Irtv- iu vwi V 'i ifaIKU" ' ? tiSA W i'' ,! rf i u-l . 'J'h'A '".iXMl mwtmt ' I & ifti J Xu" it- V s '-I -.''I .6 THE OtSCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1902. TWO CENTS. :n pages TEN PAGES TWO CENTS. ".a fc H &t MORE BLUSHED IN BRUSSELS The Police Fire Into the Crowds of Rioters with Rifles Loaded with Ball Cartridges. MANY BODIES ARE ON THE GROUND Xhe' last Trouble Is Precipitated by a Number of Houghs, Who Tire Into the Crowd It Is Impossible to Secure an Accurate List of the Victims. By Ktclu-lvc WIro (rum The Awiculcd Pics Brussels, April 33. The bloody re predion of the disorders of yesterday evening has created u painful impres sion among all classes here, although It is appreciated that the majority of the .victims of the encounters do not belong to the better class of workmen. Yesterday, for the first time, the police ically fired their rllles loaded with ball cartridges. Previous to yesterday they had used their swords and their revol vers, the latter being usually loaded with blank cartridges. Saturday's rioters were composed of the dregs of the population, with a sprinkling of what is called the young Socialist Cuard, composed of mere boys, Willi little regard for the orders of M. Van Per Velde, a member of the chamber of deputies and the leader of the So cialist movement in Belgium and the Socialist committee. It must bo explained that the Maison du Peuple is situated on the upper slope) of a hill; that the central boule vardand most of the business portion of tile city lies at the foot of this hill, while, the royal palace, the law courts, the chamber of deputies and the minis ters stand upon the ridge of the hill. The quarter around the Maison du I'euple Is the worst in the city. It Is a perfect rookery of low class dwell ings, intersected by steep and narrow streets and.inalodorous alleys. In the vicinity of the Maison there are some small squares, in which the rioters" gathered yesterday evening until "they dispersed and the squares occupied by detachments of the civic guard. The mob was mainly composed of the rough population of the quarter, who jeered and reviled the police when they we're forced along the streets by the cor dons of officers. The serious troubles began when a number of roughs, from a safe dis tance, llred revolvers in the direction of the cordons. The gendarmes then charged with drawn swords. After tir ing at the crowd with revolvers loaded with blank cartridges, they were greeted with a hall of missies, such as stones, bottles and heavy iron rivet". This happened in several streets. It was worse in Hue Haute, where the occupants of the houses rained missiles upon the heads of the gendarmes. An officer ot the gendarmes then shouted o the crowd to disperse. No notice was taken of this order. Then, for the first tlmo in many years, the gen darmes llred their Mauser carbines, loaded with what are called "strike" cartildges, which contain a ball but a minor chaige of powder. The gen darmes Hied only one volley, but when the mob scattered, several bodies were lying on the ground. Two were mor tally wounded and died while being conveyed to the hospital. Charge of Gendarmes. Over twenty narrow streets and blind alleys lead In the Hue Haute, and v. hen the gendarmes charged after the mob othei rioters Issued from there al leys and fired revolvers at the backs of the policemen until the latter were obliged to leave three of their number at the mouth of each alley they passed. These guards stood with their rllles pointed down the alleys, ready to shoot. Other gendarmes, who were statlomd every few paces, covered the windows In the hue Haute with the lilies. it Is Impossible to ascertain the exait rmnber ol the victims of yestei day's rioting. Jinny of those who were slightly Injured had their wounds dressed In pharmacies or went home. The director of the hospital of st, I'lerre, however, told a representative of the Assaeiated Press this afternoon that three rioters had died In the hos pital and that another one theie was believed to ho mortally Injured. Thirty othei s who lire badly hurt were re ceived at tho hospital last l night, Among tho Injured, are many Impru dent spectators of the rioting, who were (aught between two (lies, as the gendarmes frequently combined their movements and charged tho mobs front and i ear at the same time, A doctor who was returning home, after having visited a patient, was caught between two bodies of charging gendarmes and had his nose cut off with a sword, A woman was also among the Inured, One of the men killed wat the assistant secretary of the ?oclallst jewelers' union. Few peo llcemen were hurt. No revolutionary demonstration oc curred today, and in order to avoid collisions between the strlkeis and the police tho Hoclallst committee has countermanded the orders for the mon ster meeting which It was Intended to hold tomnirnw in the Industrial suburb at.Molenbeck, St. Jean. The authorities are anticipating to morrow with anxiety us the Soeinllst committee has definitely decided to proclalpi n general strike In. Urussels and its envlioiiB. A large majority of the metal workers and factory hands are cxDccted to come out, though It Is doubtful If tho better class of workmen will participate In the movement, A proclamation by tho burgomaster, written In French and Flemish has been posted on the walls. It appeals to citizens not to' encourage the disorderly elements by forming In groups upon the streets. There was no show of military or police upon the streets until Into this evening, when a body of police and gendarmes assembled In the vicinity of the liaison du Peuple and prevented. gatherings. Tho Petit Hleu thinks it not unlikely that martial law will be proclaimed Tuesday, If the riots continue, and that the third class of the militia will be called out. The meetings of Socialists and work men at Ghent and Liege today were orderly. (Midnight) The threatening aspect of a mob, near the Maison du I'euple, at U o'clock tonight, caused the police and gendarmes to charge It. Five of the demonstrators were wounded. One of the injured will die. He received a bayonet thrust In the back. Sixteen arrests were made during tho evening. MAJOR WALLER ACQUITTED. Not Guilty of Killing Filipinos of Samar Without Trial. Ily i:iliwlp Wire hotn 'ilic Avwi.itid l'rcv. Manila, April 13. Major Littleton W. T. Waller, of the marine corps, has been acquitted. He was tried by a court martial on the charge of killing natives of the island of Samar without trial. The court stood eleven to two for Waller's acquittal. NEW YORK'S DRY SUNDAY Purchasers at the Raines Law Hotels Had to Purchase Sandwich in Order to Get Drink. By Kxcluahc Wire from The Associated Treat. New York, April 13. The New Yorker who wanted a drink of intoxicating liquor today discovered that the en forcement of the excise law. through the combined efforts of the uniformed police and the members of the State Liquor Dealers' association, had as sumed several new asnects. The first Was that while it was much harder than heretofore to get a drink in a saloon holding merely a liquor tax cer tificate, it was much easier to obtain one In a Haines law hotel. The pur chaser at the Raines law hotels also found that while last Sunday he was served either a plate of cheese and crackers with his drink, or was given a sandwich, to eat or not, as ho chose, today he could not huv a drink with out also buying a sandwich. Saloon men who were seen during the day seemed to think that the police ac tivity had much to do with the saloons being kept closed tightly, for the most part, and argued that the hotel men weie doing more business, because they had been studying what they could and could not do with impunity. The Haines law hotels throughout the city were, as a rule, exceedingly well patronized. In the tenderloin district there weie very few places without a hotel license that made any attempt to do business. The district, It was said, was closed tighter than had been known In years. The plan of selling In rooms overhend the saloon, and similar ruses, were done away with, seemingly for the reason that the dealers thought the trouble too great and the compensation too small. The police of this district were very active as well, and there was but a small attempt to do business. 1'p to 7 o'clock In the evening there had not beer, an arrest In the precinct for vio lation of the excise law. In the West Thirty-seventh dlstilct, where the trouble started two weeks ago, the same condition prevailed. Tho police were active, the saloons closed and the Haines law hotels doing a big business. There was but one arrest In duyllght hours. In the other parts of the city tomewhnt similar conditions prevailed. At 11 o'clock police headquarters le ported forty-one arrests In Greater New York for violation of the excise law, as against lit for the twenty-four hours of last Sunday, TESTING SUMATRA LEAF. Government Tobacco Expert Takes Trip Through Eastern States, Ily DmIiuIw Who limn Tin- ,otiit(il l'ii'i, Washington, April is' Prof, Milton Whitney, ehlnf of the bureau of soils of the department of agriculture, has io turned from a trip to Hartford, Conn., New York and Philadelphia, wheie he went to learn the feeling in legarrt to tho .Sumatra tobacco irrown under cheese cloth covering, by the dliectlon of the department's tobacco experts. He stated that Interest Ui the growth of this tobacco Is glowing among ex perts, The leaf has Inipioved verv much .since It was packed, taking on a gloss and finish that Is considered very de sirable It is a well-known tact, Prof, Whltpey rays, that all such leaf Im proves wry much by standing for at least six months In bales, Hoses of cigars, wrapped with this tobacco, after being packed two months, were opened In Hartford and tho gloss and finish ot the wrappers were very much finer than when the cigars were packed, showing that tho color Is permanent. The tobacco Ir to be sold at auotlon in Hartford on May 1. It has been clas. slfle.l and a catalogue of all the bales Ik being prepared for distribution among the tiado. especially tho cigar manufac turers. BASE BALL4 Ily i:ccHiIh Who from Tlic Associated Prcw. At Wcelijukru, X, J. 1'lilUdclpliIj (American). I; Jmey City. 0, At Deliolt-Dctrolt, 13; JJuffalo, 0. COURT ORDER IN CONTEMPT. Striking Kansas City Bakers Refuse to Obey Judge Henry. Ily l.'xctuihe Wire from The AmooUIciI Pi cm. KanBiis City, April 13. Striking jour neymen bakers have disregarded an order Issued by Judge John Henry, of the Circuit court, restraining them from Interfering with the business of Wnr noke'fi bakery, and one of the men went so far as to throw the court's order Into the street when 11 deputy served It. What course Judge Henry will take re mains to be seen. The strikers had Interfered with the baker's business by standing In front of his shop nnd telling all persons who passed not to patronize the store, as Its malinger was antagonistic to organized labor. GEN. MILES MAY RETIRE Secretary Root Unable Bear the Burden Much Longer. to Ily Utrliudvr Wile from The Aocinlcd Pie. Washington, April 13. The Issues are fairly joined between the lieutenant general and the secretary of war. The troubles, which began long ago under the Cleveland administration, have finally reached so critical a stage that the compulsory retirement of General Miles at an early date is an open secret and is not denied at the white house. In explanation of President Hoosevelt's position one ot his closest friends, who unquestionably speaks by authority, savs: "The question is not a personal one between "General Miles and Secretary Hoot. At present Secret rry Hoot bus on his shoulders a heavier burden than any other member of the administra tion. No man less strong could carry It at all; and now, at tho very time when he requires the most loyal sup port of every subordinate who wishes well to the army and tho nation, he has to spend much of his strength in meet ing the opposition of the commanding general. If General Miles is retired, it wjll be simply because after patient tnlaT Ercgldent Roosevelt feels that on the highest ethical grounds his reten tion would work grave and lasting in justice to the army as a whole. As some of General Miles' friends have said that it would be unfair to retire him, it should be said in the first place that he becured his promotion to a brigadier generalship only through the similar forced retirement of General Ord, ho himself being jumped over-a- number of senior officers Into the vacancy thus created; and, In the sec ond place, that the only action of the kind taken by President Roosevelt since lie has been in ofllee was In the case of General Noyes, who was com pulsorlly retired after reaching the age of sixty-two, on the recommendation of General Miles. In other words, the gen eral has himself recommended and profited by the very action which his friends now fear may be taken at his expense. If ho should go out before General Brooke is retired, General Brooke, who is General Miles' senior, both In service and in age, and who did gallant and distinguished work as a volunteer in the Civil war, would un doubtedly be put in his place as lieu tenant general, as It is known that the administration has been very desirous of recognizing General Brooke's long and faithful service. General Brooke, during the Civil war, rendered equally meritorious service with General Miles; General Brooke was the first to obtain a commission, and throughout the Civil war he retained his advantage, ending the war as General Miles' senior. After peace came. General Miles was pro moted over General Brooke's head. As General Brooke will necessarily hold the position but a brief period before his retirement for age, General S, M. B, Young is likely to succeed General Brooke and General Chnftee's promo tion to follow two years hence." SCHNUR FAMILY RELEASED. Were Charged with. Having- Mur dered Man Who Is in America. Ily KmIimIvc Whe (rum Tlie .Uvxi.iUil 1'ievi. New York, April 13, Dr. M. Neu stedler, of this city, today received a cablegram from Vienna, giving notice of the release from prison of the Schnur family, ten members of which have been confined near there from some time, on the charge of having murdered fcVliulln Schnur. The story ot the charge, as told by the doctor, la that tho young man sup posed to have been murdered, waB about to become a Christian convert and to marry a. Christian girl, not withstanding that ho came, from a well-known Jewish family of Dom btowa, Gallclu. ills parents, to avoid the consequence of his proposed change of faith, sent hhn to a brother in this country, and, after his disappearance, were accused by the Christian peasants of the neighborhood with having mur dered him. They were arrested and taken 111 chains to the nearest prison. News of this reached the brother hero and a committee of twelve was M'locted to arrange to send the young man bad; In order to prove that ho had not been murdered, The committee, of which the doctor was chairman, raised enough money to cm ry out Its purpose, and announces that young Pcluiur 1ms already left this country In the care of an American. PRESIDENT MITCHELL AT PUN3CSUTAWNEY, By Inclusive Wire from The Aisoclated IVet. 1'unxauUuncy, l'a April 13, IVelilcul Mitch ell anil Secretary WIUqii, ot the, United .Mine Worker of America, aillved here today fm the purpose, of cnuferiln; with the striking Llc-im InoiH mine woikeri of the llochotlcr 411 J I'll is huri; Coal company, 'file two leaileis tpent the afternoon on.1 ccnlnsr in liolJlnir conference wftli ilMrict leaiUm. Tomoirow Mr. Mitchell it III hold a coiileicncc ultli Manager ltoblnson, of the lioihcatcr and I'htsbuii; eompiny. The istrlkei arc not gaticHcd with the agreement aliened W hac been entered into liv Mjsrs. Mitchell snd Itcblnsou at lndlinspolii last week, OUR TRADE WITH CANADA United States Enfous More Ganad ian Gtistom Than the Rest ot the World. THE COMMERCIAL RELATIONS OF 1901 A Publication Dealing -with the United States Trade with Canada. More Business Transacted with This Country Than with the Whole of South America. By KxcluMic Wire from Tho Associated Prey. Washington, Aprll,13. The United States enjoys more of Canadian custom than the rest of tho world put together. Attention is directed to this fact in that portion of "Commercial Relations of 1001" (now in press), which deals with United States trade with Canada, an extract ot which was given out for publication by Jlr. Emery, chief of the bureau of foreign commerce today. It Is pointed out that so closely allied are trade conditions In this country and Canada that prosperity ,or depression In the United States immediately finds echo In the trade of our northern neigh bor. In 18S7 Orcjat Britain lost to us her lead In the matter of goods sent into the Dominion, and from that year forward, with but a slight interval, this country has steadily lengthened tho Lgup. It is not as widely realized as it should be, says the report, that Can ada Is the best customer we have, ex cepting only Great Britain and Ger many. Consul General Bittinger, at Montreal, in a report on tho subject, says: "The United States does more busi ness with Canada than with the whole of South America, as much as with Central America, Mexico and- the West Indies together, and nearly as much as with Africa, Asia and Oceanlca. "Our present tariff policy toward Canada," says the consul general, "causes the building up of great manu facturing interests to compete with our own. If we seek trade In other coun tries, we must not deny them the op portunity to sell some of their products to us, Canada wants to send to the United Statps her lumber, wood pulp, hay, barley and The 'United States consumes more lumber and paper than any other nation in the world and she should bo glad to admit the lumber and wood pulp free. If the United States would take off the duty on Canadian coal (which could be profitably sold only to a very limited extent along our eastern coast) our coal would be admitted Into Canada free and our sales of coal In the Do minion would be double what they are at piesent." Total Importation. Canada's total Importation for con sumption in the last fiscal year amount ed to $181,238,000. Imports from the United States reached the splendid fig ure of $110,-) 85,000, an increase of some SCOO.OOO over the preceding year. Fig ures are given to show that the pref erential tariff hus failed to affect seil ously trade movements. Durable goods from the United States showed a de crease of about $1100,000 last year, but this Is attributed in part to the giowth of Canadian Industries. Asa curious instance of how Indus tiles may be throttled by legislation, Mr. Bittinger relates that the British preferential tariff enabled British ex porters last year to send to the Do minion woolen goods to the value of $10,000,000. As they are considered of better quality than, and as cheap as the home product, many Canadian mills have been obliged to close down. Consul Shepherd, at Hamilton, In lit"? report, calls attention to the interesting facts that the big dry goods houses of Canada send their milliners and mod istes to New York several times a year to observe anil copy styles and have practically turned their backs on the Kuropeun modes formerly so popular. A plan of the Canadian Paolllc rail wny authorities to redeem some three million acres of arid lands between Cal gary and Medlclno Hat Is described by Consul General Bittinger. The scheme Is to build a dam at Row river, a mile east of Calgary, cut Intersecting canals and leave tho rest to the force of gravitation, Commeiclal Agent Freeman, at St. Pierre, French North America, notes Unit the local trade is suffering through the -New Foundlnnd legislation which forbids halt to bo sold from colony to the French. '"" - THE LEDGER COAL ARTICLE. Ily i:ilu-ili' Win! hum 'Hie A.niltiil fruJi. I'hllailHphlj, Apill U Tho Udtfer in ltd coal artlile tumuirow Mill uy: "'fhe iiiithi.ailu iujI Iij.Ui wjj again iiil.'i uiptul III output lat Ni'ik la humn extent by the hcity Mint ami llomU nlikli th-luged Uta u( tho Wjonilnir and SlIiujIMII ivkIohi. Then1 U, Iiohumt, u Kiixral muu'inmt In Imriusu mitput at. the niituii and urdus nru better In ioiuecuem f thu tlNlrig of the bprmi; cluuUr utlli tha i!N. (oiiutd, uhlih wilt ili'UiMi.e tho trliole.ik pilcm of totil monthly in lent per ton until nest HpU'inlur, bejclnnlmr wllli M cents per ton ill count for April. TliU h.irf khcn u ccitaln tliliip llv t the fiiluio outleot; of the trade, eiublliiy the dealers to imlci will) more lonlldciite, 'Ihere U coiitlnuul a inlty, lioimrr, uning to the dlfuVulty of getting mm In vrlikli to trn. poit tho io j I. If tho urrauscnieuw novt- inadn arc continued the Apt II price to consumer) Mill he tho lutiut for thin hcaon, the i-ainu rclatim conditions eUtlm; ai at this time Uit Coal bid I'fRiin moving by iiich rp the lakes, and the tidewater shipments arc reported us ji. (.leasing. Hancock Arrives at Manila. Ily IJuluiho Wro from The Associated I'icm! i Manila, April 11. 1 lie United1 fetatcj army trumiwrt lUncoik nhlch Mas prevloiuly icported aiuound near JU, northern Luzon, lui auhfd hero Mlthout hating tmlalncd damages, She Irutk on a (oral tit!, and had to be lightened before I lie cuuhl be Hoatid. bhe waa on the icel for fclity hourj. PAINTERS' STRIKE SETTLED, Troubles at Willtes-Barre Arranged by Arbitration. By Kuhulro Wire from Tiie Awlnlctl l'rev. Wllkes-Barre, Pa.. Arll 13. The strike of painters unit decorators In this city has been sottted by arbitration. The men went out on April 1, because their employers would not Increase their wages from $2.25 to $2.50 H day. Then committees wore appointed to try and bring about a compromise. The matter was finally left In the hands of threq arbitrators, nnd at midnight last night they reached nn ngreoment. They fixed the rate of wages to be paid In the future at ?2.S7 a day. This was satisfactory to both sides, and, the strikers will return to work tomorrow. BOER EFFORT FOR PEACE Hopeful Feeling in London Over Pretoria Con ference. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated PrcM. London, April 13. The announcement of the presence at Pretoria of the Orange Free State and Transvaal lead ers, who have been at Klerksdorp con sidering terms of peace has caused a decided increase In the hopefulness of the public concerning the possibilities of peace. The expectations aroused by the con ference at Pretoria have been further heightened by the movements of Mr. Chamberlain, the colonial secretary, and other members of the cnblnet In London and evidences that important despatches are passing between Lord Kitchener and the government. A conference of members of the cabinet was held last night at midnight in Mr. Chamberlain's house. Mr. Chamberlain. Mr. Brodrick, the war secretary; Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, the chancellor of tho exchequer, and the Duke of Devonshire, president of the council, were present. The conference terminated at 1 o'clock this morning, and' today Mr. Chamberlain and sev eral of the colonial office officials were in their offices. Messengers passed be tween them and Sir Michael Hlcks Bcach, at his residence. At half-past one this afternoon Mr. Chamberlain drove to Buckingham pal ace and remained with King Edward for two hours. During the afteroon messengers carried despatches from the foreign office to Lord Salisbury who, with Mr. Balfour, the government leader in the house of commons, was at Hatfield houss- These outward signs of Sunday activ ity have not been supplemented by any authentic or official statement. The question most discussed thus far, has been whether the peace negotiations would affect the government's financial proposals, which promise to be sub mitted' to parliament tomortow. The fact that Sir Michael Hicks-Beach was engaged In his office nearly all of today Is taken in some quarters to Indicate a modification of the budget statement. There appears no doubt that the Boer leaders have communicated the results of their deliberations to Lord Kitchener. Attempts will be made in parliament tomorrow to draw what information the govei nment has on the South Africa situation, and to learn Its Intentions; but It is not expected that the govern ment can forecast the probable out come of the negotiations. Whatever Instructions have been sent to Lord Kitchener are believed to be only pro visional In character. TWO WOMEN MURDERED. William Vaughn, of Mantua Ar rested for the Crime. Ily i:cliulie Wile fiom The Associated 1're. Cleveland, O., April 13. Mrs. Martha J. Calhoun, aged 7u years, and her eiaughter, Mis. Vaughn, aged 4, wore shot and killed this morning by as yet unknown parties, at their home, near Mantua station, a village forty miles souteast of this city. William Vaughn, a step-sou of the younger wo man, was arrested and placed in Ha vana jail, charged with the crimes. Mrs. Vaughau was shot live times In tin.' head, and the sixth bullet of the re volver ended tho llfo of her mother. No one but tho murderer saw the crimes committed, and wlien tho dead bodies of the two women were found In the different rooms of their home, there was Intense excitement In the lit tle village. When the authorities were summoned, they arrested William Vaughn and took him to Havona. What are believed to be bluud-spots were found on his trousers, Vaughn claims these were the icsult of a cut he re cently received on tho linger. Vaughn's father died a few duys ago, and It Is believed the bulk of his estate was left to tlio two women, Vaughn was not a member of his father's household, living alone, rpilto M'cluded from his neighbors, about a (imirter ( f a mile from his father's home EIGHT WITH DESPERADOES. Four Men Are Reported Killed and Seven Ave Wounded, fly nxilusdio Wire from The AoUated Pies. Kansas city, Mo April 13. In a light between officers and desperadoes, near Ilraggs, I, T,, four men are reported killed, and seven wounded, among them a noted outlaw, Jt is Impossible to reach Ilraggs by telegraph or telephone tonight and de tails are lacking. Italian Counterfeiter Arrested. Ily i:.chuhc Wire from 'the Associated I'ross. New Voik, April II. Gcncro Agonc, an Ital ian photomaphcr llilng in Xcw llaien, via ar rested bete tonight ihaiged . with Uiuijtl:i rountetfelt money. M $ counterfeit bills were found on, lilm in addition to about t,0OJ in Italian money".' Aroiio Is cald to be the nun wli-a suiu'llcd many hundred immigrants :i tho or rlial of tho steamer Tmo on Krldav by irp rcMrtlns himself (o bo the purser of the ies.-el and in that capacity I'hins them lountcifelt $2 and $10 bill tu cxUianse for their Italian money. THE COMING WEEK IN CONGRESS MASKED BURGLARS AT MAHANOY CITY One Man Killed nnd a Woman and Her Husband Badly Beaten. Ily Etcluahc Wire from Tho Associated f'K, Mahonoy Clty Pa., April 13. Seven masked burglars In nn encounter in a boarding house near tho Ollberton col liery, early this morning, killed Wnsll Tnlco, aged 35 years, shot and slightly wounded Mrs. George Hernltz, his boarding mistress, and clubbed her husband bo badly that he Is In a ser ious condition. Tho battle with the burglars occurred at about 2 a. m., shortly after Tnlco returned from the coal mines. While he was preparing to retire, the seven men burst Into -his room nnd commanded him to keep si lent. Ho disobeyed them and began yelling for help, at which one of tho masked men shot him through tho head and he fell dead. learlng tho noise. Bernlts! and his wife entered the room to see what was wrong. The two were instantly seized and In the struggle Mrs. Ber iilts locoived a slight wound In the cheek and her husband was pounded Into submission. Several of the burg lars then ransacked the house while tho others stood guard over the hus band and wife. Three trunks were burst open and saving amounting to a few hundred dollars and two watches were taken by the men. All of them cs'caped, and up to tonight the police have been unable to find any clue. CHOLERA SITUATION IN PHILIPPINES No Change at Manila, but Conditions in Provinces Are Alarming A Teamster Dies on the Grant. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prria. Manila, April 13. The cholera situa tion In Manila continues much the same, but the conditions in the prov inces are becoming alarming. The to tal of cholera cases in Manila up to date Is :M5, while there have been 192 deaths lrom the disease. In the prov inces, there have been 418 cases and 381 deaths. Tho United States army transport Grant, while on her way to Samar Island, put into Legnspl, in Southern lAiy.on, having on board a teamster who had the cholera. The Grant asked for assistance, but was placed in quaran tine for live days. As her supplies of water, food anil coal were limited, she decided fo return to Manila. The ti'amster died of the disease. FUNERAL OF TALMAGE. Services Will Be Conducted on Tues day at Church of the Covenant. Uy rjxttuiivo Wire from The Associated Pi ess. Washington. April 13. Arrangements were completed today for the funeral services In this city over the remains of the Itev. Dr. T. DeWItt' Talmage. The funeral will take plfice at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the Church of the Covenant. The aervlces will be very Mmple. There will be no funeral sermon, but short addresses concerning the life and works of Dr. Talmage will be inadn by men who have been Inti mately oesoelated with him. Dr. Teu nis S. Hamlin, the pastor of the church, nnd Dr. Thomas Chalmers Easton, of the Kastern Presbyterian church, of Washington, will both assist In the services. Dr. Samuel J". Nichols, of St. I.ouls, a lifelong friend, will make an address, and Dr. J3. V. Terhune, of New Jersey: Dr. Howard Suydhum, of Ithlueback. X. Y.. and Dr. James De murest, of Brooklyn, all school friends of thu deceased, have been asked to assist. Music will be furnished by the male tiuarttle of the Church of the Covenant. At 0 o'clock Wednesday morning, the interment will take place In the family lot at Greenwood ceme tery, Brooklyn. Silent tribute to the memory of Dr. Tnlmag was paid today by thousands of people, who walked past the resi dence on Massachusetts avenue, where the visit of death was marked by a cluster of violets, tied with a streamer of black hanging at (ho right of the entrance. Many Intimate friends, Including pns tois of most of thu Presbyterian thiirchen of the city, were among those who called at the house. Messages of sympatny from nearly every state in the union, and from Kngland, missln and other European countries, came to the family during thct day. ' m Session of House of Bishops. Ily i:clualiv Wire fiom Tho Asaoclated 1'rr'J. rim!, Al'iil U-Ou'i- lty blslwps line Jk'iilili d thilr Intention t he prevent in iiU ilty in Wnlninliy and llmraday nf llifa Wtel;, lit the teflon nf lir hou-e of hUlmp'. A the Cpluopal ihurih. hui bNhow "f fallna bland, WitU'in Kan.K, of Honolulu and of I'orto Itlca and pirhapi" Xcw MeUro, mo to ho sileced. Aiiaiiyciiiriit hae brtu nude for puhlle incelhiicl and Imiiulf, but the hinineis wwloiw will nil he cutiitlK, The Flood of Immigrants. Ily I:m-IuIi Wire fiom The Associated l'nn, '.New VoiK, Apill!nUrant to the num. brr nf f.loj neju broinihl to this city on tli an ew nlihli iirrlu'il todar fnmi Jluiupca.i po.L, 'Jhi THin I'lliKe, fiom ports in the Midlteira:i ran, bioiitsht 1.107; the hlatendani fium hotter, dam hid on board 1,007, tho I'liiiiijiagiu- from Uavio Inmulit fu hi I' iteeraue 1,1111, th, JU'S pirli fiom Mulitciraiiean poits brought Us", mid tho Iland biought fiom Denmark 210. Steamship Arrivals. Ily Kuliuho Yr fiom Tho Aiooiatrd Prey. New York, April 13. Arrived! La Clumpaxne, I Lure; Matcndam, . Jtotterdain and lloulogue, l.htruool Arrived: Umbrla, New York la Queenstown. Antwerp Arrived! Friesland, New Voik (not previously), Queenstown Sailed j Campania (from Liverpool), Xew York. South umpton SalUUs Orosse. Uuriurst (from Bremen), New Veil ' Measures That Will Be Considered in the Senate and the House. SENATE TO VOTE ON CHINESE EXCLUSION Leaders of the House Expect to See the Cuban Reciprocity Bill Passed During the Week Debate Kay Be Prolonged Various Phases of the Question, By IJtcluslvo Wire from Tho Annocltted PM. Washington, April 13. In accordance with tho agreement reached on Friday last tio senate on We.dnesday wilt vote on the Chinese exclusion bill, and tlie present understanding Is that the Phil ippine government bill will be taken up Immediately afterwards. It Is probable, however, that the Phil ippine bill will be soon broken In on by the calling up of the river and harbor bill. Being an appropriation bill that Is a privileged measure and can be taken up at any time, but it is not tho desire of the committee to have It considered until there shall be n chance afforded to make further amendments in tho committee. That opportunity wilt not be provided until Thursday following the vote on the Chinese bill. The opponents of the Chinese bill will press their fight from this time for ward, and If they find that they cannot secure its re-commital they will con centrate their efforts on proposed amendments. Kspecial effort will be made to secure the adoption of the Piatt substitute. There will be d num ber of short speeches on the bill Moh day and Tuesday, and in addition to these Senators Foraker and McLaurln, of South Carolina have given notice of set speeches for Monday. A portion of the day, Saturday, will be devoted' to eulogies on the late Senator Kyle, ot South Dakota. Cuban Reciprocity. Tho leadeis ot the Iiduse"exptc"t to see the Cuban reciprocity bll pnssed dur ing the ""present week, but they admit that the debate may be prolonged so that the flnnl vote will not be reached until next week. Proceeding as the de bate' is without a rule. It can be drawn out practically as long as anybody de sires to sneak, but the lenders believe the general debate will exhaust itself by Thursday at the latest. Mr. Dalzell will close the general debate In favor of the bill. When the measure Is throw tr open for amendment under the five minute rule, a great number of amend-, ments will bo offered by the Democrats, with a view to opening up a way for amending the schedules of the Dlngley tariff law. It Is known In advance that all such amendments will be declured to lie not germane to the bill, whose title provides for reciprocity with Cuba, and that only amendments raising or lowering the amount of the proposed concession will be held to be In order. Appeals will be taken from the rulings of the chair on the general tariff amendments, but It is certain that with possibly one exception the appeals wll be unsuccessful. That exception may be the amendment to take the differen tial off rellned sugar. It Is admitted on both sides of the chamber that the real fight will come on that amendment, A number of Republicans who are oppos ing the bill have announced that they will vote to overrule the chair on that proposition, and the Democrats expect to be able to cast a i-olld vote for jt, The weakness of the position of tjm friends ot this proposition Is that the test will not come directly on the amendment, but on the i tiling of the chair. If a motion to leeommlt. with instructions to report back such an amendment, Is made, it will be held not to be in order under tho general theory of parliamentary law, that tho houso cannot Instruct the committee to do Whut It itself cannot do. The Republi can opposition to the bill, as shown lasl Tuesday on tho motion to go Into coiu mlttee of the whole, Is In the neighbor hood of forty. Added to tho' Demo cratic vote. If solidly cast, tho oppo sition would have a clear majority of ten, Hut the Republican leaders pro fess confidence In their belief that not enough of tho Republican recalcitrants will go to the length of voting to over, rldo tho chiilr, to make with the Domo crats a majority of the house. More, over, they assert that sumo of tho Democrats themselves will hesitate tc adopt this method of getting a vote on a proposition which they contend is plainly not germane. It the danger in volved in the amendment to abolish' the dltfereiitlnl Is passed, tho hill will haye plain sailing on Its' final passage, as' a majority of tho Democrats will vote for It. m i DEATHS OF A DAY, Uy KuliMrc Wire from The Associated Press. tVuiheiland, .Mil., April 13. Horace Realer, ,thc Inventor of he locomotive pilot In 18f0 ond.other railroad appllmcis died today, Ife vvaa 8? yeari of aue, l-i cioe, W!a April 13. Ojsbert Vn Sttsn. njk. olio of tho best known millionaire bgnkojl in thu iioilhwest died at hla home her today, ailed &S yearn. Van Stceuwyk wa a "native fi tl ii Netherlands. I served in both hrancbe o tho legislature and wis mayor ot I.a Cro'va in lbi3-7t and was elected ttato senator In 1S7.5. 4- -f - . WEATHER FORECAST. '-f - Washington, 'April 11 Percent for 4- Monday and Tuesday: Eastern Tennail. - f vanla. fair Monday and Tuesday; dimlnlili- - i- 1k iwrtbfltat winds. i "V , rf.t4v.i, -, if5jtA' H MSliikMrMJiii'MfM . '-.--M M .i ra-i-iis m.ii. ea. ttJftt, r-3Tr.AT&.'ei 'I. rrii?ttt&S.rk KL'l h4.&H ' " feJ2: