The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 12, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Week's Social News
AtfTEll thu Kijotlts of Kimtci- week
Iho BUccffJItiBr dullness Ih iid
tmlllntr. There were inuny dln
neiH and tunulipona In honor of ruchIs,
but the ItiRt collugo mint and the lust
college maiden have gone away, and a
Reason of quietude ensue. Among those
who entertained In honor of visiting
friends last week nt Informal luncheons
find Htnnll dlnnern were Mr. and Mrs. J.
I3enJ. Dlmmlek, Mrs. 13. 8. Moffat and
Mr. David Uolcs.
'This has been a great musical season
for Keranton and among the latest
events will bo one which In many re
spects Is the climax of all that has gone
before.' This Ms the famous Knelsel
quartette, the most celebrated organi
sation of Its kind In the world and
probably the only sti Ing quartette
wh'h Is generally recognized on both
sides of the wnter as pre-eminent. The
KnclsclH are coming to Scranton, May
8 and will be at the Bicycle club for the
benefit of the Free Kindergatten as
sociation which Is In gioat need of
funds. As the capacity of the hall Is
limited and the music lovers of Scran
ton are not, there will undoubtedly be
a large demand for seats,
The gieat event of next week will be
the entertainment and sale for the
benefit of the Nurses' Homo In connec
tion with the Hahnemann hospital.
The sale will be held at the Bicycle
club next Friday afternoon, to be fol
lowed by a delightful evening enter
tainment, when Miss Frederlcl, the
celebrated Impersonator, of New York,
will give a programme, assisted by
Master Samelll, the well-known harp
ist, and &on of the famous harpist of
the Metropolitan Opera company. Miss
Frlderlcl It an exception among enter
tainers, as she recites In costume, ana
among her Impersonations are "Mad
nine Butterfly" and "Mlstiess Nell."
Tho Hahnemann hospltul has secured
the adjoining residence for a nurses'
home, und this entails great additional
expense,. Tho sale of fancy and useful
articles and the entertainment. It Is
hoped, Will result In u nucleus for the
fund necessary to this much-needed
The 'Woman's exchange has come
down that is, it has removed from tho
, second story to a most convenient loca
tion, 118 Washington avenue, where
there, are still better opportunities to
display better things to eat and more
beautiful things which are not good to
eat, but lovely to own.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brooks, Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Shep
herd, Miss Grace Norton, Miss Helen
and Mr. Fred Jones are on the tour
taken by the Steamship Celtic, whose
eight hundred passengers have created
consternation In the Orient. No such
colossal steamer has ever visited those
ports and wherever the great throng
has disembarked the citizens of that
country have been more or less disturb
ed" in their minds. When the tourists
arrived at Constantinople, a portion of
the standing army was called out to
"shaddw"them as It was supposed that
Turkey was menaced by an Invading
foreign force, probably In retaliation
forthecaptuie of Miss Stone. Wherever
tho big vessel stopped more or loss alarm
was evident and some of the Instances
of unoaslnest as evinced by tho Turks
nnd Arab were truly pathetic as well
as comical.
It is pos-hiblc that the Scranton con
tingent will prefer to travel less en
mass hereafter although every mem
ber of tho party has enjoyed the trip
Mr. DlekMin Totroy gave a beautiful
dinner-dance at the country club lust
S.ituulay night when the following
guests were present: Miss Helen Howard
Miss Julia, Phyfe, Miss Marion Sander
son, MlhS Klonar Moffat, Miss .Amanda
.U'hhUp,, Miss Eleanor Reynolds, Miss
Marjory Warren, Miss Anna Watson,
Mrs. A. I,. Watbou, Mr. LaMotte Belln,
Mr.' Frank Linen, Mr. Worlhlngton
Pcranlon, Mr. James fiearhait, Mr,
.Taller Wolfe, Mr. Carl Welles, Mr.
, lllary tfehnder, Mr. Maxwell Befell,
' Ir.iT. Blekson Torres.
The afternoon repetition given by Mrs.
John T. Richards was one of the most
elaborate' and largely attended affairs
ever held in this city. The invitation
list numbeied 1100 or moio and the
handsome rooms were crowded with
guests to greet the hostess In her new
The BosV , association will
liave a president's banquet in St. Luke's
Parish hall next Monday night at which
tho members, untVn few Invited guests
will bo piosent to" enjoy tho oecuhlon.
., i. . . -
Mrs. 'dairies !;., Coarsen has issued
fyvKiillo-is for. a. card party next
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kdgar aio
occupying tho old Kill. tin homestead In
Green Ridge,
Miss PennypaeUer enterlaliied
' Friday Card club jesterday.
Mrs. W. K Keller will entertain at
cards next Saturdas
Ono of the notable society events of
tho week was the wedding of Miss
Save Your
WhM X It
.a Bmm Tonii?hta Pimn.
Josephine Mercereau nnd Prof. Frank
Bowers Llltell, on Wednesday night.
Very few people have the good
fortune to be loved by so large a circle
and thp etft of attracting friends an
has Mrs. A, do O. Blackcnton, A
proof of this was evident the other day
when the Ladles' Aid society of the
Dunmoro Presbyterlun church planned
a reception on her home-coming, after
a prolonged absence In the South. The
nffalr was ,an entire surprise to the
guest of honor who entered the church
parlors to find therein elaborately dec
orated, and to be greeted by a commit
tee of ladles who conducted her to the
president and gave the signal for the
Chautauqua salute from till ' present.
The tables were beautifully adorned
and elaborate refreshments were serv-i
ed. The center piece of roses, a mag
nificent bouquet, was presented to Mrs,
Btackluton, Severn! letters were read
from absent ones and ex-members,
Among the tributes to this generous
und beloved friend the follow Is unique:
If biinmnrp Fresh; tcrluns
line u fault that one can ice
It Is n most unblushing ptlilo
In their Alii Society.
Tin1 pastor, too, IV; often licmii,
Ills tribute freely paid'
To tin- wise anil Mud and helpful wurk
Of the faithful "Ladles' Aid."
'J hoy few, thev lul.c, sell what Ihej make,
They woik both haul and wisely;
hlng Solomon (Proverb thlity-onc),
Do-crlbes them iwt prcclsch.
'IIm' shK, (he sad, (he pool, the glad.
All II ml a phue within Ihclr euro;
lliev welcome '(rangers kindly
And love nnd lobar fieel -hu
Hut If Jon ask lhce (allhiul
'the secret of their powti,
'J hey answer, ''lion- rlc touhl It lie
With a President like ours!"
fho giudgcs nought of time or woik,
Or money, thought or ".Mil,
Whatever no one else do
We know ihe suicty will. '
She ncoi tires, the iionoi falli;
Mie ne'er foigets a detail,
Willi such a good example
'Twouhl never do that we fall.
She cheers in with hoi splill
Optimistic, tine and sensible:
She staits a plan, It biui'lv goes
Iter coinage is invincible.
And now since she', been miming,
And back once more lias tonie,
We'ie thinking tu suipiie hei '
With a rousing "Welcome home.".
She may lime seen the skies more blue
In sunny Southern Males,
Hut iiowheic aie the hearts ninie true
'J Inn where her welcome wails.
She may have found the breezes
Italhcr warmei there, no doubt,
Hut the welcome Dunmore has foi her
Make the warmest plate about.
So beie's to the well-lover I'lcsident,
To whom our tubute's paid:
And here'-, to the friends !oe her
In the Dumuoic 'Indie-,' Aid.",
Movements of People.
Mr. md Mis. Thomas Ppriguc have returned
from HufTalo.
Miss Carlisle, of Xew Ttuilielle, is the guesl of
fierantcn fiiciiK
Mi's. 1'. F. Clnmbcrlin has been soiioiisly 111
during the-past week.
Ml-s Helen Mitthews will go to Towancla net
.week to attend a wedding.
District Attorney W. It. Lewis left jostcidiy
for .1 hojouin at Old roint Comfort.
Mrs. W". D. Minder who returned fioni New
Yoik on Tbilisi! iy, i. ill at the .Icrmvn.
Miss Maiy Wright, of Sinicnillr, X. .!.. is
the i;uct of Mr?. J. 1). Davenport, on .leffcuon
Mr. Will Miprnrin, of Nenpoit, It. L, it the
Biiest at the home of Mr. V. Kennedy, in
mtli Wiisliliiutnn aiciiue.
Mivs (ioltl.mltli and Mis. .f. It. Cohen, of
Soianton, air i-up-U at the Hotel H.ilcigh, At
luitii' City, X, ,T,, this week.
Mrs. Kate Couililetit, of hi roml.-bui ir, and Miss
Wlnlfrrd Hi-ton, of Wilkr-.-lt.irre, are tNitlng
Ml. and Mis. William II. rreenun.
l'.illitlc Ciisick jei-terday iiturntd from a s
weeks' trip through the South and to Cuhi. The
Misses C'lbkk, Im auoiupaniid him, renuined
at Augusta, to tpnid u few weeks with friemU.
THKKK IS one family In this vicin
ity whose members, of their own
choice, will scarcely care to sec
another banana during the term of
their natural lives. It was a clergyman
who went placidly forth on his enands
of mercy tlw other this, leaving with
the rook a recent acquisition to tho
cnuntiy, as well as the minister a ilvo
dolhir bill with which to pay tho
grocerymun, when he should brlmr tho
household bupplles. The lady of the
houso was also out durlns the morn
ing, and upon her return had occasion
to visit tho nnntrs. Its unusual appear
ance startled her. In tho first plate she
could not get Into It, and next, she
thought something Jiad happened to
her brain and that the hu'llucluatluu
had taken tho form of bunanus.
Ilanaiu-, to light of btr,
l man 11 In left of lit I.
Italian is In front of her,
tioldcnly gliimncrid,
The place was full of them: she could
not Hten for bananas, and their all
pervablve odor ascended unto heaven.
"Myieason Is tottering on Its throne,"
J. s..
Save your pennies,
Save your nickels, J
Have them changed
to quarters, V
. .
28,500 Collar Buttons at
The Sale Begins Saturday at 10 O'Clock Sharp. The King Collar Button Go.
Makers of the collar button that is known the world over, have devised a very clever plan of advertising their buttons through one big repre
sentative store in each of the large cities. They allow us to sell 28,500 only of ttieir
Gold-Filled Collar Buttons at Marvelously Low Prices
This plan will introduce the "King" Collar Button in a very short time. The manufacturers are willing to lose more than their usual profit,
and we are willing to do likewise, for the purpose of advertising and giving the thousands of people who will be here this splendid article for practi
cally no price at all. Ladies will buy the King Collar Button wherever they find it. It is the best adapted button for shirt waists on the market.. We
have every shape and style, and every button is fully guaranteed, and new buttons will be given for every one .returned damaged!
10-Kt Gold Filled Col- f
lar Buttons, regular value ryC
10 cents. This sale . . M
Honeycomb Candy, a Delicious Confectionery
All the rage. "Simply Delicious." Sample it at Candy Counter. Only for sale in this city at the Big- Store.
said the minister's wife, and she won-(
dered if there had been u donation
Then she Interviewed the eook.
"JlaKKie!" she rasped, "wheie did all
those bananas eotne from?"
"An' suie the storeman it was brought
the rame," said llnggle amiably.
"You never got all those bananns
fiom the jrroeerymun!" exclaimed the
minister's wife in dismay.
"An" I did that." replied the eook. "It
was him that took them to this door,
and I did ask him was he the man that
the minister said 1 should Rive the
money to, and ho said he was, and I
did ask him was thlm the things he
was to bring, an' he said thlm was
thlm, an' I did give him the little live
dollars, and he loft all thlm things."
"You never gave him the five dollars
that was to go for groceries?" demand
ed the minister's wife wildly.
'An' that I did," insisted Maggie.
"He said he was the man and thlm was
the things, when T did ask him, an'
isure didn't he know?"
Haggle had bought out an entire load
of bananas from an Italian vender, and
he had made a tine bargain. No won
der he went straightway out and lost
himself, and Maggie couldn't tell him
from his brunette brethren when thcie
was a police round-up.
The minister's wife wont Into the
banana business forthwith, and it Is
piobable that tho people in that par
ticular palish have subsisted on a moie
strictly banana diet during the past few
days than thev had ever intended.
Hananas ure very healthful if they
agree with you; If not, they are very
much tho other thing. You are never
unite sure whether they agree with you,
The nilnister's'wife Is buro they do not
agree with her.
Sjonie people hue a theory that a
kind word or a pleasant greeting has
considerable rellex Influence on the
world at large. I Incline to this, belief
very decidedly. Often It would be such
u satisfaction to snap, to irown, p,n
ticularly before breakfast. Often it Is
hard to go down the street and give n
smiling good-morning to every ac
quaintance, when the thoughts are oc
cupied with tho InUihtlce one has suf
fered at the hands of thos who by
right of promise or reason should liavo
been truer or might have been kinder.
It Is difficult to be pleasant when bur
dens of your own or of others lie rest
lessly on the heart. It Is not casv to
bo' cheerful when thp sight of ono who
has Ignored you brings up bitter recol
lections, and It Is n great effort to bo
chatty and good-naturedi even with tho
f i lend who Is walking your way, when
you are tired to death nnd don't want
anyone to speak to you, but while, per
haps, your smllo Is not remembered us
long as the struggle required to give It
warrants, the fiown that mars your
greeting tor tho Indifferent salutation
will be called up against you to tho end
of tho chapter. Rut don't you like to
meet the person who seems glad to sew
you, nnd who "smiles tho clouds uwnyV"
Perhnps he doesn't meun It, Sonio
people will tell you that, like heaven's
rain, his smiling, cheerful greeting falls
alike on the Just and the unjust. They
will tell you that he will act every bit
as glad to see the next acquaintance,
but that shouldn't depress you. It is
selllsh of you to wish his smiles copy
righted for you nlone. You should bo
thankful If you get uny at all, and not
mind If there Ih an equal distribution,
I like tho person who smiles on me,
whfther he' means It or not, I'd juther
ha would look pleasant, even It ho
doesn't mean It, than to frown,
Saucy I3ess,
The Marriageable Age,
From Modem Society.
In ieniuny a "man" in oidir to nuuy nout
bo ut Irast 13 jraia of age.
hi Portugal, a boy of II U considered mar.
rlJuulile, and 9 "woman" o( Vi.
In Greece, tlie 'nun" mutt lute seen at, least
fourteen sumnieri, ami the 'ttoiiMii' twejve.
In France, the "man" must bo 18 and tlie
"woman" 10.
In Delirium, flic tamo aire.
In Spain, the Intended lubJml nimt hae
p.ucd l)U fourteenth jcar und the woman hrr
In Austria, a "man" aud a "woman" arc sup
posed to be upablx of conducting a home o(
their oun from the age of H.
In TuiUy, any joutli and maiden who can
walk iirojuily and can uudcroUnd tlie iiecesuty
religious berviro aie ullnund to be united (or
Jn tho production ol 'Mjid Marian," which will
lie i?hcn at the l.jccum next week, as pictpnUd
by the 01 Dostoniand, all the famotu sins
en will tioMthely appear, includinr; Henry Clay
Kara ihcc, V. II. MicDoiuld, Grace V.111 Stmldl
fold, flcniEC Kiotliinglhim, .delo Itafter, .Iop
phlnp ll.iillcll, l'r.inl; Hushworth, Allen Hinck
ley, William lloiiimilon, W. It. I'ltZKrrald and
ollicu'. Vi other opei.i written within tho last
fifty jcara lias enjoyed with & popularity a
"Itnliin Hood," t which ".Maid Harlan" is a
sequel, and Ihc new iei.i ha melodies and con
certed number as ih.uiiiliiir as those of the flist
iMutcd. All eaily, society and circles hac
been fctitmtlJtrd by the appioaclunrf engagement,
nnd there U oieiy lea-on to bclicio tint the
tlicitcr will be uowded during the coming en
gagement. II II li
Mr. Pennington was in Huston last week and
during liia .si iy of erral dais he was a Riicnt
of the St. H'ltolph club. Of the laO lnembeis of
lliis dub, the majority aie authors, inuskiatis
anil ailists. It U the musicians' club par e
crllencc, and numlieis siuh well-known muic!ars
as II. .1. Lang, Aillinr l'oole, Carl Furllon, (J.
w. t'h Mini It, lb'iuy M. Dunham, and .1 liott of
otliiis of like Manding ninoiig its member!'. The
club building Is near the public garden and in
the heail of the arMmratie part of the dt.i.
Tlie ntliei mii'lilans who were gucsls of the dull
dining .Mi. Pennington's stay, were l'ntz Kries
lei. the linlinlst: Joseph Hoffman, pianist; Har
old Itiiier, punlst, nnd .ban lleraidy, VellM.
One nf the nbjtits of Mr. Peunington'a dslt was
to engige Mr. Carl I aellen foi the dicing piano
mild of tin- artlsl ioui-o of the Consenator,,
which will be gifiu ill .lime. Tho Facllcn
Pianoforte school, of which Sir. l'aelten is dnei
lor, is now occupjlug .splendid stndlas in the
Htintington f'humlH-n building, where they lu.c
tin h own lcdtal und conceit I1.1IK
'Iho following musical selections' will be ned
.d tomorrow's woi&hlp in the Sccund Pieslolcrlan
(ligin Prdiule -"Coinmiiiiloii In C," Calkin
Anthem "I) Sainr of t.he World" (loss
(Jiurlrlto and Choir.
UlTcrtoM Cliaut, "t'hrit Our Pavoei"..nirnby
Full Choir.
O1g.n1 Posllude- Dubois
Organ Pi elude "F.ia Low-lie" Xesjidba
(hint "Hcdj, Holy, llolC" Altwood
I (espouse "Lord line .Mercy" Old I'ngliali
Anthem "Hear Mj Prajer."
(uaitttte- and lliolr,
Oirertory-(uai telle, ".hist as I Am''....Craiuncr
Jlis-s lllicK and Oaraom, 3lcrn.
(Ilppel and Muigm.
Oigan 1'n.tlucle Haih
Mi. J. M. Chance, oiganl-t aud director.
The Conscivalnry of Mil Jo will gilt- a lum-rrt
In the SiiiiMn MethodUt Fplscopal church, lljclo
Paik, next l'ridiy eienlng. TI concert will be
given for the benefit of the1 l'mhury Methodist
Kpiscopil dmidi, whoso new building Is soon lo
be dedicated. 'Iho dosing number will ho the
tiemcndoiisly dllrlcult llniigirlan l'anay for
plannfiulii and nrcheMia, by f.Utt, Mr. Penning,
ton will hlni.elf ilay Iho ssolo )i.iit, with the or
chestral aecompinlment auanged for tluco
pianos, plijed by Mlsl lliownlng, MUs 1'ieiuh
und MIm Monc, of the Cunscriatory faculty,
Will I. illiul.e, the well-known scranton com.
pnsvoiallt, will appear at the Academy of
MihIo In this city, net week, with the Harry
Jenkins company. He will render his own coin,
positions. Mi, Huihe'u iapld ascemlon of the
ladder of fame has been 11 mmiee of delight to
hosts of friinils In bciiintnn.
Mr. ami Mr. Charles Stone, of Cambthlge,
Mass., who Ime been Ultlng their daughter,
.MUs Kthd Stone, of the Conservatory, will re.
turn home todiy. They aie tplcal Xcw Kngland
people and tako with them well defined opinion
of people ami things 'Ihey have been much
pleased with Hcrautou,
Tho Piovldenco Pieebjteilan chuitli diolr will
tomorrow eienlng (the a, second rendition of the
ilaboratc 1'astcr tervlee, in rr(niiie to many
IccptceU fiom people- who attended Faster wr
Iee in that church. Choir-master C Y. Uliitte
more will liac pietent the entliu Faster choir,
Including Miss ('Una, ilolln'st, and Mr.
I'lojd llcberllng, basso, and Mr, A. W. itobetts,
lir. Huiupbrejs' "W breaks up
Grip and Golds that bang on
htiuUy to carry 25 els.--
14-Kt Gold Filled Collar
Buttons, regular value 15c.
For this sale
bailtone. Mr. Itobeits will sing 11 solo entitled,
"The llesurieetion Morn," by Rodney. .Mis. Jes
sie Phillips Smith, leading soprano, will lepeit
her Kaster solo, "Hosannah," with slolln obll
gato. The other soloista will be Miss Annie M01
gan, Mia W'ulson (irlllln and Mr. Thomas Mor
gan and Mr. Howard Crillln, with Mrs. McDonald
at the organ. The cntho sen ice will be In
charge of tho pustoi, Itc. Pi. Oulld, who will
glee a brief address.
-After a considerable inteiim. Mi, .7. Alfred Pen
nington, organist of Kim Paik chinch, nnd direc
tor of tho Conservatory, will resume his oigau
lecitals in Flm Park church. The first will be
given nest Tuesday evening, when he will be as
sisted bv Mre. I.cnore Thompson, nolo contialto
of Flm Paik church.
I'cr the past three seasons the famous music nl
comedy, "A Itun.inay (.lit," has been the thei
trical triumph of the principal cities of the
I'ninn. It is duplicating its ructc- thU sea-on
in the fame pronounced manner. It will be pre
sented in this city ut the l.jeeum nnl week.
The rM'eptionally clever comedian, Arthur Dunn,
in conjunction with sonic fifty other artists, com
This Is .1 trjinij lime of the vear for chs.
po-lllons. The tight is on. In lieu nf war
paint and feathers the attacking aunv is
costuinc'il in sweeping caps ami ealleii
gowns or should be. In place of the f-pear
and battle-axe, tho mop ami broom, the tad;
hammer ami scrubbing brush.
On the stairs the crash of aillllcry is
heard when paler fanillas inadvertently
steps on 11 cako of soap and livs aside his
self-rcspee t. From the luck J.ud 11 vnmd
us of musketry and its ac comian.v Ing cloud
of deist, not smoke, a-sures the p.uo.i.v
that the eaipct is on the firing line. The
fuinaic fire is out, the stove pipe leaves its
trail of soot, the depredations eommitted by
carpet bugs and moths show- ghastly in the,
spilng Hiullght, and a soon as thu bedding
gets out on tho lino along conies a shower.
I.lfo U not all beer aiid skillies. It is the
iisuil "season of discontent" houseelcnnlng
And .vet it need not be so horiibly ills
heatteni'ng, as it often is. The average) wom
an tries to do too Slip not only
seizes time by tho forelock, lint by the whole
scalp, thinking ,to have tho whole thing at
oneo fell swoop! If we could only renrin
her that we hivo "all the time time l,"
that a Miiplus of si length left at the doce
of Iho day is inllnltelv better than nil (Mil
room cleaned, we should not be tho phvslenl
wrecks that we often .lie it tho end of cur
spring campaign. Don't try to cconomlre in
eating during the .leaning. .Have food that
Is easy tei prcpiie, but us nciiuWiIng us pjs.
slhle, If .von have outside helpeis give them
a cup of tolleo when the) cuno In the morn
ing even if they liavo had their bieakfut,
It won't conic amiss, unci the engine that
keeps up gooel woik needs frequent stuk
Ing. We olten think the scrub woman nn
mltlgatedly slow when often sha U faint for
want of nourishing food.
Don't give "John" lit-, dinner 011 the Hour
banel or laundry tubs, live 11 It It takes
a half hour longer, find a place somewhere,
and sit down ti jour meal like a Clirlsiliu,
Forget for thu llmo being thai the caster las
'(omci olf the sofa, the carpet Is not stietchcd
tight enough, and the papcihaiiger ha lot
come. Fat 'and he ehecrlul, If not mviry,
and iOU will go back to joui work with ie
nevved tlrci'Slli. Mttle by little tho work
will go on, und If,' with the swtct fnhnfi
of tho home new 1 leaned and fragrant fr.un
top to bottom, lime) Is n clear home-mother
not io tired, but that she can enjoy it all,
If in baking cikes or genu In gem pans
tlieic U pot enough batter to fill ill tho
little pans, put water Into the empty ouej
to prevent their burniu,.
Dates or figs steamed and chopped or slhed
bananas arc now- frequently added to Iho
faueer of breakfast cereal. Many people pie
fer their fruit iu combination v.ilh the cereal,
especially when tho latter Is sonio. piepaia-
A. w 01 wncai,
4p Do not overlook tho fact that screens ut
doors and windows eateli and bailor un lui-
A iiieuso amount of dust. They should be duet.
The Silver King Collar C
Buttons, regular value 25c. fSQ.
prising the Augustln Daly company, will appear
in this comedy. Catchy songs ahd incidental
iihisIc, laughable comedy, neat and artistic
dances', pretty fonns and face, handsome and
rich costumes, all go towards making "A Run
away Girl" the Ideal musical comedy of the age.
Tho following mwlcal selections will be ren
dered at 'the morning and evening services to
moriovv at Kim' Park church, under the direction
of J. Aided Pennington,- organist and choir
master: 's
Organ vdagio In A Hit Volekmas
Choir Anthem, "Still, Still with Thee"....Foote
Orgar Cantilcnc from Sonata Op. 113
Olioir Hvinn, " "Some Other Day" (...Parks
Oigiu Preliidlum in D major Bach
Organ Andante In. f. major Westbrook
Choli vnlheni, Oloria in IXcelsis in C.Schneckcr
Organ Pastorale ill A Hat .'...'Whitney
Tenor Solo "Birth, Death and Hcsurrectlon
' Mr. Wooler.
Choh llyniii, "Wells of Film"
Organ Fugue in t! minor
Mr. Ralph Williams will fill Mr. .1. T. Watkins'
place in the First choir tomorrow,
in the absence of Mr. Wall.ln-, who is 111.
Fiom Hie Pittsburg llullrtiu.
lleiliu his the be'l cab sjslem In the world
and the cheapest. Theic aie over 17,000 tabs,
I Menu for Sundau. April 13. f
Stewed Ithubaib, f
Hambuiber Steak'. AVatiicress. J
Flench Fried Polatocj. T -
ilal-cd Ulscults. T
Collee. J
fleam of Asp.11.1gus Simp. X
Ilorseridlsh. Young Onions. T
Hib ltnast of lleef. Yorkshira Pudding, T
llinwned Potatoes. T
Paislilp Fritters. Dandelion Halad. T
C'icani ( heese. Sajtlnes. I
Ithuhiib Pie. X
lilac k Culfee. T
f Hiilleil Saidines. -f
f- Siratogi Chips, -r
f Oliicc. -f
T Curiant Tarts. hugir Cookies, -r
X - - X
-f-f-f-f -f-f -f-f -f 4 -r-f -f -f sysys).sys-svs,
ill often and at least onro a week bo vigor
ously blushed on each side wllh a whisk
The garlic Usually ficmnid clown upm by
pulitc elides In this country is not fui li a
bad scut iiltei all, Indeed, it seems to pus
fss the faculty eoimnon to other strong na,
tines nf making with Itself li lends of tho
stiiimc'iest, "gailiu gourmets," who have been
led by easy stages first to c inline, thin plt,v,
then rmbiace."
Fiom tho imllest limes the gallic his
been Used as Mt aitldv of diet. It formed
no Inconsiderable pait of thu food of Ilea
hiaclltes in Fg)pt, and during their wander
ings in the wilderness they wept, saving,
"Ye renumber the Ibh which we did cat In
Fgjpt freely; the cucumbers and the nicloi.s
and thu licks aid tho onions and tie ,ai.
licks," The medicinal properties of gailiu
'weiu thoroughly recognized by the anclcnU,
It being legal ded as especially valuable ns a
stimulant and in stomachic trouble., while tu
this clay it is used us u leiueely In diopsics
and lounticut smallpox. As u seasoning herb,
IIm gjile: Is consldeied Invaluable cm (hi
( 'online nt, paitieularly In Frame, u licit ft Is
dce'ined rss.-utial tu many dishes.
The gnat ait of i.-iiiK gJillc is In apply
it to thu dish to that It cm not be In. IU
vlilualli' detected, even though supplvjug hu
basis for the particular ll.uor desired.
Kaeh mot is composed of u number of 'e.,
sir bulbs, which the French call "gouocs
d'all" (doves of gitllc).
A few of these- put in, a saucepan of boil
ing water, cooked the minutes, removed, put
in fresh boiling water ui.ollui- five minuted,
and this operation lepealed vet a third time,
give) Ihc desired llavor for uso lit giavies,
sauces, etc,
A gatlle vinegar that un be lejdlly niaele
and kept in stock for IDvorlug Is as (illaws:
1 4lM
-ft S Ut H . . V. &. , H S H 8 i t
I Helen S. Buchanan . I
31a Washlntj;-,C
ton Avenue.
Hair Warts, 5
& Moles Pain. -
lessly, Perma X
nently, Sc.en-'X
t'f.tally. Re.'
mo4ved by.r
BUctricNeedle t
i:thricu method; no scars. Trial treat-
mc;it free. Call. and be convinced. jg
Ladles desirous of obtaining perfect Jf
complcxicns, luxuriant hair, bright eyes If
und shapely bodies, should not fall to call. l
Agent for NEMO self-reducing and Mill-
fary belt straight fiont corset. J
T 'A "A "A ' A "A"A AAA AAA A A "A A
each equipped with a taxanicter, which regis
ters the distance tiavclecl ancl indicates oil a
dial the amount of fare due. The lowest charge
in, 0d., the late being S'd. u mile.
4 1p1
Ou two ounces of gallic peeled and bruised,
pour one quart of best vinegar. Close tight
ly, und in two or three weeks the vincgT
will In, ready to strain and use.
few- diops will sulilee for the "suspicion"
of llavor which, is all thatjs deslied,
A populir method of picparlng the garlic,
by French cooks consists in pnundlgn the
cloves In a. mortar aud adding swrct oi.,10
give the appeiraiice and consistency of cream.
This is Usually eaten with roasted or broll.-el
Many of our most advanced looks line
think that a dove of garlic rubbed over the
dialing dish and spoon lends a most deliialn
and appetizing 11 nor to a Welsh rarebit;
while n dole of g.iillo Is indispensable to the
pieper seasoning of game or steak.
In the spring cleaning ammonia plavs i
pioinlnent pari: but iniu must bo taken to
Use It "mixed with liiaius." Nothing is moro
Injurious to pilot end varnish than ammonia,
and if It Is Used in dilution to remove some
specially stubborn -pot Us application should
bo inline dhtcly followed by a dean doth
wit in dear water.
Window slrades, which hit'O latterly, been'
seveiely plain, aio- beginniiig , tifeol;,f tljo
...... ......., fi.i. .1. i ai ,l... .trfi.i lu anil li1il.tSlil
IllUtlllll'lt, I", U',V,,,s. ,...a '-. Il-nv- fcj.
out accoidiualv.
They c onie pow- j adorned T
liei fino lacei insertliigs: l
with Arabe and othei
- . ,(
I'spcdullv new' anil-cxlfemely ipopiiUr ls-
the two put "lniiiilc-,(eii)iuoV.,i(lu(leVY ulndes, ,,
Ibis li all of laic, and' ha, ,a dec.ijrcitlvo
liolelcr ami lllllie, lilt' uivi.iimi iie-injis ie
In be drawn aside when debited,
A ino.t. iiouilhjng.biolli ,ini.lld,,(s.c-'
the plum bi-utli,i)f.oir iiijiiidiuutheii.
mer .i pound of good raisins in oui-
nuarls '
of water until the ialsins'ale'Ve'ry solt.'Mak'o
a thickening of. tlcAii' and wateivand udd.u.tTi.
before) taUug up ll.e broth, hwcetcu HUaslo, j,
aud tiaior, v.ilh imtineg., A ltlo.ulue ,1-r j,
brandi or a bit of bultcr med suinMlmes to T
bV u.l.led, ' - '' "-' ' 1 1
i -- . s" it a n-'T
Ililr ilolU fun, fui iiltuie, hug,. tJliiOfil,i-in
again lis evldcncf, llappll.v, bpwi;vc, Jhev
fuiieial black has gleu place to minis iiitd
ligures, which lender li' I cm iilijeitlon.lile, "'
. , ' . v 4,
'Sion-fl. e'Oukle-s liavu.a (eputuboij lsre Iu j,
be,'t. Tel make- lem, 11,1111 toother jW .
oumes of bultvr auc) twelve vf, sugar, Add "T
two weli-beattn egg., half 11 IlilthVeg' gMt1-!,11
one half tcaspoouful toila dissohViD Its ones
hilf cupful lulls. 01 watci, and Hour enpugli 4
In mil out iiilte thin. Cut intu caKos.vMli,.
11 mil out iiilte thin. Cut intu caKos.vMl
blseull cutter and bake lit a quick, oven.
The newest fancy for brides and a pretty
cue II ts-eoim-si like jouiig IdXldiivai, "out
of the W.Jl.", After the. wcddlpg invitations
arc all oit 11"! ingraici's plate makes u
ihurmlng 'ciiict ict'eiur, 'Hie mppei' bends
liadlly,' s'i'lhat tUolielgesi maybe tinned up
iu nny' fashion duslieel.i As .1 practical ,soia
veulr ofsa memoialdc cceaslun this leaves
nothing to be desired, whjle; theiv U no 'Un
BIT of lis being duplicated. "
Fniiiu Paddock Tdfonl.
1 'Mil
' " !ll
. -m
' , $
- .s . .