The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 19, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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IMBIHSiRJkLii ...JfillW-Plill
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Church and Sunday-School
Kt M'I
Jn.- ,J .,.M.-, .,.. t, ...,,..., i. ,.-. .,.,-.,-.--...--...., ..r,- -v m. .,-.. -,, ...- . ,n, ....-. .. -.... . .-,.... . , - ,-, .1 . 'u"- jnVT.ti.ry. m- w' '' j" ni w, HBrT
TUB CliicltinnU Commercial Tribune
of April 7 contained the follow
liijr with reference to Rev. Wnr
run a. Tortrldito, who wim formerly
liiiHtor or the l'cnn Avenue Uuptlst
Tlio 1,400 inc'inbcr nl I ho Nlnlli Kind ll.itlt
(liurcli nto TCi.irliiK lor n blir Jubilee iind Hunk
plliiR crvlcc. In tililinitlaii of llio tne t tlmt to
lay, fop tlic lltal Htm- In tivrlve or flltti'ii jeiM,
l! . W.U.I.'I.N I. I ..I. II. Hit..., II. 'I.
Hip c-liiiuh pU'.imI. illon l'i llu' ,'
without a cnl of debt, about r--(,UOn wuith of
citfUl.turliu;; ohligillotis havim; been I'ibl t -Inie
list f.ill, urn! then' tlll I, led In the lieumy
Hr, W.iurn :. I'.ulrulsi, tin' lMitnr of llio
church, who Ims I .iin'lii,' Mils ilciit dining
In". l cars' pastorate hole. Minted 11 dcbt-iali-iiiff
ciitipibin li.t fall, and the icsiill of hi
months' 1 i.i i il Wuric b.y lilnwi'lf nnrl e oivirc-sa Ion
will lie hliuun In llic lqioit lo be made at llio on
nu.ll lui-rtiiij; tod.l.v.
'llio juhllri mi'clin? will bo a nmel one. 'llio
$lii,000 wnitb of raiiccllcil bonilc will he n..dl
mound thionll tin. congregation for iinpei'tion
and will lie Kept aj Fomenlr.s, but $.',oni wuilh of
notes will be burned in a lublie: bonftio, wb'le
the coiiri elation kiiitjs "Pi.ilie Coil, fiom Whom
All Illoii)KS I'low." Spceilies will be Midi by
deacons and olden and l.iviiKii. and, in addition,
the J-evonlJ-tvvo ifati' hi-loiy of the cliturli will
bo float id In a idilini.-u'iit way. Tne ditn
.if tlih lucrftlis Iih lint been linl, but it will
be sonic time iliultic tlie net two week.
The manner in wliicli this money was raUed
la" IiifrieMiiiir. "Tlie fiit icil -t 1 1 by the ion
triegntion was 1.1-t 'lliaiiLMiii;. when M, IJ3 was
r.ii.c.1 by Mih-ciiption, and the elim.i; w. ,'c-,-terelay,
when it was found that the actual i ih
and pledge-, of Ki-ter Hiuid.i. and je'terliy
amounted to ?4,0', or cnouuli to pay all d.bls
hiiiI Mait In :i new .voir Willi money in the .ii'.i--in.
v. Of lids Mini, (lie women i.u.ed ijl.UJO by
I ulxinpr pink 'leas and all .nil. of eiUeitalnm 'lit;
the Sunday .Uiool laf-oil "101; ilillduu iii.ule and
I told Miull fancy ebaii-, mule of featheri. nil
Iwipcis and ollur Utile aitiilo-. and l;rlnl to
'swell the sum, and, a. eiiicii(e uf lln in
teiest of eriy 1111 mlior of tho .uiisicsitbi'i, the
doctor told of two mi. .ml. fills who had kI.'H
Ifroni their 'eaminss yl 1.27.
In the meantime, the dodor had boon al woik,
las luwyei, leal iv-talc .ii:e:it, dolnlhe and whit
hint. He decided to kII the old m iiool inuperty,
lidjolnins the (liuuli. wliuli the nrnanialion pin-
plii'eal by i-idum woiili of ,1 pu mil.
BioikN. The Ciiieiniuti Law j-ehool flu illy a!.ieeil
h buy tire properly for fir,(Hr) if iwi one of
Itho'se boiuli wad x'nncileil. It took two iiwullis
to tiaT"tlip?o ami Set 1l"e uuikis to ai,'iee M
Ppait with lliilil.but tlie woik w.t ! n lllv- done iiiid
Ideal ilibcil, tliu- linking ' total unouut iiiel
in six month-, of .ii,4.lj. One H.IXIO deb!, a lea-e
rt nt, is pioUdod for in a will nude h a woalthv
I wuiuau.
A Bisthiguislied Clergyman.
One of the greatest nddrrsps which
wiih delivered this week ut the Bap
tist conference, was pivpii by I lev. B.
D. Thomas, D. D., of Toionto, Canada.
Dr. Thomas is one of the best-known
jlnptisl ministers of the country and as
a Welshman is honored and loved by
lilo i-Qinitrypien ut home niul ubroad.
ITe has a large circle of friends In this
city. , .
Mrs. Thomas tis :i founcr resident
of Scrauton, and has many relatives
still residing' here, who nro among: the
most loved of our people. Dr. Thomas
has consented to remain In Seranton
over Sunday and will preach In the
ni'oj'hiiifj art 'the Ponn Avenue Baptiht
church. PIIs many friends will Klve
him it coidial welcome.
Pittsburg meeting. Then It will be
held at Just the light time July $, 0
and 10 the opening of the vacation
Beiison, Biiltlng the convenience of the
nrmy or teacher) and othern whoso
vacation period boglnM with that month.
And the place, Pittsburg, the busiest
city In the United States, with the
greatest Industrial attractions In the
world, tho city of pubIi, pluck and
perseverance. Pittsburg air Is full of
this kind of ozone und the convention
will Imbibe It. Tho location of the
"Tent Kndeavor" will make the meet
ing a delight Kchenley park, With Its
beautiful natural und artificial features,
nlwnys attractive and peihups never
more so than In July. For these and
other unmentionable reasons we expect
this Pittsburg 1P02 convention to be
the banner convention of tho banner
Sunday School Association.
Tho annual convention of the Litiekn-
wanna County jJunday tiohool associa
tion is to be held In tho M. 15. church,
Providence, on Tuesday, May 6th. Tho
outlook is for tho largest and most
helpful meeting ever held and to this
jend, the programme committee have
already secured the following speakers:
Hugh Cork, superintendent organiza
tion, state association; Mrs. Barnes,
superintendent, primary work, state
association; Prof. Charles H. Albert,
llloomsburg State Normal school; Ilev.
H. C. McDermott, Simpson M. K.
church, Seranton; Rev. Joseph II, Odell,
pastor of Second Presbyterian church,
Seranton; W. "V. Adair, secretary R. R.
V. M. C. A., Seranton.
All persons Interested in Sunday
school work should becoymo identified
with the county association. Pastors
and superintendents attend. See to it
that delegates ure elected who will at
tend. It is earnestly hoped that the
roll call of schools will be responded to
by delegates from every school In the
Sunday school workers: If heretofore
you have failed to uttend the meetings
of the association, take advantage of
this opportunity for Inspiration and
encouragement. You will find that
alter all it is worth while. "Come and
Anniversary of Dr. H. S. Jones.
The congregation of the Welsh Con
gregational church, of West Market
street, tire making elaborate prepara
tions for tlie thirtieth anniversary of
the pastor, Rev. It. S. Jones, D. D.,
which will lie held on Sunday and Mon
day. On Sunday morning the annual roll
call of the members will be held, and
prayer meeting. In the afternoon, the
meeting will lie in charge of the seven
teen old niembeis, of the church, who
were members at the time Dr. Jones'
was ucalled as pastor of the church.
The evening services will be In
charge of tho congregation at large.
Special music by the choir under the
direction of Henry Hitchlngs will bo
rendeied. Addresses will bo delivered
by some of the old deacons.
Monday's service will beMield by the
clergymen of the different parts of
tlie state.
The supervisors of the church will
serve refreshments to all out of town
theinointiig at 10, and In ftiRlMi In tlie tuning
I'ltst Vclli ll.iitlt church, West Market MreH
Iter. .1. Vi UivIm, piislor. The tjiislor lll
in each ut the hourn, 10 n, in. and 0 p. HI.
Hiiiul.iy diool ut 2 ), in. ' The evcnlncr ncrvlro
will be conducted lu KnoJMi. A cordhd web
tome In nltrnit in cxti'iiilnl lo nit. Alt peals free.
.Memorial IhiptM cliurth, palor, llev. 1.
Dim le-Son lees Sunday nt 111 n. til. niul (1 i. in.
The pulnr will preneli N'cMi in the mnrnltiir .mil
lliuillih III Hie oU'lillip;, llible s-dionl nt 2 p. 111.
In the eirnli.a; the patnr will preach the. Moond
Milium of the M'rlos on Ntheinhh, Ills times mid
nttileveinont. flood singing utul all rtr.ingcts uic
' Slilliili Ikiptlit ihmili, toiiier Mulbciry direct
and Adams menup llcv. .1. II, Huddle, pislor,
I'le.iihliu.', 11 a. in.; Mihject, "How Often Miould
Wo i ay in n'Diyf" Sunday Mhool, :!.:10 p, in,:
8 1 1. in., preaching; nibjcct, "They Haled lllm
Wlthcut .t C.tue." ilev. Hr. S'n iiildltic: wilt lilt
tlie pitlpll in the nlwncc of the pulor, Niinday,
April "7. )r. tiauhllnc: U paMm In I'oret Clly
ami piralitriit of the llaptlt confercpee of thli
t ily. All rhoittd hear him.
1 f i -t riob,terlan eliureh Dr. Jlcl.eod will oc
cupy the p'llplt moruluu; purl rtrnlna'. In tlie
eieiiliiit h" will icply lo llllioi Mohan, ami at
III.' fame time he will, by icqnrM, deliver IiU re
el nl lecture on "The Church, r.ithers."
Second Pc'lnterian tinned (.IcITersoii avenue,
between Vine and Mulberry htreet") 10.H0, mom.
lint woishlp: 12, Sunday whonl; fl.DO, Young
I'tojile's Society of Christian Kndeavor; .:io,
en nintr wnililp. The Itev. ,lor'i II. Odell will
pleach on "St. Trancta of AjII."
Oie.'n Klclicp I'refb.vteilan clinrch Mev, I. .T.
r.anlnr, patoi; Hei-. 1,. It. roster, a?5itant,
10. 10, sen Ice of woishlp with Fcrmon by the pas
tel : Fiibjcrt, "The Sprln;- of Action;" 12 m,,
Ul'ilo chool; (1.30, l:ndcaor; "."0, een
in!; woichlp, with Kcrmoii ninth in scrlc on
"Tl e Pilars of Life." All are cordiallv Invited.
rrnWdcnee I'resbjterhn Chinch ltev. Dr.
fieoiRe K. Guild, pastor, rrearlilne; nt 30..10
a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Sunday feliool at 12 m.
.funior Undeaor at 3.30 p. m. Senior Kmlcaror
at CM p. in.
Washburn Street Prcsbj lerfau church Iter.
.Tolin P., D. D,, pastor. Soniccs at 10.SO
ii. in. anil 7.:iD p. nt. Bible school nt 12 m.
.lunlor Christian Kndcaor at 3.30 p. m. Yoiuic
riopic s Clirlstlan Umlcavor at 6.20 p. in. Prayer
meeting Wednesday, 7.S0 p. in. Rev. Dr. .Mor
row will present the cause of the American Itiblc
iiooioty at the moining; scntcc?. The rile of in
fant baptism will be. adnilnNtereel at the morn
ing service by the pastor. The pastor will preach
in the ociilng. AH welcome.
Adams .enue chapel, Xcw Yoik blieel The
Kc. James Ilugdes will pieaeli at 10.:i0; sub
ject, "Virtue Is More Than a Name and llcligion
Xot a Yoke Wheio tlie Spiiit of Burning Oper
ntcv." And at 7.S0, subject, "The fiaiden of God
Is SHU on This Karth." Sunday school at 3
o'clotl;, Mr. Chandler, mpeilntendent. Tho ltev.
Mr. Ih'Khes will teach the Men's Bible The
Chilsti.m Kiideaor society will meet nt 0,.
Pi oyer and praise ran Ice on Tuesday evening, to
be conducted by the Band of Woikcis fiom the
oung Jlcns Chri.-tiaii association.
Capou,e Ciiapcl (Urecn Hiclge PieJitcriin
Chinch) Preachinjr 1().::0 and 7.JJII by tlie pastor,
llev, Ij, H. Poster. Sunday school, ." p. m.; .lun
lor Kndeavor, 4 p. ni.; Senior Kndcacor, G.:iO p.
in. Prayer meeting, 7.30 Tliui'ctay evening.
Welcome to all.
Christian Science literature Is kept lu tu fieo
public leading room. "Sclenen niul lle.lllh with
the Key to Scripture," li.v Maiy Maker IMdy. will
be loaned In Imwllgnlow without rhnRe. Vlst'
(om and lellcrs of inquiry are welcomed and nlv.
tn courteous nllcnllon and liitonnallon fie.'.
Silon United i:miircllcnl (Iniicli, 1120 C.ipoav
avenue, llev. .1. W, Messenger, pastor, PriMcliln-a;
10.M a, in, and 7,:i() p. nt. Subjects, "Ihe Hal
liient of the People of Clod" and "Pilt of lliby
Ion"; Ibis Is the lliliel seimoii on prophecy. Sun
day school, II..10 a, in.; .luntor llndiavor, I p. in.;
Senior llndeavor, ll.SIO p, in. All cells fire, liv
ely body wed cine to all services.
iiv iu:v. noimitT v. v. pikiioi:, d. d.
tl'iom Alllhnr'fl .Voles In "The
I.ctfon Illustrator," Published
Ilev el k Co., Chicago,
ly V.
"Clod In no rpspcclcr of persons." Ads, x, ?4.
At the same time that Clod Is truly calling men
lo piench Ills wold lie Is ptepailng men to I'eir
Ills message. When Ihu Holy Splilt c tils men
lo the .miiiMry of the go-pel lu certain fields,
He prcpaies the fields for the worl.eis.
Vhlle Peter was on llio hoii'c top lu .loppa, play
ing for guidance, Cud was preparing the emigre
nation for Peter's inlnlstiy in the home of Cor
iiellus .it Cesarc.i.
The congregation were (1) WAITIXC. (2)
pitAviiiti'ui,, (,i) nxrrp. (i i:.pi:t.i
These nic the Vondlllons which will ahva.vs biini
JMetliodist Episcopal.
Paid c hutch 1'iuly prayer and
.- State 'C. E. Convention.
Pennsylvania is the banner state in
Chr'liStlitn Kndeavop. Tho Pittsburgh
convention will be tlie banner conven
tion. Want to know why'.' Listen! It
will bo tho lira t biennial convention; no
international meeting litis year to
divide the time, thought and energies
or Kiuleavorers, and overy one who can
possibly arrange for It will be at the
lu rtiarnngc only when there is equality
of health as well ns nfTeetion. Affection
inay be 'the -basis of unity in ninrrini-c.
nut the feiiperstructurc depends lnrijely
on the womanly health. Vhcii the witu
is tormented with backache, tlistiesseil
by headache, and racked by nervous,
uess, she has no auibition for exercise or
pleasure. .
Doct6r Pierce's l-'avorite Prescription
niaken weak women Mrone; anil sick
women well. It cures headache, back
ache, and. other womanly ills by curing
the diseases of the womanly orguuism
which cause them, It establishes regu
larity, dries weakening drnius, heals in
flammation and ulceration and cures
female weakness.
Weak and sick women nre invited to
consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All
correspondence is held as strictly private
and I sacredly. confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, lltiiTalo, N, Y,
The denier who offers a substitute for
Favorite Prescription" does so to gain
the little more profit paid on the suit? of
less meritorious medicines, His profit is
j "i "iw uttepi no suusiuiuc,
"My wife coiumencnl to complain tvventv
year ogo, writes Lewis A. Jllllcr. ei-Cldef IX
tolice. m Project hlrett. Vel,irt Pa. "fi
hMe tried the skill of twelve difiereiit c ioctoK
Blie took ealloii!. of mtdicliie duiiuu 'tlie lliiie
de was I, until I wrote to yon am you tol "S
wliut to do. fa he lakeii elglit I oitliVof I r
PJcrce'n Pnvmile J'rewiptlou nnl ii of the
'Ooldcn Medical HIscoverv.' Sde can clo lie?
f3Wn'Ue0Iu,a,',UaC',,, W"lk aro"ua "Wiffwa
Yoii con publi,li tdla letter If you wh. We
have received tucd uem that wewisd ' every
.ufferer could derive tin- t,,ue amount of gooX
My wye's coinpbiut enud to he a compHca
(ion of dIeae-M llic doctors hald. Vc will
ever remain your friends. Jiay Clod blew you
and your Institute." ' ' ' u ierce's Pellets are the most desir
able laxative fee delicate women,
I Mr. Pail; c Imtcli l.mly prayer and pia'te ting at .:il. ltev, .lames lltiiiilugi'i, of JJm
I i.iy ihureii, will incacli at 10.S0. Claw mei t
iii'i at clo5u of (.eivice in Sunday tchool loom.
S'uitclay fd'col at 2 p. lu. ; Junior league nt ::.;'(i
p. in.; hciiior league at ii.'M p. in. Pleaching at
T. "tl p. in. by the n.i-,tor, II. 11. Singer.
btiangcrs aie welcome.
hlmpion ilethodt llpi-copal clmicii ltev, II,
C. Mulicimott, pitoi. Pie.iclilng at 10.30 a. in.
by Piof. James Hughes, Sunday (.eliool at 12 m. ;
luiilor League at 2. 15 p. in.; Kpvvortd League at
0.SU p, in. In the evening al 7. M0 the choir will
liptuc their pio'.-i amine of Kapler music. All ale
Cedar Avenue Mctlindkl Episcopal diuich P.
P.Doly, pastor. Seivlcc-s, 10 a. m., meeting of
liieilhc'ihood; 10.SD, moining worship and mmon
by l!c:V. A. II. Congft-; Sunday school at noon;
!:.f,0 p. in., Junior Kpworld league; (1.30 p. in.,
lipnoith league; 7.S0. tetmoii by Hev, A. 11. Cou
pe r. All are welcome.
Hampton Sticet JIcthodKt i:pl.copal Cliun-d
Pleaching at 10.::0 by llev. i:. II, hlngcr. hun
eiay uliool at 'J p. in : Kpnoitb league at 0.3d.
Pieailiing (.enlco at ..) by W. W. Adair.
Court Street Jleldnill-t llpicopil C'liurcd S;r
vices will be condueleil by ltev. licorge W. Cialg.
Jloinlng Mibpect, "llleinal Day." livening mb-
Jetli ".Needed Picpaiatioii'. for CluM," lively
body inviled.
l'lict (leinian Jlelliodi-t l.rfscoial cliuich, Ad
am' avenue and Vine tiect (1. Ilobllln, pastor,
Hlvine mi vices atlO.31) a. in. and 7.R0 p. in.; Sun
day Mhool, noon!; T.i.vlor Avenue clnpcl, 2 . m,
I'lmbild leapie, 0.15 p. m.; prajcr meeting,
'1 In. i -.i lay evening.
Pic-peel Avenue Ccimaii McthndUt KplMopal
rliiuch, lliieli Miect and Prospect avenue fl. r.
llauwci, pastor. Peaching, 10,::0 a, in. ami T'il)
p.m.; Sunday t-ehool, 2 p. in.; Kpucutli league,
ii. I.11 p. in.; pi.ijer meeting, 1'ilday evening.
l'lim Am line HaplUt Cliiuih, Peuu avenue, U.
tween r'lutice. and Linden streets Stiangrs al
wajk welcoine, The llcv. lt.ibert V, V, Pierce,
11. D., pistor, will be anhled lu the inoiiilng wr.
iee by llev, llr, II, 1). Thouiai., of Toronto, Can
nd.i, who will pleach the M'inioii. Sunday Mhool
:ii 2 o'clock in tho home school, and at 3,:H1 p, in,
nt the Anicimau Meuioilal iubioii. Vouug Pco
plu's ChrUtlait Kudeavor lurctlng at ililO p, in.
At ",30 llio pastor will prcacli from the th'iiie.
"rakhbuublii (,'rlinc8." 'Hie evening unicei in
the uuilitiiiliim will be picceded by mi illustrated
li.vinu service.
I'list IliptUt chuic-h, South Main avenue ltev.
K. P, M itlicw.s, pastor, 'I lie liuil teiviiivs Sun
day iiioridng und evening, 10.3O a, in. and V,.'M
p. in,; 'ibje-ct, "Tho Convention ami JU l.c.
0in," Sunday nhonl, 2 p. m l)i, II, (J. Jleddue,
t'lpcrintcndenti l. V. I' V, tcivlcc-, 1130 p in
aiMii.bly i bum. Weekly prajcr meeting Wodnui.
day evening, 7.30 p. in, All aro coidlally inviled
eo iervices,
.IrcUon Street Itaptl.t church Morning men's
pitjer inertitig at IM loan Jones, leader,
Pleaching tervleo at 10.110; fcrmon by (ho paa
ter, llev, 'llimnav ilr Uiuchy, I). p. Sunday
bchuol at 2, John l.lojd, wiittrlnU-udcYt, UreiK
lug trrvlcu at 7 shaip. I'ulwt and song unlrc
Tho llev. II. D, Ihonui, D. 1),, ol Toronto, will
lumen, in-, inoinas Is well known to u all.
Coinii and hear him.
Cuen Jlldiin llaptUt iliuuri, Mousey avenue
ltev. I.. Jl. S. lUyiivJ, I). 1)., of Uliighamton,
X. V., will preach ut 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.
Other church ktrvlccj as usual
Noilli Slain Annuo Hapllt Chuith-Hcv. Al
beit liatclicr Spiitli, pastor, 10.30 a. in., ub
Ject, "Jcius Seeing thu Travail of IIU Soul, or
the AttoiuplUlunent of ll.c Divine Puipo.e." 7.30
p. in,, llieme, "I'lic- Power of the Tongue, or Can
a Woid spoken liver He Hccalled." 'Jho evening
(.civlce will be held in thu Tube-made.
1'lrct Vclli llaptUt Church, Soutli Main avo
nue Itev, 1). 1). Hopkliu, paator. Tho ltev.
loivvcrtd Jones, ol Macattg, Wale, will prcacli In
lie churcli tomorrow bold morning and vvculn;.
'I he M-nki'4 will Li- In Hie UVltd languice In
SI. Luke'- I'.iii-Ii Hev. Kogeru 1-i.iel, I). D.,
recle.r; ltev. 11. ,1. Ilaughton, (.enloi- cutatr.
Tt.lid Sunday after llastei.
St. Luke's chinch 7.30 a. m holy common,
ior- 10.30 a. m., morning praver and ktihoii;
7.."0i. tu., evinlng piayer anil seitnuii; P.15 a. in.,
Sunday Mhool and llible chides.
Sr. MaikV, Uuninoic 10.30 a. in., lnowiinn
pi.ner and fermon; 7.30 p. m., evening pia.ver
mid eiinon; :i p. in., S'uiidiy tehool and ItibJe
li't l.'iiil .lk-ion, Pre-rtiit avenue 2.30 p. m.,
Sunday -i honl anil llible clase.
South Side .Mi-ion, l'ig "tieet 2.30 p. m., Sim
dav sihoel and llible clashes.
si. (.'wnge'-, OlyiJAint 2.30 p. in., Sunday
vcl.m.l and llible c1.i.t; 3.30 p. m., evening
praver and Koriuon.
Chinch of the Ciood Shernienl. coiner Monsey
uvrnuc and Cieen llidge ll-eet Third Sunday af
ter Ulster. Morning piajer at 10.30 o'clock;
Sunday tehool and lector's cla-s at 2.30 p. in.;
evening piajcr at 7.30.
S'r. John'-. .Mission, O-lcihout Hall, Piovideuie
S'.lii.'iie Holy communion, 7.33 -a, m. ; Siindiy
bcliool, 2 p. in.; evening prayer, A . m.
Reformed Episcopal,
(liace llefoimed Kpi-copil clmich, Wyoming
avemm below- .Mulbeny ttreet Rroigc L. Alilch,
pastor. Prayer 'and piauo service, 0.30 a. in.;
Divine woiMiip, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in.;
pleaching by the pastor. Sabbath school, 12 in.;
Voting People's Society of Christian Lndcavor,
0.30 p. in. Lesson study cveiy Wednesday even
ing :it 7.30. Prayer meeting at S. Seat free.
All aie welcome.
Evangelical Lutheran.
l'.v.ingeliiMl Lutheian Tliliel Sunday after L'as
ter. riospel, John xrl:10-23. I'.pistle, I Peter
ii: 11-20.
St. Jaik'-, rouitcenlh and Washbuin fclieet-
Ilev, A. L, Itanier, Ph. I)., pastor. Services at
10.30 n. in. ami 7.30 p. m. Luther League ut
(1.30 p. in,; Sunday tehool, 12 m,
St. Paul's, Shoit avenue llev, V". S, L. Lauer,
IKislni. Sen lees at 10.30 a. in, and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 2.30 p. lu.
Chi lit chilli Ii, Cedar avei.ue and Uiich bticct
llcv. James Witko, pa'toi. Scivlces at 10.30 a.
lu, and 7.30 p. in. Sunday Khool, 2 p. in,
St, Pctcr'ii, I'rescolt iivcnuc Hev. John Han
dolpli, pator Services al 1O.30 a. in. Sunday
school, 2 p. hi.
I.iiiini'.uucl (.eiiiian-PolUli Lutheian chinch.
I!ees3 sticct ltev. IVidinanil Satelmeler, p.ilor.
Scivlce lu the Rcimaii language at 10.30 a, in,
Sunday school, 2 p. in.
'ion's rliuich, 22(1 Mllllln aveuui1 ltev. A, (I,
Oallcnkanip, pator. Morning services, 10.30;
Hilijrct of fermon, "The Abllliy of Mankind to
Scu und Xot lo Sec-." Sunday school, 2 p. in, Let
till be present, livening serviced lu Kngllsli, at
7.30 p. in.; subject of fcciinuu, "l'lio One. Word,
in Which Aio Hidden All Ticasines in Heaven
and on ll.nlli."
l i.I vary ltefoiiunl cliiucli, Monroe aviiu and
tilbtoit ttrcel Itev, M. L. I'iior, pastor. Sei.
vices at 10.30 u. in. and 7.30 p. in.) Sunday
K'hool, 11. n a, in.; Cliriitl.ui lludravor, 7 p. i.i,
Mlei-weelc ineeiiiig, Wedncsilay, S p. in.; eate.
iIiImii, Saturday, 3.30 p. in. Sf.iU flee. Vnii are
welcome. Morning subject. ".Men Ale Lllco Hie
Hod They Wordilp,"
All Soul' Unlves.illt 1 nil ( Ii . Pine dice I, be.
Iwccii Adams and Jelferson avenues llcv, Thomas
II. Pa.vne, pastor. Divine foil lie, with ser.uou,
at 10.30 a. lu, and 7.30 p, m, Tho pastor will
picaeh in tlie inoiiilng on "Tlie I'oot Path to
lniiplmwi," and in Hie evening on " A Coninioii View ol the llible," Siindiy seliool at IJ,
Si'.il.s fiee, SliaiigiH coidlally vvclcoiui,
tlovpel Tabernacle, .Iclferson avrnue, Jluiiinoir .
.lames I.cUhmiii, pastor, Sunday set vices at
10.30 a, in. and 7.30 p, m,; Sumliy sehool, 12
lu oung People' ineetliig, 0.30 p. m, Ciui.
Han and .Missionary Alliance meeting. on 'I'uis.
day at 2.5U ami 7.30 p, m.
I'irst Primitive- Mcthodkt church, Ureeu ltidiie
llev, fi, Lees, pjslor. Hev, Thomas Hell, of
Wilkes-uaire, will piejch morning and rvenlng,
a baptism of the Holy Spiiit upon tho chinch of
Christ. Peter tlie preacher was (I) PIIAYKR
I'liL, (2) OnilDIHXT, (3) rAITHl-UL. He
pleached unto the peojile the Chi 1st of Pardon,
lVaco, Comfoit, Hope.
As Peter picaelied, the Holy Spirit sealed the
message and tilled the life of each believer, "flod
is no ie-pectcr of peisors." Hence upon Jews
nnd Gentiles alike the Holy Spirit came, both
saving tho soul, and setting apart for Christian
service them that believed in Jesus Christ.
Suggestions Draw- an outline of a cioss en
ulilch is placed a ciown bearing the name JIISUS.
Let iaj a of light fall from the cross upon tho
vvoids (IIIXTH.HS and JIIWS; make flio practical
application tliat Jcut is walling and willing to
blo-.s the "whosoevei" will believe in Him.
The people listened attentively to the npostla
unfolding the plan of salvation, and when he lc-M-aled
(he great tiutd tl at w!iosoccr bclieveth
in ( hrist and ncccits lllm as a Saviour,
"hath cveikasling life" (John, v, 21), then were
their he.iits opened i.nd the Holy Spirit came
upon them in blessing and power. When they
had believed then wcio they baptized.
civTv "''''r ' . i . !3WiHtNavi i'wyr'. ?"':.' HJ:,i'
.....x f'varMwu Iw ''
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Jesus ho diplard his Divine qualillrs by his
deeds of love and power. 4. All this woik of
Jesus was through the anointing of tlic llolv
tihojt. (Matt, ill, 10.) Tint was a splenuid
gospel seimoti, just suited to Coineliii-, vho
needed only to know Joua, tho prnniied one,
who came into the woild, icceived the spirit
and ministered to men.
lVr line faith in .Te.-,us Cluist alone wc lave,
leiulwioii of sins. If we coi.fcv. our sins, und
bellevo in tho Lonl .Temis wo shall be foigirt-n.
Suggestions l)i aw- Hie outline of n lieait and
willu in it Hie wonlf, "1 llelicve in
thii-l." Acid-. tpie-,e wouls vviile. "I rorirlvu
Thy Sins." ConfeN.ion, faith, and foigivcnc.-s aie
clo-ely lehlcd in the divine plan,
baanlon. Pa.
Acts x:34-44.
UV llliv. J
Secretary of
i:. oiLnmu',
Amerlcaa Society
D. D.
of Jtvligloui
CONTII.T. La-t lesson closed with Petct
among dbclples at Joppa CAets l.v, 30, 4.1), where
lie wiought a nuiacle. llius far in hid caieei c.
tcneliiig through about two yeaia (A, 1), 3.1 to
35), his lalior:) had been ronllncd to people of
Jewish origin, whom he rcgaulcd as tho spcrlal
favoiite.s of heaven. An attempt was nude at
that time to give him more liberal views. 'Ihu
method was vMicmely ImpicJslve. Cornelius, nu
olllcer in tlu ltoniau in my nt Caesaica, a very
devout man, had a vision In which hu was di
rected to tend lo Peter for distinction, Peter
also had a vision lu which ho was diicded to
eat animals foibiddcn In Hie ltiv. While think
ing on thexu thiuaii hu was approached by thu
Hivants of C'oinelius whom he ncoiiipul.d.
'Ihu centuiion rehearsed what bad oeeuried and
clcclaied tint ho was leady to receive any nios
Mgo the apostle had to deliver. A lieallivii
seeking iiistiuetion was an interesting event In
chined history, Our Ie.-oii relates what fob
PIUICIUVIMJ.-tVcisos -'II and 35.)-l'jter' weiei opennl and his pieudlcn gone. Siunign
that ho had not understood the vvntiN of ,leus
( ill, 10), nnd i-peclally of tho treat coin-
IiiUsloil (Matt. U, 111, Whit li.1i before
been to him .1 gospel to llio posteilly of .ln..
bun, became u gospel lo all the woild. Tho ex
pansion in Ids thoi'ght and Icellnrf was wonder
nil, delivering liliu iremi the bigotry conimjii
to his coimtiinn, "(lud is no icapettur cf p,r
sons," ho dei'laieil. livery lighleous unn in
every nation Is accepted by lllm, This convic
tion wa.t tlic outcnuii. of the vNions, cf the
speech and splnt of L'uinrliiH, lis tho two men
stood togethiT, plainly Ood hid interposed to
lulus raw tiutd into Ids mliiil (Acts ,l, IS),
How could bo icjcct it' Had not this been tho
method of Iliviiio dUcloaUic- ami leading nil
lliiougd thu centuries fiom .Uiuhani down,
(Ocn. .ll,l,v
Clasa iiiettll'g ufter mouilny ,ivice. All aie
PI mouth ('ongiegatloiul cluiitli, .lacUun
ttuclCoiiiiiiuiilou teivltcut 10.30 a, in, Picaeh.
im; (civile at 7-o'clock p. in. Sabbath school at
i o'clock, Sabbath sehool at Sheiniau avenue at
2.13 it. in. llev. l. J. Mori I., uf Wllkes.llaiie.
'will occupy tho pulpit.
I'iut ihiiidi (CliiLst Scientist), fil'l Adams ave
nue Sunday henkcs, 10..') a. m., 7,30 p, in,;
Sunday sehool, II, 1 a. lu. Subject, "Pfobatlau
Alter Death," Testimonial meetings Weduc.djy
evenings at S o'clcck. 'liic cliuich l aUo open
every eUy during the week. Tito blbla and all
l)i;CL.MIIXH-(Vein'.s 30 to 3S,)-Wltli Hut
bilef Introduction, iiiinnuueiiig ut (he Horn in
was entitled (o salvation, Pcler at once per
funned the) service ,vv hit d be had been Inviteil to
lender, und plcadifd .Ictus. Tho sulntaiui of
that pleaching, iiilalnly not tho whole of It,
is ieic givvn lu tliuc veisvs.. ( may be .ir.
ranged under four hradsi 1. .le.u, (ln,t,
ploniUed to l-rad, Is Lend n all, setting fnitll
Ids race oilglu und universal iluinluloii, (Hub.
x, 12.) 2. That IhiM, so proinicd, hid c-nl. i
eil into hl.tniy, bring Incaiiiate, tho Intelll
gence of vvhidi was publUhcd throughout (lie
entile land. 3. liming the cuthly mlnUlry of
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WITXIISilXO. (Verses 39 to 41.)-C'ornellus
needed to be assured that what bad thus been
eleclaied was true, so that he might accept it.
Peter proceeded theiefore to furnish him with
a ground for bis laith, declaring that be and
the other apostles wen witnesses of the things
which they i elated, ll was a fablo that he gave
(2 Pet. 1, 10), it was not a populir rumor that
might have been colored in its lcpetltiou but n
vcilty testing on the testimony of a man sent
of G'od to deliver it. Now he includes in his iiory
the fact of the ciucifKion, death and rcfuiiee-
llon, dedaiiug tliat he wvv it all, tint he and
bis companion apostles utc and drank with .fcitis
nfter be io-e from the dead. In speaking thus to
Cornelius, Peter cnlucd into tlie service willed
he had been appointed to render (Acts i. S), :i
net rice of the utmost impoitaiice. Cluiolhulty
today iest3 on the apotlcs as witnesses. Their
woteis are icceived in tlie eomt of the woild.
Xo well balanced mind can icjcct their aai
lions concerning thc-e matters of fact.
PP.IIACIIIXO. (Vei-rcs 42 and II.) 'Ihe gospel
Is uioie than a bMoiy, mole tli.ui an ordeily
nu.ingemcnt of fads. It is a dodiiue, a s.vleiii
of Until, designed for the spiiitu'il pioflt of me.i.
This Peter immediately dtilaicel to Coiuelius,
and said, moreover, that lie was appointed to
pleach this doctrine or Until unto Hie pernio.
That doctrine was lu two p..rts, which he gives
in an imeitcd older: 1. That there i leniivunn
of .Mies, pardon and lrconelliatlon. to all whu
believe in his name tho giaud dodiiue of Juvi
llc.ition by f.iltli (lloui. v, 1). a-, taught bv 1 u-
ther, und as held and taught by nil the piophels
mult r tlie nil dispensation. 2. That this -aine
Jesus is ordained or appointed to be judge of
the living and of the dead. (I Tim. iv, ,) It
is intcic.stlng to note that in announcing the
above Pcler dcclaics that Jeus bid commanded
him to preach those things. It sums tint
with his broaeler dew of the scope of the gospel
ho had closer view of its essence, a lccolleellon
of cailicr instructloiw.
.VnT.STIXC (Veioo 4I.)-When Jesus sent
his aposlles into the world be piomUcd to be
with them. (.Malt, xwlil, 20.) That pie-cnec
would be fpiiitual, atiordlng power and giving
succc.s. (Acts 1, 8.) In this way it was in
tended to convince men that the gcmpel wm i.ot
a human invention but a Divine uallty, and that
the icsiilts were not through man'i wisdom but
Cod's power. (1 Cor. ii, IJ.) And to It caiiio
to pas all through the apostolic ministry. Ac
cordingly while Peter was i-peaklng to Cornelius,
the Holy fell on those that heaid, Jews
and (ientllea alike, thu companions of Peter and
4ho cenaiits of Coinclius. 11 was Pentcco-t ie-
piuduced. (Acts ii, 4.) Thu main cud to be
r lined by this outpoiiiiiiff of the Spirit was to
cany ein.vlctlon to llu minds of nil, (John j.l,
S.) It attested the apoitle as a man of (lud and
his mesi.ii'u as tliithful and therefore leliablc,
thus leaving no loom to doubt,
SI lIPIU.HiXii. (Vcises 4J and 10.) Two icsulls
followed tin oulpoiuing of tlie Holy Sniilt the
one fpiiitual, the other pb.vnleal. The men i
in.iguilled Hod, that it pulsed lllm, gloriiled '
lllm, because of his cousdnus holy piriuit.
Ills revelation to them carried with It a peculiar
Joy (Pailm .vi, 11), which found epie'.loii In
woriU. (I.uko , 15.) When (iod's Spirit
tr.uilios tlio heait a ruin Is moved Hod,
to mako retuiu lor tlie blrwlug, Hut siiniil.
laueously tho speech vyKt aflcctcd. The Ian
guago funneily spoken, Latin or Hreek, was in.
udciii.ite, It represented anil race e
tiillulties and pii'Judlccs, lliit these men bv
Hod's fpiiit h'ld been elevated to a niiivci.'al
biollieihood. Ilciice they wcic cimIovvmI with
cither tongues, in the npotlcs vveie, and begin
tn t peals to each ntlur in tho new- language.
This ttiange phenomenon was gicitly siupiliiu?
to tlio-c who came with Peter who w.-ic of the
IIAITIZINll. (Voise Id to 4S.)-Tlii end wai
accouipllshid. tlcutllrs, liavo received the gospel.
Ily tlio Minn methods they have dialed with
Jewish Christians tho promised blowings. 'Ihe
Holy Spirit has done thn woik. It now tnly
rnualns for men to rccognbie mid niuiouiici whit
Is iitcoiupllshrd. Petri proved hluiscll icily
to nirct the (dso. Can any linn foibid inptliin
In Ihosu who have icceived the Holy (ilio'l?
Tlmt iputtioli, put by dim to the believcis glth.
ercd about, received no answer, Sllcneo meant
content. Ilaptlsm was the .sign and teal of in.
waul grace. All disputed polnls were milled.
COXCLlkSIOX.-Our Iosmui is dilellv valuable
as a moid of the Hut (omcnlon to I'luMlanlly
amoiig tho lieiitiles, tho In ginning of that
splendid movement, not )el completed, by which
tho world was (0 bo brought lo Christ, 'llieie
an several lesser points worthy of attention.
I. It appears that even in heathendom their have
been men of excellence, Tho clhlila i-stiun
of leltglon have setved the woild in pioduclng
exalted character. Pur pioof see U Human
odder, lindlrg favor wild (led, by following the
light he dad. '-'. It appears that a man who ii
genuinely good .it Inait will seek for light and
welcome the minister for In. nut Hun ami be
cpiu to conviction, lculy to reopond lo any
new and larger dUiiosurcs lint may be nude.
3. 'i lit- shows that there ii III unlveual huuiaii.
Ily a religious novo willed uiay be elirkcned und
enfeebled but willed will respond wden nteded
llgdt Is teemed. 1. The' Spiiit of find conn, to
all men ever) w Here and always, und they who
accept his giacious appioach uic nude icady for
the fcllowshli ol his people. 3. When Hoi
works in Hie heait men must confess His
at.d inter into ids covenant.
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