The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 08, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    For 25 Years......
Lucas' Tinted
Gloss Paints
Ilnvc boon the reeoRiilispil standard for
brilliancy, durability alitl covering cap
acity, iintl Hint record still rcmnlns un
broken. Complete linen of
Raynold's Colors,
Reynold's Oil Stains,
Rnynold's Varnishes,
Campbell's Vnrnlsh Stains, J
Crocket's Preservatives,
Patton's Shlnglo Stains,
Whiting's Brushes.
320 Lackawanna Avenue.
Fire Sale of
Wall Paper
Thpro still remains a nreat
quantity of most desirable Wall
Pnnpvg. Shnflps. Tltr.. nlthnucrh 9
we have sold an enormous quan
tity during the past week.
As our new stock for our new
store arrives next week, WE
WEEK, as it must be disposed
of., before reopening our former
f'stote. ' '
Jacobs & Fasold
505 Linden Street.
Chairs Recaned
Furniture upholstered and repaired.
Send postal to 1248 Providence Road.
t01d 'Phono. 309-3, Green Ridge.
City NotesT)
SECOND DEGREE. At a special mcclinpr of
he Knights of Columbia to bo held Wednesday
eight, the second degree will be conferred.
rociation No. all, will hold their regular meet
ing tonight at Carpenter lull, W.vomiiiR me
mie, at S o'clock. All members are requested to
be present.
Jonep, city assessor, and one of the bebt known
jounR Republicans in the city, is a candidate for
the Republican nomination for county cmiinns
doner. Ho made announcement of ills candidal y
j estcrday.
P., I;. k W. PAY-DAYS. The employe of
the machine 'sliopi, car shops nnd stores i'e
partment were paid yesterday. The omplojra of
the Aucliinclofs, AvonUale, IllUs, Hunt. Hall
litead, Pettcbone and Woodward rolliciici will
be paid today.
Choral society will meet tonight for reheaihil
it the Robert Moiris lodge rooms, South M.iiu
venne. All members are requested to attend,
lluslness of importance will be transacted. J'.y
request of executive cnnmilttee.
JIJSSING TROM HOME. The jiollco were notl.
fled yesterday that Mary Marchefka, a lt-jeai-old
l'ollah Rhl, has been missing from her Iiomu
t 205 Luzerne street for several rtajs. Her father
tears she has been enticed into .i life of nlumc.
The girl has light hair and completion and is
rather largo for her age.
UNION IS PROSPERING, A well attended
meeting of the Baptist Social union was con
ducted last night in the lower temple of t lie
J'enn Avenue Haptlst church nnd reports fiom
(he officers indicated that the membership Is in-
leasing rapidly 'and the interest taken in thc
ugaaization becoming more widespread.
ARRESTED IX AUSTIN. Geoige Owl liner, of
Fouth Scranton, who left this city about a jear
go just before a warrant was. bwoin out for 1.U
trrcst on the charge of embezzling $100 nom
tho Installment houso of Cately k I'ltzgtralil,
lias been arrested in Austin, Pa., and (Yuiit.inlu
Ultehell left yestciday to bring him biek to this
Welcome News Received by His Son
Edward, Yesterday.
A telegram received by Ed, Jermyn,
yesterday afternoon from his brother
Joseph brought tho welcome news that
Ihe condition of his father, John Jermyn
who is 111 at Pasadena, Col., was much
Improved. This came as welcome news
to his children who had been led to
believe from telegrams received on Sun
flay that Mr. Jermyn was dying.
It wos stuted last night that an effort
Will be made to bring Mr. Jermyn
home within the next week or two it
bis condition warrants Ills removal.
Kizev Hill and Elevator Company
Will Do Business in This City,
Ground was broken yesterday for a
new grain elevator to be erected on the
northerly side of the Diamond crossing
f the Lackawanna voad. Tho strut-,
hire Is to bo erected by the Klzer Mill
ind Elevator company and will cost
Jetween $12,000 and $M,C0Q.
W, W, Klzer, who comes hero from
Wayne county, Is the man principally
lr Children. Molliir Gray, fur jeais a nurne in
Ihe Children's Home in New Yolk, iroalcd ihll
Iren kuccessfully Willi a remedy, now pieparcd
ind nliccil lu the ding (.(ore, called Mother
Srj bvvm Powders for Children. They arc
urn) u milk, pleasant tu take and never
nil. A certain cure fur feierllines, comtlpa.
lion, head ache, teething and stomach ilUoi.
leu and lemove worms. At jl druyglslj, 2.V.
Don't accept any mMltute. Sample tent F1IKK.
liidin Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, .V. y
Interested In the now company and as
soclrttod with him will bo K. V. Worth
Inston, of Philadelphia nnd V. h.
Klekos and A. P. Klzer, of this city.
The elevator will be ready for operntlbn
about June 1 and on that date the
company will begin to do an extensive
general grain and flour business.
The Regulars Call the Attention of
the Court to What They Relieve
Is a Great Evil.
The ronstnbles of the county have de
cided to try and do away with tho In
justices that frequently follow In the
wnko of the appointment of deputy con
stables, nnd yesterday their attorney,
John 11. Jones, Informally called the
attention of tho judges of the court to
resolutions recently passed by the con-
sin mes.
As tho resolutions were not part of
any court matter, nothing wns done
with reference to them. They' follow:
To the Honorable the Judged of the Court of
Quarter Selons of tho Peace of Lackawanna
The Constable' nvsoclatlon of Lackawanna
county respectfully informs jour honors that thl
organization In regular meeting assembled, pascl
the following resolution, nnd humbly pray that
the same may bp concurred in by jour honorable
Whereas, A number of the deputy-constables
recently appointed by some of the constables of
JMir county, which appointment received the ap
probation of our honor under the provisions of
Sections IIS mid III of the act of awcmlilv, ap
proied April 16, 1S.1I. which provide (Sec. jr.)
that: "No deputy shall be appointed bj any eon
stable, cither by general or partial deputation,
without the approbation of the court of quarter
session of the proper county first had un 1 ob
tained, except the same be made specially, In
some civil suit or proceeding, at the request and
risk of the plaintiff or his agent," and (Sec. 114):
"In the event of the death, inibllity or refusal
to act of his deputy, the constable of any town
ship' may, with the approbation of any one of
the judges of the court of quarter eslons rf the
same county, appoint another deputy, with full
authority to act ns such until the next regular
soslon3 of such court, nnd, for the acts of such
deputy, the constable and bin suietiia shall be
liable as in other cases; and in eeiy such rise,
the constables shall file a written eonv of such
deputation in the office of the clerk of Ihe court
of quarter sessions of cich counlv," are non
residents of the ward or district where tho con
stables so appointing, reside.
It frequently happens that a constable appoints
a deputy who resides five or ten miles from the
appointing constable, and in another municipal
ity altogether. It al-o frequently happens that
one constable has several deputies scattered over
the county, where the necessities of the case do
not require the appointment of more than one
deputy In his own ward. For instance, .i man
who seeks to ho deputized by a constable in
Scranton or C.irbond.ilo, or so far a this illus
tration i conccrncil the location may be extend
ed to any part of our county, goes to the regular
constable of hi waul, who already ha a faithful
deputy, and request euch constable to appoint
him his deputy. The constable upon conferring
Willi his bondsmen, loncludc that the applicant
is not a suitable person to lie trusted with the
dulies of such appointment, or perhaps the con
stable concludes that another deputy is unneces
sary in his ward or dUiict, and thus he refuse.
to make the appointment; whereupon the disap
pointed applicant goes to a remote part of the
county, and for a consideration purchases the
deputation, petition the court, and jour honors
not knowing these circumstance., appoint him a
deputy-i oiistnble, and he thus lecone a full
fledged deputy, and returns to his ward and snaps
nls linger in defiance of the regular constable
and proceed at once to deprive the constable
and his regular deputy of the busines of the
ward in which the constable was elected and
to which they arc justly entitled.
It i true that it is the fault of some of our
constalile that makes th's practice possible, but
we are glad to say they are but few. The
great majoilty of the constables throughout our
county deprecate such a practice, nnd are looking
for a remedy. We believe that the remedy Iks
with tho court in requiring that a person seeking
the appointment of doputj -constable should be a
resident of the ward or distiict of the constable
deputizing him, and that this should appear In
his sworn petition. The pioision of the law In
this helialf were o!ioulv intended as we arc
informed by our eounv.'! to equalise the business
of the constables; to secure to them at lra-t
the business of the waul in which they vide
elected, and lo enable the court to appoint depu
ties whenever nriclty lequired il.
The appointment of a deputy-constable, wp
aie .uhl-ed, rets upon puhl'c neec,lty. If tho
coii't-ilile of the waid can attend to all the
legil business of his wind, no deputy is necc--sny.
If lie cannot, then public nccc-.-lty requiies
that a depuiy be appointed. It srems to us tint
public neio-llj does not lequiic the appointment
by a constable of .sciamon of a deputy le-hling
ill Caiboiidil", oi tin' appointment of a deputy
residing in Suunton, lij a constable ot Caibon
dile, or the appointment by a coiUablo of Mos
cow of a deputy reidinu in Wa.erlv, or tl.p ap
pointment el a deputy iddinir In Moat mi, hi a
Waierly un-tahle. We do not niein to be un-dor-tood
b.i hliiglliif out ih.'-p p'ace-s, tint the
constables tin rent hale hem I'lillty if this pi ai -tlco;
the name uie simply u-e I to Hhi'tuti'
tin- pi.icthe which we leuuleimi.
In home of our wauls thric aic .1 miuilur of
deputy-constables eonecmlng whei diputitiun nr
appointment the rcgulu constable nf the vaul
knew nothing, and ,iet (lie people of his waul
seek to hold him rcnoiislbli. for the malfea-inie
of such iKpulles whoe einlv object in h.'Ing ap
polute'd in m my ea.e. Is to victimize th -c who
may be unfortunate enough to tall as pii'.i to
their aiaricc. If the coin t should ufu.. to ap
point a diputy-constnble who does nut leshh in
tho ward or ilktrict of tlm eon-tablo deputising
him, and appoint only tlio.e who do iciMe lu
such waid, nnd then hold the cou.lalile and h's
bondsmen stiutly iiiponbllile for tlu acts or1 his
deputy (as lu law we are imIiIhiI they me te
sponsible'), theciil of having nou-rc-ldiiit elepu
tie scattered ill over the c utility would elUappear.
Our eound inftiniis n- Hut it was the fnunu
nutticii of jour honorable eouit to appoint no
one d"puly-toimablc who not a le-ililent nf
the waid or township of the rnntrlile
him, 'i was ilechieel lu lt.:Applicatlou of .laid.
Dllnun fur the appointment of deputy ron-t.ihh',
hut that lecently this piactke hai not been
ailhere-el lo.
Judgii 1'iiileller i!d, In Deputy Cni'lables'
Case, 11 Phil., at pa'e C0J; "The oHIce of con
stable' is contempoianeous with that if iildciuun
or magptiate, It it as tj the adminis
tration of justice by the local migblrjey ai .1
sheriff is to the hlghci courts, It has IU lun
chlse nf houoi nnd pinlil as we'll defined a ary
other e.lllep In tin" gift o( the people, He Is
their ofih'cr, and when electe'il may net ilecllno
tn .let without being subject l) a seieie ptiialtj,
lie Is tlurefeue entitled to our rou-lileiallon aid
pioteetion when the IiauehUes of his ollhc aie
endangir.'d, nnd will reeelii' it. 'Hie security
Uiiii given lo the ( nn-.table will nistm'ht tn them
anhihcr apprecinllni' of tin dignity nf the'r
nllie'e', and insula fidellly In the pctforiuancc of
Its duties,"
It seems to ui that as a const ihle Is elected by
tho otcu of his waid m township und bj thox
only, that his deputy should reside within the
tame tenltoiy. Iheiefoie, be it
ltesolied, l'irst, that wo lex-pectfnlly petition
jour honors to appoint no one deput.v-coiwtiib'o
who is not a ri'-dtbul of the nine ward or town
ship as the ionstable deputising him.
Mi. mil, 1 lint a the lilies ol eouit iln lint
pioiide for publleatioii of an intended application
for such appointment, an I a- this asoclatleui has
po means nf kuoivlug null application lu ndianep,
tint these ieolutlciu nuy be lVMided b, yimr
honor us a Uai.dlng juotcsl or exceptions ugnhiH
the npiiolntuieiit of ioii-icldiut elepiitj-coiuU-ble,
Ihlixl, That we petition jour honors to make
a rule of court tint nkh Intend. -d applications
nuy bo published, so tint the public living In
tho applicant's waid or o.vnhlpt ami pur asso
ciation, may have notice In advance of sueli ap
pointments, and thus have an oppoijunity to ap
near ami ohjciti II neecssary,
I'ouitli, That our counsel, John It. Joncu, esq ,
lio instructed to present a ropy of the ic'solu
lions to i' J ell of jour honors, and lo leport to
our association the probability of the adoption
of tliese suggestions by the court.
The CoiiJtabUV Aswiclatlon of Ijckawanna
counlj-, by lliclunl Itarion, preijent; M. J,
(iauylun, weittarj ; P. 1', Camion, Edward J,
Near.v, T'mothy Jones (clialniian). Thos. II. Mills,
W, II. 'i'liouui, Exccutlvsj Committee.
It Is Alleged That on the Morning
of Dec. 26, While Trying to Force
His Way Into the House of Nellie
Allen, on Providence Koad, He
Shot and Fatally Wounded Harry
S. Frederick Defendant Wns
Positively Identified by Miss
Anna Hewlitt.
John Argentls, a young Italian, was
put on trial yesterday for tho murder
of Harry li. Frederick' before .ludgo
II. M. Kd wards and before the noon ad
journment a Jury had been secured.
When adjournment was taken In tho
afternoon the prosecution's evidence
was nearly all In.
Argentls Is charged with shooting
Frederick on the morning ot Dec. 28,
1002. He Is defended by Attorney Cor
nlelus Comegys and II. L. Taylor. As
sistant District Attorney W. Gaylord
Thomas has charge of the prosecution
' 'v'," - -li
,t, SSv, ;i'A&
On Tilal for the Murder of llairj- II. Frederick.
and Is assisted by Attorney A. AV.
Bertholf, who appears as private coun
sel for the Frederick family.
The Jury which was secured at the
morning session comprises the follow
ing citizens: James Cobb, farmer,
Greenfield; Robert Campbell, gentle
man, Carbonclale: Thomas Walton,
miner, Scranton; David' Foley, farmer,
Covington; Armlt Thomas, letter car
rier, Scranton; W. W. James, farmer,
Tostvllle; J. P. H. Raynor, teller, Car
bondale; Thomas M. Griffiths, miner,
ermyn; A. D. Van Gorder, photogra
pher, Scranton; Anthony . Gillespie,
Janitor, Scranton; James Leonard, jr.,
laborer, Scranton; Patrick McCann,
miner, Scranton.
Attornej Bertholf opened the case for
the prosecution at the afternoon ses
sion and Dr. J. J. Roberts, former cor
oner, was the first witness examined.
He testified to having made a post
mortem examination of Frederick's
bod'. Death was caused, he said, by a
bullet wound in one of the kidneys.
Dr. John B. Corser, who attended
Frederick before his removal to the
hospital testified regarding the nature
of . the wound. County Surveyor M.
P. Mitchell, presented a map of the
house of Nellie Allen on Providence
load near Court street In which Fred
erick was shot and swore that they
were true and corect.
Anna Hewlitt, the prosecution's chief
witness, was next sworn. She (testified
that she was 18 years old and that her
home is on Brick avenue, though she
has not lived there for some time.
About two months prior to the shooting
of Frederick she was an inmate of a
disorderly house kept by Nellie Allen
on Providence road but had left it to
go to Charlie Thlel's house in the
central city. Just before Christmas she
went back to live with the Allen
Fiedeilek came to the house on
Christmas eve, to see her, she said, and
teir.uinee. all that night and all the
next morning. He went to his home
on lil.ilr avenue for his dinner but re
turned tigain in the afternoon. In the
house on Christmas night besleles her
self and Frederick were the Allen
wojimn, Will Knott and third man
tailed "Jim," whose last name she did
not know. All the patty drank a gicat
deal of beer.
About 1,30 o'clock the Allen woman
complained of tielng sick and sent
Knott to get some medicine from Dr.
Corser. She and Frederick stayed In
the sitting loom and on a lounge lu
this apartment laj "Jim" who was
very much intoxicated. About 2 o'clock
or thereabouts she heard a knock at
the door and thinking it was Knott
and the doctor, picked up a lighted lamp
and went to the door to let them In.
She stepped out of the sitting l-oom
into a small hull and from there Into
the main hall. When she opened the
front door a man. whom she Identified
as Argentls, bounced lu and pushed
her back. Another man, who she says
she did not see plainly was,, with him
but remained behind Argentls. The
latter pushed her back until she wns
liibltle the second hall, telling her not
to bo frightened, she screamed for help
and tried to shut tho door of the
Inner hall In Argentls' face but didn't
li:t l,,MP PAU,
In the confusion she let the lamp fall,
Frederick came to her assistance fiom
the sitting room with a bottle In his
hand. He diew this back as If to strike
Argentls but the witness said ho would
have struck her had she not stayed his
arm with her hand, As the bottle fell to
the lloor Argentls opened tire with his
jovolver and Hred three shots, tho last
of which struck Frederick. He and his
companion then ran away, She wont
With Frederick to Dr, t.'oi set's otllce
and the latter advised that the Injured
man be removed to the hospital, which
was done, He died a few days latter.
On January !!, she was taken from
the county Jul) whither she had been
commuted flip being un Inmate of a
dlsoideily litnu-e, to tho North Scran
ton police station where Alderman Fld
ler was conducting a hearing In the
case of two men arrested for following
women. She positively Identltled one
of these men hb Argentls and said yes
terday that she know he was the man
because she had feen him near (he
Allen house on several occasions. There
were ii dozen other Italians In tho room
ut the time.
On cross-examination slit dented that
she hud been promised anything by the
pollco If she would Identify Argentls.
Lieutenant Palmer, Patrolman F, F.
Ross and Alderman Fidler denied hay.
,v VMHHHtn&vo'''
lug promised (he girl anything but ad
mltted that she had a seat In the rta
lion house near the 'cell In which
ArgentlH wan confined. Miss Hewlllt
denied that she hod noticed who was
In tho cell because of the darkness.
Court ndjourrted when Alderman tfldlcr
left the stand,
Three courts will bo In session all of
tills week. Judge II. M. Edwards Is In
the main court room! Judge John ,P.
Kelly, In No. 2, and Judge C. R. Sav
Idge, ot Northumberland county, In
No. 2.
Owing to tho death ot Daniel James,
of Wllkes-Barre, brother-in-law of Dis
trict Attorney W. R. Lewis, nnd the
consequent Inability of Mr. Lewis to be
In court for a part of this week, the
Mlchncl Davis murder case wns allowed
to go over until the June term.
When the rases against Hnrry Evans,
an agent of the Municipal league, who
Is charged with tho false Impersonation
of an ofllcer, and carrying concealed
weapons, was called,' a motion was
maile by Evans' attorney to quash the
Indictment on the ground that ho did
not have a legal nnd proper hearing,
Alderman Homo, before whom ho was
arraigned, being at tho i time of the
hearing In the Ninth ward, while his
bailiwick Is tho Seventeenth ward. Tho
matter will come up at argument court.
William Carpenter did not appear to
prosecute James Mack and Daniel
Lcnnhan, of West Scranton, and a ver
dict of not guilty was taken by direc
tion of Judge Savldge. William Snyder
wns tried before tho same Judge,
charged with carrying concealed weap
ons. Miss Carrie Buchner was tho
prosecutrix. The parties live at Peters-
1 burg, and the case was the outgrowth
of a neighbors' quarrel. The Jury was
out wrestling with tho case at adjourn
ment. Ira Bohncr was tried before Judge J.
P. Kelly, In No. 2, charged with lar
ceny by bailee by Henry Bonn, Jr., now
of Wllkes-Barre, but formerly engaged
In tho music and jewelry business at
Olyphant, whore he was manager and
director ot a band. It Is alleged by
Bonn that he bought four horns for
members of the band, but that the band
broke un before he received his pay.
He wanted the horns, and Bonner re
fused to give up his and was conse
eiuently arrested.
The defense was that the horns were
purchased with the funds of the band,
and that when the band ceased to exist,
Bonner, as a part owner of the instru
ments, believed that he had as much
right to the Instrument as any one else
and decided to keep it until such time
ns there was some proper person to
turn it over to. The case was given to
the jury at adjourning hour. Attorneys
Joseph Gllroy and C. E. Daniels ap
peared for the defendant, and Assistant
District Attorney Gramer for the com
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
Ike .Joscpl Forest City
.vnna pcnvvartz .Scranlon
Prank U. J.ittell Washington, D. V.
Josephine 1,. Merccreau Scranton
llwitrht Truax Peckvillc
Kill Weivcr I'eckiillc
Miles llnrett Scranton
lirldgct Muipliy Scranton
Co'nt .vcterday ordered that the case of Alice
Jl. Dunn against the Scranton Railway company
he put at the heail of the net common pleas
tilal list.
yesterday morning the jury in the case of W.
P. Smjtlie against J. K. Williams, ert ai., which
was tried latt week in common plcai, returned
a eidlct in favor "of the defendants. A new
trial will he asked for.
.loicph II. Gunslcr. assignee of the Scranton
City bank, received his final discharge .veslcrday
from the court. The bank failed in 18S9 and
through the ability with which Mr. fiunster man
aged its affairs nearly all of the liabilities were
The annual meeting of the Bar association was
held yesterday. Major Lvcrctt Warren was elect
ed piedilent; Colonel Herman Osthaus, secre
tary, and Walter Priggs, treasurer. The directors
are Hon. .1. W. Carpenter, J. H. Torrey W. A.
WiIco and G. I), Taj lor.
rjcnnii Hoc he yesterday obtained a rule, through
O'llrien k Martin, to restrain the county com-niKiioner-,
county controller and county treas
urer from pa.vlng P. V. Scanlon the sum of
$a,!XX).2(l for serving Btibpoenaei in the Langstaff
Kelly election contest. Mr, Roche says he is en
titled toonc-lialf the sum due Scanlon for serving
the suhpoenaos, and he asked for a rule to com
pel Scanlon to show cause why he Fhould not pay
over half the sum. The rule was granted. Scan
lon had arranged to draw today 1,000 of the
amount due him.
Judge A, A. Vonburg, in the orphans' court,
yi'bteiday handed down an opinion in the matter
of the estate of John Mason, deceased, which with the following oidei: "It is therefore
oidcred and decreed, that if the executors tile
Mieli .111 inventory as is required by law within
ten elajs nftir the filing ot tills order, then this
petition Khali htand refined, und the application!; without prejudice, however, to the
right ol the petitioners to re-ncvv it, should clr
einnntanccs warrant such action. If no such In
ventory U filed within slid ten days, then the
counsel for the petitioner may apply for the en
try of jdeiiiate security by the e.ecutorn, for the
jiroper peifounanco of their tru. In the Wen of
the case" heiein express!, it is not neccssaiy tn
.louver rpctillcilly the reime-t for findings of fait
and nf I.iiv pu-cntcil by counncl for the pell
Old-Time Actor Says Something of
the Inimitable Dan.
The following note iecelved yesterday
by Manager Dutfy, of the Lyceum, Is
slgnllleant of the regard tho stnge folk
have for droll Dan Daly, who comes to
tho Lyceum tonight with Lederei's
famous "New Yorkets":
Apill S, 1002.
My Dear Mr. Iluii.v.
Don't hesitata lu iceoiiiiiiei,illnn' Dan Daly ami
hi gieat company in "The .Viw Voikers." Dan
hlm.ilf taniN alone In hi- line. The most droll
comedluu In musical work and .1 big lavoilte in the leading New York theater.
Ilciidfo ll'is, lu hU company will hu foiiml a
numbd of uitois who have fiom tlm to tlmo
been U ailing lights in other oitrauliatiuns, und ns
til, Daly iiliviiy In.Ints on a good Mippurtlng
compiuy, his performance ,voil c -ill ccitaliily iim
1st) lo be one of the st ane n's fcitiues, and should
not be inK-i'il by any out. I inn,
1111rs very truly,
Henry 1', Dixie.
.... ... i
Frank Soppllug, Andrew Duberstlno
and William Tnrasklewlcz, three boys
fiom Dickson city, were arrested yes
terday by Special Agent Stephen Dyer,
of the Scranton Hallway company, on
the charge ot obstructing tho com
pany's tracks and throwing stones
through car windows on March ".
After a heating before Magistrate
Howo last night at which Major Kverett
Warren represented the company's In
terests, thu three youngsters were al
lowed to go upon payment of tho costs.
Auction Sale,
On Thursday, April 10, at 0 a. m., to
continue until April 12, tho contents of
tho Irving Hotel, consisting of furnish
ings of 100 bedrooms, recently refur
nished; bedroom suites, carpets, Iron
und brass beds, mattresses, springs, bed
linen, linoleum, bar fixtures, chairs, two
cush registers, safes, hotel omnibus,
miscellaneous household goods.
K. M. Stionir. Auctioneer,
Opportunities in Voice Culture Are
Offered Under the Instruction of
Alfred Wooler, the Wcll-Kuown
Tenor Soloist A Whole Year's Tu
ition Offered to the Young Lady or
Gentleman Who Desires to Begin
or to Round Out Their Musical
Educations Tho Instruction Will
Be private Mr. Wooler's Musical
Career Applicants Should Send in
Their Names Now So as to Be
Ready When the Contest Opens.
Nearly every morning for the past
week or ten days The Tribune has an
nounced additions to Its original list
of twenty scholarships until yesterday
morning they numbered twenty-eight.
Today there Is a further addition, and
the two new scholarships we announce
this morning comprise something en
tirely new and altogether different
from anything we have before offered
in our Educational Contest.
We take pleasure In announcing to
day that we have completed nn ar
rangement with Mr. Alfred Wooler tor
two scholarships In voice culture. Mr.
Wooler Is recognized as one of Scran
ton's leading vocal teachers, having
made a thorough study of voice cul
ture and singing In Europe and In this
country. Mr. Wooler came to Scranton
a little over eight years ago to take
the solo tenor position at Elm Park
church, and shortly afterwards he
opened a vocal studio. He has earned
the reputation of being a most con
scientious and painstaking teacher, who
brings about the best results In a com
paratively short time. Among his
pupils are some of the best singers In
Scranton, as well as several vocal
teachers who are receiving special In
struction. Mr. Wooler, In addition to his marked
ability as a vocal soloist and teacher,
Is broadly cultivated In other branches
of music, having cornpleted the studies
of Harmony, Counterpoint, Canon,
Fugue, Form and Composition under
the eminent theorist. Dr. Clarke.
Mr. Wooler's latest songs and piano
pieces are rapidly gaining for him nn
international reputation as a composer
of high-grade music. His principal
teachers were Mr. Robert Bradley,
Bradford, Yorkshire, England; Mr.
William Courtney, New York. Mr.
Wooler Is a graduate In Harmony
(1897), Counterpoint and Musical Com
position US99) under Dr. Hugh A.
Clarke, University of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Wooler takes great care in the
cultivation of proper breathing, tone,
development, evenness throughout the
entire compass of the voice, enuncia
tion, artistic singing and the redition
of solos. Tho two scholarships are as
One full year's course In vocal In
struction (private lessons), forty weeks,
two lessons per week, valued at $80;
one full year's course In vocal Instruc
tion (private lessons), one lesson per
week, valued at ?45.
These latest scholarships well round
out the incentives to ambitious young
people to enter this year's Educational
Contest. Nearly 'every phase of study
is included. In music there are special
attractions, no less than nine scholar
ships In various musical Institutions
in Scranton being on the list; there are
two universities represented, nine pre
paratory schools of high grade, one
military .academy, five in local busi
ness colleges, one In art, and it is pos
sible that the list Is not yet complete.
How any young person can hesitate
to take advantage of these offers and
work for his or her own advancement
in higher education is Incomprehensible.
All that Is required Is that the young
person who wishes to win one of these
scholarships must work for us during
the coming summer; devoting their
spare time to helping themselves
through helping us. The full rules and
particulars are printed dally on the
fourth page of The Tribune.
Any one may enter the contest at
any time. All letters of Inquiry and
applications for entry should be ad
dresed to "Contest Editor," Scranton
Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
J. M. Daly Has Been Called Back
to His Old Office by the Ill
inois Central Railroad.
J. M. Daly, formerly superintendent
of transportation on the Lackawanna
railroad, and later manager of the Cape
Breton railroad In Nova Scotia, has
been appointed superintendent of trans
portation on the Illinois Central rail
road, with headquarters in Chicago.
The appointment became effective on
April 1, and Mr, Daly Is now discharg
ing the duties of his otllce. He held
this same position for u number of
years prior to coming to Scranton, P.
O'Kecfe, who came here with Mr, Daly,
Is also engaged with the Illinois Central
as chief special agent.
D., Ii, and W. Board for Today.
The following Is the mnko-up of the
D I., and W, board for today:
IMras DU lu p, in,, II, Dohcity,
I l,'i:SDAV, AI'HIIi S,
l'.ilras l.l'O a. in,, llobohni, .1. II, Swailj
4 a. in., I Vim Wmiiicr; ." a. in., lloboken,
ltiii1lch; in a. in., lloboken, J. II. MeC'ann; 11
u. m,, W. I.ibaii I p. in,, llubokeii, .J, l!e
rity; 2 p. in., llohfikin. A, l Mullen; .'I p. in.,
(icoiire Theur-is; .1 p. in,, lloiwihtn, A. 1', Mul
len; U p. in,, lluboktn, 11. lINti'iig.
fcummtts, lite, ! a. m., .1. Cauini;; !' a, in,,
.Vie hold; 10 u. in., Wllllum Ihui with I! Mi
Allbld'n crew; 2 p. m., 'IhoinjMin; U p. in.,
J, IK-nnlgari; 8 p. in., llolden.
I'iiiIivn 0 a, ui,, Widnci, 7 a. in., ,S. I'm
ncrly; 8 " ni., llnu-er; 11,0 a. in., Morau; u p.
m., O, Uarlholouiew; ",'M p, in., Murphy; 9 i,
in., W, II, Itartholoniew j 1'J p. in., l.anipln;,
llcl(icrs-7 a, in., (Jaffncy; 7 n. in., Kiiifer; 10
, in., S.'corj C.iJ p. in , Stanlon; 8 0 p. in.,
j:tras Wet S a. in,, M. Cannoeb j 10 a, in.,
T, Pmdlwii; 4 p. in., f. Kindle); 11 p. in,,
l Wall.
Clurlei Van Brunt upoiU for (ico. Tlioirai.
A. Sullivan and Jl. lUtehfoid report for V,
II, Mcholf.
A Astrhucr rciioits for 1", Van N'oimgr,
Jl. Ilosey eport for Cavanaugh.
('has. K wilier ri'lirls for J, (ierrlt).
Tom bcanlon will co out with 1', 'Ullllgan'i
crew in place ol V, Dolnrty.
rreatdent Leaves for Charleston.
Washington, April ". I'l evident lloorficll and
hU party left for Charleston, s, (!., tliU altei
noon at S.'M o'clock. Th parly traveled in a
uoccial tratu oyer tho Southern rallreucj
We are showing the finest Hue of Bras9 Beds
ever seen in Scranton. Their finish is perfect.
Our Iron Beds cost you about two thirds what
you pay elsewhere.
Scranton Bedding Co.,
F. A' KAISER, tVanotior.
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
More Than Half
that we do not care to obtrude even our politeness where there
seems no need fur it. Our civilities arc like ;i bill ot exchange,
that must represent value one dav, or another; and our mer
chandise is like currency, which is value every time and all the
There's a Kind of Dress fiinrCfloaUn8acoJ-
To Be the Fashion This Season turne! thamakes
one feel quite near and vet keeps you a considerable distance
off. It's a most bewitching ethereal style of costume, and
seems especially invented for the bewilderment of the male sex.
Here's the kind of stuffi they are made of.
.. mM.i.' 4-. . We have an army of these and in
Fine White Goods a!1 the degrees of quality from good
up. The skirmish line of this army is here and on dress parade
for your inspection. Drop in and see them. You'll be de
lighted. Don't judge the bigness of the values by the size of
the invitation.
Imported Mercerized Hadras
Lace Stripe New Novelties
Clipped Spot riuslin
Lace Dimities and Other White Novelties
Persian Lawns India Linons
Victoria Lawns Organdies
You would know these were all new, for none so pretty
have been shown before. They bid fair to grow scarce unless
the mills can lun raster. Our supply was arranged for before
the rush came.
Embroideries and Laces A J.he knds of trimmings
To Go with These Fabrics dresses. And, by the
way. we have wreaths and veils for confirmation dresses
i McConnell & Co. I
! The Satisfactory Store. g
i 400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
We are compelled to warn
you against the many mitace
meat juckages recently made
in imitation of a box of
Mince Me at
to trado on our reputation and effective ad
vertising. Look for tho name None
Such and tho None Such mince meat
girl " on the box. Don't be deceived.
Ask for None SbcJi, nnd
get -what you ask for.
10 cents
Merrell-Souli Co.,
I W tfSnL DR J jk f
Ilo need to hesitate about buying Spring
Clothing If you haven't the cash at hand. You
can open an account, buy what you wish, much
or little, at actual cash prices, and pay the bill
In small convenient payments.
We are selling exquisite Ladies' Man-tailored
Suits from $7.50 all the way up to $40.
Ladles' Spring Waists $1.50 to $10;
Splendid Skirts $2 up to $30, and Dainty
Trimmed Hats $2 to $10
Men's Suits for Spring $6 to $25, and
Fine Boys' .Suits $5 to $15.
Credit for all America 30 stores,
31 T Lacka. Ave.
Second Floor.
Open Evenings.
i .
Enjoyable Programme Rendered at
Music Hall.
The members or tho ticr.intnn MwU'f
hruns entertained their frlemlH last
night, at Music nail, with a (.pleiidlil
entertainment, The Hieclul iierformors
were Mrs. J. Payton, of New York, n
mezzo-soiiriuio, with a. well-cultlvnteil
voice, who Baiur several selections
charmlriKly, und Carl l-'lsher, of tho
Thalia, theatre, New York, a comedian
of rare versatility, whoso rccltatlona
and monologues greatly ))eus.ed tho
George V, Keller, of this city, a young
Violinist of much promise, played sev
eral selections, and tho nieinbcis of the
Liederkruna sang (our German gongs
;o to
Both 'Phones
Of what is attributed to us,
surincs out of the simple fact
a package.
list enclosed.
Syracuse, N.Y.
with a vim and splilt that won them
great applaiibe, The Lawrence orehcBtiu
furnished incidental manic nnd played
fur tho dancing which followed,
Auction Sale.
On Thursday, Apill 10, at 9 a. m., to
continue until April 1-'. thu contents ot
thu Irving Hotel, consisting of furnish
ings of 100 bedrooms, iccently rofur
nlfehed; bedroom Hultes, carpets, Iron
nnd brass, beds,, springs, bed
linen, linoleum, bar fixtures, chalis, twe
cash registers, r-afes, hotel omnibus
miscellaneous household goods.
H. M. Ktiong, Auctioneer.
Pensions Granted.
Wellington, April ". l'tmlo:i limited! Ulili
j llrolifjiJ (wlilow), .Willctllaire, HI; Joa4
thuu II. UnidrkK.oii, of Kliuluutt, $10.
at TrarSaHHW
. a
v '