The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 22, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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, ' ' ' i 'ft "W V J ' '
Woman's Wok
in preparing appetizing and
wholesome food is lightened by
this famous baking powder
Hip" ; "1!JS3M
Absolutely pure It adds
healthful qualities to the food
Baking Powder
The "Royal Baker and Pastry
Cook" most practical anil
valuable of cook hooks
free to every patron. Send
lull address , by postal card.
In Every Appeal from the Decision
of an Alderman or Justice of the
Peace Passed Upon by the Judges
in Argument Court, the Proceed-
, ings vera Summarily Reversed.
Twenty-two Divorce Cases on the
list Rules to Revoke Liquor Li
cense Die a Natural Death.
In cveiy case, ye-slorduy, In argument
court, in which an alderman's judg
ment van luvk-wed the court summar
ily reversed the proceedings. There
were ten such instances and in the nta
juiity of them the irregularity was so
apparent no attempt was made to de
fend. The rane.s In which the proceed
ings were revolted wore:
Ah'W HiainAi .ijMltist Mi.h.Hl Mcr.1,1. droit c
Stiilnijr ajrilnu .lotcph (irltliii, ct .il. Lay ill
Siranton iisuiiist ("uilcs Jlcjir. Cily of Car
bondale airiliiil James IlliciiH. Antliucite Hccr
ftmipiiiy .11.-ai11.-t the X.nll.t iskni Pinii-.,l.inij
Car iviwtp aisoUation (two c.w-.). l)tid 'lint.
bv niraln-t A. Pcttr-aw. .lo'm esainst
John Hoimtiski. VilltJin MX'oy against Sea
inrns Uio.. Commonwealth afraiiut lSlasck
Tlie twenty-two divorce cases on the
list were dealt with as follows:
S.i.ili l KclUr 112 linsc .latne-, II, Keller; eon
third. Libido JI. .naiirt 1). 1). Palmer;
Hil.miltc.l. Selena Williams .'goiiht John Wil
liams cimtiiicd. William 'I'. Ki.itt afr.iin.t Ca
therine Kraft: (OiiMimrd. Delia II, Krug .-jain-t
W. C. Kiujtj submitted. Il.m U S-'cchcrt .tg-aiii't
Jl.ulle Srcheit; (oiiliiiueil. Mi I, Abbey UKain-t
C. K. Abbey; -ubniitli' 1. Lmili. joel au'alit
Jl.iiy .1. Wac1s Miliimtlcil. Mlniili- A. Cleai
water apuinst Walter K. (.'Icai water; continued,
P. V. ltulibins fltr.iInsL Prances II. ISobhlns;
open. JIars.uet Wcb-ur .'i"nin-.r Thomas Wih
F t ( r ; open, John Iticno against 1'IIcn Heefc;
".pen. Kale K. Lewis apraint William Lewi;
ojmi. -Minnie Trmii ioi e attihi-t William Ttum
Vie; opin, Ida Ileynon iiiriltb-t l.ild He; nun;
open. .Myitlc lltrheit ugain-t William Ikrlieitj
open. II, b.itter;hv.iitr airaiii'-t Ada Sattcrth
v.altoj opm. K. A. It.iMcy against S. ti. Itai
ley; open, Cclla If. Tiffany again K. A. Tif
finy; open. Aiabclla l). Unsllii against L'noa
Kiialln; coiitinueil.
The following disposition was made
t other eases;
Continued PtrliU floldcn nijainst Mirgarct Ly
an; uilo to open Judgment, llllzabcth Death
against Iho ilty of Scranton; mlo to tile e.weu
tiui s. Joitph J. -Icnnjii acuiiiH John O. fetan.
tun; rule to open ludtinint. John S. Jenkins
iigalnst ltiiihbrook Coal (oinpany; esceptions to
rtport of referee. Pity of s'eranton against P.
1'. 'llioiiias estate; rule to btrikc oil judgment.
M. J, Gallagher, et al,, aalmt the Anglo
American Saiings and Loan iiMoctation, ct al.;
(ceplion-. to afildiit of defena unci rule to
open judgment (three cases). .1. Peck vi
tiiti: against tho tounty lonimlf-sloneis; appeal
Jrom asscoiment (tno cahos), IMwuvd Thompson
(oniiny against It. II. 'llolgato; dcinurier,
John V. Miller, executor, iigalnit John I.. Ileam
Iilij mle to iciliivc collection fee.., Simon Jllg
n agalin.t John fiwauicli, ct al,;, certiorari.
1'cter Oallaglicr against Ales. Cio.4j lule to
open Judgtnriit. N. C, Aimley against )!. !'.
Parly,' ct al.; rule lo strlku'eff lien. Oswald
Jmes agalnstl'ettr T. Sclieustcr; uilo to ills,
volve Dttaeliuicnt. Angus Csmcion against An
iriu O. (Iraye: 'cxtcntton to ball. Cily of Koran-
ton against Jlalpli Uiant; rule to strIKo off Men. '
C.'lly of Smanton against .nenry t. iioemcr;
rulfto itrlko'oit lien. 'City, of Siranton against
William ItelLei rule to Htrlko.olf lien. City of
Jicratiton against Frank Miller; certiorari. Com
inoiiweaUh against Cassia Sampson; ccrtloraii,
Kto AVaUU against Jamcj Slmpvin; rn'o to
rpiasli ull.n euminons. .Mary Ann llyan against
the lielauare. Lackawanna amlv Wtlcm Mutual
Alii soclcly; rule to strike sotT nnn-vult. JI. I),,
tor; rulo for new trial, Kennedy fc Jlaloney
gainst James Sweeney; rule to sell a building,
Itolo Gallagher against tlie Itcpublio Sailugs
ml Loin asfoclatloni rule to dissolve sttach.
inent. Cily of Carbondale igalnst JIary llantt
snd John Klunej Ucmurjer.
Jlula Absolute City of Carbondale ngaliut
3ani(s C. Morrison; rule to strike off Hen. M,
l. Aiuley sgainst A, Salerno; rule to amend
Argued A. Magnottl against Ignati Imeidopt;
extvptlnm to report o referee. Wannsmaket &
Pio-.ui against V. V. Patter; case stited. Joseph
Walker axitrait Walker Automatic Steam Coupler
company; lulo to strike off juclnient and set
Jldo sheriff's ialc.
Off List lohn Veik against Frank Vandolskl,
ct si.; ceitb.rad. Mary llurneU , sgalnst the
polaware, Lackawanna, anil Wcsteru- lUllroi com.
yrty; demurrer.
SeUkJ--H. Itoscnblnlli tgskst Metrofan Osm-
Me; rule to strike off judgment. Loreiizs U
mcru ni;oIijit V.'llllani l'go; .certiorari.
A number of rules secured by the
JiuulclviU league to- revoke liquor
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
There are cheap baking powders,
made from alum, but they are ex
ceedingly harmful to health. Their
astringent and cauterizing qualities
add a dangerous clement to food.
licenses were discharged without argu
ment, the licenses which were soukIU
to be revoked having expired. The
parties against whom these rules were
taken out were Charles A. Cole, Will
iam Williams, P. H. Durkin, Harry
Howard, Cieorge Prokopovitch, Antol
Golinski. Adelbert Hoynolds and Her
bert A. Thomas.
Order iu the Smith. Estate.
Judge Vosburs yesterday handed
down tut opinion in the estate of W. W.
Smith, deceased, late of the borouffh
of Dalton. in which an application was
made by the executor for leave to mort
gage a farm for the payment of debts,
which petition was opposed by some of
the parties In Interest, for several rea
sons. Judge Voaburg holds that all the per
sonal property must be first used to
pay debts, but that as it Is not suffic
ient for that purpose, the real estate
Ih available. The adjudication of cer
tain disputed items of Indebtedness is
left open for further proceeding's. It
having' been stated at the hearing, that
the property could be sold for a fair
figure, the following order was made;
"It is therefore ordered, that tills peti
tion stiMid open for thirty days from
the date of Whig of this opinion, so
that, If pdssible, a satisfactory sale can
be made; with the privilege of then
presenting it for further order of court,
in case such sale cannot be consum
mated." Marriage licenses.
Hank Carroll
Maiy L. Hogan
Angelo Veirj-tro
Jlarv C.
. ...l'riccburg
C'laicncu A. Ueemcr
Com S. Pickering
I 'ra nk Bognrvicwskl
.l.inic-j Chri-ty
Katlicrlne Slullwrin
James A. CumnringJ
Kitty Kearney
Alnnu Jloshcr
Maud U. ltol.crt.-i
Joseph Urban
l'etioncla UaionstMU
1'rlinil V. Biesecker
Kil.Mhe W. Itecao
Tlioinaa McCarthy
Mary McPcrmottt
Itlclnrd Cavanaugli
Maiy Clifford
John J. DKkln
Cathirlno JlcDeimottt ....
William II. Kltcli
Anna Kennedy
George F. llonlan was yisterday appointed
deputy constable of the First ward of Dun
inure. The report of the icwcrs In. the matter of the
two new mads in Spring Brook were contimied
Sentence was suspended npen payment of costs
in tho case of Charles Jacobs, of Old Forge, con
victcd of selling liquor on Sunday,
In the case of Miranda 11. Winehcll against
William J. Stoiens, a rulo wa3 jestciday Brant
ed by court to open the judgment and permit cf
a defense.
Adolph Marcus brought suit yesterday to re
coier $1,000 for Injury to his person, his horse,
wagon and harness by being run down by a trol
ley car on l'enn avenue March 25, 10O2. John
F. Scrags is lila attorney.
In thie case of the commonwealth against
George Kogler, tho secretary of the Street Car
Men's union, lio was Until for calling a non
union inotorman u "scab," the appeal from sum
mary com let Ion was sustained by agi cement of
Hany Apgar Nye, of Dunmore, occu
pied the pulpit at tho Presbyterian
church on Sunday morning. He was
entertained at the home of Dr. Knedler.
Rev. O, H, Cole attended the Baptist
twentieth century conference, at Scran
ton, last week,
Mr, and Mrs. C,,F. Edwards are ro
reiving tho congratulations of friends
over the arrival of n little daughter at
their homo on Saturday morning.
The Elmhurst club are using the for
mer unices of II. G, Schoonmnker, at
Elmwood hall, for a temporary place of
Mrs, II, L. Galge, of Moscow, and
Mrs. Sydney Whltloclc, of New York
city, were callers at "Broadcrcst" untl
"Oak Terrace" last Wednesday,
Dr, Knedler la attending Mrs. James
Hathrlll, of Moscow, who was badly
burned while- extinguishing a fire,
caused, by the explosion of a lamp, last
A. B. Clay nerved as a Juror at Scran
ton last week.
M. O. Edwards, of Philadelphia, Is
visiting his parents here.
Robert J, Snyder.who has been spend-
lnt? ft few weeks with his parents here,
has nccepted a position at Kaston and
left Monday morning for tlmt place,
Mrs. Jay Stnnton, of Scrunton, wns a
guest at the homo of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs, W. F. Jenkins, last week,
Miss Helen Williams spent Saturday
afternoon In Scranton.
Clmi'leo Pago and his aunt, Mrs. Wit
marth will move to Philadelphia this
Mr. and Mrs. Leach, of Chinchilla,
have moved on the Wllmarth farm,
which they recently purchased.
Fred Snyder has bought a new Victor
gramnphone, of Itobert Northup, of
CJIcnburn, who Is acting as an agent
for this company.
Owing to the absence of the pastor,
nev. A. W. Cooper, no preaching ser
vices were held In the Methodist church
on Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Dean, of Scranton, were
visitors In this pluce on Sunday.
Mrs. Jumes P. Dickson spent Sunday
with friends In WIlkes-Barre.
Farmers are having considerable dif
ficulty In procuring farm help this
Tho weather has been so favorable
the past week that many persons have
begun to plant their gardens and thus
rush tho spring along.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union met at tho home of Mrs. Charles
Creasy, on Friday afternoon. Mrs.
Bailey, of Mooslc, addressed tho meet
ing. . MOSCOW.
The "Junior Epworth league of Mos
cow wus re-organlzed Saturday, April
12. Miss Ruth Oardner was elected su
perintendent. The assistants are: Mrs.
O. H. Prentice and Miss Helena Hollis
tcr. The cabinet officers ure as follows":
President, Lena Dixon; first vice presi
dent, Grace Edwards; second vice
president, Pearl Gress; third vice presi
dent, Mabel Hathrlll; fourth vice presi
dent, Mary Roberts: treasurer, Nell
Prentice; secretary, Mary DePew. The
meetings are held every other ulternato
Saturday and Sunday. All children
under the age of in are invited to join.
Mrs. H. S. Watts and daughter, Ves
ta, spent Saturday In Scranton.
John Honey, of Scranton, and Miss
Nellie Hinds, formerly of this place,
were married at the home of tho bride's
father, Mr. William Hinds, 735 Prospect
avenue, Scranton, Saturday evening,
April 12. The many friends of the
bride in this place wish her a happy
We st ill lead in the tales to (iirinany, our pro
portion for l'JOl being JtJ,O0O,OOO, or 10.0 of the
entire German imports.
Our sales to Belgium h.ic doubled iu the lait
three je.tis.
Vice Consul Wood of Math id, Spain, mjs
our goods arc to bo win everywhere, and iucludo
such American specialties as liulr-cllpping ma
chines, dental supplies, typewriters, cleitric mo
tors, etc.
Tho European woolen, tilk, hosiery, cotton
clotlui, glas, iincy goodi and fiuit industries
arc seriously feeling the effect of American com
Our record or-pporli for the first nine months
of this rUcal jcar, shows a stallage of S'J.WlOjOIX)
from last .Mai's similar period, more than ac
counted for by
Corn, draught $5.1, 000,000
Haw cotton, lower pi Ices it,000,000
Oats, used as feed 5,000,000
$71, 000,000
. atf.OOO.OOO
Less nit total shortage
Gain in miiiufaclures, etc ....12,000,000
Last j car uur sales to Canada weie $110,000,
00O, while those of Great Britain, notwithstand
ing the til) 1-3 per cent, differential tariff in her
favor, were only i?!3,K,000.
Mcxieu increased her purchases of us last jear
by fl.OCO.OOO, ur ll,i per cint,, while the GernHn
increase v. is only $111,000, or 5.S per cent.
If the Ficiidi government is willing ?H5,000,000
of American gold will be paid into the coffers
in exchange for the Fient-h tobacco monopuly.
lie following figures aic noilh noting:
Imports. Exports.
Foil. l'JOl. VMl. Total.
New York... $327,259,0011 Ipj2!),5ri2.ri78 $l,05r,,F52,SS
Boston U1,152,S7() 1I3,V0S,232 SOi.luO C02
New Oilcans. 20,4(12,307 152,77,5W 1 .,-' J.,90u
Philadelphia lS,OI5,tn 70,:i5l,02j 127,3!)7,4u3
Baltimore .. 18,SUS,175 100,2,t'J,0,si 1'2j,13S,550
Galvceton .. 053,601 10I.S37.SOO 102,811,101
&au Frau'sco 35,1(11,75:1 3l,51M,7l)2 ('),7Ji).!il5
Savannah ... U 15,007 4G,73S,M17 47,831,034
Xcwp't News 4,000, 151 S2,5C7,'J12 3(1,G3S,!,03
American electric lights will soon be switched
on to illuminate the tombs of the Pharaohs the
rrainiiU after a daikness of 5,000 years.
American ngilculturnl products to the extent
of $052,000,000 were sold to foreign coimtilcs in
111. Tills is an increase of more than $100,000,-
000 over 1000. Cotton led for tlie lirt time in
several years.
Our imports of foieign agrhultural pioducts in
the same ye.n 11-01 were :j.!')2,090,000, n decrease
of ij.2,000,000, showing that wp aie ciery ilay
coming neater the fulfillment of Secretary Wil
son's prediction that before miny jcars we shall,
in our country and its dipcndcncles, produce all
wo need.
On April 5, in two tmuaactions, tho Armour
company sold 1,000,000 bushels of wheat for ex
port. "American capital in the last ten years has
secured in the Caiiboo, It. C, mining district
ground of the aggregate alue of ?100,000,000."
Dally Financlil News.
"American coal is being sent not only to points
within the United htates, but it is going outside.
The Pittsburg coal shipped to New Orleans fur
nishes fuel to the steamers carrying supplies -to
Soutli Afiica, and the West Virginia coal is used
by the German licet in the Carrlbbeaii, to say
nothing of odds and ends elsewhere." F, JJV
Sawanl in Commercial Advertiser.
Our expansion ts not In Urrlloiy alone. For
the Ur6t eight months of 1S')I (Democratic) fl'cal
year our cxpoits of manufactured goods amount
ed to $123,000,000, but for the tame pfrlod of
1001 fiscal ycir tho figures were 1-357,000,000, near
ly three times as much. Five years of Republican
policies worked this miracle.
The sum of $131,481,052 i-s "hat our Western
people liaie so far leclvid for horses and mules
shipped fiom New Orleans to South Africa iluiing
the llocr war.
Foreign wheat ami fluiir shipments from Port
land, Oie,, during Maict foot up Ml,171, against
$715,113 for March, list year,
Waller J. Ballard.
Schenectady, '. Y April 10.
D,, I. & W, Board for Today.
The following is the make-up of the
D., Ii and W. board for today:
MONDAY, APllll, 21,
IMras East--8 p. in., Hoboken, Fitpatilvk;
10 p. m,, l F. Steienr, 11 p. in., Hoboken, J,
II. Sv.aitz.
TUKsDAY, AVltlb ii.
lixtras Jlast 1.30 a. m., Gcoige Thomas; 4 a.
in., Hoboken, Lattimci', with' Abram's crew;
10 a. in., llUblug; 11 ii. in., Hoboken, .1, (lenity;
1 p. in., P. Cavanaugh; '2 p. m., Hoboken, J,
W, Pevine; 2.10 p. m., D, lUggcrty; 5 p. pi,,
Hoboken, Iirkln; fl p. in., J). WaPace,
Summits, lHe. 0 a, in., 'Carilggj 0 a. in,,
Frounfelkcr; 10 u. nt,, Mcliols; 1 p. in., lieu
nlgan; 2 p. in., 'fliompson; 8 p. m., Golden.
Pushers 0 a, m., Widncr; 7 a, nt., Finucrly; S
a. in., Hovuer; 0 a. in., W, It, Paitholomew;
11.45 a, in., Moran; 1.E0 p, in,, Nauman; U p. m.,
0. liartholomew; 7.30 p. nt., Murphy; 9 ji, m.,
Singer; 10 p. m., Lamping.
Helpers 1.10 a, m., Maioiernj 7 a. m., Gaff,
ney; 10 a. in,, Secor; S.SQ p, pi., Stanton.
Ettru West 8 a. in., T. Uoullcau 11 a. m.,
O. Klngsley; 1 p. ni., V. Wall; 2 p. m It.
Castner; i p. ni., F, McDonnell, with John
Oahagan's crew; H p. in,, A. 12. lletchum.
Wall Street Review.
New Yolk, April 21. There was another day
of ery actltc and vailed speculation In slocks
today, hut the campaign for the iithance received
rather a severe cheek. Tlie leaders ol the cam
paign for the advance recovered their position to
some extent late In tlie day by a vigorous buy
ing movement In Southern Pacltlo tip to 0(.ic
and In Mending and Manhattan which were IIHed
lespcctlvcly 4',a and 34 over Saturday, This
Induced a general covering movement In the
whole market and In substantial rallies which
materially reduced, the loses hut ntlll left
prices generally below Saturday. Tlie tcault of
tlio day's opciatlons In the market showed the
Importance ot the outcome ol the crop situa
tion. The lepoits of hot winds In the winter
wheat belt did not seem to greatly affect the
grain market, but tho simple racial of tempera
tures touched at points in Nebraska, Missouri and
Kansas was eiitllelent to nine u rcllectlon of
unvlcty In the stocks of the loads running
through that legion. Tho weekly statistics of
railroad traffic reporting a decline In the mer
chandise movement to the southwest, were re
garded as a corroboration of the thieat of harm
to the crops. Scattered reports of showers may
have had to do with the late tally in the mar
ket. The leave granted to the state of Wash
ington to file stilt against tlie Northern Securi
ties company, is what was refused to the state
ot Minnesota iu the previous attempt. The
cticstlon of the legality of the company lJ now
felt to be started toward a final and definite de
cision. Tho strength of Heading and Manhattan
was due to bulng by the nunc Inokcre who
were lteity sellers of Union I'aellls iind St. Paul.
There were rumors of absorption of Heading in
Pennsylvania's interest. Tlie movement was fote
shadowed by the circulation of arguments on
the intrinsic value of the piopcrty. The market
closed active and about steady. New Yolk Air
Drake, international Power, the Kkcttlo stocks,
Keokuk and Des Moines and Nashville, Chatta
nooga and St. Iuis made sensational und un
explained advances. Total sales today, 1,DD3,H00
shares. Tlie he ivy selling of Union Pacific con
vertible bonds was n reature of the bond market.
Totul sales, par value, $(1.585,000., United Stales
bonds were all unchanged on the last call.
Tlie following ouotatlons arc furnished The
Tribune by llatght k Freesc Co., 311-315 Mears
Dutldlng. W. V. llunyon, manager.
Open. High. Low. Close.
Amal. Copper irtli d5i iH"i lio'.s
Am. Car Foundrv Stl'4 20U 2'.) 20
American lec 10 l&li 10?i 1071
Amer. Lcomotito 88',4 .'W'?4 B.V,i 30',4
Am. Locomotive, Pr... OS 9SM 0i 08 VS
Am. Sinult. & Iter. Co.. Ifiij lfl;& 4ji 45'4
Ameiican Sugar 127 127',jj 12ol?s 120H
Anueonila, Copper 112 112 lt'2 112'
Atchison 8J',a S3JS 8HJ S2
Atchison, Pr 100 100 0894 IW's
Bait. & Ohio 1004 lOJ'i 108 10314
Brookljn It. T 07 03 604 (17;4
Canadian Pacific 12S 129 124 1'27'4
dies. Ii Ohio ,. 48 4S 47V4 47',i
iiucago Alton 39 :i') 7i us
Chie. & G. W 2B11 20-7J 25U 25-l
Chit-., Mil. 4 St. P 172Vj 1724 K9 170-Ta
Chic. it. I. & P 174 171 17.! 173
Col. Fuel & Iron 1OT 10' 105V4 107'2
Col. & Southern 3214 32"i :tl4 31',4
Col. & .Mouth., 2d Pr... 47 17 4.V4 45"4
Del. & Hud 175 175 174 174
Pric 30 304 39 :itv4
Krle, 1st Pr 70V4 70'i fil'i 70
Krie, 2d Pr .W4 f.-?4 55"i 55'4
Hocking Valley S4'a 8t',i SH4 84
Illinois Central 15tVa IJl'.i 1 IVVi 14S-14
Imis. & Nash 127 127 125 12(!'l4
Manhattan 13494 117i 134s 137
Metropolitan St. Hy ...154V4 154 U 1VI Wl
Mexican Central 30J4 304 20?4 20
Mo. Kan. & Tc"j 2 2(1 2tl 20U
Mo. Kan. k Tex., Pr .. 6b4 06 05-74 50
Missouri Pacini! 1031b 101V4 10()4 101 Is
N. Y. Central 1(4 Ki0?4 IM',3 1S'U
Norfolk & Western .... 59 50 SSli 59
Ont, & Vet 34U 31 !4 31 4'4
Penna. P. it 152 153 15IU 131 14
People's Gas 10174 10"4 10.(54 1047s
Reading C3U b74 (2?4 'i
Heading, 1st Pr Sl',4 W 84 SIVs
Iteuding, 2d Pr 711i 72T4 7114 72'4
Itcpublio Steel 1814 1S',4 17-74 17
hi. Iouis k San Fran... 71 71 fi't (''.'
Southern I'acifle 8"a KIU 67',i ifl
Southern It. It 3714 37'!- Mi 3(t',4
Southern It. It.. Pc .... !il4 OOU Ti f
Tenn. Coal & Iron .... 7234 73 71 14 71 li
Texas & Pacific 41-74 41'4 4274 43
Pnion Paciffe 1081i lOSli 10H4 105'i'
Union raeifle, Pr .... Ml 89 SHVi N5',-i
II. S. Leather 134 1314 1214 12
U. S. leather, Pr 841i 8414 S'JV 8314
V. S. Steel 42 43 4- 42
IT. S. Steel, Pr 0-2 03 0274 02
Wabash 251b 2(i 2514 251s
Wabasli, Pr 45 45 44 44
Western Union 94 Hi's 0174 Oi'i
Wisconsin Central 20 20 2 255,
Total sales. 1.0S1,000 shaics.
WHEAT Open. Hish. Low, Close.
May 74 7514 74U 71-
Julv ..., 70 7(i',i 7574 75
May 02 02'i 01 01
July C'2 02 C2U 027a
May 43 4174 12 42J4
July 0 SO 35 S53S
May 10.15 10.50 10,12 10.12
Julv 10.02 10.07 10.02 10.02
May 0.7O 0.70 0.05 0.05
July 0.80 0.SU 9.75 9.75
July 9.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Open. High, Low. Close.
JIar 0.2t 92(1 0.23 0.2i
July 0.21 9.2 0.17 0.17
August S.95 S.0S 8.95 8.00
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.
County Savings Bank & Trust Co..
First National Bank (Catbondale)...
Third National Bank
Dime Deposit and Discount Dank...
Kconomy Light, II. k P. Co
Firt National Bank
Did. Asked.
vr, ...
... C5
115 ...
115 ...
I.aeka. Trust K sale ucposic uo....
Clark k SnoverCo., Pr
Scranton Savings Dank
Traders' National Bank
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co
People's Bank
Scranton Packing Co
Scranton Pannenger Railway, first
Moitgage, due 1020
People's Strrct Railway, first mort
gage, duo 1018
People's Street Railway, Oeneial
mortgage, due 1921
Siranton Tiactlon 0 per cent
Kconomy Light, Uent k Power Co..
North Jersey k Poeono Ice Co
Consolidated Water Supply Co
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected liv H. G. Dale, 27 Lackawunna Ave.)
Butter Ficsh cieaniery, 34c.; fresh dairy, 33c.
Cheese 13a 13 Jju.
Kggs Neaiby, 18e.; wcatctn, 17!jC,
Peas Per bushel, 1.75.
Jlanow Beans Per bushel, .35a2. 10.
Green Peas Per bushels, $1,75.
Potatoes Per bushel, $1.00.
Onions Per bushel, $1,30,
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, April 21. Flour Unsettled but
steady with a fair trade". Wheat Snot steady;
No. 2 red, 87c, elevator; No. 2 red. SSc. f. o.
b. atloaf, No, 1 northern Duluth, S4&c f, o, b.
afloat ; wheat options opened higher, experienced
a violent set-back utter noon. Prices receded
slightly and were dually ?4c. net higher; May
closed SlUc; July, blUc; September, bOfte.;
PcceiiibiT, Mile. Corn Snot, No. 2, .
(levatur and b'J71c, f. o. b. atluat ; com opened
up with wheat, broke and then rallied. It final
ly eased (ill it little and closed lie. net lower;
May closed 07i; July. C7c; September, Ode,
Oats Spot stcailv; No. 2, 4S!ic; No, !i, 4sc;
No, 2 white, 52Hc; No, II while, 52c; Hack
mixed western, 4ba49c,; tuck white, Maj'.c, ;
options quiet but 111 in at Hut, liter selling oJT
with oilier inaikets, Butter Steady; cieaniery,
25a'2:..; do. factory, 2.l320c.i lenovatetl, 25i.Mc.;
imitation rrcamery, 24a27c; slate daily, 2li'27c,
riicpBC Firm; state full cieani. small early make,
fancy colored and white, 13al314t-,; full cieam,
laieo fall make, fancy colored and while, 12a
J2iio, Fggs Firm; state und I'ennsilv.inia, ISo;
western, 17?ialSe.! southern, 10uUiJc.
Buffalo Xlve Stock Market,
East Buffalo, April 21. Cattle ItecelpU, 4,000
head; active; ttrletly choice tteeis btcady, oilier
grades JOalSc. lower; best steers, td.73a7.10;
medium to good, $0.2'a0.85: light to good buteh
cis, fS.&OaO: light lo good heifeis, $5..5.75; prime
h'cifeis, $0-1(1.2.5; poor to choke cows, $3.'20a'i.t!5;
export bulls, $U5.'25; butchers' bulls, tlul 25;
sausage, $3.50a3.75; prime freh cows and i-prlng-ers
in gopd demand at $45alO; coiuiuon to lite
dliun, $26a35; choice feeding steels, $l.(3at.&5;
fair to geod, $4.40a4.CO; best slockcrs, $1.30.(4.60;
fair to good $4a4.25: common tn uieelium, $3.75
at; stock heifers, $J.50a3.03; veals, receipts COO
This signature U on every box of the genuluf
Laxative Brorao-Ouinine Tablets
remedy that curM m eoM la ou !?
Connolly & Wallace J
Scrantori's Shopping Center
J 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave.
The Connolly & Wallace. En
larged Store means even better
Service than you have had. from us
in the past.
Silk Wraps
The Long All-Over Wrap, which alls to the hem
of a woman's skirt, fitted or not fitted In the back.prom
Ises to be the success of the summer. Already New
York Is wearing them, as though It were June, for shop
ping, driving, traveling; even In rainy weather they are
worn $15 00, $18.00, $22.00, $35.00 up to $67.50.
The same styles of Moire Silk are $27.00 to $40.00.
The Little Eton Jackets of silk and Blouses and
Three-Quarter Coats of Black Taffeta or moire, have
a tremendous amount of style about them. The Blouses
of moire and taffeta are the best style this spring In
Parts, and promises lo be the best quiet style here.
New 2V2L Dimities
The designs are small many ofNhem little buds
and roses Dresden designs (which are becoming tre
mendous favorites), with borders for trimming the
gown. We've never known dimities in so good designs
for 12 Many are copies of the Imported.
Connolly & Wallace.
nt 5f n Mmro (par valuo Si. 00) then
61UC&1U lUU
Will positively advance in
Tlie Tift R tern Consolidated Oil Co.
has moie producing OH Wells nuil I
a greater acreage of proven oil IruJ, I
than blx ordinary oil companies. I
In dividends on tho Investment.
lu K. Pike k Co.. 100 IMatc ;
Trust bid's., I'liIUilclphlJ. Opeiti
Jlonilai- etui TliuiMl.iv ui'cnliiijs.
nefore making rorniniUmcnts,
rcco'd in L'le privilege ot sulimittitia
our descriptive list ot investments.
SpencerTrask & Co
27 & 29 Tine Street, New York
Inyonr inromoHUltlulent? If not, nrulyou
are nnxloimto IncreuHe It, write. Inc. st'itlnt; you van Invest, It o.tly $io, mid
I wil write you it loiter of ml vlco Fr e l'or
y nrI linvedono nothlns excot tstttdy Invo-t-niants.
1 know I on itiL-reiiMiyoiirinoi.iioby
pointing out safe lu vcstmuntK, liltiierto un
known. ANDREW L BUSH, Investment Broker,
Bank References iprlngfield, Mass
Member!) of'llouvtou (Tosas) Oil Stouk K..
ctiiingu hollclt orders,
head tops, M.25; fair lo (jood, !.,.50atl; common'
to light, 41.EOjS.'.'5. Hog llecflptk, a 1,000 lio.tdj
opened fairly iav, 10.ilJe. lonu, cloMni; k1u.vj
ono fancy, V7.1J: iiiediiini, J7.'.l3a7..').'': piRi",
S0.70a0.75: lotijrU, ii.70a( ftiltr, ? l,60a5.SO.
blicep and Uiinln ltecclpts, 20,0110 licadj htions
and in Kuod demand: lambs, slow, dull and 10c.
lower; top laiulb,, Ij7.23.t7.10; fair Iu good. ?7.i
7.23; culls und coininon, fl.TSad.T.'ii jeailliius,
$0,50a0.73; tliecp, top lnKed, laii.7a;" fair to
cood, ?3.50j0.7j; culls and common, SI.Mi 1.7.1;
top clipped lambs, (l.50.i(I.C0; fair to pood, l-Oi'ii
0.40; culls and commons, $l,fiQt!i.73; vearliius,
i5.75afl; top cllppod Miecp, M.OSa'i.O.'i; tu
t;oood, ist,73a3; culli mid eoninioii, l-.'
Chicago Grain Market.
Clileairo, Aptil 21. Wcjtli'T leporls itilwl tlie
eraiu pits nuil n today, Hut, wind ccuditluiis
In tlia wlntir wheat cuimu.v Plaited ifralns tvltli
a email upturn hut pudlctloas ot tellef by
thowcia woiked acalul the bulls ami May wheal
dosed only a shade IiIkIut, Jluy com, 'ia'ic
lower and May o.itt, !-' (limn. I'ioUsIoih
closed 10al7V2''. ihpre-.M.d. Taslt quut.itluiw veio
as follows; rioui hteadv; -Vo. il oprlnK wli.'tt,
'W.iUYtc; No. a ted, MUaUlji-,; .Vo. 3 jellow
10111, (UV&i'.i 0 '-' ats, .It.; Jn. 3 white, 41-'l.t
J tie.; No, II white, JtUuUl&c.: No. 2 ic, S'jl
Wc. j fair to choito maltlmr, (Aitoo. 1 No. 1 II tx
tied, ll,ilSi No. 1 noriliwettein. l.7'l; mime
tlmothv h'cI, itii.Su.iil.90; mess pork, SI0.l0iio.4J;
laid, V).iraV.70! sliott libs, illlitMO; diy Kilt
ed shoulder, TkUTfiti M'oit 'l(,al' 8!ut"'' lrtl.33-1
Chicago Xivo Stock Market.
CIiImro, April y.-C.itllP neeeliil. 2J.50O;
alut 0al5e. loner: Rood to pi lino ttnis, 0,i0
a7.y-'; wor to nii'dliim,; noikcis .in-l
feeileM, S.'Wa',; tows. $1.4010; heifers, W-Wa
0.25; iMiineu. irl.10a2.IO; ImlU,; calves,
'.'.0Oa3 23; 'IV-as led ileeis, ,23a0,23. Iha
UetelpU today, 42,000; tomoriow. 2.1,000; I'll He,
lower; mixed Jnd liutilieia, Mi.73a7,20; niml to
ilioicu lieij-, Sr.10a7.23; ioiuIi lieny. i!sl.Nlj7.a,i;
Hiitit. ('.OOjO.C'3; bulk of tale,. tt.aV.iT.I'i. blicep
IteeeipU, 10,000; sheep, steady Id slionj: iambi
steady to JOc, liUliti; tfooil to choice wetheij,
R3 60ail.20; weateru sheep, $.l,73a0; natla laiiilo,
4.75aO.W; western lambs, $3.0Oa7.13.
East liberty Live Stock Maiket.
i:ast Liberty, Aptil 21. t'attlo hteady;
choice, taSOaTj inline. $0.00i().73. lloi. Iiwvr;
Plim? heaIes, 7..l5a7.10: hrst niedluiin, ,7.20.(
7.S0: heay Yoiker. $7.M7.20j lltdd do., Vl.Wa
7.03; pUs, '0-5"a0.(i louglis, JaU.70, Simp
btcady: best wethein, K'-OJaS.SO: nilU ami iom
111011, $i.(Wa3.30; cahes. M.73a0.
Oil Market.
Oil Cily, IM.. Alilll 21. Ciedlt bjljiui. 120;
rcitlflcatcs, no bid; thiuieiits, 170,111 Iniuis;
uviTjL-e. 107.460 barrebi: iuus. U7.b"i baireU:
iaurace, TO.Cut) barrels.
Toilet Brushes
, r--..
Six Eagles Mines
An investment opportunity of ex
traordinary merit. It is the best
known mining property in the state
of Washington.
A Developed Working Nine
Not a Prospective Proposition.
A limited amount of stock is now
being offered to raise money for im
provement in equipment and gener
al development of the property.
Awarded Bronze Hedal
At the Pan-American Exposition at
Buffalo last season.
Stock now selling at $ .50 a share.
The price will soon be advanced. Get
in now on the ground floor.
Write for full particulars,
1202 Crazier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
Delaware, Xackawanna and Western.
In Kffcct Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave Fcranton for New orK At 1.40,
3.15, 0.05, 7.50 and 10.03 a. m.; 12.45, 3.40, 3.31
p. rn. For New York and Philadelphia 7.30,
lu.uo a. ni., aim 11.10 aim .c.i 11. m. mi uuj
haiina At 0.10 p. m. Tor Buffalo 1.13, 0.22 and
0.00 a. m.; 1.33, 0.50 i.nd 11.33 p. in. Tor UltiK
liamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10
p. ni. Tor Osfleuo, biaciuse and Utica 1.15 and
0.22 a. in.; 1.63 p. iu. Oiwego, &yracua and
Utlca train at 0,22 a. ni. dally, CNcept Sunday.
Tor Montrose 0.00 a. ni.; 1.10 and 0.60 p. nu
Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. in.
Moomsburg Diviaion For Northumberland, at
6.35 and 10.00 a. in.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. m. Tor
I'iymouth. at 8.10 a. in.; 3.10 and 0.00 p. m
Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.13, 0.03
and 10. 03 a. in.; 3,10, 3.33 p. in. For lliilfalo
1.13 and fl.22 a. m. ; J.i-V u.m aim n.aa p. m.
For Ulncliamlon and way stations 10.20 a. m.
lllcomsburc Division Leave Scianton, 10.03 a.
ni. and 0.10 p. ni.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Kffcct, Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton.
Fo Philadelphia and New York ta D. k II.
n It. at 6.3S and 0.33 a. in., and 2.1:1, 1.27
(lJlack Diamond fipra), and 11.3 J p. m. Sun.
dajs. D. k II. n. It., 1.3S, S.27 p. m.
For White Haven, Hanleton and principal points
'n the coal regions, Ia l, k II. It. It., e.3S. 2.18
and 1.27 p. in. For l'ottille, 0.SS a. in.. 2.48
lVor Betlilelieni, Easton, licail'ng, lUirUburit,
and principal intermediate stations, via D. 4: I .
It. It., 0.3S, 0.3S a. 111.; 2. IS,, 4.2 (Black Dia
mond Express), 11.30 P. ni. bundays. D. k IL
It. It., 0.3S a, ra.: Lift. ", I'- " . ...
For IiinUiannocI;. Towanda, Llniira, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal intermediate stations, vis
I) L and V. II. II., 8.10 a. in. and 3.50 p. ni.
1 For Geneva, Bochejttr. Uulfalo, Niagara Falls.
Chlcaao and all po nts west, via D. k II. It. It.,
T.te"l2.Wa. ii.! 1-12. 2.23 (lllach Diamond F.x
press), 7.4S, 10.41. 11.30 p. iu. bundajs, D. k IL
il. II., U0J, S.27 p. m.
Pullman uarlor and dceplns or Lcliitrh Valley
Parlor caw on all trains betwee.i VUlkes-Uane
and New- Yoik, Philadelphia, Uuriulo and Suspen-
Koll!lNd?L' WILBUR, Ccn. Supt., 20 Cortland
street. New Yoik.
CIIAIIIXS S. LllK. Ccn. Pass, Agt 20 Cortland
btrcct. New York,
A W. NONIlMAClinit, Dlv. Pass, Agt,, South
'lletlilehtni, Pa,
For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to
city ticket olllte, 00 Public Square, WllUta-Uarre,
Pennsylvania Hailroad.
Schedulo in Cdect Jane 2, 1001.
Trains Kate Scranton: U.3a a. 111., week days,
thiouah vestibule train from WilLes-Batrc. pull,
man bullet parlor car and couchvs to Philadel
phia, via Poit.vllle; slops at principal interim!
Ulato station. Aba connects tor aunburj, liar
rUbuio', Philadelphia, ISultimoic, Washlngioii and
lor Piltsbme and the wtst,
0 33 a 111., wecU duis, for Sunbuiy, llainsbiut;,
Phlladelulila, lialllnioie, Washlntitoii uud Pitts
Lm and tlie west.
1 l p. 111., week days (Sundays, 1.5S p. m.),
lor Mmlmry, llariUbui, Phlladefplila, Ilaltimore,
Wa.liliW.on and Piilsburg anil the we,t.
;i -'S n. 111.. week divs, through e.stibulo luln
from ilkcs-llarn.'. Pullman bullet parlor ear
and coailies tu Philadelphia Wa PolUWlle. Stops
it ptliKlpal lntcriii,-(IIJte stations
4 27 p. in., wick davj, lor lialeloii, buubury,
ItarrUhuis, Plilladnlplila and PltUbuit:,
J. II. lIUlt.'HINSON. lien. jBr.
J, B. WOOD, (Jen. Pass. Agt.
New York, Ontario and Western.
In Ulleet Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001,
SDitru tioiiMi.
lA'ae Uav Arriie
iialm. Sii'a'itoii. Caibomlale, Cadosia.
No. I I0.W1 n, 111, 11.10a. 111. l.oop. in.
v 7 ,,, 0.10 11. in, Ar. CaibundJlv; O.IO11. 111.
Leave Leave Arrbe
Tuliif. Cadosia, Cailwndale. Eerunton.
No. 0 ,,,,., 7.W a. 111. 7,4Ua. 111.
S'o 3 2.13p.m. 4.00 p. in. 4,40 u. in.
Lcao l,:'uu Arrive
Trains. bcrantun. Caibondalc, Caduila.
So, II , WOl.ffl, O.lOp. ill. 10.43 a. iu,
Ko. o , 7,00 p. iu. Ar. Carbondale 7,40 p. in.
Lcavo Leave Arrio
Tr.ilni. Calodia. Catbondale. Kcranton.
No, 0 ,, , 7.00a. pi. 7,40a. iu.
,o. 1U 4.C0p. in, OUdp. m. 0.4.3 p. iu.
Trains Nos. 1 on week da)i, and I) on bumlas,
make main line connection (01 New Yoil: city,
Middlctown, Walton, Noiwlili, Oneida, Oswego
sud till points ct.
For further iiiloimatinn eeiwilt ticket agents,
J. V. ANDlUtb'ON. C. P, A New York.
J. V. WF.LSII, T, P. A., Scranton, Pa.
The Connolly & Wallace delivery
system reaches all the suburbs twice
every day and covers the central
city four times. Special trips are
also made when possible for the
conveniance of patrons.
Men's Handkerchiefs
$1.40 a Dozen
Or 70c a half dozen, and we have sold quantities ol
the same kind of handkerchiefs at 20c each. The hems
are quarter and half Inch just what everybody wants.
Some of our 'Special 25c Handkerchiefs for Men
(the best you can get anywhere are today marked I5c
or 51-75 a dozen We bought a lot abroad) cheaper
than usual.
These Handkerchiefs at men's Furnishing Dept.
You can buy the same kind every day in the year,
but you will pay tvice as much and more. They are
samples from a dozen French makers. Every kind of
Toilet Brush you want.
Hair Brushes, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.50.
Tooth Brushes, 1 Oc. 1 5c and 20c.
Cloth Brushes, 19c, 25c and 45c:
Nail Brushes, 19c, 25c and 50c.
Capital. $200,0Q0
Surplus, $550000'
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to S.30.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir Ins Place,
American Plan, $3.50 Ar Day and Upwards.
European Plan, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards.
Special Rates to Families.
4' 't-l-f frt 'r '
For Business Men
In tho heart ot the wholesale
For .Shoppers
s minute?' walk to Wanamakers;
S mlnute3 to Sleeel Cooper's Big
Store. Unsy of access to the great
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
Ono block from B'way Cars, giv
ing easy transportation to all
points or inioresu
f Cor. MUl ST. ft UNIVERSITY Pli
4. Only one Illock from Broadway.
ROOIllS, $1 Up. Prices Keasonabls -
ss lf
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to 'Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
rniieti PER i-A
ft.r Qy ojt. ctr f,.
HALANUt iLnunnraiuiison
New Jersey Central.
In L'tfect a'ov. 17. 1001.
Stations in New YorK, foot of Liberty street
and Soutli I'eliy, N- " ... .. , . ,, , ,
Trains leae Scranton for New ork, Philadel.
11'ili I'-tetcii, Ilctlilchiin,, Mauch
t'htinl;, Wlilt.' Ilaien. A.hlcy and WilLes-Dane at
7 50 a m.. 1 P- i. allJ 4 P- ra- Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
tii-ukcr Lily Uvprcn leai.s Scranton at 7.M
a m . t uouiili wild lestlbulo trait with Pullm.n
liunet J-arJor Cais. for Philadelphia, ltli only
oiu." ihaie o( cars (or Ilaltimore, Wasliingtoii,
HO and all iiiiiulpal poliiU south and west.
l-'o" Woea, I'itutoii and Wilkcs-llaire, 1 p, in.
und i i. 111. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Kor Lo-is Hrancli, Ocean Oiove, etc., 7.30 a.
111 and 1 p. Hi
rer BeaJiiw, Lebanon and llarrlsburir, via AN
Jenlotui, at 7-l ' UI'J l'- '" Sunday, 2-l
''pui' Potlsille at 7.M a. m. and I p. m.
Kor rales and tickets upply to ajent at sUtloa,
V, II, l!I!LKII, fieneral Manauei,
Delaware and Hudson.
In Lfiect Nouinbcr 21. 1501.
1iain lor Caibondalo eao Scrjiuon at 6.J9,
8 00. -S.f"l, 10-W a. 111. i l'i.00, 1.2". 2.31, 1112,
6 "0 0.25, 7,67, 0.15, 11.20 p. Ill, ! 1.81 u. m.
l-Vr llonclale 0.20, 10.1a. in.; and 5.2J
lVoV WIlkM-Batre 0.SS, 7.1S, 8.41, J0.38. lo.ti
a. in. I U-0J. 1-sJ. !. "" i-, A'-iO, 7,,
10.41, ll.S'J p. 111-
Kor L. V. It. It. Polnts-0.33, 0.38 a. m.j 2.1S,
4 27 and ll.S" p. 111.
for 1'eniuyhuitla It. It. points 0.33, 0.33 a.
111.: 1.12, S-ii and 4.27 p. m.
ror Aibaoy and all (olnts ncrth 0.20 in.
and .3J I'-
Per Cailiondale b.GO, U.II3 a. tn.j 2.34, 3.U,
C.D2 and 1147 p. 111.
l"or Wllkea-llJue 0.33 a. m.j 12.W, 1.83, 3.23,
0.32 and 9.17 p. in.
1'or Albany uud points north 3.02 p. m.
I'or iloiwulale 8.B0 a. m. and 3.SJ p. ru.
W. L. 1'UYOlt, I). V. A.. Serauton, Pa.
t sv
--j-' " - - - - --- - - .. . isllllllll 1 . ". . . . . . . ... . . .. - r-- afgi
--- -1 .Li-