The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 21, 1902, Image 1

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The Gltu o? Plttsburu Burned to
the Water's Edoe In the
Ohio River.
The Side Wheel Eiver Craft De
stroyed Yesterday Morning Many
Passengers Burned to Death.
Though the Boat Was Headed for
Shore as Soon as the Fire Was
Discovered, Those on Board Who
Jumped nto the Swift Current
Were Swe. Away and Drowned.
In the Panic the Officers and Crew
Are Unable to Render Assistance
with Boats or Life Preservers.
Many Passengers Rescued in Boats
Sent from the Shore Sixty Dead
cr Missing.
fly Kxclushc Wire tiom Tne Aoiieiat'd I'rc.
Cairo, III., April 20. One of the worst
disasters In tho history of Ohio river
navigation occurred shortly after 4
o'clock this morning:, neat Ogden's
Landing-, near this city. While almost
all aboard were asleep, the steamer
City of Pittsburg- was discovered to be
on tire, and In a few moments was
.burned to the water's edge. The loss
of over $80,000 on the steamer does not
include the cargo, both being u total
loss. The latest estimates are that lfiO
persons were aboard and not more than
half of them wore saved.
Jlany of those saved were burned or
injured. As the register of the steamer
was burned, no list can be given, either
of the victims or of the survivors, and
in the confusion it has been impossible
to get complete lists, captain Phillips"
admits that the death list may reach
Ho says: "The fire (aught In the
hold. The night watchman claims to
have been in the hold five or ten
minutes before the fire was discovered.
The pilot headed the steamer directly
Into the bank and the sharp bow
struck In the mud. The bow lies ciuur
teiing with the bank."
Passengers Were in Bed.
Most of the passengers were still In
bed when Second Cleric Oliver gave the
alarm. The engineers at once started
all the pumping engines, while the
crew brought all the hose Into play.
Amid the streams of water on all sides,
the (lames from the lower deck and
dense clouds of smoke, the passengers
rushed from their state looms and a
frightful panic ensued. The appeals of
the olllcers and crew could not ap
j)oae the panic-stricken crow do that
interiered with those throwing water
on the Haines, as well as with thoFe
working with the life-boats. Few
rould adjust life preservers or do any
thing for themselves,
The smoke was silling. Oreat clouds
floated through the blazing steamer,
choking the passengers and adding to
the terror.
Life boats weie manned and every ef
tort was made to sue the pussen'geis
from the lloatlng furnace of Haines,
From the river banks, the sparks
from the burning craft and the douse
clouds of smoke, tinged with Haines,
made u most Impressive and welid
Uoats were sent from shore to help
In the work of rescue, and. laden to limit with passengers in the scant
attlro they had ben able to gather,
worn brought back to rno river banks.
As fast as the boats could be emptied,
they returned to the ill-fated steamer,
llie rescuers losing no time from their
Stenmer Headed for Shoie,
The burning steamer was quickly
headed to tho bank, but passengeis
were forced to jump from tho stern and
trying to swim nshoie through the
swift current, many were drowned.
Many also perished In the Humes. Only
quo yawl was saved, without oars, uud
tho women were taken off. About
twenty or thirty wero taken ort in tho
Help, except from people living near
by, did not arrive until 2.30 o'clock
this afternoon, and the passengers,
with only night clothes, and without
food, suffered terribly,
Among the mUsIng are a child of
Pilot Al. Pritchard, and Clay Ifreese,
his wife and son, and a son of Archlo
SI. Allen, of Pittsburg,
Cnptuln'Plillllps says twenty or thir
ty members of tho crew nro missing
and the same number of passengers.
Two women, Mrs, S, 11. Leach, of
Paldgoporl, Ohio, burned about tho
Jiuiids, and Sirs, Kllen Funmore, Ar
nuekle, W. Vu severely burned about
tho face, will recover.
Sirs. Fannie MeCullutii, of Leaven
worth, lud,, lost three children.
Pat Tlurke, of Owenshoro, Ky., wife
and fix children, were all lost.
The body of a child, dressed In night
clothes, was taken from tho river at
Slound City,
Among tho first bodies recovered
wero thoso of Captain Wesley Dobs, of
Cincinnati, and Miss Marie Tissom. of
Cnnnelton, Ind.
Tho lire wus discovered ut 4.05 a. m.
Theie were seventy passengers, and
seventy, all told, In tho crew. A par
tial list of tho lost follows:
Mil. ADAMS, Ohio; bound tor St, Louis.
Mil. DOWNS, Memphis.
TOM SMITH, Moorsman, Memphis.
l'ATHICK HOItKi:, wile ami rlx ihlldrcn, Uwoiu-
luirn lt liiMinil tnf tltcBntirt.
J.lOi: ItlUIMXH and I.U1) JUNKS, strikers, engi
neer!., Cincinnati. .
A little girl named Svvccncj, of Owenshoro, Ky.
m;vi'i:it, i.nimti, i-j.
Two looki am! two cliambci maids and nioit of
the deck I.jiiiN.
The fire started In the forward hatch
larboard and burned fiercely and when
the steamer ran ashore escapes were
made over the cabin railing. Very few
passengers or members of the crew
were aware of tho fire until It was too
Sixty People Lost.
The captain and clerk late tonight
claim in ail 80 persons have been ac
counted for, leaving 60 people lost or
unaccounted for.
The steamer Maud Kilgore, Cuptaln
Cole, brought the survivors to this
place at 6 p, m., and the several so
cieties of the city renderd all assistance
in the way of clothing, etc.
The Pittsburg's officers consisted of
John SI. Phillips, commander; Dana
Scottj purser; Oliver Phillips, of Pitts
burg;clerk,13en Bridges, Loulsville.third
clerk; Arch Schriber, Sloscow, Ohio,
first mate: Tom Whitney, New Albany,
Ind., second mate: Harry Goss, Cincin
nati, pilot; Al Pritchard, Stemphls,
pilot; Clate Crawford, Ironton, Ohio,
engineer; Harry Clossen, Zanesvllle,
second engineer; Wlllam Bollinger, Cin
cinnati, seward; Feid Kentz, Newpoit,
Ky., barkeeper; Harvey Brown, Cin
cinnati, stones.
Louisville, Ky., April 20. The City of
Pittsburg left Louisville Friday after
noon, after taking on three passengers
and twenty roustabouts at this city. A
Louisville man. Benjamin Bridges, was
third clerk of the steamer. A telegram
received here this afternoon says Clerk
Bridges and his sister Miss Slargaret
Bridges, and Sliss Jennie Bisslck, of
Lexington, Ky., the latter two having
boarded the boat at Louisville, wero
saved. A man, whose name is known
here, also took passage on the Pitts
burg from this city.
Passenger's Story.
II. T. Gardiner, of Toblnsport, Ind.,
wjjo vas among the saved relates his
experience as follows:
"About five o'clock 1 was awakened
by the elect! le bells and the screams of
passengers. 1 put on a life preserver
and my clothes and went out and jump
ed overboard. 1 was almost caught
under the wheel and saw one man
diown, who was cat lied under the boat
by the current. I was badly bruised
about the limbs, but 1 am a good swim
mer and managed to get ashore."
Sirs;. Sherman McCullon, with her
three children was going to C'aruthers
vllle, SIo to join her husband. She
Jumped overboard and landed In the
yawl, but her tluee children landed In
the water and she saw them sink from
She Is nearly frantic with grief. The
body of the youngest of the little ones
was lecoveied at Slound city and the
remains were identified by the mother.
Another terribly sad circumstance
was the loss of one of the children of
Pilot Al Pritchard. The little one was
tossed fiom the binning steamer to
arms waiting to catch It in the yawl,
but its-head struck against the side of
the boat and it fell Into the river and
was lost.
One of the surviving members of the
crew gave this account:
"The fire was discovered at 4.0., a.
in. In the forward hold. In a few min
utes the whole bow was a wreck. The
front stairways burned, cutting off any
avenue, of escape. We alarmed the
sleeping passengers, bursting open the
doors to awaken them. They ran out
without putting on life preservers, and
wero crowded. The officers held them
back while tho one yawl was loaded
with women and children.
"The scene was awful. About twen
ty or thirty wero taken off In the boat
and then those in the water were res
cued. The water was very cold and
tho passengers were in their night
clothing. Those who were not burned
In the boat wero drowned, nil except
those who were able to swim. I was
one of those.
"Willi we reached shore, we wero
unable to stand and had to bo helped
out of the water. It seemed as though
wo were crazed by fright, for wo wero
(creaming with flight, even after wo
were ashore,"
The Council Issues a Manifesto to
Worklngmen to This Effect.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre.
llruskels, 'April 20.-At a general loimcll of the
labor party held here today It ua resolved Slut
work by tho tinker In all sections khould be re
iumt d,
'I lie council Ittucil a to the wording.
ii'Cii to IliU tiled this eieiilnir.
'I ho until Ipatcd almoin ccnunt by the crown of
the dissolution of pjillnment has not yet been
Signs Yesterday Were Regarded as
Ily i;vilnsl,-o Win from The Associated l'rcw.
'I he IUkuc, April tin. 'i he condition of Omen
Wllheliulni riuiJini practically iinthanyed. fchq
thus not re iriiuiuutiicts and lias taken a little
nuiru nourishment.
'llic ipum's consort and Hit, queen's phyM-Iins
kit l'jllo l.oo for a Hint today, 'IliU h ic
Karded an a fatorabto bin.
Big Brewery Burned,
Ily Wire Irom The Associated Picu.
Cincinnati, April 20. Tho largo biewery of the
Christian Mocrlein I'oinpany, at Kim and lie
.Mitklii streets, wan damaged more than IMOO.OUO
by fire today, supposed to be duo to spontaneous
combustion, Andrew Mocrlein wi teilously in.
jureilr by fallluy from ids carriage on hit ty
to the Arc.
Everything Wide Open The Raines
Hotels Do a Thriving Business.
By ICxctiuhe Wire from The Associated I'ren.
Now York, April 20. The Sunday
laws wore neither enforced nor ob
served to the letter In this city today.
IC there wero fewer excise arrests thnn
on any previous Sunday of late, It was
not because the saloonkeepers complied
with the law. As "'thc Haines law
hotels did a thrlv .islness, with the
aid of the reguhiiK sandwich, and In
mnny cases without that adjunct,
Saloonkeepers not In possession of a
hotel license conducted their places In
a more discreet manner and u great
number of these were closed altogether.
All the small butcher shops, grocery,
dry goods and other stores wero wide
open. Peddlers thronged the streets and
did a thriving business from their push
Disastrous Conflagrations in
Missouri, Texas and
By Kxiiusue Wire from The Associated I'reis.
Kansas City, SIo., April 20. A des
tructive Arc visited the southwestern
part of this city today, laying waste
a section of dwelling houses almost a
quarter of a mile long and a block wide
and doing damage to the amount of
About fifty dwelling-houses weie des
troyed and 60 or more families were
rendered homeless. A high wind
amounting almost to a gale was blow
ing and the flames spread with alarm
ing rapidity.
The fire started In a grocery store.
Slany persons lost all of their property.
Sluch furniture and other pioperty was
destroyed, after having been piled In
supposed places of safety.
Most of the residents who suffeied
loss are poor. Those who need assist
ance nre being cared for temporarily by
neighbors and charitable Institutions.
Dallas, Tex., April 20. The Dorsey
Printing company, one of the largest
establishments of the kind in the south
west, was totally destroyed by fire
early this morning. The loss is esti
mated at $200,000, one half covered by
While this fire was in progress a Hro
in another section of the city caused a
loss of $15,000.
The principal damage at this fire was
at the Griffiths Lumber company's yard
the loss being estimated at $50,000. The
other heavier loseis were the Keating
Implement company and the Georgan
Stoiage company. The fires are believ
ed to have been incendiary.
London, April 20. A fire biokc out
at midnight last night in Hackney, a
popular suburb of London, in a printers
warehouse three stoiies high, the top
of which was used for living rooms. A
dozen Hie engines and escapes arrived
promptly at the scene but the flames
weie of overmastering power and it
was Impossible to enter the building.
When the flames were finally under
control the charred bodies of a man,
two women and four chlldieu were
Leader of the Mob, Refusing to Halt,
Was Stabbed with a Bayonet.
Several Were Killed.
By Kxclvulie Wire from The Associated Pie-.s,
Biussels, April 20. The papers hero
contain vivid descriptions or the riots
which ocurred at Louvaln, near here,
last Friday.
The mob, which was returning from
the station after meeting the Socialist
deputies from Brussels, divided Into
two bunds, one making for the resi
dence of the piesident of the chamber,
SI. Schollaert, and the other for that of
tho minister of the Interior, SI. Dp
Trooz. The first mentioned mob was
led by a man of gigantic stature,
flourishing a butcher knife. After
breaking through the ranks of one
squad of the civic guard, the mob
found Its way blocked In a narrow lano
by another sound of tho same organ
ization. An officer of the guurd lan
forward and called upon tho mob to
halt, shouting that otherwise ho would
order his men to flro a volley upon
them. The rioters dlsresarded this
order. The officer was about to give
the command to lire, when tho gigantic
leader of tho rioters leaned forward
and seized the officer's throat with his
big hands. He pinned him against a
wall and leveled n pistol at his head.
Another officer yelled tho order to file,
mid plunged a bayonet Into the giant's
breast. The foremost of the rioters
grasped tho bnyonetH of tho gunids'
leveled rifles In their bare hands. Tho
volley rang out and In the narrow luno
tho mob was riddled with bullets. Sev
eral wero killed. Tho remainder of the
rioters broke and fled.
In the meantime, tho other band of
rioters had a similar but less tragic
experience, In a collision between the
rioters and tho guards, a drummer of
the latter broke from the ranks and
joined tho moh, shouting to them to
have no fear, as tho guards were only
supplied with blank cuiirldges. Yell
lug, the mob rushed. It was mot by a
volley fiom the guards. Two of the
iloters were killed and many were
Today tho dead are lying In the Sltil
son des Proletulres, which has been
converted Into a mortuary chapel by
draping, candles and ciiclftxcs,
Crowds of women filed through the
building all day.
Bulgarians and Turks Fight, i
By Kxclushe Wire from The Associated I'rcss,
Salonlca, KUropean Turkey, Apill SO. Anutlirr
fight between TurkKli troorn and eighteen Bul
garians occurred 10 near Killndlr. i:ight
of the Bulgarian were killed while the otli?n
rtcaped. three of the dead men uorc I lie unl
form of the Uulgaiian armv.
Bishop Merrill Is Introduclno Some
Innovations at the
Meeting Was Held on Saturday Af
ternoon nnd Mrs. F. D. Gamewell,
Who Went Through the Sle'ge of
Pekin, Gave an Interesting Ad
dress Concerning Her Experience.
Dr. J. H. Blcksford Spoke for the
Preachers' Aid Society Sermon
Delivered Yesterday Morning by
Bishop Merrill.
Special from a btult Correspondent.
Waverly, N. Y April 20. Sluch was
accomplished at Saturday morning's
session of the conference when busi
ness went with a rush. The
bishop made un Innovation, and
innovations are very rare In the
Wyoming conference. Immediately fol
lowing the devotional exercises, he
called the presiding elders to the front
and they stood around the altar like a
row of candidates while he catechised
them publicly. The bishop asked them
regarding the way in which church
records were kept and whether the mis
sionary funds were properly attended
to, and whether the ministers in their
districts were conducting themselves
properly and doing their duty.
The seventh question was taken up:
"Who have been elected to full mem
bership?" The following were elected
to deacon's orders: Alfred A. Burke.
George N. Crosby, George S. Connell.
Adelbert D. Finch, Edward N. Kline,
Charles L. Lewis, Edward SIcSIillan,
W. H. Crawfoid, and were passed and
presented to the bishop.
Norman A. Dnrllng was admitted to
elders' orders by fulfilling the require
ments in a special clause of the Discip
line. Albert Whlttaker and B. R. Han
Ion were admitted to elders' orders: J.
C. Tennant was continued in school.
Bishop's Address.
The bishop addressed the class of
candidates for elders and deacons'
orders. He spoke chlelly along doctrin
al lines, emphasizing the Slethodlst
declaration of personal experience.
"You are not called upon to answer
the question, 'are you already perfect.'
said the bishop. "You can say without
mental leservatlon that you are going
on to perfection. Consecration means
devoting all your time giving all of
yourself, hands, feet, body, love of life
and every talent to the service of God."
Times have changed. We never used
to ask a young man after two years of
faithful service, whether he believed' In
Slethodlst doctrine. But we have theo
logical seminaries now. and I am a little
afraid that we have schools of theology.
I am not opposed to theological schools
but the schools of theological are dif
ferent. Book concerns are sending out
liteiature containing some strange doc
trines. I am afraid we need a book
editor. A gie.u deal of questionable
matter creeps Into the matter distribut
ed. Some of our young men give
strange unitarian Interpretations of the
Word, nnd theoiles on evolution.
Fifty years ago it was pretty hard to
upset a congregation's doctrines, there
were too many who knew the doctrines
of Methodism bui it Is not t-o now. A
man may preach all sorts of strange
doctilnes and his orthodoxy never be
It Is growing to be now that church
lelatlons are not founded along doctrin
al lines but are guided by social re
lations. It Is astonishing how little the
mass of church people know about
chinch government.
If you want to preach anything but
Slethodlst doctrine, theie Is plenty of
room outsldo Slethodlst pulpits. Our
doctrine Is not narrow and bigoted. It
Is broad enough for nil. We have all
the gofpel, all revelation, all truth, all
the universe, its science and philosophy.
Missionary Meeting,
At the Woman's Foielgn Missionary
meeting in tho afternoon, Sirs. SI, B.
Sheldon, of Waverly, secretary of the
Owego district, presided, Dr. Samuel
Slooro offered prayer. Sirs. A. W.
Hayes read the Scripture lesson. Sirs.
Latimer, Sirs. Decker, Sirs, Scott, Sirs.
Crydenwlso and Sirs. Elwell assisted
III the organization work and collec
tions at tho close of tho session,
SIis, F, D. Gamewell, now of Sum
mit, X. J,, who went through tho siege
ut I'ekln, gave an Interesting address.
Sirs. Ganiowull Is a beautiful woman
with much oratorical ability, "When
tho year I'JOO broke," said she, "thero
was, a great church throughout China.
One building held 1,400 and was full at
ovory service, It was the growth of
thirty years, where native teachers and
native, children thronged Its doors." In
graphic words she described the pic
tures of burning missions and publlo
works, which wero of western architec
ture; It was In the Slethodlst mission
that nil the members of other missions
gathered. There were 700 Protestant
missionaries crowded within Its gutes.
During this time the Boxers raged. We
called them Boxers, but wo saw day
by day tho Imperial troops with their
banners. Wo thought perhaps they
might protect us. On tho L'Ud of June
Huron Von Kotteler w-as shot. Boxers
do not shoot, If tho baron was shot, it
was by Imperial troops. it was by
God's hand thut we wero preserved In
that Slethodlst mission.
"One night thero was the sound of
a, mighty tumult outside the walls of
the mission. It was a horrible roar,
linposslbje to describe, the roar of
many voices. Above it all rose tho
ICnntlriuiil hi IV.'i' .1.1
Leo Believes It Will Be Cardinal
Sarto, of Venice.
By Kxcluiho Wire from The Asnoclited 1'rMt,
Rome, April 20. Considerable Im
portance Is attached to a recent remark
of the pope, who In conversation with
Father Lorenzo Pcrosl, the Italian com
poser, asked him for news of his friend,
Cardinal Giuseppe Sntio, tho Patriarch
of Venice. "Hold him very dear, Pcro
sl," said Ills Holiness, "as In the future
he will be able to do much for you. We
firmly believe ho will be our successor."
Cardinal Sarto Is an Italian. He was
born In 183. and was created n cardinal
In 1893,
Rome, April 20. Cardinal Giuseppe
Sarto, of whom the pope recently said
In a conversation with Father Lorenzo
Pcrosl, the Italian composer, "hold him
very dear, Perosl, as In the future he
will he able to do much for you we
firmly believe ho will bo our successor,"
was born nt Itlese, In the province of
Venice, June 2, 1833. He was educated
In the Saloslnu institute at Cottolongo,
founded by the famous Doni Bosco. He
was always studious and his serlou
ness was proverbial. His rector said to
"Sarto has never been a child."
He has spent most of his life in the
province of Venice as a palish priest,
and nfterwards as bishop. He was cre
ated cardinal and patriarch of Venice
by tho consistory of June 12, 1893. He
Is very strong in ecclesiastical doc
tilnes and is noted for having destroyed
relics of doubtful authenticity. He Is
modest, energetic, a good administrator
and organizer, and is universally be
loved. He is u patron of the arts nnd
launched Father Perosl.
Over Two Hundred Soldiers
and Others Are Blown
to Atoms.
Ily Kxcluahr Wire from 'Die Associated Piew.
Managua, Nicaragua, April 20. A se
vere explosion occurred here the night
of April 16. A large two-story barracks,
situated near the lake front and in the
center of tho city, was blown to frag
ments. Between 100 and 200 ofllcers and
soldiers are reported to have been
killed, and many soldiers and other
persons nre reported to have been In
jured. A large number of houses near
the barracks, including the Nutlonul
hotel, the Central telegraph station and
the National palace, were damaged or
President Zelaya was absent at Sla
saya at the time of the explosion, but
he hurriedly returned to Slanagua on
horseback. He has published a state
ment, In which he attributes the dis
aster to the work of conspirators. Ho
says that tons of dynamite. In addition
to a quantity of powder, were stored In
the barracks. The actual cause which
led to the explosion has not yet been
After the first explosion the police
notified the terrified people to tempor
arily leave the city, as It was thought
the burning building still contained
dynnmite, Large numbers consequently
fled to the suburbs. The first explosion
was followed by several minor detona
tions, supposed to have been caused by
the explosion of packages 'of gun
powder. The people who fled from the city at
the time of the explosions are return
ing today (Sunday). The fragments of
the numeious dead, who were not
blown to atoms, are buried.
The present lowest estimate of tho
damage caused by the explosion, In
houses, furniture, cannon and war ma
terial is five million pesos.
Commissioner Pltchie Declares That
Violence Was Used Only Toward
the "Sharks" nnd Idlers."
By fCxcliuhe Whe from llie Associated PrcM.
New York, April 20. Commissioner of
Immigration Fitchlo received orders
from Washington today to Investigate
published stories that immigrants who
land in this city at tho battery aie
brutally treated by the special police on
duty there.
A Brooklyn resident sent a batch of
these stoiies to President Hoosevelt
nnd nccompanled It with a statement
that one of the lustanres ho know, from
personul observation, to bo true.
The president, after looking over the
papers, sent them to Secretary Shaw,
who In turn forwarded them to Mr,
Fltchle, with orders to apply the probe.
The Instance mentioned was that the
special police- carried rawhide whips,
with which they beat the Immigrants,
driving the foreigners before them like
bo manv cuttle,
Conuyilsslotipr Fllchle is already out
in a denial of the charges. He and his
police declare that It Is not the immi
grants who are lashed with whips. It
Is, they say, the horde of hotel run
ners, ldleis, "sharks" and other men
who have it(-!egitlmate business at the
battery and) who menace the Immi
grants as they land, The officers de
clare that the only way to get (Id of
theso pests, as they term them, is to
use violence,
Steamship Arrivals.
Xew Yolk, April SO. Airctli 1'otsiljiii. Hot.
tcrJam and Jloukuii !ur Mcr. Aiitwoip Arrived;, New York, tyucemtouii Silleds Uue
IjiIj, from I.Iveipoot, New Yoil. fillr.iltjr
Sailed: Iviisciln Maria 'Jlumla (.from Ccnou and
Njplc), New Yolk,
Chairman of Republican State Com
mittee Will Not Follow Sena
tor Quay This Time.
Ily Kvcliwhe Wire fiom The At'Ochilctt l're..
Kaston, Pa.. Apill 20. General Frank
Heeder, Bepubllcan state chairman
and state banking Commissioner under
Governor Ktone, has declared against
Senator Quay and in favor of the can
didacy of Attorney General Eikiii for
General llceder, who nccompnnjed
Governor Stone to Charleston, returned
home Salurday and said he was for
John P. Klkln for governor and be
lieved the attorney general would win,
In spile of the opposition of Senator
Quay and Insurance Commissioner
Durham. He says he will fee to it that
Northampton county sends a. solid
delegation to tho state convention fa
vorable to Klkln.
General Heeder also said that Elkin
was stronger now than before Quay
opposed his candidacy.
Dissatisfaction in Luzerne Over the
Senator's Failure to Take Some
Definite Stand.
By exclusive Wire fromTlic Associated I'icss.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., April 20. Com
plete retilrns received from the Repub
lican primary election held yesterday
in the Third Legislative district give
Elkln a good working majority in the
district convention which meets tomor
row and which, it Is thought, will elect
two delegates to the state convention
pledged to vote for tho attorney gen
eral for governor.
There is said to be some dissatisfac
tion among the Quayltes in the district
overdhe senior senator's failure to take
some definite stand in the fight. The
local Quay leaders claim that they are
all at sea and that they will continue
to be until Quay makes some announce
ment as to just where he stands. In
the election yesterday the Quay sup
porters really had no candidate to vote
for, us Quay has not said a word In
favor of Wutres' candidacy, so far as
is known. The want of a definite pol
icy has'nlso made a mix-up In the con
tests for nominations for the assembly
and Penrose, it Is believed, is' the loser
Said He Will Put Forward State
Senator John M. Scott.
Ily i:f1usie Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, April 20. Senator John
SI. Scott, of the Klghlh ward, is Insur
ance Commissioner Durham's candi
date for mayor, and he hopes to see
him succeed Mayor Ashbridge.
Sir. Scott Is a lawyer, and one of the
most faithful followeis of Senator fen
hose and Insurance Commissioner Dur
ham. He was a member of the house
of representatives from the Eighth
ward in 1SS7, IkS'J, 1893, 189.- and JS9V.
He was elected to the senate In ISflS,
succeeding Sir. Durham, who filled the
unexpired term of Senator Penrose after
the latter had been elected I'nlted
States senator.
Sir. Durham regards Senator Scott as
an ideal candidate for mnor under
present conditions.
"Bull" Andrews Swings Hound the
Circle in Behalf of Quay.
fly Exclusive Wire from llie Associated Prea
Philadelphia. Apill 20, Senator Pen
rose, who ai rived In Philadelphia late
Friday night, was busy In his olllco
yesterday conferring with prospective
members of the next legislature. Slany
of them were from points up the Mate.
Senator Penrose declined to discuss tho
gubernatorial situation.
Ex-Senator Andrews, formerly of
Crawford county, but now of Alle
gheny, Is believed to bo at work for
Senator Quay, visiting Hepublleun lead
ers trfroiighout the state and Informing
i hem of "tho old man's" wishes,
Senator Quay is expected In Phila
delphia again next Tuesday, and In
surance Commissioner Dm hum may le
turn from Hot Springs in Mini to meet
him here. It Is not believed that the sen
ator will not Indicate whom ho fa voir
for governor for tome time to come.
Indeed, a number of his friends claim
he will wall until all of tho delegates to
tho state convention are elected, and
run no risk of giving the candidate the
uppearaueo of being one man's choice,
Drunken Man at Lexington Fires
with Dendly Effect.
Ily llxrluthe Whe from 'flic ,ucUfi 1'ic-,
Lexington, Ky April 20, Wlllliim
SleCarty, aged 27, a railroad brakuman,
last night killed Ills wife at the home of
a neighbor. McCaity had been intoxi
cated for Mime time.
Thuibilay night he beat his wife In n
frightful miinner, Keating for her Ufo,
sho toduy Hwme out n peace win rant.
SleCarty learned of this, and suddenly
appeared and fired two bullets Into her
back. She died Instantly, SUL'arty was
arrested, Ho bays that Ills' wife was
liv Cxcluahc Wire from Tin Associttcd Prcts.
Washington, April 20. President Kooelt
Klurned to tlio city at '7.80 o'clock this mom
lug from New York.
, 'Die irldent' daughter, Ktlicl, returned with
1 1 tit lo Washington. Mr. Rooteielt will remain
In New York for i day or two.
General Bell Complimented Unor
His SiiGGess in Gonductlno thi
Philippines Gampalon.
Small Parties of Insurgents Surren
der Almost Daily to the American
Authorities General Smith's Cass
Will Be Investigated He Tells of
the Difficulties Encountered by the
Soldiers in Snmar The Cholera
Situation. ,
By lltclushe Wire from The Aioo!tcrl PrM.
.Manila, April 20. Surrenders to tho
American authorities of small parties
of Insurgents are reported, dally, and
these have Incrensed since the recent
surrender of General Slalvnr. General
Itullno, with twenty-six officers and 375
soldiers, has surrendered to the native
constabulary In the province of Mtsa- ,
mis, in Mindanao, where tho constabu
lary are co-operating with the mili
tary. General Chaffee has forwarded to
General J. Franklin Bell the congratu
lations sent the latter by President
Roosevelt upon the recent campaign In
Batangus and Laguua provinces, con
ducted by General Bell. General Chaf
fee l'orwaided the president's com
munication through General Lloyd
AVheaton, and In an accompanying let
ter he expresses his great pleasure aj:
the receipt by General Bell of the presi
dent's congratulations. No American
troops, says Geneial Chaffee, have ever
before been charged with a task more
difficult of accomplishment. 'With an
exception in the matter of Terrain, only
our comrades In the island of Snmar
have campaigned under such difficul
ties. So unique has been the situation
In Batangas and I.aguna, continues
General Chaffee In his letter, that 'only
a person thoioughly familiar with it by ,
actual contact cun appreciate the con
ditions which have been mot and over
come, or fulrly determine what were
the best methods to hu'ompllsh the ob
jects, namely, the recognition of the
sovereignty of the United States and
the establishment of peace and order In
the disturbed sections. General Chaf
fee concludes by saying that because of
General Bell's never-falling care of his
troops and his encouragement to them
In their labors, they share In the con
gratulations fiom President Roosevelt.
Case of General Smith.
General Jacob II. Smith, who was In
command of the American forces In the
Island of .Snmar at the time Major T..
AW T. AValler, of the marine corps, i.i
said to have executed natives of that
Island without trial, ius to have gone
home on the army transport Huford,
which left today for San Francisco, but
he disembarked and will remain here.
Orders have been lecelved from AA'ash
Ington to hold a court of Inquiry into
the general conduct of affairs In Samar.
General Smith claims that, to tho best
of his belief, the ofllcers and men of his
i omimiud in Snmar had to face Insur
mountable difficulties; that the hard
ships they eneounU'ied were almost un
bearable, and that the treachery of the
natives of the island hi tmccualled In
the history of warfintC He says that
the American soldleis acted. In the cir
cumstances, with the greatest forebear
ance shown in the war In llie Philip
pines. Campaigning in Snmar Is not a
pleasure trip, but u stern reality, said
General Smith. He also expressed his
doubt If the troops of any nation in the
woild would or could have acted In thn
circumstances In Samar mb well as did
the Amet leans.
The Cholera Situation.
The cholera situation shows no Im
provement. Thero has been a toiul of
::SS cases and 300 deaths lu .Manila, and
S5IS cases and C0J deaths lu tlic prov
Acquitted of tho Murder of A. Dean
Ily IlirluilM1 Who from 'ihc AwocUtnl l'UJ.
H. I.oiiU, April 'JO. Tim Jury In tin' ut
;ii,'aln-t WIIIIjiii Mrolhcr, the ncitrfi lured niIi
tlio iivrrdi-i of A, Dimii Coopt-r, llie millionaire,
ttho win Killed In J bitli liniw hccrjl month!
ai;o, win iinahlc In agree un .1 iculiil aftpr liclnj
mil nil iilcW .nut vm dUdnrsrd Ihis niornlrij
In .link'' ll, .111,
Mrollur mjs priicnt in court when jury vt
dUi hatred and appeared inuili riileed oer tin
ouiiiiiiic of lh' trial. Ills cajejnill k'Q am to th
Ml itini of loint.
Collision at Newcastle.
Dy Eviiuho Wire from The Associated Vttm.
Xmi'j.tle, l'a April 20. Shortly after 10
uMwk IliU morning the vveit bound I'enniyl'
jnla pjfceiwr train on tho Pittsburg, Youngs.
Iiwn and .Uiutt division crashed into a io,-'c
li.iiu near I'mert'ii Elation, tuo mllcn west u'
I hi." ill.i, killing almost IrmUntly I'anscngcr l'n
giiacr W, U, Irwin, of Milionlnaftown,
Local dala fur April 20, 1003! I
llUliCht triniciutuio .,,,,,, ,,,.,',,,,,, 62de(rrot.l
l.nwe.t ti'iiiin-raturo ,..,.M., 41 Ucgreei
Iti'liUu' liuiuidit!
S ll. III. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 pjj cmt.
k !' "' i "mm mm 56 per rent.
I'lctipltatlon, 21 hours ended 8 p. m., none,
- 4
Washington, April 80. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday i Eastern I'l'imsjl. -.
anla, fair Monday with rblni; Umper?.
turej Tuffday increasing cloudiness, prob.
ably fdiowers, fresh south winds, incrcas. .
Ii'g. ' I.
I '-J
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