The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 15, 1902, Image 1

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Outline o? the Plans Now Under Dis
cussion bu the Represen
tatives at Pretoria.
Country to Be Divided Into Dig
its Johannesburg to Be Hetro-
to the British with Complete
British Civil Organization No
far Tax to Be Levied Other Fea-
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rem.
The Hague, April 14. From those
close in touch with the Boer leaders
here it appears that the latest seciet
dispatches from South Africa outline
the peace proposals now under discus
sion at Pretoria. They closely follow
the summary given, on Satuiday Inst,'
by the Evening News of Edlnbutg, with
the following additional details:
The Boers to accept a British lord
commissioner with a Uoer executive,
1)0 th to he resident at Pretoria.
The country to he divided into dis
tricts, with British district officers and
a Boer committee, chosen, by polling,
by thcburVrherc. The veto right to be
leservetl th the British government.
The majoritv of the British officers
must be conversant with the -Dutch
Johannesburg to be rctioceded to the
British, with complete British civil or
ganization. A war Indemnity of at least 10,000,000
to be distributed by mixed committees.
Disarmament to occur when the first
batch of Boer pilsoneis Is sent back to
South Africa.
Js'q wur tax to be levied,'
v Both languages tp ho 'repojrniwrt' In
the schools and courts and in official
The expense of the garrisons In South
Africa to be borne by Great Britain. ,
The present Boer leaders to bo re
tained In office so far as possible.
London, April 15. In a dispatch from
Johannesburg, dated April 14, the cor
respondent of the Dally Mali says the
leading Boer delegates conferied toduv
with Lord Mllner, the British high com
missioner in South Africa, at Pretoria,
and that Lord Kitchener was present
nt this conference. "I understand,"
Pays the correspondent, "that Lords
Mllner and Kitchener will jointly con
duct the negotiations and that Lord
Mllner will forward the Boer proposals
to Mr. Chamberlain."
Boers Lose More Than 200 Men
Killed, Wounded or Captured.
By Exclusive Wiic (rorn 'Ilio Associated Pros.
London, April 14. News of severe
fighting in different hectlons of the
Transvaal at the end of last week had
been sent by Lord Kitchener, who re
ports that about 200 Boers were killed,
wounded or captured. The British
casualties were about 100. The British
also captured three guns and a con
siderable quantity of supplies. Com
mandunt Potgleter was among the
Boers killed. The details are as fol
lows: Colonel Colenbrnnder, after locating
Commandant Beyer's laager at Pzel
Kop.moved his force by different routes
from Petersburg (Transvaal colony),
blocking the principal lines ot ictreat,
Fighting was begun on April 8, when
the Innlskllllng Fuslleers attacked Mo.
llpspooit, coveting the Boer position,
and by dusk, after considerable oppo
sltlon, resulting In Colonel Murray be
ing wounded and Lieutenant Lincoln
being killed, hud seized a hill eastward
of the Poort. An officer tuul live men
were wounded. The operations con
tinued dally. Colenbrander's latest re
port, on April 12, gave the Boer losses
In killed, wounded and prisoners at 100
men. The eo'.jnel hoped to be uble to
report further captures,
Tho most sevore fighting occurred on
April 11, In Western Transvaal, where
General Ian 'Hamilton replaced General
Methuen In command of the British
troops. The Boeis attacked Colonel
Kekewlch's force, near Roalwal, and
fighting, at close quarters ensued. The
aera were repulsed, leaving on the
field forty-four men killed, Including
Commandant Potgleter, and thirty-four
-wounded. The British captured twen
ty un wounded prlsoneta, According to
last accounts, General Ian Hamilton
was pursuing the remainder of the
commando. The British losses In the
fight were six men killed and flfty-twd
wounded. At the beginning of the pur
suit Colonel Kekewlch captured two
Kuns, a pom-pom, a quantity of ammu
nition, and a number of wagons,
A force of Jioers recently over
whelmed u strong UrltiBh patrol sent
put from llultfonteln (Orange River
i Colony) ,,to clear distant farms. 'An
L officer' nnd two men were killed, four
teen nien were wounded and the re
maining members of the patrol wore
surrounded and captured. Lord Kitch,
oner mentions holding an Inquiry Into
this reverp
Hon. David B. Hill Calls Upon
Democrats to Unite in Harmony.
By I'.xdusivc Wire frn-n The Awoclutvd 1'ie-w.
Xew York, April 14. The members ot
the Democratic) club tonight commem
orated the birthday of Thomas Jeffer
son with u teceutlon at the club houc.
It was looked upon among the Demo
crats of the city and state as a har
mony meeting.
David B. Hill, who had not visited
the club for a number of yenis, was the
chief orator of the evening, and In his
speech he called upon Democrats to
unite in harmony. Perry Belmont,
whose differences with Mr. Bryan and
Mr. Croker have kept him away from
the club for three years, was also tltere.
Lewis Nixon, the new leader of Tam
many hall, introduced Mr. Hill, whose
speech was Interrupted by frequent
bursts of applause. At its conclusion
Congressman James M. Griggs, of
Georgia, chairman of the congressional
committee, spoke, advocating unity and
predicting success for the party it in
ternal differences were forgotten.
General Joseph Wheeler followed In
a speech, urging harmony, and Edward
M. Shepard eulogized David B. Hill and
William J. Bryan. 'Stnte Senator Grady,
In a brief speech, declared that con
gress was ruled by corporations and
that the people were taxed at the will
of these corporations.
Congressman Thomas H. Bull, of
Texas, and Bird S. Coler, of New York,
also spoke.
Attorney General Knox to Proceed at
Once in the Matter Will Prose
cute if Evidence Can Be Had.
By EwiuMvc Wiic from Tiif Associated I'rcss.
Washington, April 14. Representa
tive Bay, of New York, chairman of
the house committee on judiciary, to
whom was referred the Thayer resolu
tion calling upon the attorney general
tor information relative to the prosecu
tion of tho alleged beef trust, has
written a letter to Attorney General
Knox, concerning the matter, and has
received a. reply, w hlch he w 111 lay be
fore the judiciary' 'committee nU its
nii'ctiPiJ tomorrow. The attorney gen
eral'!! letter will not be made public
until it is presented to the committee:
Mr. Bay said today:
."I have no doubt that the attorney
general of the United States will Im
mediately probo the matter of the al
leged beef trust to the bottom and
piosccutc all oftenders promptly nnd
vigorously, if there is substantial evidence-
that the law has been or Is be
ing violated."
i tellable Information Is to the effect
at the department of justice, in the
ayeged beef trust matter, has not gone
bi Vond the point of an investigation
into the question of whether or not the
trust has violated the federal law. No
rrosecution has been ordered and no
grand jury has been summoned to de
termine the question, so far as the de
partment knows.
Strikers Close Workshops Whose Em
ployes Refused to Join. Them.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre.
Brussels, April 14. The strike has
begun fairly generally In tho mining
region of the country, which are dl
vlded in to four coal fields, surround
ing Mens, La Louviere, Charlerol and
Liege. No serious incidents have yet
been reported anywhere. Strong mili
tary precautions have been taken in
every part of Belgium,
Bauds of strikers at Charlerol today
paradtd the streets and the surround
ing country, closing the workshops and
factories whose employes had not
joined the strike. They succeeded In
shutting up all the metal factories,
most of the glass works and a num
ber of other establishments.
The same tactics are beginning to be
adopted at Jumet and Koux,
Son-in-Law of the Late Henry Ward
Beecher in a Critical Condition.
Hy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, April 14, Tho Itev. Dr.
Samuel M. Scovlllo, son-in-law of the
late Henry Ward Beecher and assist
ant pastor of Plymouth church, Brook
lyn, who bus been ill at tho Presby
terian hosnital In this city for several
weeks, Is In a critical condition, and
tho attending physicians tonight sal'
that there Is only a slight chance of his
recovery. Dr. Scoville was admitted to
the hospital on March 23, suffering with
stomach troubles, induced by a com
plication of diseases. He had showed
considerable Improvement until u few
days ago, when ho suffered a i elapse,
Ryan to Succeed Whipple.
B Exclusive Wire from "I In Associated I'n".
Washington, Ar!l JL The president has ap.
iwlntcd AuhbUhop, i( Philadelphia, a
number of the board of Indian commissioner.
lie tuieccds Bishop Whipple, the eminent dlne,
who died licentl, and is the first C'athollet '.re
lulu uppulnucl on the hoard.
Butte Strike Broken.
ly llicliulvu Wire from lh Associated I'rcss.
Butte, Mont,, April 11. All of the mine of
the Anaconda, I'arrott and Washoe companies
which were dosed .y tho hoisting cnslnecra'
strike, have resumed operations with about half
the force of inlneis, and new engineer-,
Dickinsons Homeward Bound.
By Exclusive Wiro from The Associated Press.
Constantinople, April 11. C. 11, PIcMnsoii, the
United States consul general and Jhs. pkl.liuon
left Constantinople today on their ov to l he
United Statu.
In Case of Alfred W. Fleming Court
Holds That It Is Legal,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'lees.
St. Louis, April 14. Tho United States
circuit court of appeals today, in de
ciding that Alfred W. Fleming Is the
legitimate son of tho late Dr. Alfred
W. Fleming, nnd ai such Is entitled to
his share in the Fleming estate, held
that there Is no Inconsistency In a te
llglous or civil marriage following a
contract that hni existed In common
Dr. Fleming originally came to St.
Louis from Philadelphia, but for many
years lived In letlrement here. Ills for
tune has been appioxlmiited ait about
When his son was born, Dr. Fleming
was living with his common law wife,
to whom he was afterwnrds Joined by
a civil marriage. Philadelphia relatives
tried to secure control of the estate,
after the death of the parents, claiming
that the doctor hud no children.
American Soldiers Admit Hav
ing Witnessed This method
of Torture.
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Washington, April 14. The benate
committee on the Philippines began the
week with the Intention of making an
investigation of the charges to the ef
fect that the "water cure" is practiced
on the insurgents. Charles S. Hiley, of
Northampton, Mass., formerly a' ser
geant in Company M, Twenty-sixth
Volunteer infantry, was the first wit
ness called with that end in view.
Riley said that he had been in tho
Philippines from October 23, 1S99, to
March 4, 1001. In reply to questions by
Senator Rawlins he said he had wit
nessed the "water cure" at Igboras, in
the province of Hollo, on November 27,
1000. It was administered to the piesi
dente or chief Filipino official of the
town. He said that upon the arrival ot
his command at Igboras the presldente
was asked whether runners had been
sent out notifying the insurgents; ot
their presence, t'pon his refusal to give
the infoimation he was taken to tho
convent, where the witness was sta
tioned, and the "water cure" adminis
tered to him. This official was a man
about forty yeais old. When Itiley tlrst
saw him he was standing in the corri
dor of tho convent, stripped to tho
ivafht, and his 'hands tied behind him,,
wjth Captain Glenn and .Lieutenant
Conger, of thn-regufcu' arm?1, nnd Drt
Lyons, a contract surgeon, standing
near, while many soldiers, stood about.
The man, he, said, was then thrown
under a water tank, which hold about
one hundred gallons. His mouth was
placed directly under the faucet and
held open, so as to compel him to swal
low the water, which was allowed to
escape from the tank. Over him stood
an Interpieter lepeatlng one word,
which the witness said he did not
understand, but which he believed to bo
tho native equivalent of "confess."
When at last the presldente agreed to
tell what lie knew he was released and
allowed to start away.
He was not, however, permitted to
escape, and upon refusing to give fur
ther information he was again taken
as he was nbout to mount his horse,
an.d the "cure" administered for the
second time. He was not taken into
the building, as Dr. Lyons said the
water would be brought to the spot. It
was carried in a five-gallon can. One
end of a syringe was placed in tho
vessel and the other In the man's
mouth. Ah he remained obdurate a
second syringe was brought, and one
end of it placed In the prostrate man's
nose. He still was silent, and a hand
ful of salt was thrown Into the water.
That had the desired effect, and the
presldente agreed to answer questions.
The Town Burned.
It was learned from the man's con
fession that while he professed to bo
friendly tp the United States, he was
In reality a captain of the insurgent
fotces, and that his police were all sol
diers. As a consequence of this expos
ure he was' arrested nnd the town
burned. He said that tho victim strug
gled fiercely while the cure was being
administered and that his eyes were
bloodshot, but that the next day when
he saw the man he observed no 111 ef
fects of the "dose" he had received.
Senator Burrows, referring to the sur
geon In charge, asked; "Did any ono
shoot him?"
The witness replied In the negative.
Riley also said ho had known of many
cruelties and Indignities practiced upon
American soldiers by natives,
Another witness, William L. Smith,
of Athol, Mass,, who was a private In
Company M, Twenty-sixth Volunteer
Inrantry, corroboiated Riley's testi
mony, saying he had also witnessed the
torture of two policemen of the town
of Igboras. Smith said the details of
v,o "cure" were In tho hands of u
squad of the Eighteenth Regular In
fantry, known as "the water cure de
tail." Ho also suld that ho had assist
ed in the burning of the town of Ig
boras and that the natives generally
escaped from their houses only with
the clothes they wore, Smith expressed
the opinion that Igbarns had a popula
tion of 10,000. So fur as ho knew no
lives were lost, Tho witness said that
the country places in the vicinity also
were burned. All these acta were done
under the command of Captain Glenn,
who wus, he said, Judge advocate of
tho department of the Vlseayus, He
sold the water xmu kept running for
four or five minutes, and that tho doc
tor In charge frequently placed his
hand upon the man's heart as If to ob
serve its effect upon that oigan,
Double Suicide with Carbolic Acid.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Picm,
Hew York, April U. MI'luel Mahoney, .in cm.
ploje of the National Kugar' ficlluliw company,
at Youkcrs, committed suicide today by drink-Int.-
carbolic acid, later in the daj the wife en
tered the room in which the body lay, and a
short time after wilds u found dead, stretchod
across the corpse. Site had .ilio taken acid.
f Statement ot the Chancellor
Shows a Deficit of
Sir, Michael Hicks-Beach Demon
strates the Cost of War Incomes
to Yield One Penny More in the
Pound Stamp Tax on Checks Is
Doubled Sinking Fund Suspend
edDuties on Sugar, Wine, Beer,
Tobacco and Tea Unchanged.
By Etciiwlvc Wire fiom The Asidatrd Plena.
London, April 14. In the budget for
1002-3, which was presented in the house
of commons today by the chancellor ot
the exchequer. Sir Michael f Hicks
Beach, the total ordinary expenditure
for thnt year is estimated at 129,139,
000, with wnr charges amounting to
45,450,000, making a, grand total of
174,009,000, which Is 12,993,000 below
the total for 1901-2.
The revenue for this year, on the
basis of the present taxation, is esti
mated at 147,783,000. Not including the
cost of gratuities at the end of the war,
the transporting of troops home, etc.,
tho grand total of the deficit Is esti
mated at 43,000,000.
To meet that it is proposed to in
crease the income tax one penny on the
pound sterling, to Impose a penny tax
on dividend warrants and to increase
the stamp tax on bank checks from ono
penny to two pence.
A duty of 3 pence per hundredweight
is imposed on flour, und one of 3 pence
per hundredweight on nil Imported
wheat and grain. Meal is to be taxed
i5d. per hundredweight.
The sinking fund Is to be suspended,
but the duties on wine beer, tobacco,
tea and sugar remain unchanged.
The revenue from the new taxation Is
expected to be 5,160,000. After borrow -ini?
32,000,000 the chancellor of the ex
chequer will make up tho deficit by
drafts on the exchequer)
The chancellor, In hisjnnnouncement,
wild that, last year had not been ex
ceptionally , prosperous j for .England,
but hercwns, nothing--t-jv depress the
country. Notwithstanding ' the fact
thnt thousands of workmen had been
removed from pioductlvo labor by the
wal tho revenue figures showed no
diminution o business at home, while
t .-re ivjs a satisfactory increase of
l'-elgn trade, and there was no rea
son for thinking that there had been
any falling oil of the consuming power
of the people. There had been a heavy
slump In the receipts from tobacco,
spirits and beer, but there was a great
increase In the consumption of tea and
cocoa. The decrease in the receipts
from spirits and tobacco was due to
the forestalment of the duty during
the previous year. He was in the ex
ceptional position, for a chancellor of
tho exchequer holding office during a
severe war, that for two years past
the revenue had exceeded his anticipa
tions, the last year by543,000, when
his total deficit, including the war ex
penditure of 73,192,000 for South
Africa and China, was i"2,544,000.
Proceeding to deal with the receipts
ot last year in detail, Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach said the sugar tax was
most successful. It brought In 0,600,
000, against his estimate of 5,100,000.
The export duty on coal produced 1,
314,000, which wus also above the esti
mate, while the prophets of evil were
so far fiom being Jus! tried that the
exports were higher than in the case
of any year except the record year of
1S09. It woutd bo difficult to convinco
him that the tax should be repealed.
He then announced that the total de
ficit would reach 45,000,000 $225,000,
000. The Total Deficit.
The financial statement shows a to
tal ordinary expenditure for 1902-03, es
timated at 129,109,000, with war
charges amounting to 45,450,000, mak
ing a grand total of 174,009,000, which
Is 12,993,000 below the total for
To tho deficit must be added sixteen
to seventeen millions additional war
The chancellor of the exchequer said
hti had hopes of n happy result from
the conference In South Africa, but
he had put them aside. Preparation
for the continuation of tho war were
the best guarantee of peace.
The Income tax Is increased on pence
in the -pound sterling.
There Is no Increase In the duty on
Tho sinking fund Is to be suspended.
Tho grand total of tho deficit' is 45,
The duties on wine, beer, tobacco and
tea are not changed,
A penny tax is imposed on dividend
warrants, and two penny stamps must
be plr.ced on checks, Instead of one
runny us heretofore. '
A duty ot live pence per hundied
w eight Is Impobcd on flour,
The sum of 32,000,000 will be bor
rowed. The duty on meat Is five pence per
Tho revenue from the next taxation
Is expected to bo 6,160,000, After
borrowing 3.',000,000 tho chancellor of
tho exchequer will make up tho defi
cits by drafts on the exchequer.
War was a costly thing to wage, and
a 1'iiMly thing to terminate, said tho
chancellor, After the war was over,
there the great expense of
relief and resettlement of the twq
colonies and the restocking of farms.
He hoped that when durable peace was
made, parliament would be generous
und Joan money for restocking the
farms, not only of those who fought
on the British side, but of those who
had been honest enemies and whom
they now hoped to mnko friends, and
for railroad und other enterprises, to
nervo to dolop 'the two states. It was
his dt'ty not to take a rosy view of
thn case, but to 'provide for tho worst.
Tho chancellor denied that the regis
tration of duties on wheat and Hour
violated the principles of free trade, or
would Increase the cost of food. He
believed the duties had been aban
doned recklessly, and declared their re
mission did not reduce the price of
The chancellor of the exchequer wui
loudly cheered by the occupants of the
ministerial benches as he concluded.
Sir William Vernon Harcourt (Lib
eral) was the next speaker. He cor
roborated the view expressed by the
chancellor of the exchequer thnt the
duty on wheat would meet with Btrong
objection. This taxation of the peo
ple's food, he said, would bring home
to tlie people the lesson of the war.
Wheat was a thing of the first neces
sity and he was opposed to n return tc
the old fallacies of protection. It was,
Sir William considered, by far the most-
objectionable proposal made to the
country In many years. Tills passion
for expansion of territory and the an
nexation of independent countries in
volved ruinous expenditure, which, he
believed, would have to be defrayed ex
clusively by the British taxpayer, as
the security of the Transvaal would
not in any way meet the expenditure.
The giguntlc fortunes made in the
Rand had not been produced by the
mines, but by projectors selling worth
less mines to the ignorant and credu
He States That Business Has Ap
pearance of Being Carried on by
the British Government.
By Evlushe Wire from The Associated fie.
Jefferson City, Mo., April 14. O. P.
Gentry, Governor Dockery's prlvute
secretary, returned from Lathrop, Mo.,
where he was sent under Instructions
to make an Investigation of the charges
that a British post is being maintained
to supply horses and mules for the
British army in South Africa. Gover
nor Dockery forwarded tho secretary's
report to Senator Cockrell at Washing
ton this afternoon with the request.that
the senator lay the matter before "con
gress. In his report, Mr. Gentry says that'
the firm of Guyton & Harrington owns
the Mieds and land at the post, accord
ing to the statements of the county offi
cers. He continues:
"I was tnformed,ihat this firm shipped
72,000 head ,ot horses and mules 'during
tho Jast year, most 'of thorn destined
for South Afrlco. From appearances It
looks very much like the business is
largely conducted under British nus-1
pices. It is claimed, however, that all
the compensation received by the firm
is 35 cents a day for the care of each
horse and mule fed for the British gov
ernment. It Is not my province to offer
any suggestions us to whether inter
national law has been violated. That
question is obviously one to be deter
mined by tho United States govern
ment." Mr. Gentry says that 21 sepoys who
arrived at Lathrop recently will return
to India soon with from 500 to 1,000
mules for the use of the British army
in that country.
The Lancaster Man to Be Superin
tendent of Philadelphia Hint.
By Exclusive Wiro from The Associated l'r(,
Washington, April 14. The president
today sent to the senate the nomina
tion of John H. L'andls to be superin
tendent of the mint at Philadelphia,
vice H. K. Boyer, resigned.
Philadelphia, April 14. John H. Lan
dis, whose name was sent to the sen
ate today by President Roosevelt to be
superintendent of the mint here, Is a
resident of Lancaster, Pa., from which
county he was appointed chief coiner of
tho Philadelphia mint four years ago.
Dr. A. A. Norris, who Is v named to
nuccecd Landis us chief coiner, is a
Philadelphia!!. He has been chief clerk
under Superintendent Boyer for nearly
four years,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Harilsburg, April 14. Charter were Issued
by tho state derailment todaj to the following
corporations; Roclirater Clay Pot company, Ito.
Chester; capital, 17,000. New Kensington Sav
lngs and Trust company, New Ken-ington, West
moreland ccuntys lapital, $1,000. The .Swift
water Wattr ami I'oivrr company, tawiflvrater,
Monroe county j capital, tfl.oou Tim BucMilll
Water compiny, (useo, Monroe county; capital,
$1,000. Tho Brow 1,4V Hie company, l'lttshiuit; cap
ital, $200,000. The Park Amusement company,
McKces.port; capita, ifi.OW. 'Iho Wllnicrdlng
(Savings und Trust company, Wilmcrdinir; capital,
$1,000. Tho Tuille Creek Savings and Trust com
pany, Turtle Cieclti capital, iil.OOO, American
Foundry and Construction company, J'ltUbuiR!
capital, $1,000. Tho McKces Hocks Manufactur
ing and Foundry company, McKces Hocki; rip.
ital, $25,000, Spcer Clay Manufacturing com
pany, PitUhurg; capital, $100,000. Th Loupe
Water Supply company, Coolluut'li, Monroe coun
ty; capital, fcJ.GOO,
Federation of Labor in Washington.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated l'rtu.
Washington, April II. 1 lie executive coun
cil of the Ami i lean Federation of Labor today
beg-m a vveek't, teuton at which iiultci of vital
Importance to the; labor Inteiots ot the country
will come befoio the numbers, both In regard to
legislation ptnUimr in ociigroH nnd determination
of Question alfcUlug thu Intciests of many vvoik
meu engaged in controversies with their em
ployers. Albert A, Norris Coiner,
fly Exclusive Wire from Tht Associated piess.
Washington, April II. Tim senate In executive
session today toiilinned tho nomination of Al
bert A. NonU, to be coiner ol tho mint at 1'hll
adclphia and John II. Landis, to ho superin
tendent of the mint at the ejmc place.
Strike at Bayonne.
By Exclusive Wire fiom Tho Associated Prtss.
New Vork, April )l. general strike was or
dered today In M branches ot the building tiades
in Bajonne, N. J. - Fifteen hundred men are
affected. .
Two Missionaries Are Ordered Out
of East Prussia.
Hy Exclusive Win- from The Axtatril I'ros-t.
Berlin, April 14. Two Mormon mis
sionaries (Americans), Lorenzo Walker
and Josef Zwnhles.'huVo been expelled
by the police from' Insterhurjr (East
Prussia), as objectionable characters.
The Mormons now have upwards of a
hundred missionaries in Germany. Kor
several months they have been actively
engaged In a piopaganda. The police
of Berlin and other largo cities grant
them permits to meet freely. The Ber
lin Mormon congregation numbeis a
thousnnd oersons.
It Is Thought Thnt All Difficulties
Have Been Adjusted and That
Strike Will Be Declared Off.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prcs.
Dubois, Pa., April U. General Man
ager Robinson, of the Rochester and
Pittsburg Coal arid Iron cbmpany, met
President Mitchell and tho district offi
cers of the United Mine Workers, to
gether with delegates from the differ
ent mines in this region, at Punxsu
tawney today in a conference lasting
five hours. As'a result of the confer
ence it Is generally, felt that within a
few days the strike of the bituminous
miners will be declared off. Neither
President Mitchell, the district officers,
delegates.nor Mr. Ttobinson would give
out the result of the conference, further
than that nn agreement had been
reached and that the conditions of thn
Indianapolis agreement are now thor
oughly understood by all parties.
The delegates hurried to their re
spective homes immediately after the
conference, und at once called mass
meetings to, be held tomorrow after
noon The new agreement for a settlement
of the sit Ike will not be made public
before it ,has been submitted to thu
miners at tho mast- meetings. .
From a thoroughly tollable source it
Is leal ned that the situation was gone
over caretuny at me conference,
,..,. . . . ,,
miners m mass meetings tomorrow,tlm
ftirinu win cl uiiuc: uh ueciuieu on.
fjpon conclusion of the conference,
President Mitchell left at once for AI
He Has Nothing Purther to Say
Regarding His Intention to Re
main in the Field.
By Exclusive) Wire from the Atsociated Pie",
Harrisburg, Pa,, April 14. Attorney
General Elkin reached here late last
night from Philadelphia and was at his
ofllce early this morning attending to
official business. Mr. Elkln will stay
here several days, arranging his pri
vate affairs, before resuming his cam
paign for the Republican nomination
for governor. Ho said that he had
nothing to add to his formal statement
that ho was a candldateiin earnest and
that he was certain he would be nomi
nated. Mr. Elkin will not accompany the
Pennsylvania commission to Charleston
to attend tho Pennsylvania day exer
cises at the exposition on Wednesday.
Tho party will start from Philadelphia
tomotrow and return on Friday.
New Zealander Bequeathes $50,000
to John Alexander Dowie.
By r:cluoire Wiro from 1 lie Afcsntiated fus-i,
Chicago, April 14, By the terms of
Frederick1 Sutton's will, tiled for pro
bate In the Lake county court, John
Alexander Dowie, head of the Zionists,
Is made heir to an estate of $5(,00ii,
most of which Is in New Zealand,
whenco his benefactor conies,
Sutton had left all that ho hod to
Dowie, but a few days before his death
ho concluded to remember his slater
and three brothers, who are still in
Now Zealand. A codicil providing for
them was tiled with the will.
Steamship Arrivals.
By Kuiusive Wire fiom The Associated Tien,
Xcvv Voik, Apnl II. Atllvcd: Anchoila, fill.
1,'ovr, Sailed: l'cnuland. Antvveip. Clbialiir
Anlvcdj I.ahn, Xew Yolk tor Naples ami fiuim
(and proceeded). Hailed: !nlieiiruleiii (fr-uu
fienoi and Naples), .New Yoik. ('iieibuiircr i
rived I Kronpriius UlllieliM, Xcvv York via l'
muiith for Brtuuti (and prccccchd), l.ianl
I'aurdi Li llrclaiine, Xew York for Havre! Ilt
Uidani, X'cvv Yoik for llolterdain.
Piesident Opens the Fair,
By Kuliulvu Wile fiom Tho Associated I'icto.
Washington, Apill II. At 6 o'clock tonight
I'retldent Ituosevili, fctaudhitr In (lie telegraph
ollloo at the white houii, pieswd a button that
tluiht.l on the lights ard formal) opined the big
Masonic- fair which beiraii at Convention hall In
this ell) tnnlnht and will continue for two weeks.
H'Vcial of the president's chliditii were hitit
tested tpcctatois of the, event,
Surveyor 'of Customs.
By 1'icluslvc Wlie from The Associated Prcas.
Washington, April jll. The president lias de
termined upon the (ippolntmeut of James S.
C'larkaon, ot Iowa, fdrmerly first assistant post
master general, to boUuiYejor ef customs of the
poit of Xew York, lieutenant Sharkey, naval
uttlcer ut Xevv Yoik, wA today reappointed.
imii uemi amen mane concessions, j no enn of the bill are determined to pro
Indlanapolis agreement .mil the Aitoona., ioPp the struggle '.is much lis pbssiblo
scale, were, taken together, compaied. was made manifest tndav bv their' r.
dissecled and n now agreement drafted, fliwi to .,llow speeches to be printed in'
which includpsvoncessions by Mr. Roll- the, Record. Tho speakers today worr
Inson from the Indianapolis, agreement, Messis. McCall (Massachusetts) and'
and concessions from the Altoona. scale . Brantley (Georgia) for the measure
byr.t,lu,-,nl .. ,',. , '"nd Me.ssis. Robertson (Louisiana)' and
If this agreement is ratified by t in .Stevens (Minnesota) against it. Mr
Senators Foraker and McLaurln
Make Extended Speeches
In Opposition.'
The Pending Measure Mr.. Foraker
Believes to Be Violative of " Our
Treaty nnd Calculated to Prevent
Commercial Expansion The Cit
tining Off of the Cotton Trade
Would Wreck the Cotton Industry
of the South Interest in Cuban.
Affairs Warming.
By Exclusive Wire liom 'the .sociiUdil,rei.
Washington, April 14.. The Chinese
exclusion ijlll opcttnled the intention 'of
the senate throughout today. Senators
Foraker and McLaurln (South Caro
lina) making extended speeches In op
position. Mr. Foraker contended that
tiie pending measure was violative of
our treaty with China nn'd was calcu
lated to urevent ,our ,commerriHl .ex
pansion In the far East. While strong
ly supporting the policy or the govern
ment to exclude Chinese laborers, the
Ohio senator maintained thut this cotild
be best accomplished by An extension
of the present' law, holding that the
drastic provisions ot" the 'pending lillt
would cut o!T our cotton trade witn
China and thus wreck the cotton In
dustry of.tho south'.
Mr. Teller brlelly tespondrd to Mr.
Foraker, urging that the right to abro
gate treaties was fully recognised.
Mr. Lodge (Massachusetts) gavr
notice of an amendment striking o'ut
tho much-discussed clause piohlbltlhg
thu employment of Chinese sailors on
American .ships. '
Interest in tho Cuban reciprocity de
bate in the house seems torbe waning,
.ludgecrv by the attendance on the floor
today, but the. earnestness of the
speeches on both Bide of the question
increase rather 'than diminish in tn-
1 tenrtltV. That.tllo TCpmihllnan nnnni,.
"- I - " -T--J-1- w ) VI'l'VM
Robinson (Indiana) opposed Cuban u,-
nexation on the ground that it would
threaten tho welfare of the American
wage-earner. The conference report on
the postofflce appropriation bill wn
adopted early In tho day, after sonw
criticism of tho pneumatic tube pro
vision. Murder on the Cincinnati.
By Kxrhisive Wire fiom The Aswuiatcd I'im.
WiutliliiEtloii, April II. It ha jii-t devcl.ipi'l
thai murder w.-. lonunillcd on the I nllnl Stu'ei
i miser Cincinnati hit week while (he idilp wac
IjIiib; at (.'harlritnn. .I.uuc-i A. I'.liuc, a hlatk
miiIiIi, ntuc U with i pair uf iiou loras and Mlli-il
Al-Rie. WilliriiM, a unlet Under, the low oc
cuntd in (lu lire mom last 'liic.-div, Paine vvlli
lie tried by court martial.
Superior Court Opens.
By Kvcliiaive Wire from 'Iho .Wxiolcd Pie
I'lttebuicr, Apiil II. Hit Apnl trim of ilr
Superior comt rpem-d In this citv lolav. IIipip
.ere but sKty-sU ca-is on the 1M, ot vvhhli
tin re vv etc continued, foui dl-iontinued and fom-non-piosxd.
rKiiiucnU win- heanl upon an
appcil of A. ).. Wukctt, vvhu was found xutltv
i( fomeiy in tin- ciiutt of ipurtti xloni cf
Ilruitotd count).
Iron River Miners Strike.
By Kv.luilve Wiro trom 'ihe Associated 1'ifs. ,
riorcncc, WR, Apiil II. 'flic nilnei-i cmplovi-il
In the milieu m the lioienoo and lion Itlvei
Minim,' iiinipanv in a body today, Tin
tins were diavvii and tho mine Is tupldli Hlli'ii
with wntn. Tin- tinuhtr wus caus-d ovi-r th
ilUihaittn lit the mint- phyli lull. Vhout lis) mm
ate Jltcctcd.
English Casualty List.
Bv i:iliislvi' Vt ui fiom 'fhe AsKialed t'na..
London. April II.- Hie immiiII) II.-r pubih?d
this cvininir i-houa tlul I lie i'lcthili XVvv Zealand
icxiiiKiil l(jt thiilieu men killed ind llftecn men
Injuicd "U Saluid.iv In .1 lallroul iccldcnt near
Pensions Granted.
By I'Mliuivi! Wli from i'hi' Ai-mialM I'rciw,
WiisliliiKlui, Apill H. I'msinm granted: )n
tatlo HadMll, ot" I'ittston, 1U; William Alfred
Van l.uvendu, of Jloosic, iflO,
By i:clinlvc Wire from Tho Associated I'rnw.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia IJAm'tukan),
II; Xfvvaik (Uastern), 2. ' ,
At I'lilladclphia-l'hilailelphla (National), I;
Jersey City (Kasteru), , '
At Xew York New York, fi; Montreal, t,
At 1'rov idem e Boston (National), Sj lrov.
d Dec 1 (eleven liuilucpi).
At lllimintiham, Ala.' Birmingham, 4; Oleic,
laud, I. (X'inrt Innings; darkness), ,
At ' lliookijii-Brooklyn, J0j- Columbia Col
lege', J.
laical data for April 1, 10O2
Highest ti'inpcratuiu ,,.,,,.,,,..,,,,,, 41 degree's
Lowest tempciaturu I,,,,,,.,,,,..,,,,, 37 degtcel
Itelativc humidit
X a, in. .,, ,,,,..,,,,,,,,, 62 per cent,
b p, m. , .,.,,,,.... fO'per'ccnt,
ricclpltattoii, 31 hours ended 8 p. in., none,
- 4-
Washington, April 11. Forecast for
- Tuesday and Wednesday; Kastcrn IVmi-
-f nylvanla, fair In west! light rain lol- 4-
lowed by fair In eastern portion Tues-
days Wednesday, tali; light to fresh north
-i- winds. 4-
r tj
, I
I ,51 fc
nav4 v
BOgkijr ,pj2. -fe I
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