MMETE- - i.i . . p p i i i ii p p mmmm mmm p p ppppppppp 1 m m . p - I. V if THEi SCRANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1902. N I . i ' 'fov r Wr n ISP ? i li? i: . n: a f- U . i tm i . , - The News of Ca bondale, ' i 9 POUR MORE PARENTS WERE PROSECUTED John Jones, Patrick. Barrett, Mrs. Hall and L. V. Arnold Proceeded Against by School Board. The Carbondnlc school bourd has made nnotlier move towaribi onforelin? the compuloory education law, carry Iiir on additional prosecutions to brltiB about the end. t.tiBt night In Aldermuii Uiuko'm milee four more parents were brought to task for alleged ncglcotjn sending their children to school an required by the Kan act. The parents were John .Tones, Wilson valley; Patrick Barrett, Powdorly road; Mrs. Halt, 105 South Chutch street; L. V. Arnold, Canaan street. .All ot the four were charged with not having their sons at school. Mrs. TJarrott anil Mis. Hall could not satisfy the alderman that they had done all that they could In keening the truant children at school and each was lined two dollars and costs. in the case of I... V. Arnold, thcie was a' continuance until Friday night, for the reason that City Solicitor Stuart, had been retained by Mr. Arnold to defend his rights, but could not be present at last night's hearing. Attorney H. A. Butler, the school hoard': solicitor, was the proe,seiitlUK ofllcer. The school hoard was also lopresenled by Secietary Kerwln and Director W. 11. ICvans, members of the committee to whom has been, entrusted the duty of cnfnii-luir the school law. Their presence and interest at the meet ing Indicates the resolution and deter mination ot the boaul to continue the prosecutions of the violators until there is 11 reasonable observance ot the com pulsory educational act, or at least until the unnecessarily high number .of truants be ledticed. Constable Kdwnrd Neary served the warrants. A WORD TO HONESDALE. The Tribune Sporting- Editor Has n Heart to Heart Talk with the Ama teur Writer Across the Moosics. Some Good Advice. t Our sporting editor gives the follow ing heart to heart talk with a man fiom iloncsdale. who makes some un guarded utterances about the Maple City base ball situation; Honesdale Is credited with saying that Carbondnlc never Had a base ball team that could defeat a Honesdale club In a. series of games. When any Maple City enthusiast talks that way, it gives us the impresston that ho has been on a low diet. Tf the Maple City writer set forth the claims above for a plug-pong team we would necessarily have to give In to him, but when the subject Is base ball, we rise to remark that we put forth a team that has in the past sea sons, will this season and for all com ing seasons, win out against the village on tho-othcr side of the mountain. We admit they have always had "good nines In the Maple City; but we always had better, ones. A representative team oC Honesdale defeated Carhondale two games In one season, hut those defeats were caused by the non-appearance of several players from this city. Each season, as a matter of custom, Honen dale claims to have the championship team between that city and Wllkes Barre in the amateur ranks. Their claims can be attributed to pipe dreams for In no way, shape or manner can they honestly lay claim to being cham pions, even in the farm section. We venture the opinion thai, a team from the district near Lake Lodore could de feat the wind-charged blowers in a series. There Is no real fun in defeat ing Honesdale on paper. The real fun Is when the two nines, one represent ing this city, and the other being the choosen players of the Maple City, meet on the diamond and the latter uuifoim wearers sneak hack to tall grass and blame the umpire. The Crescents have no desire to bo termed the champion team or the three counties, without giving the teams In the other two counties Luzerne and Wayne a chance to play for the honor. The management welcomes all chal lenges and there seems to bo no Inclina tion on the part of the players to drop dead when defies from Waymart ami Archbald are hurled at their heads. Honesdale. may take a front sent. In ping-pong, marbles, snow-balling and lawn tennis, but It means a position In the rear end of the wagon when their base ball or foot ball teams become filled with enough courage to meet us on the diamond or gridiron. Naturally, being hi position to boast, wo do make n few statements ot our team which out ot town people may KVKR GET "FUIiM" ' On Other Things Than Liquor. It Is prolltablo for anyone to study . fpocl In order to regulate the health, not ! with medicine but by building up ; healthy nerve centers with good food, S 5 A pKjnw:hj has made something of a study on this lino writes from Iowa MUyj "When I Ilrst tried Grape-Nuts it was at the table of a prominent state o,flJcJn,land,tiel.rpnuirknble tuste at ,Vc'cifii me;' I.' afterwards' Investigated "fho subject carefully and discovered that drupe-Nuts, contains .'&ugiirv The starchyyiart of the food Is ".transtotnmd liito'starch jmijnr or dext rose, "those sumo results are produced rby tho digestive organs by the ucllon IPf the sullva and tho paucreatlo juices iCn starchy foods, Thews facts con vinced mo thnt drape-Nuts Is a nut Jjjliral, pre-dlgcsted'food and Just what I iJenulred and needed. "I had been aufferhig fiom a full feel "fng n'tter 'meals and generally more or J.fcas 'headnche, All this trouble left Viien 1 quit using white In end, warm Jlsseults, etCt : "It was about this time I crime home Jrom school, broken down physically and mtmtnllyj I only weighed 10 ounds.-At-my earnest request mother ,fceraf'Sirvlns drupe-Nuts every men! Xnd shWald she had never eaten nny hlnsr jtliut agreed wllh her physical icondltlfh us did my 'now food,' us she Jermed'Jt. "In flve weeks I weighed 133 pounds, f. gain of 13 pounds, and I feel so strong .."that I have been able to do frorn 10 to hours of hard work dally, -.My mind Jjiss never seemed bo clear' before and I ?m thoroughly convinced that there ia .no food like Grape-Nuts to' 'produce :. health nd rt strqmjr and clear brain." .J-M.ArtJugtvii, 80 J755 JWft. City, la. fi.'kAkmilr !H, &immmmi '..1' Tfi'i ' lake wllh u grain or two ot salt, but tho fact still remain, we have the gooda nmt wo can deliver them, too, Honesdale. To ambitious teams In your sertlon ot tho stale, n cordial In vitation Is extended In walk up nnd lonrn the flue points ot tho great na tlonnltgatne. No charge either. In Archbald, tho bnso ball men uto talking of a tour through Now York stale for the team Which will represent them this year. We venture to suggest to the members of the team, If they mo taking tho matter seriously, tho nd vlslblllty ot making the tour during the hop-picking season. Kvcrythlng Is lovely here for a vic torious season, the Crescents having already reported for practice. They In tend making Scranton hustle for a vic tory on the 20th. Nick Murtha's Team. Nuck Murtha Is to the front with a team ami opens the season Sunday, with a nine from Simpson opposing his aggregation. This will be the flrst game ot the sea son and will likely draw a large crowd. THE BLAZING STUMP GONE Notoiious Spenkeasy An Ancient Rendezvous for Desperate Charac ters Located at Eichmondnle. Burned to Ground. The "Mazing Stump." located just beyond llliiunondnle, at, one time the most notorious .speakeasy hereabouts, is no more. It fell a victim to the lire (lend on Monday night, the flames re ducing the building to n heap of em borx. The "Itiazlng Stump" has an lilsloilc interest In tho criminal annuls of this section. Tliis, however, Is not leccnt histoiy, the last chapter ot its dark side having been closed some lime ago. Of late years the building has been used as n duelling, the family occupy ing 11 giving It an air of respectability. that hid the identity of the place as a haunt of men who out-lawed and dis sipated when the smlrlt seized them. The "Hinging: Stump" had Its begin ning over twenty years ago. Then It was a speakeasy, where the wild spirits of tliis section gathered either to pass the time in drinking or carousing or who use to Ilee to it as a place of ref uge after having cracked some com panion's head with a beer bottle, or laid, low another with a knife during the heated passion of a drunken quar rel. The lendczvous was In high favor because it was at the end of the county and in a not much frequented spot in the wood-surrounded country. The fact that it was a. popular place for men whoso weakness was the free use ot the beer bottle or the knife In quairels arising from drunkenness was well known to the police and the local con stabulary. With this In mind these of ficers would make for the notoiious speakeasy with warrants for John Doe i ana others. The constables wpre cer tain that they would either land them there or would get trail of them at tho stump," even it tliey luiil no knowl edge beforehand of the identity of the men wanted. In nine cases out of ten the constables were successful In locat ing their men in the speakeasy or of apprehending them through luroi mil lion obtained there. In those day the "HUssIng Stump" was a by-word among the constables. When a case of felonious wounding was reported the ollicers would smile as they would say "Well, J guess I'll go up to the 'Stump'; If there's any place to go that's the nlace." How ever, it was not all sunshine to make an nirest within the speakeasy. Men who would batter heads with beer bot tles and perforate the anatomies of their drinking associates would not de bate tho small question o u. fight with a constable. The effect ot their appre ciation of this part of their experience was usually a scrimmage In which the constables' fists, supplemented by his billy, came out mostly always number one. Hut more than a few times the officer received his money's worth be fore he walked off with his hand-cuffed urlsoner. , Some four or five yi-nrs ago the speakeasy was abandoned. The pro prietor was routed out and when he disappeared the place was tenanted by a private family, who resided there until the consuming fire ot Monday night, that wiped out the once notor ious place and left only a heap ot blackened ruins that symbol the shady history of the "Blazing Stump." AMUSEMENTS. "David Harum" Tonight. Those who have read "David Iiar um" and laughed at tho happy and humoious ehuiacterlstles ot tho man who knew something of horse deals, will welcome tho opportunity given them, through Manager Iterrlc's enter prise, to see the play of that name at the Grand tonight. A guarantee that tho production will realize tho expecta tions of those who followed "David" from tho opening to tjio closing chapter of the book Is given in the announce ment that It Is one of Charles Froh nmn'H companies that will not tills splendid play. The Grand, therefore, will likely bo filled this evening. Soma good seals remain, but It would bo well to get them before 0 o'clock, if you would have the ehoico ones, A Trent on Saturday Night. Patrons of the Orand will have a treat In "A Runaway Girl," which comes to this piny house op Saturday nlRht, There are fifty members In the com pany, singers who bring out all tho muslo there Is In tho tuneful numheis of tho piece, Arthur Dunn has been secured for, tho part or "Flipper." Those who ,know this talented come dian's versatility and ability can read ily see his peculiar fitness for the part. Mr. Dunn's comedy Is of the spoiuanc. oim and effervescent quality that never fulls to bring foith a hearty laugh, and his nlmbleness of foot ns a dancer, and tho quality ot voice nnd his style as a singer are always thoioughly ap preciated by his auditors, Patriarchs Militant, Attention. Special cantonment of Canton (.'ar bondale at hall at 1130 p, pi., Thuisday, to attend funeral of Cheynller Henry Kerry. Chevaliers In ful) uniform, ex cept liinpenus; uso cap. Order of tleoig lieuttle, Lieutenant, Unclaimed letters. List of letteis icmuiulug In the 'ar bondule, Va.( poatofllce, April 10, 1'JO.', for persons unknown: Q, II. Busnttt, Rob Hacly, Dr. T, .T. Lamb, Dr. S. ti. K. Vull, Kl,ba 'romp. : w - . 4 T;ji.ij(!ljt.. , kins, Jasper Warren, Miss Daisy B. Culver, Miss Tlllle Mallbel, Gertie Smith, Mrs. Ellen Baxter. Mrs T. Hud son, Mrs. Katie Tlghe, Martha A. Wil liams, Dr. Mary Deale Kramer; foreign, Nlchalu Wysocltmur, UttlaeHpe Olgllot le. J, II. Thomas, Postmaster. STRICKEN AT WORK. Carmentha Tallercgo Is BroBtrnted While at Work In the Coalbrook Breaker Dies of Paralysis a Few Hours Later. There was somewhat of a commotion In tho Coalbrook breaker of the Dela ware nnd Hudson company yesterday forenoon, when one of the slateplckeis fell over at his work, apparently life less. Carmentha Tallerego was the man's name. He had been stricken with par alysis. The stroke completely pi ni trated him. Amid Ihe buzz of excite ment, Tallerego w'-us carried to the out side and removed in tho uinbuhinoe to his homo on Forty-second street. He made no rally, whatever, and expired in the afternoon, it few hours later. Tallerego had been In apparently good health, and took his place with tho other slateplckent without betruvlinr any sign ot his Impending fate. He was IS years old, unci hud lived in Cai boudale a dozen yenrs. His wife sur vives him and four children, one son and three daughters. Two ot the latter are married. Tho funeral will take place Friday afternoon. Services will be at the Church ot Our Lady ot Ml. Carmel. commencing at a o'clock. Huiial will bo In St. Hose cemetery. ALDERMAN WEDS COUPLE. An Interesting: Ceremony in Office of Alderman William Morrison. There was mi Interesting ceremony last evening in the private office of Alderman William Morrison, of the Third ward. Tho Hiille of offices where the cause of justice Is fought for, was transformed for the time, and instead or the customary tales of sorrow and trouble, vows of tile marriage ceremony were heard. The genial alderman olliciated, and withas much sunhliino and grace as beflttetl the occasion. The bride and the groom, who were made happy by the words of the alderman, weio Miss Olive Phelps, or Susquehanna county, nnd William Ilobblns, whose home Is at the Falls, but whose employment Is In Carhondale, where he has many friends. Beside the bride stood tho bridesmaid. Miss Myrtle Phillips of Eighth avenue, while P. Flannery, of Sand street, was at the side of the groom as best man. The bride wore a buff colored gown, with trimmings of pink silk, and had a hut that matched prettily the becoming costume. She carried a small bouquet of roses. She looked quite charming, wiille the alderman went through the ceremony, amid her numerous blushes. Tho groom was in evening dress. When the nuptials were over, tho bride looked as happy a newly-made wife as1 the one who might be sur louuded ,with a wealth of ceremony, in stead of the simple. Iinnressivo 'iHp that were so gracefully solemnized within Alderman Morrison's private office, which was quite acceptable for the ceremony. Congratulations followed the union, and the bride and groom left with grateful thoughts, after receiving the good wishes of the smiling alder man. SIMPSON COUPLE WEDS. Miss Mary Ellen Creegan and Den nis Fallon Married at St. Rose's. Two well-known young Simpson per sons were wedded In St. Rose's ehmch yesterday. Miss Mary K. Creegan, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Miles Cree gan, and Dennis Fallon were the prin cipals in the pretty ceremony. Tho pretty nuptials, which were wit nessed by quite a gathering of young folks, weie celebrated at 4,30 o'clock by Very Rev. T, F. Coffey, V. G. Tho bride was attended by Miss Mary Dix on, and Daniel Burns, both of Simpson, was the groom's best man. The bride and her maid wore slate colored gowns that greatly enhanced their nppear aucee. The headgeaV of each was also quite becoming. Uoth carried bouquet of roses. There was a reception at the Creegan home in the ovenlng, at which thero was n largo gathering ot friends to offer them felecltatlons. The couple will go to housekeeping In their pleas ant homo in Simpson, Just beyond the Obed crossing. Mr. and Mrs. Fallon have a host ot friends In Carhondale, a large number of whom were at the cereinoouy at thn church to wish them God-sneed in thpii- journey through life. MR. TINGLEY'S HONORS. Responds to Toast nt Knights Temp lav Banquet in Wilkes-Barre. J. P. A. Tlngley, eminent commander of Palestine eommander.v No. u. Knights Templar, of this city, received another honor this week, beside fho many ho has received In tho ranks of tho Knights Templar. Jlr. Tlngley uc compiuilecl night Eminent Grand Com mander of Pennsylvania Thomas F. Penman, of gorniitou, on his visitation to Dleu Io A'out commandery, No, 4, Knights Templar In AVIIkes-Uarre, on Tuesday nighl. During tho season ot oratory of tho evening Jlr. Tlngley had a conspicuous place. Ho was ono of tho toast men, responding to tho sub- HAVE TO GIVE UP. It's All Over When Nervous Sick Headache Comes to Young1 or Old, Everything Stops and Nothing Goes On but the Nervous Sick Headaches, If anything will engender a uSrc gaul for even life Itself it In continued or oti-repeated uttacks of sick head ache. You may be able to partially describe it, but thu Kngllsh Janguago falls to do it fully Justice, It's misery t,o concentrated, so condensed, h0 pros t rating; that all else Is enveloped In its meshes. Jlr. Thomas Hummers, of No. joio Jackson street, Scrantou, Pu says; 'Dr. A. "SV. Chase's Nerve Pills uro a splendid euro for nervous sick head aches. Mine were terrible nt limes, j wus nervous ut the sumo time, The nerve pills wero recommended to mo and I got a bos at Mathews Uro.V drug store, No. a20 Lackawanna ave nue, and they completely cured the lieaduches and nervousness. This. I think, la recommendation enough." Dr. A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills are sold at 00c. a bos at dealers, or Dr. A. AV. Chaso Medlclnu Co., IJuffalo, N. y, Bee that portrult uud signature of A. AV. Chase, M. D., aio on every- package. m&mtil&&miu -ttite- a- 1111 Jftrt. i'-fi'ilMMiriiitfiM-n iirtjill li fginiii)ii 1) in rcwwwwwwwwM Are your Kidneys Healthy? Itcmcinbcr tho Kidncve are the most wonderful organs. Your very life de pends upon them. Nlne tenthH of all sickness is caused by diseased and no Bleotcd kidneys. If healthy they filter all the Impurities out of the blood. Rheuma tism, dyspepsia, constipation, liver disease, bladder troubles, biliousness, headache, blood diseaso nnd female weakness are all the result of diseased kidneys. Do you know Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the neatest spoelflo known to medical gclonco for t ho cure of thoso ill8eaea or nny form of kidney Iroaolof It has been used for nearly 4'J ycnr.i with unfailing Btieecss by pbjrBlclans in hoinilaln and sani tariums. It you will Bcndyourad rtros.ito Br. Dnvitl Kennedy Cor. porntlon, Itomlout, N, Y., tlioy will Bond yoii-abxotittelv frec-a. trial bottle. Its hhIo U bo largo to-day toot It can bo found at nny drug Btoro in tho Uuitod Stales. a bottle or 6 bottles for is. r 2 X K M 4 ttuCtiiliUwiii) ject "The Crusaders." The toast was one which offered rare opportunities to the speaker, which were taken ad vantage of by Mr. Tlngley with tho re sult that many grand sentiments, beau tifully expressed, were listened to by the interested Templars. After the speaking In the lodge room the Knights adjourned to Heddlngton's restaurant, where the banquet succeed ed the Intellectual feast. The recog nition which was given Mr. Tlngley, one of our esteemed townsmen, on this occasion was no small compliment to Carbondnlc. THE LIBRARY OFFER AGAIN. Another Contribution to the Carnegie Project Discussed. The offer of Andrew Carnegie to es tablish a public- library in Carbondnle under certain conditions has been pro lific of some dlscuslon nro and con. Among those who took a deep Interest In tho project, asi ono opposed to it, was Rev. F. J. C. Khringer, pastor of thei St. Paul's Lutheran church. Re cently Rev. Mr. Khringer met with an urtlclo that seemed to confirm his judg ment In the matter, and he sends It to The Tribune for publication. He says: "As evidence that t do not stand alone in my opinion about what I call the Carnegie library mania the 'Trojan house' I designated It I take leave to offer an excerpt from the Milwaukee Germanla as follows. Rev. F; J. C. Khringer. "Andrew Carnegie's self-confession at a banquet in tho New York Author's club house. He energeclically protests against counting him amongst the phil anthropists, saying he was not foolish enough to lay claim to such a preten sion, -- "We find such' a protest well In order nnd consider It as a true and n proper confession of his conviction that he Is not be counted among the class of real philanthropists. "Establishing his libraries, under con ditions Involving the expense of main tenance Is only one of the 'sports' and 'hobby-horses' of the millionaires after they have squeezed out the heart blood of the poor man. A single aslyum of benevolence for the poor would d6 moie good Hum all Carnegie's libraries. And all the volumes of the world's books cannot cover and lift the curse, stick- tug, pasting and cleaving to the un lighteous Mammon. St. Luke,vxl:0." FUNEKAL OF SISTER MAURICE. Impressive Service of the Dead in St. Rose Convent Chapel. The funeral of the late Sister Mary Maurice, took place yesterday, the de parted sister being laid at lest In thu eternal sleep of tho dead beside her sis ters in religion In the plot In St. Rose cemetery, amid the Impressive burial service of the Catholic church. The service of tho dead, while ordin arily impressive, was made so on this occasion, when, St. llose convent uhnpel was filled with the dark lobed sisters and the altars were overhung with the mourning black. The solmen high mass of requclm was sung, commencing ut 9 o'clock, A'ery Rev. T, F. Coffey, A'. G., was celebrant: ISev. George Dixon, deacon; Itev. Walter A. Gorman, sub-dencou; Itev. Uernard O'Byrne, master-of-cermonles. Rt. Rev, Bishop Hobaa was present In the sanctuary and after the absolu tion delivered the funeral sermon. His theme was the fact of death and the life of sacrifice and devotion of Sister Maurice, whose life from girlhood was spent within convent walls In ihe chosen labor of her Masteu. At the grave, ho "Libera Mo Domino" and other psalms of the burial service were chanted by the choir of priests. Rev. George Dixon pronounced tho ab solution. Tho pall-hearers were: John Murrin, Hugh Powdorly, James Davery, Patrick McCabe, K, P, Hurke nnd B. J. Murphy. The priests In tho sancturnry wero: Revs. P, .1. Murphy, Olyphant; Henry Burke, AVI Ikes-Burro; P. J. Boland, Scranton; P. J. McMauus, .Scran ton; Michael Mauley, Susquehanna; Thomas O'Mnlley, Plttston; Charles Manly, Kingston; Jeremiah Dunn, Jermyn; James Gllogley, AVIHIamsport; M. B. Donlan, Dunmoro nnd Francis Caua van, Mlnooka. HUSBAND SORELY ACCUSED. Joseph Kuscavitch, of Rlclunondale, Charged by His AVife with Shoot ing at Her, Joseph Kuskuvitch, of Itlchmondule, was iiccufeed by his wife, in Alderman Jones' ofilco last night, with terribly nhuslpg her and of shooting at her seyeral times for the purpose of putting out her life. Kuscavitch, w ho Is regarded as a des perate character, was arrested yestei day afternoon by Constable Neary, af ter leading him u lively chaso uud making a resistance that forced the ofllcer to use his enormous strength and Anally to use tho handcuffs, In or der to bring his prisoner to the city Jail, Kuscavitch escapade fiom Constable Neury on March SI, when he whs sought ou the same changes as he was given a trial last night. Ho skip ped to Brooklyn, N, Y and remained away until Monduy last, Yesterduy, Constable Neary was sent for to take '... The Original "Atterbury" System Look Remember, Spring Suit house that "Atterbury" System. The registered label will be found on every genuine garment and no imitation can embody the secrets of design or manufacture. The genuine "Atterbury" System of Ready-to-Wear Clothes has no competition in the "Just as Good," and saving money at the expense of quality is extrav agance, not economy. We have tried many times through this newspaper to explain the perfection of this system of Ready-to-Wear Clothes, but proof of all our statements can only be obtained through the eye. See it, have it explained. Try a Suit or Over coat on. Then, and only then', can we convince you that the master hand and brain of the designer has'worked out a system that has set many of the best custom tailors thinking. See Oar Ar "Atterbury" Show PMiS Display6d Windows rlgyH an(I for Spring a1" t5LJ3 Explained Designs V mrm J 0D 3d Floor Samter Brothers, Complete Outfitters his man. AVhon Kuscavitch spied the constable, ho made out of tho house nnd fled through tho gardens of tho houses in tho vicinity of the "Blazing Stump" ruins until he made his way Into an abandoned shanty. During tho chase. Constable Neary lllled the air with bullets, which had Its effect In halting Kuscavitch, During the chaso, a dog snapped at Neary, who was run ning too swiftly to stop, but sent a bullet Into the animal, which went up Into tho air, almost turning a somer sault. There was1 a tussle before Kus cavitch gave In, dining which his clothes wero torn considerably. Tho alderman committed Kuscavitch to jail without hail. Kuscavitch has been similarly charg ed a dozen times by his wife. Ho has a reputation of being furious and sav age when aroused, being' an exception ally powerful man. Ills neighbors fear him. WEDDED AT TRINITY. There was a pretty, though quiet, wedding In Trinity chapel last night, Tho principals were from the Belmont section of the city, where they are well known. The Tbiidt! was Miss Elizabeth Swlnglohursl, and tho groom AVllllam Kminott, They wero attended by Miss Agnes AA'llco and James Swlnglehurst, brother of tho groom, The bride and her maid wore most becoming gowns of lavender. They carried roses. The ring ceremony was followed. Tho nuptials wero celebrated at S o'clock, and Immediately afterwards the bridal party was driven to tho Swlnglehurst home, beyond Simpson, whoie a reception took place, Tho eovuplo will go to housekeeping nt once, Mr. niul Mrs. Enimett are well-known In the northern portion of the city, and have a host of friends, who Join In heartiest wishes for their married hap piness, EOR THE HOSPITAL, Bummnge Sale to Open in Armory Building Today, A lummago sale will open today in the Armory building, on North Main street, under tho direction of tho Ladles' auxiliary of Emergency hospi tal board. The purpose Is to iulto funds for the purchaso ut a dressing sterilizer. Tho sum needed Is over JC0. The patronage of tho public Is purnestly asked for. as thu need Is an urgent one, Tho ladles ask everyone In tho com munity to nsslst In tho project by con tributing articles to tho sale, if wind Is left with any of the ollicers of ihe board, Alls. E. D, Latluop, Mrs, Al. B. Madlgun. Mrs. J. P, A. Tlngley, Mjjs. V. E. Dennis, or nt the armory or Leader olllce, all contributions will bo culled for. The seml-centennlul executive com mittee, ut Its flunl meeting Tuiday night, gave over to the Ladles' auxll- 'iiWA'Irfl out for the imitations. that when buying your that this is the only gives you the original Delaware, Lackawanna and. Western. In Kltcot Nov. S, 1001. Trains leave Scranlo.i for New YorU At 1.40, 3.15, ISM. 7.50 and 10.03 a. in.; 12.15, 3.10, S.33 p. m. for New Yoilt ami Philadelphia 7.00, 10.05 a. in., iinil 12.J5 and CfS n. m. For Tobj li.inna At 0.1U i. in. Tor UuHalo 1.10, 6.22 and !.00 a. in.; 1.60, 0.00 :md 11.30 p. in. Tor Bins, hamton and uay stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10 p. in. Tor O-wcso, bjr.iciise and Uttca -1.15 and U.22 a', in.; 1.0J p. in. Oswego, Sjiucura and Utlca tialn at 6.22 a. in. dally, cccpt Sund..y. Tor MontioM O.OO a. in.; 1.10 and 6.50 p. nu Nicholson nicoininodation 1.00 and 0.1u p. m. Ulooimbuig Uhlaiou for Noitlininbcrlaud, at CS'i and 10.00 a. in.; 1.50 and CIO p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. in.; 3.10 and 0.00 p. in Sunday Train? For New York, 1.40, 3.13. C.05 and 10. Oj a. m.; 3,10, 3.r,:l p. m. For lltiflalo 1.10 and n.22 u, in.; l.'O, 0.50 and 11.30 p, m. Ilinsiiainton and way stations 10.20 a. nu lllcouisbmi; Division Leae Stranton. 10.00 a. in. and 0.10 p. in. Delaware and Hudson. In Klt'ect Noumber 21, 1001. Tulas for Caibondalo leave bcianton at C.iO, E.00, b.5J, 10.1J a. in.! 12.00, 1,20, 2.31, 3.02, 6.20, 0.20, 7,07, 0.10, 11.2U p. in.; 1.31 a For lloncadale li.20, IO.ISj. in.; 2.31 and 0.29 P'l'or Wlllici-Bant 0.3. 7.1S, 8.11, 9.33, 10.13 a. m.S 12.0J. l.t-', 2.13, 3.2; 1.27, CIU, 7., 10.11, 11.30 p. 111. For L. V. It. It. rolnlJI G.S8, 0.33 a. m.j 2.18, 4.27 and 11..0 p. in. For Pernio luiil.1 It. It. Points 0.83, 0.33 a. m.; 1.12. 3.2 j and 1.27 p. in. For Albany and all points noi til 0.20 a. m. and 3.02 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. For CJibond.ilo b.00, 11.33 a. m.; 2.31, 3.02, 5.C2 and 11.17 p. m. Fur WIIKc-Baiu 0.33 a, ni.; 12.03, 1,03, 3.23, 6.32 and 0.17 p. ill. For Albany and point north 3 02 p, m. For Honesdale S.fiO a. in. and 3.62 p. in. w. b. I'UYOIC, D. V, A.. Sstranton. Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Illicit Juno 2, 1901, TnlM kai" scianton: 0.3 a. in., week iliyi, through rlilulo train fiom WIIKed-IUirc. pull man bullet parlor car and oachcs to Philadel phia, Ia t'oUaillloj ttow at principal intenne iliatc ttatians. Also tonuecii lor buntiuiy, liar iltbuij, Philadelphia, llaltimoic, Washington and for I'illjbmg and llio ut, 0.3S a. m., week ilajs, for Sunbuiy, IlJirbbuif, Philadelphia, Ualtiruiic, Washington and I'itU burs and tho west, 1.12 p. in., weilc ilajs (Sunday. 1.5S p. rn.), for hunbmy, llarvl.buri;, Philadelphia, fjaltlinoiv. Waahliixtim and 1'ittaburs and thu ue.t. 3.23 p. in., woih dai-i, through ctlmlo train from WIILcvliairc. Pullman bullet parlor car end ecu he to Philadelphia ia I'ott.ville. Stop at principal Intel medlata Matloni 1.27 p. in., weik ili, lor l!acIcor, Eunbury. liauisb.irs, Philadelphia and l'ltubunr. .1. II. II11IUIINS-0N. Uen. Mgr. J. U. WOOD. (Jin. Paa, Ast. lary the $90 balance of tho general fund, This will he a welcome addition to the fund being raised by tho ladles. Meeting of Lackawanna Encamp ment. ' Bpec,ln iiK't.'iliiK Luckuwuuua .En campment, at hall. Thursday, at i-'.GO p. in,, to attend funeral of Patriarch Henry Berry. George Beattle. C, I. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxatlvo Bromo Qululno Tablets. All druggists refund tho money tf It falls to cir-. 13. W. diove's slgnaturp Is ou each box. 23c. " AjBRdHIH' KdR JifFiiT m mi r If JL RAILROAD TIME TABLES. New Jersey Central. In Lffeet a'ov. 17, 1001. Station.! in New Yoik, foot of Liberty .treet and Foitth Ferry, N It. Trains leaio Seranton for New York, Philadel phia, Kuatcn, iicthlehi'in, Allcntotvn, Maucli Chunk, While Uaien. Ashley and Wilkes-Barre at 7.30 a. rn., 1 p. !" al"l P- "I- Miuclay, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City lpicti le.ies Serantoii at 7.30 a. in., thiousli holid votlbulo tiali: with I'ullmiin Buffet Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia, with only cne chanuo of com for Baltimore, Washington, D. C, and all principal (whits couth and nest. For Aioea, Plttston and Wllkca-llarrc, Ip, in, and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Loup; Ocean Oiove, etc., 7,30 . in. and 1 p. in. For Ucjiilnu, Lebanon and llaiilsbiire;, via Al leutonn, at 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For Pollsvllle ut 7.C0 a. m. and 1 p. in. For lates uud ticket apply to agent at station. C. M. DURT, Gen. FVv. Am. J. S. SWISHER. Wist. Paw. Agt., St ran Ion. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In KITcct, Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scrnnton. Fo- Philadelphia and New York lia D. & !!. R. II., at 0.33 and 9.33 a. in., ami 2.13, 1,27 (lllatk Diamond i:prA4), and 11.30 p. m, Sun- Uas, D. & II. n. It.. 1.09, 8.37 p. m. For Whito Haven, Mazlcton and pilnelpal points in the coal regions ia D. & II. It. II., 8.3S, 2.13 and 1.27 p. in. 'or I'ottwlllc, 0.33 u. in., 2.13 For Bethlehem, Faston, Readlnj, ItarrUbun:, and mlncipal Intermediate station, ila D, i- II, 11. It. 11.38. 0.H3 a. 111.! -MS. 1.27 (Black Dia moiul Cxpioa), 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. I: II. R. H 9.38 a, 111.; 1.3s, S.27 p. in. For Tunkluimock, lowanda, l.lmlra, Ithaca, (leueia and principal intermediate btatlons, ill 1) L. and W. II. It.. S.t0 a, in. and 3.50 p. in. For Geneva, Itochejtcr, llullalo, Niagara hlli, Chicago and all points west, via n. Ic II. II. It , 7.1 j, 12.03 a. in. ; 1.12, 3.23 (Ulack Diamond I.x. lire..), 7.13, 10.11. 11.30 p. m. sundajs, I), a 11. 11. II.. 12.03, S.27 p.m. ,,,,,.,, Pullman parlor and tlecplnir or Lehigh l alley Parlor cam on all traini bctweca Wllkes-Uaria uud New YorU, Philadelphia, BuBalo and Suipen. IIOU.1N 1l' WII.UIIR. Gen. Supt., 20 ktiret. New ork. CIIA1ILF.S S. LKL". Cen. I'au. Aft., 23 Cottlanl ttrcet. New York. A. W. NONIIJIACUKR, DIv. Pass. Agt., Soutli Bcthleheni, Pa. For ticket, uud I'ullmaii irfervatloni apply tq city ticket otitic, W I'ubllu faiuaie, Wilkca'Biite, New York, Ontario and Western In Ufiect Tuesday, Ktpt. 17, JOOI. NORTH BOUND. Leao Lcaic Arthi Tiain No, 1 No. 7 ftraniou. laruonuaie, LadoslJ, ,.,10.u)a, in. 11. 10a, m. l.OOp, in. ,, i,10p. in. Ar. Carhondale U. 10 i. m. sOUTtl UOUND. ' Loaio Iavo Arilu I'adoila. Caibondalc. Scianton. 7 00 u. in. 7.10 a. in. Trains. No. U No. 2.15 p. in. 4 Oil p. in. 1.10p.m. fcUNDAS ONLY, NOHTU BOUND. I.eao Lcao Arrln Tialiu No. 'J No. 0 hiiautou. Carhondale, Cadoda, ,, 8.30 a. in. 0.10 p. in. 10.15 a. m, ,, 7,00 p. in. Ar. Cuibonda!e7,IOp. m. iOUTil HOUM). ' Lcaio Leave Arrivi Tuliu. Oadosia. Carhondale. Scranton. No, C ...... . 7.00a. ni. 7.10a. in, 2tu. iu ... .-w p u. vu ,. in. u.ij p. in. 'i'tjln.i Noi. 1 on week davt. and U on buinlai. make main lino connection! for New York city, iflddletoun, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Ouwcga tod all point ucat. For further infoiinatlon ecu suit ticket agenti J. U. ANDi'.USON, (J. P. A.. New York. . K. WLLSH, T, V. A., Scrintou, P.