The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 11, 1902, Image 1

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Rumors That Peace flrranoements
Have at Last Been
Great Meeting in Southwestern
Transvaal Botha, Beitz, Steyn
and Schalk-Burger Present De la
Hey and De Wet Expected Hope
ful Feeling in London.
B.v I'Actahc Who (torn The .nt ijtnl Pies.
London, April 11. The Financier nnd
llullionist publishes a dispatch from
Pretoria this morning:, declaring that
the Boer leaders have accepted the
Iirltish terms, that peace has been ar
ranged nnd that the terms of peace
have been cabled to the Boer agents In
Other unconfirmed statements of a
similar character are In circulation In
London tonight. It Ik said that Fred
eric Rutherford Harris, former secre
tory of the British Chartered South
African company, has received a tele
gram to the same effect, but nothing1 of
any oftlcial or really reliable nature
concerning the matter Is known.
Pretoria. April !). President Steyn,
of the Orange Free State, Secretary of
State Rcllz, of the Transvaal, Acting
President Schalk-Burger, of the Trans
vaal, and General Lucas Meyer, com
mander In chief of the Orange Free
State forces, passed through Kroon
stad. Orange Free State, on Sunday,
April B, on their way to Klerksdorp,
southwestern Transvaal, where General
Botha, the Transvaal commander in
chief, arrived on Monday, April 7. It
was expected that Generals De AVet
and Do la Bay would attend the con
ference. It Is understood that the Boer
leaders are fully possessed of thu Brit
ish peace terms, unci that the meeting
then assembling was to enable the
leaders to thoroughly discuss them.
It is expected that the llnul decision
of the burghers will be made known
London. April 10. The London Times
in its second edition today publishes a
dispatch from Klerksdorp. dated AVed
nesday, April S. announcing that Acting
President Schalk-Burger and other
members of the Boer government ar
rived there by train April t and that
messages were sent out Inviting Presi
dent Steyn and General De la Bay to
come in and meet them. "While await
ing a reply. General Schalk-Burger and
his party were ocrupying u hotel which
had been reserved for their use.
The war secretary. Mr. Broderick, In
the house of commons referring to the
press advices from South Africa, sold
Schalk-Burger, Kelts!,' Lucas, Meyer
and Jacobs had been Joined at Klerks
dorp by General Botha, and added that
Steyn, De Wet and De la Bey and three
other members of the late Orange gov
ernment arrived at the same place yes
terday. No communication, Mr. Brod
rlek further said, had been received
from the Boer leaders, except regard
ing safe conducts fur the participators
In the conference,
The colonial secretary. Mr. Chamber
lain, added tue information that no
limit had been fixed for the expiration
of the safe conducts. They would be
extended so long as the negotiations
were In progress, after which the dele
gates would be allowed to return to
their respective districts without hin
Kills Five of the Sheriff's Posse Be
fore Being Captured.
By INihnic Wire from Tlio Awuclateil PitvJ.
Knojcvllle, . Tenn.. April 10. a tele
phone messJgc from Jonesboro, Tenn,,
says that Injun attempt today to arrest
Jim Wright.' wanted In Hancock rntin
ty o)t the charge of murder In Scott
county, Virginia, live of the sheriffs
posse were killed and two wounded by
Wright's party,
Wright was wounded and captured.
All members of his crowd got away,
By Csctiblu' Who from The ,V.nclatril I'lcvt,
Washington, April 10. A change for
tho worse has again occurred tonight
In tho condition of Rev, T. DeWItt
'I'ulmuge, and thu physicians aru again
very apprehensive of tlio outcome.
At 1 o'clock this morning the condi
tion of Dr. Talniago wus very precar
ious. Fever complications have de-
eopcd, which lead tlio physicians to
bi'llevo that recovery Is entirely im
probable. m
Disorder in the Belchsrath.
lly llutiuhp Who (nun 'I he Associated I'icw.
Vienna, April 10,-On Ihe roumpllon f tho
ilhiiiisloii In the louei liuibu n( the rrlchMilh
today ot the educational Mil, uhhli ua Inter
rupted jwlc-nlay y cliMirilrr, nuilling In Hie mik
IuiiaIoii nt Ike sltllnif, tlic pan licrmaioi reenm.
lurncid their lolmt oUtruetlon ladles, 'limit,
log, banning dok IhU und blow-Ill; tin uhMlcw.
The prcnldcnt c( I he hoino deitienll.v called )r.
Wolff, the KatlcnalUt loader, to onler and beul
ie was ronduHcd wllli (he grcalot difficulty.
Pension for Mrs, McKJnley,
Hy bullish e Wire (ram 'Ihe Awx-tetcd Prcis
Waslilmilon, April 10. The home committed nn
pension today rjade a. faiurablo report upon (he
muloihlll urantiinf a puLJoii ol $3,ucM kt an tu the widow of I ho late I'iccidciit Mc
',' ?
,'!yr&,Jt ,
Members of Court Martial Will Ex
amine Records of Balangiga.
Defendant Speaks Today.
By Kxclushe Wire from The Aoclalcd 1'rc.ii.
Manila, April 10. The members of the
court mnrtlal trying Major Lyttleton
W. T. .Wnller, of the marine corps, on
the charge of executing- natives of Su
nmr without trial, were today handed
the records of Balangiga, island of Sa
mor. They were mostly a series of let
ters from the Insurgent general, Luk
ban, informing the ofilciuls of certain
facts and congratulating them on a vic
tory. There was one from Guerarrn,
the Insurgent leader, telling thu officials
not to give out certain details, us it
was contrary to the laws of war. One
letter was from tho president! of Balan
giga, addressed to Lukban, saying he
had agreed on tho policy of doing what
the Americans liked and then, when
the opportunity oifered, rising against
Counsel notified the court that they
had finished with their witnesses und
the court was requested to allow Major
Waller to speak tomorrow, before the
regular addresses of counsel.
Proceedings in the House Devoid of
Enlivening Features Chinese
Bill Discussed.
Hy Kxihwico Wile from The AooLitcd Pre.
Washington, April 10. The debate on
the Cuban reciprocity bill In the house
today was devoid of enlivening feat
ures. The most notable speech of the
day was made by Mr. Grosvenor, of
Ohio. He answered the critics who
have charged him with Inconsistency,
by saying that reciprocity was sound
Republican doctrine and that tariff
schedule's were not sacred. He pre
dicted that the time would come, al
though it had not yet arrived, when
there would be an Inexorable demand
lor revision of the present rates. Mr.
Prince, of Illinois, made a strong
speech against the measure. The
other speakers were Messrs. Lawrence,
of Massachusetts, and Mr. Mlcrs, of
Indiana, tor the bill, and Messrs.
Weeks, of Michigan, and Kleberg, of
Texas, against It.
An effort was made lAte today In the
senate to obtain an agreement for a
vote on the Chinese exclusion bill, but
it was unsuccessful. The indications
now are that the vote will be taken
next Tuesday. The measure was under
discussion during the entire session to
day, except for about an hour. In which
time the pustofUce appropriation bill
was consldeied and passed. Three
speeches were made against thu Chi
nese bill in Its present form, Mr. Dill
ingham, of Veimont, concluding his re
marks, and Mr. Stewart, of Xevudo,
and Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, stating
tlielr objections. to the bill. Mr. Stew
art said he would vote for the measure,
If It was the best that could be ob
tained, as lie favored the exclusion of
Chinese laboiers, but he was opposed to
many of Its provisions. Mr. Hoar, with
considerable feeling, announced his vig
orous opposition to the bill, declaring
that he never would vote for It.
Early In the session Mr. Depew, or
Xew York, spoke briefly against the
adoption of the resolution providing for
the election of senators by popular vote.
In effect, he served notice on those
stutes which had limited their suffrage
that if the resolution was enacted a de
mand would be made on them to accord
nil their citizens the right to vote, or
suffer a loss of representatives In con
gress. m
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated l'ief,
Washington, April 10. Tho fcenicto today con
firmed tho following nominations:
Poa tin i. t em, Penm.c lviinla F, II, Baldwin, Aus
tin; W. P.. Hamilton, Oalelon; l Sutter, Me
Kees Itocki; .1, II. Porter, Xew Wilmington; H. J.
Xott, Port Allegany; William I,. Hunter, Turtle
('leek; .1. lllckerton, Miiqursne; (S. II, Jlonrc,
Verona; I.'. It. ( pliers, i:jt Piltfbutg; (i, K.
W.uhburn, Wjncntc; .1, V, Jonen, Bangor; .1, V.
(lallup, Siiielliportj ,J, lleroher, .Ml, flhe; It.
Xltman, Ited l.ion; T, A, Hunter, Oakmont; T, O,
Hill, MiliUhlnny; (i. A. .laikwm, Vaunglu
W, .1. Peck, PltUlon; T, ('. Jfanicr, IVie.l H'lJ'!
('. Seiir.1, Emporium; II. I", (tati., Fieeluwl; I",
II. Ilaileion, Miaiiiile; t. W, Schmelier, Pino
(lime; 1). M, Mtljiumn, Pinnmtuwiiey; It. A.
P. I.jon, fluribliniK; I), 1). fiiorer, UioiUway.
llle, A. II, ('Ink, Hasting.
Steamship Arrivals.
Hi Kxriiislto Wire fiom The Anoelated l'i(i.
Xew Voi It, Apill ). Auhiil; DeiitM-hljiid,
llJinluiiir, Sontlumploii mil riierlioins; tier
manic, ,liipoo ami ik'cntan. Sailed: Au
Kikti: Vlitoiia, llJinlnnir I a I'ljmoiiih and ( lici.
I'onrit; ,'A(iilljne, IIUie. Cenoa Arihed;
KaiM-rin Jlailt Tiviila, Xew Vork. ap
iueviitloun Salhd; Teiitonle, fiom l.heipool,
Xew Vink. ItoUeiilam-hilled; I'olwlain, Xew
uik la lloulogiie Sui- Mer,
Kruger in Good Health.
By Kxilibho Whe fiom The Aulatrd Prn.
I'tiKlil, Ihdland, Aprl 10, The Hatemont
piihlkhdl In the lnllnl hulcs that Mr, Kiuscr
was uty Kdoihly III i, denied hero ladjy,. In.
mill in. (.lieltdl the leply that ho h in eiy uood
Pensions Granted,
My Kftlurlie H he (mm The Anlated I'rem.
WatJilnxlon. Apill VK Ilieht-dolUr peiuioiu
lute Ik en Kiautid to kaWIU Vaw (widow) o(
t'hinoutli, a'nd Tlionuj W. J'arrill, of Wllkej.
Voting Machine for New Jersey,
lly I'.Aclniht) Wiic from Tlio AwocUtcd Prcat.
Trenton, April 10. fiovernor Murphy today
tinned a numtior ol MIU including the vollnx
machine LIU and the Ml) regulatlnir wlarlcj of
vriuciutorii and vommou phoj judge. '
Jte " 4.W liMJi'T lnfTf &! iAiLu
Miss Katie Lyter of Linglestown Is
Attacked by a Desperado.
By Exclusive Wire from the Aiwuilntfd Prci.
Hnrrlsburg, April 10. An attempt to
murder Miss Kntle Lyter, aged 21
years, was made last night at her homo
ut Linglestown. Harry llebuck, of this
city, Is under suspicion, nnd the police
are searching for him. Uchuck was
recently sent to jail for six months on
Miss Lyter's testimony for stealing a
gold watch.
A,bout midnight the girl was awak
ened by being struc,k across the head
with an axe. She Jumped out of bed
and ran out of the house, screumlng for
help. Her cries brought to her rescue
several neighbors who cluised the
would-be murderer, but were ttnuble
to capture him. Ho left behind a cap
and gloves, which have been Identified
as having been In nebtick's possession.
He Is Miss Lyter's cousin, and Is al
leged to have made repeated threats to
kill her.
Proprietor of Freedom Is Charged
with Sedition in Publishing: Ar
ticle from American Journal.
By i:tolule Wiic from The Associated PrcM.
Xew York, April 10. Police Commis
sioner Partridge made n statement to
day In which he said he had been at
work since he assumed ofllce formulat
ing measures for the reform of the
police of this city, but that owing to
the magnitude of the task lie had been
forced to proceed slowly. To achieve
lasting results would require time and
to disclose his plans would prevent
their successful execution. The com
missioner declared that there was no
doubt In his mind that former Chief of
Police Devery still had a powerful in
fluence over the force and that many
men In the department clung to Dev
ery "with apparently an all-abiding
faith." Mr. Partridge said he dared
not trust the captains; some officers In
whom he had reposed conlldence had
betrayed him. The commissioner asks:
"In the whole greut police depart
ment of this city, Is there a man whom
I can absolutely trust?"
Later In the day Commissioner Part
ridge wus summoned to the city hall
by the mayor. After a talk with the
latter the commissioner gave out an
"official" interview which mouifled
what purported to be his former state
ments. He said in part:
"What I said was that the Devery in
fluence was still too prominent in the
department. So it is. What I mean Is
that those eomUtidmrwhlch carry bud
Influence and which were bi ought In
there, I don't say by whom, are still
there. I do not suy that Devery Is
giving orders and dictating appoint
ments and transfers, but I do say that
the subtle Influence which prevailed
under Devery Is still theie."
Colonel Partridge was asked: "Do
you feel that there are many higher
ofllceis In the department who you can
not trust?" and he answered:
"I believe that there are men, there
are many higher ofilciuls who would be
absolutely loyal and honest in helping
me to carry out my Ideas and plans.
There are some who give me no evi
dence of a readiness to suppress vice
und crime."
Proprietor of Freedom Is Charged
with Sedition in Publishing
Article from American Paper.
By i:cliilp Wire from The A-ocia!rd 1'ip-a.
Munlla, April 10. Excitement prevails
here on account of the anest of the
editor and proprietor of Freedom, a
local publication, who Is charged with
sedition in publishing recently an ar
ticle from an American periodical, to
which the editor of Freedom agreed.
He also added remarks of his own, cen
suring the United States commission's
rule nnd saying that when It started in
July lust, every paper In the city up
held It, since which they hud ull dropped
by tho wayside, as they would not sup
port arbitrary government, "especially
when evidences of carpet bagging and
rumors of 'gruff were too thick to he
pleasant." The muln charges made
were thut In muny cases the Filipino
odlce-holders are rascals, and that the
'commission has exalted to tho highest
positions Filipinos, who are notoriously
Tho editors of the Volcano have also
been arrested on a. suit of the govern
ment for demanding the removal of the
Judge who recently tried Senor VuUlea
(Clio editor of a local Spanish paper,
Who was fined 4,000 pesetas for libelling
two Filipino members of the commis
sion), und who Is now trying the editor
of Freedom under the sedition law,
These, proceedings have aroused tho
entire p'ress of Manila und its represen
tatives met today, resolved to send a
committee, to the commissioners to
argue against the Injustice of the pro
ceedings. The meeting also determined to send
a cablo message to President Rooose.
v.olt, urging him to tuko steps to pre
vent tho commission from using tlm
sedition law In such cases, to prove lesu
liiujrsto against editors. The meeting,
which was enthusiastic, was also luige
ly attended by lawyers, doctors and
Lynching in Kentucky,
By Kiicliul)c Wire fiom Tho Aisoclatcd Press.
I'lilton, Ky., April 10. Tom lllamlurd, .'.!, a
firmer renldlnir mar Dukedom, 'feun., uax taken
(loin the Jail here last infill ami luiisvd tr n
marhy bridge. While intoxicated he thoc Mid
killed 1'rauk Ta)lor, deputy marshal. While the
coroner'N Jury uaj in clon news tame tint
lllaiKlurtl ha teen hauled,
White Will Succeed Whitfield.
By Kieluihe Wire, from The Associated Prist
tyranny, April 10. Ch.ule 1). While, (onner
prmldcnt ot the Kastem lcanue, today raid ho
uould accept temporarily the Mesldmcy u Ihe
Wotirn league to aucircd James A. Whllcll'M,
who commmlltcd tulcldc in Kaiua City, Jlu.,
Utt Uondar.
E.V .... . . ' .
. -' s
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-JteJUU tSj, J ,,t
The Ransomed Mlsslonaru Talks
of Her Experience with ths
Buloarlan Brioands.
The brigands Not as Fierce as Might
Have Been Expected They Made
Insulting Remarks, but Never
Misused Miss Stone or Mme.
T3ilka The Baby Proved a Bless
ing Better Treatment Received
After the Birth of Mme. Tsilka's
lly i:clusIvo Wire fiom The AiwiUUfl Prew.
New York. April 10. Miss Ellen M.
Stone, the missionary, who was cap
tured by brigands in Bulgaria and held
for ransom, arrived beic today on the
Dputschlund. She looked pale and worn,
and said the sea voyage had made her
very 111. She wus met at the steamer's
pier by her brother, Chnrles A. Stone,
and by many other relatives and
Miss Stone said the brigands were not
so fierce as might have been imagined.
They said many Insulting things, but
never struck or beat her or her com
panion, Mme. Tsllkn.
"There have been several resorts
printed which staled that Mme. Tsllka
had been held for ransom by our cap
tors," suld Miss Stone, "but that Is tt
mistake. I wus the one they wanted,
and they always take a married lady to
chaperone a single one, no matter how
old tho latter may be. The brignnds
meant to take the first married woman
they came across to accompany me, but
the one they llrst found huppened to be
Mrs. Wosheva, a native missionary and
it widow, who was very ill at the time.
Mrs. Tsllka wus therefore decided on
by the brigands, for which I was very
thankful afterward, and I will tell yon
"Seven weeks before we were released
a baby was born to Mrs. Tsllka. The
brigands had, by this time, become so
insulting and cruel. In their remarks,
that It was becomlus- unbearable. The
appearance of the Imby stopped ull this,
for the reason that the brigands of Tur
key believe that a curse will settle on
them 'if they do harm to, a child or its
mother. Our tieatment after the birth
of the baby was excellent. AVe began
to get better food, although 1 must ad
mit that it was generally very good,
and the sneering remarks stopped.
"It was when the negotiations for our
release fell thiough, or the captors be
came disturbed, that we were subject to
our worst treatment. 'You urn to die
twenty days from now,' or 'we will put
a bullet In your brain soon,' were some
of the pleasant things that they said to
Miss Stone said she would go at once
to Chelsea, Mass., to see her mother,
who Is more than 90 years old.
Decree Issued That Cattle May Be
Imported Free.
By Kihi-dw Who tiom The As-oi luted Prw.
Panama, Colombia, April 10. The Col
umbian government has Issued a decree
announcing that cattle may be import
ed free of duty, while the revolution
The government gunboat sent to sea
yesterday to engage the revolutionary
gunboat Padllla, which was signed off
T.ibogu Island, returned last night af
ter an unsuccessful search for the ene
my's vessel.
The government Is mounting a 19
pounder on a largo dredge belonging to
the canal company.
Stories That He Contemplates With
drawal Are Fabrications.
lly l'.ilmlo Wile lioui The Associated Vw-t,
Altoona, Pu April 10. Attorney Gen
eral John P. Elkin said tonight to the
Associated Press representative. In re
spouse to an Inquiry on tho subject:
"I am a candidate for the rtcpubllcun
nomination for governor, and will re
main in the light until the convention
decides the contest. The stories of my
withdrawal are pure fabrications,"
lly r,iluhe Wire from The Associated Prej.
MjjIiiii, 0 Apill 10. Ten men are Inipila.
mini in tho .Mud llie.ik mine near IhU city and It
U CimiihJ they lll perMi hcfoio ash,tunro vdw tin m. The tipple and hulldlniii roiitalnlm;
the hoUllmr nuililiui ,uu on tiro and the air rur
lent intn the haft la completely bhut nil, '11m
oligin of ihe (lie U not known.
Corporations Chartered,
lly tixrlmlvr W(re fiom The Avnclated Preai.
HaiilidiurK, Apil in. lluilen Hem Uuci hy
Ihe i-hito ilcpaltuicut today tu the follow In;; ioi.
potation; People' Kk'tlrU l.lifht ami I'ouir
company, l'.:ulon; capital, J,(X); Wilklnshuii;
Stair icnipji.y, Wilhliu-burir; capital, u,ol;
I'nlon lie company, Cilej capital, $1,000; )li.
ipie-uo Clio Pioofln coinpanj, PlttUhmi;; itp, S10O.UH).
Nelson Mine on Fire,
(ly Kenslvc Wire from Tho Associated Pimi.
Pa) ton, Tenn., April 10. The Keln mni in
which tho dliutroui rxploalcn occurred recently
la on fire and effort arc helm; made to 'ciuencli'
the lUmcu. The miners aio rcMlug pui'JInK action
hy Ihe liajlon Coal ami iron company, on tilif
lloua adopted y the luincM containing pccltt-d
demands ui to mcthoda ol woiUnir tlio niln.'S.
(ly Ksclcuiv Wire (rom Tho Aivclated I'rcii.
At Washington Wa.lilutlou, 21; Jeuey City, 7.
. . mi a ..
According to the Opinion of District
Attorney Jerome.
By Exelmlve Who from The AsjelAlcd 1'iew,
New York, April 10. District Attor
ney Jerome suld today that he placed
little reliance In the alleged Identifica
tion ot two policemen of the West
Forty-seventh street station last night
ns men who had been seen to put James
McAullffe, who was n witness against
Wnrdman Olennon, Into n cnb a short
time before McAullffe was found dying
In the street. Mr. Jerome said one of
the men who had made the Identifica
tion hud offered aid In the Florence
Uurns case, but had produced nothing
of value.
"Up to the present," said thu district
attorney, "I see no reuson to change the
belief I have always held, that Mc
Aullffe was not murdered."
A Murdered Girl's Head Is
Mutilated in a Shock
ing Manner.
lly Kieluihe Wire Ir.mi The Aoci.itod Prei.
Detroit. Mich., April 10. What the
police believe to be u strong link In the
chain of circumstantial evidence that
they are weaving about Prof. Joseph
M. Miller, aged 47, a music teacher and
a married man with a family, wh.o Is
under arrest on suspicion of brutally
murdering Miss Carrie M. Jennett on
Thirteenth street. Just before midnight
last night, was discovered this evening.
It is a blood-stained hatchet, which was
found In a drawer of a table in Miller's
kitchen. There is now the1 following
circumstantial evidence against Prof.
Miller, who was the girl's music teacher
and hnd paid her such marked atten
tions that her father had asked him to
keep away from the house:
When he was examined at the Grand
River avenue police station, what are
supposed to be blood-stains were found
on his shirt sleeves, his trousers, shoes,
hut and overcoat; a towel was discov
ered in his kitchen with what are sup
posed to be blood-stains on it; when he
was asked for an explanation of the
stains on his clothing, he gave none;
and finally the blood-stained hatchet
found tonight.
Miss Jennett, who was 22 years of age,
und would huve become a mother In u.
few months, was most brutally done to
death Just before 12 o'clock lust night.
She was felled by a terrific blow on the
head, wldcj.broke Jier, neck,,- and her
throat was'c'ut from'eur'to ear. A blow
from some instrument made u hole In
the m'iddle of her forehead, and behind
her left ear was a deep stab wound,
evidently made by the same instrument
thut was used to cut her throat. In ad
dition to these ghastly wounds, a heavy
blow hud been struck on the side of her
face, fracturing the cheek-bone. Her
mutilated body was found In this con
dition in a lonely spot on Thirteenth
street. It wus taken to the morgue and
not identified until this morning.
Miss Jennett left her home last even
ing to attend a meeting of the Hebeknh
lodge, of which she was a member. She
left the meeting about 10 o'clock and
was not seen aguln alive. Her parents
were alarmed ut her not coming home,
and when they heard of the murder be
came fearful that it might be their
daughter. Mr. Jennett hurried to the
morgue and there Identified the mutil
ated body.
The police were working on the case,
and questioned him ns to the girl. He
told them of her Infatuation for Prof.
Miller and tho teacher wus placed un
der arrest. Miller took the situation
very coolly when he was examined at
the station. Nothing could be learned
from questioning him. He was then
ordered to tuke off his clothes, and on
the shirt the police found blood stains.
Miller offered no explanation of them.
More stains were found on other gar
ments. Miller still maintained abso
lute silence ns to them. It was then
decided to lock him up. While he was
being registered- on the blotter, the
music teacher collapsed and fainted.
He was revived only to faint again us
the officers conducted him to a cell.
Miller left his house last evening to
attend a lodge meeting on Baker; street,
and returned about 11.20 o'clock, appar
ently cool and undisturbed, He alleges
that he did not leave the meeting until
11 oVloek, bu,t , several persons who
were there saythat he left between 10
and 10..TO o'clock. The murder was
committed at live minutes after 11
o'clock, as near as the oflleors can
learn. It would have been possible for
Miller to have gone from the hull on
Raker street to the scene of tho crime
In twenty minutes. This was demon
strated tonight by a reporter,, who
made the trip In sixteen minutes. From
the location of the crime to Miller's
house Is but a comparatively short
wnlk. ,
Tonight, Miller is sleeping like a
child In the Grand niver avenue police
station. Wlillo the police think they
have strong circumstantial evidence
ngnlnst' the suspect, they admit that
they are still far short of enough to
convict him ot the murder. Nothing
can be gained from Miller hy question
Inp. lie simply Insists that ho knows
nothing of the murder,
Tho blodo and bundle of tho blood
stained hatchet, which was found this
afternoon, had been washed, but tliero
weio still stulns on tho claw hammer
of the Instrument and on the handle
wMro It entered tho hatchet proper, It
Is (ho theory of tho police thut tlm
faint stains found on tlio towel In tlio
kitchen came from the hammer, which
was wiped on It after It had been
washed. Tho hatchet was shown to
Miller this evening, hut ha mudu no
comment on It.
Postmaster of Pittsburg,
lly Dxclmhe Wire from The Aboiiatcd Picm.
Washington, Apill 10. The reiiomluatlon cf
flrorp! llollhiay ha hccit ajiced upon for
jo.t matter, of I'ltUlmrc;, J'a.
Miss Roosevelt Returns.
By Kjrlujhc Wjrc fromThf Aijscialrd l'rev
Wellington. April lO.-Mlii Alice ItooaevcU
returned to Wmhluytoii today fiom Cuba.
3 d H- -
Jacob Place, a Well-Known Resident
of Factoryville, Hangs Himself in
His Brother's Barn.
Special to the Scranlon Tribute.
Factoryville, April 10. Jacob Place, a
well-known nnd highly respected resi
dent of Factoryville, committed suicide
by hanging himself this morning at his
brother's home, near Mill City, where
he hnd been visiting for a few days.
Mr. Place had been tu poor health for
some time and was very despondent nt
times. He Is survived by a wife und
one son, Itnlph.
Up to four yeais ago Mr. Place was
superintendent of the Hansom poor
home, having occupied the position for
ten years. After relinquishing his duties
there, he took up his residence at Fac
toryv.llle. During the past year his
mind had been enfeebled through Ill
ness. A few days ago Mr. Place went
to visit his brother at Post Hill. Fulls
township. He ate breakfast this morn
ing as usual, and then walked out to
the barn. An hour later his dead body
was found hungfng from a rafter.
Industries of the Islands Hampered
by a Lack of Sufficient Capital
to Carry on Business.
By i:ehislcc Wire from The Associated Picct.
Washington, April 10 Governor Dole,
of Hawaii, arrived here today to confer
with the president, at the hitter's re
quest, regarding conditions in Hawaii,
pending legislation affecting the terri
tory and other matters. Governor Dole
said today:
"There Is some complaint among
business men of Hawaii on account of
the condition of the money market.
Ttntre nre no failures or assignments of
importance. The enterprises, however,
are too laige for the available capita'.
The Hawaiian governnient Is limited
by the revenues, which are inadequate
for carrying on necessary public Im
provements. The current revenues ore
sufficient only to curry out the admin
istration expenses. The last legislature
fulled to ciiact legislation for needed
loans. The country lost a large part of
the revenues at the beginning of the
territory by the transfer of the cus
toms revenues, amounting to about ?1,
200,000 to the federal government.
"Hut we are getting along. The ter
ritorial government is doing something
in the way, of public Improvements,
but not nearly so much as ought to be
done. The government has little money
in sight for payment of the fire claims
for buildings burned during the plague
epidemic in Honolulu In 1000."
Mayor Ashbridge Signs Ordinance
Granting Franchise Under
Market Street.
tty Kxcluihr Wiie lion; The A-otiatid I'u-w.
Philadelphia, April 10. Mayor Ash
bridge today signed the ordinance
passed by city councils last week,
granting a franchise to the Market
Street Elevated Passenger Hallway
company, to build an underground
railway under Market street from the
Delaware river to the county line, or
any part thereof, Tho ordinance pro
vides that work shall be begun within
one year from the time the ordinance
becomes effective nnd be completed
within three years thereafter.
This company wus one of the thirteen
to which franchises were granted by
councils last summer, under tho act of
the legislature passed a few weeks prior
to that time, but tlio company wanted
to specify In Its application for a fran
chise thut It wanted tho right to go
under Market street as well ns over it.
The Union Traction compuny occupies
the surt'itco of thut stieet and also con
trols all tho surface railway companies
now In operation. The thirteen new
companies huve a right to build rail
ways on ull unoccupied streets,
By Kxcliuhe Wire from Tlio Associated I'rwi.
AtUnthi City. X. .1., Apill H.!n. Marion
(looMelt, wile ol lloh'it ItnONOicll, of Xew
York, unil nn aunt of Pioldeut I!oom'cII, died
mddenly mjy ol on ural,tl, Xlw. ltoo-e.
ull wajt ktrlikcn lif cienlm; and never icgahi'd
Philadelphia, Apill 10. -Ccoruo .limklii, who
for Htty ycaik ca one of tho Icadint," inemberi. of
ihe I'lilljilelplnii ho r, tiled today at hl home
In io, aueil Til year.-.. Mi. .luukiii wan born in
Villon, Pa,, and W' .i win of the llev. tic-owe
.IruMii, the celebrated educator, lie .o an
aitbe layman of the I'lc-.bjtalm iliuwV attend,
lug many urnrra) Ji-icmhllci an coiumlscloiiei,
Lukban's Quarters.
lly Kxclmive Wire from The AwoJaltd Prej.
Manila April 10. The Insui.'cnt ( .uk.
ban, nlio burrrmlciid In l.lciilrnanl blroblcr, of
the lTllpluo M.out.c, r'chruary -', in the Uland
o barnar, ami who u kivmrht In Manila, hit,
been rent to tho Mallei Island prison, hIitc lie
wilt occupy t-pcUal imartrra.
France and Venezuela Friendly,
lly K.xi'tuslw Wire (rom Tho Associated Pi cm.
(fracas, Vrneiuela, April 10. Tho Venetuelan
parliament hat ratlftcd tho protocol catablbhiug
diplomatic ulationa between 1'wnie and Vcik
tuela. k
His Return Journeu Is Marked bu
Enthusiasm All fllono
the Line.
A Multitude. Gathers at Columbia M
the Train Arrives South Carolina
College Students and Others Dis
play Gieat Enthusiasm Tfte
Fresldent's Speech Pleases ttia
People Praise for the Charleston
lly I:cIimIvo Wiic from The .Woilated Pro..
Chester, S. C, April 10. The president
has been given a warm greeting by the
people of South Carolina on his return
journey to Washington. At Branch
vllle, S. C, a small station on the
Southern railroad, n stop was made .for
water. The president came out on the
rear platform and bowed his acknowl
edgment to the ;!00 people who rushed
for his cur and cheered him. Although
no stop was made nt Orangeburg, fully
1,000 people lined the railroad tracks
and endeavored to catch a glimpse of
him. a multitude gathered at the depot
at Columbia as the train pulled In. A
wild cheer went up und Immediately
there was a rush for the president's
car. In the crowd were a number of
the students ot the South Carolina col
lege, who gave a strong college yell.
"When a semblance of order was re
stored, the president, who all the while
had been standing on the platform with
Mrs. Roosevelt, made a short speech, in
Uilch he said this was evidence of the
cordial treatment he had received while
In the state. He greatly pleased his
audience when he told them that he
thought he wus a good American when
he cume, to South Carolina, but that he
was a better one when he left It. In
the handshaking- which followed, the
president noticed the jamming: "ar(d
pushing going on and he admonished
the people not' to sh"6Fe,:' Considerable"
laughter was caused when he grasped
the outstretched hand of a little girl
and said lie vra partial to children, be
euuse he had a half-dozen of them him
self. Following Is the speech In full:
L.ollps nnd (ieutlemen: I thank you inot hejit-'
lly for your comte-.v in commi; fonearil to iricet
mil tliN attriuoon, and it is rnl.i one of the ej
pii'ieluiii of couite'y villi I liace been
tieiited while in .conr htnto. (Applaui-c). f haco
cujojod every moment of th iliree daj 1 hate
been down hue. I think I win a pretty Rood
Aiiici loin when I came cIovmi. but I am a better
Aiiieiknn :n I lean- iui;i hoidci-. (Appjus).
And let me, in iloiiiir, ak jou to -airport to
the bet of your ability the exposition in C'haile
Inn. I ,ik Hut not only of ,wm, hut of all our
people in the I'nioii. II Is n panel tl Unite to the
rneiicy, forethought unci the lm.slni"s enterprise
of the people of I hailc-ton that they should !iao
pl.iuued and built o ic.illv beautiful an epj
"Itlon and they ilcriw .ill the help they can
poilhly hae In it. I wli them veil, I 'vMi
.con nil well, and I think .inn for the nay yui
Imii' icceucd me. (Apphuw).
Greensboro, N. t, April 10. At Sali?
burg, N. C. where the train arrived at
lO.O.'i p. m., the president made a brief
speech and referred ngulu to the pleas
ure it gave him to meet the people of
the south. P.efore retiring, he received
the newspaper correspondents In his
The train Is due in Washington at
7.30 In the morning.
Call for Mrs. Boosevelt.
Charlotte. X. i' April 10. Wlnnsboto
and Chester, S. C, turned out Immense
crowds. At the latter place, where a
brief stop was made the president ap
peared on the rear platform. There
was a loud call for Mrs. Roosevelt,
and when she cume out of her cur on
to the platform a mighty shout went
up, The president responded briefly to
the request for a speech.
The 750 ladles -of Wlnthrop Keiuule
academy at Rockhlll hud requested tho
president to stop there If possible, and
when the train cume In sight the whole
town was out. Xo stop wus made, but
the president came out on' the platform
us the train sped by.
May Suppress the Irish Land. League.
Uy llxchulvc Wlie from The Av.oeUtrd VlMt.
Ilelfat, belaud, Apill ID. The i:enliuj 'fel!"
Riiiph, ol thla city, M)i it helleiea Lord I,on
dondeiiy, tho pontmister general and 4 picinVr
cf tlio lliilbh cabinet, at a meeting of tint Con.
wiMithe a-iclatlon of llelfjsl, lomoirow, nlll
announce that the government decided at Mouv,
daj'n cabinet ineetinff, on a firmer pplicy in lie
I mil, liitliulinir tho suppression of the United
Irhh league,
The Governor Entertains. '
fly lluludvo Wire from The Associated FrM.
Ibml-burif, Pa April 10. A dinner w s'lven
by Uoieiuor and Mrs. Stone at the etecutlie mint
fcl'on tonlKht In honor ol Adjutant Ucncrat, nul
Mrs. C'oiblu, of Washington, The gucata In
cluded t'ouKfnian Graham, 'of Allegheny, and
iiKinbciii of the governor'! cabintt ncl their )a
illes, Tho minslon waa very prettily decoutfd,
the prevailing tolors being pink mil white.
Loci) data for April 10, 10U2:
lllghcxt temperature ,,.,,,,,,,,., J9 dctflCH
l.owckt tcnipeuturo ,, ,,,,,,,,,.,, 38 degreci
ItcUtbo humidity: '
8 a, in ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,,,. 77 por rnt,
8 p. n. ,,,, ,.. ........... "T per cent.
Precipitation, 21 houre ended 8 p, m.,.,, ,20 Inpi
, 4- -M
Washington, April 10. Forecast lor Frl-,-
4- day and Saturday: Kantem i'ennlunla,
partly cloudy and warmer Friday;; Satur-
day fair; light west ulndi uccomtmr, freah
4- touth. i
1 1 t .. . 1 1, ; t ..,
., !
W '