The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 21, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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JCJJe iScranfon $ri6tme
KiililliUciUDalUv Kxccpt Kuiidny, liy tli Trill
Ufio PubliiMnR (onipati-, at Filly C'cnU MMilli.
MVY S. IMCItAlW, Kdlltr.
O. V. HV.lli:i:, Ilust-ir Mininger.
IS'cw Votjt Olllccl 1J0 X-a-wiiii bt. .
. r. a. , m.r.i, i.i'i
-Soje Agent for. Foreign .Vlvcttlsln.
l.'nfcrcel t"ili Polofllce ill ""rrniiloit, P!
' ' ' Seioml Class Mill Mmlci.
When space will permit, The
Tribune Is olways glnd to print
short letter frnm ttn friends bear
ing on current topics, but its rule is
that these must be signed, for pub
lication, by the writer's veal name;
nnd the condition precedent to ac
ceptance is that all contributions
shall be subject to editorial revision.
tiii: n,AT iiati: rou advkiitisimi.
'Hip follottliif? Iililc sliov.' (lie nlii per Ineli
mil fiwitlon, pi(.o lo ho mcil wltliln one jnr.
Hun of
.r.Ti..'.,i i-iiii
I.i 11 llini'ij.'HJiiduC,
M inclits i
inn- " '
L'.VI "
an "
rnoo " '
lldllhllf.i Po'ltl-'n.
.'! I
J i
.1 r.-i
l'or rariln of tliinki, irsolutlom of eotiilolcne",
ami Nimllir iniilriliutloin In tin inline vt ml
MrlUliig 'Jhc 'Iilbiuie m ikes elurttc ol 5 cents
. n lino.
Unlet of Cliwlfleil Aiheillsliiff fimiMieei on
SPRAXTOX, APHtLai. 100-'.
For governor of Pennsylvania, on the
Issue of mi open field and fnli- play,
JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana,
Mibjoet to the will of the Republican
Thf next governor of Pennsylvania
will not owe his nomination to the girt
of any boHs. It will come to him from
the Republican people and lie will be
thelr's only to comni.nul.
Appealing to the People.
THK fit st popular pilmaties to
be held wince M. S-. Quay
drove a dlik into the man
chiefly responsible for his
present existence politically will be In
Huntingdon e oil My, and John P. Klkln,
In a manly letter lo the chairman of the
Kepubllcan committee ot that county,
announces his wiMi to legister as ii can
didate for govemor and huxe an ex
pression of prefeience from the Repub
lican voters of Huntingdon.
I3y the time that these pilmaiies aie
held it Is hoped that the men who lined
Quay into his piesent unnatmal attitude
will hae decided upon the man thai
the deblre to foist upon the .Republicans
of Pennsylvania and will older him to
try his Inch against Klkin openlj. I'.y
the outcome of such a campaign Mr.
Klkln and all his lriends are perfectly
v illiug to abide. They simply want a
fair and open test of party prefeience.
They believe fiom the lesults in those
counties where such tests have been
made the lcsult throughout the
plate would be in their favor; but
whether that belief Is collect or not,
they stand leady to accept and nc in the popular veidlct. A cam
paign conducted on such u basis could
not possibly Injure the party, but on
the central y is necessary to piotect
obvious party interests.
rOn the contrary, should the thteaten
ed attempt be carried out to sandbag
Republican sentiment by forcing on the
ticket some candidate selected in secret
conclave by :i coterie of men who dare
not themselves go befoie the people and
who fear to let their leptesentallve go
before them, while we do not doubt the
political loyalty of John P. Klkln the
history of Penusj Ivania politics Is elo
quent in wauling of disastious con
sequences. A stilling ot the part) pre
feience In lSSU elected Pattlson in the
state and was followed two years later
by the election of Cleveland In the
nation. Iioth Incidents were lepeated
by similar means, each eight years
afterwnid.utul these two object Itsous
admonish tho?e Intel ested In Repub
lican success to bewaie when bosses
Jlout the moused sentiment of the
The joung Republicanism of Penn
sylvania is moused as never befoie by
the biutal tieatment of John P. Klkln.
It Intends to teach the icsponslble
authoiM of That political outrage a les
son they will not soon forget.
The Republicans of Pennsylvania pio
pose to nominate their own candidate
for governor, regardless of the deals of
X'lttsburg nillllonaiies.
Insurrection in the House.
UNDOUBTEDLY the situation
III which the house organiza
tion finds Itself us a lesult of
Its defeat Filday in the
voting upon tlio Payne rcclpiocity bill
Is) full .of, embarrassment for the smull
gioup (if. intjii who under the existing
riile's'and traditions constitute tho
njliug,"foice. ' Tlio iusui gents, having
tiijeteil tlio blood of tilumph, such as It
iBJ-uhll Kv do not doubt that they will
soon'" enutfgh bo son y for what they
hijvo"doiiP and knowing that In tho
questionable work of throwing their
party Into confusion they can always
depend upon the zealous aHsIstunce of
th Democratic minority, may press
fofrwirrd "for new victories, nnd It will
tuioin..flno, Italian huud on tho putt ot
th diplomats of the organization to
kerp tho legislative machine In smooth
ly running order from this time forth.
ftUitluncQuntry in general Is less In
teeeslftrtiliv.the vicissitudes of Speuker
Hi nde.rson, Jtr. Dalxell, Chairman
P.-u'iio and their colleagues among the
pa lliiinentnry poweis that weie and
to a limited extent are than It Is In
tin Bapltion which thbi mlxriip leaves
tin ftdtaXjdavp.Tue fiite not only
of Ijgliji-bujj ijlttof tho. Republican nu
tlo ml "uflnifnlHtratlou Is Involved" to n
cot slderiililu Cegrce, The beet sugar
for 'es are boasting that they huvo
kllltd-tliibun reciprocity for all time.
Ve do not believe this. They have prob
ably postponed It and mudo u bud
muddlo worse. In thut event tlmo will
straighten things out. If, however, their
boast should prove accurate, they" will
realise ere long that in Killing Cuban
reciprocity they huvo probably de
stroyed their owii party's Immediate
(P 'ill . h 11 'l
cllatices of controlling the next con
gress and seriously discredited their
branch of the national legislature In
the estimation nf tt largo innjoilty of
thoughtful people,
The main consoling thought In this
melancholy ptospcrt Is that If some of
tlio Republican members linvo been un
wise mi overwhelming litimbcr of the
minority iiiembcrrhlp has been perma
nently in 4 he same llx. Until tho De
mocracy shall evolve a policy and stick
to It dissensions among the Republi
cans will not be fatal. Though Repub
licans lull out some of the time they
mo safe so long as their opponents find
It Impossible ut any lime to fall In, In
the meanwhile It will notbe overlooked
by the country that the Republican
leaders In the house, the "organization",
so to speak, made most of their own
troubles themselves. They began by
opposing the piesldent and only enmc
to his support when self-interest com
pelled. Naturally their second attitude
was badly handicapped by their first.
The next time tlicy will undoubtedly
know better. For the present, there is
nothing lo do .but to hope that the
breach of Friday may be healed before
the fall elections nnd the party reunited
for the next tesl of strength.
When Henntor Quay a year ago said
that his political race was run there
were some who weie skeptical. Rut
in tho judgment of many, unless the
mistake Is soon cot reeled his treatment
of Joint P. Klkln bus since confirmed It.
Tariff Revision Coming:.
THE BREAKING away of sixty-four
Republicans rom
the control of the house "or
ganization" In the voting
upon the Payne reciprocity bill meas
ures tlie growing feeling of unrest in
orthodox Republican circles, and more
especially In the great agricultural dis
tricts of the Northwest and Middle
West, over the continuance of tariff
duties on articles no longer needing
protection, but actually, according lo
reputable testimony, in some cases us
ing protection to advantage the foreign
at the expense of the home consumer.
It no longer seems possible to doubt
tliat there- aie Instances In which
highly protected industiles have sold In
the foreign maiket for less than they
demand and exact hi the home mar
ket, notwithstanding the difference In
fi eights. A'e called attention, some
lime ago, lo a letter read before a con
feience of house Republicans by Con
giessmun Dick, of Ohio; a letter from
a manufacturer in Akron, O., a con
stituent of 2Ur. Dick, who vouched for
his icliabllity. In tills letter the charge
was made in detail, with names and
dates, that certain products manufac
tutod from steel could be bought of
American manufacturers in Germany
at prhes so much below the home
prices that if then weie no duty lo
pay, the American purchaser could bet
ter aftord to buy in Germany and le
sliip than to buy at home.""
At another conference, Mr. Ijlttlelleld,
of Maine, whose l'cpubllcanlsin, if un
lettered, is certainly substantial and
staunch, read a letter similar In kind.
It was from Charles It. Ilnnseom,
piesldent of the Eastern Shipbuilding
company, of New London, Conn., one
of the largest merchant ship-building
plants In the country, and among other
things it said: "it seems to me thut
the piotecthe duty on steel material is
not needed at the present time, as our
munufactureis are able to sell sl,eel in
England at HI", cents per 100 pounds,
thus underselling the British manufac
turers, but, owing to our protective
duty, at the same time this steel was
being sold In England at 93 cents,
Aineiican ship-builders weie paying
$1.." and upwaid per 100 pounds. At
the present time, 'steel material enter
ing into the construction of vessels l'or
foreign tiade la admitted free of duty.
I think it -would be quite beneficial to
siilp-balldiug Intei ests if this steel
could also be admitted fiee for vessels
which aie to engage in domestic trade."
The conditions heie noted aie viewed
witli suspicion by thousands of Re
publicans who are thoroughly loyal to
the doctrine of piotectlon as they un
derstand it; namely, a taiilf for pro
tection but not for extortion. Tlio de
cision of tho Itepubllcau leaders 'In
congress not to undertake a levlslon of
the prevalent tmiff duties at this ses
sion was undoubtedly wise, for the rea
son that many inoie pressing matters
demand attention and business condi
tions, being prosperous, should not be
unnecessatlly distuibed, Yet It is as
plait! as anything In the future can be
that the time is not remote when there
will bo either u revision made by hands
liiendly lo the tiiio doctrine of protec
tion or a revision by hands openly or
secretly hostile to all forms of protec
tion. According to the National Provlslon
er, the packet h of meat have lost money
for u number of weeks at present pi Ices
and have been saved fiom bankruptcy
only by the proilt thej; have nindo on
the by-products, Let us thank heaven
for thoso by-products.
One bundled thousand Englishmen
gathered In Crystal Palace, London,
Saturday to seo the game which was
lo decide the footlKill championship of
England. In point of attendance that
lays it over American baseball.
Again tho prediction Is nude that
Congiessiiuin Llttlelleld will bo the next
speuker of the house. Predictions me
uncertain; but what Is certain about
Llttlelleld Is that ho Is of speakership
The announcement that J, O, Uiown,
of Plttsbuii?, will oppose Klkln tecalls
to u wondetlng world the fact that
there Is u man named J, O, Drown In
Allegheny county.
A revival of the "liluo" laws Is In
pi ogress In Jloston, which means, of
yoiuse a recoil toward license, Spas
modic leforin In effect Is usually a pro.
moter of cilme.
The esteemed Philadelphia Press has.
evidently dlscoveied that It piououuced
Its political obituary over Klkln pre-
Tall tales of duik deeds among tho
savages uie coming from discharged
soldiers, as usual. Tho Yankee fighting
man, when ort duty, was eVer wont to
be it teiror with his tongue.
Dm lug the first few days of tho liottt
fishing season many of our friends ex
pect to be able to laugh at the doings
the meal trust,
If Henulor Pentose Is wise he will lose
no lime In disavowing the dirk us a
menus lo a re-election.
The Question of Blacklisting.
1.V I'lttir. MMMAV'H nrtlilon on the rallv.iy
rmplii.U'H nf tin- Unlli'il Slnti', from wlilili
uo linn nvnlled oiiMrhi't of the iitixllege of
HiiimiiiiibliiR oimi of Hip r.-oiiilllfmii xltlnif
In Hie realm of Milroul Lilior, lie kIm". u lengthy
ilhiiulon on tiio loilc nf "litacMMIiiit." Wo
(.hall in Inliflj' in povilMe tiy lo (the some ot
the lilcaj held by liibur men, ai well a mhiio of
tho leglil.ithm In ihelr In-half, m well ns fonie
ik'cJluin ot iouit on itiiilotis (hit lomu lufoic
Aceonlini to testimony taken hy Ihc
eoiiiiiiMuii, both of olnclaU ntnl repro
ftnl.itlus of 1 ilior. It win rhonn tint
maiMl'tun? hail been nude no of b koiiio rail
loatU ut n meant of wciihntf out ilUi'mitetitcil
men, labor .!!( ilurs ami clinking the Kioulh of
labor lorn.
SjIikp the ciuctincnl by conKie'i June 1, li1'!.
linking blacklisting Illegal on the pail of lull
load cnifiloyeia enifiarcd In luteit.ito commerce,
rallroul ofllcliN deny rnthely the eWenee of
any tilth IIiiiik as IjIih kli.'-t Iiilt. Ai full and ef
fectual u pi tut ire N now In force on all l.ill
io.nU of ipqtililng iipplltjntH foi position to mi
Mer.eirMln questions submitted to them, hie
In be miKt state what mid when his pieilous
woik was, and wbillur dluluiRrd or not. If
theve niiiucn fairy the Idea to the oniplojev 'hit
ho Mould not be desirable, tho 1 1 ply seiicially l-t
that his reeoid Is not fatlsfnctory.
The inline of lallioad mhIic makes It es
pecially Incumbent upon (inplo.ieia to piotect
Ihopiiblh- by ilulil Inquiry Into the quillfliilkms
of an applicant for a re-ponslble position, 'lliosu
te-U aie not only rigid in their application to skill, hut lim-t aUo cmer questions 10
lathi!,'' to pei-oiial character and liahils.
heietiteni stales, and one tenitoiy bale passed
laws atralnst blacklisting'. Some of these states
bae made laws the wilful pieienlion of ills
chained emplojrs from obtaining new- Kltiutionsj
is a oireii-rf. Indiana, Montana and fleorjila
liac- a statute requliiiiK an employer to furnish
the pinplojc with a wiittcn statement of the
i.ur-H of his illscliaige, but the Supreme couit
of Oeorsla dedaieil the statute to be unconsti
tutional. Speiul ca-c hae bein tried 111 the courls and to the Siiptcnu comt. One, called tho
Kftcham case, which piew out of the Chicago
strike in 1801. The plaiiitltr was Riven an award
of Jl,()f.O airainst'ttip Chicago and (licat W-st-oiii
Hallway company, whereas the proien lo-s
was only sl,SC10. A new- tilal was sranted, ami
the judge in Kianting the application Indicated
tlio opinion of tho couit that the juiy bad been
fro-. ci licit lowly by its feelings and slated "lint
Hits icrdict w.i-. one that would not stand for a
moment in a higher com t." This cj-p, along
with i liumbpr nT otheis, hue been parsed in the
coiut's docket pending tlio decision in anotbci
i.isp which was cairieil to the Supreme couit.
'Jhis was the c.ip of .McDonald i. Illinois Cen
tral ininpim-. Jlcilomld had been a
switchman and conduclor foi llo ,-.t-aii, ami was
one of tlio slnkeis in l9t. He claimed tint
the lallioad companies cuileiiug in Chicago hail
intend into a-toupiia(,, agreement, and lit i
dcisl.mding not to emjiloy any of Ihe members of
flip Aiiiiiican Railway union without a )
and consent fiom tlio loinpmy by which any
sin h employ., was emplo.ud. coniniouly called by men a "ileitatiie." Judgment was lcn
dcicd in tin eh cuit com I, "No t-aiiso of action,"
and londimed in the Siipipinc couit. The couit
slid that tho declaiatiou did not clmgp the do
find mt company villi a to giant a cleji
ai ce caul sitting foitb liuthfully all the facts
piuper to be .slated ill a ileaianee caul, but did
-.iy that the conipanv letused to gio him Mich
an instrument as would cniblp him to obtain cm
plojment ill tlio railway business. The compiny
w.h not lequupd to gi him a clcaianeo tint
would enible him to grt emplojineiiL from olhci
comp inies. In another cap .lu4icc Phillip nj
ilertd decision October 21, la'IJ, aflliniiug Ihe
light of a l.ulioid eompiny to rrfuse to gne a
clcn.ince caul. 'I lie ju-lhe fuither said the c'tar
aire caul is llnply a letter, be it good, bad or
Iniliffeient, giiiug length of sen ice, capa-ity
elc. It is in no scn-e a letter of ipcommendi
lion. A letter of leconiineiidatiou, on tin! 1011
tiaiy, is as t lie term implies, a letter commend
ing the foimer serice of the holder ill such terms
as would f.noulily implex tin person of whom
he would .seek employment.
Another in which a woiiim in the employ
of l.lblii, Mc.S'eal fc I.lhby, of the Pnion Slock
janK (hicago, quit work with beieial others en
.u count of icductlon of wages. Slip applied to
Ainioui- k Co.. and otheis for cmploiment hut
wat ufu-ed. she chiigestheiu with pon-plung
together to icfne emplojment to any who go
our on stilki. The lomt sajs: "When dam
ngis is .sustained by one peij-nn from the wiong
fill act of ai.othi'i, an ae-tioii for eompen-allon is
ghen lo tie nijuied party against the wiong.
doer. An act is wiouqful in law it it intiingi's
upon the right ot another, and not otherwise.
An act which does not infiingc upon any right
of a pcii-ou ii not, a.s to tliat peison, wiougful.
One his the light to decline to enki the fenlto
of another, and BCicial persons, acting jointly,
in piusuanie of an agieenient to tint cltect, hair
ll.p light to so decline. So, one has the light
to decline to employ anotner, and wer.d per
sons, acting jointly in puii-iiance of an agree,
mint lo that effect, have Ihe light to no dic'line."
'Jhis his been taken to a highei couit and se-.eul
either en-is ill Illinois couits aie hanging on the
decision iuvthis.
A bill which icpiiscnts Ihc laelical labor sen.
tinient on Ibis nibjrct, was picpaied nnd Inlro
diieed in tho Pulled Plates benate May II, 1900,
which was i ef cruel to the coniiuitteo on educa
tion and labor, and lias not jet been reported.
Tho hut section of this bill provides that any
a'gieement or untie standing, tacit or othciwli-e,
between pcr-on or persons wilh .my corporation,
owning, lunnliig or opciatlng any i illroid,
steamboat, pic--, tclegriph or telephone lines,
or tiaiisporlalion line engagcel in commerce, etc.,
to piewnl or hinder tin' employment, etc,, or to
cause the dschirge, etc., by leason of .my par
tleipation in any tlilla or labor tiouble, etc.,
who shall be ermletcd in any war of putlilpit
ing in any Mich consplinry sinl be piinMied by
liupilsomniiit in Ihc peiiltentliny, not e-.-.s than
two nur more thin ten Jiars.
Mr. John T. Wllon, gi.iuil chief of the Uiolher
hood ot Itiliway Tialniuen, said in tesllmouy
befoie the industrial toiiiuiissloii: "Tin; i.v.leiu
of lilatkllsting is coi.diKlcd wilh so miieli privacy
tliat I liinlly thiiil, it possible to emit and i if
force laws lo iiholUh tlio evil," Mi. V. II.
Honolulu, guild chief ot the Itiolhcihood of Hill
way Carileis, licfo-o tho Imliblili luiniiib-lou,
f.ilel! "I luieio tlie can-is lor blaiklUting will
giaehully disippcar altogether, biouglit about by
tho gerciol oiganlitlon if tlie, as tho
nun lljlilu will pot ccncially bp admitted to the
oiganlratiom, and by tin general louvnUiuti of
oigauh-atloiH tho cause foi illMOiitent from tliU
source will become less wilh time, I'nder prec'nt
e lie imisl.incca I would not recommend siuh fur
ther legUlatlon,"
It Is siiKgestciI by some that If the gomnnrnt
m,iud the liaiipoitatlun lined, and ehil seiilcp
lilies weie eufoiicd, it would do away with all
1'ioiu Woman's Home (.'ompanloii.
1. Plenty of walcr, but not too much at any
one lime, especially not with meaU. 3. Plenty
of hull. .!. ,o eluus I'scept small quantities of
tea, eull'ie ami chocolalc, and vpiees for Ihioi,
not for pli)plologli cll'cel. I, No puticlied mcit,
iei milo meat prepaid! by flying or ihaible.
cooking, Hiiall quantities at not molt! than two
mi' lis daily, 0. Thciough iinntiialloii, li'l.inel.i
habits at tho table. (I. No eating between meals.
Liquids Hut iniuuo digestinn, like milk, lee
iieuiii (which melts timing tin pioecss ot swal
lowing), itc,, conic under Ibis head. 7. .Vo a
leiatiou nf abatlutiite and iMei. Vtfi e'Jlidy,
irulte, eh sscrts, etc-., in modeiatlou, at Ilia cud of
locals, 8. Ko o 1 1 loading of the stomach at auv
time, n. 'u (iiqurlttc whltli (ones uuo to tat
Impiopcr foods, ll pit) is ss'ned leave the bottom
mist without apology, 'cat tjinilar foods like
wist. ID. Ariaiijjcj join meals m that ''i can
enjoy 1 lie in. Don't liy lo tat a heady hiajk
fast so rally that jour stomach is not awake,
llaec j our hturtiot meal at noun or in tic
evening. Ji&n't iuntinc that jou ran gro.v
btioiig on fueds that ou dislike. Hotter filed
bam mid chocolate cake with u cooet appittti!
than hfalth i't:rca ntt milk and disgust.
kMlMM M0U0 t4&j& yjglgy fofffi'JFfcffl ' "i ill-
l'mm the I.cvvlsburg Palunlay New-i.
IT S NOT only an error to attempt to give (l"ii
era I Klkln tho sliding board on tho ground
tint he Is a weak cnlidhlalc, hut It I i'ldnt
fiom the ctpiessloin and events of the pisl
week that unless the popular will as c-cpiesscd
rvcr.v where Anally has Its way ill Ills lioiulnitlon
this bicaklng ground and changing of Itepubllcau
firm!, when nil has for months been making to
waid Inrmonv, will make birder the election ol
sonic llcpublltan iongiemcn and a t'nllcd Slates
The rnliip sllualloii resolves Itself Into a differ.
ciipp of opinion among Senator tjuij's friends us
to the avail ibility at (his time ot tleneral I'lkln.
The I'iltshurg tontlngent in their local p.ism
.want a sarilllee and lilooel and have demanded 1.1
kin's political scalp, nnd thte.ils lo Senator Ten
lose have tauscd him and Judge1 llulliiin to le
luct.uitly aiquiesce. We liilievc Scnalor i'eiuoso
and Judge IMuliam .lctded reluctantly hut with
genuine grief ami agilml their Judgment; )ct
they jlcldcd, and now- the miviip.
Another clement ot Krmlor t'uay'fl filends wiio
rrldp over tin stale, and who are flee flora the
entanglement! cau-eil by "Hipper" bills of their
own making, who do not seek In boss a gieat
illy and state, but who bplicvc In justice as well
as reward, will not accept the decree' of thp Pills,
burg contingent foieed upon Senator (Juay mid
by him communicated lo Ids fi lends, that tlie.o
is wairant for the retirement of ( lllkln.
And so tho right will go on. t-'omo of f-cn I'.en
(Juaj's friends will follow the l'ittsbmgers and
senile w-lll stand by Klkln mil 11 ho wins or loses
in the slate convention.
Having Insiiucled Into delegate to Mile for
fteiieral Klkln I'nion county Is spaicd the neces
sity of any contention over (he matter, nnd all
Itepubllians arc to be, congratulated by reason
of tills fact, for tho parly hcie Is now united,
and while Union county Is practically unanimous
for Klkin, some pirty otrlfp would surely follow a
contest, however one-sided. That our position
may not bo misunderstood, we dcslip to make It
pltln that we differ in opinion with those who
believe (icncral Klkin should letlir. I'roni our
contact with people over the state, we do not
believe the i e yaw ns any sacrificial ehasin demand
ing tlie retirement of Ueneral Klkln, for the party
is more neirly united than for yeais and it would
I ally to him a;s to no candidate for many ears.
The' Sitnidoy 'News is for htm for what bo has
done for his paily, for ids faith in and btuidy lov
ally to Senator ('nay, because we ailmlic bis abil
ity, and, with all who know liim, repcet and
bonoi his spleniiid minhond.
Our sincere wish is tliat lie may siiceeed as he
so well deserves lo.
A Manly Candidate.
rrniu the Philadelphia, Jnquirer.
John 1. Klkin boldly challenges any candidtte
lo meet lilm at any of the tounty primal lis and
appeal diieclly lo the .otes of the people for sup
port. That is the manly way lo do. It ihe lull
lioiiaiieVoinhiiie of Pittsburg lias a candidate ot
its own, by all means let it produce lilm. If
Senatoi (juiy wishes to test the qualities of any
peison lie in iy name, bring lilui before the eiti
reus. It will not do for the senator to lmd-r-take-
to bowl Klkin out and then -it lip at the
last moment in llanisbing and dictate some- one
for governor.
It is not too late for (Juay to lislen to leaon.
lie ins tinned an eai lot us hope but temporal!
l.v to tlie Pittsburg franchise giabbtr.s and hood
lei, and has I eject eel the wishes of Ids own
fiienek It is the light of Ihc leadeis of Pcnn
sjlvaiii.i Itcpublicaiiiaiii to le-cnt this of
long time fiicndshlps. It is not only their light
to be lie.iid, but 11 is their duty in the midst of
a eiisU in paily attain lo impicss upon the sen
ator tlie ilaiigei.s of the position which he has as
sumed. Nearly all of the county loadeis in Pen'i-yl-anii
aie tlie waim friends of Mi. V.lM'i.
Smator Quiy has no light to biing, discord mid
ujnfu-ion among them by limning after Pitts
buig millionaires and depending upon old leaders
to follow after him. It is a fertible thing that i.e.
eipeels them lo do, and their eiv manhood lo
bels agalnt tlie betiajJI.
bolder after leader Ins declared lint he will
not join in the movement lo de-feat Klkln at the
behest of the Pillsbuig boodlcis. Self-icsprct de
mands it of tlieni, and they should point out to
the senator the d.uigci.s tint aie ahead if the pol
icy of Miaiigiilatiou is to be pei.sistcd in. The
break, alrcaelv a most seiious one, cannot help
but glow. The people .lie foi Klkin, and if tlie.v
aie, what illflcrence does it make if a pair ot
nillliouaiic manipulators aie not in accouli Can
they defeat the Hipublloau ticket and tontiol tlie
IcRislalme? Most certainly not.
(live the people their way, and there will be a
ticincnilons Itopublican niajoiiiy, witlc a Itepub
liean I'nited States senator chosen as a matter
of course, 'flip danger lies in tliwaiting tlie pen
pie, and the leadeis o! tho parly in Penn-jl-,anla
ought to show- to Scnitor (Juay that the
mailed hand cannot clutch the state convention
Ppring and Fummer Osfouls and Doots that con
tent the mind and comfort tho feet.
Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00
Ladies' "Molba" Oxfords, $2.50.
Lewis 8c Reilly,
114-110 Wyoming Avenue.
S r ATiTNOIillAi?
I'a-t Sliniid-iMiug, 1'a,
The cxaniinalioiH for admission lo tho Middle
Year and Senior Year ilisces will lip held .lime in,
I Huh school giaduates will ho peimltlnl In take
both ruimliutlous and rutin tin fouloi diss
win I ii Iheli vvoik has eoviTid the juuim niui mid
dle .vears toiusc of tin notmal, Tide jcar will
he the last opportunity given to do so, us tin
tbiii', ,mmis' ionise Is In full folic and all will
romp under the state icgiilat ions of reinitiation,
For full paitieulars address at once,
(1, I', I1IIU.I., A. M Principal.
eV ' '
Swarthmore College
f The Course in Arts
oner. Four c.ur. o study J The Course in SciencQ
Letting to ucgrc . Tf)e Course in Letters
The Course in Engineering
Character Always the Primary Consideration
Extensive Campus; Beautiful Situation and Surroundings;
Sanitary Conditions the Best; Thorough Instruction ;
Intelligent Physical Culture.
VULIAfl W. BIRDSALL, President
nr.d drive to defeat n manly (.mdidale who has
only naked tint he lie permitted to make his own
tnnlrsl before the propio and win his dolrgates
by the popular ote.
Franklin County Is Solid.
Prom Chambcrsburg Public Opinion.
We have frequently hcirel the question "What
wilt the franklin coimtv- delegites to the slita
contention do In ease Mr. Klkln and Mr. Million
both plare their nimes before that hotly t" This
Is n question that It sornis to itl hardly needs to
be asked. We can lnully imagine such a con
tlligeliry. If such a thing should occur, wo siy
rinphatlrally that the delegates Would bo -111 duty
bound to .ole according to their binding instruc
tions as long as Mr. Klkln Is in the rare. As
long ns Mr. Klkln Is a landidatr so long will cur
delegate! ge for lilm, mid tint will be until he
is nominated.
Out Goes Cameron.
1'ioiu the Lancaster New Kia. ,
Their is no room for further doubt tint Senator
(Juay was controlled In his remarkable course
towards Attorney (ieneral Klkln's candidacy by
Influential rorpoiatlon Influences, whose inter.
rsls lay In tl.o selection of c -Senator Hon C mi
cron as the Republican candiehto for governor.
There Is also every ic.ison to believe tliat this ar
rangement was made wilh the full knowledge ol
certain distinguished metropolitan editor.-, who
for some ".cars hue been Henntor Quaj's strong,
est critics, but who weie willing to lecognlzr the
laltcr's leadership, asserted In Its most offensive
form, if thereby they could re-establish them
selves in a position of influence with the patty.
This remarkable manifestation of public feeling
against tin former senator, an uprising that lias
gaiiied in foice dally instead ot abating, ns had
been eonfldcntlv nntloipalcel, has completely up
set and disconcerted the plans of the high polit
ical conspirator, and tlire is now- little doubt
that Mr. Cameron has been Inuriedly elroppcel
from their calculations. Commissioner Duihani,
upon whom Senator Quay must lcly for the bulk
of bis support in ids cIToit to contiol the Itepub.
llcan convention, lias positively refused to bo n
party to the move in the interest of Cameion,
and it is therefore piobable that we will hear Jess
and le.-s of that feature of the canvass. As no
second choice was considered hy Senator Quay
whc.n be launched his remarkable manifesto, tlie
senator finds himself unexpectedly vciy much at
eea, In the fare of a most determined opposition,
backed by a sentiment throughout tlie state that
is almost uiipircedenlul anel pioinisrs to be ir
resistible. With greater ligor and detciinlnv
lion than ever, Attorney (lateral Klkln has re
solved that tlie people of every county in tho
slate wheip Hip delegates remain to bp elected
shall have the oppoitunlly to ,oico their sent!
units on tlie question of their choice, and instead
of :in absolutely dictated, one-man convention,
the gathering at llarrisbuig in June promises to
be one of tl e most popular and liveliest in the
history of tlie party. Whatever were the mo
tives that prompted Senator Quay, lie has been
the indhect cause of infusing an intctcst in the
canvass tint was bcietofoie lacking and that will
go far tl instiling the success of the ticket
by an ovcivv helming ntajoiity, if tlie party nun
aget. hive a giain of common sense.
During tho summer of 1902, in
struction in all the subjects required
for admission to the best colleges
and scientific schools will be given
at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer
School of Secondary Instruction,
Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the
direction of Principal Charles E.
Fish The courses of instruction
are for the benefit of five classes of
1. Candidates who have received
conditions at the entrance examina
tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed
examinations until September.
3. Students in Secondary Schools,
who, by reason of illness or other
causes, have deficiencies to make up.
4. Students in Secondary Schools
who wish to anticipate studies and
save time in the preparation for
5. Students in college who have
admission conditions which must be
removed befoie the beginning of the
next Scholastic Year.
For particulars address,
CHARLES E. FISH, Principal
School of the Lackawanna,
Scranton, Pa.
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not a short cottise, nor an easy course,
nor u cheap coui-e, but the beat education
lo be had. No otlwr education is woitli
spending time and money on. If jou do,
wiitc for a catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
which ofTeis thorough preparation In the
Knglneering and Chemical I'rofessiona as well
as the regular College couisco.
T. J. Fosttr, President. Klmcr II. Uwall, treat.
B. J, Foster, Stanley I. AlUrt,
Vice President. Secretary.
44t tn-',i
a.. iiirtSj.sL.. . iHiUL.i.i .xti-r f ...
The Greatest of All
The Scranton Tribune will open on Mjv 5 its third great
Educational , Contest. Like the others, which proved so profit
able to the contestants during the past two years, this will be open
to young people, not only of Scranton. but throughout Lacka
wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. There
are offered as Special Rewards to those who secure the largest
number of points,
Thirtythree Scholarships
in some of the leading educational institutions in the country.
The list is as follows :
2 Scholarships in Syracuse University, at 8432 each.
1 Scholarship in Bucknell University
1 Scholarship in Ihe University of .Rochester
School .
in Washington
in Williamsport
in Dickinson
in Newton Collegiate Institute
in Keystone Academy
in Brown College Preparatory School
in the School of the Lackawanna . . .
in Wilkes-Barre Institute
in Cotuit Cottage (Summer School) . .
Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at
?125 each . ..
Scholarships in Hardenbergh School of Music and Art
Scholarships in Scranton Business College at $100
each '
Scholarships .in International Correspondence Schools,
averaere value S57 each
2 Scholarships in Lackawanna
$85 each
2 Scholarships in Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio
Each contestant failing to secure one of the scholarships as a
special reward will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she
secures for The Tribune during the contest.
Special Honor Prizes.
A new feature is to be added this year. Special honor prizes
will be given to those securing the largest number of points
each month. Just what the prizes will be are to be announced
later, but they will consist of valuable and useful presents, such, as
watches, books, etc.
The best explanation of the plan of The Tribune's Educational
Contest will be found in the rules, which are here given :
Tlio special lewaieta will be glum to llic
person securing the ljiget niim'jir of
Points will ho credited to eoiileitants bc
cuiing new sub-cubeis to The hcr.iiiton
Tribune :i follows:
One month's fctibcription $ .50 1
'J'liice months' snKscnption... 1.M 'i
tsi inonlliV subscription 2.60 H
One jcii's bttbscriptiiin COO 1-
Tlie contestant witli tho liitrlipst number
of points will be nueii a choice from tlie
list of icnaieis; tlio contestant with
tlio second highest number of point, will
bis giuii a clioico of the rc-nuiiiitijr le
wnrd, end fo on through the list.
'Ihe contestant who secures the highest
number of points dm ins any calendar
inonlli of the contest will icoei.c a special
honor reward, this reward being entirely
Those desiring to enter the Contest should send in their
names at once, and they will be the first to receive the book of
instructions and canvasser's outfit when the contest opens onMay 5.
All questions concerning the plan will be cheerfully answered.
Address all communications to
! 'l
A new Hue of
Iu Seal. Walrus or Vz-
ard, with plain or Jeweled
4. clasps in Silver and Gold
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132 "Wyoming Avenue,
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1 Ils
We have the most complete ns
and SHIRT-WAISTS in Scrantoij
75c to $3.50,
Of every description in great
variety anel assortment now
ready for the Spring- and Sum
mer trade, including1 the famous
Dr. Beimel linen Mesh,
418 Spruce Street
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
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I Wrist Bags
School for Boys
Dickinson Seminary . . .
Collegiate Preparatory
.Business uoiiege, tic,
independent nf tlie ultimate disposition ol
the .scholarships.
Kacli contestant failing to secure o spe
cial leward will be given 10 per cent, ot all
money lie en- she tuins in.
' All Mibsuiplions limit be pile! in advance.
Duly new- subscribe!1 will be counted.
ItenewaU by peisom whoso names arc al
lcaely on oiu emVcWptlou list will not bc
(edited. 'Ihe 'J'ribuno will investigate each
biibsciiptiem and if. foui d iuegular in any
way rescues the light to lejoct it.
Xo tiaifers can bo made after credit
lias once been given.
All Mibaciiptions and the cali to pay for
thciu must lie handed in at 'ihe Tiiliunc of
fie. within tlie week in which they arc fc
cured, to tliat papers can be sent to the
subscribers at once.
hiilncilplioiis must bc wtitteti on lilanlt!,
which can bc secured at The Tribune ofllce,
or w ill be sent .liy null.
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa
'Phone 2007. Old 'Phone 79-2.
Don't Strike !
Buy the
"Stuoot," the Typewriter
Man, takes pleasure in ex
hibiting its merits from morn
till night. 1st floor Guernsey
Building, Scrantou, Pa.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Penu Avenue,
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