essevwu irawyi V .". ' . T tvi 5M THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. tt KSB i Cooking with Gas FREE LECTURES FOll ONE WEBKi commotio ItiR April 14th. overy ufternoon nt 3 o'clock Mtsa EMILY MAIl 10N COLMNC1 will glvo hor lec tures and demonstrations, on how well the Otis llnnge does Its work, at our STORE llOOM, No. 120 WASHINGTON AVENUE. IhjScrantin Gas & Water Co, The best thing in the world to make and keep them so Is Wiley's Waxene Applied with a brush, cloth or sponge. Protects floors from fat grease or staines. Shows no heel prints nor scratches. Dustless and Sanitary. Can be used for Bath. Rooms, Halls, Closets, etc. MATTHEWS BROS., 320 Lackawanna Avenue. Fire Sale of Wall Paper.. There still remains a proat quantity of munt desirable "Wall Fapcis, Shades, Etc., although we have sold an enormous quan tity during the pribt. week. As our now stock for our new store arrives next week, WE WILL SELL OUR TRESENT STOCK AT PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN PRICE THIS WEEK, as it must ho disposed of before reopening our fuimcr store. Jacobs & Fasold 505 Linden Street. Chairs Recaned Furniture upholstered and repaired. Send postal to 1248 Providence Road. Old 'Phone, 109-3, Green Ridge. JAMES PAYNE f City Notes. P., T,. i W. pay PUS.-The Sirnnton men will lie pud ami the tuimnui to-inoiron-, beginning at 8 n, in. Till: IHOl'T SKASsOX. 'flic brook trout rr-.ivm Offiii mt Tucliv ami alii-tde- local tl-lierm.'ll aic Kctting thtir lints unU loils in icadincas. ANOTHER KVAMIN.VIIOX.-On Mi.v n, IMJ, tin- t'niliil Mates ('nil hnlio eonimisdoii will conduct im oviiiiinatiun for .i copper d.ile nup cugiaeei. SIOXUI) WITH MIV VlltK.-Jitk Dunn, of Till.-, lit, tliu well known Imw lull, Ins f-ltflicd Willi tliu NCW Yolk tl'illl as i-lioit slop. lie pla.w.l tliliU liivy with (he II ilttiuurc team List , HI'tiT IX '1111'. MIM.i.-runk Moul, ntrod 10, resitlinir ill Howard pi Ko, wis slightly in jured by ii fall of tool in one of the Oilman- mul lludson ndne-i jcMcidjj. lie .m iiinoecl to Hie Lackawanna liot-idtal. TOIt PlSOIiniail.Y CONIirCT. Vlto (Jolnclno wis ancslr-d lust night ,it the iiiat.inic of Cicnero ; i'oterno, who eluded him with dliuidcilj enu. lut t, claiming that lie luil called hlni llo mine- Alderman Untidy fined Vlto ifj ami cu-tn. JAMtiS HCN.Mi: IXJUlli:i).-.l imes Jtnniie, flRCil !i(l, a tlihcr employed by Xcills the lluij. nun, Ml off n wjkoii width lie n. thinner in Jsorth Scrunlon jotterda.v and leeched ,i bid int titer one of bin cics. He u taken to the l.jtkauaniu lio.-pltj. MOIITlNfJ TIIU I'AllK.-An inueinenth line been perfected for the. llulillnir of Xuy Aug Park with tlcittltlty thi tomlnir tiiinniei. The mulli. trn end of the paik, wlilcli Ins been practically tompleted, will be brilliantly Illuminated with re and incandescent light, JIAKIXO TOUR OP INSl'l.rriDX.-Serond Yiie Pienldent II, (I. Young, of the Deliuuro and Jludion rompany, ueroinpjiilrd bj Master Sir titanic Stock and Chief of CoiUriutlnn llrllii.' tin, ate making a tour of Intprttlein of the com panj'i eistcni in this part of the state, I.ITTI.r. DISCHAHOKD.-JhuMrile John T, llowo jostenlay decided that the cidcnee in the criminal libel suit brought against lticlurd Lit. tie, editor of the St rantonlan, by Piter Llpi. wlcz, of Xotth fccrjnton, Old not warrant the holding of tho defendant and lie rcoicltngly dis charged, him, PIHCK SKT1XKI) m-.-tieorge Price, of Peck llle, who gac a worthier chuk on Sunday last )n paj nunt of a police court fine of $15, came clown jctterday morning and vet tied up, plying ho for the cost of Issuing the wairunt for his srrest, lie contended that he gate tho cbeik in good faith tclletlug lie had money In the bank. Auction Sale, On Thuisday, April 10, at 9 u, in,, to continue until April 12, tho contents oV the Irving Hotel, consisting of furnish ings of 100 bedrooms, lecently refur njshed; bedroom suites, carpets, iton nnd brass beds, mutti esses, springs, bed linen, linoleum, bar tlxtures, elmlis, two cash i agisters, safes, hotel omnibus, jniscellaueous household goods. 13. M. Htrong, Auctioneer. For Lunch Hanley's. Whether you desire a cup of coffee, or hearty lunch Hanley's noon service is satisfactory. Popular piices prevail at i?-0 Snruce street. ill - M PARENTS BENT TO JAIL. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gibson Charg ed with Neglecting Children. Michael Olhson nnd his wife, Sarnh, were tirrcHted early yostenlny morn ing nt the Instance of Mrs. U. Dug gan, of the associated chnrltle, on the charge of neglecting their children. The 7 year old boy of the couple was found wandering around 1'enn nvenuo nt 4 o'clock on Tuesdny morning an recounted In yesterday's Tribune. A stilt younger boy, oven dirtier nnd mote forlorn looking than his brother, was also taken charge of. Mrs. Duggnn claims that the third child, a little girl, was pplrlted away by relative and elm In conducting nn Investigation for tho purpose of finding out .ho did It. When Olbton and his wife were nr ralgncd before Mnglstrnto Millar they had absolutely nothing to say and weie each committed to the county Jail In default of $500 ball. Sergeant Jones said It did hlri heart good to sec tho doors of the county Jull bang behind them. The two boys are not to be sent to St. Patrick's Orphan asylum as was at first planned, They are to be sent to the Catholic Industrial school at Buf falo. Both of them were cleaned up and dresed In l'tesh clothes yesterday by Mrs. Duggan. R. R. Y. M. G. A. FUND. A Record of Thirty Days Frogiess. The Delaware & Hudson, Fledge Their Support. The canvass for the building fund of the railroad department of the Young Mens Christian association was thirty d.tys old yesterday. Some delay has been caused by sickness and other ob stacles, but In spite of that, the com mittee was yesterday able to report that the Lackawanna company's con dition had been fully met. At tho meeting of the building committee held last night total assets of $2."i,ll0 were reported. This makes binding the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western pledge nnd provides the committee with a sufilcieut fund to begin building at once. Architect L. C. Holden was ptesent at the meeting last night and coun seled with tho committee concerning plnns and specifications. As boon as tho plans are completed, which will bo In the course of n few days, the com mittee Mill ndvettlse for bids. Tho question of temporary quarters for tho ratlio.ul department during the sum mer has not jet boon settled but will be soon. A fund of $.",000 Is still needed for tho completion and furnishing of tlir building, and this will be raised while the building is being elected. A particularly encouraging feituie of the (Mtiv.isa came In tho forivS of a letter fiom the D. & If. company which an nounced a subscription of $1,000 towards the building and S10 per month towaids tltf current expenses of the wotlc. Considering tho small number of Delawnio & Hudson employes center ing hete thks is cons-klet ed a liberal contribution. The Lackawanna engin eers have made a splendid show ing having laibetl $1,000 with over half of their number ot to be heard fiom. The committee will send a representative to New Yoik this week to submit the te sult to President Ttuesdalo for his ap pioval. It l.s believed that the wotk of construction may be begun as eaily ns May 1st, or possibly befoie. Tho icsponso of tho contrlbutois has thus far been generous and heaity and It Is hoped will continue so until the entlic amount has been pledged. MINERS' EXAMINERS. Court Appoints Boards in Both Old Distiicts Notwithstanding' New Act Makes Only One District. Hoards to examine candidates for mino fmcinen nnd miners' cet tltlc.ites wuie appointed by couit. yestciday, in ordcis leading as follows: While the .ut of PiO! pioiide-. tint T.itki winni county shill miMilutr one in-pe.tlon til-.-trkt, it tontahis i.o refeieiue In the r induing boards for mine founitii and for miners. In appointing the-e bonds we Hull tlitiifmr ne Mru' the tenitiild integritv of the ilMihU ,.s de-lgnilcil in llu in t n tS'll. As bond of cwunueis of eindldiles fur mine foremen in the 1'nst ln)tition tli-lrlti tor the jcar 1!XK wo appoint . (i, ItolieiUnn, fiih tin tindent, .md Joseph T. llobeits and Thoniia H., piactlr.ll inlliri-. In the betoud llisliedKni ilitikt louct .iiiiioiuls .lolin O. IIjc--. bupennteudeiit, .iml .lolm 1), Griffiths and M. .1. (.'huh, piailical ininus. In the pilot and Suoiiil In-ptitlon tlM.hts as ill in the act of l'll and In aieoidiu e with the plow.-!on of the ,nt of WJ7, tho (dim ing "luiueis examining hniidf," ion-Ming of nine miners actiiilly cngagid in the mliiln,; Inbl- nifs 1 their ri'pe(tie distiicts .mil who lute hid llin jeais practlic .ii miners, aie appolutiri: l'iist Imputlon IIMricl Jnlin T. Hime. of anilllng; John (iallncj ami Thomas I'. 1'ariell, of Ciibonililc; (iforge Wllllutii-. of Oliphint; Thomas I'inncity, of Archlultl; Samuel ll.iddui, of pumuoii; llohtit L. held, of l)ickon City; William Ull.-on, of Sxiauton; diaries Jinking of Pricebiirg. f-ccond Inpictlon District -James W, lleit-e, Kuos Webci, P. .1. Slullaney, John -1. Phillip.. Lmll Molir, of f-crantnn; Patrick McC'onnlik, of Punniore; V. P. firUlltln, of Tujlor; Willlaui Major, of Mettle, William MeirUk, of (ireenwond, ENGINEERS APPOINTED. Pive New Places in the Bureau of Fire Filled Yesterday by Di rector of Public Safety, Director of Public Safety F. LVVonn ser Issued an order yesterday afternoon appointing the following permanent en glneeiH for tho several engino com panies: Engine compnny No. 1, John J. Kellcy; Engine company No, L', Max Itosur; Ihiglno company No. a, Thomas H. Allen; Engine company No. , Hon y Heinz: Engine company No. 5, Hur rv Perber, Tho same order provides ulso for the appointment of John Stilus call man of No. 1 engine company, us permanent man to succeed Daniel J. Slowc, who has teslgned to accept a position as foreman at tho Scrunlon Pump woilts. Louis Cohen, bunk man, Is appointed permanent man nt No. 4 engine houte, lco Henry Heinz, piomoted. The enKlneeiH who huvo been un pointed will icrelvo a salary of $720 per annum, or SG0 a month, and will devote their whole time and attention to their duties. Thu engineers who have previously been seivlug huvo ie eelyed only 200 a year, und wet a on duty only when llres were In piogiess. The noyv men will he expected to keep their engines In Hist cluss remilr and In this way their set vices vlll he es pecially valuable. m i Of Unexcelled Merit. "O'llara's Leader" new 5c cigar. Best yet. Frank O'Hara, 131 Spruce at, DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC SAFETY WORK IT ACCOMPLISHED DUR ING THE LAST YEAR. Shown In the Beports That Were Laid Befoie Councils Last Night in Connection with the Annual Message of Eccordor W. L. Con noil Suggestions and Recommen dations Made to tho Recorder by F. L. Wormser, Director of Public Safety, ns to Improvements. P. L. Wormser, director of the de put tment of public safety, on Feb. 1 sent to Recorder "V. L, Council u re port of tho work of his denai tment. together with recommendations nnd suggestions. This wus presented nt the joint session of councils Inst night, with the message of the recotder nnd the ic ports of the various other hearts of de partments. The report of Mr. Worin ser follows: Pipirtnuit of Public SMfllj. f'itj of bcranton. Pa I'cb. 1, V.K)2. Hon. W. f,. Council, City ltecorder: Pcir y'i: I liaie the honor of submitting to 3011 a repoit of the condition of the dtpirtmcnt of public jfety, with such recommend itiotts mil suggestions as appiai to me of grcatist Import ance to be lonsiiliiisl and acted upon lit thin lime. 'I he report herewith enclosed furuMies a de tilled statement of the uihninhti.itlon of af filrs In the several bureaus of the dcpiitmcnt, us provided by law. It Is noiilhss for me to point out to 3011 the neclty in the immediate future of a liny flic houe for Chemical, No. 1, and for the housing of the engine former! In commivden at Knglnc tompanj o. 1, nnd row held as a ic scne ciulne for the central cit ; nlio for the hotting of tho ladder truck now held in rescne. The lease on the building occupied by Chetniial coiiipiiiy No. 1 csplrcs on Oclobir 1ft, 1MI. The ownei-s of said building arc crowded for loom and aie anxiously awaiting the time when our letw with then will expire. Thus jou will see the neiosslly for new quarters foi the Chemical company, which should be in the nclghboihood where they are .it picsent located. It would bo difficult to piocure suipiblo quar ters for the company on upper Lackawauni .up line or ikltilli, and if Mich a phce coull be found, the lental for the some would neussarlly be cpcnhc. m:v ogin'k iiousi:. I do not think tint a house, such as the de partment requlics, inuli ho rcnlul for le-s tl in sJWI pu ,M'ii. I would theiefoic reeommeiid the puich.ise of a sullihlc site foi a new tngine huuce f-omewhere near tho intPi-ection of litkiuama aid Adams aenue. In thU houo, the hook .md litMer truck or reserve engine could be plteid. 'Hie lot in the teir of the cits hall, origin illy pmth.iscd as a 1m itiun fd .111 engine hnii-i . i-hnuld be impimed Hid .1 building itidilibte to the utr ereited theicm. Tin-, new bou-c i-huuld be KnoiMi is fire and polite heidquirteis. In this building should bo IioiimnI Kiigine loin pm.c No I, mil siith otlur rppn iliis as would lie most deniable foi tin- elliticney of the hiniati of file, lleidquirtcis foi (lie thltf of tho biiieui of liie ml bunk looms foi tin biittau of pnliio should be piuuiled In thU building. Pimison should nl-o be 111 ide foi stipti jntcndcnt of (iii al.uiii telegraph i-stim; also .itnplc loom for the polite piliol w igons and horse. In niv rslliiiate nf expinihliues for the buieiu of pollie, I liaie iiirlutled an item ol 4u,0ik fir tei. legnlir pitiolniru, the nn evilly for whiih is more thin apparent. 1M1II1 this unall iucieue in the poluc force is not adeqinle for the pin tcctlon of the cili, ,iet this snnll number will tiieitly add to the clllcirni.v of tliis important brineli of the ilepartnient of publii Mfely. The experiente of other cities dcnioiistratis that for proper piotcct on there must be at ono polite oilltei for eich l.nno inhibit mis. f tug-ge-t tint the four be innei-ed ft run jear tu jcir, so as to reach (he dune minimum at tlie eirliest po.-llilo elite coiisWint witli the cilj's Im im ill condition. Wlun the ten additional men lne bien s tiueil, .1 Mithcient lmmher should be tit tailed fer dulv at polite hoidqmilois to it.pnntl to .my emergiiic that 111 1 ocim. 'I he cost of .1 lot and the election of two lioii-es, siiih as I hive indlnltd, would not e tettl in.OJH). 'faking into toimideiatlon the amount of itnt now piid bj the c It-, and the adilitioiii! iueiiiso 111 itntul at the pxpli itlon of the leic with the Scr.inton lletlding coinpin. I beht e the mo I ilesii.iblc thing to tin is to i-suo bonds In the sum of vo.OOu foi tin so mm h needed liiiiinciuent-. 'Ibis, iiiin-p. If pui-iied, wouhl be in the interest of iconoinj, as shewn by the follow 'ng tlgurts, ii.: Purine houe No. t, nut now piid per jear U20t) 00 IliHik and I.idder house, lent now piid pel .sen Sin CO fhcniltal company No. 1. .ipproximitid.. HOOIO We are pijing foi the tare of police liorse-. m follows: I'm pitiol wagon teim (so no li h:res foi mouultil ollletis Mill 10 Total ?-U00 CO savinci to 'i am'.w r.ns, ThCM1 liocs can be kept for lfl pei month, Hi? fame as file hornet, a suing of $JiiO Tho tax neee-.nil. levltd to jirovlde for the Inteiost and sinking fund on this loin of !fi,0,fiHi, a-Miuilug Its lliiiltlation in thiity M.irs, wou'd cmount mil. to Tsi.300 pci nniuini. 'I bus, lo. an a Til it inn il iiimuil exitiidlture nf the mmll Mini of s200 for thiity jeirs, the city would find it self posve.s-ed at the mi of this peiiotl of two Hue piopntles whhh It would hue seiiuod for almost nothing: and this does not reckon on the gieally inrie.ised illltlent) of Hie flip and police liiirruw dining tlie tirm nl jeais, the im ilcul. able benefit of whiih to the city need not bo icclted. I dislip lo call your attention to the fact that although the Pioxlilince section of the city has four hose homes and one engine liou-o at t.'ieen Hldge, tlie facilities for fighting fires In that lo tallty arc not whit tluy should be, This Is ow ing to the fact tint the fire in tint fee tlcii are not preperly dletrilnitcd, As the houses art' now located, Ifce company N'o. , Providence Kqiinic; Ilo-e company No, l, comer of North Slain avenue aid Pro Idem 0 road; lln-e company No. 0, on Oik and lliiih fctiects, and lloe coiiipiiiy No. 7, 011 West Mil. ket slit ct. In the third ward, ou will icidlly see that tlicre Is abiolutily nn piotcctlon in iae of fire for the buger portion of the prt ward. I would recommend that Cxielslm lio-o house be xacatcd and a liou-c icntcd for flip pin, tomewhere near the' InttisCttlon of N'titb Main nvenuo and Parker street, thus Increiilng the ctllcleuc.v of tho dcpaitmciit in tlie Providence section of the city. In my otinnte of expenditures for the fiscal jear of l02t I hivo included an Itnn of syto for the rental of a base homo for tlila purpose. I would alia recommend that tho house nnd lut in which llo'c con pauy No, I is now housed be sold mil tint fiom the proceeds of the tale n suitable tliu be puicluscd and a hoa house rtectrd tliercnn for the proper limning of llme company N'o. 1. at a point as indiutcit ubove, 'Hut thu appointment of engineers of stranien should be mule periuaneiit. U of utmost Import am 0 to the olllilint.v of the of lire tan. not be questioned. At pieunt, an oiilln.inen of louiiells lives pie salaiy of t.uli one of tlie Hie cnglneeri appointed ut 2M p;r jear for man ning the I'lulnes. 'Jills iiiiangement has proved vt'iy uiisitUfactory, In some taei, th.-se e-iui. iriis, who aie eU'vhiie nnplovul duiiug the da, c jut nt lespoud to uu a'.aim of fin- in the ilaj-tline, thus leaving their engines wilhoiit an engineer la case of fire; bt-jtilis, Ihu englnu aie pot retelling thu caie they ought to have, a these engineer-! have not the time to devottt tu I lie cleaning and cuing for tliem. I hive in- Roses and Myrrh A delicious mouth and tooth wash. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. MRS. J. EJDONNELL Was Sick Eight Years with Femnlo Trouble and Finally Cured byLydla E. Plukham's Vegetable Compound. "Dexh Mns. Pinkmam: I have never in my life given n testimonial before, but yon havo done so much for mo that I feel called upon to giro you this unsolicited acknowledgement of MBS. JENNIE E. O'DONNELL, President of OnkUnd Wommn'i Biding Clot, the wonderful curative value of JLydla E, plnklmm's Vegetable Com pound. For eight years I had female trouble, falling of the womb and other complications. During that time I was more or less of an invalid and not much good for anything, until one day I found a book in my hall telling of the cures you could perform. I became interested ; I bought a bottle of Lydia E. Plnkliam's "Vegetable Com pound und was helped; I continued its use and in seven months was cured, and since that time I have had perfect health. Thanks, dear Mrs. Plnkham again, for tlie health I now enjoy." Jlns. Jennie O'Donnkix, 278 East 31st St., Chicago, 111. 'fSOOO forfeit if abtut testimonial Is not genuine. Women suffering from any form of female Ills can bo cured by Iijdla E. Pinkhams Vegeta ble Compound. That's sure. Mrs. Pinkliam advises sick wo men free. Address, Lynn, Mass. eluded an Hem of n,fiO0, imtcad of $1,000 tu per la-t vear'a appropriation, for Ave permanent en- ginoen. To my mind, this propoied change is an abo lutn neccultv for tiio good of the Mrviee. , 11.1. Illl-U ..'IMi .V. ftlfVW ,u. ... iuil im-b u. ho.-e. which amount iliould by no means be re duced. 10 sroi1 sTfiixr c.n. I would suggest tint an ordinance be pisted a soon in piactle-iblo, making eeitaln regulations nnd providing adequate i)eiialtie,t for their in fraction. There 'hould be a hvv providing that in e.r-o of an alarm of Hie from anj of the city. br.e-j, tint all ftieH c.n-s give the right of way to ant .itiptr.itu-i. amhulnfo, police paliol ei tompanj N cmeigenev wngnn-e running to duty, .md tint tali i-liill stop until fin-h vehiolea fliall hive pietl, and tint at all times when passing lire house's, emploves on cirs slnll fo redure speed is to ivoid ai. act blent in case of appara tus criuiug out of tuarters 'I he need of legulatiug the running of car-, nn our illy s-treets in tase of an nlaun of fire, is so aipuent, tint no comment is necessary to point out the wisdom of liu'.s provision. tint tlie Stranlon Hoard of Under writirs fiirni-li the superintendent nf the bureau of tire a schedule of losses on building and per sonil pioptrtj bv jiiv fire within thirty dajs after the sune shall have oecurred. I'roXitbng that propel tv ownen or tenants of anv building or buildings shall remove rubbish nnd all combustible wistt- materials within twentj-four liours .ifter being notified by the sitpeiinttndent of fires. l'lovldiiig that owners of buildings shall clean their own rhinincjs at loist once a jear. The passage of an ordininee covering the pro visions suggested, seems to me tunely. The superintendent of the bureau of fire In his leport to mo rcgirding ehininets. hass: "With pioper circ iml attention on the part of citizens, many dismtious Hies might be prevented." During the fall of every .enr, many fires re sult fioin the tib-triiclnl contlllloii of chimneji. While man- of these Hies are trivial, some piovo tbsistious. The clt tiling of lluo at regit lir interv lis would obviate all this trouble. In ipeakmg of eellirs, the superintendent savs: 'The tondition of the telhrsnf many of our biislne-s liou-es is a fcuous eliavvbaek to the tie pirtiiunt when endeavoring to ctinguSh a lire miming tlitreln. Tins dilllcully has been ex pel ienccd on numerous, otca-ions during tlie pa.t jeir." rroi-lon should be nia-lo retutrifg iiierchints to Keep their cellars fiiu frriu lub-bi-li and to provide suitable openings, thus giv ing the fucinen free ingress and egress. In addition, there should be a thorough In miction, with a view of securing a rigoious en forcement of this provision. SCHIIDLT.i: or I.OSSKS. There ran be no nuc-tlon as to the desirability of nn orlmance requiting tlie Iloaid of Under willcre to furnish a schedule of lose on build ings and person il pioperty by any Arc within tidily (lava alter the same shall nave occurred. In the reports fiom the cities rrom this and other stales I find such lo.-es enumerated. The bureau of Ru should be In possession of this inform itiou. Tlie tire alirm tclegiaph sjstem is a proposi tion wlile h must be met sooner or litei and I l.i nvv of no leinon why II should not bo con- side ted at this time. Wldle I do not believe tint the owning of the flic alirm ttdegraph s.vs tcm wtiull jirovo any considerable saving tn tlie tltv, I nevertlieless am cetlaln it would not le anv more expensive the rental of the present s.vslem. The municipal ovvncnhlp of tills utility seemn lo me a step In the right direct'on. ' In t.ilM with ,ou, I hive pointed out I lie necessity of lltting up of epiartcrs wheie the sevirnl bureaus nt this department may be pi iced on one floor, theithy biinglng the director into clon-r touch with the penonnel of the sov eril bureaus. I am satisfied that the change ! would be of gieat benefit to the entire depar'- nifiit. I believe that tlie work now performed by three cieiks could be peiformed by two and If the thtee wile stained they could bo of ai sMince lo t, a superintendent of tho bureau of building Inspection, whu his a.l.ed for a clerk In his bureau. I regret to announce to jou that the plnlc blip penalty of Wo per hundred dollars addi tion il piemluni placed ujoii the insurance rates In this city has as jet not been removed. Im niedlitely alter taMmr the oath eif office as dliee tor of the department of publia tafetj, I icceivccl bids end sub-etuently awarded contracts for cue Metropolitan fire tngine, a most powerful ma chine, and a Haves bidder truck and fifteen bun dled feet ol fiist-chi'H bose, vva3 told at that time tint the purchase of These machines and thin hose was ticeessar.v In eider to have the add!, tloiul rate taken ofT and the rebate niado to nil tliu policy holders who had paid the extta pei centaic. , S.-veial nioiitlii elapied, and jet I had dis covered no sign of the penalty slip being re moved. I then made Intpilrv what other require incuts beoldci the engine, ladder ttuck and lio'e win neces.-arj, I was then furnished with a lUt of rfcomiuen tlitloiH nude bj Inspector W, II. Joluifcon, in Jul), 1SUK. I linmedlaiely anwvvticd to the I'll deiwilteis a,wH lallou ever) iccciuuncndatitiu and fiiinlshid a copy lit Inspector Johnson, who was em the 'ground und made an Inspection at the time, an I was evidently pleased with tlie Im piuvcd condition of the the department, lllltrl.i:V.Yf HE(JUIlll-:.MK.VrS, This U evident flout the fact that all of our pievlous vvcik was acceptable to the inspector and tliu new icnulit-mcrits and additional well; demanded from us In the schedule of recommen dations of October, 1U01, wcio all additional uies and were mtliely Jrrevelant to the earlier icqulrements, wlilcli, a.s I have dated, wtia uvi dully acceptably met by us. The new damands embraced In the schedule ol October, 1001, call for a central fire beidquar. Ins, protecting shutters on tho Mears buibliug und the icmoval of the wooden cupola on this structure, and tlie extension of (he tire limits. Tlie Item coveied by these ictoiuiiicndatioiu, us I undcr.tiiud it, bad nothing whatever to do cilgliially with the imposition of the 5 per cent. Continued en I'a.'c 1 x VETERAN CLERK AGAIN ELECTED GIVEN AN UNANIMOUS VOTE AND CHEERS. Councils in Joint Session Re-elect Martin T. Lavelle City Clerk and Listen to the Reading of Recorder Connell's Annual Message City Fathers Burst Forth in Applause and Call on Clork Lavelle for a Speech Tho Meeting Was Held Under a Flag of Truce. tinder n truce between the wnrrlnp factions of tho lower brunch of coun cils, a Joint cession wus held, Inst night, to receive tho nnnual messnuo of tho recorder nnd elect a city clerk, duties retntilnlnn; unperformed since Monday by rcuson of the contention over the re-organlzutlon of common council. Dy mutual understanding City Clerk Lrtvello culled the roll of both councils, and President Joseph Oliver was elect ed chairman of the joint session. There were thirty-two commoners and eighteen selectmen present, und till voted with enthusiasm to continue Muitln T. I.uvelle In the oHlce of city clerk, which he has so nblv filled for more than twenty years. He was nom inated by Mr. Chittenden, und the nom ination wns seconded bv Mr. ItCKun, Mr. Keller and several others. When Chairman Oliver formally de clared Mr. Lavelle elected for unother term of two years, there was a spon taneous burst of henrtv cheers find cries of "speech," "speech." The man who once refused to let the councils increase his salary and who Is told bv the estimates committee each recurring; year that he can have more pay any time he asks it, showed a fur ther Indication of his innate modesty by blushing like n school girl as he essayed to speak his appreciation of the councils' action. "Mr. Chalrmnn and gentlemen of the councils," he said, In a tone of deep earnestness, "I thank you sincerely for this substantial evidence of your es teem and confidence. 1 attribute my election to your friendship rather than any particular qualification I may pos sess. Councils have always accorded mo the most considerate treatment, and my relations with them have alwaya been of the most pleasant character. I urn deeply grateful to you for your kindness tonlKht and trust no action of mine will ever cause you to regret it." Another burst of applause followed. At the conclusion of the mcetlnjr the members of both branches came to the city clerk to shake his hand, nnd speak tome word of compliment. The reading of Recorder Connell's message then took place. Clerk La velle was forty minutes in reading it. Tho members paid close attention to the reading, despite the fact that it had been printed in the dally papers. When the reading was concluded, Mr. Chit tenden moved that it be tecelved and filed und its different recommendations referred to appropriate committees. The motion prevailed and then the meeting adjourned. ' m Auction Sale. On Thursday, April 10, at 9 a. m., to continue until April 12, the contents of the Irving Hotel, consisting of furnish ings of 100 bedrooms, recently refur nished; bedroom suites, carpets, iron and brass beds, mattresses, springs, bed linen, linoleum, bar fixtures, chairs, two cash registers, safes, hotel omnibus, miscellaneous household goods. E. M. Strong, Auctioneer. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Koot Fase, a powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails, nnd Instantly takes the sting nut of corns and bunions It's the gieatest comfort dicoveiy of the age. Allen's Koot-caso makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it todaj. N)( by all druggists and shoe stores. Don't accept any substitute, llv mail for 2Jo in ttamps. Trill package FREE. Address, Allen b. Olmsted, I.c Hoy, N. Y. Friday From 9 to 12 A. M. Special Bargains Between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock, Friday morning only, we will place on sale 300 of these work stands. Only one sold to a person and none to dealers. LADIES' WORK STAND SSSIjS Uprights, like cut, hand y-ii)i j 2 U1?AX' TfflrtaMhaBnE The New Furniture and Carpet House, 322 Lackawanna Avenue, FOR BEDS We arc showing the finest Hue of Brass Beds ever seen in Scranton. Their finish is perfect. Our Iron Beds cost you about two thirds what you pay elsewhere. Scranton Bedding Co., F. A. KAISER, Manager. Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. vvUvi,AvinvJUvv0Uvviv 3 " Fresh, Glean and Attractive Looking Stock Is a Merchant's Best Advertisement." We read Ilic foregoing, or something to the wine cflcct, recently, and it im pressed us ns being the "Secret nf Smews" In nur liuinesii. Do joii reillro IU ilg nlflc.ince? Xo old stuck nciiunul.itcH In our establishment; well, we keep It not only new and Iredi, but clean and attiautlvc. It couldn't very well be otherwise now. 9 9 3 Black and Colored Dress Goods '0 Tlili stock Is chosen from the best and most noted nnrkcts In Europe and Amcr- 'Sk lea, everj tiling worthy. We nie-m only to nell such goods as will give entire tatla- L faction. Wc not only mean it, but we are doing it, v rj "c'1'l ts a partial INt of things for this scacon: For Tailor-Made Suits y ycncllans, Coverts, Droadclolhs, Kclskln, Thibet, Rain Vioof Suitings. 3 For Gowns and Dresses Mcliose Cloth, Whipcord, Beiges, flranltc, Armnrcs, rrunollas, Batiste, Tamese, Jd JHamlnes, Vollle, Wool Crepe cle Chene, Alhatros, Mistnl. T Evening Shades in I,ansdovuc3 and Wool and Silk and Wool Fabrics. 3 Waist Cloths ifs Fine assortment of fine fabiics for Waists, and all the delicate shadings arc here; ,2 Wco' "id Silk and Wool Goods. French Cliallics in choice new colorings, Satin Stripes ami the like. Among the Black Goods, Mohair Brilllantlncs and Silk Warp Tissues are much, j, in evidence. 3 Every New Variety for this Season S All ever arIng newness of designs. Odd looks and good looks never oddder or :jg better. Too full of life and sparkle to fall out of favor. s u i McConnell & Co. Men's Furnishers. Women's Outfitters. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. -5 mmmmmmMmy.mmmwmmm$ Save Your Quarters Don't Spend Them Don't Lend Them See this space tomorrow. H,H.44f somely finished in gold, with fine silkoline pouch. 25c Bach GO TO THE BEDDING CO Both 'Phonis e i What Are the New Shirt Waists Like? A question everyone is interested in. The season's waists show a great variety of style, the color almost without exesption be ing white. A new pattern is made, yoke front and back, with box pleats stitched flat, 'broad shouldered effect. Decidedly chic for morning wear. The dainty lawn and India mull waists are designed with broad shoulders, blouse front, long waist and tight fitting back. Collins and cuffs are soft, graceful, trimmed like waists, Insortion, embroidery, lace and hemstitched with laid in tucks are combined in those waists, making them a collec tion absolutely above compari son. The advance stock received last week are now on exhibi tion, Como in and see for youiself, Meklium, Scott & Go. 126 Wyoming Ave. 'i ' jKCS 7ta & m -)l 1 41 V D ' 'M . V - -t -,-i ,J -nv && faftfW.M". '&; &mAm?s$$imm!yr4 rawsb. w-gftjaMJ PJ