The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 05, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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;tc. ,
At tho Recent Sessions of the Qrnnd
Assembly In Pittsburg He Was
Signally Honored Funeral of Dan
iel Davies Yesterday Afternoon.
Events of Last Evening and Mine
Accidents Jackson Street Baptist
Church Notes Other Interesting
News and Personal Mention.
Arthur T. Stover, who represented
the West Side assembly' of the lioyal
Society of Good Fellows, at tho grand
assembly meeting In Pittsburg recent
ly, mutlo his report tit Thuisduy even
ing's meeting of the local assembly.
gift of the grand assembly, that of
grand counsellor, lln nlso advertised
tho attractiveness of Scrantou as a con
vention city, and from his efforts, In
all probability the grand assembly will
meet In this city next year.
Mr. .Stover Is one of tho best lino
typo operators In the newspaper busi
ness and has been contlnously with
Tho Tribune since tho paper was es
tablished, and was one of tho first be
ginners on typesetting machines In the
city. Ho Is nlFt) the corresponding scc
letary of tho Klectrlc City Wheelmen,
and one of the most popular and oblig
ing young men In tho city.
Funeral of Daniel Davies.
Tho funeral services over the remains
of tho late Daniel T. Davies were hold
at 2 o'clock yestorduy afternoon at tho
homo of deceased's son, John D. Da
vies, 129 South Uromley avenue, llcv.
D. P. Jones, of the Tnbcrnacle Congre
gational church, ofllclatcd, assisted by
ltev. H. Dougherty.
A largo number of people from this
city and Taylor were in attendance.
Tho pall-bearers were Frank Williams,
13 van J. Evans, James Roberts, John
Francis, William Fox and Mr. Itogers.
Tho remains were taken to Taylor,
where Interment. was made In the Pot
est Homo cemetery.
Ainiiun. T. STOVLlt,
Grant! Counsellor, H. 8. of O. F.
From what was reported, It was appar
ent that he was very much in evidence
sit the convention.
The grand assembly met in the
Smoky City for ono week, and repre
sentatives were present from the var
ious states In which tho order Is estab
lished. Mr. Stover was the youngest
member in the grand assembly, yet he
received honors that seldom fall to the
lot of one who has been so recently
alllliated with the society.
In addition to being the youngest
member, ho was nominated and elected
to one of the highest ofllces within the
Recent Mine Accidents.
Patrick Conboy, of 323 Second street,
an employe of the Oxford mine, had
his right leg fractured by a fall of
coal while at work on Thursday. He
was taken to the Lackawanna hos
pital. Edward Griffith, of South Ninth
street, employed as a driver at tho
Central mine, had his leg caught be
tween cars recently, while In the act of
coupling, and the member was severely
bruised. He was taken to his home.
Tlio Best Family Cough Jtcmcdy,
Dufour's French Tar,
Tor Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
Events of Last Evening.'
The probationers class of the Simpson
M. E. I'hurch held a meeting In the lec
ture room last evening.
The Colonial Dancing class held their
regular weekly social In Washington
hall last evening,
Mrs. Frank Bryant, of Academy
street, entertained the Woman's Fore
ign Mlsionary society of the Simpson
M. E. church last evening,
Washington Camp, No. 333, P. O. S.
of A. met la&t evening and made ar
langements for attending the funeral
of their late brother, Samuel Kaerner,
this morning.
Llko tho Lovo of Jesus," and Miss
Annlo Thomas will reclto a new revision
of tho twenty-third psalm. The pastor
will deliver a short nddrws at tho
The Tithes book will bo given out
next Snbbalh at each service, tho
money, gathered will be Used to paint
Hid church and tjor general repairs on
tho cdlllcc.
To tho last meeting of tho B, Y. P. U.
forty bIx now members received the
right of fellowship, the meeting was
largely attended and very profitable.
Tho best wishes of our young people
are bestowed upon John J. Howcr and
Miss Bessie Powell who were married
last Wcdnesduy evening.
Surpriso Party.
George T. Kublnn, a young student
at the Keystone academy, was given
a BUtprlsa parly, by his numerous
young friends, on Thursday evening.
The parly .was held at tho home ,of
Mr. and Mrs, I. P Jones. The Misses
Anna and Lottie Jones gave pleasing
recitations. Mr. Harry Murphy wus
tho main entertainer of the evening
and proved himself a very successful
At a seasonable hour a dainty repast
was served by tho following: Misses
Kapp'and Jones, Messrs Capwell,
Henry and Will Voly.
After tho evening's enjoyment the
party sang "God Be with You Till Wo
Meet Again," and wishing Mr. Kublna
success throughout the term, departed
for their homes.
Those present were: Misses Good
win. Emma Bpnnnrr. T.lln Wlnn.
berg, Martha Moore, Nettle Benjamin,
isisie winzenberrr, Ida Kapp, Lillian
Moore, Leonora Batsel, Lillian Bates,
Maud Moore, Louise Rought, Augusta
Swlnk, Mary Davis, Lena Moore, Lavl
nla Tomllnson, Anna Jones, Maud
Griffiths, Lillian Stone, Gertrude Moore,
and Florence Jones. Messrs. George
T. Kublna, Henry Volz, Charles Moore,
Lawrence Zlnk, William Volz, James
La Bare, Walter Zink, Donald Capwell,
John WelBenfluh, James Hoffo, Leroy
Stanton, Louis Bates, Harry Murphy,
Frank Swartz, Silas Powell, Harry
Madden and Roy Wheeler,
I The Highest
1 "Notch," My Goal
Jackson Street Baptist Church.
Great praise Is due for the success
of our Easter music to the orchestra.
The music was difficult, but made easy
by the excellent rendering of every
selection. Tho orchestra is composed
of Thomas King, double bass; John
King, alto: Charles King, clarionet;
George King, tenor; Wlllam Protheroe,
first violin; Carl Lotz, William Jones,
second violin; Miss Lily King and
Edward Williams, organists.
Next Sunday evening by special re
quest the chorus of 100 voices "will ren
der some selections from their Easter
music. Master D. Herbert Williams
will sing the solo, "There Is No Love
I There Is 1
Nothing Lacking f
That should be here. If you are a critic we
want you to look over our various stocks and
give us your opinion. The goods are here
to satisfy the quick wit, the sharp eye and
level judgment of critical buyers.
Miry Martin, nged i jours daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. John Martin, of 300 South Sherman
.-Hemic, spilled a coffc pot full of hot coffee, out
herself on Thursday and was badly scalded. Tho
vessel was on tho tove when the child pulled
it off and spilled the contents over her anna
and shoulders.
The Scranlon Choial society held a rehearsal in
St. David's hall last evening.
William Fnrrell, the enterprising Washburn
street merchant, is having a substantial, now
store building erected on Ills land adjoining the
Washburn stiect cemetery.
1'almer Williams, Maui lc Miller, Ely Harris
and John Howell will open a steam laundry at
111 South Main avenue In a few daj..
Henry Yciibon, of 711 Schnell's court, who was
arrested for desertion and non-support at Hie in
Manee of Ids wife, was discharged by Alderman
Kelly. His defense was that she had been guilt
of intimacy with another man.
It is understood that the department of public
works will grade l'cttcbonc street without any
cost to property owners, if the latter will igree
to release the city from any damages. A pe
tition is now being circulated among the prop
erty owners for their signatures.
The remains of the late Mi. A. C. I,atimon,
who aieu at the home of her daughtti, Mrs.
Samuel Dean, 303 Morton, avenue, weic taken
to Port Jinn, where intirnfent was made jej
terday. Tho Ladles aulliary to Illusion No. A, of thf
Ancient Order of Hibernians, will conduct a
concert in Mcars' hall on Wednesday evening,
April 2,1.
A school for non-commissioned officers of the
First regiment. Catholic Total Abstinence union,
was opened In St. Lro'a hall Thursday evening.
John C. Roberts, of St. Louis, Mo brother of
Mrs. Daid ..' Hughes, of North Garfield ave-
nue, died at his home recently. He was at cne
time a resident of Kingston.''
Bert McDonald, of Clarke Bros., and Mi-s Ida
Oisiier, of Monsey -avenue, weic united in mar
riage on Thursday at the home of the bride's
A service of prater, conducted in the Welsh
language, will lie held in the Dellcvue Wol-h
Caliinistio Methodist church tomonow morning
nt 10 o'clock. In tho evening, at 0 o'clock, tho
ltev. Thomas de Cruchy, of ll.vtio Park, will de
liver a sermon in the Knglish language.
There will be a meeting tonight in D. D. Ly
nns' hall on South Mlin avinue of the, members
of Local Xo. 13J1, of the United Mine Woihora
of Amerlei,
The Choral society will meet tomonow night
at S o'clock in St. Divid's hall.
The goal of my ambition is to strike the highest notch of per
fection in High-Grade Clothing. The Clothing you find here has
attained the above standard, which was fully demonstrated by the
results of last week's business in all departments. Many of the
best dressers of the valley have been measured during the week in
our Custom Department. Our line of novelties in the Boys' and
Children's Department is unsurpassed.
The "Peter Tompson,"
Our Great Special.
When the mothers are tired searching for something grand in
a Boys' Suit, stop at Griffin's you will' find what you want.
318 Lackawanna Avenue.
Interesting Game of -Basket Ball at
the Auditorium Work on the East
Market Street Fave Has Been Re
sumed Bowling Notes Services
in the Y. W. O. A. Rooms on Sun
day Afternoon Wrestling Match
in the Auditorium Next Saturday
Night Personal Notes.
proving and in a short while will be seen baik
to Ills old place on the team.
H Carriage Robes
Eiderdown Baby Carriage Robes, In
with blue and pink trimming and
Look at them.
Dainty Doylies
Linen Tinted Doylies in linen color grounds and
variety of patterns. 18-inch, each
24-inch, each
50c m
a Globe Warehouse
va The Hosiery Department here has always something
' or interest to thrifty folks.
I Boys' Hose
-a - (Boys' Black Heavy Cotton Stockincs. fast color.
double, knee, heel and toe, regular 25c goods,
, hup the lines are somewhat broken Saturday, pr ', 1 7C
2 Globe Warehouse
1 Ladies' Fine Bl.ick Cotton Hose, medium weight,
fas.t, color, high spliced heel and toe. Saturday,
; r tt)et(pair
Ladies' Fancy Hose, in black and white, fast
color. Saturday, the pair
The Suit Department offers a special for Saturday.
It may be just what you want.
-. Ladies' Suits of Fine Venetian, Broadcloth, Hop
sacking and Serges. There's blue, black and cistor,
bton, Gibson and Blouse effects. Jackets trimmed
with MlTeta and moire bands; skirts made with grad
uated flounce and trimmed in a finished
manner, tuits are worth 118,50, but lor
Saturday . , ,,...,,
Globe Warehouse
$14.75 ci
A meeting of Local, U, United Mine WoiKers
of America, will be held in Jajne's hall this
evening at 7.30 o'clock.
Jc-eph Oliver Is the only candidate thus Jar
rcftistcred for the legislative nomination in tho
riii.t district.
l'ljrnonlh Congiegatlonal chinch, .TacKon
fctiect Preaching service at 10..10 n. in. and 7 p.
in. bibbalh school at 12 o'clock. Sabbath school,
Sherman avenue, 2.15 p. in. A. V. Dower, est.,
will occupy the pulpit moining and cvenini;.
The regtilu- monthly meeting of the AVcst Side
Ccntial Republican dull will be held till-, tven
ing, when the wicial committee e.pect to mal.e
tmtr lepoit on the dance recently licit,
Jlr. and Sirs. A. 1'. Duffy, of ltlnghanilon, nie
spending a few dajj, with ulatlvca on Jackson
Henjamln Allgood, of 1001 Prlte sheet, ha bern
a victim of the gilp for the past two weekt, but
Is now tccovciins-.
.Miis Maud William", n South Seventh tlieet,
Is lcooveilng fiom an Hint-..
Thomas llouser, of Chestnut stied, U cov
ering from the sciious Illness vvhltii has londned
him to the house' for weeks.
Mls Saillu Durkin, of l.urcnic ttiect. Is enter
taining her cousin, Mis Ilhnchc Welsh, of Low
ell, Mjsh.
Ml Kite Itooiicj, nf Lafajetti! Mieel, has as
htr gueit MUh Mainu l'lnnen, of Port .lervis.
ttull Mlihael, r of .Voitli Uromley avenue,
is confined to liis home by Illness.
Mis, Anna Mclhoul, of Kansas City, ii the
guost of Ml-. Anna (ir.ili.ini, of Teutl-ilicct,
Mlclncl Ilurke, of Luzerne tliict, Is toiival.
ctting after u M-rlous lllne.
The of the lite Lulher I', Jmllli tool,
pine fiom the (Uti'ii llldge I'lcsb.vtoilan thurth
jcelirday aftrinoon. 'Iho wrvlceu were conduct,
cd by llcv, I, ,f, Lauding, 1). 1),. unci a .uir
telle counting of f'niiiad Snjder, Clmles Nlnkc,
Ml. OunMer and Mrs. Outer, icndcrid "Ulien
I Can Head My Title t-'Jeai" and "There u
I'uiinluln rilled with Illouil," The pall-bearcri
weie (home Clcaiuater, William I'arke, Joseph
Ifaiigl, A. I'alne, Charles Xlrholaon and CliailM
llaulcy. 'I lie interment, which was private, was
niaue in jMinmoin tinicteiy,
Constable T. S. Unfiling anchtcd James An
thony (.'i.ine, of Uii Capouso avenue, for dioi
deily conduit ci-tcrelay and ic.Istlug un ntlkci,
William Langaii appearing against lilm. He v.-a-i
lakt'ii befuiu Aldiimau Kidlci who fined him one
dollar anil tosls,
Mi-., lliomxs Pateison, of riettvllle-, N visit
lug (liccn llidgc frimdi.
'I he AVoinin'H Home uud l'oreign Missionary
soeltty of Ihc (lie-in llldge i'resb.vtetl.iu iliunli
hehl a ciy Intermtlng meeting at the inan-
jetcnla afternoon, Mm. I', L. Hitihcotk pic
hltd. Mil. Ulhnun icuderid a contralto solo
very effectively. Miss Louise Williams was up
lolntccl delegate to rtpicsiiit the woikiy at Hie
dUtrkt convention lo be held in Carbondile
this month. At (lie dose of tin- business besdon
Mrs. Lansing failed tea and u delightful so.ial
hour was spent by the meinbeis,
Before a fair-sized audience lnbt
nlRht, tho Crackei-Jacks defeated the
Comets, of the central city, at the Au
ditorium, by the score of 16 to G. The
game was full of interesting features.
The playing pf Jeffery, of the Cracker
jacks and Klligry, of the Comets, was
especially so. During the Intermission
the Comets put sub-players on
the floor, as the regular players were
over-done. The following was the
line up:
Crackei-Jacks Benjamin, light for
ward; Wells, left forward: White, cen
ter; Jefferys, right guard; T. Davis,
left guard.
Comets MoMullcn, right forward;
Gllligely, left forward; Elligy. center;
Swift, right guard; McClusUle, left
Goals were 'thrown from the field by
Jefferys and Welles for the Cracker
jacks, and Klllgy and Swift for the
Work on the Fave.
Woik was resumed yesterday on the
stone block pave to be laid on 13ust
Market street hill. The work was sus
pended during the winter months.
Superintendent Patterson has begun
tho work, and expects that within two
months the work will be completed. A
large force of men and teuniH were set
nt, work, so as lo have the work com
pleted as soon as possible.
The city engineer has' been along
Wayne avenue, notifying the residents
to lay flag sidewalks In front of their
At the monthly meeting of the Welsh Haptist
pastors of Northeastern Pennsylvania, ltev. W.
1'. Davi, of the Memorial Haptist church, will
lead a "paper on the "Christian Union." To
monow Mr. Davis will preach at the Wanior
Hun UaplUt chuich.
James Miller and Dluaid Sheivvood, of Col-
gale Unici-lty Glee clubti spent the eaily part
of the week with Call Zi'egler, of Xoith Main
en enuc.
William Hughes, of I'ecltvllle, was among cull
ers in town last evening.
VJvan Davis and Geoige Powell, two empires
of the Leggett's Creek mine were injured lev an
explosion in the main gingway on Monday la-t.
llcv. A. II. Smith, of the Xmili Main Avenue
D.iptUt church, will picucn at .C'liln-.lilll i tomonow-
attention at i o'clock.
The uunilicM of the Choral union will nit to
mot row evening in O'Mallej's lull on tt'eit
Market ttreet for uheirsal at S.:J0 oYlocK.
The home of Mi, and Mij. Fred Slurion, of
Parker btreet, li bilghtened by the anival of a
baby daujhtci.
Mis. Maiy Oikle.v, M Oak ttieet, ii "pending
a few daj with fiienils in Philadelphia.
First Welsh Haptist cliuuli. West Market
Ktiect Rev. J. V. Davlc, pastor. The pastor
will picath both at 10 a. m. nnd 0 n. in. hi
Sundiy, April U. Sunday school at 2 n. in.
The evening ivice will be conducted in th?
Lnglish lanqiugc. Ail are loitllallv invited to
uttcncl. All scats fiee.
The Foreign MIsloiur.v soilely of the Provi
dence 1' ihuich met jesleiel.iy with
Mrs. J. It. I'eck.
Mr, and Mr-. Guy Osteilmut, foiuurlv of
Wilkes-Dane, leave taken up their ic-ldenec on
Web-tcr avenue, this ill).
llcv. Mi. (I.vmer, pa.toi of the (Iniitiin
rhiiuli, has rented a pait of Mi, Macke.v's hotis"
on Xorlh Main nvciiue.
Mi. Whitlemoie will meet (he I'luvhleiicc Pie
b.vterian ehoir this t veiling.
Miss Line, of lloiitxlale, his bern a gutst tif
flienels in this scillon of the city the past wiek.
Academy of Husic
If. REIS, htmtt. A. J. Duffy, Uanipr.
Dainty Irene Myers
Prices 10, 20 and 30c.; matinee, 10 and 20c.
'Ihc Original and Popular
Ladies' Philharmonic Orchestra.
ALF. G. HEltHI.SGTO.V, Manager.
Thursday, Fruity and Saturday,
APHIL 3, ., j.
Irwin's Big Show
Lyceum Theatre
M. BEIS. Lessee and Manager.
A. J. DUFFV, Busincas Manager.
t Saturday Matinee and Night,- .,
W.O.-. SMYTH presents.-
The Silver Voiced Comedian,
In a comedy drama of Western Life entitled
Price. 25. CO, 7."c. and $1.00.
Matinee lj and t0e. Children to any part d
house, l."c.
Coming Wrestling- Hatch.
Airangemcnts ure helns: made for a
wre&tlinK match between Jameft Demp-t-ey
and William O'Horo ut the Audi
torium, Saturday, April 12, for the
purHo of 9100 a aide.
lloth men are well-known wrestlers.
They are in e?;t-ellent condition. Tho
match will bo best two out of thieo
falln, tho winner to talco tho entire
purse offered.
As well u the handsomest, and others are Invited
to call on any druggM and get free a trill bottle
of Ktinp'o Malum (or the Throat and Lungi, a
remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and icllcic all
Lhronlc and Acute Couglis, Asthma, Urondiitlj
md (.VUsumplluu. 1'ikc 23c, aud oUc,
Y. W. O. A. Notes.
A meeting of special hUcre.l will be held in
the association pallors on .Sunday afteiiioon from
S.R0 to 4. SO o'tlotk,
MIm May llenedlct will give u biographlcil
sketch of MUls Fi ernes Jlldley Horergal and pen ins
vvrllteii by Mlts Horeigal will bo read by Mis-es
Claudia Willianni, Ida Christmas, Mai ion lllll,
r'lorcncc Walker, George Cure and Mm, Jji;ph
Mulley will slug. Ml tics Marlon Hill, George
Cure and Hollo Cousins will play violins uud
Miu Jclc Hill will be piitihd,
Bowline; Notes.
Yesterday was observed a ladies' day at Hie
bowling alle and was well attended.
Puling tho early part of the week the record
of the alios was broken by William Lcwb., of
the Oljmpla flow ling club, making u u.ore of 2(7.
Ihu buslncM men cf this section oic taking
advuuttigo of the alleys, before and after dinner
each day,
hi-vcul good trams have been organized and
there is a rumor to the effect that league Is o
bo organized very soon. Within u week or o
the Cambrian team of this tee lion will have
another game with tlic I'laukliiu, of botitlt
IMvvIn Ymm, ii member of the Cambrian tram,
vvliu has been bilk for the past two weeks, U im-
A special meeting of the Star Social
club wub held In Mirtz'H hall, on Pitts
ton avenue, last evening, when every
member was present and offleers for the
coming: year were elected as follows:
President, Matthew Damal; vice-president,
CharleH V, Kellermun; recording
secretary, Matthew Miller; financial
secretary, Jacob J, Mlrtz; treasurer,
Peter Phillips, jr.; trustees, John Phil
lips, Charles Cooper and Henry N.
Weber. The society In one of the most
flourishing organizations in this region,
and its standing Is unquestioned In the
community. Some time ago tho society
applied for a charter, and It was grant
ed a few days ago. Its granting was
duly observed last evening, and a social
session and reception was held until
midnight last evening,
Mrs, Illldeljrandt, of Illreh street, a
well-known resident of thla section, fell
yesterday morning at tho residence of
Mr. and Mis, Louis (Schumacher, on
Cedar avenue, and fractured her left
f'lty Treasurer Kdward J. Hoblnson
nnd his friend, Charles Dleslng, arrived
homo yesterday from a month's stay nt
Hot Springs, Arlt.
Spec I nl services will be held ut tho
Young Women's Christian tu-Hoelnllnn
rooms tomorrow afternoon, when a llist
closs programme will bo rendered.
Ueneral Grant commandery, Knights
of Malta, held a well-attended session
In Hartman'H hall, on Plttston nvenui-,
last evening.
Thursday evening, Mss Alice Young,
of O'Hura street, gavo a reception to
the "hello" girls of the Pennsylvania
Telephone company nnd their gentle
men friends, thu event bpng on the evu
of her dcpnrtuio for Plttsbmg, where
she will reside. Miss Young proved tu
be a charming hostess, and a loyal good
time was enjoyed by all. Music and
games of tho usual high order were in
dulged In to a late hour, vvhciF dulnty
viands wcro served. The evening a
pleasure wus bi ought to a close by tho
lulling of several llushllghts by Silas
Poltrk'k. In attendance weio the Mlt-sea
OIlvo nnd J-hninu Hwurtz, Kiln Dcltrlck,
Muiuurct liusspll, ICmmet Kills, Eliza
beth Lees, Catherine Russell, Margaret
Stalheber, Anna Kearney, Sarah Will
iams, Enmm Heffron, Viola Bold, Ger
trude Heffron, Polly Wurren, Grace
Niece, Alice Mc-Grun, Florance Lowrey,
Elizabeth Avers, Belle Hazleton, Alice
Young; Messrs. Frank Stalheber, Jean
Cuslck, Will Heading, James Cum
mlngs, WUHuni H. Courtrlght, Joseph
llyden, William Heedy. Silas Deitrlclc,
James O'Hara, James Snyder, Stewart
Slegel, Joseph Hooney, Walter Lynn,
Walter Stevens, Peter Grimes, and Mr.
and Mrs. Wellnrd.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to cure nil coughs. "No
cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers.
The Famous Comedian,
and the George W. Lcdercr Co. in (lies Crc'at Die
Musical Comedy Succcsa
'llee Fiist Mtthodtat Unlit opal church llcv.
Charles llcniy Xe-vvlng, patnr. Services at 10 SO
a, m. and 7.30 p. m. The pistor will preach ut
both feivlcei. .Morning Biibjcct, "A Claum (loin
Paul's Will." 1hi (veiling will be a special ki
mon to tlio AVoman's Christian Teniperanee
union. llaplUm and leceptlou of memher ut the
morning sen lee, also baptUin ot children. Class
meeting at cioso of tcrviee, fiuiiday school at
2.30 p. in. Evening prayer .ervIco at ti.SO o'llock,
Cpnorth league Tuesday evening at 7,11 o'clock.
Midweek (huieh prater tervlct, Wednesday even-
ing .it 7,30 o'clock,
Tiipp Avenue flu 1st Ian chuich Preaching
both morning and evening by the pastor, J, I),
Habncy, Moining topic, "Saul' Conversion."
livening topic, "None but Chrht," Sundiy whool
at 10 a. m. It it fxptTially desired that every
pupil hct present, Kverboiiy made welcome,
'Ihc iiiiei il of John NcalU will take place thU
morning at 0.30 o'clock, when ii icqulcm inii
will be e-clebratrd m t-t. Muiv'h ehurth, Inter
ment will bo nude ill the Catholic cemetery,
Mrs, J, II, Decker, of Albany, N, v., h the
gurst of her sUter, Mr. Mcllale, ot Klin street,
Thu evangelistic mcctlngx conducted by the
Wlllsons in the Dudli-y htreet HaptUt ihurch
have been it gicat micccs. Mr, Willsoii will
punch on Sunday iiinruing nud in the evening
he will pre uh at Ithktly for ltev. David l-pen-etr,
1. II., who will preach at Uuuuiore, Mrs.
WilUoii will sing both morning and evening.
The funeral of the latu Thomas llrcnuaii took
place from hU lain home on Drinker Mrcct )eo
terday morning. A rciulcm hiks was celebrated
In rl. Mark's church, after vvhieli interment was
made In Mt, C'urmcl cemetery.
llev. Father Joseph, pastor of the Italian Calh.
olie- eliuieh, has leturned tu his dutic here after
a sojourn of line.' mouth? in Ituint, u licit' be
went for the benefit of lid health.
The Junior Order of American Mechanics will
meet in the regular place tonight, when It ii
hoped a large number will be picst-ut,
Leo May It. slide riiiy fiom an attack of pneu
monia at lU home on Ilutier street.
All tho Original Cast. '
Prices i:ntlie lower floor, $1; balcony, ?1.S0,
?1. 73c. and COc.; gallery, 25c. and 50c
beats go on sale Saturday njorning at nine,
The Laughing Hit of Two Continents, .
You a Mason?
Fiom the ficmian of LauN and KraU. AdapteJ
bv Leo Ditrlclisteln.
Tlio Great Original New York Cast.
I'rices -JJe. to $1.&0; hot watb, .
Every Woman
MARVEL Whirling Spray
tlm una ornuf icn . r-a
ri.uu v wun-iiiTMi
HKXllY SIGLIN, died at his homo
1901 1'ltlhton avenue, ut live o'clock laht
evening after an Illness of ubout ten
weeks. Mr. Slglln wus born In this
touuty abyut sixty-eight years ugo. Atbt. Hose; uuivtcu.
Akt roar drinlit rar II.
II Ii" .-11111101 supply ilia
other. I nit send stamp (or II-
liislmlw.t t.nnk IT ten
fl.ll IK.rlii ulHTHaiulllliei-IIOllsln.
-aleiAtii lo ladies, M.(IVKL.'n.,
Uoom C, Times Bdg., New Ycrk.
tho outbreak of the rebellion ho en
listed in the Ono Handled uud Fourth
Iteglment, Pennsylvania volunteers, lie
was n man of sterling qualities, un hon
est, upright citizen, and his loss will be
greatly deploied by the wholo commun
ity, by whom ho wus held In high es
teem. Ho Is survived by a wife, and
tho following children; John Slglln,
Clink's Summltt; Mrs. John Kennedy,
and Mrs, Thomas Kane, of Brooklyn,
N, Y.j Mrs. Maurlco Sm(t and Mrs.
James Dowllng, of Ciauldsboro; Mrs.
.Matthew Jlrennun and Hairy Slglln ot
this city. Ho was brother-in-law of
Captain I Vo Lacy. Notlco of funoiul
The funcial of the laic Domlnlck Hiiielt, who
died in this eily Tlmrwby, will take place to
morrow- afteiiioon at 2.3i) fium the ruldmco ol
I.U mother, Mrs. Maiy llarrelt, on Canaan street,
Carlioudale-. hcivlees will bo conjuoled in ft.
KvitcV chuich and Interment will bu made In
..;,.,: .