i IKVTBp.' pivyTS5r..yn" n '1aT'"','' y? ism tf, ii -;Hiipp' , ji- Tf 'fi-'y in - ?. Us".i"' ' W-$JV M ?. C ' v t tMt t;,A, "I' - " . 3 ,V $ ,v- J ; f THE SOHANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY Al'ltIL 18, 1902. DAV LIGHT STOKE JONAS LONG'S SONS. QSE BOTH 'PHONES'. w iMMi iim i i ii.i ii im j' v'-;.'.';','".'..1;!'.. ..- I. ) 1 y i n t. -r j. v ,r.. j.r -v x l 'WIVE1. :.", ' . TSw i . . ' ., I " 1 ,' ' ' v. r i; j . v. , ! STV ('i'. J u. i . ' ne. W-.. '" ;.''.. , -.W-v I '' Alil .' ." .i ."-,:. i. . mm L 'w m S9 -AcH W It's Our Business i aRi 7b ifaA' Clothes. We are enthusiastic when we talk about the "Atterbury" System of Ready - to - Wear Clothes it's the reason we talk so much. Back of all this en thusiasm there is merit. Many days of thought and study were necessary before we advertised and put our reputation back of new this system. Its perfection now isnotdisputed even by some of the best custom tailors, The problem now before us is, How can we make' you enthusiastic? All our newspaper descriptions of the "Atterbury" System of Ready-to-Wear Clothes won't convince you. But give us one opportunity to explain why it's tfetter than most custom made, &? then we nave no doubt ot vou sharing our enthusiasm. We may make a sale or -we may not, either way will please us only let us try to convince you. ovelty SOils for Spring Wear More variety of styles and fashions are shown in our Boys' Department than we have shown in many seasons past. They come from several well known boys' tailors, and the same novelties found in New York's .most ex clusive juvenile stores are displayed here. Our windows give you some idea of these novelties in Boys' Clothes. Our prices at all timesv conform with the qualities whether you pay $2.00 for a Vestee Suit, or $10.00 for a Young Man's Suit. SAMTER BROTHERS Boys N Complete Outfitters. BASE BALL SEASON OPEN RECORD OF THE NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES YESTERDAY. Philadelphia Shut Out by Christy Mtithowson The Game Witnessed by Twenty-four Thousand Spec tators Chicago Defeats Cincinnati, and Pittsburg Shuts Out St. Louis; Attendance, 10,000 Brooklyn De feats Boston; Attendance, 9,000. Dy i:rlusic Wire from Hip A-ocUlctl I'm'. New York. April 17. The National Kuiguc buso ball season wiih opened here today on the Polo grounds with a Kiinic between the New York and Phila delphia teams, which resulted In a vic tory for the homo club by a scene of 7 to 0. Pitcher, hithewson succeeded In shutting out the visitors, and his field ing nnd 'pitching were this features ot the pmm. Twenty-four thousand peo ple passed through the turnstiles, and the local tooters were In high glee over the victory of the New York pluyeis, most of whom are now to the ranks of professional playeis. The weather was exceptionally fine. Tins score: I'UILADlXl'illA. 11. 11. o. a. !. Tlionuj, cf , u (i ii i) Harry, if u -j n n Hi ov, nc, It , o o -j j u Poilgllii, Hi ,, n o ii .LickliUcli, a ,,,,, 0 l, ;( u llul.wltt, fa , II 1 1 h 0 Mailman, Sb .....,,. u II n ;; Clillifc, 2b unit: 0 i'clh, p 0 II u :i u Viioihccs, p ,,, 0 o ii -j ij 'Ibtrg 0 0 II ii u Totalj ,.,, , II 4 '.'I hi o Halted for Voorliccs in ninth liming, NIJW YOHK. II, 11. 0. A, i:. liuiin, ss ,,, ,,..,,,,. 1 1 1 2 J Pelchanty, if ,, ,, 1 U 0 n n Jones, o f.,,,., 0 l! ' II n 'Ihielman, c( ,,,,, n o o o u Jaucler, 3b ,,., ..,,.,,, (112 11 llojlc, lb .,,,,,,.,,, 1 (I 10 Jackson, It ,..,........,.,.. 1 1! ii n II Ijiiiltli, t!U .,, ,,.. 1 1 II ;i' U Yejger, o ..,,., ,,.,,, 2 I 10 1 0 Matl.swson, p ..,,.,,,,,,,,. 0 il 1 a u Totals ,,..,,.,,.,,, V VI 27 PI 2 1 lillatlvlplila .,....,,,1) II U 0 II 0 0 II 0-0 Xiw Yuri; ., ,.,,. 0 II fi 0 2 0 0 x 7 1'il.t lao ly viiofi. Xew Voib, 2i I'Mladdplil.i, 2. 'Jwo li.uc lilts Jones, Vcaijcr, llany. Saul. live W- Jhlhewion (2), ClilUU Ltd on ln,c ,Niv oV, 7; I'lilliilclphia, I). blolfii Iujvj jlmiii, June) (3), Lauder, Double pj liuiin ami Hoik'; lluKuitt ami PouIar". lil.t Imiq III 1)4U.-0iT MalliewMjii, i; oil IV1!, 2. lilt by pililiel lly ooihew, 1. htruek out )ly Jiatliert. ton, II; liy IVHjc, li by Vooilieij, 1, Time 1.33. riuplie-O'luy. Cincinnati-Chicago, Cincinnati, April 17. Tho Clnclnnatls losr'tlia mifliilim: irnmo limn torluv main ly through their inability to hit Tay lor. Chicago solved Swormstad's de livery easily. Attendanuo 10,000. The score: CINCINNATI. it. ii. o. a. i:. Iluy, if 10 10 0 Dobta, If 0 14 10 Ilcikley, lb I) 2 S 1 0 Ci.iwfoid, if 0 0 2 10 Heck, 2b 0 2 ii 2 0 Corvoun, ss 0 0 1 2 2 Rtcinfeld, til 0 2 2 .1 1 IleiKrn, r n i :: :; o Swol in-tail, p 0 112 0 J'cit. 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 1 7 27 17 :i ClIlCAdO. II. II. 0. A, i:. SI.iKlc, tt 0 ii I 0 0 Mlllir, II 1 t .' u 0 Dexter, 3b n o ' 1 1 1 Coughlin, cf 2 12 0 0 Cbance, v 112 0 0 Lone, 21 II II 2 'j 0 O'llascn, lb II 1 ! 0 1 Tlukei, 112 2 0 T.iylor, i 1 :i o ." 0 Tolaln fi 11 27 11 Si l'vllr. batted for buoinistnil ill ninth, f'lnclnniti 1 0 o 0 n 0 o o o-i Chli-airo 0 1 II 2 0 0 2 0 1-U gained iun Cliieaiio, 1. Twa-luvp liHn Iletlv ley, l!eil, l.nnv, TinUr. Tailoi. Tlnc-baw lilti Miller, 'f.ijlur. Stolen ba-e-O'lliRen. Double pl.ij TinKii', Loo and (I'lLmnii Dublin to Meiufvld. 1'iial 1ium mi lulls lly Ta.loi, 2i by SvMiiustad, I, IiikI oiil lly T.ijlor, 2; by SncuiutUd, 2. Time -1 So, t'niplie Kindle, St. Louls-Fittsburg. St. I.mtls, April 17. Pittshuiff won the openlUK- Rnnio against Ht. Louis at Leagtio park today by a score ot one to notliliiKr. The visitors' count came In the sixth liinlns on Leach's single, Kruqur's miss of O'Connor's grounder and Phllllppl's out at (list. Both plt checs performed brilliantly, and It was ti Rreat duel througliout, Attendance, 10,000, The core; bl 1.01IS. ii. ii, o. ,. i:. railell, 2b 0 2 14 0 llaul.i, if II 12 0 0 lUltliian, lib Oil 10 imoot, if , II I 0 I) Kriracr, n , ,, 0 0 1 II 1 Donovan, If 0 110 0 llazletou, lb li' 17 0 0 lljaii, u ,,,,, 0 ,0 II 1 0 YeiU, p , ,,,,, 0 0 o ;i o Total, 0 7 "jo n J Mlp.uiniuni out mi bunt ttilUe, I'lribiiiriKi, it. u. o. a. i:. Daj, if ,,,,, il l 1 o 0 riail.e, If , 0 1 I 0 0 lleauiiioiit, if .,.,,.,,1,,,,,. n ' n n n ti Viiiur, "i ,,. 0 2 2 I o IliamlU'W, lb 0 l 11 o o Itittble, 2b ,.,,,,,.,..,,,... 0 11 2 0 0 Leatli, Kb ,,,,,,,, ,,,,. 1 :i o n o O'Connor, u I) 0 I .'I 0 riiilllppl, 1 ,....,,..,.. 0 0 0 '! 0 TotaW ..,....,..,.,. 1 S 27 IS 0 kt. LouU ,,.., 0 U 0 0 i) I) 0 0 0-0 I'llUburg 0 0 Q 0 0 I 0 0 0-1 Two-base blU Donovan, Leatli. Tin ce-b.ue lilt Leaili, SauilUu liiti (larelay, Heauiuo.it. Molcn bate DjvIj. Ilisei on balU Olf Yerie, I. Sittutl; cut-lly Veile, Oi by I'lillllppl. 1, Lift on l.ie-!st. lajul. 0; I'ltisbui".', la. Time I 41. liuinliiw njulilllmu Brooklyn-Boston. New York, April 17. The opening of the teat-on between the Brooklyn and Boston base ball clubs of the National league at Washington park this after noon was a pitcher's battle from stai t to finish, in which Donovan outtwlrled "Willis. Illldebrand showed up very strong as a batter. lie only scored one hit, but went out twice on line llys. At tendance, !),000. The score: HOSTON. II. Cooler , if Tenney, lb .... llemniit, 2b ... Cotulney, If ... Cm nc y, if . . . . GiennlnRer, tlb Long, m Kitliidge, u ... WHIN, p II, n l 0 o 1 0 II 0 1 a. i:. Tot.iU 1 U 21 8 I) 1IIKI0KIA.V. H. II. O. A. L. Kcelir, it 0 O 2 0 0 Pol in, if 0 2 10 0 Mi Crony, lb o o l.'i o o Dableu, M 2 2 1 ." 2 riooil, 21 0 10 2 0 IUIilibi.mil, If 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 :l 1 ..-, I 1 -I o u I) II II 2 0 Irwin, lib .... Fan ell, e ... Donovan, p ., Tl.iN IIo-Idii Ilmuklxii .... K. ii nod tuiiv 2 7 27 li !1 I 0 I 0 0 (I II 0 0-1 0 0 II 1 0 1 0 (I N 2 -llioiiKljn.2. Tio-bae hit Dalilen. Stolui ba-i Dunoiit, Dili in mill Dalilen. Sac lllliu hit Krcln, l'llt lae im lull' Olt Don. an. I; off Willis!, I, lilt by plli licr-lly Willi., hlriult out lly Donovan, :i; by WHIN, . 'time. l...n, I llipilL lliowii. OTHER GAMES, At Plill.ulelpb.il - PMUitilpSila (Aiuulian), li .Jney Cllj, I, At V'urliliwtoii Warldiiiduii, lj New.ilk, il, At AiniapulU lluiaiil, 1"; Xaial Cadet", 3, THE EASTERN LEAGUE. Season Will Open May 1 and Close September HO. New Yotk, Apill li, The IJusitern league of professional base ball play eis, Including Jersey City, Newark, AVorcester, Providence, Bochester, Buf falo, Toronto and Montreal, will open the seasuu on May 1, Jersey City play ing ut Piovldence. Newark at Worces ter, Toronto at Buffalo and Montreal ut Rochester, and the final games will bo played on Sept. L'O, with Jersey City at Buffalo, Newark at Bochester, Prov idence at Toionto and Worcester at Montreal, Tho games at Jersey City coutllct with New York eleven times during the en tile heason, two in May, ono In June, one In July, Blx In August, and one in September, Tho Jcieey city-club will play on llfty-threo dates, which will not conillct with either the Biook lyu or New York clubs of the National league, President Powers will have live um pires on his stuff this year, Instead of four. The llfth man will be used In emergencies, Instead of using player umpires. Tho regular btul'f will bo com nosed of Frank Blnn. John Bagun, Charles Snyder and Thomas B, Kelly. President Powers will appoint the fifth later. SIX OF THE PLAYERS ARRIVE. Six o the members who will com pose the Scrnnton base ball club ar rived in tho city yesterday mid took a little preliminary warming up at the paik during the afternoon. The play ers already here are Steinberg, catcher and physical director of the club; Wlltse, pitcher; MeGarry, pitcher; Schmaltz, first base; Morris, second base and pitcher; Ferris, outlleldcr; Johnson, shortstop, and Gorton, centcr llelder. The players yet to arrive are Nickels, Blakey, Sullivan, McCarthy, Summers, Boss and Bainey. Nickels has written Manager Law-son that ids wife being very sick ho will be unable to got hero before next week. Summers will not got here before May, and it looks as though McCarthy has gone to Join the Louisville club of the American asso ciation. Manager Lawson says that he has written McCarthy that If he does not report here by May 1 he will blacklist him. The players who have already re ported to Manager Lawson are as fine a body of athletes as could be gotten together, and If their appearance be speaks for their ability as ball players, then Seranton can look forward to see ing dome great ball games this season. The boys will practice both morning and afternoon for tho next two weeks. Saturday afternoon tho exhibition game with Plttston promises to bu a lively one, us the Plttston club has been prac ticing for the event for f-ome time, If IB 1.1IS We have tho most complete as sortment of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS and SHIRT-WAISTS in Seranton 75c to $3.50. Underwear Of every description in great variety ami assortment now ready for the Spring- and Sum mer trade, including' the famous Dr. Delmol Linen Mesh, 413 Spruco Street 307 Lackawanna Avenue, 8UITS TO MEASURE. There Is No Store News More interesting to the public of Seranton than OUR GREAT FR I DAY AFTERNOON SALES We are oftentimes told hv customers that ewrv line is reari by them. Ws no wonder that such eagerness is manifested when it means to the economical a saving of money. Today's items are exceedingly good. From the first bell to the last everything mentioned is tempting. Sale No. 1 (ip 4r Sale of Clothes Tins 100 for 5c Sale of Eg Beaters and Nutmeg Graters Do the work of the more expensive kind. Priced for this sale at, each Sale of Good Glass Tumblers Clear glass, good size, cryday article. A He. value. Buy thein this Friday for one hour at, each Sale of Moth Balls At a price not often mentioned. Fridayhour, per pound Sale of House Brushes This kind on sale today is ful little article; has a metal scraper on back. Priced' for this hour at , . . .-. '. . . . Cr,l f CI, nil Unnm. ltrtcf r,M.,Kl- nil nlO O k-Ull Ul kjlllll A lt.l XJVt tUCUH , till UlJl J for this hour Friday at Sale of Lamp Shades Made from fancy colored paper, strong wire frame, shade for your lamp and save your eyes. This Friday buy them at Sale of Blue and White Enamel Berlin Kettles, Tea and Coffee Pots This line on sale Friday arc slightly imperfect ; hardly enough to be noticed. The kettles are ."-quart size : the tea and coffee pots are '2 and U-quart size. Regular value up to 7ik. each. This hour Friday buy them ". 5dC Sale of Rice and Milk Boilers Steel grey enamel. A useful item in every kitchen. . Value 7oc. This sale Friday buy them at 4C Sale of Kettles and Sauce Pots Made of steel grey enamel. The kettles are straight -. and Berlin styles ; also Berlin sauce pots. Regular value, Jl9c. Buy them this Friday at. . . 1 VC' Sale of Grey Enamel Tea and Coffee Pots Size 4-quart. Slightly imperfect. To close q them out, buy them this Friday hour at )C Begins Promptly t 2 O'clock. pieces Get a lc An ev a' use- 4c 5c 7c Sale of Roses in the Millinery Department, Second Floor A large rose bud and foliage in one bunch. A rare opportunity to buy new trimmings for your hats early in the season at half -. price. Value, l."c. to ISc. Friday, one hour 1UC Sale of Whalebone Casing Now, then, a chance for dress makers. White, black and all colors; superfine silk stitched; value 15 cents ; full piece of It yards each. Friday, one hour, each . . ., t JC Sale of Madras One yard wide and striped in wide and nar row colorings a fabric of unusual value and never sold before In ns for less than loc. a yard. Buy all you want at the price l today and you never will regret it, a yard 1 UC Sale of Women's Hose A lace, lisle hose in drop stitch effects of four different patterns, double heel and toe ; an article of splendid value at 25c. For Fridav only, buy a pair at I vC Sale of Dress Goods A magnificent selection of cashmeres, serges and satin figured bourbons; Staple and new Spring shades. A timely -offer at reduced prices. This bargain table will be a busy place during this hour, today, when goods of this kind, worth from 25c. to :0c. will be sold al vard -. r Sale of Rag Carpet Full .'5fi inches wide and very firmly woven ; no rough ends : striped in de sirable colorings and considered good value at -10c; on the Third Floor. Friday, for one 'j-y-hour, at i - i Sale of Women's and Misses' Suits on the Second Floor It is very seldom that vou will Jind such a suit bargain as this one. Made of all Wool Cheviot, blue, brown, gray and oxford, also black. vnn T.nri.-,.t triminwl with :i rows of satin bands. Skirt. 5 core, with full flounce and trimmed like iacket. Sizes are 12 to IS for Misses, 2 to -10 for Ladies. This season's newest styles; and there will be a surprise in store for you this Friday hour at, per stut. Sale No. 2 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock. ..., d.UU Sale of Bedspreads There is always an inviting appearance to a bed when covered with a pure w.hite spread. This style we offer today arc hemmed and ready for use; full size, and have many patterns ; oftentimes marked to $1.25. This Friday buy Gq them at uyw Sale of Women's Union Suits An article that will be needed for the exchange of winter garments ; has low neck and is sleeve less; two-inch lace trimming; a garment worth a third more g. than Friday's one hour price 4Dk Sale of Parlor Rockers Genuine oak and mahogany finish; these rockers are built with saddle or cobbler seat, firmly con structed from selected stock; not another opportunity like this again this season ; value $r.25. For one hour Friday buy q them on the Fourth Floor at X. 1 V Sale of Swiss Curtain Goods on the Third Floor Fancy figures, stripes and dots; an offering that will make it interesting in this de- partment rruiay. mis tune ui jcu im -!;.- " Kuv..-. .. vcrv much in demand; value 15c. Friday hour, at, yard. . , Vt Sale of Bovs' Clothing on ihc'Secowl Floor Boys' Sailor Blouse Suits; all wool; Sailor Col lars trimmed with silk soutache braid ; size .'1 to S years ; Boys' Double-Breasted Suits, size S to lu vcars, all wool Cheviot; lined; best waist band; seams taped. Blue, brown and grey; also neat plaid checks. Either item, value $a, but this hour choose Blouse or Double-Breasted butt . "Sale of Men's Night RobesMade of good muslin or cambric, with or without collars, silk trimmed, with tape and pearl buttons ; yoke shoulders. Cut full width and 50 long. Kegu- -- larly sold at 50c. and 00c. Friday ';"'" Sale of Laces The last on this splendid list of tempting bargains, but by no means the least, Point de Paris and insertions to match. Cream Arabian and White Galoous, , to t incites wide ; usually sold at 10c, to 21c. This hour buy them at, a yard Salo No'. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock. 8c Advertisers of Facts Only Jonas Long's Sons K !&g&J- -wwEgMMti agreyfefftite .iAiawiregtf!LBWytot ms ttf&m&ftm ntrry--'- Agp-w'" -- ,, "W-sads,