-V,v--wW!' 3?r -'-jt f v. M. - - i " ' t ts . ' ' ,i n if ! '-T n THE 80IIANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, APltIL 2, 1902. 1i NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA PlTTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. rittpon, April l.-Mllfoid Crntsser, of Cornelia Htroet, will be unlteil in imv iliige on April 5 to Miss Alliiiito Mil ford, of Lolilghton. Mrs. Catherine Cjitlnii, inlilUle-iiBed lndy, died this inornltiB lit her home nt X'lttsloti Junction. Sim Is Htirvlvud by seven children. 1'ntrlck Mulluto wus found dead In bod this morulnf? between 8 nnd !) o'clock, nt his home on Plnu street, this city. Death was very unexpected. De ceased was employed its a miner In No. 10 colliery of the Erie company nnd had been nt work yesterday as usual. Ho nto a hearty supper last night and re tired without cnmplnlnlng of not feel ing well. About 1 o'clock this morn ing, he uroje, and, after telling his dnughtertt they need not arise early this morning because he was not going to work, returned to bed. Several hours later his son went to call him and found him cold In death. The fu neral will lake place Thursday morn ing. The remains of the man who was found along the railroads tracks near I'atterpon's mills Sunday morning have been Identified as those of Stephen Young, of Prosepect street. The twenty-three saloons of this city who were refused licenses lecently, closed their doors last night nt 12 o'clock, jit the expiration of their 11 . censes. The Kaglo and 'Wyoming Val ley hotels were open for visitors, but the bars were closed tight. Almost every colliery In tills district was idle today. Word has been received here of the marriage ut llinghamton of Miss Bes sie Sumner, daughter of Kev. J. 15. Sumner, a former pastor of the Broad Street Methodist Episcopal church. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tiibunc. Tunkhannock, April 1. The Wyoming Telephone company has gone Into new hands, and the present owners of the stock Intend- to put the concern In bet ter condition and to extend their lines to other points during the coming sea son. Some of tiie dlrectois are expect ed hero this week to look over the Held, and plan new Improvements. Charles SIsk, of Pactoryviile, was in town on Tuesday. A small lire started in the law ollice jf H. S. Harding on Tuesday morning, but it wan speedily quenched without much trouble. The furnituie wits slightly scorched, and Mr. Harding had one of his hands severely burned In his successful attempt to extinguish the llames. Evidently some caller had thrown a match or lighted cigar into the waste basket. The case of Carey vs. Lamoreux, as sumpsit, was tried before Justice .las. T. Ketchledge, on Tuesday. The case arises fioni a lumber contract, and the parties are from Northmoi eland. The justice reserved his decision. Having sold his milk route. Chailes Wheelock has a dairy of twelve cows which he desires lo dispohe of. M. P. Spellman, of Scranton, was a caller In town on Monday. The annual license court for this county will be held on Monday next. Benjamin Hymen, who has been con ducting :t hand laundry on Bridge street for several years, closed up his place oh Monday and left for hin home in AVilkes-Barre. ' Andrew P. Bedford, of Scranton, was doing business here on Tuesday. The court calendars for Api II term haver .been printed, and are ready for distribution. Jllss Fannie Burgett, of Elmira, N. Y is the guest of relatives here. FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tribun-'. Pactoryviile, April 1. The borough council will hold its regular meeting this (AVednesday) evening. Last Thursday evening a delegation of Kebekahs from this place drove to Clark's Green and were royally enter tained by the members of Jlay Urlflln lodge. The union temperance services at thft Methodist church last Sunday evening were very Interesting and well attended. Lewis Harding, of Cornell university, is spending his Easter vacation wltn his parents In tills place. Mrs, A. E. Bush, of Scranton, spent Tuesday with friends In town. The Six .Principle Baptists will meet at the. home of Mi', and Mis. Bray ton, Prldny afternoon nt L'.ISO. llov. Caterer, of Dalton, will preach. All tne wel come and cordially Invited to attend these services. The remains of the late Sterling B. Tripp, of Scranton, were brought hero last Monday and interred in Evergreen cemetery. m THOMPSON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. . Thompson, April 1, Allen D. Miller, after a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Miller, returned to his stud ies at Wyoming seminary tills after noon. Mrs. Nettlo Collyer wus called to Moscow yesterduy by the death of her mother, Mrs. Travis. Miss Flora San foul, of the Methodist Episcopal pnrsonnge, left yesterday for Wnverly, Pa., where sho will spend some tlmu with her parents, F, TX. Wrlghter spent yesterday in Scranton on business, The Methodist Episcopal Sunday school guvo.a very line Euster service, entitled, "Thu Beautiful City," last Sabbath. Miss Hazel Witter, as one of the prominent characters, did very nicely, and the solo by Miss Nosslo Leonard was u feature which was flne ly executed nnd greatly enoyed by all. March went out with a. roar not lamb-llkii and Apill begins with a whlto spread on It, Miss Laui'u Pickering Is visiting her mother, who Is In Scranton for treat ment. Miss Lillian Mead Is with her, nnd they will spend the week wth rela tives there. Dr. Cole and Bruce Bronsou, of Juck son, uro home from their trip to Cuba. Hurry Crosier was iiuulllled as bor ough constable at Montrose yesterday. Mrs, Eupheinla Lamb Is spending Konio time with relatives at Nlnevah. N. Y, The action before It. F, Howard, es of tho receiver of Cornwull Mutual In Huraneo company, of Lebanon, Pa., vs. B. S. Oalloway, of Great Bend, I'a., lu'ouvht Uie defendant and hit- uttornov. G. P. Little, esi)., of Montrose, to Thompson today. Floyd B. Axlcl, of the firm of Miller & Axtel, of Susmuc hnnnn, represented the plnlntlff. The suit was ndourncd. MiiBon Bloxhnm, who has' been ser iously sick In Blnghamton, has so far recovered ns to return home tind Is now convalescing nt his parents' home, Mr, und .Airs. E. 11, Bloxhnm, FOREST CITY. Sliccl.il lo the Scranton Tilhuiic. Forest City, April 1. Tho Welsh Con gregatloual church took In over $700 by their fair In the opera house, last week, and over $50(f will be left nttcr the expenses have been paid. This amount will wipe out the church debt. Tho congregation is to be congratulated on the success of the affair. ' Beginning tonight the Vnndllng Hose company will hold their annual fair In the Opera house. All the hose com panies In tho valley, from Forest City to Peckvllle, have been Invited, and It Is expected that the company will have u delegation of visiting tiro laddies to entertain each evening. , This worthy organization, which is ever rendy to PICTURE Tn this picture there is another man and his wife. Can you find them? give its services when needed, should now receive the generous support of the community. On Wednesday evening the Uev. Dr. AVntklns, of Ottawa, Can., will lecture in the Congregational church on "Anglo-Saxon Supremacy." Dr. Wutkins preached In the church Sunday even ing, and made a very favorable impres sion on his hearers. He was recently in South Africa, and has many inter esting facts to relate about the English-Boer war. llev. AV. Hollinshed, of the Presby terian church, made an address In Christ Episcopal church Sunday even ing, It being the farewell service of Itev. J. E. Brodhead, who has been rec tor of tho church for the past five years. Mr. Brodhead goes to Jermyn. He has been well liked by the entire community, and his departure will be generally regretted. He Is no stranger to tho parishioners of St. James' church at Jermyn, as he spent several sum mers there while preparing for the min istry, and we predict thnt his work in Jermyn will meet with the same gtntlfylng success that It has In For est City. Druggist Alfred Davis it, In Scranton. Bert Howard, n welt known resident of Forest City, died yesterday after an Illness with kidney trouble. He wus ii prominent member of the Enterprise Hose company and popular generally. Besides his wife, two children survive him. The funeral will take place to morrow morning. Services will be held at the Methodist chinch at 8 o'clock. Interment will be made ut South Gib sou, BRADFORD COUNTY. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Townndn, April 1. E. S. Ryan, doing business as a merchant at Gillett, has been arrested by Deputy Marshal G. C, Hollow on u warrant issued at Phila delphia, charging him with obtaining goods to the amount of ?27 by misrep resenting himself. Before u muglstrato lu that city he was committed in de fault of ball to await further court In vestigation. Joseph Notnrlanni, a contractor of labor, of Johnsonburg, Pa has uecept ed largo contracts on the Schroeder branch for the lumber tract of Bar clay Brothers. Attorney General Klltln has llled ex ceptions In the Dauphin county couit to tho viewers' recommendation of tho state building two bridges in Sullivan county, and also for one In Monrooton. A peculiar case Is reported from S.iyles, this county, of which It Is stated that George Holford und wife, of Sayles, were man led over fifty years ago, Thirty-five years ago they dis agreed and concluded to dissolve part nership, He went west, where ho aguln married und hud one son, Mrs, Hol ford also married some time ago. George Holford's wife rUed, as also did Mrs. Holfman's second husband, Two weeks ago Mr. Holford returned euBt und found his former wife a widow, Ho has commenced living with her again, just us though they had not separated, The neighbors guve them a serenade. f-m v. ... . ,A UA UU VUU1U bUUK into the futureand aee the condition to which your cough, If neglected, will bring you, you would seek relief at once aucl that naturally vtould be through Shiloh's Consumption fu urn. Ouarauteed to cure Con. vlll V AsUintB, and all lung Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day. SS cents. AVrlte to 8. C. Well & Co.. ,e Koy, N, Y., for free trial bottle. V.riADuiT,, ....ItUa tl Bluii V '.'- 'J Mr. Holford refuses to have any Inter view whatever for publication. By good authority It has been report ed that the Empire Bridge company, including nil Um bridge companies In New York Btnte, expects to enlarge Its plant In Klmlnt and nt Hoi-Beheads. Joseph Elsenzlmer lias a suit In court this week ugalnst the Lehigh Valley company, to recover damages for In juries received by the falling In of the roof at the round-house nt Sayre. M. J. Welsh und A. L. Wllkins have been nrrested on u warrant charging them with entering a lady's room nt the Wilbur house, In Sayre, and steal ing a gold watch and other jewelry. The Union Veterans' ussoclatlon of the Wyoming Methodist conference will hold a camp-flro In tho O. A. It. hall, at Wnverly, on tho evening of April 10. Tho position of yurdmnster nt the Erie yards In AVnverly has beon dis pensed with, and now J. S. Carroll, the station ngent, tills thnt position In con nection with his regular work. Isuau Lyon, a prominent resident of Enstern Bradford, died at his home In Orwell township, aged 88 years. The county of Bradford has asked tho state to build six bridges, destroyed by tho flood. The two last usked for ure to be replaced In Wyaluslng nnd East Troy. HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hallstead, April 1. Mrs. J. Brown spent Sunday with friends In Brooklln. Charles Crook was out of town on business. Saturday. Mrs. Daniel Merrill, of Montrose, has PUZZLE. been visiting at the home of A. L. AA'aterman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunt, of Pac toryviile, visited at the home of C. R. Bliss over Sunday. Edward Simons spent Sunday in town. Miss Myrtle Swartz is home on a short vacation. John Chidister was in Montrose last week. , Miss Odesta Arnold spent Sunday at the home of Bruce Ross. Mr. and Sirs. AVilllam Schmidt visited In Brooklln over Sunday. Miss Ella Chase, of Pactoryviile, vis ited at the Baptist parsonage, Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cardls spent Sunday in Blnghamton. Miss Nellie O'Malley, of Blnghamton, has been visiting her parents In this place. Miss Mudaltne Wentz. of Blnghamton, visited at the home of Gregory Mc Creary last week. Mrs. Ager visited at the Presbyterian parsonage, Monday. Mrs. A. L. Mack, of Hornellsville, nnd Mrs. Ellas Bnty, of Blnghamton, are visiting at the home of J. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Michael AValters are moving on their farm In Steam Hollow. Their house in town will be occupied by Peter Allen. Mrs. Cul AA'ood Is visiting her niece, Mrs. AV. E. Barnes. Hon. and Mrs. J. T. DuBois have re turned to their home In this place. Miss Violet Woodley, of Blnghamton, spent Sunday with Miss Allle Scotten. Miss Carrie Summerton spent Sunday at her home in this place. C. W. Banks was In Blnghamton, Sat urday, on business. Van Munger spent Sunday with his parents tn Montrose, Miss Nellie King has been visiting her sister In Blnghamton. Misses Jennie und Melissa AA'atklns are spending a short Easter vacation at their home In this place. Miss Hazel Ross, of New York, Is spending a few days with her parents In this place. THE SPANISH WAR DEAD. A Beautiful Monument to Be Erect ed to Their Memory, Finni the Washington bur. , A beautiful monument will be erect ed at Arlington cemetery April 30 In memory of the American soldiers who gave up their lives for their country during the war with Spain. It will bo an Important addition to the many memorial shafts In picturesque Arling ton, contributed by the National society of the Colonial D.unes of America. It Is rapidly neuilng completion and the contractors uro required' by their con tract to have It completed und In posi tion dn or before April 20, It will bu located In the northenBtern part of the Spanish war section of Arlington, In u most commanding position. In design the monument will be u stone column forty feet high, sur mounted by a globe, with tho Inscrip tion, "In God We Trust encircling It, and topped by un American eagle with outstretched wings and u sheath of ar rows and laurel In Its talons. Near the base of tho column Is a tablet contain ing suitable designs and tho luscilptlou stating that It was erected lu memory of the American soldiers mid sailors who fought und died during the war with Spain. At each of tho four cor ners of tho pedestal will be a massive cannon ball, while four cannon will Hank the monument on the northeast. This monument in memory of tho men lu blue who gave up their lives under tho Hag Is said to have been a conception of thu late President Mc Kinley, under whose administration the war was so quickly and victoriously brought to a culmination. Commander Lipscomb says that the Spanish war veterans were deeply appreciative of the labor of love performed by the Col onial Dairies, In erecting such a mag nificent tribute to tho memory of the comrades "wlui arc sleeping their last long steep In tho silent bivouac of the dead." The total number of soldiers burled In the Spanish war section, exclusive of the victims will be marked by a whlto mnrble headstone, similar to those lu tiie civil war section, he. soon ns ,nn appropriation for thnt purpose Is made by congress. Theatrical, J ATTRACTIONS TODAY. ACADEMY Irene Mjcra company. Afternoon ami night. STAH-Wcber's Vaudciille ennnuny. Alter noon and night. "Alice of Old Vincennes." Thnt the late Maurice Thompson did not rlte "Alice of Old Vlmennefc" with un Idea of ill being dramatised will lip oticliufcd by those" who read the book and m'o "Alice of Old Vln cenneV im pl.ijed by VlrfiinU lliirneil nt the I.jceum lat. Many of the brst dtimn cluiac tela of the hook aic entirely omitted from the play, and scleral clnruttcrj not found In tho bonk are' Intiodiiccd In the play. The omNsbm and introductions, however, do not rciloily id fed the nntclhtV theme lly what mut liac been a moit zealous ntudy of the nuthor'x Idea, Miss Itarned tikes Alice Itouilllou out of tho book und present her mail, acceptably ns the readers came to knnn- her, while Mr. Hose who hat done Mich excellent woik In the condcnii tlon of books Into dram is without destioyhm the flat or of the dory quite excels hlni'olf in bis treatment of Thompson's stoiy. In the book there Is it pattrlty uf clean-cut toincdy. The ttiiRe demands a clean cut com edian. Tn meet the demands of the stage, Mr. Hose, In this Instance, introduces a decided nov elty. It might be clawed as an eccentric com edienne V'irr. Sidle T.aut plays It and the plays It in n manner that supplies about all the distinctive comedy any play needs. The char acter Is one wholly lacking In emotion a female dullard. Miss I.auer reveals it with a wealth of exticincly clcter "lniiine"," as stage folk' call It, and her :y of dolnc; it Is so le frcshingly original that the players tlieinsclrcs join in the laughs she protokes. Tho stage torsion of tho story has Its opening scene In fiont of the Itouslllon houe. The (list act is in the main a vehicle for introducing the chaiactcrs and fchotvlnc; how the lote of the heio and bciolne aic inextricably Intel woven in the Hcvolutlouaiy period. The second act de picts the story of the departure of Heverly on his peiiloiH expedition to bring Captain C'laik to the succor of Vlnccnne, anil ends in a tcry exciting curtain. In the thiid act the UrltUh colonel is about (o assault Alice, whom lie has decoyed to the foit, when she seizes his pistol fires a shot from tho lookout which signals tint C'laik'H foices ure to attack, and then in a laplrr comb.it with the colonel defends herself until the Revolutionists anitc and capture the fort. The fourth act is somewhat foiced, its only excuse for existence being that the theater-goer does not want to be compelled to take it for granted that "they got mart led and lited hap pily together ctcr afterw.mls. Miss Harned has treated a lole that will lite long a.s a pleasant memory with those who wit nos her portiayal of the girl of Mich decidedly coutiadictory moods that 'llionipson made the central llguie of his cxtiemcly popular btory. I lor poitiuyal of the girlish and the lieiolc and her changes from the one. to the other are tinly aitistlc. In the strong emotional scenes she was especially aitlstie. William Courtleigh doerf splendid woil: in the pait of Lieutenant Ilcterly and piotcs he could do moio it the oppoitunity afforded. Ar thur Hooops as Colonel Hamilton, mikes the most of his ungiacious pait, und Thomas McOrath Is it quid, natural ,1'ailiei 'iWct. Miss Maig.uet Oordon in the ingenue patt, one of the intio ductlons of the dramatist, acts us adnihably as she looks picttty, and she is "as pretty as a plctme." Wallace Undone, Cecil Do Mlllc, Hob ert llrodcilck and George E. Brjant and Helen Tracy aie some of the ery capable members of the company filling minor paits. The stage settings are plctiuoaciuc and the me chanical and electrical effects arc moie than usually elaborate. "The Stowaway." , "The Slott.uvaj" was the play piesentid at the Academy last night by the Ircno Mjcrs company and in the afternoon "The Two Or phans" was seen. Uoth were 'acted in a splen did manner. The specialties were tery enter taining. '"J ho White Hat" will be the attiactlon this afternoon. "Eben Holdeu." 11. M. Holland will play "Elicit Holdcn" in the dramatization of that popular story to be presented as a icttiiii engagement at the I.jceum theater Thursday night. This insures ono valu able feature In the piodtictiou that Chirles Frolinun will make and it is said that this man ager bus been none the less partlcuhr in etery detail. The company includes many well known iiiniro and tho tuial scenes will be gltcn dab oiatc tireseiitalions. The piny was made fiom Irting Hadicll-r's highly succes,.ful book by Kdward 11. Hose, who is said lo bate caught in a happy manner the .spirit of the author and done lull Ju-tice to the quaint chaiaoterlzation of "Kbcn Holdcn." A pretty lote tlucail hum tbiougli tin- pl.ii. rivals now- ready. West's Minstrels. The William II. West Hlif Min.trel Jubilee will be tho uttt.ictlon ut tho I.virum theater Friday night next. To present hlglv class mill slrelsy lias alums been I lit' aim ofvtliat moat piollllc und popular of minstrel purvt-.tors, tho late William II. West. That he has succeeded to a notable extent was made in.inlfist l.i-t season, when be tuned the countiv with what -a-, generally conceded to be the best mliistul oiiMiiizatlan etcr piocntcd In America. The company selected for this tear cmbia.es the names of many famous toCali'ts and come dians. The singing contingent is partlculaily stioug, including Clement .Stewart, England's gicatest iiilndiel tenor; Hairy Syltester, a new. ly dlatouied .ind now famous singer; Wilson X. Miller, a famous basno ot England, and (ieoiglu Jones, a boy baritone of whom a gieat cuieer is predicted, Tho comedians uie headed by Hilly Van, tho lirepiesslblo comcdlun of lal seisoii's iompan.t, who will bo heard fiom In an entirely new t-pec laity and with u icpeitulro of new- gags and Jokes that aic sure to lontulse liU brawn. W, II, Hammond, John Kfug and ,, S. Cur com. Ilso the other cud men, and a.-, they hate al ways been considered umoni; tho funuiot of black-face (omedlans, a good laugh Is piedlcted for etcr.thody. Seats go on sale. tlu morning at 0 o'.lotk. ' "Friend Karl." "I'llend Karl," the play In which Killing He toy will appear at th l.yituin theater Saturday matinee and night, is nut only an admirable t chide for tho alar, but It alo dctelnps a 'dram, alio story of great iutcic-a.. There aro at leatt two scenes ttiicli will roiupair fatoiably lu their thrilling effects with some ol thoso fit famous melodramas, One is the tire scene at the end ft tho second act, which Is so managed and in lunged as to pioduco tonio really nutel and ; tatt ling stage effect. There is. Iiownir, no attempt at meie fcihu tlouulUm in "I'rlend Kail." Tho ttoiy has u llung legitimate lutcrot, and the (one of tho play Is pint' and nholcsome. Emiiiet Dovot with Ids cliaimiug toho ami method is bound to become one of tho greatest matinee fjioiitci lu America. Ills songs arc in demand wherever liu appears, .Scats go ou sale Thuuday morn ing at f o'clock. Irwin's Big' Show, llcgliinliifc' with the u.tul matliife at the Star theater Thuisday, Tied Irwin's Jllg bhow will bo tho attraction lev time lUyi, Mr, hwln olk-is tho patipns of the &tar as su opening burlesque, "Am You un rjltlet'1 Members; of this older will not fail lu.ace this gieat opening burlesque. It is funny from start to IhiUh. In the compiny ate James P. Leonard, the greatest ilh comedian; the Century Com.'sV four, (iertle Ho Milt, Hilly Watson, Will lam No lile, llurimin and Van and a large and uttructlto choius. "At (lay Conc" is another burlesque which will be presented. , THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT", 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Llnet, j Cent for Rach Extra 1,1ns. For Bent. s N V WWWWWVWsyWWW l'tlltXISIlEI) Hotter: -Kent rc.unu.iblp to tie sirable party. Call or nddivss 123 Dudley street, Dumitorc. KOIt HUNT In Daltcm, u furnished cottage tor the season; flue location! short distance from the station. Address Lock Box 07, Dalton, I'a, I'Oll HUNT Flto roonis, 327 Wjoiiltng avenue. I'Olt ItllST A beautifully finished house nf twelve rooms, alt modem tontenleiiees, in Ninth 1'aikt line loettlrn, Apply Wis! Elcclrlu incline, North Hark. MIOIli: 1'OK HUNT (UJ West Lackawanna. ave nue. Inquire Philip Schnell, U1H West I.aeka wanna atcnuc. 11AHN I'Olt RKNT-MS, April 1st, three box and three single stalls 'and wash tuck, rear of ,TI Madison uvenuc. Inquire at 031 Madison uvo. roil 11KNT Stme building lor tent In Dickson City. Pa. Hulldlng 80 feet by 21 feel, cellar under all, nnd second story can be arranged for a-famlly, All In good repair ready for Use. Two coal bicakers and mines close by employing otef n thousand people. An enterprising merchant can get a large trade. Apply to William H. Hlchmond, lllchmond Hill, 3125 N. Main avenue, Scranton, Pa. Furnished Booms. I'OH ItBXT Large furnished front room; modern conteniences; rent reasonable. 2i8 Adams avenue. KOH RENT One furnished room, with improve ments; also one on third floor, cheap. C27 Adams atcnuc. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modem Improve, meats; private family; gentlemen prcfeircd, it 637 Adams avenue. FOIl KENT Furnished front room, with heat, bath and bus; near court house; gentleman preferred. Address Room, Uox 299. FOR RENT Furnished room; heat and bath, 623 Linden street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 539 Adams avenue. For Sale, JUST ARRIVED with fotty hoies; good woik ers and drivers; weight from 1,100 to 1,000; settral closely matched teams, (.'an lie seen ul '3' Raymond couit. V. M, Cobb. FOR SALE Oak sldeboaid, dining table, chalis and bedroom suit, all quartered oak; uUo ear pets. Party leatlng city. Inquire -IJU Webster atcnuc. FOR SALE Roll top desk. Inquire Room 72S Council building. FOR HALE April 1st, car load of New York State horses. Clark Bros., Cuslck's stable, Wash ington avenue, city. HANDSOME bar fixtures and cash register for sale. Inquire at 51S Lackawann.-t atcnuc. CARPETS, linoleums and oil cloths sold etciy day 3 o'clock. SOS Lackawanna. See auctions. For Sale or Bnt.v FOR SALU OR RENT 3-acrc poullty and fiult farm; located on old depot bill overlooking town; splendid place for summer residence; 10 minutes' walk from depot; S-room hou'C-, film-l-hed or unfurnished. Address J. K. Ztvilzlg, 1'actoiyvllle, Pa. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Write for our special market letter. Free on application. S. M. Hihbaid & Co., members X. V. Consolidated and Stock Sxthange, 41 and 1G Hroadway, New York. Established 1W1. Long Distance' Phone 23SS Broad. Boarders Wanted. PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men to board, German or English. Call any time after 'Thursday. All conveniences, b07 Harrison avenue. Wanted Booms and Board. -WANTED Two communicating roonis with board, pritate family preferred. Two ladies and a gentleman. State full particulars. Address C. 11. D., Tribune office. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS rot- two adults, three or foul . rooms, rurmsneci or unturniHhcd for very light housekeeping, first Door picferred. Address M. B., Tribune office. WANTED Furnished house or four or five rooms for housekeeping. Address A. G. K., Tribune office. Beal Estate. TIMBER TRACT 15S acies, lurm and load home hotel for sale. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate. 0. L. Helilegel, heriinton. I'Olt SALE New house on Cornell stieet. Round Woods Paik; modem iiupiutemeuts; easy terms. Apply to Sming BiooU Lumber Co., Monslc, Pa., or E. S. iVoodhouac. 81,300 WILL BUY a lot on Colfax avenue, 40:,l(i0; wuteicd, sewered, gus; itduced from fcl.GUO. $s100 down. Comegys, Conncll Building. FARM FOR SALE Sixty-two aeies, one mile fipm Lake Aticl; twelve acres of timber, rest hupiotcd; excellent spring water on jot; farm situated on load. For particular uddicss Will iam Tteslar, Aliel, Pa, FARM FOR SALE or exchango for city property situate lit Susquehanna county; Impioted; well watcicd; sultuhle for dalrjlng, stock or sheep lalslng and geueial fanning, Hanjcii, At torney, .'ii'j'.i Washington avenue. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY '10 LOAN-Qulck, straight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom i to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 311-315 Conncll building;. Lost. LOfiT At the charity bill, a diiehcase laco hand' horcuiei. i inner win no renamed In ic tinning same lo owner; Adddicv. E. K.,' taio Tlibuue, LOST I'liteliipo containing sum of money Mon day creniii-f on Lackawanna ateiiiu near Matthew llios. finder will w lewaided by ii'tuunm,- same to Miss hnllc Hatis, Matthews Bios, diutr stole. LOST IfSJ, between Peck Lumber Co., Kat Mat ket street and Presbyterian thurth. lieu-aid If icturntd to oftlec of Peek Lumber Co, Situations Wanted. WASTE A position us an experienced slen ogiapher and bookkeeper, Addicss A., Tiib imu otitic SITUATION WASTEHTo go out by day wash ing, iioning ot cleaning, PJeasu call at 13S l'l uikliit avenue, city. SITUATION WASTEl-By a glil. .'l .tears old, us nurso gir; can furnish rcfeienees. Ad. dies A, Tlibuno oftlec, SITUATION WAXTKH-Hy mother as eook,"Tiid daughter as iiuiei- gill or light wuitie; ,-ood lefc-reiicc', Addie-is "Mary," eaie Tribune oftlce, AN EXPERIENCED woman would like pcliioii ul housework of an.t kind. Addicss Mis. E. A, 1'ib, 201 Pviin utcuiic. SITUATION' WANTED -lly a sobei, indiisirloii, tunn,; iiKti, willing lo do any kind of woik; gjlik'ii woik and cam of hoises pitteried. Ad diciis -I', II., 127 MadiaOlt uicuue, Duuii'oic, Pa, MTT'A'IIUX WANTElt lly un Aiucilcan boy, can lead and v.iite Polish, Address bos; 4, Plltcbuig, Pa. DRAUnil'ISMAN Mechanical engineer and lite chanlo wants jiositioii as draughtsman i good icfcieutt'; tpcakFKngllsh, (lei nun, French. A. (J. Tribute ofnce.'a' SITUATION' WANTED-By a competent gill for geueial housework or cook." Cull 00 Frank lin atcnuc, city. SITUATIONS WANTED FKGB. Help Wanted Male. WANTED At mice. 10 or 1,1 laborcisl Sl.GO tier day. Apply Jennings, at Central Mjnu switch and Fifteenth street, West Side, WANTED Flrcl-i'lass pilnter; sternly employ ment tor right parly. Address lslS : no atenue, city. WANTED A clothing saleinian of cvpcrlrnii' and good habits. Adddress "Mcieh.iiit," caie ol Tribune, STEXOORAPIIER WANTED-Young man. !nu-,t bn thoroughly r.tpciichtcd, speedy and goutl penman; Remington. Apply lu person or by lft tcr, gltlng reference". Scranton Holt nnd Nut Co., btratiton. - MAN with hoitc and wagon wanted to tlcllter and collect. No cuntusslng. Ml per week and expenses. l"i(l cash deposit tequlred. Col lector, llox 78, Philadelphia. YOtlNO MEN wanted any distance, copy let ters, home ctculngs and icttint to tis, We pay tflU per thnusind fend addressed entelope, paitleukirs and copy. 1'. M, C, Ilept. 113, Hot 1111, Philadelphia, WANTED An experienced clerk in curtain and drapery department, with refeiente. Apply Goldsmith's Bazaar, city. WANTED Experiences! F'jllcllor for established trade; permanent portion; cite teferenccs. Address "Solicitor," P.. 0. Box 3D!, city. WANTED Salesman for Great shoo sale. Apply at office, Jonas Long's Sons. WANTED Two experienced stenographers; up- ply to Inlcinatlonal Salt Co., Connelt build ing, Scranton, PaT Help Wanted Female. GIRL WANTED for general housework hi family of four adults, who can sleep home. Apply at CJi Gibson street. YOUNG LADIES wanted any distance, copy letters, home evening nnd lcttirn lo h. Yt(. pay $10 per thousand send addressed cut elope, particulars and copy, F. M. C, Dcpt. 413, Box 1111, Philadelphia. WANTED A competent cook; best of leferences icqulrcd. 401 Jefferson avenue. WANTED At cnee, gill for geueial houscwoik, German or Swede prefeired; icferentcfl le qulnd. Apply Wednesday afternoon or Thuu day morning to 709 Madison avenue. WANTED A girl who understand cooking and laundiy work, at 343 Madi-on avenue. WANTED A lady, between 23 and 35, who is capable of biingiug up an infant, and to make herself useful about the house; good place for right party. Apply to Dr. Hulpctl, COJ Washington atenue. WANTED Salesladies for Great shoe sale. Apply at office, Jonas Long's Sons. LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tribune; good commission of fered with a fair guarantee for first-class wotker. Apply personally at Business Manager's office, Scranton Tribune. LEGAL. IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT ot the United States for the Middle District of I'cnnv, h.mi.i. In the matter of Ficderick E. Guniaei, bankrupt. No. Ifi2, in Hankiuptcy. To the ucditors of 1". K. Gunner, of Chin chilla, in the county ot Lackawanna and distiict ufosesaid a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the Sflth day of March A. I). 1002, the sail) P. E. Human- wis duly adjudicated bankrupt; und tint the Hist meeting of their crcditois will be held ut tho office of the Rcfciee in the Government building, in the city of Sciantoii, Pa., on the 10th day of April, A. 1). 1002, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, ut which time the said creditors may attend, piote their claims, appoint a Titistee, examine the bankrupt, and tiaiisacl such other business us may properly come before said mectins;. 1 C. A. VAN WOHMER. llelercc. Scranton, Pa., 1002. Proof of claim, CO cents. IN RE: Transfer of hotel license of Michael Mellody, of the Second waid ot Scranton. to Simon Thomas. In the Court of Qutrtcr Sessions of Lackawanna county, No. 429, Match Sessions, 1002. Notice is hereby given that court has fixed Monday, Apiil 14, 11)02, at 0 o'clock a. m.. in open court, as the time for hearing the ubote petition. II. L. TAYLOR. Attorney for Petitioner. IN RE: Transfer nf hotel license of Charles Jacobs, of the borough of Old Forge, to Charles Jacobs. In the Court of Quarter Ses sions of Lackawanna county, No. JI5, Mtt'ch Sessions, 1902. Notice is hereby given that court has fixed Monday, April 14, 1002, ot o'clock a. in., in open court, as the time for hearing the nbotc petition. II. L. TAYLOR, Attorney for Petitioner. IN RE: Tiausfci' of hotel license of Joseph La hotsky, of the borough of Throop, to Louis Domenlskl, 111 the Couit of Quattcr Sessions ot Iickaw annua county. No, 037 March Sessions, 1902. Notice is hereby given tli.it couit lias lived Monday,- April 14, 1H02, at 0 o'clock a. in., in open couit, as the time for bearing the above petition. II. L. TAYLOR, Attorney for Petitioner. IN RE: ESTATE of William J. Lewis, late of the City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna, State of Penns.tltaula, deceased. Letters testamentary on tho mm cupatlw will having been giautcd tn the imdci signed on the above estate, all persons having claims o,- de mands against tho same will please piesciit them for payment, and all those indebted thcicto will make immediate payment to THE LACKAWANNA TRUST AND SAFE BE- POSIT COMPANY, OF SOUANTON. Executor. WI'.LLES k TOUREY, Altoinej. A MEETING of the membeis of the Lackawanna Stoic Association Limited, Mill be he-Id ut the ofllcc of the association In Sciauton, Pa., on Monday, the llth day of April. A. D. 1002, at bull past two o'eloik In thu afternoon, for the purpose of taking action upon tho question of dissolving; The Lackawanna Stnie .soeiatiou Limited, by vulunUiy aetlrn of tho itieiubeis, and, in case it is decided to dlssolte the said association, then for the ftntlier puipoue of elect ing tlueo liquidating tuislees to wind up tin utlalts of the association according lo law. II. S. I'AIRCHILI), Svcietary. Scranton, Pa Jlaich 22, 1002. TO TIIE OWNERS or icpuled owners uf piopeity, bounding or abutting on l'ig sheet, tioin the Lackawanna liter to Remington atenue; ou Rem ington uteniu', tioin I'iif stiiet to Hie Stafloid Meadow lliook: on Brook sliect, fiom Rei ilug ton atenue to HciU court; along Stafford Meadow llrook, thiough pilvatc propeily, fiom Pltistou avenue to Elm slrcel; on Elm stieet, from llerl. court lo South Webster avenue; ou Locust street, from Prospect atenue lu ItrrtK entiit: on Cherry stieet, from Reinlngtcii atenue to HciU court; ou Fisher place, from Donnelly couit to Hcrlx couit; on Fig stieet, tioin Remington atenue to Herts couit; on dealt place, fioui Haiiiui couit to HeiU court; on Palm street, fiom Cedir avenue to licit-! eouit; mi Pear stieet, fiom Pittstou atenue to HcrU couit; on lluuy place, fiom llJiiini court to llort. eouit; ou Genet stuet, fiom PitUtnii atenue to South Webster avenue; ou Dolau plate, fiom Hanim eouit lu HciU court; on Sehluiplf com t, from Palm stieet to 1'ig stitci; on Cedar atenue to Palm ttieet to the Marloul Meadow- Brook; ou Klut court, It om Peat stieet to llrook street; u Pittstou iiti'iine, from Breck street in btiilToid Meadow lliook; on llamm eouit. fiom Dolau place to Genet strict; uIsk hum Barry place tu Pear stieet; also fiom llealy plan- to I'ig street; on l.atello court, fiom II recti stieet to Cherry stieet; on I'ro.peit uteiuic, from Ilievk sll.'-t to Locust street; on Donnelly court, from Dolan place to Hairy place; a No li out llealy place, tu Fig street, und from ('I.lier place lu Cheny street; ou Hertz court, fiom llietk street to I'eai street; uUo fiom llealy place to lliook stieet, uud from Haitiilau place to Elm slice!; on South Wthslrr uteutie, fiom Buck street to llh'l stiiet, in the Twentieth waid. Take notice, that under (ho dheclloii of conn, ells, uuexiueiits will be nude for iiiiiliuctlng a b.tsteni of sewers, Section "A." in the Eighteenth illstriet, In the abotc named streets and places, ou Monday, .Mull 11, lOil. at 10 o'tdock in tin. forenoon, at the Department of Public Woiks, Bureau ol I'ngiiieeilug, City Hall, Scranton, i'a., at which lime and place )0U may appear and be beaid if sou so desire. JOHN E. 1IOCIIE. Dlicetcy. Department of Public Woiks. Straulon, Pa., March 31, 11)02. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mom Thti Paur Unit, 6 Centitor Hach Btr Uns PLiZ!Iz FIRST LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT-Notlie lj here ,., 'y. vi)''.n ,0 tl,e Hepiibllcan voters ot the lltst Legislative District, that a prlnmiy clcei" tlon will bo held on Saturday, April 2(1, lutt, be. tween the hours of four and seten p. m,, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Leg islature to represent the district und to elect two licit rfiilcH to the Republican State Contention to be held ut llrrlbiiig Juno 11, HUM. 'Ibe routeiillon to compute the vote will bu held on Tuesdav, April '.. at 111 o'eloik In Co operatlte IMU. Each ciiuttdale must register, with the district clultmaii, his full name uud postotdte uddicss, and p.-iy bis assessment nfleru iltts before the election, or bis name will lint be plieeil on the official ballot. 'Hie dlttrltt vigilance cnmmlttee. In the vari ous piecliicl. will conduct the t lection, and tin lcult will be reported liv Hie return Judge to the district contentlui, which will be composed of the 1 1 1 tu n Judge. A written notice contain ing their Inttructloiis will be nulled to (he mem beis of the turlom dlstrltl vigilance committees. OEO. W. JENKINS, Chairman. Attest W. W. .SIMPSON, ccictary. SECOND LEGISLATIVE MSTIltfT-Xotlcr- is heirby given to the Republican voters of the Second LegWutlte illntri't that a prlntai.v election will be held on Stturday, April 2U, 10UJ, between the hours of four and setdi n'cWk p, in., foi the purpose nf electing two delegates tn represent said legislative distiict in the comllK ltcpiibllcaii state tonttutlon to be held in Il.tt rlsburg un June It, 1002, and to nominate a candidate for the Icgi'daliuc. The contention to compute the vote will ,b held on Tuesday, April 2'l. 1002, at 1 o'eloik p. in.. Ill the rooms of the Ccnlial Republican chili In Stiantoil, In accordance with the rules gntcrnlns this district the candidates will be voted for tllieetly liy'tlii voters at the polls. Each candidate must register with the district chairman his full namn nnd postnfllce addicss and pay his nrsc-amene twenty clays before the election or his name will not be placed In the tftlci.il ballot, neither will uny votes cast for him be counted. Tho district vigilance committees In the tail ous precincts will conduct the election and int i cult will be rcporled liv the return judge to th district contention, which will be inmpixed of the leluin Judges nf the tailous districts. A written notice containing further Instruetlour will be sent to the members of the said district vigil ante committees. FREDERIC W. FLEITZ, Chairman. Attest: WALTER E. DAVIS, Secretary. Agents Wanted. AOPA-TS WANTED for the best cornet utrotche- made; nine other articles, needed In cvei.'" home. Apple to W. J. Brewster. Room 20, .vr Linden sltee't, Scranton, Pa., at 7 p. m., or by mall. Storage. STORAGE Dry, clean and modern up-to-date storage; separate rooms; inditidtial kets; elevator. An ideal stoiagc for liou-ehold effects, cte. Thirty separate storage rooms. Scranton Storage com pany, 11.1 Franklin atomic. "Rheumatism. RHEUMATISM All Dattics that wish ran ha speedily and permanently cured ot all va rieties of Rheumatism by it vegetable compound. Cuies guaiuntecd. 'Inquire or addicss J. E. Tay lor, Scianton. Musical Instruction. BANJO PUPILS WANTED Former member o college banjo club, desires few pupils ol banjo; trims leasonable. Addicss II. A. Y. Tribune office. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. 23 TRADERS BANK Building, and St. Paul Building. New York. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, CONNELU Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. B READ Estate Exchange Bid?.. 123 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. UARDING, GOu CONNELL BUILDING. Dentists. DR. O. E. EILENBEROER, PAULI BUILD1NO. Spruce street, Scranton. DR. 0. O. LAUDACH. US WYOMINO AVENUE. Lawyers. W1LLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEY und Counsollois-at-Law. 60J to (112 Connc' Bulldirg. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 16 and IS Burr Building. D. B. REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS NEOO tiated on real estate security. Mcars Building corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-scllors-at-law. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 19, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. K00M1 003-tXM, Oth floor, Mears building. L. A. WATRE9, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARB of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON 4; WILCOX, TRADER'S NATIONAt Dank Building O. TOMBOYS. 0-13 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. BERTIIOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. Ill Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 613 NORTH WASHINQTOS avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOREAUX, OFFICE 333 WASH ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry Chronlo diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys ani gcnlto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, I to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. DR. D. 0. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, 126-8 WASH Ington atenue. Chronic and nervous diseases a specialty. Consultation free. ' Instruction Musical, p. o.piiJsi:ii7.ius. bao.T7! eachkiTSiI Volco Culture, Haunouy, Countci point Tiii't (imiposltlon. Compotitlons collected airl'iij. vised for publltatlon. t'3 New Yprk street. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE nue. Rates reasonable. P, ZIEQLER, Proprietor. BORANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., h. & W. PAS srngcr depot, Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger, A. B. BRIOaS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no tdov; only Improved pumps Ussd. A. li. Brlggs, proprietor, Leave orders 110' North Main avenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cot per Adams und Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds, 0. R. CLARKE & CO., SEEDSMEN AND NUR-) rtmen, stnra 201 Washington avenue; greet liauses, 1020 Noittt Main avenue; iters tile phone, 782. , Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 911 LAOSA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRi:SSMAKINa FOR CHILDREN 10 OHDKR; alo ladies waUts. Louise Shoemaker, -Jl.' Adams atenue. r UEO.MIOL'E BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN v slopes, paper bags, twine. Warcuoust, VJt Waslilugtcn avenue, Scranton. Pa, THE WILKESBAIIRE RECORD CAN BE HAD iii Scranton ut the news stands ol Itelutuu Bros., 400 tpruce und fAJ Linden: U. Notton. 322 Ucktwanna tvenue; I. S. Sehutttr, 211 Kpiuce street. s ft ! -V , So.