S35s!fM.i3 wlV VA jy ,-rn. v Ji r ',M-n" lBMori'ttrBti mi r w.vjfSriyvsrni-JPir ii r. t to . 10 THE SgiUNTON TRIBtTNE-TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1902. V .. aRiWMi Btk 4 I ' ' ' 10 K r fc' ' 0 it . h ii'.ir r K! CLEVELAND may cost a little more per can, but it insures perfect, whole some food. In fact, it is more economical in the end, because it goes further in leavening and never spoils the food. CLEVELAND BAKING POA&DER CO. NEW YORK ESTATE MUST PAY IT BACK DECISION IN MATTER OF NEBAL EXPENSE. FTT- Judge Vosburg Rules That a Daugh ter Who Paid the Expense of Her Father's Funeral Is Entitled to Re cover the Same from His Estate. Question Arose in the Hatter of the Account of Joseph. Stuart, Execu tor Under the Will of Charles Stu art, Deceased. Judgo A. A, Vosburg handed down an opinion yesterday in orphans' court in the matter of the estate of Charles Stuart, deceased. It is as follows: Aflir shins luc, tinu-lv and Icpil notice by liuI'licMtion, (.re Irs., tho account of Joseph hitnrt, executor under tlic will of Clurlrs htuait, clrtrauil, curio up for audit before mo at tbe rrpbjns' court Mom, city of hiranton, county of Liickannnni and Hjtc of rciuisjhania, on Fri clay, March 'JUt, 1002, at 10 a. in,, and at other KnWqucnt times in ircordancr ith contin-inner--. It appeirs irom the evident c that the Ir.'Utor lived wtli his daughter, Jiiry A. CVil. I.ns (or some time prior to hii death, and that after his ilcec.w, flic, nitliout ronMiltiiii; tlie rxriutrn, mule airjivcnn nil for hii) burial, and pild the futitr.il cpen-e.j. She now prevents rlaun against the fund for distribution for the money to paid by hei, ainountim; to one hundred and tui'hc dollars and Hie cent.. The eweutor re'isls the allow jiico of this claim, for ttvu rca-i-nni: First Ilceaiisp he allege;! it it as a tolun dry payment- undo by a volunteer and tint therefore it cannot he ictotercd back. Second Hei-an-u the claimant itceited from the testator prior to his death, a turn of money considerably larger than the amount now claimed. There is no doubt that the general nilo of law is that uo implied promise to pay arises where a pirly makes a payment oluntarily, and without nny legal liability or compulsion, in discharge of n debt or liibility of another. Clark on Con II acts, pp. 7t0-TCl-7b3. See llehn ts Helm, i-'3 T.1., 415. Breneman's Appeal, 121 Pa., p. CIS. Hut there scemi to be un exception to this gen eral rule, where funeral rxpcnsni arc paid by Jircmbcrs of the family, without coiiMjUin? the executor. There arc decUions wlihh hold that in nieh cases an Implied promise upon the part of the executor or administrator arlbcs, to Trpay the peiton who makes advances of this character'; u rid tho reason for such an c.TCtplion is xery ap parent. In most cases, no administrator is appointed until after the funci.il, and tten if there is a will in whiih an executor is nnined, this instrument is not usually read until tho burial Is otcr. Ne .sarlly, therefore, fonic member of the family must make arrangements fur the funeral, arid in contracting a bill for the expenses thereof, it is perfectly just and cquitiblc that be should lie iii-ld to be actliis under implied, authority from the executor or administrator. In Francis' Est,, 75 l'a,, !!2t), the widow paid the funeral expenses, and it rtw held that she una entitled to reeoter the amount no paid, from the estate. See also, - Williams an Executors (1S37) 8,' D. Burke's Kat fit W. N. C)., 8110. Tills disposes of the lirst ob jeetion. The second one is not fully sustained by the evidence, and I will not dwell upon it. Another Mirntlon ailses, xlz: Whether or not the orphans' court has Jurisdiction to pass upon this claim, a suit lilting been biuuicht to recover it in tho court of common pleas. Ordinarily,,, be tween courts of concurrent jurisdiction, the one in which proceodlnss are lirst begun, thereby . ncqulres exclusive Jurisdiction of the subject mat ter thereof. Oher xs. Gallagher, 95 V, 8., 190, Cletclaud vs. Eric, 1 Urant 212. Powers xs. Council, 110 Mass., SI. It has been held, However, that while the Juris diction, of tho orphins' court and tho court of lonimon pleas Is concurrent to establish a dolt againbt un estate, (Prlngle vs. I'rlnarle, lit) li M.), the jurisdiction of the orphans' court to as certain tho amount of the decedent's property out to order distribution is exclusive. Welmer vs. Karch, IM l'a,, 385. I am therefore of the opinion that I may consider and piss uon this claim, although a eult is now pending in the court of common picas to recover it, but that said ui tion thouhl be dKontjnucd iiKn the adju lllcation of the claim in tho orphans' court, to tlix there rnay not be two iceoverles of it, I therefore award the fund for' distribution (at tci deducting, as preferred claims, u counsel fee t of ten dollars to the counsel for tho executor or Krvlces at the audit, and the fees duo the rltik ot the orphans' court, of nine dollars), to alary A. Collin. ! upon the condition, houttcr, that she flrt dlicontlnue of record the suit in the court of cou.inou pleas, and file tho certificate of the protbonotary that such case litis been discon tinued, wllli the clerk of the orphans' court, wjthln twenty days from the filing of this adju dication. Jf exceptions ore filed to this report, then tho claimant may withhold tuch dis i continuance until tlrs taid exceptions shall hate been disposed of by the court, but shall not be entitled to receive from the executor any part of her claim hereby allotted, until the suit In the court of common pleas fliall hate been discon tinued, and the prothonotary's certificate of such discontfnuanici. duly Hied with the clerk of this court. , Good for Bheumatism. T,ast fall I wob taUen with a very sovcro attack of muscular rheumatism which caused mo great pain ond ani r.oyance. After trying several pre Etilptlons and rheumatic cures, I de cided to ubo Chamberlaln'B Pain Balm, which I had seen advertised In tho fcouth Jerseyman. After 'two applica tions of this llemedy I was much bet ter, and after using one bottle was completely cured. SALLIE HARTUS, u.wm. n. J, For sale by all druggists. You cannot, if vou value good health, nfford to use cheap, low-grade, alum baking pow ders. They are apt to spoil the food , they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food is detrimental. TEN YEARS OF AMERICAN PROSPERITY. Compiled by the Protection Area, continental, square miles Population Population per square mile Wealth Wealth, per capita Debt per capita, less cash intreasury Circulation of money Circulation per capita Deposits In satings banks Deposits In nations! banks Depositors in satings banks number Receipts, net ordinary Receipts, customs Receipts, internal rctenue Expenditures, net ordinary Expenditures, war Expenditures, navy Expenditures, pensions r Public debt Interest on public debt Imports of inerchaudlsc Imports of merchandise, per capita Exports of merchandise Exports of merchandise, per capita Imports of raw silk, pounds Imports of rubber, crude, pounds Imports of iron and steel and manufactures Exports of iron and steel and manufactures. Exports of agricultural products Exports of manufactinrs Fa nu animals, total xaluc of Cattle, number Horses, number Mieep, number Mules, number... ' hine, number Production of gold Production of tihcrj Production of coal, tons rioduelion ol petroleum, gallons Production of pig iron, Ions Production of steel, tons Production of copper, tons Production of wool, pounds Pimluetloii of wheat, bushels Production of corn, bushels Production of cotton, hales Production of sugar, tons Sugar consumed, tons Cotton taken by mills, bales Cotton exported, ounds Railways in operation, miles Passenger, carried, number Freight carried one mile, tons Freight rates per ton per mile Passenger cars, number Freight cars, number American xesscls built, teas Engaged in foreign trade, tons Engaged in domestic trade, tons Engaged in lake commerce, tons Post offices, number Receipts of postotrlcc department Tell graph messages sent, number....... Newspapers and periodicals, number.... Public schools, salaries paid in ,.. Patents issued, number Immigrants arrived, number..,. EDUCATION IN PHILIPPINES. The geography formerly used in tho Filipino schools devoted one page out of two hundred to the United States n,i,1 rlnaniltnrl thllt nniintrv JIM 'lino nf n-,llllnnnlrosi nrlvortlsomontB nnrl PWPn- trlnltloB." .Inst now nno of the eccsn- tricltles consists In giving the Filipino children real education. The superin tendent of public education In the Phil ippines, Fred W. Atkinson, writes In the Outlook; 'The majorfty of the school cWMren como from ignorant homes, where there aro none of tho accessories and means of culture. A small but Important class of Filipinos, those who possess wealth and culture, while not opposing Tinnnlni- prliiontinn. fnvnr nlnns fni- popular education, favor plans for higher education. On tho other hand, tho masses, for wham elementary edu cation Is intended, are ever In danger of misprizing Its benefits, Flno wotds are heard from local presidents, but v.lth many their deeds prove that their words servo only to conceal their thoughts. "In spite of these and other difficul ties, all tho superintendents and the great majority of the American teach ers are enthuslnstlovnnd optimistic as to tho ultimate outcome, A progres sive spirit Is being aroused In a con siderable number of Filipino teachers, who aro given, wherever there Is an American teacher, dally Instruction In English and In methods of teaching; mid vacation normal courses are also being conducted, Modern ' textbooks and other Bchool supplies, Including turnlture, are being distributed In largo quantities, Tho American teach ers ftio doing something to Improvo tho nppearanco and hygienic conditions of schools, and grounds, ana uy tms means, and by Inviting parents to the schools on days of public exercises, uio nrousjng local prldo and Interest. While there aro exceptions, yet local co-operation ls( forthcoming. 1 "Almost without exception, tho teach ers are' satisfied, enthusiastic, and In tensely Interested In their work. They are willing to submit to minor discom forts, and ore repaid by the satisfac tion of feeling that they, in close con tact are the ones who exercise direct influence Jn enlightening the Filipino jnln'd, hitherto untrained and groping in darkness. As a friend prominent in ," , t from Census lteporlj. ISM). .l.ft.'J.GOO ta.tH.M'iO 20,70 ?Cj,O37,O91,O00.O0 1,0.18.57 14.3.! 1,19,231,270.00 22.SJ 1,324,844,5JO00 ?l,4S.5095,8.-i(1.00 4,2W,S'i.,I ?t01,(fe0,0i:i.00 229,Cn,5!.j,00 nj,coa,7on uo 201,037,20.1.00 .4l.l32.rV18.nt 22,00tj,20tt.0i lOtl.PIil.FKi 00 l,.Vi2.UO,2IH.0O :;u,ix)9,2si.oo TstV'ilO.tO'J.tl) 12. r R57,S2S,CSI.(K) 13. .TO 7,SI7.!I0 "5.SIJ.R74 Sll,07tl,.Vil.0O 2"'.il2,'J0.iW o:o,s2o,yw.oi l.'il, 102,370.0(1 2,llS,70ll,02S.0O .'.',501,1107 1 1.211, M7 11.1311,072 2,S'il,(r!7 fil.liiK.it-O If.'.i.SI'i.oilO.iH) 70,4flX,OOU.ni) 14O,eflil,0U ,02l,f.",J,2.'l 0,202,7111 4,277,071 ll.W. 270,000,0110 o'O.iw.oim 1,iV,'l70,OUO 7.1! 1,32 110,30.; 1,170,377 2,323,0(10 ,171,709,83.1 10(1,031 320,U9,(-2 79,l!r2,9!3,V23 .03 2I.0IM l,f3,!!0j - -2') 1, 122 040,003 :M77.ei2 1,00.1,00.: 02,401 ?0O,b2,0'l7 53,878,702 10,111s f!il,3tf.4al.nt HS.fiiV, 155,803 1000. 3,025,600 70,303,387 2J.22 ?Ki,300,000,uOO.O0 l,2To.8fl 11.32 2,OJ3,13O,00S.0O 20.113 2,U0.3I7,8S3.00 $2,503,248,558.00 0,107,OS3 $-367,210,8.52.0O 21.1,101,871.00 233,327,027.00 l47,353,4oS.0O l.:4,774,7(18.00 33,033,078.00 110,877,310.00 2,110,031,002,00 10,100,333.00 M9,041,181.OO 10.83 1,314,1S3,0S2.00 17.06 11,011,714 10,377,138 .2O,478,72S.0O 121,013,513.00 815,858,123.00 411,831,730.00 2,Sl,03!,ir5.00 07,801,022 lS,2m.li 01,003,811 .1,300,721 02,870,103 $70,171,000.00 7l,5S.),405.O) 240,005,017 2,061,233,503 13,780,242 10,183,320 . " 270,583 2V.(iO,021 .i22,220,5O 2,101.102,510 9, 130,110 1 10,220 2.210,817 3.611,000 S,100,5i3,l8S 101,321 584,003,933 111,102,109,413 .75 20,780 1,33S,I07 31,1,700 820,094 4, 338, 111 1,505,587 70.6SS II02,354,571 0J, 107,783 20.80U .?13(1,(1,8J8 00 040,167 Hfc.572 Massachusetts! educational circles said, 'Teaching' the Philippines Is the grand est kind of mlsslonury work.' " HEALTH OF MANILA. , om "" T'1"". February 23. I The boari1 of hea,th returns go to show ti very satisfactory condition of things In Manila from a sanitary point of view. Today the city Is freer from sickness, In the form of contagious dis eases, than It has been ut nny time In I !LalhrJe? p Sl""." h ,t , h , ' ' t f , h - January being tin absolutely clean month, so far ., tho fl) ... f Pnru,m.npi, , ,, ,,, faet ot tUero beln j t tn, .. . T... monin, as compareu wun twenty-two, eighteen ,and thirty, respectively, for tho same month In the .past three years. Is highly gratifying, and goes to show what good work the health authorities ure doing In keeping tho city clean, and thus preventing sickness. They still have tho same old difficulty to contend with, however, In tho rooted objection so many householders have to catching and turning over tho rats found In their premises, In case a plague rat bhould appear amongst them, and their domestlo uulet be up set by the board's cleunslng and disin fecting process. Others object to Inoc ulation, nnd wnsto half tho time of tho public vaccinators urgulng tho ciuentloii, and caublng considerable delay In their woik, which Is no light tnsk. The Chinos aro generally tho best patients In this regard, looking upon It as a huge Joke, gotten up for their special benefit, and start to laugh and bare their arms as soon as they see the vac- ' rlnator coming, afterward Jabbering like monkeys, us thoy compare the marks of tho needle pricks on each other's arms. All the worst of the shacks have now been cleaned out in the walled city, and the work of exploration and In spection Is going on dally, keeping tho Inspectors busy from morning to night, and the difference In the appearance of the city now as compared with even one year ago Is most marked. Sfr TTTTsflli i THE MARKETS Wall Stmt Rrrliir. New York. April 14, There wis feverish and etcltrd clrfc in today's stock market Mtt a day of varying sentiments. Tho Mfller strength not maintained, In spits .if wide advances of a few Htotks and the couro was gradually down-' ward tint II the late dealings, when there was a guneral break all around. Prices liar) risen agiln after tho tagging .tendency under tho stimulus of the extraordinary adtinccs In some of tho (iMntrera and Northwestern. But the perception of realizing under cover of this strength, and the sensational advance to 13J In Louisville and Mshtlllc im.ttlcd sentiment again and led to' tho gcncr.ll unloading in tho Anal dealings. There were some feterlsh and rpiMnodla rallies, but the market tlofed feverish and Irregular Willi n weak undertone. Much attention and surmise wcro B.'ttn to the Louisville and Nashville ultuitlon, and tho illstioxltlon to be mide of its control. Olno hone is cntertitlnnd llmf s rommunltv nf interest among the southern trunk linos will ,bo J xvorKeii out os a result of the new control, which seems to hate been "acquired without any large rallnnid combination In tlcw, but simply for M'ecuiatite profits. The action of tho stock today did not indicate any very definite prospect of Mjttlemcnt, the feterlsh lllght aif the stock In dicating rather profound iinseltlement and un lertnlnty of the speculitlte element. Tho re markable rle In Northwcsterti Clrangers xvas with out cxplanitlon, unlefs it was the result of pine manlptiljtlnn to further proflt-tsklng at other point". Tho C'hlcsgo Nnttlmcsltrn ftocks, bt. Paul and Omaha, and the St. Paul stocks wire marked up In a short period of trading from Wt to 1.1 points. St. P.iul rclap'cd as suddenly ' to lie below Saturday slid rim tinted' at thp last almost as wildly as Loulstllte Itself. Total site today, lj,7oo shares. Heavy realizing In the t'entral of (leorgla Income bonds made the bond market unsettled and Irregular, dotal sales, par tnliii'. ffi.Dffi.OlU. Ilnltisl Slati ' advanced ;. the it's leglsterej i und the olil i' coupon 4 oil the last call. The following quotailoni are furnliheJ Tin Tribune by llalght A Frees Co., 3HJ1J Heirs Building. V, I). Runyon, manager. 'Open. High. I,o Clnte Amal. Copper iliYM 07',; fW-i Mlifj Am. Car Fnumlry 28Ti Sdvi Ua 29 American lee 17 17'i 1(1 ltlft Atner. locomotive :i,IT4 :U'i HJ HA Am, Locomotlte, Pr .... IMTs Vti 'MV UI Am. Smelt, fc Itof, Co ., 17 47 47 47 American Sugar ,U24 Ui'A Lit ' 11 . 79U fOlt 78i 78'4 Atchison Atchison, Pr .... Bait, k Ohio ..... Brooklyn It T ... Canadian Pncitlu . B3'4 II84 .107 107 .121H 121, . 4fiV. 4HU !' 100 64 no 4ltts SO'll 2lla 107 174V6 1BV4 2" 45 3(1 08 34 S2 14314 120 132 151 21 (j 2i 5 100 12 50 12 41 150 102 57 82 08 17 73 70 (K'Vi .14 91 lK 41 101 87 12 84 1 41 91 23 41 90 " 107 '11 119 40 .17 24 4 101 175 00 !!0 45 .10 08 54 82 111 12 1.12 152 2V4 23 3 100 101 60 .12 12 ISO 102 57 82 08 17 7.1 71 011, .11 tr. 68 11 101 87 12 84 1S 41 03 23 Ches. : Ohio tuicago Alton .17 . 374 tnie. cc ii. it 'j4 Chic, Mil. Ic St. P 1117 fi.l,. n i j. .i - 170 17(1 OH 2Ts 4) 08 MM 8-1V4 145 1SI 1.14 152 3I 25 03'4 1021s 104 57 32 13 .!...., , . .- ,,., ,j ol.. I uel & Iron ........ DT'i vui. (v tuiitiieiji .... k)';s Col. & South., Pr, 4f l.rie Erie, 1st Pr . 68'i . Mh . 82 . .144U ..120W ' .133 V4 .152 . 0Ti . 25 trie,, lm it Hocking Valley .... Illinois Central Louis. & Nash Manhattan '. . . . Metropolitan St. Ry Mexican" Central ... Mo. Kan. k Tex Mo. Kan. & Tex., Pr , 33W Missouri PaciBc 101 -n. v. ccmrai .... Norfolk k Western Ont. k West .... Pacific Mall Penua. It. R People's Gas, Reading .'. Heading, 1st Pr .. Reading, 2d Pr .. Republic Steel .... Rcnublie Steel. Pr 103 57 32 V,i 150 150" 10214 iai 58 58 82 0011 17 73A aivi 17Vi 73',4 T" 67 14 05 70VI 42 103 SSU 13i 84 1 11 Pt 21 443 01'4 St. Louis k San Fran... 0 T, Southern Pacific,. 60 Southern R. It '.;.' 34'4 Southern R. R.. Pr Tenn. Coal k Iron . Texas k Pacific .... 1'nlon Pacific Union Pacific, Pr.... . 08 . 41 .10-21i . 884 IT. S. Leather 13M, 17. R. Leither. Pr 84 If. S, Rubber 10 l". S. Steel 41 I'. S. Steel, Tr 0.1 Wabash J 24 li Wabash, Pr 44i Western Union BOJj 43 90 CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION MARKKT. ' WHEAT Onen. Hieh. T.iw. Cln Onen. .72 73 M 01 Hieh. 71 71 02 02 42 Mat- 72 71 72 721 s's 7.1 02 01 42 July CORN Mav Julf OATS 73 01 81 42 11 10.77 10.91 9.72 9 81 9.10 9.20 Mav i Julv PORK- Mar July : LARD- Mav Julv RIDS. May July 42 .17 10 77 10.91 9.75 9.85 9.10 9.20 10.00 17.12 10.82 17.02 9.80 0.90 9.75 !(.85 9.15 9.30 9.12 9.25 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. I Onen. High. Low. May 8.97 8.97 8.00 Julv 8.90 S.P 8.W August 8.04 8.01 8.77 Cloe. 8.90 8.92 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Did. Asked Lackawanna pairy Co., Pr. no County Satings Bank & Trust Co.. 300 First National Dank (Carbondale) jrjo Third National Dink 550 Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. 000 Kconomy Lleht. II. & I. Co jg First National Bank 1300 Lacks. Trust & Safe Deposit Co.... 193 Clark ft Snover Co., I'r 125 Scranton Savings Bank 500 Traders' National Dank 223 ... tcranton Dolt k Nut Co 1J5 People's BanK 133 ... Scranton Packing Co ,. ... 33 BONDS. Scranton Passenger Railway, first Mortgage, due 1920 115 ,,. People s Mreet Railway, first raort- (rase, due 1013 us ,,, People's Street Railway, General mortgage, due 1921 113 ... Scranton Traction 0 rer cent 115 Economy Light, Heat & Power Co North Jersey k I'ccono Ice Co Consolidated Water Supply Co 07 97 105 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Flour J4.40. I Beans f2.40. Butter Fresh creamery, 31c; frcali dairy. COc. Che.se 13al3c. " Egrfs Nearby, 17c.; western, lOUc. Peas-I'er bushel, 51,75. , Marrow Deans Per bushel,, $2.35j2.40 Potatoes Per bichel, EOe, Onions Per bushel, $1,40. New York Grain nnd Produce M uket I New York, April H.-Flour-Irrcgular and about steady. Wheat Spot nuiUt Liny; No. a led, 824c elevator and 8l?ic. f, o' b. atloat; No, 1 northern Dulutb, 62lc. f. i. b. atloat; op tions opened lower; they recovered and turned Minnie, but cuntually rased olT, clos-d cuy at He net decline; Jlay 7Sc; July, 7i?le,; Sep. timber, iSTic.; December, 7T4c. Corn Spot llmi; No. 2, ri,ic clotator and flOftc. f, n. b. atloat; there wai, a wild market ut the opni Ini?; price fold up lHc. hero and then cas'd I off in the afternoon with the close easy; May closed 07Vie.; July, &le.; September, 03V4e. Ojti Spot firmer; No. 2, 47c,; No, 3, 40Vic.i No. 8 white, JlaSlWc; No, 3 white. M&o.s track mixed xtestern. 46alSc.j track white, smaSte,; options ttrni for u time on bullUli irop and weather talk, but later followed tho corn reac lion. Butter Strons; creamery, 20.i.ile. ; do, fac tory, SO.iMc. ; icnovated, 21a30c. ; Imitation creum cry, 21421V.; (date dairy, 25a30e. Clieeae Firm; statu full cream, small early make, fancy colored and white, 13al3ic ; full cream, large fall mane, fancy colored and white, 12al2tic. Egg Ktronu: tdte and I'ciiasyltanla, lOalofic; west ern, 10ttal7c.; Boutlicrn, lSalOc. Philadelphia. Ornln and Product. Philadelphia. April 14. Wheat-He. lower; contract Rradefl April, 82!4a83c. Corn ',4c high er; No, 2 mixed, April, iHiiaOIe. Oats-Stcidy; Jto, 3 tvhlto clipped, 00c, Flour Firm but quiet; winter super, j.ooas.i !.u0; do. extras, .!.WjJ.15; Pennstlianla roller clear. -i .'5i'J Mr do. da straight, 3 0043.75; xtestern winter, clear, if-ltWi ,5ri;'do. do. straUht, tM.COtri.SO; do. do patent, S.!.M)a3.0o spring, clear, tf.15.i3 33; do. straight, V,50j3.70; do. patent, $.).73a3.tiO; do. fatorite brands, ti.93a4.10; city mills, extra, $.'.00.13.15' do. clear, $3.30a3.63; do. straight, U COai.&0; do. patent, sVf.73il.10. Ryo Flour tjuiet, un changed at $3.25 13.30 per barrel. Butter-Vlrni, fair demand; extra western creamery, 32e,j do. nearby prints, Sic. Ems Steady; fresh nearby, 15',ac. ; do, western, lMiallV. ; do. southwestern, ISijc.; do. southern, 13c. Cheese Steady; New York full cream, fancv small, 12alc; do. do. fair to choice, llal2Vic Refilled Suuara Flte points lower; powdered, 4.Wc. ; cubes, 3c.; crown A, 9,10c.; extra, fine granulated, 4.63c. j This signature in on every box of the genua Laxative BromoOuitUne Tablet. remedy that carat ceia Ui one Ucj . alanciatrt nwnula.tMl.ln birtk with ermUi A, I.TSet confectioners' A, Me.t No. 1 at 4.40c,i No. 2 and 8, 4.85c. No. 4, 4.30f. No. B, .2V. t No. 6, iP-JJ!?- 7'.4-lne-l No- 8. to I No- 0, 3.05c. t No. 10, 3.00c. No.11, .1,E5e.t Ned. 12. tl and II, fUsV. I No. 15, ,3.75c! No. 16, 8.71V. Cottoh Mfk. lower! middling uplands, 0 iMfle. Tallot- Rtdy rty prime In tlerres,' 0l6V4c.t country ilo., barrels, 8aflt!. do. dark, Be. cakes, 0!4e. Live Poultrj Firm, fair demand! fowls, 1.1al.1a old voosUM, 8a0e.t winter chickens, KHJOo.l spring thickens, 2IJa1Sc. ducks, lie, l geese, lot lie. Pressod Poultrj- Firm, good dcmind) fowl, eholre, 12al3c, do. fair to good, lla 12c. old rooiters. SaSHe.i western chickens. 1 14e. Receipts Flour, 1,800 burtolj and 017,003 pounds In sacks) wheat, nOnot corn, 4.000 bush els! oats, 0,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat 68,. 000 bushels! cent, 4,000 bushels! oals, 21,000 bushels. Buffalo Ziivt Stock Murkst. East Buffalo, April II. Cattle Receipts, 4,200 head! actltc, lSa25c. on all good ami butchers' grades) best steers, $rt,75a7l medium b good, J0.25afl 40( light to good bhlchers, W,50a 0.76! light to good helfcM, $3,i5.73! poor to choice cows, $."; bulls, export, 8l.50aF21: sausage and butchers, 3.50i5 23l prime fresh cows and springers, strong at $45iOO; common to medium cows, slow at 25i.10 rholeo feeding steers, 850 to POO pounds, M.05al.85i fair to good, $4.COi4,60; best stoekers, 84.45 M.CO; fair to guod. W.15a4 40: common. sVl.00al.10! stock belf. ers, slow nnit not much demand at $.la3.50s veals, tops, 5d.25oO.50! fair to good, 83.23a5.73s common to light, i(4.60a5. Hogs Receipts. 18,700 head! nelltoi heavy, $7.43a".50; mixed, $7,35.11.401 pt'ts, MWlifiOOi roughs, ,)6 73i0.0i)! stag, is.50t5, Micei) ond limbs llceeints. 14.000 lied! sheen strong! lambs aetlte and higher; top lambs, ,7.I0 n7.50 fair to good, $7u7.2! culls and common, 5.75afl.73i teirlings, ssd.B0ifl.i3! sheep, tops, mixed, (fOaO.60! fair to good, $5.ii0.iB.75; rulls mid common. S1.50.i4, 75: ton elinned lambs. $0-10 nO 05j top clipped sheep, mixed, $5.23a5.73. Ohtoago Grain and Produce Market. ChlcaiA). Alrll II. Speculators in cralns bad a feterlsh time of it today. Corn xhorlx were badlv seared otcr the continued hulirt's In the soul hit rstcrn markets and fearing possible man Ipiilntlon of the market by bulls in its prccnt peculiar condition, bid prices up 2c. Wheat had an early bearish tendency but hid to follow the com lead and jumped tc. All pits showed liurKul activity mid prices fluctuated erratically. After the early excitement conditions became ronie what nnrm.ll and Mny wheat closed Oic. lower; May coin, c. higher and May oils, e tip. Provis-ionrt closed n shade lower to 3c. higher, Cash quotations wcro as follows: Flour Steady ! No. .1 spring wheat, (i9i"2c. ; No. 2 red. 70a 89V4c; No. 2 corn, (.2e.i No. 2 yellow, ('2c. s ao. 2 oats. 4ic; xo. 2 white, 44ii4,c.; .no. ;i white, 44al5t'.; No. 2 ive, 57ar)7',4o.! fiir to choice malting, filaMje.; No. 1 rlar seed. nO.rXla 1085: laid, ). 72 'j iO,75: shoit ribs, H19.15: div salted shouldtis. 7a7c. ; short clear sides, $9J35a0.75; wlrlskey, 1.30. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago. April 14.-Cattle Reccipti, 18.500: strong to 10c. higher; good to prime steers, 80.50 a7.55; poor to medium, iL50ao:;0; stoekers mid feeders, f2 75a4.75; costs. 1l.40aU.10; heifers. 12 50 aO.S5; canners, )),1.1Oa2.50; bulls, V2.S0a.45; calves, 2.50a5.65; Texas fed steers, 83.25.uV25. Hogs Receipts today, 31,000; tomorrow, 20,000; left over, 5,000; opened steady to 5c. lower; closed steady; mixed and butchers, ?(1.85a7.27 ; good to choice heat v. 17.20a7.30; rough he.ity, IHl.0Oa7.2O; light, !6.75a7: bulk of sales. Wflla 7.25. Sheep Receipts, 18,000; sheep and limbs strong to 10c. higher; good to choice welhers, $5.25a0; wedern sheep and yearlings, SM.75all.25; natttc Iambs, $l.75a7; western lambs, 15.25a7. East Liberty Live Stock. East Libeily, April 14. Cattle Higher: choice, $0f0a7; prime, SWl.50aO.75; good, S53.85art.35. Hogs Steudy; mediums, iJ7.40a7.15; lreaty hogs, 7.4U a7.45; heaty Yorkers, 7.35a7.10; light do., 17.201 7.40: pigs, 5J(l.80a7; loughs, aO.?.'). Sheep higher: br-t wethcis, Si3,03a5.80; culls and com mon, .')al; teal caltes, $6a6 50. Oil Market Oil City, Ta April 14. Credit balancf. 115: certitlcatcs, no bid: shipments, 200,220 barrels; aterage, lOO.wS barrels; tuns, 111,100 barrels; aterage, ,o,1j'2 barrels BUSINESS BREVITIES. Business failures in the first quarter of Vach year siiue 1S75 arc thus shown by Dun Year. No. 1002 .-1.IIS 1001 !!,33) 1000 2.S0I lftIO 2,772 1S0S :i,dS7 1S7 3,031 18 ,1,031 lsrs ::,soi 1SSI 4,301 1MB a,a 1S02 ,",3Sl 1801 .t,5t.- 1610 :i.2ii 14' :;,:ill 188S 2.04S 1SS7 3,007 1SS8 K,203 1SS3 :i,."iR 18SI 3.210 1PS3 2,H1 18S2 2,127 1S81 1.701 1SS0 1,432 1S70 2,521 1S7S 3,Sfi. 1877 2,W 1876 2.800 1875 1,052 Liahililirs. $.13,731,73 31,703,181! .33,022.573 27,152,031 32,010,u(V. JS,O07,0ll 57,42'i,13.-, 47,S13,0S3 0l,137,;t3.i 47,3.'IS,300 39,2S4.34' 42,107,031 ,'i7,32,iW 42,072,511! ."8,8S4.780 :.2,101,7(IJ 2',iS1,i2(l 40,12l,U-)t IU, 180,078 38,372,011 3.1.33S,271 21.417,2-tO 12,777,071 41,112,niH H,078.820 .)l,.x.i8,07l f.l,OI4,00(l 43,173,000 Avon ere. "0,flO !),50l! . 11.111 0.7M .S01C 12.200 11,218 ' li.r.77 li.ooo 14,781 11,001 11,604 11,747 12,079 13,100 10,005 9,2t! 12.608 12,103 13,002 13,070 3,XV SB2 17,051 21,104 10,010 23.039 21,782 Amount and kinds of money circulating in the t'nlted States April 1: old coin ? 035,104,761 ((old certificates , 203,437,970 Silver dollars 09,179,452 Silter certlficales 447,52,592 Silisidlary filter 82.602,133 Treasury notes 33,881,119 United States notes 330,093,84-1 National bank notes :i4S,570,24fl Total ',35? Sajs Henry Clows: "I look for more actitily in the stock market and a higher range of pritei generally In tire Immediate, futuic," D., L. & W. Board for Today. Tho following Is the make-up ol the D., L and W. board for today; MONDAY, APIWi 11. Extras East S p. in., 1". V. Stetcns; 10 p. m., Itobokcn, J. A. Hush; 11 p. in., llobokcu, J. II, buartz. ' TUESDAY, ArillL 13. Extras East 1.30 a. in., (icorge Thomas; 4 a. hi., Ilobokcn, J. Uerrity; 0 u. m., Ilobokcn, J, V. Dctiue; 10 a. m., Lattlmer with P. Cavan augh'scrcw; 11 a. m., Ilobokcn, I.irMn; 2 p. in., II. Iltsblnj; 5 p. m., Iloboken, V. A. Bartholo-liif-w; 0 p. ill., O. V. Fitzgerald. Suintnltu, Eetc 41 a, in., .1. Ilcnnlgau; 9 u. m., Frounfclker; 10. n. in., Nie1iul!i;'t2 p. m Thoinp eon; 8 p. m., M. (joldeu. . Pu-hers (I a. in , Wldner; 7 a, in., Flnncrty; S a. in.', Iloucr; 11.15 a, in., Morau; 1.30 p. in., Nauman; (I p. in., C. llartholonn'w; 7.30 ji. in,, Murphy; 0 p m., V. II, llartholomew; 10 p, in,, Lamping. Helper 1.80 a. in., Mcllotern; 7 a. nf., Gail pey; 10 a. in., Sccor; 3.30 p. in., Ht.inton. Extras Wert 8 a. in., M. Canr.ody; 11 a. m., T. Poudlcan; 3 p. m., William Hoar with E, Mc Allister's trexv; 4 p. m., O, Klngslcyj 11 p. in., I'. Wall. NOTICE. Fellows and crew will run 11.30 p. m. extra, April 14. I, Me Cue anil llrakemcn II. J, Tighe, Tim Idi Un and Thomas MeLanc will run 8 a. m. extra, April IS. Mann and crew will uin No. 02, April 13. Frlcry and cicw will run 3.15 p. in. extra, April 13. Oilllgan will run No. 52, April 13, with James Gahagan'a crew. William bnxiler will go out tfltli Blsblng in place of George, Mute.hler, RBLROHO TM? TABLES, Delaware and Hudson. In Kit tit Notcmbcr 21, 1001, Trains lur Carbondalo leatc bcranton at 0.20, 8.00, 8.53, 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1,20. 2.31, 3.52, 6.29, 0.25, 7.51, 0.15, 11.20 p. in.; 1.31 a. m. For lloiiesdalc 0.20, 10.Ua. in.; 2.31 and 3.J9 P'For Wilkesllarre-fl.3?, 7.43, 8.41, 9.33, 10 41 a. ni.; U0J. 1.4.', 2.1S, 3.2, 1.21, CIO, 7,1', 10.41, 11.30 p. in. For U V, It. II. Points-t).33, 9.33 a. in.; 2.18, 4.27 aud 11.30 p. m. For Pcimsiitanla n. It. Polnts-C.!3, 0.33 a. m. Ui. 3.23 and 4.27 p. ra. For Albany and all poluu north fl.20 a. m. and 3.52 p. in. ' SUNDAY TIIAIN3. For Carbondale S.00, 11.83 a. m.j 2.31, 3.J2, 8,51 gnd 11,17 p. Hi. For Wllkca-Hairc 0.33 a. m.; 12.03, 1.53, 3.29, 6.32 and 9.17 p. m. For Albany and pointsinorlb 3.51 p. m. For Ilonesdale 8.60 a. in. aud 3 52 p. lu. W. L. PWYOlt. U. : A., Seraoton. P. FINANCIAL r i Let the Title Guaranty and Trust Company sell you a $500 or $1,000 1st Mortgage Gold Bonds such as It can recommend, bear. Ing Interest at the rate of 5 per cent. Call or write for partlcu lars. 135 Washington Avenue. 3 WEEKS moro before tint price of stock In the Eastern Consolidated Oil Go. WILt ADVANCE. Presatit nrle es int a l,r Imt I (llotninnt la nearly rzhanxteil. In-I creased nu prntiueiiou rorccs me I frlce. Now wells coinlmr In every I en- day. Iieniemlier this stock I pnya now 2 MONTHLY on the Inrentrnvnt. L. E. Pike k Co.. 409 Heal Extatel Trust bld'jr.. Philadelphia. Open I Mondat und Thursday eveninn INVESTORS Before making romml'tmcnts. plcisn ez-eo'd us the pritilege of submitting our descriptive list ot Investments. SpencerTrask & Co BACKERS 27 & 29 Pine Street, New Vork MEJIBERS N. V. STOCK EXCHANGE. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors 'to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Btatlonary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Nov. 3, 1901. Trains leave Scranton for New VorK At 1.10, 8.15, 6.03, 7.60 and 10.05 a. m.; 12.45, 3.40, 3.33 p. m. For New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.03 a. m., and 12.15 and 3.33 n. m. For Tob. hanna At 0.10 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15, 6.22 and 9.00 a. m.; 1.55, 0.30 and 11.35 p. m. For Bine hamton and way stations 10.29 a. m. and 1.10 p. m. For Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca 1.16 and 0.22 a. in.; 1.65 p. m. Oswego, Syracu'o and Utlca train at 6.22 a. m. dally, except Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a, ni.; 1.10 and 0.60 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 1.00. and 6.15 p. m. llloomsburg Division For, Northumberland, at CSS arid-10.06 a. m.; 1.33 .'and 6.10 p.' m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 9.00 p. m Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.15, ,6.05 and 10.03 a. m.; 3.10, 3.33 p, m. For lluffalo 1.13 and 0.22 a. m. ; 1.53. 6.50 and 11.35 p. m. For 'Blnghamton and way stations 10.20 a. ra. nicomsburg Division Leave Scranton, 10.05 a. in. 'and, 6.10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect, Nov. 3. lOOIi Trains leave Scranton. Fo Philadelphia and Now York via D. & II. Il.'(K., at 0,SS"ind 9.33 a. in., and 2.18, 4.27 (liluck Diamond Express), and ll.ifl p. m. Sun daja. D. II. B. K-. If". 8.27 p. nu For White Haven, llazlcton and piinclpal polnli n tlic coal regions, x la D. k II. li. K., 0.38, 2.18 and-4.27 p. in., e'or I'ottsvllle, 0.33 a. m., 2.18 P-For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, ilarrlshurg, and principal Intermediate stations, via D. k II. R It.. 0 38, 0.38 a. m.; 2.1S. 4.27 (Clack Dla niond Express), 11.30 p. m. Sundays,ND. 4: II. II ti.. 0.38 a. m.;J1.5.', 8.27 p. m. For TunUiannock, 'lotranda, IElmlra; Ithaca, Geneta and principal Intermediate stations, vl 1) L. and W. It. It., S.lo a. m. and 3.50 p. m. For Geneva, Uocheater. Ilutfalo, Niagara Falla, Chlcaco and all points west, via D. k If, It. B., 7 4S 12 03 a, m.; 1.42. 3.23 (Black Diamond Exi press), 7.43, 10.11, 11.30 p. ro. Sundajs,' U. k U. It ll 12.0J, 8.37 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on all trjlrn betweca Wilkcs-lljrre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen ItOu!lNdH.' WILI1UH, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland strctt. New York. v CHAltl.ES S. LEI.', Gen. Pa$3. Agt 20 Cortland urett, Sew York. A. W. NONEMACHEB, Dlv. Pass, Agt South lletlileiicm, Pa. . FoV tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket olllct1, 09 Public Square, Wilkcs-llarre, Pa. New Jersey Central. In Ellctt tov. 17, 1901. Stations in New York, foot of Liberty street ami r-outh Fury. N. It Trains leate Srrunton for New York, Philadel phia, Eaatcn, (lellileliim, Allcntonn, Mauch Chunk, Hhll" Hit en. Ashley and "Wllkes-Barre at 7,1,0 a. m., 1 p. m. anu t p. in. suuuaj, j.iu p, pi. IV. Buffet one t, 0., and all principal points ou(h und west. lor Atoia, i iiiiiii un-, ,i uihi:-i,.,irc, 4 n. m. and 4 p. in. nuuuay, tw p. la. For Lou; Branch, uumu urovc, etc,, 7.30 a. pi. atnl I P. ru. For lleaillng, Lebanon and HarrUburg, via Al cnlowu, at 7,.o a, m. sod 1 p. ni. Sunday, 2.10 'For Pottsvillo at 7,30 a. m. and 1 p m. For rates mid tlcketi apply to agent at station, C. M. UUItr, Gen. Pa.. Agl. J. S. SWISIIEII, Dist, Pass. Agt Ecrantoiu Pennsylvania Ballroad. Schedule iu Effect Juno 2, 190L Trains leate StunUm; u.og u. in., neck days, througli xotlbule train from Wiikes-narrc. Pull ii. an bullet parlor tar and coaches tu Philadel phia, tla I'oitstille; lu at nrimlpal luteune dUtc stations. Also connects for bunbur), liar riburg, Philudrlphlj, llultlmurc, Washington and lor Pittsburg and the west. U.SS a. ni., utck dajs, for Sunbury, Harrisbuig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg ai.d tb west. 1.42 p. m., mil; days (Sundats, 1.68 p. in.), for t-uubury, HarrUburg, Philadelphia, lialtiinore, Washington and Pituburg and the west. Jk'ti p. ni.. week iijv, thiough testibulc train from Uilkcs-Barw. Pullman buffet parlor car and coailics to Philadelphia tla I'ottsvillc. Std i principal lntcimcdUn ttatlom 4 27 p. in., week days, tar liailcton, Sunbury, Uarrlsb.irg, Phlladtlphii and Pittsburg. J. U. U'lCIII.NSON. Gen. Mgr. . J. U. WOOD, Ocu. Pass. Agt. Omlvcr uiy i.pic ivjvia oirauion ac yiu , m through solid tistlbulo trail, with Pullman fet Pallor Cars, lor I'liimeiclpiiia, with only ilmn'e of cars for Baltimore. Waihlnirtou. FINANCIAL. THIIU NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550000 "i ' Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whethei large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. Brass Beds Elegantly Rich Designs The new patterns we are now showing1 are beautiful specimens of the metal worker's and designer's skill they possess charac ter and finish that appeals to the exacting purchaser. The prices, too, are as at tractive as the designs. We invito inspection and comparison. Have you seen the new patterns in the twin beds we've something worth seeing, whether you wish' to buy or not. Many new and beautiful patterns in odd Dressers and pieoes for the bed room. Hill &C 01111 ell 121 Washington Avenue. Lager Beer.. manufacturers of 01(1 Stock I PILSNER Brewjry, 433 to 453. N. iey mil sti Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 3331. New 'Phone, 2935, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. New Vork, Ontario and Western. In Meet 'luebday, Sept. 17, 1001. NU1UII HOUM). Leave Leave AnK Tiains. jio, 1 ..... No, 7 Scranton. Carbonilale. TaiJcula. ,10.i( a, in. 11.10 a, in. 1.00 p. ni. , 6,10 . ill. Ar. CarLoniialo t.iQ p. in. tourti uou.M). ' Is;ave Lcaie Arrhe Trains. CailosU. Caibondale. Scranton. So. 0 ........ 7.00a. in. 7,IUii. m. Su ........ 2.15 p. in. 4.00 p. in. i.w p. ri. 6UtiPASOM,V, KOIIill HOUND. Lc.no Lome Arrlv. Trains, No, U Nu. S En anion. Carbondale, Cadcuia , b.su a. m. 0.10 p. in. 10. s a, ,n. T.OOp. m. Ar. Carbondalo 7.19 p. m. Iaio Leave Arrive Cailoiila, Carlwndale, Scranton. T.mia. nu 7,io, m. , t.SO p, m. 0.0) p. in. 0.1 p. m. 1 on week dai. ami u on bmubu ' Traim. No, C ...... No. 10 , Traliu ros, make main line connection lor New York city, Mlddletov.il, Walton, Nvrulcli, Oneida. ,Uutg aud all olnta vitit. I'or (urtber inloriiiatlon ccnmlt ticket azenta. J. f. ASDKItSO.V, 0. I'. A., Sew Vork. . C. WHLSII, T, I'. A., Scranton, l'a tl 1 1 w v ? .-. fs ...l" - f'.Mn -'".ci,'1 " " i 1- 1 rlJS.. , Ji, &$j? jU. 'j. i .4 itijfr ,.i-,v-4JW;..(1S"K .t. i -mwaiwatBfeTBsn-.taFlK. "H ,-u8.Stt Is - u Ju-juta' y; itrtl4 A. t &, .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers