r$roff ISSlIi jf KHSIBl KPSW12KVSW I , 'v-,l TftE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- '.THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. ----ja-j-j-jjiajtfffcfiBf-T-TJMMffMBMIfe awBBaraaBIHaaMMHBMalMilaaasaaaTi?5BrBMJlfciS TrtTffrnfTiamffl I INI1 K alorafclaTlaiTOfffJIIlllanlalmftfffTiMM ' The News of Carbondale, s yy 1: V hs. '.Sh ' I it. I?- st ft ', 7 I ,- ' ?e. B- ' a M' ft' w: K . n. M: is." itn.r? & FELICITOUS EVENT. The Volunteer Firemen Commended nnd Lauded hi Speeches nt Cele bration of Tenth Anniversary of Andrew Mitchell Hose Company. .Jl Stag Party That Was a Great Success Banquet Followed by a Season of Good Cheer. Lust night was mi uvenlftit "tie In the history of the Andrew Mitchell Hose company o Ciirhondnle, one ot Cai bondnlo's two stalwart and valiant vol unteer lire companies, of which she is so proud. The occasion was the tenth anniver sary of the Mitchell', ten years of life '1IIOMAS 1). CAMI'IIKf.L, l'ic-iiilciit of Milclull Hiw Company. thfit are linked by deeds of sacrifice and valor that shed Rlory on the ca reer of the volunteer lire lads. ,11 was ii most felicitous event, and It will mark an epoch In the history ot the company, which will have wood reason to recall the nlsht that the tenth anniversary was observed. It was nn important and eventful nlsht for two reasons. It was an occasion that fit tingly remembered the venerable citi zen, Andrew Mitchell, nrter whom the company was named, and it was the means of revealing1 the Importance of the factor that the company has been since the organization. Secondly, it was an occasion ot raie social enjoy ment, an affair that bi ought together a splendid gathering of farboudalc'H sons, over 100'guests being present a1io represented the professions anil the highest type of citizenship that the city can boast of. It is rare that there can be found such a representation of the city's life as graced last night's assem bly. Hvery branch of the cltv govern ment was represented fiom the execu tive to Iho humblest public sei vant. This circumstance alone ought to bo of the gieatest satisfaction to the .Mitchell boys. As to the hospitality, it was of the characteristic Mitchell company type. This means It was warm-hearlod and 'generous, and that there were no fillls in dealing it out to the guests. There was no .stilting, no l'onnnlity: a le freshing lieedom sun minded the guests and they mingled with an air of we-feel-quite-nt-home, from the time they exchanged greetings on enteiing until tiiomas r. iii:iini:iiT, ' I'dioiikiii ot Mikhtdl lime ('uiiiiianv, I J tho last clsur was smoked and the chorus of good-nights resounded In the, hail. Andrew .Mitchell, the venerable cltl 'zen, who Is the patron of the company, twas the honored cuest of the evening, 'and It must have been a proud night '.for him, perhaps the proudest he has felt in many it day. All the talks of i FOOD DOES IT. ,; Restores Health' More Surely Than Any Medicine. It Is a short road to trouble when tho i?od,dtoes nqt supply the right material Jjo robuid(tho brain, You cannot use phottriilri'wltfiout breaking down small giartlcles every day, .and you cannot j'ebulld unless tho foo'd furnishes the S',$W.,tynrL.0' btilldlng material, and 3hBfJjlJimH,n,il'nd phosphate of pot i5,Bbs..iS?Ji,,lut'" 'I? Vou get from tho SJlruggist but such as Nature stores In eJpJ!L!i"'ll, Pc food- , , g urape-Nuts contains these particles tnAiWPJ' defined results can bo obtained rcoiiusdug thu toothsome, delicious ood. , , S AnVwIn w;orker whose name can bo fcl.'en hy,,thp Postum. Cq.,,J3utte Creek, pllplt., writes; "Last full I got In u di?s tJieralft condition through excessive ifimqntjjl .work and lack of proper food, Si jynjj, finally compelled to nbupdpn all )U.8tows arid, geek nbsoluto quiet and S'ep.JIiV,tJ.u vpuiitry. R I luuTbeen under the care of a good Mjy8.teJo.u for several mouths, but it Steeeiijfd iny food did not rebuild tho brnln"tjssuo properly, I was on the Aerge of despair when r left for the country, g Down nt the ferry I purchased an Jevenlng Journal and my attention was attracted to the headlines of a Urupt JENuta a'KVeiltJsement width read; 'Food Cure Jura's' Way," I read it euro jfully nd decided to glyo Rrupe-Niits a trial, so next morning I went In on 8;tho newp-'food -und In two weeks', time gultjed'lQ pounds and 'felt like a pew man aljipver,,, ," , S f canaidly believe if t fiaVkliown Iho wremarkabla sustaining power of thuj yhave needed a physician nor would 1 S -. . mmm' 11 lbaveifeai'lt.,kat'tUJi?--' tho night turned In their kindness to him, and speaker after speaker, before ho sat down, turned to Mr. Mitchell nnd paid htm warm tribute for his Interest and his support of the company that Is so creditable to him 'and the city which It serves so faithfully. Conspicuous In the gathering weio the portraits of Mr. Mitchell, ounh guest as he arrived belntr Presented With a large button on which was a splendid likeness of the company's patron. The event took ulaco In Ciernmnlu hall, In the dance room the tables were spread and here the guests, ut ter the cigars and speeches, enjoyed n rare repast, admirably served by Cod dlngton & Thompson, of the Impel lab Appropilutc "washes" went with the various good things of the menu, Prior to the repast, the guests, each one with his portrait of Mr. Mitchell on his coat lapel, assembled In the smoking room, where theie was n highly enjoyable season of speechmak Ing. Thomas K. Campbell, president of the Mitchell's, was a good-natured and happy toaslmaster. The first speaker was Hon. James .T, O'ls'elll, who led tho way for the line tributes that were paid Mr. Mitchell and the Mitchell com pany. Mr. Mitchell, when called upon, was so filled with emotion that he was not able to make a response. He was so overwhelmed with the generous nnd warm-hearted despluy In his honor that he was slleneeo. Following Mayor O'Xelll, the speak ers were: Chief McXully, ex-Councilman T, Jr. Xealon, School Controller II. F. Swlgert, ex-Chairman of Common Council Alex. Kennedy, T. CI. Coughlin, of the Coliunblas and ex-president of the Firemen's Keller association: City Controller Evans. Hon. John F. Hey nolds, 10 r. WAY. Fletcher, ex-Chairman William Collins of common council, V. II. Masters, chairman common coun cil; John A. Blown, of Columbus: Sherirf Charles Armbruster, of Ilones dale, A. K. Jones and Martin O'Mulley. Thomas 13. Campbell, president, and Thomas F. Herbert, foi email, whos'e portraits appear, aie the active spirits of the company and enjoy the warmest friendship and confidence of their as sociates. MISSIONARY MEETING. Women's Society of the Lackawanna Presbytery Will Hold Convention in Presbyterian Church Today. The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the AVomen's Foreign Missionary soci ety of the Presbytery of Lackawanna will take place in this city in the First Presbyterian church today and Friday. The sessions will take place this after noon and evening and Friday nioining. On Friday evening supper 111 be serv ed in the church purlins, The presiding oflUvr at the meeting tomorrow afternoon will be Jtev. Clias. hee. The addiess on tills occasion will be delivered by Key. Mr. Janvier. The devotional meeting 'will be led bv Mis. W. AV. svianlon, of Stranton. The re ports of the treasurer and secietaiy will be heard and Mrs. ,T. 1-Z. Purr wiil read a paper on "J'rogiess of Mission Woilc During the Last Ten Tears." Af ter the programme is finished a 'dele gate will be elected to tepresent the society at the national board meeting. There will also occur an election of ollicers and repot Is of standing com mittees. TOWN TOPICS. Memoiial park Is trying imrd to force a smile of spiiug, though It Is not re ceiving much assistance or encourage ment from Old Sol. However, theie is a suspicion 'of a smile In the big cli cular bed at the eastern end of the p.uk. The tulip bulbs that Parkkeeper Kichurd Cdey planted a few days ago have already pushed 'their heads above ground. The moisture of the past few days has greatly accelerated their giowth and many of ilium are a healthy and pleasing sight, With a few rays of sum-hine, which are not far off, they would begin to bud, and In a few days more, a bed of color would lellect the first smile of spiing. The grass In the pari: grows higher each day and some of the smaller bushes are beginning to show buds. ft wont be but a very few days now until the park will be In the first stage of the beauty with which It greets C.u bondalians from the bright spring time until the melancholy days of fall. It would be quite timely now for Common Councilman Whitfield to res ui'pct the general sidewalk oidlnance which he Introduced In council some weeks ago, but which was not given the reception to which it was certulnly entitled. The backwardness of Carbondule In the matter of sidewalks Is so patent that it would be more humorous than sensible to debate upon tho truth of such a condltloif. While a good deal was done last year by City Knglneer Kupp In compelling property owners to lay sidewalks, over a mile of flag Ing being laid, he was not empoweied to enfoi co the genet ul carrying out of these Improvements, Improvements that are u crying necessity. Theie was needed a general ordinance, like the ono prepared and Introduced by Mr, Whlt lleld, but later uneeririonlously set aside, Hut why this attitude towards such mi Important and leasonablo meusure no one could or can appuient ly explain, The ordinance Is far from being un reasonable. It piovldes that side walks be laid on all streets of the city, the size of the Hug In different localities being specified, where the grade 1ms been established and accepted by tho city, Mr. Smith cannot go ahead and lay sidewalk in front of his property, while his neighbor contents himself with u mud hole, The reform must be consistent, If theie Is an ungraded stieet, tho propuity owneis should peti tion councils to have the thoroughfare graded. After the grade has been ac cepted by the city, It Is obligatory upon the property owneis to sjdewalk the street. Hut no step can be taken until the property owners, that Is a majority of them, have sxpressed their willing ness. It is plain, therefoie, that theio Is nothing wiong about tho measure, It simply paves the way for a general carrying nit out of an Impiovemcnt that Is one jf the biggest factors In a city's grogress. Without well-paved, well lighted and well hept streets, no city ,can inove forward, but without iVopi, It can easily enough retrograde, The Tribune heartily commends Mr. Whitfield's measure to the new coun cils, both nt the behest I of Its own judgment und f.f numeious property owners who appreciate the need of such an ordinance. Speaking of improvements, recalls the I in id gyms mug dm k&kng i 28,500 Collar Buttons at Makers of the collar button that is known the world over, have devised a very clever plan of advertising their buttons through one big repre sentative store in eich of the large cities. They allow us to sell 28,500 only of their Gold-Filled Collar Buttons at Marvelously Low This plan will introduce the "King" Collar Button in and we are willing to do likewise, for the purpose of advertising and giving the thousands of people who will be here this splendid article for practi cally no price at all. Ladies will buy the King Collar Button wherever they find it. It is the best adapted button tor shirt waists on the market. We have every shape and style, and every button is fully guaranteed, and new buttons will be given for every one returned damaged. 10-Kt Gold Filled Col- J lar Buttons, regular value rtQj 10 cents. This sale . . The Great Sale of Newark Shoes Continues to be the topic of the day in the city of Scranton. Thousands of Shoes have been sold the last few days, and thousands more will be ; sold before Saturday night. Shoes for everybody at prices never heard of in Scranton before. Remember the Shoe Sale goes merrily on. cranton's Big Store possibility that the property owners along Parle avenue will see realised this summer the changes which they have waited for with patience and long suffering for years. A petition asking for the impioveinent died with one of the old councils, not last year's though, and since then until the big flood of this year, the project has come downward. The damage which followed from the flooding this year, was due In a meas uie to the absence of sidewalks and gutteis. Xu absolute necessity for thee improvements being forcibly im pressed on the unfortunate property owiieis.uii awakening has taken place and the Improvements will be urged by the more publlc-splilted ones until effected. It was quite refreshing to see the three cars that stood at Main street and Salem avenue while the Grand Opeia house audience was1 leaving after the peiformanee on Tuesday evening. Apropos of the resumption of street car trafllc. the factor which trol ley communication cuts In the attend ance at the Grand was shown on that evening when the biggest audience that has attended one of the higher class attractions was present. When the cars begin to run to Forest City, the attendance will be greatly increased, WEDDED IN NEW JERSEY. William Connell Brings Homo His Bride from the Silk Capital. William Connell, a well known Car bondallan, came home last night with his joung bride, to whom he was wed ded yesterday forenoon at her home In Paterson, N. J. Mrs. Connell was Miss Uachel Mc Nnmarn, one of the fairest daughters of the capital of the silk Industry In this country. She will be welcomed to Carbondale with the best wishes of the numerous friends of her husband. Mr. Connell holds a good position under Foreman Mark Campbell, at No. 1 breaker of the Delaware and Hudson. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Connell, of Woodlawn avenue, this city, witnessed Auxious thoughts sometimes perplex the wife who sees maternity before her. If she is treading an untried path, she sometimes frets herself into a nervous condition which is injurious anil pros trating. If motherhood has already been n painful experience she is apt to shrink from the coining trial ami by Jier very mental anxiety mcrease thej possibility of her suffering, There is no cuise for anxiety for those prospective mothers who use Dr, Pierce's b'avorite Prescription. It trantjuilies the nerves, encourages the appetite, in duces refreshing sleep and produces mental cheerfulness as well as physical vigor. It gives strength and muscular elasticity so that the baby's advent is practically painless. It is the best tonic for nursing mothers. "I am m thankful for what rr. Pierce's fa vorite Prescription lias done for me,"' writes Mrs. John T. Smith, of Slocati, 111 It. Col., llox 50. "It helped me through the loug months Ixforc baby came and 1 bnvc a his, btront; tuby girl, the most healthy uf the three, ami it cured me of a disease which was taklug away all my strength." The dealer who oilers a substitute for "Favorite Prescription" does so to gain the little more profit paid ou the sale of less meritorious medicines. His profit is your loss, therefore accept no substitute. Dr, Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser sent free. on receipt of stamps to cover expense of mailing only. Bend at one-cent stamps tor the book in paper coyersj or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr, R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, The Sale Begins Saturday SEE WINDOW the nuptials which were solemnized In one of the Catholic churches at Pater son. Last night, after the newly wedded couple reached the city on the S.33 Del aware and Hudson train, they repaired to the furnished home that awaited them on Connell avenue, on the West Side, where a reception was tendered them. The occasion was of hearty fel icitations, and of much social enjoy ment. II r. nnd Jlrs. Connell will commence housekeeping in their home on Con nell avenue, amid the well wishes of their fi lends. WILL LIVE IN THE WEST. Several Persons from This Vicinity Change Their Residence. Several persons f 10111 Carbondale and vicinity left this week for the far West, which they Intend to make their future home. David Bengojigh and William Kren ser, of Jerniyn, left Tuesday night over the Erie for Trinidad, Col., where they have secured piofitable employment. Mrs. David Hill, of Jermyn, left last evening over the Erie for Yotmgstown, Ohio, where she will join her husband who lecently secured employment there. Frank McDermott and John Madlgau left here Monday night for Denver, Col., where they will locate. Both are well known, having been prominent among the young men of the town for years, The well wishes of many friends go with the young men. CARBONDALE JURORS. Those from This City Who Will Serve Next Month. Carbondale is well represented In the list of jurors drawn yesterday to serve during the weeks of May 1L 19 and 20, For the week of May 12 aie: Dwlght Crane, P. A, Duffy, John O'Rourke.John J. Simpson, John J. Moflltt, William Hounds, Edward Claiitson. Week or May 19 W. W. Watt, Alvln W. Daley, Common Councilman Ervfn Stone, William II, Jleese, Morgan Thomas, Week of May 2fi George M. Simrell, Itobert If. Tralles, Eugene Hudson, T, J. .Smith. No Manager Selected Yet. Clark Bros,, of Scranton, who are to open a general store In the Attken and Albrecht buildings, have not chosen their malinger as yet, He will be a Caihondnllan, though, and will bo the choice of several applicants now under consideration, l, v, Lavln, who man aged the Peckvlllo store until It was destroyed by (lie, will be In charge of the dry goods department. f. F. Lai kin, of this city, is now In charge of the clothlpg department of the Scranton store, will come here in the fall to assume the same duties here, Selling Clgais. Peter F. Lynch, a well known young man of the town, lias obtained a prom ising place ns traveling salesman for W, H, Heck, of Deposit, N. V manu facturer of the "Baton" and the "Kile Pay Car" cigars. Mr. Lyuch's territory Is from Forest City to Wllkes-Barre. Ho Is particularly adapted to his new position and Is likely to bo more than ordinarily successful, Meetings of Tonight. George 3. Randolph Camp, Sons of Veterans, Branch 39, q. M, B. A. Carbondale Canton, No. 40, Patriarch Militant. The Sick List. Robert Cox is out again ufter a severe Illness of the mumps. Miss Elsie ItopHlger Is 111 with the grip, at her home on Wyoming street. Made a Splendid Impression. Among the visiting clergymen to Car bondale this week wus Rev. D. D, Jen kins, II. I)., of Unlondale. Rev, Mr. Jenkins was heic on Sunday, and tilled at 10 O'clock Sharp. a very short time. The manufacturers are willing tn nse 14-Kt Gold Filled Collar Buttons, regular value 15c. For this sale '. . DISPLAY OF KING COLLAR BUTTONS, the pulpit of the Welsh Presbyterian church. He preached In the morning and evening, in English at one service and Welsh at the other. There was an Increased attendance at each service, and tho interest manifested by the con gregation indicated the splendid im pression that the visitor made. Rev. Mr. Jenkins Is assured of a cordial wel come and the undivided interest of tho members of the church on the occasion of u tetuin visit. 1 SEEK NEW FIELDS. A. W. Haslam and George Griswold Leave the City. Two young men who have been con splcious in the business life of Carbon dale leave here this week, one for Wllkes-Barre, the other for Scranton. Arthur W. Haslam leaves today to take up his residence with his family in Wllkes-Barre. Mr. Haslam, it will be remembered was advanced from the position of local repiesentative of the International Correspondence schools to a position on the road as special agent. As Wllkes-Barre Is more convenient to his duties he decided to locate In Luzerne's capital. Mr. Haslam Is known as "Hustling" Haslam, so ener getic and enterprising is he, and he is sure to achieve far greater success In his new field. He leaves here with the satisfaction that he won a host of friends whose best wishes accompany htm and Mrs. Haslam who was a favorite In her social set, George Griswold has gone to Scranton to assume the duties of assistant super intendent for the Prudential Insurance company in that glty. He held a sim ilar position in this city. Mr. Griswold enjoyed the warmest friendship of his associates, who ban tiuetted him nt the National hotel. He has the earnest wishes of success from his many Carbondale friends. A DISTINGUISHED VISITOR. Daughters of Rebekah Entertain Their State President. Lucretla. lodge, Daughters of Rebekah had a distinguished visitor on Tuesday evening, Mrs. Annie Cogswell, the state president of the order. Present at the reception were delegations from vicin ity lodges. Mrs. Cogswell witnessed an exhibition by the degree team of Luoretla lodge, und declared In her commendation, that the exhibition was a revelation to her. A luncheon followed tho exercises and happy addt esses were made, Mrs. Cogswell will be accompained on her visits by Miss Mary Hughes, of this city. Funeral of Raymond McLaughlin. Raymond the little sou of Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin, formerly of Fallbrook street, this city, died Tuesday night at the present homo of the family lit Scranton, The child was two years and six months old and had been 111 about a week with membraneous croup. The lemalns will bo hi ought to this city this afternoon, arriving on the :i.W D. & II. train und will bo talteu to St. Rose cemetery for Interment. Funeral of John Martin, The late John Martin, who died Fil day morning In Emergency hospital, wus taken Jesterdny from the Purple Undertaking company's establishment, wheio be was prepared for burial to tho home of his daughter, Mrs, Joseph Harris, 202 Belmont street. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock, services at the Han Is lesldeuce. Burial will be in Maplewood cemetery. Doing Jury Duty This Week. The following well known residents of Carbondalo are doing jury duty this week In Scranton; D. W. Humphrey, Robert A. Jordan. I', F. Coogun, J. P, II, Raynor, Robert Campbell, Charles Rogers, J. J. Nell!, Thomas Lynott. Result of Case from West Side. The assault und battery cuse of Mrs. 4 and XA Price The King Collar Button Co. XJg$?3j' r The Silver King Collar Q Button's regular value 25c. XP For this sale W Bridget O'Mulley against Patrick Scott was tried in criminal court at Scranton yesterday, and resulted in a verdict of not guilty, the defendant to pay the COStK. The case was somewhat trivial. The parties are neighbors on the West Side. Mrs. O'Mulley said something that riled Scott, who, it is claimed, struck her. The testimony, however, was not clear, and the jury, while they exonerated Sco.tt in a sense, decided that he ought to be mulcted lor the costs for the part he played in the episode. DAVIS-PETERS. T,wo Popular Carbondale Young People Married Last Evening. The Baptist parsonage last evening was the scene of a quiet wedding, when Mr. Henry N. Peters and Miss Sarah Davis, were united In marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. J. Whnlen, D. D assisted by Rev. Ernest Melville, pastor of St. James' Episcopal church, of Fort Edward, N. Y., a guest at the parsonage. They were unattended. The bride was gowned In a beautiful brown bronzed silk, with trimmings oi white-tucked silk, brown velvet, and white npplque. She wore a hat of beautifully delicate cream straw, and white kid gloves. She is the only daughter of our well-known townsman Daniel M. Davis, a member of the Berean Baptist church, and an active worker In the several depaitnients of the church's work. Tho groom Is one of the most highly esteemed among Carbondale's young men, and holds a. responsible position among the conductors of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad company. After the ceremony, they were driven at once to their nicely furnished home, In the Oliver house, No. SS Wyoming street, wheie a. lecoption was given to near relatives and friends. A large circle of friends will extend' heartiest good wishes to these young people as they set out on life's journey. A rather pleasing accompalnment was the fact that at the hour of the cere mony, tho lecture audience was as sembling at the church, and a large circle of the young people were gather ed at the gate to receive the young couple us they arrived, and shower them most bountifully with lice as they departed In 11 highly decorated caniaRe for their new home. An Evening with Longfellow. The audience that assembled at the Berean Baptist church last evening were delightfully entertained by Rev. Ernest Melville, who Is known to Car bondale people as "The Interpreter of tho Poets." His Interpretation of Tennyson In last year's people's lec ture course won for him many ad mirers amuim; our literary people, and they were delighted to find Mr. Molvlllo ns truo an Interpreter of our American poet, us of the great laureate ot his native land. In selections from the poofs writings ho showed tho skill of a master In tho art of expression, it Is the hope ot the trustees to Introduce Mr. Melville again next year for "An Evening with Shakespeare," Miss Llewellyn Elected Teacher. Miss Julia Lewilyn, of Piko street, ship lias been elected a, teacher In Fell township to succeed Miss Catliatino Taking' Desperate Chances. It Is true that many contract slight colds and recover from them without taking any precaution or treatment, and a knowledge of this fact leuds otheis to take their ehunees instead of giving their colds tho needed attention. It should be borne In mind that every cold weukens tho lungs, lowers the Vitality and makes tho system less uble to withstand each succeeding cold and paves tho wuv for more serious dis eases. Can you afford to tttko such des perate chances when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for Its cures of colds, can bo hud for a trifle? For sale by all druggists. Prices mnr? than thpir nenat -nfu Kelly, who has been added to the corpsi of Carbondale teachers. She is a grad uate of the Carbondale high school anil has the essentials of a good teacher.' An Exceptional Repertoire Company The May Flske company which opein at the Grand tonight for five perfor mances. Is an exceptionally fine reper toire company.. Miss Fiske is consider ably above the ordinary soubrette and she has surroundeTl herself with a com pany of exceptional merit. In tin: booklns of the comnimv. Mnvfnsrpr Byrne considers himself quite fortunate! A leature of the attractions are Mrsl Gen. Tom Thumb and her midget hus-4 band the baron. The opening perforJ mance will bo tonight, when "The Little Mairnet." will be nrodiieerl. Theiv will be an abundance of good special ties. There will be show cars after tho performance for points down the valley and north as far as the city line. McGowan Cases Settled. The reunion or Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan, through their marriage be fore Alderman Howe in Scranton on Saturday last, was the means of wiping out of the three cases against Mc Gowan, which were marked for trial In criminal court yesterday. When the cases were called, in all ot which Mrs. McGowan would have to appear against her husband to serious ly accuse him, It was announced to Judge Edwards that the couple were now re-united and seemingly forgetful of those happenings. When it was further represented to the court that Mrs. McGowan had no Intention to appear now, tho cases were marked nol prosse and the costs placed on the county. In disposing of the matter, Judge Edwards took occasion to pay a com pliment to Constable Edward Neary, o this city, for his promptness la having his cases ready for trial when called, and ot his good judgment In disposing of cases when the ends ot justice might bo served without going to the expense and delay of a trial. In explanation It might be mentioned that the prosecution of the cases rested largely with the constable. He appre? elated the circumstances, however, and urged the disposition of the cases that was afterwards made by the court, Butler Goodwin's Death, The lute Butler Goodwin whose death was reported hi yesterday's Tiibuuo was forty-two years of ago and was born In this city about twenty years ago. For a considerable time ho had been employed hi W. E. Filsblo's shoo shop on Church street. Ho Is survived by a wife, two sons, George and Louis: two daughteis, Cora and Martha, and 0110 sister, Mrs, Mary Kern, all of this city. The funeral will tako place this after noon. Services will be held at tho house nt three o'clock after which burial will bo made In Brookslde ceme tery. The Passing Throng, Edward Stevons, of Summit avenue, spent yesterday In Scranton. S. W. Bogert and W. S. Found, of Wllkes-Barre, wcro at the American house yesterday, To Cure n Cold in One Day Take Laxutlvo Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists rofund the money If It fulls to cure, E. W. arove's slgnaturo Is on each box. 25c, Every Woman about lUfl wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray HieuewUfiuliijriaf'. ,' (lull " oucnoM. iii-.- lltUlu.t.lnlUnll;, t.' 'Mm Aba f our druiyUt for II. Irttctunnotatiuiilr tho .11 UIVHI.. uiMcut 11a otl er. Nit Mud tuiiu for II lUkLrated liookfcaalfd.lL ulvca f 1 11 tifirtliulara anil illrct linns Id -il'niUIlol.idlM, MAHVfchC'O.f Hoom 69, Times Bis-, New Veit K