The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 17, 1902, Image 1

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The Measure OriQlnallu Framed
bu Pacific Coast Senators
Meets Defeat.
Vote by Which the Substitute Took
the Place of the Original Bill Was
48 to 33 Once the Substitution
Was Made, All Senators Save Mr.
Hoar Joined in Its Support The
Vote on Substitute, 76 to 1 Var
ious Substitutes That Were De
feated. y Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, April 16. The drastic
Chinese ' exclusion bill originally
framedVby the scnutors and ropresen
tatlyes from the Pacific coast states.
"tiitt defeat In the senate today, and in
lfj plate was substituted a measure
offered by Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut,
extending the provisions of the pres
ent exclusion law und also applying
jjiat exclusion to all insular territory
under the Jurisdiction of the United
The vote by which the substitute
took the place of the original bill was,
48 ycus to S3 nays. Once the substitu
tion had been made, all senators
joined in its support, with the single
exception of Sir. Hoar, the substitute
being passed, 76 to 1.
The friends of the substitute showed
their strength throughout the voting
on amendments that preceded llnal ac
tion, and succeeded in preventing any
material change in its features. Some
minor changes were made, admitting
C'dneso persons connected with na
tional expositions, and providing for
i certificates of identification of Chinese
ln6ur insular possessions. Otherwise,
however, the substitute was adopted
Substantially in the form that air.
Piatt presented it.
The senate, after disposition of the
Chinese exclusion bill, made the Philip
pine civil government bill the unfin
ished business.
I The senate failed to substitute the
enacting clause of the house bill for
, .the senate measure, so that the bill
'now will go to the house as an origi
nal measure, and, from a parliamentary
standpoint will have to be acted upon
and treated the same as though the
house had not passed a Chinese exclu
sion bill already.
Mr. Quay's Proposed Amendment.
After the disposition of some other
amendments, Mr. Quay proposed an
amendment that the exclusion shull not
apply to "Chinese Christians or Chinese
who assisted in the defense or relief of
the foreign legations of the Pe Tang
cathedral in Peltln In 1900."
In explaining the amendment, Mr.
Quay paid a tribute to the Christian
religion as the basis of civilization.
Several senators spoke against the
amendment on the ground that It would
lead to evasion of the law.
Mr. Dolllver, (Iowa) referred In glow
ing terms to the heroism of Minister
and Mrs. Conger, residents of Iowa,
during the siege of Pekln, and ho ex
pressed the belief that some adequate
recognition should be given by this
government to those who aided the
American legationers during those days
of peril.
That part of Mr. Quay's amendment
admitting Chinese Christians was lost
without division and on an aye and
nay vote the admission of Chinese
soldiers who assisted Americans dur
ing the siege of Pekln was defeated, 7
to 68. Those who voted for the amend
ment were Messrs, Burton, Dolllver,
Hoar. Piatt (New York); Proctor, Quay
and Vest.
The Piatt amendment which was
adopted as a substitute for the cut lie
bill is as follows, except, wheie changed
us noted above:
That all lans now in force prohibiting and irj;.
ul.itingr tlio coming of Chinese pcrou- und per
tons of Chinese descent into the United fetalis.
and the residence of Midi persons tlieuln, be
and the wnic uio hereby extended and I'on
tlnucd, including t lio au entitled 'an act to
prohibit tho mining of Clilncc laborers to (lie
United States," approicd Kept. IS, 1SSS, to far
an the samo h not inconsistent ultli the lieuty
obligations now existing, in (nil fuice und elicit
until the seventh day of December, inoi, and w
long as the treaty between China und the Uni'cd
Stated, concluded on March J", lS'JI, and )no
claimed by the president on the eighth of )e
ceinber, 1801, shall lontlmic in fuicc ami Mid
laws fchau apply (o all leirltory under the Juris
diction of the United States, ami to alt iniinluia
tlon of Chlneso laborer fiom the Islands tn the
mainland territory of the United States, oi fmni
ime portion of the island terrltoiy of the United
Mates to another portlvu of bald Mind tern
tory: Provided, lioeei', that this khall nut
apply to the transit of Ohlneso laborcM (ruin
one island to another Island of t ho t-amn (.'roup
er to any islands within the jurisdiction of my
ttatc or the district of Alaska,
Section 2. That in cam raid treaty be ler.
minated proiided In article slv, thireof this
act ami the acts hereby extended und continued
shall remain in force until there shall be ion
eluded between the United States and China
new treaty respecting the lomiinr of Chine!
persona into the United States and until appro
prlato laws shall lie passed to cany Into effect
the provisions thereof.
Section 3. That the secretary of the treasury
Is hereby authoiizod and empowered to make srd
prescribe and from time to lime change inch
rules and regulations as ho may deem necessary
snd rroper to execute the provisions of this
act snd ot tho acts hereby extended and con
tinued snd of said treaty of Pec. s. jsi, and
Willi the approval of the president to appoint
such agents as he may deem netesearv for the
efficient execution of said treaty snd said .ids.
Mr, Wynne Confirmed.
Washington, April 1(1. 'I he n-natc today cm
Irmed I ho nomination of Itobert J. Vjnne, of
penny hauls, to be first assistant postmaster gen.
Not Only the British but the Ger
man Government Has Lodg
ed Complaint.
'iy ETclualve Wire from The Associated Press.
"Washington, April 1G. Not only the
British but the German government
has lodged a strong protest with the
state department against the applica
tion of that part of the Philippine tariff
act 'recently enacted and just ordered
Into operation which authorizes the re
bate of a portion of the export duties
on Philippine products when Imported
Into the United Stales. Tho greater
matter of complaint Is hemp, which Is
Imported Into England and Germany
in vast quantities from Manila. The
rebate afforded to American Importers
will amount It Is alleged, to a difference
of 3-S of a cent a pound In favor of the
American rope maker, a discrimination
which will practically destroy tho
British and German trade according to
the protestnnts.
These protests have been referred to
the war department which is at present
In control of the Philippines, and the
officials arc puzzled as to their disposi
tion. As the rebate provision Is part
of the law of the land It Is probable
the protestants must find their belief
in the courts, just as the Russian sugar
producers are now trying to do.
Their Broad Lines Are Now
Well Understood in
By K.iclusii e Wire from The Associated Press.
London, April US. The Associated
Press has excellent authority for say
ing that up to a fate hour tonight there
have been no definite developments in
the matter of the pence negotiations.
The Associated Press learns Una Lord
Mllner, the British high commissioner
In South Africa has defined certain
propositions on which peace may al
most immediately be secured but the
cabinet at Its meeting today Is said to
have disagreed Upon the met its of Lord
Milner's terms.
"Sparring for time," best describes
the present status of the negotiations
either side being willing to risk a de
cision which would break oft the pres
ent conference. An agreement may be
reached at any moment but this would
mote likely be the result of
action by Lord Mllner and
Lord Kttclmcr at Pretoria, than of the
rather involved conditional decisions of
the cabinet at London.
The broad lines ot Great Britain's
terms ate now known to the govern
ment representatives nl Pretotla and
on these representatives the cabinet
Is apparently shifting the responsibility
of taking advantage of nil opportunities
provided no cardinal principles lie sac
rificed. The government lias ordered the cable
and telegraph . lines between London
and Pretoria to be kept clear to In
sure the prompt transmission of Lotd
Kitchener's messages.
There Is good reason to believe that
the Uoers are vigorously demanding a
representative government and that
this demand- Is opposed with equul
vigor by the British representatives.
It Is understood that the Boers
sttongly object to the long delay jno
posed by Great Britain before a repre
sentative government bo granted the
former republics n.nd that they also In
sist on the number of Boer seat In the
council being specified.
It is expected that the cabinet will
re-assemble tomorrow to discuss the
matter further.
Progress of the Presbyterian Creed
Revision Committee.
Uy I'Mtuihe Wile fiom The Pir...
Washington, April Hi, The 1'irsby
terlan committee on cive mvislon to
day practically completed the brief
statement of doctrine. Today the com
mittee f ruined articles on the law, the
chinch and Its sncr.iinnnts, the judg
ment and mlHim and the lliml tri
umph of the church.
The woik of dually if viewing the
various articles of tho statement and
propet ly paragraphing ami nuiulng
them, now will bo taken up. it Is ex
pected thlR woik will be Mulshed In a
day or two, after which the report of
tho committee will 'bo ready for tho
general assembly to be held In Now
Yoik iit an early date.
II) I'xiliuhc Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Xew York. Api II 10.. -Ily the ilulli of Mis. n.
lietla A. Wibb. widow of William ii. Webb,
foremost of ante-In Hum ship bulldirs and found
er of the Wvbli aiadeuii uml home for .hip
builders, the Herald will say touioiiow, tho bulk'
of the smut fortune amasc0 by .Mr, Webb will
go to the academy and home, which beju his
name, and U located at Kins llrldgc, in Bronx
borough. The cact amount the Academy will
leccivo Is not known, owing1 to the liiHtuatlorej
of the sceuiitics in which the estate had been
Intctlcd before II r, Wcbh'ri death in ISiW, but it
In' vpectcd it will ultimately recche in Ilia
ncltlhboihond ot I,UM,UOO.
West Cheater, April 10. .James D. Meridian,
who was said to be the oldest and best l.njiin
bote) mm in I'cnns.thanla, died here tivday, ngrd
M jears. liming hU life he conducted four
hotel in Philadelphia, one in lliju Mjur, me
cadi In Alloona, Lancaster and Ilidford Springs
and three in Wt.t Clutter.
Haverhill, JU-n., Apill It!. lluiry I,oid Moody,
father of ('onzreismsu Moody, tho new secretaiy
of (lie naiy, died liday. He uasbl rara of age.
Friends of the Measure Are Success
ful in the House.
By Exclusive Wire from the Associated PrfM.
Washington, April 16. The-friends of
tho Cuban reciprocity bill won a sub
stantial victory In the house today by
carrying a motion to close general de
bate on Friday at 3 o'clock. The voto
was' 153 lo 123. Thirty-three Republi
cans voted against the motion, but this
defection was offset by 33 Democrats
who voted with the great body of tho
Republicans for It. The strength of tho
Republican opposition to tho bill,
judged by this vote, has decreased six
since tho vote was taken on tho mo
tion to go into committee ot the whole
to consider the bill, when the voto
stood 107 to SO.
The debate today was featureless.
The speakers were Messrs. Roberts
(Massachusetts), Patterson (Tennes
see), nnd Cochran (Missouri) for the
bllt and Messrs. Rartlett (Georgia),
Corliss (Michigan), Broussard (Louis
iana), Bell (Colorado), and II, C. Smith
(Michigan), against It.
Brussels Agitated by Dyna
mite and Debates on Re
vision of Constitution.
By Kiclus!ie Wire from The Associated Pres.
Brussels. April 16. The diplomatic,
private and public galleries of tho
chamber of representatives were filled
to their capacity today when the de
bate on the proposed revision of thn
constitution began. M. Beernaert, the
former president of the chamber, and
secretary of state, opened the discus
sion. He' was frequently Interrupted by
M. Van Der "Welde, the Socialist leader,
with shouts of "Universal suffrage is
The promised great demonstration in
the streets after the adjournment of the
chamber dwindled to the appearance of
200 persons, who accompanied tho
Socialist deputies to the office of their
organ,. Lfe Pueple. where M. Van Der
Welde, from a window, addressed the
ciowd. He said today's proceedings in
the chamber had not modified the situ
ation and that the government was still
recalcitrant and had shifted the respon
sibility for a dissolution of parliament.
which the revisionists would demand If
tho chamber rejects the proposal to re
vise the constitution, on the king, who
tj," far had been silent.
The collapse of the propped demon
stration was traceable "to the drench
,.. .am a, nl overwhelming precautions
taken by the police, which seem to
place further serious disturbances in
Brussels out of the question.
A feeling is gaining ground that the
government will entirely reject the pro
posed revision of the constitution.
A dynamite cartridge was exploded
during the day on the railroad track
near Arlon. The explosion badly dam
aged the lailroad bridge, but traffic was
not Interiupted.
Serious disorders have occurred at
Cockerlls, in the coal fields of Seralng.
A detachment of lancers was compelled
to repeatedly charge a mob numbering
about 2,000 persons, engaging In throw
ing stones at the troops. Many people
were Injured. The cafes In which the
rioters took refuge were sacked.
This evening It was announced that
ir.0,000 men were out on strike, in the
districts or Mons, t'harlerol and Liege
alone. Many men have stopped work In
other sections of the country, but It Is
difficult to accurately estimate their
number. It Is known, however, that
3,000 men have struck at Antwetp.
Differences Between the Rochester
and Pittsburg1 Miners and Oper
ators Are Settled.
B.i KmIii.Ih VUic l! oin The Ai)e!aliMl 1'iev.
Dubois, Pa,, April 10'. All mines of
the Rochester and Pittsburg Coal and
Iron company will positively resume
operations tomorrow morning. The fol
lowing notices were posted this even
ing: 'I lie llaihr'ter and I'ittshuiK Coal ami lion com.
pint uisiiM-meiil has.mlMd und U pinily igiiii
by Manaarr f.. H, Itoblrunn.iiiid the officials if
the Hilled Mine Wnikru of AiuMta ami thn
lumiiilitie ipf imploje-. All jie lliric-tun-
epeiii to irsiime vol It Thiuxlay, pill 17,
Maiml IIxiii.k William,, I), i'lmcii-, .1. IVrd,
I, ltilld.uL, M. I. mile, u.iiiinltlir.
Advance Credited to Recent Purchase
by Standard Company.
11.1 i:iliislr Wile fiiMii The Afi-oelsted I'imi.
Pltl-burg, I'ii.. Api II 16,1 The prlco of
nil was today pushed up live cents a
hand on the llimr grades and 3 cents
on the leer, restoring tho last of the
three successive cuts mtulu In January
last. .Tils ailv.iucu is credited to the
icceitt pun-huso by tho Standard Oil
company of the Immense holdings of
the tluftVy and aallsy nil Interests In
the West Virginia dlstilct.
This deal was made on a basis of jl'JO
ban els a day and the price was $1,2110
per bariel, or $!,0S0,000, The ptoperty
Includes 40,000 acres of producing terri
tory, This puivluiso makes the totals
of the Standard's Investments in West
Virginia between $15,000,000 uul $20,.
Queen Wilhelmiua III.
By Kiclushc Wlre'lrom The Associated 1'ieei.
lamdon, April 111. A special de.pjtch fiom Am.
sterdarn J: "(ueen U'ilheliuln.iN inudltlen U
hourly tirowlue nuuo M'rloui." This aftciuoon'j
official bulletin (rem The Hague, howctir, de
clares that, thotixh bo fever lontinucr, the gen
eral condition of cjuccn Will elinlna is satlsfac
tory. The llandrltblad Hit Queen Wilhclmlna is
suflfiliif from something: moir than a passlnir In
disposition and adds tha) then; w-as uutlior
consultation today between lie attending phjsl
clans and Profensor Hooxn Men. the patholosUt
of the; Lejdeu iuiltilty. The Nieuws Van ll.'ii
Dae m Queen YVilhclinlni is siulniiu- (turn
Sessions Are Being Presided Over
bu Blslion S. M. Merrill, the s
Senior ol the Board.
It Is the Pifth Successive Year That
He Has Been Called Upon to Act
in That Capacity The Standing
Committees Named Part of Yes
terday Afternoon Was Devoted to
the Receipt of Report and Collec
tions, and This Was Followed by
the Memorial Services Tribute of
Rev. C. M. Giffin, D. D., to the
Late Rev. Richard Hiorns.
Special to the Fcranton Tribune.
"Wavcrly, N. Y., April 16. The an
nual session of the Wyoming confer
ence opened this morning In the church
of which Rev. J. W. Nicholson, for
merly of Rcranton, Is pastor. Bishop S.
M. Merrill Is presiding over tho confer
ence, which gives promise of being one
of great interest and profit.
Wnverly contains about BOO0 inhabit
ants. It seems that about every third
person Is a Methodist preacher or his
wife. The ministers in attendance upon
the Wyoming conference are quartered
In every section of the town and will
even be found at Sayre, Athens and
other nearby places. As the confer
ence grows in numbers, the problem of
entertaining the large body of clergy
men will become more difficult and the
smaller towns will be less eager to
have tho honor of a conference gather
ing. This was to be 'Carbondale's year
as a fitting continuance of Its semi
centenlal celebration but Carbondale's
beautiful church was burned last winter
and as Waverly had invited tho session
there previously. It was selected at this
time. The first Wyoming conference
was held in Carhondale, July 7, 19W.
Bishop Scott presiding.
The church is pleasing in architecture
and attractive but t;ather small for the
vast oongtegatlon that will throng it
tills week. The pastor, Kev. J. W.
Nicholson, is among the best beloved
In the whole conference and Waverly
with its exclusive and fastidious tastes
'would scarcely exchange him for any
Waverly has one paper, the Weekly
Free Press. This week it is Issuing a
dally edition which is beautifully print
ed and up to date. It contains portraits
of Bishop Merrill, Dr. Sweet and
Dr. Hard. Ilts editor, Mr. Genung
Is one of the leading men in this
church. Indeed the Methodists clulm
many of the most prominent cltlzents.
Changes in Conference.
There are changes In the Wyoming
conference to one who has looked over
the assemblage for the past five or six
years. This morning as the ministers
gathered about the communion table,
the traces of the hand of time seemed
evident indeed. The heads are whiten
ing, the steps are growing feebler, the
voices have a new note of wavering,
but close behind the faltering ones
troop new feet on tlfe floor, and young
faces with ambition and enthusiasm
flashing In the eyps, the vigor of youth
in the step, crowd after those whose
places they must take. One wonders
if, with all their modern day ad
vantages and their progressive thought
their moie fashionable clothing, they
will be more eltectlve in their work,
will comfort more hearts, more conse
crated lives and Dually, when they, ton,
come near to the end of their journey,
will they have left a record for fidelity
of service such ns follows these aged
ones. -Will they, too, bear In their faces
the marks of disappointed hopes, yet
teslgnatlon to the Inevitable unci the
mandates of a higher power, or will
llicy achieve some great ambition and
occupy thp chief places at tho head of
the church.
With the exception of Bishop Fowlqr,
who has presided twice over the con
ference, the piesldlng officers for some
years have been the aged members ot
the board of bishop. The present of
ficer Is the senior elfeetiyo one In the
boat il of bishops.
Able Xegal Mind.
Bishop H. .M. MeirlU repiesents the
ablest legal mind In the hoard. Ills
knowledge of chutch law Is supremo
among the clergy of this or any other
country, Ho Is n recognized authority
nil all ecclesiastical matteis of this
kind. In personnel, Hlslmp Merrill Is of
tho ascotli! type, tall, severe, and Just.
Ho Is absolutely fiee from the Inlluenco
of nny man on earth. Once a line of
thought Is adopted- by him, nothing can
swerve lit 111 from pursuing it. With a
superb Intellect and tho perfection of
mental training, his judgment Is gener
ally regarded as Until, Ho presides
with dignity and unfailing Justice. He
Is the author of many books of stand
ard Importance,
Tho conference pioper began this
morning. The usual temperance anni
versary was held last night, Charles
A. Crane, P. Y of the People's church,
Uostou, delivering ail luteiestillg ad
dress. Itev. .,', A. Benjamin, one of the
leading advocates of Prohibition in the
Methodist church, presided, Itev. A. F.
L'haffeo offered prayer,
Tho llrst session was opened by the
bishop this morning wth tho sacra
ment of the lord's supper. The bishop
reutl from Isaiah, &.", nnd 11 Cor. 0.
The first buslnpss was the election of
officers. Hov. PC, J, B. Sweet was re
elected by acclamation for secretary
having held this position for flvo sucT
cesslve years and having acted as asT
slstaut secretary for six years previous.
The assistants are Hov, J, W, Nlchul
ion, Itev, T. M. Furey und Itev. S. Cluv
Knowdcn. The statistical secretary Is
llev. la, P. Palmer, assistants Kev. 13.
A. Austin. Itev. Albeit Clark, Kev. CI.
M. Uell, Itev. J. S. Itronson, Uev. 13.
A. Martin, Itev. O. . Connell. Con
ference treasurer, Hov. C. M. Burdam.
Assistants, llev. C. C. Vronman, Kev.
M. K. Peat re, llev. A. P. David, Uev.
Carl Councilman, Hcv. O. C. Jacobs.
Detailed missionary report, Itev. P. I.
The roll call showed the following
deaths during the year: Uev. William
Kdgar, Unv. Ulchard- Hiorns, Uev.
Philip Holbrook. Uev. A. W. Loomis,
llev. S. M. Stone.
The Committees.
Tho standing committees wete read
as follows:
Auditing Committee . A. Terry, clalninn;
W. h. Mmuherry, rmetary! ('. !,. William.
lllble Cause (I. 13, Van Woert, chairman! II.
0. ll.irnni, secretary; A. It. Ilmk, O. M. Hell,
W. S. Wlliov, J. II. Ual.
Hio'herhood td .M. Paul C. A, niijiiinln,
clmlunani S. ('. SimpUiu, secretary! (i. ('. Mi-
Continued on Page 8.
Uy permission ot Eaio Jt Mains.
Bishop Who Is Presiding Over
Meeting to Select Candidates for
Vacancies in Honolulu, Porto
Rico and Elsewhere.
By i:ilu.-ie iic fiom The 1'ina.
Cincinnati, O., April 18. The house of
bishops of the Kplscopal church con
vened here today. Jo select bishops .of
Salina, Western Kansas; of -Honolulu
and of Porto llco ano; probably -of
Mexico, and to transact other business
that was referred.-to the recent session
In Sati Francisco, to this a'djouined
The meeting opened this forenoon
with a celebration of the 'holy com
munion at Christ church. Immediately
afterwards the bishops went Into ex
ecutive session. Bishop Pudley, of
Louisville, presiding. Over fifty of the
eighty American bishops were present,
including some from tllstant mission
ary fields. "Many prominent rectors and
laymen are also present.
At the pro-cathedral tonight, Hlshop
Potter, of Xew York, spoke on "The
Philippines;" Bishop Donne, of Albany,
on "The Principle of Apportionment of
Funds for General Missions," anil
Bishop Oiiilor, of Tennessee, on "Our
Woik Among the Colored People of the
Current Season for Rifle Practice
Will Open May 1.
By l'uliune Who hum 'Ihe As-oclaud 1'iuv,,
Hnrrisburg, Pa., April 10. An order
was Issued from National (luard head
quarters tonight, as follows:
'Ihe intent rc.mui (or ilrlv iu.ii.iKe will open
May 1, and will iliw Octnbei SI, l:i.'.
, ll was suppled that an eehji','i' 11 niiu wniiM
h.ue been etT'ited ptltii In May 1, 11'0-J, and that
a new or iuproM-d .11111 would huvi- Km u-'il
diiriii; the current i-eji-mi In- title piai-tlte. Tie
lonicinp'.ileil i'i luimi- uf ainn ilt-pcmls iipi-n the
K-ull of li-aMalinii nun pendim," In the uiinuvt
ol the 1'nlli-d Malt. Minulil tli's InrMttloii In
enacted, the I'xiliunjji- m.i,t he crSu'lcd ihulii-; lie
year. I'nlll th-t e(haiKi- is nui'c, illle pi'aillu
will Ik iiimhivlcd with tin- pie-nil .11)11,
I'railiie lth tile irRilldliou Spilnetlold t'tle,
callhii' 4", will he leipilu-d i( etiy ntriter uml
enlisted man in tho iuisiiliy aim 01 lli- .-in lu
ll ml the naval ("lie of IViiii-1ijiiIj, ei.-rpt Its f
liailv hand.; with tin- tailiiiie and letuiwi in the
i.n.ilij .11111 ot the f-erilte,
A national glial d order Issued tonight
directs that heieafier at Inspection
iliiartermasters mid assistant surgeon-:
of artillery and cavalry nrgnuiKatlous
be excused from put ailing, but on bat
talion and squadron parades they shall
bo part of tho staff of the coiniimudlug
Steamship Arrivals,
III Utilu-ilu- Wile I10111 The Asauulaicil l'iei. "
New Vou, Apul tfl. Airlvcd; Teutonic,
ciKol und (uci-iMtowii. Cleared; l.i tliiiu
pJKiic, llJirc; IMitsthland, IUiiiIiuir; I'll-d-eilch
der (how, Ihenii'ii lia C'heihnuit,', Sail!;
Philadelphia, Southampton; (ienuanle, l.lwr
pool; Vadeiland, Antwerp; I'.ililla, Naplci mid
tanvs. Llifibouig -Armed! Patricia, .New-
YorU. Rolleidaiu Arriied. Ilottiidam,
Yolk. (ueenown Auhed; Majestic,
V01U fur l.lierpool, Southampton Auhed
New it.
Louis, rw I OIK.
Five Daughter Story False.
Uy Kiclualic Wire from The Aoclatnl l'ri.
I'oughlttp'-le. X. V., April 111. Uriah JilioiKs
au iJh'cd lui'jtUinjii ticnu Ulster toiiulj, who
startled thin lily on Monday with a story f the
arrjial of flic iliut'litua in the family cl ,!
daughter on Sunday, nvw pioie to hate ivcr.
estimated the census ut hU grand palunl'y hy
t'sattly four hahies. The phslclan who ullcnl
cd the woman the denial story,
His First Important Act Will Be the
Formation of a Cabinet Will
Beach Havana May 1.
Ily llulwdve Who from The Ai-oclatcd lre.i.
Washington, April 10. President
elect Tomas Kstrada. Palma, of the now
Cuban republic, passed through hero
this afternoon ,011 route to Cuba. Ho
the Sessions of the Conference.
will visit a number of Cuban cities and
towns, going iirst to Jlbera, thence to
Hulguln iind his native home, Bayamo.
From there, the president-elect will
ptoccetl tn .MuiKt.-ihlllo and Santiago
and go to Havana about May II.
His llrl important act, as the presi
dent of tho new republic, he announced
today, will bu the formation of a cabi
net and the despatch of a menage of
recommendations to the Cuban con
gre'ss He said his efforts would be
concentrated on restotltig lils country
to Its condition before ttq ravages of
war devastated It. He did not antlcl-
"pate any serious difficulty or confusion
consequent upon the change of regime,
ns'.most of .the olllces now were admin
istered by the Cubans.
Alarming1 Reports of His Sudden
- Death Have Caused Activity
, Among- -Aspiring- Cardinals.
Hy i:ilustie IVhe fiom 'Ihe Ahoclatrd I'resi.
Itome, April 10. The iccent signs of
the Increased feehlenes of the pope, led, at the end of last week 10
alarnilng' reports of his sudden death,
have caused a marked recrudescence ot
activity among the cardinals aspiring
to the pontificate. Tlu campaign pre
p.u.itoiy to the next conclave proceeds
Incessantly, the sacicd college being
tilvlded into. two distinct forces, headed
lespeotively by Catdlnal Itampollu, the
secretary of state and Cardinal Vannu
telll. The latter and Cardinal Ciotil.
now constitute the most probable suc
cessors to Leo XHI.
Those who are not now 'consldetcd
to be dangerous c-iindldates are fond,
however, of pointing out that almuit
JS0 cardinals have been bulled during
the pontlllcate of l.eo Xlll. and that
the ptolonsatlon of the life of his holi
ness for 11 few years Is liable to coul,
through deilth. many more ambitious
Aiehblphop Fniciml, tin' papal dcle
giite In Canada has been iteilnltely
t elected In succeed Cardinal .Mnriluelll,
Ihe papal lUdegato to the I'nltcd Htates.
Goveinois of Pennsylvania and Vir
ginia Attend the Fair.
11' Wile lrom 'Ihe oi''atid I'ii-v.
Chiirlesion, rj. C, April !. I'c-nnsyl-Viiulti
and Virginia celebrated at thn
exposition today, Governor Stone uml
Governor .Montague, with their stuffs,
were Ik in with a goodly delegation
from both stales. Two companies of
the Virginia militia and the Virginia
military Institute cailciti niluniled Hit
governor of Virginia as escort, Tho ex
01 cists for thp two slates wete merged,
consisting merely of welcoming ad
dresses and replies by the two execu
tives with 11 pleasant exchnnae or com
pliments. The IViinsylvanluiis ninile
their heudquuitera at their hiiiidruino
building, and In the afternoon held ex
ercises there, formally transferring the
structure to the exposition.
Govtruor I.ongluo, or Mississippi, was
here, today, having romo quite Inform
ally and without attendance, to see the
exposition. Ho was Included In the
party of Peimsylvanians and Virglii
litns at the exposition,
Bonner Had the Points.
U i:cliislio Wlro front Tho Associated Press.
I'hlladtlplila, April 10. "Jack" Honner, of
Summit IIIII, IU., and "Charlie" lUfhey, ot
Motion, fonuht s', rounds before the I'enn Alli
let it- tluh uinlulit, In which IJonner hd tM the
bitter ot tho to.
Organized Reslstence on Part ot
Filipinos Has Been Termin
ated in the North.
General Whenton Is Especlatty
Pleased -rith the Care of Natives
Confined in the Camps People of
Manila Delighted at the Prospect
of a Resumption of Trade with the
Pacified Provinces nnd Are Anx
ious to Show- Their Appreciation of
the Fact That the Insurrection la
Really Over.
11 i:-cchwle Wire from The Ai-ioelated I'res.
Manila. April 1C General Malvar Has
unconditionally surrendered to Briga
dier General J. Franklin Bell at.Llpa,
Hatangas province, with the entire In
surgent force of the provinces of La
gum! and Bntunges. General Bell .says
his (Bell's) Influence Is sufficient to
queH the Insurrectionary movements in
Tayabns and Cavlto provinces and cop
tut e all those In the field who have not
yet surrendered, but Mulvar has or
dered the complete surrender of every
Insurgent to the nearest Americun
fot cc.
General Whenton. reporting to l,he
division headquarters, says lhat all re
sistance In Ills department has ended
and that the .surrenders Just announced
mean (lint the ports will be opened and
that the Filipinos in the detention
camps can be allowed to return to their
homes in time to plant the crops.
General Wheatou is especially plcas'ed
with General Bell's care of the natives'
confined In the camps. The officers in
charge arc held personally responsible
for the quality and quantity of the food
served out and for the general welfare
of the occupants of the tamps.
After scouring the mountain passes,
General Hell employed volunteer -bolo-men
for protection against Ladrone
isin. Numbers of Filipinos volunteered
and expressed the liveliest satisfaction
at the treatment accorded to them
selves ami to their families, who were
In the concentration camps.
General Whenton gives General Bell
gieat 11 edit for his ladcfatlgablllty In
conducting the campaign, lie was In
the Held, on horseback, day and night,
peisonully superintending the
arduous opwations.
The people of Manila are delighted at
the prospect of a resumption of trade
with the pacified provinces and are
anxious to show Generals Chaffee,
Wlieaton and Hell their appreciation of
the fact thiii the Insurrection is really
About .1,300 rilles have been received
by the American officers in Batungas
und Laguna provinces during the past
four months.
General Malvar personally requested
an Interview with General Bell in order
tn make ills complete submission.
The lack of news from tho island of
Samar is due to a defective cable. It
Is believed that the American com
mander there lecelvcd, yesterday, the
surrender of all the insurgents in
Samar, unless the planned proceedings
wete alteted, v
A Lecture Bureau Has Already,
Brought An Equity Suit.
Hy Kit lu-.i 11 Nile fpmi 'Ihe Associated Press.
Boston, April IC Miss Ellen M.
Stone the missionary recently returned
from llulgiu-Iu. has been summoned to
appear in Superior court equity session
luiuorrow, to show cause why shu
should not be enjoined lrom delivering
u lecture describing her captivity to
morrow evening and Monduy evening,
as planned.
The bill in canity is brought by a
lecture bureau, the complainant alleg
ing that It nuido a contract with th
defondunt through her brother, uctln?
as agent, and lint she will violate tin
terms 11 she delivers the. proposed leo
Ily Hulm'w Wile irom The A'Miilaled l'ies.
A I'hllJilelphla Philadelphia (Amertcsn), 18t
Mllamil.i collcti'. '.'.
t I'hllaihlphla Philadelphia (.National), li,
( idlc'i uf the City of New Voik, 0.
,i I'hllidelphla University of 1'ennIvinla,
1M I ihIiiiw lulU'ite,
U I'lliuxton l'llnccton, W I.chlih, 0.
Ar Washington Washington, IS; Xcivatl-, S.
Rush for England's Loan.
11 llMliishr Wire from Tho Associated I'tev,
l.imduii. Api II HI. Tlicre was a tremendous.
iuli n iiihrttllin to the new loan of K,000,Oiv
today, U the Haul; ot England, it nai eatimahc'
ths'iuiiliiK that the loan had been ten tlmi
oii-r MiliTiiU'cd. The lists wlU fiislMbly in
Una I dil-i for April Uf 1W.
Ilinluni leinptiatuia ,,,.,,,,,.,.,,, C7 ilsren
l.owe.t leiiipeialuic ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 defrvet
Itelathe liumidlt
ii a, in. .,.,,,,..,,,,,...,,.. tH per nt.
8 p. 111. , ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, SD per cent.
Precipitation, 2t hours ended S p. in., none.
f r -f - " .-
f- Wsihlngtoii, April ID. Voicca,t for
-f- Thursday and Friday; I.'a-tein I'enmyl.
lanla Hioweni, followed hy fair Tliuis-
-f clay, I'riday, Ircelij ysriiblo itindg. -a.
. i
I fir-I
.tt ?
A -