m w THE SCRiNTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1902. I Cooking with Gas FREE LECTURES FOU KOUn 1AYS, coimuene Ing Apt I! Slat, every afternoon nt 3 o'clock MISS KMILY MAH ION COIiLINCI will continue her IcotureH unci demonstrations, on how well the fJas ItiiiiBe iloeB Us work, nt our STORK ROOM, No. 126 WASHINGTON AV13NUE. Ih) Scranhn Gas & Water Co, Points AboutPAINT t. llrltllnmj. '1. DllMllMt-. 3. Co'crlwr 'uri,u lie. Till'. COM" It MIMIN'Al, niul liiurS no toliipiihou with tlio .VTIsr.tTU) cxiicrknccil nml HI.Sl'M' iiULilrril In ii'lnp; an artlclp V.M1I1 cmitnlii.1 thce TIIRKH ISSI:NTI.Mi 1UALIT1I'.S LUCAS' TINTED GLOSS PAINT Is the lli:COiMZHU feTAND.MH) In teaily JIIxpcI IMlnK Atlantic White Lead and Fare Linseed Oil ... . m.iic an "mrmasriM!" tuini ami when .iipllc.rllh WHim.i'S uni'siiix a luautiriil and jiciiuinnil iliii-Ii H nl naj.H atiinl. HOI.KH M". Olid ll"tjl Auciiti. MA I THEWS BROS 320 Lackawanna Ave. Tuesday, April '22nd, AT 209 Washington Avenue Vioni the .i-lie-i of nur foinirr store lui arisrn ult.it is nndouljlrdh' llio lmnil-ioiriffit store or its kind In the Rtate. It Hunt be srrn to le nppicri.itcd. You nrc cirnc-4ly requested to attend the opining 'lucsj.iy netl. DuriiiR our npenlntr wool, liecinnlnp; to day we frim ilunlilc 'll iilinx Mamps. Jacobs & Fasold Intrrior Deeor.)tois ami dealer1! in Wall Piper, 1'iitiiie-., I'mmcs, MoiiIiIiuks Shades, ami I'.iints, Chairs Recaned Furnltuip upholhtercd and repaired. Send po.sUl to 12-18 Providence Road. Old 'Phone, 109-3, Green Ridge. JAMES PAYNE Gty Notes. J COMPANY DltllXS The number of (.impi inp It and II will meet tonight at tlio armny lor ui hi. 'Si:T TO HII.I.SIIIi: IIOMP.-Addj A11I1I1.1I1I, .1 juiinjr uninm jiioaled tally yesterday morning for street ualkliiR, u adjudged In lie MUhtly in-ine ami ..u taken to tint IIIlUlilc Homo in the iiftcinoon. loiiv sm:i:m:v lommh ri:u-.)niin hiwun-j, mnlrd on Monday ninht for iislmj IU- Ian. BHikp on a Pioudoiue ar, j. iiiimnliUil to the county jalL foi silj il.i.n ycsteiday nioiulim by JI.igMi.iU' Mill.11 in delault ol u (in tuf 10. TO CO.NPi:U ltl.t!lli:i. -K.j, tone J.od'e of Pcrfeition will cunfir ttie fouitli, mmIi and foiu tiMitli degrus on .1 diss of tandlditu in Memo rial hall tonight. JIumo will he fuinWiid h ,1 fpurtctte and rifies-hmciiU will bo suied im imdhitoly following the eonfrriing of the digiees. PIED AT IIO-PITl..-.l.i.ol lliown, need (10 feais, ulio reeelwd seiero mjiiruD at the I.acka- .aniu iar shopi list week, died eailv josterdiy' nioiniiiR at Ilic jio-.es Jajlot hospital, 'llio dc-e.u-iul 1 (tilled en Palm Mieet, South Si.ranto-1, iml la Eiirvlu'd by H'leral children. HIS TIHHI) AltIli:ST.-Palrohnari Iluniinvluii nude Ills ihlid nrn'st last night, lie tool; Itiy lliebe, nn lS-year-old t,nth, in diaigc for aclluj '11 a loud and hoUliioui nuirier in lompany with a number of boy,i at the iomer of Adam, su niic and Pine ttricl, Young Iliche w n ,iln,u to go 011 his own ircognizaiuc until this nom i"S. .f P.. 1.. k W. P W.P.VYS. The rmploje-i of the Aondule, Amhlnclota, lllh-, HalUtead, Ptitc 1 bono and Woodw ml lolllerl.- will be pii to. morrow. On Prldiy the rmplniea of tliu Pia. inond, Dlanicml wjaliri), -Maniille and Sloiig will be paid. On futuidiy the niiiln)ci of all the otliir tlililein collierks in Siranlon and vklnlty will bo paid, CLEANING OF STREETS. Provision Regulating: Price of Labor May Prevent Contract. BHIb for the i-leaiiltiff of the city's BtreetB by contract luivo not yet been advertised for, and It Is questionable If any could be secured should the pro islonnor tlio resolution signed by Re corder Connell Inst weelt bo cart led out. The resolution ns originally Intio duced tontnlneil no provision fixing it minimum price to be paid for labor, urn! on this basis at least two men weto willing; to put in bids. Common coun cil, however, nmeuded the resolution yo as to ilx $1,50 per eight-hour-day as the minimum wage tq be paid. Jt Is under stood thut the Insertion of this umend mont renders It Impossible for anyone to undertake the work nnd make It pay at a contract figure of $15,000 a year or less. , LADIES CAN WEAR SH0i oii tiro (mailer after uIiig Allen' Poot-Pase a powder to be shaken Into llio hoe. t nukcj light 'or new nhoes feel caoy: Hu Instant 1" lief to corn and bunion. It's the Tg.eate.t comfort dUrpierv of tlio a-'o . funs and picvcnU tuolleii tret. lilUtetD, j.1Ious and org inota. Mieu'a Fool-Huto U a certain uio lor sweating, hot, ac" log feet. At all diuggUU 4iul t4io stores. S3o Uon't accept any sulitltuti. 'ivial paekago phi:e by lV'1. Addrcis Allen S. OlnlfcuJ, Ulij, K. I RiMiriRiiinn OOOD PRACTICE GAME. Manager Lnwson Had His Men Hard at Work Yesterday. The Hcriiiiton lcnRiie team had some good practice In a game with the locals yesterdny afternoon nt the park. Mali nger t.tiwson nlso hud ttn opportunity to "try but" two young pitchers, who have been anxious to secure positions on the Hcranton team. A deaf mute pitcher named Keller, from Olyphnnt, who lntt Reason pitched for the R. H. D. club, of Philadelphia, twirled the Hpheiu for .Heinnton, while Zimmerman, ti senil-profesolomtl, who pitched for the Brldgeton, X, J club last season, pitched for the locals. The locals were also telnforced by Ralney, Wlllse, Fer ris and McOarry, of the Hcranton team. The leaguern played In fine form and hud little dllllculty In winning nway from the locals, by a seote of 15 to 0. SehnmltB and Nickels hit the ball snv agely, the former for a home run and a triple, and the latter for a. triple and double. For the locals Rtilney did great back stop work nnd caught three men who tiled to steal second base. Keller let the locals down with six hits, nnd It Is Manager I.uw.son's Intention of giving him a further trial with the Hcrunton team. The following Is the scoie: ht'UAMOV, It. II. II. A. II. tiortoii. cf 2 ti 1 0 0 11l.1i.1lj, if a -j n 0 Milcil, rf 2 2 10 S11III1.111, :tb 12 12 1) Stimuli,', II 2 2 1" 0 (1 "'. 21' I 1 t t "0 Pun. - :i 2i :i 1 Steinberg, v 2 2 t 2 0 Killir, 1 0 117 1 ToliiN 15 ij 2T IS 2 LOCALS. H. II. O. A. 1:. Mtf.'iry, If n u 0 I) 1 PeirU, Jh 0 2 4 2 0 "llt-c, Jb 4 0 I 10 U 0 Hilney, c 0 t i 0 I'osnei, if 0 1) 1 1 0 Schoeiibeig, if n 0 1 n (I Dolman, s-i 0 2 1 : 0 Simmcruian, p 0 1) 2 2 2 Thompson, Kb 0 0 2 2 1 Totals 0 6 27 1.1 4 Scr.inlon ! 0 0 0 0 " (I 1 S l'l f-Of lis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-bave hits NukeR P1.H17, Steinberg. Ihife. have lillt Nickels, Silnnall. Homo mil Schmaltz. Hasos on balln Br Slniniermaii, ::; bj Keller, :i. Double plaj Piatiz to Ho to SchmaltK. Sloleu bases-tioi ton, 2. Time of gome Two hours L'wpiie Goodenotigh, RUSHED THE SEASON. Hot Weather Arrived Away Ahead of Time and Caused No Little Discomfort. Summer weather struck the town yestetday, 11 few weeks ahead of sched ule time, and nhijed &ad havoc with the tetnppts of the. vast maloiity of Sciantonians who are still wearing win ter clothing and who conseciuently sweltered all day long. AVeatherman Clarke had fotecasted rain for yesterday, but the storm which he had looked for this cltv jumped Its contract with him nnd ulayed a date up north silong the Great Lakes. This storm was the cause of all the trouble, so Mr. Clarke says. It blew tin fiom the gulf on Sunday and on Monday was KUItit; a performance in Kansas. In stead of coming cast, however, it went due north, but its doing so forced warm winds as far ns the Atlantic co.iht. AVeatherman Clarke gives a scientillc explanation of why this is so, that is a positive delight to listen to. The warm spell llrst becan to he noticeable early jesterday morning. At S o'clock the weather was like an ordi nary summer day's. At noon the ther mometer registered Si; degiees and at -o'clock it recorded S7 degiers. Rut this was the weather bateau ther mometer, which is on the loof of the eight-story Connell building, fanned by "all the winds that blow." Down In the street, where fat men perspirpd and women wished they had worn their shit t waists, it was !I0 degrees and one or two theiinomete,is of perhaps un certain reputation reglsteied even as high as Dt degrees. It was altogether the hottest April 22 that has been experienced here in many years and was In striking contrast to another April 22, which a Tribune man heard tin old Inhabitant telling about a few days ago. On that particular April 22 It snowed to the dentil of neiirlv n foot and was bitter cold. Rut that was many, many years ago. AVeatherman Clarke says we are going to have continued warm weather today, but promises rain for tonight. A BIG SEASON ASSURED. Lodore Will Be the Mecca for Ex cursionists the Coming' Season. All indications point to Lake Lodore as the most popular of all excursion re sorts for the fast-approaching season, nnd to even surpass its immense busi ness of last year. The individual ex cursionist prefers a lake resort, and the scenic beauties of Lodore Itself, its, far spreading grove, Incomparable dance pavilion, Its merry-go-round, the de light of the children, Its well-equipped kitchens, clam oven, refreshment booths, Spalding ball grounds, naphtha launches, steamer, large excursion boat and varied other amusements render It a summer parndlse, and at the same time the most profit-making resort for churches nnd societies. There are some splendid dates left, for the privilege of which please appply to W. L. Pryor, district passenger agent. Delaware and Hudson Railroad, Sctanton, Pa. Sessions of Orphans' Court. Judge A. A. A'osburg will hold a ses sion of the Orphans' court each day this week, beginning today at 10 a. 111, Speolul hearings have been fixed for AVcdnesdny, Thursday nnd Ft Iday, while Saturday Is tie monthly return day ses sion, at which time citations and other piocess tire made returnable, The hearing set down for today is the uppllcatlon for the removal of the ex ecutrix under the will of Fredeilck Simon, deceased, upon the ground of Incompetency, TO THE CONTEST EDITOR SCRANTON TRIBUNE. Sir: Please fin oil my name as one of the coutestairts in The Tilb une's Gducutlonul Contest, and send me equipment and more detailed Information concerning the wutk us soon as Issued, ... I. ,, , ADDRESS (( ut tkU out and mall to "Contest l.'dltor, In orilir that J on may be among the II r, I to I Ik, bee adierticmeut on fourth page of IhU UPHELD CLAIM OF A SQUATTER SUPERIOR COURT REVERSES THE DUFFY CASE. To Secure Judgment of Ejectment Against a Squatter Is Not Suf ficient to Toll the Continuation of 0 Squatter's Occupancy After Judgment Is Secured the Plaintiff Must Oust the Squatter and Take Possession Valuable Tract in Car bondale Involved. One of the Litckawnnna cases decided by the Superior court, In Pittsburg, Monday, was that of Mary Duffy against Mary t' Duffy, a suit In eject ment for a valuable tract of land In Carbondalc. The finding of the local court, In favor of the plaintiff, was re vet sed. The plaintiff Is grand-aunt of the defendant. Another Maty tyuffy. grand mother of the defendant, settled on the land In 1S42 nnd ncqulred squatter title. In 18TG she conveyed to hr.r infant granddaughter, thp ptesent defendant. The grund-uunt, the plaintiff In this case, was allowed to leslde on the land after the grandmother's death and was not disturbed until she purchased a deed for the property from the Deln wate and Hudson company in Septem ber, 18911, when the granddaughter pro ceeded to eject her, and got a verdict. Under the old law It was necessary to get two 'erdlcts In ejectment to make a title valid. The second action was Instituted with the granddaughter as defendant. AVhen the case came to tt lal the Delaware and Hudson com pany, which was the leal plaintiff, showed thut at one time dining the twenty-one years In which the grand mother was ttcqultlng squatter title, It proceeded against her in ejectment and secured judgment. This, It was con tended by the company, tolled the squatter right and left the grandmother without any title to convey to the granddaughter. In answer to this, the granddaughter contended that the judgment In eject ment had not been proceeded with to a point necessary to break In on the twenty-one years' possession, the com pany never having taken possession. The Iqcal couit decided that It was only necessary to secure a veidict In ejectment. The Superior court now says that the company should huve also taken possession. OPINION IN CASE. The opinion of the Supctior court, written by Judge Beaver, follows: 1. 'I ue piincipil question imoHod in till-, up pi il, as 'If.ted b- llio appellant and aiceptcd In the appllci, is "Doci- the rctoierv of a judg ment in ejiitinent, without sinieuder, ,111 intn or i-.-.uiti' of a lulu ii facias, toll the stittilo of liinit.it ir 1 s and mleriupt .111 aiherse. po-seMion" Ihe F.uural rule upon (Ills mhioct, ns st ited in 1 jc. ICJU. Is tli.it "The mere rccour.v of .1 judgment will not of Itself slop the running- of the st itiuc- of limitations; there must be an ai tiial rhaugr cf ponsessnon by Mitue of suih judg ment." 1 hi . 111I1 seems lo be founded in leasou and for il theie is abundant aiithontj-, the doe tilths ulitiiig tiifMctu being tolhited In the nous lo the stiieinent of the 111I0 ahoie quolid. Am Mig llir authorities died as tontia is the one upon "Aim ?i (lie 1 omt bi low and the appillio hue idv as d If running the question Hinlakej s. Md hln, hi Pa. nil. Whole tl ere is nuh an appin nt lontr.iientn 11 rf the guiial pile nml a setnilng 1 onti idielh u of lninj of Ihe Pi mis haul) aulhoiitiis, il be homes os to make a i-areful i imiuituui of the MV iipni whiili suih 11 conlmllim is based. It is true ttnl in Mioh-kij is MeCIain, supra, Mi. .lu-ti'o Hiili.inifl sajs: "If Webslir and his heiis hid the roiilimiid and jihiw possession of llio loi dn.i".- nil Ibis time, It would bo sullli lent lo iriu Hum a title under Ihe statute; but, as we hue .1I11T1.J sirn. Hiihinl Peteis brought .111 ai tlmi ol ijdtmuit agmist llcnrj- Wibstei- in IMS and iii'iu'icd 1 oitlkt. and Judgment Ihiiein In 1! This ruoicry slopped the miming of tie slalule and, eieu if the Websteis held udiei e pns.is,.jnn ol (he lot thereafter until the houe w.i tuin down, in 18.IS, thej- acquired no title, under the MJtutc of limitation,.." If there wis nothli.u else in this else, and it stood alone in l'riii-jlvnij, it would, of cour-o, be conclusive upon us as to tint question, but it Mas said Willi rifimiie In nil the facts of the ease, whkli in clude the isruing of a hah. fi. pos and .1 10 firn bv the sheriff, "I.eiied and nhcriff recoiled costs in a judgment in ejectment imolilng the 'arne pmnises although agiinst 1 ilifhrciil defend ant." It i', therefore, to be presumrd that the sheriff nlil Ms chit) and deliered the possession, ns reqiiiiei' by Ms writ, to the plalutifl in the (joctuiint and, if .so, the ease itself, whiteier the language oi the opinion judge may be. cannot be relkil upon as niitlioiity for the contention of the Appellee. With this single exception, thcaulhoii ties in PinrHjh nii.t seem to be In entire bar monj with the general nile. a fAsi: crcm In Pukriil; s. Searle, 3 S.aml It. 3 id. the iw of .liuk"Oii n, Il.li iland, 1! .Inlnis. 220, Is iltul with 11ppr01.1l, in whkli it U held: A hal ing thl alms Judgment In default in an cjietni"nt agilust II but did not take possession, and Ii.ii ins nincirn the term laid in, the deilaratlon to eplre nmt the possession of the defendant being rontinued without interruption, so that the whole time, iniluillng that whkli elapsed after the juiLmunl amounted to twentj- jiars, II might de find lihnscll under the statute of limitations iigains ! suond ejectment, although A't. right of entrj' was established by tlio judgment, and he might haic lawfully haic entered without a wilt of powisslon. 1 hit .1 judgment in ejectment does not (hinge the trillion between the plaintiff and defendant, so far ai the possesion is comerned, is further Flinwn by Kanililcr 1. Tjron, 7 S. and It. HO, and Ilos is-, PlossinK W Pi. 17, in which il was held lint a plaintiff, in whose faior a veidlet In ciitiner,l has been rendered, may maintain a suond c'lclmcnt for the same land, without tak ing icsM'slon or issuing piocess for that purpose under Ms first ejritment. If a tneio Judgment In ilcilmuit gaio him the possen-ion of the land in r.lspute, he iculd not, of course, maintain a sec ond c'utmtt.t, for the foundation ol the action l the nt tu il possession by the defendant. In Pnucll is, Smith, 2 Watts, I'JH, wldih una lepleiln fn a ilialtel which bicanu, sucli bj a seieiame fiuiii tlio fieehohl, it was held that ii'. pleiin would nut lie, on the ground, a stated by !iicf aii-llu (Illisoii, tint "The proputy laid In the (leil.in tlon wus taken by tlio deiindaut, while lie was ot in actual possiislon, though after 11 iiioiery of tlio mill of wliU.li it wa i's. o-I.H; Us 1 purl! ami the only thing like .1 que. i Ion in the rau'e U iilutlur the naked mour.i, whli Ii pit-ieded the apoilutlon, dUtiliaulshes tlio i.iso fmm those iltul; but iiothlng Is tleater than tint kiicli n icioieiy is not eqiiiialeut lo an en tlj, cicn to bai tlio stutme of liniitat ioiLs, am), lhirfi'li. not equiulent In actual hs.c,sioii." Justice Ml.uk, in dtltu-ilug the opinion, s.ijsi , , , tt"MMM i-cranlou '1 illume. Sujiitou, Pa ," at oiuo icieliu the piloted niattci and caiiiascr'e out'' issue.) A GREAT SURPRISE In In More for alt who use Kemp's Dtam for the Throit and I.tings, the creat Buaranteed temedr. Would jou believe that ll I sold on Its merits and any druggist Is authar'-til by (he proprietor of this wonderful remedy 10 give )uil a sample bottle frcef It ncier falls to uira aculo or ehroiila cousin. All liiugglsls sell Kcmp'e llalsam. Price, 23c. and 0c. In IVitilndl A. Waller, 22 P.t.'37S, uhli-li was nn atllon of licspaw for mesne profits, Mr, Chief "Dors a Jmlginent In ejectment put an end to (lie tll'silslnr firtalnlv not, It miy nelllo Hie lllle n fnot of tlio plnliitllT, Int Ihe nll.'ninpotlant Im I of 111 ndicnc pn'tculon rtmilns in-t as tt 11.1s In ate," not nouND nv it. It Is slid that these rosea all preiede Ibolaskev s. Mitlaln nnd that we are, therefore, hound b'y tlio 1 tiler. Ibis would be true, If there were no fids in It to illsllnguMi It front (he oases In which He emphatic language oboie quoted Is ii'ed, iiinl. If there was nothing following It In luimony ivllh the railler cases. In t'rufi ii. Veal.ey, (Id Pn. 210, which na an mllen of Ireiuss hiought by a plaintiff who had reioified In ejiilmuil, but who hud not ncturid lovesdlon thnugli a writ of hah. fa. po., Mi. Chief Justice 'llioinpson mIiI: "llio plalliltffn In itrnr noiv rlalm that this action of liespass can not le maintained, became 110 lubeie fntlas pos t"sstor.em eiei Issued to glie them legal silsln of whit tiny iiilmllted tlictiiM-ltr-i dispossessed In bilnglng theli ejeetinent, and which tl.e ejeit tient also ailmllti.il Ihe defemlanti to be In pos sioii of. 'Ihe illtnnny Is iiiKonlradlcted that .11 lull )ssi.on of Ihls land lias eier In any- I odi. 1 ikln-r the line of mli-dhMoii Xo. 7 as e'. rluding ll, wlilth Ihe Jury found, consequently a Imbue fodas would lino been idle. 'Hull' was lobodi lo turn out and nobodv In hinder Hie plaintiffs from going In. This bdng s", Ihe nimtniotlic possesdon Incident to lllle still (".Isled, there being no nctuil possession to (lalletme it, o that the plaintiffs' title belig tivlMlluiftFil In this iepei, dievv the construe tlio n-K'sfor of the land to It and the light lo nu wa i.ot allotted by this technical 1I1I111 of possession, rrnlrailktrd as It was by Ihe fact as shown In nil the testimony on the "point." The ens,' oi'Cl.'.ilnell is. Walters, 22 Pa. ?, was cited nnd Ihe illlkrtnio between the two tasis pointed out, nnd It was said: "Tl.eie an nctuil pij-wsion t listed ai.d It was held that an action for mesne piotila 1 rulil not He. became possession had not been (hlluKit lo the plaintiffs in ejectment." Ihii was a distinct niknowlcdginent of the dm- II his in (hat caw and Is subsequent to liiolaskey is. McClali. 'I here Is aho Ihe laler ease or Itennett n. Mor il'oii, i.'D P.i. ROO. in whkli Air. .liutlie Pass.in 'lis: "The Judgment was by dcfuill. The ejeit ment was to enfoice the aiticle of agreement and, Ihcicirrc, In afllnuanco of it. No subsequent pioceeillngs weie eipr hail upon this" judgiuent. N'o liibtre wa-s lasued, nor was possession de luere.l lo the plaintiff. Such a recoierj is not equivalent to an rntrv, eien lo Tnr the tlilulp ol Kmllillcr.!, and. Iheiefore, not cqiilialent to i.i mil poite-oion. Powell is. Smitli, 2 W. 126; Worki.iiii is. fiuthlic, 2!) Pa. 4!1." 'Ihls is a dis tlnct iKknowiedgment of the general doctrine, as heroin 1 ild dewn. and if il were not for the cs lontfjll.' didcient facts In Hrola'1cey is. McC'lain, would bo in direct conflict with it. In slew of the Rpuc1.1l cirrent of nnllinrily, which seems to Hi lo be tensonant to reason, we, therefore, sus tain the suond and third assignments of error ami ilsn the first, so far as the offer was receiicd fur the purpciec of 11 butting the defendant's daiiu cf title bj- uninterrupted and adierse pos session. Wo think the offer wan good, so far as it was to be us-ed "is pcrsuablie evidence in faior uf the plaintiff's title." was poit Tin: jfitv. 2. Whether 01 not the Icaw offered by the plain tiff witn llio grantor of the defendant, was Fiif lliluill.r '.i.cutifli-d was, tmiicr all the circum stance, f r r Ihe jur.i. The siibooriblng witness c'jiiliadicts himself to some client in his cross I'Minirntion, but we think that his testimony suf fieionll.v Hiiutihed the person who .signed the base anil the propirtj- coiered by it, and that Hi: court inulil not sjv, as a matter of law, tint the cxeiulu'ii of the lease wits not proied. .1. 'the lease was not part of the plaintiff's tille. It was rl'uic1 for the purpose of rebutting Ihe iini whkli the defendant se- up in- irtue of the .nlieise posse-sum of her gi-intor. it does not s,cni to 111 Hut ll was Hie duty of the plain tiff to autiiipito the defendant's defense. She iivilil not ddcimnie in adi.mic whether it would In uicisari ti' u-e the le.i'e or not, and was. thru fine, Hoi bound to set it nut in her original .1lM1.nl of title. The fouitli, fifth and sKlh asslL-mtieiils ot euor are oierniled. Judgment re icrsed and new lenire awarded. Attorneys S. B. Pi Ice and Thomas P. Duffy represented the appeal. I GIVEN FINE ROSE BUSHES On Friday and Saturday, we will make our annual distribution of ROSE BUSHES. Hardy two-year field grown strong-rooted Rose Bushes, sure to bloom the first year. 3 41 !? Varieties. ' Welrich Brumer, Paeonia, 5 Perle des Blanches, Hagna Charta, 5 Louis Nan Houtte, H. Gabriel Luizet, ' Marie Bauman, Hadam Planteer, ja Caroline Testant, Victor Verdier. I IHPORTED I CRIMSON RAMBLER. $ Large Three-year Old Bushes. One given with a Tw.o " 3 a One Rose Bush given Two " Bushes " mree Five No customer will receive more than six Rose Bushes. Please do. not ask for anything different for we will not allow it. a Mears & Hagen 415-417 Lackawanna Ave, a IWWWWflWMWW PAVING LIENS ARE DEFECTIVE FIVE OF THEM, ARE STRICKEN OFF BY COURT, City Failed to File Them Within the Presciibed Sixty Days, and as a Result the Properties Are Released from Liability Attempt to Defend on the Ground That the Final As sessment Was Not Actually Made Until Three Days After the Wi it ten Date. Five municipal liens for the AVest Luckiiwanna avenue paving, done In IS!", were yesterday struck off by court because of technical error. Tlio prop erties against whom' the Hens were dir rected are John Donahue, Patrick Hugan, J. A. Cuespsp, John tlaffney nnd Mrs, A, Connell. This means the city will have to pay the bills Itself or col lect the money from thj property hold em, personally, the property no longer being liable. The lleiiH were defective for the ren son that they were not filed within six months of the time of making the tlnul assessment. The date marked on the llnal assessment was Dec. 4, 18D7. The Hens were filed June 7, 1898, or three days more than six months after the date unit keel oil the llnal assessment. The city's defense was that while the assessment bore date of Dec. 4, It was Dec. 7, when the assessment was ac tually made, the dute of Dec. 4 being the date on which It was begun. Court held that the date written on the as sessment was the one that must con trol and summailly struck off the Hens. Attorney Thomas P. Duffy appealed for the property holders and Assistant City Solicitor D. J. Davis for the city. Other cases were dealt with as fol lows: ltule Absolute .r. S. Miller against the Inter stite Casualty company: rule to proceed with at t.ulimci't c edition, blowers Pork Packing and lioiisloii icmpiny agaln-t Mrs. M. Snartzi ex ceptions In aflidnlt of defense and rule for judg ment. Thomas 1'. McDonnell against Michael Minle.v: rule to strike oil nonsuit. William Whentcioft against Isabella tv.cll; nile lo (it like off award. Argued ,1. O. Aekennun, trustee, against Jos eph Josephs; rule to open judgment. M. Toohlll. ct ah, agiinst the city oi Seranton; nile lo still.e oft appeals. Union Cash Stores ngalnrt C'coigc I.uumborgcr; nile for new trial. A. D. Dean, tuislee, against I), M. Wlnton, admlimtia tor; ink- foi new trial. John Ccli.i against the Dcliiiiirc, T.ackawanni and Western Railroad cempanj-; rule to file amended statement. Charles Mine against the Seranton Hallway company: de niuirei. James Campbell aga-nst the Scinnttn Hiilway cenpanjj demurrer. Iluckejc Buggy company against W. Delict; exceptions. on-Pios City of Seranton .igaiiist James lilac 1. . certiorari. City of i-tranlon against Hugh Sheridan; icrtlorari. link- D.'se bargedPhoebe Kicsner against A. P. nohci.!,, ruh- to strike off non-suit. , Submittal C. W. Iloberts against Prances II. Robblii', Margaret Webster agiinst Thomas Web ster, Kate K. 1-cwis against William V. I.ewl, Minnie Tiumpore against W. K. Tnnnpoie, Phoibc M Kds3ids agiinst (leorge IMwards, Ida iejnim against Hand llcynon; rules for deuces 111 di. ficc. marriage Licenses. Wiilhm VcAnihew .... f.ulu .McDoii.ell John I.c.-kn Anna llajiiufk Petir 'lcinskj" f.cni kulesi. P.itiiek l.oftus Vhcresi 'Ihajnc Philip I'. Me Mantis .... Marj Caughan Mileom Swarlz Uiur.t Il.ckr. Suanloii ssi 1 ant nn ..Port st t'uy Olyplnnt S rautou su.inton ....I.irksiille Sci inlon .Wilkes-lliiie Seranton Si rant mi Sci anion AWAY sf. & sf. & & 3.00 purchase oo ' " with a 1.00 purchase. $2.00 5oo ,0.00 I d & & m - im M -J U .ii Such an Array of Vases Tall ones.Short ones, Large Ones, Small ones. Cut Glass, Rock Crystal, Colonial, and Pressed Twist Optic. If you want a VASE for lOcts. to $50.00, they are here. We have beautiful Crystal Optic V&ses, 13 inches high, price, 45 cents, and pretty enough for any home. CUvxvVaW. i34 Wyoming Ave. GGO. V, INIIL.UAR 8t CO. Upholstering and Cushion Work Is done by us cheaper and better than anywhere else in town. Ue re finish furniture also. Our cabinet maker will call on Nuest to give estimates. Seranton Bedding Go., F. A- KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. MMaMaM vs 1 1 Mi Will I ui it in Ms r5 King Cotton has no notion of relinquishing his sway, and never has a brighter gem adorned an imperial crown than the thought which placed these charming productions within the con- tff fines of King Cotton's realm. " Every imaginable trick of the looms displayed here. They JJ are "attention catchers." No woman passes them without stop- j ping and stroking them lovingly. Prices Range Take a second look at the fine white and colored figures. FLEMISH LAC? SILK FANTASIE, DUCHESSE DIMITY, A !sj And a host of other new friends, as well as all the old friends. "5 In fact, a very full assortment of all the varieties of fashionable S Wash Goods, in the best of styles. I With the White Goods A This is a most important stock and its offerings equal any j of the more showy stocks. The goods are of the very best and the quantity gives you something to choose from; the best in the ' market at the prices. All kinds of lace stripes. and other stripes; ge a list without limit, including fine White Piques. Notice the yard-wide "P K's" at 25c a yard. Of course, we have White ,5 Goods from 12 l-2c the yard up, as choice a lot as ever gladdened i any thrifty woman's heart. jf Addenda 1 The heavier the harvest, the richer the gleaning, and here mt are the gleanings of all the cotton markets. Indeed, these are J"fc "a sight for sore eyes." The prices also will be a surpr' ,; to you. McConnell & Co. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. i vS New Patterns lii tywai IS! us PsrsrffJia Eh hina and Japanese Matting s You will soon have all the carpets up and out on the line, or off to the carpet cleaners. You will probably find some of them a little faded, or worn rather more than you had expected. All the bad ?pots will be more noticeable in the summer sun light, so do not think of re-laying them, but come to the NEW STORE and select from our exclusive line of lovely patterns in fresh new matting of reli able quality and bright, cheering colors. No matter what you may buy in the way of Furniture, quality should have your careful consideration, Ve protect you In this matter by selling none but reliable values, that are personally guar anteed by us for durability. We would call your special attention to a new shipment of Weathered Oak Library and Den Furniture which has just been received direct from Grand Rapids' manufacturers. Wall Paper, Carpets Curtains and Draperies Williams & McAnulty 129 Wyoming Avenue. Walk In and look around. Manager. Both 'Phones from 7c to 69c a Yard fc Lawns in charming black and & Seven Cents the Yard jt SUISSE PLUMITIS, PALMETTO BATISTE, ORGANDIE CHAIN. Choice Assortment a " .ysM M 1"' 1VI .: -V & "ft j St ri ' "I Jr J i i a "vs c'l ; &jt i H- JiiMtftMki ' -m.