The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 22, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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T 1
ICoiiiludcd tiom iMire 1.1
trlotn. A. r. ChnlTce moved tln atlop
tlon oC tlio i-rpoi-t tiM reimnls tlio
I'lmiiRCH einbodloil In tho lileti of reduc
itiRT tho number nC tJlHtrlcts, ntul spoko
nt loiiRth on tlm mU'untiicos ot n live
district plan.
The Inequality of thu disUrli'l I uo
cninliiR u Rreat burden, wiih Mr. Chnf
fce's aiBUincnt. lie belluvpil in u Iutbc
illstrlul as fiiclllliitliiK thu limiting ot
appointments. Mr. Chaffee wan fre
quently Interrupted by eiitlnnlnHtlo
Opposed Re-adjustment.
II. M. Crydi'invlhe spoke In opposition
to the leuilJUHtmcut. tie ni'Kiiod tliat
lnsteud of InercaHlnB the value'ot Meth
od I l service it would diminish Its ef
fectiveness In the i lira I districts. In
many ycaiH no commission hu'i ever
tigrced as to readjustment.
W. U Thorpe uskeiV that It be re
ferred to the bishop and his cabinet.
This preclpltutcd an excited argument,
the majority exprcssliiR' disapproval.
Tho bishop sald amiably that tech
nically, tlm decision belonged to the
bishop. Ho did not thlnl: that any
bishop had a desire to run counter to
the conference. A readjustment would
necessitate the appointment of one less
presiding elder and would greatly In
terfere with the programme at close of
conferenrp. Under the llvu-dlstrlet plan
a new district probably called the
Scrnnttm district would bo, formed, tak
ing in tho city of Scranton and tacking
it to the present Honesdnle district.
Chenango would be eliminated by div
iding it between Oneonta and Bing
hamton. E. A. Qutmby aroused the emphatic
objections of Dr. A. Grlliln, by stating
thnt one young man who had served
live years in a certain district was told
by his presiding older tliat notning
more could bo done for him, and that
he couldn't pry into the other districts
with a crow-bar.
J. B. Sumner said that twenty-eight
years ago ho had presented a report
on the same subject in the same house.
Ho had wished to see tho districts
changed, but was long ago discouraged
with the project, for men who promised
to support him had failed to stand by
him. He did not care whether theie
were five or six, but he believed a great
Injustice is being done under the ex
isting conditions. He believed it was
a great mistake to bring up the matter
at the end of the conference.
In. Favor of Relief.
J. D. Hartsook spoke in favor of re
lief for tho Chenango district. Dr.
Haul spoke on the subject, and in his
own way ho roused the conference to
roars of laughter. He then said that
the Xew York east, the Philadelphia,
the Newark, the Ualtimoie, the great
est competences of Methodism, have four
districts each. The trend is toward
larger districts. "When the presiding
eider of Wyoming distiict gets $2,100
salary, and the others In the conference
$1,000 less, something needs leadjust
inent. Dr. Hard gave some vety lintel
lilts to the existing conditions.
Dr. Fuller Mild It is evident that the
piesent commission cannot agieo and
that a new commission should be ap
pointed to make tin early agreement
and report to the presiding bishop of
next year and lender a toport on the
first day of tho conference. The com
mission, which has served two years,
consists of the following: The presid
ing elders, II. C. MeDermott, H. M.
Crydenwlse, K. B. Keeliey, O. A. Place,
A. F. Chaffee.
Dr. Griniii said that the fifty charges
lit the "Wyoming valley will soon be
reduced because of exhaustion of coal.
These small appointments are assisted
now by Scranton and AVllkes-Barie.
This support, under proposed changes
will divert. He offered an amendment
that the matter be left to the people
of the Wyoming conference. U B.
Weeks said thnt it was futile to refer
It again, and offered as a substitute to
the amendment that a vote be taken
as to whether there shall be Ave dls
tiicts or six.
Bishop Interposed.
Tho bishop tiled to disentangle af
falis, but before the vote was taken,
A. F. Chaffee said that he had been
wot king for live districts during fifteen
years. If the bishop) wanted to send
itlm to an obscure charge, he would go,
but he begged for live districts. The
question was put, and the vote was
counted, as live districts against six.
An overwhelming vote In favor of the
Ave distticts resulted 103 to IU.
Dr. Grlflln olfered a lesolution to re
fer it to the district stewards, in con
nection with a committee of cloigynien,
six stewards anil six minlsteis to servo
as that commission. This motion cre
ated a great commotion. The majority
wanted a change right now. Tho bishop
was plulnly against such a step, and
so was Dr. Orlflln and the lower end
' people. Great excitement prevailed for
a time.
It has been many a yeur since such a
hot discussion has taken place on the
floor of the conference. Dr., Chaffee and
his constituents had laid their plans
well, and as Dr. Haul suddenly arose
ns a champion of their cause, the eon
test came near going through with a
rush, to re-dlstrlct the conference In
olio day and compiess six distilets
into five. Votes and leconslderatlons,
amendments and substitutes, and sub
stitutes for tho substitutes weie offered
in a dizzy round, but tho bishop's clear
head settled them and his gentle, quiet
manner quieted the tumult. 'Iho dis
trict will not bo divided this year.
Tho afternoon session was presided
over by Dr. Hard. He v. H. M. Cryden
wlse offered prayer. Itev. C. H. Sackett
tend the report of the stewards. The
total receipts nro $7,3l9,b0, Disburse
ments $7,318, distributed among fifty
llvn claimants, Tho stewards then dis
tributed tho envelopes. Many of tho
beuellclniles were piesent to receive tho
pitifully small sum with which a great
church rewards Us Incapacitated
preachers. Tho treasurer, C, M, Sur
dain gnyo his report.
Following mo the appointments:
(('liaise not Indicated arc In Sew YoiK),
I'li'tlilm;; i:iilir Dr.Jolm II, buet.
Auburn, i'a.-ll, A, William.
IIIiiKhamlon-Ciuteuary, J, II. Hum flic.
iMngu htrcct, (Iconic r'oitlic Clinton Street,
iMiniiU Moore; I'ain Ion, J, V. William.;
High blriet, Joint II. Cook; Oak Sstrcet, J. U.
bumm,r; Talurmnlc, A, W, llajrs.
('ainplille A. II. I'. AiiiiiIioiii,'.
Cimpillle W, 11, IjIIiii.p.
Hilton, Pa. A. J, Vanl'lilt.
I'm lor) i illo, fa, J. N. 1,-c,
1'alrdale, l'a, W, II. Cutluuiii. '
VU, I'a.-Abcl Wrick; , .
1'u.tiT, 1M. . O. Aiutln.
I'raiiLlIu J-'orks, I'j.-tl, I,. Williams.
Glbon ami South (!lboii,l'a. Ctitac (iorlscc.
Crrat Hind, I'a.-S. (J, bnouiliu,
IlalUtcad, l'a. W, A. I.unuabciiy,
llarfuul and Kini;i,ly, 'c, IMuurd MtJIIIIiulri.
lanlc)ton I'lilllp llouik.
Jli'Jrt Lakf, l'a. J, J. 'ciiry,
Klrknoml AVi 1). t.ntliroli.
Uslcrnlilrc b. II, Wnlr.
twemt 1II1I-J..T. Uemy. ' i.
Maine O, C. Vrootntti,
Montrop, I'. A, W, Cooprr.
New Mllfnnl, I'n.-Clmtlot Mnlth,
Ntulnn, P.I. T, It. Wntnek,
Nliholnnti, I'.i. b, K. Siuilotd.
Itndi, IM. Ilcmy II. Iliirn.
CliHiiRillle, l'(i..I, V, l'rlco.
SiKniicliiiiio, l'a, I. N,
I'lilon A, 1), Decker.
t'nlnii t'cnlcr .lpimlon.
Vwtitl-J, (', Ue.
Wo,! Xlclinlmn, l'a. .1, .latiiu,,,,.
J. A. I'lutlkticr, lirnlcior In llrcw oinlnarjr,
iiidnWr of Cliciuimo SUcct (lllnnliaititon) qui
Icrly Lotifircmc.
1). ('. Ilaintx, lontfunrp ciitigc1tt, inrinljcr
ul Moiilia-i' iii,irlt'ily i oiifrrence.
AI1 fli.tivrc-t In IliN (IMrltt ore In New Yurk.
HiMUT .Meadow "If. II. lliKclsoll.
Ciille Cnek S. 11. Hunt.
tlidiiiiKn lltlnc-b. I), I'alinrr.
riirnmira l'ork" 1!. X. Sililn,
L'lmioiiiit tVnlu t'. II. .Vwari,
Cnenlr. M. V. Smiatluml.
lMiiicloil T. W. I)jln.
(InniillMllle-ll. X. Hull.
ll.llerHlllc-Wt. II. Hc-cil.
(Ireeiie 1". II. I'.irsnn.
fiiilllonl ami ltra.kil.ilp U. -M. Olnite.ii
l.l'li t' l. Step ml.
McPonnitjrli H. 1). ('iiiike,
M.ii.iIImiii V.. V. Anmlii)ii,f.
Monl I!. I". I'onrtp.
Mount l'plon-r. I). Iliiil'iiik.
Xew llerlln W. Waliotu.
Norlli IVnlon fl. b. Wllll.nin.
Xoilh Not nlili II. II. Iliikei.
Xoiwleh Wllmn Trollili'.
rithioiitli ntul l'.e,icr Moailow S. II. l'linoy.
(Kfoiil-IMit'M Kllpatrtik.
Nurlli riiiiui -W. M. Mnw.
Slid Inn up tl. X. t'ndi'iwnoil.
Siiij tni I.'. I). Skinner.
S'llmjler I.jKp S. 1.. llliltinore.
'I'lliiliflc 15. If. Tiylor.
We't IXpter nml Iturllinrtnn I'lali A. It. Durke.
Wlillnr.v I'olrt ThomiM lliitioiui,
Willett-M. II. Wilson.
1'iMton Ii. Ii. Vouglit.
(Cliarires not Indicated are la 'nhanla).
Ariel C! SI. Hell.
Ailliijrlon V. 11. Hjpnor.
lleoeli Iike I,. 1). Tailor.
Hethiny A. O. Wllllami.
Carliomlale . I CliafTee.
Carlev Iliook-P. 1'.
Clicii llldKc 1". A. Tnintua,
ClIfTord J. X. Sleaker.
Uaniasens .1. II. Hoice.
IluiublT To lie supplied.
Ditninorr (.'. II. Xewln?. C'it.v-Tt. L. ("lark.
Hale JMily, X. Y. (). Ii. IM-aeL'.
Ilainllnlon I!. A. tuimln . ,
llawlo; K. C Slmpkins.
lleirik Centei "W. I". Ilojcc
llonesiUli . A. Place,
.latkron II. Kcllj.
Jeiinjn Ci, C. I.: iti in.
I.ackawaen (i. C AValilion.
IjI.p Como A. C. Olnr.
Moscow t!. II. 1'ientlie.
X.'.rroHnirir, X. Y. William McAlpine.
I'tikxiile I'rancN Cendall.
1'lcnNint Jlounl Ii. SI. Kai "diner.
South Cm I1H A. , Ionian.
SLcrlhig Diilil Ki an-.
Tlioinsoii A. I). I) Hid.
niiniuiiui-t r;. w. (i.iig.
Thuiop-".T. M. Coloiiin.
Uniond lie .T, (!. KaMuumU
w.illslllc II. It. Ilaiiliin.
Mil marl 'lliom.H Ilia.
C II. Stone, IiKtiudur in fliant unlerll.,
nuinlnr of liuiunuic quartcily (.nnfuiencc.
(I liaitsei not indiialed aie in Xew S"ork.)
Alton C. i:. Sweet,
n.inliildse .1. S. Cionipfoii.
Coopci-iown .luiietiou A. K. I'ottir.
Dnenport rcntii A. .1. Xefl.
Daunpoit .looliu.i Binndle.
Dicilm Ai A. Callendu.
i:at Woree-ler W. S. Wlkot.
Tly Cieek i:. I. .lcllre.v.
Il.iipui'.Mlle and Xmeiili . II. Ilorlon.
llai tulck mill Hide l'aik A. 11. 1'iui li.
Laiiuii W. x Adam-.
l.iuiilioru, Pi. I). I.. Slicker.
SltUluitf I. Ilion-on.
Sla'omllle I! !. AUCIu.-ney.
Sliddielielil-T. .1. Vaiilnii.
Slilford-W. II. Alsei.
Slmnit Vision Kriwl Colwell.
Xorlh Sar.foia W.'ll. Ciavfonl.
Oakland, Pa W. 51. Iloujlitun.
Oneonta I Ieiuv Tu, klev.
Otego X. II. Itiplev.
OiiKpiiKa "1. A. Stall hum
Sauilaiia S'pii'isi and l'oit Cianc C. II. Iley-
SilitniMi- II. II. VanWoirt.
Slilnei William 1'iUlij,
Sidney (.Vntei S. A. Tiu".
rindilla-i:. II. P. DriSK.
Will- UtMso . ir. Whltakor.
WVt foul Albeit
Wind-or Ii. W. I.owiy.
Woue-tei T. 11. Slillri.
W. It. Sli Dpunott lelt uitlmiit appolntnient to
at lind Hliool.
I'Ii.iiki's not iudiiated are in Piiin-.ihauia.
Aptlailini, N. S (i. 1). KMief.
Atlietii W. li. Simpson.
llarton, "X. Y. '1 liom is l.h ins-lone.
Ikiktltiic, X. Y. II. X, Van Ileu-en.
Camptow n Carl C'ouiiellinan.
Candor, X. Y. (,'. 1. 'I litany.
Dinliy, X. V. S. 1). fialpin,
I'liniiiiBiille, X. V. A. 1 lit own. foul, X. Y. s. II, Keemy.
Ilorubtook and Ol.enl I.. 1'. Howard.
I.e lta.rfillle-i. O. HeiM.
l.lleltlleld li. X. Kline.
Little Sle.idow-, b. 11. Vaiilloe-en.
I.oikwood, X. Y. X. W. II itne',,
5leiuopjiiy-l'. A. Slitllii.
Sleidioppelr-I. J, fclllltll.
Xpw.hU Valliy, X. Y. I., 'liiotpo
MiltoN, X. V. I'. A. KIiik.
Xottli Tloifi, X. V. 11. 1), Caii it isli.
Otwell-1). II. lirlJley.
Oweito, X. Y. II. II. Iluiedlit.
lloine-I-ue .linking.
Sjjic II. M. Ctdenwl-.e.
Sklnnet'K IMdy-ti. 11. II. DaiK
Slalinllle. X. Y.-.I. II. Wlboii.
suulli limb), X. Y, "O. II. I'. AiiujIioiis.
SpeuUillle, X, Y. Ci. W. C'iiv.liy.
-pinur, X. Y. W, II, Stanj.
'Ilopa, X Y,-i:. 1!. l'ol.
Win uly, X. Y. I. W. Mcliol-nn.
WVt Umb), X. Y. fi. II, Tompkins
Windliani-C. 1,. I.W.I..
W.ialmliiK A. .1. Cook
.1, II, ll.uN, lonfeieme eiansiill-t, and mem
lul oi speiur quallerly I'onfeieiue.
All iliarKPH in till-. DMiiit lire In lVun-jlraula.
An. tin (Irllfin, I". II. l'olofllu', Pitttoton, l'a.
AldeiM'ii .1, t l.eacoik,
Alde) -I'. I.. i:il.-.vorli,
Askaui .1, II, Wagner.
Aoia-l). I,. SIiDonald.
Carieitoii l', Callendai,
Centernioreland Prank Jdinei.
I'lark'i. Suiniiilt J. It, Cuntaid
Cointdale aril LaiUillle II. A. GrvUne.
Dallm I', W, Young.
Dorianreton Sicplien .lay.
laiton Heniy Wheeler.
I'urty l'orl-ll. I. Illplei,
Clin I.)on-(i. A. Wailmrlon.
KliiK'lon li, C, Sluidonk
luekawauna fi, C, J.n-ubj,
lahniai. A i, Pnld.
I.uerne W. A, Wagner,
Slaple (liuic-ll, li, llatiiul.
Sloo-.le J, X. lliilc).
Ml. Top (J. S. Coinill,
.Nuiitkoke I,. C. l'o)d.
Now ii A. II. llrink.
Old I'Viigc Jonas Undei w oud
l'arioii J, I., 'flioiiu.
l'ilUton-l?. SI. huidani.
I'laln,-!'. II, Saikitt.
I'laliuillle Tu be mppllul.
I'lj month John HraiUhuw,
llrwlluiii btewait SUinorUl J, l Hate,
Siranton, Aihur) C, A, Uriijauiiii.
Siianton, Ash Street and Nay Aug I, J, Austin.
Serauton, Cidar Alcinu K. I'. Holy.
Sojiiton, t'ouit Slreet SI, I). Fuller,
bcranton, Kim I'aik-C, SI. Cllltiii, i:. jj. Shyer,
Siranton, llamptou Stint J. Ilcmiingcr.
Serauton, 1'roiiduice (I. SI. Cure,
biiantun, Simpson II, C. SIcPerniott.
Hiaii'llown I.. T, YauCampcn.
Ta)lor-C. II. Henry.
9kC rA&frfifrU fl'M AYU4 CZ
I X 9 Cents &Ls 9 Cents I S -
NineCent the Price Feature All Day Wednesday
And 9c will have a purchasing power that will help you in saving on your Spring and Summer
needs. This Big Store, in all its announcements, endeavors to make them fruitful. No unneces
sary language usually noticed in daily advertisements. Price quoted is invariably supported by the
best values that can be offered.
At 9c on the Main Floor.
Six spools of good thread, black, white
and colors, usual price 3c, Wednes
day only 6 spools (or " C
Colgate & Co.'s Oat Meal Honey, Wind
sor & White Clematis Toilet Soap, also
Pear's Unscented Soap, Wednesday
only 9C
White embroidery, 2 to 5 Inches wide,
neat edges, 12 c to 15c value,
Wednesday only, a yard ) C
Surface Whalebone Casing, full 9 yards,
15c value. Wednesday, three pieces
for 9C
In the Basement
Two-pound package of Quaker Oats.
Everybody knows the regular price
of this article, Wednesday only, a
package VC
Two Cups and Saucers, made from good
semf-porcelain ware, value 16c.
Wednesday only, 2 cups and 2
saucers VC
Knives and Forks, nickel-plated on forged
steel, a good value, worth in usual way 15
cents each. Wednesday only buy
them for, each "C
Sale of Towels, Honey-Comb Style, size
36x22, worth 12c. Wednesday
only, pair '. . . . VC
Handkerchiefs for Men the colored bor
der kind and plain white. Wednes
day only, each. , v C
A line of 12c Ginghams, spring pat
terns, pretty colorings, In plaids, checks
and stripes. Wednesday only, a
yard 77. 9C
Sale of Batiste Lawns and Dimities a
wide range of patterns and choice col
orings, 12c kind. Wednesday only. yC
Sale of Dress Goods all shades in plain,
27-Inch Serge, also a lot of plaids,
ISn kind. Wednesday onlv. a vard.. vC
Crepe Paper all the fancy colors, tinted
and variegated shades. Wednesday
only "C
Jewelry Buckles, Stick Pins, Brooches,
Side Combs, Back Combs. Bracelet
Hat Pins. Wednesday at C
Star Braid, Angora Braid, 5 yard lengths,
dyed in the wool, shrunk ready for
use. Wednesday only, each V C
Children's White Cotton Ribbed Vests,
In low neck, no sleeves, made of best
yarns, 15c kind. Wednesday only.each VC
Our Bookfold India LInon and Check
Nainsook, 12c kind. Wednesday
only, a yard V C
Candy choice mlxture.fresh every
day. Wednesday only, per pound .... y C
Brooms made of
Wednesday only,
At 9c on the Second Floor
Infants' Hats Fine Swiss
ruchlnp around edge, 15c
Wednesday only, each
Ladies' Handkerchiefs all linen.
stitched, 1-4 hem, 12 1 -2c and 15c
kind, Vednesday only.. yC
Leather Goods Finger Purses, Chate
laine Purse, Women's Combination
Pocketbooks. Wednesday at yC
In the Basement 2 large Semi-Porce-lalne
Cups and Saucers, value 16c.
Wednesday only, 4 pieces yC
. .
At 9c on the Second Floor
Women's Fine Cambric Corset Covers,
cut square, filled seams, a splendid
1 5c value. Wednesday only, each . . y C
Sale of Toilet Paper full weight, good
quality. For value it cannot be duplicated
in this city. Three rolls, Wednes
day only, for y C
Lot of Whisk
bum, iuu rwuu, rk.ui.uj "V
each 9C
Ribbons fancy stripe and polka-dot, new
shades, 12 l-2c and 15c kind. Wed
nesday only, a yard yC
Linings Percalineand Slleslas.all shades
and staple colors, 12 l-2c kind,
Wednesday only, a yard 9C
Writing Paper 24 sheets and 24 envel
velopes, white, rose, blue and cream
tints. Wednesday only 9C
Paper Novels many of the latest stories
by well known authors. Wednesday
only 9C
19c Table Covers, stamped in nu
merous designs. Wednesday only at 9C
Men's Lisle Thread Fast Black Hose, all
sizes 9 to 1 1 J4 , extra heavy heel and toe,
a value often sold for 12 1-2 cents.
Wednesday only: ."... 9C
In the Basement
Grocery Department Canned Peas
Belfast brand, our early June peas, sold else
where at 15c per can, our regular price i3
cents, but for Wednesday only, one
can for "C
Only a dozen sold to a customer.
Tiinl.liannoilv II. II. Willier.
Wananiie 1 H. Corni.ll.
Waiorly M. S. Godshall.
Wot Xantiroke E. h. taanl.
Vest l'Itls.ton-0. fj. SMC1-.OH.
Wilkes-IMrie, Contial-C. II. Moss
.1. (J. Tenant.
WilliM-Haui', Heir ilfinoiial V. J.
WIlkes-Haiu-, rirt Clmrili .1. II. Hickloul.
siMant, 1). S. .MiKollir.
WIIKc-lliirc, IMriMi Mart Will II, Illllor,
Wilkcvllanp, Hicinun Stuct .M!-lnn Will
li. M. Join-.
W.inmini, W. I.. Illiir.
Yalosillli-T. JI. rmi'J.
M. S. Haul, cuircponilnn? souclaiy ot
board o chinch ptcii-luii, mombir ot Kingston
quai Icily Liiiilciencp.
W. A. Xoblp, ini'iionaiy In Kuu-a.
.. I.. Spiauno, pii'-iilcnt Wyoinlnt; senilnaiy,
nicnihi'i-of KlnRttou quartet ly loiifciciipi1.
Mmlliatea tuppl.v. II. O. P.
The Decree of Judge McPherson, of
the Circuit Court, Affirmed.
By KiUiiilie WIte Irani The Au-oilaleil rie.
Plilladolpliin, April 21. In an opin
ion hnndcil down in the I'nitfil States
circuit rourt ot appeals today, .Tudso
Dallns alllnned tho deeiee of JudKC Mc
Pherson, In tlio Circuit court tor this
dlbtrlcl, coiillrniint; the leport of James
M. Heck, nnister, iihlch reconiiiiends Iho
aale oi' the htoclc and bonds of the rec
ord PubliHt'lii? company.
The opinion of Judge Dallas Is in pur
suance of tlio iippeal taken by James S.
McCartney, .idmlnistrator of the estate
of 'William M. Singorly, deceased, grow
ing out of tlio nut brought In February,
lSiifl, by George II, Jjurle, receiver of
the Chestnut Sueet National bunk, hv
dlrpetton of tho comptroller of tlm cur
rency, to enforce a liability duo by Mr,
Singorly to thu bank,
British Naval Officer's Letter on
Venezuelan Affairs Causes Trou
ble, By r Mile tiom Tho Associated I'iCrf.
Ciraeai, Vcncniiicla, Apill 21. Tho noicrn
mint lia InleicepteJ a letter written by un ottl.
ier oi tho HrltUh rruUer liuli fatlitable, lulimi,'
ins to the North Aniirii'Jii and Wet In
ilian hqiuilrou, to an KnglUli (riend. In ulilili,
piuklni; ( the Yineziielan reinlullon, tho of.
tlcer uskul "Why does not tomeoue iiK,alnate
I'reoldcnt Castrn and Hum taie luithei blood" Oflklal IUiet hciu as a te.ult li.iw undo
blltri utlaiks on the IlritLli naiy ainl on Iho
cKliUU u( the llillltli Ireatlon in CMKa.
Two British War Vessels Seeking
the Huronian.
Ily KxiluMU' Wire Iiom Hie Anoclatcd 1'ieM.
I.onilon, Al'lil 21, -Tie admiralty ba. oulered
the IliltUli llilnl-ila iiiiIm'I lleltoua to Join
the fpconi! ela iniUl Thamea in ki'.mlilii'.- (or
tho inlbiluir Allan l.lnu strjin.lilri lluioula, Thu
(lelloiia Mill luiei 21,1X10 inllei oi the noilli
lustein part ul the Atlantle,
Tho jluioniaii hit OlasBow on I'lbrnaiy II tor
f-t, John, N. II., and u not blucu been Hpoitcil.
The 'IhauiiK uui detailed on Apill I) to tcJuIi
the Xuilli Atlantic lor (ho inltolnrf eel.
Body Floated in ithe River,
By Kxiliulio Wlic Iiom The AiocIatcil Prcu.
Wilkes Bane. April 21. llie body ot tho wo.
nun found Uoatlns iu (lie Susquehanna iier
today Mas Ideiitlflul late tonight u.i tlut o( An
nie iiciiny, ol Waulor lluu, a small Iumii neur
5jjj. v.. m while.
Supreme Court Upholds National
Base Ball League Contracts.
By I'm luetic Win- hum The .Undated l'ie.
Phlludelphia, April 21. Tho Supreme
court today leversed the decision of the
court of common pleas, No. fi, in tho
case of Napoleon Lajoie vs. the Phila
delphia National League Base Hall
club. This decision upholds the valid
ity of the reserve clause in the Nation
al Leugue contracts. Lajoie, who for
merly played second base for the Na
tional League club in this city, signed
with the Philadelphia American League
club for the season of 1801 and 190:1.
The Philadelphia base ball club,
through ts tieasurer, John D. Rogers,
entered suit to jestialn Lajoie from
playing with the American League.
The lower court held that the reserve
clause was illegal, and Colonel Rogers
carried tho case to the Supreme court,
where the decision was reversed. If
this decision stands it will affect till
players who were subject to thu re-s-erve
rule and who aie now playing
The case attracted widespread atten
tion because of the question of the val
idity jjf the "reserve clause" in Nation
al League contracts. Tlio lower court
decided that tho National League con
tiucts were lacking In mutuality and
theiefoie oppressive to playeis who de
sired to sign other contracts. The
lower court's decision bore especially on
the "ten days' release notice clause,"
and today's decision Is, in effect, that
this clause Is equitable.
Pitchers Frnser and Uernhault were
included In' tho Lajolo case, but their
names were withdrawn by agieenient
of counsel. They aie, however, affect
ed by today'H decision, Manager Shet
telino of tho Philadelphia National
League dub, said today:
"It Is likely that all National Leaguo
players now playing with tho American
League will be ordered to report at
once at tho National Leaguo giounds,
and in the' event of their falling to do
so suits will bo brought in tho cities
in which they are now playing asking
for an injunction restraining them from
taking part In nny American League
National League.
At Philadelphia- 11.11.11.
Iliookljn 1 001)000 III-3 n 4
Phllidelplila 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 - b 1.1 2
Hittcilii- Donovan ami Ahearu; Whltu anl
Daoln. Umpire Hi own,,
tnnia l ,, j n
At Xciv York
Bos-ion ,
Jsw Vnik lUOSHSO'-lll'l :i
(latterie. Ilahi uud rtlltlidgt; Matthci,?in and
ViaBir. Umpire O'PayV
At fhliauo- ' ll.Il.i:.
st, i.ouU 1 1 ooooo i n-a n a
t'liiuBo oaoooooi n t
llalterlej Vctkes and Hj an i Taj lor and Chance.
Umpire Enulle.
Cincinnati PilUhurt, Not Mlnduled.
Other Games, i
At Hartloid, fonn. Ilarllord, J; Montreal, 0.
At Jlerldui, I'uiui. Ilostoii (Anieilean), 2J;
Jlrrldtii. S.
At Wateibuiy, t'onn, Waterbury, 2; .lei,ey
At woree.tir, .Mass Woircler, Uj Uiltimore, 3,
At Wadiliiglon Washington, ti; Georgetown
university, 1.
Twelfth Annual Reunion at Dallas.
45,000 Visitors.
By Ewlusiip Wire from Tne Asociat"d Pre.
I ill is, Te-,, Apul 21. The twelfth annual
minion of tin- United Confedeiatc Veteiani will
begin tomouow. TonlKht it U o-.tIm.itnl tint
tluro me 43,000 iu the ( ilv Soni of
the lelu&u.-!, ipon-,oi.-, tnaltls of honor, bon,
Mlie-i nuil dmshteis, eath nitli tonm Uulccftlinu
ii'S piido in confeUeiato ilenl-, niaklni; up the
total mentioned.
All Iiaie wcuied aiconiinoilations and il U be
lleieil Hi it tin1 gnat nond wliidi i-, cpeilcd
tomorrow" will be equally eaied tor.
A huge shed at the Cantonment lis. been
erected, ulieiu 12,000 people Mill be fened with
meals toiroitow.
By l,.:chniie Wire fioniThe A-ouated Bre-s.
Niw- Vnk, April 2i. -Count Maiu.iolil -Mat-sul.a,
foimeily pilme mliilftir nl Japan, who Is
mi n tour of the moiIiI, mih llie gue'-t of honor
tin.iil.l at a dinner at tho Jletiopolitan ilub,
tilidilt'il by Majni- .Selh I.o. Others pie-eut
uerc T. Megetii, ilirectur of leienue of the ile.
partinei.r of llnince; "Mlnistir Takahira, the
.lapirisc rcpieaenl itllo at Wjiiliingtrnij T. I'thl
(J j, iho Japiuiiu ioiimiI geneial; Y, 1'ukal, a
niiiilier of llie bank of Japuij former ?iuetaiy
of tlio Tiiawiy I.jmaii .1, (lage, fniimi (inemor
Milton, MouN K, .li.-.iip, I'ulUitor Mrauihaii,
iloliii A. .Mil'.ill, and ntlicri eijiully proinl
mul in the tiuaucial woihl.
Ily 1 iliniii1 Wie f nun Tho Associated 1'iori.
Miikis Bine, April 21, 'llie federated boaid of
the C Hillioad uf Xew- Jeiey cmplojis, nt
a ineelln hi Id In A-shlcy, ileilded In take up tho
Kilfirmis of Iho leltgiaplier-i. They Mill ie
ipiut u ii'iifiieiico Mltb llie ottlclah, looking to
the ieliitiiteiuent of John .SYllIgaii, tln nle
pupliir who i.u u-pcudid beiaiiMt he Mas ni.
tile iu union miltiis. 'Ihe ic
fii.c to mako liny ktalruiiut about the mattir
beiond the fail that Xelllgm ilolalid ,i well,
kiionii mle of lie company,
Miss Mowatt's Funeral.
Ily I xiiuiltp Who from The ,ioi.latcd 1'ichi,
Xtwlmi-gh, X, V., Aprit SI. Mini Mowatt, paid
tn be the wi'ilililc&t woman in tho Hudson ral
li-i, i ileail lieie, By her directions, gtien be.
foie tleath, eugraied Invltatloiw lue been Is
mini n rolatiies and hiends to attend the tu
nt ral und none but tlioo liailmr Iniitutloivi will
bo ndmittisl, M!j Mowatt lirieiiteil her money
from r. In other, who unused a, foitune in niedl.
line. Alter .1 lonr ligal I'olltCal, the lion, d.
!iiii- 1 1.! dale with her biotheis und xUtcra.
Big- Fire nt Quincy.
By i:iliiilic Wiie fiom The Aksoi latcil 1'iivrf.
ijiuiiij, III,, April 21. 1'ire, vliiih inlgiiiatcd
tliU uftin-oon In the Hem Cliy b.ur mill, tie.
ilrojcd proily lalueil at iiO.000. After ion
siiiiuii- tho eaw- mill and planing mill, (lie lire
bun lit cut ueaily tea ueiet piled with lumber.
Tnv ot thu til '3 file engine Meio abandoneil to
thu flamm nml neio iiilnid. The llie uUo burned
a liuuibir of ilnelllngs and parl of two bridges
on the Cailhage blanch of the llinllngtiui load,
togctliir Mltli neieial freight rais.
By llxiltuhc Wire from The Aiiated Press.
l'illkbuig, l'a., April 21. lion. William (.'. fiuf
fiy, u iilliid toal operator and promlnint Di'in
oi'iallc polllltlaii, dlid of gjjtrllis at hi. homo
at Irwin, l'a., today, Deieacd via. a biolh.r
of Colonel JaiucJ M. (iulfey, the oil Ling, ot
i'uuitjhaiila, Ohio and Teiaii, and va4 lollictor
of intunal ruiiiuo at (ircenabuig, l'a., undei tho
Cleieland adiuluUtiatlon. '
"The autocrat of
the dinner table''
Minck Meat
10 Cents
a package which
makes two large or
three small pies.
"None Such" tcondtnstd
Into air-tight, water-proof car
tons. Is clean, handy, takes
up but little room on the shelf,
anil keeps forever.
None c.ik1i " mwt net be confined
with ttieip Imitations ot so-calM
we" mince mmtuiuiiMii uiici.
inUalnil'Captlorej. When you l)U
' .l" IIIIKC IIIC.I JUH li.v .
piice for water, mlilch ) cm (II
cheaper nt liome ta mil with Nor.
fcuih Mince Meat, which It alniot
dry, M et mime meal 1. not ten f
ine to look ol no one cverbu
It after one trial of " ono buth."
SoMhy all coodilealert let in knjir
If your dealer icfusci to lupply you.
Mcmll-Soule Co,
SyrKutt N.Y.
"Pur" 'fs- 'i
Elegantly Rich
The new patterns we are
now showing are beautiful
specimens of the metal
worker's and designer's
skill they possess charac
ter and finish that appeals
to the exacting purchaser.
" The prices, too, are as at
tractive as the designs.
iWe invite inspection and
Have you been ihe new
patterns in the twin beds
we've something worth
seeing, whether you wish
to buy or not.
Mnny new and beautiful
patterns in odd Dressers
and pieces for the bedroom.
121 Washington Avenue.
Fight Declared a Draw,
Ily :m lusiie tt'lrc fiom The Associated I'lees.
I'llliburir, Apill 21. Tho unlit toniitht at lllll
lale bi'iiieeii 1'iank JIit'lo-y ami lliiKhey -Me-llniem
Ma deilaied u draw by Itifvreo Tim
lluist, in the tenth loiiud, the limit, A gicat
iroi'.il altcuded the iiflalr.
Thanks to Secretary Hay.
By i:duilio Wiio fiom The Atcocfaled. Tresn.
i Waalilnytoii, April 21. ltepiwentatlio tiros
nun, ! Ohio, today fatorahly reported the roeo
liillon shins the tlunWi uf roiigitKi to Siiie.
laiy II ly iox his oration on I'roldent McKlnley at
the luiinorial mrcUf In tonsicas.
Helen S. Bucbanan
313 Washing
ton Avenue.
Hair, Warts,
& Moles Pain,
lessly, Perma
nently, Scien
tficully Re-
moved by
i:da.llu incthodi no wars. Trial treat
ment fieo. Call anil bo comlnicJ.
ljdii-s desiioiu of obtalnliv; perft
roniplexlciu, luxuriant lialr, bilslit eyes
and i-hapely bodies, tliould not fall to call,
Asent tor Xll.MO i.elf-rcduclne and Mill
taiy belt ttialght liont cortct.
'A "A "4 "A " ' 'A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A
t '
2k v.1' "' -a -,--!
. vif '
-"v-. nt.. r, r mt m
l2Jfcli i