IBIS A4 : v,r THE SCRANTON TMBUiNE-WlMiNliSDAy, Al'EUL 16, 1002. I.) .1 II " NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKJJANNOCK. frtrlol to the Sainton Tribune. TimUhaitlKicIt, Alii II l".. IK-V. II. If. Wilbur In miHVt-lnjr trmn a severe colli imil was nimble lo occupy Die pulpit at the Mrtlioetlst Episcopal churrh on Sun ilnv ovomIhk oa account of lionineiiMS. Ulnrrncc liooi'KP, of ,s.iyip, uponl the Sabb.itli an ltli frlemlH at tlih place. drill t convened Monday iittornoon at 2 o'clock with .IuiIr.3 K. M. Dunham miii Atwnrlitie .Tudites llitrvey S. SleU- lei- ami Fiank'M. Vanulm on thn beiielL, Dclnmr Slnrlc, oC West Xiciioison, is Hlopplns with his brother, D. W. Stnrk, on Wyoming iivonue, this wool:. Mi. Thomas Vosc, of Wlilto'ts Feiry, was culling on ft lends In town on Monday. Mian Sophionca Luckcnblll, who has boon vlslllrw; her paient.i, Mr. and Mr?. Louis liUulccnblll. ut this place, re turned on Tuesday lo Kuwt Miiucli Chunk. wIipip hIiu Ima recently en CTKCd In the millinery business. Mrs. Albert hoe and Miss Kllssaboth Gublo visited at Katonvlllo over Sun day. Miss Nellie nitlliiB la ontertalnlni; her friend,. Miss GeorKO, of Meshoppen, this week. Lynn Drake, n student at the Key stone academy, who Is preparing liim Mslf for the mlnlstiy, preached at the Baptist church on Hunday evening. Finnic Ace, who Is employed at thn Shlojds Stone company's mill at Nich olson, spent Sunday with his family at this place. The "Monday club" met at the home of Mrs. Anion Brown, on East Tioga street, on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mis. Caroline Essor, who has been making her home at Nowaik, N. J with her daughter the past thice months, has returned to this place for the summer. HALLSTEAD. Fpeehl to tlie Scranton Tribune. llallslead, April 15. Mrs. A. P. Stephens has returned fiom a visit with relatives at Scranton and Towanda. The pupils In the eleventh grade of the High school are pieparlng for an entertainment on Apill lio. Ico cream will be sold during the evening. new n. Colwell left Monday morning to attend the Methodist Episcopal con feience at 'Wu.vcrly. Mr. Colwell does not expect to return to Hallstead. Mr. and Mis. J. D. LIndley left Tues day moinlng for their new home in Elmii.i. Miss Florence King, of Binghamton, spent Sunday with her mother in this place. Mrs. Ityron Tanner and Mrs. Nelson Coon weie visiting at New Mllfoid last w eek. John Duval has returned from a visit In Hinghamton. MKs Nellie Jleekhow, of Owego, spent Sunday with her parents in Great Bend. Geoige Teiboss, of Lestershire, was calling on friends in town Sunday. Mr. and Mis. U. C. liond wpre in aMontroso on Saturday, attending the funeral of Mr. Read's aunt. L. T. DeAVitt, of New Milfoid, called oa friends in this place and Great Bend n Tuesday. H. W. Lange, of Milanville, visited his sister, Mrs.. J. Bylngton, on Sunday. Miss 131Ion Donovan, of Brookdale, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Peter Allen. Mrs. A. M. Sliker was in Einghamton Monday. Jiobeit Morton is in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Watkins left Mon day moining for a "week's visit in Scrnnlou. Mr. and Mis. 'William Trowbridge, of Binghamton, spent Sunday with friends in Gieat Bend. Victor Lee, of Susquehanna, is spend ing a few days at the residence of John Curlew Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Cardis spent Satuulay and Sunday with friends in Blnchamton. Miss LeoiM Van Loan, of Lanesboro, visited her paienls on Saturday and Sundav. ,Mlss Seymour, of Corning, is visiting Mrs. R. G. Claik. Mrs. John Tyler-lias letuined fiom a visit nt Marathon. Mis. Aithur Thornton, of Soianton, was called liere by the seilous illuets of Mis. William Tiow bridge. Frank Blown and family, of Elmlra, attended the luneral of Miss Nina Tur boss, Satuulay. THOMPSON. Special to the Suanton Tribune. Thompson, April 15. Samuel llub Tnard, of the township, has moved into the rooms over Jnmea Bums' shop. ' Mrs. E, D, Witter returned yesterday moinlng from a week's vl< with friends In Scrnnton, Chark.s AVrlghter, of the township, Is A'lfaiting in Scranton. Mi.ss ICatio JlcMalion, of Sustiuehan nn, Is the trimmer in Mis. L. M. 011 lett's millinery store this season. GeoiRO Gelatt, of Scranton, spent the Sabbath In tow'ii. Mrs. Washburn, -widow of the late Joseph Washbuin, living nt North Jackson, died suddenly yesterday morn ing. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Wheeler, of Forest City, John Lmnoiit has the foundation nearly completed for I1I3 new building, on Jackson street. ' Mrs. A. C. Foster spent the Sabbath wth her hi other and his family in Binghamton. Shu Is expected to return tomorrow'. The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho dist Episcopal church will moot in the Grand Annv hall, Wednesday afler- 110011, Mr, and Mrs. 0. F. Spencer are visit ing telatlves in Mount Pleasant. II. M, Cole, of Scrnnton, visited his father, lte L. Cole, Satin day. Miss Iva Spencer is spending u few days la Scranton. Prof, Galiibha MoNumarn, of South Gibson, Is visiting his hrother, Dr, W, HYou Could Look Into tlicfuturcaud see the condition to which jour cough, if neglected, tvill bring yon, cu would Reek relief nt ouce ana that naturally would be (brougti IS Consumption f 4 -d rfo k Ouarontecd to cure Con I jIII WZ sumntiou, Uroucliltis, Vt,ll Asthma, and oil I,iuig Troubles. Cures Coughs aud Colds iu a day. 5 ceuts. IVrlte to ti. C Wells & Co., I,c Hoy, N. V., lor free trial bottle. ' mi .. n .... ..-it ji. ni y--..- t r w.vv. .. ii mi, ii,Mii i laiimwHBM wmmmmmmmm MuNninnra, lto called on Professor Compton, nt his school, yesterday. Captain A. D. Milter, n veteran of the Civil war, is seriously 111 at the homo of his daughter, Mia. F. K. UnmiHs. Ho Is a native of Delaware county, N. Y and Is over 70 years old. ltev. P. n. Tower left for Waverly, N. Y today, to attend the Wyomlnrj confoi'pticc. Miss .Tennio Clark, of Montdnle. is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. W. Lewis. Ifownrd Collins, of Susnuelmnnn, was the guest of Mrs. Estella Howard yes terday. Hew A. D. David left today for the seat of conference, going via Montrose to attend court a little while. Mrs. Frances Deinnn and Mrs. C. M. Lewis are shopping In Binghamton to day. Miss Gertrude Brown, of Jnckson, and Miss Estella Howard will take in the Wyoming conference this week. Mis. Wlllard Tucker, who has been PICTURE There are four Fiutl the other two. in California and the west for the past year, leturned to her home here last lllRllt. 1 8 I HAilll I " J ATTRACTIONS TODAY. AU.ypEMY Hauy Jenl.in-.. Aftcinoon .ind lllRllt. bl'AIt Al llecvoV cuiiipiny. Afloinouii and nljlit. "Maid Maiian." Tlu Dolunliiis weie giccted .it ihu I..icuni jt lllRllt villi ono ot the lnge-t, niont lepic-enta. tne nml most dcniointl.it ic .uidiciicct of the piescnl e.ison. Al tlio loniluiion of the peilonn aneo iL was .il-o one of tlio uiOsl t.itt'-fled audi. enect of the -ei-on. 'J'nic to tlicir npiititlon the lloitonlans (j.ic an cnlcrtainincjit of the hishest older of mcrll. "Maid Jin mi," their new oticia it called a sequel to "Jtolnu Iluod." It toulil with equal propiicly bo lilnllc-ij .1 "ic-'iitc" of "Itohln Ilcmd." i:Liy one of the tomjt that made the oi iyui.il famous it iiiati.lit.il, not to ny imitated, in the f-equcl. Tlioie i- a ihluklir- soiii! for "lliown Ooloher Ale"; a ciiitlniint.il contialto solo for "O, l'iomi-0 Me," a glie for "Seo the Little I.embkiiH I'lij," and a piighlly thinir in wlilih C rii'-nler slip then- Mileklt with tlicii dwoidi, whiili can not help Imt IiiIiir nuinoiitt ill llii. -''Iinl.oi' i linriw." 'I tin . mnntinlim" songt of the m.ijui.1, sufllce it to sa, uui nop; help hut plci'0, but tiny arc the uiuie pleiiiu;, when one has not heml "llubin Hood." "lto! I'oi tin Oieniv.ood," a male thmin; "Lino Jhy Come uiul t.o." a ipiinttllr, for m piano, alto, in-, lniituiii) and teuoi ; a (piliiul in mil song with which the teiond ,ut ilu is; tin' ointialto --olo. "fill .Mu Aualu Hen llc.ul," a toiii.iiio loe Mii'a:. mid tie duet, "'Jiuo Lou It ot foi a Day," nic the piluelp.il niinuiui. L.kIi !- Mine; in a luaaner moil iiulUiblo (tin for thu Rostonl.nK, Jo finer choim liu beiii biouslit lieu: iu comic upcia. It U full, evenly bilanccd ami ijpablo of piodiu'lii;; olnnic with out a j ell or a lin-li note, It is a trained torn pany of ocalil. All that tin- moot cxacllng comic opera un de maud of n prima donni it in thu po-w-sion of Jllst f.'iace V.in Stiuldlford, who it tills jear lic.iillnpr the llostoni'iin as "Maid Maiiau." Her. uopiauo ii lhwlci-9, her ili'.niialli.t duly aitlitie nml she l a uiy handsome wonuii. Iu her loc hone; whh Ii ii of tiro laaud open plane ami her duet Willi Itobln Hood, (lie na. limit lilcttlvA, 'llu- audleiico it mined could not heir enough of her siuit, inh and llcihlc ulio, 'Hie pilu ilp.il tontralto, Adole llatlti, as Alm-a-lla'c, i'jj ihc'woil; Hut made .hle Ilnllett l)ais f.iiiHd, and ghc-, proiuiii- of liecomlng qullo as fimout as her picdecevior, .ltlioiu;li not of the jier-nn.il juopoitlont of tlio u-iul eonlrjllo, her volio Iu-. i.iie Ftrcns.Ui, depth and U'hetiMMi, IJclle Harpei as Lady Vhlan, ii t vliiomo joung wonnii Willi a (.uipaiugly bweef bopiano. Her los weie among the mot iiitliujttlcjlly ic eciml of the pilnelpil uiiiiitu in, W', II, Mclloiuld, a, Little John, was ijltcii the unimctt uicjillon of any of the iiulo eingtu. Hit biiitoiio is as pleising us cer. IViuk Ituiliworlh, a J oiin,- tenor, as Itobln Hood, is an exceptionally good clnser and good looker even for a llostoulau tcnoi'loiir 'ihe basso, Allen C, Hinckley, who tinn" Will S-iatkt, wai rut giLii oppuitunlty to pune that he h all that it claimed foi him. HU ono eulo, howeict, tlioed that while he l u-rv rood ho is not (mles. Uioigo II. J'lotlilnghuni'ii 1'ilar Tin. Is U not made a imislciil part, and falls far Mioit of being iiniiii1. Henry Clay llirnibce in his old cluiuetrr of the blierlH of Nottingham, liowoer, mippliet all tlie comedy iiquiied. He borrows Jibt a bit at times fiom "loy ijulller," but on tlio wlwlo his wittlci-iin nro good and of the kind that appeals lo the best Intelligence, The costuming and belling of the tluco aeU Is -iriy elaboiatc. 'J he flint tcciio irpie-cnts a pill. Miiiouiidlng the casllo of the Kail of Huniing ton. 'J lie bocciul 1 a Cru:adeis tamp outslclo the city of Aco in I'aleslini!, The third is the gleat banqueting hill of Huntington caitlc, Only In the first act is tlio gtccuuuod llivor of "Itobln Hood" prcicntil. 'the story opens at Itobln Hood's castle with Itobln gunn with the Cru.-uleiu, and the bheillt of Xottiujluiu on f piling agiinst him, with tt view of illuracliu him lu the I'M'i of his bctiothed Maid Maiian. Thu Hcoud act lus the old gieeuwuod letalucis of Itobln Hood .iiihlng at 1 lie t'lu&adcrs nmp and gicuting their ililif. Maid Mill in li.nl come willi Hum to find out for hermit If the Sheillf of Nottiiigluiu told I In- truth when he u ported that Jtobiu was faUe to her and lilt King, and u. 6j)i-d to (Hove It with toigcd K-tltn.. 'Jhe &h?i. Iff follows in UUguUe, boirajs the camp into the liands of tlio Saracens and utiirns to Ihiglaud Willi Maid Maiian leaving Jloblu Hood and his followers captives in the land', ot the lulldil. 'J he third act hat a Vulctidc festival for an opening and clones with Itobln Hcwl and the ict U-turning iu time to jucicnt the forced inaniagu of Mild Marian to the tliciM'. adopted kjii and to ouit the Iiiipiutoi from hU uute. 'theie U Just I ',,,,. www 'Willi '11 Hi ' Tr'iii1 mlffittMk ml PIHrSt mw ml! ' - ftioujrli Interest In the filot lo make atMctory fill Inn In liolurcn the Kong4. Will P. Burke. One ot tlio spclnlllM to lie nrwoiitnl between the Mctn at the Aimlemy t Music tonight to a tmislcil sketch written by Will 1'. llml.e lor the McC.'aim l.nnlly. Mf. llurkc will nlo be he.mt In several rf bli hut lllmlratetl rflns;4. "A Kunawiiy Olrl." Ono ol the many excellent feature ol Ibo t.io (tuttlcn cf lite iinidctl comeilj, "A Hunanny tllrl," wl-ltli will be Been IVMay lilaht nt (lie byreiun lliciler In Hit? city, N the m ifinlflrcnt cflintul fcriio In Hie l.mt net. Tlio loiollly 13 Mippcicit lo be nenr the lihlorlc cunil In Venice, flii'it tiupe Ii nllowcil In tlib sccim nml It tnl.cn tull i(lantnuo of by ilin lnanARciiunt. Homo ev cecillnitly liatidsome nml plcluresipio coslumet nie ttoin by Hie partlclpinl, and n vny cntertalnlnu and dcflileilly Interesllna iiuilal or itanc'c nml liui.iic Intioitucoil. Klowcr Rlrls, gomlolkra, lirlgmdi, reaianl', fcoldlcru and mbot irlrt, nil ilnwcil in appropriate costume, mid a beautifully painted cl nt wen cry servo to m.ui nnnd pit lure during llic ac tion o( llic prluclpalit In lliln strikingly oilgHml ccnc. ."eats go en .ilo this nioiiiliiif. STAGE NOTES. (lllliut 1'ail.cr hit yt the Amnion iliihta ot "Tlio Tllclit of W'aj" In rlnilc fuilimiin. llio litter bTlmd', lo slur William I'.iuridmn In tlio pleic, Ulralttli T.ucu bat s-atlctl foi London nml v lit l etui n rally In llw fall to tiko up lchcii Pitt for the plar, "firelna Circcn," In which elio will itir nct R.Jtnu. PUZZLE. golf players heic. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Strike Now in Progress at D., L. & W. Collieries May Spread To Hold a Meeting' Today. The strike situation at the Pettehone, "Woodward, Avonclalo and Jersey mines of the Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western company remained unrlianged yesterday, no overtures having been made by either side, hut today's devel opments may result in a more gen eral strike at the collieries operated by the company. A meeting of the strikers lias been called for this morning at Edwardsdale to consider the advisability of calling out the United Mine Workers of Amer ica in the employ of tlio Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company. D., L. & W. Board for Today. The following is the make-up of the D L and W. board for today: 1 L lSJlUV, AP11IL 13. I'tiit lli-t la ji. in., Itobol.cn, v. 1'. Mullen; H p in., i). Higguty. Wi:i)i:hlJA, AI'HIL 111. i:lia.s L.i-1 1. JO a. in., Jloliol.in, villains; 4 u. in., llobol.cn, llolim; !l a. iu., Holjol.en, Mc fiithclne; 10 n. in., 11, lilllijnni; 11 a. in., Ho lioUn, Muiphr; 2 p in., C. W. Dunn; ."i p. iu , Hobohin, J, lSiuMiait; (i p. iu , ,7, II. Mi (.'.inn. Summit-, I'.tc- U a. in., J, L'aiigg; 8 a. in., J. lfeniiigan; 10 a. iu., MthoN; 1 p. iu., Tliouip. ton j 8 p. in., (iolden. Ihliiin 1.UU a. in., Mefiuieiu; T n. in., Ciafl nej ; 10 a. in,, b-eoi; U.L'O p. iu., Stauloii. l'lishert 0 a. in , W'iiiiiei ; 7 u. in., l'niucit.v ; S a. in., lloii'ei, 11.11 a, in,, Moranf-l.'iO ji. "in., Xauniin; II p. in, (". Ilailholontiw ; 7.J0 ji, iu., Minph.i; ') p in., W. II. Iliidioluiiicvv; If) p. m,, Lamping. Ltiat Wet S a, iu.. It. CWmi; J a. in,, V. McDomiiU with .lohn (tahigin'a mw; 1 p. m., A. IV Kclchnm; 2 p. hi., O, lt.indolpli; 1 p. m., M. C'armodj ; 11 j. ni 'I'. Iloudlcan, xonci:. IJoiiahiio and ciew urn II. "0 ji. in, itia, April J3. '.ie. and ciew-1 tin N a. in c.tia, Apill lit, ,T. J, Hufly Willi W'.ufel's crew- will mu Xo. U, April 10. A Uerrlty and ciew will run 3.13 ji. m, evlia, Apill 1. M. fllnley will urn plel.-iip u a. m,, Apill 10, and until fin titer notke, John C'onhoy gect out with H. II. (Jllllgan In jilucof William T.ncll until further notice. I'lauk IMvvardt goes out with J. II. McCami, in jilace of J", i, Clul.c, until fuithei notice. LIST OP ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of letteis lemaiiiiug imcalleil for tit the i-iiiiinon poi,tofllcc, LaiKawanni comity, l'a Anill III, ItXW. JVicmis calling foi these letteis will picnic say admtiseil and give tlato of list. Lira II. JlljipK-, J'oitmastcr, Andeon. William. II.ii.I.a, Snuiiel. Alrcen, Patilcl,. llowcn. Willl.ilu Ackciiuin, .Mm. Hi owning. Theodore, llioailbent, i:il7.ibctli, lliumit, MUt Itn.se (1, llaitlceoti, 1', i:. ll.il.er, Miali J, lluikc, Anthonv. llutton, Aluri-, II alley, l M. II mU, I'laulc H. ItucLley. A. .1. llurkc, Catheiliie. Jlelmir Mfg Co, llrowu, A. W. Drown. Ldn.ud L. Ilicbe, l)i,. Iteinedy Co. Jlarr, .Mrs. June. Chitlniu, John J, CURING CONSUMPTION. When Scott's Emulsion makes the consumptive gain flesh it is curing his consump tion. Exactly what goes on inside to make the consumptive gain weight when taking Scott's Emulsion is still a mystery, Scott's Emulsion does some thing to the lungs to6 that re duces the cough. More weight and less cough always mean that consumption is losing its influence over the system, Scott's Emulsion is a relia ble help. snd for Tree Sample, SCOTT & UOWNK, ChcuiUu, iv 1'eatl bt., N. Y, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents (nr L'acli Gxtrtt t.ln: tfor Ren't. roil HUNT I'lit of tin cc or four rnoina for I'gnt liouvckccpIiiR. SIl Adaiiis avenue. KOrt Itll.ST l'.littit mid twchc-ioom house, (ircen illilffe, slciim hcatj very teasoiiablc. llolsatc. 1011 HKNT bK-rtcmi .H Willi Inlh, 'team licit, b.m rnmro ami nil inodcin improve ments, from A in 1 1 1st! lent reason ible. Call early. Krcd C. Hind, to.) Mulbeny ttreet. Toil tlLNT-Miinll fiuni-lied liouc foi lent. In fiulrc at nil Vino i-lrcot. STOIti: J-Olt HKNT ri22 Wcl LncUnwnntii ave nue. Inquire I'IiIIIjj Sctincll, UiO West Latlca wanna avenue. IIAHS VOlt m:XT-?IS, Apill 1st, thtco box and n. 'J.'"!" "'"K1'1 t.tltt and wash tacit, icif ol SM afndlon avcniis, Jntpilic at Oil Mullson avc. J'OII : HKNT Stt.ij"TiiiWiiiir lor rent In nkltson City. l'n. IJiilMii," un feet 1v 21 feet, cellar under nil, and second sloiv can be arranttcil lot a family. All In rhoiI lepilr leuly lor ivc. Iwo coal breal.eiii nml mines clo-o bv euiplojlns over a tliouMind peoile. An clitcrprMiitf meiLhant can pet a lnrifc Hade. Apply to William ". Itlclunond, Illehmond It 111. HI25 X. Miln nvtnue, f-crniilon, l'n. Furnished Booms. ...'...-.. rOlt lll'.Nl A nicely funiMieil fionl iojiii in privato laniHy Mlthln lite mlnulin w all troin the Ltndi.it. Adihi-Es (I., Trililllic. l'0H HUNT One furnished room, with Improve ments; also oiic.011 thlid floor, cheap. U27 AdaiiH avenue. rUUNlSIli:!) ItOOllS loi lent, modem Improve menu; private family; gentlemen jneicired, at C37 Adams avenue. I"OIt ItPA r nirnlshcd front room, with hMt, bath mil ra; nenr court houe; gentleman prelened. Addrei lloom, Ilo 299. t'OK ItLNT Knrnlhcd loom; heat ar.d bith. C2j Linden stuct. KURNISHi:i) nOOMS roil HKNT. with heat, paj and bath, gentlemen prcfcried, at S39 Adam) avenue. j?or Sale. HOIIL' I'OIl SALIJ-lUy hoie 7 jeiu old, 13 2 lnnils high, weighs 1,0'n ihiuihU; hiiiiiiI, hind and tins; ctia well cltj biohcit; doi i not fcli.v or pull, I'eifict coufoiin ition, vny stj llsli; price 1 50. Your money bocL It not i icpie (ented. 1 11. I'.itlcisoii, M. I)., Hone-dale, l'n. l"01t SALi; A picet loul nine, riiblur tired luuaboiit. loul cirt and linnets; vIll sell cheip. Apply at lSlj .V. Main avenue. H' YOU WANT uiilnriit it night get a "ubnniiiio Accljlini- (ia', Machine. Impdt our jiliut. Philip J. cttei, 115 l'eiut avenue. l'OIt hALi; Ilou-diold tiirnituic. Including niiKc-, heater. c.upeH, lud", illnmir tilde, chaiis, tool die l ami tuolo anil tiiidcn toolt and liwn uinvvii. elienp. Call at iniic. -Mis. L. Smith, 1122 W'joinintt avenue. LC(,'S foi lnkliinsr, lltifl Icghoins exdii-ivclv, I'licuellcd iu hlp and tuloi, 7.1c. jui 1". .(!. A. (iaidiHi, LUJ I'uiii .ivcniic, Sli.uiIoii, l'a. rOU Sr.L !l.,iid illc doublcid. Xcvv. llamfoid Hi os , Palcri-on, X. .1, Wanted To Rent. WOULD LIKi: 10 JlCVTslinvv c ces and counter-!. Addic-s C'my & Huri-on, 225 L icl.av.inn,i aicmii. WANTED ItOOMS For two adult", three or fom rooms furnl'Iicil oi unfuinl-lied for very light hou'ckecpliu, fust flooi pictured. Addreas M. n Tilbunc office. , t, -HC-- WANTED-il'iirnishcd home or four or1 Hio ltioms tor lioubckecjunjl Address A. C. t' Tribune efflcc. Wanted. WAMLU Lli'vatoi 71! oi H feet; suitable for hoMiiiR carnage?. Addict Janici II. Ki-nny, P.li-ons Pa. (.uney, PulKcK, cue of 1. It. HooUer. leaii, .Maud. Kiiin liiu. Willie. Custer, 'Jililcn. Kellej. Mis Kate. CluK, Mrs LuiiNc. Kcinnly, William. Colin, Itofia. Koopmon, John. I'ausli, Ailam. i.euis Misj riuiciiic. t'.irr, l'red A. MiKciini, .Mif. Jnnri 'utcr, Mis L.llt'i. MiCuimj, .Mis .Nillie. Caimion, l)i. ):. S. Met li-luul, J. S . C.illrey, Ml'-, Amu. .Mcl.'ulii-, Iiumls (uilci, Jul ii. MiHiikIi, Mi--, Annie. Calpln, .liimes J". MiIIii-;li, .1. U. Connili, Ifnbin, Maiiinn, M. Merlin, .lane, PatiicK, .Milliiil, Libbie L. Caii-h, .lohn. Mu tin, iu,u-,t. CI ill,, Jii- . Mlllrr, ficoigc. C.mh.v, .1. ', Miillii, Jul, u IL, Jr. Ciiuli. -r. ..I. ..I ,-.,, Coopci, Willi llll. V.IIHT,' W. lanii.'iii, .icl.ii. O'Xclll, II, C. Cule, Hem.. U'. IVII.it i, .Inlui, Cllllll' .Int. II 11.11,,. i, M... ,!...!.- ,. , .. '.ll.!H.l, .u,., . lui'i, Ci.mfoid, lohn Iliis-.cH. Oiklev, Kimui J. "us Jiis. i ooi-e. wuvtr, .iisi .Mint, Diy, Mis John. lliklj, 1". Dorscli, llivnioiid. Oiklev, (,'coirc Diake, Mi,, llobi.it A. (livens Dr. n. 'it. H mills, A. . l'emiill, .inilo. lliiiinliit, Mr. lMna Paii-hlei, Lenii I. Ltivi. I'oiij. I'd J). ' , DoilLl. I.lrl l'irl Vllw- II... I.. lie lily, J. ' Pioiinei. A lion. llevinc, John, (Juliihn, ,'i.oi'i'. Diiirno. .1 unts luell, Mkt M ujarut. llacU. W. VI. lli.ni.l,, ii '""-' 1 Ivo. Jos lloll,, Ml .Md'l,. IIviiik, Mu, I'htn N llopti, l. II, Lvans John II, Ituucj, Mi,. ; i:pi-i. I.iri. Hit. .i 11 VI, i- it" I'M.c, Mitinel. Ilin-., r. J." i latincr, .Ml. T, W. hlcvuis if, l.i7lc ri-dier, Wlllliin. -it'll, Mi- Lnn, 1'alej-, William. !-uci. Mis , I'oattr, .Mis (I, K, Miiiitun, MK,. 1'imi li. .T.iiin. t.i.,1,1. It... it , .. ...-., ...,.., ,..,,,,.-. -I, .un, ..i,-, .iii-uuiim, (aivy, MI Miaw. "-pentei K lliniiilt, (itbriiii, John. Mikk, MUs Llie. f!iiili,m M If lu.,,, t...tn liaidnei, " ihii ' Puiiltty Milt'liN, IVtti,' ..liiit-i, . r-tiJiiiou .Vlt In, fieiatj, Mis-, While. Sulliv in, Clin lis fllr.i.nn. Mi. .l.titw 'Ii.idII Uu wi. .. ... Holmes Wilbur, 'lim, C. i' 2. ilinuic, Mi-, hiiiuli Ann. 'Ilinltii, Mlilnel, nil... i,. i i..i . i-...., ,, , ,(,,, 111,, l,t-l.l, 141.11, I,, Hill. Iili..m, 11. 11 tl II. ,1. Xltlll.... ..,,. M.,,00.1, .... ,,, -, ,1,11., I, ,111 llll, llfiiillnir. JIM Miibd. Ta.doi. Mis William. (.Ill -i, iiw-llill t IlMllllll', Kill Hi llcivvcll, Mls Pi-ail. Vail, , Mu- llookei, John II. Will. M, ilualiis .l.imoi .1. Wiitklu-. II Hill, Mr.'. Kullii.vn I', White, W. II, lllrrl,. Ml. j Mu,- r HM.iin Mu ll- lliiltvtoii, l)r. J. V. Wert. Mali-. iiaujn, vclllc S, will ml, M,i i,lj0, .lui-.l,., VI. j T .VI'I.aI.. i..ii.r.....i ..,.,,,., n-., m. iMttttk-,, tiuiiiiii'l'ii. Joialuio'i, JII-i JI, ,I Wild,, J'lojil, ITALIA V. Cayntl (liiueppc, Vjctto Alolll, Lnl.-ij MJK. iiclli, JIvidliiKi Daniel., POI.MI, l.r.nl llu , i it In .,, j I ni. .it.-,,. r-...l.l.l. ,....., I.,..,, IIIMIIUIII.I.II1, ,11. iu,,,,-, 11,111,1111,, IVIIUI Heib)s7, Antonai I'liucnukli), Jut( Kaikoviekl, Adam Jenusrewi-kl, AIIU ll.trimi-ky, Joef Knnii. viliz, Antuul CliiitkoHkki, I'itu Cisras Aiilony Ifinliionltz, StanUlitun Iuiiiio.vkI.iuiii, I.ldur KUiellus 2; Jof fianlnlls, Alem Xoiuiisiliule, ManMivr Iviinihiiky, Miiuni I'mviljJlU, Antoiii i'.vcl.nvvekl, bliiiiUtaw l't.ulrsil;l, .Mi, llioiikln, ru i Siriiiic, AiilnuJ Wio-na, (haile-i Klniua, AlcKwmlcr Pleliacki, Jllkotaj n.icjn.kl, Jlicluel Doiuiiiski, Jau Mhli,itoHikl, I'raiuvjsick Lillian iIc, Jan IIjkoHlc, I'racliwek ltostkow.1,1, WoUleli Xagiodlkii, btciihen Douan.kl, Jtdn aijrciuonhi. IH'.VOAltnX. l'auct Kuzda. Sinian f-atkltl iz. Mliliil M.it. 7CZ.il, jii)u laiihii, J inoi (ijiilko, lliujtlu l.en. icki, 11l.iu l.litk.id, Ali'k.iinlr.i Jlluejki, l'ruu- ,t.,1 1(11. 1 Mil ,1 n. I.. ,,..! I C, !.,,... It'.. .1. .1111 ,(,?..,, ,tU IIIIIMIIt.UI, ...filial ,11 I1ILIII Icuakl, (I'.uey will, Wlailvftiiv !lloluuky, Juntfu ll'..l.l ,1.1,.. .,.!... .....I...I .. , r ',. 11VIUJKII, ,1.1111,1 .lll'llll, n,',lllll. UU.t, lieOlliU I.l.w,.l -!.,. I V'nj.nl. Il.tnl., InJI., lit. I... 1!,II,4.V,, V,.,.VJ Mfc.l,,., , ,..J.I.,U ,.1-911111, Jl.ilJb l.n.,i, kl.lL LM.1..IH, lll.f it.li 'I ..... 1 t llu. i 114, .'lujil ,11.11,1,11, iiiiianirt .lltit it'll ,1111, JbiU.vn J!aiiilla, .lnif S'Ji li. .iticlaiy of ht, Jo. hiph JliingJiiJii Society; Itaulai 1'epels Stephen 111.. I. .. t V- .1 1 II. ... t II ., I..I t... . I ... . ' .. Jilt-.ll.it it, .lilt Itiiktn, jiutfi-j 1111,11,11,1, .jail uOuuk, Ivvan Cjck, John and Maiy Muclai. West Scinnton Station, 1'icd llerlevv, John II, CoKiuan. H. L'oiuioo, )J, (lett John CuoKaniU, 'llionui J, DavU, Maiiou Fclvv-diiU, Owen J. riunegaii, (!eoit;o l'o, I'eiiv (iarduci, Jjima Hill, Tckhcii Hopkliu, John W, Juiiii, John l.aiii-s Hubert Mujei, Mi. 1'aini, I'etci lUt. Hor.i M. 1'nry, Jim. llcatilco Itob trts titoigu Smith', Tlioinai Miorls Annie JI, Schucldci, -Mlts Kom I, brar, Udujul L. 'liac.v, John II. 'Ihumas Joliu 'J bonus John J, Vim ('filler, William . Wilson. Jcnkln Walters. SITUATIONS WANTED FREG. nRANCH WANT OFFIOKS. Want Advcrtlsiments Will Vo Eecolved nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALDEHT BCIIULTZ. corner Mulberry trect and Webater avenue. OUSTAV I'ICllKL, KO Adaina avenue. West Side CL'OItai: W. JLNKISS, Wl South lUIn avenue. South Scrrtnton FllKD L. TUnrPC, ItO Cedar avenue. North Scrnnton GEO. W. DAV11, comer Xotth Mlla avenue and Market street. Qrcen Kldgo CIIAltLES 1'. JONLS, 1537 UlelsoD avenue. P. J. JOHNS, P20 Crccn Hide ftiect. C. LOItKNZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon etieet. Petersburg V. II. KNI.'i'l-T.T,. 1017 Irving avcuua. Ditnmore J. 0. BONE k SON. Real Estnte. I ll.VVi: roil SU.I! oi ccluiwc the folio critr propel ties jn Ins and tcini-i to ult joii, viz: Houc ind lot Xo, 110 Mirlon stieit, llouu mid lot No. 1121 (lurclnci avenue. Hotiso nml lot comer (luidiicr avenue and Mir lon stieet. Ono diMSl-foot lot on Girdnu avinuc, reir Clrecii lilditc licet. lioiis.'.ntid lot Xo. 1017 Iloulcvaid. All inipio.i! lnents Double house Xo. S.l'.l bli.ivvniG avenue. House and lot Xo. 'I liato tticet. All iin ptovementk. Hoibc and lot Xo. SO 1'aio ilicet. Hot and Cold vvatei, Ilou-ic and lot No, 32 Itaco slietl. Cold Via tel, furnace. Double houc No. 11.1 'lliroop stitit. lloii'c and lot Xn. 1UUI Atniiia iiicuue. , Double home, LI031I stieet. House .ud lot No. aill Clinics .sheet. Two lots on Itkhmont avenue. One-half double hoiHe, Crilumbh avenue. Hous.0 and lot NoJ (ill. ll.ilc hticet. House and lot Xo. tiOli Ilitts streel. Hoiiic and lot No. 501 llites Mild. Stoic ind two family iiputmcnU on Hioivn ave. Lot unil la 1 go Inrn on Jlimvn .ivcniic. l'actoiy site and tluco family npaitmcnt'5 on Ditkvon i.vcnue. Two fimlly II tt on Dltk-nn avenue. All iin-jirovcmciit-. Hot'.e and lot Xo lol", Sindeifon avenue. Thice-i-toiv li.itlt (2 ftorlcj, I filitilles) Xo. Oil, 3 P.. Miiikit fired. Hpiisi- mid lot, (trace sttcct. IIotL-o .mil lot o. 5 llher-ldo driie. Hoi,e uiul lot Xo. 1 Itiviistdc tliive. House and lot, H1I11K11 htreet, Diiumnie. lluikc and tlio lols, Shiruood uvimie, Dumnoic. lloiii an 1 lot, Hill meet, llumnoi-c. lIoi,c and lot, (iiionwood .1M'., f laiL's Summit. Hoii-o ind lot, Jtdro.c avc,, Claik'-i Siunnitt. Lot .it the Diiiinir Park, Iliikwn City and "Dili uicr- on whidi I will linlhl or ftirnUh money to build with. (il.OltCi: D. IlltOWX. 1011 f-LH I'.lc!f.iiit filter for linnie-. In upper Oiecn Itldcc: dmiie ncliihboihood: mon ilc-.-Iralile locality fm hnni" iu Lu l.nt mni counlj. J. A. Jluvine, 173(1 SindcrMin avenue, 1'OIIM I Oil bU.n r,l ncics, 7 milm from &ei in tun; also SI) ncie-i pisluri' laud for 'ale or lent; oil kcatcd near Llmliuiit, V. II. Oaidnci, Jlo'coiv, Pa. l'AUM 1"0R RALL' Sixty-two acid, one milo fiom Like Ailcl; twelve atiei of timber, lent impiovcd; excellent fpilncr vt iter on lot; faim situated on load. Tor partuuliis addu'si Will iam Trc.lat, Ailel, Pa. l'AUM I'OI! SLi: or cxdiatigc foi city ptopeity sltintc In Siisquehaniii coimlv; iintiuiccd; well Viateied; Mutable for diirjlnr. Mork or sheep ial,imr and irrni'iil faiiuius. Ilanjen, At toinev, C2Uij Washington avenue. Business Opportunity. PAltr.M'.ll wanted with -1,000 In inolllablc 111 mil fm luiinir ImiiiiCiS JI. II, Holtrate, Ciumiioii wcilth biilldimr. hlOCK AM) WIILAT IIIAIHUIS without delay. Write loi oui sjiedal uiirkct letter, free on applttatiou, S. j. Ilibliiul & Co., uicnibcn N. i. LViisoliclalicI and Stock 'dnnac, It and 10 Broadway. New Ymk. IMalill-iliid l'-il. Lony Dislince' Phono 21S3 Dioad. Money to Loan. ANY AMOL'.Sf OP MONi: to I.OA.V Quick. Etralght loin, or lluildine; nml Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 pel crnt. Call on X, V. W'aikd, El l-.'Jlu Coiiuelt building. Boarders Wnuted, PUIVA'Ii: PVMILY wlit.es to hive two ni'c men to bond, CieniMii or l,'nli,i. Call any tiiu.' aflci Uhuiidaj. All tuincnkuces, 607 llairijo'i avenue. Wfluted Booms and Botud. ANTLIl Two ccn.iminlcating looms with boaid, pilvato family prcfeiicd. Two Lidlcij and ,1 Kcntliuiau. State lull pailkiilars Addict C. II, ., 'Jill line otflcc. Agents Wnnted. IIKN'II.IIMIIY and lady agtnts wanitd. honoi. able and pleasant work; Situ) to si.imi per ilat. W, J. llicuMfl, -'.05 Lliulin Mritt, Snail. ton. l'n. Lostt I.Osr join ir fo li-illu, bsd.v while, tall ldnk. I11.nl rpoltid. Liberal icwutd lunl it leturned to Sib Lackiwiiuui avenue. l.Oi I' On Cipoiw nvciuic, uatth Mi; llndei ic tiuii to J(iOt) t'lipome avenue and icceho ic ward, l.CM'-.SUel beidid puiwi inntuliitiu snull hiuii of iiioiipi. 011 Liikie.anni .ive.mii, mil W'.s ciiiilm,', I'lndev pli-a-c letiiiu jiuiM' lo lilban iitnc and keep contents LOST irW, between l'cil; Lumber Co.. La,t Jltt ket .tint and Piivhiliiiiii ihiiich. ltewaid If letuined to utile 11 ot Peck Lumber Co. Storage. STORflGF. SLJii clean and model 11 up-to oiaxct; M'lniatu lotuu; 1 11 it 1 kct: eh i.ttcji-. An Ideal ttoiatfo for liou.ehold tlTt'ds, etc, 'llilrty (.eparato Moraito rooux. huiantou Stoiaifu com. rani, J13 l'r.iiikliii avenue, Dissolution of Partnership, BlijsOLllTlOV Ol' PAltlXLltSIIIP-Ihe iiartuer ship heretufoic evbtluir bitivecu J, JI. Putdy and A. JI. firm, under tlio Hun mmo of I'nrJy li I'Iiiii, ia Hill "'JUi diy m -Mirth, lt-o;, dls solved by niiitttil const nt, A. JI. 1'inn ictiiliur, 'Hie I'lislni's.-, bcicaflei will be inntliiucd by J, JI, Puidy undei the llim name of J, JI, Piinly & Co.. to whom all nulatandluK iiieniiuts will bo paid and who iimiiiiic all llabilitie., J, JI. l'UIIDV, A. M, riim. Daltun, Slauh 2'), J'-O'. We Will Pay 7i' -00 names, if a reasonable pro V K 1 cn O-O Port'on ! tnem invest $1,00 u week YOU if) I5U.UU jn iQ best investment for small sav ings ever offered. Particulars cheerfully furnished. 1 t MANHATTAN CO-OPERATIVE REAL ESTATE CO., 126.128 Washington Ayenue Scrmiton, Pa. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mori Tim Pour Line, 6 Cent) for llach Uttri Hi), Help Wnntod Mnlo. i- WANTLD Capable men li.ulnir Ind experience ai (ravrllner 1 ilcnieti, Ipnilitii or Inetcliiint-tj llbcinl (.ontifctj uiliii)' or roiitiiilmlcn. AiMresi tuiperintendent, Hot i(l, Hcinnluii, Pa. Olt.SO MUX wnnted any illtanu', copy lclleM, Inline cvclilnni nml leliitii to us We pay $10 per thousand, tend addic-wcd envelope, pirllcii. IJ" and cojiy. r. JI, t Dept. 415, lto-t llll, riillidclphla, M.MIIIKIt WANTLI) al 501 Linden Micct, upjio- MIO Cotltl llolll-C. WANTKD Ai-citialo man with some kiiinvledtto ot bookkcepltur, tillllnsr ami nhlpplnif. (If nrrald uf woilt, ilou't applv). Aililm-n, Blvlnif arrc, etc., A. II. k Co., Trlbuiiu ofUtc. CIVIL HKItVJCi: Kovciiimetit positions ll.xsii .ippolntnicnts made hut tear, l'robalily 10, 000 t Ills v ear. Onlj toinmon nehool cdiicalloii io nulred for rviiiilnntlnn. Cittiiloittie ut Infuinii Hon free. Columbian CoirciiouiletiCe! C'ollecc, WuMihiRton, I). C, CANVASSIilt. unite n" female; n RCod )iiopi"ltloii to one willing lu woik. Sihry and loinnils nlott. ll caro of Tilbune. WA.'Ji:i)-i:.pcilenced liulldlnt; and loan, tmui' iiikc ami book c inuihsois Somcthit tt iiiw; Booil pay, 1)., caro of Tribune. NALIWtAX One who hia hid experience cllliij,' Modn and bomh aud other ijood aecuiltlcs A Rood wihiry to tlio light man. Lxpciluncc, cue of lilhune. W ANTLl) Two lncdi.ilile.Jl (iiiclnecu; htate ex-perk-lire and salaiy expected. Apply by let ter. Addiess I.'. JI. W., 'llibiuio office. JOHXd JILX wanted am- distance, coppy letters home cvenliiira uiul lettiin lo us We piy H) per thousand. j.ond addrnncd enveloic, piiitiiiiLus and copy. V. JI, C, Dept. l;'3, l)o: llll, Willi delnlih. WANTP.D. i"0 iltxid P.ilutets i'y (iiiod Plmnbi'is 2", Tlii'iniths S.0 i:iectiiiiaiis. f-XYDLIt tt GILU;TE. Oil! MpKooii uveiitif. Xiiirai.l Pulls X. Y. - WAMI'D 100 Cood Caipenteis, ..'.7D per day. fcxvi)i:it & niLLi'.ir, PI! JlcKoon aiLiitte. Xi.iS.1ia 1'alli. WANTLD A first elaiw mm to take c ire of loetl agency for c.i'V hclllnir ptoe'k. 'flic light mill can make fiom I'M) to V-0 a vvtik. Write at once to Invctor, 'tribune oftlcc. WANTED Experienced salesman for Curtain and Drapery depart ment. Apply Goldsmith's Bazaar. WAN'I LIl Two expeileneed Mdiouiapheis; up lily to Intcruatlonil Salt Co, Council build ,lng, Scranton, l'a. Help Wanted Eemale. WANTLD fiood gill foi' general liouseworlc. Apply comer Snth and Dudley stieet. Dun more. WANILD (liil for geneial hoitaewoik. Apply at SO'l Qulnty menuc. WANTKD IMMIiniVI'KLV nirl for bciici.i1 iiouta work. 112J Albright avenue. 101'XCl LMlll.S wantid, any ilistance, copy let teis home evening-, anil ntuiu lo u,. We piy l-K) per thous.ind, send nddiewd envelope, iiltkul.in and (opy. 1". JI. U. Dept. ll'i, Ilox llll, PhilatlLlphiii. APPItnVTICLS WAXTLD Iinincdhitilv; call at Vienna l)ies,tnnking Pailors !IJ1 I.tckaw.inni avenue, Crane building. Tike elevator. WAN 1LD (till for geneul liimcvvmk; mint sleep homo nights. Call al 417 Adims be tween 7 and S. LADY OANVASr.n wanted to folielt subscrip tion? foi 'llio 'lilbuue; good icniiniis-,ioii of feicd with a fair guaiantee foe 'tusl-duss woikcr. Apply pi-i-.ou.illy at liu'lncss Jlauagcr'g ofllte, Scranton Tribiue. Situations Wanted. AN i:l'i:illi:XCi:i joung lulv v.ould like plain f-t-viiij to (lo, go out by thu dai ; cm ftiiuUh lefciinic. Addle.-. JI1-1, Jlae, caie Tilbune. blTL'.VIION WA.Yir.n-lly .1 widow, would like washing ami hou,e cleiiimg b.i tint daj. Jlia. Jllllei, 7IJ Schiidl couit. 1'OillIOX wanted by a vuiiiiir ladv iiiltk In tig-mc-? ami good pemmin, nil) (laidnit nvenue, LEGAL. IN llll; LbTATK of Wlllliin J. Liwis lid- ot the City ot Sciauton, County ot Lackawaiuit, State uf Pciiicjhiinia, decta'id. I.eltciH testamentary 011 the lain (iipallio will having been gi anted to tlie uudeisigiicil 1111 t lie alioie iMate, nil penon-1 having tlalim or ilu-inauil-i against the sime will jilciie picsent them for jiajimiit, and all those Indebted theieto will 1111I.1: imiiiedlate pi.vmcnt tu Till! LVCKAWANXA Till "T AND SAPII DII. POSIT COMPANY, OP SLlt ANTON. Lxeuitor. WLLLKS tt TOltllP.Y, Attoinej. XOITCi: I-, heieby given that at a iiirrtiuj; ot the MiiichohleiK 01 iiieuiliiii. of thu I. .11 1, in. lull I Store Asioelatlon, Limited, held at iH hIIili In thu City of buaulou, Pernio Ivania, 011 thu llth ll.v of Apill, 1I02, it was 1 1. -ol U'd Hut the Mid iissoiialion lie. ilL,ohed bv volunti, action of its iremliers, mid at the sum- meeting llio tuidii. tlguid weiu iiipoluted Lhiiilditlng Tnulcn to wind up the lumeiii mil dl.tilliute the a-.,cts thereof unions the nuiiilicis in 111c.011l.1uct with thu piovWona ol an Ait of llio (inieral As (embiy of the 1'iiiiim.iiiui'iillh of lYnn,.tlatlla, cnlitlid, "An Act .1111 hot Ulng the foiiuillnn nt pulncisblp .i-.MHl.it inns In whli li the capital Mili-cillicil fli.ill aloiio ho n-.-iuii,ililu fm the debts of the j-i-od ition, cccit iindii' icitalu ill-iimistaucci-," itppioved tin- t-eiond day uf June, A. D, 1871, and the Mippliineiils tlieteto. Ml pcisuns ale tlineforu uotlfled tint Mid ,i datioii Is In Ilipiiditloii .mil di.-ohnl, i upt u fu as i tiiies-stiy tu keep it alivo for thu Ixueililal winding up Ihcicuf, ami ciei one In dcblul tu Mid .iM-oilatliiii i-i lieltbv nutitlMt to piy such iiidtbttdnnii, without ilclav to the un ililrliiiicil at their oftlcf, turner Jclleioun and Laekawiimia uvenucs, Scianton, Pa and all pn inns hiving claims agilast nld iiNiCilatlou will pttneni them lu us 0 pijii'tnt at the bald of- tC', (.Mgtidl) i:. P. IIA'IPII.LII, , ,IMK M. JIOTP, I HA110I.II S. I'AIKCIIII.I), Liquidating 'liiutca. Seiaiilou, Pa., Apill 11, 100J. UAXDIDVri'.S for the (ifllto of Iu,pertci- uf Mines aro heieby iiotllltd (hat the Itoiti cf rxaniliiem appolnteil by tlio Comt of Cuiumoii Pita, ot laukawanni counly, will meet at thn Hoard uf Contiol rooms City Hall, Scianton, tut Monday, Apill 21, I'll-', nt JO a. pi., tor the i'Miiiiliatlon of Mich candidate as m ly apiitur beforo tbcni, Candidates will notltc that tho 1 iw irijulirs lliem lo juothiio satifaciory evidence of having bid at lcu.t live je.u.s uai tit.il cper. tnte in the aiitlu.itlte nut mines .1 uirs Yoi'vti. Ki:i:sr. a. philmps, lli:iimii: W.VllilNs. 1IJI01IIV 1). IIAVLS, JOHN IIOLAXI), i;MiHlii"ra. political;---?. - rltlST LEGISLATIVI! I)ISTHlCT-N-6tlt li here !)' given to the Republican otera ot tin rlrH Lcglsliitlvo District, that A Jirlnlary elec. tlon will bo held 011 Saturdiy, April 2(1, 1002, l.c tivcen thclioiiii! of four and nevrn i, m.,'tor the purpese of nominating a candidate! for tlio Leg Mature lo represent the district iitnl to elect lw-u delegate lo the Kepubllcali Stale Convention to be held at IllirMnlrg .tittle. 11, 1!02. The conjenlloii tu rQinputc the, vole wilt b held on Tuesday, April 2D, at 10 o'clock In Co. operallia Hill, E.ieji candidate) must regk'tct, with tho district clnlriiiiin, his full name and liofitoffli b oddii-M, and pay hit Mcwnteht fifteen days before the election, or his liamo lll not bo pheeil on the offlelal ballot. . Tlie district vigilance commlltfc, In the Vari ous ivcclnct', will conduct the election, and tlia result will bo leported bv tlie reltirn Judgo to the tllstilet comrntlcn, which will lie composed of the return judges. A written notke contain ing their Itiitruellnns will lie mailed In the Ineiu. bcrs of llio vnilotm district vlglHmo loinmltteci. ar.O. W, JENKINS, Chairman. Altcst-W, W. SIMPSON, Secretary.. SECOND LEGISLATIVE DISTIIICT-Nntlee Is hereby given to the Repitbtli in voIcm ol the Scrond Legislative dlstrlet Hint a jirlmarv eleelloti will be held on S thirdly, April 2il, looi, bclwecn the liuura nf four and seven o'clock- p. in., for the puipose of electing two delegates tu irpresent iald leglslnthe dlstiict In Hie coming Republican tatr conveiillon tu be held In liar rlsbtirg on June 11, V11U, nnd to Humiliate loiulliuto for the leglslatuie. Tho convention to compute tlie voa will In) held on Tuesday, April 2'', 1002, nt 1 o'clock p. m In the looms of the Ccntial Republican (liib in Sitnnlmi, In accoidniiie with the rules governing this ilUlrlct the candidate will be voted for dlrcctlv by the voters nt the polls. Each candidate must register with the dhltltt chairman Ida full rums nnd postoMip uddicsi uiul pay Ills iic"sinent twenly tlavn befote Hie election or I1I1 name vvlll not be placed in the olfldal billot, neither will inn- votes cnt for him he counted. The district vigllanca committees In the vail" oils prcelnels will conduct the election and tin retiilt will be reported by the teliirn Judge to the dlslilct convelition, wliuh will bo composed of the'ieturii JhiIbcs ot the various ellstrlcts. A written ticitlee (outlining further Insrrnrtlon vvlll be sent to the menibeis ot the said district vigil- ance committees. PREDERir W. FLEITZ. Chairman. Attest: WAL'IER E. IUVI, Secretary. THIRD LEGHLVIIVi: DISTRILT Notice Is here- by given that there being only ono cmulleUto l for repro-ei-iutlu', two delegales and two alter mtcs 0 the State lomention having leghtered, we, the 1I11I1111111 and Frcirlaiy of Hie Third Leg islative district Rrpubllcin inminiltee, hereby di (.laic the nine lo be the nominees oLthn HepnWI cm p.uty lu the said district. In oirotilamc with the provUIoiis ot Rules 21 nnd 2j of Hie Jiarty rules. 'Ihe peif-ontiel of the staidlng committee Is to iimnln as nt picsent constituted. Hy older of TIHTHS10X "s. l'ARKER, Chairman. ,7. E. WATKINS, Secretin y. SEALED PROPOSALS. SI:AI,i:I) PltOPOSAI.S will be lecelved until 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, Apill 21, 130J, In the ottlco of tho City Itee older, in City Hall, hcianlon. Pa., for the purchise of Two Hundred and Light-, -llvo 'Iliiiunnd (W'i,00O) dollars of three mid on"-half (!l'4) Jiei cent. Scranton City Uonils, known as "Judgment Funding and Jlti nlcipal lviininent Iniproveinent Loan." Ilciiomlnatiiiu of llonds lSl,(0t) etch. Ilonds redeem ible in otdtr ot their numbers dt follows: Doniln Xos. 1 to CO, inilusive, May 1, 1007. llonds Nos. fil to UIO. inclusive, Jlay 1, 11)12. llonds Xos. 101 to liVI inclusive, Jlay 1, 1017. Honda Xos. I'll to !IH), hulustvc, Jlay 1, 102i. II0111N X'o. 201 to 2'iD. ini-limlvc, Jl.iv 1, l'U". llonds Xos. 2'il to 2J.1, Inclusive, May 1, IK).'. Prlndpiil and inteiesl Kuiirantccd by speclnl tax levy and jnjable at the ottke ot the City Treasurer, Scranton, l'n. floiids iftued fice of all taes. S1I1I bids will be opened bv the City llecorder in his office in City Hill. Scranton, l'a., on the d iv and hour above written. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check for S.I.CKH1. W. Ij. COSNT.L-L-. City Rccoidcr. Eseeutlve Otitic, City Hall, Scranton, l'a., April 2, 2002. ' Bboumatism. IHIEUMATIS.M All nartlc3 that wish een be speedily and peiinancntiy cured of all va rieties of ItheumalUni by a vegetable compound. Cures guaranteed. Inquire or addicts J. L. Tay lor, Scranton. POFESStOJVAL Certified Public Accountant. EDWAItD C. SPAULDIXO. 23 TltADF.BS DANK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, AKCIHTEOT, CONNELl, Building. pni:Dnnicic l. brown, aucil b beAIi Estate Exchange Bldg.. 120 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, SH, COXXELL BUILDIXQ. STEVENSON' & KNKIIIT, 71 COXNKLL BLDa Dentists. Dlt. C. E. EILENIlEltOKlt, l'AULI BUILDING, Spruco street, Scranton. DR. 0. C. LAUBACH. 115 WYOJtIXa AVEKU& Lawyels. WII.LAltD, WA1HIEX & KXAPP, ATTORNEYS and Couiuelloisal-Laiv, out to UU Council Uulltlii'g, l-'JIANK V. BOYLE, ATlOItNTA -AT-LAW, Joonn 12, 11, 16 and 18 Burr Building. D. B. REPLOGLi:, ATTORNEY LOANS NEOO tiuleil on real estate security. Mcars Building, corner Washington avenue and Spiucc utiect. JESSUP Ic JESSIIP, AirORSEYS AND COUN-tcllors-at-Iavv. Ctmimonwcattli Building, Roomi 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. 00J-C0I, Oth floor, .Meara building. ROOMI L. A WATRKS AITORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Scianton, Pa. PATTERSON ,fc WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAI. Bank- Building O. CO.MEOYS, OH RKI'UBLIOAN BUILDINO. A. W. BERTIIOLP, OJTICE MOVED TO XO. til Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. Dlt. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NOUi'II WASI1IN010.S avenue. DR. H. W, L'AMORHUJX, OITICE 330 WASH ington avenue. lte.ldence, 131S Mulberry. Chronlo ol-ea.-ts, lungs, heart, kidneys and gcnlto-urinaiy organs a tpcclatty. Hours, I to 4 p. xn. .... Osteopathy, DR. D, 0. P.VXS OSTLOPA'HI. Kfl-8 WASH. ington avciitt", Chronlo and nervous dUtiuci a spetlajt), Coitsultattoii fice, "t Hotels nnd Hestaurnnts, THE ELK GUT., 1M AND 127 ntANKHN XyE. uuc, Rates leasonablc, r, ZIEOLER, rioprlctor. BCRANrON HOUSE, NEAR D h. li W, PA3- eemrer depot. Conducted on tho Kurope4n plan. VICTOR KOCH, rropilctor- Scavenger, a u. "nmnos cleans privy vaults and ccsa pooW; n-3 dor; only inijiroved juinips uieil. A. 11. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders JlOd North Main avenue, or Elckc'u drug stoie, cor ncr Adaii'a and Mulberry. Both telephones.; Seeds. G. R. CLARKE & CO , SEEDSMEN AND NUB mmi'ii, store 201 Wabhington avenue; gie hiuici, 1J0 Noith Main avuiuc; (tore tele phone, 762. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUEfTEL, REAR fill LACKA. AVE., Scranton, l'a., luauufactuicr of Wiio Screens. Miscellaneous. JJHlSSMAlUXa 1011 CHILDREN '10 ORDER; albO ladles waUU. Louixj blictemaUr, 21J Adams avenue. MEaAltOEt: llHOS., J'itlNTEIla" SUPPLIES, EN. vclopes, paptr bigs, twine. Waichucue, loJ Wasidugtcn avenue, Scianton, I'J. TUP, WlLlvTSUARRB HECOitD CAN BE HAD in Scraiiton at tlie news stands ol ReUuHtn Bros, JOo tpiucc and MW Linden; M. Nortou, S22 I.atkawaum avenue; I. S. Schutter, 211 Spruct streets v K. f A . : .io .-i. - , --- ? --. . iif.mixiiAj,??- .a. ,)., J;h-j j- iw fA. J. ifa,- jt. , J,, t.Hn