The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 19, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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HE' .
i nifii r
Attended by Fully Three Hundred
Young People Conservatory Reci
tal at Simpson Church Story of an
Alleged Counterfeit Coin A Com
ing Musical Treat Royal Arcan
um Mock Trial Literary and Mu
sical Social Funeral of Mrs. Mor
ganNotes and Personals.
When the members of St, Brendcn's
council, Young Men's Institute, under
take to entertain their friends they
never do anything by halves, but al
ways provide the bcBt, and such wus
the cose at Meant' hall last night, when
"The Open Window Club," composed of
forty members of the council, conduct
ed their first Informal dance.
The most important feature of a
dnnce Is the music, und when this Is
satisfactory, everything else seems to
liurmonl.o. Ihiuer'H men proved equal
to the occasion, and the selections they
played were encored after every dance.
The hnll wns prettily decorated, and
fully three hundred young people par
ticipated In the event.
Each member of the management
committee wore n untaue badge. It
was the Chinese equlvnlent for "O. W.
C," hand-printed, on white satin rib
bon, and proved to bo a veritable Chi
nese puzzle to the guests, ffho pro
moters of the affair were the following
well-known members of the council:
JMward McClaln, Tlioims .Murphy, jr., Kiigpne
CM&crop, Illcliirtl ,1. Loncrffan, .lames (!. McAn
drew, Thomas Mclliuli, William Siul, Mlfiiacl
Ciilkin, Robert i:. Duffy, Patrick Unify. Thonm
McN'amara, lMwanl J. linn.!, 1lmiii:4 .ludsre, IM
varil flihboiur, John O'.Mallry, Patrick IMulcv,
Martin Kelly, Pr. J. J. nreniian, Thoiim Fiom
in?, Walter I.vnti, cliarlcx I. iN, t)r. W. .1. I,.
)iK .Mm Mullen, .lolm .1, Durkin, Thomis
Hurst, Jcwph ll.irrctt. John Uct.inny, Michael
1'IIkIIi1voii, Kdw.iril O'Malley, Williiim,
Jddiael CatanaiiKli, Jjiiipi T)on.iliue, Michael .1.
For, .lilm Sunloii, IMn.iul A. Walh. Tim Mr
Coy, (.'corse V. Oir, Joseph ItefTiou, Thomas A.
McGuIrr. Willhni ViirMon, Joseph S. Carry, nut
ley AVaWi, Willnm 11. Seville, Willi im Gilroy.
Conservatory Concert.
Tt uns regrettablp that ;i larger as
semblage did not t.'iue advantage of the
opportunity to hear tlm excellent recital
given In the Simpson Methodist Episco
pal church hist evening by the teachers
and pupils of t lie Scranton Conscrv.i-
The BcM family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
Tor Sill hir
101 S. Main ave.
- id Ulllil
1 Cloak
and Suit
1 Department
Special offerings for Saturday. 1
The most exceptional offering g
you ever saw at the price. Here f!
is a five-dollar sale and each g
item is more than worth the !
money. We' are noted for giv- gj
ing you bargains, and these will $
only add to our reputation.
Dress Skirls
Ladies' Dress Skirts, made of
fine quality Broadcloth and
Cheviot , Serge, handsomely
tailored and with extra full
flounce. All trimmed with taf
feta bands, lined with nearsllk
und bound with velvet.
$5.00 Each
Walking Skirts
Ladles' Walking Skirts, made
of fine quality All-Wool Cheviot
and Hopsacklng, stitched
flounce with cording down the
front and sides,
$5.00 Each
3 Efon Jackets
Tucked Taffeta Silk Etons,
handsomely lined with white
$5.00 Each'
Eton Jackets, made of tan
Covert Cloth and Black Che
viots, all handsomely lined and
taffeta reveis,
$5,00 Each
Women's Capes
Capes of Black Broadcloth,
jnude with yoke, trimmed with
ribbon and- silk braid, Very
desirable for weurlng these
cool evenings,
$5,00 Each
Globe Warehouse
imwf vi w ' , v '
KVi .Vflr" A-4V;Mx,
mam.. .-.. , w.;w.wv. , .,..,.,-,.. mi...
iia ii".r n. irirV"ir"i-"ir'
tory of Music, tinder the direction of
I'rof. J. Alfred Pennington.
It Is seldom that such an artistic en
tertainment is given In West Scrnnton.
The concert was a complimentary one
to the Embury Methodist Episcopal
church, the proceeds of which will be
devoted to the purchase of a piano for
the Sunday school. The programme as
printed In The Tribune, with the ex
ception of Miss Nellie Snhlager, was
carried out in its entlety. She wns un
able to appear.
Among the West Seranton partici
pants wero Misses Laura de aruchy
nnd Ethel Watklns, both having distin
guished themselves In a creditable
manner. All of the others who took
part In the concert also played bril
liantly. Excellent Talent Secured.
Mr. und Mrs. L. C. Armbrust, of Hob
Inson street, nre arranging for a con
cert for the benefit of the talent fund
of the Washburn Street Presbyterian
church, which will be given next Thurs
day evening, April 21, und have secured
the following talent for the event:
Contralto, Miss Elsie Van Dcrvoort,
of New York, formerly of Elm Park
church; soprano, Miss Lydla Sailer:
elocutionists, Miss Margaret Glbbs and
Hessle Sloat: tenor, Alfred Wooler:
baritone, David W. Davis: basso. Will
iam A. Roberts: accompanists, Mrs. V,
H. Thomas and Mrs. Pierce T. Fellows:
orchestra, of the Washburn Street
Presbyterian Bible school, fifteen
pieces, George Waters, director. The
complete programme will be published
In a' few days.
An Enjoyable Mock Trial.
George F. Eynon was the defendant
In a "mock trial," and Victor H. Lauer
the prosecutor, at the meeting of Lack
awanna council, Royal Arcanum, In
Ivorite hall last evening. A. E. vBet
terly sat as the Judge, and the attor
neys were John J. Davlos nnd W. W.
Davis, for the commonwealth, and W.
W. Price and T. J. Price, for the de
fendant. The Jurors wero David O. Thomas, W.
A. Browning and Mr. Levy. The charge
was nn alleged case of arson, growing
out of a recent fire, nnd several wit
nesses were examined. The attorneys
on both sides argued persistently and
the Jury, after due deliberation returned
a verdict of guilty. The defendant was,
however, recommended to the extreme
mercies of the trial judge, and sentence
was suspended.
The trial proved to be very Interest
ing and laughable, and created much
fun for those present. Another such
event will bo held at some future date.
Funeral of Mrs. Morgan.
The funeral services over the remains
of the late Mrs. Jane Morgan were held
yesterday afternoon at the family resi
dence, 49 Archbald street, Bellorue, nnd
were largely attended. Rev. Hugh Da
vis, pastor of the South Main Avenue
Welsh Calvinlstle Methodist church,
officiated, assisted by Rev. Thomas do
Gruchy, D. D., of the Jackson Street
Baptist church.
A uuarlette from the latter church
sang several appropriate hymns. The
pall-bearers wero Charles Smith, of
UlAill ilU0(&
Women's Waists
Made of Taffeta Silk In all
the new shades and meant for
dress or evening wear. Soma
have embroidered fronts with
insertion. Others trimmed with
lace and velvet ribbon.
$5.00 Each
Men's Fine
Negligee Shirts
Here's the greatest dollar
Shirts ever shown In the city.
Fine Negligee Shirts of Mad
ras, with separate cuffs, peurl
buttons and well finished, per
fect fitting. Notice the window
display; see the dainty 'pat
terns. Only $1.00 Each
Men's Fancy
Half Hos?
Lisle Thread, Lace Embroid
ered and Fancy Stripes. Col
ors guaranteed fast and stain
less. All the latest novelties.
25c and 50c a pair -:
Thesa Saturday Specials aro Sli
In the Hue of burgulns that 5!
ought to tempt you. ;
J c
Avoea! William Lewis and John Evans,
of Carbondole! Morgan Jutncs, John T.
Jones nnd Thomas Price, of West
Scrnnton. Interment was mnde In the
Cambria cemetery.
Literary and Musical,
The ofTlcers, teachers, members and
friends of the adult department held an
enjoyable literary and musical enter
tainment and social In the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church last even
ing. Piano selections were rendered by
Miss Gertrude Uarrowman and Instruc
tive papers were read by L. A. Stone,
i H. A. Nlemeyor, A. E. Morse, Miss Kate
Chase, W. S. Bevnn, Walter Evans and
anss a. m. Luiiarre. mips uiara Ban
der sang. A social hour was afterwards
Rev. E. J. Morris, of Wllkes-Barre,
will occupy the pulpit of the Plymouth
Congregational church tomorrow, even
ing. The choir of St. Murk's Lutheran
church were entertained last evening
nt the parsonnge on Fourteenth street,
The time was enjoyitbly spent by nil
Services over the remains of the lute
Mrs. John Sullivan, who died nt her
home, No. 1SS South Seventh street,
were hold at S o'clock jesterday morn
ing in Holv Cross chuich. Interment
was made In the Cathedral cemetery.
All members of the West Side Cen
tral Republican club are urgently re
quested to attend the regular meeting
th'ls evening, as business of Importance
Is to bo conducted.
Carpenters are at work putting a new
front In Clatko Bros,' corner store
room, which will be occupied by the
clothing department when finished.
A quoit match will take place this
afternoon, on the field near the Belle
vue breaker, between Walter Delmer,
of Bellevue, and Richard Williams, of
The three men who were arrested for
assaulting Frank Sippel, and who were
locked up in the police station, pend
ing a hearing, have been released on
ball until Sippel is able to appear
against them.
The choir of St. Patrick's Catholic
church will repeat their programme of
Easter music at the 10,30 o'clock mass
The West Side people will have the
pleasure to listen again to the Rev. B.
D. Thomas. D. D., of Toronto, as he
will preach In the Jackson Street Bap
tist church nt 7 o'clock Sunday even
ing. Dr. Thomas Is pastor of the Jar
vis Baptist church, Toronto.
The Rev. Hugh D.ivIps, of this side,
will occupy the pulpit of the Bellevue
Welsh Calvinlstle Methodist church to
morrow. In the morning at 10 o'clock
he will preach in the Welsh language:
in the evening, at G o'clock, in the Eng
lish language.
A temperance meeting will bo held by
the Temperance society of the Belle
vue Welsh Calvinlstle Methodist i-huivli
Wednesday evening, April 23. A good
programme has been arranged. All are
invited to come. (
Dr. J. J, Carroll Is having extensive
improvements made on his Jackson
&tieet pioporty.
Henry F. Dixie, the theatrical pro
moter, attended the rehearsal of tho
Electric Citj- Wheelmen last night, and
drilled the boys in a number of
marches. He complimented the com
pany vc. ry highly on their chorus and
solo work.
William Benjamin, of Plymouth. Is
visiting his sister. Mrs. Jeanetto Lewis,
of West Locust street.
Dr. W. A. Paine and family, of Wash
burn stieet. have returned homit from
a visit with- relatives and friends in
Philadelphia nnd Columbia county.
Miss Cora Derr. of Allentown, Is the
guest or Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Rainer, of
Fourteenth street.
Mrs. A. C Renshuw and children will
leave on Monduv for Buffalo, where
they will reside permanently.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oberdorfer, of
North Hvde r.nk avenue, have a new
son at their home.
Miss Knte Courtright, of Stroudsburg,
is visiting friends in AVest Scranton.
Mrs. Catherine Anthony, of Pittston,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank E.
Hutchinson, of North Rebecca avenue.
William C. Jones, of North Sumner
avenue, has returned home from u busi
ness trip in Schuylkill county.
Charles Biuihe, of North Main ave
nue, has returned home fiom a success
ful business trip to the Catsklll and
Adirondack mountains.
The Tripp Avenue Christian church
was crowded to the doors last night,
w hen the members recently received
into membership were tendered a re-
coptlon. The church was prettily de-
coratcd for the occasion with cut
flowers and potted plants. An enjoy-
able programme was rendered and a
short address was made by Rev. J. D.
Dabney. Refreshments were served
by tho Ladles' Aid society.
Patilck Connors, of Pine street, who
hns been employed by tho Pennsylva
nia Coal company during the past for
ty .years, seveied his connection with
tho company on Thursday last. As a
mark of the esteem In which he was
held by his fellow-shopmen, ho was
presented with a handsome Morris
chair, a pipe to comfort his declining
ears, and twenty-five dollars In gold.
Owing to the ubsenco of Rev. Charles
II, New Ing, who Is attending the ses
sions of tho Wyoming conference at
Woverly, there will bo no preaching
service at tho Methodist Episcopal
church tomorrow, Sunday school as
Tho regular service will bo held In
the Presbyterian church tomorrow.
Rev. W. F. Gibbons will preach at
both morning and evening services.
Sunday school at 12 o'clock.
Tripp Avenue Christian church
Preaching both morning and evening,
by the pastor, Rev, J. D, Dabney.
Morning topic, "Tho Conversion of Cor
nelius"; evening topic, "Paul's Debts
and How He Paid Them," Sunday
New Wny of Using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy,
Mr, Arthur Uhnnmun writing from
Durban, Natul, South Afilc.n, snys: "As
n proof that Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy Is a cure suitable for old and young;
I pen you the following: A neighbor of
mine hud u child Just over two months
old, It had u very bad cough and the
parents did not Know what to give It.
I suggested that If they would get a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
und put pome upon the dummy teut the
baby was sucking It would no doubt
cuio the child. This they did und
brought about a quick relief nnd cured
tho baby," This remedy is for tale by
all druggists.
' I
school at 10 o'clock. Everyone of the
' pupils nre especially requested to bo
present tomorrow morning. Every
body welcome.
Miss Florence Robertson, of Qulncy
avenue, Is visiting friends at Orange
vlllc. Edward Snyder, who Is visiting his
parents on Dudley street, will soon
leave for Duluth, Minn.
William Stlno and John McClummer
have returned home, nfter a service of
three years In Uncle Sam's army.
W. S. Potter Is at Sprtngvllle, attend
ing tho funeral of Miss Sue Aiken, who
formerly resided with her sister, Mrs.
Sarah Potter.
II. M. Spencer and Oscnr Yost have
returned from a successful trout HlBh
uig trip In Pike county.
In the Dudley Street church last
evening the ordinance of baptism was
administered. Services tomorrow nt
J0.30 n. m. and 7,30 p. m.iBlble school
ut noon. Tho Lord's supper will be ob
served after the morning sermon.
Junker Maennerchor Will Give
Concert In Music Hall Monday
Night The Programme.
The .lunger Maennerchor will give
another of their famous concerts on
Monduy ntght In Music hall, and the
best German singers of Luzerne and
Lackawanna counties will uttend.
Tho following societies will partici
pate: Wllkes-Barre LIcdertafel, Car
biiudale Uermaiiiii, Arbiter Fortblt
dungs Vereln, and the Scranton Lleder
kranz. Bauer's full orchestra lias been
secured. The following is the pro
gramme: btiurt, C Urcrturc zur Ojicr "1'loroclor.i,"
U.iuor'9 Oocliealu
(.i) SlirniliT, lf.-Op. 4, "Ha Haben Zwci
niimilcin C.'cliruclit,"
(b) Clievalllcr, !l.-Op. , "OriKit Sip Vli-l
Tunicmlmal" lunffer Macnpcu
Clior WilUcs-ilarro UeiU'iUiol
Allltscn, J. "A Song of Tii.piWIin;." So.
prjno Solo lranlclii f.Jilla 1'. Sailer
Komcr, C "Gruwe an dio llciinat,"
Catbonjalc Ocnnanl
Abt, Fr.iii7. "Selling Wolil, Dn Sucr Kngle,
Du." Tenor Solo Uiutnv Itcppcrt
witt,.W "Wuncli,"
Arlieiter-t'orlbil Jungs Vereln
Ileim, J. "fm rruliliiMj,"
Scliolt7er Maennerclior
Gounod. "Flower Pong," from the Opera
I'aust." Soprano Solo,
Kraulein f.jdh V. Sailer
Chora's Seranton I.Mel kianr.
Foster, C "Meln Alt Kentucky lloim."
Junci M.iennercnor
(This sons wai rendered (or Piinrp Henry whlla
in New York liy tho Ilrookljn Arions.)
Uilcntierg March, "Italian Rifleman,"
II hut's OorhotM
A dance will follow tho concert.
A Surprise Party.
Miss Lucy Snyder, of South Webster
h venue, was pleasantly surprised a few
nights ago at her home. Tho guests
vrrc regaled with an abundance of re
freshments, and games were Indulged
In for several hours. M. II. Whalen
presided at the piano and several solos
vtre rendered in a finished manner by
Miss Mamie Fassold. The hostess was
assisted in looking after the wants oC
the visitors by the Misses Wallic
Grambo and Clara Snyder.
Those piesent were: Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hagen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Snyder, Misses Tiille Martin, Mame
Fassold, Josephine and Wailie Gram
bo, Josephine Bleuge, Anna and Rose
Hagen, Henrietta and Clara Snyder,
Louisa Martin and Lucy Snyder:
Messrs. William Bleuge. William
Fuchs, Nicholas Marx, William Relf,
Harry Whulen, Otto Weinschank, Au
gust Meyer und Joseph Snyder.
New Society Elects Officers.
A new society was organized at
Satt's hotel last evening, which bids
fair to become a big factor in social
uffairs on this side. The society will '
be limited to twenty members and
nearly all were in attendance. No
name was agreed on for the society,
but this matter will be decided on at
the next session.
The election of officers -resulted as
follows: President, James Hawck; vice
president, Charles Wirth; secretary,
Rudolph Kunz; treasurer, Charles Con
rad; steward, Harry Satl; sergeant at
arms. Charles Miller. A, ways and
means committee was also appointed
as follows: Charles Conrad, R. Kunz,
and Charles Wirth. Another meeting
will bo held next Friday evening.
Funerals Today.
The funeral of the late Joseph Ellen-
wood, who dropped dead Wednesday,
will take place today from the family
residence, 830 Pittston avenue. Inter-
' ment will be made In the Dunmore
cemetery, and n full attendance of the
I lodge of Foresters Is desired,
i Tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Hcckmnn will be laid at rest in the
Dunmore cemetery this afternoon. Rev.
W. A. Nordt will conduct services at
the residence In Petersburg.
Bitten by a Dog.
Mrs. Starkle, of Maple street, was
attacked by a vicious dog yesterday
and her left arm was severely lacer
ated. The occurrence took place near
the Starkle residence, and the Injured
woman was at once rendered assist
ance. Medical aid was summoned and Dr.
Albert Kolb responded. Ho found
Mrs. Starkle suffering from shock and
a badly torn arm, which he at once
a nomas, inu iiiium. sou ui wr. ana
Mrs. Martin Langan. was Interred yes-
... .. ,i... t..a . . .
terday afternoon, from tho family resl-
dence, 439 Cherry mreoi
Michael Duly, of this side, was picked
up drunk Thursday night, He was
pent to Jail for thirty Cnys by Alder
man Storr yesterday.
(leorge Jjourlck, u bicyclist, was
picked up late Thursday night by tho
police, for riding without n light. He
was. fined J- yesterday ny Alderman
Dr. Schley's I.ung Healing Hulsam Is
guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No
cure, no pay," Vov sale by all dealers,
Every member of the Junger Maen
nerchor h urged to attend tomorrow
afternoon's Until rehearsal, prior to the
grund concert which will be given In
Music hall Monday evening.
Jacob Ernlg, one of the oldest and
best Known residents of this section,
who hns been employed nearly ull his
lllo by the I.ucHawannn Steel company,
und for many yours one of their
most reliable formen, left early yeste
day morning for Ruffalo.
Kdward Pullman, another wheelman,
was cuught, like the foolish virgin,
wjlh his light out, by the police, It
cost him a small fine and costs before
I the magistrate last evening.
' '
Programme That Has Been -Arranged
for tho Services on Sunday nnd
Monday They Will Mark , the
Completion of Thirty Years of
Work as PttBtor of the Welsh Con
gregational Church Y. W. O. A.
Notes Sons of St. George to At
tend Services Sunday Morning.
The thirtieth anniversary of the Rev.
Dr. R. S. Jones, of the WelBh Congre
gational church, will take place In the
parlors of the church Sunduy and Mon
day. The following Is the order of ser
vice for both sessions:
Sunday At 10 n. m., roll-call of all
the members, when It Is expected thut
every melnber will bo present and re
spond to their names, with an appro
priate verse of Scripture. Those who
cannot bo present are requested to send
n response, to be reud when their name
Is culled.
At '1 p. in, the meeting will be pre
sided over by Henry Jenkins, a deacon
of the church, and will be devoted to
speeches and songs by those who were
members of the church thirty years ago.
At 6 p. in. the meeting will be pre
sided over by Evan Gabriel, when those
who have been received into member
ship during the lust thirty years will
take part. A full oichestra will assist
with the music.
Monduy 3 p. in. a meeting will be
held, when ministers and delegates
from tho different churches In Lacka
wanna and Wyoming valleys will be
present ,nnd take part. Tho meeting
will bo presided over by Deacon John
G. Grier.
At 7 p. m. the meeting will be In
charge of Daniel Price, when the min
isters and delegates from the various
churches of the city will take part. All
the members of tho various churches
and their pastors nre especially invited.
Ended in a Row.
The basket ball game at the Audi
torium Inst night, between the Stars
and tho Crackerjacks, ended in a row,
with tho score G to 4 in favor of the
Stars, according to the umpire. TIgue,
of the Stars, threw a basket just as
time was called. Tho ball was In tho
air when the coll was made, and Um
pire Batten gave tho basket to the
Stars, claiming the rules backed him up.
The members of tho Crackerjack
team objected strenuously to the de
cision, and there promises to be a
lively time when it comes to dividing
the receipts. The line-up was as fol
lows: Stars J. MiCluskoy. right forwaid;
John Skiff, left forward; TIgue, cpntei :
T. McCIuskey, right guard; .iones, left
Crackerjacks Wells, light forward;
Benjamin, left forwaid; Hughes, ten-
i ter: S. Davis, right guard; F. Davis,
loft guard.
Enjoyablo Social.
The Sunday school of the Providence
Presbyterian church conducted a most
successful nnd enjoyable concert in the
Sunday school rooms last night.
The programme rendered included
piano solos by Mrs. William McDonald
and Emellnc Hawkins: violin solos by
James Lemaux and Marion Hill, and a
recitation by Emma Davis. Refresh
ments were served after the rendition
of the programme.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Owing to unavoidable circumstances,
It was necessary for Rev. R. J. Reese,
of the Puritan Congregational church,
to postpone his address on "Ruth,"
which was to have been given last Sun
day, until next Sunday at 3.30. This
will be tho first of a short series of
talks on tho women of the Bible. On
the following Sunday, April 27, Rev.
I'lymer will talk on "Mary and
1 A mock art exhibit and social will be
i given in the association pailois Mon
, day evening, April 21, to which all
i young women aro cordially Invited.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
Primitive Methodist church, on East
Market street, will continue their sale
of work on Thursday und Friday even
ings next. Lunch and ice cream will
be served each evening.
All members of Durham lodge, No.
299, Order Sons of St. George, are re
quested to attend divine service at tho
Church of the Good Shepherd on Sun
day at 10.30 a. m.
Gospel service In the North End
Young Women's Christian association
rooms Sunday afternoon ut 3.30. All
young women and girls are Invited to
The smoker which was to take place
under the auspices of the Nortli End
Glee club, this evening, has been post
poned until some night next week.
On tho coming Thursday evening the
pupils of the Scranton Institute of
Human Development will give an In
teresting entertainment In the taber
nacle for the benefit of tho gymnasium.
Dr. Young has arranged to have sev
eral games, Including basket ball and
hand ball, played. Tho programme will
Include several musical selections,
games, wrestling matches and gym
nastic drills. The money raised bv tlila
entertainment will go towards the
building of lockers and shower baths '
at the institution. I
Services will bo conducted la tho
Court Street Methodist Eniscmmi
I . -- .-...
emircu tomorrow by Roy. George W.
Craig. Morning subject. "Eternal Daw"
Evening subject, "Needed I'repurutlons
for Chi 1st."
725 Killed in Three Mouths.
By i:cliblo Wlu from Tlio Awiclatnl Vitas,
Waililnslon, Apiil IS. Tim Interstate commene
roiiiiiilfoloii has i-ucd .i bulletin phonlwr for tliu
llutv month-, ended 8iil(iiiliir 30, luoi, a rand
total o 7-'j killed and Wl injiirul In fulii m
cldi'iiH o all Mud in tlm United Mules 'llio
total miiiiLer of train lullUlons .n 1,217 ami io,
nlliiuiiU l,oo, raibliij; iljinigo DKKrrKJtiiitr 1,'
8li,2JI to ur, inglnc, and roadwa), luliblw uf
damage to iiuiiUnuUo,
Murdered by His Wife.
By Ihilibhc Wlro fiom 'Ihe Awmialril 1'ieos,
Kingston, Teiiu., April IS,--Abraham Mj, jucd
flu .U'Jrs, ui-i thot ami Instantly la.t nl'.'lil
by Ids wife, to whom he u is nurriul four monilw
ago. she N 3.5 jean of aire, ,Mie. .May ton,
feul to hu MlliiiK- ami tatid it result id from
j family quairel. She U now In Jail heir.
Would me Kemp'a DaUam for the Throat ind
Lung. It U curing moie Coughs, Cold., Asthma,
llronchltlj, Cioup and all Throat and luny
Troubles than any other medicine, The pioprlo
tor haa authorized any druggist to give, jou a
Sample Dottle Free (o comlnce jou of tho merit
of this yrcit remedy, I'tlce. SJc. and SUc.
' I
No Article
In a
Dry Goods Store
IH f "pl Tj0
world, and if you buy Wayne Knit
Hosiery you will never want any other
kind. No other stocking at 25 cents
a pair equals them.
Other goods at lower and higher
prices can be found here that possess
equal merit.
Timely Hints for Saturday's
and Monday's Trade.
The new spring styles of Shirt3 for Men and Boys
at 49c, 79c and $1.00.
The Laces of all descriptions, ranging from 3 cents
per yard to $ 9S.
The'Ribbon;, irom 5 cents per yard to 49 cents.
The Shirt Waists, from 59 cents to $9.70.
The Kid Gloves, fn.m 69 cents to $1.50.
The Lace Caps and Bonnets, from 2j cents to
The Leather and Silk Belts, from 10 cents to
$ 1. 49
Th e Tailor Made Suits, from $4.98 to $44.98.
The separate, Dress and Rainy-Day Skirts, from
$1.98 to $34.98.
Academy of Husic
II. UE1S, Leraee. A. J. Duffy, Uanzr.
n.u.AXCK op wi;ek.
Aril Company, in Itcpcrtoiir.
niB specialty acts, includins the famous McGinn
PRICK!! 10, 20, 30 cenU M-itliicct, 10c. and 20c.
Jlutlncc Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Convict's Daughter
PIUCES lfl, 23, 33 and 50 cents; Mat f nee,
15 tint! 25 cent.
ALF. O. IlEntUNOTOS, Msntjer.
lliurndjy, Friday and Saturday, April IT, 13, 10.
Miss New York, Jr.
hatixix i:vnnv day.
Audencia Court Accepts the Bond of
By Kxclushc Wire from The Awoclatcd TreM.
Hnvana, April 18. At n late hour this
afternoon the Audencln court accepted
the bond of $100,000 offered by a fidelity
company for tho appearance of Ks'.cs
a, Rathbone, The court requires, how
ever, thnt this bond bo drawn before u
notary. This Involves much time and
expeiibe, ns the notury fees und u state
tax must be paid,
Rathbone's attorneys iiiblst that the
habeas corpus proceedings be continued
and claim that the bond should bo
drawn before tho court, us Is customury
without further delay of further ex
pense, in the habeas corpus petition
Rathbone's attorneys decline the
court's delay Illegal, und Intimate that
tho court may be Impeuched fur such
The habeas cot pus petition will be
heurd tomoirow. A number of Cuban
senators and representatives-elect have
cent a telegiam to President-elect T,
lOstnula I'almu, ut Oibara, petitioning
him to ask the United States to pardon
all Americans now under an est In
Cuba, Rathbone's rase seems to have
stlried Cuban sentiment strongly In
his favor, und the movement to nsk for
a general pardon Is piompted' by this
A majoilty of the newspapers In
Havana comment adversely on the or
der recently Issued by Governor General
Vood making It Impossible so the
papers decline, to remove members of
the present Judiciary from ofllce.
Makes more friends
than good Stockings.
Therefore, it has always
been a study with us to
supply the trade with the
very best that human
skill, by the aid of im
proved machinery, could
produce. Wayne Knit
Hosiery has reached the
acme of all these require
ments, and today stands
matchless before the
Saturday Special
Sirloin Steak,
2 LBS.,
Arbuckie and
Lion Coffee,
Per Pound.
Three Popular
Triced Stores.
iTheno ilnx L'npuialpi, ar
lrrt in -IS bourn wltnoui
ntonvpnlenrf, ullrctluar I JHITjT
V IK ! w u a W - . 1
Iw. I i-piuim juu'fY,"wj
iucui una luinciianit iuu
New York Central Mulcted,
New Vmlc, Apiil 13,-Mn. I.o(tle fl, -Dimon,
vvlilow of lli'iuy (I. Dliiioy, ulio vat Idllril in
Ihe 1'JiU aU'iiik' tiiiiml jcdilcnt on the- NVw Voik
(Vntr,il lallioaii sci(.il month, jKa uji auaruV.I
uo.wo lUiiugi'i JSJlmt tlm uilroj'l compjtiy ly
u Jur ul White IMaliw, V, V., toJjy, Altoni!
for lliu i.illio.'J mM liut the itcfi'ml int miniuiiy
mliiiltlul ropuiultilllty fur ilic mUilont umi tlm
death uf Mr, Uimun, umi Hut the only quMlon
hi fori; tho jury ttJl the Jiuuuiit ul iliuugf, to to
imjsi jjaesTjp t