it .. v rTf " v?T t, t7w;j f i' ? : THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. ;xxxxxxxxxxx; hie MoDEnw nAnnwAna troni. Gem Chopper Cook Book A neat tlllle clolti ImiinJ rook book full of Miluablp rrcolnt fur nulxlnnUitl illiliM ntul dainty dr. ncrtH ullli extra Wank imrm for pRlln(t In your own receipts, vou get It flea Willi a Gem Food Chopper Sold this work only for &1.00. - Footc & Shear Co. M9N. "Washington Ave booooooooooc The Hardenbergh School of Mtisic and flpf Offers exceptional advantages to aspiring students desiring strictly high-class instruction in the study of Piano, Organ, Theory and Harmony; Draw ing, Painting and Designing. News term begins April 11th. Carter Building, Adams Ave nue and linden, street. Nettleton's Shoes Are All Right. Spring Styles at Popular Prios 134 Washington Ave. Green Trading Stamps. Spring Coats for Children Verv latent cITccts in Silk, Cliclot and Bioatlclotli. Wash Dresses for Girls Wash Bloomer Suits for Boys WMi Russian Bloascs for lio s. tho New Sailor for boj?. Baby CJirl Hats, Baby Boy Hal. THE BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. PETER N. HAAN Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming and General Draying. Kew Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street. New 'Phone 2057. Curtain We would like to consult with ou about laundciing . annnfirinfl im turul,is' .flno """" "0 1 ices, tliatns chair coeis etc. We do careful land uoik. L ACKAWANNA THE AUNDRY, 306 310 rent) Avenue. pTfg SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. The employees of the new dry goods nrm of McConnell & Co., had tlielr llrst soeiul gutherlng, hiHt night, at Guern bey hall. A programme of literary iind musical numbers, a dance una mipper were the principle features of the evening-, Thomas C. Walsh was chairman. There was an address by ouo of tho proprietors, John J. McConnell; vocal polos by JIIfs H. Schlve, JIis. T. C. Walsh and Floyd Cogllzer; a piano nolo by Miss L. St'oelc, and a comedy by u troupe of employees, under the direc tion of Adcll Mooie. It Is 'proposed to have events of this hind regularly, Miss Halllo Miller, assisted bv the Misses Vim and Helen Decker and Miss Mnrlan Mills, entertained a number of friends at her home, COU North Wash ington avenue, on Tuesday evening, in honor of Miss Pauline Cogswell Hall, who is leaving here to again tuUe up her residence at her home In Waveily, ?. V, Miss Hall has been in this city for some time, In connection with her work as a teacher of elocution, and has made many warm friends, who regret exceedingly her departure from among them, Rvcrott 13. Fieor, of I.nko Wlnola, and Miss Louise Jenkins, of AVest Scranton, were milled In marriage last A WelMfuowu Citizen lUd J JOIing SOI) whom Iiq wanted tu ie iiutriu'lcj In ilaiio-torte,by COY. , MMVATOBV niclh. oilt, Uo tent him to in. lleio h liU letter! "Hear Slis: September my t.on rntcru the Uouscrr. story a$ u liezlnucr. He his taken the regular clas.j tvoik am) to inv iieuiriit li inauc rapid moeiint. and It has not In. trrftrcd with liU kIioo! toik at all. Tint he bould bq able to (ilay (ill his emtlacs and pleics n suy key u a wouuer to inc. It u mv inteu- Ion to hate him go on with thU training. iouistuiy, iieo. w. Brown" Letter ot this tort are numerous. J. Allied jfumlnjlQii, Director, masw evening by new D. P. Jones, at the parsonngo of the Tabernacle Congre gational church. The couple were uimtlended, and af ter the ceremony were tendered a re ception at the homo of tho bride's par ents. They will reside at Lake Wlnola. Ml4 Mjitlo Nancy, of Wyoming atomic, lias returned fiom a slay In N'cw Voik city. K. I). Smith, nipciltitciutcnt of ttliittitf tnr ftorWce, Lackawanna Mllioad, tta In tho ilty jelerday. Mr, and Mid. Ilnrloii MacDonaM have returned from tlielr wedding trip and aic at home nt 171? Momey ntcnuo. (I. Kpllug, of l'lilladclptila, who has been guest at the home of Attorney Arthur Dunn ,nt Creen Jlldge, returned home )eatcrday. l)llrlct I'jsscngcr Agent ,t. S. Swisher, of the Central of New Jcrcey, and wife, re turned home last night from a. month's tucJtlon trip to l'.ilm Uracil and Miami, l'la, Henry J. Collltu relumed to this city lat night from PottMllle. where he went to cilub- IMi his nephew, .Mm 3, Colllnt In the clothing luislticM. The litter was for Jeari n clerk In I1I1 mule's stoic In thU city, lleniy .T. Collins' family Is now IMng in New York and ho will go there today to join them. LITTELL-MERCEREAU WEDDING Ceremony Was Performed at the Mercereau Residence Last Night. A wedding, which for the prominence of those most Interested attracted un usual attention, was celebrated Inst night at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles La Monte Mercerenu, 413 Quln cy avenue, when their daughter, Jo sephine La Mnnte, was married to Pro fessor Frank Bowers Llttcll, of Wash ington, D. C. The coiemony was performed by Rev. Dr. S. C. Logan, assisted by Rev. Dr. C. M. OliTln. The marriage was wit nessed by only a small company of tho closest friends and was followed bv a large leceptlon, attended by representa tives of the choicest social circles In this and other cities. The beautiful rooms were elaborately decorated, the mantels, corners and much of tho walls being hidden by rich greenery. The dining room was exceptionally effective with ferns and masses of pink roses. The ceremony was performed In the living room, where a large bay window formed an attractive sotting. The bride with her patrician face and fine carriage, made a charming picture in her bridal robes. She wore an im ported gown of real lace, over white satin and chiffon. Her veil was fas tened with orange blossoms. The maid of honor was Miss Grace Blrdsall, who will herself be a fair bride in .Tunr. Her gown was of satin faced crepe de chine, in a soft yellow tint, and she carried a great bouquet of pink carna tions. The best man was George H. Peters, of Washington. The ushers were Burton La Monte Mercereau, the bride's brother, and F. De Los Mac Gowan. The wedding music was played by Prof. Chance and Bauer's orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Merceieau and Mrs. Marie A. Littell, the groom's mother, assisted in receiving the guests. Professor Littell is a man of whom Scranton is very proud. He is the son of the late J. H. Littell and belongs to one of tho oldest families in this region. He has achieved a remarkable place for himself, of which a man twice his years might well be proud. He is"" now pro fessor of mathematics in the navy de partment with the rank of lieutenant, and is considered one of the foremost men in the nation in his particular pro fession. Last year he was in charge of the expedition w hlch went to Sumat ra for astronomical observations, and his knowledge of scientific subjects Is so great that much Is expected of his future career. His bride, the only daughter of Mr. C. L. Mercereau, the senior member of the firm of Mercereau & Connell, is one of the most talented young women of this region. With every advantage of culture her attainments both in music and as a miniature nainter are pre eminent. She has rare graces of per sonality and character and will be greatly missed in her home city. Pio fessor and Mrs. Littell will reside in Washington, where a handsome borne awaits their occupancy. It will be beautified by innumerable gifts from friends, representing the richest and costliest of bric-a-brac, china, silver and decorative art. Among the guests were: Mr. Heniy Jleiccieau, '.jtuontc Jlerceaicm and Jlr. und .Mis. John Men clean and fainilv, o V. inlr.1, X. Y.; Ml. und Mis. l.'ibfj-ii, Mis.i Uinfiin. ot Wjjinort; 0. 11. Peters Mmliliigton; Miss Jjdwln, Cubonihle; Mr. and Mm. Daniel Ljoiip, iiiiignainion; jiks iiauiet A. Woohcy, Bud foul, X. Y.; Mij Kate Littell, Mr. L. A. Watie-, Mris W. I Connell, Mr. und Mis. V.. V.. Ch.iic, Miss Ida Albio, Mis. M. J. Andrews, Mi. and Mis. O-car Adams, Mr. and Mrs. (i. M. IlalUtcid, Mi. and Mit. Itobert Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Buidiik, Mr. and Mis. George II, Birdsall, Mr. and Mis. II. C. llaikcr, Mis. Buir, Sir. mid Mis. C. K. Bradbury, Sir. nnd Mis. A. b. Ilmditk, Sir. and Sin.. Albeit Buidick, Jlr. and Slis. A. O. Buig. lei, Slis. Bibli, Sits, Annie Barnes, Sir, ond Mil. Cullender, Sir, und Mis. William Carr, Di. mid Mr. .1. W. CoolldBe. Mr. and Sir. William Cm ry, Jlr. and Jin. Dodge, Sir. and Mr. Daniel Fos ter, Sir, and Sirs. 11. B. l'ranMin, Sir. ami Sirs. II. W. Kirkpatikk, Jlr. and SIi.v. llulhuit. Mi. and Slis. J. A. Liii-ilngi Dr. and JIis. II, V, I.osui, Sir, and JIis. Wlllurd Slattliew, Sir. and Mis. Daniel Xcunun, Sirs. B. II, Plait, Sir. and JIis. D. W. Powell, Sir. and Mis. C. II. Clumllei, Mis. I'tnnun, Sir, und JIis. r, ;, I'cck, JIr. Itey noUH Dr. and JIis, ,1, X. Wee, Jlr. ai.d Mi. P. l Christian, Piofev.or J, JI. (.'banco, Jlr, nnd JIis, John Shciuood, Jlr, and Ml.'. L.inun .Smith, Sir, and JIrs, (.ndicv X, Walker, Jlr. and JIh. Wolfe. Mn. Aija Williams, Mis, Kiei stead, Jlr. and .Mi-'. Bower, Sir. und Jits, Bcrnhaiil, Sir, und Jli, Oernon, Mis, DoWItt, Mi J. W, Towlcr, Dr, and Mi. 1', W. Langc, Sir, and Jli. I.. A. l.anse, Sir. and JIrs. .1. I'. Wagner, 'Ihi! Slices (illmoie, llcwll, Alluo, Bitd-all, l'oiler, llroadbent, Cullender, Counen, Chose, Com Decker, (iraihatt, llanlcy, Helen Hand, lluiiw, Kdith lllll, JckIp C Connell, Hitchcock, Hutching'', Klci.trad, I.a Monte, I.oui.c M it thews, Kmily Jlajcr, .Mctiuushey, Xetlletou, Xurllmp, lleiihn Powell, Bice, Mnipon, CUru f-lnii.ion, i:iUabelli &teeiH, Grace Sunder.on, Anuii Salmon, Watson, Beitels, Dr, J, I.jman Peck, JIcsis, J, b, f-telle, llmr, llean, Decker, V, 1'. Puller, I.u Monte, Sanders, Powell, (,'hrUtlan, Miiipon, Snyder, Hay l'lilkr, Wolfe, J, 11., .lficil 0. Kihclmu, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS. Held Their Annual Meeting; at Asso ciation Rooms. An annual meeting of the Scranton Wholesale Meichnnts association was held yesterday in Its rooma at 3 J Lacka wanna avenue. The following gentle men were unanimously elected to hold office during the ensuing j'ear: John T, Porter, presdentj Max Rice, vice president; M. J, Healey, treasurer; David Spruks and C, l Wentss, direc tor; John QuaekeiibuHh, secretary, A pleasant feature ot tho meeting consisted of un infotmal luncheon, served In the association rooms. Auction Sale. On Thursday, April 10, at 9 a, in., to continue until. April 12, the contents of the Irving Hotel, consisting of furnish ings of 100 bedrooms, recently refur nished; bedroom suites, carpets, Iron nnd lirnsa liPfls. mattresses. Rnrlnrm l,,i linen, linoleum, bar fixtures, chairs, two ensn CBiaier, aie, nuiet omniOUS, miscellaneous household goods. 13. M. Strong, Auctioneer. ARGENTIS IS AT LIBERTY JURY ACQUITS HIM OF FRED ERICK'S MURDER. Benefit of a Reasonable Doubt, Which Always Belongs to the De fendant, Is Supposed to Be Re sponsible for the Finding Another Acquittal in a Police Case Walk ing Delegate Found Guilty of As sault and Battery Legally Sealed Prosecutrix's Lips by Marriage. A verdict of not guilty was returned yesterday morning by tho jury In tho case of John Arcentls, charged with the killing of Hurry B. Frederick at a house on Providence road, last Christ mas night. The stress laid by the defendant's counsel, H. L. Taylor nnd C. Comegys, on the matter of reasonable doubt Is supposed to have secured this finding. All through the trial they sought to make uncertain the Identification of the defendant by Annie Howlltt, the girl who witnessed the affray, and all of the nine law propositions submitted to the court for transmission to tho jury dealt with the legal principle ot tho defend ant being entitled to the benefit of every reasonable doubt. After receiving the verdict, Judge Ed wards called Argentls before him and said to him that tho jury had prob ably acquitted him on tho ground of a reasonable doubt existing ns to the identification, but hnd a verdict of guil ty been returned It would not have been unwarranted by the evidence. The police were positive they had Frederick's slayer when they arrested Argentls, and despite tho finding of the jury do not propose to look further for tho culprit. Another aeaulttal In a police case, yesterday, which caused some surprise was in the case of the commonwealth against Arthur LaBar. On the night ot March 3, two men were seen carrying a couple of sacks from the Lackawanna Mill and Elevator company's building at the Diamond crossing. In the morn ing it was discovered that the place had been broken into and two sacks of flour and $8.6,1 In change carried away. The money was taken from a shelf above the safe where it was cus tomarily placed over night, because of attempts having been made to rob the s.ifa. FOSTER CONFESSED. The next day the police received a "tip" which led to the arrest or Wil liam Foster, a bo- living a short dis tance from the mill. He confessed his guilt, restored the flour, which with $1.35 was his share of the bootj-, and told that his accomplice was Arthur LaBar, a young man living on Blair avenue. When arrested LaBar stoutly denied all knowledge of tho crime. Foster went on the stand, yesterday, and told in detail the story of tho theft. There was no corroboration of his story, however, and the jury, it is supposed, heeded the behest of the law about looking with suspicion on the unsup ported testimony of an accomplice. C. H. Soper and A. W. Bertholf represent ed the defense. Hon. John P. Quinnan and Assistant District Attorney Walker represented the commonwealth. The case was tried before Judge Savldge. A nol pros on payment of costs was entered in panh of the five riot cases growing out of the trolley strike troubles on Lafaj-ette street. The de fendants were. Ellen Schell, Jennie James, Margaret Jones, charged with rioting, and David Jones and Josepli Reynolds, charged with assault and battery. Stephen Dyer was prosecu tor in all five cases. The various other assault and battery and riot cases growing out of the strike are likely to be summarily dealt with. The cases against Frank Kofehinsk! and Edward Sharak, special officers, charged with extorting money from Old Forge saloon keepers, were put over until the next term, because of the fact that KofchlnskI is a defendant in the McAullffe murder case set down for trial next week, and it was desired by his counsel that tho testimony on the extortion cases should not go out to the community at a time so close to the time when he will be on trial for his life. VERDICT OF GUILTY. A vet diet of guilty was returned In the case of E. C. Patterson, charged with assault and batters' on Edward Walters. At the last term of court the trial resulted In a disagreement of the jurj'. Patterson Is walking delegate of the Carpenters' union. Walters Is a con tractor. The latter was putting up a building for James Savllle on Main avenue, near Lafayette street, and was employing several non-union caipen teis. Patterson complained to Savllle of this, and together they went to see Walters. Patterson and Walters had some words which resulted In a personal en counter, Walters says than Patterson struck hi in in the face without oro vocatlon. Patterson declares that Wal teis attempted to strike him, and that In trying to ward off the blow his hand accidentally brushed lightly against Walters' cheek. Tho case was tried before Judgo Kel 1 The prosecution was represented by Assistant Dlstilct Attorney Grumer nnd Joseph O'Brien, of counsel for the Citi zens' Alliance. City Solicitor George M, Watson represented the defense. Four cases in which John McGowan, of Caibondale, was defendant, weio nol prossed. Ho was charged with crim inal assault and attempted criminal as sault on Margaret Buiry; with assault and battery on Constable E, J. Neury, and with carrying concealed' weapons. Since the arrest, McGowan and Mrs, Barry have married. This prevented her from testifying against him even if she wanted to, as the law makes a wife an Incompetent witness ugalnst her husband In. criminal proceeding. Constuble Neary wltbdiew the other two cuses out of consideiatlon of the honeymoon. CASE SETTLED, A settlement was effected in the case In which King Miller, the tailor, was charged by Oscar Heyer, thu Jeweler, with unlawfully retulnlng a diamond ring, The jeweler owed the tailor $55 for clothes. The tailor took an $S0 ring for Inspection and refused to return t. When the case cams to tilul, yester day, Judge Edwards suggested that it be settled by Miller paying Heyer the difference between the clothing bill and the value of the rlnsr. This was satis factory to all concerned und a verdict of not guilty was entered. A nol pro3 was entered In tho case In which Joseph Perrln, a 9-year-old Car bondale boy, was charged by Margaret MatnwarriiiK with muliclous mischief. Judge Edwards refused to let him be tried on account of his years. Not guilty but pay the costs was the finding lh the case In which' Patrick Scott, of Caibondale, whb charged with having slapped his neighbor, Mrs, Brid get O'Malley, because she snld ho wtts getting to be a dude since his father died and wilted him $100, A verdict of not guilty on payment of costs was entered by agreement In tho assault and battery case of Itaffaelo La Mortc, of Dunmorc, against Vlto Slleo. In the case In which lllchard Llew ellyn, of Vandllng, charged Mary Jane Willis with being a common scold, the Jury found the defendant not guilty and divided the costs. Lottie Smith was on trial at adjourn ing time, in Judgo Kelly's court, on the charge ot keeping a house of Ill fame, In Oakford court, just to the rear of the cathedral. Le Koy Welch Is the prosecutor. A number of women who were inmates of the place were called to tho stand to testify to Its character, but only two of them, Maggie Dlmler nnd Annie Anthony, would admit that It was anythliiB other than a decent boarding house. Superintendent ot Po lice Dnj', Mrs. Duggan, of the associat ed charities, and Mounted Officer Perry testified that tho house has a bad repu tation. Salvatore Caplello, of Jcssup, was ac quitted of tho charge of assaulting his bartender, Carlo Buclarlsh, nnd the prosecutor was directed to pay tho costs. C. E. Daniels represented tho defense. VERDICT DIRECTED. A verdict of not guilty was directed In tho case In which C. L. BIgert was charged by Ellen McIIale with tho lar ceny by bailee of a $300 life insurance policy. It was alleged that Bigert who is an agent for the company, issuing the policy, took it away to have It amended and did not return It. Judgo Savldge said It was a case for the civil courts. A settlement was effected in the false pretense case brought by Attorney H. L. Taylor against Peter Llpowlcz. Llp owlcz gave a $30 check to the attorney for one of his clients. When it wna presented at tho bank It was found he had no funds there. A verdict of not guilty but pay the costs was directed in the case In which John Petrufsky charged Frank and Pauline Leshnoek with assault and bat tery, The case of Matthew and Anthony Stroko, of Olyphant, charged by Joseph Keollc with assault and battery, was on trial nt adjourning time before Judgo Edwards. H. J. and J. J. Manning ap peared for the prosecution and M. J. McAndrew for the defense. Anthony Neary, who was convicted at a previous term of recklesslj' running down a child In Wlnton, was yesterday fined S13 and costs. Marriage Licenses. i:erctt i:. I'u-ir LaKc Wlnola I.ouNe Jenkins Scianton Ciiiivauni Jlattuicci Yatcsille Xicolina Arbciurio Yatesillc buisi lucole kick.iwaima town-hip Louise rrameiandc Lackawanna township John A. Honey Scianton Xellie Hinds Jtoscow Thonns Aimtionjr Tajlor Katie (i.illagher Rcinntcn John Klnir Stlnonku. Jlary IleiiiihMii Jlinooka Owen DiiiiI;mu Scranton Li7ic I.jnott 'ciunton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. 1'. J. Began jestenliy began Intel pleader proceeding-, fur the po'fluMon of the Xruln liery outfit which his been 'cized on un eccution by the Tiadcrs bunk. Dr. William.-, joieiday begin u ticpis suit against, the city nt Scranton to teroicr damages for a caniage which Mas biokcn by miming into a gully on South Scranton sticet. JI. 1". Mitchell, nhoinis Walkle nnd John 1'. Sluiphy -ncio jcstcrd.iy appointed icwcrs in the matter of aciting a load leiding fiom a point ubove r.lmhurst rcsenoir to the load to J!udi-on- illc. Annie M. I.owiy begin proceedings in divorce yesterday against Cliailrs S. I.owiy, alleging de sertion, lie began proceedings in dhorco agiint her neaily two years ago. The suit is still pend ing, and he pay a her ji" a month by order of coiut. 'they were married July 2"i, 1S37. The alleged descition took place April 11, 1(I03. C. . baneon is attorney for Slid. I.owiy, CARBONDALE ENTERS. Maxwell Shepherd the First to En roll from the Pioneer City. There was an additional entry yester day in The Tribune's Educational con test, which opens on May 5. It was that of Maxwell Shepherd, 63 Salem avenue, Catbondule. Mr. Shepherd will have a first-class field to work In. It was a Carbondale j-oung man who won the second place In last year's contest and thereby earned a four year's scholarship In Lafayette college. Inspired, doubtles, by this there will be a number of other entries from the Pioneer city. However, Mr. Shepherd Is now fit st In the field from that sec tion of Lackawanna county. Although the contest does not for mally open until Monday morning. May n, those who Intend to enter should send In their names now or as soon as pos sible. Canvassers' outfits will be pent to those who enroll In the order of their names on our list. A full list of the scholarships, with the rules of the content, nro printed every morning. They wll bo found on the fourth page of today's Tribune. All applications to be- enrolled and letters of Inquiry must be addressed: "Contest Editor, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa." Convention of Federation of Wo men's Clubs, Los Angeles, Cal. For tho abos'o occasion, which takes placo May 1st to 8th, 1002, tho Lacka wanna railroad will sell special round trip tickets good going April 19th to 26th Inclusive, and for return, to reach starting point not later than midnight of Juno L'5th, at faro ot $GC,23 for tho round trip. See ticket agent for infor mation about stop-off privileges, vari able routes, side trips, etc. Auction Sale. On Thursday, April 10, nt 9 n, m to continue until April 32, the contents of tho Irvlnf? Hotel, consisting ot furnish ings of 100 bedrooms, recently refur nished; bedroom suites, carpets, Iron and brass beds, mattresses, springs, bed linen, linoleum, bar fixtures, chairs, two cash registers, safes, hotel omnibus, miscellaneous household goods, E. M, Strong, Auctioneer, There is no other Booflng That is just as good as Warren, lilirct Co'.s SLAG ROOFING The Book tells you why send for it. Warren Eluct Co., 331 Washington Avenue, HAMPE TEAM GETS TROPHY WON CHAMPIONSHIP OF CITY BOWLING LEAGUE. Played the Arllngtons Laat Night and Won Two Out of Three, the Latter Losing the Championship by Wretched Bowling In the Laat Game Llederkranz Team Won Two from the Hoodoed South Sidera and Finish in Third Place. Last Night's Scores. The Hnmpe team won the City Bowl ing League championship by taking two out of three games fiom the Arling ton's last night. Tho two teams were tied for first placo and broke even In tho first two games. The Ilnnl test came In the last game and the Arling ton's went down and out with a score of 697 to the Hampo tenm's 711. The Arllngtons, however flnksh second while the Llederkranz team comes out third, Tho Franklin and Central City teams are tied for fourth place and the South Side team finishes up at the bottom of tho ladder. A remarkable feature of tho season Just ended Is that there were no postponed games. The members of every team was "Johnnie on tho spot" on Wednesday nights. Tho Hampe-Arllngton score as follows: II VSIW3. TotaR Poll ill 107 107 S57 Ilothcimcl 1." ill IS'i 4.V) Murphy 171 111 HI) 431 llicssir 127 172 150 440 Lappln ISO 177 IliO 5K 79 711 711 224S AltMXGTOXS. Jici-tcr 170 IS! 141 402 II. Klefcr ISO H l.!0 421 C. Klefcr 102 177 1.17 47(1 H.inck 100 J42 142 4T.1 J. Klefcr 113 133 111 452 7SI 60 1 097 2201 High Score Lappin, 1M. High Aerage Iappin, 177 1-.1. The best games of the night were those rolled by the Franklins and Cen tral teams on the Hampe alleys. The Centrals took the first two but lost the third. O'Connell's splendid rolling was the feature. The score: FRANKLINS. TotaR Dlrcher Ifil 142 in 4?0 Lcilner 127 170 178 4S1 D.nis 132 144 100 4f2 Jonci 101 150 100 4S1 Andeicss 170 15.1 20S 510 7S4 771 SI3 2100 ci:.ntiul. Wbaiton 20) lit ISO 477 Alexander 107 ISO 1 IS 401 3l.n-li.i1l Ill 1"1 137 410 O'Connell 210 202 141 53.1 Jones 110 1)4 170 433 1 1 Ijrli heme O'Connell, 210. Illgli Aer.iffo-0'ConncH, 1S1 1-1. The South Side team managed' to take one game from tho Llederkranz team but was badly outclassed in the other two. Waldner started out with 222 and finished his last game with a score of 137. The score: lh:di:kkhanz. ToLil". 401 405 528 42.1 474 Jlejcra 1SI 110 117 115 1.17 ltil 110 7JI liicft 110 lfl Waldner 222 100 in-olo 1V1 101 Koch 147 Ibl ' SIO 777 soimi sim:. Pecklin 202 12i I'M 110 14'1 Uli 152 770 520 HOI 41.1 41.1 126 2201 IXiih 00 101 Xcisman l.'i'J Ml Hctbolt 170 IIS Ilrowncll Ill 102 721 701 JIIsli Score WiiWnei, 222. IIIrIi M erase Waldner, 170. The standing of the several clubs at the season's end is as follows: Won. llampct 10 Ailiuvtoni IS I.lcdorkrau. 10 I'lankliiis 15 LVntr.iN 1"' South bide 7 .ot. r. C. 11 .0.'il 12 .000 1 1 .533 11 .500 n .500 21 .2.1J OFFICERS WERE INSTALLED. Members of Coeur De Lion Com- mandery Also Enjoyed Banquet. The newly elected officers of Coeur De Lion commandery, No. 17, Knights Templar, were installed with elaborate ceremony last night, In Masonic hall, by Eminent Grand Commander T. P. Penmnu, of the state of Pennsylvania, and the members of his staff, in the presence of a large number of knights. The officers Installed were aH follows: Eminent commander, Ed. Evans; gen eralissimo, David J. Davis: captain general, Frank Moyer; treasurer, E. P. Kingsbury; recorder, E. L. Buck. Fol lowing tho Installation "Walter L. Hen wood, tho retiring commander, wus pre sented with u beautiful tiast com mander's jewel by Eminent Command er Penman, on behalf of the cont lnandery. A banuuet was then served In the banquet hall by Caterer Barnes. Em inent Commander Penman presided and addresses were made bv It, A. Zim merman, C. I). Sanderson, Walter Xj, flen wood nnd others. Sweet Fea Seed at Clark's, florist. Fancy Maine Sugar Corn Franklin Brand, 12c; SI, 20 dozen. Nabob Brand,12a; $1,20 dozen. California Asparagus, 20c per can,c53.00 dozen 13 1-2 lb. cans, Extra Fancy Caiuielo Peas, 18c per can; 82,00 dozen. Fancy Sifted Peas (very small) 15c, regular price, 25c. Oreen Beans (long or cut) 3 cans, 25c; OOo dozen, Fancy Tomatoes, 2 cans, 25c. Lima Beans the little fellows 15c can. E. G, Coursen. What! Does the Grim Spectre Follow You Into the Joy ous Springtime? PAINE'SCELERY COMPOUND Dtftats tha Work of Death by Removing Your Terrible Burden of Disease. Are you stilt In suffering, misery, and despondency? Does tho grim spectre, Death, follow you closely as the joyous springtime brings happiness and bless ings to others around you? Are you still clinging tenaciously to fulse theor ies of physicians or friends who per sist In assuring you that time, cure, and the use of your present medicine will give you new health? Be assured your present condition Is a perilous one, The continuance of tho medicine you are now using Is a folly; you are simply trifling with life and wasting precious time, You should remember that while nature clothes tho fields with fresh grass and flowers, and while the trees with a strong life arc showing bursting buds nnd new foliage, thut human be ingsold and young drop off In thous ands In springtime. Now Is the time for prompt, decided, and practical action if life Is to bo saved. Prejudice and the erroneous theories of even medical men should bo cast aside when the hand of death Is upon you. It matters not what your social position be; tho medicine that saves the humblest man or woman is surely the one ndopted for tho needs of tho rich and those In high social posi tions. Palne's Celery Compound has a record of life saving that no other medicine can ever equal. It has rescued rich and poor from tho grasp of death when physicians and their most carefully pre pared prescriptions failed In the work. If the suffering men and women of today could but see the happy faces and hear the kind words spoken by the tens of thousands who have been made well and strong by Palne's Celery Com pound, it would soon dispel their ex isting doubts and fears. Palne's Celery Compound Is the only medicine that reaches the root of dis ease; it Is the only agency that can re move your terrible load of disease. Un solicited testimonials of cures pour in every day. Young and old constantly bear witness that rheumatism, neural gia, kidney disease, liver complaint, dyspepsia, and blood diseases are ban ished permanently when Palne's Celery Compound Is faithfully used for a time. Begin its use today poor sufferer; do lays are dangerous. Always Ask for Diamond Djes TAKE NO OTHER. Pennsylvania Day Charleston Expos ition, April 16th, 1902. On account of the above the Lacka wanna railroad will sell special round trip tickets from Scranton to Charles ton good going ivprll 14th and 15th and for return within 11 days including date of sale at the low rate of $17.73. S. Jones, Machinist, of Scranton, Pa., says: After using your "COFo" I a in con vinced that It Is the best substitute for coffee in the market. "O'Hara's Leader." Try O'Hara's new hand-made Ec. cigar. Best ever. O'Hara's" cigar store, 431 Spruce street. Hanley's "Business" Lunch. Menu and service, the best. Prices, popular at 420 Spruce street. Dr. Ferdinand OT. Heider, Chiropodist, Office Hotel Jermyn Barber shop. We Haven't All the good Cloth ing that's made, but our word for it, we have a good assort ment of the choicest patterns for this season. John D. Boyle, Clothier 416 Lackawanna Ave. You Can Save 30 per cent, on tho dollar when you purchase direct from the manufacturer, Our line of Umbrellas and Parasols is large and complete, and embraces all the latest pat terns. We guarantee all our goods, Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co. 313 Spruce Street. Lubricating OILS Malon?y Oil & ManlifacNiring Company, 141-149 Meridian Street, OLD 'PHONE S6'S, NEW 'PHONE 2331 ! ' Ooing out of the bicycle J business. Our $50 Scranton i I Special Bicycles j Wo nro closing out at $25.00 Cash A Few Ladies' Machines AT $15.00 Each See us before buying. Bittenbender&E. : 126-128 Franklin Ave. $ Up-to-Date Shirt Waist Ladles should call at once and select one of our handsome Stamped Shirt Waist and Komona designs to embroider on- Fine White Linen. These are our own exclusive designs. We also have the patterns to stamp on any ma terial you bring. Cramer-Wells Co. 130 Wyoming Ave. 'PHONE 3S3-3. s pecial ale tiff Bosom. Former Price, $1.50 and $2.00. 412 Spruce Street. Dickson Mill & Grain Co. Providence Road, SCRANTON, PA. Flour, Feed, Grain and Hay Celebrated Snow White Flour ,TI All grocers eell It. I i f I NVe only wholesale it. Branch at Olyphant, Pa. and Burning litiii it; 98c I 13 m i i yJSSI w -4 .