m mr" -' iicwm r i mw t 'the sciutfTotf tribune- pridav, April 4,' 1902. 10 j 'ii ' J ' I ii I 4 7, INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR BUILDINGS ABE DISAPPEARING RAPIDLY. Soon Not a Vestige Will Remain of the Original Plant of the Lacka wanna Iron & Steel Company. Cleaning Up Ground to Make Way for the Buildings of the Lacka wanna and Wyoming Valley Rapid Transit Company The D. L. & W. Board for Today. It Is only a matter or a few weeks before there will not be left a vestigo or the original plant or the Lackawan na Iron and Steel company, around which the city of Scranton began Its being hnir a century ugo. Two hundred men have been at work three weeks dismantling the old build ings, from which the steel company had moved' the machinery to Buffalo, and silready there remains standing only the skeletons of the larger buildings. Everything on the surface o the ninety-seven acres of the steel mill tract north and east of Mattes street is to be torn down and sold as scrap. The Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley ltapld Transit company, which bought the tract for a site for Its power house, shops ana yard, sold the buildings to Henry A. Ultner's Sons, or Philadel phia, and the latter with a force of 200 men are clearing off the ground with nil possible haste. The old rolling mill, engine house, blast furnace, reservoir, fish plate mill, stock house, tool houses, carpen ter shop, stables and various smaller buildings, including three dwelling houses are to be razed to the ground, and the material of their construction peddled throughout the country. The contractors' estimate of the usa ble material in the structures being dismantled Is as follows: Light and heavy timber, 1,000,000 feet; 100,000 lire brick; 1,000,000 red brick; ::,000 cubic yards of stone; 100 tons of steel beams, L',"i tons or corrugated roofing, 20 tons of tin roofing, 4 car loads of roofing slate, nnd 400 cast, iron columns. This represents only the material that pan be used as it stands for construc tion purposes. Besides this there arc hundreds of tons of scrap iron of all kinds, which will be sold by the ton to various mills. There Isn't a thing of value in, around or about the tract that the contractors are not gathering up. They propose to go through the whole place with a fine tooth comb. Even the dirt along Ihe dumps is being screened for scraps of pig iron. An old sleigh left In one of the wagon hheds was seized upon as a something that might realize thirty- seven cents. Anything that cannot be disposed of here will be shipped to Philadelphia, where the contractors have immense htorage yards. A corps of engineers of the Westing' house, Church, Kerr company is eiv gaged in sinking test pits' at various points on the tract with a view of locating the foundations for the big engines and other machinery of the power house and shops. As soon as the ground is cleared, the work of erecting the new company's buildings will be started. Ferry Service of Its Own. The Lackawanna l.iilroad has noti fied the Hoboken Ferry company that the contract for the transportation of passengers, freight, and express of the railroad by the ferry company will not he renewed ufter its expiration. The reason for this step is that the Lackawanna management believes that it ought to have a ferry service in the management of which it will have some voice, so as to secure better ser vice for its patrons. It is also under stood that the Lackawanna desires a better location for its passenger ter minals In this city, being especially de hlrous of securing an up-town ferry terminal. Under the present arrange ment the railroad complains of being at the mercy of a corporation which has no regard for the convenience and comfort of the railroad's patrons. The Lackawanna's passenger, milk, express, and' other business is very large, and It is believed that In view of this a ferry of Its own would prove a paying investment. President Truesdale and Traffic Man ager Caldwell were out of town yes terday, and it could not be learned therefore what are the plans or the road for the future in this respect. New York Times. Executive Board Sleeting. The executive board of District No. 1, United Mine Workers of America, held a meeting yesterday at the dis trict headquarters, but no Information as to the. matters discussed would be given out, except that the grievances existing In various parts of the dis trict were being considered. The session of the board will be continued today. D,, L. and W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-up of the D., L and W, board for today: TIIUltSUAV, AVKIU a. IMtjs Uast 10 p. m., (!. T. Staples; 11 i. m,, IIobnk.cn, O, w, I'itzgculil villi JI. familli'j, ensv, 1'HIUAY, AI'HIL 1. llxlrai Uust 1.30 a. m., r, V. Slsvcm; 4 a, m., Ilohokdi, Oliver; 0 ci. in., Iio'jQkcn, K. 51. Ihl Irtt; JO a. ni., W. J, Moilcr; 11 a. in., Hoboken, Klnxliib; 1 p. in., Pohcrly; 2 . in., IJobokm, J, li, MtCann; 3 p, m., M. (Shilry with U. Jlv Allibtcr's crew; & p. in., Hoboken, J, Orrity; 8 p. m,, Uoliokcn, A. I', Mullm. Summits, Etc. a a. in., J. Ilcnnlcan; 0 a, in., Frounfclkcr; 10 a. m., Nichols; 3 p. in., Tliomn. on; ) p. in., J, Currietji 8 p, in., (.'olden. 1'iuhen A a. in., Wldnerj 7 a. in., Kinncity; 8 a. in., Houacrj 11,43 a. m,, Moran; 0 p. m,, I', llarlholmncw; 7,30 p. in., Murphy; 0 p. in., W. II. Ihitholomcw; 10 p. m,, Nuuinan, Helpers 7 a. m., Qadney; 7 a. m., Slnser; 10 a. m., Kecor; 6.13 p. in., Stanton; 8.30 p. in,, McClourn. E.xra West 8 a. in., O. Klnusley; 11 a. m., I', Wall; t p. in., II, Gutner; 11 p. in., John Gala Can. Corporations Chartered. y KjcIuiIvc Wire frnm Th AiiocUlcd Vttm. llurrUburg, 'April 3. Charters were issued as follow today by llio state department: Hartley I'eny company, Itkc'a Landing, Orceno coun ty; capital, 1500. Ships Oil and Ca company, Jit, Carmel; capital, 8,000; Northampton Trust company, Easton; capital, 123,000; Mechanic' lurg Light, Heat nnd Power company, Median icbburg; capital, $30,000; Httiburg Ttool Steeel Wre company, Monoca, Beam county; capital, 21,000. Itellable Manulatturlns company, Wtt burg; capital, 1 0,000. i ' i i. i Mr. Gage's New Position. New, York, April 3. Lyman J. Gage, former' wcrcttry of the treasury was today elected pres ident of the United State Truit company, lie juciccacu jonn a. bttwart, wb resigned a C' count vl 111 bealth. 5 BUSINESS BREVITIES. 11 Is commonly Aupposcd that Iron and ste I terra our premier Industry, btit a census bulle tin Just Issued shows that tliti Idea is crroiieou. What the American people wear,, sleep on, put down upon their floors to walk on, use in cur tains, on chain nnd sofas and In table nnd oilier linen, snd Use In thread, twlno rope, etc., calls Into existence the premier manufacturing Indus try of America. The Iron and steel t,hat cntrr Into nearly all Industries In one way or another come second In the rank of importance. Slaugh tering animals for food is third. Here Is the list: Value, of Industries. Products 1 Tc.tlle , (XW,!KI,8S5 li Iron and steel,' $.15,759,031 3 Slaughtering , 730,603,070 4 Lumbering and limber products... u6(l,832,tr4 6 Flouring and grist mill products.. 010,710,003 0-Hinellltig'and refining 3S8,7B(I,4"2 7 Mquors, mail, distilled, lnom... ,110,01 J.Jftl R Hoots and shoes, factory product. r 201,028,050 D Printing and pnbllliing, news. papers and periodical. ........ 222,0S3,6C9 10 Cars and shop construction by steam railroads ,,,, 218,238,277 tl Leather, tanned, curried and fin ished 201,038,127 12 Chemlra! manufactures S02,6S2,3CP 13 Cheese, butter and condensed milk 131,18.1,8.18 It Paper and wood pulp 12",2Sfl,lT2 15 Petroleum, refining 123,020,381 10 Carriages nnd wagons 121,537,270 17 Agricultural Implements ,,,,,,,,,. 101,207,428 18 Clay product, brick tile, etc 0,",413,(-02 111 (las, lllumlnatlng'and heating 75,710,003 20 Ship building 71,078,153 21 (llaw 50,5:10,712 22-Cokc ,1 35,585,445 li Turpentine nnd rosin 20,314,888 21 Oleomargarine 12,409,812 25 Salt 7,000,807 These twenty-live selected Indtistilc lepresent a total output in one jcar of ?0,117,0O.",71O. Such stupendous figures arc almost beyond the power of human coinpiehcnslnn. It may facilitate under standing of them to say that they mean nbout .2U,O00,U00 for "every working day in the year, or about $2,000,000 an hour for each of the ten hours of a working day. The capital employed In these twenty-flic induidrlc Is almost equal to the value of the yearly output. Two and n half million people mo employed in turning out this great total, and their wages amount to ni-aily $1,200, 000,000 in u year. The product of these twenty live bajle industries comprises nbout 50 per cent, of all the manufacturing output In the United States. Chicago Hccord-lfcrald. The nnrpim of Statistics reports of c.poits of mnnufictuic during both Januaiy and February sJiow a rleilded increase ocr the corresponding months of 1001, the gain in the two months in tue"tlon being more than three million dollars oicr the same months of the preceding year. The exports of manufactures in the twenty-eight dajs of February were $31,740,842, against TO,302,5's2 in February, 1901. In practically all aitleles ex cept iron and steel there has been a complete ic covery from the temporary check In export of manufictmes noted a few months ago. Cupper exports, for instance, in Fehruary of this jcar neie H,2W,801, .".gainst ?3,155,774 in Fehruaiy, 1001, Exports of refined mineral oils for the eight months end'ng with Fehruary, 1002, are 44,669, 097, against $41,880,021 in the coriesponding months of the preceding year. Een iion and steel rxports show a marked improvement, the total foi the month of February being $7,338,200, against ?7,MU,21S in February. 1001, and $3,549, 157 in Febmaiy, 1000. Tor the eight months end ing with February, the exports of iion and t-tecl manufactures arc $6,66S,42I, against $31,.'75,685 In the corresponding months of the preceding j ear. Manufactures of cotton show an inere.io of nine millions over the corresponding peiicd ot last year; manufactures of leather, an increase of two millions; paraffin, which a few months ago showed a decrease, now shows a gain of nearly two millions out the coircsponding montliH of last year, while in nearly an nr the other im poitant manufactured .11 tides expoited, there are gains over last jcar. The total exports of maim farturts fall, for the eight months ending with February, but twehe millions liclow thoie of the same months of last year, while the fact that nunufactuics of Iron nnd steel alone are seven teen millions less than in the eight months nf last jcar, shows that in other articles theic has been a decided gain. It bis been ascertained tint L'nlled States Scnatoi IMIIIain A. Claik, of Montana, i a sub sciiber to the plan of the syndicate contiolling llio West Virginia Central and PHUhnrg railway, to connect with the Wabash nnd to build mi out let from Cinnbeiland, Md., to the sea. The ui quiring of the Western Maijland is a part of the scheme, and it Is bcliecd that the Fuller sjndl cite, which has tiie backing of the Wabash." will obtain it, although it may be ome dajs before tills becomes a certainty. It would require scv cril years to put the plans in opciallnn, as the Western Marjland in its present condition could not senc the purposes of the great trunk line. Its fii-t value will bo as a complete light of way, which will be double-tracked. Authoiily has been granted to l'awtuckct, It. I., for an issue of $250,000 bonds to refund gen eral indebtedness. Council ot Wilmington, Pel., has been Tcqucstcd to negotiate for a $25,000 loan for streets and sewers. The council of Rchiicc lady, JC. V., has pasted the legislative bill, au thoiizing $275,000 sewer bonds. The boaul of education of Lodus, X. V will sell at public auction on April 15, at 2 p. 111., an issue of $15,000 4 per cent, bonds of Union Free School district, No, 4. These bonds are to be in $1,000 denom ination, due from one to fifteen yearn. A certi fied check for 2 per cent, is lequlred. The March statement of Federal finances shows a surplus for the month of $8,273,113, which is less than a million under the surplus for Maich of last year. The available casli balance in the treasury, which has been held down in the neigh borhood of $170,000,000 for many months by the redemptions of government bonds, has now nin up to nearly $178,000,000, with the prospect of a considerable dally addition with tho ledcmptlon of government bonds suspended. V. C. Pavls, who claims to have been the holder of 100 shares of the common stock of tho American Tobacco company before that oorpoia lion tias meiged in the Consolidated Tobacco company, has brought suit in pijulty to lecover those shares, on the ground that ho was induced by fraudulent mlsrepiesentations on the part of tho diiectors of the American, to part with liia stock for bonds of the Consolidated, The Lcstershire Manufacturing company broke the word's record TucsdJV In tho buying of leather, purchasing sole leather valued at $I,cno, IW) from the United States heather company, 1 ho details of the purchase wcy-, cflccte4 in Ding hamton. The leather will bo used in the fac tories of tho Leaterhirc company, situated at I-edtcrshlie, X. V. While faking out iron ore for ho Monterey lion and Steel company's plant, neap Monterey, Mexico, a body of copper ore was struck, llio copper deposit is Vcllerd to comprise the greater pait oi .1 mountain, which was thought to con tain only iron ore. Assaja show that the copper ore is 1,0 per cent, put 9. If the proposed cabinet department of com merce and labor is created, insurance men will nunc for the establishment in connection with it of a bureau of Insurance, The Norfolk, Va,, Central 1-ibor union icfu'cs In lift the boxcott on Ihe street railway company, although I lie striking operative's rune been beaten at every point. The New York Supieine court lias afllrined tho constitutionality of the franchise tat law, whUh (iomiior Itoosxu'lt was instrumental in having enacted. It is rumored that new capital of. the Itocl: Island, to be otcd for ut the special meeting, Juno 4, may be used on the El Paso extension, $41,200,000 Is the capital to be inusted by tho American syndicate In connection with thu elec tric railway concession for St, Petersburg, It Is estimated in the steel trade that Mr. Mor gan has placed about $79,000,000 of the United State Steel corporation's capital abroad. It t estimated by railroad officials and others that fully 10,000 new larma will be opened in South Dakota tbU year, A Toronto Stock exchange teat sold last week for $14,000; eight months ago they were selling for $0,000. Today there are more than 1,000 American locomotives on the railroads oi Russia. A general Increase of wages lias been announced rbj the JktUebua Steel company. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York, April 3. The flrangef and Trans continental railroad stocks developed surprising animation and buoyancy within a few mlnutea of today's closing dealings In stocks, and were rushed up in a sensational manner,. which pre cipitated an eager scramble amongst tho bears to cover, thus accentuating the rise. 'Prcvlmls to that time the character of the market had been much tho same as IJnt prevailing for a long time. There was a rather notable demand for St, Paul but not greater than consistent with tho recent tactics of professional pools in sup porting some one leading stock for effect on the rest of the market. Ihe general Hat continued neglected and Irregular, with obvious profit taking going on In some ot the storks which were stiongest yesterday or In the Immediate past. Tho great mass of securities made no per ceptible movement either way. About midway uf the session there was a fairly comprehensive upwaid movement in the Vandcrbilt clocks, rthlcli seemed to be prompted by the persistent strength of the Chicago and Northwestern and C hlcago, St, Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha stocks. The most conspicuous movements were in stocks of minor lalhoad companies which might bo available for alworptlon by larger nxstents or for combination into competitors with the larger sjstcms. There were new points of strength also ilc v eloped amongst the small Industrials which arc usually little heard of in the stock market, In some cues by reason of the closcmsi with which llicy are held for Investment purposes. The demand for Hocking Valley continued very largo carrying It up 0 points, the pieferred rlsuu 3U, Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling W, Kan awha and Michigan 2?i and Ann Arbor pre ferred 4. These stocks seemed to be influenced in sympathy. The New York Dock stocks 101c about fi points each. American Telephone and Telegraph advanced 1015 on the reported largo Increase in the instruments outstanding. There was n long list of gains running fiom a point or more some ot which were sinmly recoveries from depiesslon of jestcnlay. At the same time Amalgamated Copper, Colorado Fuel, United States Leather prcfened nnd the minor steel stock.! were utlicr acutely depressed by iiulizing sales. When St. Paul leached the litter stages of Its advance it encountered blocks of oficiings running up to 7,000 shares, but rose steadily through them nil to lofCsi. The stock closed pt.ictlc.illy at the lop with n gain of 4 points., Chicago and Northwestern shot up 714, the pre feired 1114, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha 11 and tho prcfened 4. It was not until within fifteen minutes of tho ilose that these movements produced ny appreciable effect on the general niaikct. At tliat time the Pacifies and Southwcsteins gcneinlly spurted up from 1 to 2 points over l.it night. The miikct closed very active and generally strong, though the re sponse had not been notable outside of the stocks mentioned and some of the speeialties continued tu diop. Time was no tliingc In "l0 general conditions ami ting tho speculative situation. Total sales today, 701,300 shires. Tho bond rn.ulict was not vcrv active but theic was a well distributed demand. Totil sales, par xalno. $V 020,000. United Stales bonds were nil in changed on the la-t call. Tiie following quotations are furnished The Tribune by Haight k Freese Co., 311-315 Mears Building. W. I). Kunyon, manager. Open. Hleli. Low. Close. Amal. Copper (W i (U',4 ' Am. Car k Foundry .... 2'.i 2)Ts 20Vi 20 American Ice 18s lis 18 IS Amer. Locomotive .... 31 Wi 30H 30 Am. locomotive, Pr .. I14U 94?; 0414 04 Am. Smelt. & Itcf. Co.. 40?i 47 4tii 47 American Sugar 132 133U 132,s 1128 Anaconda Copper 114 111 113 113 Atchison 77V4 Wt 7i'Vi 78 Atchison, Pr 97'i 0714 7',i 071,2 Bait. & Ohio IO014 Moy, 10-, 103V4 Hrooklvn II. T CU'fc MVi 0 05 Canadian Pacific 113 111 W.k U2?s Chcs. & Oldo o:', 454 i57s 45 Chicago & Alton .;.... Wfc 8"T4 "ii Chic. & O. W 24i8 241,4 24 Chic., Mil. & St. P ....lOi'.C- IhOH W-H& 10014 tlilc., II. I. k P 17S 178 177s 17S Col. Fuel Sc Iron 102?4 lO'al 100U 1024 Col. k Southern 275 2S'g 27 23 Vi Col. & Suit hem, Pr ... 12i 43 I'-Hi 41 Del. & Hud 172 172 17Pa 171!- F.rie Wl'i :7 .10 37 Kile, 1st Pr 0Si2 OSii l'O OS'S Flic. 2d Pr H4V4 -'Hi 5ia Bt'i Hocking ValUv 170b 1Si 170o 1S1 Illinois Central 141s 142U 141s 142's Louis, k N.isli 10.-i,i 10711 10."i5s 107 Manhattan 153M 1-Mai 132'4 1354 Mcliupolitan St. Hy ...IKUi 104 Ki.1',4 1015s Vexlein Central W4 SOU 30 30' J Mo. Kan. .- Tex., IV.. 54',a Wi -'Ha 3's Mi-sourl Pacific '.'OH HsHi OIU 100ii N. Y. Cential ld2H 104H 102?4 104 N'nifolk .t Western ."01i 5(04 ''i'U 504 Out. & West 32i 31 Ms "3 Pacific Mail I2U 4! 42 43 Pemn. It. XI HW ISOt- 14')?i ITHj People's f!.u 10214 102 10213 10214 Heading M'i 57s .'"S'i 57 Heading, 1st Pr M's S1W, SIU 61 Heading, 2d Pr OS',4 W)i 1" W ltepubVIe Steel 1751 17 174 17 Itepubllc Steel. Pr .... 73 73 73 73 Southern Pacific l 05 tia4 s(!5 Southern It. 11 32 32V4 .'!1m 32' Soutliein It.-It.. Pr .... 0! 4',4 03 04U Tcnn. Coal Iron .... 70 71 OT'i 70is Texas & Paeific 1"' 10' 4 40i2 40i Union Pacific UK)". 102V4 10n 102 Uni-n Paeific, Pr S7l 8S S7-ri Si U. S. Leather 11 11 13'i M1 U. S. Leathei, Pr Wf. mi Sl'4 St'i U. S. Hiibber lO'i 10 T'?4 H' U. S. Itublier, Pr 5'i .W 5'1 5') V. S. Sleel 2'1 4211 42 42'4 U. S. Steel, Pr 0IV4 f'1'6 OIU 01 Wabi-h 23'i S.H1 21V4 23U Wabash, Pr 42 42a I2U 42 Western Union 00 00 00 l'0i CIHCAOO CHAIN ,t PItOVISION MARKF-T. WHEAT Open. Illsh. Low. Close. Mar 7191 72 71 71 Julv 72 72 71 "1 COIIN Xlav Wi r'0 50 5014 Julv Cl U1U W?s 00 OATS Vav I2'J 43 I2'i 42 Julv 31 yta 31 31 POIIK jlav 10.70 10.70 10.45 10.43 July 10.80 10.87 10.57 10.57 Mi'vAnDT. ." 0.77 0.00 O.fiO July 0.82 0.05 0.70 0.77 rims Vav S.07 S.07 S.R7 8.00 July 0.05 0.07 S.07 S.07 NEW YOHK COTTOS 5IARKKT, Open, lllch. Low. Cloe. Xlv S.Sl 8.80 S.SO 6.S1 'ii,. 8.64 8.01 S.S2 S.sfl uirust 8.01 8.71 S.6J 8.07 Total sales, 09I.U) sliaies. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations AU Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr. .--.-. 60 County Savings Hank k Trust Co,, 300 First National Bank (Carbondalc) 000 Third National Bank 650 Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. 300 ... Economy Light. II. & P. Co 49 First National Bank 1300 Lacka, Trust k Safe Deposit Co.... 195 Clark A: Snover Co,, Pr 125 ... Scranton Savings Bank 500 Traders' National Bank '. 225 Scranton Bolt k Nut Co 125 ... People's BanK ,..,,., 135 ... Scranton Packing Co 33 BONDS, Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 US ... Peoplo's htrcct Ilatlvvay, first mort gage, due 1013 US ... People's Street Hallway, Ocneral mortgage, due 1021 US ,,, Scranton Traction 0 per cent, .... US ,,, Economy LigliT, Heat k Power Co 07 North Jersey k I'oceno lee Co ,, 07 Consolidated Water Supply Co , 105 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. a. Dale, 27 Laikavvanim Ave,) l'lour S4,W, Ileans $2.40. Butter Fiesh crcameiy, SOc.j June creamery, 20c. dairy, 22c, CliecBe 12',ial3c. l'gg Nearby, 17c; western, lOalO'ic. Peas Per bushel, $1,75. Marrow Beans Per bushel,, $2.35a3,40. Potatoes Per bushel, Wc, Onions Per bushel, $1.50. Hew York Grain and Produce Uirket New York, Aptil 3. Flour Opened rather firm but was later weakened by the wheat break and cloned unsettled. Wheat Spot easier; No. 2 red, b2',4c. elevator; Nu. 3 red, SUVic f. o. b. alloat; No. 1 northern Dulutli, 61c. f. 0. b. atloat; options had an eaiiy setback but iccov crcd ut midday. This was followed in the last hour by a second break, the close bcin e. net lower! May dosed 771c. ; July, 77',c,; Sip teniber, 77Uci December, 7So. Coin Snot easier; No. 8, C0c. elevator und 07c. f. o. b. alloat; options steady ut first but yielded and was weak all the afternoon, closing 4r. down; May closed 0H4c.: July, 05c, J September, Wae. Oj( Spot easy: No. a, 47c. J No. 3, 40',4c; No. 2 white, 60c.; No. 3 white, 40te.j trarU mixed western, 47altV. ; truck while, 40a55e.; options Irregular and generally lower. Iluttci Firm; creamery, 21a20c; do. faetoiy, 10a24e.; cream ery held, 2la2o)c-; renovated, 20a26o,; imita tion creamery, 22a20c; state dairy, 2Ja27',4''. Cheese Finn! stato full (ream, early made, makc,-(82iC03aS2fO:4!2tl..qS2.ja II, fi, gll gflgg l fancy (olorcd, 13a13Uc.; state full cieam, small early make, fancy white, 13j:t',ic ; full crca.n, large fall make, fancy colored and white, 12a 12Uc. l)gg Strong; state and 1'cihmIvjuIj, 15c: westeru, lMCalOc: soutliern, 10a 15 lie. FINANCtAL. WHY? Why should you take good money out of land nnd building investments and buy stork in, the , Eastern Consolidated Co. at 25 ccnls a share, par value $100? Because it's as safe as real cstato and 0 times as profitable. This company has 85 oil wells, and actual sales of oil are paying div idends on investments at tho rate nf 2 per cent, monthly. The average life of an oil well Is over 15 years. Price will advance as soon ns present allotment of 25 cent Stock is exhausted. L. V. Pike & Co.. 400 Heal Fstate Tiust bld'g., Philadelphia. Open Monuay nnu lliursuay evenings, Chicago Grain and Produce Market. Chicago, April .'I.--H was another Iwar el.iv on the board nf trade today. Wheat had plenty of good bullish nows but the sentiment pre vailed that jesterday's bulge was more than conditions warranted and late bearish crops news sent prices downward until May wheat close! Tic lower; May torn, .i'74c. down 'and May oats unchanged. Piovl'tons also had a set bark and closed 10i27i'. lower. Cull quotations were as follows: Flour Steady; No. 3 spring wheat, 71n71ic; No. 2 led, " i78c. ; No. "oats, 42 a 1316c.: No. 2 vvldte, 45U.i4liy.iC.; No. 3 white, 4414a45?4c. ;. No. 2rjc, 57a5Sc; fair to choice milting, (,5a07e.; No. 1 tlav seed, $1.03; No. 1 northwestern, $1.74; mess pork, MO.IOalO 50; lard, $'f7Ha0.P5; short ribs, W.SO18.UO; diy salted shoulders, 7a71jC.; shoit clear sides, $U.3Oa0.4O; whiskey, $1.50. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, April a-CaUle-Receipts. 10,000; market 10a25c. lower; good to prime steers, $0.05 n7.25; poor to medium, $"i.40a.5O; stockers nnd feeders, $2.50a5i cows. $1.25a5.50; heifers, lr2.60a 0.15; canncrs, $1.25a2.40; bull", $2.50a5.25; calves, S2.50ifl.25; Texas fed steers, $5a0; vvestein steers, hay fed, $4.00a0. Hogs-Hccelpts today, 23,000; tomorrow, 25,000; left over, 10,000; market 5a 10c. lower; mixed and butchers, $5.50afl.8714; good to choice heavy. $0.S0a7; rough heavy, ?0.70 n0.75; light, $fl.40a0.70; bulk of sales, f0.03an.S5, Slieep Receipts, 12,000; sheep strong; lambs, steadv; good to choice wethers, $5.25a5.00; west ern slieep, yearlings, $4.50a0: native lambs, 4.50 a0.85; western lambs, So.23a0.S5. East Liberty Live Stock. Kat Liberty, April 3. Cattle Steady: choice, $fl.00afl.75; prime, $6.30afl.l0; good, $5.50a5.0O. Hogs Active; piime hogs, 7.ft",a7.10; best me diums, $0.83.17; heavy Yorkers, $6.70a 80: light do.. $o.50aC.0; pigs, $6.15afi,35; inugli, $5a0.33. Sheeep Film; best wethers, $5.70a5.8i; culls and common, $2.'0al; veal calves, $0aC25. Oil Market. Oil City, Pa., April 3. Credit balance-, 111; certificates, no bid; shipments. 81,107 baitvls; avrragc, 102,470 barrels; mns, 79,535 bairels; av cragc. 03.301 bands. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western. In 'Effect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scranton for New 'Vork At 1.40, 3.15, 0.05. 7.50 and 10.03 a. m. : 12.45, 3.40, 3.SJ p. m. For New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.05 a. ni., 'and 12.45 and 8.33 p. m. For Tobv hauna At 0.10 p. in. For Buffalo 1.13, 6.22 and fl.00 a. m.; 1.03, 0.50 and 11.35 p. m. For Bins hamton and way stations 10.20 a. in. and 1.10 p. m. For Oswego, Syracuse and Utlea 1.15 and 0.22 a. m.; 1.61 p. m. Oswrgo, Sjracu'e and Utica train at 0.22 a. in. daily, except Sunday, For Montrose 0.00 a. Hi. ; 1.10 and 0.50 p. tn. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. in. Blooinstiurg Division Foi Northuinbeiland, at 6.35 and 10.05 a. m.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m. ; 3.40 and 0.00 p. m bundav Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.15. 6 0a nnd 10.05 a. m.; 3.10, 3.3J p. m. For Buffalo 1,15 and 0.22 a. in.; 1.55, 6.50 and 11.35 p. m. Fur Blnghamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. Blcomsbuig Division Leave Scranton, 10.05 a. in. and 0.10 p. in. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in KUcct June 2, 1901. Trains leave Scranton: 0.33 a. m., week day, through vestibule tialn from Wilkes-Barre. Pull man buHct parlor car and coaches to Philadel phia, via Pottsvillc; stops at principal intci me diate stations. Also connects tor sunburv, liar rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and lor Pittsburg and llio west. 0.33 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the west. 1.12 p. m., week days (Sundays. 1.63 p. m,), for Sunbury, HairWmrg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the west. 3.28 p. in., week days, through vestibule train from Wllkcs-Bairr. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvllte. Stops at principal intermediate stations 4.27 p. m,, week days, for Uazlcton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. B. HUTCHINSON. Uen. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect, Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leavu Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. k II. R. It., at 6.38 and 9.3S a. in., and 2.1S, 4.27 (Black Diamond E.xprc), and 11.30 p. m. Sun days, D. k II. It. It., 1.58, 8.27 p. m. For White Haven, lladcton and principal points in the coal regions, via I). k II. II. H., 0.38, 2.18 and 4.27 p. m- For Pottsvillc, 0.38 a. m., 2.13 p. ni. For Bethlehem, Kaston, Reading, Harrisburg, and principal intermediate stations, via D. k II, It. R rt.38, 0.38 a. in.; 2.1S. 4.27 (Black Dia. inond Kx-press), 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D, k H. n. It., 0.38 a, m.: 1.58, 8.27 p. m. For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, vii D., L, and W, B. H 8.10 a. m. and 3.60 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chlcaero and all noints west, via D. k II. R. It.. 7.48, .12.03 a. m.; 1.42, 3.2S (Black Diamond 11. i press), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. ro. Sundays, D. k IL . B., 12.03, 8.27 p. m. Pullman narlor and eWnlne or Lchhrh Yallev ' Parlor cars on all trains between Wllkes-Barro and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen sion Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland street. New York. CHAIILKS S. Li:n, Uen. Pau. Agt,, CO Cortland street, New York. A. W. NONBMAClllUt, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket office, 09 Public Square, Wllkcs-Barre, Pa. Delaware nnd Hudson. In KCfcd November 24, 1001. Trains for Carbondalo leave Scranton at 0.20, 8.00, 8.5J, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1,20. 2,31, 3.52, 6.20, 0.25, 7.67, 0,15, 11.20 p. in,; 1,31 a. m. For Ilonesdalc 0.20, 10.Ua. m.; 2.31 and 5.21 p. m. For Wllkes-Barrc-0.39, 7.48, 8.41. 0 38, 10.43 a. m.J 12.0J, 1,12, 2.1S, 3.2S, 4.27, e.0, 7,18, 10.11, 11.30 p. m. For L. V, II. II. Polnta-0.38, 0.38 a. in.; 2.13, t.27 and 11.30 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 8,33, 0.S3 a, m.; 1.42, 3.K and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. m, and 3,52 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Caibondalc 8.60, 11.33 a. m.; 3.31, 3.52, 6.52 and 11.17 p. m. For Wllkes-Bairc 9,33 a. in.; 12.03, 1.63, 3.28, 0.32 and 0.17 p. in. For Albany and points north 8.63 p. m. For Honcsdale 8.60 a. m. and 3.62 p. m. W, L. PUYOIl, D. P, A., Scranton, Pa. New Jersey Central. , In Effect Nov, 17, 1001. Stations in New York, foot of Liberty street tnd South Ferry, N. ii. Trains leave Scranton for New York, Philadel. phia, Fasten, Bethlehem, Allentown, Maucli Chunk, White Haven. Ashley' and WilkcaBarie at 7,30 a. in., 1 p. ni. and 4 l. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Sciauton at 7,30 a. in., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia, with only one change of cars for Baltimore. Washington, D. C and all principal points south and wet. For Avoca, I'ltuton and Wllkcs-Barre, 1 p. m. snd i p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. a. For Loug Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7.30 a, ni. and 1 p. tn. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via A, 'cnlowo, at 7-30 a. m. and 1 p. ni. Sunday, 2.10 p. ni. For Pottsvillo at 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to. agent at station. C. U. BUUT, Gen. 1W, Agt. ). B. SWISHER, vDlst. Pass. Act.. Scranton, FINANCIAL. A Five Per Cent. Investment Wo olfer, subject to advance In price without notice tho Consolidated First Mortgage Forty Year 5 Per Gent, Gold Bonds of the f Webster Coal and Coke Co. Free of Tax in Pennsylvania. Redeemable at 110 and Interest Rrice, Far and Interest FOR FULL PABT1VULAKS WRITE OR CALL THE TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST Temporary Quarters '135 Washini!o.i Avanue, Scranton, Pa. Well Down The follonlni; tulcgram v.is received S.itnrd.i "Springfleld-Beaumont Oil Co. Springfield, Mass. Well seven hundred feet. Quiclwand cased off, now on. Till". Imliu.ttc tli.it oiu well galii-d 2UO feet stlikc oil in the next !!0t) oi UK) led to. Act Promptly if You Want Springfield-Beaumont Oil Co. Stock At 5 Cents a Share. The SPIMXHI'lKI.D-nUArMO.NT Oil, CO. is an organizjtloti of KclHordin.nA merit. The ofllccra and diiectois uie leprcsentatlec builnesi men of NYw HnejUnd. They .lie men of the highest standing and the company is auicd a management that cannot be surpassed, The Company Owns Outright fircat tracts of land In the Kreatc-t oil-piodiiciiitr dMiict of Tcn, and is now diillins on hind block, :S Spindle Top llciirht". Well down over 700 feet. The c-ompmiv is liKorpouied undci the laws of the Mate of Maine. The capitallration 1., only i?300,000, full paid and non-ac..ible. Xo preferred Mock. TIIE COMPANY HAS COXTBACTI'.D KOIt Till: SAI.ll OK JIO.OOO HARm:i, of oil. and it ii only a inatlet of a hoit time when it will be on a diWdcnd pajlnff basi. A limited amount of ttock is still oiu Mir AT j CENTS A MIUli:. Wc haie an AHSOLUTi: CifAIIAXTKE or A GL'MIUIt, and we aie ..clllncr -lock on Ihe plan of 50 per cent, down and tiie balance when (lusher is ttinck. Buy at once. The company lc sencs (he light to jcliance rilce without notice. WHAT A LITTLE HONEY WILL DO. $500 buys 10,000 shares; $250 down. I ?50 buys 1,000 shares ; ?ij down. $100 buys 2,000 shares; $50 down. Sio buyri 200 shares; $5 down. FULL PARTICTJXABS UPON APPLICATION. Write to H I RFICKIFY 11 U UUVAYlJL 1 3S1 Main Street, prin?nelrt. Mass. Ve want a first class representative for Scranton and vicinity, dress K., Tribune office. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. New York, Ontario and Western. In Ulicct Tuesday, Sept. 17, 11)01. NOltril UOI.'M). Lcaie Leae Arriee Trains. Sianton. Carbonclale. Caclosia. No. 1 lO.Wla. m. 11.10 a.m. Loop. m. Ko, 7 0. 10 p. in. Ai. Carbondalc 0.40 p. m. SOU III BOUND. Leave Leave Anie Train5. Cadosla. Caibondalc. Scianton. No. li 7.00 a, ni. 7,10 a.m. No. 2 2.13p. in. 4.00 p. in. 4.10p.m.' SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH HOUXD. Leave Leave Arrive! Trains. Seraulon. Cailiondale. Cadosia. Ko. 0 8.:i0a. in. 0.10 p. in. 10.43'a. m. So. 5 7.00 p. in. Ar. Caruondale 7.10 p. m. :OUTU 1IOUNI). ' Leave Leave , rve Trains. Cadonla. Caibondaie. Scianton. No, C 7.00 a. in. 7.10 a. in. No. 10 4.30p.m. OOOp.in, 0 45 p.m. Tiuin No. 1 on week daj, and 0 on feundajs, make main line connections for New Yoik city, Sliddletown, Walton, Koiwlch, Oneida, Omvceo and all points cst. For further information rcmult ticket acenti J. C. A.NDCRSO.V, G. P. A.. New York. J. E. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton, Pi. No Red Tape. Just tell the Salesman to Charge It. CLOTHING V WHMFN MP Lively Selling of Spring Ml Mens Hov's People's Credit Clothing Co., OPEN EVENINGS, FINANCIAL. Over 700 Feet M.utli '2'.', flow out Hold niiiiuucr: Rapid progress from Check." dniins He-cl. ending Match Wc olioiild Fiscal Agent, j Rooms 4.5 Republican Building Ad- HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming; District for Dupont's Powder Hininc;, niastlni. Sporllnsr, Smol.cless ind th Itcpauno Chemical Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploder;. Room 101 Coa - nell Building .Scrantco. AGUXCIKS. JOHN' n. SMITH k SON .. K. W. MULLIGAN I'bmoulli ...WllkcVdlaue Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Trrr?iSrBSB?HBHH Our Prices S 0N CREDIT! are L-be -1 k. ....... .W-.Trl I I causeweown M AND CHILDREN I 30 stores. I For Women, Men and Children. The wonderful increase of our Spring trade is proof positive that our Styles are latest, our (iialities finest and our prices lowest, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time," said Lincoln. If we didn't give the people as much, or more, for their money than cash stores, this increase of business could never be recorded. We advertise only for new trade, our old trade wc don't need to advertise for; once a customer here, always a customer. Small weekly payments. Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits.,,, Ladies' Spring Waists Ladies' Stylish Skirts Ladies' Trimmed Hats. ,,,,., $7.50 to l.fiOto MM) to 2.00 to I'uie Suits. , , . Suits 11.00 to 5.00 to H tin.. SCRANIUIVS BUSINESS HOUSES. TW7SS BNTBItrflaiNQ DBALBHa O supply vouit Neeoa oc murm OHSOTKR fltOMPTLY AND aATIi rnoToniLrt ntrnnms nd waoons of u hindti iio rinnvpn anci iiunninic ijoch it ntrftltt9. ucnar.a uaiir,u miu injjntu M. T. KELLER, Ltckwnn. Carriage Work. J.B. Woolsey & Ob CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealers In ' Plate glass and Lumber OF ALL KINDS. BECURlry HUILDINO 4 94IV3SUVOV Homo Office, 20S-209 Jfears Hulldlng. We are mnlnrlnif thaien etcli month 'which wiow a net sain to the Investor of about 12 per cent. We loan money. Wo olno lusue FULL PAtO (STOCK ?100.00 per share,, inter est payable tcmi-annually. ALDI'.nT BALL, Secretary. ' E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear Gil Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer of Wire Scicens of all klncU; fully prepared for the spring bcason. Wc inako all kinds of porch screens, etc. PETER STIPP. t'encril (Yntinctni, Builder and Dealer in ntilltilnR Stone, Cementing of cellars a spe cially. Telephone 2002. j " ' Office, S27 Washington avenue. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK UND TILE MANUFACTURINei COMPANY Makerj of Paving; Brick, etc. M. 11. Dale, General l-'nlcs Agent, Office .120 Washington aie. Works at Nay Aug, Pa K. : W. V. B.II. I OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. Lager Bepr.. Manufacturers of Old Stock I PILSNER I $23. Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 3331. New 'Phone, 2935. ?i0.()0 10.00 MO.OO 10.00 20.00 1H.00 SECOND FLOOR. E. ill's SIS Clothing I H 317 I Lacka. Avenue I i Sf r-rt 4 !WS &&&&&&&& J0, .1 - .,,. ,.. . ,. ... j. .- . .1 . .V .,'. s . '.,i J. " . . I.