ty' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- FUltiAX APRIL 4, 1902. " .: DAYLIGHT STORE UE''OTHfr6HK':' JONAS LONQ'S SONS, swwi VAC VAWV IP TO VISIT THE BASEMENT FOR GROCERIES and HOUSE FURNISHINGS. The first Friday in April will go on record at the Big Store as one of the liveliest retailing days that has been seen in. this city. . " " JARPET 1RTMERT ii nis win oe due to the popularity of JEE THE OUR GREAT CARPETS ilrd Floor. FR I DAY TOMORROW THE AFTERNOON (f Shoe y News BIG SHOE SALE Sale of the Entire Stock of the Newark Shoe Store Begins Promptly at Nine O'Clock Saturday Morning. Until you see the Shoes in the Big Sale, it will be hard for you to realize how much of a bargain they will be. You will find extra help, extra display tables. Come early and choose from this immense stock of Shoes for Women, Men, Children and Misses at half worth price, and in many intances less. n i j.t- c?-i Starts Tomorrow Morning Scranton's 59 Store. Hamilton's Prettu Cook! Viom llio tliii.ijtu Tiiiusllualil. THERE was a "coolness" between Billy Hamilton anil Ills youns- wife no doubt about that, lie knew it, felt it, saw it, but bulns a philosopher and an optimist, lie ascribed the temporary ehunge in her behavior to the natural disappointment of a young: matron of two years whose maternal yearnings had not been grati fied. "We'd be all rlfiht IT we only had a child," he would murmur to lilmselC as he walked 1'iom the station to his lint and bounded up the back stairway to show Ills smiling face and erack his joke of greeting with his pietty wife, lint somehow his smile looked like n grin to her, Ills jokes didn't go any more, and she would loll toward the dinner table and earry the conversa tion no further than a monosyllable. Of course this got on Ullly's nerves a bit, but lie didn't show it. He was one of those Irrepressibly amiable men who won't "scrap" with a woman. That makes some women fuilous. There are some women who llml it hard to forgive the man who will not argue, scold and even threaten. A lamlly row always gives them a chancu to air their griev ances, to unburden suspicions and to wind up with a "good cry." Mrs. Hilly didn't know it, but she was one of those thoroughly feminine persons who resent the denial of these wifely privi leges. Now, cute as he was, Hilly was all wrong In his guess nbotit his Martha's "spell." She wasn't yearning for a child at all, but In her fretful soul the shadow of an ugly suspicion had grad ually grown into the intolerable eer tnlnty that Hilly, her llllly, was un faithful. Sho didn't have any Until proof, as yet, but she was so sine (it the hateful truth that she hardly duied to faco the visual certainty. Mean while her husband came home each evening gny with a gayety that she re garded as a mask, full of such tender ness as he had not shown since the days of their courtship, and as sprucely dressed as if he weie a lover instead of a husband, Now, the Impending domestic trage dy, which didn't worry Hilly half as much ns It should huvo done, started in ti very innocent and natural way. Coming back from her sumpier vaca tion to rehabilitate her Hat, Mrs. Ham ilton had beou unable to find a suitable domestic, Shu was n poor housekeeper, couldn't cook, and hated houseclean )ng. Furthermore, who didn't like housewifely "drudgery," as she called it, nnd llllly, who was something of an epicure, fond of all crentuic comforts and proiio to take Miuihu to the thea ter with him, was even more anxious to gel a girl than was Ills wife, She was sitting In the parlor one evening reading the paper, when ho rushed In with: "flood news, Martlm! I've got a glii!" He 4puld have plunged into details then ami there, but smelling tit the air with a sickly grin, lie added: "Supper's burning, Martlm!" Hut is she ran to the kitchen to pull forth :ho chaired turkey ho followed her .vlths "I.vt the darn thing go, Martha. iVe'll go down-town nnd celobrute. The glti will bo heie in the morning lure. Luckiest UilitK li the world for as. Tompkins and his wife are going to Europe for six months, l just hap pened to mention tho llx wo were In Uils morning, nnd he up and says: What's tho matter with taking my Slrl till wa come back.' Toinky says lie's a trcilsure. You won't even haye Jo tell her Vfhut to do," So they abandoned the uneatable hol ocaust and went down town for the merriest little feast they had had In two years. The next morning Billy sal lied foi th like a conqueror, and in two hours returned but what's the use of descilblng poor Hulda Mrs. Hamil ton's faco fell the moment Hilly showed her Into the house, for the glti was too pretty. That was the beginning of the "cool ness." Martha began to recti 11 her luis 1 ami's extiaordlnary enthusiasm over what he continued to call "his lind." Even the pleasant memories of that feast of eelebiatlon became bitter to her. To (onllrm her suspicions, on Hulda's very llrst night off, Hilly was "detained at the olllce." "Double work, Martha, since Tonilsy went away," laughed the rascal, but his wife knew better, and her heart was pinched with silent rage. Suspicion be ( ame conviction when she noticed that her husband never came in by the front entrance alter Hulda's arrival, nor left except bv the back stalnvav. "Billy," she began one evening, trying to antiear calm, though her pretty mouth twitched as she said It, "Billy, f wouldn't use the back entrance. It hn't exactly that Is, I think it's rather vulgar. M'liv do you do it?" "Oh, It's just to save me half a block, Martha, and In this muddy weather I hate to come In the front way with my shoes dropping real estate." And so the subject was dropped, for she felt that her expressed objection to the back mode of entrance was palp ably trivial. Tho Iron having entered her soul, however, she continued to torture her self, and every time Hilly praised the cooking or said a good word for Huldn, Martha winced as If he hud struck her. She tried to trap him Into arguments so that sh might pour out the flood tldu of her misery, but he dodged every effort at a wrangle, and even made lovo to her till slio begun to almost loathe lit in. To make matters doubly horiible, she began to notice that he never passed through tho kitchen with out speaking in low tones to tho ser vant, and once, listening cautiously tit the closed door, poor Martha was sure she heard the sound of aidss! That settled it. The next day, with no explanation but tho "necessity for economy," Mrs, Hamilton dismissed Hulda and laid a trap for uilly that could hardly fall to bring about tho Until i upturn that was already a neces sity for her outraged feelings, Ho al ways arrived at his homo upon the stroke of 0, nnd nt that hour, dressed in a calico wrapper, with a light shawl on her head, tho better to conceal her features, Martha lay in wult for him In tho unllghted kitchen, Sho was peel ing potatoes over tho kitchen sink when she heard his merry whistle and his light step bounding up the'Hiilr, In a moment hu had enteied and was bay Ins; "Hulda, why don't you light the gasv Ycnj'jo not tired of your Job yet, I see, How's Mrs. Hamilton this evening?" Ho upoku softly and quickly, and went on Into the Hut. Hut III a moment, as she expected, ho was buck, tip-toeing softly this time. "Is tho old woman mound',"' bite heard hiu whisper, his voice husky with unholy passion. "Out," murmured, Martha, bending her head, both with shnmo und' a de termination to keep her disguise. Hut shu felt like stubbing him as his arm stole softly round her waist. She icached for a match, und would huvc lighted it und faced her vile, husband If another strong arm hud not pjnlonod her arms and drawn her slowly round so that he held her close to him and, with his hot breath in her raging ear, whispered: "Sweetheart, do you love me?" He had kissed her before she could cast him off, but then she leaped away, smote lilm a stinging right-hander in the face, and in another second had lighted the gas. Frantic with rage she whirled about and saw the butcher boy wining his bloodv nose. Then Hilly rushed in, shouting: "What's the racket?" but was aston ished at seeing his wife there and be side himself when she told him "The nasty thing kissed me." Billy was for slaying the luckless offender then and there, but Martha stopped lilm and said: "Let him go, Billy; he thought I was Hulda." "And so did I when I came In," quoth Mr. Hamilton, as the butcher slunk out of the door; "Murthu, what on earth where Is Hulda?" "1 I let her go, Billy," stuttered Martha, looking down at her tattered calico; "she was too extravagant, and and, besides, I do so want to learn to be a good cook," They haven't had a servant since, though they are strangely happy. ALMOST A BIVER OF LAND. Figures Showing- the Sediment Car ried in the Mississippi. .Mm fcualn in Atn.sUf'is. The capacity of the Mississippi for tilling up canals and old channels la something awful. Government engineers have found that tho amount of solid matter annually carried past Vicksburg in suspension Is enougli to make a block of earth 300 feet high and a mllo square. Fifty feet oft the top of this is spread around on the vulley between here and tho sea, and the rest goes out Into the Ciulf of Mexico, to build up more con tinent. Think what that means, instead of n river of water, this is a river of lund. It would make a solid stream of earth live feet deep, and nine feel wide, (low ing night and day as fast as a man can walk four miles an hour all sliding down off the northern half of the coun try towurd the sea. Year In, year out, that endless line of earth goes on. It would take a force of more than 50,000 men, working in eight-hour shifts, to throw the dirt into the stream, sup posing tho river bed were rigid and an inexhaustible supply or dirt on tho bank. It would make i'3,000,000 wagon loads every year. Hut here what are the iibu of such figures? Below Vicksburg and abovo it, too, to an extent wo have tho earth Itselr to speak for It, Except for the occasional fragments of the lino ot bluffs along the eastern edge below here which bob up at Fort Adams, at Natchez, at Grand Gulf, at Baton Houge, at Port Hudson there Is noth ing about tho level of the high-water liver except the artificial levees. These aro In places mlica back great east ern banks, sometimes thlity feet liisU or more, sodded nnd free from trees, which protect the wonderfully fertile region behind them, And nil this level country which the liver oyerllowH and fertilizes Is constantly increased by this liver of dirt which the Mississippi bilngs down from tho Inner region, gathered all the way fiom the Hookies to the Atleghenles. Sometimes tho liver starts to eat away this land that it has made. In a single summer, If It will, It eats awuy half a mile of it out of some bend. It cuts It out sometimes un acre Ut a bite, and takes with it forests, houses, levees and all else. The river Is not a uni formly moving stream. One side or the middle moves swiftly, tho other parts are still or sluggish. Sometimes even these run up stream. The swift part Is the channel current, and runs In the deepest sections. It makes crossings whenever driven off shore by a pro monotory. These crossings are dump ing places for the surplus earth tho river has picked up in the bend it Is eating. TAXATION- OF CATS. Provision of a Bill in the Massachu setts Legislature. l'lum tliu l'liili.dclphla It ic orcl. , In every considerable community in this broad land the owner of a. dog has been compelled to pay a license tax, while his neighbor's cat has been al lowed to expand its tail on tho wood shed root" In costless liberty. The rank Injustice of this discrimination has been appaient to every catless dog owner. In the name of kindness a bill has been introduced la the Massachu setts legislature which provides for a license on cats, the tax being 50 cents each. It authorizes mayois and select men to kill all unlicensed felines. In order to win the support of the lovers' of the cat it is pretended that there are many staivlng and boy-tortured stray cats which it would be a mercy to put ouof the way. In fact, however, there Is little doubt that it is the long-liullg-nant dog owners who have devised this scheme of justice. Hogs are taxed partly as a means of revenue, but chiefly to get lid of stray cms. It Is urged that dogs are a. nuisance on many accounts, noisy at night and a danger in the alleged mad dog season, in the city they are hold to be entirely useless. If a dog be worth his bones as a guurdian of the home hu will be a menace to the legs of the letter carrier and to children. The amiable dog which wags his tall when the delivery boy conies,1 will wel come a tramp or a burglar as u dear friend. Cats, however, aro not less noisy and dangerous than dogs, but the reveise. Their midnight imitation of a baby with the colic creates an epldemiu of Insomnia, and they are as liable as dogs to rabies. They are vastly moro dangerous us carriers of disease germs. They luck the affection and fidelity of the dog. in short, evry argument In favor of dog license is fully as strong In favor of cat license. Very Low Bates to Charleston, S, C, and Beturn, Account Pennsylvania Day, April 16th, via Southorn Bailway. On April Uth and lflth round trip tickets will bo sold from Philadelphia to Charleston aeeouiit of fenniiHylvanla. Day, April 10th, at extremely low rate of ?1U,70, correspondingly low rates from all other points within tho state of Pennsylvania, tickets good for eleven days. Tho Southern i all way opera tea ves tlbuled 'limited trains dully ' with lluoiigh Pullman drawing-room sleep ers between Philadelphia and Charles ton without change, leaving Philadel phia. 0.0.") p, pi,, arrive Charleston 3.H5 p, in, next day, In addition to the abovo train service there aro two other fust dally trains via Southern railway, Clms, J,. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent. .Southern Hallway, S2S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, will bo pleased to furnish all Information also lUt of ho tels and boa; ding houses, Convention of Federation of Wo men's Clubs, Los Angeles, Cal. For the abovo occasion, which takes pluce Muy 1st to 8th, 180:', tho Lacka wanna railroad will sell special round trip tickets good going April 10th to 26th inclusive, and for return, to reach starting point not later than midnight of Juno 25th, at fare of Jtiii.25 for the round trip. Seo ticket agent for Infor mation ubout stop-off privileges, yitrl- able routes, side trips, etc. . " SALES And 'the well-known fact that the goods on sale during the Hour Sale are sold at prices that mean economy to all buyers. y Sale No. 1 ' tfCTiT"l"1?-i Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. In Basement Every item in this hour sale today speaks loudly for this time of season. Articles needed in moving and houscclcaning. Sale of Tea Kettles All copper, heavily nickel plated, size No. S. Every stove wants a tea kettle for a companion and you will want this one dollar kettle at the price asked for it. ' Friday 79C Sale of Buckets Galvanized water buckets, regular size, value 25c. This Friday buy them at 1 C Sale of Tacks Double pointed matting tacks, come 100 ' in package. This Friday, 4 packages for 5C Sale of Furniture Nails This kind, on sale today, are used for upholstery and furniture. Regular price for 100 is 10c. Friday buy them at- 5 C Sale of Brooms Extra choice selected green corn, spiral wire finish, 5 string; value 45c. Friday 29C . Sale of Tea Cups and Saucers White semi-porcelain, the always wanted article in every house. This kind, on sale to-day, is worth !)c. ; but for this hour sale buy cup and sauc- for DJ cr Sale of Willow Clothes Baskets This basket is very well made and is a good size ; , always sold for 40c. Friday hour, buy them at, each 35C GroceriesIn Grocery Department Sale of Sugar This sugar will be sold Friday at less than wholesale price. This is an every day article, and for Friday, one hour, buy ten pounds for , 45C Sale of Macaroni Very best domestic; regular 10c. article. For one hour I'nday buy it at '. Sale of Prunes Choice Californias. For this hour Friday buy them at per pound'. . Sale of Peaches California lemon cling, put up in heavy syrup; regular price 2.5c. ; for Friday hour buy them at Sale of Pears Large .'5-pound cans; regular 15c. quality. For one hour Friday buy what you want at, per can Sale of Sweet Chocolate Regular price Oc. For one hour Friday, per cake 7c 4c 18c 9c 31c Sale No. 2 iff P 9 .SSYt Hntt 'S' ' , Dl Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock. Sale of Silks Extraordinary sale, of China and Corded Wash Silks. The China Silks are all staple colorings. The Wash Silks have single and double cluster of cords. A variety of soft shades and a large assortment. Don't miss this sale on Silks; be on time. The value is 50 cents a yard, but for one hour Fri- day buy at Oj&C Sale of Writing Paper and Envelopes A very high grade vel lum in cream and azure. Ruled and unruled, also a plate finish: twenty-five envelopes to match. A rare opportunity to lay in a stock. Regular value for paper and envelopes, 25c. Fri- , day, one hour 1 JLQ SaU of Dress Ginghams Just what you have been waiting for. They are all this Spring styles in colors and patterns, and value that is Al for wearing. Suitable for Wash Dresses, Waists and Children's Dresses. Always marked at S cents. This . Friday hour OC Sale of Men's Underwear Grey random, medium weight ; finished rounded neck with tape ; over-locked stitched edges, pearl buttons. Drawers have suspender straps, adjustable band, taped seams. A regular 30c. garment for, Friday .Z 1 C Sale of Women's Fine Mercerized Skirts Deep ruffle with extra rulik of line knife pleating. All lengths and full widths. Considered by everybody a garment fully worth $1.25. Priced q. for this Friday hour, on Second Floor, at OVC Sale of Curtain Shades There couldn't be a more opportune time to buy shades than now; in spring cleaning and moving, one or two shades arc needed. The kind on sale today are 0 feet long, 3( inches wide, good spring roller, fringed edge; value 17c. Friday buy them on the Third Floor for, each - 11C Sale of Tailor-Made Dress Skirts The skirts arc made from marble tweeds, melton and cov ert cloths, trimmed with two bauds of satin. Come in black, blue, silver and mixed grey; q worth double the price asked for them today ; Friday, each 1 VO Sale of Fast Black Hose for the Children This Ribbed Hose, made of extra heavy yarn, size 5 to 0A, sold Friday for one hour, 4 pairs, no more or no less in quantity, for the small priCC O t t ,.. 4 Jm , I . Sale of Infants' Caps Warm days will soon be here. Lawn Caps, hemstitched, trimmed with niching or a silk embroidered cape with fine niching; oftentimes sold for 30c. each. This Friday, on Second Floor, buy them at jLQ Sale of Bureau Scarfs and Stand Covers Fancy cnihrpidcr.ctl work; patterns cut out from material in odd designs and double stitched; usually called sprochetel work; priced at 20c. to i 35c. For this hour sale, Friday, buy them at, each It 1 C Sale of Women's White Vests For Summer wear; very plas tic ; full sizes ; lace trimmings and lace straps over shoulders ; ' value 17c. For this Friday hour sale, buy them at 1 XC Sale of White Goods Single and cluster cords. A splendid value and usually sells for 7c. and 8c; but for Friday hour i buy them at, yard ' 5C Sale of Scissors This kind on sale Friday arc made of good material and have a nice finish; 0 inches long; large enough for all uses. A scissors generally purchased elsewhere at 15c. -. each ; but for Friday hour buy them at '. 1 UC Sale of Colored Lawn One case of Brooksidc Lawn. We don't expect to sec any of this left" , ..I .1,,. ...,.t nr ft, i,,. ,..-,!,. r.i,y,n ...wi l-,w. tv... ,.,...tf. d,.. .,,. ..ii ii,;,- c,,.;..n'o ...si,,... . " Ul Mil: i:,m ui i lignum .-uwv;. iwiiiu twill ai:t; iui jiumnll, lll; ill nil nun ,jllllln iwiuip . , -(. and designs and a fabric that has sold oftentimes for (Ic. ; but I'nday for one hour buy it at oC ;i Sale of Unbleached Towels Honeycomb and Turkish Towels are the kind on sale todav; the Honeycomb Towels are size 22x'J(i inches; the Turkish Towel is a medium size; both arc ,i splendid values for the price asked at this sale for rnday, each , , Sale No, 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock. 4c Advertisers of Facts Only V i ' Jonas Long s Sons ! & m -Ma -1"; H i( j Mfibv KBHHHMMHEg9HHHfHaiOTnli &a4Ai