The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 03, 1902, Image 1

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Rer. Dr. Swallow Escapes Con
vlction on the Most Serious
Gharoes in His Case.
The Court of Inquiry Recommends
That Dr. Swallow Be Called Be
fore the. Bar and Publicly He
proved by the Bishop Dr. Swal
low at Once Makes an Appeal He
Is Tendered a Reception Will
Prosecute Case Against Reed.
fly Kxclushe Wire hum The Associated Press-.
Bellefonte, Pn., April 2. The Metho
ilst conference closed this afternoon
vith the reading of the appointments.
During the morning1 session the select
lumber trying Dr. S. C. Swallow, on
'arlous charges reported a finding of not
Tullty of Immoral conduct and lying,
out the charge of highly imprudent and
unmlnlcterinl conduct was sustained,
and the court recommended that Dr.
swallow be called before the bar of
the conference and the bishop adminis
ter a public reproof. Dr. Swallow at
)nce entered an appeal, so that no re
proof -was given. The case against
Presiding Elder Yocum was not sus
tained. A large amount of routine business
was transacted. The committee inves
tigating the standing of the conference
book room, at Harrisburg, reportPd ad
versely and the concern was stricken
from the conference roll. Bishop Wal
ilen appointed A. h. Miller to preach
the missionary sermon next year. The
relation of N. II. Sehenck was changed
from effective to supernumerary.
The statistical report for the year
shows a church membership of 63,640;
probationer?, 6,042; Sunday school
membership, 70,056. Duiing the year
there was raised for missions, $57,115;
pastoral support, $22S,92l; current ex
penses, $61,013, while all other contri
butions showed an increase over pre--vlous
Tile minutes being approved, Bishop
AValden read the appointments, pro
nounced the benediction and the con
ference adjourned.
Dr. Silas C. Swallow was given an in
formal reception this afternoon on the
outcome of his case befoie the Metho
llbt Episcopal conference. Before de
parting for Harrisburg tonight, Dr.
swallow wired the bishop of New York
East conference that he hud been de
tained here by the prolonged session ot
the conference, and lequestlng him to
place the cose against Dr. George E.
Heed, state librarian, in the hands of u,
presiding elder and that lie (Dr. Swal
low) would prosecute It.
The report of the committee on the
relation of the book room at Harris
burg to the conference, presented to
day, a (11 nns that there is no relation
existing between the book loom at Hnr
lisburg and the Central Pennsylvania
conference. This Is considered a slap
at Dr. Swallow.
Just before adjourning a resolution
was passed denouncing the "garbled
joports" of the conference pioceedlngn
that appeared In the newspapers. The
lesolution cariled with It the declar
ation that the spirit of the conference
was most brotherly and kind,
Dr. Swallow this afternoon expressed
his dissatisfaction with Bishop AVal
den'fc rulliiRp. He said, further;
"I am satisfied with the verdict of not
guilty of lying, but wheie does It leao
the nine preachers and Presiding Elder
Yocum, who found me guilty of lying
and suspended mo on the same specifi
cations? Theie is something ciookeci
"Yes, I am still supeiintendent of the
Methodist book rooms and editor of the
Methodist and n member of the confer
ence, nnd will preach and lecture din
ing the year. It was u satisfactory ver
dict, taking into account all the cli
cumstatices." THE CASE OF DR. REED.
Dv, Buckley Introduces Charges
Brought by Dr. Swallow,
By llxcluihc Mire from Tho Ai-aoclated 1'ro.iS.
Torrlngton, Conn., April 2, At the
first formal session of the Now York
East confetenco ot the Methodist
qhurches today the charges against Dr.
George K. Heed, D. D president of
Dickinson college and state librarian ot
Pennsylvania, brought by Dr, S. C.
Hwullow, wero introduced by Dr. J M,
Buckley, editor of the Christian Advo
rate. Dr. Buckley said thut at the time
tho charges were Hied Dr, Swallow was
tinder suspension by tho Methodist
church for falslty.atid that the slgnutute
of the attorney who signed the docu
ment availed nothing, Hlnco the latter
had not proved himself u member of
tho church; henco the charges wero
worthy of no consideration. The.ehurges
were discussed by tho members of the
conference, some favoring their dispo
sition by a committee of the whole,
others moving for a. refusal to have
them consldeied by the body, Dr. Buck.
ley'H motion (hut a committee be ap
pointed to formulate reasons why tho
charges should not bo entertained was
llnally cairled.
The following were chosen to act In
this capacity, and to report at tomor
row's business session; Dr, J, M. Buck
ley, Dr. J. M. North and Dr. D. G. Dow
ney, Tho charges ugulnst Dr. Heed were
embodied in a letter sent to Bishop
Cranbton, who presided at tho confer
ence, by Dr. Swallow, former prohi
bition candidate for governor of Penn
nylvnnlJ. Tho lejter coinplulns that Dr. "has been ulltv of immoral con
duct," and In support ot the charge It
Is alleged, In substance:
1'lnt That Dr. Bced lui i totaled n Mule luv
of Pcnnsjlvanla, in llilmr in C'arlMc, P.i., while
holding the otdco f stale lllir.irtnii In Harris
Imrir, tlio scat of gowrmncnt.
(croud Tint llr. lined was "tillty of detain
lion nf character in statements nude In speeches
rcgardlm? ex-Postmaster John Wain
makci, Dr. Swallow and George M. .Tcnl,, for
mer Democratic candidate for goiernor of
Thlnl That In filling the two pn!tlnm nf
Mate librarian mid (incident of Dickinson col
lege, Dr. ffeed Is gnllly of i.n-C'lirltlaii conduct
In that he deprive the collrgo of the right to
all his time, and also defraud the tnpiyers
of the state by delating only a pirt of hi.s at
tention to his duties as librarian and tint "in
supporting', electioneering for and reaching ft
ora from a political party not occupjlng an at-
tltude of open limtllity to the saloon," In. ban foj.i.tcd.j jByl lule pi Methodist dl;
cipline. ' ' "',',. "'
First Session Held Behind Closed1
-70 Members Represented
at the Gathering.
Ily Kclu-Ic Wiie from The Associated Pum.
I.ouisille, Ky April 2. The Na
tional Populist committee which held
Its first session last night reconvened
today behind closed doors with about
70 members represented in person or by
proxy. Chairman Joseph A. Parker
presided. Tho committee of four ap
pointed last night by the national com
mittee to devise means whereby the
referendum and Initiative plank adopt
ed by the Populists at Cincinnati could
be made practicable, reported that
nominations by the leferendum ballot
as proposed by the Cincinnati conven
tion would be inunauticable und that
the delegates to the convention should
be governed by the wishes of the peo
ple they lepiesented. This report was
The committee also decided to recom
mend to the convention of the allied
party that the name People's party be
adopted by the convention. The mat
ter of tho adoption of a platform was
left to the committee on resolutions,
Murder Results from an Attack of
Delirium Tremens,
fly Kxcluslio Wlic fmni Tlio Associated 1'rnt.
Now York, April 2, Policeman John
J. O'Brien, of Brooklyn, shot and In
stantly killed his young wife, Minnie
today at their home In that city. The
shooting was done in tho presence of
his three children and his wife's
mother. Mrs. O'Brien had Just hand
ed her husbund his revolver, as he was
going out on duty, when, without a
word of wurnlng, ho shot her through
the head.
Ho had been drinking heavily and
was on the vet go of delirium tiemens,
It is sulU. Ho was arrested Imme
diately utter the shooting.
Presbyterian Creed Revision.
By i:tliu,lvc Who from The Associated Priss.
Pltttbuig,' April 2.-'lhe Chronicle Telegraph
sa,ii "It Is now understood that tlio Preshy.
tcrlan i reed tciislon committee Mill git together
ncM Wednesday in Washington on uu uninlinoiw
rcpoit bo ns to mo suloiis trouble in the .i
scmbly. Dr, William It. t'rabbo Mill learn for
Washington on Tuesday night and ho thinks
thut this will bo the final meeting of the com
mittee hefcro making its icport t tho assembly,
lie bilious tint It will be adu;ttil as a com
piutnlso nicjeuio slsncd by all membiis of the
" m
Robbed by Masked Burglars.
By Kxclushc Wire from The 'Asuel itc.l Press.
llariUin-, April '.'.At the point '
tuber, n nuiikid biirglir livid aired hiithirlno
bu.iiti! ut lay while a confederate ransacked her
icsidence at Wuriiilcsbiirg early this nioiulnsr,
Mlt SwjiU end her b'ater, Mary, conduit a mull
Hole and they wcio thought to haie considerable
money in the liuuc. Maiy itcuplcil u room ad
Joining her slsttr and ho uat not distinhcd
by the burglirs ulm n-ciucd let tlun fl In cash
and teural Iioms of ilgau.
Captain Christmas' Case.
Uy Kirluhu Wire from The Asvxlatnl I'nt.
Wakhlngton, April 3,- After roiwulllng Chair
man Dalzcll, of I ho jclal iti)retlgJt(ou torn
mlttcc to Iniri'tlgate CupUin (.hrUtuus In ron
nutlon villi the lunger of the lUulth West
ndliH lland, SetirdJiy Uy Uu Indlcitfit to
the lommlttee hU Intuition to unpen in person I dlvl. at the Uelhlehem Steel lompaiiy hate Uin
bifoic it a a ultucM. lie ulU probably go toladtancrd '.'5 cenu pir ton, furiuiimcn 10 icr
the capital tomorrow. I cent, uud day laborers to U!j ccuti per tour.
A Measure Calculated to Head Off
Growth of Commercial Frauds,
fly Kxcliisltc Wire from The Aochled I'resi.
Washington, April 2, Senator Mc
Cumber, from the committee on manu
factories, today reported favorably the
"pure food" bill Introduced by Senator
Hnnsbrough, "for preventing the adul
teration, misbranding and Imitation ot
foods, beverages, confections, drugs
and condiments In the District ot Col
umbia and the tcriltorles and for the
regulation of interstate commerce In
them. The bill provides for the crea
tion of the division of foods and drugs
In the bureau of chemistry In the agri
cultural department and places that
division in chnrge of the work of In
spection which Is provided for by tho
Senator McCumber submitted nn
elaborate report on tho bill in which
It Is stated that during the last quar
ter of a century the growth of commer
cial frauds and the adulteration In
food und dairy products anddrugs and
liquors has become po alarming that
both the state-and federal governments
have been called upon ,f or legislation to
protepttthVmfblfo. 'Viltls.nlso s.tated
thot'nlA aecorda'nco' wtllivthis' necessity
threeT'fourths of the states have enact
ed stringent laws against the sale of
deleterious food pioducts.
Against Making the Care of Confed
erate Graves a Campaign Issue.
Uy Eclushe Wire from 'Ihe AsMiciiteil I'u..
Chattanooga, Tenn., April 2. Hon. P.
T. Hood, of this city, president of the
Bryan club, today lecelved a letter
from W. J. Bryan in lesponse to an in
quiry for an opinion on a proposal to
make a campaign issue on the subject
of federal care of confederate graves.
In his letter Mr. Bryan says:
I am afraid that so long as I Hie I will be
atcued of luiiig ambition, lioneter, the fact
that I am editing .1 papci and cvpoaing tli le
organizers ought to omime people that I am
not planning for pci'onal piefcniicnt. While
I bclteic that the Demoeiatie pirty Mould
quite gcneiilly be in fjior of tlio fikimr (are
of Confederate graves ulong nlth the gruis of
Union (.oldlei-, I am sitlfied dial If It were
put foith as a canipalgu issue it would .irou-e
a bltteiuesit uhlcli might delay lefuium lar
more to Ihe sauthern piople, 'the
(are of the Confeiurnlo giaes is u paiiiotic
duty and one thai the kiiiiImtii iicople Mould
nut bn Hilling to hue pntficly turned over to
Ihe federal authorities, and there are itrlalu
glut iilorm-. villi h aiii of gnat peuiulaiy laliie
to the people of the wnith and Mhhli mUlil be
lost I;lll of In a enllilitlnll tlul jollir ago
ought to hme been foi-ulten.
. - -
Desperate Struggle Between Colonel
Lawley and the Burghers.
Ily i:tluslve le from 'I ho A-vooht'il Picn.
London, April 2. Lord Kitchener, In
a despatch from Pretoria, made pub
lic this evening, announced thut the
Second Dragoon Guards fought a sharp
rear guard action, near Boschman's
Kop, during the evening of March 31.
Kour ofllcers are known to have been
wounded. No further details of the
casualties have been received,
The column commander, Colonel
Luwley, detached tho dragoons with
the object of surprising a Boer laager,
reported to 'have been located ten miles
east of Bohchinan's Kop, Tho dragoons
found the Boers strongly posted and
tho butghern wete subsequently largely
reinforced, with the result that tho
dragoons had to fight a haul rear guard
action In order to regain tho main col
umn. The heavy firing called up Col
onel Luwley nnd his troops, who drove
off the Boers. Tho latter's loss Is re
ported to have been heavy.
Three Thousand Miners Idle.
Uy Uxclutlve Wile from The Associated I'xtst.
Ilulte, Mont., April 2. Time thouimd mlncM
rmplojeil In Auwnda and other propeitlcx ueio
walking the ttrciU tod.iv ah u lesiilt of he
ttrikii of the btntlorury uigtucern ul ihe initio
of the lompaniea. Ihe ttiiUis number butt
thirty linn, et "t n ugo s lottcrrjl In nny of
the properties today and lime t u polblll'y
tliat. the tmclUrs at Aiuiomlj may be do.ed
dimii In part or wliollj, as a ioii)ciurncc. Ihe
riigliHvni' union iIum not ndorv the uttlon of
the bUlklug iiiginei'iii,
Presbyterian Alliance,
Uy KM'lunlvi; Who fiom 'J he Associated prest,
Pltlaburg, Pa., Apill '.'.The United Picsb).
leilin MluUtcriul association, of PitUburg and
Alhghcii U arranging foe the roiuentlon nf the
Prrtb.itrriau alliance of tho United Mute rnd
Canada ulikli 1.1 to be hi hi In IhU city April
IG ami 17, Moie tlun ninety national denomina
tional ihunlic u all parts of tho world siu in
1 1 inlcd In the general ui sanitation.
Wages Advanced at Bethlehem.
Ily Kchnhe Wire Irani Ihe AssoeljUd Pie-u.
llcthlclifii), Pa,, April 2. The Mage of pub
Dr. W. ft. P. Martin Discusses the
Policy oi the Muscovite
in China.
No Prospect of Czar Relinquishing
Manchuria Now Railway Exten
sions as Excuses for Appropriation
of More Territory Troops Not to
Be Withdrawn.
By i:elualie ire from The Assoiialcd Pre).
Victoria, April 2. Dr. "W. A. P. Mar
tin, who a month ago resigned the
prlnclpalBhlp of the Imperial Chinese
college In Pekln und since has been
offered a similar position with the
Chinese university In Wii Chang, has
arrived here by the steamship Empress
of Japan. Dr. Martin was in Pekln
during the siege.
"China has completed a treaty with
the foreign powers and all is quiet
now," he said, "but how long it will
remain a placid country no one can
say. The recent tieaty of Great Brit
ain and Japan guarantees peace for a
time only, for there is a feeling tend-'
ing to the disintegration of the coun
try among some of tho powers. Great
Britain, Japan and the United States
are for tho maintenance of the integ
rity of China, but Russia, France and
others are for slicing up the kingdom.
"Regarding the Manchurlan ques
tion, Russia did not get the special
concessions favored by the treaty made
by Li Hung Chang. Even to the hour
before his death, when the Chinese
statesman was all but unconscious, M.
l.essar was working with him to have
him place his signature to the treaty
by which Russia would have obtained
all she 'wanted."
"Will tho troops be withdrawn from
"No, I do not think they will. Rus
sia will make- the excuse that the troops
iire necensoryjor tne projection ot ner
railways and. in my opinion. Russia
ultimately will have sole possession of,
Manchuria and Mongolia. The latter
province has not yet been brought Into
question, but Russia Is going to build
a railway line across Mongolia fiom
the nearest point of the boundary to
Will Retain Possession.
"The Russians are scheming In many
ways for the retention of the districts.
Thete were rumors before I left Pekln
that icbel foiccs were In motion in
Kansu and were supposed to bo acting
in concert wfth troops of Prince Tuan,
the ex-Boxer leader. I do not think It is
likely that they illl march on Pekln,
but they will hold an area In Shansl
and Mongolia. In Ningshia, his Kansu
capital, Prince Tuan has a strong
point." Russian forces In Manchuria are 40,
000 infantry, 20,000 cavalry, 19,000 artil
lery, 2,400 engineers and 8,000 railway
corps, or a total of 93,800. To these
may be added the Amur army, which
I Is said to consist of 30,000 of all classes,
I so that the total available Russian
force In those regions of Asia Is 123,200.
The Asasl's Pekln correspondent an
nounces that General Tso, commander-in-chief
in Shin King, has advised the
Russian government to retain posses
sion of Manchuria. The Russions are
making strict beaich for arms In somp
districts and seizing them when found.
Ho Walks to the Trap in a Cool nnd
Collected Manner The Trap
Was Sprung Twice.
Uy llulibhc Wiie from The Aocialid Pres,
Johnstown, Pa,, April 2. -As cool and
collected as though ho wero going to
eat a dinner, 'Milton B. Sheets walked
onto the trap In the jail at Somerset
for his execution this afternoon. He
paid the penalty for the murder, In
August, 1S09, of August Glessner, an
old man living a short distance from
Berlin, Sumorbot county. Sheriff Bay
lor had to pull the lever twice befoto
the trap fell and the man was hanged.
SheutH had been resigned to his fnto
all along, lie slept soundly until 0.30
o'clock, when he wus awakened apd
ate a hearty breakfast. Ho remarked
on tho condition of tho weather und
then fell to talking with his spiritual
advisers. Ho ato a hearty lunch of
fruit, Hiindwlehes and coffee at noon
and then prepared for death. Ho
made his toilet with extreme caio and
the last thing ho did was to fasten a
buttonuirc to his coat. Tho con
demned man marched from his cell to
tho death trap with a firm tread.
When asked If ho had anything to
say, ho replied thut If tho witnesses'
In his trial had told the truth, ho
Would not stand where he did. Ho
said u final good-byo to everybody,
and Sheriff Saylor pulled the lever,
but, to tho astonishment of all, the
trap did not full. Sheets was then
asked to step off, tho trap was sprung,
adjusted, uud when Sheets stepped
buck on it, he was shot downward into
eternity, The body fell nt 1.38 p. m.
In fifteen minutes tho physicians pro
nounced him dead. Sheets was not
alono to blame for the truglc death of
old man August OlessAer, and said
that If Weller, his accomplice, who
turned state's evidence ut the trial,
had told tho truth and the whole slur;
he would not have beonconvcted and
sentenced to be hanged.
- m
Private Healy Hauged,
Vy i:iliulu Nile fiom 'Ihe Ausoclatid PriM. '
Manila, April 2,-Pthnte Ileal, of tho Tweu-t-eieulh
Infantry, uan hanged today (or tin
murder of Sergeant Marclaad, In Anitl, lWt.
Bones of Philip Mitchell and
Children Are Laid Away.
Ily Inclusive Wire from The Aisoclateil Prcai.
Johnstown, Pa April 2. A few bones
and pieces of charred flesh, all that re
mains of Philip P. Mitchell and his five
children, who were burned to death In
their homo near this city last night,
were taken from the ruins toduy. They
were placed together In one box nnd
burled this afternoon.
Mrs. Mitchell, who succeeded In sav
ing three of the children and was se
verely burned, Is resting easy tonight
and will recover.
What remains of the family are left
in destitute circumstances, but liberal
contributions arc being made and
everything possible done for them.
Bitter Internal Base Ball Straggle
Is Ended by the Resignation of
A. G. Spalding.
Ily KvclmHe Wire from the Associated Pren.
New York, April 2. The National
League base ball war is practically
ended. A. G. Spalding has resigned
his claim as chief executive of the big
organization, and the ofllcers will ten
der It to William C. Temple, of Pitts
burg. There will be no further contest
in 'the courts.
Mr. Spalding's letter of resignation
was presented to the magnates at the
second day's session of the peace con
ference at the Fifth Avenue hotel. The
letter was presented by James A. Hart,
president of the Chicago club.
The letter was addressed to the
National League and Association of
Professional Base Ball Clubs, nnd
Ocntlemen: In accepting tiie presidency f
the National league, to which office I was in
formed 'last December I had been duly elected,
I promulgated the following platform as the
policy of my administration:
To piomote, foster, elevate and perprtuitc
the game of base hall, the national Held fport
of America.
To eliminate all objectionable features that
may tend to degrade and demoralize the i-port.
To inculcate in the governors of the game,
club official?, miiplio, placis and cicry one in
terested in or connected with the national tport.
a realization of what true sportsmanship U, and
to bubordlnatc the 'Ide of the game.
To cultivate among Ihe players a desire for
the highest athletic development, that thty miy
by their sklllfiilneis, integrity apd gentlcminly
deportment, both on nnd oft the Hold, raise their
pmfeMlon to a high plan- and add lustre Jnd.
intciet to tho game.
Tq establish -a central goveniliift body In wHicli
all professional ba& .ball . interests ; shall he
properly represented, this body to b" i clothed
with ample power to carry into effect these and
other objects that tend to maintain the integ
rity and high standard of the game.
Conditions hive arisen, which in my opinion
nnlie it impossible at this tijie to my out nil
the pilneiples embodied in iho-alimo platfnim,
and as no compromise or modification of tlieso
principles will tie sitUfactory to me, I hale de
cided to discontinue further efforts in this dl
lection and hereby tender my losignatlon as
president of the Xatioml league and rccnext
fully insist that it be accepted without delay.
I wih to emphatically declare that I am
prompted in this action solely by the belief tint
prolonging a fictional political warfare In the
playing season Mould be distasteful to the pub
lic," Injurious to the Xational league in paiticu
lar, and to piufessional base ball in gcneial.
A. G. Spalding.
Thus ends one of the bitterest inter
nal struggles that has ever shaken the
National league, and which threatened
to wreck the organization.
While Mr, Temple has not been for
mally elected to tho chief executive
office of the league it was decided
unanimously to offer him the place.
Reform Forces Against Plutocracy
Gather at Louisville.
Ily Eulushc Wire from The A&oelated Press.
Louisville, K, April 2. The move
ment for the formation of an allied
party, composing adherents of ull par
ties opposed to tlje Republicans and
Democrats, or as the call for the meet
ing stated, "a union of reform forces
against plutocracy," took definite shape
this afternoon, when it convention, at
tended by about 200 delegates, repre
senting eight states, and as many dif
ferent parties, was called to order in
this city. Tho work today was of a
preliminary nature, a temporary or
ganization being effected and commit
tees appointed to prepare for tho per
manent organization. The convention
adjourned nt 4.30 o'clock this afternoon
to meet again tomorrow morning,
Colonel .1, S. Felter, of Springfield,
111., was unanimously elected tempor
ary chairman. Mills Williams, of
White Plains, Mo was chosen tem
porary secretary, and J. V. I. Pearson,
of New Jersey, assistant temporary sec
retary. "
Murder and Suicide,
Uy Kiclusho Wire from Tlio Awociated Pre.
Morlcy, Mich., April 2, Eugene Milliards, a
well-to do fanner at norland settlement, few
iinllcs from here today shot and killed Ids wife
un the lay ill in lied and then killed himself,
lie is thought to bain turn temporarily Insane,
Mrs. Dlihurds had been slrk for seitral witks
nnd worry out her condition Is thought to have
unbalanced his mind,
Ten Councilman. Indicted,
By Kxilusho Wiie from The AssocUtcd Preii.
Wheeling, V, Vu., April U. At the lomltulo-i
of 4 spiclal eissioii of tlio grand jury today in
which eleu-n cotinUhurn'uppearid to onsuer to
n charge of forming a combine to.nillUt .W,m)
from a street railway far passing their ordi
nance, ten of them were indicted. The luiet
ligalion unearthed otter scandal which will be
Pennsylvania Postmasteis,
Uy Kxtlushe Wiie from The Associated Pros.
Washington, April 2. Tho uittldent today sent
to the senate the nomination nf H. C. lliiuu, to
be poatnu.lcr at Itcjiioldnllle,. Jrffeiaon count.
Pa. The Miiatc today lonflimed the nomination
of Daild M. (iiuli.ini to be poitnustcr at Malta
noy City, Pa,
m . '
Uy i:clushc Wiro fiom Tlio Associated Press.
At Georgetown, P. C firovgetown, 11; l'nl.
iciflty of I'cmu-jltaiifa, 2,
At Atlanta I iSinell, Zi; Ocoik Schojl ot
Technology, 0.
At Cluilottesiillcj, V, Piinccton, 10; Unlu-r-tity
of Virginia, 2.
Officials Believe That the Working
Engineers Are in Banger.
Uy t:chuho Wire fiom The Associated Prei-".
Wllkes-Barre. Pa., April 2-Superln-tendent
Barnard, of the Petteborio
mine of tho Deluwnre, Lackawanna
und Western company, sent word to
Sheriff Jacobs late lust night that tho
englneeers who remained at work wero
In danger of being assaulted by strik
ers, and that It would be well If he
sent a number of deputies to the scene.
The sheriff Investigated the situation
today and came to the conclusion that
the presence of special officers was not
The firemen at the Pettebone have
been out on strike for some weeks now.
They have used every endeavor to get
tho engineers to Join them but with
out success. In consequence there Is n
very bitter feeling between the en
gineers and firemen. The mine officials
say there is danger of bloodshed unless
the men nt work are protected. The
strikers claim there Is no danger what
ever. 1
Expresses No Regret for Having
Murdered Mrs. Furbush and
Her Daughter.
By Exclusive Wirp from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, April 2. After a purely
Informal hearing today William Lane,
the colored servant who yesterday
murdered Mrs. Ella J. Furbush and her
daughter, Madeline, and fatally Injuied
Elolse Furbush, another daughter, was
held to avalt the action of the cor
oner. Lane was perfectly cool and col
lected and expressed no regret for his
crime, When asked what caused him
to kill tho woman and child he said:
"They deserved to die."
On learning that Elolse was still liv
ing, though sinking rapidly, ho snld:
"I 'am sorry she suffers so, much. I
did not' intend that she should suffer."
Coroner Dugau has not yet eorriplet
,ed , his investigation of the cube. He,
visited the scene of the murder 'today
and It Is understood questioned Chailes
A. Furbush, the reputed husband of
thp murdered woman. Mr. Furbush
spent last night In tho house where
the crime was committed, but the po
lice officers who are guarding the prem
ises said he wus not In u condition as
yet to make a statement. Mrs. Fur
bush's correct name Is Ella Jarden.
An autopsy was performed today by
the coroner's physicians and the In
quest will be held tomorrow. Kveiy
effort will be made to prepare tho case
for the grand Jury, which meets on
The condition - of the 7-year-old
child, Elolse, tonight remains critical.
She shows no Improvement, and the
hospital physicians said that . her
chances of tecovery aie slight.
The Dairy and Pood Commissioner
Addresses Meat Packers of the
State Upon the Subject.
By Kliluslto Wire from Ihe Asoclattd Pies.
Harrisburg, April 2. Dairy and Food
Commissioner Copo today addressed
the following to the meat packers of
Pennsylvania and those from other
states doing business:
Investigation into the character ot the pic
served meats on talc in Pennsylvania rcieaU tl.o
fact that most ot the packets used bonii or
boriiilo at-lc as a picscrWng ngeiit. A number
of suits luie alrcadj been instituted by thu do
paitment of aejUiilluic, through dairy and food
diiislon agalibt dealers who have been selling
meats preseni-d by the use of thee tuhtanee.
This has hiought the matter tu the at ton I Ion
nf some of the inuic cAcmito picking ctah
lUhments and they luc stated that the iuc of
theee presenilis agents .uc uiinrc.sary und (hat
If icasutuble time Is glun, all meats piesened
in till.-, manner shall bu taken fiom the Pom.
sylunli markets,
In i-- of this declaiallnii and after n tor.-ul-tatlon
with the sccritui) of ujrlenliine I ham
granted the loipirst of the lnamifaeturei i and
haw flcd the time a) which such u'.hkI.i thill
Ik- withdrawn, at tho tirtl day of Augu-l, butt.
Suits alrtudy tiioujht for i million of Iho pure
fowl laws with rcipetl In miat products, will lie
piusiiutid until fluallv dl.-pocil of by the omits.
Veiy ici-ppilfiilly,
(blgncd) .I("c K. J'u
, piliy and I'oud C'oiiiiuNslous,
Steamship Arrivals.
Uy r.xtliuho Wile from 'Ihe Associated Press.
New Voik, Apill 2, Arrlusls llotterilun,
Itotterdam. flcauil: I.i S.nole, llaiie, Sjllod;
SI, Paul, Southampton; Oceanic, l.lurpool;
Krlesland, Antwelp, Urenuii Auilcds Kaiser
Willielm der (Jiose, ef York U Pfomouth
and ChiilKiurg; Rlieln, New York. Boulojtnt
b'lllt-d; Palatla (from Hamburg), New- York.
(Jiieensluwn Aulud; 'IVutcnlc, New Yrl. for
Mttrponl and piuceeiled, Ilolterdam Anhedl
MaaMluui, New Veil: lia Boulogne. South imp.
ton lulled! Phllidelphla, New York.
By i:cluile Wire from The Associated Pre si.
New- York, April -'. (leneial Ihlrwston Sat
teileu died ut his home in this city todai. In
18.VJ he Joined the Seienth regiment, New YoiU
inllltla and afterward became Jleutc.iaut roloml
of the Twelfth ivgiinent senlng through thu
L'iiil war, llo was commissioned biliradier
geneial in 1SW by (inwrnor Kenton, lie was at
one time picsldtiut ft the Keta Psl Krutunltv of
Ihe I'ultrd Stales and t'oiucla. dueia! fat.
tcrteu was a thlrly-thltd degicc llai-on.
.Mailbniii, Mats,, Apri 2. Council m in .lani'.s
II. loddard died suddenly tonight of heait trou
ble. lie wis born in 1917 and celled in the Third
Massachusetts artillery in the Cliil war. In
IH'i I io was dctillcd with other to capture John
Wilkes Booth, the awUbsln of President Lin
coln, and it was he who furnished Information
whkli led to the capture cl two otbcni of tho
Proceedings Yesterday Enlivened
bu Three Brioht Passage
Between Senators.
Mr. Bailey's Address in Opposition
to the Measure Is Followed by
Witty Speech from. Mr. Depew in
Its Support Sallies of the Speak
ers Greeted "by Shouts of Laughter.
Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill
Passed in the House.
By i:clusie Wire from, Ihe Associated Press.
Washington, April 2. Discussion of
the oleomargarine bill in the senate to
day wnH enlivened by two or three
bright passages between senators, air.
Bailey, of Texas, concluded his speech
begun yesterday in opposition to the
measure, occupying most of the time
devoted by the senate to the bill's con
sideration. His argument was brilliant
and at times eloquent, and attracted
the careful attention of senators on
both sides of the chamber and of the
occupants of the crowded galleries.
He was followed by Mr. Depew in a
bright and witty speech' In support of
the measure. Mr. 'Depe.w matched his
wit with that of Mr. Bailey on the sub
ject of tho American girl,(and the sallien
of the two senators were greeted with
shouts of laughter both on the floor
and In-the galleries. The Texan's keen
reference to the recent marriage of Mr.
Depew was most happily fenced by the
Ne-iv York senator In .his reference to
the love and admiration excited In wo
men by, the "youth and beauty" of Mr.
Bailey. -
Tho house today passed the sundry
civil appropriation bill. This is the
eighth of the regular annual supply
bills which hus paused at this. session.
'Only a few unimportant- amendment
were attached to it. After it was dis
posed of, deba'te on the revenue, cutter
bill was resiimed. Messrs. Sulzcr (New
York, Bellamy (North" Carolina), ,Ryan
(New York, Lessler (New York) and
Ooldfogle (New York) spoke -for the
measure, and Messrs. 'Loud (Cril.) and
Crumpacker (Indiana) against It.
Ten Thousand Men in Pittsburg
Region Fight for the Union.
By i:elusiie Wire from 'Hie Associated Pies'.
Dubois, Pa., April 2. All of the bitu
minous coal miners of the" Rochester
nnd Pittsburg Coal and Iron company
wero idle today. The resolutions de
claring for a strike were obeyed by all
of the men and as a consequence 10,600
men are idle. The flnnl clause of the
strike resolution reads:
"No settlement of the question in dis
pute shall be recognized unless sanc
tioned by the properly authorized com
mittee and the officers of the organi
zation." This means that the men will Insist
on recognition of, the miners union, and
Is also Intel preted us indicating a long
struggle as the Rochester and Pltts
buig company has always refused to
recognize union leaders and has Insist
ed upon dealing with Its employes as
Four Hundred Mechanics Thrown
Out of Employment.
By Uxeliisho Wire fiom Tho Associated Prea.
Dubois, Pa April 2. No move of im
portance was made by the striking
miners In this region today. The miners
are well organized and with consider
able financial aid back of them express
confidence In their ability to put up a
long tight, if necessary. Notices wero
posted nt the Buffalo, Rochester and
Pittsburg car shops in this city today,
ordering tho closing of tho shops until
the strike has been settled,
This will throw four hundred me
chanics nnd laborers put of employment
Indefinitely. Besides this, a number" of
railroad crews have also been lald"ou".
With all tho mines Idle- ulong tho Buf
falo, Rochester und Pittsburg road,
thero will bo 'no coul truflln and tho
effect of the inlneis' strike will be felt
till nlong the Uno from Buffalo nnd
Rochester to Butler.
Corporations Chartered.
liy Ekcluslwi Wiro from Tli Associated Pros'.
HariMmrg, Apill 8. Charters wero issued at
tlit- ttatit depaitment today as follows; The dunl
in. i company, Jtlflllntown; capital, $1,000; Prnu
Planing .Mill company, Reading; capital, 913,000.
Snow shoo land and Coal company, Belltftntc;
capital, 10,0(10,
Mr, McLeod, Worse,
Uy Hxchidie Wire fiom The Associated Press.
New VetiU, Apill 2. A. A. "McUod,, foimcf
president of the Philadelphia and Reidjjur rail,
road, who Is Mitt'erins from heart disease, w'a
sllitlitly worse tonight. It wu said, howeier,
that t litre was no Immediate, dancer,
Local data for April '.', JOWi
IllKhext teinpeiaturo ,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,, S& itgntt
1ov.iH temperature ,,,,,...,,,.,,.,,, 3i degress
llelativo humidity;
8 u, in, ,,,, ,.,,M. ,.. Cd per coat,
8 p. m. ,.,...,.,.,,, , ,,,., 67 per cent.
Precipitation 21 hours ended 8 v. in,.., ,0tt inch)
''' V
- Washington, April 2. Forecast for
-f- 'Jhursday and It Way: eastern IVnmjI-4-
aula, fair Tluitday and probably pit-
-f- day; fresh west winds.
tt-tttt-fft-t-t-tt & a
1 ,.
tjujeM' i j
t 4e 1