-1 i. i i i TH1J SCUA1STON TRIBUNE-iUOiNDAV, APKIL 21, 1902 t . -v - j p v t v v -" 1 1 r BIJE CRANDALL OP RED ROCK HIS SCHEME FOR. RECOVERING BODIES OF THE DROWNED. "A Lctif o Bread Flung Upon the Waters," Said He, "Will Float to Where a Body Is Lylnu" Big Footed Heptlles The Man Who Wanted PlcnBtmt Bending Matter. Hl3 Biibo Voice Returned. e"pcclal to Hit Scranton Tribune. rVusruichnnnti, April 20. "Ileiirrt oC tho StiH.jtioimnim river, 1 reckon?" ho queried, iib ho combed his lonir yellow wlitskei-H with his llnserH and nulled down his vest, "Yes." "Probably never heard of HIJc rrnn dull? lilju liven near lied Hoek, ami lie's plaen boiled down. When the hist Hood conn.' ho cnnio to (lieat Head and paid n boat had ttpsot above his Iiouhc nnd drowned two men. He wanted us to ro up nnd help draw rur the bodlcp. "Wo was wlllln'. or course, and Hlje pro posed we try it plan he said worked In dozen of ciihrh. I I'm an ole belief, with home rolks, you know, that It' a loaf of bread, "Ih. IJijns on the water 'I'll lloat to'whhr a dead body "is lylnp; and then stop, Wo reckoned to try It, and every niiin chipped' In and wo took up twenty loaves. "Illje bossed the job," continued the man with the yellow whiskers, "and wo Kot out two bouts, put bread In 'cm and In u little while kcei-full dropped the lQ,ive.s ovcibonnl. Sonic of 'cm went h'u'nipliiR iilonir at the rale of six nillen ;in hour, while others s-ort o' circled iifound and went otf slowly. Wc used U) all th" bread, and liije was takin' lip n Collection to ro to HuHquoluinnn to buy more, when a feller come up In ii canoe and called out: " 'What ur' you lunatics dolntr over thnrV ' 'A rlsln' the dead,' I answered. " 'Oh, yo are!' he continued. 'Well, when I I'omo around the bend old Bljc's wife was out In a boat a-plckln' up the loaves, nnd I reckon she's koI twenty five. You fellers had better send down some pork and titters to keep company.' "Well, sir, that 'ar was a put up Job on us by the galoot of n Ulje to Bit a heap o bread without workinp fur It, nnd when wo took hint ashore to ad minister a Rrent moral lesson, what did he do but turn to and outrun the best of us and got clear off!" IX SrSQUKHANNA COUNTY. The work of locating a chamois skin manufactory at Brandt has commenced. Tho seventeenth annual convention of the Susquehanna County Sunday School association will be held at Dnlondalc, May 6-7. Prospecting for natural riis will soon begin at Salt Springs, near Franklin Fork's." , The second annual summer normal of tho Susquehanna County Sunday School association will be held at Heart lake, June '13-'dS. Able instructors will bo furnished by the state association. Tho members of tho Orent Bend Mothodis't lOplscopal church have been hustling to secure pledges for the ad ditional $1G0 to the p'astor's salary. In order to have the Rev, S. Guy Snow den returned to the church the coming year. WHAT HE FEAIiED, "You aio charged with bigamy," re marked tho Susquehanna, county judge impressively, while the prisoner glanced over his shoulder at three stern-visaged women. "Now'," continued tho court, "I intend .to give you the severest pen alty the law allows." Here tho piln oner covered his face with his hands and wept. "I shall sentence you to Im prisonment for twenty years. What are you 'grinning nt?" 'T thought," smiled the prisoner, through his tears, "that yoiuworo going to turn mo loose!" lilC -FOOTED RKPTILES. A big discovery of fossil footprints was recently made near Stevens' Point, in a bluestono quarry. In a clear sur face of shale are seen about forty tiacks. Nearly all of them are in rows, tho largest one containing sixteen tracks.- The tracks aro from six to eight Inches In length, and were probably liiudo by a icptllo that, If It had front feet, seldom used them. This Is, with out doubt, the largest uncovering of tracks within ten years. HE WANTED PLEASANT READING MATTER. v.A .Susquehanna county representative nt Hanisburg last spring leeelved ti letter from a constituent as) follows: "Please send mo some of the volume containing memorial addresses for dead iwinbftrs of the legislature, Thero Is nothing I read wit It so much pleasure as obituaries of members of the legis lature." NEWS MATTERS. About 1,100 men are now employed In and about the Eric shops. At county court, on Friday, James Sheridan, of Susquehanna, charged with a serious crime, wns acquitted. The' Untondnla Trotting association Is piepaiing to build a track. At county court, on Wednesday, Frank and Tony Dunn, father and son, charged with stubbing and shooting James Laughlln In Susquehanna, were convicted. They will be sentpuced later on, Tho late Erie engineer, Michael King, curried life Insurance to the amount of ss.tioo; In tho' matter of the governorship, trading Susquehanna county Republi cans, like Ilre'r'Fox, "he lay low," Tho Erie Is carrying ;i great number of Immigrants westward. Rev. II. U. Benedict, puhlor of the M,ontrose church, Is likely to be presid ing elder of tho ningliuniton dlstilct of the Wyoming conference, LESS RICK THROWING. It Is reported that the Erie will soon declaro war on the festive young people who 'persist In throwing rice on the' depaitlng bride nnd bridegroom. At Hnncouk a traveling man slipped on the rice thrown on tho platform, fell and broke a leg, and the company may be If You Could Look into the future and see the rnntlfttnn to which our cough, If neglected, will bring you, you would beek relief nt oucc aucl that naturally would be through. Shiloh's Consumption 4 14mr. Guaranteed to cure Con. vlll C fcumpttoii, Bronchitis, ' Autumn, aud all J,uhb Troubles, Cure) Coughs aud Colds in a day, 5 cents. Write to ti. C. Wells & Co.. I,e Roy, N. Y., for free trial bottle. Karl's Clover Root Tea purillei tie Blood Called on to settle, hence thero Ib npt to no nn order that it is no longer per missible to throw rice on their plat forms or In their cars. HIS BASE VOICE RETURNED. l.ulpli Credit, of MrClune, aged sixty, once tin excellent bass singer, who lost his voice eighteen years ngo, recovered It very unexpectedly last Sunday. He had been having trouble with his throat and dining' a violent ill of coughing an old tooth came up, Instantly restor ing his voice. LITTLE I.OCALETTES. Christ Episcopal church will make a strenuous effort to wipe out the church debt, of about $11,000. Half of this amount Is said to bo prnctlcaly In sight. Tho Delaware Hudson truckmen have hnd their wages inlsed live cents per day, The draughting department of tho Erie shops has cxodttstcd to Mendvlllo. Rev. C. C. Mackay, pastor of tho Oak Jttiul Congregatlonnl church will prob ably deliver the memorial day address In Susquehanna. Two aged Slarriiccn fishermen are earning $2 per day and "expenses" catching tiout for Cnrbondnlo "fisher men," The divorce mill Is grinding slowly In Susquehanna, county's court. The world Is glowing better. Susquehanna, Montrose, Forest City, MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE. Old woman, old woman, shall wo go a-shearlng? Speak a little louder, sir, I'm very thick o-hearlng. Old woman, old woman, shall 1 kiss you dearly? Thank you, kind sir, I hear very clearly Find the old woman's son and a cow. Solutions for Last Week's Puzzles: Muinl.iy, Apiil 11. One is licnc.illi tlic Indian's upr.il-cd aim; Hie other implied in branches of the tlco. Tuesday, April ". Imcrl pic-tutu mill find dog above lie.ul of ni.ni with bundle; l is faces the Dame; rabbit .il front of her skill, Wednesday, April 1(1. One og.iin-i the lop of wall; oilier imeiti'd In.fiont of lad.v's fjie. llallstead and Great Bend will soon be connected by telephone. WEATHER FORCAST, From May !i to May 10 will bo what we astrologers call the windy period. During this time cyclones, hurricanes, gales, debating schools and commence ment exercises, and other atmospheric disturbances may bo expected at any hour. During this period it will be Judicious for people living in Fnrvlew, Forest City, Montrose, nnd other sec tions of the wind belt, to chain down their hens and their cows. It would also bo well for persons, upon retiring ut night to nail down the bed, which will greatly lessen the chances of Its being blown through the window or tho roof. During this time It would also be wise for people everywhere to highly refrain as much ns possible, from be lieving everything they see In the news papers. Stories of cisterns being pulled out of tho ground at Burnwood, without disturbing the water; of people at Her lick having their front names blown off; of home made buckwheat cakes being picked up and carried several feet; of money Intended for the poor be ing blown fiom the hands of Plerpont Morgan and Russell Sage; of dyspeptics being blown Into the next county with out losing their temper or any of their personal effects, aro apt to be more or less exaggerated. Women nre often not as bad as they are painted; and cyclones are often not as windy as they are blown up to be. Whitney. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Sciantou Trlhune. Tunkhnnnock, April 19. The Monday club will meet nt the homo of Miss Helen Northiope, on Susquehanna ave nue, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Woods, of Muncy, Pa former pastor of tho Baptist church at this place, visited friends In town on Fri day. Attorney O, Smith Khmer was doing business at Nicholson and Scranton on Friday and Saturday. Tho J. W. Reynolds Relief corps will give a 15c supper at tho Grand Army hall on Tuesday evening, "April 22, to which all nro Invited. Dr, and Mrs. A. II. Woodward, of Second street, nro entertaining tho lat ter's sisters, Mrs, Laura Richmond, of Bridgeport, Conn., and Mrs. Frank Packer, of Hasdcton, this week. The seventh annual convention of tho Wyoming County Sunday School usso clatlon will bu held at the court house on Thursday and Friday, May 1 and 2. Emit school la Invited to send two delegates. Rev, H. Weiss, who hns been visiting friends nt Lnko Wlnola for soverul days, returned home the latter part of tho week. ORPHANS' COURT. X'pon petition, Mary Kolenskl, of Tunkhannock borough, was appointed gunrdlnn of the minor children of An thony Supuga, deceased. Estate of Emma J. Htnrk, deceased! return of sale of real estate died mid confirmed nisi. Xn sale of real estate of Edward H. Cogswell, a lunatic; return of sale filed nnd conllrmed nisi. Estate of Chester Drown, deceased; rule for partition of real estate of de cedent filed. Estuto of Barnard McClee, Jutg of ileshoppen; return of sale of real es l, Nj filed and confirmed nisi.. ( lnte of Mary E. Kceler, late of Northmorelnnd, deceased! relurn of Bale of real estate filed and confirmed nisi. Widow's claim In estate of James nullford. lato of Eaton township, ap proved by court. Estate of Jesse White, deceased! pe tition for sate of real estate of de cedent for payment of Indebtedness, granted. Estate of Benjamin Pedtick, de ceased; petition for pale of real estate of decedent granted. Tho following papers were confirmed ulsl: Final account of J. F. Hitchcock, executor of Botsy Strong, deceased. First pnrtlnl ncrntint of Lewis A. Arnts, guardian of minor child of George W. Evnns, deceased. v Account nf David W. Klntncr and Jacob II. Klntncr, executors of Thomas Klntncr, deceased. Final account of Francis F. Rogers, administrator of Laura Rogers, de ceased. Third partial account of James Fitch and Myron Kusson, executors nnd trustees of O. II. Loomls, deceased. Auditor's report In estate .of La vernc Cogswell, deceased, tiled and confirmed nisi. Estate of Jnmes Ellis, late of Lemon township, deceased; auditors report filed and conflrmned nisi. Final account Chnrlcs Armstrong, Tlnn-d.iy, Apiil 17. One at led of wooden leg, and other uudir lleccknun'o ,11111. 1'iid.iy, Apiil IS,- futliei's fuichc.nl ng.lin.t stone wall; ninthi'l's face in glilV, Imlr. Satuidi.v, April IP.H11 Kiev's face fotnu the ledge on which the otlicer ,-its. Culpepcr is luck of the Mjldicr at attention. administrator of Fred J. Allen, de ceased, as stated by executors of Charles Armstrong, 'deceased. Estate of George Van Duzer, de ceased; auditor's report llled and con llrmed nisi. Auditor's report in estate of Fred M. Cogswell, deceased, llled and conllrmed nisi. v HALLSTEAD. Spfii.il to the Siianlon Tilhune. llallstead, April 19. John Maynnrd has been granted a pension, after 43 years' service with the D., L. A& XV. railroad. Henry T. Biiehard, editor of the Sus quehanna Transcript, and a candidate for representative, was in town Thurs day. George Felker, of Montrose, was In town on business on Wednesday. D. A. Tltsworth, Insurance agent of Montrose, visited here on Wednesday. C E. SwartH, engineer, has been transferred from Scranton to Hall stead. Miss Nelllo O'Malley, or Blnghamton, visited her parents here the first of the week. Mrs. Peter Allen nnd sister visited In Blnghamton Wednesday. Mrs, James Flsk is on the sick list. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. If. Van Loan have returned from a visit with friends In Blnghamton, Mrs. R. A. Hill, of BIiiKhamton, Is visiting In town. Frank Cronk Is seriously 111 at tho home of Dr, Merrill. Sheriff XV. J. Mnxey, of Montrose, was In town Thursday. Rev. J. D. Mallory, of Now Mllford, will address tho family moetlnc nt the R. R, Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon. George Lamb Is confined to his homo by sickness. A fine new monument has recently been placed In tho cemetery on tho lot owned by Rev. L. XV. Church. Georgo Corwlu left Friday for Now York, where ho will meet his brother Frank, who Is coming on a visit from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Ross were recent visitors In Blnghamton. George Hodge, of Michigan, has charge of W. J. Day's meat market In his place, Fred Day being obliged to attend to tho markot on tho Great Bend side, while his father is recovering from Ills recent accident. Mrs. Benjamin La wi euro visited friends In Blnghamton Wednesday. George Lerchensteln, the popular Jeweler from Syracuse, Is in town. The Y. r. S. C, VS. will hold a soelul In Y, M C. A. hall Tuesday ovenliu,-, April 22. Jco creuni and vuko will be served, The marriage of Miss Helen L. Trow bridge, daughter of p. o, Trowbridge, of Great Bend, and Mr. Francis O. Stone, of Curvensvllle, Pa., was sol! emnlzed at Grace Episcopal church at noon Wednesday, April 10. Mr, nnd Mrs. Stone took train No. 2 on tho Erie railroad to New York, where they will spend their honeymoon, Miss Nellie Reckhow has accepted a position ns stenographer In Bingham ton, N, Y, The Kiilahts of Columbus will glyo ti danco n Klstlers' hall Monday even ing. April 21. T. Mornn, of New Haven, formerly of this place, la visiting friends In town, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bearmen, and son, Paul, of Montrose, are visiting ut the homo of Edward O'Mulley. Mr. and Mrs B. J. Lawrence and Mrs. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than four Lines, ,1 Cents for Each Extra Lin;. For Kent. I'i'ltNISIICD lione for rent for summer; stable; liutKiln. Inquire S.'.'U Drinker atriet, Dim- 1011 lir:S'T In D.illon, ft furnUheil cnltmn' "J nine romni, near slatlnnt line location; uonil water; houiu ne.nlv row mul oil In good ili.iic. AiMics Lock llo 07, D.iltou, J'. I'OIl lli:NT-l'.ln!it nml Iwche-room Iioikm. (Irccti lllilffe, steam l-rit; ciy reasonable. Ilolyi'i. l'OIt HKNT-Nmnll furnUheil liouae for rent. In quire ut tea Vine Mreet. fcTODI! roll 11i:.T 022 Wrt 1-uUwaiiim ave nue. Inquire Philip Sclinclt, 020 West I.acW wanna aicnue. ItAflN' POIt IIKXT (12, April lt, three tot and three flnglc kIiiIIh ami uli lark, rear ol 121 Madison ayeniu. Inquire at 0.11 M.ulln c. POIt nKNT-ilnTe'Tulldlnp; (or lent In Hlcfc"n City. I'i. lIulMliur M feet liv 21 feet, eel W under all, and second utorv can bo arranged lor family. All In Rood repair leady tor u-e. rvo coal 1iic.il.eni and mines clov hy ciniiloyinR met a thousand people. An enterpriilua inereli in. ran get a laree trade. Apply to William ll. Itlchmond, ltlchmond Illlt, 0125 N. Main avenue, Fcianlon, P.i, Furnished Booms. Toil ltKXT One furnished room, with Improve.; ments; also one on thlid Door, cheap, C2, Adams nvemic. FUnS'lSIlUD KOOM9 for rent, modern fmprje ments; private family; Kcnllcuicn piefcind, t 6.17 Adanu avenue. POIt IfEXT Furnished Ironl room, with beat, bath and itas; near lourt homo; gentleman preierreu. Address noom, uo-c -jot. I"On ItllNT FurnMieil loom; heat and bath. V-V (JIHUI-JI fclliL',. rLilNISfini) IIOOMS Ton ItnNT. with beat, raj and bath, gentlemen preferred, at MS Adanu venue. For Sale. Iti:i) AMIi:s for walks and dihowajs (delltcicd), US Cliff street. t'.Si; CANADA wood ahes lor join ltwn, al-o for to-ie bu-hes, uud other ohrubbciy. :1S CHIT ftieel. (iOOI) old manure (ilelixcu-d). IS CllfT (.treet. l!U(iS for felling fiom fancy stoik white and blown lelieiu; ,i! loc fomb IckIiokis, wliilu mid hailed l'l.viiiuulli loK, blad. nil uoiias mid bull ruchliv. lis C'lllt tiect. LAW.V llls.u (tho best; odoiiew. 113 Clitt htieecl. WIIITi: Holland Tiukcy pjk-. aUo peail suinea eitKs. Unlet s booked fur later deliu'iy. HS fllffhtiect. .11 VI' AliniVKl). two car load of liorse, rood woikeiK and ililteis, weight from 1,IXXI to l.MM: M'leial i lonely niatdied teams! can lie teen at 2JI Ita.Mnond court. K. 1, Cobb. 1'OH fiAl.i: Cheap, one new 12 II. P. fiis or (iu-olnue engine. II. II. l'illii, Uuiondale, l'a. CA11IT.TS .10,(1(10 auls Hiu-rl. Ingrain;. Vel vets, al-o Mattines. Oil Cloth: 10,000 pieces linen i-hccK table elotli, blankets, eounler panes, napkins. etc.. Iron bed-.. (piiiiRS luittie.s'-es, (bail-. jliout fclv carloads at public auction. Sile begins Tuesday at 10 a. in. and 2 ami 7 p. in,, at 2.i0 l.ackavvanna aemie, net Siiantnii Mieit Itallroad nailing lnpiu, opprnile IViin avtuiue. Cuimninga & Uio., Auc tioneeM. 1'OH S.U.i: A beaullful diamond ling, one c.uat. Will .sell for 543. Addict 1'. O. llos W, City. IIOBii: 1'OU HAI.i: Hav Jioi-e 7 jcais old, 15-2 bands liUth, weighs 1,000 pounds; ounil, kind and tiue: eti.i well city broken; doe not fcliv or pull. Teifect cniifniination, Miy stvlo-b; piicc 130. Your money hoik if not as icpie-i-enled. I n. i'attciion, M. f.. Houesdale, l'a. KCifiS for hitching, HiilT Leghorns c.clusivelv. IJnescelled in (.Ire and color, 7"'. per I'f. G. A. (iaidner, H2.1 l'enn avenue, Sviauton, P.i. I'OK SAM: Hand i-IIU oublerj. New. Bamfonl llios., I'ateieon, X. .1. J. II. Van Loan were In Blnglmniton Frlilny on business. Hulus Siuilli, oC Blngliatnton, was In town Friday. Mrs. V. C.corso llrlnk anil JUss Dora Stephens, ot Marallinn, called at the residence of Mrs. 13. C. Head, Friday. U. S. Gnloway and William Williams, of Great Bend, are In Waverly. C. W. Banks has returned from a bus iness trip of ten days at Philadelphia. WIMMERS. Special to the Scranton Tribune. AViinmers, April 20, A very pleasing phonographic entertainment was given at the Drinker school house on the eve of April 14, hy William J. Emery. The sum realized was $4.40, and wns used to procure n school library. After the entertainment the. party repaired to the house of Mrs. William Masters and had it box party. They were entertained with vocal and Instrumental music. Among1 the pianists tho postmistress at Drinker, Miss Jessie Illney, wns consid ered by all as the most distinguished. The sum realized was $13."i, which wns used for tho benefit of the Women's Christian Temperance union. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benjamin are housekeeping on Sirs. James Gavin's farm In Drinker. Thursday, April 17, being the last day of school at Drinker, the members of tho Grand Army from two different posts visited tho school house and gave tho scholars some good ndvlce nnd made a number of patriotic speeches. The speech made by Colonel Vaughn, of Moscow, wns very much admired. Miss Burns wns well liked us n tencher, and wotked with grent zeal to Instruct tho young children. Loroy Foley has returned to the Stnte Normal school at Blnonisburs, after it short visit with his parents nnd friends. Two dirt trains are running from Snco' to Hock Junction, They stop off at Wlmmers, Mrs. Boyer nnd daughter, ailss alary, have returned to Wlmmers, after spend ing tho winter at Duninore, Dr. Fiko reports that Mr. and airs. Robert Kelm, of Gary's corners, huvo been stricken with smallpox. NEW MILFORD. Special to the .Scranton 'irihtinc, New Mllford, April 10, F, a. Inder Jlecl and daughter Florence, and ailss Wlnnlo Inderlled, of Blnghamton, air. and Mrs. h. B. Oage, George Kggert and Miss Nlnn Tnft attended a aiusonlo baiuiuet at Great Bend, Friday even ing. The XV, C. T. IT, ladles will conduct a reception at the -Methodist church next Thuisduy evening for the benefit of new members, aiis, D. Van Btiskliic entertained air. and aiis, A. II. Crosier, of Thompson, Friday. Miss ainy Bradloy will entertain the XV. uud O. club Monday evening. A number .of people from out of town wcio here Wednesday evening to at tend u spelcal masonic meeting. TJio drama entitled "Border Laud," which was presented by the New ail fonl Dramatic club to a large audience at tho Opera house, Filduy evening was SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. BKAN0II WANT 0FFI0KS. Want AdvortlBoments Will Bo Received nt Any oJ tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALDKRT SCIItlt.TX. corner Mulberry tret nd Webiter ivenue. atlSTAV PICllUb, CIO Adams avenue. West Side OnOIlfin U JT.SKIXS, lol South Mla avenue. South Scranton FItl.'D 1,. TUItPPi:, 729 Cedar itcnue. 1 North Scranton OHO. W. DAVIS, corner Noitu Main (venue and Market street. Green Ridge CAUt.i:3 V. JONKS, 1M7 Dickson avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 020 Green nidge stieet. C. LORHNZ. comer Washington ate nuo and Marion etreet. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFETj. 1017 Irvlnj avtnue. Duuniore 3. a. CONG h SOS. Real Estate. 1011 hAf.i: A iloslulilc and well impimed faun, situated two mile fiom llnnesdale eontalniiu S(l or more ucie. Oood liullihnss well watered, a never falling piirlie,', ouh.iid aud wood lot, siipar liu-Ii and nut riovc, Mk. Jercmiali (!ar rctt, llone.sd.ile, l'u. l'OIt SM.i: L'ottiiRc situated mi point at Like Winola; also be hotije and bun; irooil sled lot. Apply lo 11. S. ltobinson, 122 Oak itu-el, Hy. l'OIt RAf.i: 1'ami 1'J(J jcic; nlocK, uood orclnid; bulldlna; in Rood unler; nine mllei from Kcran Ion, two inllej frcin Moscow-, rami alone, or faun and slock. M.uy Jcukiiv, Maple f.ake, Lack avvann.i tountr, Pa. 1'OU SAM-: I'.legunt -llei for homes in upper (been JUdgc; thoiie neighborhood; mrjt de sirable locality for bom? Ill Lackawanna county. .1. A. Manlne, lT.fil Sindeison avenue. I'AItM l'OIt SAM: Ji unes, 7 miles- fmm Seian tnu; al--o 80 atict pistuie land for ale or lent; all located near i:imhurt. F. II. flardncr, Moscow-, l'a. FARM l'OIt SAM: Sixty-two oue, one mile from f.ako Ariel; twelve acres of timber, leit impuived; excellent sprins water on lot; faun rltuatcd ou load. Vor iartlcul.ii address Will iam Trcidar, Aiiel, Pa. Business Opportunity. AX i:.Vti:PTIOXAT. liiislnes-i cppoitunily i open to a leliable man of ohaiacler to invest $t,W0 to S.1,600 in u stiictlv lefritiniale aud cvceedinsrly pioiltable businet.4. Personal interview onl.v. Ad dicss "Character," Tiihmic oftlcc. CAUPinS ."10,000 jaiil-i lltussels, lnitiaia-., Vel vets, al-o MattiiiK. Oil Cloth: 10,000 pieces linen hlieel, libic cloths, blanket-', ccuutci panci, napkins, etc., lion beds, sprlnss nutliepes, lulls. nbout sW culoads at public auction. Mlc begins luesday nt 10 .i. in. aud U and 7-p. in., at 2J0 Lackawanna, .ivenue, net Sciantru Stieet ll.illio.nl w-jltinir loom, oiiposite Penn avenue. Cuniminss & Uio., Auc tioneers. STOCK AND WIIUAT TRADI'.RS without delay. Write for our special market letter. Tree on application. S. M. lllbbard & Co., members X. Y. Consolidated and Stock SschaiiRe, 41 and 10 Broadway, New York, lilablislicd 1S04. Long Distance' Phone 2.1SS Broad. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT Ol' MOSHY TO LOAN Quick, straight loans or Duildin; and Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Cull on N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell building. Wanted To Rent. WA.NTKl) ROOMS I'or two adults, three or four lui.nis, furnished or unfurnished for very light housekeeping, (list floor pretoircd. Addre.H M. B., Tribune office. WANTED furnished house or four or five room for housekeeping. Address A. C. L'., Tribune office. repeated Saturday evening at the popu lar price of 15 cents. There were no services In the aietho dist church, Sunday on account of the absence of the pastor, Rev. Charles Smith, who is attending conference. The graduating class of the Xew Mll ford high school have decided that dark blue and whlto shall be their class colois. Rev. I. D, aiallery gave nn address at the Y. ar, C. A. at llallstead. Sunday nfternoon and J. V. Axtell conducted the services nt tho South Xew aillford church during his absence. GETTING BOARD IN BOSTON. Tho Applicant Must Pass a Most Rigid Examination. 1'ioin the Boston lleiald. Until one has tried It, the dllllcultles nf obtaining a boat ding place in some of the very beautiful, but conservative, suburbs of Boston nre not realized. You can pass a civil service examination or obtnln a life Insurance policy more eas ily, A young Roston newspaper man who had decided to exchange tho ex citements of the city for tho quiet sim plicity of the country, sullied forth bravely ono day recently, but returned to town wondering If ho looked like a second-story burglar or a sneak thiol", owing to the rigid cross-questioning ho had leeelved from sundry timid house hnldcis, When ho started out ho was well armed with lel'erenees of tho most ex cellent character, but when ho returned ho found that he had been compelled to tell tho entlio story of his life, and oven the matter had not been settled, Ono gray-bearded gentleman, living hi n beautiful old-fashioned house not far from Roxbury, proved to he die prize Inquisitor of tho lot. llo placed tho ap plicant on the rack for an hour nnd a half, llrlng questions at him with aiax-liu-gun tapldlty. When tho late l.l Hung Chang wns u thla country he was noted fop tho strangely personal questions ho asked all the peop'lo he met, The aged Roxbury gentleman was ablo to beat Enrl Il at Ida own game, He started out with queries ns to the applicant's buslnebs, his age, his family, tho time he had lived In Uos. ton and whether ho was likely to bo out nights. The old gentleman wanted to know If the applicant had any friends, and, If so, who they were, T)io question, however, which appeared to be the most vital, was on the matter or being out nights. The applicant dually, with tears In his eyes, con fessed that It was quite likely that somo nights he would bo out until mid night or later, at woik. '"W-n-l-i," drawled the aged Itoxbury resident, at the conclusion of this p'rotractcd In terview. "I guess if you can't get In by 9 o'clock fit the latest you can't come here." DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents (MoMThn Pour Linus, Cents for UaehBxtra Ltm, Help Wanted Mais. A.NTLD llxperlencrd giorery Mlesnnm iom minding trade In Scranton ami iclnltv. All tonunimlcallon.i treated n alrlellv eontldentlJl. AddrcM "tt'holea!c flrocrr," Trlhune office. WANTI'.D t'.ipilile men having , h nt experience n traveling salesmen, tciichctn or lnerilunt'l Uncial contract! Mliry or Loinmhuloti. Aililicti Supciliilcndciit. Hot 2aU, Sjriaiiton, l'a. WAN'TCD Palnteisi only good men need apply. Call at Charlei Wagncr'e, "31 Adaiiu avenue. WANTi:i)-ltlntcr. Apply at Connell tlulldlng to W. II. Hall, UANTCD Immediately, n live repieicnlatlve lo ell I'liptulti Bryant'- (blind Aiuerleili Re edy In CaibomUlo nnd trinity. Addles or call K. iv. Bryant, oil rear Monroe avenue. i:.vi:itfiini(3 .ii:n to .solicit havi.vus ac COUNTS. NAbAlllKIl POSITIONS 'HI TUP, 1110IIT P.MITIKM. T1TMJ C1UAUANTV AND TIIUST COMPANY. VANTI:D-A ilrst class man to take c-are ol local agency for eay selling stock. The right man can make fiom $S) to 130 a week. Write nt once lo Investor, Tribune office. ANTKD Two experienced stenographers; ap ply to International Salt Co., Connell build ing, Scranton, Pa. Help Wantod Female. WANTI1D A lady stenographer, seveial jeais ex perlcnec, delre position with meicaiitlle hoiiie. Stale salary and particulars. II. W., Tiibune. I.ADY CANVARSr.Tl wanted to solicit aubwrip tions tor The Tribune; good commission of. feied with a fair guarantee for flrst-claw worker. Apply personally at Buolnesa Manager's office, Scranton Trlhui.e. Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED LIPE OP T. DEWlW TALMACJ12, by bis Son, IlKV. KIIANK DIIWITT TALMAdi: and associate fdltms of CluUtlan lleiald. Only book endorsed by Talmagc family. I'.nonnous piolit fur ugeiiti who act inilckly. Outfit ten centi. Write immedl.iti'ly CLAkK & Cj 212 s, 4tll Si, P.ilm., Pa. Mtntion IhN Paper. AOKNTS WANTIID Salaiy oi- toiniiiLuioii. Ad dress Coiniuisoion, Tribune office. CKNTI.lkMKN' nnd lady agents wauled, honor able and pleasant woik; .U 00 to W.IXJ ier day. W. J. Brewster, .".05 Linden tlrcet, Scran ton, Pa. Situations Wanted. SITLMTIO.V VANTi:i)-A man would like to get woik kpadlug gardens, giading or taking care of lawns. 1111 Lloyd street, lop lloor. IVANTKD At once, posit inn as bookkeeper, by joung nun of !91; best lefereiues; um willing lo begin at leaionable talaiy. Addles- T. 11. (.., Tiibune oftlcc. WANTKD Position as bookkeeper and typevvilter, experienced. Address Peiuuneiit Position, raic of Tribune ofllce. .SITUATION ANTi:i) A lady stcnogi.ipher, sev eial jeais' epeiicnce, deslies positlnu witli mercantile hoii'e; Mate i-alary and paiticulaw. Ik W. Tribune. YOL'Nfl MAN" desires woik evening at ftenog raphy, bookl'.eeeping or clerical woik. II. C, caie of Tiibune. SlTI'ATinX WANTPIJ-Ily .1 widow, would like washing and house cleaning bv the day. Mh. Miller, 7PJ F Illicit court. Auction. CARP1T.S 10,000 jauh Buissels, lniaiiW, Vol-et-, nho Mailings. Oil Cloth; 10,000 pleie-. If licit bliccli. ti.Iilc clotli.', blankets, counter panes, napkin--, etc., hou bods, spiiugs, uiatticssei:, cbail, about hix carloaiU ut imblic auction. Sale begins Tuesday at 10 a. In. and 'J mid 7 p. 111., at 210 Lackawanna avenue, ncl Scranton Stieet lliilroul walling loom, opposite Pom avenue. CuminlugB k Bio., Auctioned.-. Boarders Wanted. PBlVATi: I'AMILY vvUhei lo have two nice men to board, Gennan or L'nslUh. Call any tim. after Thursday. All conveniences, S07 Harrison avenue. .. Wanted Rooms and Board. WANTED Two communicating 100ms with board, private family preferred. Two ladlci and a gentleman. State full paiticulars. Address C. II. D., Tribune office. Lost. LOST Pair e.veglai-scs on Dickson avenue, (ireon Itldge. Jteward If icturned to Principal No. 27 school, - LOST White bulldog, tall and cars clipped, leather cnll.ir. p. .1. Itcedy, 4-M Picsc-ott avenue. Jtcvvatd. LOST A gold bar pin i-et with one turrpinl-e, Thursday nfternoon, between 100 block Wash ington avenue and 000 Monioe, Suitable revvatd If letuincd to M7 Momoc .nciiui'. LOST Steel beaded purse containing mnall sum of money, on f.ackavvaiuu avenue, near Wj. omliig, I'lnder please loturn purso to Tribune olllce and keep contents. LOST 2.'i, between Peck Lumber Co., L'ast Mar ket eticet and rre.sb)tcilau rhuii-h. Hcwaid If retutneil to office of Peck Lumber Co. Estrayed. KSTll.WKIl A daik red I1M1 setter, fern do, ia at the Kilo freight house, Washington nvemie, Scranton, Pa, Owner can huvo the dog by call ing and paying damages, (levrgo Turner. LEGAL. NOTIC'i: U lieuby given that A. It, fiould & Mis, peuoi.ss having .1 lien, under the laws of I'iiiuslvaiila, upon good.-, waies ami iner iiaiidle of the Peer Puik lliewiiu; Company, (onsUtlng of one tu-n-lior-o delivery wagon, 011 ai count, of stoiago and lihor bestovvril oil such goodu, the ovMicu having fallnl, itegleitcd and ie-fn.-A.-il to pay the amount of Midi ih.ngfs upon said piopeity within sixty ilajd alter ilemind thi'liof made peisoiully, will expose tho said twn.ioro ileliveiy wagon to sale, ur public tuc. linn, at fiould'b Cairlage Works, No, 115-121 Linden sliect, lily ot Scraulon, Lackawanna 1 utility, I'cmis.vlvuiita, mi tho lllli day of May, A. l. ltw.', at. 10 oMutk a. 111., and sell tbe Kiiiui or so miieh theieof us shall bo sufllelent 111 discharge sihl lieu together with co-u of bile and advertising. ,, It. OOUI.Il & SONS. IVILLAltl), '.MtHi:." & KNAIi', Solliltor NOTK'i: U hereby given that ut .1 meeting of Ihe shaichohleia or meiiibcra of tho Liikavv.tiuu Store Association, Limited, held ut lis ofitcc In tho City of Scranton, IVntujIvjnU, 011 the 11th day of April, 1U02, It wai rrovcd that the said association bo dissolved by voluntaiy action of its mriubeis, aud at the same meeting the under, signed wcie appointed I.imiidatiiig Tlutce tu wind up the couceiii .ancT dUtrlbttto the insets thereof umoiig the intmbeu in uccoidaucc with Ihe provUIons of an Act of the fieueral A,. mnby ol the Commonwealth of Peimsvlvauia, cutttled, "An AH aulboilzlng the formillon of partuciahlp Uss-ociJlioini hi wlilih the uplt.il subscilbed shall alone be responsible) for Ihe ileitis of the association, osce'pt under icrtaiti ill. cumtaiirii," up)iinvnl the seroml day of June A, I), lb"!, and the supplcmeuti therrto. All persons aie theiefora notified that said association is in liquidation uud (lUolved, e cept so far as is ncccssjiy to keep it ulivu uf the beneficial wludiug up thereof, aud evciy one In. debtid to said association Is hrubv- iiotlfi.d 10 pay suili imlebtediieas without delay to the uu Ucniiiiui! at Ibelr office, corner Jcllcrson and I.licliavvamu avtuues, Scranton, Pa., mid all per sons having claims against rjld usscc iathui w piesent tlu'in lei us fo- pajtiuul at the said of. lice, (Signed) K. l IIATKIIILI), J AMIS S. MO IT. IIAHOI.I) b. I'AlltCIIILl). I.bmldatlng 'Trihte.' Scianton, l'a., Apiil U, lWi. FmsT LKutstiATivn iTiCTmcrr-Treinjiicwr. by given to tho Hepubllcan Voter of th Klrst lA-gMitlvc UtatrUt.ytbat ;a"rliirystM tlon will be held on -8 iturday,Aprir5w 1SW, Jge twetn the hours of four and Mvn pi; m irjHi pdrpofte ot nominating a csndldttrrjor "imimtf islature to represent , the dUtrict and, to flecMwo delegate to the Ilepubllcan Slate Cpnvetttldtf to lies held at llarrlbnrg Juno If,' iDOJ, ' The convention lo compute tho vote will b held nn Tuesday, April 20, at -10 o'clock In Co opera tlv a II a 11. ):,ieh (andldata must regllter, with Ilia district chairman, his full nm; aud postollleo nddres.s, nnd pay lilit iaeimcnt fltteeh iliys hcfoic the election, or his name will not bo placed on tho olflclal ballot, Tli, district vigilance rommlttrcjn the varl otis predlnct,4wlll conduct tho election, :ml Ilia reult will be reported bv tlic return Judge to the district conventicn, which will be compelled of the return Judges. A written notice remain ing their Instructions will be mailed to Ihe.m'nl bcrs of the arlous district vigilance i-ommlttcos, OI'.O. W. JIINKINS, Chairman. Attest Vt', SIMPSON', Secretary. second i,i:nisi,'.VTtvi: DisTitirrr-Xotlce ,u hereby given to the Ilepubllcan otcrj of the Second Legislative district that n primary elecllon will be held on Saturday, April Id, 1002, between the hours ol four and seven o'clock p, 111., for the purpoo of electing two delegates to leprcsent said legislative district In the coming ltepubllcan state convention to bc'hclel'In Har rison rg on June 11, 1IKW, and to nominal a candidate tor the legislature, "' ' The convention to compute the, vote will bo held on Tursdiy, April in, 1002, al'Jl" o'clock p. m., In the rooms of the Cental Ilepubllcan ilub in Scranton. ' ' In accordance wllb.1 the mlea, governing JI1I1 district the candidates will be Vdtcd for directly by the voters at tho polls. Each candidate mast register with tho district chairman hla full nam and postofllcc address and pay lil ajsessment twenty itava before the Election or bis name will not be placed In the official ballot, neither will anv votes cast for him be counted. The. district vigilance committees in-'tli lati. oils precincts will conduct tho election and tno result will be reported hy the return Judge to' th district convention, which will bo composed of the return Judges of the varloua district. A written notice containing further instruction will he sent to the members of the said district vigil slice committees. rm:i)i:nin w. n.r.iTZ, .chairman. Attestl-WAI.TCK K. DAVIS, Secretary. 1 1 , . 1 1 1 , . . 1 . . 1 1 1 - - Tllirtf) I.KaiSLATJVn DISTnlCrr Notice is here by given that there being only one candidal for representative, two delegate and two alter nates o the State convention having registered, we, the chalnnan and secretary of tho Third Leg islative district ilepubllcan committee, hereby de clare the same to he the nominees of the Ilepubll can parly In the said district, in accordance with the provisions of Rules' 21 and 23 of the party rule". The personnel of thejStardlng commutes It to remain as at present constituted. By older of THURSTON R. PAHKER, Chairman. J. K. WATKINS, Secretary. SEALED PROPOSALS, SKALKD PROPOSALS will bo received until 12 o'clock noun, 011 Monday, April 21, 1302, in the office of the City Recorder, in Citv Hall. Scranton, Pa., for Ihe purchase of Two Hundred nnd Klghty-tlvo Thousand ($.183,000) dollars of tlnce and one-half () per cent, Scranton City Bonds, known as "Judgment Funding and Mu nicipal Permanent improvement Loan." Denomination of Bonds tl.OOO each. Bonds redeemable in order of their numbers u follows: Bonds N'os. 1 to CO. Inclusive, May 1, 1007. Ilond.s Xo3. 51 to 100, inclusive, May 1, 1012. Bonds N'os. 101 to 150 inclusive, May 1, 1017. Bonds Xos. 131 to 200, inclushe. May 1, Mi!. Bonds N'os. 201 to 250. Inclusive, Slay 1. l!!J7. Bonds Xos. 251 to 283, inclusive, May 1, IKK. Principal and inleic.st guaranteed by spec! it tax levy and payable at the office of the City . TiroMiier, fecranton, Pa. Bonds issued free of all taxes. Said bids will be opened by the City Recorder In his office in City Hall, Scranton, Pa., on tha duv und hour ubove written. All bids must has accompanied by a certified check for $3,000. W. L. CONNELL. Cltv Recorder. Incentive Office, City Hall, Scranton, Pa., April 2, 21HH. Rheumatism. Itlir.UMATISM All nartics that wish can b speedily and permanently cuied of all va rietics ot Rheumatism by a egetablo compound. Cures guaranteed. Inquire or address J. E. Toy lor, Scranton. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. KDWARD C. SPAULDINO. 2.1 TRADERS DAMS Building, and St. Paul Building. New York. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, COXKEMt Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. D., REAIi Estate Exchange Bldg.. 128 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. IIAUDINO. 813, CONNELL DUlLDIXa. STEVENSON & KN1C1HT, 720 CONNELL BLDG. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBEUGER, PAULI BUILDf.NO. Spruce street, Scranton. DR. C. O. LAUBACH. 115VYOMINQ AVENUE. Lawyers. UUlDrw'ARREX & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellois-at-Lavv. C0J to tJ12 Connell Building. , FRANK ll BOYLE, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 16 and 13 Burr Building. d. b. Hi:ri.oaLn, attorney-loans neoo- tlated on real estate security. Mcars Building, corner Washington avenuo and Spruce street. JESSUP ll JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND COUN- sellors-at-lavv. Commonwealth Building, llooinl 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOMS Oai-001, Otli floor, Mcars building. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOAR of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON Ic WILCOX. TRADER'S KATIONAIi Bank Building - O. COMEOYS, 0-13 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. Br.RTHOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. V. E. ALLEN. 513 NORTH WASHINGTOM aunuo. DR. S. W. TAMORE4UX, OFFICE 339 WASH. Ington, avenu;, Residence, 1313 Mulberry Chror.lo dis(e, lungs, heart, kidneys -and gcnlto-urlnary organ a specialty, Hourf 1 to i p. m. " '' Osteopatljy.,, ' DR D. (1. EVANS, 0,-jTI.Ol'ATU, 12S-3 WASH Ington avenu?'. Chronte anil ncivous dlseusi a specialty. Con-'ullatiou jrce. ?. Hotels and restaurants. j $, THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 IJIANKLIN AVE nue. Rates ress onable. ' V, ZIEQLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. W. PAS- sene-r depot. Condueted on tho European phn. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor zz7r -. ' , s - 13cavenger. A TT Blt1009TLErN3l17VAliFf7rSANn Vea pooUi !! Uoi j only Improved puniis uad. A. B. Brigs, propilctor. Leavo orders '1)011 North Main avenue, or Elcke's drug store, 'or ner Adarre and Mulberry. Both telephones.' Seeds. O, R. CLARKE t CO...SEED8MEN--AND NtlR-S-erynien, store 2UI Washington avenue; gueu hiuses, 1030 Keith Main avenue; storo tele phone, 762. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL. !" LACKA. AVE., bcranton. Pa,, ntanuficturer of Wlro Screens, Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING 1'OH CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladles vvaUla, LouUu blioenuVer, ti AJaui. avenue. . MEaAROEi: BROS., PlllNTEHS' SUPPLIES. "EN v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, - Uvl Wiuliiugtcu avenue, Scranton, Pa, , THE WILKES BAURB. Iji'.COliD CAN BE HAD lu Sciantou t .tlic iiev slandt, jJ Jlcliinsu Bros., 400 tpruco-Jiid'KB l.fiiJcnl Tf.SNortbii. Hi Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzcr, til &uuf strecL POLITICAL. 1 -