The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 09, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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p. 4
Fin, 9
D. D. Evans Named for President;
Jenktn T. Reese, for Vice-President;
Wallace O. Moser, for Secre
tary, and William Farrell, for
Treasurer Mr. and Mrs. Collins',,
Sixteenth Anniversary Child Bit
ten by a Dog Gamma Nu Enter
tainmentOther Notes.
The weather Interfered somewhat Inst
night with the attendance at the refill
lnr monthly meeting of the West Side
hoard of trade In the Electric, dtv
"Wheelmen's club house, and compara
tively little business was transacted.
The principal action was the nnnunl
nomination of officers, which resulted
as follows:
For president, V. D. Kvnns: vice
president, Jenkln T. Iteese: secretary,
Wallace O, Moser; treasurer, William
Farrell. The election will take -place at
the leguliir meeting in May, when the
nnnuiil lenorts of officers will be sub
mitted. President Danlelf reported having re
ceived n communication from the
Scranton board of trade, stntinir thut
ihey had acted adversely In the matter
of making u test rnse in court of the
Increased water rates, hence they will
not co-operate with the local board in
the matter.
The report of the viaduct committee
was discussed, but no action was taken,
as they are waiting for a decision In
the case now pending In the Supreme
court. It wns reported that the Su
preme court recently granted a rehear
ing in the case.
Vr. AV. Rowland Davles called the at
tention of the board to the denlorable
condition of South Main avenue, be
tween Oxfoid street and the city line,
and the secretary was directed to com
municate with the director of public
works and ascertain if any improve
ment can be made.
Action on the water rates and via
duct cjuestlons were deferred until the
next meeting, when it is expected there
will be :i linger attendance.
Sixteenth Anniversary.
Mr. and Mr... K. T. Collins, of 1115
West Locust street, had a double cele
bration Monday evening. It was in
honor of their sixteenth wedding anni
versary and the visit of their aunt, Mrs.
The Bct l'anill.v Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
for Sal" by
101 S. Main ave.
I Warehouse
Be careful about' buying Dry
Goods. We alwavs are.
Have you thought of the ad
vantage of buying goods here?
We do the weeding and wor
rying; for you there is only a
question of taste.
Fine Silks
s Moire Silks
in white, black and all the new
shades. Candor compels us to
say that seldom have you seen
a nioie worthy assortment.
I Spotproof Black Habntai
This Silk is most desirable on
account of its not spotting with
rain and its wearing qualities.
Wide Width Black Taffeta
and Pcau do Sole, meant for
Silk Long Coats. Extra strong
wearing dualities and modest
Globe Warehouse
Always fumed for our Linens,
wo wero never better able to
live up to the reputation than
I Globe Warehouse
B. Caddlck, of Wales, to thin country.
The event occurred jointly at tho Col
lins home and tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Owens, 1115 West locust
street. The homes were tastefully dec
orated, under the direction of Will
Jones, of J, D. Williams & Bro., and
consisted of bunting, flags, flowers,
hearts, etc.
Selections were rendered by members
of the Jackson Street BaptlBt church
choir, under tho leadership of Prof.
Lewis Davis, Other vocal, instrumental
and phonographic selections were given,
tho latter under tho direction of Will
Jones and Will Owens. Prof. William
Lewis, of Wllkes-Barre, rendered piano
Mr. and Mrs, Collins were the recipi
ents of many presents, Including cut
glass, china, etc. At a late hour re
freshments were served. Those present
Prof. William Lewis and Mrs. Jemima
Lewis, of Wllkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Davis, llev. and Mrs. Thomas dc
Gruchy, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Roberts,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Reynolds, Mr. und
Mrs. Frank Neave, Mr. and Mrs. Mor
gan Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wat
kins, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Owens.
Misses Norma Nlcholls, Jennie Price,
Elizabeth Howells, Elizabeth Jenkins,
Mrs. S. Caddlck, Mrs. John Harris, Mrs.
Thomas Mathlns, Mrs, Morgan, Mrs.
Serine, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Price.
Prof. Lewis Davis, John Lewis, Will
Davis, John Ulnehardt, Will Jones,
Misses Corinne Collins, Hazel Collins,
Clyde Owens, Howard Collins, Russell
Gamma Nu Entertainment.
A well-pleased audience attended tho
entertainment nnd social In the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church last
evening, given under the auspices of
the Gamma Nu society.
The Bible school orchestra rendered
several selections, and Miss Freda
Knnn sang some popular coon songs.
Misses Barrowmnn nnd Biell and H. L.
Tyler played piano selections, and Miss
Edith May recited in a clever manner.
Vocal and instrumental selections were
also given by Miss Florence Robertson
and A. E. Morse. At the close, Ice cream
and cake were served.
Noted Temperance Worker.
The people.of West Scranton will have
the pleasure of hearing a noted tem
perance worker next Saturday and Sun
day evenings, in the .person of William
R. Irvin.
He will speak at the Bellevue Welsh
Calvinlstlc Methodist church Saturday
evening and at the Jackson Street Bap
tist church Sunday evening. '
Mr. Irvin Is an indefatigable worker
in the temperance cause, and all who
attend these meetings will profit there
by. Admission free.
C. T. A. TJ. of A. Encampment.
Arrangements for the first annual
encampment of the First regiment of
the Catholic Total Abstinence union of
America arc well under way, and tho
en mo will be iormally opened at Lake
Loclore on Friday, July IS.
Excursions will be run to tho lake
during the encampment. The regi
ment will be composed of twelve com-
Table Linen
Here is one Item of interest:
72-inch Tnblo Damask, bleach
ed, and variety of patterns
Pansy, Hose, Moiien, Fern,
Polka Dot, Flour de Lis, Tulip,
Clover-leaf, and tho price is
$1.00 a Yard
Napkins to match.
$3.50 a Dozen
Globe Warehouse
Here's a bargain in Dress
Goods. Embroidered Snowllake,
Tissue, set figure; tho colors
nro Pink. Blue, Oxblood and
Black Grounds, the Snowllake
showing In white, of course.
This Is a handsome new fa
bric, that will undoubtedly
catch tho feminine taste.
The goods are worth 65 cents
a yard.
Our (Price 49c
There's a big assortment of
nil kinds of Embroideries here,
Headings of all kinds, Wash
Galloons, Fine Allovers, Tuck
Ings, Laces, Insertlngs. Flouuc
Ings in all the new patterns.
Nainsook, Swiss and Cambric,
22 to 44 Inches .wide,
35c to $4.50 a Yard
Let us show them to you,
fan lop, and already G6d men have been
It was expected the state guard tents
Would bo secured, but Inasmuch as the
National Guard of Pennsylvania will
bo In camp at the same time, the
Catholic regimental ofneerfl have pur
chased a sufficient number of tents
from Plckln & Thomas, of Philadel
phia. .
The second qunrterly convention of
the Catholic Total Abstinence Union
societies of the Scranton diocese will
be held next Sunday afternoon at Ml
nookn, under the auspices of the local
Scranton Choral Society.
The Scranton Choral society will meet
on Friday evening of this week nt St.
David's hall. Hereafter the rehearsals
will be held on Wednesday nights regu
lnrtv. Next week tho membership of the
society wilt be augmented by a number
of good singers from Taylor.
Much work on this intricate chorus
remains to be done and tho time is
drawing near when the great competi
tion for the $1,000 prize will take place
at the new armory. ,
Tho conductor desires to make nn
earnest request that all members make
an effort to attend every rehearsal.
Tonight tho executive committee will
hold a meeting at Johns' shoe store.
Installation of Officers.
The following ofllcprs were Installed
by Deputy Grand Worthy President
Seth Jones, at the meeting of Ripple
division, No. 45, Sons of Temperance,
held at Jted Men's hall on Monday
Worthy President, Joshua Ellas;
worthy assistant, George Griffiths;
tieasurer, J. D. Lewis; financial secre
tary, Thomas Thomas; recording sec
retary, D. H. Williams; assistant re
cording secretary, Francis Beacham;
conductor, Bert Thomon; chaplain,
Harry Jenkins; Inside sentinel, J. W.
Jones; outside sentinel, D. H. Jones;
past worthy president, Thomas G.
Black Diamonds Will Play.
A match game of ten pins will be
played tomorrow evening on the Elec
tric City Wheelmen's alleys, between
the Black Diamonds and the Electric
City Wheelmen tean. The line-up will
be as follows:
Black Diamonds Gorman, Gold,
Foley, Beavers, Pryor. Electric City
Wheelmen Wettllng, McCracken, Wil
liams, Davis, Owens. The game will
be called at 8 o'clock.
Names of Artists.
At the concert to be held In the Ply
mouth Congregational church on Fri
day evening, the following artists will
appear: Miss Florence H. Richmond,
pianist; William V. Griffiths, trombone
soloist; Miss Beatrice Enid Morris, re
citer; J. T. Watklns, baritone soloist;
Frederick J. Wldmayer, violinist; Miss
Mame Niland, soprano soloist; Tom
Miles, cornet soloist.
An official programme of the concert
will appear in these columns In a few
da vs.
Child Bitten by a Dog.
Llsszie, the 10-year-old child of Mr.
and Mis. Ace, of North Decker's court,
was bitten by a dog yesterday on the
hand and leg. Several children were
playing with the animal at North Main
avenue and Howell street, when the
animal snapped at them.
The child was hastily taken to the
West Side hospital, where the wounds
were cauterized. Patrolman H. T.
Bradshaw was notified and shot the
Funeral of Sirs. Gertrude Staples.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Gertrude
Staples will take place this afternoon
at 2.30 o'clock from the late residence,
322V4 North Hyde Park avenue. Inter
ment will be made in the Dunmore
cemetery, instead of the Washburn
street cemetery, as has heretofore been
A car will be waiting this afternoon
at 3 o'clock, at Main avenue and La
fayette street, to take to the cemetery
persons attending the funeral who de
sire to go there.
Events of This Evening.
Installation of officers, Sloeum lodge, Xo. 970,
Independent Order of Odd rcllons.
Entertainment and tocial of Scranton Alumni
Base. Bill club at St. David's hull.
Meeting of tlie I.ojal Ornsidets in Sunday
school loom of I'iict Welsh C'ungiegational
on South Main avenue.
A talent nodal will b! held this evening at tho
home ol Mrs. Jennie Williams, on South Hyde
Paik avenue.
A bos bird fchnotiug matth lecentlv, between
Hairy Shambcrg and Victor Maers in tho Key
ser Valley, resulted in a tie, each bavins .shot
sit birds, The match was then postponed until
a later date.
Tho regular weekly social of the Colonial Danc
ing class was held in WasbliiRlun hall last even
ing, and is attended bj a large number of
.voting oeoule.
Mr. and Mi. Ilenuml Mdleunott, of Vrlce
Mreet; ilr. and Mis. Mjion Cobb, of Jiekson
l-tieet, and Mi. nnd Mis. I'liliniun. of "outli
riroinley iivenue, have new at their ic-kpect-he
The I.adio' Choral sndrl.v, under Ihc direction
of Mrs. 1), II. '1 bonus, belli n hiNlnrsj meeting
and lebeaisal last veniii(c In the ltobert Moirh
lodge, looms, Matters peilainliu to the coming
eisteddfod vveie considered and acted upon.
A number of Washburn street property owiera
held a nicotine m the Flench Hoof hotel Inst
evi'iilmr, for tho purpose of discussing mjs nnd
means for having the stio:t embed in front
of their propirlles.
The Oxfoid Glen dub held a pig roast in Co.
operative hall last cvrnli'g, which wan well at
tended anil proved to be an enjoyable all ilr,
John Ilaldivin, Jamc4 Murphy. John Sliaush
ncsy, frank MeDoiioiigh and John llurl.c will
represent St, Leo's lutlallun at tho feeond rpur
teily Catholic Total Alutliienta union convention
in Mlnooka next bundiy.
William Honey, (leorgc l)ori.e,v and Joseph
Shaffer, of Mount Dewey, who vveie arraigned
before Alderman Moses, charged with stealing
lioiuohold L'ooil.i from a' barn on South Kcyxer
avenue, belonging to Adam Willi, were ills
charged, the evidence being insufllclent to hold
Daniel II. Davie?, of Xevv Voik, Is circulating
among iclatlvcj and filcudd in town.
ClirUt's church chape) lias been improved by
a trt of good substantial stone Blq recently.
Some grading lias al.-o been done about tho
church croundj.
Notice lias been served on the property owners
of Woodlavvn Park and North Washington avenue
lo the Country club repairing them to lay flag
stone sidewalks.
The Woiiuii'h Chiistian Temperance union of
firceu Itldge will meet this afternoon at 3 o'dock
in the r.vangcllcal church on f'apouse avenue. A
coidlal luv llatlou is extended to all.
Allow cough to run until It gels bejoiul (he
retell of medicine. They often n.v, "Oh, it will
wear awsy," but in most cites it will wear
(hem sway. Could they be i'lducrd to try tha
successful medicine tailed Kemp's IliUam, vvblsh
is sold on a positive guarantee) to cure, they
would Immediately see tha excellent effect af
ter taking the llrst dose, i'rlcn 23c. and (0e,
trial :iu fice. At ill drvurgUU.
Game Was Marked by Some Very In
teresting' Plays Officers of Celes
tial and Lincoln Lodge of Odd
Fellows' Were InstalledEn
tertainment in the Y. W. O. A.
Parlors on Friday Night John
Gerrity Is In a Serious Condition.
Other News Notes of Interest.
Tho North End Stars added another
victory to their list last night, by de
feating the High Works team, com
monly called the Indians, by the score
of 14 to 7.
During the second half of the game,
Thomas McCluskle, of the Stars, threw
the star basket of tho game from the
center of the hall. Tlgue and J. Mc
Cluskle, of tho Stars, and Kane, of the
High Works team, did the star playing
throughout the game. Following wus
tho line-up of both sides:
Stars J. McClUBkle, right forward;
Skiff, loft forward; Tlgue, center; Jones,
right guard; T. McCluskle, left guard.
High Works Kane, right forward;
Wells, left forward; Elllgy, center;
Marlon, right guard; Ready, left guard.
Goals were thrown from the field by
T. McCluskle, Tlgue and J. McCluskle,
for the Stars, and Kane and Wells, for
the High Works.
Officers Installed.
The Celestial lodge. No. 823, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, installed the
following recently elected officers, at
the Auditorium, Monday evening: Noble
grand, Ralph Von Storch; vice-grand,
William T, Roberts; recording secre
tary, William Case; treasurer, W. C.
Co wells; trustee, O. D. Myers.
The Lincoln lodge, No. 492, independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, also installed
their officers for the ensuing term, In
Osterhout's hall, on the same 'evening.
The officers follow: Noble grand, Thom
as Lewis; vice-grand, James Morgan;
financial secretary, William Johnson.
The Installation of both societies was
assisted by George Harper, of Dun
more, district deputy grand commander.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
A fine programme is being prepared
for a musical entertainment to be given
In the association parlors, Friday even
ing. April 11, at 8.30 o'clock. Miss Clara
Browning, of the Scranton Conserva
tory of Music, will be pianist; Mrs. Jes
sie Phillips Smith, soloist; Mrs. Will
iam McDonnell, Miss Ruth Jackson and
Miss Grace Atherton, piano trio. Other
musicians from the central city will
take part. An offering will be taken for
the new association piano. Both men
and women are Invited to attend.
The Ladies' Missionary society will
meet next Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock
in the association parlors. Subject for
the meeting is "India," Several inter
esting papers will be read by the mem
bers. A very helpful course of mis
sionary study will bo taken up at tho
The annual subscription for the for
eign missionary board must be paid this
month, and all ladles are asked to bring
their dues of one dollar on next Friday,
or give them to Mrs. Frank Clark, the
treasurer, that this matter may be at
tended to promptly. All ladles are cor
dially invited to be present at the meet
ing on Friday, whether members of the
society or not.
To Repeat Easter Music.
Lovers of sacred music In church
worship will welcome the announce
ment that the elaborntfi FtantPt- fcctlvnl
of music of the Providence Presbyterian
church will be rpnpntprl nert SnVihii
evening. Choirmaster C. F. Whlttemore
win nave present his entire choir of
thirty voices. Mrs. McDonnell will b
oruanlst: Miss Clara Toni vlnllnlat.
Miss Smith, soprano soloist. The other
soloists will be Miss Annie Morgan.
Miss Griffin and Thomas Morgan and
Howard GrifTln.
The choir will also be assisted by
Floyd Heberling, basso, and W. A,
Roberts, the popular baritone, who will
sing "The Resurrection," by Rodney.
The high and even artistic, as well as
worshipful character of the Easter
music in that church this year, as well
as a general lequest, is a reason why
me programme should have a repeti
John fierritj, an arcd resident of McDonough
avenue, while going towards home on West Mar
ket street, jestcrdaj, was seized with a peculiir
pain and fell to the sidewalk with jrrcat force.
Ho was picked up by several bystandeis and ie
moved to his home, wliero he now lies in a criti
cal condition.
The Woman's ChrMlan Temperance union will
meet Thursday afternoon nt 8 o'clock-, in 'he
Young Women's ChrMlan asociatlon looms on
North Main avenue. All women arc invited tn
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the rirt Primitive
Methodist church, of Dast Market street, opened
their fair and festival last evening. Theie was
a gwnd display of useful and fancy article".
The ladles were kept liiy at the booths by the
large number of persons present. This fair and
festival will be continued this evening, and chve
tomorrow evening, feupper will i seived each
Ihc Cambrian Holding te.un will pity a ma'ch
game vvllb a picked team nt the Noilh Scranton
bowling allejs toinoirovv- evening.
The inemlicrs of Oreen Uhlgc castle, Knights
of the Mvstie Chain, are icrpieitcd to bo pics
cut at their meeting next Monday evening.
Dr. William Donne, of Oak street, is suffering
from an attack of giip,
Ml-s llcline Iluslandcr cnlcitaliied, on Sunday,
Miss Plorey, of Fcranton.
Marry Dean, of i-cranton, will move his family,
this week, Into his new home, which he recently
bought of S, IX Finn,
"CliiistophcT, Jr." Is the name of the play,
which tho well known and popular linert.on.iloi',
Wlliard D, llovvo will, give in Ihc llaptist church
on Friday evening of this week, Mr, Howe pos
sesses unusual ability as an entertainer and his
appearance at Ibis time will be a literary treat,
The admission will bo 20 cents, and at the dose
of the impersonations ice cream will be sold.
iltss F.dna Jones lias procured a position with
the International Correspondence Schools, Scran,
ton. i
Miss Mima Tiffany, who is a tiookkccpcr in
WilUa-Uarre, pci)t Sunday ntlh her parents here,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Montague spent Sunday
In Foster,
A new library has been placed in the Sunday
school of the Uaptist church.
Itev. A. W. Cooper Is one of the .ciamlners
this car of the students seeking admission into
the Wjoming conference, lie will leave here en
Monday next for Wavctly, N. V to attend to
his duties at the coming annual conference.
Fred 1'aliner lias been confined to lib home for
a few days with tonsil I Hi.
The funeral of tho lato James Melody, who
died at Mi home, 713 Madison avenue, Monday,
will lake place this morning ,at 'J o'clock. A
solemn high mass of requiem will bo celcbritril
in St. 1'aul's church, Clrccn Illdje. lutcrnvnt,
will be made lu Uumnorc Catholic cemetery.
m mmwHRzUufiXTrMmmrW
Well Known
The various processes of manufacture has been a
continual study in the Porosis' ' factory for many
years. The standard this Ladies' Shoe has attained is
acknowledged throughout the wide, world. We have
no doubt there are some ladies who have not yet tried
the "Sorosis," especially in this city, as they have
only lately been introduced by us. But those who
had been sending their order to New York and Phila
delphia were delighted to know that the famous
4 Porosis' ' make could be had here. The perfection
of style and model of this Ladies' Shoe gives the
wearer a degree of comfort that is greater and more
satisfying than that of any other (j2 CA n(xr nnr
Women's Shoe made $0.dV ICI )ail
standard of excellence which has been attained by
these well known shoe makers. It's not necessary
for us to describe the good points or leather qualities
of this shoe. The name "Hanan" stamped on a
man's shoe is all that is necessary to convince you
that it's the perfection of shoe making. The "Blucher"
and "Colonial" Oxford is the newest for this season.
See them in our corner show window.
tor the Little Gents we have a variety of
Swell Shoes, both in Oxfords and Lace.
Samter Brothers,
Hon. John P. Qulnan, the Twelfth
Ward's New Bepresentatlve in
the Select Council.
lion. John P. Qulnnan, the Twelfth
ward's new representative in the select
council, is a man who Is bound lo be
a prominent figure In that body dur
ing tho next four years.
Mr. Qulnnan has had large exper
ience In deliberative bodies and for two
years wns the Second district's repre-
Miututlvo In the stato legislature,
wheic- he attracted much attention by
his vigor of "speech and his readiness
In debate. Ho will bo a notable addi
tion to tho very strong delegation
which t-pprosents South Scrunton In the
city councils.
Concert Thursday Night.
A conceit will bo given Thuisd.iy
night, Am II 10, at Schlinpff's hall, which
will bov under the nusnlccs of the ir
cently reorganized lllnggold band. The
bund will be assisted bv the Junger
Muennerchor, The following )iogrannne
has been arranged for the occasion:
The I'romtmnU, march ,,,,.....l'i, I'euici
.Sieves Overture .,, ,,,,,,,,,, llainui
luncer Maeiineichor,
Aul dcr Waclit (cornet folo) ,.,i Dleilg
Flore Ilrca.' Mandolin dub.
"neeollectloiu, of the Wax" twar songs). i:. Ilejcr
"Comrade in Arms" ., . Adann
Junger Macnncrchor and IllniSKold baud.
"Prim William, von lladcn," march, ,,,.J. liulli
Dancing will follow.
Dr. Schley's l,ung Hcullng Balsam Is J
WWI WWiWl.111 1
to Many Women
Known to Many Men.
The workmanship in a
"Hanan" Shoe portrays the
Academy of fluslc
U. JtElS, Ltacr.
A. J. Duffy, Manscir
am, this i:i:k.
ConimemMiur Mondiy Night. Matinees Hcciuiiing
Tuccb. The Original and Popular.
Comedy and Stock
Ladies' Philharmonic Orchestra.
Sitrone: beenlc Company.
Prices 1, 10 and 30c; matinee, 10 and JUc.
guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No
cine, no pay." For sale by all dealers.
Tucsdiv evening, April 1", in the new puMi
house, liie Voting People'i Chora! union of the
IlicKoiy Mliet I'lc.-.hjtciian ihurch will lender
the i "I'iicUt I ho Palms" Tho
union will be a-sMed by the .Sabbith .dmol .ml
lliuci'i. oiclioti.1. 'Ihc jouug people aio idiniii..
lug diligently under the niporvMon ol Piofcvor
Dernnn and a laic treat ii assuicd all vvlio uuy
At II o'clock Monday night, John llouillon, an
old and rc-pectcd lo-ldeut of IliU tide,
iivvay at the family icMdcnce on Maple Micvt,
Much regret Is rxpiesMil at Mr. Iloiilllmi'c d"jth,
oh he was widely known and tmiiritally ruieit
ed. He was a 'number of hi. Mary's (iriiiiui
Catholic chinch, and uli nn aitlvc imiubei of
Iliiinch 13, Knights of M, (.eorge. He leave! i
wife iiml five daughters
A oung diiijbler arilved nt the homo of Mr,
and Mrs. Kiln Scott, of ".M Pitt.toii avenue,
The ht. Alo.v.iiiis DilH corps lielil a t pedal
meeting In W'.ud & llllcv's stoic last cvenhig,
MIm Anna Ulil, of I'ltUton avenue, called on
friends In Wllkes-Harre jolerdiy.
Mrs. Mary Maeon, of New Yoilc, who Ins been
vUitlng ihc family of Caspar llaa;, on Pitt. ton
avenue, has returned Iconic,
James llibboua, a student at 1'ordlniii college,
who spent his faster vacation at the homo of
his parents, Mr, and Mr, John (llblmns, has If
turned to resume bis studies,
At u meeting of the St, Irene's Total Absti
nence and liencvolcnce society, Monday evening,
tho following officers were elected: Mrs. II. (I,
Council, president; MUs Maigarct DuiMn, vice
president; Miss Anna McCrea, finiuclal and tor.
ic.-rwnditig secretary; MIk Catherine Cain, re
cording tccrctary; Ml&i Julia Wbelan, tn .surer;
Miss Martha KuvvjuU, wigc.uit nt aims; Ml-sei
Alice (ilbbont, Agrcs (tceac, .Sadie Nealon., II.
Tuffc) and Maigarct Manning, tru&ttcs.
Frank Heilng, of Orangevllle, is the
guest of Oscar Yost of North iilukcly
Harry Cavanaugli who has been
spending tho past ten duys In New
York has returned home.
M. f. Seekens Is Indisposed at his
homo on Webster avenue.
Mrs. William Kune Is convalescent
ufter her recent serious llne&s.
Lyceum Theatre
M. HEIS. Lessee and Manager.
A. J. DU1TV, Business Manager.
Broadhurat li Currlc Prccnts
The Two Kmperors of C.crmany, in Their Latest
'I he ruiinlcrl of the Season.
Prices 23. CD, ".V. and fl.
Seals ready Tuesday.
I'liday Night, Saturday Millnee nnd Night,
Mr. Win. P. Iliad) 'n Magnificent Production
Il ltlie III nr Parker.
IMihor.iled by Jos. (irUnier,
i;udoiid bv Pi rs Public and Pulpit,
Pilces 2Jc, 51k,, "Jc,, $1.1X1. Matinee, ric.,
60f 75c,
Seats on tale Wednesday,
ll'llMJVY, Al'lllL 15.
The Bostonians
In the new romantic comic opera,
(A fccipicl to llobln Hood.)
II) llogluald lleKoven ami Harry 11. Smith,
Direct from its Unco mouths' run .it the Harden
theater, New York. PricesLower floor, 1 .0;
balconj, fiOo., 7.V., l; gallerj, 23e. und 5'io.
Scats on sale Saturday, April li, at 0 a. in.
ALP, O. HERniNOTON, Manijtr.
Monday, luenlay and Wednvali) ,
APllll. i. b AM) U.
"The Devil's Daughter"
Maid Marian
iVk' V . , i i . (M
m., .xAfd-&JFr-fraiifcwr4A? ifKtBt,dv
( ffl'.iVffiE' '&'! mmVQMVdBf: