The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 03, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Entire Stock of the Newark Shoe Co.
Will Go on Sale Saturday Morning at 9 O'clock
VJU !- I 9
L. IU1 1CI9
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Sons I
a. v v.
The Newark Shoe Co., at the corner of Lackawanna and
Wyoming avenue one of the largest exclusive fine shoe
stores in the city of Scranton have decided to close their store
and relinquish business in this city. In order to do this and
convert their stock into money as quickly as possible, they
have turned over their entire stock to us, at such a low
price as will enable us to give to the people of
Scranton the
Greatest Bargains in Good Shoes
Ever Known or Heard Of
In some instances prices will be less than half of first cost and in
stance less than manufacturer's wholesale cost 'price. This is done to effect
est sales possible at the present moment.
every m
the quick-
For Men, Women and
Children Are in This
Great Sale.
The best makes in every size and width and
style, and all are
At such low prices that you can
afford to buy a year's supply
whether you need them or not.
To accommodate the thousands of buyers that
will be here we have given over several aisles of
the store to the selling as well as the space of our
regular shoe store and every possible effort will be
made to serve you all both promptly and satisfactorily.
Remember, the Sale
' . Starts Saturday Morning
and without reserve every pair of Shoes from the
Newark Shoe Company's stock will be sold.
pine boots, Shoes and Slippers, for Men and Boys.
Newark, N. J., March 28, 1903.
Messrs. Jonas Long's Sons,
Scranton, Pa.
After due consideration of your offer
for the stock of our Scranton Shoe Store,
we have decided to accept your terms, and will
turn the entire stock over to you at once.
We may further state that we believe by our
doing this we are not only sacrificing the
handsomest stock of shoes that was ever in
Scranton, but at the same time giving you
the opportunity to give the people of
Scranton the greatest bargain in good and
reliable shoes ever known, and we believe
without doubt you will sell every pair in
ten days ' time .
Yours very truly,
The Newark Shoe Store
James A. Banister Company.
The High Quality of
the Shoes in This Sale
Stands out so conspicuously that every thought
ful money saving person in Scranton, will become
interested in
This Great Sacrifice Sale
Cheap and shoddy shoes never had a place in-;
The Newark Shoe Company s store any more than
they have in our store.
Their chiefest aim was to sell Shoes of merit,,
Shoes that bear the stamp of perfection, Shoes thatt
the finest exclusive Shoe stores pride themselves on,
and the biggest, broadest varieties of the Shoes shown
in Scranton was at the Newark Shoe Company's
store. But this announcement tells a new story of
Fine Shoes it tells that
r 1 .. rjs - cti
you can uuy uie rme&i ;siiue
Made, here on Saturday at half
worth prices and less.
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The News of Cas
Unequalled Splendor of Ceremony
Marks the Fashionable Wedding of
Miss Ella Agatha Boland and Pat
1 rick F, Hughes Their Union
Blessed with Nuptial Mass De
tails of -the Elaborate Event.
A wedding surrounded with a wealth
,,,'iiul,, inM.gnlflconce oC ceremony was sol
emnized In St, Itoso church yesterday
t'oienoon la the nuptials of Miss Ella
. kit (ha Boland and Patrick P. Hughes.
.-. jfr7itprjntipuls were members of fam
JM&Z itftfelj 1nye lee" conspicuous In
the cjty.'g )fe, for yearn, and they theni
'setvcs -were equally prominent In their
kocIuI sgtfc as well usju the positions
JJhpjV.JMWj These -facts gave an Inter
est ruthoiiiurrhige that whs manifest
ing In an attendance at the wedding
"that overllowed the church. And tho
lainiolpntlons that tho event aroused
.wore fully realized In the rarely beau
ilfulceremony that led the couple fiom
( tho slnglo state to the now lire In which
"their Interests und their happiness will
bt$"uB-of 'one. The details of the cere
mony. wero amply elaborate to hurmon
Izo with w beautiful surroundings uf
St, Hose church, U was a ceremony
that has riot been equalled In splendor
"nruTbeuuiy slrieo the re-iuodtilng of thu
ehurhjp'd the Immense gathering that
crowded 'o edltlco must havo been
dceplyifitnpressud und edlllcd wth the
manner- in which tho solemn contract
was satisfied. Tho marriage ceremony
yvw;ha)ilgheu ,Ju the ritual of tho
Catholic church, which is tilled with
beautifully- Impressive ceremonies. The
jnarrlagefjervlce was followed by tho
MtafttHT'of-Ti nuptial mass to Invoke In
'tijp te)le'f of 'thtf ihUroh 'the choicest
(J)'salilgu 'oh the married couple,
Scjyhe. inutile was elaborate, and, Insplr
Stockman... ;
The' beautiful Italian marble altar of
"trip brch, was stjll 'resplendent with
and tat! wealth and fragrance of the
the decorations for the feast of K.ister,
lilies and blooming plants, and the bril
liance of the Illuminations, made n
background of Indescribable beauty for
the rare tableau that was formed when
tho patty was grouped at tho
sanctuary gates while the vows woio
The ceremony look place at S o'clock.
Thu otllciallug priest was I lev. I J.
iloland, assistant piiest at St. John's
church, South Scranton, a cousin of the
bride. When tho bridal party entered
the thronged church, the uhhers led the
procession that moved along the centre
aisle, while the ".Match of thu l'riests"
front Mendelssohn's "Athullu." was
played by the orchestra, under the di
rection of m-of. V. A. Lynott, and the
oi gan, The ushers were, Patrick V.
Fox, Thomas W. Lol'tus, Thomas .Scott
and Thomas Iloland, a hrotliPi' of thu
bride, .Miss t:ila iltirte, the brides
maid, a classmate and an associate
teacher, cauni next with the gioom's
best man. who was Common Council
man John T. l.oftus. Tim bride and
groom concluded tho proiVfeslon.
'At the sanctuary gates the party dis
posed Itself by forming a line that bad
two ushors at either end, while the
celebrant, Itev, P, J. Itotaud, caino from
the sacristy, accompanied by Very llov.
T. P. Coffey, V. U who assisted In
the nuptials. Thu vows vera plighted
and the couple united; (whlle the or
chestra produced tho beautiful melody
of "HeartR and Flowers." j,
The muslo wan a consplcunus fc.ttuiu
of thu nu)tlal celebration, The full
choir of St, Itoso chuich and tho solo
ists participated' In the splendid pro
gramme arranged by Pi of, Htockinap
and b'o creditably given. The mass
sung wu3 Hattnmn's. During thu of
fertory the jluet, "Immaculate Conceii
tlo'' was rendered by Jllss Cathuriuo
Plannelly and IIss ICIUnbeth 1'owder
ly, When the procession left the church
tho Inspiring strains of Mendelssohn's
Wedding match tilled the edlllee.
The title of lovely bible was merited
by Miss ISolaiu, who was inoyt fair,
graceful and charming in her gown of
pure white duchess satin under an
overdress of euibroldeted chiffon. Bhe
wore a musslve picture hut of white
and carried white roses,
. Tha bridesmaid. Miss ilarl was like
wise becomingly gowned. She wore
white mulle over linen silk and can led
pink roses. Her headgear was :i white
Gainsborough hat.
There was n reception after the ser
mon, at tho houiu of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs Michael Holand. at
I'.'ifi Pundaif street. Hero a host of
guests offeied their felicitations to the
happy collide and bi ought with them
many .substantial remembrances. Prof.
Flith provided music while the recep
tion and bteakfast veie In progiess.
The breakfast was an occasion, of thu
greatest social enjoyment, an elabor
ate luncheon being served. Among
the gifts that will be highly prized are
a cut glass water bottle front thu schol
ars taught by tho bride and the sub
stantial remembrance that came fiom
the employers of Mr, Hughes,
At H.30 Mr. and Mrs. Hughes left
over the Delaware and Hudson road
for Wllkes-Barre, and thence on the
lllack Diamond express for Philadel
phia. They will also visit nt Atlanttu
City and New York city, After April
20 they will be nt homo at the corner
or Eighth avenue and Wushlngton
stteet, In the Walker house.
Mrs. Hughes Is endowed with giaces
that give her the dignity and worth of
true womanhood, She has a charm of
maimer that makes her personality
highly attractive and the cultivation of
her friendship much to be sought for.
Her Qualities of mind havo been proven
in her elflclent work as a teacher In
the public schools of Carbondale, Just
befoio her marriage she taught In tho
eighth gr.ide.uud no toucher was valued
ii'ioie by the board of education than
she, Mis. Hughes is a grnduato of tho
Carbondale Hleh school and Mnnstleld
Normal hchool, She has been a factor
In the development of several women's
societies, particularly the Ladies' Cath
olic Hepevolent association und the
Catholic Women's benevolent legion.
Mr, Hughes modestly enjoys tho com
manding place that he possesses among
the younger men who'uro conspicuous
In public llfo in thiti city. Ah u mem
ber of the Carbondale High school
board, Mr. Hughes has shown he pos
sesses the highest qualities of n citizen
and of the man who Is destined to bu
successful in this age of completion,
simply because he 1ms lu his muke-up
the stuff that successful men are made
of. Mr. Hughes not only showed his
populailty but bo displayed his quali
ties at u general by his ro-electlon to
the olllco of school controller. He has
held tho olllce of secretaiy, and Is now
president of the Carbondale board of
education. Ho Is the lepresentntlve In
this section of Dryfoos, Uluom & Co.,
of New York city, and commands a
patronage for his house that Is not ex
ceeded by any other similar house iep
rtsentcd hereabouts. All the success
that he has achieved In his dJITorent
stations Is duu solely to his merit.
No wedded couple In Carbondale
could poidbly recehe moie heartfelt
wishes than accompany Mr, and .Mrs.
Hughes in their new lite,
Amohg the out-of-town guesti, at tho
wedding were: Mrs. .1. 11. Muiphy and
daughters, Eleanor and Sarah, Dun
moio; Mis. James JJoland and daugh
ter. Mary, Archbald; Misses May Fer
guson, Mary .T. Hughes, Olypbant:
Misses Charlotte and Anna Mahoney,
Scranton; Hugh l.osan, Scranton;
Frank Ferguson, Edward O'HaVu, Oly
phunt; John and Thomas Mack, Arch
bald; A. V. Hughes, Schenectady.
An Interesting Time with April Fool
Frolics nt Home of Miss Elizabeth
Thompson A Maple Sugar Lick,
Thu Up-to-Dato Uook club, tho per
sonnel o which Is made up of a num
ber of young ladles who are conspicu
ous In tho city's social life, hud an In
teresting and amusing tlmo in tho en
joyment of April fool's day frolics at
the homo of Miss Elizabeth Thompson,
on Spring street, on Tuesday ovenlng.
The means chosen to observo the day
was qulto unique, and tho original Ideas
were most successfully carried out.
Tho merriment was started so soon
ns each guest arrived, and shu wus pre
sented with a dunce cap, of various col
or of tissue paper, wtilch was worn
during tho evening. Then followed tho
telling of jokes, eneh guest having one
to relate, As un Inducement for tho
best kind of amusing tales, prizes weru
offered for tho best and the poorest.
The usual order of things were reversed
and instead of the best real Joke get
ting tho Jlrst prize, tho poorest joke
took thu chref prize, and tho best told,
tho booby. Miss Lena Hronsou won the
(irst pilze, and Miss .Mary Yairingtoii
tie booby.
English witlnutt) were passed around,
twelve of which contained slips of paper
on which were questions id bu answered
by the name of some nut. As before,
thu order of prizes was revcised und
for tho best correct answer, Miss Lena
Vtronsoii took llrst prize, and Miss
Agnes MILls the booby for the most cor
tect. Even the refreshments wcie bur
lesqued. There weie salmon salad,
sandwiches olives, eolfee cake, canii.,
bananas, salted peanuts. The candy
was stuffed with cotton and onions; the
bananas had been stuffed with cotton
and tacks; the saudwlclu.s had paper
between thu bread. Small white boxes,
lovored with frosting, were dlstilb
utcd, JJueh contained a gitt chickens,
rabbits, dolls, lobsters, whistles, etc.
As tlie invitation read; "ltrlng your
horn and blow a blast," many of the
guests obeyed and made things lively.
During thu evening a ihishllght plr
tuie of tliu party wus taken. The guesls
depaited well pleased with tho night's
A maple sugar "lick" was held Tues
day night, for the benellt of the Meth
odist Kplscopal church, at thu homo of
Mrs. P. M. Tallman, on Suventh ave
nue. Everybody jlmi un enjoyable
time. There were over a hundred tic
kets sold, Mrs. Chuiles Craft and Mis.
1. M. Tallman had charge of the suc
cessful enterprise.
One of tho features of the occasion
was a, cake heavily laden with candy.
Theie was a guessing contest to seu
who could guess what was lu the cake.
Miss Henderson, of Clark" avenue,
proved a good guesscr. It was a nut
meg grater that was In the cake, and
her guess was correct.
Among tho other featuies of tho
ovenlng were recitations by Miss nose
Chlswold and Miss Helen Wntklus, and
gi aphophonu s-ejeutions.
Those present from out of town were;
Messrs. George Marsh, Quy Mosler,
Hurto Moser, Olbson Smith, Jlnlph 011
Jesple and Misses Ida Suyres and Mablo
Merton, of Scranton,
Gave Splendid Satisfaction.
Tho splendid trrlagu service at the
fashionable J lund-Hiighes wedding
yesterday was In charge of Mrs, Mor
ilson, whoso livery makes a special ef
fort In caring for such uifalrs. Tho
service of the day was perfect, and
wus the subject of much favorable
Unclaimed Letters.
I.Ut ut klteia finulnlii: in llic ( MilmliJalc,
Pa., pouoillco Apill !l, l'.)., for ptituiii im
Likiwii: ItobiTt .VIlUun, lire. I.llijf.v, Thonus
llinily, Mi. Uwji llubluid, Jjinri Oluihvlck,
JIm. i:. V, Hunter, B. P., gcnrrjl dillu-ry; An
ton! fiult. Mr. dill, roiclgu. tlaili'S I', mil
lion, Ml. I.lulv Ch.nbviil., A. 1.. Hi'rni.nln, KJ
ward luujruu, Dr. 'I', J. Luinu ii). Melt In MjIcIv,
Saviour bulc.t, Mivi Lottie HuIIIj, MIo ni'j
Ilvniiiu.'. J. II. '1 human, I'M nutter.
TLj y i " is .jLw
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nt in- im-h,ft"AVmiitil u :,.
TS1 JW2FJaBS iA. :
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MiiWUft-?P. i, v t. . " .2BV. AS..' "fu .iW. "B fi 1.' ..! .. ..C-
riPimBnyyJirmi .-itrlimiaan ,.;--'i-;watv..t. jw. r,;,:.j,. imna
Mrs. Ella Burritt, Wife of Hon.
Philo Burritt, Expires Suddenly at
Her Home, in Unioiulale Daugh
ter in This City Mrs. Frank Daw
son's Sudden Summons,
Mrs. EUn llurrilt, wife of lion. Phllo
Burritt, mother of .Mrs. Frank (.'ouch,
of this city, died very suddenly at tho
family homo in Culond.ilo yesterday
morning, Several weeks ago she suf
fered a bad attack of heart failure. Shu
ralllied, however, and was able to bu
about the hou-e. Yesterday morning
she at oho and did the work connected
with preparing tho- breakfast, as shu
was wont to do when In good health. A
few hours later she wii3 taken with
heart weakness and expired before
Mioso about had any realisation of her
dangerous condition,
Mrs, lJiirrltt was Miss Ella Ellis be
fore her marriage. She was a native of
I'nlondole and .always resided there.
She was born on January IS. IS!!",, Mis.
Hui i lit wus well known In this city,
where slm bad numerous fi lends, who
pluce'd high value on her friendship,
which was never found wanting when
tested. She was u good neighbor, kind,
sympathetic and willing, and the resi
dents of tJnlondalo wilt truly mourn her
loss. Her friends heie will likewise sus
tain the severe loss that befalls one who
Is thus allllcted by death.
Hesldcs her daughter, Mrs. t'l. Frank
Couch, of CuiboudaJe,.Mrs. Runitt Is
survived by her husband, Hon. Phllo
llnuitt, foimer member of the legisla
ture, und one son, who is a student In
a college at Washington.
Tho funeral will take place t tho
Uurrltt home, Unioudnle, nt 2 o'clock
Saturday afternoon. Hiuial will be in
Mis. Frank Dawson died somewhat
suddenly and unexpectedly nt tho resi
dence, on Columbia avenue, yesterday
morning. Slio was taken sick on Tues
day morning ami when thu physician
I cached her ho discovered un Injury In
the abdominal cavity, that caused death
In a few hours.
Tho deceased was formerly Miss Mlq
nle Sornberger. She was born lu New
York stnte on October 81, ySCS, but bad
lived In this city Mnce Infancy, She
was a member of the First Methodist
church, and highly esteemed among n
wide circle of fi lends.
Mrs. Dawron Is survived by her
mother, Mrs. ttobeit Wheeler; her hus
band; three sons, Albert, Wlllard ami
Arthur, of this city; two sisters, Mis.
Jennie Hobart, of Chicago, and Mrs. A
D. Spencer, of East Davenport, N. Y.,
and one brother, Frank, stationed with
the regular army at Fort Riley, Knnsaa,
Dqmly I' Jolm l CimimluiM ami
.I.iini'i O'Millc), of Ol.vpluiit, wciu In the ih.v
l.iit ironing and occupied j, liox at the Grand,
j-. the ,'iie.sW o Manager Munay, of the Muriay
k MjcUe toiiictllaiw, ho are ploying in Uijl
illy ihlJ weel.. Mr. Oiinniinars and Mr, Mnirny
.mi .um filfwht,
'tin' t'tiiplo U'nilcitaKlns cuiuiuny, of lliU dry,
uic Iii.iik lilut? out lu their lmiucvk. A inw
wi'i'l.i .iso they located .i Ipi.iik H olllce in 1'nloii
il.ile, In oiiUt to meet the wants of their patrol a
In that wctlon, Yesterdiy they moie fully c.
tiilillcluil thrill-vile tliem by piiicludiiB llul
InnlneH of Underluker Henry J, Oice, of Hut
Mr, .mil Mm. John Cluue, of nuiidatf slice), it gone I" Atlantic City, They wilt t-ponj
tho suuiiner Ihrie, at least, and may decide to
louto theiu perinanently.
Time will. b a IiuhIumi nieellnir of the i;p
uortli I.cjtjue of the I'irxt McthoUUt church in
the Watt liulldliiff, North Church street, th'4
evening, after tho regular weekly prayer nieetlnij
of the lOiiKrcKatlou.
O, I), Mellen eterday iccehcd word from
New Voil; tint Mk, .lainoi II. batlunp, who w.H
for a number of joore one of the niont prouil
unit and ctetmed ic.-lilinls of tills clly, Is dan-gerou-ly
ill wltli piHiunonl.i,
Cliaile-, Swan lia-i te'ianed lih polllon at thu
llcndrick rU und accepted u position at Urn
Ontario und WVteui machine sliop at Majlleld,
lohii lliinictt lui irvliined hU position at tin
MajUdd Yard hoji of tho Ontario and Wialtut
company and acieptcd a Job at tho Peiawaiii
und 1 1 ml son lixomothe shop.
'tin! new vctry of Tilnlly church will meet ut
S o'clock on 'lliuitdav night to organize for ll.i
ear and transact other biislnet.s,
II, Ncbou t'annell, of Chleairo, was at tin
lliiiilson lloiivc yesterday, Mr. IMnncll, who i
well Lnowu .'inioiif I lie men of tin
town, li.i-i i-luniiiil hlj iclatloiu cliice liU lecenQ
Ult t r.nlioinl.ilo a few inonllu ui;o. lie H
now assistant secretaiy of the Tiowbrldse and
Nner foinpany, of Clitraju, dealera lu bond, k
cuiitle., elc,
A, W, Martin and J, T, Moman, both of Ni".'
Vnk city, Ihe founcr rcpiisontliis tho Whiln
Star line, and the latter the Anchor line, went
in Hie lily josUiday tho isiiwt p( Comuio'i
Cuuueilmati (labiiel I'uxliano, who Is tho com
panics' agent in this city, Tho companies tcp-live-Hied
by Mcesia, Maitlu and MoiKan contiol
(he greater put uf the occan-iioln: paveiuir
busIucMi fiom I liia iiiv.
Ileinaid t', Cohleu, of Olvplunt. the we,t
l.noun ocalisl, wa u tMtor in Caibondale UC
To Cure a Cold in One Say
Take Laxative Bromo Qululno Tablets.
All druggists refund the- money f It
fulls to cure. 13. W. Clove's slgnatuto
Is on eacli box. 23c.
.4ilCjt-uAeuW k tiiiiii 4Jll -. 4'.
i 'M-j-Axa.