The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 23, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    r ' , ! r-y
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The News of Catbondale.
I ; - !
5 i,'
i . ..
ittlss Bessie Atllcy nnd Fred 0.
!' Moyles Avoid Pnrentnl Opposition
. nnd Qo to Afton, N. Y., Where
' They Wed Couple Receive Foi-
glveness nnd Wedding Supper
- from Bride's Parents. x
j Frod C. Moylen, of Uelinont Rtrupt,
nnd Miss Hcaslo Adley, dmiKhter oC Mr.
nnd Mis. John Adloy, of Siieni'cr struct,
nre now Mr. and Mif. Fred U. Moyles,
;nnd rite nt housekeeping on lielinont
This sudden transition from sweet
hearts, to the state to which their ln
ullnntlotiH leaned and their fondest
wishes were directed, took place Mon
day. It was not In this city that they
pllshted the marriage vows that real
ized the happy moment they had so
Ions anticipated, hut in Afton, N. Y.,
whence" they went' to overcome the par
ental opposition on one side, and which
r)vps a tlnjrp of romance to the event
ful happening of the young people's
lives. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Moyles had been sweet
hearts for some time. Tlie affection
which they felt ripened Into love, but
is the poet says, "The course of true
love never runs sm6olli," und In this
case the young1 people had the objec
tion of the bride's parents to disturb
their sweet dreams. The groom, fully
believing that a "faint henrt ne'er won
fnlr lmly, resolved on the daring and
boldness of the true lover and pioposed
a quiet trip to ev York stute. Again
the course of the ardent, true lovers
was ndhcied to, and nt 7 o'clock Mon
day evening the young couple were
speeding on the journey to New York
state. Afton wus chosen as an accept
able place, and before noon Miss Adley
and Mr. Moyles were united In the In
dissoluble bonds of wedlock.
The return trio was made In the
afternoon, the newly wedded couple
reaching here at 4 o'clock. The cour
ageous spirit that guided the young
bride and groom in planning and curry
ing out their cherished Idea, did not for
sake them when they were back in
Cnrbondale, but was rather strength
ened by the"1 huppy fact that they were
now one, instead of two. They resolved
on acquainting the parents of the bride
at once, and they veve rewarded with
a spirit or forgiveness that, while hoped
for, was not wholly expected. Mr. and
Mrs. Adley, true to.the traditions of the
parents of such romantic young folks,
had smiles Instead of reproaches and
heartfelt wishes dud blessings in place
of curtain lectures. In u short time the
Adley homo was ii scene of festive joy.
The near friends of the couple were as
sembled and all sat down to a wedding
supper that was ruled by n sphit of
felicity and joy that revealed the golden
lining to the .cloud of opposition that
shadowed the young people's prot-pects.
Happiness and Joy lelgned dining the
evening, and a chorus of good wishes
le-echoed from the hearts of the young
folks who made up the gathering!
Mr. and Mis. .Moyles are liousekeeD
ing on Uelinont street. They are both
popular young people, and have the
heartfelt wishes of their friends in their
new life. Mr. Moyles is assistant driver
uoss at tne mack Diamond colliery.
meet next Tuesday evening "' the
Homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. .Tosdph Kent-don,
on Canaan street.
The social under the allspices of the
Crescent base bull club last evening
held In IJurke's halt was a Mattering
soclnl success, and a neat sum was
realized for the club, The hall was well
filled with the friends of the club and
made merry until a lain hour. Prof.
Firth, assisted by two violinists, fur
nished the dance music.
One of the most important events
on the social calendar of the year the
annual dance of the Knights of Colum
bus of Caibond.ile will take place la
the Uurke building this evening.
The enterprise will attract not only
all of the Knights In this city, but many
rj-om Scianton and oilier places along
the valley. The maimer in which the
Knights here enteualu lias given thein
n reputation nhio.-ul that Is the hipuiik
of arousing the keenest anticipations
when any affair or the Caibondalo
council is announced.
The luill tonight will be decorated so
as to present a beautiful picture when
the guests arrive. Fuhrman, of Scran
ton, has the decorations. Mrs. Wade
has charge of the (Until an angeiuents,
and Thomas n. Coughlln has carried
out a novel scheme of illuminations.
All the Indications point to a repetition
or the earlier social hucceshes of the
Knights. Music will be by the Mozart
Preceding the dance will be an en
tertainment which pioinlses to be an
enjoyable feature. The numbers will
be: Address of welcome, by Ornnd
Knight It. ir. Kerwln; opening ode, by
the council; baritone solo: John
O'llourko; selection, by orchestra; piano
solo, Nora Xealon; soprano solo, Aunii
llrowuo; duett, piano and banjo,
O'llourko sisters; tenor solo, T. A,
Kirkwood; selection, orchestra; ad
dross, Hon. .lames J. O'Xeill; closing
ode, by council.
The reception under the auspices of
the Ladles' Cuthollo Uenevolent asso
ciation, in tho Burke building on Frl
lny night, is another social affair that
Is being eagerly anticipated. The deco
rations will bo elaborato and the niusle
,wil bo provided by Professor Firth and
tho aruhum sisters, violinists. Many
:put-oUst"uru expected from points ue-itwr-cjitfusuueliunnu
aml s,.m.Uon
! 'riVn,...r,,.l.... !.. ..,... ...i...
IHUUirailu I'UIC'IUU coieiie Will
-I. I
-- i
Bare Evening of Music by Pupils of
St. Rose Academy Conservatory.
Tlie musical recital given last evening
In St. Itose hall by tho pupils of St.
Hose academv was a grand Bueeess in
every particular.
The well-trained young musicians
gave a very creditable account of them
selves, and though the programme was
a lengthy one, the large audience was
still anxious for more of tho chnrmlng
music when I ho curtain went down.
Kueh number deserved an encore, but
tho rule lind been laid down that en
rores would not be recognized.
The work of the young students re
flects most creditably upon the pains
taking care and ublllty of the Sisters
at tho academy. It also proved that
Curbondulo has a conservatory of
music, In the one at St. ItoSe, that is
a crcdlL to even a much larger city
than Cnrbondale.
The audience was a la nre one. bat
few seats in tlie hall being vacant when
the curtain rung up at S.I.". Tlie chorus
of forty well-trained young voices re
ceived considerable upplause.
The programme was as follows:
Priici-sihinnl March Duet IIIiiciipL M.Iljic, .M.iry (llcnn, rioicme .Mcll.dc, Mary
Mauth.i Wredc
Jluiy Prune.
"..uipliliis; .Sirir Cooper
lit'Oiffe Sihiimnel.
l'i.ilin, CaiinoJ O'lle.mi.
CliimliiR Hell )uct Sieweit
llutli Cl.nke, IMher Moruo, Anna lliiidrhk, J)aly
Itceilallon, "The Qlil -im rhaii",..Mary L'airoll
r.o. Manho Tilo hhcnbbou;
Maiy t'auoll, Mary Pour, llenlna ( iiiiuliis'uin,
i:ir.nnr llcliilun, (lutiude h'ilpatiick, Maiy
Chanson IVdonaNc- Violin Solo Wleniawslil
I'l.mcps ('hike; Piano, Maiy l)elnp.
My Old Kentucky Home !'o!cr
Chuim, Piano, ticoii;e. William. Vi (in for l'loasiue Duct Miincitc
.Mi-1 Jlaiy llnuu, rioieme Mi Hale.
Select ioih
Vlulliu rraipoi Chile, Lillian l)elne. 111.
waul C.iuoll, 'llioma-. ('nojr.m. Willinn
Miillli, Ciralil Jltllale, .Ioeili Connnoll.i.
Mamliilli 1' Kiaut, .lolm I'looil, .lolir.
Cnnoll. I'lann, .Maiy ltuiilaml.
F.imt I,.j luel,
Maiy (nilieit.
Operetta, "A .Tomney Aini-a Hie Sen."
I'iann, I'lmrme Mi-llale.
(iiand l'e-liul Duet Muller, Op. 2t0
Anna Pmselly, llcgina l'oe.
Tianmeiei Violin Solo tcliutnairi
IMuaiil t'anoil. Piano, Jlary Devine.
lnlenneo Duel I'ink, dp. 'MO
I.oietlo Smith, Itulli Il.une.
Petite Suii)1iuiiy Violin llnel ....Mmet, Op. 7.',
1'ianoes Cl.nke, IMh.ikI C.iuoll.
I'i inn. l'loii'iHe Mcllale.
-Manli ihs Moii.ipietaire.'. tiio Wat-on
rioiciiii- Tinner, IMIth Kai, Maiy Mnnahin.
l'latlPicr C'haniinule
(aunel O'lleain.
lipiil.ilion, "Mitie" I'raiil.
Alleluia CIiuiik. Piano, Maiy lni.m
I "The Atterbury System" I
What is it? If you're anxious to find out, you can do so. If you're' interested in
wearing good clothes, all the more reason why you should do so, You can't enjoy
a play by looking at bill-boards. The same rule applies to the "Atterbury System."
You can't tell what it is until you see it.x
"We're waiting." m
Samter Bros
Complete Outfitters
- I
o 1L v
jbft. .. -SqHKBUt L
! III,.
J -57
1 ."
u.9iue! fiom.Tea Drinking,
A lady writes from Shanghai, China:
j "In. thu summer of t)8, husband and I
Jwijro traveling through Southern Ktir
JopJ, aild 1 mis nnally laid up in Rome
with a slow fever. An American lady
Igavci mo some Postum Food CuftVo
jwnicn I Began using at once. It Mas
jiuy solo breakfast and simper. Jn n
shprtitlmo time tho change In my phys
ical (londllloii was wonderful to see. I
will never travel again without Postum.
when wo arrived In Shanghai wo
mi.Ihh In ..t m..n..i.
jiiuii. in iwi jwiHimu rumiUUUttV Mill
;ioimu ourselves in tho inldst of t.m
,'four o'clock tea custon,. Ile.iino long
Iwe began to have sleepless nights and
jnervous clays as a result of cuir cm-jdeavoi-H
to be amiable' and coufonn to
leustom. '
I Aa Boon as It could anivu from San
(Francisco wo had u largo supply of
Postum Food Coffee aiul begun Its use
jut the four o'clock tea table, I cannot
Uell' bow tpopUlur ttfe coffee-table be-
camiJ for-afternoon, callej84tV fant a
jnunlber of the buswefa'.if eji,$i well as
ixnUiioharlea, uao PoBtiim'pbw wholly
iia piace or xea nna tns value of tho
change from coKea ftHJcta.''eannol be
estimated," Name' given by Postuin
qo.t Battle Creek, Mich,
Samuel F. Lingfelter, of New Jer
sey. Returns to Marry Mrs. Mina
Theio whs a pretty wedding ceremony
yesterday arternoou that united Samuel
F. LiiiglVUer, ur Kllzabcth, X. ,1., a for
mer well-known Onrhondnllan, and Mrs.
Minn. Dllts, of this city.
The nuntlals were cflebrnlpd nt the
linmi" of Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Staushury, on High street, at 4 o'clock.
In the presence of a few of the relatives
and intimate friends of tho principals.
Itev. Charles 15., pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, folemntzed the
ceicmony. Thcie weie no nllendants.
The bride wore n liandpome tnilor
innde suit uf garnet Cauadonsla cloth,
with but to match. Hint combined to
make her a radiant bride.
There was a, lecrptlou nnd Miuuer.
whlcli were a happy part of the joyous
event. Tho wedding trip of Mr. nnd
Mrs. langfelter will be spent in Allmnv
ond Uuft'ulo.
The news of Mr. Lingfelter's marriage
will send a ripple of pleasure among a
wide elide of friends in Carbondalp,
who have nu affectionate regard for
him. Mr. I.lngfelter was one. of the
hest known residents in this city during
ills residence here, where he lived for
about twenty years. Tlie greatest part
of thin period was spent as an engineer
on tlie Delaware and Hudson, where ho
was regarded as one of the most com
potent engineers in the company. lie
left here a number of years ago to ac
cept up advanced position with the
WortliliiRton Steam Pump company, at
Elizabeth, X. J., and lias since 'con
tinued In Us einuloy. Mr. Llngfelter
had a distinguished record in tho Civil
war. lie was under Grant In
Ills camnalsin 'and was conspicuous In
the battlo of Cluiucollorsvllle. Though
no mis peep absent from Carboiidale,'
no lost nothing in tho friendship of
those In Cnrbondale who knew him, and
now on this favorablo occasion they
heartily unite In wishing him unbound
ed joy in the yeais to come,
Mrs, Llngfelter shares In the wlnhes
that are extpiuloil ur ini i, .,,,,.,. n...
" ... ...,.,, r viiiil',
Mio has been a lesldeut of Curbondulo
flnco girlhood, nnd has grown In the
l expect and friendship of her associates.
A splendidly furnished home in Rza.
huh. X. .1,, awaits Mr. mid Mix, jw.
Unclaimed Letters.
l.Ut of letters lomnlulug In the Car
boiidale, 'a postofllce, April S3, mo"
for poisons unknown! John I.. Dale'
Willis Jloyles, c. y, Ulckey, C, '!
rtiiuiH, uuvm J, ivny, .Maurice W,
Williams, Mr. and .Mid. Orel Sands,
Miss Susan Maker, Mrs. Kutherluo
Hiennail, Miss Klleu Paddill. J, U,
Thomas, P, M,
of their bait Is a matter of conjecture
probably the former as to the why and
wherefore of the rus-h of line trout to
Hud a place In the pair's separate bas
kets. The catch was made along the
banks of ti out streams of Thompson,
and the farmers In the near vicinity
stood with wide-open countenances as
the baskets began to get heaped with
the speckled trout.
present to look after the smaller ones
who may attend. '
Continues Its Success.
The Harry Jenkins company con
tinues to win tho favor of the CI rand's
patrons. Last night a good s-lzed audi
ence enjoyed "Ills Lordship and the
Senator." The specialties were the
foatuie of the perfoi mance. The danc
ing of the MeCunn family Is one of the
best novelties of its kind ever present
ed here. AVlll F. IJurke was as enjoy
able as usual in his artistic singing,
and the comedy of Frank .Lynch was
keenly enjoyed.
There will be a matinee today, "A
Romance of tho Adlrondacks." The re
pel tolre for the rest of the week Is:
Wednesday evening, "Wicked London";
Thursday evening, "(Tnder Two Flags";
Friday evening, "Berkshire Hills"; Sat
urday inutlnt'pp, "His Loulshlp and tlie
senator"; Saturday evening, "Way
Down in Maine."
Must Settle Today.
Today is the limit for the parents to
setttle, who wore lined by Alderman
Raker for the violation by their chil
dren of the compulsory education act.
Unless tho line and costs bo paid tortuy
the parents will bo sent to jail. Pat
rick Barrett, of Poweloiiy load, and
Mrs. Hall, South Church street, havo
not paid as yet.
known resident of liieenlield, died sud
denly at his home on Monday afternoon.
He was a victim of heart disease.
The deceased was likewise well
known in Vurbondnle, where his num
erous praiseworthy characteristics com
mended him to "those, who claimed his
The funeral will be from the residence
al :: o'clock this afternoon, Inlermpnt
lu Clifford cemetery.
JOHX Ml'LISKHY succumbed yes
terday forenoon, nt his home on Gor
don avenup, to miner's asthma, from
which he had suffered for several years.
The deceased was a native of Poland,
lie was M years old. Two sons, botli
Cnrbondale residents, survive him.
Tlie funeral will take place this after
noon at o'clock. Uurlul will be lu St.
Rose cemetery.
Addressed Wilkes-Barreaus.
Itev. Charles Lee, of this city, retir
ing moderator of the Lackawanna
Presbytery, addressed the spring meet
ing of the Presbytery at Kingston last
evening. Tlie newspapers' of Wllkos
Tlarre said many kind words In rec
ognition of Mr. Lee's able efforts.
The Chalk Humorist Today.
This afternoon and evening Mr, Ro
soncnins, the humorist of the paint
brush, will entertain the people of our
city at Watt's hall, The afternoon
programme at l.iri Is especially designed
for children and several teachers of tho
Rpvcan UupiisuSuniluy school will be
Chef Resigns.
Peter Farrell, of Jermyn, who left tlie
Club restaurant a low weeks ago to
accept tho position of chef at the Im
perial, resigned his position yesterday.
Ho has accepted, a placeNJn one of the
hotels lu Jermyn, )
Finger) Amputnted.
Michael Shlnco, of Forest City, a
nilnpr In the Rlchniondalo mine, hnd
ills linger so badly torn whilo at work
yesterday tint It hud to be amputated
at Kmergency hospital last evening.
Beats Changed Again,
The order changing the beats of Pa
liolineu McAndtews and Ruddy, which
went Into elfect last week, has been
lesetndcd, nndjust night tho patrolmen
were back In their old places, Patrol
man McAndiow on South Main street
and Patioliiiau Ruddy oil Reliiiont,
Good Looks for Bait. ,
The friends of Prof. Will Collins and
Constublo L J, Xeury will have speckled
beauties for their nieaU for this week
at least, Whether It was the good looks
Arc you losing flesh? If
so, better consult your doctor
at once. Me will tell you the
cause, We can provide the
remedy, which is Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil.
A young woman in Uatavia
writes us she had lost twenty
five pounds in three months,
and her lungs were seriously
affected. She tool: three bot
tles. of Scott's .Emulsion
fifteen pounds.
was able to resume her work,
Send for Free tiamnle.
of the two fishermen or the high grade BcoTTftBOWNKlCheiuUtl1, iertK. v,
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Little and
Mr. Lawrence, Jr mo In .Shenandoah,
attending tho funeral of a relative.
Joseph Moiiahan, of the Harrison
liouhe, has returned after a week's visit
with f i lends In Pittslon and Wilkes-Rune,
in M.i) field, 'flip ctliool wlieic Ueiwieil hnil been
u student was floscil for tlio iby. nil liii foimer
pl.ini.ili-i iitlunlins Hie in j ticnly. Tlie
St. Alm.-lns' Culcls .iNo utlciukil. At l.:.0 llio
fiiiuinl KiitcRc niirteil to Mudl lle.nt iluiii.ii
whciu u in.i of H'qiiii'iu was !jlil OM'r t Ins ic
mains, 'llio pjlMieaieis vcie an follnws: Jo
hppli (Juily, Julin Haiti', fiom tlm I'.tili'N; Hairy
l.'ii'cn ami limy Unify, .uoloite, ami Jnliu Pom
InU'k Jiul .lo-iph Mil .iilnpy, Rlinol pupil-. 'I lie
IiuhImiiiip crsl.ct Was lite tally iomthI with llnul
diMgns of llio mti-t elubniatc cliai.ulor. The dis
play of llcn.cis wan of the iimt ecr Keen 111 llio
IiuioiikIi. Within the (luiuli the ickiiIii' lull
beams fell bi'liiiu! and Hie nl nltar bois
i led the to the allur mil. t'aUier Dunn
(ondmled the t-eilus and ole niijn the luiny
noble tialt-. in the deeeavd. The lenulns woie
taken fiom the ilmicli to the lemrteiy whip
they weie loweied in llii-lr lat rn-llnx' plate, A
Luge iiuwd fiom (.'aibomhlc attended the lait -m
'llio funeial of the late .Ininiw Carey will tile
ihue this iiii-uiitig ut II.mO (ViIihI;. A ii'iiini:i
IiIkIi masi will lie .llil at the clnmli uf the Sa
tied lb'. ill am) Intt'iinent l;i C'abaiy riim-lny,
Mjj Held.
The Jeun,in boioimh (oiintll ui"t in peilil
i-es-lon jt cxiiinu lu hear llio lepoit of the
I'omnilttec on (.uhciK Coiincllin m .1. II.
Wheeler, of the t'oininlltee, mihmltltd n pi in
for cuiislindlnsf u i nhei t on Soulli Second ktiwt.
He leconniU'iideil the eulveit to be loi ty-llvo feet
Ion?, hte fiot wide and four fett Iilgh.lo be p.ned
on bottom and side wall b be laid In cement.
The coiMiuitiiur ot the tnlveit In be under the
MipmUInn of Kupt'iti'or M.11IU1 .MeAmlivw, ami
he In tut 11 lu be under he street committee. It
win iIcLideil to U'telve bid for Hie luhett lie
folding to plain and upi'dlkatloin Mibmitted
by tiie tlcet toininillee. The secretary was in.
bti nctcil tti have (he i!ut!ie po-lcd up in town.
All bids to be handed In 011 or bcfoio liiday,
.May 2. Council lesenet the risiit to accept or
reject all bid-.
Ilennan Krlfer, ulm baa lecently been liilliij;
relathei at HeiKlnier, X, V,, U seriously 111 at
his iiome on xoiiii .Mam tlieet.
Tho Women's Home JlluloiMiy mi lely iJ
nitet at the hmno of Mrs. W. I;, llonuliioii, of
8011th Main fclreel, on TluiMlay iifteinoon.
The Jeimjii Mllllliir company leeelved their
newfitaik jitciday, which N to replace tho 0110
rurally blown down.
I'iiIcmj tho pnroiiln of iiumeioiu lioy.s of tho
(own keep I hem in rvcitltigs. or the iiiotorincii
and coiuluotori of tho street cars are mom strict
lu allow Ins lio) In Jump 011 mid uff their tan.,
thi'if will bo a few inoie teiioiw accidenU in
the boiough.
water main fiom Molt llaien to Krtcliam'M cor
ner. This will ghc I'eckllie an ample supply of
water fur Hie fiKlitinp; puipoics. ,
.Me.-MS. II. Ik Malnts, P. L. Gicincr ami Will
iam I'lcar ictuincd .Monday night limn a tiip to
iiiiiraio, a. y.
.Mr. and Mm. W. .1. llioad and 'on. Wiulleld,
returned home Monday eeiiinic fiom a Uit wit'i
lelathc! at Wells Urld-rc, X. V.
Tlie nicmbois of the (iinnd Aim; of the lie
public met in the l'eck Lumber company '3 if
.fice la-.t eieninj,
Tlie l'eckillie l'oio-it and Stream iluli lne e
tilled July IS at Lake Lodoie and will mn an ex
cursion oik tli it date to tins poind ir MimniiT
Tliu l.'nlted Sunday MhooK will! mn an ciur-
tsion lu Lake Lodore on June lb'.
lllakely was xNitetl by a hllslit (lie ut . o'tltvlc
Saturday inoinlne;. llo-c 21 hi pulled at that
hour for a llio in the bullillnir owned and ociu
pled by Ldwaid William. The WINon Khe torn-
pmy recmm1ril to the alaiiu and quickly pitied
the tire under control. The Haines were ton
lined In 0110 loom. The 1l.1111.11ri' done will amount
to abuut J0. Tho origin of the the I-. iinknowii.
the church paifonage la,t etenln-f. Theie was a
eiy large alteiidaneo and u most enjoiable time
was jpent. A neat sum was realized.
liev. Pr. hienwr, of lllakely. n lecture
oil '.Might of Iho JIIU-," in the llaptlst church
at lmeit C lly lat eieiiing.
Tin' Juenus tiandng claas will hold their leg
ular weekly kocial In Mahon's hall I'lldav night
Mi. M. II. Hull and daughter, Mijs Cl.11.1
Hull, left jeiileidjy to .spend the week at Xew
Mia Wiight Lowry,
In town icntcitliy.
Mrs. Maiy 1'iobrrt and daughter. Miss Aimlo
I'robert, aio iltlip; relatlcs at Kingston.
of JiKtti?, islted friends
On Friday evening Waller llonlly Hall, a noted
b.illlunc of Xew Ymk, will give a snutr leeitil
ill tl.ii I'rcbyteiian cliunh. The pingianmio will
include ballads anil railed mIociIoii-. This is .1
rare opportunity for tho-e wi-dihur to hiar good
Tho Ladies' Aid society of the I'llmlthe M"th.
odist church conducted an lie cie.1111 in
General Agent for the Wyoming District for
Dupont's Powder
Mining, Blasting, Sporting, Smolder and th
Iiepauno Chemical Company'
Safety Fuse, Caps and Kxploders. Room -101 Con.
ncll Uuildlng .Scranlen.
To Cure Grip in Two Days.
Laxative Ihomu. Quinine removes tho
cause. K, W. Grove's signature on every
lly Ilia changes made at the Wyoming foil,
fuince iu Monday, Jeimjii will lose-, llcv. Dr.
I'ullei, who goes tu fouit Stitct cliunh, Scian
Ion. The Hem, which wis liut learned througli
Ihe moiiilng p.'pu. wa ulhir une.icilcd by tho
tongiigallou, why had liupjil o line Sir. lullcf
for another jmr, Puiln.' i.U lu-.toiatc licie the
ihuiili has toutluuul to and when 1 lie
diKlur and hi. ullinublo wile take their depart.
urn they will ltao behlml a nuiuhcr of waun
heaited filin-U who will itnut llulr leaiin,
llcv, (I, y. Ljiiuii who Miuecds Mr. Fuller
come fiom the I'ouit hlieet cliunh, Serauton,
and like Ids prcdi ccsvjr, is a U'tciau of the
t'hll wur.
Tho (uncial of the late Joint fiiady, lie).) ci.
tciday nijiiiluv, "" "" o( llie large.t ewi ecu
'Ihe following progianuno will be renileicd at
Iho social to bo given at tho homo of Mla Keith 1
I'ttk, Main sticel, tonight, llefrcohnicnti will
be scried at Iho ilos of tho piograininoi I'lina
tolo, telectcdi rcclliition, Oraco llu';hesj ucal
solo, .MUs Jrimlu I'allenj piano duct, M.K.ei
Mauio Sargo and Jcnvtto Klngtleyj recitation,
JMIlh Hook; Olal solo. Mis. ltobeits: nlaan
solo, silectcdi lecitatlon, Mis. Cairns; l'U'iu
thai, Mines Lena Ocndall and Floienco White,
A cnidlal iinllalion U c.tendcil to the public to
attend and n delightful tlmo I atsurid all who
can do so. Itc cifjiu will be sen id.
IVma and hac u good tlmo at tho dime koild
which will be gluu by tho Young People's in
1 lily of the i'i Cj.Ii lei Jjii thuich at the home of
MUs llerlha I'cik, this eeiilng, April 21, )im
will hear a flue programme, and bo tened Willi
cake, lotl'ie und ice cieam. All weltouie,
Miltun Taj lor, ui.e of tho oldest and luot iililh
)y lfpitfd citizens of Pecklle, dial at Ml
home on Main tliect jt-Mnday,ut t.lU iiluil. p.
in., agul Tu jcais. Mr. Tuil-jr wui a m-Iii.iu uf
the Call war uud ileaum of the I'ecktilla Hap
IUt chuich. For yea is ho hat! btcu u gicat iuf.
filer, but hole liu. tilil wltli gicjt foitltude un
til the end came. He U ktinhed h) a wife and
two daughtiu, U. Mis. Jane Mcuiit, of Suaii
ton, ami Mis, Ami Arnold, of 1'cikilllc. An.
liouncemi'iit of the fiinciut will appear laltr,
Mr. .mil Mm. M, II, llarloc, u( llawley, aio
llsltlng trlindi in town.
The 'SHiaiitoii fias and Water company has u
laige foito uf men at woik extending the l.'-luih
Nearest to Perfection.
Come see the new styles of LEONARD CLEAN
more attractive this year than ever before.
four Jpetial features.
Golden Oak Finish- Elegant appearance. '
Mineral Wool Insulation They save ice.
Shelves Adjustable No waste space.
Removable Flues Easily cleaned.
A popular size, 100 pounds ice capacity,
Green Trading
We Have
Both 'Phones.
. -i. .j. 4, .;. 4. 4, 4. 4, 4, . .j, J
g -c ,tdjite;mi:;, ;&&, ':
" '- 'V , . f ' .'
yftw niiiiHi ifirnniiPiiTil.ltaiyrin