.apias t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. rii CLEVELAND'S Baking Does Makes Saves COMMON PLEAS TRIAL LIST CONTAINS CASES INSTITUTED LAST MONTH. Owing to the Fact That Not Enough of Cases Were Ordered on the List the List for the Throe Weeks Be ginning May 12 Is Fifteen Cases Shorter Than Usual Traverse Jurrors Who Were Drawn Yester day to Serve During the Term. Deputy rrotlionolarj- John V. Cuin mlngH yesterday completed the ttlal list for the term of common pleas court which opens Monday, JIny 12. Ordin arily one hundred and fifty cases arc listed for the three weeks term but this time only 135 were available and the llbt is fifteen cases short of the it.sual number. The present li.'.t has on bi ought as late as March 14, it cases The list follows: Monday, May 12. 1'. 1'. N. Edward .igjiust S. P. Longslrcct; trespass. 0. U. Partridge, assignee, against George H. Morris, et al. John L. Hangi agalmt . Guernsey Brothers; wages. Patrick Oricr ag-ilnst J. Kearney k Company; w.iges. Duvid Spniks against Ilice, Levy & Company; Interpleader. Itiulio Urol her? against Charles Teelrr; appeal. Koran k IUaley acunst ltobcrt Illairj appeal. Mat noM'iihltilh against Max Itlcc; appeal. J. II. Akcrn & buns agilnft J, A. Cosiest c; replevin. W. W. Wheeler against C. 1). Barber; nppcal. Eduard Itooney against city of Carbondale; Irrjp ins. Wright Lowry against John Swallow; appeal, George L. Peck, trustee, against James L. Crawford; assumpsit. II. Giecnvvald against JI. Solomon & Co.; re pk In. Id i Kolonsock against William Fisher, ct al.; appeal. Xcary k Jennings against fancy Brothers; tres pass. .!, B, Cilhool against Mary lloberts; appeal. 0. ltozello against B. S. Lewis, ct al; eject ment, Greenfcld township agalnit J, 1", Kenjon; ppeal. City of Scranton against D, W. Williams; appeal, i:, F. Carroll, ct al,, against Scranton Railway company; trespass. P. G. Itarick against S. E. l'eiberg; appeal. lHrslilmcr k (JrilHn against Mary Smith; ft!, fa, C. L. like against C. I Smith; appeal. George W. Mabey against city of Scranton; tie -p . C. II, Lewis, iceelver, agalmt John K. Jones; el. fa. II. A. Ilepuv against Jennie C. Brink; appeal. Joseph Walker against O.K. Wcise, ct al.; ticp,iss. llmnili J, Schl.izcr against Elmhurst Boulo vard company; trepasa. Tuesday, May 13. Gcorgo It. Tiaugcr against Viva Traugcr; divorce. ' Hunt k Council company against John J. Col llns; appeal. Catherine Collzrr agalmt Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western llillroad company; trespass. E. K. Thomas against Jlargarct Collins; ap peal, i:. E. Thomas afilnst Nora Collins; appeal, Sarah E, Snvdcr against John Davis, ct al.; ap,ienl lolin Mummy against Delaware, Lackawanna ami Western llallroad companj; trespass. Hannah J. Lewis against William Van Gorden; appeal. Ida Campbell agalmt James II, Hilton; appeal, Warren Eliret k Co, against JI. E. Woidcn; appeal, Wednesday, May 14. Cifollne Manufacturing company against An thiacitc Ilccr company; assumpsit. I'irot National bank, Scrititou, against Patrick Cannon; appeal. Mary Ljdon against A. Lvdon; appeal. Merchants' and Mechanics' bank against Dr. James P. Purr-ells assumpsit. Watts De Goljcr compiny against M, 'f, Keller; ppeal. SECOND WEEK. Monday, May 10, Owen McGovern against Lackawanna Iron and Pteel loii'pany; trespass, II, Goldsleger against Scranton Traction com. pa n j-; trespass. Alice M. Dunn against the Scranton Hallway company; trespass. Henry Armitage against John Ord; wages, John Brown against Blttenbendcr k Company) Interpleader. 1, ,. Harding against (1. E. Hills appeal. H, 0. Ilailett against M, G, A. Evans; appeal. Continental 'fruit company against U, M. Win ton, administrator; wl. fa, Annette Iteynolds against Thomas Brooks, et a) j trwpiM, Could Fill the Paper with Them. This paper might be filled with items like the following, and every one bo the absolute truth; I hud rheumatism for years and tried almost everything, but got no permanent relief until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm, three bottlea of which have cured me. It Is the best medicine J ever used Philip B.Rhoads, Pennville, Mo, Pain Balm is for sale by ftll druggist Powder the the work cake labor, time, I'ooto k Shear company against M. L. Langan; appeal. W. V. Williams against John K. Jones; ap peal. Llb-alic-th Carmen against the Scranton Hallway company; trespass. Wright Lowry against John McAndrcws, ct al.; appeal. Stowers' Packing and Provision company against Mrs. M. Swartz; appeal, Kconomy furniture company against William Anderson, ct al, ; replevin. Sophia Harris against lllram Oram; appeal, Wilson Bailey against Scranton Railway com pnv; trespass. Felix Vorokovicr, against Mount Pleasant Coal compinj ; trcsp.i'i. ,1, P, Jordan against Scranton Hallway com pany; trespass. A. Bildcncer agiinst Mary Paliskcj; appeal. i:. II. Hldgeway against Mary Itidgcway; divorce. Joseph Korolon against Johnson Coal cora pinj ; trespass. J, ('. Densten against George Hausroth; appeal. E. Rlngold Depuy against M. M. Spencer; as sumpsit. Matv Koch against C. L. Smith; replevin. J. O. Acliirman against h. L. Mjers; appeal. Emma Haas against Scranton Itailway compny; trespass. M. I'rcedman against Walter Gorman; tres pas. W. Singer against K. S. Woodhouse, ct al.; ap peal, Tuesday, May 20. John J. Murphy against Patrick l'innerly; ap peal. E. Bicker k Company against Mary McAIoon; appeal. Fred C, Waller against Ftcd Brauer; assump sit. Peter Lipovvicz against William Jcrvis; tres pass. Woodbury Coil against Scranton Itailway com pany; trespass. Emmerson k Fisher company against William Bright; appeal. Justus Bishop against George Morook; appeal. C. L. Smith against V.. V. Mcrrinian, ct al, ; ap peal, II. Torklcson against Mary Biglow; appeal. Wednesday, May 21. II. W. Khington against II. W, Palmer, et al.; appeal. 0. P. McDonough against Patrick Gordon; ap peal, Bridget Barrett against Itlchard McDonnell; appeal, Mar' Gettings against Janson Colo; inter pleader. II. Goldsleger against L. Frccdman, ct al.; ap peal. THISD WEEK. Monday, May 26. Margaret Thomas against Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad company; trespiss. 0. B. Patridgc, assignee, against F. 11. Up ton; assumpsit. J, P. Schmidt against Peter Kinkier; wages. Mary E. Derby against Pride of Durrmoro tem ple, No, 8, Knights of Golden Eagle; wage Frederick Mursch against Charles Teeter; ap peal. C. M. Curtis, executor, against James Hoxton, ct al.; trespass. Ncugars Brothers against J. R. Cohen; re plevin. W, II. Hatlctt ogainst P. F. Muilllgon; appeal. M. 1'oohil estate against city of Scranton; tres pass. G, . Tuller against James Flynn; appeal, C, 1 Moorchouse against E. Russell; appeal, Wright Lowry against Ceorgo Thachet; ap peal. Kate Keegan against Metropolitan Life Insur ance company; assumpsit. B. M, Winton, administrator, against Lacki wanna Coal company, limited; assumpsit. Charles II, Welles against A, rrolhiughain; as tumiislt, Joseph Mclin against A, Bedford, et al,; as sumpsit. A, Ttosrnhlirm against Harry Jones; appeal, Patrick Moran against Young Men'3 Total Ab stinence and Bmeflcial societyj oppeal, City of Scranton against Roger McGowan; ap peal. City of Scranton against Mary Williams; ap peil, Thomas Magec against George W. Brown; ap-' peal. f, II. Madden, rt al., against Scranton Rail way company; trespass. Olyphant Kewage Drainage company against boiough of Olyphant; trespass, K, Washer, et al., against P, J, McAndrew, et. al,; appeal, Johanna Ferdlnando against city of Scranton; assumpsit, Daniel Holland against W. S. Bartlctt, et al.; replevin, Pennsylvania Central Brewing company against Julh Gilllgan; appeal. Catherine Kane against Bridget Keonan; ap peal. M. Kcistmis, administrator, against Ontario Accidental society appeal, John llrown against Scranton Railway com pany; trespass, Tuesday, May 27, Hunt k Conncll company against Collins & Brennan; appeal, M, B, Drown & Company against Mary A. Sweeney, ct al,; assumpsit. Kills Stewart against David J, Burke; assump. sit. Sam Miller against Michael Sefschlks appeal. George C, Joel, et al., against Scranton Hall, way company; trespass, James Robinson against Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company, ct al, ; trespass. John M. Farrell against Scranton Railway com. pany; trespass. J. F. Hodman against Johp Swallow; appeal. J. J. Williams, acnulriLtrator, against R. Mc U ul! en; sci. fa. Frank White agiinst V. KlescI, et al.; reploin. Wednesday, May 28. G. It W. Bearle, trustee, against Scottish Union National Insurance company; assumpsit. J. A. Splccr against Frederick J. Tliomas; ap peaL Michael Holland gainst Mary Hajcj, eject-menv-T V Margaret Ridgeway against Hillside Ccal and Iron company; appeal. ' 0, E. Baldwin igaiost M. E. Wcrdcn; appeal, better sweeter health TBAVERSE JUBORS DRAWN. The following Jurors were drawn yes terday to serve during' the three weeks when the cases listed above will be tried: Monday, May 12. I". H. Shea, fanner, ('oWngton. Harry It. Kingsley, book-keeper. Seranlon. Michael T. Lacllc, gentleman, Scranton. A, V. Biackinton, manager, Dunmore, Natlnnlcl !. Robeitson, manager, Scranton. P. P. Smith, insurance agent, Scianton. "t Arch. Courtright, gentleman, Clark's Green. '' lliomns Biglin, drher, Stiauton. Thomas O'Brien, laborer, Scranton, Jacob Bedell, firmer, Ransom. David Lewis, eaei, Scranton. A. II. Smith, manager, bcrautun. James Blair, teller, Scrauton. William G. Howell, miner, Taj lor. J It. Diniinick, barber, Scranton. II. It. Hatton, ilcrgyman, West Alilngton. Dwight Crane, merchant, Carbondale. F. ijf. Shirer, book-Keeper, Serantn.'. James Gllles,ie, pumpman, Peckvillc. Aithur C. luitchell, purchasing agent, Scranton. Miles r. Clark, laborer, Scranton. A. J. Duffy, agent, Archbald. Kdward S. Dolph, executor, biranton. Isaac Divis, carpenter, Taj lor, Adam Robertson, farmer, North Ablngton. Patrick J. fadden, Kcnlleman, Scranton. P. J. Kelly, engineer, Olyphant. t.'eorge W, Thomas, engineer, Peckille. Robert Llewellyn, merchant, Taj lor, Thomas R. Brooks, book-keeper, Scranton. Frank Bailey, engineer, Dickson City. Arthur II, Whitmorc, principal, Scranton. J. A. Athcitou, merchant, Taj lor. Junes Mav, gentleman, Scranton, M. J. Burke, tailor, Dunmore. 11. A. Maloney, laborer, Pcrkiilli. M. Norton, merchant, Scranton. P. F, McDonald, agent, Scianton. Joseph Stout, laborer, Gouldsboro. John O'Rourke, expressman, Carbondale. J, J. Simpson, merchant, Carbondale, Thomas John, jr.. miner, Vandhng. M. r. Wjnihs, undertaker, Scranton. G. J. Van Buskirk, fanner, Madison. Clarence White, farmer, Justus, Scott township). John B Jones, contractor, Scranton. Henry Beyea, superintendent, Dunmore, A. J. Hjdcr, motornian, Scranton. Daniel Gilroj-, miner, Scranton. John T, Porter, merchant, Scranton. Sterling Parker, insurance agent, Scranton. P. J. O'Hojle, agent, Scranton. John J. Mofflt, merchant, Carbondale. John Orchard, master mechanic, Carbondale. Harry Reinhardt, clerk, Scranton. Robert P. Koeliler, foreman, Scranton. William Rounds, trainman, Carbondale. Kdward Clarkson, gentleman, Carbondale, James P. McElroy, manager, Scranton. Monday, May 19. Tliomas McGratl, laborer, Archbald. M. II. Hlggins, merchant, Scranton. W. W. Watt, gentleman, Carbondale, Martin F. Donohoe, machinist, Scianton Owen Griffith, miner, Taylor. Frank McElroy, engineer, Winton. Leo Crossen, clerk, Scranton. Robert B. Penman, clerk, Scranton. H. L. Harding, mining engineer, Scranton, Lewis R, Stelle, secretary, Scronton. Stephen Corej-, carpenter, Winton (Jessup). II. D. Spangenburg, shoemaker, Jefferson, II. C. Rutherford, architect, Scranton. Joseph A. Dolphin, book-keeper, Olyphant. A, W, Coon, welghmaster, Jernijn. Preston T, Brown, fanner, Scott. B, T. Jayne, manager, Scranton. Thomas M. Davis, laborer, Jemij-n. William Howells, clerk, Dalton. George Sbamal, miner, Taylor, Philip Noales, miner, Taylor, Michael J, Larkln, clerk, Scranton. Ljman A. Clark, printer, Scranton. Amos Holllslcr, farmer, Moscow, Thomas Carpenter, farmer, Benton, John G, Grler, miner, Scranton, Edward Henney, laborer, Scranton. R. W, Luce, Jr., insurance agaent, Scranton. Thomas Dully, school director, Mlnooka, DaWd II. Evans, miller, Scranton. Clarence 11, Van Buskirk, clerk, Scianton. A. W, Dalej-, gentleman, Carbondale, Giles Roberts, farmer, Dalton, In Ins Stone, milk dealer, Carbondale, Joseph Giltllths, bather, Waverlj-. , Alanson Hobbs, farmer, Clatk's Crecn. W, A, Bird, farmer, Madison, K A. Cobb, farmer, Jefferson. William A. Reese, miner, Caibondal'e, Patrick Nolan, laborer, Scranton, Morgan Thomas, foreman, Caibondale, Walter H, 1'ordham, dentist, Scranton. Jiidson II, Cook, merchant, Jefferson, Daniel Ilvaus, miner, Tajlor, C, W, Gumtcr, cashier, Scranton. Dayton Warren, farmer, Benton. J, P, Sherman, farmer, North Ablngton. A. D. Slelle, president, Scranton, 'Ihomis M, Jones, miner, PcckWilc, William Bird, taltsniun, MadUon. Oseor Yot, Jeweler, Dunmore, Patrick Laughncy, miner, Jeimjn. George Goodrich, farmer, Scott, M. J. Barrett, motornian, Scianton. William 0, Thomas, insurance agent, Scranton. Thomas Drake, fanner, Old Forge, P, A, Caauaugh, merchant, Scranton. George W. fctine, meichint, Scranton. John It. Jones, maibcarrlcr, Scranton. Monday, May 26. John Home, merchant, Scranton, George M, Simrcll, foreman, Caibondale. William J. Howells, miner, Tajlor, James Shaefer, teamster, Scranton, Robert 11, Tralles, confectioner, Carbondale. William Rawlins, clerk, Old Forge, J, S. Ilombaker, fanner, Madison. II. A. Kingsbury, merchant, Scranton. W, II. Daley, foreman, Scranton. David II. Tliomas, foreman, Spring Brook, Herbert Jones, barber, I'ecktllle. William Craun, miner, Oljphant, DaWd J, Smith, Eupciintcndent, Dunmore. M.J. Fahey. hotel, Scranton. John D. rcttlgrcw, trarklayer, Olj-phant, Divld E. Jones, Iwok'keeper, Tajlor, Thomas Collins, laborer, Scranton. John 11. Bryant, engineer, Scianton. g&A TtVXsaatU i remedy Thorns M. Richards, manager, Seranlon. Sltaa White, farmer, Clark's tJreen. Morgan Dai Is, farmer, Spring Brook, George Backus, miner, Throop. Henry Jenkins, miner, Scranton. I'atrlck Itoran, laborer, Scranton. G. 0. Carpenter, farmer, Waverl). 11. C. Shafcr, cashier, Scranton. Morgan t"Aans, barber, Olyphant. Thomas Wcater, miner, Olyphntit, George It, Oatlin, banker. Scranton. I'eter aunstr, tablnet-makcr, Scranton. L'ttgenc Hudson, merchant, Carbondale. Thomais Nrarj;, clerk, Scranlonr John V, Faraday, miner, Old Forge. II. W, Loftus, Insurance agent, Scranton, Joseph Ballej', fanner, South Ablngton, Jonah K. Kvans, blarkMiiltli, Scranton. Miles Gardner, miller, LaPlumc. A. B, Uj-non, cashier, Scranton. Thomao I)als, miner, N'ronton. Harry P. Decker, dnigglst, Scranton. Eugene Cosgrote, clerk, Scranton. Item v T. Dal, news agent, Tajlor, 0. I!. Green, poultryman, Benlon, George V, Arelln, lumberman, Scranton. J. B. I'lsh, superintendent, Scranton, M. F, Madden, laborer, t ronton. Patrick McClulrc, miner, Scranton. F, J. Smith, agent, Carbondale. llov. W, V, Davis, clergyman, Scranton. Hinry A. Coursen,. Insurance agent, Scrauton. Max Rof.ir, carpenter, Scianton. Thomas T. O'llnr.i, teamster, Blakely. Martin McAndrew, miner, Seranlon, I'atrlck Monahan, laborer, Scranton. John Lutz, baker, Scranton, James Toben, miner, Scranton. Ah In Barnes, engineer, Scranton. THE MARKETS Wall .Street ReTiew. New York, April 0. There was a noted specu lative movement in the stock market today which is universally attributed to the operations of an Important eomblnalon of wealhy western men who were Important factors in the constituent companies going to make up the United States Steel corporation, before It wus organized. While there was no actual news accompanying the move ment there was an abundance, of rumors, which ceutercd mostly about Louisville and Nashville, which was again the leader of the market In point of activity and sustained strength. The ru mors reached the stage of an alleged formation of a community of interest project for the whole southern Held, which would supposcdlj' take in the Southern railway, Illinois Central and pos sibly minor competing systems. Louisville, while occasionally reacting, forbed up to the top level to S points over last night in tho final dealings and closed witln a shade of that. The Southern Itailway stocks were also lifted forcibly to the top level at the last. The rest of the market showed the effect of realising at the last and some important stocks closed with net losses, notably New York Central, Manhattan, Chicago and Northwestern stocks and Rock Island. Some of the minor railroad stocks which have recently advanced were also sufferers. While a large num ber of important stocks were included in the ad vance, "which movement" was by no means uni versal many prominent clocks were neglected and sluggish, United States Steel stocks conspicuously so. 'There was also the usual assortment of Mo lent movements In high priced industrials: which arc closely held by concentrated interests. The electrical stocks and New York Air Brake made wild advances and almost equally sensational ic lapsse. The iic of 0J4 in New York and New Haven was unexplained. Total sales today, 992, 2U0 shares. Some of the active speculative bond) were affected bv realizing and the maiket was generally irregular. Total sales., par value, !f."i, MS.OOO. United States It's advanced '4 and the il's coupon declined ', per cent, on the last call. The following quotations are furnished Tha Tribune by Haight & Freest Co., 314-315 Meart Building. W. D. Runj-on, manager. Open. High. Low. Close. Amal. Copper Wi C8 (J (wU Am. Car Foundry '.iO'a 21 'a 29Va American Ico 17 17 l?s l7d Amcr. Locomotive 31 SVt, 31 ,'U Am. Locomotive, Pr .... 9.) fti W O.t Am. Smelt. & Rcf. Co .. 47 4; 47',i I7V4 American Sugar PU 131 131T H2'4 Anaconda Copper 114?i 111 114b 111 Atchison 78 70 7S? 70 Atchison, Pr 03 03 !fc 03 Bait. & Ohio 10tf 107 lOil'J 1007 Brookljn R. T G3b Mi 65 ('- Canadian Pacific 111 114 11.1 lHVi dies, k Ohio 40 47 40 40 Chicago k Alton 37 37 30 37 Chic. & G. W i!4 21 24 24 Chic, Mil . & St. P ....10S 100 103 108 Chic, R. I. & P 175 175 172 171 Col. Fuel & Iron 101 101 91 09 Sol. & Southern 27S 27 27 27 Sol, & South., 2d Pr .... 44 41 41 44 Del. k Hud 172 17.! 171 171 Erie 37 37 87 37 Erie, 1st Pr 61 118 68 08 Hooking Valley S2 82 82 S2 Illinois Central 143 141 143 141 Louis. & Nash 110 114 109 114 Manhattan 131 lSSH 134 134 Metropolitan St. By ....KwVi 10-" 165 105 Mexican Central 20? 20 20 29 Mo. K. & Tex.. IT 55 55 55 55 Missouri Pacific 101 102 101 102 N. Y. Central 162 103 102 102 Norfolk k Western 50 SS 50 57 Ont, k West 32 .13 32 31 Pacific Mail 42 43 42 42 Penna. B. U 151 151 150 150 People's Gas 102 10". 102 102 Reading 57 08 57 57 Reading, 1st Pr 82 82 82 82 Reading, 2d Pr 03 09 6S 69 Republic Steel 17 17 17 17 Republic Steel, Pr 7J 7.1 7J 73 St. Louis k San Fran... 71 71 71 71 Southern Pacific 66 60 60 66 Southern It. U 33 34 33 34 Southern R. R., Pr .... 03 90 04 06 Tenn. Coal k Iron 09 00 69 69 Texas & Pacific 41 41 41 41 Union Pacific 101 101 101 101 Union Paciftc, Pr 88 88 88 68 17. S. Leather 13 13 13 13 U. S. Leather, Pr 84 64 64 84 17. S. Rubber 17 17 17 17 U. S. Rubber, Pr 53 53 68 55 U. S. Steel 41 42 41 41 U. S. Steel Pr 94 04 04 04 Wabash 21 24 24 24 Wabash, Pr 44 45 44 44 Western Union 00 00 00 00 Total sales, 077,000 shares. CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION MARRT.T. WHEAT Open. Hiah. Low. Clw. July 72 73 72 72 Mav 71 72 71 72 CORN May 63 59 6ssi 63 July 69 60 53 59 OATS- May 42 42 42 42 July 33 34 33 34 FORK May 10.12 10.41 10.40 10.45 July , 10.62 10.70 10.57 10 07 LARD May O.S'i 0 00 0.5") 0.60 Julv O.CO 0.70 0,00 0.70 RIBS Mav S.87 800 8 87 S.00 July 0.00 0.02 0.00 0,02 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Open. Hick. Low. CIn Mar 8.07 0.07 807 000 July 8.07 0.07 S.II7 0.01 U"U?t 8,70 8.83 8.70 S.M Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr, o County Savings Bank k Trust Co., 300 First National Bank (Carbondale) 500 Third National Bank 6&0 ,,, Dime Deposit and Discount Bank., 300 ... rconomy uignt. 11. r, cu. g First National tunic LacVa. Trust k Safe Deposit Co., IIOO 105 125 600 223 125 13S Clark & snover Co., rr Scranton Savings Bank Trader' National Bank Scranton Bolt k Nut Co,,,,, People's Bank , ,, Scranton Packing Co ,,,,, BONDS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, srat Mortgage, due 1020 .., People'! street Railway, first mort gage, due 1913 People's Street Railway, General mortgage, due 1021 ,,,,,,,,.,,.,.. Scranton Traction 0 per cent. .,,, 33 115 US US US Economy Light, Heat k Power Co 07 North Jersey k Pocono Ice Co ,,,,, ... 07 Consolidated Water Supply Co , ,,, 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II, G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Flour-Sl.40. Beans -40. Butter l'roli creamery, 30o.s Juno creamery, 20c; fresh dairy, 22c. Cheese 13al3c. Fggs Ncarbj', 17c; western, 10c, Peas Per bushel, $1,75. Marrow Deans Per bushel,, ?2.33a2,40. Potatoes Per bushel, b5c. Onions Per bushel, $1.10. New York drain and Produce Market New York, April 0. Flour More aetlve and firmer in tone. Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 led, Etc. elevator; No. 2 red, eOc, ( ,t. b. iillo.it; No. This signature is on every box of tbo genuine Laxative Bromo-Ouinine Tabids that cures vM la oa day FINANCIAL 3 WEEKS more beforo tlw.prloa of stock In tlio Eastern Consolidated Oil Go. WILT; ADVANCE. tVrsimt nrlen 5". rents n stifinttitit AllotniPiitls nearly nxhaiistnri, in cieiscd nil production forces tho rrleo. Now wells cntnlim In overt iff ri.ivs. l'.cmcmbcr. tbls stock pars now MONTHLY aaraiMaHmKiM on tlio Investment. I.. K. I'lke k Co.. 400 Real Lstate I Trust bld'g., Philadelphia. , Opcn Monday anil Thursday ceninga. NOTICE. Wn WILL SELL Till: FOLLOWING TEXAS OIL STOCKS AT tha Special Prhas Qmted Below: 10,000 Anglo-American, par $1.00 ?00l 12,000 Texas Oil k Pipe Line, par $1.00 4', 1,000 Texas (Vnsollditcd, pir 1.00 10 1,600 Lucky Dime, par 10 cts 10 1.000 fihdjs, par 10 cts 10 2,000 Victor of Oilvc-ton (new) 03 2,000 (Jrare, par 10 its 03 1,600 Federal Crude, par 30 its 17!4 1,000 Home Oil Co., par $1.00 40 3,000 Independent c 01 6,000 American Oil A. Ilellning, par $1.00 OS 2,000 Merchants' k Mrchaniis', pir 10 cl.. .01 1,500 National Oil & Pipe Line, par if 1.00.. .31 2,000 (llobe, par 10 cts 03 3,000 Buffalo, pir 10 i U 0-1 2,500 Union Oil k ltctlning, par 10 cts 10 1,600 Beaumont Confederated, par $1.00 17 2,500 Bun's Bluff, pir tff.OO 30 2,000 Beiky Sharp, par 10 i Is 00 250 Forward Reduction, par JIOOO 6.70 3.000 Manhattan, pir t.00 b5 2,700 Gold Uagle (bank guirantecs 20 per cent, dividend), par 10 ct3 10 ISO Higginc pal IO0O0 SO 00 Hc.wvoed, pu $10000 11000 Hie Hc wood Oil company pijs Its third I per cent, quarterly dividend April 1", on its entile capitalization of 'jsuo.ooo. Thii is a totil of l per cent., or $00,000. It lias also expended S120, 000 in equipment. Every dollar of the ibovo nmuuntH was obtained from the mIc ind delivery of oil bv tank ens in 'lcas and Louisiani. Tlio April slitcmcnt of the Hlggins Oil k Fuel Co. shows tint this cumpanv, Lhniigli capitalized nt only ?2,5OO,00O, his ussels worth, at a very low- salualion, $1,303,000. A dividend of 4 prr cent, on the entire capitalization was paid in January, and Ihe-jear conliacts will, the Smtn Fc, Southern Paciftc. anil oilier lailwa.v companies will enable lliggina to pay large and legular divi dends. All stocks punhitcd will be transferred on the books of the companies Investigate and compile our financial standing, reliability and past recoid with others ill the busine-vs. Call or write for iiifoimitlon. Remit In an v convenient foini. Orders will be piomnt lv and accuntely executed. COOI) LOCAL RKP RESENTATIVLS WAXI EI). Kimball-IhcCarty Co., BROKERS AN!) INVESTORS (INC.), 149 Broidwav, New Yore (s ilte .114-315). HOME OFFICE, BEAUMONT, TEXAS. RAILROAD TIMS TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scranton for New .ork At 1.10, 3.15, 0.05, 7.50 and 10.05 a. m ; 12.45, 3.40, 3.3J p. m. For New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.05 a. m and 12.45 and H."3 p. m. For Tobj hanna At 0.10 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15, 0.22 and 9.00 a. m. ; 1 65, 0.50 and 11.35 p. 111. For BIng hamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10 p. ni. For Oowego, Syracuse and Utica 1,16 and 0 2i a. in.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego, Svracu'e and Utica train at 0.22 a, m. daily, except Sunday. For Montrose 0.00 a. iu.; 1.10 and 0.50 p, m. Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and 0,15 p. m. Bloomsburg Division For Northumberland, at 6.35 and 10.05 a. m. ; 1,55 and 0.10 p. in. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 0.00 p. m Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.15, 6.05 and 10 05 a. m.; 3.10, 3.33 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. m. ; 1.55, 6 50 and 11.35 p. nu For Illnghamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton, 10.05 a. ni. and 6.10 p. m. New Jersey Central. In Ellect Nov. 17, 1001. Stations in New York, toot of Liberty street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leave Scranton for New York, Philadel phia, Eastcn, Bcthlehtiii, Allcntown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ashley and Wilkcs-Barie at 7,30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. 111, Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton at 7.30 a. m through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia, with only one ihange of cars for Baltlmoie, Washington, D. C, and all principal points south and west, For Axoca, Pittslon ami Wilkes Barre, 1 p. m. and 4 p. ni. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7,30 a. in. and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lcbamn and Harrlsburg, via Al lcntown, at 7.10 a. m. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2,10 p. m. For Pottsvllle at 7,30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For latea aud tickets apply to agent at station, 0. M. BURT, Gen, P.c Act. J. S. SWISHER, Dist. Pass. Act., Scranton. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001. Traln3 leave Scianton; 0.3j a. 111,, week days, through veatlbulo train from W ilkes-Barre, Pull man bullet parlor car and coaches tn Philadel phia, via PottbVillc; stops al, piinclpal liiteime diate stations, AL10 connects tor auubui), Har rlsburg, I'hihidelphhi, lUltlniou', Washington and lor Pittsburg and the vvrst, 0.3S a. in., week das, foi Sunbuiy, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and tho west. 1,42 p. m,, week dajs (Sundavs, 1,63 p. in.), for Sunliury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, tvasliliu.on aim ruisuurg anu urn wesr, 3,28 p. in., week davs, through esttb11I0 train from Wllkiwliaire. ruiinun buitel parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via PotUviltc Stops at Drlnclnal intermediate stations 4,27 p. in., week daxj, for Ilazlclon, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and PitUburg, .1. II. IIUICIIINSON. Gen. Mgr, J, B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. 1 northern Duluth, Sliv. f. 0. b. afloit; options had a bullish diy, except for a brief midday ie action. The maiket closed Hun at r?iuMi'. net higher; May closed 7S?4c'.: Julv, 7b.; hipleiu ber, 77TU'. ; Deccmlici, 70c. Corn Spot sttuj) ; No. S, tiSic elevator and 00V4t( f. 0. b, afloat; options while less active than ji'sliulay and at No. 3 white, 60c.; tiaek mixed wiMcui, 40',i4l'.! track while, 40433c.; options ineirular but gt-u-nally firm ullli other markets. Iliittei Mcady; tieamery, 20a31c; renovated, 20,120c1, ; imitation creamer), 24i2S'ic,; state ddry, 2,iWk'. 1'liece l'lniij ttuli full (ream, mull rally nuke, fancy colored, 13al3',4c; state full cuniu, small cirly make, fancy whiter lUllJic; full cream, luge fall make, fancy eoloicd, liililic; full cream, large fall in ike, colons!, 12al2'ii'. Eggs ling uist; slate mid tVni!vv.a!ila, lUaloUc ! western, 15at0!ic; southern, l.lalS'.Cc, Chicago Grain and Produco aiarkot. Chicago, Apill 0. BullMi news prevailed In grains again tuda.v and biought fall activity and better prices nil around. Liquidation for prollts made tho maikets dip at tlmca. and brought a restless feellna;, Hull spceulatois, however, bad the beat of it, and continuing the tactics of us tcrday brought a net gain in Mav wheat, 6bi j May corn, "Jo. and May oat. ',i'. PiovMonx olcjgd, 6il0c, liiglici. Catli quotation weie as fol lows: Flour Firmer; N 2 (-pfiiin wheat, -; No. 3. u3a71c; No. 3 ted, 7fa0f.; No. 3 oaW, 421iH2f,i No. 2 white, W4H; No. 3 white, 42!ic.; No. 2 rje, SO'sc; good feeding bailej, ; fair to choice malting, COaOtk-.; Nu. 1 Ilex rser, tl.ti'i; No. 1 nurthwesleni, $1.73; prime tiinolliy seed, $7; ine,s xirk, pel buret, $l0.13alR.60; lud, per 100, $u 5340.075$ 1 short clear tides, $0.250.35; wbUkey, $1.30. tunes vveaheucii iieiu lairiy Mi any nil my, clos ing Uafic. net hlglur; Mav dosid Olc.; July, ullii'.; September, OJUc at-.Mwt Unit: Nu, 2, 47Vta47?ie.: No. J. 47c: No. 2 while. 60V-ic: FINANCIAL. A Five Per Gent. Investment 1 We offer subject to advance In price without notice tho , Consolidated First Mortgage Forty Year 6 Par Gent, Gold Bonds 'of the i Webster Coal and Coke Co. i Free of Tax in Pennsylvania. Redeemable at 110 and Interest i, iRar and Interest FOR FULL FAUT1CULAKS WRITE OR CALL THE TITLE GUARANTY Temporary Quarters 135 WashiiTfoi Avanue. Scranton, Pa. INVESTORS Before making commPtmentu, plcmo rcco'd m the privilege of submitting our descriptive list of investments, SpencerTrask & Co BACKERS 27 & 29 Fine Street, New York MEMBERS N. Y. STOCK KXCHANCIE. T OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir Ins Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, $3.50 Per Day and Upwards. European Plan, $1.00 Per Djy and Upwards, Special Hates to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. -"' For Business Men In the hsart ct Ui wholesale district. For shoppers mlnutec-' walk to Wnnamakers; S minutes to Blegel Cooper's Hig Store. Kasy of access to the srea: Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars, cl"' Ins easy transportation to all points of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOKK. Cor. llth ST. A UNIVERSITY PU Only one Block from Broadway. R00m5, $1 Up. Prices Keasonabl: CASH BAlANCnCMPriLBOflJk TRIBUNE WANJ ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS RAILROAD TJJTABLES. Delaware and Hudson, In KITect November 21, 1001. Trains lor Cuiuoiulalc leave bcranton at 6.20, 8.00, S.W, 10.13 a. lit.; 12.00, A 2.01, a 52, 6.2D, 0 23, 7,57, 0.13, 11.80 p. in,; 1.31 a, in. 1'or llonewlale 0,20, 10.1.i. in.; i:i aud 0.29 P'i'or Wllkes-Darre ASS, ".IS, 8.41, 0.3S, 10.13 a. in. J 12.W, 1.1-', 2.1S, 3.23, 1.27, C.iO, 7.13, 10.11, 11.30 p. in. For h. V. It. II. Points U.33, 0,33 a. ni.; 2,19, 4.27 ami u.u p. in .1 gmt .,u ' I'or l'cmiylvaiiU II. It. Points 8.3S, 0.33 a. .in u ii.t.l i 7 ,i ,,, Vor'.Muaiiy and all pulnt nortli 0.20 a, rn. and 3.G2 . in. SUNIJAV TIIA1.NS. For Cjibondjlc b.50, 11. U a. m.j 2.31, a.il, 5.62 and 11.17 p. in. I oi Wllkm-Hlirc 9.3S j. ill.; 12.03, l,M 3,0a 0.32 and 0.17 p. in. , lor Albanj and point north 1.S2 p, m. For llone.djle S.60 a. 111, and 3 S3 p. m. W. U. I'110H, 11. P, A., bcianton, Pa. New York, Ontario and Western, i In r.tfect Tuesday. Sept. 17, 1001, NOlUll ISOUM). Leave Leave Arrive Tralnv Kiunton, Cirbonilale, Cadolj. No. V I0..l0a. 111. 11,10 a. 111. 1. tx) ,,. ,. - &&,! j1oudaI,,tiWl, m- L;ave Leave Arrive Trains- Oadosta. Carbondale. Scianton. No. 0 7;00 a, ,. r10 a, ,, So, 8 5.1 p. in. 1.00p.m. l.-lOp.m. SUNDAYS O.M.V, SOUTH BOUND. V Leave Leave Arrive Tralna. Scranton. Carbondale, Cadojia. No. . ..,.!. b.S.0. 111. O.lOp. m. 10.13 a. in. No. 0 ..!.... 7.00 I'- ' Ar. CurbonJilo 7.10 p. nL bOUl'il BOUND. Lc.no Leave Arrive Tiaini. Cadosla. Carbondale. Fcrjnton. S' f. 7 iv) a. 111. 7.1'ta. in. S'o. 10 4 30 p. in. n 00 p. 111. 0.13 p. ni. Tiaini Kos. 1 on week da, and 0 on .Sundjvs, make main line cciinectlons foi cw Yoik city, Mtddlctovvu, Walton, Ivoivvicb, Oneida, Ovvega and ill point! vvct, For (urtlicr information consult thket a.-cnti J. t. ANUhltsON. U. l. A., New ort J. f. WLXH, T. I'. A., Scraatoo, l'. FINANCIAL. AND TRUST COMPi SCRAHTOH'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THiSS BNTEItPHISINO DEALBfta CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHAPHOTER PROMPTLY AND BATIS' PAOTORILY. FOR SALE BUGGIES and WAGONS ot all kind); aba House and Building Lots at bargains. HOUSES CJ.IPPKI) and GnOOMUD at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Works. J.B.Woolsey tSCo covr?icro?s AND BUILDERS. Sellers In Plate Glass and Lumber OP ALL HINDS. SECURITY BUILDINQ f SVV3S USION Home OIDce, 203-200 Hears Building. We are maturing shaics each month which show a net Rain to the investor of about 12 per cent. Vie loan nioncv. We also Issue PULIj PAID STOCK $100.00 per share, inter est payable semi-annually. ALBERT BALL, Secretary. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear Ml Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer of Wire Screens of all kinds; fully prepared for the eprinf season. We make all kinds of porch screens, etc. PETER STIPP. General Contractor, Builder and Dealer In Building Stone, Cementing of cellars a spe cialty. Telephone 2502. Office, 827 Washington arenue, THE SCRANTON VlTRIPIED BRICK IrVD TILE MANUPAOTURINQ COMPANY Makers of Paving Brick, etc. M. II. Dale, Gcneial Sales Agent, Office 321 Washington avc. Works at Nay Aug, Pa., E. k W. V. B.lt. Brass Beds Elegantly Rich Designs The new patterns we are now showing are beautiful! specimens of the metal worker's and designer's -skill they possess charac ter and finish that appeals1 to the exacting purchaser. Tho prices, too, are as at tractive as the designs. Wo invite inspection and' comparison. Have you seen the new patterns ia the twin beds we've something worth seeing, whether you wish to buy or not. Many new and beautiful patterns in odd Dressers and pieces for the bed 100m. Hill & Cornell 121 Washington Avenue. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Vulley Bnilroad. In Effect, Nov. 3, 1001, '1 1 aim lc.no Scranton. Tor Philadelphia and New York via D. It II. I, R at 0.SS and 0.3S a. in., and 2.18, 1.27 ililaek Diamond fliprc-a), and 11.30 p. m. Suu- ilajs. I). & -M "- ! ? , , For White Haven, ilazlclon and principal point! 11 the coal tegioiu. via II. A. II. II. It., 0 33, 2,18 aid 1.27 . - I'M Pottsvllle, 0.3S a. m., 2.48 '"'For nctlilehcni, Easton, lteadlnj, llarrUburg, and principal intrrinedlate stations, via D. k II, It, lt fl.38, 0.3S a. in.; 2.13, 1.27 (Black Dia mond Expie.), 11.1.0 p. 111. SutidajK, I), k II. It. II. 1 IW3 a. in.; l., 8.27 p. in. I'oi Tunkbannock, 'lovvanda, Llmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via II., L. and W. It. It., 8.10 a, -n. and J.SO p. ni. For aeneva, Itocheter, lljflalo, Nligart Palls, ChlcuRo and all iwlnts west, via D, & II. Iti It, 7,49, 12.0J a. 111.; 1.1'. 3,23 (Black Dianiord E. pi ess), 7.13, 10.41. 11.30 p. in. bundaitf, D, k H, It. It., UM, fc.27 p. rn. Pullman parlor and elceplng or Iehigh Valley Parlor cars on all Iralni between Wilkes llarr and New Voik, Philadelphia, Uuifalo and buspn kton Mild.'c. ' ItOLI.lN II. WILniilt, Gen. Supt., 28 Cortland slictl. New 'V.ork. CHAItLKS S. LEE. Gen. Pau. ,gt 20 Cortland street, New York. A. V. XONEMACHElt, Div. Po. Agt., Souti Bcthlciicni, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservation apply t city ticket viUcv, (. I'ubllu bouare, V ilkti Barre, Pa. ' . ,' - - 4 ,jf , -. . - , . . , . , -