The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 16, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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I 1
Cooking with Gas
FO!t ONK WKIJK, rommeno
Ing April Mlh, every nflornoon
at 3 o'clock MISS KMUA' MAll
ION COLMNO wilt rIvo hrr let!
tures nnd demonilriitlons, on liow
well Iho DnB Itnnso docs Its Work,
nt our BT011E ltOOM, No. 120
Th) Scrantin Gas & Water Go,
What Is indurine
Cold Water Paint?
A dry powder that mixes readily
Can be applied by ANY ONE
with -tiny kind of a brush,
Produces a hard and flexible
enamel finish.
ilns nearly all the uilvnntnges of oil
paint nt a fraction of the coat.
Furnished in Wliite nnd ltluck mid
many colors. Will lnnt for years
nnd la unaffected by unses.
Sole Agents
Matthews Bros.'
320 Lackawanna Avenue.
Fire Sale of
Wall Paper..
There Mill remains a gieat
quantity of mor.t desirable Wall
Papers, Shades, Etc., although
we have .sold an enormous quan
tity during: the past week.
As our new stock for our new
store art Ives next week, AVE
WEEK, as it must be disposed
of before icopenlng1 our former
Jacobs & Fasold
505 Linden Street.
Chairs Recaned
Furniture upholstered and repaired.
Send postal to 1248 Providence Road.
Old 'Phone. 109-3, Green Ridge.
( Gty NotesT)
SCIIOOT, 'iKACHKUS' PAY.-Tlie public.- whool
tiachtTs ill be paiil K-ituidjy.
I.NM'IXTIOV OK Ml. ;i'l.-Tho school lioaul
will illicit tho now Xo. i'.o -ulinol Induing in
the 1'irii v.inl tomorrow aftunooii.
l)IXI,.i:i: nAXKIUIIT. V. I'. 'onue!l A,
Xm f!i , est onlay actjtulic .itoil binkiupts and
their (.ist- was rclcrrnl to Itcferee O, A. V.m
W'oiinor 'Hip first meeting ot ueiliton will be
Hiclil Apiil 21.
'10 AIM'KAIt AT KOISIM' Cll'V.-Coia Mo-ils
Ciiillln, .i'sitnl liy .Mis. I.izip Hughes Itnuid-
:e, ioloist, will appt-ir -it tlm l'urot t Ity
opera hmme on WiiIikmIi.v, April HI, uiidoi the
.iibiuun or ii ic riosiiwtrhit ilmiili. Ihis i Hie
I tlilul timi- tliU joiiiiit attM 1 j-, appealed In tint
town dmlnir t lie 'I lie iniiiii-ni- and nu.ip
Hired aiidknto liy the i greeted e.ii'h
time s-liims her to he .1 gieat fioute,
Young Couple United at Holy
Rosary Church.
John Shields, of Yule, Pa,, and JIls-s
Mary A, Hawks, daughter of Air. and
.Mis. John Hawks, of Providence road,
were united In marriage last evening
at Holy Rosary church, North Scran
ton, liy Rp.v. Francis I. Cuimvnn, a
cousin of the bride.
Thu bridesmaid was AIlss SlargarM
Council, of this city, nnd the grooms
man was John Dcvine, of Yates. The
wedding party was tendered a recep
tion nt the Hawks homo after the
(eremony, and lutcr Mr. and Mrs.
Shields left on a wedding trip to New
York. They will reside at Yates.
Names of the Valedictorian nnd the
Miss .leannotte Lawrence will deliver
the valedictory nddiess at the High
school commencement exercises nils
year, nnd Edwin E. Lord will bo the
snlutntorJnn. IJoth took the college
preparatory course, and passed with
averages of !7.Ci per cent, und 90 pet
cent., respectively,
The commencement exetclses will bu
held on June 13. Thu courso honors
fire distributed us follows: College pie
parntory, third in rank, Miss Evelyn
nates, 01 per cent.; Latin sclentllk-,
Miss Ellu. Thomas, o,8 per cent.: gen
eral average, Horaeo E. Chandler, i):.,:i
per cent.; commercial course, Miss Evu
Kittle, 02.4 per cent'.
When "Old Mother Hubbard Went
to the Cupboard,"
to get her poor dog h bone, if, Insteud
of ilndlng It bare, It hail contuined n
loaf of Hanley's JJoston Brown Ulead,
she would have undoubtedly euten U
A powder to be .luUii Into the bliois. Your
feet Itel kwullcn, nmoua and hot, ami get tired
faslly. II you hate smarting feet or light shoe).
try Allen' Koot-IJjst. It cooN the feet, mid
makes ttulUliur tmy. fures kwollen. moating
teet, lueTottlns lullj, bli.tcra and callous fnou!
llt'ilco corn and tuinloiu ot all pah and cIud
re.t iiid lomfott. Try It loiljy. Hold by all drug'
iUU and blioa stoui. lor 25e. Ikm't aiu-ut any
luUlilutn. Trial U(kup I'm:!:. Addict Allin
b. Olniitcd, Le Hoy, X. Y.
Spoko of the Life and Works of
Archbishop Carroll.
Mayor .lames J. O'Neill, of Carbon
dale, last night, before the Catholic
Historical society and Newman Maga
zine club, delivered mi address on "The
Life and Works of Atchblshop Carroll,
of Ualtlmore,
The lecturer showed n deep knowl
edge of tho life work ot the great
churchman ami tho prominent part ho
played during a trying period of this
country's history. There was a largo
attendance at the lecture, which wus
listened to with the closest attention.
Journeymen Declare a Strike on
Shops Not Subscribing- to n New
Wage Scale.
A new uniform scale of wages was
recently demanded by the local union
of journeyman tailors, and yesterday
was the lust day given the master
tailors to sign It, Twelve master
tailors ngieed to It. A sliike, to take
effect today, was ordeicd at the other
Just how extensive the stilke will be
cannot be detei mined until today, as
till of the tailors are not members of
the union, and It is not ,i surety Unit
all the union men in shops not allow
ing the new scale v. ill obey the order.
The new scale Uses a price for every
piece ot wotk a tailor does. It Is
equivalent to .mi average Increase of
ten per cent.
No general term will c-.Nples the view
the master tallois hold of the journey
men's demand. One mi Id he was glad
tli.U a uniform scale was to be enforced.
He was n.iyins his tailors, lie said,
practically the t..ime pi Ices as aie being
demanded. Other shoos weie paying
far less, he said, yet they charged as
much for their output as he did.
Another meichant tailor declared thai
It was Immaterial to him whether or
not the new- scale was adonted, as ho
was one of three tailors who are now
paying nearly twenty per cent, higher
wages than Is demanded bv the union
scale. For instance, he said, the union
demands $3 for the making of a full
dress coat. He is now paying S10. The
prices on the other Item's, he men ed,
would exceed the new union price by a
similar margin.
Still another master tailor declined
he would not sign the scale, because
the demanded increase was too high.
The nrice of woollen cloth has raised
five times in the past thtee veins, he
said, and to now increase bv Ion ner
cent, the cost of making up the goods,
would make It necessary for the mer
chant tailois to increase the charge for
custom made goods to u point that
would drive manv of their customers
to the leady-made clothing houses. If
n gradual increase of ten per cent., five
per cent, now und five per cent, at the
end of the jear, was asked, he would
acquiesce In the demand.
There is no understanding among the
master tailots and consequently there
will be no combined resistance to the
journeymen's demands. It appears to
be that some master tailors are now
paying as much and mnie than the pro
posed uniform scale and are quite eon
tent that those who are paying less
shall be compelled to raise wages.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ruane, of 1B20
l'tilion street, died yrsteulay morning,
after a Tew days' Illness, The deceased
was IS yeais of age, and at the time
of his death was a pupil at No. 2,"
school. The funeral arrangements will
be announced later.
MRS. MARY MORtiAN. aged Jy
years, died yesterday at her home, -4ft
Archbald street. Deceased Is sutvlvr-d
by one soi and two daughters. The
funeral will take place fiom the hotn-c
on Friday afternoon.
MRS. JOHN Sl'LLIVAN died yester
day morning, at her home, 138 South
Seventh street. She Is survived by her
husband and the following children:
' Harry E,, Lillian A May, Lucy, Isa
bella and Arthur. Funeral notice later.
slc, died at the residence of her daugh
ter, Mrs. D. (', Squires, Iliooklyn, N.
V April It. The funeral services will
bo held at the Ilrlck church at Lacka
wanna, :i.30 ii. m. Thursday, Interment
at Marry cemetery.
'1 lie fuuciil nf the lilt- luMjili'tiiliiinui. win)
died at MU n'tluik Sunday hIkIiI, will t ikn
pluie from Ins late home, 110 Chr-amit Mr-ct, ly ,ii II ,i, ni. IiIrIi iihsj. of n-nulrni
will he III St. I'alriiK's iliunli, and
intirnunl will U In the Catludral u-iiieteiy.
Tho mn.iiiH i-f the hie Mr. Kllubilli KuIkKt,
wIiomi diatli necuired Monday night, will ba In.
Icrnd at 2 o'eluch Thurodiy afternoon, S.nlcea
will tic held at the li-iune, Wri Cedar aicilue, and
iiimnuiit will be nude In the I'ltUlon racnuu
'the funeral if (ieoiitt, -i con of
Mr, und Mn, 1, iU (ib.ili, who died ji-itc-iilae
lnornlii),' in li toiiit lnuii iieiiinnil, will Uko
pi lie tenui'iow- inoiniiiK at W o'clock, Intel,
incut will he made In tho Twentieth Ward (eine.
teiy aftir wriliei, at St, alaij'j Ceinuu Catli.
Alio cmu-tvi),
h'unual of .Ml tose ,nni Mjuliill will take
phio fio-ii Hit n-ild,ine, 711 (Juliiej aiemie, on
Thursdij .it a o'clock, i
Convention of Federation of Wo
men's Clubs, Los Angeles, CaJ.
For the nboyo occasion, which takes
place May 1st to 8th, 1902, the Lnoka
Wanna railroad will sell special jound
trip tickets good going April mh to
26th Inclusive, und for return, to reach
starting point not later than midnight
of June 25th, at faie of JGi3.25 for the
round trip. See ticket agent for Infor
mation about stop-off privileges, vari
able routes, sldo trips, etc
1 i1 imiiiiiii i mm
'.HHL hbbkv HskSBhI
The Victim of McLaren's Operations
Was LefJrand Vail, of Scott The
Men Who Attacked Lovelace Near
Bull's Head Wore Tried Beforo
Judge Nowcomb Former Con
stable of Old Forge Is Charged
with Having Attempted to Extort
Money Other Criminal Cases.
Hefore Judge 13. C. Newcomb, In the
main court room yesterday, Frank Mc
Laren was tried for robbing LeOrand
Vail, ot Scott, of $10 In Neary's hotel
In Olyphnnt, on Feb. 14. Vnll had a
load of hay to sell and went Into
Neary's hotel to -show Thomas Mar
shall the bill giving the weight of the
hay. After showing the welgh-blll ho
missed $10 from his purse and Neary
closed the doors of the place and said
no one should leave until the $10 was
found. Constable John Murray was
sent for and McLaren, who was sus
pected of taking the money, was strip
ped and searched. According to the
commonwealth's witnesses, the $10 wus
found In McLuien's clothes.
This he denied. He said Vull found
his $10 under a table and then placed
It In his (McLaren's) clothes, to make
it appear he stole it. The accused wus
defended by Attorney Charles E. Dan
iels. The jury found the accused
guilty of larceny und recommended
him to tho mercy of the court.
John Leone und Doininlck Vnlpe were
tried In the muln cotnt room for rob
bery nnd Vnlpe was also tried for dis
charging flienrms and carrying con
cealed weapons. Frank Lovelace tes
tified that one night, nbout two months
ngo, he went Into the store of Anthony
Ruddy, near mill's Head, to make u
purchase, nnd from there went to tho
store of O V. Palmei. a block up the
stlcet. It was night and he noticed
two men who seemed to be dogging his
footsteps. When he came out of Pal
mer's store, they followed him, and
when he reached a point nearly oppo
site Ruddy's store, the two men grab
bod him and knocked him down. He
struggled and yelled, and Ruddy
rushed out of his stoic ;o Lovelace's
as-lstance. The two men were put to
High I. and as they turned to go, Vnlpe,
who was one of them, drew a revolver
and fired two shots, one of which sluit
teied .i .window In Ruddy's store and
the other lodged In the woodwoik over
the tivtiwom.
Ky this time, the police had ar
rived und Leone was taken into cus
tody ut once. Valpe was arrested
some time, afterwards und Ills revolver
was found In nn ash bnriel In the
rear of the IJeale tesldence.
The defense was that theie was
snow on the ground and that only a
narrow passage way had been clenhed
on the sidewalk. As they passed
Lovelace, they jostled ugalnst one an
other und Lovelace becume angry and
attacked them, knocking them down.
Ruddy came rushing at them and, be
coming frightened, Valpe tired to scale
him away. The juty had not returned
its verdict at adjourning hour.
David Freednum, of Old Foige, was
on liia! before Judge 13. '. Newcomb
at adjourning hour on the charge of
selling liquor without a license. The
piosccutor was Former Constable Fied
Addison. He testified that he bought
intoxicating liquors In Freedman's
place a number of times biforo he re
turned him to court. The defense Is
that Addison is actuated by spite be
cause he would not he paid the sum
of ?20 which he demanded, und that
furthermore Frecdman is a butcher and
never sold Intoxicants, but that his
father-in-law did under the license of
Philip Swans:, by whom he was em
ployed. Oomer John pleaded guilty to the
charge ol stealing goods from the
store of William f'hnppell at Prk-eburg.
He Is only 16 yean, of uge. He stole
three scoop shovels, a pair of boots
and a coat.
James Kane, aged 19 years, pleaded
guilty to the charge of pointing a pis
tol nt Patrolman Flnley Ross of the
North Seranton police station. Kane
and a companion named Harris were
crossing the Market stieet bridge a
few months ago. They weie Intoxi
cated and Patrolman Ross placed them
under ait est. They both pulled pistols.
Harris was convicted at the last term
of quarter sessions. Kane will ho sen
tenced on Saturday.
In court loom No. :!, bufoie Judge
Kdwards, Charles Koestler and Chester
Dennis, of Peckvllle, were tried upon
tho cliargo of larceny and receiving.
The story of the commonwealth was
to the effect that the defendants stole
several londs of onts from the bain of
John LUllbrldge. one of the Rlukely
poor direct ois, Miles Finch was also
charged with the same offence, but
pleaded guilty to the crime, and turned
slate's evidence. Finch said Unit he
and the defendants stole tho oats und
sold them.
The defendants both denied the
charge, and snld that Finch told them
that ho had made arrangements with
Mr. LUllbrldge to buy fiom him grain
ut r-0 cents ii bag, and asked them to
go to Peckvllle and seeuie buyeis at u
dollar n bag, and that he would divide
tho proceeds. Attorney George Horn Is
assisting tho commonwealth, and ex
Olstrlet Attorney Jones nppeais for
the defendants, Judge Kdwards will
charge the Jury this morning.
A verdict of not guilty was taken In
the case of Anthony O'Malley, ptose
cuted by Dudley Gordon for selling
liquor without a license, Tho prostcu
tlon consented to this disposition on
condition ttu)t the defendant pay the
costs, At the last term of court the
case was tried and the Jury dlsagteed,
The pioseeuior did not have any better
evidence to offer yesterday.
A iiol diros., on payment of the costs,
wus enteied in tho case of Alexander
Grass and D, W. Smith, charged by
Stephen Dyer with neglecting to keep
a record. Ill two cases against Grass,
charging lecelvlng stolen goods ver
dicts of not guilty wero taken.
The jury before whom Andrew Krl-
Roses and Myrrh
A delicious mouth and tooth wash.
oikl nnd Julltls Shemhiskl were hied
Monday, yesterday morning found
Sheiiilnskl guilty of aggravated assault
and battery, nnd Ktloskl of nssntilt.
The former was Bcntcnced by Judge Kd
wards to pay a line of $15 and spend
three months In the county Jail and the
latter to pay n line of $15 and ppend
thlity days in Jail,
I Want to Enjoin Murray,
The Mountain Lake Lund nnd Coal
cotnpnny yesterday asked the court for
nn Injunction ngnlnst ,,tnmps M. Mur
ray, who Is mining coal from under
land In the Nineteenth ward by virtue
of n lease with the company. It Is al
leged thnt the coal Is not being taken
out In tt skillful and workmanlike man
lier as requited by the lease, und In
consequence It will not bo possible to
take out all the coal nnd there will be
great waste. It Is further charged that
Muiruy does not weigh the conl and
makes, no uccurnte return to tho com
pany of the amount mined, neither does
be make prompt or adequate payments,
An injunction Is asked to restrain
him from continuing his mining opera
tions until such time as he compiles
with the terms of the lease. A rule to
show utilise why nn Injunction should
not Issue was allowed and made return
able next Monday. The petition for the
Injunction was filed for the company
by Attorney II. C. Reynolds.
Must Be More Specific.
Judge John P. Kelly handed down an
opinion yesteidny in the matter of the
demurrer filed to the statement In the
trespass case of Mrs. Mary Burnett
against the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad company. Mrs. Bur
nett's husband was an engineer em
ployed by the defendant company, and
was killed by the bursting of the boiler
of his engine, near the Gypsy Grove
colliery, several months ago.
In the statement filed when the suit
was brought It is stated that the acci
dent was due to the defective bol'lef of
the engine. Judge Kelly holds thnt a
more specific statement Is necessary,
mid gives the plaintiff twenty days In
which to file It.
Marriage Licenses. ft
( PoiK-t -. Relbirt
Midi Ki-llev
IMvu.ii! A. W.lMi
Killiii'i l.onzhney .Mit'rc.iy
I.i-ii- .hue .-
Ilnin ,1. Ilii-;hc
Villi,.) .1. Ottl'lH
Jlihi InoM.mch
Ann- V. P.hIm
1 .ilii '. J. Iluchi-,
.Nellie I'. Ilmke
John Pciniimu
Amu Itoll
S ranton
, fctkilllc
Tit. lvr
A pi-lltuin to have tho com! iletrmilnc the
i-1 nl il luiiilitiou of Annie Dun, who i- now mil
I. lull in the depaitment of the 1 1 i ll.-i.Io
Mi n. e. wa- .-tcrd.iy tiled m the pi-otlioiiutary'a
ofl.'e by Tlionia- I'. Duir.
Im-maii Jl. Millaid. for his win, Andipiv Mil
bud, jeitirdjy biought suit -iti-i Aitliui Long:,
Ml'. Pauline bonir, C'li.ults Long. Kdward bong
mil liiinatd bonpr, uip.irtneirf, to ieeiu- dam
aut'i U ii'jmiis su-t lined bv the bin while jrct.
tin;; into .111 ele itor in the dtti iitLiirtV t-toie
mi I!e. 'JO last. The pl.iintifl l.-s icpi-c-cnled by
Atll'llKV 1'. b. IIiUIkocK.
New Cases Reported to Dr. Houser
Joseph Knott, a widower, lesldlng at
No. 28 Wainer street. In the Brlsbiu
Patch, was examined by Dr. Houser
yesterday, and it was discovered that
he is suffeiing, lrom a mild attack of
He had been III about a week, and
suspected that his ailment was the
dreaded disease. A physician was
called, who uftorwuids notified Lr.
Houser. The patient was removed to
the emergency hospital, und his house -ketper
und five children were quatan
ilned In the house to await further de
velopments. Mis, Thomas Griffiths, of Meade
street, who is suffering from the dis
ease, also has a week-old child sick in
the house. A rash was discovered on
the little one's body yesterday, and the
Indications point to another case of
Dr. Houser reports Unit nil tho pa
tients at the emergency hospital are
getting along nicely, and will recover.
Your Opportunity
We place on sale today Strawbridge &
x & Clothier s entire
Broadcloths, Cheviots, Etamines, j
Mistrals, Greys, Blacks, Browns and
Blues, a big assortment in many styles, gj
All strictly tailored, all at much less Si
than regular prices.
Black Dress Goods
Black Cheviot Serges, all fully
38 inch good weight, 50c value, 39c
45 inch finer made, 69c value, 50c
50 iucli tailor weight, 95c value,,.., , 75c
54 inch extra finish, $1.25 value ,,,.,$1,00
54 inch Thibet fiuish, $i,6 value , 1,25
54 inch best tailor-made, 2,25 value 1.95
Come and See.
Mears & Hagen
415-417 Lackawanna Ave,
This Enraged a Crowd of Men Who
Boarded a Duryea Car Last Night
nnd They Proceeded to Thump and
Kick Him in a Brutal Manner Car
Was Going Down Hill and Was
Stopped with Difficulty Hlnckney
the onion Conductor Was Not
C. H.iIIottellng,u motormun In chnrge
of n. Duryea. car, was badly used up
last night by a crowd of men while
making a down trip. The trouble orig
inated because he was not wearing one
of tho union buttons, which the re
turned strikers have pinned on the
lapel of their coats.
Hottcllng was one of the men who
was employed during the recent strike.
He was working yesterday with H. C.
Hinckley, one of the union men, who
wore one of the buttons. A large crowd
of young men boarded the cur at Lu
zerne street Inst night nbout 10.30
o'clock and a number of them took a
place on the front platform. Their
first Inquiry when they entered the car
was as to whether or not He-ttellng had
a button. Hinckley, to avoid trouble,
told them he thought he bud.
Those on the front platform begun to
annoy Hottellng when they found he
had no button nnd finally one of them
pulled off his hat. Just us one of them
made u pass as if to stilke him, Hottel
lng pulled off the controller handle nnd
struck nt the fellow. This was nt a
point near the Jermyn store, and the
car was on a down ginde.
The fellows on the platform seized
Hottellng and began to punch Win.
One of them tore the handle from his
hand and tossed it into the load.. As
they held him over the gate and
thumped and kicked him, the car wns
going down the steep hill at a terrific
rate of speed, where a bad wreck oc
curred some two years ago.
The conductor pulled off the trolley
nnd applied the brake, but the ear was
not biought to a standstill till the foot
of the hill was reached. Then Hottel
injy wus pulled ofr the car and kicked
and thumped some more. T,he crowd
finally let up on him and he wns al
lowed to tun the car through to Duryea.
None or the names of the men who as
saulted him could be learned.
He sustained seilous body bruises and
It is believed that one of his libs was
bioken by a kick.
Tho wealing of "buttons" by tho
union trolley men Is likely to cause
trouble. General Manager Sllliman on
Sunday last ordered the Inspectors to
report the name of every man wearing
one of the buttons. No intimation has
been given yet as to the general man
ager's object In seeming the names.
Offense so Trivial the Case Was
Summarily Dismissed.
Michael Cunningham, of. River street,
appeared befoie Alderman Ruddy yes
terday and swore out a warrant for the
arrest of his next door neighbor, Mr.
and Mrs. John Peek, on the. chuige of
malicious mischief.
When the constable came in with tho
defendants, last evening, it developed
that both were deaf mutes. When It
further developed that the offense
charged against them was that they
threw some waste water from their
second-story apaitments and that some
of It splashed into n jar of milk on the
piosecutor's wlndowslll, the alderman
dismissed the case.
K. J'. Ralney, a catcher, of Portland,
Conn., was yesteidny signed by Mali
nger Lawson for the Seranton team.
He made a lecoul last yenr with thu
Bristol, Conn., tenm. This makes three
candidates for the position of catcher.
The players are expected to be on
hand before noon tomorrow and will be
at practice tomorrow afternoon.
sample line of
Libbey's Gut Glass
COMPARISON IS THE SAFEGUARD, and no careful buyer
who has CUT GLASS t6 buy should make a purchase without COM
GLASS to be proud of when you buy It; It has
that RICH LUSTER that is as noticeable as
a diamond among a lot of pebbles. You will find
this mark on each piece. Memorize these prices
when shopping:
Sugar nnd Cream .$0.00
Water Bottles 80.00
We are showing the finest Hue of Brass Beds
ever seen in Seranton. Their fiuish is perfect.
Our Iron Beds cost you about two thirds what
you pay elsewhere.
Seranton Bedding Co.,
F. A- KAISER, Manager.
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
Attending to
5 Keilns- evcilntlnitly .it il; trcMnj; tlie bo-l kooiIh .nt tlii lojt price; Hndlnjr ft;
j tin in; Mti-liul with nothing i-1-m. I'ultlng ui wlmli- lic.ul iulu mil- huj ing .mil sell- "
injr; not i-iui iusc oitfR'luv.; loiMnj- altir ,our InlciiMs as will im our own; tint 1
9 h v.luil U liullillnv np tlii liumcvi. I'lmk, r-iiti'Wiumi- Jin! fill' llij- U !ring- '
lug us Miiav. liy this same tomlmt ve hope aln.iy to uliiuie It. Jj
The Little Art
"I.itllo, hut oh inv!" Wi full (
iliiiiilmrtii, awl llicic'- moic in it tli.m
9, fich anil up-to-date. flj;
3 Ready-Made Pillows f
fJJ Cictonno .mi Mi'iciwcit IMlliwi., flllcil uith -ilk Hu-, tin" ruci!n fanciful Jf:
a .ml li.iriK'inp. i Will lounO Hip i'iIro-.
Pillow Tops of All
3 A i lio!u',tol!tet!nn anil tho .uicly
y liiMii in .imnni: the ininy line.
CunN anil IM-wcIh to pillow
' Renaissance Center
Pieces Shams and Scarfs &
hwi. Imioin ft.uf-, llh nuts .mjcheil. J;
uB 5UC
i Mmiiini; Bik mule up ami the
' liuMcii l'lto. o .i.-n In alt .okirs.
A Si
Mexican Drawn Work
'llii beautilul li.iml-nnile w oik in Squur-., diitn INtin and Dojltn. Al- '.
."J5 w.n, -oniflliliiK uotlh looking at in this Ait UcpJitincnt. f-
if Think of the Jewelry Sale
)S "1 111-. -Jlr is attraotinc iimrli .iltrnllon, I'ol only on ct-ount of the ,ilues of- J5!
5 loii'il. lml oil actuiiiit of tho heiut) anil quantity of the good-. Look it up. f;
I McConnell & Co.
i 400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
That'h what every new wall paper in our store is.
The mechanical, calico aspect has been entirely
Skilled artists, better processes of manufacture
and better machinery have made wonderful changes
in wall papers during the past two years.
Those who have visited our Wall Decorating
Department have been surprised at the high quality
of our goods and the extremely moderate prices.
We are able to olYcr the best, at prices as low,
and oilcn lower, than you have previously paid for
inferior wall coverings. This is because we buy in
large quantities and are willing to give you what we
save by so doing.
l'or the same reason moderate prices govern
our other departments.
Floor Coverings, Furniture,
Curtains, Draperies
and Window Shades
Williams & Mc Ann Ity,
129 Wyoming Avenue,
- - i
1 tVEsy PIECE l
Celery Trays , . . . $6.00
8 in. Fruit Bowl... ,?4.BO
134 Wyoming Ave. ,
Walk In nnd look around.
(i0 TO
Both 'Phones
Our Knitting?
juit tin- thinx-i tint nityht to he in 'ith it tm.
mtcU tl.c cyi !lciil, ceu thine hole Is !
! mlioiiuftiir. prlci1. g.
Each. &
Kinds f
is innt ,i!Min;. Ihe I'alifornla lMpy i
tups. ,
UD. ," &.
tlllii tor uiiLiii -uch Ip.u. g;
A Work
Of High Art
' .1,51
', ,K j, A.
Cvww ifl5si-
ifcASSR' ,