OVi! S WTB1" g Tt HsmA h -fTO i ii iiwih i ii in i iwmii i n mi i :i:rmBam5waBmmmmijwsseijrs-' mtfwimmmiti f ' jt --- - ffnt-HrfTm) M tTtwmjrtw,r t "Trm TfTT'i mill i 11 11 i lami ,ii nmTvwmwtwukn tr Tmrnrv, iwirw rfwmw fesr-' u ! ' 'W i . c "HSi8 , V iffl U 1 ' THE SOKANTON TRIBUNE-SATU11DAY, APRIL 5, 1902. ' f& "V JL-YJI 'Li to t ,:Pi ft 4 l . 18 ihA w. r rtfi 'i&t-iMl I Ghurch and Sunday-School A TWENTIETH CENTURY confer ence. of the HaptlstH of North custorn reniiHylvanlii will open In thin city on April 14 mill conclude on the lilh. The committee of arrange ments consists of Rev. II. V. Y. Pierce, 15. D,, llev. A. II. Smith, llcv. Thomns do CJruehy, D. D. These giitherliiBs tire held under the combined auspices of the AbhiKton as sociation nnrt tlie Ministers' conference, of Hcrmiton, Vn and lncludo nil the churches of Northeastern Pennsylvania. The purpose Is to review In some meas ure the rymurlmblc development of the denomination during the last century; to study the? facts and forces, the status and trends of the present, and to con sider tlu outlook for the future. Tt Is hoped to set forth the principles Illus trated In the denominational life; to emphasise educational and missionary expansion; to study the forces domi nant In life and work, nnd to note Uic demands of the present of the American Haptlst societies. The piogrummo fol lows: Monday i:vi:.i. 'hcrvlee lo In1 liolil In Hip .l.itkoii i-ticit HiptM tlmidi. Klch.iid Nlcholl-i, picshllii','. 7,"0 Pi.ib-c anil Sons Senile. T.iiO AihlriM of UVU0111U..II. .1. UI1.1U11, I). 1. (In Hchalf of Alilngtou .K-udation). S.lll Aihliix "IIip Ilrlitton of u Yoinnf Christian lo 111 Dcnonilnnllon." I). L. Chlvcis 1). I)., Xcvv Voih F.OT Addict "Ihe 1'oicoh Whlcli Aru Xuvv Making l'onn-i liani.i'.s l'litim-" llcv. .T. II. ll.isl.mi. V. M. M till iiii-pnrt '11TM1AY UOIIMMJ. Perilce lo lip held in the I'iiiii Avenue HiptM chinch. .1. Laurence hlelle, vrrldlnir. I'.SO Wniship and Itlble Km'omIioh. I). Ot) Addic-s "Our Stale t'apci." I'. h. Join-, 1). 1)., Plilladilphli , JO.n AiMipss "Our lMiil.uMplii.i 'luliilng School " Ml- 1'. JL S-iluiylcr lO.ii .J1iiv- ".Miutst01I.il I'ducatiun" Lcro.v Mephitis, I). 1). 11.13 Addrc- "Our Chiisti.m Acidcniie-, Their I'linctlons, lTelil nml l'liliue," Itcv. Klkanah Ilullcy, I'll. V. TUESDAY AVTI.ltXOOX. Peivice to be hold in the (lieen Hldgc BaplM .'liurch. 1'iof. P. M. I.oomis, pirslding. 1.00 Wni-diip and Bible Imposition. 2.20 Address "Woman's JIUsloii Woik" .Mrs. It. X. Jones, Philadelphia SIM Aililie-i "Why C'hiistim Hducitlont" Pies. J. 11. H.11 1 K Ph. 1). LL. D. 8..V) Addle "Our Hisloiic.il Society," P. I,, .lone-!, J). 1)., Philadelphia TUKSDAY r,VUIXf!. Fcivicc to lie held in the X'orth Main Aenuc H.iplkl ihuich. William Chappell, presiding. . 7.13 WuMiip and Uihlc Imposition. S.10 Addles-. 'Our Home Jliwion Society," Hen. T. J. Jtor(;.in, LL. 1). K.MI Addiesv-"Our Duly Toward Our Spin i'h Spe.il.in Depeiulencict," 1!. S. JLieAitlmi, 1). I)., New Yoil; V KDXrSDAY MOKXINCi. Scnicc to lie held in the l'cnn Atnuc llipti-t lunch. Dr. 1). A. C'apwell, pie-idins'. 1:,0 !)eotion.il Mcetliifr. !).3() Addict "Our I'mcin I'opul.ition and AVIiy We Should i:aiiRi I'uc Them," All. John Wallace 3("() (Jencial PtaciWHioit. JU.'.i) Om Mate Jlis'iion irodily, U.'JU Addi .- "The Women's liiptKt Home Mission Societj" JIUs Maiy Molhj wiihviday Arrmtxoo'x. rnice lo be held in the I'll -t lapti.-t chinch, pouth JIaiji .ieiuic. Di. I). (J. Jicddoc, piehHns:, i!.30 Devotional Service, ' 2.50 Aildres-. "I'und.imcntal Piiudnlcs if UiptNt Iiellef," l'lc. II. tl. We-lon, 1). 1). LL. 1). R.I.II Artdic-.l'in. (i. II. Mcuill, 1). D., CoI-nte 4.20 Addles-, "Tin ee l'lecious Tlilii?," t II. (I. Sejmoiir, 1). D Philadelphia i:DTSiny r.vnxixc. Scnicc to he lidd in the l'ii-,t WcMi llipli.-t iliuich. Hon. .1. T, M illiaiii, pieidiii;;. 7 l"i Piaiso ami Sone; Senile. MO Addie-.s "Lileiatme .mil Life," A. J. liotti.ind, n. I)., Phll.idilphia S."0 Aihlre-s ''The Wel-luiim as u l'.utor In AnViican HMoiy," 11. D. Thonia-, 1). D., Toionto 'llirilSDAY JIOIlMXd. Senile to ho held in the l'cnn Aicnuc Ilipti.-t rliiiii'li.' 'lh. I,. JL dates pusidins. P."D Wop-hip and l)eotion. 10.()iV v'Uhe Jli-rloiuiy I'liiou," ., ,',-t It. C. Jlihlv, 1). 1) llilon 100 rddu-s by a ltetuinid MK-hmaty. lL20"Adihe-i llev. 1'. S. Dobbins "Vy tiujumlw i:T.sixa SnieeAto ho licl'ii in tlie I'uiu Amiiiiu llipll-t clinrUV jLulhcr Keller, puMdini,'. S.00 rf.tisc and Song Senile. S.20 Afliliii-HrVlhu Jllsslonary I'lohlim of V" Today0.'. ll .). L. C.iniphell, D. 1). S.f.0 Atldiiv,'r II. ('. Jlabie, 1). i) llo.ton i J , i- The Ernbury M. E. Church. For? only'ioup more Sundays will the fonferdgatlori' of the Hampton Stieet M. E. 'uhuich worship in the building: now Voccupled. The dedication and jublleeexerclBfH of their new church, thQv Embury M. E. church nt South Mnlh 'nvenuo and lirjan Jlawr street, will occur on Sunday, May 1. The hours of service for dedication day tiro ns 'follows; 9 a. m Informal greeting; 30 'a, m pleaching service; a p, ni., The Beat '" Medicine foBa Mothers Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription "Words cannot express how Kr.itc.ful I mu for your kind ad vice and your 'l'avorite Pre bcripUoi!,' wtitea Mm. D. 11. Darricka, of Pcnows, Ciirapbell Co,.Va. "I feel that It has cured me. I had been in poor health for four years. Suffered greatly with my right side, also with bearing down pains, .mid my nerves were in a dreadful state. After us ing four bottles of your ' lfavorite Prescrip tion ' I am now well, I urn the mother of two children. With the first child I suf fered twenty-eight hours, and with the second I used your medicine, nnd was sick only, three hour. I believe Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription to be the best uiedi-, cine in the world for suffering females. 1 wish you great success, and hope that God will bless you in your noble work." Tit, Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is bent free ou receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex peuse of mailiuL' only. Address Dr. E, Y, Pierce, lhiffdlo, N, Yt V JmklJ iCTW Young People's rally; 6 p. in,, Epworth League; 7 p. m preaching service. The hours of service have been ar ranged an half hour earlier than usual. Among the speakers already secured for the dedlcutory service are Bishop Mallollep, D. D IX,. D Kov. .T. H. Sweet, D. D., the former pustors ot the church, and Joseph W. Powell, tho originator of the gold bond plan of raising money. The Embury Chapter of the Epworth League, No. fi513, has Issued attractive Invitations for their devotional meet ings, one hour before the preaching service. Impressive Religious Services. The l'cnn Avenue Baptist church Is passing through unother season of spir itual qtilclccnlng. The great congrega tions which attend the services have more than a passing Interest in the singing by the grand chorus choir and the attractive services. Many are truly seeking u higher and better life. Dr. Pierce baptized twenty-nine persons by Immersion last Sunday, and at the even lug meeting twenty-live others ex pressed iv. desire to live Christian lives. The officers and members have cause for rejoicing over the interest in this historic church, which Is a landmark in the religious life of our city. The sing ing of the old hymns at the evening services is an Interesting feature. Many of these hymns are placed upon the screen by the aid of a powerful stere optlcon, and the vast audience sings fioni the illustrated hymn, without tho aid of the books. Sunday Evening Lecture. Some time ago, Dr. McLeod announc ed a series of Sunday evening lectures similar to those given by him In former years. Among the subjects were: "An Evening with Jesus;" "An Evening In the Catacombs;" "An Evening with the Church Fathers." These are subjects in which all chris tians of every denomination should be Interested. Chrlstlandom owes an im mense debt to "The Church Fathers," and Dr. McLeod will give a sketch of some of these "Fathers" tomoi row evening in the First Presbyterian church. Religious Notes. The Shiloh Baptist congregation have removed from Center street to the corner of Mulberry street and Adams avenue. llev. Luther Hess Waring will deliver a sermon tomorrow night in Grace Lutheran church on "Death Bed Re pentance." The Methodist ministers of Scranton will meet in Elm. Park on April 7 at 10.30 n. in. Rev. F. V. Young, of Dal las, will present an article on "The Rise of Arminianlsm." SERVICES IN THE VARIOUS CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal. I'.liii I .uk Jlethodist Lpls-copil ehinth 1'ia.jcr and piaiso meeting at 1).S0. The pastor, C M. (ilflin, 1). 11., will pteaeh at 10,'JO. Cl.iv. meeting in Sinidiy fcciiool loom at clov of momim? km iies. Sunday K-hool nt (,, in.; .Innioi League at .1.10 p. in.; Hnlm League nt o'.liO p. 111. The pasloi" Mill hpe.ik .11 7.S0 p. in., on the topl, "hall We Know lhch Other in lieaen." Mian t,i is welcome. .Simpson Jlelhoihat KpKcopal Chinch Itev. II. ('. MePcnnolt, pastor. I'lcnthhig 10.SO a. 111. and 7.W) p. 111. bunday school at 12 in. Junior ii icue .it :: (,. in. l'pwoith liasue at b..M p. 111. All enidially inu'ttd, I'loildcnce Methodist LpUrupal chinch Iter. (icoiKC A. Cine, pitor. 'Jhe Uiotheiliood of St, l'.iul meet at 10 .1. in. l'ic idling at 10.M); subject, "Tlie Loid's I)ij." Sunday tiliool at 2 p. 111, llpv.mlh liaRiie at P. tr, ; topie, "flio.i. ing in (luce," l'eail Walleis, leader. 1'icKuing at T.ilU; Mibjut, "Jtea-uns foi Attending ( lunch." Com I Stieet McthodM LpiMopal t lunch Ci. C. Ljiuan, pastor. Class, O.JJ a, in., O. I). IXlVlil, leader. I'ieachlng, iO.UO a. 111, by pi-,toi; Sunday school, 11,11 .1, 111., C. II, CI nk, t-upeiintendenl; Junior league, 2.110 p. in., .Mi, lijant, uupeiln. tenilentj i:(iHortli league, U.W (i. m. Preaching at 7.M0 by pastor, l'ouitli ipiaileily confeience, Monday, 7.SU, ilov. A. Gulthi piesldlnj;. S-'Jts ftee. Cedar Aenuo Metliodlt Kpiicopal ehunh V. V. Doty, pastor. 10 11, in., meeting of the Jliolhertiood of St. Paul; 10.:u a. in., inoining woislilp ami ceimon liy ii.islor; Siuiilay .thoot .it noun; il.30 p. in., Junior Lnworth le.iiriif; li.SU p. m., llpwoith league social inectiiig; 7..10 (i. 111., eiening woishlp and senium, sti.mgeis mid all utlina wclioine, lljinpton Stieet Methodist Kiis(iiiil tluiich Itcv, Jai.iei Bemiiugei', pastm. l'leathing at lil.i.O. Subject of seimoii, "How lo 0iuouic r.iintlng." Clas meeting, 11.30. Sunday sihool at 2 p. in. inkiuieillate league at ." p. in, Senioi league at (IU0, leadei, W. II. Hauls. Kvenlng pleaching senile at l.'Vi. Subjret of seiinon, ".Vu Delay." Only four moie Sunilaj-i lo woisiiip in the old building. Ail the nunihiH ami fiieuds of II111 longugation me niged to at t c ml. All lean Methodist l.'pl.-tup.il ehunh, llow.iiil (ilaie Hr, 1). H. ilfiitley, iutor, 1'ie.uliing at 1II.S0 .1, in., followul by roiniiniuioii. bunday stliooi, 2.IIU p, in., A. l'oilrr, siipciinlemk-iit. Song and pia.iei teniee, 7.1J p, in,, londuoted liy (., A, (i.iiui's, 1'ieailihig; 7,11 l, in. A coi ill il wi-ltninu lo all, Baptist. I'iiiii Avenue lliptlst ehunh, I'eiin nienue be. tweru Spiiite mid Lludcii itii'i'ts. Sti.iugeiii ui WJjljvtlioine, 1'iv.iihliig, illuming nt I'l.uo mid I'Midng at 7.30, by the nlur, Iti-v, Ilolieit 1", 1, I'ieue, 1), 1). Muiiilng (iiajeis In the lower tem ple nt ll.tj; theme of morning illsiourse, "List We I'oigel, in (ioil'd Toan," lleceptlou of Xeiv luenibei-i and louimunioii, Sunday school ut tho I'iiiii iiMmm chmcli at - o'iotl; ainl jit tlio Anuiinan nilssiuii at S.SU p, 111. Young People's Cliilsllan IludeaMir meeting at duo. The even. Ing smiles in tho audltoiium will he piuitlt-il by a n-iiieo of fJiied song, .Many familiar lijmiu wll be hoautiliilly lllustraud Sot thK ten lee. Mi. Cmln (iiuul, of lloiMord, HI,, will yhe a Inief 111) J10-.S 011 tho wuik of tho inollici's iongus of IViiiisjlaiita, nnd the pistor vlU speal; upon thu thefiie, "'lhat'ii IVhat'n the Matter, or the Iti-aoii You Aie Not u Clulstlan," lljptUnis and I'liWiiilMlo uftir-iuc'i'tlug, l'lrst baptist chmcli, youth Main u venue llev. Is. 1', 3Utlirn, pastor. The lu-ual Sabbath itr lu-i inoining and evening, 10.30 u, 111. and 7.D0 i. in. 'i'h,enio for the inoining, "What U Con. vuloii?"j (licmo for tho evening, "'llie .Uc-en. blou of CluUt." 'ihe Loid's supper vll bo ol killed at the do.o of the evening scivlce. Mm day Khool, a p. m Dr. 11, (1, Hcddoe, tupon liilindint, lijptitt Young 1Vo(i1q'j Union, 8.110 p. in,, in assembly room. J'lajer ineetliig, 7.30 ji, 111, Wediit-sday in Ossembly icom. All are well oim tu thec u.i(ij. JacLsou btrcet Baptist Uiniih-Moinlng (irjyjr meeting ut D.IJ, Brother William 1'iotheroe, leader. The pastor, llcv. 'flionidjs dc firuehy, I), I)., will picacli ut 10.U); topic, "Garland 'IMined Into falouiti." Sunday school at i p. Hi,, Jclin Llojd, superintendent, (special eveiilnir wriire at 7 sharp, 'llie Kaitcr ihoiu by icquest will lender soniu of their LjsUt sckctluiu. Matter 1). II. Wllllann will ting tho tuU that vai omitted, "There. H Xo Love Like tho Love of Jesus." MIm Annie 'liionia vvjll iciite the new revision o the twenty -thlul (walm. TI19 pastjr will delhii- a short uddres.1. Grccu liidgu Ujpli.t ihuuii, Muusi-y avenuur- M"ornlng pr)(r nifetlnR, 9.4S 1. 111. IIca-, Dc Pugli Utlmthi will preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7.80 p. 111.; eominiinlon Kcrvico utter morntnn ccrtnon, Sunday school at 11.45 n, in.; Junior Baptist Younc People's union meeting at .1.80 p. m.j Senior B.iptlrt Younj People's union meeting at 0.30 p. in. Sliiloh Baptist cluticli Itcv. .1. B. Boildle, pas tor, Preaching nt 11 a. in., subject, "Obedience." At 2.30 (i. 111., (here will lie bapllsltiff In the river, off from Ulilgp How, nlong tho Pclcwaro Lickaiv.111111 nnd WcMcrn iiillioad, eat from the Kim Park eluncli. All arc Invited at tlilt mi lce. Alrni n contribution will be asked for nt this nervicc, ami trwt nil will come prepared to as el?t In tlih way. Tlie public arc Invited, flood order will he observed. The hand of fellowship to some eight or ten villi be given nt tlie evening service; alo rommunfbn and bWlug of children. All are Invited to nit of these scrkc. Dudley Street Baptist Church, Dunmoic tier. Clatk Wlllson, the evangelist, will preiih nt 10.30 11. nt. and David Spencer, D. D of Ulake ly, at 7.30 p. in. .Mr. Wlllson will i-lng ut both Bcrvlcec. llieijbody welcome. Presbyterian. l'hsl rresbjtcilnn tlnucli Services ut 10.30 a. m. anil 7.S0 i. in. Dr. JicLood will picacli 1.11 "A Sketch of Ihe Church Father"," to whom Cliilstcndoni ones so much, will be the subject of I1I1 evening dlscomse. Stiangers welcome. Second Prcsbj lerlan church, Jefferson avenue (between Vine nnd MuUicuy.) Itcv. Joseph II. Odell, pastor. 10.30, 11101 nln-.' woishlp; 12, Sun day school; 0.30, Young 1'cople'n Society of Christian Hndeavor; 7.30, evening woihip. On Sunday evenings during April llev. Joieph II. Odcll villi eleliicr four lectures on "Slint Francis of Assisl." Y'ou are radially invited to attend. tlrccn llldgc I'rcslu tcrlnn chinch llcv. I. .1. Lansing pastor; llcv. L. 11. Foster, assistant. At 10.30, seiiicc of woishln, with scimon by the pastor; 12 111., Bible school; 0.30 p. in., Christian L'ndcavoi; 7.W) p. in., evening worfhlp, villi ser mon by the pastor. All are welcome. I'loWdcnce 1'icsbjtciion church The pastor, llev. Di. (lulltl, will ofllclate. llcv. Luigi Aiigellni, of the Waldenslau cluucli, Italy, will pieach at 10.."(). Snndiy school at noon; Junior Lndenvor at 3.30 p. in; Senior Kmlcmoi, 0.3,1 p. 111. Even ing fcrvke, with seiinon by the pastor, at 7.30 o'clock. Adams Avenue. Chapel, Jseiv YorK street llcv. lames Hughes will picacli nt 10.30 n. in. and 7.30 p. 111. Sunday school nt ti p. 111., Mr. Chand ler, supciintcndent. Mr. Hughes will teach the men's Bible class. Chrstinn Lndeavor at P. 1.1. Ihese services are open to nil nnd .1 henry invi tation is given to ail. Capouse Chapel (firecn Ridge Picsbvtcrlan church.) Preaching at 10.30 n. 111. and 7.30 p. 111. by the pastor, Rev. h. II. Foster. Sunday school, 3 (i. in.; Junior Lndeavor, I p. 111. Senior Endeavor, 0.30 p. in. Prajcr meeting, 7.30 Thursday evening. Welcome to all. Episcopal. St. Luke's 1'i'ilsh Itev. Hogeis I-racl, D. )., lector; Rev. Ldvvaid J. Ilaughton, curate, l'iist (Low) Sunday after K.islcv. St. Luke's chinch 7.30 a, 111., holy annum ion; 1030 a. in., conflimatlou, pennon nnd holy communion; n. 13 a. 111., matins; 7.30 p. in., evening puycr and .sermon. St. M.iik'i chapel, Duniiioie S a. m., holy communion; 10.30 a. 111., mnining piajer .md seiinon; 3 p. 111., Sunday school; 7.30 p. m even song nnd seimoit. St. tieoigc's, Ol.vphant S 30 p. in,, Sunday school; 330 p. m., evening pujer and seiinon. South Side 2.30 (i. m., Snndiv school. Kat End 2.30 p. m Sunday scliool. Church of the Rood Shepherd, coiner Monsey avenue and firecn Ridge street Rev. Francis It. Bateman,, rector. Fir,t Sunday after Easter. Morning prajcr and holy communion nt 10.30 n. m. Sunday school nnd vector-, clas-, 2.30 p. m. Evening projer, facianient ot conliimallon and sermon by lit. Rev. Ellielbert Talbot, bislip of the diocese, 7,30 o'dock p. m. St. John's Mission, (Meihout Hall, Piovidence Square Holy communion, 7.30 n. in. Sunday school, 2 p. in.; culling pia.ver, 4 p. m. Cluist Church, corner IValiiiigloii aveimo and Park .stieet llcv.' 1'. S. llalletitine, 1 color. Ser vius at 10.30 a. in., 2.SO p. in. and 7.3(1 p. in. Bishop T-albot will visit this- piri-h for eonliinu tiun Monday evening. All seal-, fiee. All wel come. Reformed Episcopal. f!i.iio llefoimed Episcopil ehunh, Wvoniing avenue, below Mulbeiiy stieet -fleoiae L. Al- licli, pis(or. I'l.i.ver and piai-e servlie, II. "0 a, in,; divine vvoiliip, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in.; pleaching; by the pasloi; communion at the evening seivice. Sabbath school, 12 in.; Young I'eoplc'.s Society of CluNtian Endeavor, 0.30 p. 111. Le-sop study eveiy Wednesdiy, 7.30 p. in, Ii Jj fi meeting at S. Seats fiee. All vveLome. Evangelical Lutheran. Hnlv. Tiluilv I.utlieian clmrch, corner Adams avenue and Mulhcriy bticit All (iieaching in English. Flit Snndiy niter Easter. Kpl'lle, 1 John, v, 1-12; tiospel, Jolin, xv, 10-31. llcv. V, M, llchrig, I'll. D., will conduct service-si at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Sunday scliool at 12 o'clock. Luther League seivicc, (1. 4.1 p. in. Mission hand meets Saturday nt 0.43 n. in. All uie welcome. All seats fiee, .ion Evangelical Lutheian chinch, 22(1 Mif flin avenue llev. A. O. flallcnkamp, pastor, Morning seivlees 10.30 a, m Geimnn; subject of sermon, "The Eastern Moinlng of Eternity Will Dawn Upon Those Only Tint Ale lioiii Again," Sunday school, 2 (i. in. A well attend id Suml.iv school is (lie found itlon of the iliuiili. Let eaih and cvciy one, whosoever be longs to our church by faith, send Ids Infants, ihllihrn nnd joiing people regulnly to our Sun day school. Evening rcivicm, Herman, 7.-'.i); subject pf trillion, "The Easter Seiinon, That Resmrectlou is a Xecelty, Kept by Nniuie." Kngll'li pieachln every flilitl S'liuliy In the lnonlh. Miscellaneous. f'aliai.i Itcfoiined cluucli, Momne avcnuii nnd THERE ARE MANY ROADS. The Finger Posts Making the Many By.Paths of Present Day Troubles All Seem to Point the Same Wny Lack of Nerve Force, Day by clay the columns of this paper urlnp new evidence fiom Scran ton people of the great work being done lv Dr. A, V.,Cliwse's Nerve Pills. Why they accomplish so much is easily explained they uro prepared with an oyo slnglo to restoring neivo force, Thoy accomplish this object, which no other medlulno In tho world has ever been able to do; that's why hundreds of Scranton people offer their testimony. Jvlr, Samuel Holers, of N'o, ViS Hyde Park avenue, Scranton, Pa., says; i was in (i run-down condition, head aches, nervous and sleeping' badly and the uppetlte poor, I was told of Dr A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills and got a box. As a result I sleep and eat well again tho nerovouBiiess and headaches aro gone nnd my general strength back again. I urn very much plensed with them and glad to recommend theiu to others. This I can do conscientiously " Dr, A, "W. Chasa'b Nerve Pills are sold at ."0,o, a box at dealers, or'Dr, A, W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, jy, y, See that portrait und signature of A. W. Chase, M, D are on every package, For sale In Scranton at Matthews' Jlros., 320 Lackawanna ave-? nue. (ilbaon sheet Itev, M. L. I'iior, palor, Sei- lei-i at lO.lin .1. ni. ami T ;m ,.. c ....I... school. 11.1.1 a. in.: Cluktlaii Etuln.iw.i- t ,, ... MId-weeK pra)cr meeting, Wednesday, S ji,' m! S.UIIA.HI9III, 04IUIU4J. .t.tJU (1. ill. Zlon IFnllcd livangeliul ilmuli, 110 Cupoue lleiilliw.Kl),V. .1. W. llnufiitirn, ,,Tictn lt....l.. Ing t 10. Hi) a, m. and 7.1.0 p. m.; subjects. iiu, rnviu'ifc, hiuj(c auu "luc ungin ai the Bible." The evening subject will he the he Binning of n series of seven sermons, proving the genuineness nnd authenticity of tho Bible from prophecy fulfilled. They will be preached Sunday evenings, Sunday school, 0.30 n. m.j Junior Endeavor, 4 p. in.; Senior Endeavor, 0 30 p, in, All seals fiee, liver) body welcome to nil seivlces, All Soul's UntiemlUt chmcli, Pine street, between Adams nnd JofTcMon nvemies llev, Tlioinus 11. I'd) re, pnlor. Dlvli-o service, Willi seiinon, at 10.30 n, in.; subject, "(llvlmr Whit We Have." Sunday "school at 12 in. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock; subject, "The Uulver sallst Conception of noil," t lie second uf the scries on "What Untvct'.i lists Believe." SMts free. Stiangers cordially welcomed. BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS BY REV. HOBlillT F. Y, I'lKItCi:, D.' D. t From Authoi's Notes in "The Siindnv School Le-eion IlliHlrator," Published by F. II, Itcvcl & Co., Chicago, 111. Gulden Text "Repent )c thrrefoie, and be inn veiled, that jour bins may he blotted out." Ac. 111:11). Saul of Tuisih was a very different man from Paul the pic.ichcr of righteousness. When on the Damascus to id, hastening to persecute the clill- drcn of God, Ills mid-day nnest leads lo the com plete change in his life. The old naluie and spirit of evil arc cast out and Saul, ttie sinner, is transformed by the spliil of God into Paul, the npostlc. v "There is no other nnmc under heaven, Riven among men, whcicby we must bo saved," but J1&U3, Paul's Savior and thine. Suggestions Draw the outline of tlie pathway to indicate the mad ever which Paul Journe.vcd from Jerusalem to Damascus. Write tlie word SAUL, to indicate the name as fallen and l.iing piostrate in the way. Above this mine piint in laige letters the name PAUL, vciticnlly, to indi cate the changed name and Paul's obedience to tlie command, "Atisc." Color Hints Make the mountain light blue; landscape, gicen and white; pathway, orange, with white outline; nime, SAUL, blown with white edges; name, PAUL, while with fc.ii let edge. All peisons in.ly not be com cited in the simo manner as Paul, but all may he converted who truly desiio it, and who will be obedient to the revelation of tiulh lo their lic.uK Salvation will give us a new mime (Chiistian): it will give us new povveis; it will give us now- life; it will give us new and unending Joj s. When the gieat light shone at midday vipon tlie Damascus load, Saul llie avenger was ur- lested and convicted anil conveited, and Paul llie apostle was boui. 'llie swoiil uf slauglilei was shc.itlied iiuil tlie svvoul of the Spiilt became might) in the haul of the coldier of the cio-s, Saul lived toi .self and the gloi) of his people. But Paul lived tor Jesus Cluist and found h'.s ihief Joy in gloiif)ing Ids blessed I.nnl and Sav ioi . In the uom of Cluist I ghu.i, Tuwciing o'lr the. wied.s of lime; All the light of sailed stoiv. (iathcr loimil its head sublime. Color Hints Make the vvinss white nnd i.i) yellow; make thn ihicld light blue with white outline; make the swoul vvliite with ted bleed drops; make the heait led with while outline; make the swoul and its i.i.vs in inje color, Sciniitoii, P.i. SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR APRIL 6 SAUL OF TAItSUS CONVERTED. Acts IX;1-13. iiv ur.v. J, 1:. cii.ui:nr, n. n. Seiicldry o Amcilcan Socicly o iti'llglou IMuiMllou, INTItODHCllOX.-TIiu cumiiiMon ot CluUt vv.i!i vvoild-vvidi'. OI.nK, Mi, 13.) Ill-) marluiii iuiio-i- included the- nice. Hut in iniangiui,' .1 plan uf I'V.iUHilhnii Ho dutciiuliu'il tu liriu in .li'iii-alun (l.ul.i-, .h, 47), iniKhii; tlichljct- nt ills ii'Jcctlon tliu sumo ut Ills Hist triumph. C.UIs, II, 17.) TlU BUCCC-a tl'dlH tu Iiivp in- iliiccd tlio npostloi. tu uuuiii In tin- mctiopilis uftrv pcisccullon ciiisfil many tu (In-, (Arts, vii, 1.) llvldcutly lliry ilmlslicd piiJuUic-t-, wlildi even ki.iu- did 1'ot lemuvc, tintlttiui; tlicm In go to tl' lJntile,, (,(l, i, i-il.) A new nun must be .1leil (ur tin1 iiia,lli'ii, 01m if 11101 1' 1IIhi.iI views. He unlit lie iliuscii, nut by b.illui, a Jlattlila? vvao lActs, I, 'Jil),-btit bv the I.oul liliiiself, as llie tui'lie vveie (M.11K, ill, 11), lint llu iuli;lit lank with thrni. Tuday'i, leason tlioHa flic moil.) nf that iliolu-, , """" COMMISSIONI'.D, (Vum.- 1 and 2.) Xi.t iiin tint vvltli bloody deeds in .Icnisiliiu, tsaul ob. tallied fioni the hlt'li ricst iiutlmriiy tu t;o tu D.mi.ioc lis) ui'd tu uut-ftt iilcip'M Hide mid brim; lliim tu tlie Holy City, 'iho lettcu ilf llii-icd to lilm nnd 110 ill, tliu llun u( ,i men mid vvonicn alike nilKlit be llie victims nf his hate, PaiiniEciw, tliu i.tpll.il r( f-irla, lay a little cait of ninth fiom Jeiiualem, a dUtiiucu of 1.10 mllcd in .1 t-tialelit line, Saul hid .1 ttioiu feort, coiiipoced of oltlelal., perlups temple pCDplo and lloinau soldier?', uij,m'oiI tu piolect liini against lubbeis that Ihrii infesrrd tin country, lll-toik- eiiiuml would be tia vciseil in tlio journey, aver which inliility armlet had conlinded uud lelislous devotees had nudo many pllKrlinat;e). Moiiin cf valor and ticri lice may have been lecalled by thu outhful licrseculor, AIIlti:&ri:i).-(Vews a und 4. Saul and III a-,ociate-) wire uppioachui'; Dielr dutiiutlon, Tho tovvcin of thi uuclwit illy were In full View, lighted up by tho cffiiujetiff of tlie urn, that burned In the zenith. CAcU, wii, II.) Kaiceily piet,ilni,' fcrvvuid to (liter upon tlnlr intwlon they who huddinly anculed by tho vvjy, A light fiom heaven, fur cuudln:,' tho nifiiillan tpleuiloi', bliono about them. (Add, x-cvl, is.) A llnodttde cf gloiy, not unlike that which at the advent enveloped the thcplierds on tho plilu (l.uke, ii, 1'J), m.idi all tliln.'s luniluous. Saul wj ovcilKivveud. As if btrkken by Hijlilnln' he, with coinpanlon-i, fell lulpliis tu tho earth. (Acts, xxvi, 11.) '1 licit. (uuiC a vojte, tpeakliu bU name twice. "Mill. SjuI." anakenliiL- at- f store and at prices from $15.00 to $28.00. Other good qualities and makes at $10 and $12 Vour Boys' Clothes This Department has received a great deal of our time and thought. " It's a very important part of our business ; one we like perhaps that's why it's growing so rapidly. We search for the handsomest novelties as well as the mos,t durable goods. The fit and style of every garment must be correct before it's accepted. The advantages of such man agement is proved in the wearing qualities of every Boys' garment that leaves this store, whether it be a $2.00 Vestee Suit, or a $7.00 Young Man's Suit. 1 ,3y H i?ts. jw continued study of Leather qualities. Their lasts are known the world over as the most exclusive and stylish made. We are now showing their newest Spring productions, including the "Colonial" and "Blucher" Oxford, which will be for this season. The Shoe for Women. The excellence of the "Sorosis" quality and styles has become well known in almost every large city of this country and Europe. The "Sorosis" Shoe for La dies stands above all you of this statement, All the the new ''borosis" are Hici-vl'ivorl in ruir rrvrnpr Qhnw winrinur at Ult UlUIUtaW it. JKt Samter Brothers, i&BaaaasB&Braii teutlnn, uud .i0,lii'.r, "Why pcimitt-t thou nieJ'' A t-i .1 1 chlni-r iiupiiiy lulu the motives that piompt iictlim is necefsaiy tu cIuuko oiio'h cniii.-e. M.m.v nun pluujo 1111, pioiupted by pis sluu, into de.-iLs ot whlcli tlu-.i would bo ashamed In hums of calm iciledluii, Hie pio.liate man is Miiumuiied to elve 11 lea-on, lIlltlXTIMI. CVeises .'i-OO-VVill liislnicted In Jewish s-iilptiui', hull knew tint the vuhe .iiul the lUht won Mipunalui.il, 11ml lie In (iihed fui tho pertim, "I am Jesii," Win tliu ouvvc-r. The .Varaune, iincitlcil In Jeiuwleni, vv,i nllve, ipou.lii),' the c-.iu-u uf 1IU pi'iMeiilc-iI fnliivv(i. Convinced b.v thai wont Hiul dished tu know vvli.it vv.i wanted of him, "What wilt thou have 1110 tu dui" 'Ihe idea nf scivlco wai uppeiiuot, lie- belonged lo that iiuhler dm vvho.se llvi) me lue.isiueil by deeds, flumes, ii, lb.) It wii ,1 tiihlimo moment, vviiiu, tienihliuc iiudei Hie luipiesslou Just iiuiilo lie iilliled to le udjiist hi life. He was illrectul lu enler tho city for iiifoiinitliin, haul ua irautoruied, lib left .leiusalein the imhudiuieiit of inuraso and iro liitlon, ,N'ovv hu Is lielplets mid liirnilesi. 'Ihe lion h.n lieioino the lanili, Tim jnoud Pliarlee who hud iQiiiniiiiided utluio limit now be led by the Wind, Ho intereil tlio illy, not lo peiwule, but 'In 'il; aid, lir.I,l'i:i)-('eiu lii-lJ)-A mm may t.ljii.t his illations with Hod alone f.luhu, i, '), hut he miy lie KTCJtly lulped by tho piajeis and in etriictloii of another, SikIi csl.lame unite licllcv cm ill a iiiotlieihood. llavini; eaptiued Haul and klnit him up in Damascus, Jesus bO,uht Ananias, .1 devout nun of tint (itv, tu be hi teacher aid liluul. Two Inipoitaut facts weie stated to eiii'ouioi'u Auauli tu take up the cue, for lie natinally thruuk fmiu one who hud hi ell known .is 11 peineciitor, 'Ihe tlrtt fait v,.u Hint haul was iirjjlui,-, (Verso 11), A u Jew he lud kaid pra-us all Ids life it would have bteu ilifjciaeeful for lilm tu liava lieclected Hill eereiie. Hut now lie was sliuirtllnz, Jacob Ilka (Hen. xwli, 21) for a blessing never be fore ev.pcrhin.ed. lleIdi, while praliiy he had been n man joining to lilm the veiv pictuic of Ananias hun bcfoio hi mind (Veise li) and lio felt that by th.it (oiulnv he would iciclve eight. In the house of Juda, in tho c.tieet cjlled Stralglit (Vrrnc 11), the new apostle to teWdLe 7W5aitr rcnaeUythat curat m void U oue Ooj', Every Good Thing Is Imitated. Be careful of those who are try ing fo imitate the "Atterbury" System of Ready-to-Wear Clothes. Look for the Registered Label. There is only one "Atterbury" System and you can always tell it from the imitation. There are no "Just the Same," or 'Just as Good." "Atterbury" Sys tem means gentlemen's clothes con ceived by the best designers and made by men who have worked in the best custom tailor shops ; in fact, it is made-to'order and receives more criti cal attention than clothes turned out by some custom tailors. The "Atter bury" System of Ready-to-Wear Clothes can onlv be found at this "Hanan The Shoe for Men. The manufacturers of this famous shoe have been noted for the past 50 years for their 3orosis 7 other makes. The trial of one V.V..I.. ..wr .T ...w , , -- Complete Outfitters. llie Ceutiicg pwuerfully waited for the touch of .1 Clulstlan hand lo admit him into tho Mn' dom. IT:.in:i)-0''ies la and ll),-lt i not fin pihlni; that Ananias sliouhl tlnlnlc fnnu llils kindly mviic tlioursli it vv.11 diieeted by the l.oul. IniUeil, it must have seenml iuciedlhle tint sucli tilth e shoulil lu lemilied of him, p.u liy ilouhtliiK' whether lie liad mideintooil the nicksaue, and pntly fiuiine the lesidts if lie who tu atteuipt It, Anaiiku lehearsed apolosctl cail.v the hid tecind of haul at .lrii.ilcin, WI1.1l 1 1" had done theio had been nohjil alnojil. His name bciaiiij a tenor, i'rob.ibly foiiiu ttemb Ilni; illsiiples had tied bifoie him for l-atety, 'I lio motile which bad hioiulit him to H.uuis ins v.i, however, well known, Tlio (hilstimv or tint city li.nl begun to confer togetlur to 6tcuro tlicniselvra. How Hun can Jeus illreet any to go lu lilm, thu falling eisily intu his hand.!? Hint should any one belleio that lie was iliangid in spiilt, iet-s dlspijeil lu do evil? ClIO-sliN'. (Vern'4 li and 111) Aninlin vv.i lot Ion j hit In doubt or feai 011 till M!but, A lull explanation ot the c.is) vv.i iiiunidhiiily liiude, (iod had n he led this voiuig mm for 11 aie-at mluion. Ho was ihoscn 10 bo the uposilo to the fientile, lo pie.uh Jesus Chi 11 and the gupcl of giaeu to distant people (till. 11:7), and lo lay Hie foundations of Iho chinch in heathen linds. (Acts it!:l.) Tint choke 1 1. ul been made in tho counsels ut Infinite wis dom even fiom thu beginning of life, (Hal, llla.) In him vveie those lutiual endowments whidi iiuiiirntly lilted him for the position, and lo him had been given that training which had put him In full pns.iviioii , of all Lis povveis. lie bad been jilloweil nuull libeity of choke hltheito, hut when Cod's time ramo lie was arreuted, jud Ananias was appointed tu induct hint Into Id life's woik. Hut in Hie peifeimmiee of duty llieio would bo huiUilm;, II U'TIZKD.-tVeises 17 and IS.) Tlio iuloi. Illation thu Impurteil lenioveil iho feai nf An anias. Without liesiUlluii lie sought the gieat persecutor. When tho two met tho uhitillm was very lieaullful and nine fie. "llmiher Haul," (tied Ananias. 'Ihe changed spiilt of ihe one had brought the two into u new and ThUslgnaturoia on oyory box ot the gcuulu Laxative Bromo-OuinineTauieu I m iA r Ul 99 the "proper thing" pair wil convince lasts" :,2 CA JJ mliJXJ dear illation. Tlio hand of love and conlideuco w.w placed on the blind seeker. Then, canie .1 full explanation. Tho Lord that had p peaied to 0110 in tho way had also appeared tu the other in Damascus, tho came Jesus, whom lioih vine theieafter to recogntro as Mastei. '1 In- two men had been cut to each other, tin 0110 to teach the other to bo taught. Tlio nnl tu bo galuid was a resolution of tlglit aiict .1 bestowal of tlie Holy Ohort, physlcal,'on!idiiei and t-pliltii.il cuduemenl, .1 two-fold picpaia t Ion tor teivltr, Tho btotheily. aiiproacli vv.u not in lulu, 'llie ocalcs fell from the blind e)es nnd tlio convert was baptised. " I'lHlAC'iniD.-CVees JU )(MVl,,'20).-TJifir nilrj islirlul oil lio is onfi of BVeai'vdl8nlty,anit,ie tpoiislbillty, 'iho chuuh in gnjided' u'wlt1! gieat cue. Among' all denominations, pudi dales aiu ieiulied to pmsuo, utudles and nuki prepaulion befoie upp(urIiigj.iu-leclieHol, u llglou, and a coiwidei ablg tlno aiiilly 'pas-,ei butneeii lonvcisiou and public epicisc''iiV''nili lu'ucllon, llu'. Pay! 'dhijnot .elelaj Oeilgne, for tlio ministry of.thejkord lio enleil straight way upon Ids life in Damascus, where, I'e, jiac1 been baptized, Ho ilood 11111011? belleveii. t( tr-itlfy that Jisiis was tho ton. pfllishteousiWi 'lids was nioie to him than to thcin. Ho need id to nuke confession befoio thuso who kucvi of hfm a an opposc-r of Cluist. llnwevei iiiiuh time tlip-id after that initial n-rino-i be fuie be gave liliiiself c-ntliely to pieaehing, tlnx which was (pent in reliieinent and incillUti'Jii (till. U17.1S.) lllU'l.lXTIOSS. Many inoueou.Iy think thai all conversion must be by una method, Wheie us, each Niul will find Jtsiu In 1 way Miltcc to its ncedv (I Cor. nII:0), Let a'ojic uppo that Iho Mai tl Ing phenomriu in (ho ea-'e ol hull will bo repod,vd. Hut vvliaf was. essen tial in lilm will bo ,und in all a consrienvi d Mm hul under iUcltou of lectltude; a tf rloas Inquiry eomcrulng the light way; u sur lender of the will 11 pio-ir Jot guidance; 1 waiting -(01 liluiiiigj.il union. vv)h belleveu Ii the cud. Tin pulii ()uetio'u is not, 'Iovv I 4 man uveilt" but "Is'lie '.ifcilt, ' rurthermoie, the btubboiii lnibt pau lluough a eilsls, and It who Is destliud tu a gieat vvmk InciLi a Ian cspulnce, Ihe lueniory of (hleli bball bo a per petual mientive. (Acts .vl:.M). Uu. pomes times like a unit flower, a in the case of, Tltui othy (Avis xvlil) the heart reaiionds 'to tlu genial ius of the hou of (lod and the vjhoh life Is lOKsecratcd to sen lie. f 1 I EMM Iff HjB- iS! ' m 1 : v? rvu- 4 vasM is m m 4.1 M . &i 1. -ii?! :1 J if-1ll m il .1 iAP . a1. ?A -i ,v . I & s'NiH K at i J '4 i fi M -4 fi 1 $1 - cl 1 a X 1-ti. m -'. i ,c 4Jfc AifLiUt sZ&. 4 m:. mmMmSik : Ati -' j- t:1 j-fe. jriua- r 4.