THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY APRIL 7, 1002. s ': ivsoeosia... Salt Rheum And Malaria cured by OR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY. - it n..M Hip rivil war." writes Jos. - ""'"'6 .v.r ";:.. 'w n- r.fwvi5 Thlra street, iroyi "" mvitl Kcnncuy, 01 koiiuuui, . licrj discoverer ot Dr. jjaviu rveu n.vlv's Favorite Remcuy, a contracted suit rliouin and laniarlul fever aud have been ' bothered with them, ever since, ;avc had quite a little of cry- ipemstoo, my mi-ih rtB woulrt brcnli out nil oTcr Willi Iiorrlblo sorci wlilch were very, inloftil. I took various medicines but they did me no Rood. I tlieu began to use Dr. David Ken nedy' Fnvorlto Komotly with the result that my arms and legs healed up at once, it strengthened me and made me feel like a different man." Mrs. Chalotix, the wife of John Chaloux, of the W. H. Wood Stove Manufacturing Co., of 1617 Seventh Avenue, Water vliet, N. Y., says in nn open lctter.of lierexpsricuce with Dr. "Constipation is hcrcdi tarv in our 'family and we have all'beeil tioublcd a great deal with it ; we have tried all sorts of medicines, but none really did thewoik until one day I saw an advertisement of l)r.Daid Ken nddy's l?iinrite Remedy and decided o I ry it. It cured me, in fact all of us completely, so wc ore not troubled that way any more. It kept my kidneys and liver in good order and we are nil now 111 excellent health." Dr. !. ill Kennedy's Favorite Rem ef.y'Nn peifect blood nnd nervemed-Kin.-. It restores the liver to a healthy Cui.l;tlnn and imci the worst cases of constipation. It ii a certain enre forall dl-enicspcculiarto females. It cutis aofula, salt rheum, rheuma tism, dyspepsia, all kidncv, bladder cud nrin rv diseases, gravel, diabetes nnil bright's disease. If vott nre not nlrendy convinced that Favorite Remedy is the medicine you need you rnav have n trial bottle sent you by raail.absolutelv free, by sending your addiess to the Dr. David Kcnuedy Corporation, Rondout,N.Y., at.rl mptiHrannr I 111". nrmPl". H nr. navlil Keniicdv's Favorite Rem- rdv f for dale bv nil drueeists. at I $1 00 a bottle, or 6 bottles for $5 00 - less man one cent n ciose. If. PA7ID ZEITHEDY'S BOSS JELL? radical cure Catarrh, Hy Fever, Deafness and Coll In Heat. 50c PUSSY'S PALL FROM GRACE THE EYES OF A PIOUS CAT ARE OPENED. A Susquehanna Pellrie Refuses to Listen to Prayers of the Man Who Had Slaughtered Her Offspring. Great Bend Has a "Hugger" Song from the Bard of Uniondale A Find of Old Coins. Special to the Scranton Tiibune. Susquehanna, April 1. An used gen Meinan nnd his housekeeper constl :ute a, household in Susquehanna, nnd their fjld llnds tho lines ate fallen to her in pleasant places. Family prayers are tho rule each evening: hi the household, and the cat fell into, tho habit ot leirulur or punctual attend ance. No other of the caves that pio verbially uiowd a cat's life was ever allowed to mowd this religious duty. At tho hlsii(il for prayers she would even leave 11 mouse half caught, or eivo a doomed blul a longer lease of existence, and decoiously compo-e lier self In tlie lap of tho housekeeper, with nn air of attention to the service that was ti,uly edifying. At tho ilnal "Amen" who wont friskly about her business, nut In an oll day theie came a kit ten tliat was deemed nuperlluoiuj, and sentence of death was pionounced upon It. The head of the family nuclei tool; the execution of tho sentence, and, un known to him, the old cat was a wit ness of the scene From that day tho cat refused to attend tho morning set vico, and cannot now bo Induced to listen to tho piayeis of one who had ho shocked her sensibilities. She faith fully performs nil other duties as bu rnt c, and socially puns for tho l.tmlly on all' occasions, but 1 Igldly draws tho lino on family prnyois. TUN NEWS rtKCOKD. The olllce of Eije Mechanical Super Jntondcut Burr were today lemoved from Susquehanna, to Meadvllle, and Susquehanna, lose's tenty pleasant people, chlelly now comers, Mrs, Diuiiiq Notion, a foimer es teemed resident of Lanesboro, Susque hanna, is seriously 111 at his homo at Serantoii, Great Bend hub a "Jack, tho Hugger to relluvo excessive monotony. Some of the candidates for the legls. latino have already established a lit Iecary bjitieau with gifted wiittns in Montrose, llullsteael and Foiest (Jlty, llt's a good thingpush it along! There have been llfty-nlne births and Iflfty-ilvo deais in Susquehanna dur ing tho past year, Twenty of tho df-aths were ot ages langlng over "0 years. Hon. George C. III1I, one of tho icii- Iresentatlves of this county at Hanls bmg, Is a candidate for lenoinliiatlou. PAUAGUAPHKD PICKUPS. Susquehanna will Ibsuo $10,000 In Bonds, to erect the boiough building. The Easter services were all hugely attended ublo setmons, beautiful flow- prs, lino ihuslc, olferhigs and bcoics of Easter bonnets. Somebody cut the throat of n horso belonging to John Baldwin, of Wind sor, a few nights since, There may not lie an extra-neated hades for such kvreti'hes but theie ought to be, SJia. fanny Tyler, of Jtontiose, has round In the bam connected with tio ld Tyler nomesteaa a box containing 1500 In old coins. A member In the fam ily was a coin collector many yeais' rs Erie nose company, No. 1, will hold rair April -?'-. The condition of Mrs. Janet Whlt- LoiUf, - TOffBmifann:paii man HigumtE Dr.D.KENNEDY'S P&voriteBemedy. A Medicine that Purines the Blood and restores the Dis ordered Liver to a healthy condition, and most effectually corrects the worst cases of Ha bitual CONSTIPATION of the BOWELS. It is a cer tain cure for all tho Diseases and Weaknesses peculiar to Females, and affords great protection from atUcks that originate in Change of Life, of Season and of Climate. It cures SCROFULA and all Scrqfulous Affections. Erup tw and Cutaneous Diseases, 8uchu St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Pustules, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Pim. (les. Boils, Blotches, Scald Head, Ringworm. Ulcers and res, Tumors. Pain in the bones. SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL DISEASES; Rheumatism. Dyspepsia, Ul ceration of the KIDNEYSara BLADDER. GRAVEL. DIA. BETES, and all Urinary De. posits, and indeed all disorders arising from an impure star? CI the.blood and it is beyond doubt the best Alterative Meaicine ever offered to the Public, for restoring Tcfne arft Strengthrfo the system that has DebjhtatedbyDisease: iPrioe, 81.60 fSt FiTflV-ssffissS AUi-lS brook, an aged resident of East Main street who was lecently stricken with paralysis, is very serious. The funeral of the late Mis. Mary A. Springstler, nn aged resident, took place from the family residence on Sunday afternoon, with interment in MoKune cemetery. The boiler makers will hold a social and hop in Hogan opera, house April 22. The grand jury of the county met at Montrose on Monday. Alt of the Sun day schools in district No. 1 of the Susquehanna county Sunday school as sociation, will on Sunday next bo vis ited by a person appointed by tho pres ident, William Epes, of Susquehanna. "IT WAS SO SUDDEN." "It was kinder funny that is, over lookin' the seriousness of it," said the landloid of tho Petty vllle tavein. "You see, Miss Gabriella Lanks, who has not inennhV any dlsiespect to her, you understand been an old maid so long that it's generally believed to be chronic, approached the lailroad crossln', and a brakeman waved a red hag at her to wain her of danger. She thought ho was tiyln' to illrt with her, and advanced low-aid him with a smile, and a caboose that was backln" up stiuck her good and plenty. Luck ily no bones were bioktfn, and tho Hist thing she said when she recovered con sciousness was: " 'Oh this Is so sudden!' " 1rii o f.irliK .lie It, tlie .ilr; sklc of hue A-mo lilui', .Minln'.inii iljiicht," in'iiwlmi, Old ,I.1i.l. l'm-l it "Unliifejotl." 'Ihli. Iut be tlic it'll tliliii.' UjiiI nf L'nioiuUlo, Some people will say things about other people without thinking that other people can say things about some people as big as beams compared with motes. Now that one of the Mrs, Vander- PICTURE K"- i r-rm-m n irnwirr-rimi r-irr-irar nnran While apparently meeting this Indian alone in the woods, the trapper has u companion near lit hand, while the Sioux Is accompanied by two of his bi aves. Find them. Solutions for Last Week's Puzzles: Monday, Mjiih 111, Jack's fallur U about ulicrt.' the saddle beluniii on the hor-.e. 'the i'og U under the lidn'o tliln and tl.c lug on tlie tnd of tlm cune furim llio pig. Tuesday.' Am II 1. Tlw die. cf rerdlnaud Ifomw AIoiui mid tlie biotlier U under Coluin liuV tlihi. Wfdnt'Mliy, April 2. '1 lie1 woman U foinicd by the lower part of the upron. 'Hie khlit vt the man tonus the limlund, bllta bus "sat" upon the bustle, In more wnys Mian one, thole tuny be enough wire to build the fences ot this country. It Is easier to start a woman talltliig than It Is to stop her. "They linvo steep hills In Forest City, I understand." "Steepl Why, say, It you drop off tho top of a Forest City hill you'll land r.0 feet back from the base of HI" COOPED AJ? IMPOSTEH. Charles Schmidt, who has been Im posing on the credulity of the people ot Lackawanna, Susquehanna, and Brad ford counties, by organizing secret "religious" lodges, has been arrested In Bradford county and Jailed. Ho claimed to see visions and to have the gift of prophecy. "The S"tar of Heaven," tho high sounding title of the "religious" order he has founded, has been joined by a large number of dupes. Branches of the order have been established hi halt a dossen counties of the stnte, and It Is said ho managed to fleece his followers out of a large sum of money. MATTEBS AND THINGS. Once Mrj. Rlth anil Mrs. IVior Meandered down tlie w.i, Anil lieltl a lone dlciiloii nn llic toiiln of the th-. And nftti- tliey lntl iilid 1 Itcnuiked to hilly 1'llfli.' That Mh. Well vm ery iuor, Aid Mm. Poor uaa rlcli. Unknonn Hird. An Afton man has a biblo 112 yeais old. Strange how long a bible may bo made to lost, by temperate usage! The laborer finds little to Intoxicate at tho crow-bar. It is said that the Susquehanna county Prohibitionists tiro preparing to place a full county ticket in the field. When the votes nre counted thoy are never disappointed, inasmuch as they never expect anything. A Forest OUy butcher saw a man stealing a ham. ' "I'm losing flesh," he said. Tho time a man needs a vacation Is Just after ho leturns from one. The days of sackcloth and ashes are oe'r, and wo can be wicked again. What a relief! Whitney. TUNKHYNNOCK. Special to tlie Scranlon Tribune. Tunkhnnnock, April 6. Miss Etta Euckenbill left on Friday for Kingston, Pa., where she has accepted a position. The Monday club will meet at tho home ot Mrs. 13. N. Stone, on West Tioga street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Prof. Frank J. Herman, of the Me hoopany schools, was calling on friends here on Saturday. Prof. Herman will be a candidate for county superintend ent before the school convention In May. Attorney Walter L. Hill, of Scranton, was looking after some legal matters here on Saturday. George W. Stanton, a well-known farmer of Nicholson township, was in town on business on Saturday. Dr. George M. Klnner and wife, of Mehoopany, were among those in at tendance at the public installation of the officers of the Knights Templar on .Friday evening. Owing to losses in business, tlie Arm of M. S. Kinthner & Son, engaged in the milling business at Mehoopany, have been forced to make an assign ment for the benefit of their creditors. The ferry which is being placed In position near the river bridge by R. M. PiattI will not be ready for use for sev eral days yet. Sheriff John W. Gray sold quite a number of pieces of valuable leal es tate at the sheriff sales on Saturday afternoon. License court will convene today at 2 o'clock p. m. At the Orphans' court sale of the giist mill property in Northmoreland town ship belonging to the estate of Mary EK Keeler, deceased, tlie property was sold to Asa S. Keeler for S2,r.00. NICHOLSON. Special to llic Seianton Tiibune. Nicholson, April C One of the most brilliant affairs of tho season was a reception held at the homo of Mis. N. L. Walker Friday evening, April 4, given by the membeis of the History club. Mis. Wnlkei's spacious home was most tastefully decorated for 'the occasion, and at an early hour the fol lowing programme was rendered: Piano solo, "Whims" (Schuman), Mrs. Gcnovlevo Baker; reading, "Knee Deep In June" (J. W. Itlley), Mrs. E. L. Bneon; baritone solo, "At Parting" (Uogeis), Bev. L. L. Lewis; contralto solo, "For This" (DeKorcn), Mrs. W. S. Decker; violin solo, "Simple Confes sion" (Thome), O. D. Pratt. The guests then repaired to the din ing room and elaborate refreshments were served, and following nre tho toasts given; Itecltatlon, "One Man's Way," Mrs. It. M. Nlles; "Description of One Woman," Miss Juna Warner; soprano solo, "Farewell, Sweet Flower, PUZZLE. 'Ihuitday, Apill 3 Doth fl.'iiui can bo found of I'olumbua' thoulder, l'llday, April i. The old utiitliiiun'i. hat tonus tho jeeose. Tho dog i bctuet'll liW ciiii and tlie little gill, and tlie rabbit is betnicu hU leg and the boy, Satuiday, Apul S. Ualboa'a left hand forms the Quiin'j outline. 'Hie King h in the upper Uft-luud comer vt the pltluie. the Summer's Dylnu" (Barney), Mrs. H. S. Stephens; tending, "Trip Through the Western Stntes,"' Miss Cora Stephens; toast, "Tho Greatest Benin I Was Ever In," Mrs. C. II. Mac Connell: anecdotes, Mrs. W. W. Loltoyj talk, "Colonial Days," Mrs. S. L. Tif fany; pianrj polo, "Boblii's Iteturn" (Flslmr), Miss Ethel Stnrkt talk "Gos sip," Mrs. J. E. Harding. The toasts were then closed by the presentation of the book ''Whlttler's Poems," to the president of the club, Mrs. L. E. Sanford, by Mrs. E. L. Ba con, which was responded to by ti speech. The evening entertainment be ing concluded, the guests then depart ed to thdr respective homes. Those present were: Mr. and Mis. W. S. Docker, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hard ing, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Colvln, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Uoyle, Mr. and Mts. LoUoy Bacon, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. LeRoy, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Osborne, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Mac Connell, Dr. and Mrs. R, M. Nlles, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. L. Tiffany, Rev. and Mrs. L. E. Sanford, Rev. and Mrs. T. II. Rowen, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. S. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Pratt, Mrs. Will Russell, Mrs. H. 13. Wllklns, Mrs. P. A. linker, Mrs. L. 13. Jones, Mrs. W. L. Walker, Misses Juna Warner, Cora Stephens, Carrie Stephens, Ethel Stark, Ruth Johnson, Bessie Stephens, Flor ence Wllklns, Mnmo Benjamin, Llllle Pratt, Flora Blakslee, Messrs. Ray Potter, Harry Benjamin, Rev. L. L. Lewis. Theatrical, J ATTRACTIONS TODAY. JjYCr.UM "Are You a Mason!" Xltfit. ACADHMY W.tite Comedy t-ompmy. Night. STAII "The ell'b lliuglitcr." Afternoon and night. "Friend Karl" nt the Lyceum. Two large nudiiiKis at the Ljccum Silurday attended, the preamtitlmi ot "1'ritiid Kail" by the new t-inffiliK- (lei nun, Krne.H Do Miy, aud tlie U. (I. Sniltli company. The play U an oliMinier picented hero some jtus ago by u Sncilhh tcmtdlan. Willi it at that time M Mis. Annie Ycainau, tho still esajs ihe time part. Mis. Yeannns is the bet fun maker of tlie show. )coy sings eiy well and acts quite naturally. The other members of tiic eompati till their crural pirts Aery acceptably. There .ue two ratlin eliboiato 'tage iettim;? and some ingenious inechanleil cfleets. A pr.iliie flic in the second act is a uoicl bit of lcalbm. Are You a Mason P The I.jceum theater tonight will bo goien ocr to laughter. "Are -iou a Mason?" a faue adapted from the Ceiniin by I.. M, Ditrichsteln, will be presented by tlie company that scored such a bucce-s in this comedy in jfew Yoik and Chicago. The triumph of Mi. DItrithstein'it com cdy a so great that it .is decided by Cluilc9 Fi oilman to present the faice at ids Shaftesbury theater, London. Tho company is one of unu.-ual ceclleine. Tliii statement in fully carried out by the fact that the cist ii the one tiiat crowded to the doois nlghtlj- nt Wullitk's and tlie (lauiel. tlieateis, Xcw Yoii., and I'oner'i theater, Chicago. In ad dition to the author, Mr. Pitiiclistein, the com pany includes John C. lliee, Thomas A. Wbe, Ueorge Hicbuds, CliulcH Halion, Charles J. (Iieene, Chailcs l'dwauls, Geitrude lUiitty, Ks ther Tittell, llraee llatlsel, llad Chappie, Amy Midlei, Sally Cohen and Maude Tiaicid. Feats now on sale. , , San Daly Coming. The nu-l successful mimical comedy, "The New Yoikcrs," headed by that famous comedhn with the drawl, Mr. Dan Daly, and supported by tlie George W, I.edtrer company, will be pie sentcd at the Ljceuin tomorrow night. Ihis Mill be Mr. Dalj's first appearance in IhU city since ids ictiirn fiom the other side, where he plaed one uf tlie lnot Mitceful engagements of his caicer, in "Ihe Hello of New Yoil," which Mr. T.cdercr pioduccil at his fahaftcsbtuy theater in Iondon, herc it ran for almost two jean. Mr. Daly biings with him the oiiginil cat, sccnuy and lutciiauical effects, a& wen timing its long urn at the IUrald Squaic tlie i ler in New Yoik cily, width is in nsolf a ,iiii autre of the excellency of tho entertaiumei't. The following lat, which, by the wo, iep lestnts the highlit nlaiied oicniiilluii tiaveling, speaKs foi il'clf: Mr, Dan Daly, (leoige A. hcluller, Uilll.-.m Gould, Nick Long, frank 'Jaunehill, Ji William Cam eion, Tliomis K,m, 1'iank IiiiiiiL,ton, .l.iuica A. l'urey, Kiln in WIKon, 1'icd Titus, Roj Cut ters, llany Blown, ito.o Ueaumont, Idaleno Cot Ion, 'lV&tie Moonry, I.auia Clomcnt, Anni I.anghlln, Vida Vhltuime, Label IVArniond Dol lie roncstcr, Kilhijn Uaitlett, Kntliiliuc Venl, Mildied Deveire, ItiU Dean, (leraldme l'.iir, Mola CUjlon, Cl.iia IlaiKiott, Mathilda 1'Uc and Daisy f.iiea-. healfl now readj. Mason and Mason. "Itiidolph and Adolpli," the new musical torn cily in which D.ui and Chillies A. Mason ,ue stalling this nelson i- woithy of apinetlailou fur two re.ii.on; ono that it ii a flue of i telkul mnlity and liuiuoi-, and the othei i- tint it has alieady won its full meisuic of suciess nil along the line. I'.irii'n into whlih arc inJtctuJ the knockabout gjiuiustus and houscphiy of tho Aaiidciillo stage have been lelcgated to oblivion and the tastu of our ainu-ement seekeis oio whetted foi tomlhlng moic palatable and substan tial. Hioadliuiot t: Cm lie have biiiplled the tt.ira with an ej.ecllent supporting compiny Intluillng that clever joung (omcdlciuie, lAjttle Willi.inu Salter, who was last seen lino as "Alw. Smith" in llioadhurat's "Why Smith Lett Home" ioiii pany. Ilcitrko McKenzle, late piimi donni with "Hotel Topy Tinvj"! Nellie Maskell, h.i ilciljii, Clara ItinaliU Smith, the hKttu l.jii lcnte, Chailolle I.oe, Lew H. Newiomli, Hobby Matk, Ikldle Huell, harry .lames, Siniuel Mil Held and others. Tho date in this city is Thurs day night net for one peiforuiinco only at the Ljteuni theater. Seals go on tile tomonow inoiulng nt U o'clock. Waite Comedy Company. Cominemlng Monday, April 7, for tho enllio week with a dally matinee thereafiei, tho Walto Comedy and Stock company opens a week's en. gagamtnt at tho Acideiny of Miulc presenting for tho opening bill the situation il intlo-diauia, "Tho War of Wealth." 'Ihe pait leputillon of this powcifiil alliacllou Is .a sulBtieut guaiautec of tho merit of tho pel foimanees, both in acting company and plajs seleeled, to say nothing of llic manner in which each play will bo presented, each ono a lonipHd production In ilcf. Among Ihe list ol wu notice un cnlliely new lepertolrc of sl.iudud sue cu.sch and tho piodurtlou uf tho famous stoiy "Uiuler 'IVo I'lags," as a mantelpiece, thn elcc tllcal effects being somctlilni nut of the otdlnary, A ladies' grand conceit tmlicslu liaj bem added t libs season ami no doubt will prove nn attiactlio adjunct to this popular oiganliatiou. 'Ilie daily liutlncrg villi couuneiico Tuesday, "Devil's Daughter." ' Miner k Van O.ten'i "Devil's Diuglitci" com. pany, a popular cxtraingauza which placed an mgagcmeiit of twenty-two wciU ut tho I'an. Amcilcan, llullalo, conns with tho orlgiuil turn, pany Intact o the Star today uud will be heiu fur the nest thuu ibs. The company which JIcmis, .Miner k Van (Is. ten piiscut in tho "Dv'lH'd Daughtci-" is a still ing uggitgatiou of ai lists fiom bcghmlng to cud. leading the llt uf pi J wis is C'launce Wither, .1 comedian such as the builesquo stage nu.i will bo pioud of, and second to Id tit b (wpular J'ln I'cny in whom Mr. W liber Hndi u tciigciilal and liaiuiouloiH parluer. Others of piomiusme in the cast aie Miu. Lillian Calvert, MUs Lillian ilatli away, J. A, Manus, (lllinour and Latour, evciy cue of whom Is a versatile and clever eiilc'iUlmr, A liiagulilccnt series uf living pictures ure in troduced, which employ a scoie or moie ot u tlst's niodeU, engaged especially for this cue feature alone, uud whMi hate been pronounced tho best display of living art itudlcs ever present, ed by a tiaielln; orgauization. Anothei special attrition piesi'iiltd by this oiMiil.atlou U MIj Lemu 1). Howe's ladies mllltaiv baud. J THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents lor Each Extra Line. For Bent. FOlt 1II:NT Small lurnMiril lioue for rent. In- quire nt V23 Vine street. I'liAT l'tltl ltlkST at f.lS Laeliawanna aie line J nil modem iinproicmcntg. Inquire ol II. Moiies, CIS Lnckauamu uvrnue. roil BKNT-rive trie hrlght rooms at S'J7 Wy omiiig nvcmie. roil linNT-SlTToom flat with lutlt, sleum heal, 'gas range and nil modem improve, inents, fiom April Ut! rent reason ible. Cull early. 1'rcil C. llaiul, DOd Mulberry street. l'OIl HUNT In Dillon, a furnished rottago for the season; tine location; short dUlnnce from the station. Adthesj Lock Itox Ii7, Dalton, I'fl. I-Ofl HUNT-A beautifully finished house ot twehe rooms, alt inodctn eonvenitiues, In North l'aik; fine loclllon. Apply 1023 llleclrlc avenue, North Park. fclOfll! l'OIl Hi:ST H2J Wel t.irkuwaniii ave nue. Inquire Philip Schncll, 0JU West Laclca- w.iiinu avenue. MAUN FOIt Iti:NT-$12, April 1st, three bo-c and three single stalls wash ratk, lear ot r,24 JIadlson avemio. Inquire at i4 Madison nve. TOIt Itll.VT-Storc building foi rent in Tjickson City, Pa. Diilldlng SO feet bv 2 feet, cellar tinder nil, and second story can bo arranged lor a family. All In good rcpilr reidy for use. Two coal breakers and mines clo-c by cmplovlng over n thousand people. An enterprising can get a largo tiade. Apply to William II. Itlchnioud, Itlclunond Hill, 3125 X. Main aetnuc, ficrantoti, Pa. Furnished Booms. l'OIl RLNT One furnished room, with Improic. mcnls; nlso' one on third floor, cheap. C27 Adams aeenue. rURNISIinD ROOMS for rert, modem Improve-ment-s; private family; gentlemen preferred, at C37 Adams ntcnuc. FOIl HUNT r'urnlshed front room, with heat, bath and gas; near court house; gentleman preferred. Address Room, Ilox 200. FOIl llllXT Furnished room; GCo Linden street. heat and bath. FUItNIStini) ROOMS FOR UHN'T. with heat, pa) and bath, gentlemen rretcrrcd, at 539 Adams avenue. For Sale. L'OIl SALE A pacing hoise, marked. Abo buggj and liarnej?. Inquire at Thomas Jobni' hotel, Noilh Main avenue, Noitb Knil. HOliSll FOR SALH-lliy hoe 7 .vcars old, 1V2 hands high, weighs 1,000 puumlfl; sound, kind and true; etra well cit luokcn; docs not shy or pull, Perfect conformation, very stilish; price, $130. Your money back is not as lepre sentcd. P, B. Paters-on, M. D., Honesdale, Pa. TOR SALL' ComplelP job printing outfit, fKU job priss, !I0 fonts job and bodv tvpc, tjpe stand and cases, biass rules, etc. 'ame one with the cash will get a bargain. Addiess Lock Hot 30, PcLkville, Pa. FOR SvLF Will sacrifice an Kmcuon upriglit piano, large size for cash, lias had veij lit tle use and is in peifect condition. For partic ulais addicts Opportunity, Tiibune office. JCST AltltIVr.D with foilv hoises; good woik eis and diiveis; weight fiom 1.100 to 1,000; scleral closely matched teams. Can be i-ecn at 331 Rajmond cmut. I'. M. Cobb. Boarders Wanted. PRIVATH FAMILY wishes to have two nice men to board, Geiman oi L'nglish. Call any time after Thursday. All conveniences, b07 Harrison avenue. Wanted Booms and Board. WANTED Tws communicating looms with board, private family piefeircd. Two ladles and a gentleman. State lull particular. Address C, II. D., Tiibune office. Wanted To Bent. WAXTI'.D For the summer, a furnished ltou.e at Lake Auel or vicinity. Addiess stating full paitlcuklis, Hot J30, Tiibune oftice. WA.Vli:i ROOMS I'm two adults, tlirec or fom looms, futnlshed or imfuriiUhed for very light huu-ikceplug, til at Uooi in (cried. Addiess JI, 13., Tribune olllce. WAM'i;i) Furnished ltouso oi four or live rooms foi housekeeping. Address A. G. I'.., Tiibune othec. Wanted Furnished Booms. WANTEIl Furnished rooms for Knights Tempi ir Com live, Miy 2d. 27 and 2S, 11)02. Addiess Gcnige II. Jeinijn, Clmrman Hotel Conunlttie. Keal Estate. .l,ftw will buy well flniMied siiiglo house; all nnpiincnients; eleetiio light; largo lot; Gicen Ridge. M. 11. Holgate. 0O will buy 22-.icie farm; Lugo houo and barn; well watcied; 100 sugar miple tries. A gieat bargain. Daleville, Pa. jr. II. HolMte, til building. FARM FOIt SALE Slitv -two acres, one mile fiom Lake Aiiel; twelve acies of timber, rest improved; excellent spring water on lot; farm situated on load. Foi paiticulars uddicss Will iam, Aiiel, Pa. FARM FOIt SALE or exchange for city property situate in Susquehanu i county; jinpioved; well watered; suitable for dairjiug. stock or sheep laislng and geneial faimlng. llanvcu, At (oiuey, 32'JVt: AVahinglon avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Write for our market letter, Freo on application, 8. M, Hlhbard & Co., members N. Y. Consolidated and Stock Sxchango, 44. and IS llroadnay, New York, Established JS'H. Long Distance' Phone 2JS3 Rroad. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY 10 LOAN-Qulck, straight loans or Uulldlng and Loan. At fiom I la II pel cent. Call on X, V. Mailer. SH-J13 Counell building. STAGE NOTES. "On the IJuiel" is to bu produced veiy shoitly In Loriloii, Tndy Slulluik is to slua the pilin.i donna loin in thu pioductioii ot "Fiddle-Dee-Dee," now touring tho west. 'I ho chances uio that Cli.ulci Fiohiuan 'till gain tonliol of .inolher l.oi.dou theilei, which will i m t his total of EmtlUli liolillngs up to nine, Klaw k Eilangei hive Ihe lighti to ".Ml. HluebiMid," the big Loudon spccUUc, John J. McNully will icwilte the lines to suit this round-. Lawiciicc living, sou ot Sir Henry, v.ill not be a member of ( 'bailee Frohinaii's Loudon ioiii. pany. Ills biotlur, II, II. living, Is la bo a member of It. A. W, Pineiu, tho EuglUh plajwiight, Is no.v nt vioik upon a c for John llaie, and when tinlslied will begin the tak of willing ono for Cluiles I'loliiii.iti, 'Lhe big Adclphl thtalii, London, will lift'oaf. terbe solely ilevotrel tu Ihe pioiluuiou of Amei. ic.iu diamas, and whtii "Arizona" tomplct's its lull "Way Down Eat" will follow. It was ucii'naiy for Ihe actors' fund to elouatu $-j) to ivo "Hill" Rice, tho inlictiel, fio.n tin. pottil's Held. His friends aic talking of pulling a W.OOO liiouunieiit our hi grave. The profits lesullmg fiom tho (oui ot Madauio Mudjeska and l.oul .lames this season have so far amounted to luoici than $7.k00. 'the oigau ii.ttloti U now plajlng a suppleuieutaiy tpilug tour, at the conclusion uf wlilch Madame Mod jeska. leaves for Euiopc, where t I rcpoiicil she is to become once inotu aisoi laird with the en dowed theater of tier nalive land, and ol which she was thu most distinguished member in lier youth. It i not likely , thcicfore, Hut American audiences will see this world famed luuvdleniK' gain, SITUATIONS WANTBD FRnrj. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Ba Beceived nt Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. Iff. Central City ALBERT SCHULTZ. comer Mulberry trttt and Wtbster iVcnue. OU8TAV P1C1IEU OiO Adams avenue. Wfit Slrlsi GEOROE W. JENKINS, 101 South Main at cnue. South Scranton FRED L. TEIIPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. I North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corn-r NorlU Main avcuuo and Market street. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1M7 Dickson venue. P. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Rldgc street. C. LORENZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marion street. Petersburg W. II, KNEPFEI., 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. 0. BONE U SON. Help Wanted Halo. WANTED sober man to milk cows, take care of hoi ids, wash w.igon,s nnd drive; no others need apply. Cull at 4Jl Cedar avenue. WANTED A thouroiighly competent, all around tnolcler. Permanent position for tho light man. In making application st ite age, evpcil enec and wages desired. II. W. P.e.ich, Mont loe, Pa. WANTED Card and sign writer. Apply at Jonas Long's Sons. MAN with horse and wagon wanted to ilcllvir and collect. No i ima'sing. Kil per week and ctpenses. $131) cash deposit icquhed. Col lector, I!o 78, I'liliadelnhla. WANTED Experienced solicitor for establUhcd trulc; permincnt position; give lefeienccs. Addiess "Silkitoi," P. O. I!o 301, city. WANTED Two evpeiieneed stenoziaphrii; ap ply to International Salt Co., Council build ing, Siianton, Pa. Help Wanted Female. WANTED A young lady to act as stenographer and office assistant. One who has hid some c- peiiojice on books preferred. Addiess "P.," Tiibune olllce. LADIES WANTED Home woik, 20 per month guaranteed, stamp fur paiticulais. National P. k S. Watch Co.. Baltimore. Mil. GIRL WANTED for housework in family of foui rdults, who tan sleep home. Apply at 321 Gibson street. LADY CANVASSER wanted to pllcit sulw rip lions for The 'tribune; good commission of fered with a fair guarantee for lust-class woiker. Apply pcieonally at Business Manager's office, Seianton Tribute. Situations Wanted. WANTED Re- a middle aged lady as housekeeper oi any kind of work. Addiess 210 Walnut sticet, Dumnorc. SITUATION WAN! ED Ry joung nun ns book ktepci, or assistant, can give lefeience. Ad dress L. M. F.lslnger, 741 Notth Main avenue, Seianton. WANTED W.ishing or any kind of office work. Addiess Mis. William, 221 Clay avenue, Dunnioi e. A GERMAN' woman would like to have n place as cook. Mil.. M, T,, 221 Penii uecniie. SITUATION WAN'lED Hy a joung gill to take caie of childicii or do light housework; rge 10. Apply 402 Theodora street, Piovidenee. SITUATION WANTED Hy a .voting girl to take cine of cliildieu or do light housework. Call 401 'Jhcodoro street. SI'l CATION WANTED To go out by diy wash ins, ironing oi cleaning. Please call at US Fianklin avenue, ellj. SITUATION WANTED-Hy a girl, IS jcais old, as nuisc gill; can furnish refeienccs. Ad dress A, Tiibuno office. Wanted. WANTED Sound saddle pony. North Bromley avenue. L. H. Jones, B01 Xost. LOST Near 0uIiicy avenue, u biooch pin, four diamonds inserted. Return lo 321 Ijuincy avenue, Liberal icwaid. LOST $23, between Peck Lumber Co,, L'.ist Mar ket street and Piesb.vtcrian church. Hew aid it returned to office of Peck Lumber Co. Dissolution of Partnership. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Tho partner ship heretofore existing between J. M. Purely and A. M. Finn, under the firm name of Purdy k Finn, Is this 20th day ot Man It, 11102. tils soiled by mutual consent, A, M, Finn ictlrlng. 'lite business hcieafttr will be continued by J. M. Puidy under Ihe film name of J, M, Purdy k Co,, tu whom all outstanding at counts will be paid aud who assume all liabilities. .1. JL PURDY, A. M, Finn. Dalton, Maith 20, 1002. LEGAL. Uenirlinciit of Public Rifely. Cily of Scranton, Pa Apill 4th, 1002. lly x It t ue uf llio piovisioiu of the City Otilin once, Fllo of Common Council, No. 40, 10(l, approved. Apill 2nd, HW2, ;equlring all peddlus tium w 111,011, fool peddleis, ami l.cepeis of stands, within tho illy of Seianton, to procuru a llctnso from the Dluctoi- of tho Department ot Public Safety uu tho lirst Monday in Apill, 1002, and each uud everv car thcicafter, and piuviil. ing a penalty foi tlif violation thereof Net he Is Itcieby given to all pcddlcu aud per rons coming wllhin Hie pioiisious of said nullii ance, that a license for thu coming vear, begin jug the Hut Monday in Apiil, 1002, be iuociiiid fioiii the 1)1 reitor ot the Drpaitiuent uf Public Sifcty not latei thin tho twelfth day of ,ill, 1U02; olhcrwUe the pen illy pioruhed lot violation of said urdliianco will be strictly uifoiiid. F. L. M0UMM:I, Diiestor. CANDIDATES for the nfllce of Invpcctor of Mines mo hereby notified that the lloanl of exanilne'is appointed by lite Coiut of Ciunmoii I'lcis of LaiKawanna county, will meet at the Hoard of Control looms, Cily Hall, S'eiautou, on Monday, Apill 21, 1U0M. ut 10 u. in., loi thu examination of such candidates as nuy appear boloio them, Candid itcs will notice that Hi.) law le'quties them to pioduto tatUfactoiy uliliute of jtivliig had at hint llio eais piattical cvperi. ence in the aiilliiaclto coal mines. JAMES OFNG. REl.SE A. PinLLll'S, lil.ORGi: WA1KINS, 'UUOIIIY D. ll.VYl.S, JOHN IIOLIND, A JIKHl'I.MI of the uiembeis of lite Lackawanna Stoio Association Lhulti'd, will be held ut thu office1 of the auociatlou ill Sc)autoii, Pa,, uu Monda, the ltlh day of Apill, A. 1). ll, ut half past two o'clock In the afternoon, for thf pupu-o of taking ait Ion upon thu question of dissolving 'llio LacUawanna Slue Association Limited, by voluntary actlcu of tho uiembeis, and, in eue It U deilded to diisolie llic said asooelatlon, then lor the further puiptwev ol eleit. lug three liquidating tiustees to wind up llio affairs ot the association according to law, II. S. FAIRClill.D, bc'ticUry. Scranton, l'a March 22, 1002. , DIRECTORS 3 Insertions 25 Cent? Mors Tin 1 Pour Lints, 6 Cent lor Bach Ultra Liu. POLITICAL. FIRST LEGISliATIVI! IlIHrntCT Nnllm 1. tur. by given to the Republican voters ot tin I list Legislative I)l.lrlit, that a primary cleo Hon will be held on Satuiday, April 2(1, 1002, be. tweeii tha hours of four und seven p. in., for the puiposfl of nominating a candidate for tho Leg. Mature to represent Ihe district and lo elect two delegates to the Republican State Convention tu be held at llarrlshtirg Juno 11, 1U02. The contention tu romputo the vote will be held on Tuesday, April 2t), at 10 o'clock In Co operative It ill. Kadi candidate must rcgUtcr. with the district chairman, his full name ant! postofflce address, and pay his assessment fifteen tl.tjs befoie the election, or his name will not bi placed on the ballot. Tlie district vigilance committee. In the vari ous pieclncl, will conduct Ihe election, and tin result will be icportcil bv the leturu Jutlgo to the illsttlct lonicntkn, which wltl be coinpoiei? of the return Judges. A written notice contain ing Iheli liHlriutioiH will be mailed to the mem bets of the various district vigilance roimult'ci. (1EO. W. JENKINS, Chairman. - Attest W. W. SIMPSON. Secretary. SECOND LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT-Notlco H hereby giien tu Hie Republican voters of the Second Legislative district that a prlmarV rlrclloji will be held on Paturthiy, April OT, 1002, between tho hours of four and seven o'clock p. in., for the purpo-e of electing two delegates tn represent said leglshtlie dlstilct In the coming Republican state convention to be held In Hal1 rlsbuig on June 11, IWW. nnd to nominate a candidate for the lcglslatuie. The contention to compute the vote will be held on Tuesdiy, April 2I. 1002. at 1 o'clock p. ni ii the rooms of the Central Republican club In Scrmton. In accordance with tlie rules governing this district the candidates will be voted for directly hy the voters at the polls. Kaih candldite mini register with the district chairman his full nami mid postnfflce address and pay his assessment twenty ilni9 before the elettion or hli nimo will not be placed In ihe olllclal ballot, neither will anv votes last for him be counted. The dislritt vigilance committees in the vorl oils pietlntts will conduct the election and tne i cult will be reported by the tcturn judge to lly dlstilit convention, which will be tomno'cd of the leturu judges of the virions district. A wiltten notice containing further Instruction? will be sent to the membeis of the said district vigil ance committees. ' , FREDERIC W. 1'LEITZ. Chairman. Attest: WALTER E. DAVIS, SceioUry. Agents Wanted. ACIENTS WAN'lED for the best carpet atretthor made; nine other aittclis. needed In every home. Apply to W. J. Brewster, Room 20, IW Linden street, Seianton, Pa., at 7 p. ni or b; mill. Storage. STORAGE Dry, clean and modern up-to- date storage, separate rooms; individual keva: elevator. An ideal stoiagc for household effects, etc. Thirty scpaiatc stniagc rooms. Seianton Storage coin pane, 113 Fianklin avenue. Rheumatism. kW RHEUMATISM All parties that wish ran hu speedily and permanently cured ot all va rieties of Rheumatism by a vegetable compound. Cuics guaranteed. Inquire or address J. E. Tay lor, Scranton. Musical Instruction. BANJO PUPILS WANTED-Former member ol college banjo club, desires few pupils on banjo; tenns reasonable. Addic&s II. A. Y., 'tribune olllce. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. 23 TRADERS BANK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, CO.NNELu Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. B., RE All Estate Exchange Bldg,, 126 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, COO CONNELL BUILDING. STEVENbON & KNIGHT, 7J0 CONN'KLL BLDO. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBEROER, PAULI BUILDING, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. O. O. LAUDACH, 115 WYOMINQ AVENUE. IJawyers. MILLARD, WARREN k KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellois-at-Law. 003 to 012 Council Buildirg. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. liooni3 13, li, ie and IS Burr Building. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTdTlNEY-LOAN8 NE0O tlated on real estate security. Mears Building, corner Washington avenuo and Spruce street. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND COUN- tellors at-Iaiv. Commonwealth Building, Roomt 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W, THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOMS P0J-PO1, flth floor, Mears building. L. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADER'S NATIONAli Bank Building O. COMEQY3, 013 RFPUBLIOAN BUILDING. ' A. W. BERTHOLP, OFFICE MOVED TO NO. tU Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 613 NORTH WASHINOTOH avenue. DR. B.vW. L'AMOREAUX, OFFICE 839 WASH Ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Clironlo diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys anil gcnlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, I to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. DR. D. O. EVANS, OS1T.OPATII, 126 8 WASH. ington avenue. Chronic and nervous diseases a specialty. Consultation free. ' - Instruction Musical. P, O. PEUSEII, MUS. BAC. TEACHER OF Volio Culture, llaunoiiy, Counterpoint and Composition. Compositions concctcd and re vised for publication. !S, Now Y'ork street, - Hotels and Restaurants. IHE ELU OAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE. cue. Rates reasonable, V. ZIEQLKR, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. H W. PAS senger depot. Conducted on the Europe plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor Scavenger. A. B. BRIGOS CLEANS 1'RIVY VAULTS AtJO cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps utd. A, li. Brlggs, proprirtor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Buth telephones. Seeds. a. 11. CLARKE & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUIU rrjmcn, stoic 'All Washington avenue; gtcea houses, 10 JO North Main avenue: (tore tele phone, 782, .U Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUEITEL, REAR oil LACKA, AVIS., bcranton, Pa., mamifactuier of Wiro Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING I OK CHILDREN TO ORDKB; also ladles wal.ts. Louiso Sliocuuker, VU Adams aviaue. MEGARGEE DUOS., PRINTERS' SUPPLII.S, EN v elopes, paper bags, twine, Wareuuuse, i't Mosliingtcn tiecue, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKES BAHRE RECORD CAN BE ll.l . in Seianton at the news stands ol Retimsu Bios., 404 tpruce snd'KU linden: M. Norton, Sii Lackawanna avenue; (. 8. Scbulter, 211 otyiuce street vi1 M v m f) -I $4 yijfj ipM, &$&. -i ', fit. ,fr-' ; i. f ,n&a.. v4MSWk,t,,,ir A .-, uMiO.