The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 12, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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"r,J,'. I
.--. ' - - ' ' i . I
Ho Had nn Average of 107 3-5 for
Thirty Games and Outranks Two
Other Players Who Had Higher
Averages for Three Games Scran
ton Bowling League Season Opens
Wednesday Games Rolled Xast
Night In West Scranton and on
the South Side.
The llHt ot Individual averages for the
first series of Barnes rolled by the teams
romprlslng: the City Bowling league Is
printed below. Pecklns, who rolled
three games us a substitute with the
.South Side team heads the list and
Slocum, who rolled three games with
the Aldingtons, Is second.
Neither of these players, however. Is
entitled to first honors, which go to
John Ahderegg, anchor man of the
Franklin team who rolled thirty straight
games and made the very respectable
average of 167 3-5. Wlrth, of the South
Side team is next with 107 and Captain
Meister, of the Aldingtons, who started
out the best of all at the outset, fol
lows. Anderegg gets the high average prize
while Broig, of the Liederkranz team
gets the bowling ball offered to the
player making the highest Individual
score, having a total of 230 in u recent
game. The full list of averages as com
piled by Secretary Blrcher, is as fol
lows: Ximic. Team. played. ToIjI. Ae erase.
Perkins, ,S. S .1 Gil. 17" 1-3
Mocum, Ailingtom .1 513 171
AmloiegK, rrnnklina 30 MS 307 "-3
wiith, s. s 12 am lor
Slciatcr, AilingtoiM 30 l'llfi lf 1.1-13
Alexander, Centrals :t t!U 10.12-3
Lappln, lluinpes 30 JS77 10.1 17-30
Wharton, Centrals 27 V,m (H 2-!)
Jlurpliy, Hatiipcs 27 4.M KiO T.-O
C'Connell, Centrals 27 till 157 2-27
llothermel, Hampes art 4701 13(1 7-10
Ihcsser, Ifunipca "0 4li88 13(11-13,
hhavv, Centrals 12 IStiO 1'ij
l.cllncr, l'ianklin !) l.",')2 1112-3
Koch, Licclcrkraiitz "0 Hill 15.U-3
O. .loncs, Centrals 30 1010 133 2-3
Elselc, Medcrkratus 21 3ho2 132 7-12-
Jlcyrr,' Licderkranz 30 4303 152 1-10
.Maffey, S. S :i 4VI 151
H. Jones, I'ranklins 30 411.! 111)11-15
HrleR, LicdcrKranz ilO 4187 IV) 17-30
Waldner, Liedcrkranz 30 4132 148 2-3
. Kiefcr, Arllngtons 30 4413 life IB
II. Kiefer, Arlington 27 3')77 117 8-27
lioll, Hiuniies 30 4413 147 1-10
Bronnrll, S. S 21 3057 U7
Math, Franklins W 2040 14(2-3
.1. Kiefer, Alllngtoiis 30 4310 1408-13
i:ans. S. S ft 1733 14H 1-4
Ilatvck, ArlliiKtons 30 4373 143 3-1!
Wiener, Franklins 30 4171 143 7-10, S. S IS 202.1 14313-18
Zeisman, ,. S 30 4331 143 1-10
Maiidiall, Centials 2t 344S 14'! 2-3
Hobinson, Franklins 0 12no 14.11-3
Watklrtf, Franklins 12 1701 141 7-12
Nagcll, S. f fi S32 13H2-3
Softly, llampcs 12 1030 130 2-3
f aiisonbai h, S. S ! 1217 133 2-0
Zulagor, S. S 12 1301 123 1-3
V l.e)h, S. S 12 1410 120
How, s. s o cm 11.3 no
felocwn, S. S d (.02 1102-3
' tt
The schedule which was originally
prepared for the newly organized
Scranton Bowling league is being al
tered to suit the convenience of some
of the teams, but will, be finished by
Sunday. The first games are to be
rolled on "Wednesday night.
There will be eight teams and six
alleys to roll on, the Backus, Hampe,
Auditorium, Klks, Becker and SSuleger's.
The, teams which have just finished
their first series in the City league will
lie materially strengthened all around,
and several of the best players in the
Northeastern league have bid for and
secured places on several of the teams.
Higher scores and better all-around
bowling should result.
Three match games between two
picked teams, captained by Phil ltoll
and "Billy" Hopkins, wero rolled last'
night on Zuleger's alleys. Boll's team
won out by a small margin. The score:
Mrltcr 101 jvi 13- si
JiothcrniPl )-' 133 ihs-j;o
NaoKell 130 38 Ui-421
.1, Kiefcr 110 137 lit 117
I'bll Roll 177 1.3 lt2312
110- 471
U! 300
I33 413
V2S- 410
141- 321
I'rikliam .,,,,,..,
Missey ,,
723 SOU 701-2213
Illgli ecore llopkliH, Jul,
lllgli amage Hopkins 171 2-3,
The second team of the Clreen Itidge
Wheelmen took three straight games
from the second team of the Klectrlo
City Wheelmen, on the hitter's alleys,
Inst night. The former rolled a con
Blstent game, while the latter did as
good as could bo expected In their first
match game. The score:
giikk.v uium:
IvU ,,,, IV) 111 13.1-411
llowlson ....,.,. U'l I'D sl 401
Bhemion ,,,,,, ,, jh 181 137-472
Worthy of Consideration.
An editor's opinion Is always worthy
of consideration, for hu Is accustomed
to giving n inattet due consideration
hefnre expressing his Ideas of It, David
It, Forbes, editor of the Sun, Quarry
IIle, Pa Bays: "The name Chamber
lain Is synonymous with everything
that is good. Chamberlain's Cough
Jlemedy J can particularly endorse,
having used It myself u,ule frequently
wjth tho beBt results, whenever both
ered vlh told." For sale by all
'-''VlBfe. Ik , '- 'lUlfl
. ; m: 1HH
Great Sale
of Jewelry
Commences April 12th and continues for two
weeks. We have made special arrangements with
- the manufacturers to have on exhibition and sale an
extensive line of Jewelry and the prices are on a
"50 Cents on the Dollar" basis. We do this to
introduce our permanent jewelry department and
you can have no idea of the "Bargains" without
seeing them. You'll do well to, at least, look,
Remember the
Special Prices Are Only
While the Sale Lasts.
McConnell & Co.,1
The Satisfactory Store, ff
Nicol 101
Wcdcman 131
138 500
137 483
, 710 S3!) 780-2304
HIrIi scoie bliennon, 184.
High meragc Nicol, 166 210.
Chatficld 127 153 136-416
Hughes Ill 14-2 133141
Heal 131 132 327410
Lewis 130 131 143424
UePue 112 HIS 171 4S1
High sioie Ucl'iie, 171.
High aei.igc, DcPue, 1G01-10.
A return game will be played on the
Green Ridge alleys in the near future,
A very respectable "pot" was made
up on Thursday night on the Klectrlc
City Wheelmen's alleys among the
members of the Black Diamond team.
The man making the highest average
was to receive the total amount and
Eddie Pryor made such good scores In
the llrst two games that he thought he
had it cinched. He was so busy devls
lng ways and means for spending the
money that he became careles whereat
one Frank Foley stepped in and rolled
a splendid game, taking the prize,
Pryor was so dissappolnted that he
hasn't recovered yet.
I 0 ill
The splendid trophy won by the
Backus team, the leaders In the North
eastern league second series, lias been
formally presented to Captain Hopkins
and occupies the most prominent place
In the Backus cafe.
' BRADFORD COUNTY. to the Scranton Tribune,
Tonawlii, April 11, A, Lewis' saw mill .il Slull
was totally deatrojed by Hie, entailing u lea of
At a meet ins ot Charles K, Mooie tamp, No,
203, Siunixli-Ainerican cteraiif, held in Tow.uula,
lesolutlom were passed in behalf ot all fcoUlloin
of the late war, askinp- for an umcmlment to the
bill which prolines "that a national or Unit'
leKiment or (iiand Aimy post (.hall have the
right to put upon the flap the name and number
of ijuch legimeut or pot," In older that any oi.
ganizetl cunp of the older may have the tame
John Muiiay, a baitender at Wawily, who was
found guilty of violating the Haines law, has
pleaded guilty and Fcntenccil by the loml to pay
a line of $30 or fifty daja in the Jail ut On ego.
Ti Incite of snow fell at Hemlce on 'I'ttea
day morning,
(1, II, Lancaster, for a few nionlln pioptletor
of the l'atk hotel, liaa sold hU luisitiMa to J. A,
Dodge, nf New Albany, Sir. Lancaster has pur.
(hated the hotel piuperty at .Mountain Lake,
James Costello has made his escape liom the
upper cell in the county jail, A reward ot lj-23
U otfeted for iila capture. He is tlociibed us
being aliotit 22 .teat a old, lite feet sU Inches tall,
neigh? neatly 123 pounds, hiiooIIi laced, light
tmiipltwloii, with (ace and neck Inokett nut nllh
pimples badly, and it is thought note a blue suit
of clothe,
II. William Hiites, a well known (itl.en ot
Southern llradfotd and l.uzcme counties, died at
his home In Pasadena, C'al., of heatt (n
Sunday, When In this statu lie was telegupher
u( or near Wllkes-Marie, when about 12 years
ago he uioi to California and became pioin.
luently known in business clicks, He was Wee
ptesldfitt of the Pasadena National bank, llo is
tut It rd by bU motlur, Mia. Lucietla Jllncs,
two biotlier and four sister, T, Jl. Hlnes, of
Scranton, being a Inother,
'the luttallatlun of the following otllcus will
take place on Satutday etenluc iieit In the lull
of the lllectrla Star lodge, Ko. iW. Independent
Older of Odd Kellows, by OUttKt Deputy (Hand
Master Oeoige llarpci, of puninore, U.; .lantej
O. Kellei, noble grand! William I, fewallow, tke
giaiidj Altliur A. Ual, .ecictaty, and Tied II.
(Itecne, trustee. Altei which u smoker will be
Mrs. J. A, Itjuiei and daughter, Miriam, ,ted
tela tit is hetc for setcral days this week teturn.
iug to their homo on South Side, bctaittou, (it
Thursday afteinoou, accomparried by Iter father,
William II. Smith.
The Mary Orlltln lodge, No. SI,' n.
dependent Order ol Odd Kellows, enjoyed it titlt
of high ofaculs of llielr order on Thursday Qen
'ittg last, niter wlitclt an elegant tepast wait sencd.
The more you know of this sale the greater
your appreciation. Having bought for less we sell
for less than, the usual retail prices. In fact, this is
a great underselling event. It won't interfere with
our usual great selling of dry goods, however.
Theatrical! J
IiVCKUM "Way Down Kat." Afteinoou .uid
ACADEMY Waite Comedy company. After
noon und night.
"Way Sown East."
That thU country is fond of the paslotal drama
is now almost axiomatic. "That Way Down
Kai.1," presented last night nt tho Lucuni Is a
primal fatr.ritc in this t.pc of play is likenase
a close appioaeh to a self-evident tiuili. l.cait
wise, In Scranton ij liolds a Hist lank in this
clavi of drama. Although It was to have thiee
presentations and the weather was very foibid
dlng the box ofHcc had to shut down last night
as the curtain went up on tho first act.
It is not to be miiveled at that "Way Down
Kast" can pack theaters night after night, jear
after year, Lottie Ulair Parker in tliis ttoiy of
plain people and their homely joys and soirons
has constructed a tale so full of heart inteiet
that the emotions of the most phlegmatic must
be moved, and William A. Drady in piod'iciiig
it, and Joseph It, Grismcr in embellishing it uith
various clever artifices of modern stagecraft,
have left nothing; that might add to efficiency of
tlic telling of the tale.
The piCK'iitation of "Way Down Tast" calls
for not leii than ten specialists, and they tnc to
lie found in the company now- presenting the play
liete. Vina Ogden was born to fit the part ot the
village gossip. Had the whole of stagelaud been
searched, it is safe to say, the equal of this
clever joung woman for this most exacting pait
could not ho found. Her work Is teal art,
Flora Kalrchild, as "Anna Moore"; Scott Coop,
er, an the "Squire"; I'led Ilacktu, as the villain,
and Philip Yale Drew, in the lieiolc part com
prise a qtiattettc of playeis whose vvoik ndcls im
measurably to the excellence of a very excellent
show. The principal comedy patts, with which
the play teems, are ably caicd for by Virginia
Wcstbrook, llcniy West, Frank Nelson, Chailes
C, Illanchard, L'dwln Chapman and II. II, Pender,
A pleasing Incidental featuic, absolutely essen
tial to the completeness of a pastoial ilranu, Is
the singing ot a mixed quartette composed of
Hetty Charles, Lillian Llpycot, Maurice ltobin.
hon and Charles Kdmunds. Miss I.ipycot'3 soprano
is ot iart sweetness.
Tho "dic.ssing" of each of the four acts be
tokens the most scrupulous consideration of (he
artistic. Old fashioned "delft" in old-fashioned
dressers; tlnwatc that is not new- and shiny;
boots that come in out of u snow storm, with
snow on them and a hundred other little nico
tics tell eloquently of this consideration. A uow
storm scene in the third act is realistic enough
to cause sliHcis every time the door open.
The performance will be given agjin this after
noon and evening,
The Bostonlans.
All that tale and money can suggot Is event
plltlcd In the moductlou of "Maid Marian," Do
lint en's comlo opeia which will be, Ming by the
Uostonians ut the Lyceum theater Tuesday next,
This company Is so ftrmly established In the if
feet Ions of music lovers that it is uniieccrssary
to expatiate upon its merits, Tills season the
original group of tlnjeis including those famous
uttists, llarnabec, MacDouald, I'rolhlugliam, Jo
sephine llJttlett, lias bein stlougly tciuforcecl
by the addition ot several young singers who, it
is piomUed, will cieato a sensation,
Among tho new comets mo Allen llltiikley, a
distinguished basso; Adele Itaferr, contultn;
(luce Van Studdiford, sojiuno; Frank llitshwoitli,
a handsome young tenet; William Dortltigton, a
most engaging baritone. "Maid -Mai Ian" will en
list the ten Ices of all the slugets wlllt this gteat
company and will be put on the stage with nn
iiaual completeness and splcndoi. It has run at
the tlatdeit theater Sew Yolk, for Ihtee inoiiths.
Seats go oil bale toiuoiiotv niornhig at u o'clock.
"The Runaway Girt."
The Auguitlu Daly company will piecnt the
veiy popular musical comedy success, "A lluu
away Oltl" at the lceum Friday night next,
Tliete aie laid io be some fifty uicmbeis in this
organisation, and Hut It is composed of i.iuli
ait Lits only that could icach the standard of
merit demanded by the requirements of the play,
These requirements are, to bo uble to sing tune
fully, to dance gracefully, to uct intelligently mid
to look, well the ladles liamUoiucly and the
nidi, manly.
.The ucoid o( "A lluuaway dill'' U sulUclent
of ittelf to oUblUU Its clsiui to something more
(burned in the enamel) ateSdfo
We claim Purity and Safety, and
substantiate this claim with Chemists'
Note the blue label used by U3 (and
fully sustained by recent U. S. Circuit
Court decision) to distinguish our
absolutely pure Agate Nickel-Steel
Were. This tebel is pasted on every
piece oi gcumno igacc war:.
A full assortment of tliete poods for sale by all
the leading UUPAUTMKNT and HOUfaK
Booklet 07:tnviij?SM-siiirt7e of cur laid, tc, I
jrsv v ttrjr iitittreitt
than tho usual legaidmg its merit and success,,
A play that will iintalii steadily In one place
of uiiiusciiient for tluee yeats, ami In iiuolher tor
a period of tluee hunched nights, must possess
more than the usual amount of merit to citable
it to do so. And et tills Is the recotd of tho
play mentioned in two uf the mct conservative
and exclusive Inciters in Dugland and Aineiioa,
the flalety of London and Dale's theater of Jfcw
Yotk city.
Al Reeves Company,
Al licet r' big company ot hiiilrs.iiriK wlllba
seen al the btar for tluee dji becjlnuing Mon
day iiiatluee, Tlieie hate betn a number of
changes made fit the oigaiilatiou since its np
peataiicc heo eaillei lit the scanou, and the H'
suit has been a decided iinfiiovenicnt to a pet.
fuinianco which was uheady one ot the best seen
Mr, Ileetes has engaged us a featuic act,
Mazwc and Mazelt, comedy actobats, who t taint
at the top of their piofcslou, Md'ahe, Sabine
and Veu, Hoey and Lee, Cliff (Inulon, .loeliou
and Moore, rk'tinoiu- sUtrts, and Al licet c hint
roll (oniplete the taudetille acts, Thelc utc
several new and ptctty facts aiuoug the thotiis
who help to enliven the two builesques which
open unci close the show,
tiioiglaiia Saue, a iilecu of one of the United
Mates andu.-aduis ahioad, has hern emja'.'cd for
u pait In "Dolly Vaitlt-n."
It has been delluitely settled that Kilm May
will Le seen in this tountiy ni'.vl seasuii under
rhatlcs I'lohiuan'ri iiiaiiacteiuent.
K. S, Wlllaid is to hate a new play for nel
season from the pen of l.ouis I'aiKer, and will
not appear In London until 1W.I.
JUeph VYIierlnck has lieeii ensaiied by .1, Wes
ley Ituv;iiiue.t to play the title lole In 'The
Villain) Postmaster" next tccson.
"The I'lluce of I'iUwi," by the author ol "'lc
liuiljoiiiattci" and "KIiir Dodo," is Io ha pic
ri'ittril for the tlttt time in llo9ton eatly In jy.
It has been tUtued out by a niathciiuikim
that whtii the hoists In "Hen Hut" aie seen b)
the audience they have tun u distance ol half a
Tho latctt leport from New Vol); Is to the ef
fect that (.'Italics llaultcy and Francos lloliuoiit,
ttlto Is to be his leading lady ticvt bcawu, ute
cngagvd to be nurticd.
iBlHi 1520 imMt
l:HKi kinds i,P89Hr!
hat store in the city, and
remember every hat you buy here is sold direct from
the manufacturer. It's the quantity we buy that
enables us to sell a $3 quality at $2 'and we do
it." See these newest shapes that have lately ar
rived at this store in soft curled "Bolero" or "Derby,"
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
' i m . hi.m i im i ! i inn
Clothes Style
It's the concentra
tion of effort that has
I perfected this system
of Ready - to - Wear
Clothes, and made it
appreciated by r men
who always had their
clothes made to order.
The distinctive style is
but one, item that has
made the "Atterbury"
popular. Much thought
is given to the design
ing and tailoring.
Every garment is cut
by a system which
insures " perfect fit,
whether you are "tall,
short, stout or slim. If
you try on the "Atter
bury" no further argu
ment will be necessary.
Children's Novelties There is no exception to the rule in this de
' partment. The novelties of the season in Boys' Clothes are here.
Blouse Suits from $2.50 to $5.00. Vestee Suits from $2 to $4.50.
Samter Brothers,
Complete Outfitters
Lehifjh Valley Enlhoad.
In KITect, Nov. a, 1901,
Trains leave Scranton.
Fo' Philadelphia and New Votl; via D. & 11.
It. It., at 0.3S and 0.3S a. m., and 2.18, 4,27
flllacK Diamond impress), and 11..T) p. m. Sun-
dais, . tc H. It. H-. I.M. 8-7 P. m.
For White Haven, Ilazlclou and ptlnclpal points
In the coal regions, via 1), J: II. It. II., (US, 2.18
and 4.27 p. ra. For t'ottsville. U.38 a. ra., 2.18
For Bethlehem, Kaston, Iteaellng, HarrhburiTi
and principal intermediate stations, via D. & II,
H B., Ud, 0.U8 a. m.; 2.18, 4.27 (Ulack Dla.
mond Uxpicss), 11.S0 p. in. Sundajs, D. k II.
It. It., 0.38 a, m.; l.S, S.27 p. m.
For TiinMiamiock, Towanda, Elnilta, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal Intermediate stations, vis
D., L. and W. It. It., 8,10 a. m. and 3,50 p, in.
For Geneva, ltuchostcr, Dulfalo, Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all points west, via I), & II. It. R.,
7,1b 12.01 a. m. i 1.42. tl.28 (Ulack Diamond Ex.
press), 7.13, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. & It.
II. 1! 12.00', B.27 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehlarh Valley
Parlor earn on all trains between Wllkes-Uane
unci New VotU, Philadelphia, Uullalo and Suspen
sion lliidjre.
HOU.l.N II. WH.niiri, Ccn. Supt., 20 Cortland
street. New Yoik.
CllAHLi:S K. IXK. Ocn. Pass. Agt,, 20 Coitland
stteet, New York.
A. W. NONDMACTliai, Dlv. Pass. Act., South
Mcthleliem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman rreivatlons apply to
city ticket olUce, CO Public Kcjuare, Willta-llartt,
New York, Ontario and Western.
In ttlcct Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001,
teavc Leave Arrive
Tialns. fecraiiton. Caibondale. Cadola.
Ko. 1 10.H0 a, in. 11.10 a, in. 1.00 p. m.
Ko 7 0.10 p. in. Ai. Catboudale g.10p. ni.
Leatu l.cavo Arrivt
Trains. Cadosla. Caibondale. Set anion.
No.0 7.00a.m. 7.40a. in
Ku j 2.1ip. in. 4.00 p.m. 4.10 p.m.
' Leave Lcato Arrlv.
Trains. htrantou. Carbondale. Cadosla.
No. 6 ,...i.-. 7.00 p. in. Ar. L'arbontlale 7,40 p. in.
no. u i -bOUTIl HOUND. '
Leave Leave Arilv.
Tralui. Carbondale, Scianton.
Nn, (. 7.00 J. in. 7.10a. m.
No. 10 1.30 111. 0 Oil p. in. 0. IS p. m,
TiJins Nos. 1 on ucck da), and U on Sundajj,
make, main line conned Ions for New York city,
Ulddletouu, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, O,eu'to
oud all points nest.
For further iiitoimatlon ccn.ult ticket azenti
J. C. ANDliltljON, U. P, A., New York.
J. C. WKLSli, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
' Under (Two Flags" and tonight "For Ills toon,
trj's Sake."
. The newest hat' styles
this season have changed
decidedly from those of
last season. We have
made preparations to
meet the demand (Which
has already started for
these new Spring shapes.
The continued attention
we give to hat qualities
has made this depart
ment the most popular
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule in effect June 2, 1001.
Trains leate Scranton; lUa a. in,, week days,
throush vestibule ttaln fioni Wilkes-Darre. Pull
man bullet parlor car and coaches to Philadel
phia, tla Fottsvllle; stoia al principal interme
diate stations. Also connects tor Suubury, liar
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Ualtlmorc, Washington and
for Plttsbuig nd the west.
0.S8 a, in., week days, for Sunbury, llarrisbutg,
Pltlladelphla, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
biiru and tlio west.
u n. in., week davs (Sandavs. 1,68 n, m.1.
for Sunbury, llatilsburg, Philadelphia, Daltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and ttie west.
S.28 p. in,, week days, throunh vestibule train
front WULes-Daire. Pullman buffet parlor cat
and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsville. Stopi
at principal intermediate station
4.27 p. '.. week days, for Ilazleton, Sunbury,
liatrUburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburar,
J. U, WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect November 21. 1001,
Trains lor Caibondale leave Scranton tt 6.20,
6.00, 8.63, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1.20, 2.34, 3.63,
6.20. 0.2S, 7.67, 0.16, 11.20 p. in,; 1.31 a, m.
For illonesdale-0.20, lO.DM. in,; 2.31 and S.29
P. m.
For Wilkei-Darre 0.38. 7.4S, 8.41, 0.38, 10.4J
a. m.l 12.03, 1.4.', 2.18, 3.28, 1.27, CIO, 7.18,
10.41, 11.80 p. 111.
For L. V. K. II. Points-8.38, 9.38 a. ra.j 2.18L
4.27 and 11.110 p. III.
For Pennsylvania It. It, Points 0.38, 9.38 a.
lit. ; 1,42, 3.2J and 4,27 p. til.
For Albany and all points norlli-0,20 a. m.
and o.ii p. m.
For Caibondale 8.60, 11. MJ a. m.j 2.34, 3.0J,
C.C3 and 11,17 p. lit.
For Wlllea-llaue 0.33 a, ui.j 12.03, 1.53, 3.23,
0.32 ami 0.17 t. m.
For Alban) and points noi Hi 3.62 p. m.
For Honesdale S.60 a. in. and 3.02 p. m.
W, L. PUVOll, D. IV A Scianton, Pa.
Delaware, Lackawunna and Western.
In Uftcct Nov. 3. 1001.
Trains leave Scranton for New orW At 1.40,
S.15, d.Oo. 7,00 and 10 Oo a, til.; 12. li. 3.40, 3.33
p. ni. For New Votk and Plilladelplda 7.50,
10.05 a. in., and 12.45 and 3.1V1 n. in. For Toby
lijiina At U.IO p. in. For Uuflalo 1.15, 0.23 and
0.00 a. m.; 1.05, 0,50 and 11.35 p. in, For Uiug
liamton and way station 10.20 a, in. and 1,10
p. m. For Os.vego, practise and Utlca 1.15 and
V.2J a. in.; 1.0) p. m. Otucgo, Syracuse and
Utlca train at C.2J j. in. dally, except Sunday,
For Jlontio.e 0.U0 a. l.i.; 1.10 and 0.50 p. ni.
Nicholson aecomuiociatloii 4.00 jnd 0,15 p. in.
Uloouisbuig DItUlon For Noithumbeilaiid, tt
C.35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.05 and 0.10 p. in. For
Plymouth, at 8.10 a. in.; 3.10 and 0.00 p. m
Sui.dav Tulin For New York, 1.10, 3.10, 0.05
and 10.03 a. m,j 3,40, 3.33 p. m. For rkitlalo
1.15 and 0.2J a. m.; I.f5, b'.OO and 11.35 p. m.
For Uliighamtou and way stations 10.20 a. to.
lllcoinsburg Division Leave Scranton, 10.05 t.
in. and 0.10 p. in.
Out spring showing
of popular-priced suits
contains a 'splendid
variety of cloth pat
terns. We cannot
fully describe the merit
of these popular-priced
suits here. To under
stand their merit and
superior make you
must try a suit on, the
demonstration will
then be satisfying to
you. It's a duty you
owe to yourself to
prove these statements
when you are thinking
of clothes. Samples
are shown in our win
dows from
tiff Bosom.
Former Price, $1.50 and $2,00.
412 Spruce Street.
New Jersey Central.
In Kttect Nov. 17, 1001.
Stations In New York, foot ol Liberty sired
and South Feiry, N. It.
Train.! leave Scianton for New York, Philadel
phia, Fasten, Ucthlehwii, Allcntown, Mauch
I 'hunk, White Hat en, Ashley and Wilkes-Darre al
7,30 a. ;n,, 1 p, in. and 4 I Sunday, 2.10 p. in.
(Jujker City F.tprcss leaves Scranton at 7,31
a, in., Ihiough solid vestibule train with Pulluiai
Uullct Pat lot Cats, for Philadelphia, with out)
one ch.mse of cats for Ualtlmore, Washington,
U. J.t ailct ail pnueipai ponies .uuiii anci west.
For Avoca, Piltstoii and Wilkes-Uaire, lp.ii
and I n. in. Sunday. 2,10 p. m.
p. in.
For Long Hunch, Ocean Uiote, etc., 7,30 a.
m. and 1 P. in.
For llcadii).-. Lebanw and llanUburg, via Al
Iciitotvn, at 7.-10 a, m. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.1t
p. m.
Per Pottsville at 7.00 a. m. and t p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent tt aUtlgo,
O. U. BUUT, Cen. j4ov. i.
Dist. Pass. Agt., Scranton.
98c "
ia i
P. "H,
5? 4
5. 1W1
"( iHjiW
' 'Ml
Al sag 1T"S
L ft'03.
,-L ItXA
!-V IfS.