The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 16, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    V w$
t ,t."
i' '
me ifAttDivAnB aroni.
the Lawn
Add to Its beauty by (Hiding
to It n little
Lawn Grass Seed
Does not reunite much. A
pound will seed quite a largo
Bpace the price, per pound,
Is just
25 Cents.
Footc & ShearCo.
I19N. Washlnffton Ave
I ii
The flardenbergh
School of
Mtisic and flrf
Offers exceptional advantages
to aspiring' students desiring
strictly high-class instruction
in tho study of Piano, Organ,
Theory and Harmony; Draw
ing, Painting and Designing.
News term begins April 11th.
Carter Building, Adams Ave
nue and Linden street.
Spring Coats
for Children
Vrrv lalesl effects In Silk, Cheviot end
Wash Dresses for Girls
Wash Bloomer Suits for Boys
W.ish 1 ! 1 1 s -. n 1 1 lllniu-es for linvs. 'lhe
Xew .Sailor for boy. Baby Girl Hals,
Ii.ily Hoy Hals.
118 Washington Avenue.
Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming
nnd General Draying.
New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street.
New 'Phone 2057.
on approved security.
5!r. and Mr. David I).il5, of Suitbmy, are U
iiinf Mr. anil 31m. hobeits, of I.afayclto street.
Mrs--. CtbUril, of Loup ronil, Is isltiiij licv
0 uightcr, Jli.i. hliittci, of Xoith Nebcin at rime.
Jolm 1). JeiiUlns, of Hliau-nrr, 0., is vUltins
Hr. ami Mis. ll.nld Jones, of Xoith 1'llmoro ave
nue. Miss neie Kennedy, of Jfcw York, is (lie kucsI
nf her coiMn, 3114 Bessie Drilling, ot Mnoln
Mrs. Train es KdwanU .ind Mm. Thomas Cooke,
of Wllkt'i-lljiic, nip ths Riiebts of Mia .Joseph 1'.
Phillip', of SnelUud stieet.
W. W. Adilr, uuctaiy of the lljllioad Yuiing
Men's ChiMlaii asocijtlon, went to Sljimca
fcdcnliy to help open the. tiout se.x'oii.
Dr. 0. 1). Mackey, of Monliwe, who undcinriil
mi onsr.ttlon at Ml? CunmiltigV prlwlc ho-pllal,
en Vine ttu-et, K fo far leiou-ied in to leave
that institution.
John H.uisOi), chief iluk (o ,npeilnteiuluit
lliwm, of the Laikawaima lallrcud bihljes and
lnilMlug-i ilejurtnient, fpent ,Wcvd ry in KIimo
1on, on business (or tho company.
GELES. Via Pennsylvania P.ailroad, on Ac
count of Convention of Federation
of Women's Clubs.
On account oC tho convention of red
f ration of Womtm'H clubs, to bo held nt
Los, Angeles, Oil., May 1 to 8, tlio Penn
sylvania Railroad t'ompuny will full
ppeelal excursion tickets from nil sta
tions on Its line, to Los Angeles and le
turn, at reduced rates.
Tickets will bo sold from April 19 to
20, inclusive, and will bo good to return
until Juno 2.", when propeily validated,
For speellla rates, routes, und condi
tions of tickets, apply, to ticket agents,
We Do Family Washing
'At 4 cents per pound, Including ironing
rif lint goods, nnd starching garments.
"We Iron garments at 5 cents each. If
you like a Jlno domestic finish collar
mid shirt, that will keep their shape
until soiled, glvo us a trial, The Model
Laundry, Dunniore,
Tliero Are Over 150 Styles
tit Ladles' and Misses suts In all
(shapes, styles and cloth In Crane's stock
nt present, The store Is at 3-'l Lnoka
Nvanna avenue, Take elevator. Prices,
NO to $60.
'COFo" Is the btst substitute for coffee.
Tor Eight Weeks,
beglniilni; with June
lOlli, the bummer
Wl $$&&?& 5k '" lia"J' I"J otl,c"
S ST ,;;4' mental Traluinir.
S,. -r.'Ai' J. Alfred I'cnn-
"., ,-,-.-.'-"
intou, Plrcetor.
mHwaaiT H.iiBPwiwMarfy
i:ini I'.irU tlilircli with ll (.plenillil ntnillotltim
oinl Iti Hip oirsh is an iihee for, mi or
gan leilhll, mill with siuh mi otminl-t M Mr.
l'cmiliiRlon, a iliOlahKul (ncnhii; Is nvtited, l.:i.'t
I'Miilitn Hittiil I, llic first Mr. l'dinlntctnn
lia.s ultcii for sum ttmu and w.t rnjutcil hy ft
Uge audience. A'l itttciitlatit un Ills lrcltals U
nlwii))) sure of liilllLmt (iliijlna;, sdiotntly inter
Iiret.itleli, and legislation which Is chatmiliff
fium lis larlety and Kod tuMe.
The hioiiraliitni! Inouutil out alt uhl'et ot
Mr. t'cnnliiKtmi'i talent, In the Haiti ToithU
was the actne ot lirllllamy and Irehiilnue, lillp
the more tnajcsllc ijualllles wcie shown In the
"(It.ind ( lionw," by t'lJtiismitii, nnd the ".Maiclie
do Jean d'.Uu" (the cfllclnl iiiarcli ot the 1'iiilx
f.ipoltlon of 1V0O), by Dubois. Hie braullfnl
variation on "Jerusalem, the tlolden," bv ."pirk,
the "Sklllenne," by li, and the "Kunlnic
lteveij," by Saint Saens, exhibited eh.irinlnit
(otitrusl) In time (ulor. The last mentioned mini.
brr was nnanged for the mitati by Mr, t'eii'i
liiEtnn iiimI will be n valt'ablc addition to or
Him llterattne,
Mr, I'uinliiRton was assisted by Mm. f.finrc
'lhonipsou, solu conttulto of Clm I'm I; (.liuri'h,
This was Mis. '1 honiMon'n Hist .ippciiiime in
Kcrantnn outside of ber rcttular chuiili woik, In
which the has detlitliltit the rutiRiecntloti. Mrs,
Thompson has n raio iilcn whit li combined with
ft sjnipalhelli! personallly, her an nrllt
In eeiy enso of the woul. Her Hist umtf, 'I ho
Lord Is My Unlit," by Atlltsen, demands n tin
Jcotlc delliciy nnil a noble, puwcltul olrcj and
tii mj' that It ceinrd that Ilia sonir must luvi
been written speilally for her is to ebc Mrt.
Thompson the pl.ilse iho ricscuw. Hilt her
(rreatest power in .ifTectlnj her listeners ll
HiioukIi Iii-p usually tcnilcV and soulful ipull'.y
of olie which wan Mmun In Mcndclssolm's "Put
the Lord U Mindful of UN Own." .Such elimhn
U only too lure, and JIi. Thompson may have
the MtMaclitm of knnw'lnjr that her hearers
heard not half inoueh.
Verdict That Was Returned by the
Coroner's Jury.
The coroner's Inquest In tho case of
John Cooiuw, who was found dead In
the bouse of Charles Thiol, on Vino
street, last Friday night, was held in
the court house last night.
Tho witnesses examined were Mr.
and Mrs. Thiol, Pearl Honnlgan and
Mndpo Nlcholls. In substance, their
stories were to tho erfect that Cooney
canto to tho house about 10.30 Thurs
day night. Ho was intoxicated, and
about an hour later was shown to a
room for tho night. He spent part of
tho night fclngiiig' and walking about
and at i o'clock the next morning, Mrs.
Thiel, whoso bedroom Is on the first
floor, heard a noise at the foot of the
stairway and going there found Cooney
leaning- against tho wall In a sitting
posture and making a peculiar sound,
that was something like singing.
She called to Pearl Hennlgan and the
latter led Cooney back to his room,
and he went to bed, utter exchanging
a few words with the woman. Both
Mrs. Thiel and Miss Hennlgan were
confident that Cooney did not have to
be helped upstairs. All of Friday,
Cooney was In what the inmates of the
house believed to be a drunken stupor.
He breathed heavily, but could not be
aroused. In tho hope that he would
sleep off what they believed to be a
drunk, Miss Hennlgan and Miss Nlch
olls took him out of bed about 1 o'clock
Friday afternoon and laid him on the
floor, where ho remained until he died,
about 9 o'clock Friday night. He
never spoke after going to bod when
ho came up from the lower lloor early
In the morning.
The jury returned a verdict to the
effect that Cooney died from a frac
ture of the spine sustained by fall
ing down stairs In the house of Charles
Thiel, on the morning of April 11.
The remains ot Cooney were token
yesterday to his homo In Neverslnk,
Sullivan county, N. Y.
John Jermyn Must Be Removed
from California.
Unless something occurs to prevent
it, John Jermyn, who Is lying danger
ously ill ut Pasadena, Cal will he
brought home, at once.
Ills physicians say that the climate
of California does not agree with him
and that the only hope of prolonging
his life lies in his removal.
Arrangements are being made to
start for home Friday. The trio wilt
bu made in a special car, which will be
'fitted un with an Invalid's bed and
other hosnltnl accesporles.
Mrs. Jermyn, his daughter, Mrs.
Downey, and his sons, Joseph and Rollo,
who aro with him. will be assisted in
caring for him by a physician and
nurses. It Is expected they will arrive
hero Tuesday.
The last report of Mr. Jermyn's con
dition was that ho was sllehtly im
Took Two Out of Three from the
Black Diamonds.
Three exhibition games of ten pins
were rolled on the Scranton Bicycle
club alloys last night, between the
Green Ridge "Wheelmen and tho Black
Diamonds. The former took two out
ot three, by the following scores:
(iinxx itmcsi: wiiui:i.mi:.v.
Tailor ; 170
Well man , 17,-i
I.onj; isj
S.uiih'iMin no
low lei- ,..,, 17u
liii ll'i- ;,a
SOI 1 ::.- 317
II j VA ill
10S P.I luO
IIS 111",- !!
7UU S-J7
Hold 1", T,7
I'oley 4", 12S
I'rior I mi .-,-,
Ilopir 1-J"i i,7
(loilii.ui , in. 7,
bin-- i
Jdl- Hi
111 lx!
l.-il 111
ML! 77f
IIIkIi tioie-Wideinaii, Sol.
Illb'h iiveiaje Wedeman, "X Kl,
Took It Four Years to Travel 160
In March, 1&as, Bruco Shot ton, of
Oalt Htreet, North Scranton, dropped a
bottla Into the Lackawanna river, con
taining an American ling and a nolo
giving tho date niul Shollon's name
and address. '
Four years hnvu gone by and Mr.
Shotton had entlicly forgotten the bot
tle Incident, when yesterday ho re
ceived a letter from Edward Chrlstney,
of Ingle-nook, Dauphin county, who
Muled thut he picked up the bottle on
the bank of tho Susrjuehnnnu on April
Vi. Tho, Hug was In good condition,
luglewood U about lo miles from
A meeting of the constables of Lack
awanna county will be hold Monday
evening nt 8 o'clock, April 21, 3903, tit
purr's hull, 813 Lackawanna avenue,
Herouton, llvciy constable Is requested
to attend.
Richard Barron, President.
Michael J, GuiiRlmii,
Bread Fit for a King
If you huyo eaten Hauloy'a Kutlro
Wheat Bread you may rest assured
no monarch has been better served.
.".-!' 'v r
m:v. t. ir. HAniiip, m,. .
Mt,, ' 'lsVf
.:. ... jmm
Throngs Listened to Able Addresses in the Penn Avenue Baptist
Church, Green Ridge Baptist Church and the North Main
Avenue Baptist Church Programme for Todau.
Tho sessions of the twentieth century
conference now being conducted In this
city, under the auspices of the Ablng
ton Baptist association were held yes
terday In three separate churches In as
many parts ot tho city nnd were at
tended in each instance by largo and
representative gatherings of clergymen
and laymen,
A number of very prominent Baptists
addressed yesterday's meeting. Among
them were Rev. Dr. R. S. McArthur.
of New York city, recognized as one of
tho leading Baptist divines of this
country: General T. T. Morgan, of New
York, general secretary of the Baptist
Home Missionary society; Rev. Dr. J.
H. Harris, Resident of Bucknell uni
versity, and Rev. Klkannh Hulley, prin
cipal of Keystone academy.
The morning sessidn was conducted
In the Penn Avenue Baptist church,
and was presided over by J. Lawrence
Stelle. The principal address was de
livered by Rev. Dr. Elkauah Hulley,
principal of the Keystone academy,
who spoke on the especial function of
tho Christian academy and who dwelt
upon the all powerful influence wrought
upon the lives of the pupils at these In
stitutions by the example of their
Rev. Dr. P. T. Jones, of Philadelphia,
spoke on "Our State Paper," and urged
that a greater interest be taken In in
creasing the circulation of the official
organ of the Baptists of this state. Rev.
Dr. LoRoy Stephens gave a brief talk
on "What Has Christ to Say to This
Tho afternoon session was conducted
In the Green Ridge Baptist church and
was presided over by Prof. F. M. Loo
mis, of the Scranton High school. The
magnet which attracted many people
to this meeting was the announcement
that Rev. Dr. Harris, the eloquent and'
scholarly president of Bucknell univer
sity, would deliver an address on
"Christian Education Why?" A speak
er of more convincing power than Dr.
Harris it would be difficult to tlnd
within the fold of the Baptist faith.
Mathematics and Science.
He started out with tho assertion
that whllo mathematics and science
can be taught without a reference to
God, nevertheless, considering these
branches of knowledge fundamentally,
they cannot be so taught. Mathemat
ics ts,based on certain assumed truths
and chemistry on tho acknowledged
fact that the whole is equal to the sum
of all tho parts, but how account for
these things without pre-supposlng the
existence of God'.'
He told of Kant's long years of
thought nnd endeavor to solve the two
problems, "How Is Pure Mathematics
Possible?" and "How Is Pure Science
Possible?" and of hi final conclusion
that tho ultimate postulate of all
thought and of all things is God. The
doctor asserted thut a person cannot
logically say he sees another person
without admitting the existence of God.
"History can be taught superficially
without considering God," said he.
"The surface of events can bo skimmed
over Interestingly, but you can't raise
the question ot the cause of It all or the
goal of It all without concerning your-s-elf
with God. If man Is drifting and
If the strife and battle and bloodshed
of past ages was not a contributing
factor toward something nobler nnd
better then we had better not study
history. If every cause has Us effect,
however, and if every effect becomes
in turn a cause; It there Is a wonderful
unity about the whole and If It all
means progress toward a definite end
then history becomes valuable td us
and the better we will realize that
God's purpose Is to ultimately make
Jesus Christ and his teachings tho
moral centre of the whole human rnce."
Personal Power.
Dr. Harris dwelt upon the personal
power of the teacher himself. "I do nut
hesitate to say," said he, "that the en
ergy, tho moral character and tho re
ligious character of tho teachers of to
day aro tho greatest factors In all edu
cation." Tho doctor snld that It Is not neces
sary nor nttlng at this time to insist
upon the rending of the Bible in tho
public whools. What is needed, ho
said, Is a right guidance Into n religious
Ufa by tho personal power and Influ
ence of tho teacher,
A close study of comparative religion,
ho said, has mote llrmly gt minded him
In hla Christian faith than anything
else. There Is no other religion except
Chilstlanlty which offers salvation,
power, llfo evei lasting and hope. Jlo
said that ho did not blame Schoopeti
haur for thinking thlB the most possible
woild because. Seloepenhnur knew not
God and Ills Son, Jesus. Without .God
and without the hope of a higher and
a nobler llfo beyond tho grave, he said,
no man could bo blamed for being pes
simistic. Miss F, M. Schuyler, ot Philadelphia,
gave u most Interesting talk on the
uoik belnff accomplished at the Bap.
tst Trulnlng school In Philadelphia,
with which sho Is associated. This
school trains young women for mission
ary work, both In thu homo and foreign
fields. It is situated, she said, In tho
heart of the Italian quarter, where
some 23,000 Italians Jlvo lives of drudg
ery nnd toll.
The students aie given every oppor
tHH 1- 'HHiiiiiiiiiiiiH
dH xiw' jJIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiH
nr.v. n. s. M'AitTrttJn. . d.
tunity to ramlllarlzo themselves with
tho best methods of active Christian
work by practical experience In house
to house visitation. Miss Schuyler told
of a number ot the graduates of the
school who ore now doing splendid
work in fur-off China andlndia. She
only hinted at tho great financial stress
under which the institution is laboring
and made no direct plea for assistance,
merely telling her hearers to let her
words lie on their hearts.
Rev. Dr. P. Jj. Jones made an ad
dress of only a few minutes' duration,
In which ho told of the historical soci
ety nnd of the great loss it suffered in
1S90, when its collection of Baptist rec
ords were completely destroyed by fire.
Ho urged his hearers to assist in tho
work of building up this collection
William Chappell presided at last
night's meeting, which was held' in tho
North Main avenue tabernacle, and
attended by the largest audience of
tho day. Tho principal speakers were
General T. J. Morgan, LL. D., secretary
of the Baptist Home Missionary soci
ety, and Rev. Dr. Robert Stuart Mc
Arthur, of New York city.
General Morgan, who spoke flist, had
for his topic, "Our Home Mission So
ciety." Ho briefly traced tho history
of tho society since its organization
seventy years ago. The lack of relig
ious opportunities in the west, which
was just then beginning to bo opened,
was what led to the establishment of
the society. Its missionaries, he said,
went with tho wagons of the pioneers
and far in advance of tho locomotive.
Tho central thought which has domin
ated tho society since Its organization,
he said, is that the human voice and
tho man behind it are what count more
than njl else in bringing men to know
Has Done a Good Work.
"Our society," said the general, "has
also done a great work In tho found
ing of churches. First the missionaries
were sent ntld they established mis
sions. They stayed by these missions
until they developed into churches, nnd
they stayed by these churches to nour
ish them."
In seventy yeats over 3,000 chuiches
have been established in this country
by the Home Missionary society, and
among this number aro to be found the
leading Raptlt churches in Chicago,
tit. Louis and other great western
cities. The society's work, tho general
explained, is divided into three great
classes, namply the sending of mission
aries, tho building of mission houses
and tho establishment of churches and
the educational department.
One of the great problems confronting
the society, said the geneial, Is the
negro question. Tho negroes In this
country at tho present time number
about 9,000,000, he said, and before the
century Is completed they will number
50,000,000. "These people," .-aid he, "are
now and will be a great factor In the
life of this country. I believe that
God is going to'test this nation through
tho negroes; that He will test Its con
science, Its philanthropy and its wis
dom through them. Unless we rise and
grapple with this pioblem we shall
suffer and pay ti bitter penalty. There
Is even a fear that our Institutions may
perish in tho struggle."
General Morgun spoke of tho homo
society as an evangelizing agency and
said that tho average number of con
verts made through its Influence every
year Is about 5,000. It has had a won
derful effect upon tho denominational
life of tho church and bus always had a
tendency towards lifting ui tho Bap
tists of this country to higher thoughts
nnd to the realization ot higher alms
and purposes.
Rev. Dr. McArthur was Into In reach
ing tho nieellntr, becaus.o he had his
cabman drlvo him to tho Jackson Street
Baptist church Instead or to North
Scranton, having been laboring under
a mistake. Ho spoko on "Our Duty
Toward Our Spanish Speaking Depend-
Java Coffee
Sells at 30c per pound. Com
pare It with nny 38o Coffee
Coursen Triple Blend sells at
32c. Compare it with any 40c
Coffee olawhore. This add. is
worth 13c if presented ,to us
on purchase of ono pound each
of the above Coffeeo. Wo want
the Coffees Introduced in every
home in Scranton. iTrltmnu.)
E. G, Coursen.
420 Lackawanna Avenue.
v an anon
9r? n9
ai:xr.itAr, t. j, moikian, i.b. .
encles," and gave a wonderfully vigor
ous and powerful address.
Ho started out bv tho unequivocal
nnd flat-footed announcement that, he
Is. an expansionist of tho expansionists,
nnd, Indeed, tho first part of his art
diesis was ns powerful an argument In
favor of the retention of tho Philip
pines as lias ever been heard In this
He spoke of tho Snanlsh-Amerlcan
war as a struggle between the sixteenth
century nnd the nineteenth: between
illiteracy and intelligence; between in
tolerance and liberty; between the in
quisition and the constitution of the
United States.
What the War Was.
"God went before the American
troops," said he. "To my mind the
philosophy of the anti-expansionists Is
the philosophy of the nursery and their
talk even ns the babbling of babes.
They cannot stop the onward inarch of
this nation Into that larger life and a
luibler destiny toward which Divine
Providence is now leading' us."
The United States, he said, came out
of the Spanish war a world power,'
having grown from boyhood to man
hood and having been changed from a
provincial nation Into a cosmopolitan
one. The growth of the United States
lias always been along lines similar to
those now being pursued, ho said. He
told of the Louisiana. purchase, and of
tho subsequent purchase of Florida,
Texas, New Mexico, California nnd
Alaska. Tho men who are now pro
testing against the extension of Ameit
can sovereignty to the Philippines, he
paid, will be laughed at twenty-five
years from now, as aie the men who
objected to tho other extensions In
years past are now laughed nt.
The principal reason which Dr. Mo
Arlhur iitbvaneed in favor of expansion
was that it permits of the evangeliza
tion of Porto Rico nnd the Philippine!!
and their rescue from what ho termed
"Ignorance and superstition, which pre
vailed there under the Spanish regime."
He quoted Rev. Father Sherman, a
Roman Catholic priest and son of Gen
eral Sherman, who after Investigating
lolkrlouR conditions in Poito Rico, de
clared it to be "it Catholic country
without religion." The conditions which
have existed in the Philippine Islands
aro the same, Dr. McArthur declare!,
and the people of these far-off isles or
the sf.i ppcrt to know a real and a llv
h Christ.
The Fnlted States, he declared, Is not
fighting the peoples of the Philippines,
but rather ono particular tribe of peo
ple. The majority of tho Filipinos, ho
declared, nro In favor of American sov
ereignty, which means rescue from tho
bondage of tyranny and the spread of
liberty and light.
Just In rront of Dr. McArthur hung
an American llnpr and when he was
compelled to cut his address short by
tho lateness of tho hour ho closed
rather abruptly with a beautiful apos
trophe to the banner of freedom.
Today's Sessions,
This morning at 9.30 o'clock a meet
ing will bo held In tho Penn Avenuu
Baptist church. An addrops on "Our
Foreign Population and Why Wo Should
Evangelize It," will be given by John
Wallace. This will bo followed by a
general discussion. Miss Mary Melby
will deliver an address on "The Wom
en's Home Missionary Society."
Tho service this afternoon will he con
ducted In the First Baptist church,
Weht Scranton, whei'o addresses will
bo delivered by Row Dr. II. G. Weston
and Rev. Dr. II. O. Lenginan, of Phila
delphia, A. J. Rowland will speak on
"Literature and Life," In the First
Welsh Baptist church tonight, and Rev,
B. D. Thomas, D. D of Toronto, win
deliver an address on "The Welshman
as a Factor in American History,"
Dr. Ferdinand J. Helder, Chiropodist,
Ofllco Hotel Jermyn Barber shop,
taff Bosom.
Former Piice, 1,50 nnd 82.00.
413 Spruce Stieet.
iii in
Paine's Celery
' Compound
It Quickly Banishes the Illsand
Physical '('roubles That
Are Too Common
in Springtime.
A multitude of the healthiest, bright
est, and most active women of this
North AitKjrlcnn continent are deeply
Indebted to Pnlne's Celery Compound
for the blessings ot health,
Women, old and young, know welt
that this faiuouu medicine Is specially
adnpted for all the Ills peculiar to their
sex. When It Is used, the sick and suf
fering ones nro seen to gain steadily
In health, strength, and vigor. No
loom Is loft for doubt to the skeptic and
stubborn minded Individual. The Joy
ous transformation from sickness to
health through the use of Palne's Cel
ery Compound Ih constantly going- on
In every direction, so that those once
alarmed about tho safety, ot near and
dear ones, now rejoice to see the bloom
of returning health lighting up and
beautifying features once pallid and
Palne's Celery Compound continues to
bo woman's best homo friend in times
of sickness. At this seaso'n when the
numberless ills of women. arc a source;
of danger and uuxloty, women stand
In need of a disease banlsher and llfo
giver Ilko PuIiio'k Celery Compound to
cleanse the blood, to restore digestive
vigor, to banish sleeplessness, to brace
the nerves, to banish tho symptoms of
deadly kidney disease, to dispel the
agonies of rheumatism and neuralgia.
This Is the season, today Is the tlmo'
to begin the use of this best of medical
prescriptions. There is not the slight
est reason to advance why any woman
should continue In suffering, when
Palne's Celery"-Compound can be so
easily procured. Heaven grant that
you may have faith sufficient to use at
least one bottle of nature's health
builder in order that you may be con
vinced that it is what you need.
DIAMOND OVET.S (,'hc f.i'ti'r and InlRliler
colurs than any other d.u-s.
Many Scranton Fishermen Tnke to
the Mountain Streams.
The trout season opened yesterday
and, as usual, there wns a good-sized'
exodus of local fishermen to tho moun
tain streams within easy reach. Tho
day was very Inviting, but the swollen
condition of the streams prevented any
remarkable catches. The best catches
were roported by those who sought the
smaller brooks, where the water has
fairly well Mibsidcd.
The season of 1!01 was a failure be
cause of the extended drought of tho
preceding yenr. The low water gave
the trout's enemies full swing at him
and the Ht renins In consequence were
pretty well depleted. Owing to this fact
the prospects for big catches this yenr
are not very bright.
Sirloin or
Per Pound.
You Can Save
30 per cent, on the dollar when
you purchase direct from the
Our liii of Umbrellas and
Parasols is large nnd complete,
and embraces nil the latest pat
terns. Wo guarantee nil our
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.
313 Spruce Street.
U Ml
Lubricating and Burning :
oils J
Maloney Oil & Manufacturing Company, t
141-149 Meridian Strest.
Wo nro sole agents for
Liquid Colors,
House Paints
Carriage Paints:
Unoxcellcd for durability.
126-128 Franklin Ave.
Shirt Waist
Ladles should call at oncu and
select one of our handsome
Stamped Shirt Waist and Komona
designs to embroider on Fine
White Linen. These aro our own
exclusive designs. Wo also have
tho patterns to stamp on any ma
terial you bring.
Cramer-Wells Co.
130 Wyoming Ave.
'PHONE 353-3.
25 Pounds
of Granulated
'For one dollar offered by
any legitimate grocer would
de considered by almost
any body a great bargain,
but candidly it. is no great
er bargain than the suits
we are offering this spring
at $10.00 and S12.00.
John D, Boyle,
416 Lackawanna Ave.
Mill & Grain Co
Providence Road,
and Hay
Snow White Flour
All grocers sell It.
We only wholesale It.
Branch at Olyphant, Pa.
Rooms 1 and 2
Commonwealth Bldg.
lljile at Jiid ItUilidalc Wurki.
Lnflin & Rnnd Powder Co.'g
Utcctilc lliltcilei, l.'lci'lrlo Kioicii, Kx'
ulodlns WJts. fcitely Yun;
iU-sf-M i
-.J. v. iWc V ...n.spe Jgjt'fraifc' -J