Ptflfl i m a V' THE SCHANTON' TRIBUNE-MOiNDAV, APRIL 21, 1902. fR- . -,.,,ltMM) i ' . f j- ;xxxxxxxxxxx; HIE IIOnP.ltK HARDWABK STOW. Don't Waste Your Strength Doing iitincoctiHury labor Brocton Tlop Wringers avc tt mo ami don't waste your PtiuiiKtli. N stooping over no twisting a. lever operated by Hip foot docs the woik. Pilco $L'.7ii. 119 N. '"Washington Ave Q :ooooooooooa The flardenbergh School of Mtisic and flrf Offers exceptional advantages to aspiring students desiring strictly high-class instruction in the study of Piano. Organ, Theory and Harmony; Draw ing. Painting and Designing. Pupils may enter now. Carter Building, Adams Avenue and Linden street. Spring Coals for Children Vorv lnlosl rfftets la fill.. Cliciiol mid nroadilrlli-, in n'ct 4 1c 11 c.m. Wash Dresses for Girls Wash Bloomer Suits for Boys Wnsli Kiwi in Wolfed for lioj?. 'Ilio Nrw Slilor for bojs Il.iliy Girl Hats, Daliy Hoy Hats. THE BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. PETER N. HAAN Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming and General Draying. New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street. New 'Phone 2057. We Will Gladly Receive and promptly I uivcaiiaic i(jpin.auuii3 for loans. THE PEOPLE'S BANK $3m PERSONAL. Mis. kiic-, Hellly. 'f f-'.mll. Ouiibo, X. J., i$ i-.itln? rcl lines in Hum city. Auditor Ceneul V.. It. Ilinlenlicreli "at jes teuliy llic (,'uesl of lYiler.ll Couit C'leik K. R, W. Scarle. V. M. C.iiiiilull an. I il in-lit, r, Mii tjinplicl, nf Culiiniil.ili', pellt jestewl.iy with fiiemU in this clt. Ml. mil Mi. W. W. I'jtleifon, t.f Pliilailclplili, luvi' iiliiiiieil Iminf fiom 11 l-lt wllli Mr. 1). T. llli li ml- of Mi.mlnn htrcei. Jtli-. ll.iu Pin mil (hlliliui, of ltlehinoiul, Vj., li.n kIiiiiiuI lionic from .1 Uill villi leer p.iiint, Mr. .mil .Mi. HmrKt- I'jlrchilil, of Xorlli Main jei m. Ml- liliiie .Miiiiu , .1 -ueit oiml hui,itio fiom lliooljin, .N .. kiiiu: toi .'in cIIiUdij In Hie Niund l' iIiiikI, .a Hi' iiiuiii Illit MltllO "InlllO I lllil Him," 110111' 11.111. "lil't .Me-i ih. Ae the i'uiiu f-rnlf-i i'i l.lm I'ail. tliuicli Jip kiiik Ihe villi, 'Coiiii' ruin 5U'," li.t Cimiu, Ml Miiiiu In- 11 lu'.imiml m.Iic uhkh I- .iiUmii lllv II iliu'il, BOULDER CAUSED A WRECK. Rolled Down Mountain Side at West Nantlcoke. A large boulder weighing upwards or r,Do pounds, that "lipped down a nunin-taln-sldc on the Uelu-vwire, Ijiiekuw an na and AVehtein truck at a point about one mllf below West Xanlieoke, Satur day morning. ciiiimmI a wreck on the THootuHburg division, .bout !.l." o'eloek a irelglit t'liglne oraslied into the Mono anil together with llw cats was tin own lrnni the Hacks Into the canal bed. Those that lemulned on tho road weie plied up In every possible manner. As there Is bin a single tiaek at this place, traffic was delayed for the day. The place of the wteek Is nenily op posltti the Xantlcoko dam. There Is n high cliff miming nlopg the loud and It is thought that the thaw loosened tbo giound, which caused one of the large stones to 1 oil down anil wedgo betwten two ties, Got the Turkey by Means of Shakers, IVullfi Cmnp, . iIIiIiHl' luunukn ami tioi I fiitr ii'i, iiiIIhiiiiI 1 limit lunqurt ot Hit' Villi 1MI .Vitti, li, ttllliiK how j l 1 oh'j homo iwt in l.thaiiiin, nut fir luau the Mukir iiiiiimiiiilty, A lunplf i.l 1I.1). Iii'fui,. Tlmnk-tfiv. Ins ihf 1lf.1t on luil U-i'ii .ill Jii'.l iutu 4 niltlv', ttlieie lie hail t'lijoifil rplenillil link jli the ilite jml won the piue tiukty, ln uiilul It liom? with niiiiiv iiiUsbiiU', .it he ilitMiltil Hit' M'jrrlf Ui'i quetloi of liu wife, bin- l.iil iliininilliu, how lie Inil tliuit.'il mi -mil i mi', know In,' will Hut he u.n luu uuiuI n( hi, moiu to haw ient It for a fimlly Ireit, "Weil," .lhl the tlejtoii, lliiillj, "I'll till yon hwv I ol il, 'Hut lukcn kjiu It U me." New Vmk 'lilhune, "A Strenuous IW luxitt, " l "' fta"''" kliiu, tRVQiifci. !""' l"11' "la,, ho riTO5- lh! '01 ' '"'' llissr. nml u niulileul lu. r of it. 'Il1.1t Id will Ihu t'llNblllt. AlOllV L ,. nun. : nlar. oer mtlhoji uii the Ut I iiu.Mi Mll.l I'lVUUll' ll'-llll not ohtalncj othll wise, or U-tiftherB In Hits Mille), I, Vlfrftl Peiiiluj ten. Plrtctor, SJMEffi, M 12. XV "''! ?75SlSa V'ArKEX' A'B 1K CmFy 7 THEIE CRYSTAL WEDDING. Rev. and Mis. F. R. Batemmi Re ceived on Saturday Night. chip if tho most dcllftlitful soclul ev'i'iitH ot the nelson win at "at home" Klveti !' Hew and Mrtt. Frtmcltf, It. llulemun on' Saturday pVenlnir from 8 to ID o'clock, the ocrimlon behiR tho lirtccnth iiniilvcfHury of their man-lane. Itov. iiml Mr. Mntcinnn wore wedded on the Manil of at, Heleiia, tho homo of tho bible's family, on Apill 18. 18S7. The rectory of the church of the flood Shepherd was tiannforniPd for tho oe cuhIoii Into a bower of tropical vorduie miif.o billlnnt by innssert of rotos and deep, hui'd carnations Intertwined with hpllotiope and little golden star blos som". , Mrs. Ilateinan leeelvod lit rt Kown of liivciulcr and black. She wow bride roses and carried violets. The ladles who assisted were: Mis. Valentine Hllss, Mis. Lawieneo, Mrs. Osborne, Mis. V. fair. Mrs. W. 10. flreeley. Mrs. J. Altitun Itobertson with Mrs. J. Clard nor .Sanderson presided at tho lefresh ini'iit table In tbo dlnliiff room. Tho young ladles who served' weie tho Misses Parsons. Jeanm-tle Lawrence and Floienco Slnirell. The house was tlnoiiRPd nil the evening with guests coining and going, almost all of the congregation with other friends ot the rector and his wife availing themselves or the opportunity to offer congratula tions and good wishes. Itev. and Mrs. Buteimin were made tbo recipients of many hnifdsome gifts in cut glass and other things nppro prlntu to a "crystal" wedding, from friends too many to nnme. The ex quisite decnrntlon of the rectory was a tribute ot regard from Miss Anna Morel to her pastor and his wife, and the piofuslon of American Beauty rosea was her gift, while the splendid bride rose were a tribute from her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morel. Other lovely ilowers and plants came fiom tbo Misses Oericke. Mrs. J. 11. Dinimlck and the Misses Dlmmlck. FIRST GAME OP SEASON Scranton Club Made a Good Showing Against the Team from Plttston. Notes of Various Kinds. The Scranton base ball team played their first game of tho season Satur day afternoon with the Plltston Broth ers, before a. good-sized crowd. The team presented by Manager Lnw son wasn't a very strong one, but then It must be taken Into consideration that his best men haven't arrived yet. Tho men that he tried showed up pretty well 1th the stick and at their respec tive positions. Manager Law son gave a few Scranton men a trial. Probably the best man Is Fenls. lie fielded bis position well, and batted tbo ball out in a way that pleased every body. Blakey and Gorton are two good fielders and alho rim the bases well. Wlltse and MoGnrry are two very good pitchers, who have the ability to pull themselves out of a tight place when called upon to do 5.0. The Pittston Brothers put up a fine game until tho fifth liming, and then Scranton, taking advantage of their errois and with good batting, won the game. The scoio: - bCHAMoV. .1J. 1!. 11. P.O. . i:. Cullull, r.f i 2 1 1) II 0 HlaKily, l.f li i ii (I II II Pill-, r.t . -2 '' ,: I) 1 Sihmcll, II 4 1 'J 0 (I 1 Hu-s. 2h .-1 1 2 n :: 11 .loiilM.n f.- 4 2 1 .! 0 0 1'J117, .ill 'J (I U L (I 0 Morri?. .'ib ;! II 1 II I SlumlicrK, r .", 0 :! 11 -t 2 MllbC. p - l 1 HIO, i : II 0 0 2 0 It 10 ,'. 27 11 5 I'in.iTD.V. A.ll. It. If. P.O. A. 1!. .1. riliiiiilt7, c.f 4 I 2 2 2 X i:. fehn.ill, p., t.-i :i 1 0 0 :s 2 Mel.'ullie, 11 I 1 0 !i 1 il 1'. gchnultr, .h., p.... a 2 11 0 l 1 Touhlll, il) 401s .', :i Ituane, l.f 2 0 1110 Mor.111, SI 4 0 0 10 4 Falukugli, r.f I 0 0 11 0 0, c : :; o o n y 0 Totals HI fi i 27 10 11 kunlon 0 (I 0 0 1 14 1 O-ID Pitt-tun ; 0 01010103 f-uiiiiiiirles riist'lii't In t'lior Scranton, S; Pittston. 2. Left on hi-et-Sciiiiiton, 10; l'ltlr ton, 4. I'ii-t bae on lull' OH Willse, :i; oil P. SU1111 lit, !; Y.i SJimalt, 1. Mini I; tail Ily Wultw, U; JlttiJiiy, '!; 11. SthuulU, II; V. It. Sifini'iltB, 2. To lu-e hltt-Ho-. Stolen lia-es -Itlakei-, I'. Sihniall. Johnson 2. 'Morii-, Stein-hei-.', .i. Stimuli, I'. 11 Sihmalt, Touhlll. Double iliy Toje to Tniihlll, Touhlll to Mi Unf ile, .1, Nhiinlu 10 Toie. lilt hy pitiliti ll.i Will.e. I. I.w-cil -lull Miiiilieiir, '1 ii.i 0. I'm. pin--..'.Hi ml. 'Inliii 2.10. BASE BALL NOTES. 1'iailltt at Iho pill." will l' tiki'il holU Iiioill In,' mul alti'inoon nntll all of the mm el into tiOll tllllllilloil, 'Hie Ni.inum ilnli will ko Into haul tialiihn; from now until Ihe llilnl of May when tile 'him-plon-hlp H'J-tm henlns IMuaiil llilni'.i is a well built fe.llow u iicliliiif ICO polll'll-. 1.11 H.lBII lie plJM'll ullli Iho llil-lnl, I'oiin., league team ami ilhl lino wink. Shoitttnp .lulii.-"ii, of MaKJi.i 1'alU, who wi.i Kittn .1 l'.v llaiuisei I..IWM111, will piohahli jnlu tin- la 1 anon tluh. lie hit for tint illy ii-lmlji, Mannar Uiur,on In Ins un.ihli: to make, loom loi him on tlie ti.llli. ll.ill -iillll.lil, the thlnl lil.iliun, it 11 hlir 1-luppln.r follow cl fi'tt tall anil wcltfhin,' ISO pound-. Iln Ik a he.11,1 hittti, anil la-t hCioun li'il the l'tunjli.inl.i Iticue In hiltliif I1IU1 :t iiiim her of Ihe tlumploii Kjtton club, l.inv.'ir l.iwMii lia.1 Iinpiottil tho nppeiiancii of tho Kioimil- M'iy ninth. He i-ihl S'lluula.i iiinlm. lint he liiluiclf.l to (tiiitl the uut ntihir, hi at la uiolil Hie neiia-Uy ot tho ipit'tilnis tiotulliu upon Ihe flt'hl, Thlnl Han Sullivan ami (Vtcher lab waul llilniv, of l'oillaiiil, in 1 hul in Hcianton la-t nlitht anil will hi'Klu atlbe praitlte Willi Hia Si r.mli 11 ln-i) Imll tluh toil iv, (liilllelthi' Joe MthtU, t'akhti MiMiinurt ami 1'ittherb MiCutliy nml II inly arc . c t to he hejul from, llanly li llit- lile-t plijci to he fclu-nul by Mannitr I.iw. noil. He untie .1 joml lepiitalhui with the i-tinn Mlooiia tluh li.t mmmiii ami I. I'MicMut lo re inloito the pltthliu' stall ipilte 1 on-itleMble, PRIMARIES ON JULY 11, Republicans Will Select Candidates on That Sate. At a largely attended meeting of tho Itepubllcan county rqniuilttee, held mi Saturday nnd pi entiled over by I J, U Tnlor, It was decided lo conduct the pilmarles on Tuesday, July s, and tho county convention on tbu Friday fol lowing, Thu last day on hlei candi dates may leglsler under tho i tiles will be Tuesday, June IS. Tho oilli'i'S lor which c,nudldatts me to be rhoheii aro as follows: (Jongrehs inan, Di plumb' couit Judge, two touuty commissioners and two mine limpet-tors. As aimouuccil in our advertising col umns this moinlnbvMiss Colling will continue her lectuieu and demonstra tions for four days at U'tt North Wash ington avenue. COFo Is tbu best substitute) for coffee. A REPLY TO BISHOP HOBAN DR. M'LEOD TOOK UP HIS CHAL LENGE LAST NIOHT. If No '"Reputable" Jesuit Taught That the Means Justify the Ends Then There Were Many "Disrepu table" Jesuits, He Said Reiterated His Statement That Their Methods Were Repudiated by Those High in Ecclesiastical Power Hopes the Bishop Will Investigate. v ltuv. Ur. .lames Mcl.eod, pastor of tho First Presbyterian rliurclt, made n for mal reply Inst night to lit. Rev. Ktahop ar. J. Ilobnn'n challenge, calling upon him to produce proofs that any refut able Jesuit ever taught that the meunt) jusllty the end. The church was crowd ed to tho doors with poisons from nearly eveiy Protestant church In the city. The doctor spoke as follows: In my dkcoiirso htt Sunday cienlmr on "Ism tlm Lrjohi nml tho Jesuit.," 1 made mine re mail in whlth tho llomin Catholic bishop ol tli Ktirntor illntete hat tahen exception. In hit zeal, mil with ur. .itiurnntc In which, I am norry t.i tit, lie altuclicil a money aluc, he t,cnt lo Hie 'uh of our illy the fotloivlnfr letter: "On page 10 of to.hj'.t 'Irlhuno Dr. JteLeotl it rtnirttil to hiie f.ihl, 'What ever be the tloi trlnet of the Jcniltn of today, there tun he no tloubl thai in the Mslecnlli century, and much 1 ill r, they adopted nml defended the proposition tint 'the end jutllleH the lneint.' 1 tloubt it, .mil It.itbv olfir one hundred tlolliM to the llom for tlii. Friendlct if tho reicrcnd doctor 111 lunliy fiimWi mo with the proofs Hut any ie imtnlile JiMilt ever tntiRht that 'the end ju-tl-Hit the means' incynluK tliercby that we may adept unlawful and unjust means to an end, how ever (sood it may he or that we may 1n 0 11 that Rood m.iy ciime. SI. J. llohm." I would not notice IhU criticism weio it not Hut to ignore it mlitht seem, discourteous to its tuntiiiiuuus aiiothiir; iind, moicoier, if not no lite 1, wire thoughtless pcrions who rcid the I MiupVi letter, iniRht deem it unanswerable. XO SUW ASSnilTION'. fiat tha Je-iilts of the sktconth and Inter ren tuiiet nileplid "unliwful and unjust" in older to secure what they resided an rijrhteoui o'lX :! r.o new usertion. The ice of history, with Its tnimpet tongue, has lepcatcd and em pliasietl tlih. tlurge. Ilishop Iloban "tloubts" Its tutttij, 1 think the bWiop will not ho of fended it"! tay hit judgment on lint subject il far Hincied from the legion of doubt. Hut, ncuithrlcK, he offers to pay .1 hiindictl dollars for "piooh" lint will reinoic hit "tloubt," I do not Know to what couit the bMiop would like Ihe inooft lo be submitted. I suppo-e he would claim the light andju.-tlylo take some p..rt in the selection of the judge and jury; anil he ot (.lit al-o to hive the fullest opportunity Jo ews cvjmliio the wilnestet. Sir uvcrend and highly rc-ncclcd critic tlort tot li'.leio Hut any "leputable Je-nilt" ciei used "unlawful .mil unjntL meant' to secure his ue hirnl titl. In that cisc, theie mu-t have been, in tho-e dij.t, a Liit number of tlltrtputable Jesuits. I do not niat'i! with my critic. I hellcie that the 1110-t "itpulahle" Jeultt were thost' who were tnoit turn to their piinriplea; and I hellcie tint tho-e who weie most true to thcli print iplcs were tho-e whom the governmeiiLs of Ihe world, and their fellow-CaHiolits, most seveiely condemned. They were gieit teacher-those old .tc"ill and their oamplc was limit, potmt than their Tho iffeitt- of their 1I01 trlnet and conduct aie hi-lrrle. Ncte lht-u fill-: 1. We know the iiiiain of the wold- ".Iceuii-l-m" ami "Jituliicil." 'Ihtii mtaninir H obvious v hi n r pllnl lo moi il iutstion-. 'i hey are tratc Ji'e In the .le-iilif,. 'ihey .ire sit, 2. 'Ihu M. thitootom 01 the Jan-tnlsK. a de Mint lioirin Cilhollt. did not "ilouht" that the Jesuit- of his day adopted "unliwful and uiiju-t II can-" 10 set lire their ends. The triilhfiilne-s of Past d'j, thirge- will hardly lie nucstioned by an out' who is not .1 Jesuit of the tipe whiih he loiiilcmi.s The "Proiliiclal l.cttirs" are c.ioj of iictc-s, and they throw a flood of Hirht on the ipicst'on in i.tie. 1)11) NOT JJUUU'r If. .1 ( lenient MV, the Pope of Rome, ilia not "doubt" the guilt of the Je-uits of his day (J,".P, for le In-ueil an edict against them, and jbnll-l.cil the oidcr. 4. The KoM-rnmcnts of l'rante, and Spiln, .mil Portugil, and llelgiimi, and Austria, and Italy weie all Ilnnian r.ilholli ltus-lu was Ciieel: Calh olio and rt they did not "doubt" tbat tho Jtsnils wtic guilty as charged in the indiit inent. Tliey weie banishnl from all these Cath olic countries, because they engaged in polit ical plots and intrigues which made it evident that they were guilty of the same soit of old tanery in Hie domiii. of polllics, a- they adopted and piaetittd in the sphere and in the inteiesC of religion. 5. It is not likely tint the methods adopted, by leading Jc-uils, in Indli, and in China, and in Japan, will be defended by Ill-hop lljban, for they were icpudiatcd by the pope. ft, It is nolewoilhy Hut the Je-uits were fc pilled fiom l'rote-lant lomitiles by Prote-tant govinimenls, for the sjme reasons that ihey weie epclleil from Itoman Cathulle eoimtiitA by Itum.ui Catholic goteinmcnU Tlie tiitiiS lieach lido te-tlmonv of iluout and r.o.nan lalholle-, Is conoboraltu ny rroic-iant 1111 J nans, suth as Matauley and Kiomli- to mine only lhiglUh lu-torini- who detlare that the Je-uit of pi-l lentiliif- weie gulltv and gult lu.vond aliv ua-onabh' "doubt" of the trlme (ig'iinot right 11101 il- 'and liio lellglon of v.hleh tiny hive been actu-ed. Thcie i- no ntttl of fiuthei- eildenie. If the Huht ol the mil weio iueiei-cd a huiulreil 01 run a Hiou-aiidfohl, it would not, in the least ikrce, lulp a blind nun to it. 'Ihe potirr of piejiiillte, and of tilutatloii, and of a subtle Ljiiiiiiiy is :.l. mu.t Iniuiuiahle. Thl- Is true outtlde, n well in Inside the- tlrele and sett or the Jesuit, l.ou? bffmn the time of Ignatiu- laivola, theie wtie many who ailul upon the principle that "the end justllV's the means," If icporls be tine, thee hive been. In t our time in both uulllital and itllgloii- clnle-thnso who ntltd upon t lit- priit rlple. In ortltr to 11 In. 'ihiir ohjitt was sue. ies, and they weie unscrupulous as to llic u'-o of mt an-. not iti;spos-iw.i: rou tih.m. Theie Is no need to grt pxcilnl mci lii-,totltal fails tint octiured cenluiits ago. We aie not ri-spouslhli' lor them. The.v 111 ly be paintul to coiiltiiiplale, hut It i to deny Ihem. Til itfuse' to htllevo a blsloiii! tiulh, ur liny liutli, tvin though that truth I- most cxiperatliis thus not, in the least, alfpct or tlnm;e that truth, If the t'lideiKi' that has toiivliiced prlnctv and Apricots 3 pound can ............ 15c, Lemon Cling Peaches, a lb. can (extra standards), 10c. Cal. Extra Peaches (finest fruit packed), 25c, per can, Imported Sardines, packed In pure Luccn oil; large tins, 10c; small, 12c, Deviled Meats, 10c, Rolled Ox Tongue ($1.00 site), 70c; $8.00 per doz. Lunch Tongue, 25c Spiced Tongue, 18c. Corned Beef, gfic, 2 lb. tin. F. fi. RniirsRn. J I California I polpntalc. )irlfM mul impen, Itomati Citlliollea iiml 1'ioterUiitn tlut "tho .Truulli of tlir nlv tenitli ichtiir.v nml imicli later," meil "unltiifiil nml unjust mcam" In peciirp tliclr end-TV not Milfklmt (6 remove nil "1I011I1I" from tlie inlrnl of my kindly nml llliiral irllle, It might, nt lt-ut, to Rive lilm uui, omt nuke I1I111 1I011I1I tilt "iloulil"! nml, it liuy he, Hint, a ficsli In 1etliriitlnii nf tlie liWory of tlie Jpill wlilili fhoulil nut tin e- pattr will lirlnir to Mm n day of ileniir A Won. Meannlillc, hocer, 1 Imp not liopp Ilial Hie "Itome for llic l'llcinl less" will trot lilt liunilrul itollu.i. i MARRIED AT MIDNIGHT. Weddlnp Date Advanced to bratlfy a Dying Mother. Mlsa Maude Myere, daughter of Mr. and Mm. DoWItt C. Myers, of 63S WiiHhlngton avenue, nnd Jtldtmit 11. Fantz, mannBer of tlie Four Cent Htorc, were to havo been married In .lime. The brlde'H mother Ib tin Invalid. One of her cherished desires was to see her daughter wedded. Her one primal wish was that she might live to see this. Frldny she was In a critical condition nnd It was thought she could not sur vive the night. Several times she ox piessed regret that she was not to live to see her daughter's wedding day. The bride-to-be and her fiance, with a most commendable consideration, de termined to gratify the devoted and dying mother's desire. Iato nt night, Clerk of tho Courts Daniels was got ten to the court house to Issue tho license and Hev. 10. 11. Singer, of Elm Park church, summoned to tie the knot. As the midnight hour was fast ap proaching the young couple at the dy ing woman's bedsldo were mnde man and wife. Mrs. Myers was still allvo yesterday, but perfectly resigned to the end which her physician says Is not far off. CONTRACTOR MISSING. Nothing Has Been Heard of P. J. McAndrew Since April 9 Police Are Looking for Him. P. J. McAndrew, the building con tractor, whose residence is at 920 West Lackuwnnna avenue, has been missing from home since "Wednesday, April 9, and his family are very much alarmed concerning his whereabouts, as they fear be has met with foul play. Ho left home after dinner on Iho above date and absolutely nothing has been learned of his whereabouts since. The family are at n loss to understand why he should have disappeared, as his relations with them were or the most friendly character. Ills bublness Interests were quite ex tensive, and, as fnr as can be learned, should in no way have caused him to disappear. Inquiries have been 'made among his friends and relatives, none of whom have seen or heard anything of him. The night previous to his disappear ance, McAndrew complained of feeling ill, and Dr. Hall pi escribed for him. He was about as usual the next day, and did not have very much money on his person when ho left home. McAndiew was dressed in his work ing clothes of dark material, and wore ti dark overcoat mid derby hat. He Is fi" ears of age, 5 feet 31 inches In height, has gray hair and a gray droop ing moustache. The police have been liotllled and aro on the lookout for him, and any Infor mation concerning his whereabouts will lie thankfully received by the family. FORTY HOURS' DEVOTION. Large Congregation at St. Peter's Cathedral Last Night. The forty hours devotion was begun yesterday morning at St. Peter's Cathe dral with :t solemn high mass, celebrat ed by Itev. J. A. O'RIelly, assisted by Rev. Father O'Byrne as deacon and Rev. Father Royne as sub-deacon. Rev. ,T. J. Grlflln was master of ceremonies anil Rt. Rev. Bishop Hoban, who oc cupied his throne, was attended by Rev. D. J. Bustin and Rev. Lolar Mc Laughlin. Bishop Hoban preached a dogmatic sermon dealing on the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Labt night there was benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament. Tho large congregation which attended the ser vice listened to an able dlscouise by Rev. Father Roland', of South Scranton, who preached a sermon dealing with the institution of the Blessed Sacra ment and Chilst's desire to give the Christian church by this means the comfort of His presence at all times, Theie will be masses celebrated this morning lit S, 6, 7 nnd 8 o'clock and confessions will be heard this afternoon ami tonight. Tho services tomorrow v.111 be at the same hours. At tonight's service Rev. Anthony Broderick, ot West Sctanton, will preach a hermon. The devotion will be hi ought to a close on Wednesday morning. A BIO SEASON ASSURED. Lodore Will Be the Mecca for Ex cursionists the Coming Season. All Indications point to Lake Lodore as the most popular of all excursion re scuts for thu I'ast-apptoachlng season, und to even suipass Its Immense busi ness ot last year. Tho individual ex cursionist pieftns a lake lesort, and tho ticenli: beauties of Lodorn ltseir, its far ppiendliiK Biove, incomparable dnnco pavilion. Its merry-go-i ound, the de light of tho children, Its well-equipped kitchens, clam oven, refreshment booths, Spalding ball giotindh, naphtha launches, steamer, large excursion bout and varied other amusements render It a summer puradlse, nnd at tho same time the most prollt-maklng resort for churches and societies. There are notnn splendid dates left, for tho privilege of which please appply to W. L. Pryor, district passenger agent, Delawaio and Hudson Railroad, Scranton, Pa. " m Garden Seed, By outii'o or pound at ('lark's, Flotlst, Proud Our Negligee Shirt stock shows the growth of experience. There is a snap and style in every one the pat terns are neat black and white, and blue and white effects, either stripes or figures, cuffs attached or IUCI16C1 ilMtMltttlttflMfttfM) LABOR MEN MAY NAME A TICKET CENTRAL LABOR UNION TO CALL CONVENTION. Two Delegates from Each Affiliated Body to Be Invited to Meet nnd Pass Upon, a Proposition io Put a Complete Ticket In the Field This Fnll It Is Claimed That There Are Enough Voters Among the 75,000 Union Men In the County to Positively Assure Election. At yesterday's meeting of tbo Cen tral Labor union, it committee was ap pointed to convene two delegates from every nlllllated organization, to pass upon it proposition to place a labor ticket in the field this fall. A congressman, state senator, four representatives, orphans' court Judge, three county commissioners nnd two mine Inspectois aro to bo elected. The Central Labor union feels that It has within the ranks of organized labor men capable of filling each of these offices with the possible exception ot tbo judge and It Is a question In tbo union's mind ns to whether or not It should not go actively Into politics and proceed to fill these ofllces with labor union men. Each union will bo asked to send two delegates, Instructed as to how they shall vote on the proposition. There nrc 75,000 men, women nnd. boys mem bers of the various organizations af filiated with the Central Labor union, and it is the opinion ot the central body that enough of this number ure qualified voters to assure the election of an out-and-out labor ticket. The meeting also discussed for an hour a motion to reinstate the Musi clans' union, which was expelled for falling to penalize members who rode on tho trolley cars during the strike. Tho matter was put over until the next meeting. It was also decided to have the Cen tral Labor union executive committee use its endeavors to effect an adjust ment ot the carpenters' strike, which has been on for nearly three years. DIED FROM NEGLECT? It Is Claimed That Mrs. John Mc- Anulty, "Who Passed Away at Hospital, Was Maltreated. John McAnulty, of 721 Scranton street, may have to answer a very serious charge. His wife, who, it is alleged, he maltreated and neglected In a most cruel manner, was removed to the Lackawanna hospital on Saturday, at the Instance of Mrs. W. B. Duggan, agent of the Associated chaiitles. Mrs. McAnulty had been an invalid for some time, nnd because of her squalid bttrroundlngs, neglect and brutal treatment from her husband, was drag ging out a most pitiable existence. Her body bore a number of bruises, which she said were from blows administered by her husband. A warrant has been Issued for his arrest. KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Tht' gi mil commandeiy of Xew Jrney hold its annual convocation at l'.itcrson, on April , with Mr .1. P. Cunningham in. grand commander, and Sir Morgan Van IIL-e as grand recorder. Itcprc-t-uitattVM were present from every command in the btate. llic report ot the grand romnundery bliovvftl a ftourinhlnir condition. Sir Alfml li. Trumbull, 1. (1. C, as supreme representative, gave a very complete icpott of the lat supreme i-ossions. Tht' "Illustrious Knight of Malta," of York, l'a., ivas nude the offlclil organ of the grand commautlery. Trenton was made the next place of meeting. Grand ltecorder Van Hlsc re higned. Ihe following were the principal officers installed by Supreme ltecorder Sir Prank (liiy: (Sraiid commander, Sir Joseph P.ittrrson, of Put crnon; grand generalissimo, Sir Clcorge C. Whit ing; giand captain general, Sir William Holies ton; grand rccoidcr, Sir Irving ('. Bleam, of Tienton; grand tieasurer, Sir William HrluilK Past (.'land Coinmantltr Sir David Young, of Pat eison, was'11 supreme icpic'scntatlic. The tessiou was a great sucie-ii. commandeiy, No. 2J1, at Chester, con feneil the Older of the Hcd Cross nnd Se.Tilelue upon Its own noilthitts. mul thohe from Oriental and Urotherly I.ovc toinmundcrles on April 8. The sovereign commander was Sir W. Fletcher Smith; senior councillor, Mr Robert J. Smith; lunior councillor. Sir Arthur V. Lewis; high pre late, Sir Kdvv nil Schoflelti; purulvant, Sir Harry Allen; lltultl. Sir Hairy Johnson; master uf ceiimonies, Sir William If. II. M.iwell, 1'. ('. Some thlrtv oiheis weio in tht' tlcgreo t.ilf. Knights 1'iinccs Smith, l'ithiaii, l.ihmau and Hint composed tho elaboiale quartette, llele gailoiv, wnt pieent fiom We"t ChcMer, Wil mington, Medii, lllam, Phllidelplda and Marcus lltiok. A large nuiuhir fiom IMcii coininindcry, ii WVht flnMcr. witnessed tho ilegiee in full fur tutor the lht time, and were my cntlnisi-a-iic. Mint In commaiiih'iy, Xu. SU. at ltojnoldsilhV, l'a.,' on April !., will admit a Uigc class timing tin- thy and evening. All haie already icteivcd and tiau'ltd the tvvti Dirt ilegiee,. At 2 p. m., liiauil Httoidtr I'itiee will ru-iuplify the higher ile-grite. At 8 p. III., the Jtt'd ii'- ami Si pill ehu will be confeirtd ill full form by the digit's, stall of the command, i.fltr which tlicie will ho ,i soeid In Hell's hall, follow id by u sui'ivr at Until Hi'liup, at both o( which events iho ladies will bo pieseut in lirse numbei'', ('onfLinllno i rtiiiiiiandory, S. 1, htld a l!d Crcs tountil hi In ttinplo at I'lilladetplil i on .Miith .'II, with sir laio Wormian, V. S. I ., .u sovereign commtnder; Sir Ilany Moo.sley, in nil or inuclllor; Sir Hubert S. Morale!'. Jmior councillor; Sir Lewis 11, Wooillnuton, .11 hl'h pielatc; Sir Charles II. Hllcy, as Lhanctlloi; Sir John Calm, as 'lltuMl; niulul dlrettor, Sir Other llouck, pursuivant! Sir Walter Murllt. 'Iho hall was fltinl up in 11 ierj elaborate form. Martin I.uther comnnndery, Xi, HIV, at Lane ti ler, on April 11, rett'Ived a thorough drill' In Iho tltiulLtlo work, when (train! ltecorder S'ir (ieorgo If, 1'Ifice completed the full instiuitlaii of tho hotly, The College of the Ancients wllj hold a special of Our Shirts neat de- !( $1.00 to $2,00 conclave in Malta temple, WlllUnvport, on May 14, when a number at candidate will be admit led. Tlie candidate! from points In Central IVnn.i.vltiltila wilt take advantage of the oppor tunity to R.iln ndinltslon, BODY FOUND IN FIELD, Remains of William Connors Found nt Old Forge. Tlie dead body of a man, believed to bo WUlllam Connors, formerly ot the Sibley, was found in a Held about halt a mile notth of Old Porge, on Saturday morning, Tho man had been loitering around the boiler room of one ot tho Pennsylvania mines In tho vicinity, on Frldny night, and was chased out. Coroner Sultry was called, and upon searching tho body discovered a book with tho name Wlllllam Connors In scribed upon it. Several workman, who viewed tho body, said they believed tho dead man to be William Connors, who lived nt the Sibley some years ago. Ho wtis about fiO years old, and hud appar ently been "tramping It" for some time. An autopsy revealed tho immediate causn of death to be exposure and tho pre-dlsposlng cause to bo alcoholism. Tho remains were taken in charge by Undertaker Timlin. An Inquest lit tho case ivlll bo con ducted at a date to be fixed later. TWO SUSPECTED CASES. Belief That Two Members of Kadgen Family Have Small-pox. Dr. John P. Walker reported to Superintendent Allen, of the bureau of health, yesterday that Thomas Kadgen, of 149 Meridian street, father ot Patrick Kadgen, nnd one of his sons displayed symptoms of smallpox. Patrick Kad gen, it will be remembered, was tho young man who was afflicted with tho disease a little over a week ago and who has since been removed to the emergency hospital. A temporary quarantine was immedi ately placed upon the building occupied by the Kadgens, and Patrolman Brad shaw was assigned to keep guard last night. Dr. Houser will investigate the suspected cases today. ODD FELLOWS TO CELEBRATE. Eighty-third Anniversary to Be Fit tingly Observed. The eighty-third anlversary of the founding of the Independent Order oS Odd Fellows will be celebrated with appiopriate exercises at the Auditor ium, Ptovldence, Sunday, April 27, un der tho auspices of Lincoln, Celestial, Green Ttldge, Ttebekali and Golden Chain lodges and Hyde Park encamp ment, Invitations have been sent to all the Odd Fellows;, organizations In the city and suburbs to attend. Addresses ivlll be made by Rev. It. F. Y. Pierce, D. D., Rev. George Lees, Henry Harding and Edward C. Deans. The North End Glee club will sing. mm FEAST OF THE PASSOVER. Its Observance Commences This Evening at Sunset, The Jewish festival of the Passover begins tonight at sunset and in observ ance of the feast there will be services in the Linden Street temple at G o'clock. There will also bo services tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The observance of the festival, which was instituted by Moses In commemor ation of the release of the Israelites fiom the Egyptian bondage, iill con tinue for eight days and on the even ing of the last day there will be services at sunset. Rabbi A. S. Auspacher will officiate at these services. A Special Bargain. 25 Doz, ladies' Gibson Waists Silk Taffeta Waists, black and colors, made in the popular Gibson style. The best values in stylish spring waists ever offered. Worth $3.00. Special each, $1.98 You Can Save 30 per cent, on the dollar when you purchase direct from the manufacturer. Our line of Umbrellas and Parasols is large and .complete, and embraces all the latest pat terns. We guarantee all our goods., Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co. 313 Spruce Street. Lubricating OILS Maloney Oil & Manufacturing Company, f 141-149 Meridian Street, , , OLD 'PhNE 26-2. NEW 'PHONE 2B3( :. : s : i. i 4 Masurys Liquid Colors, House Paints and Carriage Paints f 0 , Unexcelled for durability" '' ' . 4 q.1 Ills' - 't . . fe Bittenbender&E. I ..-. . . 126-128 Franklin Ave. Up-to-Date Shirt Waist Ladles should call at once anj select one of our handsomS Stamped Shirt Waist and Komonai designs to embroider ort Fine) White Linen. Thoso aro our own exclusive 'designs, We also hava tho patterns to stamp on any, ma terlal you brlnar. w-(, Cramer-Wells Co! 130 Wyoming Ave. '- 'PHONE 353-3. ' "T-l) H I m True Merit A merchant dealing in' clothing that is manufac tured by one of the best makers in the United States, and asking ,no more for the same than you are expected to pay lor the other kind else where,is surly worthy ot a call, if only to encour age that sort of business. I John D. Boyle, Clothier 416 Lackawanna Ave. Dickson Mill & Grain Co. Providence Road, SCRANTON, PA. " Flour, Feed, Grain and Hay Celebrated Show White Flour AU proccrs soli it. We only wholesale it, Branch at Olyphant, Pa The Moosic Powdte Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bldg, SCRANTON, PA. , MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Jljile at Moosic aii'l llu-li'Iala Wotl.i, Laflin & Band Powder Co.'a t ORANGE GUN, POWDER' Ulcctilo IlitlciKv, lllt'ilrk i:iIoiki, Y.- jiloillnj Ill4ls, Siltly l'tin', REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. 4 and Burning! ,We aro sola agents for .C'M(M v i' r. 1 .' ,? kmmLSm. . k 1 ,- .3.4 VA