RWKfti vt lahireipbf , itf &irc, . SRSulHWIKMSSff TAmS&fc 31 Kv5FlW'? wwTwxBnfiT! 'j. 'r jfip" :tvi:v aav xr."tw - rjv;i fr.r r7r '" t "-?' , 'Tra?- ' 4 '- I Vv ;i,f H 1 r ' ' K , .. ' - I 1 "- J . x I a I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY APRIL 8 1002. , ! sjflwrtw1 D 1 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Montrose. Jpreltt to the Scriiiton Tribune. Montrose, April 7. Mrs. J, V. Hunter, bf Hnyre, wan tho gutst ot idatlvcH In town over Sunday. Arthur Smith unit Wnlter Uenedlct, two well-known young: men of this Ilncp, rue contemplating eiillHlineiit In tho United States army. Some of their friends object, and the boys may pos Blbly bo talked out of the Idea. nenorls from Dr. C. t. Mnchcy, who underwent a Berlotis HUrglcul operation In Seranton hist week, aio very encour tiBlng and tho doctor's speedy and com liloto recovery Is conlldcntly expected. Our former townsman, CIcoieo C. Hill, now a resident of Hatavla, N. Y., has been spending a week ninonR his for mer neighbors and friends la this place. T. J. Davles, cs( Is preparing to have the old ofllco ot YV. II. and II. C. .res nap, recently purchnscd by him, paint ed, papered and otherwise embellished on tho Interior, and he expects to soon establish his law ofllce therein. AVhen completed It will make one ot the hand pomest and most convenient ofllces In town. Chailes D. Heck, of Scraliton, spent Bundny at the home of Ills mother in this nlacc The members of the Presbyterian church will hold a meeting at tho church on "Wednesday to net upon tho resignation of lie v. A. U Benton, D. V., tin pastor. Itev. P. H. Urooks will pre side. Miss Jlollle Scott left on Friday for Koranton, where she expects to make her home for the futtttc. Mrs. Ilodney J. Stark, daughter of Mr, and airs. It. G. Scott. Is ill at the home of Mr. and Mis. J. 11. Coolcy, on Couth Cherry stioet. Tho spring and summer sessions of the Sunday school of St. Mary's Catho lic church will be resumed about May jl. The feast of the Annunciation was observed at St. Mary's church morning at 10 o'clock. tins FOREST CITY. Epccial to the Seranton Tribune. Forest City, April 7. Ilev. S. YV. Derby, of Mansfield, pleached ills first sermon In Christ Episcopal church Sun day evening, and made a very favor nble impression. He has tho hearty co operation of all tho mcmbeis of the vat lib. "W. F. White and F. D. Iloman were Corbondalo vlsltois yesterday. Dr. L. E. Pel kins has moved his oflleo to tho second floor of the "Wellbract building. The doctor and his wife are now boarding at the McLaughlin house. II. AV. Brown has moved his family to the rooms vacated by Dr. Perkins. County Surveyor L. D. Benson was In town today. Tho fair of tho Vnndling Hose com pany was n, financial and social suc cess. Large ciowds weio present each evening. The Mitchell IIoso company, of Cnrbondnlc, was expected Saturday evening, but failed to arrive. On "Wednesday evening Dr. J. C. Bate son, of Seranton, will lcctuie In the Baptist church. GREEN GROVE. Special, to tlie Seranton Tribune. Giccn Glove, April 7. Last bimdiv tlie Molho-ili-,t Eplsciipil Smut ty school elected the follow ins linkers for tho mining jcai: Supciiiitcndint, C. L. Clirl.; udii-.tiiut superintendent, F. W. Lewis; secretary, Aitlnir Vail; assistant sccic tir.v, Miss lleatriee ficnMuer, Mis. O. 1'. Villj n-si-tint (leisure, Mi's Ainu Hall; Ulnar i.111, Min Llzic Milt in; ehoiMcr, Aitliiir Cliik; assistant chorister, Arthur Vail; organi-t. Mis. Aitlmr Clark; 01 gauist, Miss Jennie Clark. 'Hie following clas-o-i also chose thoii toad us: Xo. J, James 1. Wilson; No. .1, Mis. (). I. V.ill; Xo. I, 1 W. Lewis; No. 0, Mi's Jennie ("l.nh; Xn. 11, Ml. Aitlmr Claih. Climes Xo.-.. :! .iiid T will choose tlieir teachers net &11111I ty. Xet nnili.. ut 11 o"i Iml., ltd. 11. It. Han ton will pie.uli .11 Mould ih fin tlie l.i-r. time It foie irolny to (uufiicuic, but we -.inocroly hope tut we 111.11 hue the ple.iMiic of listening to I1I111 fr-r another , Miss Maiy N..1II, vho hi-, ken .afllictcd with 1 Ik'iimi.i 1 1-111. is convalescing. William .-li.innoii, who h.i-. bom seriously ill, Is inipiov intr. 'After rpemltiu few ut.i-. with her parents Mi-.-; Aihlla Men lit Ins illumed to SUtn M.I100I, FACTORYVILLE. Bpeclal to the Seranton Tribune. Kuctorjillle, April 7. I.krnsc eourt of this coiinly open-, today, and pulups bj 'etlnes.ij,v cr 'riiureday It will be known whether this towii will limi" a lUiiwjd Iiohc or not Ibis jear. At the llaptist iliurch last huudiy iiiouilnsr, loinin'iiiilon milin wcie held, and the eieulii tenites were devoted to music. Tho eleitilu Unlit company tuineil 011 the street HkIiIh lust friday nlslit fur the time, ;u a The liuninu heart, that most wonderful of engines, is scarcely krger than n man's fist. Yet in each tweuty.four hours the dual heart moves approximately bis tons of blood, equivalent to about two barrels of blood per hour. And this continues without ceasing from the first breath of infancy to the last sigh of age, Is it any wonder that when continued extra strain is put upon so delicate and busy an or gan, it should break down? Is it any wonder that in this age of overwork there should be nu increasing number of deaths attributed to heart failure r Drt Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of tlie organs of digestion and nutrition and purifies and enriches tlte blood, One of the ingredients enter ing into tlie "Discovery" is one of the best heart tonics known to medicine. Thus while through theactlou of "Golden Medical Disco; cry" the body is nour ished into strength the heart is also strengthened and nn adequate blood sup ply is pumped to the stomach and kid neys thus improving the action of these organs, bick people, especially those .suflering frqm chronic dise.ibes, are united to con ult Dr, Pierce by letter free, and to ob tain without charge, the opinion of a (specialist on their ailments. All corres pondence btrictly confidential. Address Dr, U. V. Pierce, IJufTalo, N, y, I bad been troubled Itli catarrh ofthe stoiu. cll and heart trouble." wj'.tei Mr, V. I). Merch ant, of Tylmburs. Clarion Co , 1'euiu. "Hud doctored for njiiic time without relief, then I uc gau to take Dr. 1'ierci's Golden Medical Discov. cry, I took keveu bottli. lleforc I began to take it I weighed 119 pound, and now I welch 176. I am working steadily and feel like a new man. I scud you many thanks." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the sluireisb, liver, tme-earj tet. They were only on about an hour. A Is Rtnemlly the caie In starting: a now plant anil line, It taken some time to get It properly nil Justed. Tlii llahls ore. of 24-candlc power, ltli a ollano of 110 to each light, wliliti (fives a xery pood light, and Is n. marked Improvement out the old oil lamp. The wlrlnjr of bmlne3 places nnd private icslilcnces will now be taken up by the company. Ml' Illlrilieth Wrlaley, of Cnrenoila, X. V who hu been uprnillna; n week here with friends, left today tor the nboie-nameil plate. Tho mrmbers of I'.mlouivi llcbcl. ill lodge, Xo, 6S, Independent Order of Odd Pellott, will pay a fraternal lslt to Miliotron Tuesday cienlnir. The Mliei Kallirjn and Xlim Stall: fpent their Kaslcr Vieatloii at (Icniian Hill. The boiougli louiiill met ill regular seMlon last Wednesday. Mrs. Percy l)uHoh. of, X, V., pent last Saturday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. Wilgley. I'lictoiwllle encampment, o. 21(1, Indipendcnt Order of Odd fellows, will Install ollkeM nt their net legular liieetlnu; WedneMljy night, April 9. 'I he lepott that the I.U'kananna Ilitiltoud com piny wai golntf to build a new tulveit under their tracks back of the Methodist KpNcopal clitirih In thin place. In ordci to do away ullli the grade ciosslng north of the ktallon, is without foundation. 'J ho matter ot building; nu utidci- MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE. I MBMgeMgaesgBBaatMMerggigoga--i-ieijf 1 n When tho little man shot tho wlgr off his friend's head, he frightened the cow Into jumping over the moon and Mar jorie Daw into shivers. Find Marjorle Daw and the cow. piwjge beneath tho Hacks east of tho t-tatlon may be taken up b the company later. BRADFORD COUNTY. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Tow iml 1, Apill 7. The Lehig' Valley Jlallioad company has just issued 11 nrce to tho elicit that in will ho. gn Ad in calaiics of einploj es in the shops at buy Daniel Itobcitsqn, of Sir Aon, who I111 been putting in casji earlier ems at AUicns, on Monday had the lni&foiti to cut an artery in his leg with a knife, with which he was cutting rope, The furnishings of the inet house .it Athens have jiiat been fold at loiistable's tale. Mr.s. Samli Jlycr died nt Camptown oil Monday, aged Pi! vcais. Five giowivup cluldicn surrive her.-. U11111I was at Towauda this afternoon. A .saw mill owned by John O. I'Jollct was de stroyed by l're at the foot of the plane, on Fri Uav nlffht. The board of health propose to investigate the mill, supply, whIUi has been dictated to be of impure qualify. '1 lie uuiiiakc ot C. L. lliiiuphiey and Mhs Helen Ovciton ociurrcd at the home of the bride's mother on Wednesday. Itobert Troutman received injuries at the luldge woik in Athens which caused his death. He w:is liing- a licit, wlieu his blccvc caught, "and lie was hurled Into a pile of iron, receiving a frac tured skull. The boiough school board has just received fifty Georgia poplar trees to be set upon tho lots of their three school buildings. Fire destroyed two buildings on the Bostvvick farm in Vyso- on Thuisday morning. Besides its contents, eight cows and three horses wei consumed. Ihere was a light insurance, Mr-. C. h. Annlck died at her homo in Ki.vre, on Wednesday. Her infant child, two dajs old, died on TucAlay, A huaband and four children survive. Miss Helen Porter, of Tovvanda, has accepted a position as critic and Manuscript render with the Ladles' Home Journal and the Satuiday Kvcnlng Poet, at Philadelphia. Hrial Hurt, of Waveily, who recently celebrated his one hundred and first birthday, had become a pcnnile-- man, but now, instead of being com pelled to live hi tho county pooihouse, the Young Ladies' Sunsldnc society aro looking after Ids, necessary needs, Mr. lluit still keeps all Ids faculties to a remarkable degree, and bis ejesight is very good. Ho is not a teetotaler. Ho ucd tobacco until twenty-one )isrs ago, time which time lie lu chewed wild iheiry bark. A dispatch from Lansing, Midi., states that State Insurance Agent J, V. llany lias icfuscd to renew the Michigan license of the National Protective Legion of Wavcrly, N. Y., which has about 7,000 mcmbeis in that slate. m DUNDAFF. Special to the Seranton Tribune. DundalT, April ".Mis, W, L. Decker has re turned homo from a Wiek's vUlt among relatives at .trillion and Uniotidale. William Dicker, our genial landlord, Is having his hotel papeicd and painted throughout the Inside, which is -a gicat tmprovenient, and adds ninth to the looks of the plaie, lMvvard ltoberts is trjin to htudy out an in cubator Hut i not only very simple, but cheap, and within tho leach of all. Ho uses in Us con struction old flour bands, sawdust and warm water, 'Ihc piteut has not jet materialized, but Is on tho way, eo lMdlo saju. Tho people of the borough were all plrxscd 1o Fee our butcher, F.Imcr llidgcway, icniiu back Saturday, after an absence of Mviral months. Mr, Jones, of Greenwood, is visiting at the homo of W. L. Millard. Hcv, Ncwrll, of Unloudale, preached In the Mi-tliodlft Episcopal church ot this place, both uioinlng and ev tnlng, on Sunday last. Hcv. W, II. Tinker, of HulUtcad, Is soon ex pected heio to take tho pastoral of tho Fiist llaptist ihuich. MLs Jcunlo Spiong iloses her school this week, anticipating attending Keystone academy In tho near futuie, O. T, Hull lias rented his faun, and expects to devote his time, for a while at least, at his Mine, which ha eipects'to repair and paint, put ting in new (dlar walls and lulslng the building up; also making changes in the interior, giving lil 1 11 ruonv for larger stock. It von have any business with Tho Tiibuue call on 'vpilie Wells, lie will take jour name and bee that ou git jour paper regular. DURYEA Special to the Seranton Tribune. Durjea, April 7. James While, of Wilkcvliarie, was v lilting ut tho homo of Mlm i:ilza Ilrowii, Sunday, Jlr. John Johns was a caller In Seranton Sat urday. Mr. Henry Madison and Mrs. William Camp bell were callers at the home of Mrs. William Aniuieriiidu, bundaj, A social will be held at the Brick Avenue Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday crtnlng. All are welcome. OLYPHANT Tho banquet ghen by the Lackawanna lodge, Ko. 157, Knights t Pjthlas, last evening In the Father Matliew hall In honor of their fillemtli aniihcrsary, Will long bo remembered ns one ot the most enjoyable affairs ever given by the to elety. Tho gathftlng included tlie members and Jlielr wlies and Irltnds to the number of about four hundred. At 0 o'ctock the members and their guosla rcptlrcd to tho banquet room a It J were seated to tablra prettily arranged. 'J he fol lowing delicacies were served! Itoafl turkey, ilrewlng; glblct aauce, cranberry Jelly, fold roast beef, ham, mashed potatoes, potato tilad, celery, olives, ussorlcd pickles, pnTunlpf, cream c.ibbige, peas, colfie, take, fiult, Ice cream, cream chcee, lianqiiel wafers, llcglnnlng at 8 o'clock Ibe following piogrammc was tendered by the member ot the .lolly Many Jenkins rom piny: Jubilee singing,, llilttcr, Johnson, Thomas, Bappj quartette, Old Plantation rongs, Johnson, Snpp, Penney, Williams', coon songs, l.lly rtutler; luundolln nnd guitar, Sapp mid Thomasj illustrated (mugs, Will 1'. Hurlcci bulk anl wing dancing, bum Johnson; Jolly Harry Jenkins In up to-dale comedy ( cuke walk, four couples. Later In the evening the stage was ilcared and dancing was ciijojcd for reveral hours. Tlie music was turnUhed by Lavvrenic oitliestra of Seranton. Tlie committee In charge were! Hector Jones, chairman; II. Ileik helser, treastner! Kdvvln McClay, sicielniyj Dan 0. Jones and T. II. Williams. The Jolly Harry Jenkins company will give a weck'd performance at tlie opera house begin ning tonight when "Tlie Curse of Ucititj" will be presented. W ill 1". liull.e, founerly of Prov idence, Is n iiieinbir of the conipuiiy. Among thoe from heic who attended the funeral of Thomas Clark at Aulibild jostcrday were: Mis. Maiy Keegan, Mrs. Thonins Tlana hue. Mis. P. .1. MeUovcui, Miwes Mame and Nellie McGowau, Lkvic Swannlck, Maine (lib bous, Mamie and Katie Lawler, Mary Rogan May Ferguson, Annie Hoban and Cluiles Cam cion. John Y. Williams, n fonner Ucidcnt of this place, was soiloii-ly injured In the mines at Wllkes-Uane on Satuuli). His son, T. L. Will iams, went to Wllkco-liaue Saturday night. The Women's guild of St. (Jcoige's Fpiscopal church will seive a supper at the residence of Mis. Jennie 'Vo.vlc on Lackawanna, street this evening from J to S o'clock. The menu will be Welsh larebit, cold boiKil ham, veal lotf, creamed potatoes, cabbage salad, baked beans, beets, pickles, brown nnd white bread, ns-oited cakes. tea and coffee. Supper 23 cents. Ice iie.un will also be sold. Anthony Itog.ui, of Scotch sheet, hts accepted a position in J. Ii. Connell's whole-ale house,, Seranton. r Miss Manic C'auoll, of Honcsilale, was the guest of Mr. and Mis. M. 1!. Daitis over Sunday. llionu Baltic, of Caibondale, wa3 a visitor in town Sundiy. Itobert, tlie oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Lewsley, is ill with scarlet fevei. Miss Mamie Jones and II. H, Jones have re turned home fiom a trip to California. '1 lie employes ot the Delaware and Hudson collieries at this place were paid jesterday. Itobeit McKlnlcy, of Scotch street, is on the jury this week. Miss May Jones has lesigned her position'", itli tho Dickson Stoic company nt Throop, TAYLOR. The following unclaimed letteis remain at the Tajlor postotllce for the period ending April 7, 1002. Persons calling for tho panic will please nay advertised and give date of list: Domestic David T. Cooper, Clinton Young. Foreign Malrd Baran, George hrlnuml, Peter holms, Jacob Loj l.a, Jan Liajak, Lulgi Bcmisa, Karah lluglel, George Selenun, Janes Sela, tyzinon Settak, Fiank AVilk. Tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 7..'!0 o'tlock, Mrs. A. M. Holvey, of West Plttston, will lecture in the Methodist Fplacopal chiirib, under the auspices of the Wonnn's ChrNtlan Temperance union. Kver,vbody is roidially invited to come. A grand conceit will be held nt the I'limlthe Metliodlst church of West Tajlor, on Thursday evening. An excellent piogrammo has been ar ranged for the occasion. A treat is promised all thoec who attend. Mi,es Hannah Powell and Hannah Davis visit ed their cousins, Misses Floieneo and illodwln Jones, of Bellevue, on tho Sabbath. Messrs. William Andrews, John Coombs and Alfred Jones will leave for tlieir native land, Wales, tonight. Mr. William Jones, of Lincoln Heights, visited relatives in this place on Sunday, Miss Jennie Gorrlty, ot Seranton, has icluuied home utter being tho guest of her cousin, Miss Josephine Clarey, of Oak sheet. AVOCA. Foity boms devotion to tlie blessed cioninent opened in St. Mar) 'd cbuich alter 10,30 o'clock mass on Sunday morning. In tho evening Ilev. II, P. Burko preached a sermon, taking for his text, "Jesus wept when He saw the city," Tlie litany was chanted by Itcvs,, Cunavan, Uurke, Morrison, Dixon und Quitman. Tho marriage of Itlchard Cavanaugh and Miss Mary CI I If 01 d is announced to take place this month. The Avoea Hose company will meet this even ing to mako airaiigements to attend tho Par ton's Hoso company's fair on Friday evening. Mis. Thomas O'Brien and family are spending a few dajs with frlemU here. Mi's. John Gilhooley, Mrs. Frank Kirby and Mrs. Frank Heed spent Sunday with friends in Dunmore. F.dvvard Sliwaul, aged 47 xcurf. died at his homo in Spiko Island, above Mooslc, on bundiy morning, llu was a member of Couit Livingstone lodge ot Odd Fellows. Interment will be made today in PilUten. John IJleoao and Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Will iams dpslre to return thanks to all wlto have tUIci them during their recent bereavement. Miss Margaret llenniman Is spending a few dajs in Brookhu, Dr. Burgc. was called to Pittston towmhlp on Sunday to investigate tlie cause ot the death of the Italian whu was found dead in the woods be) ond the Boston mine, m CLARK'S GREEN, The annual business and covenant meeting of the C.'laih's Green llaptkt church will be held 011 batuiday, Apiil U, at 2 p. m. F.vcry member of the church Is urged to be present. swJL vVWQ hn.nandv Theatrical, j ATTRACTIONS TODAY. MCMUM-Dan Daly In 'Tlio New YoikcM." Night, ACAbKMVWaite Comedy company. After noon and night. STAH-'lThe Devil's Dmghter." Afternoon ami night, "Are You a MtisonP" Only halt 11 bouse full t.iw Itlcc k Harris pre Fcutatlon of "Aie You it Masont" at the Ljceiim las,t night, but It was a discriminating audi ence and as u cotisequcnce there w.u as much laughter ns Would be heard from the biggest bouse nt the average thow. It Is 11 oiy funny farce nnd the company piesentlng It la one of tin- best tint comes this way. "Arc You 11 Maont" was nekipted fiom tho German of Larcfs & Krotr by Leo Dllrlclistcln, nnd ns Is his wont with Ids works ircatrd Un loading part. At present he Is over In London putting on lils "All 011 Account of Hlha," ene of tho most Kuccovful of modern farces. The complications of "Aro 'Yob a Mason!" re sult front a woman's Idea tint membership In n masonic lodge Is 11 sure guarintee tint n man is all that be should be. Her husband promises to become a mion but couldn't eparo time from his poker club to keep the piomLso nnd for twenty .vc.-ii s masquerades as n nnson. His daughter's husband, a New" York, promises his wife, nt the niotliei .In-law 's he best that ho will become, a mason, . nurlnit her that before she returns from her summer vai.i lion visit that he will bo n meniber. The wife comes home to hear from her housemaid that her husband lias been staving out late nights, and when she Upbraids hubby, be assumes and nlr of injured Innocence, dcploi-es the .ingratitude of womaii.aiiil nil that soit of thlngi nnd finally ex plains that It was his tour-o of initiation in the masons tint bad kept him out of nights. She is 'sorry lor accusing liim so hastily and secmes Ids forgiveness. The father's family comes to visit tlie suii-lu-law's family and there ncciiies bother fur the two faking masons, each tea 1 fill th. lit' his deceit will ho disclosed by the oilier to ids wife. The complications are properly augmented by a. stock lnoker friend who for merly pla.ved "Cluilcj's Aunt," and who dons female attire and poses as the daughter ot a woman with whom the fathci-ln-la'.v eloped in his jouthful dajs and from whom ho scoured a divorce in the west, after a xeiy brief inarrl"d life. A pesky" chief ushci at the miisio hall wh.i has blail.mailiug pioilivltiis al-o helps stir up the bothei. Charles lldwaul-, us the ex-actor stock-lnokerj John C. Illcc, Ihc "indn-liw; Thomas A. Wise, the fathii-iii-law, and ('hallos J. Gucn, tlie music hall u-liei, 11 quartette of well known farcers, do some of tlieir very best work in tills piece. Geoigu ltlchiids, an old time star In bucolic- roles, cild an incidental pait of tint char acter, which though comparatively minor, was made much of by tlie arlLtlc way in which it was done. Sally Cohen, as the housemaid f Gerhudc Whit ty, the mother-in-law, and U-thcr Tittcll, tho married daughter, weie all that their several parts dem uieled. "The War of Wealth." At the Academy of Musiu lxst night tlie Waite Comedy nnd Stoik company and Ladles' Philhar monic oiihcstr.i opcucd'it week's ingagcnient by picsenting "Ihc Var of Wealth." It is a strong four-act chanu and as presented night aroused the audience to a great pitch of enthusiasm. Good specialties me introduced during tin- action of the ehaiiia. "slaves of Gold" is the pla) billed for tonight, and "The I. olden Giant Mine" for this .iflc-.uoou. "The Devil's Daughter." "I'll Weill's Ditightei" at tho Star theater ycote j piovcd one of tlie most amusiii; attiae tioiu the season. This musical bt.,'csque whiil ivas one of the features of ainiiaoiut- in ButTald during the l'an-Aiiiciican, is ilnuai. " istio for an unusual amount of "ginger" which was infu-ed by Flo Peiry, Clarence Wilbur, KUic Fay, Mr. Gllmoiii, Hobby iNoitb, Lillian Ihtli away and otbcis. As tlie production is much .longer and moiu elaborate than the avciagc hut- lcaquc, there wcie fitv specialties introduced. Bobby North gave ah excellent exhibition ot juggling and Gilmour and La Tour appeared in ii, musical ait which was well received. Mr. Gil mour's biuging was far above tlie cla-s usually Ilea id in builcsque. Tho play deals principally in tho pianks of SatancUa, called the Devil's Daughter, and l'atsy Bolivei, who invado a joung ladle;.' boaul mg school. In the thiid act some, very handsome living pict' .es .110 shown and tho perfoimance ends witu an elaborate tableau showing tho dis mantled gun. "Ihc DcviFc Daughlei" will be at the Star to da,v and tomorrow, afternoon and evening. "The New Yorkers." The forthcoming appearance in tills lity of that distimtivcly original comedian, Dan Daly, in ids present reason's since-, "Tins New York ers," nt the Lxceimi tonight is looked forwaid to witli moic than oidiniiy interest by that great majoilty of tlieateigocrs who delight to laugh away a night as if by magic In "Tlie No.v Yorkers" Mi. Daly has been furnished with a ch.ii. ictcr moulded to his grotesquelv hunnrous personality and bringing; out that diy humor pos sessed by this inimitable entertainer and which lias placed 1 1 i lit in a (lass by himself. Tho com piny in support of Mr, Daly this season is 11 George W, Lcdenr organization comprising 0110 hundred talented comedians and singers, inter spcised with that usual host of graceful and beautiful femininity which lias made the. Led eier productions famous. Tho entire pioductmn will bo seen here exactly blmllir as that which fully justified its long run iu New Yuik. t "Rudolph, and Adolpli." 'I lie coming of Bioadhu'ist. k ('mile's new musical pioductlon entitled "Itudolph and Ailolpb," a new vehicle in which to introduce those funny German comedians, Dan and Chailes Moon, at the Lvccum on Thursday night should be a welcome one, bringing to us at it does buih 1111 anay of comedy talent as tho nppcmlcd names testify, lic-adcd by Hut popular comedienne, lit tle Williams-baiter, followed by Beatilcc Mclf.'ii. zie, Xellle Maskell, Iva Merljii, F,stc!lc Gilbert. Charlotte Love, tlie Sisters Lautcncc, elanceis; Lew II, Xcvvcomb, C, Jay Willi 1111s, M. die Itusholl, S'amuel Mlilleld and Hairy James. Both Masons aro well known lieie, Dan's latest success was in originating "Count V011 Guggenheim" in llroadliuist's funny faice, "Why Smith Left Home," Charles has been seen heio in farces with Kelly und Mason. Seals go on tale this morning nt 0 o'clock. "Way Down East." "Way Down Fast," a play by Lollio Blair Paikcr, elaborated by Joseph It, Gilsmer, ia to be produced at tho L)ccuiii fol three pciformaii. ec beginning Friday night, "Way Down Hast" for seven months crowded tho Manhattan theater, New Yoik, at every peiforinanio nud win after wards transferied to the New Yoik Academy of Miulo (the largest seating npieily of un.i the. atcr in America), wlieio it was given for 4J7 consecutive times, and its success III tho inctuj polls has been repeated In every large city wheie it has beein. Ihcio Is .1 snow stoiiu in the third act, an In vention ot Joseph Ci'rlsinc-1 V, said to be the most rcallstlo ever presented on any stage, lively rolo lias been placed In the hands ot an aitor, pecu liarly lilted to tho character, whllo all the me. chanlcal elfcits, the appurtenances nnd tho cclo- Uatid village choir that tend to make tho metropolitan production a success, aiu retained and will bo given Identically tho s.iino at the coining engagement III this city, I lie sale ut seats opens tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock, The Bostonians, 'ihu new Delvovui opeia, "Maid Marian," which will bo presented heio soon, has been but H" cently pioduced in Philadelphia, and lias h.'in aecoided such an enthusiastic iiccptlou ns no musical composition lias obtained in jears. It is a logical sequel to "Itobln Hood." the music Is of tho most popular and meloJiaiii charailcr, which is nudity ginsped by the whistler and melody is tho kejnotc to tho com-position. Thlt tgnal ! on etery bos ot th (eomtM Laxative BroniO'Ouinine Tablets ' lint fiinw utU m "i tJari THE TRIBUNE'S WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lined, a Ctnts for Each Extra Lin. For Bent. HOUsn FOR ItENT-Inqnlre 111 Mulberry street. FOIl HK.VT-Small furnished house for rent. In qui 10 at Oil Vine street. FLAT FOIt MINT? ot 618 Lackawanna ave nue; all modern Improvements. Inquire of It. Moses, 018 Lackawanna avenue. roil MCNT-SIvioom flat with bath, steam heat, gas range and all modern improve ments, from April 1st: lint reasonable. Call early. Fred C. Hand, 1)03 Mulberry street. S.OltF. FOIt Hi:.ST-fl22 West Lackawanna ave nue. Inquire Philip Schnell, CM West Lacka wanna avenue. BAILS' FOIt IIHNT-J12, April lTt, three box and three single stalls and wash rack, rear ot .121 .Madison avenue. Inquire at 031 Madison ave. FOIt itKNT-SloroUdlng for rent In DIckon City. Pa. Building SO feet by 24 feet, eel ar under all, and second story can be arranged for a family. All In good icpair leady for 11-e. Two coal breakers nnd mines close bv cmplojlng over a thousand people. An inleiprislng iiieichant ran get a large tinde. Apply to William ". Hleliinnml. lllchmond Hill, 1)123 N. Main annuo, Seranton, Pa. . Furnished Booms. I On BENT One furnished room, with Improve ments; also one on third floor, cheap. C27 Adams avenue. FUBNISIIKD BOOMS for rent, modem Improve ments; private family; gentlemen pieterred, at CJ7 Adams avenue. FOB nEN'T Furnished front room, with heat, bath and gast mar cuttrt bouse; gentleman preferred. Addrces Boom, Box 2U9. FOB nr.NT Furnished loom; heat and bath. C25 Linden street. FUBNlSHni) ROOMS FOR RENT, with beat, gas and bath, gentlemen preferred, at f39 Adams avenue. For Sale. FOR SALE A piling lior-,e, marked. Also buggy und hamcvi. Inquire at Thomas Johns' hotel, Xorth Main avenue, North End. HORSE FOR SALE-Bay horse 7 years old, 13-2 hands high, weighs 1,000 pounds; sound, kind and true; etra well city broken; does not shy or pull. Pcifcct conformation, ery stylish; price, $150. Your money back is not as repre sented. P. B. Pateison, M. D., Honesdale, Pa. roil SALE Complete job printing outfit, 013 Job press, .'SO fonts job and body tvpo, typo stand and eases, brass rules, etc. Some one with the cash will get a bargain. Address Lock Dot 30, Peikville, Pa. JUST ARRIVED with forty lioiscs; good work ers and iluvers; weight from 1,100 to l.oOO; several closely matched teams. Can be seen at tUJ Rajmond court. F. M. Cobb. Auction. CARPETS JO.OoO j arils eaprets, mattings nnd oil cloths at public auction, 2.J0 Lackawanna avenue. "See Auctions." CARPETS uO.OOO jards Brussels, Ingrains, Vel vets, also Mattings, Oil Cloth; 10,000 pieces 111. en sheets, table cloths, blankets, counter panes , mpkins, etc., iron beds, springs, mattiersos chairs, about sit carloads at public auction. Sale begins Tuesday at 10 a. 111. and a and " p. in., at 2JD Lackavvnnna avenue, net S'cruntoii Street Riilroad waiting room, opposite Pcun avenue. Cunimings ii Bro,, Aui tioucera. Wanted To Buy. WANTED 10 BUY One genuine diamond, weight about two "K," will pay cash puce. Ad dress "Ring," Tribune ofllce. Boarders Wanted. PRIVATE TAMILY wishes to have two nice men to board, German or English. Call any time after Thursday. All conveniences, 607 Harrison av enuc. Furnished Boom and Board. PLEASANT furnished room nnd boird, private family, modem conveniences; Hill section. Address Hill, Tribune of Hie. Wanted Booms and Board. WANTED Two communicating rooms with board, private family preferred. Two ladies and a gentleman. State full particulars. Address O. II. D., Tribune office. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ror the summer, a furnished house at Lake Ariel or vicinity. Address stating full particulars, Box 350, Tribune office. WANTED ROOMS For two adults, three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished for very light housekeeping, first floor preferred. Address M. 11., Tribune ofllce. WANTED Furnished house or four or five rooms for housekeeping. Address A. 0. L'., Tribune oflleo. Wanted Furnished Booms, WANTED Furnished rooms for Knights Templar Conclave, May 2(1, ij and 23, 190-. Address Gcoige B. Jeimyn, Chairman Hotel Committee, Wanted. VSSrtrfSNX WANTED Private lessons i iishoilhaiid during afternoons, bhoithand, Tribune, Heal Estate. Sfl.SOO will buy well finished single hou.c; all Impioveuicnts; clectiiu light; laige lot; iiiecn iiiuge. ai. 11. iioigaie. ffoOO will buy 2i.aerc faim; huge hoiiso and nam; well watered; iiiu sugai uiiiplo tiees. A gieat bargain. Daloville, Pa. M, II, Holgite, Commonwealth building. FARM FOR SALE-Slxty-tvvo aeies, one mile irom i.ahc .uiei; iweivo acres ot timber, rest Improved; ccillent spring water on lot; faun situated on load. For particulars addiess Will lain Ticslar, Ariel, Pa. FARM FOIt SALE or evehango for city pioperty situatu in Siisquehaiiui count; impmvcil; well watered; suitable for dallying, stock or sheep, raising and geneial fanning, llamen, At torney, 3SJJ6 Washington avenue. Business Opportunity. blOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Wute for our special market letter, Free on application, b. M. Illbbard ii Co., members Nt 1, Ccusolldnted and Stock bxehunge, II and 15 Broadway, iNiw York. Established ISdl. Long Distance' Phono 2J&3 Broad. Monoy to loan. ANY AMOUNT OK" vnvi'V nn.innn,u. ttralglit" loans or Building and Loan. A, fiom to 0 per cent. Call on N, V, Walker. 8H-815 Connell building. "'vr, Lost. LOST Near thilucy avenue, a brooch pin, four diamonds inserted. Return to 3J1 Ouimj avenue. Liberal tevvard, LOST ifi'i, between Peck Lumber Co., East Mar ket bticel nud Presbvteilau church. Reward if returned l0 "'1 ot IVck Lumber Co. Dissolution of Pnxtneiship, DIsMll.l 'HON OF l'ARIWERSIHP-'lho pauner ship beictofi.ic existing between J, J. Puuly und A. M. Finn, under the linn iiania of i'urJv A: Finn, is this 2'Jtli day of llauli, IU).', dis solved by mutual consult, A. M. Finn ictlriiu 'ihc business hereafter will bo rontinuid by J, M Puidy under the linn name of J, II. Pindy i- Co to whom all outstanding accounts will bo paid and who assume all liabilities. J. M. PIIHDV, . , A. M. Finn Dalton, March 29, 1002 SITUATIONS WANTBD FKBB. BBANG1I WANT Ot'FIOKS. Want Advertisoments Will Bs Beceived nt Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. SI. Central City ALBERT ECHtttrZ. corner Mulberry street and Webster avcnuei GUSTAV 1'ICIIEL, OJO Adams avenue. West Side , OEOROI! W. JENKINS, 101 South Mato avenue. South Seranton rRED L. TEBPPE, 729 Cedar arenue. North Seranton aEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Maikct street. Green Bidge CHARLES 1. JONES, 1S37 Dickson venue. P. 3. JOHNS, P20 Green Ridge street. C. LORENZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. H. KNEPFEIi, 1017 Irvine avenue. Dunmore J. 0. BONE etc SON. Help Wanted Male. FIVE AGENTS wanted at once, Apply 621 Pros- pect avenue. WANTED over twenty-one to appoint and manage agents for n Philadelphia mm; salaiy ten dollais per week and espuis.'S paid, (pcrienco not icquiied. Addreos Ro., 05, Trib une. LOCAL and traveling representatives for well kniivvn, easy selling tvpewrlter. Etperh need typewrite talesmen or operators piefcrred. Also telegraph operators as special rcpiesentallves. Address "Tjpewitei," care Tribune. WANTED Picture flume maker, apply at Jonas uviif$ a oiiia. WANTED A thouroughly competent, all arnund (nolder. Permanent position for tlie right man. In making application state age, experi ence and wages desired. II. W. Beach, Mont rose, Pn. MAN with hoiso nnd wagon wanted to deliver and collect. No canvassing. S'Jl per week and expenses. $1M cash deposit required. Col lector, Box 78, Philadelphia. WANTED Two experienced stenographers; ap ply to International Salt Co., Connell build ing, Seranton, Pa. Help Wanted Female. CIRL WANTED In small family for general housework and cue of ehihheii. Good ref- cienccs absolutely required, lt.s Madison avenue (near Electric), Dunmore. WANTED First class cook at lintel, corner Washington avenue and Phelps stuet, city. WANTED A good gill for general hotisewoik in small family. Call or address 019 llieik couit, city. WANTED A joung lady to act as stenographer and of Ike assistant. One who has had some ex perience on books pieferred. Addles "P.," Tribune office. IADIES WANTED-Homo work, WO per month guaranteed, stamp for paiticulais. National P. A: S. Watch Co.. Baltlmoie. Md. GIRI, WANTED for geneial housework in family ' of four adults, who can sleep home. Apply at 021 (Sib-on sheet. LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip tions for Tho Tribune; good commission of fered with a, fair guarantee for first-class worker. Apply personally at Business Manager's offiie, Seranton Tribute. Becruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able-bodied un married men betwieu nges of il nnd :H; citi zens of United btatis, of good ch.nactei and temperate habits, who can speak, read nnd write English. For information apply to Reciuitiug Officer. No. 12li Wjomlng avenue, bcrantou. Pa. Situations Wanted. WANTED By a middle aged lady as housekeeper or any kind of work. Addiess ilO Walnut street, Dunmore. SITUATION WANTED By ounir man as book keeper, or assistant, can give reference. Ad dress L. M. Elslugcr, 741 Noitli Main avenue, Sciantoii, WANTED Washing or any kind of ofllce work". A.l,li-,wE, Ifi-a l'Mtlt,3 'KM f'l... ...n....A Dunmore. A GERMAN woman would like to have a placo as cook. Mis. M. T., 2ii l'eiiu nvciiue. SITUATION WANTED To go out by da) wash ing, ironing or cleaning, l'lea-e call at US Fianklln avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED-By a girl, III .veals old, ns muse girl; inn furnish rcfciences. Ad dress A, Tribune ofllce. LEGAL. IN BE: Estato of William Edgai, late ot the City of Owego, County of Tioga, and Statu of New Yolk, dec eased. Letters testamentary having been gianted to tho undersigned on tliu above estate, all pusoiis having claims or dimaiids ugaiust the same will please present them fur payment, und all llio-e indebted theicto, will make immediate! pay ment to WILLIAM . EDGAR, DAX POWELL. Executors. CIIAHLES W. DAWbON, Attorney, ESTATE of Josepli Ober, lalo of the City of beranlon, Lackawanna County, Puin.jl. vanla, ilecciseil. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate have beep granted to ihc iiiulei.slciie.l. All persons having claims ngalmt the same will pusi'iit tin in far pivment and all pcimuis In dtblcd theicto will please nude liumediale paj. incut to I1.MII1AI1A OMIlll. Executrix-. IIEKIIS i GRAMnS, Attoinevs, NOl'ILE Is heicby given that a meeting of tlie stockholders of the 'I lie Tit Is; Guarautv and Trust Ciiiiipun, of (-U anion, IVnu., will ho lull at the pIIIio of the lonipiny, 135 Wiishingtnn nve. line, beuiitou, 1'eiini., on Miy 17, 1W), at 10 'W u, 111., to taku action 011 approval or disappiuv il of tho proposed iucieaso ot 1aplt.1l stock u( said company from ilOO.Otn) to 73U,ikio, RALPH S. HULL, Secietary, CANDIDATES for the offleo of Inspector of Mines 1110 lieu by iiotllled that the Ilmrd of rxaniincrs appointee by the Couit of Common Pleas of Laikawanm county, will meet at tho Iloaid of Control looms, City Hall, bcrantou, 011 Monday, April 21, IfO.'. at 10 a, 111,, foi the examination of such candidates as may appear hcfoio them, Candidates will notice tli'Jl, the law lequlres them to pioduto satlsfictory evidence! of having bad at least tho jears practical expcil. dice in the anthracite coal inlnc. JAMES UUMI. REESE A. PHILLIPS, GIOIK1E WA'llvl.Nl, 'IIMOIHV D. HAYES, JOHN U0LND, Examiirrs. A MKEI'INfl ot lh mcmbeis of tlio Laekawamii btoro .WocIjIIcii Limited, will be hi hi at tlie olflcu ot the association In bciantun, l'.i., on Monday, tho Iltli da) ot April, A. D. HOi, ut ball paat two n'doilc In tho afternoon, for Hie purpre-e of taking action upon the question of dissolving 'I lie Lackawanna, More Association Limited, by voluntary action of the members-, and, in case it is deiided to dissolve tho. said nisoilation, then for the further purpose pf elect, lug three liquidating tiustces to wind up ths affair, of the association accoidlng to law, II, H. FAIIirilll.1), fceciclary. Seranton, Pa., Maich 21, 1W1. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents MoreTrm Pour Lines, 0 Centiror BaehBttri Llni.' POhUJBh: FIRST LEtllStTxTTViTTiiTnic ... "y. nil'" to tho Republican voters of the Hrst Legislative District, that it primary dec Hon will be held on Saturday, April 2(1, IWB, be. tvvcen the hours of four nnd sevrn p. 111,, for th pur pose of nominating a candidate for the Leg islature to represent the district and to elect two delegates to the Republican State Convention tu be held at Harrlsburg June II, 11102, Tho convention to compute tho vote will be held on Tuesday, April 29, nt 10 o'clock in Co operative Hill. Each candidate must register, with the district chairman, bis full name and pnstolflce address, and pay Ills assessment fifteen days before the election, or bis name will not ha placed on the official ballot. 'Hie district vigilance committee, In the vari ous precincts, will conduit the election, and,th lesult will be leported bv tho return Judge to tlie district I'onventlcn, whleli will be composed of tlie return Judges. A written notice 'contain ing tlieir instructions will be malted to the mcm beis ot tl.o various district xlgllamc committees. GEO. W. JENKINS, Chairman. Attest W. W. SIMPSON, Secretary. SECOND LEOIlIiATIVE DISTHICT-Notlce Is hereby given to tlin Republican xoters of the Second Legislative district that n primary election will be held on Saturday, April 20, 1002, between the hours of four and seven n'clork p. in., fur the puipose ot electing two delegates to represent said legislative district 111 tho coming Republican stale convention to be held In liar risburg on June II, 1902, and to nomlnato a candidate for the legislature, . Tho convention to compute the vote will ba held on Tuesdiy, April 29, IB02, at 1 o'clock p. in., in the rooms of the Republican club In bcianton. In nicnidance with Hie rules governing this district the candidates will be roled for directly by the voters at the polls. Each candidate must register with the district chairman his full name nnd postofflen addiess and pay his assessment twenty days before the election or his name will not bo placed In tlie olflcial ballot, neither will anv votes cast for him be counted. Tl.o district xlgilance committees In the 'vari ous precincts wlil conduct the election and tttr result will be reported by Iho return judge to the ili-trlct ronvention, which will be composed of (he return Judges of the xnrloiis districts, A written notice containing further Instructions wilt be sent to tho numbers of the said district vigil ance committees. FREDERIC W. FLEITZ, Chairman. Atlestt-WALTER E. DAVIS, Secretary. THIRD LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT Notice Is here by given that there being only one candidate for representative, two delegates and two alter nates o the State convention having registered, we, the chairman and secietary of the Third Leg islative district Republican committee, hereby de el ire the tame to be tho nominees of the Republi can partv in tho said district, In accordance vvitli the provisions of Rules 21 and 25 of the party rules. Tlie personnel ot the staidlng committee IJ to lem.iin as at present constituted. By order of THURSTON S, PARKER, Chairman. J. E. WATKINS, Secretary. Storage. STORAGE Dry, clean and modern up-to-date storage; separate rooms; 'UlinUU individual kevs; elevator. An ideal storage for household effects, etc. Thirty separate storage rooms. Seranton Storage com pany, 113 Franklin avenue. Bheumatiam. Stystsui RHEUMATISM All uaitlcs that wish ran ba speedily an I permanently cured of all va rieties ot Rheumatism by a vegetable compound. Cures guaranteed. Inquire or address J. E. Tay lor. Seranton. PROESfONAL Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULUING. 23 TRADERS BANK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELti Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. B REAI. Estate Exchange Bldg.. 129 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, 815, CONNELL BUILDING. STF.VENbOX . KNIGHT, 7J0 COXXELL BLDG. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER, l'AULI BUILDING. Spruce street, Seranton. DR. C. 0. I.AUBACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. W1LLARD, WARREN .x, KXAPP, A1TORXEYS ami Counsellor at-La, 00 J tu id.' Council Buildli'g. FRANK U BOYLE, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 16 and IS Burr Building. D. B. REPLOGEE, ATTORNEY LOANS NEGO. tinted on real estate security. Mears Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JESSUP ic JESSUP, AiTOIINT.YS AND COUX Commonwealth Building, Hoomi 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. TIHYER. ATTORNEY. 00.1-004, Oth floor, Mears building. ROOM L. A WATRES, ATTOIINEV-AT-LAW, BOARU of Trado Building, Sciantoii, Pa. PATTERSON it WILCOX. TRADER'S NATION All Bank Building C. COMEOYS. 013 RI PUBLICAN BUILDING. a. w. nr.RTiioLP, omen moved to no. 211 Wyoming avcime. Physicians nnd Surjjeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 61 i N0Urin?ASIHN0TON avenue. DR. S. W. L'ASIORH MIX, OFFICE 330 WASH ington avenue. Itc-ddeine, MS Mulbcrrv. Chronic asea.'es, lu.igs, hciiit, kiduejs an! genlto-uiinaiy oigsns a speiialti. Hours. 1 to p. m, Osteopathy. Dll, I). 0. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, 12! 8 WASH. Ington avenue, Chionlc und ncivuus discai:s a specially, Consultation free. Instruction Musical. p. a peusuiF, MtiiT inc.. 'ii:acherof Voliu Ciiltuie. Ilaiiiiouv, I Composition. Composition eorniled and' re-vl-eei foi publication. Pi New Yoik street. Hotels and(Bestaumnts. illE ELK CiFE, l.J AND 27 FRANKLIN AVE. nue. Rates, reasonable. P.' 7.IE0I.ER, Proprietor. 6CRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. W. PA9 tcnger depot. Conducted on the Europe! plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger, A, II. IllllGaS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; pi idor; onl Improved pumps.iised. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Etcke's drug store, "cor lier Adams and Mulberry, Both telephone. Seeds, a. R. CLARKE & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS crimen, storo 201 Washington avenue; gieea li?uscs, 103d North Main avenue! (tore tele phone. 762. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKA. AYE., Seranton, Pa., nianufacthrer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous). Dlil'SSMAKIKa FOR CHILDREN TO OltDr.R; also idles waists. Louise bhoeuiaUcr, -'lj Adams avenue. MEOARGLE BROS., I'lllNTERb" SUPPLIES, EN. v clones, paper bags, twine. Wareu4iue, M ivaihlrigtcu avenue, Bcrantou, pa, ' THE WILKES-DsUIlK RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scitnton at.tfco news standi ot Hehman Bros., iOU tpruee aud'603 Linden I U. Norton. ail Lackawanna t venue; I, S. Scbutccr, 211 vviw IWVVt. frf-'a i M . M -s ..'i m i3 i S ,'-4 ,4 A ih -J.,'i,ii,l!m MgiMMjMjsjajaaaMMMMMa ' yi