The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 03, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    '.,sy, -H
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4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than. Four Lines, 3 Cent for Cncli Extra Lint.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
Mors Thi Pour Lint, 6 Cants lor (licit Bitr Lint,
JSo iBjJ
April Is the Month
for Renovating and
Improving Your Homes
THEREFORE you will be inter
ested more or less in Home
fixings, such as DRAPERIES, CUR
TAINS, SHADES and other items
that contribute towards beautifying
your home. You will find it greatly to
your advantage from both an econo
mic standpoint and that of good taste
to consult our stock in DRAPERY
fore making 'your selections. Every
thing in this department is marked in
plain figures; strictly one price and
sold at as small a margin ol profit as
is commensurate with a cash basis.
Lace Curtains, Chenille Curtains,
Tapestry Curtains, Silk Curtains, Swiss
Curtains, Couch Covers, Window
Shades, Rugs, and all kinds of Piece
Goods, such as Nets, Swisses, Cre
tonnes, Silkolines, Denims, etc., etc.
5viw vniir rher.ks and when thev nmotinfro in nn
you will be entitled to one of our Genuine Steel Engrav- 1
ings, framed and ready to hang, free of charge. b
Sn' lo Hip Scranton Tilliunc.
Montrose?, April -. The Tlaiitlst
church in this place was the huene of
a brilliant boclety cent this afternoon
at 3.30 o'clock, when Attorney Picil
crlck 13. Scott, of Scrunton, was unit
ed in marriage to Miss Cimie Mott,
daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. "SV. Mott,
of Montrose. Thcie weie no invitations
issued, hut as the cnnlinctln? parlies
are both native of Montrose and aie
anions our most deservedly nouular
younc people, their host of friends
filled the beautiful new edlilee to the
limit of its capacity, and the ceioinony
was witnessed by all who could sain
access to the church. The altar win
Korscously trimmed with a mass of
potted plants, llowers, palms, etc. At
the appointed hour Mrs. Hessie Jlcst
wlck took her place at the organ, and
ns the front entinnce to the t lunch
was opened to admit the bridal party
the organ sent 1'oith the glad notes of
the wedding match fiom Lohengrin. As
the 'hildal paity left the chinch Mis.
Ilostwlok played Mendelsohn's wedding
' iiittrcU brilliantly.
From the fionL entrance, the bilde
and gjooiii, dignlllod and calm, slowly
made their way down the aisle to the
front of the altar, where they wno
met by Pastor E. K. Thomas' who
gracefully pertormed the ring oero
mony, and in answer to the quebtlons
propounded came the l espouses In
tones so strong and cllrltlne't as lo bo
audible In till parts of the ( liuivii,
Jnines ScotJI, n cousin of the gioom,
and Deputy Piothonotmy II. KelCoid
Jones weie the ushers.
The bride looked very charming In n
traveling suit of Venetian broadcloth.
Tho bildo and groom w.eiv unattended.
I Mrs. Hostwlck played with great skill
mid exquisite expiesslon ti number of
selections, among them being "Hilde's
iong," Jensen, "O Promise Me," "Like
.'nto u Star" and "Valso I.ente," by
chuett. i
After the- coiemonv Mr. tind Mis.
ticott made their way to the Sunday
school loom, where they were immo-
pEver Qn the Aleit Alive to Every
Form of Oppression Kept on Edge,
Burdened Doyond Endurance.
Nerves Give Out.
The mnchlneiy of a mill that eilmls
day and lllsllt has to shut down nn.
nnd then for lepalrs. it is the name
way with your nerves. Overwoik,
closo application, our ways of living
bring about norvo wnsto that sets up
symptoms of viuious kinds, it may
be falling strength, weakness, languor,
headache, t-leoplessnebs, etc. "Vlmt
pver it is, nerve foico Is lacking and
the means of lestorlng rests with Dr,
A. "W. f'hiibfa Xervo Pills. A gieat
many people in Scranton vouch for
Among them is Mis. Joseph Mitch
ell, of No, 010 Linden street, AVcst
Scianton, Pn who says: "Dr. a.
Chuse's Nerve Pills are line, j Wua ,,
out of order, nervous, and could nut
sleep, weak nnd miserable, Tlio ijti.
neys wero blugglsli mid tlic back lame,
Nothing seemed to help mo until I got
n box of the neiyo pills at Matthews
Pros', diug stoic, No. 320 Lnckawannit
avenue. Since 1 took them 1 sleep well
don't Jeik and talk. My jierves uie
steady. 1 feel stiong, and the kidneys
are working wel agnln. 1 um m0io
than pleused, and glml to leconmieml
(1)0 medicine,"
Dr. A, W. Chase's Nerve Pills are
ar.1,1 nl Rflf- fl llflV fit ilnnlAi .... s-s.. .
l W. C'ltabe Medicine Co., Buffalo, N, Y.
see uiut iioiiruit una signatuio of A,
yf, Clmse. M. D., me on eyery package.
dlately surrounded by fi lends who
showered them with congratulations.
Later carriages were taken for the
home of the bride's parents, where the
immediate families sat down with the
bridal couple to a bounteous wedding
Mr. and Mis. Scott left on the C
o'clock tialn on the Lackawanna and
Montrose raihoud tonight for a brief
wedding trip, after which they will bo
"at homo" in Scranton.
The briM'is one of our best known
and most beautiful and accomplished
young ladies, and she will be greatly
missed in the chinch nnd social circles
In jvhlch she was always prominent.
Attorney Scott is better known In
Scranton of late years than in this his
native place. lie is a young man of
blight paits, a tine student, a rising
young lawyer of much ability of the
highest cluuacter nnd one who is veiy
suie to carve a name for himself in
the ranks of the legal profession.
To Mr. and Mrs. Scott a multitude
of Montrose friends extend hearty con
gratulations una wish them long life
and happiness,
jt t. lo the Scianton Tiibune.
Ibmc-dil-, Apill .'.The closln,- Lumber u(
l'infi'sur Heft's ilintlng class was held In Miislr
lull Tik-.i1 i,v c cuius:. Tltc oung ilanici.s
.i iuo,t delightliil lime.
An tutu which is looked fotvv.ud tn with
ninth plenum! I, (lie bull lo be givtii hy'C'om
pany 1.', in t lie arniot in the lieu fnluie. 'j'lto
bojh iittt llielr colonel .unl . mnnbii of out
uMouu gnu-t.
Among tlie out-iMonii buhH Iio am ieml
in? the Cialu week lav.itlon at llielr llo-ioMlale
lioims, .no .MIm Man Wiimloril, C'hailta Jlor
(linger, Zuii II. Hucll, Joepli L'unlklil, Ver
non Itlefiu.
.Mrt.. Mllcn 'iiuij N Hie Kilo-.! of lur daui'i
In, Jin. lla.ry W. llowle.v, of Sir.uiton,
Mio. bi.ic Hill n MtiiiK her ddURlitcr, Mm.
1, X. Mreliuin, .it 'Sidney, X. V
'flie (irace ilnirih i:astir Sundjy ofteriiiK WJi
iJS.13 and the .Sunday school lollictlon the
dinio (1 iv wan iHU.l.1.
lrvln J. Cnwks luji been pioinotul to foic
man nt the National KUjtoi orl, Uio Mr.
Doty iriI'iied.
Tlmisday i-icnlni; the lvllei ol iho BaptUt
ihuuli Mie Hull annual Kai-ter iiipper, Tables
leidy at 11 o'clock, Ihey am predated to seic
a laiifii nuinbei than em befoie,
i'lieilom lodge of Odd IMIcnn oil Jionday
night dieted lleiny W, 0en i.oblo grairj,
Ilobrrt J, Millet uie Brand, ami .T, S. T.uwileii
1 1 iittve. Xet Monilay eienlng the Installation
will take plate.
Satuiiby nlijlit thu dwdllng of Jahwud llun
nell at llunnrlltown, uaa destroyed by hre. The
inunbds of I ho family at home wtio Mr. and
Jlr. Uuiiiiell and a son nued 8 jears. They in
llred eaily. About 11 o'tlorlt they weie a'wal;.
eurd by tho die, which u.iii buinli'c In the at
ill. They ineiely had lime lo cheapo wltlt soma
ttiMilnit appaicl and few articlrsi of fuinltuie,
There fl.iJOO' libuiatuo on the bulldlnc end
JUO on iiiiuitiirr,
I'rofewor aid Mid. Tbielc, of SiTanloit, will
ii. tin the incinbeii, of the Miblc: HUtoiy dull
at thdi ineetlni; in Muslo hall on IMday eien.
ini; nmt.
"c'aplaiu Itatket," a diaina, will be prcsewd
by lioine talent in the opera house thU Tliurs
day rcnlni;, under the auiikci of Honeudila
l.tttherau diuidi.
lion. John Kiibatli atmounccb binuelt a can.
dlilatc foi iioiiilntlou of ftatc eeiutor,
'the lumbir U on I lie biouiiJ for the ilcu'l
opment iinuii)' oil deukk. Tbe company
li (umpoanl of men wbu hue the pad! in tlicm
and who will know tn a mtainty if oil in piy.
Jn' quantities may be eeiuud in the pjbc.ry
allcj. I'l liuiiy jean, pat ludlcatloin nf
( 1 udo oil lue bien found at dltUrtnt iioinu
ulom,' lie ))leir ilui. It lenulns to bu seen
If the iwitutit U iuflldent fur development. It
li e.HClul that the dillllmj ipparatua lll
lti In opetatlon befwe the tlrt of May and ton.
tluuc until a tlioiuiurli lest ii made.
Special to the Scranton Tribui.r.
Xldtolaon, April 2. Mia. Mlllei, of Suantoii,
U ilslllui,' Jclathcs ut tills place.
(,'ioter Well, who In bun tcrloudy tit with
t,pliold level', l liiinon-.
A ut) pliaiaht time iu euiijed lo alt lat
The landing of
adventurer and un
euiilns at the i-oilal at Mm. Satah Wllllanw',
for (lie benellt of the r'pnmth league.
Mr. nnd Mr. 'W. S. Hlddds mid daughler,
Kallurlne, of Xcw Mllfonl, are Alalthis idatlieb
in (own.
Jin. A. I,. Thajcr unit U milliter, Aillne, are
Kpcndliw .1 few daja with filcnda In town.
Jin. Samuel Decker, of KalN, l'a., is lilting
hei yon, Dr. V. C. Decku.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
l'ltUton, April 2.-JIrs. William T. IawIs, of
llll.ttu htieet, ii preparing to le.ilc liero for
Ktiflaiid, n litre die evpccli to make her home
Willi her daushlii. Jin. Lewis' health lias not
bten ot (he be-l of I He, nnd siiu hopes to be
benefitted l.j the change, iho will .ill in a
few weels on tlie steamship St. Paul.
Thomas Powell, of Siiuittilt aicuue, Herotituii,
is -i isitfn his collide chum, iclor II. Lutlt
singer, at West Plttstun.
The many friends and ichithes of Jin. It. X.
Hushes, of i:cler street, Hut Side, were glum
.i painful cuiprlsc tliU liionilnir, when word was
received ot hei death In the (Jerman hospital ill
Philadelphia, to which plate she had been taken
last SuikIji. Jin. Hughes hid been ill etcl
Unl health up till lasl 'lluinday, when the was
taken quite ill, thu plosirlans diagnosing her
caso as appendicitis. Shu underwent mi opcia
tlou at the Ciennan hopllaI Sunday afternoon,
and uports from hei beiMde weie to Iho elTitt
Hut she w.i liiipimini; ery nicely. Ilei death
wn therefore cpille unexpected. Detea-ed was
U7 jean of age and was a daughter ot Jin. Lewis
Ooidou. A huibaud and two cliildicti muhe.
The fiincial will be announced liter. The ie
mains aiined heie this eveulug.
Iiisepli Uiejnouth, for fitlecu yea is a itsldcnt
of l'oit Ulaiitlnid, met a filghtltil deatli last
uighl within a hlioit ilHtancu of lil.s hmiic.
About !l ei'clotk, he was icltiinliig liumo Horn
Inktimaii and in Mime niaiiuei not acematciy
aecouuled loi, .is he was alone, he ,H mil
down b.i a Lehigh alhy ttniii and lltciitlly
ground to pictts, his body belns stienii along
the ti leks foi a distance of one bundled eaids.
The rciniiiis weie gathered up mid taken to
Doiine!I.i'.s nuclei Inking loiiniv, wheie they weie
piepaied for hiiiial. Deceased was .V, jears of
age .unl is Mitdwd b.v a wife and time step-
Thanks to his mother and I luce Vw-t Side
joung ladies, llennle Jones, a joutig West Sids
lad, is iuiiruvlng nicely ut the Plitaton ho-pi-lal
f loin Hie eflcets of Injuries leeched ill thu
mines. One of his amis was badly lacerated,
and the attending physician decided that the
only way lo heal the arm piopeily was to graft
cuticle in the place where the ttexli had been
loin awaj. l'oiu- tomig ladies, wiio aie too
modest to allow the mentioning of their names,
graciously nlletcd lo aid the young man, anil
iatgc pieces of cuticle weie giafted fiom their
allies to tint if Joting .lotus.
Ukslilet Depute Claud Mi-tie's Jlis. Maiy
Kenue.t, of Old l'otge, installed this newly-elected
olliter.s nf the 1'iide of I.nek iwauni lodge, Xo,
IS, Ameiiean Ptutcstint Ladies' asMichtlon for
the cnsiiit'g Iciiii. at 'lucsday evening's tosslon,
as tollovvs: Muith u 'sluss, Mis. KUrn Jouesj
vvoitby deiiiitj i , Mis Maiy J. I'vans;
recording sccietai,. M M. Davis; at-
bi-tant lecoidmg -i.i.uiv. yhy. It lit li Stone; fi
nancial sccictarv, Jli.. I.vdi.i Wmteibuin; tri'as
in ci, Jlis. Sallle Williams; chaplain, Jin. Susan
Thonns; eoiuliiclres-, Jlis. Kliza Jones; assistant
condut ties', Mis. II, L. Davis; Inside stntlnti,
Jits. Ann KliliauN; outside seutind, Mis. l.inin
uel O.vnis.
'llin ouug Jim's Cinlstlan association will
hold their annuil banquet oil Situiday evening
in tilth loom in Van Horn's hall. The lllblc
rlas will meet this evening at 7.'.U o'clock. Piof.
Wallace will be in thaigc.
JIl-s I.liiel Smith, who has spcnl lur Kapler
vacation with hei giandmotlici, .Mrs. Jl.icKeii7ie,
of Union fclietl, has uluincd lo the Xatlonil
Coiiscivatury of Jlusie ol New Voik, of width
she is a student.
'ihe new w.ihcry which the Latkiivv.iiiui torn is electing near the Tajloi culm dump is
Hearing complcHon. Jt is tho Intention of the
eonipin.v oflkials to have Hie ne.v industry in
opciiitlon by Jlay 1, A is laid to make
connection with the KcM.r bianeli.
Jlis. Hobcit Illglis, i,f l'Difst (ilj, Is tllei gue.t
of lier paienLs, Jit. and Jim. II. T. Davis, of
Jlalii xtictt.
Old Xoige tribe, Xo. 410, lmptovcd Older nf
lted Jim, aie miking etenslve jncpaiatloiid to
A Sitii liver
Can work havoc with human happiness.
It can change the cheerful philanthropist
into a morose misanthrope and the opti
mist into a pronounced pessimist. The
liver has a great deal to do with the
removal oi me
waste of the body.
When it is sluggish
in its action the
whole body must
suffer by reason of
clogging accumu
lations. The excretory or
gans in general
promptly respond
to the action ot Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery.
It restores the liver
to healthy activity,
purines the uiooti,
and cures diseases
of the organs of di
gestion and nutri-
Mr. Edward Jacobi.
of Marengo, Crawford
Co, Indiana, write! t
"After three ears of
suffering with liver
trouble and miliaria I
gave up nil hopes of
ever getting stout
again, and the last
chance was to trv vour
liitillclne. I had tried all the home doctors
and received but little relief, Alter taking three
liottles of Dr, Piercc'h (Spldeu Medical Discovery
unci one vlat of his Pleasant Pellets,' I am stout
mid hearty. It Is due eutircly to our wonderful
The sole motive for substitution is to
permit the dealer to make the little more
profit paid by the sate of less meritorious
inediciues. He gaius: you lose, There
fore, accept no substitute for "Golden
Medical Discovery."
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the
actio n of the "Discovery," They aie
easy to take, agree with the weakest
constitution, and do not beget the pill
Columbus. Find an
Indian chief.
hold n grand entertainment nnd social at Ilvain'
hall on Apill H. A tlrst class programme Is
being arranged for the occasion.
Jlrs. Divid T. Divls, ot Ituzle-ton, Is !sltlng
her daughter, Jin. George J. Powell, of Hand
bill!. Lackaiv.uina Valley count II, Xo. SI, Junior Ol
der United Aincricii) .Mechanics, will meet this
evening In itgular sesalon.
A grand conteit will be given at the Piesb.v
tcilan chinili Tucsdiy evening, Apill S', at 8.13.
Admission, adults, CS tents; chllthen under 12,
21 cents.
The Woman's Chiistian Teinpeianee union met
at the home of Jlis. V. II. Wainer, of touth
Jbilti street, jesteida) afternoon.
Jin. o. II. HlcliardU, who was so badly
limned on Monday evening, Js at (ills writing m
a veiy tiltical condition.
The Sunday school lessons of the pisl quir
lei will be icvlcwcd on Thuisday cvtning ill tlic
Jlethodlst I'pWtopal cliuich. Ilev. C. II. Heni.v,
of Tijlor, v.ill be ptesent and illusliate
vvltli etcieoptlcon Mevv..
Jlr. and Mia Thomas MtldlftV attended tlic
clnrily ball in Scranton Jlonchy evening.
The gias.s factory is sliut down for repaln.
IM I !! S S SalSsv
I Theatrical I
MCL'l'M "I.ben Holden." Xigiil.
ACADKMY hciio Jljen conipiuy. Aftrinoon
and night.
STAlt-lrw in's Hig Shove. Afternoon and ui,'li(.
Xi:V AltMOHY Conceit foi benellt of Home
foi the. riu-udhsh. Xi.-lit.
"Eben Holden."
The management of the Ljeeuni theitel an
limine cis Ibe iiltiaetlon tonight "Lben Holden,"
an adaptation in Ihice uct of Irving Jlachellers
novel, diaries I'lolinui), who makes the pioduc
lion, sends Hie original company, scenery nnd
tlTcct, and the play will be given exactly at
clmiiig tin Iong itiii at the new Stvoy lhtitr,
New Voik. Seat now read.
West's Minstrels.
The L.vceum theater will have high cla-s min
strelsy for the dcltctatlon of its mum tons pi
irons on Pi iday night, when the William II.
West Dig .Minstrel Jubilee will bo the attrac
tion. The coinpiny is a well known and fa
voiite oiganlration with our audiences and is
this seison bald to bo superior to all previous
jnliistrtl clloits ever presented bv its late po
prietor, Hilly West,
The company includes the .ib and Zarrovv
trio, JleMahon and King, Cur, JIcDonald and
l'arohley, Clement Stcvvatt, the famous r.ngllMi
tenoi, Oeoigie Jones, Hairy Sylvestei, Wilson
Jltller and others. It Ins alvv'ivs been the aim
of this company to present new faces and new
fcatuics tatli i-ea.soii, coiwe(iiently only two or
llutc of last .scaeon'ii most pioiuinent featuns
Inve been letait.ed, iiiinely Hilly Van mid the
Wo tumpc uf .ithlctcs.
Emmet Devoy.
ianniet Devo.v, the star, who will appeal in
the play intitltd "I'liend
Kail," nt ibo L.vceum theater Satnidaj, Apill ,
maliutc and niht, Is fortunate in luoie than
one iepett. He has outli, a fine appcarante, a
charming volte and he is moreover a natural
coined I. in. I
In addition to these advantages ho has a pliy
which U mi cxielliut vthicle for his acting and
singing. His nuinagir, , fi, Sni.vth, believes
thoroughly in lining cvei tiling well, and Ins
Muucd a rcnuiKibly good coinpiny to support
.Mr, Dcvoy. One of the most dilightful comedi
ennes on the stage, .Mrs. Annie Yciiuans is a
iiiember of the tumpaiiy and her Menes vvltli
lanuiet Dcvoy .lie himioious In the extieme. She
Is un actiiss who is genuinely funny and v.hoso
itupersonatloiis never fail to give audiences
pit iiiy of tau-e foi cnjojable hilarity. Oilier
iniiiiliPM of the c.i-l aie cNcdlent In theii ie
spectlve thiiattiie.
Irwin's Big- Sliow.
An event at the Star which will c.uile mole
til in nrdluiiy luttitst Is the totnlng nf l'red
Irwin's Hig sliow todaj. Ills shows me nlvva
good mui thiy pleas-e the people. The fun Is
begun with an clmslnn of humor. 'Iho thief
biirle-mie mid the leading fealuni i the laugh.
Ing success, "Am ou an l'agle oi Yea, Yea,
Yea," which Is 11 tcicaiiiiug fatto from Mart to
finish, Tlic laughter is incessant thinughout,
Malic ll.uii.-on, one ot tho original llirrinon
slstcu, leads the eight female contingent. A
new and elaboiate seiies of living pictures am
piotnised mid aie uitlstlc from cvciy point oi
view and much above the average, Tho olio
bill consists of the (Vuitury Comedy Pour, the
best fringing act before the public, Olhcia who
appear uici Dm nun and Van, the little glugtr
gills; Ctrtle DeJIilt, the sweet singei and dan
ceii Watson and Xoble, eomedlans and paro
dist, The pel toi nunc ft to conclude with Janus
P, Leonaul In "A 'lllp to Coney," Jlatluce.
cvtry day.
Viola Allen has hcin K'ltcled In take the
leading icdu in the diamatization oi Hall
Calne's "llleiiul City," whin it Is presented in
tliU (ouutry. llcetbnhm Tree will pioent the
piece in lyOiiilon early In tho autumn, and Jllss
Allen will be seen In thu pieco In this couutty
at about tho same time.
Ilemletta Ocsiuaii is still consideilng a play
submitted to her by I'atlier John T, t-mltli, a
C'athollo priest of Xtw York, (-ailed "'the Haiti
liioio Jlairlage," Whether dm decides In pio.
cluco it or not, the has awakened tomidci.ihle
Intcicst In It. Tlie play deals with the attitude
of the Cathollu church itgaidlug tllvouu and
thaws ti povvctful le.sun fiom hn attempt it
Jerome llonjpaitu to dlscaid his wife, lUinheih
The UnglWi vcision nf Paul llcivleu's O.'lau.
glue," Willi li iiealctl K'niclhliig of a seiuitlon
in Paris, his filled to plt-aso In London. It
appears that Hie censor vvuu!c not allow tit
picco to be plaed In Its oiWiul faun, timl Its
adaptor had to leavo nut the main point ot iho
play, making the wife guilty of only a tluipla
lllrtatlou. Kin,; lMivaid has witnessed the
l'lfiitlt ami Lugllsli veniuns aur coudemucd
the work ot tlu: Loudon ceiitor.
Of thu many lutmbeia of the Daly family
who came before the public in a biiueli, as it
wire, in the faice, "Vacation," a number of
cais ago, Dan Daly has aihlcl the greatest
lame, ami Luty Daly, tho soubittle, and Mar
gjict Daly, who excels In clui.icjti rolci, are
with Uaid and Yoke1, being tho wives, respec
tlvclj, of thu two t omediuus. Ltaiu. Dalr, ice-
Tor Iteut.
10 Li;r 1'iont nail nf store! for business only
Inquire nt 1013 West Lackawanna incline,
oi i:nin, mi Sadie Place.
l'OIt HUNT HlvToom tint with tilth, (team
heat, gas ratine and ull modem Impiove
inents, from Ajull lt: rent reaonible. Call
early, l'red 0. Ilancl, H03 Mulbeiry slicet.
HAf.r OP, double house, Clt) Jttdlsou avemtei
twelve rootn, liundry. city steam and all
inoileiii Improvement. Inqulie In tlic reir
limtsu for information.
I UIIXISHIll) liOL'ST. Kent reasonable to de
sirable paity. Cull or address 1SS Dudley
sheet, Duiunore.
l'OIt lllixr In Dalton. a furnished cottage for
the season; line loealloli! short dUatice
fiom the ftJtlun. Addles Lock Hoc CT, Dalton,
I Oil IIIIST l'lve rooms, 517 W.vomlng avenue.
KOIt HCST A btaiitlfully tlnlslied house pf
twelve rooms, ull modem convenience, In
North Park; line location. Apply IK') Llectrlu
avenue, North I'oik.
STOnH l'OIt BUNT fii2 West Lackawanna ave
nue. Inquire Philip Sklmell, (UU West Lacka
wanna uvtiiue.
BAILS' l'OIt liENT $12, April 1st, three box and
three single stalls and wash rack, rear of
.121 Jladlson avenue. Inquire at 031 JIadlson avc.
KOI1 Itl'.NT Store building for rent In Dickson
City, Pa. llulldlng 80 feet by 24 feet, cellar
under all, nnd second etoiy can be arranged for
a family. All In good repair leady for ue. Two
eoal breakeis and mines close by cmp!olng over
u thousand people. All entei prising nieichaiit
cm get a huge trade. Apply lo William II.
Itlehmond. ltlclnnond Hill, 3123 X. Jlaln avtnue,
Scranton, P.i,
Furnished Booms.
l'OIt Itl'.NT Large furnished fionl loom; modern
totivcnlences; lent reasonable. 22S Adims
TOR HUNT One furnished room, with Improve
ments; also one on thlid door, cheap. i27
Adams avenue.
t-'UnXISIICD ROOSIS for rent, modern impravc
mentsi private famil; gentlemen piclerred,
at C!7 Adams avenue.
l'OIt llKXr I'urnlshcd front room, with heat,
bath and gas; near court house; gentleman
prelcired. Addrens Itoom, I!o 299
l'OIt lti;NT Piirnlshcd loom; heat and bath.
(3 Linden tticct.
PUliNISHLD DOOMS TOR HCXV. with heat, gas
and bath, gentlemen piclerred, at 0j9 Adams
For Sale.
JUST AltHI'i:i) with forly hones; good work
ers and drivers; weight fiom 1,10(1 In l,(rO:
several closely mitchtd teams. Can be been at
.".it I!aiuond limit. P. M. Cobb.
l'OIt SALi: Oik sldcboaid, dining tabic, dnlrs
and bedioum suit, all quarteied oak; nlo car
petn. Parly leaving tity. Inqulie 4JS Webitei
l'OIt SALK Itoll top desk. Inquire Room 72S
Council building.
IIANHOMI-: bar Ihtures and cash register for talc.
Inqiuie at SIS Lackawanna avenue.
CArtPHIS, linoleums and oil cloths sold every
day 3 o'clock. BOS Lickawanna. See auctions.
For Sale or Bent.
l'OIt SALE OR RENT 8-auo poultry and fruit
farm; located on old depot hill ovcilooklug
tuvvii! splendid plate for summer lesldencc; 30
minutes' walk from depot; 8-ioom house; furn
ished or unfurnished. Auditss J. K. Zvvolzig.
Kactoivlllc, Pa.
Booms and Board.
SUITi; of room) for gentleman, with boatd,
nil Adams avenue.
Boarders Wanted,
PRIVATE FAJHLY wishes to have two nice men
to board, German or English, Call any time
after Thursday. All conveniences, 607 Ilarrison
Wanted Booms and Board.
WANTED Two communicating looms with board,
piivatc family picftticd. Two ladies and a
gentleman. State full pailiculars. Address C.
II. D., Tribune office.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED ROOMS Por two adults, three or fom
room-, furnished or unfurnished for very
light housekeeping, lust floor piefcired. Addie.-s
M. U., Tiihuno olftce.
WANTED Furnished home or four or live rooms
for housekeeping. Address A. G. E., Tribune
Beal Estate.
$1,30) WILL 1HIY u lot on Colfa avenue, lOxIMlj
vvaleitd, i-evvciid, gis; lediicid fiom .l,00O.
$.;0() tloun. Comig.vs, Connell llulldlng.
FARM l'OIt SLE SMv-two acies, one mile
fiom Lake Ailel; twelve acres of tlmbei, rest
Improved; evcellcnt spiing water on lot; faun
situated on load. For paiticulnrs tidthess Will
lam 'iieslar, Arid, Pa,
I'AIIM 1 OK SALE oi ctchangu lur clly propeity
slttutu III Siusqueliaim i county; improved;
well vvaleicd; suitable tor ilair.vlng. stock oi
sheep raising and general taimlua., lljnjcn, At
torney, .'U'l'j Washington aver.ue.
Business Opportunity.
Wiilo for our eprclal market letter. Free on
application. S. II, lllbbaid k Co., members N.
Y, Cciieolldalcd and Stock svehange, 4lnd IS
Uroadvvay, New York. Established 15.11. Long
Dlstincc' Phone 2SSS Broad.
Money to Loan.
straight loans or llulldlng and Loan. At
fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on X, V. Walker.
814-315 Connell building.
LOST Km elono lontalnlng nun of money Jion
day evening on Laikavvjiiu.t uvcuue near
Matthews lire, Piudei will be rcvvauled by
li tinning Mine to Ml-s Sadie Davis, Matthews
llrus. drug stcie.
LOST lletvv (in ibu High School unci Second
Prcsbtcrian diureh, Easter Sunday evening,
u pearl auit'llist bionth. Pimler will bg ie
waided nil reluming to Dr, W, E. AHcu, SI2
Washington nvenue.
LOST At the charity ball, u duthessn laco hand
keitlilef. Pinder v.ill be revvjided by ie
tinning same to owner, Adddros E. K., rare
LOST $2i, between Petk Lumber Co., East Jlir
kct sticct and Piesbtteriati cliurcli. Reward
It returned to cilice of perk Lumber Co.
NOIICH lheieby given to Contrattors or lliilld
er that the Trii-le.s nf the East Stioudsbuig
Statu School will luelve bids up to J
p. in., Apiil 21, lt02, for the consliuetloii and
liuul'-hllig of u time-fluty Hi It K School llulltl.
ing, 120 feet by 72 feet; l.lcvatioiu. Drinlugi,
und Detail PlniS tan be situ at the nlllco of
the Sctutary of thu Committee. T, Y, HoDuuii,
East stioiidshmg,. Pi, Pull and ituiip'ielu Spi.
Ittatloui iiuy bo had on application to the t.
letui.v. 'Hie Tiiisttes lescrve the I lull t to re
ject uny oi all Mdi. II. P. MOREY,
Lluliinan of llulldlng Committee.
April, 1002.
ognUe'l as one ot tlic leading iliuccrs In Hie
wcu Id, and her daughter, Vjule, arc plJjing tho
vaiidevlllu ciicull with euellcnt success. Cap
iat IIIUl)aly, a lnotlicr, U a piomhiciit poli
tician in lloston, whcie another biothcr owns a
successful wle. TVo biothcis Toii and HoIj
uio dead. Thu parents ot the Daly tblldien
were famous as dancers-
Want Advertlsnments Will ' Be
Bccoivod nt Any o the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALDKnT SCHIlLT5. corner Mulbcrrj
street and Webster avenue.
OUSTAV P1CIIEL. KO Adams avenue.
West Side
OEORail W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Uiia
avenue and Market street.
Green Bidge
CHARLES V. JONES, 1037 Dlcksoa
F. J. JOHNS, 1)20 Green Itidge street.
C. LOIICNZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
J. G. BONE ii SON.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Kirst-elas.s pninter; steady employ
ment for right pirty. Address ISIS Wnne
avenue, city.
WANTED A clothing silcsinan of csptrleiue
und good habits. AdddicsS "Jlcichaut," cue
of Tiihuiie.
be thoioughlv epirienecd, speedy and good
penman; lttinlngton. Apply In peison or by let
Itr, giving refticiites. Scianton Holt and Xlit
Co., Scranton.
JIAN vllti hoise mil wagon wanted to deliver
and collect. No canvassing. S2l per wetk
and expense11. r0 cash deposit rcmilicd. Col
lector, Ho 78, Philadelphia.
WANTED An txperienced clerk In tuitalu and
drapcrv tlepiitlncnt, with lefcrtnees. Apply
Coldsmlth's lliz I'll, city.
WANTED Epeiienced solicitor for established
trade; permanent position; give references.
Address "Solicitor," P. O. Bos: 311, city.
WANTED Salesman for Great shoe
sale. Apply at oflice, Jonas
Xong's Sons.
WANTED Two experienced htcnosiaphcrs; ap
ple to international Silt Co , Council build
ing, Scianton, Pa,
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED Salesladies for shoe de
partment. Apply at Jonas
Long's Sons.
UIRL WANTED for houscvvcilj in fimlly
of four iidults, who can sleep home. Apply
at 521 Glb-on ttieet.
WANTED A competent cool;; best of lefercnccs
required. 101 Jefferson avenue.
WANTED A lady, between 25 ami 3", who is
capable of hiinglng up an infant, and to
make herself useful about the house; good place
for right party. Apply lo Dr. Hal pert, 002
Washington avenue,
WANTED Salesladies for Great
shoe sale. Apply at office, Jonas
Long's Sons.
LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip
tions for The Tribune; good commission of
feied with a fair guarantee for first-class worker.
Apply person illy at Dusiness JIanagei'a office,
Scianton Tribune.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED Dy u oung gill lo take
eatc of children oi do light liousewoil:; egc
10. Apply 402 Tlieodoto street. Provident e.
SITUATION WANTED fly a .voting girl to take
earo of children or do light houscvvoik. Call
104 Theodore street.
WANTEA position us an experienced sten
ographer and bookkeeper. Atldiess A., 'Trib
une cilice.
SITUATION WANTED To go out by thy wash
ing, ironing or cleaning. Plea-e call at 1)S
Piauklin avenue, clly
SITUATION WANTED-lly a ghl, U ears old,
as muse gill; can furnish icfeientes. Ad
dress A, Tiibune oflice.
SITUATION' WANTED-lly mother as cook, and
tlaughtei as nurse ghl or light waitic.s; good
lefeiente. Addicts "Jlary," care Tiibune otileo.
AN EXPERIENCED woman would like position
nt housework of any kind. Atldiess Jlrs. E,
A. Dalv, 203 Peiili avenue.
SITUATION WANTED-lly an American boy, can
lead and wille Polish. Addiess box: 15,
Pilcehurg, Pa.
DltlUGlIlsMAN Mechanical engineer and me
chaiiiu wants position as diaitghtsiniu; good
icfeienccs; speaks English, (.'einun, French. A,
It, Tiibune ofliee.
A J1EET1NI! of the members of tho Lackawanna
Stoio Association Limited, Villi bo held at the
office of the association in Scranton, Pa,, on
Jionday, tho lltli day of April, A. D. 1002, at
half past two o'clock in the afternoon, for the
purpose of taking action upon tlic question ot
dissolving The Lackawanna Store Association
Limited, by voluntary adieu of the membcis.
and, in case it is derided to dissolve the said
association, then for the further imiposo of elect
ing three liquidating tilistces lo wind up the
afialrs of the association according lo law.
II. S. PAinCIIILD, Seeietary.
Scranton, 1M March 22, 1002.
TO THE OWNERS or icputed ovvneis ot pioperty,
bounding or abutting on Pig street, from the
Lackavvumu river to Remington avenue; on Rem.
tiigtou avenue, from pig slieet lo the Station!
Meadow trunk: on llrook stieet, from llctiing
Ion avc niu! to llciti court; along Stalloul .Meadow
llionk, tl rough pilvate property, fiom PIttstoii
avenue to Elm street; on Elm slieet, fiom HeiU
court to South Webster avenue; on Locust
slictt, fiom piospect iivenuo to HirU coiuts on
Cheriy stieet, from llcmlugtcn aveuuo to lleiti
court! on Fisher, place, from Donnelly couit to
llcrU cntut; on Pig stieet, fiom Remington aveuuo
to licit?, couit; mi llealv place, from IlJinni couit
lu llcrti! (ourt; on Palm street, from Cedar
aveuuo tn Hertz court; on Pear stieet, finin
Piltston avenue to Hertz court; on llaiiy place,
fiom Ilamni com t to Hertz court; on timet
street, Iioni Pitlstou avenue lu South Wcbsttr
uvenue; on Do! in place, from Ilamni couit to
Hut, couit; on SihlmpIT couit, fiom Palm
street lo Pig stieet; on Cedar aveuuo to Palm
tin ft to the Slalford Meadow llrook; on Ivll.t
tourt, from 1'vai strict to llrook stieet; mi
Piltston avenue, fiom llrcck street In Stafrnid
Meadow llrook; on Ilaium (ourt, , fioni Holm
plate to (ienct sheet; also fiom ll.inv plate to
Pe.n stieet; also fiom Healy plate lo Pig stieet;
nil Lavclle com r, fiom llieck stiett to Cheiiy
slicet; on Piospcet avenue, from Urctk stmt
to Lotust stieet; on Donnelly tourt, fiom Ilol.ui
place to lUriy place; also liom Healy plate to
Pig stieet, and liuin I'Ulier plutc to Lhuiy stieet;
on llciU mult, from Died: stieet to IV.n stuet;
also from Ileal' p! ice to lliool; street, and tioui
Ilaitiiian plate to Elm sired, on South Wtbstir
uvtnue, fiom Hteck stieet to Elm street, In the
Twetitlith ward.
Take not Ice, thai under the direction of coun
cils, assessments will be made for eotistritellug a
svsteni of seutis, Section "A," in Hie Eighteenth
dtstild, in the aluuti lumcd streets and places,
on Monday, Apiil II, 1002, ut 10 o'clock' in Hie
foieuoon, at thu Dcpai uncut ot Public Woik,
Huieuu of Eiigliiiiiliig, City Hall, Sirautoii,"l'i.,
at which tlnu and platu ou may appeal and be
lieam, li ou so uesire.
I JOIIV K ROCHE. Director.
Deuailmeut ot Public' Woikf..
ticraiiVju. Pa., Marth 31J Jl2.
PIHST LEOISLATIVI. MlSTnttrr Vnlhn I. I, sts.
.., ''J'. Bljoi lo the llepubllcan aoIcih of the
I Irsl Legislative Dlslrlct, that a primary elcc
Hon will be held on Sittirdiy, April 2el, U"02, be
tween the hour ot foul nnd seven p, lu., lor tho
liurpoe of nominating a eimlldato for "the Leg
Nature to represent the district and to elect two
ilt'Iegnlcs to the Republican Htatc Convention to
be held at llarrlsbuig Julie II, 11102.
The convention lo tomputt the vole will bo
held on Tucsdiy, April 20, at 1(1 o'clock In Co
operative Hill, Each tandldite must regUlei.
vvltli the dlslrlct chilrmin, h(s full iinme and
pewtofflee address, and pay his usse'snicnt fifteen
tlas liefoic the election, or his name will not bo
pi iced on the official ballot,
The district vigilance committee, In the vari
ous precincts, will conduct the election, and tho
lestilt will be Tcportid bv the lettirn Judge lo
the district cunvriillcn, width will be competed
ot the return udgc. A written notice contain
ing their Instructions will be mailed to the mem
bers of Hip various district lglhintc committees.
(IPO. W. .IENKINS, Chairman.
Allest-W. W. SIMPSON, Secretary.
hereby given lo the Republican voters of
tho Second Legislative district Unit n primary
election will be held on Biturday, April 2U, 1002,
between the hours of four and seven o'clock p,
m for the puioso of electing two delegates to
eprcscnt said legislative district In the Coming
Republican slate convention to be held In liar
risburg on June 11, 11)02, and to nominate a
candid, lie for the legislature.
Tlie convention to compute the vote will be
held on Tuesday, April 2'. 1002, at 1 o'clock p.
in,, In the rooms of the Central Republican (lull
In Scranton.
lu tictnidancc with the rules governing tills
district the candid ites will he voted for dlicctly
by the voters at the polls. Each candidate must
register with tho tllstilct chaiimiu his full lianni
and poslofllcp address and pay his assessment
twenty thus before the election or his name will
not be placed in the official ballot, neither will
anv lotts cist for him be counted.
The district vigilance committees In the vail
oils precincts will conduct the election and tne
li'stilt will be reported by the return judge to the
district convention, which will be composed of
the retm n judges of the various districts. A
written notice containing further Instructions will
be sent to the members of the tuld district vigil
ance committees.
Attest: WALTER E. DAVIS, Secretary.
Agents Wanted.
AOENTS WANTED for the best carpet stretcher
maue; nine ointr articles, nccucn in eery
borne, Apple- lo W. ,1. Rievvster. Room 20, fiO'i
Linden street, Scianton, Pa at 7 p. in., or by
Dry, clean and modern up-to-date
storage; separate roonx;
iMUIlnuu individual kevs; tlovator. An
Ideal storatre. for household effects, etc. Thlrtv
sepal ate storage rooms. Scranton Storage com.
pany, 113 Franklin avenue.
H1IF.UJIATISU-A11 parties that wish can
speedily and permanently cured of all a
rictles nf Rheumatism by a vegetable compound.
Cures guaranteed. Inquire or uddiess J. Is. Tay
lor, Scranton.
Musical Instruction.
BANJO PUPILS WANTED Former member of
college banjo club, desires few pupils on
banio; terms icasonable. Atldiess II. A. Y.,
Tribune olllee.
Certified Public Accountant.
Building, and St. Paul Building, New York.
Estate Exchange Dldg.. 128 Washington avc.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, Scranton,
ami Counsellois-at-Law. 001 to 012 Connell
' Rooms 12, 14, 10 and 18 Burr Building.
tiated on real estate security. Mears Building,
corner Washington avenue and Spruco street.
rellois at-Iavv. Commonwealth Building, Roomi
10, 20 and 21.
00J-OO1, Oth floor. Mean building.
of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank- llulldlng
ill Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
lngton avenue, Residence, 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic alKea.-cs, lungs, heart, kidneys ml
genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
lngton avenue. Chronic and neivous dijeavM
a specialty. Consultation fiee, r
Instruction Musical. '
Voice Culture, Harmony, Counterpoint Tn I
Composition. Compositions corrected and re
vised for publication, its New' Yor!;' street.
Hotels and Restaurants.
sue. Rates reasonable. ;
P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor.
scnger depot, Conducted on Iho Europesa
plan VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor,
cess pools; no dor; only Improved piimps;usfd.
A, B, Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders ills)
North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry, Both telephones.
eryiuen, stoic 201 Na.hiii.'ton avenue; ifietti
houses, 1M0 North Main avenue; store 'tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scianton, Pa., inaiiufactuier ol Wire Screens.
also ladies waists. Louisti shotiuaker, 211
Adams avenue,
e clones, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, fjj
Wasliliigtcn avenue, Scrauton, I'J.
in Scraulon at the news stands of Rsuuiau
Bros., 400 tprucc uud uOJ Lindens M. Noifou,
S22 Lackawanna avenue: I. S. Sehutter. 211
f b'yruee street. ,
3 1
X'V , ,J
tot$atiL $ 1i"r tm I'i'T " NMt