The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 16, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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ft Was Begun for the Furposo of
Compelling the Executor to Exe
cute a Seed for a Piece of Land
Belonging to tho Estate He Be
frnincd on the around That the
Prlco Bid Was Writ as High ns the
Minimum Amount Tlxed.
The following; opinion whs handed
down yesterday by Judge A. A. Vos
burg In the Orphans' court:
i re. eat.itc of Margaret Cobh'lgli, decoa'td.
fn the orphan' rcurt of Luckavvimna county.
Dili ease iterant many novil feature. The
Jljposlllrti ot It li:ii been dclajcd somewhat,
by tho ncccvHy ot cjrclully examining a largo
linount ot tcitlmany which his been taken by
both of tho contending pottle'!, anil a to cer
tain points, this evidence Is quite conflicting.
Hie tcstatrl-r, lit Iter will, which If duty piobateil
In Will Hook 13, pago (2.1, provide, Inter alii,
w follows: "All the rest and residue of my
Mtate, rent, pergonal, and tnltcd, 1 kIvo, do; No
i ml bequeath to my son, 1!. J. Thoma, my
itipson, John II, Ton ell, my ihwrlitrn, Mary
Jane Orlfflthf, Elizabeth DivK ami Kate Povv
rlli and my mm, Thomas .!. I'ovvelt and Divid
Powell, In equal parts, share and Fh.irc" alike,
the said dcvlccs to be allowed to hold Bald leal
(slate ni temnts in common and enjoy tho
rents thereof for themselves tr lo ngiccd up:n
by all, otherwise the fame s-Iiall bo sold at pub
lic silo by my executor and tho proceeds to be
I hided as aboc directed."
A certain piece of real estate in the borough
M Taylor wai included within the temii ot thli
general devise; and a the deUee) failed to
grcc, the execute. advertised this property to
be sold at public pale. So far there l no s-rlcnn
tlifflculty In finding the facts, but there appears
to be a mlsundeotundlng ns to what agreement
wai made between the pirtici In interest and
the executor, about the sale of this real estate,
Ihortly before It was told. It is contended upon
the one side that all of the devices midc an
igrccment that the piopcrtv fhould be bid up
to at least right thousand ilollir.-, and tint
there should be no nle unless tint figure was
readied, Mr. Ksrr, the executor, tcslllles as fol
lows: "Q. After jou got down theie, was there any
oiivcrsation about this matter of the price, end
where did it take place?
"A. It took plate in the drug 6tom. Mr. I'd
w.mb and me both unit in, and wo told Uivis
und his wife that there would be no sale unless
It tamo to thoe flgutc?.
"(. the fignp's over.
"A. ?S,fi00 to WOO."
lie Is corroborated by other witnees. On tho
othi-r band there is evidence tending to show
that tho agreement was, that if the properly went
aliovc 55,000, it waj to be let go, but if it iold
fir a figure no higher thin this sum, the de
visees were to bid it in. Mr. VatMii3 testifies.
"Then they said wo will bid as high as $S,000;
if It goes any higher we will lit It go, if it
rocs no higher we will bid it in. Tint was the
final arrangement as I understood it theic."
The same minces also testifies that the four
ItAlscra who aftemards bid off tho pionc.ty,
iz: Thomas J. Pnwill, David J, Powell, fcam
ucl Towcll, and Kate Powell l'vans, were tho
tnly ones who vvcie parties to the agreement
that the propirty fhould be bid up to $5,0u). He
njs: Q. When was it agreed that theie four
should make the purchase? A. Well, that I
ean't tell, ou: 1 didn't know there was mcli
an arrangemtnt until I arrived there, that four
wno to bid in the property; I asked Mrs. Divis,
'aren't jou in tins anangenientS' She said,
-'No.'" This tcidlmonj is also corroborated by
ellirr wili.c.-iif, but it is not nccr&sarr to quote
liom the cvidince further. The properly vis
then eposcd to sale by the counsel for the eve
tutor, i-cvcnl bids were made by outsider, .is
well as by the drusco.s'and it was finally struck
off to the four parties named abee, for the sum
of 8,S0O.0O. The ctrcutor testifies that lie lallid
out at once tint It was no fale, while other
wllmsscs bay that he 6imply stated that it went
for too email a. sum.
It is conculed that the cwutor made tome
objection to receiving the amount to be paid
down by the purchaser., niid that he finally
: killed to the adviie ot Ins counsel, and ac
cepted a note ficm them. The money wis af
terwards tendered to the executor by the pur
ihascrs, hut he refused to accept it, .uul Ko
deillncd to execute and diliur a deed to them
for the piopeiiy ihus sold. There can be no
doubt but that the exicutor, in thus icfuslrg to
ddivcr u deed, acted in pcrfeit good faith, and
from the most honest and const ientious inotnca.
The purchasers line btgun proteedmgs to lompcl
bliu to do so, and the only question now" aiialng
is whether or net, under the law, the faits oi,d
Irtuinstarcts just In Icily eiiuiueialcd will justify
his refusal.
The application (o the couit is in the form
of a petition to conipil tho csccutor to execute
a deed, and as siith a proceeding is very unusual,
we find mui'u difficulty in diocring .my pie
rodents to guide us in the determination of this
unfortunate coutiovcisy.
It needs no citation of authority for the prop,
edition that fraud vitiates auv transaction Into
width it enters; but the difficulty Hc in the
application of this lide in the present proceed
ing. Taking the claim of the rc-pondent, and
the devisees at whose iiisl'iuio lie has taken
Ms presmt position, and conceding for the mo
ment the concctness of the evidence presented
by them, wo have the following stat of facts.
An agreement between all the devisees who
own in common a piece of real state, that this
propel ty should be bid up to the sum of $.3,000
at the sale, and that there should be no sale of
ihls ilguro wai not reached, whiih agreement was
communicated to the cvculur, wlm then by his
.ittorniy, proceeded to tonduct tho sile. After
several bids, his coun-el deilned the property
sold to the highest bidder, at the sum of $0,100.
'J he executor Immediately give notice that it wn
"mi sale," but under the advice of louuscl .-.c-itpted
a note for the cash pijment icquired,
the money being atlcrwards tendered by thu pur
The executor's counsel inbjlit perhaps liavo ad
journed the cale without incepting the bid of
S0.300, but through come apparint misunderstand
ing, or it may be in a mcmciit of uncertainty as
to the propel course to pursuo when tho biddiig
stopped, ho declared the property sold to the
present pet'tloiicrs. It la not mtessary to dc
cldo whether or not the cecutor for whom he
was acting couli have dlsavowid the sale
at tlut time, and refused to accept the down
pjymeut; but as he followed (he advice of his
i on iisi.1 and accepted a noto in lieu ot tho cash
payment requlied, lie thus plainly ratified the nit
of tho attorney, and made it his own. lie cannot,
therefore, legally oppose the execution of a dud
to the purchasers y reason ct (In law) his own
action in declaring a sale. Hut, it l-i said, the
other tlivlstes bavo been defrauded by this
trnimctlon, and they should be protected in thU
prccicdlng. This brings in to question of rem
edies, 'as well as of rights. Is this refusal to de
liver a deed to the purchasers, tho proper rcmidy,
even avsunilng that there has, been well fraud
upon the part of the purchasers as would de
prive them ot any ot the advantages of their
purchase, which I do not now decide.
As between the purchaici and the executor,
rcpricnting the estate, the purthascrs arc en
titled tu receive the deed, because they were the
blghet bidders at the salt, the properly was
struck down to them, he accepted their note for
the dawn pajment, and they bavo tendered the
full purilusa price. If (he other dcviseci wiro
allowed to assert any rights by Intervention in
thli proceeding, we would be trying a collateral
Good for Rheumatism.
Last fall I was tafcen, with a very
ncvere attack of muscular rheumatism
whlqh caused me great pain anil an
l.oyanci'. After trying eeveral pre
scriptions uniJ rheumatic cures, I de
cided to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
which I had Been advertised In jho
fcouth Jfrseyman. After two applica
tions of this Ttcmody I was much bet
ter, mid nfter using one bottle was
completely cured. SALMIS HARRIS,
Salem, N, J, For Bale by all druggists,
Ji, J -vt
Israe, which It items (4 me dots not property
I am ot tho opinion (hit any rights ot the
other devlrer.s ggalnst tho purchasing devUces
ahotilt tie tried out In a direct Issue between
them, cither In an action ot cjcctmtnt, by a bill
In equity, or In tome other approprlato proceed
ing. In Mayer v. Scnjard, 7 N, C, 221, an
action of (jeclmcnt was held to be the proper
remedy lo recover a property told by nn ml
mlnlstralor, where there was an allegation ot
fraud and misconduct upon tho part of the pur
chaser, who was Hie administrator of tho cUlc.
If the sale Is void, the complaining tfcvUocs ran
nfsjrt their tlllo In a pioper proceeding) but
tho authority of (he orphans court to determine
disputed questions ot title may well be disputed.
Odd rellowa' limit's Ap., 12-. I'.l., 33d.
I have purposely refrained from ejcprcsjlng any
opinion ns lo the merits ot tho controvirsy le
Inecn (lie dcvl.sMs, as I do not feet that It ran
he legally and properly adjusted In this pro.
ecedlng. In accordance with the views hereto
fore expressed, the prtver of the petitioners
should bo Kianlcdi and it Is therefore ordered.
adjudged, and decreed, that a deed be executed
and delivered by the executor, to the purchucru,
for tho land sold, upon the payment by them
of the purclnse money, within ten davs from
the tlate of the filing ot this decree. The iots
of this proceeding to be paid by the estate.
Ily tho Court, A. A. Vosburg, r. J.
Wall Street Review.
New York, April 15. The dimensions of the
tiadlng in Southern Hallway stocks todav eclipsed
any ever before seen on tho New Vork Slock ex
change. The total number of shires of common
stoik outstanding Is l.'.W.OHO. Ihc dealings re
corded In the stuck today wire to the number of
Mt.OOO shares. On. April 21, lll. Union Pacific
was dealt in to the extent of 0M,800 shares, dur
lug the struggle between the Morgan and Harri
man Interests in the tiaiucontlnental field. That
figure was far in excess of any previous diy's
dealings in a. sHngle stoik until today. Tho tic
mendoua volume of llieso dealings dwatfed 'he
rest of the market and ct there were a number
of stocks In which the dealings were en a scale
only seen during periods of rgrcat speculative ac
tivity. Thu opening in Southern Hallway was
quiet enough mid the opening bulge in Iioulsvillc
and Nashville to nearly 4 points over last night
awakened some momentary scepticism ot the
overnight reports of a settlement of the dispute
for control of Louisville and Nashville. Hut the
pirtlcs in interest weie alicady in consultation
mien me sioik marxet opined ami tmre was a
scurrjing of brokcis from the neighborhood of the
consultation rooms. Immediately buving orders
appeared in Southern Hallway for seemingly un
limited amounts of the stock. The movement in
the stock did not become wild at any time, in
apllo of the extreme advance or OH points to
40Vi. The reactionary tendemy of Loub-vllle
Nashville was also a convincing demonstration
that the sttuggle for that stock had terminated,
and the scramble to get out by the smaller oper
ators who had followed the deal cirrlid it down
by successive stages to 125V4- The ht prke,
however, left it at 127, u net loss of only n
point. Southern Hallway suffered at the list
from prollt-taklng on the part of the professional
clement, which bought the stock lecklcssly but
were apparently not disposed to lemiin in it
ovu night, in face ot many possible contingen
cies still open in the situation. The reaction iai
ricd Southern Hallway back to 37$1 and it clos'jl
Uc. higher at a net train of 34. Ti,e preferred
gslned .",14. The extent of the public informal
when the stock market closed was contained In
the formal statement by the Gates clcmmt that
they had bought mntrol of Louisville and Nah
vlllc and that they proposed to leivc the set
tlement of the dispute to .1. P. Morgan & Co.,
as aibiters. This was accepted as conclusive evi
dence nut aouiiicrn luuwny would uc iirnenteii
by the settlement. The heavy buving ot that
stock was by brokers usually emploicd by
the inside interests. Hut the volume of the deal
ings wa9 sufficient iudlcation that everybody
who could get orders csicuted n!iared in the buj
inc. Tho movement in Illinois Central and in
Chicago, Indimapolis and Louisville were diiect.
ly in sympathy with that in Southern Hailwav.
It is supposed that Illinois Central will lie al
lowed to share in the benefit of the Louisville ab
sorption and that Chicago, Indianapolis and
Louisville will possibly fnim a connecting link to
Chieago. The vctv large haying of fit. Paul wis
supposed to be due to a renewal of the cam
paign for a riio by the element which bought
Iouisvllle. Theie was some strength in tho
other Grangers and Pacifies and in Pennjlvania
and Daltimoro and Ohio. Amalgamated Copper
advanced at onrj time tuer a point but did not
bold it. Theie were notable advances m special
ties here and there. International Power rising
nearly 12 points. But theie were also points of
weakness and outside of the congested centois of
activity, there was not a notable dent md for
stocks. The maikct closed irregular under real
ising. Total sales today, 1,7511,700 share;.. The
bond market was irregular. Total sales, pir
value, tjU.OMi.OOO. United Mates bonds were all
unchanged on the last call.
The following quotations are furnished The
Tribune by Haigbt A Freest Co., 314-31S Mean
Building. W. I), Bunyon, manager.
Open. Hltrh. Low Close
Ami. Copper wi ti7Bl 0.1'i dilVi
Am. Car 1'oundry 2SIA cs'i 2S'i 2S.-
American ice if
Amer. Loiomotivo ...... 33'
Am. Locomotive, Pr. ... OJU
Am. Smelt, k Hcf. Co., 17
American Sugar 1.11
HI '4
Anaconda Copper Ill)
Atchison, Pr ....
Halt. & Ohio ....
Brook. It. T
Canadian Pacific
Crew. & Ohio ...
Chicago fi Alton
... t7?i
... (14a4
... 4il
... .Wi
lo',. ioo1! lOsij,
t J4. til i 1 0
nn,i lnii
Chic, & G. v
KVs "
Clue., Mil. & St. P ldsli
Chic. it. I. & r
Col. liel & Iron
Col. & Southern
Col. k South., Pr
Trie, 1st Pr
Krie. 2d Pr
Hocking Valley .
Illinois Central ..
. 0V
. 20
.. i'
. Sflli
. tii
. MY
. fsi
41 14
ltw itsa; ir,
Louis, k Xash Ill
lll'a 12.i"j 127
Metropolitan St. My
.ran i, i.i2 ii2'i
laii 15.1H ijiii i5-ts
Mcxlron Central :iO'-j WlVj
Mo. Kan. k Tex., Pr.... d Ki
Misosuri Pacifle 10034 inia;
X. V. Cmtral lfi.1 im7;
Norfolk fc Western WA WSi
Ont. k West 3211 S2
Pacific Mail 4215 42Tv
Pemisylvani-i It. It 110 ill
People's Ga 101 ij M2'A
101 1',
H'rt'i ivil,
lOlli 102'',
70' j
07' ',
lOHn 10ITJ
S7'4 S7'i
SI '4
WIIHAT Open. 111,-h. I.r.w. n
May 7?3; 71 IK
July 73 U 74 7J
May 02U
July C2
May I2?J
July 33
Heading , ii7U
lleidintr, 1st Pr F23i
Itepuhlie Steel 17
Ttcpuhlto Steol, Pr '..... 71
St Louis & Sm lian... 7114
Southern P.iufle t
Southern Tt. Tt "t"-;
Southern It It., Pr V'H
Trim. Coal k Iron fiS'.i
Texas k Pirillo tl
Union Pacific 103
I'nion Pacific. Pr S7'i
K. S. lather ll'i
II. S. Lather, Pr SI
IT. S. Itnhber ls'3
If. S. Steel fl
17 K. Steel, Pr 83U
Wabash SW
Walnsii, Pr 41'-'.
Wi'tcru Union nos
Total rales, 1,701,002 share.
B2Ti niTl
0-1 C3
41 42',i
35?1 rs
17.00 10.81
17.20 17,0.5
P K 0.71
10.00 0.S7
0.23 0.17
0.37 0 30
May 17.00
July .,.,,,
10 00
Open. High. Ixw.
Xhy M 0.01 8.P0'
.Inly , R.fd 0.0.) Mil
August 8.72 S.St h.72
0 01
Bcranton Board ot Trade Exchanfre
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Bar of iou.
I.Mminnm Dairy CO.. Ft,
Old. Asked
County Saving UitiK 8 wiut Co.. 00
Firt National Danl; (Carbondale)
Ildrd National Hank em
Plme Peposlt and discount UanU.. 300
L'eonomy Light. II. & I', Co. ,.,,, ...
First National Bank ,'!; lM0
Lacka. Trust & Bale Deposit Co.,., 103
dark Jc Snover Co., If, ,,, 2S
Bcranton Bavliigt Bank ,, ,,,,, S00
Traders' National Bank , ,,,., 2S5
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co ,.,,, 124
People' Bsnlc .,,..,,,,,,,,,,.,.. I5i
Scranton Pscklag Co .,.,.,,,,,,,,,,. ,,,
Ecrtnton Passenger Hallway, first
MortKue. dut 1920 ,.,,.. 115
People t btrctt luuvisy, ius more.
Ktg, due vm
... ......... J 10
People' Street Rtllwty, General
tnongsge, au kbi ,,.... ,., iu
Ccranton 'Itactlou 0 per cent, .,., US
. ae
Let the Title Ouaranty and
Trust Company sell you a $500
or $1,000 1st Mortgage Gold Bond,
such as it can recommend, bear
Ing interest at the rate of 5 per
cent. Call or write for particu
lars. 135 Washington Avenue.
nt ' a slinre (pr value Si.ooj then I
tUVJtlU IliU
Oil Co.
Will positively stlvanco In
The Fnsfern fmisntlrlstftrt nil Cn. I
has niuro producing Oil Wells and I
n greater arrcageof proven oil land I
than six ordinary oil companies. I
In dividends on the Investment.
L. K. Pike k Co.. 109 Uenl Estate
Tru,t bld'g., Philadelphia. Openl
sionuav aim luiir'tijv evenings.
Economy Light, Heat & Power Co 07
North Jersey & Poeono Ice Co 07
Consolidated Water Supply Co 103
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. 0. Dale, 27 Lickivvjiuu Ave.)
Plour ?1. 10.
Putter Fit'Hh cienncry, 31c. ; fre-h dahv, Cc.
Cheese JSiMJCi-.
Ku'gs Ncarbv, 17'.t'-.; western, 17t
Pots Per huhcl, ul.7,'5.
Harrow- Reins Pi r bushel, W.S',a2.10.
Crecn Peas Per bu-ihcK flo.
Potatoes Per biiliel, Mo.
Onions Per bushel, s..':o.
New Vork Qraln and Produce Market
New York, Apnl 11. Flour Fairly active and
nominally a shade higher with wheat. Whesl
Spot strong; No. 2 red, Slc. t levator and Si'a&u.
f. o. b. atinal; No. 1 noitbein Dulutli, .Stijc. f.
o. b. afloat; options, .111 cnily weakness gave
way in the afternoon to a. teverlsh upturn and
big advance on a scaie ot shoits and crop diunige
rumors. The ilose was strong at llSallic. net
advance; May rinsed 70o.; Jul;, iffl&v.; hiptenj
ber, 70r'8c. ; Decimber, Sllic Coin Spot firm;
o. i, ojise. riev.uor and iii'fcc. I. o. 11. ailoat;
options opened tlrm then sold off but leiovered
and was strong in the aftcrnon with wheat, t los
ing Hie. higher on .May and 7o. up on other
months; M.iv tloscd 0Saic; July, 67',4f.; beptem
ber, 00c. Oats Spot llrmcr; No. 2. ISo.; No. 3,
47'ic; No. 2 white, .1ll4a52e.; No. 3 do., .11a
.ll'jc; trail: mixed western, 4Sa40c; track white,
ol.i.Vk. ; options at live und llrmer on bullish irop
news and strength in other markets. Butter
Firmer; creamery, 2714i32e.j do. factory, 23a2Sc;
lenovated, 2.1a 0e.; imitation iieaniery, 2")a2')lie;
utate dairy, 2fia31e. Cheese Firm; state full
ei earn, tnly make, fancy rolored and white, 11a
l.l'li.; full cream, large fill make, fancy tolori'd
and whit, 12al2V,f. Fggs Strong; state and
Pennsylvania, ICaloaje.; western, lUUal7c;
touthein, lO'.salGc.
Chicago Ornln and Produce Harket
Chicago, April 13. Speculation in grams was
of an erratic nature again today. Doubts as to
the possible idcct of the British import duties
on In cad Muffs uued the wheat trade early and
other influent cs pres-ed prices down fcomcwhit,
while a breik at St. Iiuis hurt com here. Just
belore the close, bow ever, wheat began to skj
roiket and nun tailed after. May whiat closed
'5alr)if. Iilghci: May corn, lMc. up and May
oats advanced. Provisions gained a shade to 10e,
Cash tpioittioiw weie as fo'lows: Flour Finn;
No. 3 spilng whest, 0O-i72lic.; No. 2 red ,cOljC.;
No. 2 oats, 4Ji43'',c; No. 2 white, 14Uiir,i,c.;
No. 3 white, 4 No. 2, OT-ii;; fair
to choice malting, 0.lai.; No. 1 fli seel,
Sl.fiS'fc; No. 1 norlhwestein, $1.77: prime tim
othy seed. hO.IiO; mess poik. I0 OOalirfi'i;1 ltrd,
io.tten.Hic.: slim t rilw, U5.i'i2: dry Mitel
shnuldirs. 7.1',(ii71',40. ; (.hort ileal sidta, S'J.GJX
0:73; whiskey, $1.30,
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, April 15.-C.itt!o-Ucceipts, 1.010;
St .uly; good In prime Myers, nominal, ,f0,7.1a7.4O;
pour lo medium, fU 71ui..l!0; d tickets and fecdert.,
J2 73a3.2J: towc. S1.I0U1; Ileitis. S2.00all.33: t in-
neis, 1.40i2lO; bulls. .f2..10i.l45: calves, $.2 .Da
5.21; Teas fed stetrs, 3 23a0 21. Hog He
telpts today, 18,000; tomoriow, 23.000; left over
3,000; .lilOc. Iilghri;, inlei and nuteliers,
7,31; gemd to ilioit'e lieivj, t,23a'.3S; loiuh
he ivy, 7a7.21: light, sl.Mi7.10: gull: of silea,
f7a7 21. Shee Ueielpts,; sheep strong
to 10c, hlirhir: lambs, Mi. uly; good tp choice
wethers, f3 25.ul; wtslern heei, eailings, ij.7.1a
0: native )iinl. shorn, 'fUSaO.iO; vveMs'iii limbs,
shorn, S3 23a0.fjO,
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Kast Iluffilo, April n.-Cattlc-rtecelpts. llglit,
firm; veals, Meady. llog Uecelpls, -'.SOO; 5c,
lower on light grades; no heavy here; medium,
57.S0i7.tO; pigs, $0,73.17; stlgs. Ifl 50.1.1. Sheep
and Limit-Oilcungs l,iO head; steady at ,ve
ttrdaj's prices.
Oil Market.
Oil Cltv, Pa., April lD.-Credlt balinees, 113;
ccrtlllcalcs. no bid; shlpmenU. 7(l,03'l Iiiii.-I.h;
average. 107.3IS birrels; mm, 77,000 barrels; uv
iragv, 75,310 bands.
Violated Terrapin laws.
Ily Inclusive Wire fruin The Associated Press.
Tientun, N, J Apill 1.1. (Joveruor Murphy
gave nnnthir hearing totlay en the application to
have e.NlradlUd the Mn South Jeiey fiihermsn
who are wanted In IMawuic for violating the
ttrrapln laws of that state. An iigreenunt was
rtMihtd that If the men .lie Indltted in Delaware
thty will go ot their own will to Dehnaio and
stand trial. In the meantime the men aw to
uin.iin in this fctatr,
Delaware and Hudson.
In i:dctt November 21, 190,
Traini for Carboudale Icaio bcranton at 6.20,
SUU, S.5J, 10. la a. in.; 12.00, J.'U, ''M, 3.83,
SCU, C.2S, 7.07. CIS. 11.20 p. ui.; IM a. iu.
for lloncMlale U.'A), 10. 1U. m.j .'.31 and fi.:
P. m.
Tor Wilkes Harro-u3S. 7.4s, s.41. 0 39. 10.U
1. in.; 12.0J, 1.13, i-US, y.2S, 1.27, e.JO, 7,,
10.41, 11.S0 p. in.
lor U V. It. H. Polnta-ftSJ, O.SS 1. m. 2.XSL
1.27 and 11.30 p. 111.
for I'ennaylvanla !. It. Polcta 0.23, 0.33 a.
ui.; 1.4.!, 3.2 S and 1.27 p. in.
1'or Albany and all ptilnjj nortli 0.20 . m.
anil !i.ii p. m.
For Caibondile .s.00, ll.SJ a. m.j 2.31, 3.J2,
5.C2 and 11.17 p. 111.
for iH.c-Uarre-0.33 a. ro.J 12.03, 1.35. 3.2J,
0.32 and 0.17 p. m.
Tor Albany and points nortli '1.62 p. m.
I'ci llcnedale S.50 a. in, and .62 p. in.
V, I. I'ltVOH, 1). t A.. Suuuton. li.
l,. 'va,TvW
- K fi.
Attf- ' v'-'i"
We offer, to yield About
5 per cent,
(Total Issue. $1,000,000)
Butte, Mont.,
5 per cent. 1st Mortgage Sink
ing Fund Gold Bonds.
Denomination $1000.
Maturing 1 to 30 jeais.
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co.
Ext3.iio.i Go d Minim Co.'s Stock.
Its ore bodies are the extension ol
the rich deposits of gold bearing
quartz of the well known Red Boy,
one ol the greatest producers of gold
in Oregon, that (or the past three
years has earned $1250 net per day,
We have a 2o-foot vein of $1 1 ore
and shall build a 20 stamp mill at
1 pick money makers for my
clients, have put them into six
permanent divider.d payers the past
two years. Read the following
Springfield, Ma's., 3-1002.
Andrew L. Bush, Ksq., 72 Worthington St., City.
Dear Sir: I have just been comparing mining
investments to savings bank invesuncuU and uo
doubt the following will iutirest jou:
In the past 24 j cars I have put $1,.100.00 in
mining Motto, $JI000 of whiili 1 am pleased to
say was placed through jour office. Now-, my
Income on my si oiks whit-lt represent 17 compa
nies in 0 difftrent states, is just $10.00 a month,
or $102.00 a year. At the present time only 0
out of the 17 companies are paying dividend and
jet my money is earning all told a little moie
than 12 per cent, on the investment. I could tell
my stocka today for 'W.OOOOO, which ia 100 per
cent, more than I paid for them.
You tan readily sec what a laigc peicentage
this $1,30000 investment will kivc nic whtn the
dividend navinir companies increase their divi
dends (which they are to do immediately) an!
the non-dividend pajlng companies go on to the
dividend saving basis, which will be within the
next eight months. Now- if I bail let that
SI. 500 00 remain in a savings bank at 31a per tent,
(the present rate), I would receive V2.50 a jear,
vs. the mining u.v cstments, $102.00. 1 would
have to have 1,500 00 in bank in order to bring
what the mining stoiks now- bring. Legitimate
mining, as t-airied on with the present 2utli cen
tury methods, is the most profitable ami the safest
investment a man ran make whether he be a
lapitallst or working man.
Wishing jou the best of success, and hoping
von can place my surplus in the future us profit
ably as in the piit, I remain.
Yours ury truly,
I offer 25,000 shares of Treasury
stock at 15c a share for a few
davs only. Now is your chance to
invest in a working trold mine of
great promise. Early dividends
assured. The ground floor is
making the money today. You can
not go wrong to buy liberally of
Red Boy Entension. Full partic
ulars on request.
Invcstmant Specialist,
Bank References Springfield, Mass.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and Wllkes-Uarre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
Pennsylvania Railroad. -
Schedule In Meet June 2. 1001.
Tralna leave bcrantuii; lUa j. 111., wcik days,
through vestibule train from U ilUa Ilarrc. l'ull
man bullet parlor car and coailiea to Philadel
phia, via I'otUvillc; utopa at principal inurme
mate ttatlons. Also connect for bunburj, liar
rlsbuitr, Philadelphia, llkltimorc, Washington and
for l'uHburf and the west,
O.SS a. m., week da;s, for Sunbury, IlarrUburg,
Philadelphia, llaltimore, Washington and I'ittt
bure and tho weit. p. m., neck daya (Simdavs, l.OS p. m.),
tor hunbiiry, Ilanhburir, Philadelphia, llaltimore,
Washington and l'ittfebmg and Jh wet.
.23 n. rn..
week day, throucli vchtibulo train
larre. IMlIniail buQct 1
and coaches to Philadelphia via l'oUnille. Stop
at principal intermediate stations
4.27 11. m.. week day., for Ifaileton. Eunburv.
llarrUlurif, Philadelphia and Pitbvburg.
J. II. IIUlCUIN'bON. dm. Mcr.
J. U. WOOU, (Jen. Pa. Act.
New Jersey Central.
In KCect vov. 17, 1001.
Etations in New York, loot of Liberty ttrcet
and bouih Firry, N. H.
Trains leave bcranton (or New York, Phlladel.
phit, Kustrn, Uethleliim, Allentovvu, llaucb
Chunk, White Haven, Ashley and Wllkes-Bario at
7,30 a. rn., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. bunday, 2,10 p. in,
ijuakcr Citv bxprc-ei kavea Scranton at 7.30
a. ni., tlinugh solid vrkllbulo train ivith Pullman
llullet Parlor Curs, for Philadelphia, with only
one ihai)'ij ot earn for llaltimore, Washington,
I). O., and ul) principal poinU couth and west
For Avoci, rituton ami wiikos-uarre. 1 p. in.
and 4 p- m- Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For hoot Urauch, Ocean Orove, etc., 7,30 .
m. and 1 p. m.
For ilcadini;, Lcbanan and HarrHburg, via Al
'cntovvn, at 7.J0 t. m. and 1 p. m, bunday, 2.10
p. 111.
For PotUvllle at 7.30 . m. und 1 p. in.
For ratca and tickets apply to accnt at (tattoo.
V. M. riUllT. fieu. IVv, Agl.
Dit. I'au. Ajt., Scunton.
s.-mvjmmmmmu . i--: ;w.-si . ..mfc-itf, .x ,.
Connolly & Wallace
Scran ton's Shopping Center
1 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave.
A nice store, a nice stock, nice at
tention and nice everything else,
would fall fiat were prices not right,
New customers and old ones are
telling us every day that our prices
are right.
New White
Some that we ordered last
August are just beginning to
arrive in time to give us
fresh news for White Week.
From 0 Manchester, England, conies
some beautifully Hgiim! nml "trlpetl
inndras, 25c a ynrcl. The tlgmed Is
A lot of new IJtiKllsh pique, ibc u
yard, sprinkled over with polkti dots
and small figure.
Plnln inprcprlstt'd plmto with .--oft
French finish, 33c a yard.
Another new pique, SOu a ymd, has a
small flBiiie and dot combined. It Is
not stiff, but full ot body and weight
splendid for skirts.
French lnce-sttiped lawns, with dots
and figures, 60c, 63i 75c.
Our White French Lawns
for this season are ahead of
anything we ever "had before,
55c to $1.00 a yard. :
Women's $1 Gloves
Whatever you pay $i or 1.50 or i.8j
or $2 a pair you always get the same thing
here, the best glove for your money.
The biggest variety of gloves for $ 1 that
you'll find anywhere.
The American Girl, $1, Glace,
The American Girl, $1, Suede.
Special C. & W. Pique Glove, $1.
We don't mean to be vain-glorious,
but an ordinary statement of
fact about this business sounds so
much like boasting- that some may
We know we make mistakes and
have faults, and are glad to be told
about them.
Thousands of visitors have been
Connolly & Wallace
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In r.Ucct Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton for New orU At 1.40,
S.15, 0.UJ, 7.00 and 10 Oj a. m. ; 12.45, 3.40, 3 Si
p. m. F01 Nivv V01K and 1'lilladilphla 7.J0,
10.05 a. 111., and 12,15 and 3 2.1 p. m. For Toby
banna At 0.10 p. 111. For Bndaio 1.15, 022 and
11.00 a. 111.; l.So, (ISO and 11.35 p. 111. Tor llini;
hamton and vvay Mation'. 10.C0 a. m. and 1.10
p. 111. 1'or Osuc'o, b.vrani5c and Utlca 1.15 and
ti2i a. 111.; 1.55 p. in. Oavvcgro, bjranre and
Utlca train at 0.21 a, in. dail), except bunday.
1'or Montro.-c 0.00 a. 111.; l.tu and U.50 p. nu
Nicholson aicommodation 4.00 and (1.15 p. m.
liloom-diiiri; Division I'oi Nortliuniberldiid, at
CM and 10.05 a, 111.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. m. For
Plymouth, at S.10 a. 111.; 3 40 and 0.00 p. m
bundav lialn. I'oi New Yorlt, 1.40, .1.15, 0.03
and 10 05 a. 111 ; 3.10, .1.11 p. m. For llmf.ilo
1,15 nml 1.2i a. iu.: 1.(5, o.;Vj and ll..ij p. m.
For Illiuliaiiiton and way ttallons 10.20 a. m.
lllcomsbiirc llivltlon Leave bcranton, 10.05 a.
m. and 0.10 p. in.
Lehigh Valley Railroad,
in r.ffcct, Nov. 3, iioi.
'1 tains ieive Suanton.
Philadelphia and .New York via D. k II.
Tt. II., at O.SS and 0.33 a, m., and 2.1S, 1.27
(Ulack Uiamonu r.prcA;, anu 11.0'j
p. m. Sun-
dajs, O,
k 11. It. 11 . 1.53. S.27 p.
i-nr Uhlte Haven. Ilazleton and nrincinal nnlnl.
!n the coal rcstoiM. via II, .V 11, It. II,, 0 US, 3.(8
and t.27 p. in. I'or Pottwillc, CIS a. m,, 2.18
For Ilctldiheni, lliston, rtcadlnsf, HairUbi.r?,
and pilncipil Intel mediate stations, via U. jl II.
II, It., d.S, 0.3S a. 111.; 2.1a. 4.27 (Ulack Dia
mond llxpitfe), ll.M.i). 111. Mindajs, U. k H.
H. It,, (M a. 111.; l.S S.27 p. 111.
Tor Tunkbaiiiioc!., 'lovvanda. Klmlia, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via
.. L. and V. n. It,, S.HI a. :n. and .1.50 n. 111.
For tlencva, liochcster, llulialo, Niagara Falli,
Chtiaso and all points wist, via 1). i II. 11. It,
7,48, 12.0.1 a. ni.; 1.4J, 3.2!J (Ulack Dlamord llx
press), 7.43, 10.41, 11,30 p. in. bundajs, D, k U.
It. It., 12.0J, S.27 p. in,
Pullman parlor and sleeping or I-cblph Valley
Parlor cars on all trains bctvvri,! Kllkea Harm
and New V01U, I'lilladclphia, Uiiffalo and Suspen
sion llrldgc,
ItObl.lN II. WII.IIIIU, Ocn. fjupt., 20 Cortland
ktreel, Nivv ork,
ClIAltl.l'S H. U:i:. Gen. Pasa. Afft., 20 Cortland
ttrcet,' New York,
A. W. NONHMAClltlH, DIv, Pass. Agt., South
Dcthh'hem, I'a.
For Ilcki-H nml Pullman irervations apply to
rlty ticket olliic, CO Public Square, Wilkcs-ilarrc,
New York, Ontario and Western.
In KUccl Tuesday, Sipt. 17, 1901,
Leave Leave Arrive
Trains. Hiraiiton. Carbondale, Cadoola,
i-J," 1 loraia, 111. ll.ioa. m. l.Ulp. m.
Ko 7 ,, 0.10 p. 111. Ar. Caibonda!eU.iOp. m.
Leuvo Leav 9 Arris
Trains. Cadcila. CJrbondale, Scranton.
NcTo. 7 OU, m. 7.4UO. m.
S'o ........ 2-15 P- W. iM !' "' -W l- in.
Leave ?'oa,, Arrive
Trains. fciranton. Caibondale. Cadosia.
1,0 !30a. ni. tUOn. m. 10.J5a. 111.
N- 6 Tfofitfi i'jjNa ""Jlo7,,0l- '"
Lcv Leave Arrhs
Traini. Cadosla, Oarboudalo. Fcianton.
No. b ,.,. 7.00 a.m. 7.10 a.m.
No. 10 ....... 4.30 p. III. 0 00 p. m. 0 45 p. m,
Trains Nos. 1 on week dais, and 0 on Wridays,
make main line lonncvtlom fur New- Vorl. Uty,
lllddlctowu, Walton, Norwich, Uiulda, U.,ucl;o
ud all points west.
For further Information ccmult ticket ayenU
J. C. ANDKltSON, U. I'. A., Nw York.
). V. WELSH, T, P. A., Scraatou, ."V
" ' : c. ' i'
75c to $.50 a yard.
A store is often measured
by its Black Grenadines. If
they are fine and good and
many, the store is generally
fine and good; when they are
poor and dusty and few.that's
a good store to keep out of.
There are new weaves.
Silk stupes', plaids, ribbon effects,
beaded, embroidered, net weaves and
meshes In actual count. HO styles alto
gether; some very delicate; some with
the plain mesh, made for service as
well as for beauty.
Thi' silk-.uid-uuul gieiiadiiit", 1 his season, are
miltr a feituie.
.Mesh vieivt's with sill, cold", fill! tle-l;ns in
litni-Ktitfhlng, dtpi.'.i pl.ild.-t, vti.v llgjit weight,
ribbon flguicd stiliii"1; hem-titihtd stripct; tm
hioidcrtd stripn: fliipcs with tin die eftect, und
paillettes, wont! In ill bt.iiuiful and wonderful
bciau-c the stuff iUclf it '0 delicate .aid light.
attracted to the Enlarged Store already. If you
miss one of the city's sightsl
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $550,000
Pays 3 interest on
saving's accounts whether
large or small.
Opea Saturday
from 7.30 to S.30.
Mtinuracturcrs ol'
Old Stock'ii"!
NiS., Scranton, Pa.
Old '('hone, 333i.
Ncwrlione, 2935.
.V- tfit'iL'i
is is
Our aim has been and always will
be to anticipate every reasonable
need. How well we have succeeded '
we leave for you to sny. If a great '
and constantly growing business be
evidence of public appreciation, we
are amply satisfied with your re
turns for the efforts we have made
in your behalf.
5ash Curtain
All the crisp, fresh stuffs
that will give your room a
summer look are in the White
Goods Department.
The making of these pretty
little curtains is going on now
in hundreds of homes and
we're doing all we can to help.
Figured Swisses, 36 inch,
IOC, I2C, 10
Dotted Swisses, 36 .inch,
ioc, !2c, 15c.
Striped Swisses, 36 inch, 12ac,
15c, 18c.
Fish Nets, 27 to 108 inches wide,
prices 25c to 60c yard.
Tamboured Muslin, 15c to 40c yd,
Fine Scotch Swisses 25c.
Swisses with colored stripes 15c to
Men's Furnishing
Department ....
Opening of Men's Negligee Shirts. The
first of an important showing. Gentlemen
will consult their best interests by consid
ering our line before making their selec
tions. Price $1 to $2 each.
You can tell pretty well by a
mm's talk what sort of a man
he is.
You. can tell pretty well what a
store is by reading its advertisements.
Elegantly Rich
The new patterns we are
now showing are beautiful
specimens of the metal
worker's and designer's
skill tlioy possess charac
ter and finish that appeals
to the exacting purchaser.
The prices, too, are as at
tractive as the designs.
We invite inspection and
Have you seen the new
patterns in tho twin beds
we've something worth
seeing, whether you wish
to buy or not.
Many new and beautiful
patterns in odd Dressers
and pieces for the bed
room, Hill&Connell
121 Washington Avenue.
General Accnt for tho IVyomlcg Dittrlct for
Du pout's Powder
IHning, nUatincr, Sporting, Smoleleu and tht
Ilcpauno Chemical Company'
Safety Fuse, fapi and Uxplodcrt. Ream 401 Con.
mil l)ullclln- .bcia-itcu.
,., .Plymouth
V. MUI.l.mAN
1,, vMiKc-liair
a wfr&mmmi mM..u.,
., A aMHawZtmi