would from most houses hereabouts. fl
n &
V At
t $4.00 to $15.00. 1
X Mercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue,
s Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, s
tt 330 Lackawanna Avenue. !
v s
' '4 'A ' ' ' t 'A ' '4 il 4 A 'AAA'A'A'A'A'A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AX
You would be more comfortable today if you s
wore a suit of
We have an elegant garment at $2.00 a Suit.
new SIB
Sizes up to 50,
In four colors.
Lack'a Ave,
We have the moat complete as
and SHIRT-WAISTS in Scinnton
75c to $3,50.
the Typewriter
Man, takes pleasure in ex
hibiting its merits from morn
till night. 1st floor Guernsey.
Building, Scranton, Pa,
Of ovevy description in gioat
variety and assortment now
ready for tho Spring- and Sum
mer trade, including the famous
Dr. Deimel linen Mesh.
412 Spruce Stieet
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
Gas Mantles;
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253327 Pciiu Avenue.