The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 15, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Pitiful Slaughter of 500,000 or More Pups Every
Sprinjj Al Their Best When Three Weeks Old.
From llio, Commercial Aihctllttr,
Neatly every pereon Is acquainted
with the dinrncterlMIc weal lrather una
ndtnlrcs Its peculiar softnessi anil re
markable durability. Indeed, tnoat of
lis possess small pieces ot It In the form
of belts, curd cases, pocket bookH, etc.
Yet the number familiar with Its source
and the conditions surrounding its ob
talnment U relatively small, notwith
standing the fact that It Is the object
of one of the most plctuiosque and ven
turesome ot the marine Industries of
tho!?cld. The "flsheiy" Is now In
rr j on mo coasiH ui .euuumr
T .. .1 1 jlllll ILIUM . 11I1I1 ,111111! Llltlll .uu
I, ",. " "Id men nro In quest of the small
with r"'H leather.
mjLW seals nru quite unlike the fur
seals' oE Alaskan waters, cllfforlnR In
atl,..'j;ture, nppearnnco and habits.
e. "iral varieties are taken In the Now
er,. , , .... ,...... ,i,
Jiuiunu nsucry, uiu uiu juuuk ui i
linv" seal ih ny mr 1111: niui. ,i,iiv.wm.
.I Cn.i.iu lli., nt.wlri ,1 nlilnnt of enn-
,.... .v.. .., ..... .............. .-J-. .
J TIIC HUip SOUl IS Wllieiy uuiiuuureu
about the lower arctic rcRlons, living
on the Icelloes, drifting from tlie head
of Baffin Bav to the Oult of St. Law
rence and also In the lee ileitis north of
Km ope. It arrives on the floes at the
mouth of Davis Strait about the middle
or last of February for the purpose of
bringing forth Its young. "Within a few
days hundreds of thousands have haul
ed up, and each female has become a
mother on the Ice Hoes carried by the
great aictlc curtent from I3uffln Bay
past the shore of Newfoundland to be
melted finally In the warm waters of
the Gulf Stieam.
UABLE. At the time of birth the young seals
weigh six or eight pounds each, and are
of a creamy white color, quite unlike
the young fur seals, which are jet
black. Nouilshed by their mother's
milk the young seals grow rapidly on
their ley beds, and when two weeks old.
aie really balls of fat, weighing under
usual conditions about llfty-flve pounds
each, of which about forty pounds rep
resents the weight of the skin and
the attached fat, leaving only fifteen
pouud&ifor the carcass. At this stage,
they arc covered with a coat of very
thick, soft, nearly white, .hair, hence
they me known as "white coats," and
are In peileot condition for the hunters.
At the end ot about three weeks the
animals gradually take to the water,
the skin changes In color and becomes
less valuable, and the weight of the
animal decreases greatly, so that at the
age of one month the pelt averages but
thirty pounds In weight, and six months
later It Is only about forty pounds, or
practically the same as when the ani
mal was only two weeks old.
The seal hunters endeavor to be "on
the grounds" when the white coats are
two weeks old, as the latter are in
prime condltlon'a,t that time. Formerly
the steamers left port about March 1,
but it was found that they reached the
whelping Ice usually before the seals
were sulllciently grown, and gieat dam
age was done hy killing the mother
seals while the young were helpless and
sometimes even before they were born.
Consequently in 1891 a law was enacted
Interdicting the sailing ot the steameis
previous to March 10 of each year.
The vessels steam boldly In among
he ice masses floating from Davis
Strait, woiking their way frequently
to the 53d degiee or the C4th degree of
north latitude, searching the iloes for
heids of seals. The masses of ice are
frequently n hundred or more miles in
width, and of unknown length, and the
success of the hunt depends on the ves
sels wot king their way among the floes
to those containing the seals, the pre
cise location of which is a matter of
conjecture, the prevailing winds having
' much to do with it. The vessels may
be caught in the ice and theie held un
til the seal lloes aie bioken up and the
white co.its have taken to the water.
Heavy, closely packed masses of ice
may cut them off from the largest
patches of seals, lesultlng in a sftnall
catch. During some seasons the most
skilful sealing captains miss them en
tirely; at other limes a steamer runs
Into a patch of seals sufficient to load
several vessels. They may be found in
vast heids of thousands, sometimes
IIO.OOO or' more being in view nt one
time; or, as Is moie likely the case, in
smaller groups of a few bundled. The
whimpering of .the white coats bears a
close resemblance to the whining or
.sobbing of Infants, nnd when grouped
In largo numbeis they raise a great
commotion which may bo heard for
On being sighted by tho lookout at
the masthead the vessel Is worked close
to the held. By means of the small
boats tho hunters are landed on the
floes, each man armed with u. polo or
gaff, about seven feet long, with an
iron hook at one end, The matuio
seals scamper away, seeking to escape
Into the water, leaving the whlto coats
defenseless and helpless on tho Ice. A
single blow on tho nose with the gaff
stuns each animal, nnd us soon as a
group lias been dispatched the wotlc of
pklnntng or 'swiping" begins. A cut
with a knife Is made down 'tho under
Mdo from noso to tall, 'and the skin with
tho adhering fat is lemoved in one
piece and transported to the vesse.1,
leaving the carcass on the Ice, As soon
as a patch has been '.'cleaned up" and
the pelts secured aboard ship the hunt
ers proceed with their search for oth
Few scenes more animated nnd In
greater accord with tho surroundings
lire to bu met with than those enacted
each spilng In tho seal hunt. Fancy,
amid tho solitudes of tho northern bean,
the masses of Ico flouting down fiom
tho clieum-polur legions bearing the
hundreds of thousands of seuls of vary
ing ages, from the old patrluiclis to tho
white caats oC two weeks or less, all
mingled together with the animation
so characteristic of seal life. Tiu steaiu
eis force their wuy through the crystal
lampaits by which nnturu guaplq tho
( animals, and the hunters appear
sometimes hundreds on u single Ico
tine their clothing stained with oil and
blood. Tho shouts of the ensanguined
menl Tho bqbo-llke crying of the de
fenseless little fellows on tholr Icy
crandlel Tho blows as they no dlSr
putuhert with the gaffs! Tim ico stained
with boio and dotted with tho thous
ands of carcasses denuded of akin nnd
fat nnd yet palpitating with life! The
mother seals, now cUbless, popping
their heads from vantage places In the
ice crevices, look anxiously for their
Render babes, and finding only their
bloody carcasses, plung into the sea
and quickly escape from the polluted
scene, such Is tho sent hunt carried on
each March 'and April oft the northern
const of Newfoundland1,
300,000 PELTS BllOUQHT IN.'
The scaling vesselH are generally ab
sent from poit for four or five weeks.
The catch varies greatly; some vessels
bring In 30,000 or 3,000 pelts, while oth
eis leturn almost "clean," having been
caught In tho ice and thereby prevent
ed from reaching the seals. The total
catch for tho fleet, however, Is usually
In excess of 300,000 pelts, and the aver
age per vessel during the last decade
Im fully as largo as It was two or three
decades ago.
On arrival In port tho cargo Is dis
charged from the vessel and the thick
fat or blubber Is sepurated from the
skins and rendered into oil. The skins
are salted and shipped to the tanneries.
By far the greater portion of the skins
are tanned In Great Britain, especially
In Glasgow and London, and' many nro
tanned In Germany, Newfoundland nnd
Canada. Last year about 40,000 skins
were tanned In Newark and Hoboken,
N. J., that being the llrst year in which
many skins were tanned in this coun
try. The American tannage was so sat
isfactory that our tanners will doubt
less receive a large portion of the pres
ent year's catch.
Do Not Put Valuables In Trunks
While Traveling in Italy.
from the New York Tilbuiic.
A. Vivaldf, inspector general of Ital
ian railways, has Issued a circular let
ter which may be of use and Interest
to many Americans who contemplate a
tilp to Italy. The letter is addressed
to the president of the Italian Spclety
of Hotel Keepers, at Genoa, Italy, and.
is as follows :t
I have your letter informing me of
the frequent complaints addressed to
Italian hotel keepers, by travelers
whoso luggage, trusted to the care of
our railways, have been meddled with.
Needless to say how much the secur
ity in railway deliveries of all kinds is
the object of the strictest attention, not
from the companies interested alone,
but fiom the government administra
tion of railways and public security as
well, who constantly employ their ut
most eaie in the matter.
This office feels certain that the com
panies do their best to prevent any in
jury to travelers in having, their ef
fects stolen. Such an Injury is not lim
ited to travelers alone, but also reflects
on those on whom the responsibility
falls, for the latter must suffer morally
and materially the consequences. To
give an idea how severe the companies
are toward their men, it is enough to
say that the punishment inflicted upon
the agents of trains nnd those having
the handling and caie of luggage,
goods and valuables, Is the dismissal
from their office, even if found in pos
session of any Instrument, or key, how
ever small or capable of opening or de
facing luggage.
The inspector general, in answer to
tho seiious remarks addressed to him
in your letter, has not omitted to le
new ills request to the Mediterranean
nnd Adriatic Railway company that
tho greatest care and severity should
bo used to restrain any possible offense
of the kind.
As you are, In your quality of presi
dent of the Italian Society of Hotel
Keepers, much interested in the wel
fare of our country, please notify that
travelers should be persuaded carefully
to verify their luggage when delivered
to them, and that they may ascertain
themselves whether a robbery has or
has not been effected within the rail
way bounds, instead of strongly nnd
uselessly protesting later, or befoie be
ing convinced of the facts. Claims of
the kind could neither satisfy the trav
eler nor the railway companies; nor
can the latter verify the complaints or
detect the thieves unless the losses are
made known at once.
Travelers should be warned, against
putting valuables among clothes in
their luggage. Such an Imprudence
may not only causo them n heavy
loss, but according to article 43 of the
regulations concerning tho delivery to
railways f luggage containing val
uables, is contrary to law.
The complaints, ns confirmed by your
letter, are about robberies of valuables,
and must therefore fall under the law
mentioned above. The transgression of
this law comprises not only the entire
loss of tho valuables stolen, but like
wise a fine for Infringing such law.
Via Pennsylvania Railroad, on Ac
count of Convention of Federation
ofWomen's Clubs.
On account of the convention of Fed
eration of Women's clubs, to bo held nt
Los Angeles, Cal., May 1 to S, Jhc Penn
sylvania Ilallroud company will sell
special excursion tickets from all sta
tlonsvon its line, to Los Angeles nnd re
turn, at reduced rates,
Tickets will bo sold from April 18 to
20, Inclusive, nnd will bo good to return
until Juno 23, when properly validated.
For specillc rates, routes, and condi
tions of tickets, apply to ticket agents,
Convention of Federation of Wo
men's Clubs, Los Angeles, Cal,
For the above occasion, which takes
place- May 1st to Sth, 1002, the Lacku
wnnna r.illnmd will bell special round
trip tickets good going Apill 19th to
L0(li Inclusive, and for leturn, to reach
starting point not later than midnight
of June L'oth, at fain of $00.23 for tho
round trip. See ticket agent for Infor
mation about stop-off privileges, vari
able loutes, side trips, etc,
Pennsylvania Day Charleston Expos
ition, April 16th, 1803.
On account of the ubovo the Lacka
wanna railroad will sell special round
hip tickets from Scrunton to Charles
ton good going April Hth and IBtli
and for return within U days Including
date of bale the low ate of 17,70.
Scrantoh's Shopping Center,
1 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave.
A New Store An Enlarged Store.
1 PROGRESS demands expansion our new store is a result of it. ' We now occupy
J- 28,000 square feet of floor space, devoted exclusively to the sale of Dry Goods.
Our friends tell us w have the finest store they know of w'c believe we have the largest -dry
goods store in this section of our' country.
A store is much like a human being. It has its birth, its childhood, its period of
preliminary schooling it grows until" it establishes its place in the affections of the people.
And then keeps on growing, if it's good. - . .
No store ever yet jumped full grown into business. Some have tried, so have some men.
But the store that wins is the store, that works up by degrees from nothing, just ,as
the most successful men have been they who started as boys with their pockets empty,
but their heads full. "
Those of our friends who knew the old place' a little further up the street know how
small our beginning was.
That the store here is larger is due simply to the fact that we have tried to serve
.the people as they like to be served Jairly, courteously, comfortably. A store may start
right and then go wrong. The foundation of a twenty story building may be secure, yet
the superstructure may be so loosely built that it will tumble to the ground.
It's the Way a Store Builds on Its Principles That Counts
If its prices are too high, having "one price" is perhaps worse than having many.
If it has abnormally low prices for some things (as baits) and makes up the loss by
charging too much for others, it's as bad as having two prices.
If it puts so, much red tape around its "exchange and money back" rule, people with
sensitive natures will refuse to ask for a privilege, so grudgingly given.
While the Park Avenue Hote in New York was on fire a guest rushed into the of
fice and said to the clerk, "Man, this hotel is burning. Why don't you do something?"
"This hotel is fire-proof," he replied, and went on leisurely writing.
Some stores say a thing in their advertisements, and no one knows it isn't so until
. the test comes.
Our store laid down a principle long ago that its advertisements must tell the exact
truth: It does what it Says, (unless a typographical error makes us say something
not intended).
Trade has been uplifted in the past ten years.
This store was founded with the desire not only to do more than other stores were
doing, but to do it better.
Andrew Carnegie has written his own epitaph, and it is this, "Here lies a man who
was clever enough to gather cleverer men around him."
It was only with the assistance of the loyal men and women who for ten years have
lived under our roof that we have worked out even a part of our ambition.
We cannot personally meet all our customers, though we would gladly do so
every day. The folks behind the counters must speak for us. It is no empty com
pliment, or cheap attempt to win loyalty, when we say that no store was ever better
served by its employes.
This period of expansion in our career is a time for well-wishes all around.
While receiving the congratulations of our friends, we bespeak for all stores that de
serve it the same success that has come to us. We have never placed hinderances in
the way of other stores, nor done anything to prevent their growth.
On the other hand we have' seen them grow' with pleasure, believing that what
helps Scranton helps this store, that the more good stores there are the larger will be
the business of this store.
This is a time for making new friendships as well as for renewing the old,
' If the're are any who have never been, in the store, let them come now and see
how different it is from other places of business.
If there are any who have been turned away from this store, for one reason or .
, another, let them come back and see how easy it is to right a wrong.
Satisfactory service is the corner-stone of the expanded store.
Connolly & NAallac
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