The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 02, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Lawn and
Garden Tools
If you need tools for the
Bpilnjf ffimlcn making
mil at thn Modem Htore.
Yon will find Hoes, llnkes
Hliovels, SiimdeH, Forks,
Trowels and everything
Hint's necessary to innko a
garden. All sold nt rea
sonable iirlces.
Footc & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave Q
Spring Styles
in Children's Coats
npvvcat models In llroailrlotli. Cheviot ami
Silk. The ))opnljr OlllSON DMAS In
vvnali iiutirin's; aIo in Some untl Clu lot.
HATS for between bMions nnd luiitJm
mei. TJii newest thing fin little men
and women. "Denis" Kid lov(", nil
colors at
118 Washington Avenue.
to boirow money on
good security come to
Mm. V. V.. Kmcison is i ipidl.v inucriiu fiom
ii critical operation pcutoniiocl liy T)r. fa. 1".
J.ongstrcet at the Private Sanitaiuini on Vine
O. It. Van liiisKiik left on ihe Dol.uv.iie, I.itk
iiw.inn.i and Western midnight ti.iin l.tot even
ing for ClLolJiitl to accept a position vvitli tho
I!ig Tom laiiioad,
11. II. Caldwell, feudal tuflie nuiugiT of the.
Dilavvaic, f.acKawanna and Western, was in llie
city jesterday calling upon lnisinc-s nuiiMiut
unccs. Mr. Caldwell sjjs tiia company ia in
toinmnnication tliroiiKh its industrial agent, Mr.
Ten Hiocek, with a number of industries secMng
a new location, ami hopes centuaHy to supply
Ihe gap made in Scianton by the umoval of the
Mecl mills. But for the uncertainty and umost
in labor circles, it would, he think, line al
lcady filled in much of this breach.
Manager Al. Lawson Has Taken
Possession of It.
Malinger jv.1. Lawson's lease on the
base ball began yesterday, and
the work of repairing and getting the
park into condition for the opening of
the season has begun. Extensive im
provements are now under way, and In
the course or two weeks the park will
lie put Into belter condition than ever
A now loof, sides, ends and seats will
make the old grand stand look ilke new
again. New fences and entltely new
bleachers will be erecte'd. The bleach
ers will be built along the iirst base
line, so that the sun will not bother the
ppec tutors.
The first sot of bleacheis will be 100
feet long and eight tiers high, with a
seating capacity of about one thous
imd persons. The grand stand will
also seat one thousand persons.
Manager Lawson states that In case
ho needs more seating capacity he will
cheerfully erect It. Jim Clark has been
engaged by Manager Lawson for the
reason as ground keeper nnd began
'work yesterday. lie says that by the
I first of May ho will have ,the ground as
level as a billiard table, and In as flue
condition as any ground in the state.
Prisoners from the County Jail Will
Begin on Monday.
The prison board had a meeting yes
terday. Judge II. M. Edwards, Sherllt
C. It. Schudt and County Commission
ers John C, Morris, John Penman and
John J, Durkln, attending. A commu
nication was received from Director of
Public Works John K. Roche, stating
that lie would like to begin tho sea
son's ,vork of Improving Nay Aug park
ou Monday, nnd requested that some
of the prisoners In the county Jail be
assigned to work there,
The request was granted and William
Kllno and V. J. Hopkins, South Scran
ton; John Phillips and T, J. Jones, of
West Scranton, and Tlioinus Cogglns,
of Jlellevuo, were appointed as guards
for tho season, at tho wages provided
for by the act of ussembly $2 per day.
A resolution was adopted, directing
the sheriff to make a monthly report of
tho number of persons working each
month, whero they were employed and
tho character of the work done.
Reports wero made, showing that the
work done last year on the city parks
was of a most satisfactory character.
Painters on Strike,
Jly 1'idu.lvo Wire fium 'Hie Ataodati'il l'ns.
U'lll.ei lljue, Apiil 1 About ID) paliiteis went
on .Irlke hoe thU moiulni;. 'Jhev hail a.Aed
fur 12.50 a day tor nlno bom., but ueiu lefiued,
All Classes Will Keaiuin Lessons
Toinoriow, lliurs
(lay. To acconmio.
dale the new btu
ilcuU now rntrring
j in: condiiuva-
10KY lui provided
new ilj&u. The
"imaliuki of the
mr and qui min
im r kchool oft'cuaii
cppoitunlty that
fchuuld be made the
must of. Catalogue.
J. Alfred Venning,
ton. Director,
in fin III
She Spoke at Yesterday's Session on
"Good Discipline" nnd on the Rela
tion of the School to the Individu
al Child and to the Community,
Talk on the Life of Thoreau by
Dr. Green A. E. Winship and A.
J. Demarest Also Lectured Cho
rus Singing1 by Children.
The second day's session of the teach
ers' Institute served to Introduce Miss
Sarah L, Arnold, of lioston, considered
iih tho recognized authority on Eng
lish work In, tho public schools und
one of the most Important factors In
tho educational life of New England.
Miss Arnold's series of books, "Step
ping Stones lo English Literature," arc
In use in nearly every city of any size
In the country. She Is one of the most
pleasing women who ever uddressed a
Scranton audience. Quiet and rather
undemonstrative, she nevertheless com
pels attention. She gave u. helpful talk
on "Good Discipline" at the morning
session.- It was brimful of good sug
gestions which were based on the per
sonal experiences of Miss Arnold.
In the afternoon she was to have
spoken on "Language Work," but she
chose Instead to talk upon the genornl
subject of the great use education Is to
the individual and to the community
at large. She said thut there Is a
growing tendency on the part of the
people of this country to take the
school like a Christmas present with
out considering for a moment Its great
usefulness and its wonderful effect
upon the life of the nation.
She declared with emphasis that the
state has an unquestionable right to
compel every citizen to pay a certain
proportion of his or her earnings for.
the support of the public school, be
cause the public schools tend toward
the betterment of the whole commun
ity. She said that every child who
goes to school Is better und happier
when he or she comes out. Tho modern
curriculum should respond to this test,
she said, and it does nearly always.
In leaching reading, she said, It Is a
good thing to teach the child to sim
ply read words so that he may be as
sisted in making his livelihood, but it
is far better to teach him the subject
in such ii way that he or she may be
guided into the realm of books, the
reading of which will make him or her
better nnd nobler. The methods of
school routine and discipline In force
in various schools also have a contrib
uting effect towards a child's happi
ness or discomfoi t, or for better or for
Dr. F. H. Gieen continued his talks
on English literature. In the morning
he had for his topic, "A Glance at a
Century o Literature." It was only a
passing glance, to be sure, but it was
sufilclently long to enable the doctor to
draw out of the storehouse of his re
markably retentive memory some of
the gems of the master minds In the
literal y field who lived- during the nine
teenth century. Each quotation was
given with the view of presenting the
dominant note in the writings of each
poet or writer.
At the afternoon session Dr. Green
gave a talk on "A King in the Wilder
ness." The king he referred to was
Thoreau, the eccentric Massachusetts
naturalist, who never went to church,
never voted, never married, never
drank, never smoked,, and who lived a
simple life in a log cabin near Con
cord, built On land owned by Ralph
Waldo Emerson, the quiet philosopher,
who was his nearest and best friend.
The doctor tiaced the life of this
quaint character and again took occa
sion to pi each a little sermon on the
gospel of good cheer, taking for his
text Thoreuu's own dissertation on the
doctrine of "internal happiness." He
said that In his opinion the time is ripe
for some teacher to rise up and write
a companion piece to the old hymn
"Take Time to Be Holy." The new
hymn should be called "Take Time to
See Beauty," he said.
The attitude of the normal, average
man toward the beauties of nature, he
said, are very much like those of a
well-dressed traveler who was stand
ing on the summit of a great moun
tain peak in the Rockies gazing out
over the wonderful beauties of the
valley below and at the rocky snow
clad peaks throwing their jagged tops
into the heavens on nil sides. A true
lover of nature, enthralled by the
scene, a'pproaehed the well-dressed
traveler and as if afraid to break tho
silence, whispered to him softly:
"Isn't this the most glorious speetti
cle you ever saw?"
"Oh, I don't know," said the other
man, "the thing that's been puzzling
ine for ten minutes Is how they ever
painted St, Jacob's Oil on that big cliff
over there."
A. E. Winship, editor of the Educa
tional Journal, gave a talk on the
modern methods of teaching geography
at the morning session, und A. I. Dem
urest spoke on "Teaching Beginners to
Read." Miss Anna W, Williams gave
an ethical interpretation of Dante's
"Dlvlna Coruedta," which was rather a
ponderous subject to be handled In the
brief space of time alloted to the In
stitute Instructor,
Especial features of yesterday's pro
grammes was the singing of a chorus of
children from No. 16 school, under the
leadership of Miss Eliza Jordan, and
of another from No, 12 school, under
the direction of Miss Mary Doyle,
At last night's meeting select council
was oillclally informed by a communi
cation from common council that tho
latter body had failed to concur In the
amendments to the appropriation or
dlnunce made by the select bianch,
and named E. J, Coleman, M, J, Nor
ton und l'j, y. Searing as a conference
committee to endeavor to reach some
conclusion with reference to the ordin
ance. Chairman Chittenden named F, H.
demons, Finley Ross and D, W.
Vaughau as tho conference committee
of tho select. The joint committee will
meet tonight and endeavor to reach a
MliTAN'.-ln North Abingtcn, March 31, ivu,
at resldciu.0 of I'rank lleury, Catherine Mlttui,
age ta jer. l'uneial it I o'clock Wednesday
al Newton Center.
Artists Who Will Be Heard nt the
Armory Tomorrow Night.
Tho new armory, transformed by the
magnificent decorations for the charity
mil Into it grand symphony of colors,
will bo the scetio of the Homo for the
Friendless benefit concert, which takes
place tomorrow evening. Just one word
more concerning tho three distinguished
artists whom the managers have en
gaged. Tho violinist, Fritz Krelsler, has
won mole laurels this year than nny
other violinist since Wllhclmz toured
tho stutes. His appearance with the
Boston Symphony, .New Yoik Philhar
monics, Theodoro Thomas' orchestra
and Philadelphia, orchestra wero suc
cesses or the greatest magnitude. Im
mense interest Is being cenetred uniting
the musicians of Scranton and vicinity
over his coming.
Mndnme Blauvelt has hosts of frlpnds
hero since her appearance for tho Elm
Park church and the St. Luke's kinder
garten. We have not forgotten her
singing of "Coming Thro' the Rye,"
"Home, Sweet Home," nnd the brilliant
Aria from mighty "Pens." Her voice
is In perfect condition, und the greatest
enthusiasm attends lior every unnear
unee. She Is of the fairest features,
-her manner cordial and simple. Mad
ame Blauvelt sang la opera, making her
debut In the role of Angelglne In M,
Bonnenu's opera, "Le Rene." She also
sang In Brussels in Gounod's opera,
"Mlrellle," a part of which she will sing
at the armory tomorrow evening. .Her
voice is remarkable In that, while flex
ible enough for the Intricacies of floria
work, it Is not cold as the ordlnnry
coloratura singer, but glows with the
warmth of a genial, deeply soulful
musical temperament, and In this truly
emotional power she Is the superior of
Melbu, Sembrich, Adums, and other
great stars.
Of Ben Davles, tho great London
tenor, his unique position today among
the singers of the world Is sufficient to
fill the armory. Never has such a star
musical attraction joined forces for one
concert, and it is one that should fill
the armory to its utmost capacity. This
expensive trio can be heard by every
body in our city, for the managers have
placed GOO seats at seventy-five and
fifty cents. Those who have tickets not
reserved had better do so at once, as
they are rapidly being sold.
The Boston Transcript, speaking of
Ben Davles, says:
"Last Sunday evening the Handel and
Haydn society sang the 'Creation' be
foie an audience of 3,000 people, Mr.
lien Davles sustaining the tenor role.
He was easily the star of the evening,
acquiring the greatest Individual effect.
Especially fine was his singing of "In
Native Worth." He has a largeness of
vocal production, surety, frankness,
solidity of tone and manner which
Americans do not acquire. He sings as
if he had nothing else of importance in
the world, and not as if music were but
one of several strings to his bow.
"He produces his voice as if he was
not afraid of it getting away from him
and being lost. He delivers the verbal
text as if he intended every syllable to
be heard, and he emphasizes as if he
made up his mind twenty years ago as
to just what ho meant to say. Mr.
Davles is well known as a straightfor
ward, consistent exemplar of the best
school, and it was good to hear him
again. Ho received the only encore of
the evening. A beautiful voice, manipu
lated by tho soulful and mature touch
of an experienced artist."
The piano to be. used at the Home
concert tomorrow evening is the one
Harold Bauer, the famous pianist, used
at a recent concert in Boston. It is an
extra large Concert Grand.
The Educational Contest Has Al
ready Interested Many.
There were four more entries in The
Tribune's Educational Contest yester
day. Although it Is now nearly five
weeks before the opening day, May r,
the lists are ready for all who desire to
have their names enrolled. So far there
have been no young ladles' names re
ceived, although there are special in
ducements for them. Last year the
winner of first place was of the femin
ine gender, which should, be an encour
agement to others to begin work thi3
The entries received yesterday were:
Frank L. Galloway, Union, N. Y.
Hugh Johnson, Forest City.
Harry Danvers, 330 Warren street.
John D. Evans, 244 Putnam street.
There were others who inquired for
particulars. As new scholarships are
added, or new entries received they will
be published. .
All who desire to be enrolled In this
year's contest should send in their
names and addresses now, and they
will be the flist to receive the canvass
ing outfits when they are sent out, in
time to begin work on the first day. It
must be borne In mind, also, that all
who do not gain enough points to win
a scholarship will be paid 10 per cent,
of all the money they turn in for sub
scriptions. Full particulars are given
in an advertisement on tho fourth
Address all entries and inquiries to
"Contest Editor, Scranton Tiibune,
Scranton, Pa,"
Miners Celebrate the Eight-Hour-Day
The holiday ordered for yesterday by
the United Mine Workers, In commem
oration of tho first anniversary of tho
granting of the eight hour day to
miners In the bituminous region waB
very generally observed hereabouts.
Some of the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western collieries worked full
handed, and a few of tho Delawaro
and Hudson collieries operated with
small forces. That tho observance was
not more general was explained at
Mine Workers' headquarters to bo due
to misunderstandings of the order,
The operators do not take kindly to
the manner In which the holiday wus
brought about. They claim they never
received any notice of the Intention of
tho men to refrain from work, except
ing through tho notices from the union
to the employes,
' m .
Hayden Evans, Director.
R.emoved to Commonwealth Building,
first floor, New 'phone, 269.
Lackawanna Railroad Low Rate
Excursion to New York city,
April 2nd, 1002.
On April 2nd special excursion tickets
will be sold to New York city and re
turn via the Lackawanna railroad,
good going on all passenger tialns of
April 2nd and for return up to and in
cluding April 7th, at rate of one, wuy
fuio plus one dollar, for the rouud
trip. Children between the ages of 5
and 12 years, one-half the adult ate.
He Declares Thnt Coal Owned by
Parties Not Owning tho Surface
Above Should Be Clnssed ns Third
Class Property Coal Owned by
Persons Owning Surface Should'Be
Placed in Same Class with Surface.
Coal Breakers Are Assessable as
First-Clnss Property.
City Solicitor George M. Watpon
has furnished tho board of city as
sessors with a written opinion dealing
with the questions which have arisen
regarding the classification of tho as
sessment on coal.
Mr. Watson declares In this opinion
the full text of which is ptlnted below,
that coal severed from the surfuce or
owned by persons or a corporation
other than tho owner of tho surface,
should be classed as third-class prop
erty, while coal not severed from tho
surface should follow the class In which
the surface Is nut. Ho polnls out tho
necessity of not specifically assessing
such coal, but rather of aiming nt a
fair estlmtae of its value and lumping
It with the valuation placed on the sur
face. Coal breakers, ho says, should bo
classed as first-class properly. The
opinion is ns follows:
Tin: opinion.
To the Depaitiiiinl ot Awcois of the C'lly of
Gentlemen: f'oinpljlng with jour loinicst for
nu opinion in lelaliou to the ave-tniont of roil
lands within the city of Scranton, I tend you tht
U,v the lerms of the act of general assembly,
approied July I), 1S!)7, proiding for the classifi
cation of real estate and other piopeity, for pur
poses of taxation, in cities of the tecontl,
and which ealil act is expressly prescned by the
leuns of tho net of March 7, 1901, creating the
department of assessors in cities of tho second
class, I ilnd that the classification of real estate
within siitil cities is dhided into tluee d:isc,
to wit:
liulll up, which fchall be in the liist class.
Suburban, which shall be in the second class.
Agriciiltmal or untillable lands, which shall be
in the thlid cl.iss.
I find that the coil undeiljing the city of
Sunnlon, which Ins been &eeied fioiu tho em
face, and is owned by another person, should be
assessed to the owner of the coal, and not in the
name of the owner of the suifaee, and that coal
so undeibing and sccied fiom the surface is leal
estate within tho terms of tho act, and being real
estate which is non-pioducllu- in itself, it
should be placed in the thlid class, as pi o idee
by said .ict.
I find upon c:aininalioii of Ihe assessment that
there ale within the eily certain mineial estates
which h.Tie been di'idedj that is, moie than one
poison owns the coal underlying- the em face,
which lias been acquired by the owneis at chlTci
ent times and by dillerent com cj anccs. In
niaUnij this assessment of coal land thus divided,
n division should be made and the valuations
placed upon the value of the real estate held bj
each owner, and the assessment laid upon them
sepiiately, but in no caso hI.ouUI tho assessment
exceed the amount that would have been as-e-scd
upon the piopeity had the whole cslate been in
one onnei. This may cause vou come anno.vance,
but f think the hue values can be leadily ascei
tallied by an examination of the scveial owneis'
interests, which the law .tuthoiircs von lo make.
Vou can summon the owneis, of the lands to vour
office and theip examine them upon their cstalc,
and by such examination mccitain their inleiest
in tho laud.
In lelaliou (o lauds undeilald with coal that
remains in the owners of the surface. This
should bo placed in the ciius to which the tin
face belongs. If the sm face be built up and ini
pioved, the whole estate must be assessed in one
assessment, and the property placed in the classi
fication to which It belongs, by reason of the
impiovcmcnts upon the smface. This can leadily
be done and an equal assessment made of all
co.ll land values within the city. 'licie the
piopeity is built up, the coil has geneially been
woiked out, or the title to the coil is Reparole
fiom the suifacej but vvbcie it does exist, jou
can readily add sufficient value to tho ical es
tate, by le.ison of the coal remaining under tho
smface, or such an assessment as will bilng an
equal taxation upon the coal lands so situated
wilh linds serried fiom the smface. Wheic the
coal is undcil'iiig Kiibiuban piopeity, it 6ecins
that the same geneial lulu as laid down to piop
citlen of the (list class might bo leadily cnfoiced.
As to the coal lands undcilying the suifacc of
piopeity in the thlid class, jou will then be
obliged lo mill to the value of the coal lands Ihe
additional value of the'suiface.
In relation to coal-brcakeis, they should be
placed In the Hist class. They aie unquestion
ably operations cairied on by the use of engines,
boileis and inachineiy, and are changing the class
or thiiiictcr of the coal, and to a ceitaiu extent
aie mauufiluring pints. While, they -do not
nianufacluif- coil, they piep.ue coal lor eeitalu
uses, and, I believe, should be classed the same
as tny industiy changing the character of ruvv
nialeiials by changing their foim for maiket.
The question of the pioper class in which to
place tlie leal estate in the clly is tho only
question submitted to me by your inqtihv,
The legislature hiving omitted to paitlcularly
mention mineial estate, it becomes your duty to
classify this; piopeity accniding to vour best
Thcicfoie, coal seveied fiom the smface, being
non-pioducing leal estate, it natuially falls in
tho thin! class. Coil not sercied fiom the sur
face should follow tho class In which the 6iitface
is pul, and the assessment should be so giaded
as to lay the bunion ot tho tax: upon the coal by
reason of Its undeilyliig lust-class piopeity, the
same as it is upon other coil lands within the
city. Very icspectfully .votns,
0. M. Watson, City bollcitor,
Scianton, l'a Maieli Sfi, IPtt!.
Apron, Cake and Candy Sale,
The Young Ladles' society of the
Flist Presbyterian church will hold an
apron, cake nnd candy sale on Thurs
day afternoon from 3 to (1 ut tho lesl
denco of Mrs. Alfred Hand, 605 Jeffer
son avenue. A newly revised edition of
tho cook book will be for sale.
You Can
With beef, Wo will sell
you our Sugar Cured
Hams ut 12io, per lb.
Largo Jersey Eggs 20c.
per dozen. Delicious Beef
(smoked) In 1-lb. gluss
jars.iioe, Deviled Tongue or
Hum, lOe.j Lunch Tonguo
:'oc; Saidiues, Inrge tins
J!)e, Fancy Uoueless, 23
and 3)c; Pickled Lamb
Tongue, 18c.
E, G, Coursen.
Tired Feeling, Weariness, Lack
of Energy, Despondency and
MorosenessioSpring, Are
Signs of III Health.
Rejuvenates the Fagged-Out
System and Restores
Perfect Health.
To thousands of people out-of-sorts,
weary, despondent, morose. Irritable,
with wenk, faltering step, pale faces,
nnd dull and sunken eyes, not sick
enough to bo confined to bed, this Is a
critical and dangerous season a. time
that urgently cnlls for prompt action,
If recuperation nnd cure are the prime
The past experience of hundreds ot
thousands, including able medical men,
clergymen, judges, lawyers, literary
men and women, the rich and those in
high social position, points unhesitat
ingly to Paine's Celery Compound, the
great medical prescription of modern
times, that gives to the ailing, sick, nnd
diseased the true condition of health
that insures happiness and true pleas
ure from day to day.
The virtues peculiar to Paine's Celery
Compound quickly manifest their power
in the correction of unhealthy nerve
action, and supplying the veins with
pure, more abundant, more vigorous,
and life-giving blood.
Paine's Celery Compound is pre-eminently
the best spring medicine known
to medical practitioners' for thoroughly
cleansing and purifying the blood, nnd
banishing the varied ills that result
from a poisoned and impure condition
of the life stream.
If you have any of the varied symp
toms of rheumatism, neuralgia, dys
pepsia, liver complaint, kidney disease,
eczema, or salt rheum, a few bottles of
Paine's Celery Compound used at this
time will rapidly dispel all trouble and
danger. We urge every weak, ailing,
and sick person to fairly test the medi
cine thnt is doing more for suffering
humanity than all other combined rem
edies. DIAMOND DYFS Purest. Sliongest.
Simplest. Fastest of all d.vcs.
Station, Scianton, l'.t.; monlh, Jjnuaiy, 1902.
Tcinperatuie. " Char-
. " Precipt- actcr
Date. Max-. Min. Mean, latum of day
1 M 41 j .10 P. ClouJy
- -11 SU 44 .50 Cloudy
3 3" . : HI .IS Cloudy
"- '27 SO .00 P. Cloudy
5 -7 i! 2", .14 Cloudy
"' SO 20 .14 Clear
" U ID S2 .00 Cloudy
' S4 40 .00 Cloudy
' '1 :" S'l Cloudy
l' 41 :u as .00 P. Cloudy
H " 21) 4! .00 P. Cloudy
12 (,') 47 flrl ,00 P. Cloudy
! W 31 47 T. Cloudy
II 4 , Ml 40 .00 Clear
13 IS S.I 40 .00 P. Cloudy
I" f7 41 40 .in Cloudy
17 50 :,0 4i .IS Cloudv
IS SO 17 24 T. Cloudy
11 23 17 21 .00 ( loudy
20 S4 23 SO .01 Cloudy
21 ii !'l SS .00 ClouJy
0.2 .",11 Sh 17 .00 P. Cloudy
2.1 (0 It ,i0 .00 P. Cloudy
24 51 III 41 .1)0 Clear
25 .VI SI 10 .no Clear
20 (K) SO 43 .00 Clear
27 .Til 40 4S .00 Cloudy
2S 31 41 40 .20 Cloudy
29 07 4'i ,"iS .11 Cloady
50 0". 41 31 .01 P. Cloudy
51 41 S,l S3 .00 Cloudy
Mean 49 Si 88
Mean almosphetio pirnuic, 20.90; li!'!iost
piessme, 20.411; date, IStli; lowest pioesmc,
'20.18; date, 2d. Mean tunpeiatuic, 11 dcgiees;
highest tempcratuie, 09 degrees; dale, 12th;
lowest tenipeialuie, 17 degrees; date, 19th;
gieatest daily langc of temperature, SO dcgiees;
dale, 2fith; least dally lange of temperature, 4
degrees; date, Othj mean temperature for this
monlh last veir, SS degrees; average excess of
dally mean tempcratuie during monlh, 3 dc
giees; cd excess of dally mean tem
peiaturo since Januaiy, 1, IIS dcgicox; average
dally excess since January 1, 1.3 dcgiees; pic
vailing diicction of wind, north, SI per rent;
total movement of wind, 0,790 miles; maximum
velocitl of wind, direction, .and date, 33 miles,
fiom west on 13th, Total precipitation, 3,14
inches; number ot day wit). .01 Inch or mote ot
picclpltation, 13; total precipitation (In inches)
for tills month last vear, 3,21; average picclpl
tation for this month for two veais, 3,13 iuc'ies;
total delleleney in precipitation during mouth,
,01 inches; accumulated excess precipitation
sinco Januaiy 1, 1,03 inches; number of clear
di8, 0; ptrtly cloudy ilavs, 0; cloudy days, 17.
Dales of fiost Light, not lecorded; heavy, not
ircoided; killing, last, 20th. Mean relative hu
midity, 71 per cent. Total snowfall, 11,11 inches.
I'ledeile II, Clarke,
- . Local I'orccast Official.
Shall It Be?
If a $3 DERBY you get
more intricc worth, than any
one else gives for $3, and as
inuch wearing quality as
some you pay more for,
If a 85 Hat get a KNOX
and you have the best derby
made, All the good spring
Heo you will rind Easter
Neckwear with unusual snap
and style, at the price 50c,
For household use. Good,
durable, first quality
paiuts in all colors and
tints. Just what you need
for your spring house
One-Half Pint 'Tins,
Spring Beauty
It's snowy whiteness, so rich and fair,
When It blossoms In loaves of bread;
Gives the "Snow White" brand in
every land,
A place at the very head.
Dickson Mill & Grain Co.
Scranton and Olyphant.
Their Strong Points
Reliability, Merit, Absolute Perfectness
We Guarantee Every
Manufacturing and Retailing Stationer,
207 Washington Ave., Scranton
Who are Interested In g-ood
clothing and all others to know
where to best buy tho best,
Conio and s?o the lavish show
ing of tho Jlnest productions
from tho shops of tho
Greatest Clothes
Makers in tbe World
John D, Boyle,
416 Lackawanna Aye.
Lubricating and Burning
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Street,
(. , .if f
Going out of the bicycle
business. J
Our $50 ScrantoE
ui ipjv uviauiuL t
Special Bicycles
T We nro closing out at
A Few Ladies' Machines
$15.00 Each
4. See us before buying
Bittenbender&. I
126-128 Franklin Afe.
and Belts
We have this day re
ceived a fine line of
Stocks and Belts
to match in black and
colors. Your Easter out
fit will not be complete
without one.
Cramer-Wells Co.
130 Wyoming Ave.
'PHONE 353-3.
Fine Umbrellas and Parasols at
Wholesale and Betail. Our
Spring Line is now complete em
bracing all the New Colors and.
Patterns. Large Stock of Han-'
dies to select from. Repairing
and recovering of every des
cription. M. SILVERMAN, Prop.,
313 Spruce Street.
Have you noticed our
window display.
We always carry a large
stock and would be pleased
to have you come in and
try them. Can suit you
with any point.
Louis H. Isaacs
The Isaac's Stores are thoroughly
up-to-date and carry every thing
that should be found in modern
MENTS. Are now showing a. most exclusive 1
line of New Spring novelties and
Styles in
and Hats
At both stores,
412 Spruce St., and 300 Lacka. Ave.
i M
. v
4f V
fe- MmAmkm &iA-s
ftife-gia&Ai 1
,.WU.-.,i-;-: -fl -fcV ' V .V.
tfitli&it- iih Jlna.