The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 12, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
7!flPllVPI'9-f?!9P-M war r,"7si-7 t;'trigi-KsrMsira:! 'I.Ti MJ s " 3JBT?t.l n- i T"i t, TO II S'J4,.) ' -' hr THE SGRANTON TJUBUNE-4 SATUUDAV Al'JULi 12,t 1902.., 8T J im iti.i , r ", i. I' ri-. t , M'. '' V l"' ' - j I'-' ,'fr' VlJffc &. m h w- : l" A ? IS.!.' Ife IB? T&X i, h K - k it iS if hi. L I? it; 1 P' teSibtWied Ihllv. I'.ufpt Similar, ti.v Tlif 'Trill in I'tibllsbltta; I'omptny, nl fJWJin'JjJJjS t.tW S. KtCllUII). Keillor. O, V. ItYMlKK, llimlncss Jliiniff. New Vork Oftbrl 150 KlMl St. , 1 u, tf VIM" f. lAII.' f Mo agent tn'f lI'Aiflurt .'lettllor. Anlfifd l the PtMiufflce t ranton, T.. i fceoml riM Mill Matter. When pac will pormlt, The Tribune Is alwaya glad to print dhoxt letters from Its friends bear-lug- on current tonics, but Its rule la titat these must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real name, and the condition "precedent to ac ceptance la . that alL- contributions shall , be- aubject to editorial revision. thk mr hvtk ton AwnitTisisd. Hie fallmrltiir table vhovv llir prlu tier iiifh rich InsMlloo, in(e In lie ucd within unceiy! . I'Ki'iii of 'ii1lnr on, "lnll " ntHPLVr. J Paper I Keadlmr I I'a'HIon I.w than cno Inc.iesl .'.'.'. I .'JT5 I .' fiOO Inches ,'JU .2' .2' 100O " ... ...I Jit .IT, 1'l -woo " i ,ivs ,tr ,w "ooo " ,r, ,k.i .ts t'oi ririN of thank. ieolullons of rondolenoe. ami dtinllar coiitiibulloti In the imture of ml .erlistng lhe Ttlbune intake a duigr of f fiiti line. rtntM nt C)jlflt'(l AJViTiMng fimilhttl on MMillcition. TWELVE PAGES. SCnAXTON, AI'RIL 12, 1901;. If all ofttho teforni promlsns are tnnde Rood lit New Voik during the next fow itionthi, :Jothini will lip a vet liable earthly 'Pnt'ndlsc. Th 5mltli.W!ler Controversy. I T SEISMS quite evident thut "the war department Uoph not credit the testlmonv lecently fjlven ut the trial of Major Waller at Manila, which to the effect that Gen eral Smith, In command of the Ameil can troops In Samnr. hud Issued utdert to "kill and burn," "make a howllntf wlldeme"." and "kill every thing over ten." The department frlves out for publication the order which Gen. imlth Issued on Feb., 22, ulfows tliH to stand as rofuj.ition of the testimony of Waller's wilnesHes. none of which Is supported by documentary evidence. The. order follows: ' HthdqOiitfpt Silli llri)fJJ. 'h-libon, 1..ite, P. f.. IMi JJ, 1HK. Kioin (lie ieiott lecfiveil uf )jh fioiu nfr.i (purler ( tlif inUrid of Sdtnii, Hie liriltJiJt' (urn nundei fx coriFtuliioit to the hrtiet thut (dle nppositlnn to our occupation of llic Nland Iijj tumbled ajl. Iluie .iro ulidoublcJI i con mdprable mimlier left ill tile ini'iintjlni wlio ip main in eppes lion In in. but llieir power 01 n usUnco I.J been slMtlritii. Ihi in the pj-t ( oinpclted ibein to repe( I on powers in .'iiir; p lmist in the luhirp (tiinpfl Ihrm 1o iMpnt our Rflieiiiiil nl lie.nt towmd i Miuptljlied foe, arid our purity of purpo In waving ,;ir upon their wiffiiidPil leadeiA .in'cl llipit tollonm. tlencctortli, tlit.ii. it must lip Hie lalor of nir ofHcrr) and men to jss!I the loyal ruthpj m ip (nil hi? the nwtrei. of No vppoiliinity rtliouVI be 1-t.t to intruit tiioni Hut the Amen (ans lino tome nrnonir tbcui. not lo lake frcm them air. of 'lie cond 'Iii-itr of life, bur ralber to bIi them n:ure .ind in urealer uip.iaiirc tli.n tliey ba.i ever enjo(cd beioie. Hut peiy nielli bi of lite btigjdo U irilolfid rieei tu Iofp fioiu xllihi the fji-l tlul be N iIpjIIui: with a pc'.p'e kbicli, tIMotisli ppiullaritIi- of llien island lopo uupliy, luxe deflippd alonj lines quite diver gent from those travelled by the j,rieat nuloiilv of their fellow 1'illpliw Our lrooi nuit al vviiv Keep in mind toil the rt.indtrd of the na lives of Sauiir wimp jiitioiukpiI to tile vvoild il BaUncipa. Wall lifulncs-, and kindllne' hcure forth nuii.1 !o bund in lnnd. nd novf tlial llu piriod when our uooM must h( constantly on the move hue, in Hie pidgjiient of liir- briitvidp ( ointirtnder. virtuall.v pi-ivd, Iip lakes plrjbure in rcvokliii,' hi fonner ordu fn bidiiinj; the Hsldenco wilbin Hie britfidp of Ibe families of oftlicri. It Is diniiult to .see how UIIV f.ilr mlndcd uer.xon can teconclle the above documentary evidence with the un mi im ported testimony of Major Waller's witnesses-, unless thev believe that the American forces at Suiuar 'are In 'com mand of a veritable 13 r, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The latest conceinliiir Mr. Bryan Is the announcement that he will be fusion candidate for governor of Nebraska. It Is a zero day when Mr. Uryan's name does not appear upon some pot lion of the political olio. An Incident of Martial Law. THR cnfotceiuent of martial law In Cape Colony has been a very delicate nutter, and on that account the delega tion of ainhoilly to Incompetent hands has caubed much criticism, . especially in view of subsequently re conciling the t'.ipe Dutch to British itile. The lecent case of Dr. It, J. Relneke lllustiates this very cleat ly. IJr. Relneke, a KX-ultmle of Kdinbuigh and OlasROW, was a Dutch colonist In Ceres, a small town In Cape Town sixty or seventy inllqs from Cape Toft n.where for the; past five yetus he has been the n-Hldcnt physician. J.ast August the town was put upder the command of fan Austiallaiucaptalii and one of thu Tfltnti at vWas tu order Dr. flelneke .ttul'hls family, to move to Malmeshuiy, j a ;towtv rifty miles distant. Xo lettson wtts Kjyen for the, order and the only -t-concessloii made nhen ah appeal was vfi-nt to lieodqu-trteis was that Helneke's fwlfe and chlldreiiinlMlit remain lit their Joia 1101,110, on hlH anlval In Mnlnies. Jhuty he was put, in Jail, There he ic jjnalned for u month, when he was ie- flensed- through a, habeas corpus, only .tq 'b,e jearrestPd thu name day and, u prisoner under guard to the military camp, whence, at tho end of aveek, he was leturned to the Jail, I- "During. Stills tlme'liall had been te- 'S-ftiBPrt. Relneke had been under at rest for two weeks before he was uble to Jflrifl out what the chaige ugalnst him ajwijP. Mud at no time while In Jail was 4 lie permitted to call In tounsel or .ft lends. Thero weio no speclllo charges a-beyond ageneial acousntlon of acts of npdntluPt prejudicial to good outer. (In tV fiddle of October theofHcer who 5-iHd-atiet3teU hint was superseded by '"another who Immediately jeleawed him 'roh"ball to await tilnl by a. military tourt, In the meantime' he was to jr. maln n Mnlmesbuty and jepott hlnibelf .clally to headquarteis. Ho was able to , j. set neither trial nor satisfaction of any i.Ulna until tliQ middle of Jnnuury, when i-the ofllcer i;opiinaiidintr the dlstilot m. 'formed him that he had examined the pupra In the cape and had found no charges against jm except that lie wus u political' opponent of the witr pojlcy .or me present government. Thtee days Jatei-a letter fully acquitting him of the cliut'Refl witu RlVett,hlni utitl he wnH ottleied to tnlte his wife and family mid bo to Rut ope liinncdlntely. lie leiirnoil whou he landed In liitKland that Heo lotttty Hiodrlult hail brn'mled hint u t Mil tor In the hotiiu of itiiinimiis, a Week or soybefoie his arrival, IJut the tluiuiiKP ilono 'Um.-KiiRllsh t!itline,lti Cape 'Coloiiy vun nol ended help. After I3r. Helneke luitl been put tinder uripstand sent awayfiom Ceres his Itolise was oecUiled by the ofllets of the I'ngllsli kmiiNdii, who turned his wife, father-in-law mid rlilldieit out of It on the irlotiinl that lie was a pro scrlhetl rebel and had mi iIkIUs. The result was his home, orchards, plantations and vlneytnds wetc all but ruined. Or. Helneke's position and the prominence jjlvctt to his ense have serv ed Kreatly to Inerease the bitterness amoiiu a class which the Knsllsli att tliorltlc are tnot anxious to placate. The orlKlnttl blunder was made by au 'overtolllclous officer, who was placed In u position of authority for which he was untitled. Jtelneke seems merely to have criticized the policy of the Enitllsh ovei nment. Commercial Advertiser. And the Philadelphia tnqulter calls It the "t-tilmn olmilty bill." The ninerls of tooo. rpv III! Ilochester Post-Kxpress publishes luleiestlng statin tics regnrdlngnilnerals raised ' In the ye.-r 1900, as follows: The quantity of coal raised ftom all, the mines Iti the world was 767,C:!fi,204 tons; of lion 40,427,43., tons: petroleum 1S, rwa.O.'iO tons: , salt 12,r,7.,.7fi tons; lead 7S7.S41 tons! copper 5:14,73"! tons: Kino 440,371! tops; tin 50,643 tons. In the same year thete was taken irom the earth of the two more pieclous metals, silver and gold respectively, 3,874, 2S4 kilograms and 393.196 kllogiams a kil ogram being a little over 2. '2 pounds av.olrdupols. Although the output of coal in the I'lilted States is greater than that of Great lirllaln and lteland combined, It 1s a little less than tliat of the whole Biltish emplie that of the t'nlted States for the year 1900 being about L'4',000,000 tons, and that of the Uiitlsh empire 218,000,000 tons. Ger many comes next as a coal producer, her mines having yielded In the same year 150,000,000 tons. Austrla-Hungniy stands fotttth with an output of about 40,000,000 tons. Great Britain leads the woi Id In her yield of tin, producing half as much as the other nations combined. But as regards the pioduction of cop- pei, iron, zinc ami leau tne t'luteu States leads all the test of the world. The' Biltish empire, however, Including all her vast numbe'r of colonies, takes the lead again in the output of gold, diawlng In the year 1900 from her mines 188,491 kilograms of that costly metal. These great mines of the world weie U oi Iced In the year mentioned by 4,47iJ, 000 peisons. The occupation of mining is generally considered lather a dan geious one, but it is both gratifying and sutpilslng to leain that the death rate fioni accidents In mines In 1900 thiough out the whole woi Id was less than two per thousand of the persons employed. The lowest death rate was In Belgium, being only a little over one person to the thousand, the highest In Bosnia and Heizegovlna, leaching Iheie neatly eight to the thousand. In the United Kingdom of Gieat Britain and Ireland it was a little over one and a quar ter to the thousand, and In the United States a little over three and a quarter. The higher death rate here, than In Gieat Britain is due to the greater use of inachlneiy in oUr jnines. The world's agriculttue can never be exhausted, new. crops fiom seed left over being piodtlcPd each year. But the mines of the woi Id must In time give out as in them no leplenishliig or j-epioduclng piocess ear by year Is going on. But that day Is so far distant that it need give no Immediate concern, unless It be In legard to coal, the output of which is so enormous as already to lead to anious calculations In i expect to how long It can last. News tioni Central America Indicates that Castro's leglme Is hearing an In glorious finish. The state ilepaitmeut ut Washington Is awaiting the displace ment of the ruler In hopes of being able to make better arrangements with his piobable successor, the insurgent Gen eral JIatos, who Is believed to be a man of integrity and enleiprlse, Cjstro's couise in reitjaid lo Ameiican lnfctests in A'enezuela has been such as to con vince Secietary Hay of his unfitness for the responsibility, and of the danger of having anything to do with him In a diplomatic way, and his passing is awaited with Interest, ft Is believed that the detent of this official misllt would not only testore peace In thut troubled part of the country,, but ali?o pave the wnv towards better relations between this countiy and the people of the Isthmus. The ariest of Manila publlsheis lor ci lines In Hie way or yellow Join nallsm thut go unnoticed add unpunished in this country must be rather puzzling to the newlv-made brown citizens of tho Otlent. Tho ci lines of the yellow Jour nalist aie In onn sense no moiit hein ous In Manila than In America, but the lesults cue liable to be mora illsastiotis, In this country tlie traitorous tirades of the yellow editor are usually laughed at as the l livings of a lunatic, while In a country not familiar with this soit of enterniise thev might Im ciedlted. When Manila bus been mora thoroughly Ameilcanlzed the journalistic llur will bo given opportunity to display his abll Ity umestilcted. The noise, that Is being made o,er the dlscoveiy, shows thut Thunder moun tain Jh an iipproptlnte title for the loca tion of the new Idaho gold fields, Judging from the vinlous vcislons of Miss .Stone's (list Interview upon land ng In A met lea, ulto must luue spoken In a lia.lf-do.ten UltTcicnt diahcts. ('olivary lo all expectations hn ab sence of "ginger" hus made the Cuban lecltnocitv debate a rather iinluteiest Jug affair. Picsldeiit Krueer continues to bu In good health for publication. TALKS BY THE PUBLISHER. The Tribune's Popular Contests How They Ate Looked Upon by- the Public j'jij..jti.Mjtjij.i D t'ltlNO iho past two yen in The Tribune hits conduyted several contests of various Idmln Hint have proved very popular. There has been nothing tindlgtilfleil about any of these itiid n gratifying feature of each has been that every person who parti cipated has been perfectly satisfied with the results. The Tribune has never advertised to do a thing thut It hits not tlone: It has never promised any to wards that have tiot been given, Aside from Its third grent "IMtica tlonal Contest," announced two weeks ago. iheie have been otheis of similar magnitude but not the less Interesting or piofltiible to participants. Chief among these was Its "Junior 12ducutlon nl 'Contest," conducted during Decem ber, when n long list of valuable Christ mas gifts was given to the children who succeeded In forming the most words out or the lettets In "Scranton Ttlbuiic." Words of commendation were heard on every side for The Tri bune's liberality, and for the onnortun- Ity offered by it to the young people to linplove their educations. Letters were received ftom those who wete fortunate enough to earn prizes In this contest, and alo from many otheis, commend ing Tlu-Tilbune for Its enterprise. Here Is a sample of the letters received: 11 .why. l'.i.. Dot. 27, Pull. l'oiilel IMitoi, srinlvn Tilbunc Dear si,; v mn,, ii.nmhi,.,, cllrip nnWl ilt ulics ini! In lli.uik .von vei.i idruciely for tlio licinllfiil ulilfo.vou cave liei us Hiuei'-ful parll (Ipint.ln 'Iil Scrantoii Tilbnnc's rontest. Ai 'jppt , dsn, my Hunks foi llic udviinlairrs Sainul llieioliv. We vvcio oinuvvhal unno.vrd fn weeks al our clillilieii iisking- foi Itifoima. Hon wlillo the.v Kiied ovei the p.ies of the ilk. lionaty, lull I can .e a initkid duiiixe in tlulr lalk mid knowlidjc of word', so much Hut l have In en nvvukinid lo a true iiim of what tan be trained b.v ftud.v. 'lliiuklii!!; jon .iir.iin S llu (untcl as nil Incentive for inj clili Irrn's ml vaticiiiiciit, I ipinalu, Veiy iiuerelj joins Motion II nine. Beside this word-building contest there was the short story contest, In which a huge number ot very ciedlt able stoiles were submitted, those whose eflorts were adjudged to be the best receiving cash prizes. This also had a great educational value, and The Tilbunc hopes soon to be able to make another offer along this line. Just at present no efforts are being lttctance on part ot Ohloans to long allow anything In sight to lemaln un claimed. Police Commissioner Palticlge, of Jfe v York, may 'find it necessary to seeine the services of a voodoo doctor lo allay the spell that has been cast udoii his force by the ghost ot Deery. According to Mr. Dole. Hawaii lacks nothing for complete happiness but money. LAMONT'S APPOINTMENT. Il is an inl( le-dlng fact thil ,i pliolomaph of Colonel l.iiiionl on Mi. Clevpland'w mmtelpicce In Xevv York led to Hie -election of tint .edi tion ir a -eiii'tan of wm in's -eiond aduiiuMialion. As the hloiv soe-, -eiialo Cniiiun wai unv moiled from Wivlimgtuii to Nin Vork lo comer with Mr. Cleveland aim the laltei'i. election. In tho ionise of Hie couveiMitiou, Mi, Lieu 1 md Hiked -Ml. to nuke muiip tuw-tioii. :i lo cabinet oillul.. Jh. (i.iimau liitiually de luuiied. "I wii-, .ijtaiiiM join nomination," be Mid to .Mi. Cleveland, "and m I think tint Jim tmxhl to i on -ul I, with the men who stood lis' jo i. t eutainlv have no one to li'umilmiiil." 'Iho inn dilftcd to oth-r toplo, lint alter a while Ml. (In eland came bo k to Hie cabinel place. Mr. (ionnan wa. then w liking up .md down Hie louin. 'It Cas 2 o'clock in Hie morninir. "If 1 was lo be pie-ldenl of llic I'liited States." ha'ui Mi. Conn in linilh, "1 would put that lean in inv cabinel." As be .poke Ml. fiuiiiiaii point, d to Iho piilmp of Colonel l.iinont v.iiiib was" on the iiiantilpiece. Mr, flevelaud Iambi d. "I nvcr Iboiiuht of lliat," be said. As Ml, (human iicUtcil it would be a nUe choice, Ml. t leveluul Miuled. Two .I ij afleivvaul Colonel Lamout was of fend ami auepud the poitfolio ol the vvir de parlmflit. Wa-liliinlou Po.t, NEW YORK'S HOPE. I'roin (he .New Vol It 'liibune. If I'io police ilcpailmiut Is m nibbed ilinu and ill the llevcrjs aio driven out of it, Cofnm will luve nude some progies lovvaid attain'! Hie ill-tlm lion of a modem city, , -. PERSPECTIVE. T.js i coiiiln' on the tprliiff.llme, In' v oie elliei tilings e will: I i 'd nil II lib iiij ejrs hil, Ilj I be fiel an' b.v the smell, 'I lie inurs was r , I In kkj was blue, An' went up. oh! so liiiili, ' I.Ike it never d(s in wlniir, 'Cans' oli, 'cauV I don'l know nhj. ' l,ii I linienu! In- a nilnutc Au' I in nd, iv. pi tin tt dij, A ipnll a holleiln' "lliuiidei'storiiis; i'd bcnl get In )(v Iiij," , 'N'di I not .1 bieilh o' i iiiMr-t line n I at 'Ivvmn t .lain. Hut Jest one fcvutt kIIiuii-p o' Apill, Marddn' In anoibd' liiuo, n' I ib iw'd iny Inealli down llubiir Wile I tiled haul not to think II mi- I hmirnl lei xnno ailmtiis Tlie t w is et .1 peepin' jiink, lloi Vault, speeie ALWAYS BUSY. Spring and Summer jnd )out Hut con tint (be mind uml comfort the feci, Men's ' Always" Busy Oxfoids, $3.00 Ladies' "Molba" Oxfords, 83.50, snared In make the third gipat I'dticu tlonal Contest an unparalleled success. This year there are four times as many scholarships offered tin there, were hist yearwith a value three tlmeit as great. II Is safe to say that no such offer was uer made In this section of the state, find It Is doubtful It such an offer will ever be lopeatci). Instead of tlneo great scholarships, covering three n'r four year., ai wus offered lasl year, there atp, at. least ten, .covering front three to five yenis, many of these not only including tuition, but also board, room,, heat and light. This offer Is of such magnitude that It Is hard to realize that for thu work of only it few months ti complete edu cation, fitting any young man or woman for active life, con be obtained with practically no expense duping the whole teini of years beyond spending money. There were only ten active contest ants lasl year, yet there tiro thirty-two scholaishlps offeied In this contest, It tlll probably take but very few points to secure u scholaishlp of considerable value. Still The Tribune places no limit on the number of points necessary to seeuio il icwurd. The contestants with the largest number of points secure the scholarships, no matter how small the numbers may be. Tho Tribune Is willing to take all tho chancps on Its securing returns on Its investment the returns may not all come this year, but the paper is growing better every day, and as long as Its .circulation con tinues to Increase its revenue Is sine to Inciease also and If tile return does not all come this year It will come In future years. Subscribers have but to learn the superiority of the paper by personal coinpailson to continue their subscriptions. Kxpeilence has shown this-to be the case, and those Kduca lional Contests have done much to bring Tlie Tribune to the attention of new readers. In another column this morning aie given-the opinions of a number of Scrnnton'.s clergymen on The Tribune's enterpilse. We are grateful to these gentlemen for their kind woids, and wish to ussuie our leaders that their rem'arks only leflect the sentiments of ninny people. In all walks of life, as they have been expressed to us during the past two weeks. y WOULD DEPOPULATE IT. The Itcv. Pi. Mn ton J), si,,,!,,!, of Minne apolis, wi- iccently .uliliiviing a lictou Sinukiy hIioo npun the 1p-oii wliicb was about Ananias and IMpphlin. lie J-kecl bow tliej- were pun ished foi not Iclliua- Hip t nil li and .1 child said piomptlv: "Ihej fell down and died" "uw, then, said Dr. Shutter, with au ini piessive crestme, "supposing Micli ptiiiisliiucut uue1 in foice todiv, whit would bippenf" A lie it little Kirl arose and soleiinib said: "there wouldn't be anv people left on the -vhole ciitli." Philadelpl i.i Times WOULD HAVE BEEN IT ALL. (lovenior Cnne is not communh riedllid nltli i faeullj toi in i k 1 1 1 n epiHiams, an (he Boston Ihl.llil. but ho would ms'TH to be ililltted to ihU disfiurilou. If vvp in,! judge fiom a lepl.v lie made Mine time at;o lo .1 i-eiiiusi: that Piesideut Klloc be nppointed a member of the commisdoii o re port on the ipicstion of ton-trucling a dun in Hie Clinic's rlvir, N "Xo," Mid Hie Rovcinor, "f (.innoL anpoint bim. 'Hie liw- piovides. Hint Hie loinmissi'iii r-li ill be composed of tluee men. If I iipnolnlid I'le-idiiit I'liot tbeie would bo onlj one." EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? .Not a klioil eoiu-e, nor anray louife, nor a ciieap couise, but Hie best education lo be bail. .N'o other education i woitb spcndiii!,' lime and money cm. If.joti do, wiito for u catalogue ol Lafayette College Easton, Pa. will, b ollu thorough piepiratiou Iti Hie DnginceiliiK and (liemhal Piofessioiu, m well a5 the rejiiUi College couiici. CRANE'S. "WHERE THE LADIES GO." ABOUT SUITS SOME ARE THROWN TOGETHER. SOME ARE TAILORED BY MEN WHO ARE TAILORS; THIS IS OUR KIND. EVEN OUR S10 GARMENT IS THUS MADE. WE CAN FIT YOU OUT AS HIGH AS $60 PER GARMENT. CLOTHS, FIT AND STYLE WELL, OUR REPUTATION IS TOO WELL KNOWN TO TALK ABOUT. OVER 175 STYLES TO PLEASE YOU WITH, IF YOU CAN'T FIND IT HERE, YOU CAN'T ANYWHERE. THE PRICES ARE 810 TO 875. A SPECIALTY WITH US ARE SUITS FOR THE STOUT . PEOPLE. WE HAVE ALL SIZES FOR YOU AT $18, 822.50, 825 AND 837.50. WE CAN FIT YOU, TOO. SILK SKIRTS-SOME OF TAFFETA, PEAU DE SOIE AS WELL. 'THE BEST OF SILK. ALL ARE STYLISH, ALL ARE CHEAP, CONSIDERING THE, GARMENT, SILK JACKETS SEVERAL EFFECTS ARE GOOD. THE GIBSON BLOUSE, THEN THE SMART BOX-FRONT, FITTED BACK IN SILK IS GOOD, ALL HERE FOR YOUR TASTES. RAGLANS THE SILK KIND. IF YOU . YOUR CHANCE IS IN OUR STORE. ALTERATIONS BY A COMPETENT ONE. WE HAVE MADE A REPUTATION IN SIX MONTHS TIME IN THIS DEPARTMENT. NO CHARGE, Or COURSE. SATISFACTION ALWAYS. 324 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. TAKE ELEVATOR. EDUCATIONAL. Announcement During the summer of U)02, in struction in all the ruibj'cts required for admission to lite best colleges and scientific schools will be given nt Cotuit Cottages, a Slimmer School of Secondary Instruction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles li. Fish The courses of instruction are lor the benefit of live classes of students: 1. Candidates .who have .received conditions nt'the entrance examina tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students In Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other Icauses, have deficiencies to make tip. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college. 5. Students In college who have admission conditions which must be removed before the beginning of the next Scholastic Year. For particulars address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa. Syracuse University Fife Colleges, Elegant Buildings. 152 Professors 'and Instructors The College OfTeis Pedagogical Coi OfTeis Classieal,, Pedagogical Coutses. Science and The College of Fine Arts lias Courses in Aicbitecture, Belles bellies, Music and Palntinir. The College of Applied Science Ofters Mecbanieal Knginreiina;, Civil l'.nei nceiinpr and Kiettrical Knuineerine Couiei (new buildinir and equipment). The College of medicine One of the oldest In Hie Stale, lias u four jearV course, rbauccllor I'poon, of the Re gmts, unsolicited, sajs: "It is admitted by all competent judges to be uasiiriiasjcd in this Male." The College of Law (iiveh irstiuetlon b.v text-book and ca-e t-js-tein. 'Jn its faenlH are tome of Hie gieatc?! lawj'n of New Yoik. Over Thirty Of the leading universities and colleges of this country and lluroiie arc icpieeuled by luatuie and progressive hdiolais on the facultv of the Collese. Onlv tic highest talent to be found til home and abioad In peinutlcd to give imtruetion in Fine Arts flie woik is no Hut etudcliN taking both their College and Medical or Law Courses at Sira ruse 6ave one jear's time. Pulagoglcal Couisis have been established, giving our stn denl the udvintage.of flrt class leacliets' rertltirales, foinieilv granted onl.v to gi idu ales of State Xoimal Schools. I.ibual elpcl ivcs. Both- i.ecs. au admitted. Tuition es penses aie so uioderale lliat tliej are less tluiii the fees in some colleges wlieie fice tuition is given. Send foi Catalogue. Summer Session Llbeial Arts ('onrc, duly 1st., Send for Auk. tlli. Jairns Roscoe Day, S. T. D,, LLD,, Chancellor, Syracuse, N. Y. Dr. & Mrs. John MacDuffie's SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 2Sib "1 w enlv -liv e veais imdei the inanige incut of .MIsb IIOWAHD. College piepinloij and academic (oursea. Uesident pupils limited t i 20. GO gills uon-iesldent. Beautiful Eiouuds, TennU (oiuts, lnstiuctioii In aKOidame with highest leijulicmeuls of best lolbges. Km pii tlciilars and catalogue address John MaiDuffie, Ph. P., Spiluglleld, Mas-. BCH ANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCH0JL5 SCRANTON, PA. T, J. Fotter, President, r.liner II. Lv?ll, Itctt. K. J. Foiter, Stanley P. Allia, Vict President. Secrttary. WANT ONE, r The Greatest Educational Contests OVER $900QiSPECm, REWARDS The Scrnnton Tribune will open on May 5 Its third great Kdticational Contest. Like the others, which proved so profit able to the contestants during the past two years, this will be open to young people, not only of Scranton. but throughout Lacka wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. There are offered as Special Rewards to those who secure the largest number of points, Thirtytwo Scholarships in some of the leading educational institutions in the country. The list so far arranged is as follows : 2 Scholarships In Syracuse University, at $432 each. . .$ 864 1 Scholarship In Eucknell University 520 ?1384 1 Scholarship In Washington School for Boys 1700 1' Scholarship in Wlllmmsport Dickinson Seminary . . . '750 1 Scholarship in Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory ,. School 750 1 Scholarship in Newton Collegiate Institute 720 1 Scholarship in Keystone Academy 600 1 Scholarship in Brown College Preparatory School . . . 600 1 Scholarship in the School of the Lackawanna 400 1 Scholarship in Wllkes-Barre Institute 276 1 Scholarship In Cotuit Cottage (Summer School) ;.... 230 4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at '9125 eachv 500 ' 4 Scholarships in Hardenbergh School of Music and Art 460 3 Scholarships in Scranton business College at 8100 each 300 5 Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools, average value $57 each ." 285 2 Scholarships in Lackawannn Business College, at 885 each 1TO 2 Scholarships in Alfred Woolcr's Vocal Studio 125 , 1840 32 ' 0250 Each contestant failing to secure one of the scholarships as a special reward will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest. Special Honor Prizes. A new feature is to be added this year. Special honor prizes will be given to those securing the largest number of points each month. Just what the prizes will be are to be announced later, but they will consist of valuable and useful presents, such as watches, books, etc. The best explanation of the plan of The Tribune's Educational Contest will be found in the rules, which are here given: RULES OF THE CONTEST. The 'pceial icwaids will bo given lo thu peison ieeuring Hie largest number of point. Points will be tredilal lo contestants te curing now siibcribeis lo 'the Scranton Tribune ns follows: ' Points. One month's subset iption .31) 1 Three months' subsciiption... 1.2, .1 SK months' subscription 2.60 l One jeai's subscription 500 12 Tlie contestant with the liUhest number of points will be given a choice from the list of hpecial icvvaids; the contestant Willi the second highest number ot points will be given a choice of the remaining ic wards, and mi on Hirnugb the int. 'J lie contestant who secures tlie highest number uf points during any cilendar month of ll.- contest will iceeive t special honor reward, lids tew ud being entirely Those desiring to enter the Contest should send in their names at once, and they will be the first to receive the book of instructions and canvasser's outfit when the contest opens onMay 5. All questions concerning the plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to v CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton. Pa. For Wedding Gifts, Silverware, Cut Glass, Clocks and Fine China Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. 4. 4. .. . . 4. ! ! The Matchless Splendors ortiio Canadian Rockies HANKP the I.AKKS In the CLOUDS, VUUO VA1.1.I3V, the tJHUAT ULA-(,'IKlt-u region dcwilhcd by Whyni per, tin (ommoior ot the Mattel lioni, uh llfty or .Jisiy HwltHe'i'lundH 1 oiled Into one reached only by the Canadian Pacific Railway Daily tniiiMOiitliii'iital tiuln Hervleo tlnoiiKhoiit the year trom Toronto and Monueal. IMmiUAl. U.MITKU, cioskUik the continent In u; liourti, leaves Toronto mid .Montreal (coni inuiiclns .tune 1.1th next) every Hunday, Wednesday ami Friday. Bleeping and dlntiisV huh attached to all tliroiiKh tmliir- Flrt-cltinH hotels in the niouutuliiH, Swiss Kiildes at tlie principal pointy. For nitee, e(c,, nppy to neatest agent of the i P. l'. op lo K. v. Hlvlimer, ai3 Mi oad way, New Vorlc, ROBERT KERR, Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal of All independent ot tlie ultimate disposition ot the tcholars!iip.s. l.'ach contestant failing; tu secure a apo dal reward will be given 10 per cent, of all money be or she turns in. All subscriptions must lie paid in advance. Only new subscribeis will be counted. lienevvals by persons whose names arc al ready on our subscription list will not bo ciedlted. The tribune will investigate each subscription and if foul d irregular in any way reserves tlie right to reject, It. No transfers can be made after credit lias once been given. All subscriptions nnd Hie cash to pay for them must be handed in at The Tribune of ticc within the week in which they are se emed, so lint papers can be eent to the subscribers at once. bubscnplioni must bo written on blanks, which can be seemed at 'lite Tribune office, or will be scut by mall. 'Phone 2007. Old 'Phone 79.2. Don't Strike ! Buy the "Sinoot," the Typewriter Man, takes pleasure in ex hibiting its merits from morn till night. 1st floor Guernsey Building, Scranton, Pa. r Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps, THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Gunster&Forsyth