The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 16, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    ii i' mini null n i I iwiii in lnTiifTi i liiiiini i i.imi H iwii niw imm i nrniviHM immmnmmmmmTmmmmmmm rnmmmmrtrnfmim riM i m m h hi i i it iiw nidim miii
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Ernest Watkhis, Thomas Wotkins
and James Shields Held in Ball
for Court Receiver of Stolen Goods
Also Arrested Pollco Recover n
Stolen Horse Now Patrolman's
First Arrest Twentieth Century
Conference Today Cantata This
Evening Other News.
Four arrests were made yesterday hy
Jhe police In connection with the theft
of some brass "dogs" from the Mt.
rieusant colliery on Sunday night.
Three boys, ICrnest Wntklns, Thomas
Wntklns and James Shields, members
of the fnmotis "Yellow Kid" gang, were
taken up for stealing tho brass, nnd
William Musklnskl, who formerly con
ducted a lunch wagon on North Main
avenue, was arrested for receiving
stolen goods.
The boys removed tho brass "dogs"
from the Jit. I'leasunt carriage, which
was undergoing repair. They were used
as safety catches along the runway at
the sides of the cage to prevent Its
rapid desount ill case of an accident
happening to the hoisting apparatus.
While the lads were removing their
plunder from the place, some men
about the colliery noticed them and
frightened them away. In their haste
they left hehlnd them several of the
pieces of brass.
Warrants were Issued for tho arrest
of the boys and Lieutenant Davis, Pa
trolmen Tlwmas Lowrv and James
Thomas found the boys at their homes.
At the hearing before Police Magistrate
Davies the boys Implicated Masklnskt,
asserting that they had disposed of the
stolen brass to him. They also con
fessed their part In the thefts. Each of
them was required to furnish $300 ball
for their appearance at court. The
Watklns bovs were released on ball,
but the Shields boy was committed.
Captain Williams had a warrant
Issued for Muskinski, and he was given
a hearing In the station house yester
day afternoon. He denied having re
ceived the stolen brass, but told a rather
conflicting story. He was remanded in
default of $5(10 ball for his appearance
at court.
Abandoned Horse Recovered.
A man who gave his name as Frank
Reynolds, hired a horse and carriage
The Best family Cough Remedy.
Dufour's French Tar,
'For Sale by
101 S. Main ave;
i Something i
for Every
Something i
I for Every Fancy!
It we knew how to make
the assortment better in any way J;
it would be done. We stick to gi
our business, however, Dry '
Goods business, and that insures d
proper prices and patterns, j
Here's a few items of more than gi
ordinary importance. 5:
Probably just what you
want, at the price you
wish to pay. These are
imported goods, finely
made. Some of them
silk stitched.
SOc TO 84.50 EACH
Handy for throwing?
over the head, where
there's a "draught of
cold air 'round,
81,35 TO 88.50 EACH.
Made of extra fine Hop
Sacking, tho colors are
in Blue, Black, Castor
and Oxford, Jackets
made in new blouse ef
fect, all trimmed with
moire bands; Skirts
with graduated and
flare flounce,
912.50 EACH.
Immense showing of Siik Shirt
Waists, bright and beautiful, See
our window display.
! Globe Warehouse
from Brown's livery, In Oakford court,
on Monday and drove towards West
Hcranton, apparently on a collecting
tour. Late at night the owner wus asic
Ing the pollco to keep an eye open for
the outfit.
Yesterday morning word was sent to
the Jackson street police station that
a horse, answering the description
given hy Brown, had hecn standing out
alt night In tho vicinity of Oxford nnd
Ninth street. Patrolman Malott recov
ered the horse and buggy and returned
It to lis owner.
New Patrolman in Evidence.
Pntrolman Daniel Davis, or Wash
burn street, together with Patrolman
II. T. Uradshaw, made his first arrest
Monday night, on the new heat which
has been created on Luzerne street,
from Fifteenth street out to tho city
A Polandcr with an unpronounceable
name was picked up npar Flanagan's
hotel, where ho was creating a disturb
ance, nnd locked up for the night. At
the hearing In pollco court yesterday
morning, the -prisoner was fined ?6,
which he paid.
Twentieth Century Conference.
The third day's meetings of the Bap
tist twentieth century conference will
be held this afternoon and evening in
the First English and First Welsh Bap
tist churches, South Muin avenue. Dr.
B. O. Beddoo will preside at the after
noon session, beginning at 2.30 o'clock,
and addresses will be delivered by Kev.
II. G. Weston, D. D LL.D., Rev. G. E.
Merrill, D. D and Rev. It. G, Seymour,
D. D.. of Philadelphia.
Hon. John T. Williams will be tho
chairman of the evening session, be
ginning at 7.45 o'clock, when addresses
will be delivered by Rev. A. J. Row
land, D. D., of Philadelphia, and Rev.
B. D. Thomas, D. D., of Toronto. The
latter will speak on "The Welshman as
a Factor In American History." These
services are open to the public and all
are invited.
Events of This Evening.
William Linney, jr., supremo deputy
organizer of the Royal Society of Good
Fellows, will Institute a new assembly
this evening in Di IX ISvnns' hall, South
Main avenue, with a, charter list of
thirty members.
The following programme will be
rendered at the cantata this evening in
the First Welsh Congregational church:
Chorus of Blidi Choir
Solo, "Tho Hoy" Ahonu Ahranu
Chorus of Biids Choir
Solo, "Tho Cucl.oj" Beatrice Moigan
Solo, "The Den" Thomas Abiumi
Duct, "The Goldfinches."
Belli Davis ami llacliel ijrwis
Solo, "The Boj" Thomas Abr.nm
Solo, "Robin Itcdbieast" Ccoirtle Jones
Choriu, "Itobin Kodbicast" Chiir
lleeitution, "The Kaglo" 7f.ut.iu f;iiiflt!n
Solo, "Tho Dude" lohn W. Jon.',
Itecitation, "The Child" Amanda Morznis
Solo, "The Wren" Johnnie Jones
Solo, "The Thresh" Tjdvil lonei
Recitation, "The Bee' Mary' Ann Hull
Solo, "The Bee" SlelU Joira
Solo, Thi Thrush" Tj dill Jones
Solo, "The Boy" Tlionus.Ahi.iins
Solo, "The Xlgtlngale" Kdlth IULs
Need, I
'Excellent goods that
make an impression;
stuffs that so many
40-inches wide, beauti
ful fine stuff.
81,25 A YARD.
SO-inchea wide, great
stuff for suits, black
as black can be,
75c A YARD.
And Black Brllllanttnes
high lustre, strong
and wiry fabrics.
81.00 A YARD.
54-inches wide, newest
of the new,
S1.75 A YARD.
Trio, ''The Skjlafle" ..m.,i.i..i, Jones family
Choriu, "The. Skylark" .....i,..m.i...... Choir
Polo, "The Boy" i..i.i,.i....t,iThrirn3S Alirninl
Chora, "llalleiujili" , , ,..... .Cliotr
Tho ladles of the Sherman avenue
Mission Sunday school of the Ply
mouth Congregational church will
Bcrve a lG-cenl supper this evening.
The Ancient Order of Foresters of
the World will meet in Morgan hall
this evening.
The drawing for a silver watch, for
the benefit of Jeremiah Lynch will
take place In St. Peter's hall this even
ing. Tho Lincoln Heights Social club will
conduct an entertainment and social
In M cars' hull this evening.
A special meeting of the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church session has
been called for this evening at tho
close of the prayer meeting,
Tht co men, who were Implicated In
an assult on Frank Sipplc, In a place
on Keyscr avenue, on Saturday night,
April fi, were arrested on warrants
lust night by Constables Jones, Lance
and Morgans, and Delectlve Loyshon.
They were locked up In tho Jackson
street police station to await a hear
ing this morning.
Willie Trengcr, aged 15 years, em
ployed as a driver In tho Hyde Park
mine, was severely Injured, while at
work yesterday by being run over by a
car. He was taken to his home, and
later removed to the West Side hospi
tal for treatment.
Tho indies of tho Moses Taylor Sis
ter lodge, No. 121, an auxiliary to tho
Brotherhood of Hn 1 1 road Trainmen,
held their fourth annual social In
Washington hall last evening. The
event was In charge of a committee
composed of Miss Margaret Nolan,
Mrs. Lasher, Mrs. McHale, Mrs. Lo
gan, Mrs. McGraw, Mrs. McAloon and
Mrs. Do Buvltze.
The Welsh Bible society, of this city,
will hold a concert In the First Welsh
Congregational church on April 30.
Tho Ladies' Choral society held a re
hearsal last evening for the National
eisteddfod competition. They are
gradually overcoming tho dltllcultles of
the selection, and sing with much
spirit and enthusiasm. The Scranton
Choral society also held a rehearsal
last evening In St. David's hull. A
number of singers from Taylor have
joined the choir.
A drawing for a clock for tho bene
fit of Daniel Sullivan, took plnco at his
home on Tenth street, and was won
by Ticket No. 49S, held by James Berry,
of 91S Hampton street.
Sirs. A. C. Kenshaw and children, of
North Bromley avenue, have returned
home from a week's stay in Tiinkhan
nock. They will soon leave for Buf
falo, where Mr. Renshnw is employed,
Clem Marsh, the wpll-known wlnsr
shot and fisherman, who Is now located
In Shenandoah, was in town yesterday.
It was the first time In mnnv years
that he was not out angling for trout
the first day of the season.
Assistant City Solicitor David J. Da
vis and a party of friends spent, yes
terday on the Pocono mountains look
ing for trout.
Miss Lillian Marie LaBar, of North
Hyde Park avenue, will recite in For
est City this evening:.
Miss Anna Munson, one of the teach
ers at No. H school, is ill at her home
on North Sumner avenue.
Miss Mary K Gallagher, of Philadel
phia, is visiting relatives in Bellevuo.
Thomas Williams, of Scranton street,
has secured a position in Plttston,
where lie will move his family soon.
Mrs. Klla Tlgue, of Lafayette street,
has returned home from New York.
Mrs. Joseph P. Phillips, of Swetland
street, has returned home from a visit
with friends in Wilkes-Barrc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bellinger and
pons, of North Bromley avenue, have
returned from a visit in Kingston.
Election of Officers of Electric En
gine Company To Celebrate
Tenth Anniversary.
The following ofllcers were elected by
Kleetrlc Knglnc company. No. 1, lust
iiIkIU: PrehldMit, Jacob Waltz; vice
president, "William Wcnzel; recording
secretary, Philip "N'asner; financial
hecretary, Charles Bunkert; treasurer,
John Loreim; foreman, Juincs Muckey; assistant foreman, William Wen
;:el; second n.sslstunt foreman. Jacob
Waltz: plpemun, Frank Fuhr, Jr.; first
assistant plpeman, Victor Wenzel; sec
ond assistant plpeman, Joseph Haus;
third assistant plpeman, Carl Bniber;
axinen, John Lorcnz and James Mc
Donald: driver, Plilllo Wagner,
On Jlay 3 tho company will celebrate
the tenth anniversary of its organiza
tion In tho rooms on Preseott uvenne.
The commlttru at arrangements Is
Jacob Waltz, Philip Wugner and James
John I-ihsmii left .c.-.tdil.i.v to irjoln llutf.ilo
HIH ausru K"l lu Willi ulilih ho lu.i been ion.
ncilcil for H'W'Ml jijis,
Mr. I. .?, Duma Is confined to her home .illi
an attack uf riilii-j
A ,Munir chief uf Ihc lire ileuitment lies ar
rived ut llio homo of CliUf John O'.Vell, of j:in
Horn Tii Mr. and Mrs. l'alilck Cunnliigluin, of
Kast Drinker clieet, ft Mm.
Mlii Klh llcUinuld, of ITaiAlln street, is
(omMlcscliiK after lid' ment llliic.4,
MIm Delle. Walioua Ii Usltlnu lilcmh at
DrlnUcr, I'j.
Hoy, Charles II, Netting - at Waurly, N, V
attendaiff the ii,loiu of tho Wjomln;; eonier
limey DIMiop Is UltliiB his son, K. V, Bishop,
nt hU homo on llrnnk Mint.
The WunMii'H Christian Temperance union will
meet at tho rMidem e of Mr. Uabrlel biviru
Thursday aftcnicun at .'I o'clock,
- ' '
A concert und soclul will be given this
evening In Throop borough hull, under
tho auspices of the Epworth league of
the Methodist Episcopal church. Tho
programme arranged includes selections
hy some of tho entertainers of Olyphunt
and Scranton, Those who will partici
pate are the Olympla orchestra of Oly
phunt; Miss Maud Weatherhog, elo
cutionist, of Scranton; vocal solos, by
Mrs, Mugglo Thomas, Messrs, J, Hroad
bent and Evan Jones, of Providence.
At the closo of the concert lee cream
and cuke will bo sold.
Uev, Joseph Coleman Is attending the
conference at Waverly, N. V,
Would use Kemp's BiUam for tho Throat ind
Lungs. It Is curing mora Coughi. Colds, Asthma,
lirouchllU, Croup and all Throat and Lung
Troubles than any other medicine. The propria
tor has authorized any druggist to give joa a
Sample Dottle Free to convince ou vl (he merit
of this great remedy, I'rlce, 23c, and 60c.
Curtain Shades J i0r i7 Picture
and Madd
to Order
Foulard Silks Reduced Prices
Every Pattern This Spring's Design.
Three Lots to. Choose From.
THE FIRST LOT Is a 23-Inch Fabric, worthy of your attention, dark grounds, medium grounds, all designs, small and unique, A .
value oftentimes marked at 60 cents. Our special this week, yard 45C
THE SECOND LOT Is 25 inches wide higher art Is shown In the make-up of this line; in fact, wo have collected together all our 75c ,
and 85c values and priced them for this occasion at, a yard OVC
THE THIRD LOT Is extremely pretty, Including some of the richest designs In our stock. They come 25 Inches wide, and the color-
ings are good, the designs the kind generally purchased. Always sold at $1.00 up to $1.25. but now priced at 85C
Mistral Cords
In self colorings just heavy enough to show pretty foundations both
In contrast and same shades, 48 Inches wide and made to sell for
89 cents a yard. Priced for this week at
69 Cents
One of the Most
Effective and Desirable Fabrics
Found in this large Dress Goods Department is the Etamlnes, green,
Yale blue, grey, castor and navy blue. Three prices $1, $1.25 and
$1.50. Either one will prove desirable In value and choice in quality
54-Inch Black Serge, 75c.
45-lnch French Serge, $l.oo.
A complete line of colors in
King Collar Buttons
Ceremony Was Performed by Rev. A.
H. Smith, Pastor at the North
Main Avenue Baptist Church Pro
gramme Arranged for Tomorrow
Night's Banquet in the Audi
torium Prominent Speakers Who
Will Respond to Toasts Other
News Notes.
Merton J. Emery, of Church avenue,
and Anna May Sherwln, of East Mar
ket street, were united In the holy
bonds of matrimony, ut the North Main
avenue parsonage, by Tlv. A. H. Smith,
Monday evening at 7.20 o'clock.
noth young people are well-known
and highly esteemed In this section,
tho brldo being one of tho most active
workers In the Uuptlst church. Mr.
Emery, the groom, Is a well-known
young man, having been In the employ
of the International Correspondence
schools for some time. Until recently
Mr. Emery acted as private secretary
to now Russell II. Conwell. the cele
brated lecturer, of Philadelphia.
After the marriage ceremony the
newly married couple were driven to
tho home of tho bride, on East Market
street, where a reception was held.
They left on an extended wedding tour.
On their return they will take up their
residence in a newly furnished home in
this part of the city.
Tho Coming Banquet.
Tho banquet tomorrow evening, cele
brating the fourth unnlversary of Res
cue lodge, No. 371, Knights of Pythias,
will bo one of the most successful held
for some time. It Is estimated that
about 300 persons will be present. Thu
membership of the lodge Is 160 Fuhr
man, of the central city, will have
churgc of beautifying the Auditorium,
and Bauer's orchestra has been secured
for the dance music. The Ladles' Aid
society of the Puritan Congregational
church, on West Market street, will
take cam of tho refreshments. Thu
programme follows:
Opening, "My Country Tii of Thee",. .Audience
Conducted ly It. J. Itlchardi.
Imooallou Uev, It. .1, llecro
Selection , Ilauer'n
Ii.troilmtoiy remaiks Judgo A. A, Vnshurtr
Sole, "To All Utrrnlty" ...., ..Thomas Ahranu
AIMrait lepoit , ..T. J. (Jwynnu
S-olo, "Out of the Veep" Mrs. I), 1. Uwls
.Vlihua, "Our Order" Hon. I A. Vutrcs
Ho'o, "Tho Drlgaud" ,,, John V. Jones
Mlnw, "Modern KnliiliH'Mloii. II. M, Edwards
Duett, "The Fisherman"
John W, Jones, Tho?, Ahranu.
Clclng- ode, "(iood Night" Lodge
The committee of arrungements con
sists of Armlt Thomas, chairman;
Ororge W, Benedict, jr., secretary;
Richard J, Thomas, Thomas Lewis, Jo.
Hfph Williams, J, B. Owens and Howell
Pleasant Party.
Miss Myrtle Maud Thayer, of 1117
Diamond avenue, entertained a num
ber of her friends Monday evening, In
honor of her cousin, Miss Mabel Prltch
ard, of Bprlugvllle. The evening was
spent in' the usual party diversions up
to a seasonable hour, when refresh
ments were served. During tho evening
Mr. Rosengrant took a flashlight pic
ture of tho Jolly company,
Among those present were: Misses
Ethel Clurk, Lulu Lumberton, Helen
Featherby, Jessie Featherby, Gertrude
Tripp, Mabel Krcsky, Myrtle Thayer;
x&tw& jusmw puna
( S excellent HL News
v C.
An Excellent Opportunity to Buy
42-Inch Black Melrose, 70c. 45-Inch
54-Inch Cheviot, $1.00. 54-Inch
LANSDOWNE, the Reliable. See that
Messrs. Charles Clurk, Foster Rosen
grant, Victor Thayer, Walter Thayer,
George England and David A. Juyne.
Itei. E, K. Thouuw, pator of ilie Montnis;
BaptUt chui.h, i-s xL-Hingr li's fcthtr, Simcn
'Ihom.'H, of Hcew; stiect. Mr. Thomas U he:c
attendin:; the BaptKt conference.
John fllltliths, of Plymouth, has lcHurncd, af
ter visiting Sir. and Mrs. Daniel Tlioma-, for
the pat few iI.m ...
Tlic funeral of the late Ml. Mirsaiet f'.il'..
han tool place from her rtMilcmc on West Mai
ket slicct, jestordjy afternoon. Sluices mcic
coivhicied at the Holy lloar.c eiiuich, by i'ev.
Father Holmes. Imermint v.a-. made in the
dihedral cemetery.
Thomas Mef.oein, of Yard stieet, i if cover,
in?, alter n sW ycck' lllncs-.
Mr. and Mr. t.'.iuett iiuiili, of Wllke Dane,
ttire guests of Mi. and Mi. I). 11. Atlnrton,
Fine Presentation of the Cantata
"Under the Palms" by Young
People's Choral Union.
The magnificent new auditorium of
tho Hickory Street Presbyterian church
was filled lust evening, the occasion
being the rendition of tho sacred can-
'iinri:spoii c. d. niiitMAX.
lata, "Under the Palms," by the Young
People's Choral union, i
I The stage, which hud been specially
arranged, held 150 members of tho chn- '
ral union, tho younger members, at-
tired In white, being in front. Tho i
performers were led through tho varl- i
ous parts by Director C, B, Dernmn,
who for months has been training and
Instituting the young people for last
night's event, und his labors were moiei
I than repaid by tho results. Congratu
lations wero showeied upon him.
Tho leading parts wero sustained hy
Miss Lydla Sailer, soprano; Miss Mary
AVirth, alto; Thomas J, Glppel, tenor;
Jacob Einlfc and John Kempher, bassos.
Mrs. Pierce Fellows acted as pianist,
and Bauer's orchestra rendered the ac
companiment. Tho characters In tho
tho cantata wero taken us follows;
Vim , laivli Ihulg
Joshua, Ida ajttUtant ,,,,,,,,,,,...,T, J. lilppel
Miriam ...,,,, ,...,.,,,,,,., ...MKh I,, hiller
.Utah .., , ,MU M. Willi.
The paits were filled admirably by
all tho soloists, and tho entire rendi
tion was almost perfect,
Tho ushers wero George Wlrth, W. K.
Sunday, Charles J. Both and Kdwnrd
f Lewert. At tho closo of the peiform-
nnoe rerresnmenis wero served m tne
basement by tho Ladies' Alel society.
, NuioFlrews.
Tho Scranton Saenserrundo society
llniW njifT iBffM
Cream Suitings
In clay diagonals, Panama, crash and fancy basket weaves. Also
that dust-defying fabric Brilllantlne and Bedford Cord. They are
48 inches and range In price.
All Wool Suitings
50 and 56 inches wide, greys and blues, not another fabric on oui"
counters today will give you better service than these suitings. Very, 1
stylish when made up In tailor made gowns, and priced at
89c to $1.39 per yard
Satin Ssllel, $1.00. 42-Inch Poplin, $1.00. 42-Inch Prunella, $1.00.
Broadcloth, $1.00. 45-Inch Storm Serge, 5oc.
the name of WM. F. READ is perforated on the selvedge.
5c Kind, 10c
HKKKnnKVK, ,.,
Shoes for the millionaire and
maid ; Shoes for youth and age ;
In fact, all foot-wants are here,
-V ... ,v, .. IVWk "IMM (M HVIVI OHM tV ItWWkl mat auuw uui pu
' to go away a third heavier than it would from most houses hereabouts
Lewis, Ruddy,
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
"4'A H SH""4 ''' '4 '4 "A SJ3fcil
will conduct singing school at Athletic
hull this evening, and It Is Important
that every member should bo In at
tendance. The senior and junior classes of the
Scranton Athletic; club held a lively and
Interesting session Inst evening. An
exhibition In physical culture will be
given on April 23.
A soclul nnd reception will be given
In Schimpft'H hall by the Young Peo.
pie's society of tho Christ Lutheran
church this evening.
A meeting of the Twentieth ward cit
izens Is culled for tomorrow night to
protest against the sewer assessment,
which, it is alleged, Is too high.
The Infant chUtf of Mr. und Mrs.
Stephen Klneuvy, who wus fatally
burned at tho family residence on Main
street, Mluooka, last Saturday, was laid
at rest yesterday. Tho funeral obse
nules wero very largely attended, and
much sympathy was felt for tho grlef
strlckcn parents. The i cumins were
curried to the Mlnookn cemetery by
tho following: Joseph Jennings, Mntt
j.yden, James Klueavy and Joseph
Herman Mauser, a prominent mem
ber of the German Mauser gun llrm,
who Is making a tour of tho country,
paid it brief visit to Wllllum Guth
elim, who Is a relative, on Cedar uve
nuc, yesterday.
Dr. Schley's Lung IlcnlliiK Halsam Is
jjuaranleed to euro all coughs. "No
cure, no pay." Tor sulu by all dealers.
Jo'enh Cluinun nil.) llemy SmiiIHi will light
the flru at their new iork fjctiiry .it Smith I'Ure
tuiljy. The ccno'irt c.lll he known u the Kraii
ton L'.irk fie(ei) am! will with u e-iUiiO
of forty toi 1.4 a iiniut
(in en lil;ro U lionoml hy IjoIii' the home uf
Ilk' jounv Imly t.iUIii: lli.t lionois in the ilasi n
MIJ of the hirjiiloM hlyh (.ehool, MUi Jeanetle
l.ji.itnee, ilJuejhter of Mr. ami Mrs, Walter Law., of IK'law.iri' ureet, uhn will he lalflu
Milan tliU jur, Is in. inoelot anil chamiinc M
tin U ilcr, her Mieeesi as a ttiiJent forcsluii
nueilethe il..eo die uouU like in tills l.unur.
jih! Ihc anonuneement uji not a burprlto to hn
Kheiil fiiemh uiio .uu entenlin their hearty
A new mall o has heen placeil on Kast .Mar.
ket ftieet Ii I ween SiiiiJersoii ami Donlcwril lee
nuee. This u a much needeJ conei'ienee t.nd
lll he k'leatly jireclatej hy the reIJrat of
Hut tcctlon.
D. I Foster l MIks Iieio WoodiuS i-iu:it
Sunday at CIH.'rfununl
Kind, 25c Kind,
5c 8c
We are speaking of New
Spring Shoes now. The
newest that fashion has
dictated, and the newest
and the best that makers
have made.
mechanic ; Shoes for mistress and
Shoes for indoor and out.
and at prices that allow your purse
Davies & Murphy,
'" '4"4M'4'4"4)I'4'I'4 '4 '4'4'
Lyceum Theatre
St. nrciS.,ee and Jhiiairer.
A. J, PUI'TY, Iliisinesi Manager.
Friday Night, April 18th.
An i:iiboralo I'roduetion or thu Sueceliil Mnsioal
"A Runaway Girl"
Prewitetl liv
I'rUrn Me. U st.5'1.
Seals on tale Wednesday at 0.
Academy of flusic
II. RE1S, Lecaee. A. J. Dull, Utntiir.
Entire Week of April 14
And hi e(ellent cmnpany in a lliilllant neper-
loin- n( St.unl.iril ('omi'illis and Draman.
Jlalliiees ilullj, hesrlnnhis Tuesday,
5-lliB fcpeelilty Acti.-.l
I'rleek Ii, SO and K0 cent. Matinee, 10 ml
20 cinU.
ALP, O. UnitlllNQTOS, Utni;,
Minday, Tuesilay and Weihicsilay,
Al'llll, l, 13 and 10.
Al Reeves' Big Co,
Mien t-'mlth and I'lojd Anthony, uf palton, haia
returned home after a few iIjjs' Liit In tint
family of I'.. K. Denedlcl, of Ad inn atenue,
The hrieU of the Kandeison avenue paeem.'nt
arc again Uihle. 'Hie ol with wlilili they had
heen coeered havinu been remoeed esterday hy
a fsree of workmen.
MUs Jean l.inday, of Monaey aienue, enter
tained the !.oini; L'irelo ef King' Daujhte-4
jestcrday afternoon.
Albert Tohey, of North I'ark, hat returnee) from
Ult with frlencU at Vvrest City, '
f hi1' mm
-t'lei. -rJ 1VV4- A jf.V . t
as .
p , i , s -, : I
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